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L 32051-66 PkC NR% AP6013344 by compounds having the same univalent cation (Ag or Cu). In conclusion, the authors Lhan-k A. Ye. Voylsekhovskiy for assistance In performing the thermographic analyals. (-)rtg. art. has: 8 figures and I table. SUB CODE: 11 / SUBM DATE: ISAug65 / ORIG RE F- 002 / OTH RE F: 004 2/2 Car . L _7~z,'T t..) j! ACC NR: "6013354 SOUR, E COSR4~1~6~6 ~ON/0770/0771_- AUTHOR: Palataik, L. S.; Belova, Ye. K. ORG- Polytechnic Institute im. V. L Lenin, Kharlkov (Polltekhnicheskly in~m_uq'~ TITLE: Study of the&-SA~hase diagram SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 2, no. 4, 1966, 770-771 TOPIC TAGS: gallium alloy, selent, alloy, alloy phase diagram ABSTRACT: Th of Ga-Se alloys was studied in the concentration range of 50-100 at. % Se. Microscopic, x-ray phase, and thermal analyses were employed. The phase diagram obtained (see Fig. 1) shows that in the vicinity of 100% Se the eutectic Ga2Se,~+Se Is formed; Its crystallization temperature Is 205 ;L 10C. At the boundary of the region of homo- at 60. 2 at. % Sep a cation-vacancy ordering takes place (pi phase of Ga2Se genetty of Ga2Se3 This phase was not observed in alloys with over 60.4 at. % Se because such alloys decompoRe during annealing (~600Q. Only the lines of the ot phase of GaSe, appeared on the x-ray pat- terns of these alloys. GaZSe3-GaSe alloys (59.76-50 at. % 96) were shown by x-ray data to consist of the two phases Ga Se3 and GaSe. At about 55.4 at. % Sep they form a eutectic whose: melting temperature is 780 ? 10C. The authors thank A. Ye. Voytaekhovskiy for recovding the' thermograms. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. UDC 546.681+546.23 .L 2885Li.&6__~PF(n)_2 EiP.T(m)~El~(f)/UiG(in)/T/EWP(e)/EWP(t)/ETI 1JP(0 KI ~Fi /DS AM Z ACC NRi AP6010408 JWIJDIJG SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/66/021/003/0409/0413 10 AUTHOR: Palatnik, L-1 Pad 4111 V-.p So F. ORM- Xhar'kov Polytechnic Institute in. V, 1, Lenin (Khar$kovskiy politekhnicheakly institull- TITLE: Patterns of elfarration of alloys SOURCE: Mika metallov I metallovedeniye, v, 21, no* 30 1966, 409-413 TOPIC TAGS: evaporation, lead containing alloy, cadmium containing alloy, zinc, bismuth, magnesium, argon, temperature dependence, vapor condensation, vapor pressure ABSTRACT: The Investigation of these patterns in the presence of inert atmospheres it of interest in co b h with hhe research into the processes of the volume conden- xection sation of metals _-BiVKPb-Sb'r/Zn-Cd, and Mg-Cd alloys were accordingly evaporated in a vacuum apparatus which was evacuated to a pressure of 1*10-3 mm Hg, washed with argon and then evacuated to the specified pressure of argon (0.1-10 mm 11g). The metali were evaporated from alundum crucibles with the aid of tunsten or nichrome heattern. The resulting powdery condensates were investigated by methods of spectral and x-ray phase analysis. For uniform evaporation during spectral analysis the powdery conden- sate was mixed with graphite powder (1:4); the mtxture was evaporated from a cylin- drical recess in a graphite electrode/ Fb-Sb and Pb-Bi alloys were evaporated at Card 1/3 UDC: 536.422:669.018' L 28858-66 -ACC..Nitt AP6010408 Tev of from 800 to 13DO*C, condensation temperature T. - 80% and argon pressure p m3 am Ng. Findings: at Tev - 8DO*C a marked selective evaporation of Sb takes place, ,since the vapor pressure of Sb is roughly 3o5 times as high as that of Pb. With in- creasing T , however, the Pb content of the condensates increases and for T 2: ;e 1200% i9ev composition of the condensate is identical with that of the iniffal alloy The same pattern of evaporation is observed for alloys of the Pb-Bi system, where al- so Pb is the less volatile component; in this case too the evaporation rates of the. components of the Pb-DI alloys become equalized when Tev 1200%. Zn-Cd alloys were evaporated at argon pressure 10 sm Hg, T' - 80% and T 400-9000C, and Mg-Cd ,alloys, at PAr - 10 mm U91 Tc - 80% andCTev - 500-1068VC. In both alloy systems Cd is the more volatile component and thus is the first to evaporate. The vapor pressure of Cd is 13 times higher than that of ZZa (at 400*C) and the content of the less vola- tile component (Za) increases with increasing Tev, Hence the temperature at which the composition of the condensate is the some as that of the initial alloy can be esti- mated (by extrapolation) at 1500+100*C for Zn-Cd. By analogy, for Cd-Mg (pCd/%,; 270) we extrapolate Tev.cond. - 2200+200*C. These experiments g ve rea on to be lieve that-the greater is the difference in the vSZRE_LreMsuresIof alloy components ,the higher is the evaporation temperature of condensate Tavconi at which the condensate's composition approaches that of the initial alloy and the evaporation rates of both compoasats',bacoms the samee Thus, Tav markedly affects the composition 2/3 Card L ~BB58-66 ACC NRs AP6010408 of volume condensates. A6 relatively low T of alloys containing components with ev sharply different vapor Pressureep pheir condensates differ considerably in compo- sition from the Initial alloys; as Tev increases, this difference diminishes. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, I table, SUB CODE: '113. 20/ SUBM DATE: 27Apr65/ ORIG REF: 008/ UM REF: 001 3/3 j WON) -L '14855-66 LW(M)/irCM/EWP(b)/EWP(tY IJP(0 RDW/JD NR: AP6001727 SOURCE CODE: W0020/65/165/004/0809/0812 AUTHORSs S.1 Atroshchenko, L. B.; Gallehinetskiy, L. P. Koebun, V. M. .(Kartkovskiy :,~.~:-ORGI Xhar2kov Polytechnic Institute Im. V: I. Lenin stitut) ~politekhnlcheskly In --!4~ TITLEt On the effect of deviation from stoichiometry In the semi- conductor In Te. .2 Soumm" m sm. Doklady, v. M5, no. 4, 1965, 809-812 70PIC TAGS: stoichlometry, indium compound, telluride, resistivity, thermoelectric power, hardness, Impurity conductivity ..,-ABSMCTt The authors have studied the devIaPons from stoichlometry VI -..~.An compounds of the type A In Te"fas an example. The 2 Vi using :..alloys were synthesized by a standard technique in sealed quartz !',:-Jampoules. From a study of the phase diagram and from the analysis of f the Istivity, hardness, and thermoelectric power of the compound it 621.3-15.-592.-9:532.739.2:539.219-.-1:541.-412---- L 14855-66 ACC NR: AP6001727 deduced that a solid solution Uased on the In Te compound Is a 2 3 ~._:varlable-composition phase, the region of existence of which is -shifted somewhat from stoichiometric towards an excess of In. The :1,-Veslativity changes within the t3ingle-phaBe region by less than one ',~',order of magnitude. Deviations from stoiebiometry do not give rise to UWurity conductivity. Various possible crystal-chemical mechaniOMB ,,-.of the solution of Impurity and Buper-stoichiometric atoms in com- III V1 pounds of the A. Bj are discussed. It is concluded that the observ- '~:i~4d deviation from stoichiometry in In Te is connected not with forma_ 2 3 4~ ,:1.t1on of vacancies, as in other semiconductor compounds., but with WAntruslon'of isuperstoichiometric atoms In the non-ionized state. This __._.Mport nted by Academician S. A. Vekshinskly was prese Orig. art. hae:.-C2'f1aures'_.__ .'Cobst' sm DATits inpr65t-om; REP UB'.', 26/_:- I Oll/ MH REFZ 005 S CWA PALATNIK, L.S.; GORBAN', N.D. Study of corrosion processes on samples of %arying c=position. Fiz.zet. I metalloved. 18 no.',;t735-739 N 164. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Eharlkovskiy goeudarstvennyy universitet im. A.M.Gorlkogo i Kharlkovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut im. V.I.Lenina. SVECHNIKOV~ V.N.j akademik, ctv. red.; PALATt4IK,,_j.S,, doktor fiz.-matem. nauk, zam. otv. red.; KOvALENKO, L.D., red. [Phase transformations in metals and alloys] Fazovye prevra- shcheniia v metailakh i splavakh. Kiev, Naukova dumka, 1965. 174 p. (MIRA 180) 1. AN Ukr.SSR (for Svechnikov). I E_w_rU)A11T.(m)/E PU)/r/EWP(t)/EWP(0)/VA.(h) IS-P(c) JD/AT AMMION Us AP9D3L7176 mVoi"/63/0DD/bD3/**8/W52 AVM: Pklxtnik L. Be Sorokin V. K. TITTZ: Prep&mt~o 4bTe semiconductor films by the metbod of variable- composition sasples SOLWICZ: IWZ. Mika, no. 3., 1965., h8-52 TOPIC TAGS: lead compound, telluride, semiconducting filmj, thermoelectric power, resistivity AB87RWT: The method used for the conden-ation of FbTe was original],y proposed by S. A. Vekshinskly (NmW metod motallogro - icheskogo issledamniya splavov (New Meth- od of NOtallographic Investigation of Alloys], Gostekhizdat, 1944). It consists of miblimatlag the film from FbTe vapor which contains a small amount (1%) of free tellmrivm6 The produced films contained sections with stoichiometric component ratio, sections with variable concentration of the excess Pb and Te, and a linear in junction. The authors describe the details of the process and the results of measurements of the thermoelectric potential difference and the specific recistivi- ty. of 00 PbSO-Pb film prepared by this method. The resistivity Of the films W~18 40-90 obrA-m and the differential thermal emf r,aached IpODO pr/degC. An important role In the control of the properties is exerted by the adsorption of oxygen during Card 1/2 1 2728-66 Accmion AP91D3.7i76 the preparation of the semiconducting film. At pressures on the order of 10-2 mm HS and above, the resistivity decreases and the thermal emf increases. In some cases the largest thermal emf In obtained at atmospheric pressure, so that FbTe films can possibly be used for the development of thermoelectric pickups OlDerating atmospheric pressure. OrIg. art. hast 5 figures and 1 table. at ASSOCIAT70ni INrIkuysIdy politekhnicheskiy Institut Imeni V. 1. lanina (JUrIkov Polyteebnic institute) A SUBMITM., 29]M6.3 EW Me 00 Ma CMI SS MR FM SOV: 006 on= 004 t L I F WS-66. SIT (I)IEWT(M)IETCIM(n)ITIEWP(t)I;EWP(b)IMU(bilEW,&(c) Ii (c) WGAT !'ACMSION Nfl: AP5016477 -*?60-'2'116576661&W673 I/ (Y" Vill MTHDRS: polatnik, L. S.; koshkin, V. M. ~mm The effect of ordering on the physical properties of multi- ~component semiconductors V SOURCE: AN McrP.SR. Dopc~vidl,, no. 6, 1965, 731-734 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor alloy, crystal lattice structure, melting oint, forbidden band, solid solution p "ABSTRACT: In distorted tetragonal chalcopyrite crystals the op hybrid states do not give maximum overlap and therefore the bond energy to smaller than in the same crystals with a disordered cubic lattice. This lead3in the overwhelmingly covalent crystals which are ng considered to an appreciable energy decrease of the crystal and V depression or its melting point. A table comparing AgglId.; very 2 large distortion) aW1 CulpICIV (small distortlon)-Meltin'g.points F~' L 1735-66 ~COBSSXON NR: AP5016477 t t the melting points Of the former are indeed much lower. shown ba table also shows that compounds with considerably lower energy The ~~,,_~of covalent Interaction, resulting from the distortion, have broader forbidden bands than the corresponding compounds with small distor- ~-_~tion.~ The ordering effects should also be observable in other multi- .,._.component systems; they have been observed in alloys and compounds containing stochiometric defects and in certain solid solutions. The authors observed increases the width of the.,fprbidden zone of an- A_ OY13 Of the e I--- a ~Se system./ It is concluded that ,.&GaEe 2 2 3 e~ "Wat inter-cation o xperiments confirm rderin in multicomponent ~Ilke semiconouotors gives rise to appreciable changes of d1aAondf their~characteristlcs. This report was presented by ,.,i,-_j!skar. 1 table and 1 figure. 7. D M~ Qrlj~ art. has: ;,---~,.--,~-,...-;ASSOOZAT:EO04:. Kharklv:lkyy politekhnichnyy instytut [Khartkovskiy (Kharskov ..politekhnicheskI tut] Polytechnic Institute); ffc', y Ins ~4. lnit~tut onnovnoyl. khimlyi [N.'ri. institut oanovnoy. khtmil j 'P (Solentiric 6siardh Institute of Basic. Mvmistry) CWd KCV17 K) Yl'.F.; W f fe e e -.e c t. ru :,diic t v y i air V, 1' 8 2. _j _r's C, _,Zt' !.lmp-l-a ",_r 0v 2291-66 EWT(I)/EWT(m)/W(-i)/E70/WO (m)/T/WP(t)/EWP(b) IJP(c) RW/M~ ACOMION NRI APP14W 01018116510071006AMAM, AVMRs Islatalk L* Bog lerskin To I*; L*bW*V% N T ~ I V Ting& on the Wlwnoo of the substrate on the structure and properties or Me film YT71 MURGIS Mike. tvordogo tolag v. ? q a. do 1965o 1699-1?03 IOPIO TAOSs this 41a yrnW1041 0 lead compoundp telluride, bpitaxle growing single crystal ABOTFACT% The authors investigate the Influence temperature and of the real structure of the surface of a NRCI substrate, used for oriented growing of PbTe-single-arystal fling-on the structure and the properties of the film. The r1lum were prepared by an opitaxial growth technique on a plato of rook malt fastened to an annular copper'stripp across which a tagerature dL&P 50-~5W was produced* The PbTe was evaporated In a vacuum of 5 a 10 M Hgo A series of "lool, differing ftm we another only In the substrate tomp- oraturet veto tested In a single experlimento ?be off6st of the perfection 2291-66 --,.A ION Us ArAPW of the N&Cl surface was also studied. The results Indicate that two types ..of.condensation nuclei are produced, one distributed uniformly over the of the substrate and the other located near the jogs an the -relief of the surface* At high tesperaturesp the crystal layers of FbTe serve as continuations of the jogs of the N&Cl,, whereas at sodium tomiperaturos the crystal formation along the jogs competes with the crystal formation uniformly distributed over the entire surface or the substrate. The competi- between these mochanismov occurring at l8D--UW# binders the oriented ~groith or the films with largo singlo-orystal fragments and reduces the mobillty of the carriers In the film. It Is concluded that It the substrates are chosen with a amll number of jogs or other defects an the surfacep and are protected against moleturop then very good singlo-orystal films can be grown, even at 140--16W. The carrier imbility In such film Increases by a factor 2-3, at 140-16W and by 30--" at 2"--30W asA reaches the value as In bulk motorial at 3OWo Orige art* bass ? figure* and I table., ARRMIATIOINs .1harskovs 1= Icheskly Institat It* To Lessina 11fift-r kov voUtoobnls =1 smitmo iiie"k Yf f_~S EMS 00 M ODDEN so -in rdw Wil 004 OTMI 001 Cesd LOD735i-66 EWP(e)/gWT(m)/]~IPOc)/JEWP(t)/EWP(z)/WP(b) IJP(c) JD 7 U: APS022699 UR/0191/65/007/009/2640/265's qa AM": S A V Dogatow, P. N. Valataft, Le Fodoravy G. 9- -f y, 6_ 1y Y, TITM Same characteristics of volume condensation of metals and alloys ~,SOUXSs Irlsike, t"Woso telas we 79 no. 2, 1965, 2648-2654 ..TCPIIC 'TAGS: Wtft mestal production, lead, antimon bismuth, vapor condensation 'MSTL4Mt When metal -is vaporized in a high vacuum where the man free path is "r'."an the dimensions of the vacuum equipment, metal vapor condenses in a 4A On wells. The man free path of the metal atmo can be reduced by dezisftj of the residual gas. The metal atems then gradually lose 1 'their 4*0888,60argy -through collisions with atoms of Inert gas, and are thrown Into DIMM Wo me, Vhen these stow are sufficiently concentrated, volume conden- place, faming an exceptionally fine metal powder. The process of i 1) the forma- M.":DMIdessation of metal vapor may be divided into two *to&**: t, Of.lis6lsatbe centers for condensation; 2) growth of these nuclei In the super,- ~sistuxatbd'vsw. The saiand stage of the volume condensation process is quite 8"111ir i6 4i*faft condensation of metals 9 therefore it may be assumed that the general. cbez4oterlatica of natal condensation on a substrate are also true in vol- ~A =35-a' 4 ION RM M5022699 concentration. ?he authors study awe of the characteristics of volume con- densation of pure mistals and alloys in an inert gas atmosphere (argon). Volmne ~:'comdensatlon of IwA showed a variation in the shape and size of the particles with IL Mt When the condensation temperature was 800C, the particles are well- do faceted crystals with dimensions of 200-300 A. At 1400C, there is a six- 6f_ fabst*d and spherical particles with sizes of 0. 1-0. 2 V. At 2400C, the par- _ nv culy apherical'and wasure 0.3-0.5 v. X-ray analysis shows that the pa" am single crystals at 800 and polycrystalline above 000. This change id and,shope of the particles is explained by a change In the condensa-1 tion.medhanism. The two condensation mechanisms are: vapor-P crystal; and vapor llqtdd (-w crystal). Antimony begins to vaporize at a temperature 100-ISOOC be- J~W the malting point. The particles are rhombic in form anid their dimensions in- .i4ava4i sharply with temperature. These particles are single crystals which indi- only the first condensation mechanism (vapor+ crystal) "rates in the cass-of antleciny. Apparently the triple point lies at a very high vapor pressure,, rosched In tbame.experiments. Volts@ condensation of Pb-Sb- alloys 0t n ondensation of a Di- _.g V"L a~=&Chaniesl SiXture of particles of the Components. C gives two types of particles. Some particles are a solid solution of ~__ibtluoqy~'An bismuth while others am. solid solution of bismuth In antimony. A ''wmw-l%%FWwA&Y YWA&,bWmmm&wmo^ay ve Aq ~Wamw ENC16: 00 SO CODE: Ms OTM: 005 ~md sit. 10073346 SW(mY ACMSION XR: AP5022T38 up/oiBi/65/007/009/2850/2852 AUTHOR: 'Palatnik, L. B.; Gladkikho B. T., Waboka, M. N. yf, W-` VV ) ') TMZ: ZincI641fide-cadmium sulfide and variable composition zinc-cadmium-sulfur condensed - film ILI C-1 0 SOURCE: Flzlka tverdogo tela, v. T, no. 9, 1965, 2850-2852 'TOPIC TAGS: zinc sulfide containing alloy, cadmium sulfide containing alloy, polycrystalline film, semiconducting film, cadmium sulfide, zinc sulfide, ternary alloy, alloy composition, phase composition, alloy phase diagram, cadmium com- pound, zinc compound, zinc alloy, cadmium alloy, alloy system, thin fUx, thin film depooition, quasibinary alloy AWMCT; Thin (15-20 U') sulfide films have been vacuum deposited by simultaneousl vaporization of either ZnS and CdS or their components in variable proportions on a frosted glass substrate vhich had a temperature of 20 or 80-100C. The films verd composed of quesibinary ZnS-CdS alloys or ternary Zn-Cd-S alloys of variab16 composition# Micrographic and x-ray structure analysis of the film and microhard- ness determinations made it possible to establish the triangular phase diagram of the ba-~-W-8 Votes and to define clearly the regions of different phase composi- tions. Five regions were detected, each containing one, two, or three phases. -Cwd-i to A I f I , , :.; . :,: i ! I.kl . ~-" : ; : I I I ~ . . I . .. . I:. : , - ; . .. I . . I I . r. PAIATNIK, L.S.; RAVLIK, A.G. Inhomogeneity of the phase structure and composition in condensed cobalt films. KrIstallograXiia 10 no.3:439-"l My-je 165. (MIRA 18:71 1. KharIkovskiy politekhnicheskly institut. p e er,aft6f-,-~ tbb 2"'Me cro tobcop e8 Aakd' lhdtbbd'-'-'APMV -3" no rument~iv cii-i constants-.-were f-6lihdf-,--tuGaS,,- 111% 0 0 6 0'1.-~O 0 C 2 77 a- Se- -~Jctichisb I- 6~ v th 3 a ti~ 3"' 2:k 2 T pg Ie-p ha pe-,--f d6 A W ki6rdb;6rcln6ss Ancreas6s cropbotog"rap, OT-+ 0 A7 Orfec f-- he~-dis -t ion:o -n e xA t each.,.-grain-,Icont, n,q-_-p ate 6 or ehtb&~r ions; Of el or ~