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PAIATNIK, L. S. S. S. *,,Irazavskii, L. S. Palatni-k., and B. D. Luft, on the mechanism or c*-stallizatIon of gIa3s7 selenim' in the nitrogen containing cmpourds. P. P~3h- By methods of rontgenograph:Lc, microscopic and other forms of ana2j-sis, Qf spreading of crystalliZation into glass selenium sticks in contact with vari()UE at rcxx- temperatures is investi-f-ated. In dietkWlamine samples a process of recr-js*.a-'I-.-7a- tion has been observed. "tate !"n-3versity -1hemico Technolo~;ical lnst~~tute, Kharkov November 26P 1947 SO: Journal of Physical Chemistry (U-'-'S,'I) 22, No. 9, 1948 cflt X-ray aw"Ma Ow datermlowl a* dkicksm of C"h. 5 mow ha;=: L. P.6tukk tKhakui, 5, 100-54(1949).--Aft" r, viewinS the metbods of inttn3ity ratio. variahk (incident i water JeWb, andwandard mixt., P. propoenthat wAmp)v,,,f tbr pure coa6mg material and the underlying phase be ,1 Pawl Olternat"ly an the ume film. the expowrr prTIM, hrkg S)"Irl (lienprrA to the IVADI rwpmvt, but "f rc*,ttvr dar.ttkna fro a IlIven .loyr. Whetl IN- w". "f rxpr~wr lwwvwl, 1, 'uch r' 4 11W MIrntt1tv M line frwyi ttw c,,vtting jth.t~ to th,t tsf t Ittic fn,,ir; Itte itt- pwmg pha- it, ibi, ext-urr ts equ.1 to the utnr r '- "I #~,Ilftmpk tswobwr' then jt.PA - Is I I + wohere it, w tin, tkWkgW-b. 0, is (ht bbKWPtKM C"A d 21W t tinfl, InmituM #A lbr Prinary bmm, 0 is tbr "ir of im. I &rut P, /V to tbir ratio W the cxpmwr pewinds 01 evating anif und-lying pb-. TlW orlimal is ,,,d jwq 10 det the thicia- d caW bayr, an 11T6. b", it, liso applicsbir 10 "am Of onalbW cw substrates cmaWinS of phawg f,j waknows birmttive, Inixed Pbawq, or MW voins. 4 lishl And bravy ekwswes, CYTUS FakInLan -I cm t1b. 111111"We 11113vorre of morWO sub)Mod to ~4cvk dischgorp" f Prg 15, ls~ 1W 11411 --NAPIPI" a# Arrict, ond *1'111- oterl writ riot and hardrittil Ili a nudrilbri %Iml It litwhavar t I al.tvt.k(, furthevol I &I I )to 2&1 v . I P. troy . A 4110 st,"af,rail The marripl" wort, spatheil Ituhri III ligniol itlankfaillim M. aliffifir! m in air III the NO rv~ 0'. qq . ..... g '), , 1-6 1, , %% C It I. J.- " III " - . IL 11~- thr Itw Iitt-r t" fe,orm "IT hm- to ifit. ca. Amjlqi roto for WridifiM If tht- m- ",.pwx Wn .,tr I ...... e.1 11 1. that tho, th, 1'.311ki mbrf r1irst-ti.. m-d. thorclugh .11th"T Ili III I - S PAII-ri Site, bilenor "do in "mon I TU ratio by Wt. COM wbere 1,. 1. we dw Ow inimmilift of RM tb"We"I" two cd the sopervoklm vray pliture, oll~ am pelps the j,mg. at dw pawn. A to the Mist. we dbwtO ==629 "a of the ;= lip a pletim 7W WIPOW is :;~ 15 CIAN(I&% - 6%1/4" + ril ~-25 do tom - ago, * - do dWWOK" 10 th* blilchoulma of do &Z =d do pookim. mad dw of the bw am km bork- 8114, - , -- all *9 pWm dw b dbwmnd mad zo-zoo U10- Most e2pd. rewmft a- 11111WER go wya~ , W~- by mW As-Ni. A vm~ Of r-k sw by It" vbw ambld sbous tbly aboulloft arm I dms no - a 3% mad law As-Ni S. I. 1~c & Follow" "A 4. UW/~btals - Iran, Spark Trestwout Jul/Aug 51 "Transformations in the SUperficial layer of *tal Under Action of Electric Dischargen," L. S. ftlatuik, wh 'kov State U Imeal Gor1kiy, Kharl- bw Zlectrcmech Plant Imeni Stalin "Is Ak Sauk SSSR, Ser Fix" Vol XV, No 4, VP 467-471 PLUtuik investigates same details of specified ,11isse and structural changes described by him previously (cf. "Is Ak Nauk, Ser Fis" Vol V# No 1, 1951). Iron (trademark VrT) cathode and =61t/Metals - lr~ljjjrk Westmont Jul/Agg 51 -1wephite (over 99% C) anode vere chosen for electric spark treatment under stm, pressure. I-ray and electron-microscope study sboved alcroscopic changes, sepd into 3 concentric sones: central, which vaporizes; medium, VhiA liquifies; and jarlpherlIM, solid even vbeu be"". phie(ghWW fall I oulathos% 7 "oftntskh* v flootoo 11 1 r~ V.Wolh, .-1 0 1 j k hAt k... -sitm,, 1. all, I l" a.:, it, .1 Avartirtallism tit 2 CA a), Viral I'll. ill,f-t ,Its t st- all for JA grant -4ovall, ~,.dmjt . PhO -4,4 "1 at ac-. 1. .i-l . ..d A .,f th, a,mir .,fit , Ica". it N't ..'a .1 ..&Jma 11 th., .4'. that mJ t-mr ir, 11- tfi,i I fir. .1 U trivial AvOlit wiss we. I rt,r -i. t. to I .,tm it at, -irnta'Al limh I It -w tire umt, a,,, J Ac orlms- No right t-Imuga, a. d-# -1 duitttff tit, i-twaa,n. %,, 0 1. oct-so-ol it, I -I v.1.1 I ...... VIA') ~,f 1 .10 11 fl.- th'. -nas- 'ohn .1 all,. -1- i'11". l., tit .-I 't'i 11) %aomi wh" H.,th I-- 'i-l" all lilt 'Imbl, ml s#" USSR/Physics - Crystallography 21 Jun 51 "Quantir,ativp Formulation of the Crystallogeo- 4 ,, 11 , metric Rt-la,l- ~ S Palatnik, Khar'kov State U imeni A M (,or'kiy "Dok AX Na~,k SSSR" Vol LXXVIII. No 6, pp 1141- 11~4 By volume,, r planar, or linear coherent link- age of 2 -rystalllc lattices (of crystallo- graphic ~~r directions) one must understand their quas,,--cluilibrial coexistence such that "continuous" bond and periodicity in 3, 2, or I dUmusions are conserved. Phenomnon of coherent .Linkage is observed in: =rtensitic conversion; aging of alloys; electrolytic growth; vacuum dis- tillation and condensation of metals and alloy&; cryst from supersaturated solns on anisotropic ,base; aa!t oxidation and reduction of metals. This ph--nomenon also occurs in various chem and cbemicothermal manipulations: cementation, ni- tridation; decompn of crystallic salts and com- ~ounds -- and also during mech deformation (bend- ing, shear .. twinning) in monocrystals. Egs for conditiors of coherent linkage of crFata3,10gr hic lines, planes, and vols are Z 2 V~, D'/W d /n 2 _Loreover r volumetric linkage we have: ?J*- D-. Rere 2 i9is gener lize-d Period of identity of linear lin -_ f = ZG47 is the vector Perpendicular and equal to area of generalize~j planar elemen- t&ry cubicle of linkage. V = (UfG97) is voi o 60neralized elementary cubicle of li t are unit vectors of planar generalized cubicie- of linkage, D and d are "generalized" and ordi- VAry interplanar distances between corr plane elementary cubicles parallel to planes of linka n are number of atoms in cubicles. Submitter, 14 , - '2 Apr 51 by Acad D. S. BelyanXin. 184T13_3 USSR/Metals - AliwO, AgiM NOT 51 "On Themodynamic Interpretation of Phenomena in Aglng Alloys," L. S. Palatnik, Khar1kov State U iseni A. M. Gor'kiy "D& Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXXI, No 1, PP 39-42 DIscusses possibility of using geometrical method for representing Al-Cu system by various sections or tb*rmodynax1c surfacss, uhich express qual. re- ISUouship between, thermodynamic potential or free eawgy and certain thermodynamic parameters such as tmp and co=n of alloy. knalyzed quasi-equil dl%Xva which, according to Pelatnik permits 19" ==/Netals - Alloys, Aging Nov 51 (Contd w9lanation of various phenomena and anomalies in Ww*ss of binary or more complex alloys. Sub- mifted by Aced 1. P. B&rdin. 19" C~r stallographY .c -o-eo,-ietr- C17 S4, a 1 -, - and KhartkovsIdY t ko7,0 r C(I. 199, Uncl- 1,:Lr,t If Russian kc"Bojons, Library Of COngresso 50, tontl 4Z TUCIARINOVA. K. N., PALAT141K, p. S. USSR (600) Woolen P-nd Worsted Manufacture New woolen fabricE Tekst. prom no. 5 (1952) Monthly Li-,,t of Russian Accessions, Library of Congrest, August 1952. UNCUSSIFITD. 4L ~_mfAnse yt TAT GIMMAN. M.1h.; GWAMS, A.L.; PAIATNIX. I.S.; PIMIM, D.Ye.; MILIM, R.S. Qm~I-eqaI1ibrI&I entectics in systeas of the type anhydride - exine. Shmr. fiz.khim. 27 w.9:1304-1310 3 '53. (XIZA 6:11) 1. ]har'kovskty gosudaretyeanyy universitet in. A.M.Gor'kogo. (Phase rule and equilibrium) (Butectice) (Amines) PJILWIlit Lot So NetallUrgical Abst. VOL 21 MY 1954 f'roperties of Metals bow XVILU , Y'k I I- Od U. =U W"Mor =b, O=rOW' Int-Ir. tolk Ak4d Nauk XBAR..~ 1 "31 to n lani The-. structural alowo botwf*a -10) difrt'Crnt MnbWAt='=Ac's(llO N, 2 amp.. 20 2110 tJ') have been suldled by X-ray snaly-Ris, inictroharolut,64 metwurro. ments, and spectm and m6ro-analy-Ali. Thwo typea of interaction wen observed; (a) w3fing of cathode by antdr materlalljb) formation of alloys on the cathoole, anti (c) tin cathode, bont transfer to anode. The typp of intersi~tloon dom not generally change with polarity. and it i4 amumcd that the interactionfi occur hi Clio lovally lituord "ons after the discharge has clevorred. The following criterion Is developod which explaino; the L)Teo; nf ititer.. im; observed in terms of the durations (-ri and T,) of Oil- 1:,, 1 ial stages of intense heatin'g, melting, and evaporatkni of t1w metals I ux] 2 where rp t ht~rnial v, p calacitylunit vol., A - condi tivity, T, iv,itial pl,-t, 4. tenip., wW T is given by To ~ T < Tk. where To - - in. it- :,!:- I T, = b.p. If Tj,-4 -r,, typo (a interaction occum Pit,- Oil- v&pDurs of I condense on 2 before 2 haa rnelfwl; if -:, ~ -z., t)Te jb) intersictim occurs as a result of evaporation of I anti 2 at the same time; and t)Te (c) rorreaponds tjo r1 The criterion agiom wilb the obitervations, and practical implica- tions, We discussed. 6 ref. (Trarolated ky tile U.S. Nat illiull Sclenep Four&0on (NSF.ty-53)).-D. Al. 1'. ; -' r Pot t W, WWI 2v 444. d~twp IS &i7 liWW T4 W V -Roo r a Coutaut Wlu xhtd de iba0ziuc 03,~M, 11,~A -,,A -IAIIKJ , MULICHN.A.R.; PALATNIX,L.S. Investigation of the spark temperature of electric-spark metal hardening apparatus. Zxv. AN SSSR. Ser. fit. 19 no.1:66-67 J&-F 155. (KERA 8: 9) 1. Khar1kovskly gouudarstvennyy universitet imeal A.K.Gorlkogo (Spectrum analysis) (Spectrometer) 'J~SR,`Merruo,.ynamics. Thermochemistry. Equilibria. Physi co -Chemical B-t- Analynia, Pha..e :'ransitions, A:j,; Jo) ir i Ref Z:.ur Ki.~miya, N', i,, J~P'-J7, ~j t.-. ) r L.S, Pala*nik, A.1, Landa-u. Title I St'llo.: OT-11r-ocesses Occurring vatl, Cnange of Degree of Free- Q0111 iiieterogeneouB Systems. 1, 11. Zi.. fiz. I film-' i , 195', 29, No L), 1784-'803; No 11, 20A-2 Orii7 P-ib K I A:)s,_ract 1. TiIe proce.3ses are stzidied, w:.ich iccur n multicomponent ..e-,erc,,e.-eous systems and arj connected with a change of t.i.e ie -ree - f freedom (variance) )f these systems, the variance of the system changing durinE,; 'the process with some limit-a- 71.e ~i ns concerning -.he disappearing and appearing phases. res.~lts are presented in a shape allowing -,he generallizat'.vn :'or a case without the above ment.oned limitations. & system f e,:i.,at.:,_1ns is ler-ved, anicrt de~.ermines the b.)-undaries be- -we en .he se-,)uration reg-,)ns 3.n an eq.iilibrium ,raph of a. t: m~iita(,c)m,,)-)nF)nt system. The above mentoned equa system -I ally I.,) plot the complote nquilihrl~im .-rFxph ol' I o~;is n1uno ri c u a thermodynwnic system, if the c.-..crete :'orm 44 -33' '7nen%o(Ivn&mics. Thermochemistr, . !,;quilibria. Physico-CLei-u_icai i-~ y Analysis. Phase A~)s J-) ir R(If - D.imiya, ..)57, 2-_2--' of' .!.e f`,~nctional Japendence of tli~e chemical 'potentials on tl-i- pressure, temporature and ti.o c,ncentration of components :n phases was known. Basing on .he der ved equa-iori system, -,he c3rine-;tion between the se-I)aration reglons and .heir .."Perconnodes '.qZhYh_Jm, 21,,14d) is invesl~ir-ated. f:. e 2 k r,le of corIi,-uo,;s so 'paratio:1 reric-ns (knovrr, -irider t~rie .!j- of trie I~ie: of co%ti~uods spaces of S-.fttes -:I t,,;e D.P- ternary sys,ems) is provi(I anr_~ ~ene-al_zed .1. r, wistems. An example is -Lven, *,u a;,::!,.~ the r-ile of c,n--Cuous separatloi %o ana,ysis o" a c--cre'e eqLi;iibr3am 11. "'enoraiizat-or, of results obtained ir part 1. -e.,.eral :'3rmiula-,ion of --hi rale of c_~ntiguous separa-_;.-... ro r-D s ' RC S R ) i s :i v e n: 0 ~i L a Ulu ,Lmonsionality of tho f-,qu1li;)ri,,im r)" a :.e taro Feneous system or of' a nori-noial (roi--Iur) of this graph; R1 is the dimensionality of j..- ::) indar. 6ot,weeyi two adjacent separation regions in tho above -raph or 'ar J "I' , 'j JI, i- -::io f4 G s . A e;-mo chemi s t ry. Eq u i 1 i ~) ri a .hys i co -C I i 6z.-, Jl o'l 1;BO: Analysis. Phase 1"--ansitiors. A S: i r : 7~f,*' 7. ir - Kh,--,a,,a, "'o ')--7, 2,,'12~ sect-:n;-.,-&nd >~'I, -, andt'-"are the namberj of pure or):--.Done!As ~ha-, 1,ave disappeared an,; originated and of So lUt4 ~Gns ,nave disa:,-.~eared or ori-inated a, the transition from one jeparatior. reg:zn into anomer respectively. Liquid, jolid an-: .-lase;-,is ;-hases or chemical compounds are nderstood zier terr. of soli-~iors, an-- phases, eacl. of whici. c nsis'wi; i:i:' one pure componenL, ar nderstooii under the term- o' pure c RCSR is a-.),LjjicablIe to an ~ra or -,o ncn-nodul sections of an equilibr-um. graph or, c)nditi:~:; --he '!e7enera - 4 .on of certain se-.)arat.3r. -,ne nc:.-n-dal sect-:;.-.s are -'el"inied as s,ch, lyhic:. 40 no*- an'. iodes if eq-librilm rapf. ki.e. polnL3, llnes 9'.c.,, and the de -enerat-I Se- ;)a,-u*,i3:. regions are tiefi:ied as such, the dimensionali-L.- o~' en--ic. is less --han tha*. of the corresporidin,,, equilit)rl-ril rapr. or of *,i.e corresponding sect.1 in. Rxamples of :iodal and non-nodal sect,ons of' var- ~-.e. o:* :,ode intersectini.) -,is equilibrium -ruphs are -iven, anti the a;q)licat.,):. u!' -,he RCSR to non-n-idal sect.ons is ~.emons-.r-ited. Car. Category USSR/Atomic and Molecular Physics - Statistical Physics D-nD Ab.$ Jour Ref Zhur - Fizi~-a, No 1, 195, No 821 Author Palatnik, L.S., Iandau, A.I. Title :'BTv-es-tTgaTI-o-nof Processes Occurring with a Change in the Number of Degrees of Freedom in Multicomponent Heterogenous Systems Orig Pab Zh. fiz. ~himii, 1955, 29, No 11, 2054-20.3 Abstract No abstract Card 1/1 WX m -31 LAI-- 6~, :n c,-~ A. g -5 7 vc INA" wa ora awzna :96, --aw-Aqua pi~,:M_fma are,~pro j~7 at--*' ' d qidlibrlui I't--th.ese-'idia-an ~eVw on,6,-, cqn.-_~ alV:amd, t6 r4ba* e quAi toma. 7hi UMR~Ap c,; 30 exterml, and. inter- af, obt the pbyoi-.., UMR rafoionaem,-~ xcuiu _41 At (19 -7 lbowtil It to be 141, F% fee rout oxida R 19 04 by Aid ..- .. - - 1- - ~ : . ~i, ..- - _- Category USSR/Optics Spectroscopo Ab6 Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1957, No S005 Author Falatnik, L S-, Lyulichev, A N. Title 'Sv_e_st_igktTo_n~f the Temperstur-e in the Vapor M884 Occurring DrwrLng tiar- Electrical Spark Metal Working O.rig Pub :Zh tekhn- fiziki, 1956, 26, Nc 4, 832-838 Abstract A spectral method is used to determine the temperature of the pla5ma of the spark obtai-ned in the setup for electric-spark metal hardening- The parameters of the setup axe capacitance from 0,25 to 280 microfarad current from 0.5 to 3 ampexesi and voltage from 70 to 220 volts, The exposure used in the photography with the aid of the ISP-22 spectro- graph using dispositive plate6 was I to 10 minutes. The spark tempera- ture was measured by the Ornshteyn method with the aid of ten Re II lines in the 250-2756 A inter*eLl. It turned out to rangef~from 7200 to 1020CP, 0 The spectra have a purely-spark nature at a temperature of 9,000-10,OC)Q and are of a spark-arc nature at 7,000-8,000c), It is proposed to mea-sure the spark temperature by comparison of the intensity of the arc and Card 1/3 Kfw k Category USSR/Optice - Spectroscopy Abs Jour Ref 221nur - Fizika, No 2, 1957, No 5005 K spark lines of iron For this purpose, four pairs of Fe I/Fe 11 line, were chosen, UaWlY 2592-2593 A, 2r,94-2593 A, 2733-2731 A, and 2735 2731 A The graphs of tbe t-~~erature dependence of log A.FeL/Ireii, were plotted for these pairs in the 6,000-10,0000 interval The spec+rs of sparks were betve~~n iron Piectrodes and electrodes made of iron, ccip p4mr, tungsten, aluminum, zinc, cadmium, magnesium, and carbon were p_-tc graphed usi* capacitance's of 280, 140, 80, 20, 6, and 0.25 microfa-ra'.1. Tt was established that for thei'same capacitance the sparks obt*ined ~- different electrode pairs vLe.T,- in agreempt, with the ex%gption Df thr Fe-C pair (i-n this - it vae 600, 1,0000 laver). If the capacitanf:~ ) crc is kept*constant bZ differrwnt voltages and currents are used, the spark temperature between Fc- electrodes remains practically constar,-. over the range 70-220 volts and 1-3 Weres. Reducing the gap in the Fe-Fe pair increases the tezq)erature; the sa occurs vhen the electrodp diameter is decreased The. following irical dependence on the cap&ci - 50 3 C deg. C.. It is concluded that tance was established T z~ 7200 t 4 V3 C-7 the electric-spark processing of production objects is carried Out DO' Card 2/3 Categc-ry ~TSSR/Optics - Spectroscopy Abs jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1957, No 5005 K 6 in the spark region, which is the optimum for control-led erosion, bul in the spark-arc region Bibliography, 21 titles. Card . 3/3 UEMR/~tics - 'Optical Methods of Aniallsis, Instruments, X-7 Abet Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, lc,~56, 35873 Author: Palatmik, L. S., Jorulichev, A. N. Ustitution: University imeni Gor'k1y, KharIkov, USSR Titles Application of Spectral Analysis to the Investigation of Vap-)r Phase Oc-_urring During Electric-Spark WorkIng of Metals original Periodicals Zh. tekh. fiziki, 1956, 26, No 4, 839-849 Abstracts An investigation was made of the spectra of sparks,. obta,:Lned directly from the setup for electric working of metals for 377 ccobinations of electrode-elements Be. C, Mg, Alp Si, Ti, Pbj' Bt, Cr, Fe, Co, NJ, Gu, Zu, Mo, Ag, Cd, On, Sb~ and W. The amposItion of the vapor-like phase was estimted v4-th an ac- curacy to within an order Of ongnitude with the aid of the ap- = ij-4, where ca and c, are the proximate expressiOD ca/cc concentrations of the anode and cathode in the vapor-like phas~q and I, and Ic are the intensities of the brightest linets of the Card 1/2 USEM/Optics - Optical Methods of Analysis. Instruments, K-7 Abst Zournal: Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956, 35873 Abstract: spectra of the anode and the cathode. The interacticm and traa-~- fer criteria, suggested by L. S. Palatnik (Izv. AN SSSR, ser. fiz... 1951, 15, 80, 469), were used. in accordance with this criterion, it turned out that the composition of%Nhe vapor-lLK-e phase depends principally on the physical and chemical properties of the electrodes, with a decisive role being played by the thermal effect and by the processes of the electric spark working. The mode of the metal working has practically no influence on the cam- position of the vapor-like phase. The increase in the porcsity ct the electrodes and the reduction in their diameter leads to pcorer heat transfer cond:ttionB and to a more intense evaporation of the material of the electrodes. The effect of polarity, as a rule, leads to an increase in the relative contents of the vapors of th,,, element serving as the anode. For lightly-oxidizing elements one observed a contrary effpct of the polarity. To strengthen by means of graphite it is advantageous to employ the following polarities: graphite-cathode, part-anode. Investigation of selective evapora- tion an the binary syutem Cu-Sm has shown that the cccpoaiti:ffi cf the vapor-like phase depends on the shape of the electrodes.. on the Card 2/2 material of the upper electrcdep and on the polarity, U',~SR/Physfcal Fquilibriums, Phys-Chj-.. nal. PImse-'n-t1nsiti,)w,. .bs Jour f;V-.f Zhur - KiiiiAy., Ou -(, 05Y, ""'W, sence ~f initii.!, secon:1ar.', --r r. .-n-,.-a- ~f -T sr j~,Ial'i,-.,tion (in -in; se,ucnce). -n ul., curcl- t~-- fo,"LcIl tile ~A serviAtun ol )rca-w,ena un.,.n,,jwn ~rvstrlis i~i tut,-,cic~, and lo-.;er eutai-*-,,-:~ in ~.n,~S, ~~ina',e -ind disLppeav a, the ci,ystalliz;.zion -i-nd orient, euLecti~: all-))-s. ,iu C -99- Card. 2,12' FAIATRIZA L.S.; XOPSLIOVICH, I.M. Topoanalytical Inrestigation of equilibrium diagraza for multl- component eutectic systems. Part 1. (with English summary in Insert) Shur.fiz.khis. 30 no.9:1948-1958 3 '56, (KLRA 9:12) 1. Politekhnicheskiy institut imeni V.I. lenine, GoeudarstVennyy univernitet iment A.M. Gor1kogo, Kharlkov. (Phase rule and equilibrlita) (Butectics) PAIATNIZ. L.S.; LWAU, A.I. TOP01091cal ISTORtigationS or OquIllbrirm diagrms of multicomponeat heterogeneous systamm and their sections with the aid of the phase separation rule for contiguous regions. Zhur. fir. We. 30 no.11: 2399-2411 N 156. MRA lo - 4) 1. Kher'kvwokiy goandarstvennyy unIverettet is. A.N. Gor'kogo. (Phase rule and *quililbrius) Tile c:-; e rium dihar a he erorenecrus ru It icc7j~c, no nt --E ,c . Jc S -.i Li briam) A r~ cp I f' ', r7 kALATNHI, L., . ; Af`t--rtlal c~,rrelatlcas -f -.lie ~-eneralized mlt: -, the "center of aiy-- their a-,r2lcatic-i to rariant Ica-' .-C - %1t .~--A, U ? 1 - - - -5 ~'56. , ., -%A 10: F ) (Cheris~.ry, ili.-Pical and thp-r-pllc~al) LADJAL. )~iaf'e reparatior ;r. ,:,ng ae rule of cont!,-u,:~us reg, neterogeneous S.-Stems. Jcb.zare KHGL "'-:55-5P 156. lkr~~ lcmr-) (Plaase r~~le end ecpiP -lu-i Syvtems 0 is essentially greater. Certain heterogeneous systems Ath many components and with both a pressure- and temperature extreme, such with equal composition of concentration of various phases (e.g. of phaLses in points of equal ooncentration, of allotropio phases), as well as some system Yrith many or-2ponents where not all components participate in the in- dividual phases of the system, belong to these systems. In the ooncentration-matrixi x 1(i=192,.... nj J=192, ... r), in Card 1/4 a concen which case each xij is Rration of the i.component in the J. Heterogeneous Systems With Kany Co--Tments and a !,,Or:-xaxjr%&j 76-12-21/27 Order of the Concentration-katrix phase (n and r is the number of components, or of the phases Of the system respectively) it is assur#3d that the defect d of the concen- tration-matrix is equal to zero CRef. 13 . The inequality r "I n + 2, set up by Gibbs, can be genemlized for all these enumerated systems. For this purpose the value (kappa) is introduced. This is the greatest of the numbers r n and 0. f= max fr - n, C1 and the ine- quality of Gibbs reads then 0"_~ )( K, 2, and the generalized form of It is 0,< I + 11 :5 2. Equations 7) are derived here. These equations form tho oonditionB Aloh are impoved to the oonoentrntion x of 'iue C-, the thermodynamic system and which are correlated with the va by means of the equality of the concentration-matrix-defect. where 0, and each 6411-ij in the equation (5) represents the chemical potential of the Lccwponent in the J.phase. It is shoan that the sens e of t he equa tion ~ 4) .. . 0 -5, 1 + 6 -:!5 2 cons is ts in tha t , that wi th 6~ + ) ;> 2. in the bas i o e qua t ions ( 5) 4 7) , whi ch exp re s s the in- vestigated open thermodynamic uyistem, an indeternination ariscs in any arbitrary case and that alBn when the pressure and tempereture of the system are not pre-4ously fixed. A redundance in determina- tion arises in the set of equations (5) to (7) at ~) = C and X> 2. It is shovm that the nonvariant-determination of the variables at card 2/4 Heterogeneous Systeos 4ith Many Ca=onents and a Non4Laximal 71(,-12-211/27 Order of the Concentration-liatrix + 2, or the monovariant-determination of the variables at + 1, in the enex-al ca 9 e does not belong to the whole equa- tion-system (5) to M, but to an individual group of this system of equations. The generalizing term of the nonvariant and mono- variant state of a thermodynamical system are given in the second part of the work. It is shown that at (5 + _), = 2 in the thermodynam- ica.1 system a certain group of phases which is in nonvariant equi- libri= (Y,--O) with each other, must be contained, whereas all other phases of he same systam in the general case oar, have a degree of freedom Y2 = y >/ 0, different from zero. Thereby, the total amount of degree of freedom of the thermodynamical system is equally equal to y, and can be greater than 0: y > ,, 0. Such a state of the therm.- odynamioal system, in whiah case a part of the phases is in nonvar- iant equilibrium, whereas the total-amount of thennodynamioal de- grees of freedom of the system y in the general case can be differ- ent from 0, is called by the authors thOmvaxiant state of the themodyrAmica2 BySteM. consequently, the conception of the nonvax-i- a-nt state of the thermodynamical system is a more general term than Card 3/4 that of the nonvariant equilibrium, provided that the total amount Heterogeneous Systems With Many Components a-ad a Nor-kardtmal 76-12-21/27 Order of the Concentration-Matrix of the degrees of freedom of the system is equal to zero. In the srecial case y = 0, all phases of the given system are in nonvariant equilibrium. In such a case the terms of nonvariant state and non- variant equilibrium coincide. Analogously it is shown that a thermo- dynamical system at 5 + 1. = I is in monovariant state, i.e. it contains a certain group of phases which are in monovariant equi- librium (y = 1) with each other, whereas the other phases of the system in the general case have a greater nuuber of degrees of free- dom. Concluding, examples are given. There are 3 Slavic references. ASSOCIATIM4: Khar~kov State University imeni A.M. Gor'kiy (Khar'ko"kiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.Ii.Gor'kogo). SUBMITTED: October 17, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 SOV 1 17 58 8 17, 8 1 1 Tr a ris I a I.o r: f rorn, Re!c ro!;, M i -L 8 N r 8 p I USSR) AUTHORS- Pa ~ din i ~L S ht-b, A F' TITLE- Cit.' lilt' F'()T Mot .0'- (d lht- C,t-'111t- /Vii ~1 ~ V r S1 r 1( ' I r4- S tV to r m: r o .an - i s t rukt it r y t S e R I(' Tit I 1'~) ' dCg( 1\ I S I a ~ I PERIODICAL: Uch zap Khar ~o- sk w- t lw~-, N- 'F- Khim tak i N in ta khimi: KhGU Vol 18 pp 7~, lij ABSTRACT- r., esilgat ons %%erc perfoirric(i r. t,rder ~~ de-i-rrn re hov, -~E- wear resistant properties ol stcvi i 8Ki,.N\'A ark mit-, !eci !he structure ot steel obtained as a rest.1i c- ar c,:.s neat.ireatrxient prccedu~es appl-ed to the steel after zirhur.zal Ln The wear resistance (WR) was determ,ned the aia of,t , e iso ,opes on roller shaped spei mens 50 rnm in d dm,-Ic- and 7 mm wide The steel was rendered act ~ e by ntruduk i t~ri A ra(!:o ac!-- e Cobo into Molten metal The a( i - e rt).'e r -i (-pe r a! ed ; T-, (ovtao threv inacti%e rollers ~,O mm i- d' amclcr a-d 10 mm wide mounted in a spe(ial stand \&-h.(t-. , rrm',ovd 'he operation of a gear fransnn)ssior. The exiew (--t \kear was de tert-rimed h, measurernvi-it of the rad.(JaL f - I . ot fix ~u'-! Card 1 by means of a Counter In one re, c,'Lit.o!: 'l~c ch't 1" U1 SOV 1 :18 8 !-1 8il On the FormatiG- cii tYe C.,7t,_-~zed S- rt;( - re . S--.,-. sliding on the s;iria(e ot a ro"er (na-gc-d from I I m. k"Iol* I ished th at quenc h ng i I-. e met a I -) wa,e r (j: u nimeci j! (,, % a I i e d r za tion greatly .,i(_ :-ease , WR ard resinlarc e to 1) , g as , t rnp,,: rc! procedure in whic h i,e pa r, i , quenk hed ard it-mt)t- rea a, , -"'C a:! cementatlor pot had !,eer L oo'ed :- a, r Tne mp, t- crnc-~t pr t can not he exp.,:~ ned ~-v Tra-isterma,;on ol the -eta -~ed au~,, o. during the proces,., ot Ir (tion ))cL aune metal'ouram t d, a X -a-. 1,~a indicate thai the arnou-, ei austc, Tv preser' ,z tf L' -pt-( m, i- fho and after the tes:_., for wear TI-e NAR ~ mp,, red , - *r.(- (~ - e,.i , : * eo. austenite i- the caTi`)T.r-Zed laver is r(.-ea-ed L.Yot- U , v j:, t t 1 7 rization- Rap-d t oc! --.g alter t a!"kli AdI L)'I in WR. X- ray slow and rapid cool -g nct.La,es th~,l he at' (L' d p! i i r~ c r (J(-:, i mation it cooled abr,,p1'v from the Lai~lur.Zdl L) 'ClIlpt'l' " 11' t r 0 d -,. , tion exh.,b.ts a max.mum of Cr and C "L." 'f" 1:~:~ WR of the carbxir.zed 'aver A .gT,:ii( an, rrL" ,,.deiorm_j, w~ lKe t r, lattice 0( curs upon S,(I;w ( oc,);. g slom'.,~ ( (~(J:(.d a ~Im 11 ''f I' of its ability for deformat or and hdruening g exi, -,a: L ri c -~ The results of the present work were ~er,l cd Lo, (, ,-o P)-mm lv;k~ ~Yea!', with a rnodule( of pitch d:cirneier'-i-i ~1 arci a -LPI J T, It' Card Z/~ SOV~ 1 17 ~8-8-17811 On the Format.on of the Ca, burized - la~ er 5, rl~C TUrC r SleC of 100 mm Quenching of the gears Ln ~.vater in-imed.ately after cAr~)ur,za tion increased the,r WR h~ a ta(tor of 2 5 An explanation is gi e!~ [or !he nature of the "white zone which appears in a lh.r surta( e lave r I r:( - tion, as well as ii-der !mpac! and in the course of hardening bv shoi peevirg N K 1. ~~teel--Mech,-nicr~l Trorc -ties 2. Steel- -,nrbonization "I '~teej- -truc'url analysis 4. Colirlt isotoPes (..-dioactive)--:,iplications Card 3/3 AUTHOR PALATNIK L.S., FEDOROV G.V. PA - 2658 TITLE -A7phVT5VeFt_ri-c__deterxin&t ion of the thickness of semitransparent xetal layers. (Fotometricheskoye opredeleniye tolshchiny pcluposrachnykh meta,111-iches- ~ikh sloyev, -Russian) PERIODICAL Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957,Vol 113, Nr 1, pp loo-lo3, Received 5/1957 Reviewed 6/1957 ABSTRACT The present work discusses a sicrophotometric method for the measuring of the absolute density of semitransparent metal layers obtained by eva- postion in the vacuum and the density distribution of the condensate of the transparent vitreous base on the occasion of the employing of vapori- zers of any type. The method of photometrizing semitransparent layers: The symmetr., axis of the evaporator must be placed vertical to the col- lector plane. The density distribution o the condensed iayers then forms a circular mound.with the maximum of density and thickness on the symmet- ry axis. Apparently the height of the maxi-mum is proportionalto the dura- tiox of precipitation. If the metal layerp are precipitated an several collectors, the dependence of the blackening S of the collector can be ob- tained from the duration -j of precipitation. Thua, also the dependence S a S(h) in obtained, because for the thickness of the layer h - k.T, applies, where k denotes a proportionality factor. If now one of' the dol- lectors is photometrized along a straight line passing through the ma- Card 1/2 . ximum, the dependence of the blacking S on the distance up to a given A Photometric Determination of the Thickness of PA - 2658 Semitransparent Metal Layers. point of the collector can be determined. The corresponding dependences S ( T) and S ( f ) are shown in form of a diagram. From these two depen- dences the dependence 7( p ) is then determined, wh4ch is equivalent to _ the dependence hrel(y ) in relative unities on the ordinate axis. Experimental Part: Experiments rere carried out in a vacuum chamber. A sylindrical ferfort crucible served as evaporator and heating took pla- ee by means of a nichromium spiral. At a distance of about 4omm froll the crucible an immobile metal screen with a long narrow gap was fitted vertical to the crucible axis. Then a glass collector wi-s fitted on tc this metal screen. The here discussed photoretric method was tested on bismuth films. Bismuth was vaporized on at 6000and 6800, and vaporizin6- on velocity was changed 6 to 7 times. On this occasion the authors noti- oed no influenee exercised by condensation velocity on the ~Icpendence of the blackening of the thickness ofthe film.From data obtained from some experiments a diagram was determined for the dependence of S on the thick- ness h of the bisLuth layerj this method is well suited for the determina- tion of the thickness of semitransparent metal layers. (2ili.) ASSOCIATION Polyleehnical Institute UA111KOV PRESENTED BY Member ofthe Academy S.A.VEKSHINSHY SUBMITTED 24-11-1956 AVAILABLE Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHORS: -Palatnik,,--L.--Z., Landau, A. 1. 20-114-4-43/63 TITLE: A Generalized Formulation of Gibbs Inequality (Obobahchennaya formulirovka neravenstva Gibboa) PERIODTCAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Volo 114v Nr 4, PP. 837-840 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The terms V, SV PV T mean: volume, entropy, pressure and temperature of the total heterogeneous system. M1 andNI, on the other hand, mean the quantity and the chemical potential of the i-th-component in the whole system; further Vi denote the specific volume, specific entropy and the ;a%'ofMj the mass of the j-th-phase of the system; xjg_and gig are the concentration and the chemical potential i- compon nt in the J-th-phase; n and r denote the number of components and the number of phases in the system. In the case of an analytical study of the thermodynamic systems it is usually considered a foregone conclusion that the rank of this matrix is a max-imum, i.e. that its defect is a - 0. Thus the phase rules and the inequality deduced by Gibbs r 0 + 2 concern only such thermodynamic systems with C - 0. One can, howeverp Card 1/4 imagine really existing thermodynamic systems with a (1> 0. A Generalized Formulation of Gibbs Inequality 20- 114-4-43/63 They were mentioned by Gibbs and discussed more in detail by Storonkin. As may be seen from the following, the case of a system with a - 1 at r2 in a thermodynamic system a "pereopredelonnost" originates also if P and T of the system have not been fixed previously. By means of the generalized rule of the "center of masses" it is not difficult to realize, that a + )( - z, where z is the figure of the phase quantities mg Which may alter arbitrarily at fixed values P, T, and Mi. Fr m this follows a criterium of the non-variant and mono-variant properties of a thermo- dynamic system: at z - I the system possesses mono-variant and at z - 2 non-variant properties. By analogy one should assume negative values for the "variability", if z - 3,4.... In reality a thermodynamic system cannot be realized at z )2. To a negative "variability" corresponds in the mathematical sense "pereopredelennost". Thus at a + X - z> 2 a thermodynamic system is e4ther nct une uivocally solvable (this should not be principAll.* a1mittedl, or the fundamental equation is incomplete and reflects, in the here discussed case, the thermodynamic system and thereby loses the name of a fundamental equation. As could be seen the matrix condition of the phase equilibrium solves all difficulties, Card 3/4 since it forbids the existence of equilibrium systems with A Generalized Formulation of Gibbs Inequality 20-114-4-43/63 6. + X > 2. There are 9 references, 9 of which are Soviet. ASSOOIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosudarBtvennyy universitet im. A. M. Gorlkogo (Kharkov State University imeni A. M. Gor'kiy) PRESENTED: December 26, 1956, by N. V. Belov, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: February 17, 1956 Card 4/4 20-3-1);/52 AUTHORSI Palatnik, L. S. , Lyubchenko, A. P. TITLE: Diffusion in Solid Solutions of Variable Concentration (0 diffuzii v tverdykh rastvorakh s peremennoy kontsentratsiyey) PERIODICALs Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol. 117, Nr 3P PP. 407 - 410 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In the present paper an equation is suggested which describes the diffusion in alloys (solid solutions) with variable concentration of the components and in systems with tension- or temperature gra- dients. In deriving the equations the non-constancy of the values of OL (the significance of OC is not mentioned) and of M, (num- i 1 2) is taken i to ber of atoms impinging on a suface of 1cm n new parameters are introduced and no special assumptions are rm de. The authors verified this equation experimentally, on which occa- sion tW_ discovered the effect of counter-diffusion in the cemen- tation of the steel. This counter-diffusion manifests itself by a current of iron atoms and of the atoms of the alloying metals towads the surface of.the sample to be cemented. On this occasion a gradient of the activation energy q of the self-diffusion of the iron is produced. For the computation of the current of the coun- ter-diffusion the authors use the solution of the diffusion equa- Card 1/3 tion. The computation is described in detail. A formula foi~he Diffusion in Solid Solutions of Variable Concentration 20-3-14/52 computation of the excess concentration of the Fe-vacamcies in the cemented layer is then given. For the determina tion of' thL: diffu- sion curve during cementation a thin layer or radioactive iron vias applied electrolytically on to the samples to be investicat---d. The followin- cementation took 15 hours at a temperature of 910 0 in a carburizer. The radioactivity of the sample was measured by re,-,i- stering the r-quata. The depAndence of the specific activity of the layers upon depth thus obtained is illustrated by a diagram. 'The curve has a maximum with a considerable decrease of the speci- fic activity near the surface, which confirms the existence of a counter-diffusion of the iron. The existence of a counter-diffusion can be confirmed by an additional series of experiments. The re- laxation times necessary for the coalescence of the vacancies in the macroscopic pores have the same order of magnitude a3 the dLra- tIon of the diffusion annealing. Therefore, the concentration of vacancies can be somewhat lower thRn the computed value. There are 2 figures, and 6 non-Slavic references. Card 2/3 20-3-14/52 Diffustion in Solid Solutions of Variable Concentration ASSOCIATIONs KharIkov State University imeni A. M. Gorlkiy (Khartkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. Y1. GorIkogo) PRESENTEDe June 17, 1957, by S. A. Vekshinskiy, Academician BUBMITTEDs June 15, 1957 AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 3/3 PALATHIK. L.S.; TANDAU. A.I. A generalized forwilation of Gibbs inequality. Doirl. AN SSSR 114 no.4:-837-840 Je 157. (xia 10:9) 1. Kharlkoveiriy gosadwratyennyy universitet iiwni A.M. GorIkogo. Predstayleno akiLdemikon N.r. Bblovym. (Systents (Chemistry)) (Thermodynamics) S 3(8) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1-'10 Soveshchanlye po eksperimentallnoy i tekhnicheskoy mineralogil I petrografli, 5th Leningrad, 1956. Trudy... (Transactions of ttie Fifth Conference on Experimental ard Applied Mineralogy and Petrography) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 516 P. 1,800 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut geoiogil rudnyl&- mestorozhdeniy, petrografti, mineralogii i geokhimil, and Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut khImII silikatov. Resp. Ed.: Tsvetkovt A.I.; Ed. of Publishing House: Ivanov, B.V., Tech. Ed.-: Kiseleva, A.A. PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientists and students of minera- logy and petrography. COVERAW: The present collection of articles are reprints of reports presented at the Mi Conference on Experimental and Applied Kinera- logy and Petrography, held in Leningrad on March 26-31, 1956. The C ard 1#000 Transactions of theFifdi Conference (Cont.) SOV/1310 purpose of the Conference was to exchange information and coordi- nate the activities in the fields of experimental and applied mineralogy and petrographyand to stress the increasing complexity of practical problems. The Conference was sponsored by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and o.-ganized by its Institute of Ore Deposits, Geolokyq Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Division of Geological-Oeographical Sciences, and the Institute of Silicate Chemistry of the Division of Chemical Sciences. During the Conference special tribute was paid to Academician D.S. Belyankln,(died 1952), founder of applied petrography In the USSR and organizer of the first foar con- ferencee and Academician A.N. ZavarItsk'W ... (died 1953),out- standing petrographer and mineralogist, Of-the 76 reports pre- sented, 53 are reprinted In the present volume. Each article ie accompanied by diagrams,, tables.. and bibliographic references. Card 2/ 11 .~ "'~ ~ 'v ~ ~'' I I 11 21(8) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/11-64 Veesoyuznaya nauchno-teknicheskaya konferentelys po primeneniyu ra- dioaktivnykh i stabillnykh izotopov I 1zlucheniy v narodnom khozy- aystve i nauke Moscow, 1957. Trudy... Mashinostroyenlye I priborostroyeniye (Transactions of the All-Union Conference on the Use of Radioactive and Stable Isotopes and Radiation In the National Economy and Science; Machine and In- strument Manufacturing) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1958. 358 P. 4,500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: USSR. Glavnoye upravleniye po ispollzovaniyu atomnoy energii, and Akademiya nauk SSSR. Editorial Board of Set: V.I. Dikushin, Academicaln (Reap. Ed.), N.N. Shumilovskiy (Deputy Reap. Ed.), Yu. S. Zaslavskiy (Deputy Reap. Ed.), L.K. Tatochenko, B.I. Verkhovskiy, S.T. Nazarov, L.I. Petrenk4 and.N.G. Zelevinskaya (Secretary). Ed. of Publishing House: P.N. Belyanin; Tech. Ed.: T.P. Polenova. C ard Transactions of the All-Union Conference (Cont.) SOV/1764 PURPOSIt This book is Intended for specialists in the field of ma- chine and Instrument manufacture who use radioactive Isotopes in the study of materials and processes* COVERAGE: This collection of papers covers a very wide field of the utilization of tracer methods in industrial research and control techniques, The topic of this volume to the use of radioisotopes In the sachine-and instrument-nanufacturing industry. The indi- vidual papers discuss the applications of radioisotope techniques in the study of metals and alloys, problems off'riction and lubri- cation, metal cutting, engine performance, and defects in metals. Several papers are devoted to the use of radioisotopes in the auto- mition of industrial processesj, recording and measuring devices, quality contro1j, flovaetorq,, level gauges, safety devices, radia- tion counterso etc, These papers represent contributions of var- ious. Soviet instltute6 and laboratories, They were published as transactions of the kll-Union Conference on the Use of Radioac- tive and Stable Isotopes And Radiation in the National Economy and Sci&nceo April 4-120 1957, No personalitiin are mentioned. References are given at the end of most of the papers. -#-CKNr-2/20 PAIA=) L. 5.) MEMCE) V. Ill. wThe Investigations of Diffusive and Undiffusive Transformations in Amorphous Antimony Films.- report presented at the Conf. an Mechanical Properties of Non-Metallic Solids, Leniggrad, UM , 19-26 may 1958. University, Polytechnical Inst., Ebar1kov. PALATITIK. L.S.; BOTKO, B.T. - Aging- of Al-Cu alloys of variable composition [11 In thin film . Isy. vys. ucbeb. zav.; fiz. no.3:112-116 158. (MIRA 11:9) 1. Kbartkovskly gosuniversitat iment A.M. Gorlkogo I Kharl- kovskly politekhnichaskly Institut Imeni V.I. Lenin&. (Aluminum-copper alloys-Metallography) AUTHORSt Palatnik, L. S. , Landau- A.I. TITLE* Problems on the General Theory of Polycomponent Heterogeneous teorii diagramm ravnovesiya mn:>gokomponentnykh gennykh splavov) PERIODICILt Zhurnal Necrganicheskoy Kh1mi., (USSR) 3 !6/47 of the Equilibrium Diagrams Alloys (Voprosy clishchey getero 1958 Vo'..3 Nr 3 pp~65" ~',49 ABSTRAM The problem of the general topological and analytical t-teorj of polycomponent heterogeneous alloys, their equilibrium d:La grams and the sections of the equilibrium diagramn were treated. The peculiarities of the topological method cf N. S. Xurnakov, as well as the analytical method of Gibbs were discussed. The results of the application of the t-opo analytical theory to the thermodynamic problem of poly:,ow ponont heterogeneous alloys were used. The suggested method for the'determination 6f the chemical composition of phases by-their mass is also employed in the heterogeneous phasei Card 1/2 with any number of phases and components. Different therm.- T8-3 3 --6/47 Problems on the General Theory of the Equilibrium D--agrams of Polycompc nent Heterogeneous Alloys dynamic degrees of freedom were 2ntroducedm an extensJvp, and an intensive degree of freedom. The formula for the calcula tion of the extensive thermodynamic degree of freedom is as followal Yext , qert * q1nt The polycomponent heterogeneous alloys with pseudoextreme pres sure and temperature are corBidered ailoye with a small number of components. whereby the investJgation and construrti~:zi ')f the polycomponent heterogeneous a'~loys ;s facilitated Special poientional functions aan also be introduced in these ralcal-a tions. The employment of the topoanalyti-:~al theory for in vestigationa of the geometT10 oonstru(;-,1')n of the equilibrium diagrams of polycomponew'. heterogene:)us alloys was Btudied There are 8 figures and 21 references 2'1 of which are Soviet, ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet Im. A. M Gor kog-3 (Kharlkov State University imeni A~ M. Gor kiy) SUBMITTEDs June 25, 1957 Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Falatnik L.S. and Finkel', V.A. SOV/?0-3-4-10/26 TITLE: On Certain Reg~larities in the Structures of Triple Metallic Compounds (0 nekotorykhzakonomernostyakh,v strukturakh troynykh metallicheskikh sojedineniy) PERIODICAL: Kristallografija , 1958, Vol 3, ar 4, pp 467-472 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Analysis of the data published on triple intermetallic compounds shows that the basic regularities established for two-component phases continue to apply to three- component phases. As a rule, two metals have similar values of atomic radii in a three-component system (Cu and Au or Fe and Ni, etc.). For interstitial phases this need not be so and a third metal can be interstitial in an alloy of two others. uumerous regularities (standard types of structures) are observed but there are some alloys which cannot be fitted in. These are characterised by a high Al content and extremely vax-Jous structure. They are, for example, Mg3 Cr2A118, Cr4 S'4 Al 13' 0_Cu21tAl,, N'4Mnl 1A160 The main regular classes are: uard 1/2 SOV/?0-3-4-10/26 On Certain Regularities in the Structures of Triple Metallic Compounds 1) Triple electron compounds with electron concentrations of 3/2. 2~ Triple interstitial phases. (23 examples quoted), 3 Laves phases, NiAs structures and Sigma phases. There are 41Rbles and 50 references, 1? of which are Soviet') 15 isnglish, 6 German and 12 Scandinavian. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. ii.M. Gorlkogo (1har1kov State University imeni A.M. Gorlkiy) SUBMINED: January 22, 1958 Card 2/2 SOV/?0-3-5-13/24 AUTHORS: Palatnik, L.S. and Levchenko, A.A. TITIM: n ~eNai`ure o Electric Erosion in Single Crystals (0 kharaktere elektricheskoy erozii na monokristaliakh) PERIODICAL. Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 5, pp b12-61b (USSR) ABSTRACT: The traces left on the surfaces of single crystals of 15 elementary metals after single sparks (as used in the electro-erosion process) were passed to them have been examined microscopically. The holes melted in the anodes had the form of circles and were accompanied by plastics deformation; holes in the cathode surface reflected the characterist-Lc symmetry of the particular crystal planes concerned, The anodic plastic deformation may be of any of the known types. Previous workers have examined the traces left after multiple discharges (or oscillatory discharges) and not single strokes as here.. In general, they coaf irmed the hypothesis of thermal attack on the surface. Here, the metals Ag, Al, Bi, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sn, W and Zn have been studied. The plastic deformation occurring is classified in each case as gliding, twinning or cleavage and is compared with the kinds of deformation Card 1/3 SOV/r/0-3-5-13/24 On the Nature of Electric Erosion in Single Crystals occurring in the same metals under Etatic loading. Under the same conditions, the holes produced in any one metal were of very constant size. In order of increasing diameter, different metals fell into the series, Bi, Bb, Pb, Sn, Cd, Zn, Mg, Cr, Al, Fe, Ni, Cu, Mo and W. Discharges were made in air and under alcohol. The zones of melted metal were not found to be oxidised. The cathode erosion would be expected to be due to the sudden melting and vapor18ation causing a pressure impulse and consequently similar to a "micro-explosion". On an anode surface, the diameter of the damaged area is significantly larger and the pressure wave seems to decay more slowly with time. The thermal conductivity is here an important factor and as the faces examined all had a symmetry axis of order greater than 2, the conductivity surface has here a circular section. There are 3 figures, 1 table and 13 references, 11 of which are Soviet and 1 Scandinavian, 1 German. Card 2/3 SOV/70-3-5-13/24 On the Nature of Electric Erosion in Single Crystals ASSOCIATION- Khar'kovskiy politekhaicheakiy institut kn3ii V.L Lenin-a (Khar'kov Polytechnical Institute imeni V.I. Lenin) SUBMITTED: September 4, 1957 Card 3/3 SOV/?0-3-6-9/25 AUTHORS: Palatnik, L.S. and Xosevich, V.M. TITLE: An Investigation of the Crystallisation of Antimony in Thin Films (Issledovaniye kristallizatsii sur~my v tonkikn plenkakh) Part 1. The a- and 0-transformations (I. a- i P-prevrashcheniya) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 6, PP ?09-?15 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It has been earlier established that an amorphous phase occurs in thin films of antimony. Two transformations a- and 0- were distinguished when these layers crystal- liBed. Here the crystallisation of amorphous layers of antimony, evaporated onto amorphous substrata (qpartz or collodion) is examined. Observations were made of the electrical resistance and also metallographically and electronographically. Films were condensed at 8 x 10-? g/cm2sec. Initially, the Sb appears chestn,;t and then develops blue spots, the latter (as shown electronographically) being a crystalline phase. This is the a-transition. A graph of the dependence of the time for full transition to the crystalline state on the thickness of the layer is given. h a is the thickness Cardl/4 less than which crystallisation does not occur and h, A. SOV/-/0-3-6-9/25 An Investigation of the Crystallisation 01 Antimony in Thin Films Part 1. The cx- and 0-transformations is the thickness for which crystallisation is complete in one minute. The time of condensation of the film t is given by t = dh/w 0.074 h sees (d is the density of Sb and w = 8 x 10'_ g/cm2see the rate of condensation). The rate of growth of crystalline spherulites in an amorphous layer as a function of its thickness was measured microscopically. The stability of the Sb as an amorphous thin film can be explained if it is regarded as a super-cooled liquid with a co-ordination number of' 3. On the sudden cooling, a conpression of the film arises but at a temperature below that of crystallisation, bonds with the substrate are established and the substrate is compressed. The resulting tension stabilises the amorphous phase. This tension decreases in the Sb as the thickness increases. Amorp ous phases are known in other metals for layers of 30-50 1 (Co, V, Cr Be) but here the thickness of a stable layer can be 270 k . Using diffraction methods, a diagram of the oL- and 0- Card.2/4 trRn formations has been established. There are three SOV/70-3-6-9/25 An Investigation of the Crystallisation of Antimony in Thin FilME Part 1. The a- and 0-transformations Card3/4 regions, amorphous Sb up to about 250 1 thickness, then a region of amorphous + crystalline and then a region of crystalline Sb divided off by the lines "end of a-transformation" and "o-transformation". The latter run from a thickness of 500 at a deposition rate w of -7 2 -4 2 10 g/cm sec to 1 500 A at a rate of 10 g/cm sec. For low rates of deposition a phenomenon of "super- thickening" can cccur where the a-transformation stops and the 0- has not yet begun; this can amount to 100-300 The 0-transformation takes place almost instantaneously. X-ray diffraction shows that the structures formed by the 0- and a-transformations are identical. The a-transformation can be regarded as a diffusion separation of amorphous Sb into "holes" and crystalline Sb. The 0-transformation is a definite step like the known diffusion-less martensitic transformation. Although diffusionless, in amorphous Sb the co-ordination number is 4 whereas in the crystalline material it is 3. Other resemblances and differences to the martensitic transformation are discussed. SOV/'/0-3-6-9/25 An Investigation of the Crystallisation of Antimony in Thin Films. Part I. The cL- and 0-transformations There are 5 figures and 13 references, 11 of which are Soviet and 2 English, ASSOCIATIONS. Xbar,kcvskiy gosudarst-vennyy universitet im A.M. Gor~jrogc (Klar'kov State Universtiy im,A.M. Gor'k-ly) PolitekhnichesKly institut im. V.I. Lenina (Polytechni:c Ir-stitute Imen-i V.. i. Lenin) SUBMITTED: Jaiiuary 14. 1958 Card 4/4 V AUTHORS: L S D~- v yo. TITLL;: of (-f for II. obl;ii.~;,j. vyc-,)j -,j Wr ~otodo,ii -pt2 lit, a-laliza. II) PERIO-DICAL: Fi,.,.ikL Lletallov i '.'.~3tullovedcfii,,,--, Vul pp 5'W-544 (USLJRIj ABSTMACT: spectj-~', --tl.ud (Ref 1) i-,~ t!wd tJ11.,-,e- Of li'4UM plus v,~,pul"; 1,11e .:!e fact t`c-t tli,,, -,elective fvaptr~--fl.icn (or reten!ADL) of i comnone~.t is dep,,ndel--t on tM type of in-~er! (i.e. ultim~~tel,; zhe tvpe -)f euil.lbrium diat,r,-i). discl---~r6es ";PQ tiIi-ouj. the vL;pu,ir, of -~lluy; the surf-~;P-e cf C! i~lecti,ude t~,~co e,c. dc-pleted ev -t- 11 - I - (solil- -~tk,: , iff u; i,,:i e is Lo biiial-y il-L V,'~Ach ozily diai~rr-.!ii exiEit, :in~i vvkt.~ie ~~,e type of C'A, t, ,':tivfor,~ 0. Card 113 be n~-,,Zily -c,-t,~,IiEhed (frol-~I the Jevi,~ttioi--F: fj Dete, An tion of at HiL-b Temperciture,, 1),,, Specz,-f-l jav: (-)rj v- 41le Tbe Cu - 1: i e I' D, 0 f ll("U- ~tl C... C, 1:: e 1, y 1 !y If F i f 1 Y.-: r' line,,~ of C u IT IT,2 use.~ il, Iii-e! i velu. t'- v,- -iiule !~~-lu~(J-v p, ~11 (mid-11c, I io-l, It is i: - t e U(-. ~~ j f PO e n t ~l 1 01.11 v,?r-,-- t,-_ -,ct-'ve uv. 1.,.t 'L -,I, :~li r (J v i ~Jt- o Card 2/3 71-22,1 7P Deteri_Anrition of the Type c,f _-;h'Ise ful, -'u-Ii at H it;h Tempe r~-j ture ~, by S De c' jinn, ASSOCIATIORS: Khar'kuvs_I:iy t,()-z. L,~,_.Is'QveiuITj aniver,,:itet i:_.eni A. M. Gor ' ko~_ c (K`-1- Ikov,3tatue Universi Uy Lliezii A. M. Gorlkiy) ui(] p,-)1ite*1-I-iI,iicheshiy insti6ut i,-.eni V.I.Lunina (10iartkov Z',oIYL,,-chni.-;.1 Institute Laeiii V. I. Lenin) SUIUITTED: Septe,ater 15, 1'1:5(. 1. Copper-nickel allloys--Analysis 2 Copper-nickel ailoys,Sintering 3- Copper-nickel alioys--Phase studies 4. Hydrogen--Appiications Card 3/3 AUTHOR: Palatnik, L. S. SGV/126-~-11-26/~L- TITLE: Use of Spectral Analysis with Multicomponent Allc)~-s .,L Hi6h Temperatures (0 primenenii spektral'not-,u k issledovaniyu m-norSokomponeritnykh splavov v oblasti v,ysokik:,-. temperatur) PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i I.Aetallovedeniye, 195'j, Vol L., E_- pp 565-56? 066R) ABSTRACT: Palatnik attempts to dispose of the objectioi,s il, he previou ;rf 1- t " s paper by sayint, -that the procesEes occa . 11 at electrodes in spar', dischar6es h~_ive not been stadiuj -.t very hi -h te:,peratul-ec; he tries to support his diffusion theory by tLet the period of lattice vibrut-ion is much shorter than 10-6 sec, thou6h this has no re~,l bearin,~ on the issue. Some other theoretical re6ardin, tne generiil application to determinint- of phase diabra-m he advaiced are considered (in ~i i~ote fruzi the editor~i) to indicatt! Lh,~t further di-cus~~Ion o.- the topic is useles.- until more experi.;ienta-1 aLd thecretic;;l work has been done. There are 7 references, ~-ll Soviet. SUBMITTED: March 16, 1957 Card 1/1 1. Metals--Spectrographic analysis 2. Spectrographic analysis--Theory 3. Spectrographic analysis--Tbinperature factors 4. Eiectrj,, Jisbharge --Properties 5. Diffusion--Theory