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PA1T4_,_Aq__WALCZAK, W. ; SHUGkR, D. Oxygen and dose-rate effects on survival curves of I-irradiated transforming DNA in the presence of protective substances. Acta biochim. polon. 9 no.3:227-237 162. 1. State Institute of Hygiene, Whreseva. (DESOXYRIBONUCLEIG ACID - radiation effects) (SULMDRYL COMFOUNM - pharmacology) (THIOUREA - pharmacology) (CYSTEINK - pharmacology) PAKULA, ROMN. Paciorkowee. Warszawa, Poland. Panstwowy Zaklad Wydewn. Lekarskich, 195L., 126p. Yonthly List of Eurrpean Accessions (FYAT) Y, Vol. ", no. 7, Jilly In5o Uncl. PAKULL, Roman, Dr med., GMSKA, Jadviga, dr med.; PAGO'4SKA-WAWRZTKSKA# UM%LW &qswwrv med. HoaWlutination reaction in primary chronic rheumatism. Pvst~p7 reumat. no.1:102-113 1954. 1. 2 Panetwowego Zakladu HlgierW Dyrektor: vrof. F-Przesmucki Panetwowego rnstytutu Reuntologicznego Dvrektor: prof. dr 1. L icher. (ARTHRITIS, RHRUMATOrD, immunology, hemagglut.) (MUGGLUTINATION. ta vartolas diseases, rheum. arthritis) --grgOgn, 4 fl WAY,- %ff4 tbod tift 'DfL mom Dom Mikov Q sod AN __p 'Aft.$*p -bfind vtty 10 ts in Ft 1. 40 -espftttb Itabou 7he ty In the Aml prepli. per. is, (baked fall* , Mp WWI X InT V i~ PAKUTA,- Roman, Warszawa, Chocimsks, 24 P.Z.H. Certain streptococcal enzymes and their therapeutic use; streptokinase and streptodornass. Pediat.polska 30 no.10: 967-973 Oct. '55. kSTRWODORNASE AND STFYPOKINASI. pharmacol.) PAKULA, Roman; TTC, Marian Application of a lytic faetor from Streptomices (Actinom7ces) for extraction of deRoxyribonuclaic acid from bacteria. Med. doew. vnikrob. 8 no.4:521-528 1956. 1. Z Zakladu Baktoriologii Panetwowego Zakladu Higiony w WarBzawie. (DPMXYRIBONUCLHIC ACID, determination. in bact., Isolation with Actinomyces lytic factor (Pol)) (BACTERIA. desox7ribonucleic acid, extraction with Actinomyces lytic factor (Pol)) (ACTIND14YCICS, lytic factor, extraction of desoxyribonucleic acid from bact. (Pol)) PAKULA. Rorian: RABCZTNSKA, Felleja-. IWAVSKA, Krystyus NNAMMEWsba lpidomtology of Infections of the upper respiratory tract vith Staphylococcus resistant to antibiotics In hospitallsed patients treated witb chloramphenicol. Prsegl. apidAms., Vareso 10 19-24 1956. 1. Z Zakladu Baktariologil Panstw. taidadu Higlemy w Varesswie. NicpococcAL mricTIoNs. rasp. tract, antibiotic resist. types in patients treated with chloremphealcol. (Pol)) (RASPIRATOff TRACT. diseases. sterococc&l Infect. resist. to antibiotics in patients treated with chlorwWbenlcol. (Pol)) (CHWUMMICOL, t'hempeutic use. reep. alcroccal Infect. resist. to antibiotics In patients treated with chlormphenicol. (P01)) (ANTIBIOTICS. resistance and sensitivity. m1crococcal infect. of re*p. tract. resist. to antibiotics in patients treated with chloramphenicol. (Poi)) XNALSXA, Janina; PAVIA, Roman Studies on I)aeteriaphage receptors in Streptococcus pYogenes. Med. doswo mikrob. 11 no,3:255-266 1959. 10 Z Zakladu 3akteriologii PER w Waresawle, (STRRPTOCOCCUS PTOGMMS) (BACTERIOPRAGB) PAKULA. Roman; HULOICIA, Edmunds; WALCZAK, Wlodzimiers Sensitivity to ultraviolet rays of streptomVeln-resistance characteristics in various bacteria tranaforring DNA. Nod. doew. mikrob. 11 no.3:267-272 1959. 1. Z Znkladu 3akteriologii Panstwovego Zakladu Higieny w Warszswie. (ULTRAVIOLET RAYS, eff.) (DESOXYR11302MCMIC ACID, metab.) (STIMITWUH, pharmacol.) PAKULA, Roman; HUIANIOXA-BANKOWSILA, Idwands; WALCZAK, Wlodsimiers Uss of Bacherichis colt extracts on photoreactivation of transform- Ing desoxyribonuelete acid from Stapbylococcus and Diplococcus, pneumonize damaged by ultraviolet rays. Ned.doev.mikrob. 12 no.4: 339-349 160. 1. Z Zakladu Baktoriologii Panetvowago Zakladu Higiany v Warssavie. (ISCHMCHIA COLI) (ISSOXYRIBONUCL19IC ACID chem) (STAPHYLOCOCCUS attea) (DIPLOCOCCUS PUMMAN ches) (ULTRAVIOLET RAYS) PANULA,Roman ---- Genetic function of nuclele acids, their atrticture and bioavntheals. Pbetepy hig.ned.doew 14 no.3:253-269 160. 1. Z ZaklMu Bakteriologli Panstwowego Zakladu Higieny v Warszawie (NUCLILIC ACMS) (GUITICS) PAKUIA, Roman Interspecific transformations as a means of determining genetic relationships in streptococei. Acts, microb. polon. 10 no.3:241~-254 161. 1. From the State Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw. (STREPTOCOCOS) PAKULA, Roman Organization of genetic materials in bacteria. Postepy hi.g, i --.ej, dosw. 15 no.2:125-145 161. 1. Z Zakladu Baktoriologii Panstwovego Zakladu Higieny w Warszawie. (BACThalA genotica) (cHRomosamis) PAKULA, Roman; F!_-.CH0WSKA, Miroslawn; BANKOWSKA, Edmunda; WALCZAK, Wlodziji(;rz A characteristic of DNA mediated transformation systems o,.r' streptococcal strains. Acta microbiol. polon. 11 no-3:205-222 162. 1. From the Depari,ment of Bacteriology, State Institute of 1!yUier.(-, Warsaw. (MAY BACTEERIAL) (STii~.PTOCOCZUS) POLAND CY.,_~ULSKA, Janina and PAUiULA, Romaa, Department of :_~acteriul- 0,~)' (Zaklad 3aktoriolo.-ii) PZ11 [Panstwouy Zaklad Higiony, State Institute of flygiene~ in Warsaw (Director: Prof. Dr. E. WOiCIECHOWSKI) fiStreptococcal Polyglucosidase. 1. AModium Suitable for Polyt.-lucosidase Production." h'arsaiv, Medycyna Doswiadezaina i Vol 15, No 3 I 63, pp 177-167 : rAuthors' English summary modified] Authors give Abstract L I the details of the media used and studies made of the pro- duction of poly-.lucosidase by Streptococcus sanguis and Chal- lis. They found that ma-ximum production of the enzyme did not correspond with the maximum growth of the microorganisms. Optimum medium for the enzyme production was the one contain- in- peptone and yeast dialysates with empirically determined quantity of caseine hydrolysate, which besides maximum yield also created best conditions for the concentration and puri- fication of the enzyme. Addition of glucose inhibited syn- thesis of poly&lucoside, but not production of the enzyme. 22 refs: 4 Polish, 5 German, and the others English. 1/1 PAKULA Roman- OSOWIECKI, Henr7k; MDDZELEWSKA, Danuta A simple technique for isolation of mutants of Eacherichia coli B resistant to ultraviolet radiation. Acta microbiol. Pol. 13 no.2:113-118 164. 1. From the Department of Microbiology and Hygiene, Medical School, Warsaw. CYBULSKA, Janina; PAKULA, Raman Polyglucosidases in the genus Streptococcus. II. Effect of some factors on the synthesis of dextrm by polyglucosidase. Hed. doew. mikrobiol. 15 no,4:273-284 163 I. Concentra- _Mtoaaccus. TI tion and purification of the enzyme. :rbid&285-292 1. Z Zakladu Bakteriologii PZH w Varszawia. CyBUISKA, isnina; PAOU, R Pb3yglucosidases in the evil Str*PtOCOCCW- I- OPtix= gnvironmental conditions ftr the synthesis Of POlY9lUCOGid&G08- Ned. dosw. mikrobiol. 15 no.3:177-187 163. 1. Z Zakladu Bakteriologii PZH w Warazavie Kierownik: prof. dr 9. Wojaiechwski. (GLYCOSIM HYDRMWES) (STRZPTM~CCUS) (MZTABOLISM) PAKULA, Rcean; CYBULSKA, Janina; WAL~ZAK, Wlodzimierz The effect of environmental factors an transformability of a Streptococcus. Acta microbiol. pol. 12 no-4:245-257 163. 1. From the Department of Microbiology, Institute of Biochemistry and Biopbysics, Polish AcadeW of Sciences, Warsaw, and from the Department of Bacteriology, State Institute of Hygiene, Warsaw. (STREPTOCOCCUS) (DNA, BACTERIAL) (CHLORAMPHENICOL) (PHARMACOLOGY) (MUTATION) OSOWIECKI, Hearyk; PAKULA, iioman Studies on stfLphylococc&l desoxyrtbonucleic acid. IV. Purification and properties of staphylococc&l desoxyribonualease. Med. doev. Tni obiol. 15 no.1:1-11 163. 1. Z Zalaadu Mikrobiologii i Higieny AM w Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr R. P4Kaa. (DESOXYRIBONUCLEASE) (STAPHYLOCOCCUS) (CHEMISTRY) OSOWIECKI . Henryk; FAKULA, Roman Studies on staphylococcal desoxyribonnalease. I. Measurement of the activity of staphylococcal desoxyribonucleass bV the Viscosimetric method. Med. dmw. mikrob. 14 no.3:173-183 162. 1. Z ZeklAdu Mikrobiologii i Higieny AM v Warazavie. (DESOMBONUCLFASE chem) (STAPHYLOCOCCUS chem) OSOVIECKI, Henryk; FAKULA, Romen Studies on staphylococcal desoxyribonuclease. II. Enviromental factors In the production of desoxyribonualease by Staphylococcl. Med. dosw. -i ob. 14 no-3:185-191 162. 1. Z Z.Wdadu Mikrobiologii i Higieny AM w Warazavie. (STAPHYLOCOCCUS metab) (DESOXYRIBONUCIYASE metab) PO L AN C, v S., .,, Hon -) k at i~- LA. Rwi,wi Do -3artmvin t c 6t !lv.-i on e o i r LA ed e., I A'. ..d Dc, I-) I* a r s ar c ?U I o Lh V j tj fl, I tj Wpt a t i Loa ~t Jo I r a '%-I th 0 T- ~k r c "t e r ft .11 e 0~0 d w rt o f% t LN A- as 13 11) v a 1* 1 1.) 1r -ie Tit, s-L u t i-i, P r - t,, I c al a C. 19 1-; o r~ I a 'L Cr I Z-) L -,j t I oj a a L3 -' 0 X 1L -k 11) 11.1 '. :" ` -.'10 .M, r e c i a t It 1 Ch t 1-i e tnnu ~tl 1t P LN A ,L 11 L 0!let a r Pel jj fjl PARMA Roman NDtea on the scientific session on 'Nucloic acid." Kosmos biol' 31 no.4:477-484 162. Jr , PAY,ULA,_IVszard,_dr Inz.; HAUSMAN, Stanialftw, mgyr Inz. Anniversary address. 3osp waAna 2-, -0, Ag-S 1. Ghairman of the Association of Hydraulic and Soil I'miirovemerit Fngineers and Technicians, Main Fxecut;vo buard, Varnnw (,*(',r Pakula) . 2. Secretary General of tne A.9sociation of HyJrn,111- and Soil Improvement Fngineern and Techni:-ians, Main 'xp-itivp Board, Warsaw (for Hausman). PAKUU, R-,,szar-dj S.'-,ZYCI:-'I.I, Bohditr, ID eli-:, 'Li C. ' ' " :am 4 - --- &r. 4 i ', s --s ~h,,-- *,~ es *,e.-s '. - -,c,-i -;- . I .. - - phosphoric a~'a. Arta Pr-1. phem. 22 --1:49-53' 1 t~~ - 1. Z Zakladli; 71 &innioe! Ir:--ty-.,u!.,.i Ffirmac eutyczri ego w War- e I szaw'e (K4er,-,d-.jk: --*r,z. F. Kazimierczak). PAVIA. Zofia A case of arthrogryposis in an adult camplicated by ankylosing spondylitis. Reum. pol. 1+tll3w-121 161. 1. Z Inatytutu Reiamatologii v Warszawie.Dyrektor: dr mod. Wl. Bruhl. (SPONDYLITIS ANKYLOSING) (JOINT DISFASES) LUFT, Stanislaw; PAKUIA, Zofia Arthropathis. peoriatica in siblings. Reumatologia (Warsz.; 1 no.1:55-60 163. 1. Z Tretyt-atu Reumatologlomego w Warazavie (Dy-rektort dr med. W.L. Bruhl). S1 1-3 7/6 1/000/00 2P 11 /0 A006/AOCI rranslation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurglya, 1961, No. 2, p. 33, # 2D302 AMBORB: F'ovolotakly, D.Ya., Pakuleva, V.S. TITIE- Heat Treatment Prevenring the Format,on of Flakec in th- Marlenci- Class Steels PEREMICAL: "Sb. nauchno-tekhn. tr. N.-i. in-t metallurgii Chelyat. c3vnarkh~,z", 1960, No. 1, PP. 95 - 99 TEXT - Investigations knd semi-i~ndjstrlaL tests were mads to Impn-ve heat-treatment conditions of martensite class steel and sImiltr steels zf '~he perlite-martensite .ilass (18XH(3A(I8KhNVA), 30)(H3A(3OKhNZA), 45XHM(bA (U5KhNMA),' During heat treatment izcthsrmal holding at 250-..~,kOC is employed w~i!-~h prom-'~teE accelerated austenite deCOMDOSitiM,; the treatment is follcmed b, Fof C-ning llew- pering. For instance, blooms of 250 x 250 mm sect i4cn are air cc,,DIeJ after rc.LII~.g to-250 - 300oC, placed In a furnace heated t: _300CC, he'd for 20 hours and hea'~,ed Card 112 5/137/6 1/000/bO2/b 1 1/tL--- A006/AOO I Heat Treatment Preventirg the Formation of Fiakes in the Martensite Class S-teels to 66Cr fcr stress relief diring 4 - 8 hours. A 2ne2k-up perf~:-rmed af,'ar 4 - ~ months did nt~t reveal flakes in the metal. Isc"hermal holding 'rime., iko Shorteneil reduces flake formaticr. Iyy 20%. Mere are 3 rpferennes. A.B. Trazisla--or' s nz,*;eg This is '~ne full translation of the original Russiar abs*-ra, * Card 2/2 KOSSOVqKIT, L.D.. inrb.: PAKULEVA. V.S.. insh. Pseudo Ouperheating in the fracture of 20Kh2N4A steel [with sumary In Inglish]. Stall 18 no. 6:556-558 Js '58. (MITIA 11:7) 1. Chelyabinskiy motallurgichookiy zaved. (Steel--Heat treatment) 1/63/OW/**,,/O*l oil: U126, - qz -min "It.jij pr__ PU, kn -fdr A yp furniow. he rature s The, ZV- "Beal WO;J 0 dj~ Od vab ed- m6d_ -4~d kted- c m r AM Aci for Z4, 'Xitlan, al dim '-z 77 !~'7_ SO V/ 13 3- '78- t- 2 AUTHORS: Kossovskiy, L.D. and ne e r s TITLE: Apparent "Overheatin, in the Yrecture of 3-,eel 2~CDK1--2N,-~A (Lozhny.v "pereFrev" v izlome stali 20Kh2V4A) PERIODICAI,: Stal' , 19,58, Pir q;6 - 9S- ( USSR). ABSTRACT: Th e a- - - e I, ~1 -! Cc o 7, r s e ~r,~ i r, f r -- tu r e 1t E, 2CKh2144A l2.LL"2,,4A and -7'/Kh,l"A ~'urir. tc,;tin( C i j- t bio~)m-s of a cr:Ds----sectiDn 2CC 30~, ~',Lls Jnit-allll 2 r 4 to over!-. eat4~ At-.-'--e-.1tz, '.,.) 1L. tLe strUIC -rc r e a s---L- the heating from 1 220 to 1 190 C 3:;d 11Y or three times r-Deated nDrmalisation and vario,,i4-- soakinL.s at '" erat7.ires werc unsuccesz-ful. It was i-ere- fore decided to coin).').re indices of the qualit,y ~f stef'- .-e2 the last fev; .7it'L Df tests D-' taking into =--sider: t-'J-,:)n cl~ar.Lcs in the tc:ci-.-,,)l:) D- and coolin,: of tLe ,:-etal in the ic-ducin- ShDr JDr tj.;E: j~ The dependence of structure of hardened frpctLLre o n t~', - e v of cooling of blooms - Table 1; the dependence )f properties of speciziens on coolini- cDnditions Df b1coms Table 2. It was found that coarse grain !'r3cture in fracture of steels investigpted -Ls not always caused by overheating and can ap--ear also in the absence of 1.i7.1. uard 1/2 s,- y/ 17, ;~ - ., - -r /7 Apparent "Overheating- in tLe Fr---Icturc of Ster'l. ie1L2NL_A of ingots before rollinL info blooms, d,.z- to blooms in air to 150 - 2~O C beforc clllar-Fi-w- t~ furnace for thermal trc-atment in jrcer to oroverit 11.) e mation Df flakes. by a-o,-)lyinE int;rmediate sl3v; pits of merchant square blooms ~?00 - 300 i;r-.) 1 ef.)-r. t-' c-Ir thcrmal treatment ( to preverit f lalke f orn.z, tJLLDn) coarse grain strucil-ure decreased and ::ec1,an_*,c!il of steels 2M2144A, 12Kh2li4A and 3?Kl--13A ..ere i ov e is stated in the editorial note that the n'1-.,-ve is apparently caused by rccrystalliLuti,~ij -ork-hardened (near to t1.(, critical vuliicl) ste(A. !.U r. C hardeninC, can te catsed by cinsideral-1c appearinE due to the transfori~~ati:)ii j1 site durinn- ciolinL Df b-loj.-_s of lar;e There are 2 t 1 eS ASSOCIATION: Chelyabinskiy --tal1u1:gicheski,-i z~_:vo~l Metallu-i-ical Plant) 0 1. Steel--Fracture 2. Steel--Temperature factors3. ..... Card 2/2 --Heat treatment KRYUKOV, V.P., kand.tekhn.nauk; SAFONOV, A.Ye., inzh.; JIAKULIN, A,A*# inzh.; SAMOYLOV, G.F. Transducers in the equipment for determining the content of iron. lzv.vys.ucheb.zav.; gor.zhur. 7 no.2tl56-159 164, (MIRA 17:3) 1. Ural'skiy rauchno-isaledovatel'skiy institut mekhanicheskoy ob- rabotki poleznykh iskopayemykh. Rekomendovana kafedroy avtomati- zatsii proizvodstverinykh protsessov Sverdlovskogo gornogo insti- tutao PAKULIN, V., inzh. (Sverdlovsk) Attachment to a dictaphone. RAd-.c no.1:31 Ja 166. (Y.-I RA 19: 1 ~ T-AKULjA,-M-j,jnzh. (Sverdlovsk) Temperature signaling device. Radio no.2:42 F 165. (M:?! 18:4) FAKU LIN, V.A., ir,zh. ; I PC,,-, C)j,O?OV, 0. A., ; n~~h. -~--ek. 36 no.1:84-85 Ja 16' C.)ntactless servosystem. _1 (MIRA !p: 3, FAKULINAp L.Ye. Amount of P-32 in the internal organs of rate after its injection in various chemical compounds; data frm contact radiography. Vop. onk. 6 no.5t25-32 My 160. (MIRA 14:3) (PHOISPHORUS-ISOTOPES) (TUMORS) PAKULINA, L.7e. ----- ---- - . - Intratissue introduction of p32 in the form of colloidal chromium phosphatel experimental research. Med. rad. 8 rio.4W-22 AP163 (MIRA 170) 1. 1z radiyevo-y laboratorii ( zav. - doktor med. nauk N.D. Perumova) Inatituta ankologii AM SSSR. Lunak-L-Is. (leningrad, X-156, pr. Fmgellm, 28, kv.77) .. ........ Prolonged cure of adenocareiroma of the rect= attained by telegams irradiation. Voponk. 8 no.WMO 162. (MM 150) 1. Iz kabineta toleg-sterapii (saw. - d-r med.uu& W.D. Perwwva) bwtituta. onkologii ANN SSSR (dlr. - deysty. cU. 09 SSSR, prof. A.I. Serebrow). (RECTUM-CANCIM) (GAM RkMi.-THERAFEMC MM) I It A, L. Yc. PAKULINA, L. Ye--"Skin Sarcoma. "*(L'.i--q~ertqtion for Deo-reeq in Science iij-- lefened at U3SR Hiz,h,~r AcRe. Ve~,C~i 3c~ 3, Council of ~r.DuD Of' Lenin:-rad :ns~..Jtw~es, Leninxrs~, 17,== SO- Knizhnaya Letaois' No. `~, IQ "un r-r- * For Degree of In -e:`ic:~l Sciences 77 Tl 89 O N '.none--, _ij _U _N%X41 c0 B Urto Oor- 001 - D PRESS J, tP- ~7 KM9 I.A.; PAKUIA)V, V.A. Results of quantitative estimation of passerine birds in the Manskoye Belogorlys, Eastern Sayans. Uch. zap. Yxas. gos. ped. inst. 15:257-263 159. O-IIU 1.4:12) (Manskoye Belogorlye--Passeriformes) PAKUWV, V.A Permeability of the cocoon and tissues of pupae of the Siberian silkwoxmi (Dendrolimus sibiricuis TSchtv.) to ultraviolet radiation. Uch. zap. Kras. eos. pad. inst. 15:275-279 '59. (MIRA 14:12) (Ultraviolet radiation-Physiological effect) (Hotba) V Trarz3fen 'n 1~r on'. 1r K! ii. Ike iwri -'k r. mrid. %i-' a Lubi le:,. mf--d PAKULA. R.; PSTRAGOWSKA, W.; PAKULSKA, J.; OSWIBCINSKA, H.; RABCZYNSEA, F.; FMASZICK, Z. Course of scarlet fever in children treated with penicillin and hospitalized in general wards with normal admissinn of patients to wards. Pediat. P010M 32 no.1:83-93 Jan 57. 1. Z Panetwowego Zakladu Higieny w Warazawie Dyrektor: prof. dr. mM. F. Przatrycki I Miejskiego SzpItala Zalmznego Nr 1 w Warexavie Kisrownik naukowy: prof. dr. J. Bogdanowicz. Adres: Warszawa. ul. Volska 37. Klintim Chorob ZWmsnyeb Dziecl. (SCARLIM FVM, ther. penicillin in non-isolated hosp. wards (Pol)) (PMUCILLIN, ther. use scarlet fever, in non-isolated hosp. wards (Pol)) 'A J . ; I Ail, ~-, Ii , V. The rropert-Jes of cast-i-ron ti.t in,- for r % -ii- shalts. p. 'I')". (FM'-',(;LA. 'I)LUW'11(,T1,%A. Vol. 7, No. f-, June 167, i.rax?w, Poland.) SO: Monthly List of Last Elaropean Arc(ssi ns (HA'.) c. Vol. ~ , No. October 1 3~7. 1 -cl. LUJMKI, Albin; PAKUIZKI, Janusz Wasbor pipes of nev grades of steel, Metal i odlew no,10:126- 127 163. 1. Ute&a Metaloznawstva Odlevniczego, Akademia Gorniezo- flutnicza,, Xrakow. KALINSKI, Albin, mgr. inz.; FAKUISKI, Janusz, mgr. inz. Screw casimgp made from new types Gf steel. Wafta 18 no.4:98-101 Ap 162. 1. Akademia Gorniezo-Ilutnicza, Krakow. PAK.ULYAK, Z.V., inzh.; XUCHERENKO, P.P., inzh. Study of the anthracite culn grinding operation of a SBN 400/8M (Sh-50) bell mill. Elek. sta. 35 no. 4j18-20 Ap 164. (MIRA 170) 1~ Acc -AP61 -Nat- )T SOURCE CODE: 413/66/ooo/oo 050/0050 3/0 A'I :P R.P.: ACC~Mqs- -AP6W7650 R AIM -'erw-Tok w o laqgj~ 2,-4M.3 rips, at 09, belt Atird SUBN ,I. I .) v VASILITNV,A.; ZAPASHOT,A.; IL'INSKIY,Te.; PAKUSHIN,V.; SHXVCHUK,S. Business accounting for highway-operation sections. Avt.dor.17 no.1:6 Jl-Ag'54. (KLRA 8:10) (Roads--letimates and costs) VENDROVSKIY, K.V.; PAKUSHKO, I.S. Relation between lighMeWW'ItTfity, resolving power &M size of emulsion grains of photographic emulsions. Zhur.nauch. i prikl.fot. i kin. 9 no.206-101 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17%4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy kinofotoinstitut (NIKFI). PARED.. A.G. Soil toxicoais and its effect on the distribution of Azotobac- ter in some soi-I types of Azerbaijan. Iz-v. AN Azerb. SSR. Ser. biol. i med. nauk no.8:101-10'7161. (141,,A 16:8) (AU~bAIJAI,~-AZOBACTER) PARMIJI. A.G. Microflora of saline soils in the center of the southeastern part of the ShIrvan Steppe. Dokl.AN Aserb.SM 11 n0-8:561-566 l.Institut pochwavedenlya I WokhWI AN Aserbardshanakay SSR. Pftfttxrleno daystv. chlenois AN Aserbaydahanskoy SGR A.1.1areyewya. (Shirwan steppe-Soil u1croorgaulaus) PAKUSIN, A. G., Cand Biol Sci -- (diss) "Microflora of the subtropical soils of the Lenkoranskaya zone." Baku, 1960. 25 pp- (Acadeviv oi ~,ci- ences Armenian SSR, Div-isicn of BioloFical Sciences); 15C cc-:- - --. (KL, 22-60, 134) PAKUSIV, A.G. Soil microflora in the subtropical Lenkoran zone. Izv. All Azerb. SSR. Ser. biol. i med. nauk no.31149-159 '60. (MIRA 13:7) (LENKORAN LaWD--SOIL MICIM.-ORGANISMS) USSR/Microbiology. 3oil Microbiology F-3 kbs Jour Ref Zhur-Eiologiya, No 1, 1`117, ',6' Author Z. G. Pakusin Inst Title Microflora of 3alty 3oils of 'UhQ Central Part of 3outheastern Shirvania Orig Pub Dokl. AN Azerb SSR, 1955, 11, No 8, 651-666 Abstract By plantin,- samples of different salty soils of ._~hirvania, Gathered on the basis of their --,-enetic orip:in in the zone of the roots of ;rrass vegetation and outside of it, on usual nutrient media, it -was established t,-lt the total number of bacteria, fun,---,* , --l-ra actinomyce3 ;-jas Card 1/2 USSR/Microbiologry. Soil Microbiolot-,y F-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur-2iolo:-_Jy-jq NO 19 1957, 565 Abstract considerably -rreater unler the ;zrasses than in soils wit-out vegetation, Azotobacters were found almost every- where in salty soils; they can develop, however, only under vegetation. Card 212 XHUM. Sh.S.. professor;,.PAKUSIM, 03. W-MMOMMO-1 yunctional state of the oancreas in epidemic parotitis. Sov.sed. 21 no.3:121-122 Wr 157. (KLRA 10:7) 1, Is kafedry infektalowWkh bolezney (say. - prof. Sh.B.Chalfen) Aserboydzhouskogo instituts usovershenstvowdalya Yrachey (dir. M.I. Aliyev) (MUM. menifestatione pancreas) (PANCRIAS. in various dim. Mumps) KHALM, Sh.S., prof.; ZRAMV, I.I.; SHTIMI, Ye.A.; PAWSINA. O.Y.; F rLD(OROVA, V - A - (B aku) Pneumonia in influepta during the 1957 pandemic [with summary in EngltZb Terap.ark~'.#IL31.. n0-1:77-82 Ja 159. (MM 12:2) 1. Iz infektsionnoy kliniki i kafedry rentgenologii Azerbaydzhanskogo institute usovershenBtvovaniya rrachey. (MlUftA, compl. pneumonia (Rua)) (PHNUMONIA, etiol. & pathogen. influenza (Rua)) mWSI11A. O.V. -;71 -- Observations of late results of Botkin's disease. no.6:70-73 Je '59. (MIRA 12:9) 1. Iz kca:?edry lnfek-tsionnvkh bolezney (zav. - pro!.Sh.S. Khalfen) Azerbavdzhanskopo institute, usovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (UBUNCHI--HSPATITIS, DO-ECTIOUS) PAIM-SHKIN. A.Ye., slesarl (Odessa) Dies for the manufacture of anticreepers. Put' i put. khoz. no-8:36 Ag 159. (MIRA 13:3) l.Odeaskiye putevyye doroshuyys manterskiye. (Dies 0(atsivorking)) (Railroads-3quipment aud supplies) sib so o i I&* so 00 po 00 of 00 so HU A. V,I jw.. u"=.. Am& dbullmd swim ilmombft as 0 a Nam. WPM. T Kam The =w NOL W'L* I PC*% IMO=w 494-SL& 421"VAG" LIMMATUM CL60MU"W low "OSAT Ow Ag, lee v 009 lee i Moo -400 moo mwo ,.Moo goo 400 see Goo IG* goo woo me ll;;i;llo weaved as as won gap *0 090909*066-96000 so goo 000*000000000000000 0 0 * 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 001000'.0- 000009*00090000000 09* 0 a c 9 OF 4 a a L a v 0 go a I I w a u n a 2 11W a m a IS IS? - I I. ~T. - 00 / z- 00- o F 0 0 9 0 0 0 dOUVXdMW13 IWAV4801 "I TTWAIW 911*01-9 -P Rommm" Is 00 00 00 i Pee too "sloe [-see see i goo r 00 goo Oft., Moo`* 0, 0 .., PAKUSHKO, I.Z.; VENDROVSKIY, K.V. Photographic properties of foreign photographic filns. &ur.nauch. i prikl.fot. i kin. 9 no.2:142-151 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17:4) VENDROVSKTY, K.V.; FAKUSHKOP J.Z. Halation fcrmation In photograph'Lc em;;slons. Usp.nauch.fct. 164. (YlRA 1"1,10/, ACCUSION MR o AP4026816 B/OM/64/009/002/0096/0102 AVMMS Toodrovowle Zo To$-.PwbwhkDV I, Ze Imu, On the p two= li&t sonsitivity# rovolvft powest and lr-R~i~ WA3AiGU XMIS dimension of photogrophio film w=CXs Sh-ml, usuabnoy I priklaftV totWafil L 11 9, n6. 21 1, %-102 J. IMO 2M1' lidbt SGUNitiTiVi, TOSOITiSkE POWSWP 003110iOn SMin, PhOtOgm*lo film, -silver dolosito Contrast Goofficlout AMMOTO A large umber of negative film frca vwims firm (e.g.9 Adox, Agfaq, Iculake S~ku=o ooo) has been in"stUpted, mmA the smodomme light smaj- tiV11W 8 VW=8 MR PrOJIGUOR UNDS, "&" Of 00" MAIN Was 81860101"A an the basis of 0.05 mod 0.2 film criteria. Mw results dow a fmuctium4 depoodows beta - 3 and we wpm"" 1w S - A elf It Is obsuved *at as moximmus ountrast oWfl- I." alga =a rate at friwt or b6itmot am be detwulm" wt omV 1W a pbotoostric equivolom but by tbe onvw &*pelt pw adt film mullboo areso Soomm of this "Zietr at flu smaterls," used Is as StOr um to a mus, worielf In liot 1/2 PAKUTA, R.; LEVINSON, L.; BABCZYNSKA, F. wwowr,~~ Variability of Streptocaccus viridans under the effect of oulfathiasole. penicillin. and ebloramphanicol. Zhur.mikro- biol. spid. I immun. no-8:115 Ag '55 (MLRA 8:11) (STR9MGOCCUS) (ANTIBIOTICS) (SULYATHIAEDLI) BALUKYAVICHYUS, Yu.K. [Balukevicius, J.], inzh.; PAKUTINSKENE, Z.S. [Pakutinakiene, Z.], inzh. From practices in dull finishing of furniture. Der.prom. 11 no.10:24 0 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Lithuania-Furniture) (Wood finishing) -- a a x 1, l, $I wousav solos, wo 1) it * .ove 0 A -A-2 -A At A_ _A~,L 00 TL" 0 IX a nil kA t 00 -40 -00 00 0 VOL. 1-1"I 9e .0 0 00 . fee 06 vo 00 of &0 w 00 see tA 0 62 1 At L UN&K At ITIMPAI&I" too" too A u " I so 00 :0 0 0 0 let *,*a Ole, ::4 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 60. 09 0 0 ;o 0 00000 PAL, A - V., 7v. -)J. ll.ontl-ly List haropean Acce-'-', IQ 3,, lzrch -1 PAL, ';~. R~L, i.. Accidents and their prevention In th- wood indutitry. F .242. Vol. L. . -In. B. Aug. 1954, FAIPAR. budajiest, hungary. SOURCE: East European Accessiins List (EF-AL' Vol. 6, No. 4-April 1-,--7 PAL, A. Cand Pbye-Math Sol -- (diss) OAnaly-tical interpolation theory of - ~Axtre&$&AwWM." lbs. 1957. 7 pp 22 am. (Hoe State Univ im W. V. lemonosov. i State Astronamioal Inst im P. K. Shternberg), 100 eopies. (KL, 15-57, 104) -7- GES, Gh., prof. univ.; PAL, A., conf. univ. (Cluj) Infinite space and time problem in astronomy. Gaz met fiz 15 no.9:"9-462 S 863. 0 c 0* 00 oes 608 ood 906 000 god 00 U 0151ISS41 4WD peopoot-ts -044 Pr Mom w in mokft O"b- 1'ech 3, r. ; see .2600 Ce 0~ so so Mae 1.1d" Cill 0,131 mt'l 41,181 go GeV ASI 1, 0 0 AO A I N 0 0 0 1 9 N W At fe a pupwiploultolow n a a- I A , , '00000 00 000000 009.0 0 *1;; 0 0 0 0 0 0000000 0 PALp Arpad The analytic theory of the interpolation of the notion of the minor planet (5) Astasa. Studii core mat Cluj 10 no.1:63-132 159. (EW 10:6) (Mechanics, Calestial) (Planets) (Interpolation) PAL, Arped Comparism of the interpoUtion ana2yUc tboory af the 21ttle PU=t Astrasa vith the resulU of obsermtiou. Stutii astron malmnal 8 no.2-.159-165 063. PAL- _#~ _Z= Well varianto in the problem of tbree bodiee. -'7tTAd4' i " tr r, r. asiawl 8 no.2z47-274 163. 1. ObBervatorul astronomic Cluj. CHIS, Ghecrghe; PAL, Arpad On tne Y Teonis photometr'c binary Inal.ability. Studil astron 9 no. lill,-27 '64~ 1. Astroncaical ---bservatory, Claj. CH13, Gheorphe; TODORAN, loan; PAL, Arpad Visual observations of the earthle art!fIcinl satellites carried out at Station 1132 of the Astronomical Observatory of the Babes-Bolyai University, Clii,i, during 1062. "Itudil astron 9 no. 1-113-120 164. 1. Astronomical Observatory, Clu.j. PAL, Arpad A critei ion of iJentificati-r- -f tne eart!~ satellit~--s. Studia Univ B-B S. MRth-Phys '4 no.2:4)-ej~, 164. CHIS, Gheorghs; PAL, Arpad _ Vinwl observatinns of artificial satellites of earth carried oft at Station No.1132 of the ABtronomical Observatory of "Babes- Bolyai" 'University, Cluj in 1963. Studil astron 10 no.1:127-134 165. 1. Astronomical Observatory, Cluj. Submitted March 14, 1964. PAL, B. -woftiWO-11114 Ocem,rence of @pulls in children. Ory.betil. 91 n0-32:996-998 6 Aug 5 0. (CIM 20:3) 1. Dental office of the Baja School. PHASE I WOK EXIWITIATION SOV/55T3 Akadcmiya nmik GSSR. AotrorA=dcbaskiy wmt Byullet,-nl stantsiy optichaskoGo nablyud--niya is)maatvennykh aputrilkav Zcmll. no. 5 (15) (Acaderv of Sciences of the USSR. Autronomic Council. 1101 tin of the Stations for Optical Ob3cmution of Artificial Earth Satellites. 110. 5 (15)) Moscow, 1960. 17 P. 500 copies printed, Sponsoring Agency: Astronomicheskiy sovet Alradumil n&uk Sam, Resp. Ed.: Ye. Z. Gindin; Ed.. D. Ye. Shchegolev; Secretary: 0. A. Govemays. PURPWE: This bulletin in intended for scientists and engineers concerned with optical tracking of artificial catellitea, COVERAM: The bulletin contains six articles,two of which deal with the con- struction and operating principles of two now semiaut=atic tolencopes for tracking satellites. Two other articles am concerned with the reduction of data from photographs and the determi4ation of satellite orbital pmramters. Card 1/4 Academy or Sciences (Cont.) SUI/5573 The rem-ining articles discuss visual satellite observations and the results of photograrhic observations or the satellites 1.958 6 1 n-nd 1958 6 v. Wo paroonalities are mentioned. There am 2 references: 1 Soviet and I English. TAMS OF CO=,.xlt'rS: Tlyt, V. M. [Institut fizihd I astronomii All ESSR,- Tartu Institute of Physics and Astrono=y of the Academy of Sciences of the ESSR, Tartu). A New Sato III to -Tracking Instrument LUB-3 EynaDto, Ya. E. (In3titut fiziki I astronomil AN FZSR, Tartunkly goaudarstvennyy universitet - Institute of Physics and Astronomy of the Acadeny of Sciences of the ESS1, Tartu State University). Semiautomatic Telescope for Obserration of Satellites Belanko, V. I., and 1. A. Khasanav. (Moskva, Astrosovet- Astronomic Council, Moncay~ Determination of Time and Position for Six Pointe of the SateUite Track on Photographs Tolen by 1jeans of a Ca=ra6 vith Moving P12= (KPP) Designed by PanaioWv 10 Card 2/ 4 Academy of Sciences (Cont.) SCV/5573 Firago, B. A. Inlamaya autronondcheakayn observatoriya AN 95SR, PuLkovo -- Pulkovo Main Astronomical Obaervatory of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR). On Considering the Apparent Rotation of the Celestial Sphere While Determining the Coordinates of Satellites With the Aid of Photographs Taken With Azimuth Cameras 12 Almary I., and D. Pal. (Astronomic Observatory of the Academy of Sciences of Hungary]. A New Mothod of Visual Satellite Observation by I-Ilzans of AT - 1 Telescopes 14 Tiu-chaninova, E. V., and L. H. Sherbaum. Renults of Photographic Ibrservations of Artificial Earth Satenites (Positions of the Sputniks According to Photographic Observations at the Astro- 1958 6 and 6 2 nomic.l~Ob.ervatory of Kiyev State University) 16 Observers: 0. 1. Babichp P. N. Polupan, Ye. V, Sandakova, A, P, Stefanovp Zh. M. Shcherban'. Calculations: L. M. Sberba=. Measumment-B -A on M-3 instrument Card 3/4 AT-MAE, I.;. FAL, D. Using the AT-1 telescope for visual observotLaw ofArtificial earth satellites. BIul.St&.opt.nabI.Isk."t.Z=. ao.5:14-15 ,6o. (KIRA 13; 11) 1. Astronomichoskaya observatoriya AM Tengrii (for Alma , Pal). (Artificial satellites-Tracki4g) ABLOVP A.V-.; PAUDE, D.M. Salts of dibromo- and carbonatodiphenanthrol-inecobalt (III)ion. Zhur.neorg. khim. 6 no.3:601-605 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Moldavskiy filial AN SSSR., Inetitut khimii. (Cobalt compounds) PAL, Endre, dr. Review of cage histories of adult patients in the district, dispensary' of Szecasny. Tuberkulozis 14 no.11:335-338 N 161. 1. A asecasnyl jarasi tanace the gondozointozet (Vezeto,:,rjs-* Pal 1hdre dr.) koslenen". (TUBERCULOSIS statiBt) PAL, lh&e, dr. Our tasks in the dovelopinnt of dispensary services for tuberculous patients. Nopegoossepa 43 no.1:15-18 -Ta 162. (TUBEWULOSIS hoop & clin) PAL, lrndre,_ dr. Tuberculosis nprbidity of the vhole population. Tuberkulozin 15 no.4; 115-119 Ap '62. 1. A szeemanyi jarasi tbc gondozo Intezet (vezeto-foox-vos- Pal Fndre dr.) kozlemenye. (TUBERCULOSIS statist) PAL, thdre, dr. Observations on 200 came of recent tuberemlosis in adults. Tuberkalozie U no.12:366-370 D 161. 1. A ssec"nyi jarasi tanaes the gondozo intesete (yezetoorvos: Pal 1hdre dr.) kozleways. (TUBERCULOSIS statist) I,,- PA,L-.-Jkndro.dr.- .. 4-year developmat of clinical work In the Ssocs*ny district during 1954-1957. Tuberkuloxis 13 no.1;19-23 J& 160. 1. A Szoesonyi Jarasi ?be Gondozo Inteset (veseto orvos P&I,Badre, dr.) koslemanys. (7UBIRCUU)SIS hoop. & clin.)