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USSR / Cultivated Plants . Fodder Grass0s and Root Crops. M-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologlya, No 2, 1959, No. 6294 Author Inst Title Pakhomova, L. M. %cad. Scl. USSR, Sibirlan Branch Characterist'.cB of the Water Contunt In Perennial Grasses Orig Pub : Izv. Sibirsk. otd. AN USSR, 195B, No 1, 141-149 Abstract : Experiments were carried out at the botanical Elarden near Ufa with red clover, sickle alfalfa, eainfoin (Flingarian and Trans- Caucasian), white sweet clover (Molitotus alba) smooth and meadow brome, Blender wheatgrass, Roegneria fibrosa, cresteJ wheatgrass and Agro-pyron umbricatum. They were sowed without cover in the spring of 1953 and 1954. The content of water in leaves of perennial grasses Card 1/3 TJ SSR J'-Uj V_ - - -3101-061y"., ?'e f tation our vege Nbs tjj the end Of the the aSila6 I B r(3 lated to Leaves Inished. '-In ocess JeB. more dim Th I q Pr 1- -tile till", i period- colloid 11 OB conta 11 -wild -10613Matic 11mincus SrasB Leaves of Of P ronn, 0611e6 reals. than those of c e., Water of PO than I reyInj al water sses COr-ta T e Pe or a or gra ted Ones' 0-11OVILn6 f cultiva rl irl t1le f ter In their those 0 disPOso- t Of wa swoot 'lovert r0 on 0 gra5505 a to the c lo M-1 OUB BainfOing ,ccordirG r? the _ r, a~lc &MOTIO Tr sicy'le l e ave S hybrid all vbrid, a wheat- un, riang alfalfa b Uc j creBte th red clover , the cerealB*- smoo eat- f P-M On bricatull" dcr wY 8.1 rOn Cl slon 151-10 'f fa rld Agro-py ty dimin If 8.1 6r ass N Roc)Gperia fibr sa an c ap aci brom(), water retaln'DS j;rass r'ard 2/3 54 - and Root Crops. 1~4-3 -'10glya, No 2, 1959, No. 6294 In the blOOmInS Phase grnss0s and clover; In cereal Perennial clover, sainfoin It 'ncrOasod in sweet taIn,,jg capacity and alfalfa. tYPea Of rod The water r,~_ 01 varlotiOs and ecologIcal and smooth clovOr, hybrid and sickle alfalfa auth 'I-OmO dImInI hod or came tn I,- __ s WI th atzo DOBRUNOV, L.G.; PAKHOMOVA L M.; FAYZULLIN, A.D. Control of sugar beet growth and maturation under conditions of a shorter vegetation period. Fiziol. raat. 9 no-3079-384 162. (M1RA 15:11) 1. Inetitute of Biology of Bashkirian Affiliate of U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Ufa. (Bashkiria-Suger beets) YAW PAKHOPOVA. L.M. _ Features in the water c7cle of perennial grasses. Irv. Sib. cf-. AN SSSR no.1:141-149 15F. (VIRA 11:8) l.Bashk1rski7 filial AN SSSR. (Bashkiria--Grasses) (Plants--Transpiration) NOSOVP M.P.; VDOVICHENKO, A.A.; FAKHOMDVA, L.N. Effect of the conditions of the medium on spontaneous changes in the anisotropy of unoriented nylon fibers. Izv.vyaoucheb, Sav.; tekh.tekat.prom. no.2:19-23 963. (MIRA 16s6) 1. Kiyevskiy filial Vaesoyznogo nauchno-iseledovatellskoko institute iskusstvannogo volokna. (Nylon-Testing) 1 ':)L'12 I _6 777.,IT(M~/E'r C~ tip ACC rqRi -)g-L 1;71 /04-11/66/000/01 5AK- 8 2 /.W S8 -60" P. V C %a, '107 i~a'. ormn va,S ............ ,lo-j: none A for obtaiiiiini?, a resin. Class 39, 'to. SO TilCE iI7.obrnt. r-om obraz zn) no. 15. 1966, 08 TOPIC TAGSt resin, carbaraido, acetic acid, aldehyde ABS-.RACT: Thi3 Author Certificato progants t, for obtaininC a modified car- bamide resin by treat2lng carbamide resin with aljohyde. To increase 'to resiqva to wateri the resin is modified vith croton aldehydo in the medium of acetic acid, \9 SUB GODEt l1/ SU13M DATEt 12Apr65 Com 1A61P UDC s (Y78.6521.4.1:21-9: KRUGLOV, B.I. [Kruh-ov, B.7.]; PAMCj,?-IC.VA, L.17 Hydrogenation nf crotonaldehyde, a by-product of acetaiaehy~;e production. Flim. prom. L'Ukr.l nr,.3:2 1 T._S 164. (MIRA 17:_', SIUMOV. G.P.; PkIPAL& M.B. ... UUMAW Blochoulcal investigation of two diatom species. TestAnak. uu.Ssr.biol., pochv.. genl.. geog. 14 no-2:39-46 159. (NaRh 13:4) 1. Kafedra blakhtmii rustenli, Moskovskogo goo. universitota. (Diatoms) PAKWMDVA. M.G. "Axrgdalue L.' by R.Y. Zanyalova. A.S. Logina,-Lozinskala in OTrese and shrubs of the U.S.S.R,* vol.3. Revievad by M.G. PakhoNDva. Bot. shur. 43 nn.7:1049-1051 J1 158. (MIRA 11:9) 1. Inatitut genetikl i ftsiologii rastenly Akademil nauk Usbekskoy SSR. Tashkent. (Almond) (Zalwaloya, R.V.) (Lozina-Lozinskaia, A.S.) PAKHONOVA K.G. lt,'Z~j~ Now finds of Nth@ hybrid Amwgdalus ImlmWkovIj 0. Lincs. Not. Shur. 43 no.4:569-571 Ap 158. (MIRA 11:6) 1. Institut genstiki i fisiologil rastenly Akadeadi nauk Usbakskoy SU~ a. loAacharsko". (Tashkent Province-Almond) 'C' I,' zF~t! r rc: z' 8 f~ PAKHO140VA,-M..G-. Systematic position of some Amygdalue species. Uzb. biol. zhur. no. 6:14-18 160. C~dRA 14~2) 1. Institut genetiki i fiziologii rasteniy AN Uz&SR. (ALMOND) PARRONOU.N.G. .................. New species of almond from the Kors-Tyube R&W. Hot.mat.Gerb. 16:198-206 '54. (NIM 8:9) (Kara-Tyubs Rangis-Almond.) PAKHOM-OVio M.M. *RT-984 (A gloss spectrograph with a plane grating and of high light-gathering power. S=e of Its app2icationm in Ramn spectmacopy) 9votosillm7i stokliannyl spektrograf a p2"kDI diffraktolotmoi rembeftol I nebotarys sp primenenila v kmbinatsionnol spektroakapii WMADY AKAMM RAM SSSRv 92(5)s 947-950t 1953. -s- Ay T 4M'Ai ra ry, b6 1V nq "ph With a Plame Grating MW of RIfb Liabo-Gadwrims Power. N of Is* A YR. . a r-2--d -IL c I cmfw"* mflivm mmlolon *AM U) rom dy Audemn NmA 559it V. a 1953, p. 7 Pmiomly ab5tractea from miginal. See Item 8214, v. 3, June 1954. SERENKOV, G.P.1 PAKRaMCYVA, M.Y.- Stu-" nuclele acids in Seenedesms quadricauda grown in light and darkness. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 6s Biol., poahv, 16 no.1:1,0- 44 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Kafedra biokhimii rasteniy Moskovskogo universiteta. (ALGAE) (NUCLEIC ACIDS) (PIANTS, EFFECT OF LIGHT ON) PAKHOMV&,-Xa.; SERENKOV, G.P. Effect of light and darkness on the chemical composition of the green alga Scenedewu quadricauda., Vest. Moak. un. Ser. 6: Bial., pochv. 17 no.4:44-47 JI-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Kafedra biokbivnii Moskovskogo universiteta. (Algae) (Plants, Effect of light on) ,.f SEREKKOV, G.P.; PAIMUMOVA, 14.V. Studying the chemical compcsition of the green al.L--- Dun-alic"s sali-a Teod. Vest. 'Mosk. un. Ser.6: Biol., pochT. 16 no.3:22-26 My-Je 161. (MIRA 14: 6) 1. Kafedra biokhimii rasteniy 1-4oskovskogo gosudarstven:ogo universiteta. (Algae) I (Plants--Chemical composition) .qRRRNKOVP G.P.; PAKHOHDVAv M.V. Study of carbohydrates in some species of algae. Rauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol. miki no. 1:167-172 161. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Rskmendovam kafedroy biokhimil rasteniy Mookovskogo gosudarstvemogo uni"raiteta im. M.V. Lemonosova. (Al") (GARBOHYDRA72S) _L 31192-66 EWT(1) SCTB DD ACC NR, A?60226o6 SOURCE CODE: UR/MMA5/030/006/1204/1212 AUTHOR: Pakhomova, M. V.; Zaytseva, G. N. Alvbitskaya, 0. N. ORG: Soil Biology Faculty, Moscow State University im. M. V. IAmonoacyj Wscow I(Biologo-pochvennyy fakulltet Gosudarstvennogo universiteta) TITLE: Studies on acid-soluble phosphates in Chlorella vulgaris in relation to rate of cell division and nitrogen source SOURCE: Biokhimiya, v- 30, no. 6, 1965, 1204-1212 TOPIC TAGS: phosphate, chlorella, plant reproduction, ester, nonmetallic organic derivative, nitrate, urea, plant chemistry ABSTRACT: The acid-soluble polyphosptrate fraction of a Chlarella vulgaris culture consists mostly of triphosphates. Rapidly multiFlying cells (flow rate 160 ml/hour) contain a greater variety of surar phosphates (glucose-l- and 6-phosphates, fructoso-6-phosphate. fructose-1.6-diphosphate), with ribose-5-phosphate predominating. than do slowly mitItiplying cells (flow rate 100 ml/hour). Among the free nucleotides. AMP. ADP, ATP, UMP, UDP, UTP, GHP, GDP. GTF, and CHP have been identin ed. A number of nucleotide derivatives are also prosent: AMP-poptides, UMP-peptides, W-poptide. MP-acetylglucosamine, UDP-acetylgalactosamine, W-uronic acid, ADP-glucose 'ADP_galactose. and GDP-mannose. Thus, Chlorella, like other microorganisms ~ 1 and higher plants. contains a great variety of free nucleotides and their Card 1/2 UDC; 577.15Q.11 49 V/47 L 31192-66 ACC NR. derivatives. Adenylic and uridylic derivatives are predominant; guanylic and cytidylic nuclootides are much less abundant. Rapidly multiplying Chlorella cells contain six times more nuclooside- triphosphates and especially GPT than do slower growing calls. Slowly multiplying cells grown on urea have a high content of AMP and UMP deriva- tives. and nuclootido-peptides. Chlorella cello grown an nitrate have more ' guanosine and cytidylle acid derivatives than when grown on urea. Orig. art. has: A figure and 3 tables. CJPRSI SUB CODE: 06, 07 / SUBM DATE. 26Feb65 / ORIG REP: 007 OM REF: 019 U X&RDD-SYSOYEVA, Ye.K.; FAKHOMOVA, N.V. Nature of frost resistance In plants. Fiziol. raet. 7 no.4:423-427 16o. (KIRA 13:9) 1. Tamal 2kporimental Station of the Far Borth Scientifiop-Research Agricultural Institute. (Plants-Frost resistance) 1 ACC NR%AP7007507 SOURCE CODE: uR/o44'4/66/000/005/0035/00387. AMOR: Yurina, Ye. V.; Pakk.'!.%ova. M. V. :oRG: Laboratory, r4oscow State University i(Zoolo,-,o-entomolo-gicheskaya laboratoriya Moskovskogo goBudarstvennogo ~unlversiteta); Department of Plant Biochemistry, Moscow State University, (kafedra biokhImil rastenly MoskovsKogo gosudarstvennogo iuniversiteta) ITITLE: The effect of nitrogen feeding 'green alga Asteromonas gracilis Artari I lsouRm moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. pochvovedenlye, no, 5 1 660 35-38 TOPIC TAGS: nitrogenViia~ algae, photosynthesis, DNA, RNA ~ sources on the growth :)f the and Its biochemical composition Serlya VI. Biologlya, plant growth, plant chemistry, ABSTRACT: investigations of the effect of nitrogen feeding pources on the growth A. gracilis studied the following indJces: growth rate of cultures grown on various nitrogen sources (urea and ammonium nitrate). photosynthesiii intensity, and biochemical analysis. Data showed that culture growth rate was significantly higher in the urea culture (201 increase in biomass Jcbr-~-113- -.UX: - -581-ol 33: 582.-2.6. -ACC14R, AP7007507 quantity) than in anconium-nit rate cultures. Photosynthesis intensity of A. gracilis increased an average 30% in urea cultures as compared to samaniump-nit rate cultures (see Table 1). It was established that maximum Table 1. The effect off nitrogen feeding source on the Photosynthesis intensitv of A. amoilis Culture number Series 1 Seriei 2 , of cells / I ca3 A 02 2 111 02 % C-1 - 106 14-1-100 13.5t0.3 16, 1 *0.5 109 123 15.0�0,7 20,3:tO.5 100 136 photosynthetic intensity occurs in the immature period of the culture when its density is small, and that intensity drops significantly as density Increases. Data on the chemical composition of algae are presented in Table 2. Quantitative content of RNA changes sharply during culture growth 2/3 ACC NR1 AP7007507 Table 2. Chemical composition o( algae _(in % to organIcRart of algae) M ~4 U -H >1 C M C M C: Culture, W W 0 ow . W OL ~4 W number of W C 0 ai Ca < -C o -40 U -4 .0 &j WM W C Ij V, m3 ll /I w M 0w zC6 :~ z Ca w a 7- M 0 :1 u m L- - w -c tv c ce s . . k~ C M U 0 U OL 0: U M-2- I Ot R.27 6,91 "36 .4 0. 0..14 .1, 1A 2,84 0.32 3.16 6,45 1. 15 P24.2 13.6 -A1-4-*io# 7.90 7.20 0,70 1 0 04 1 5 0 1 01 0,28 1, 29 6.59 . 0 4 ' 1 1 1.13 C-2- 106 it, 36 1 6.70 1.68 'S 0 :G4 ~ 41:87 3:46 o,27 3,73 6.51 1:2 a 23:4 2 .15 C-4- 100 8.45 7.32 1.13 0.051 .43 5 4 .75 2.61 0.30 2,91 7.20 1.21 .4 . 18.5 *Ashes are calculated in % to absolutely dry weight of algae. and development. RKA content is 2.5 dimes greater in a younger culture grown on urea with 2-106 kl/CM3 density than in a culture with 4-106 kl/cm3 density. A similar reduction of RNA was also noted in ammonium-nitrate cultures. The large quantity of RNA in both investigated cultures with 2-106 kl/cM3 density confirms the higher bevel of biochemical activity in the young algae cells. Quantitative content of DNA, proteins, fats, and polysaccharides neither changes during culture growth nor depends essentially-on nitrogen source. Orig. art. has: I figure and 2 tables, [SW] suB com W SUBM DATE: IODec65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 002 ATD PRESS: 5117 PAYXOMOVA,; SERENKOV., G. P. Nuclootide composition of ribonucleic acid in the green algat Dunaliella salina. Dokl. AN SSSR. 144 no.6:1390-1393 Je 062. (MIRA 15-6) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvenny-y universitet im I-..V.IOmonosova Predstavleno akad. A.I.OvLrinym. (Nucleic acids) (AlgaeN PAKHOW)VA, M.V. Biochemical study cf somie algal apecies. 3J -. ~r.-Y. c;,,--. biol. 69 no. 31110-126 Mv-Je 164. -'M-IRA 1717) SIREMOV. G.F.; FAK~MD~k Nucleotide composition of deso37ri bo nuclei c and ribonucleic acids in some algae and higher plants. Rauch. dokl. v7s. shkol7; b1ol. nauki no.4:156-161 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1.Rekomendovana kafedroy biokhimii rastenly MoskovBkogo gosudarst- vennogo universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova. (Ihwleic acids) (Plants-Chemical composition) MMNKUV. G.P.; PAKRUMOVA, -A;,Y-. -~, " Study of the nitrogen complexes of a fev diatoms. Vest.Nosk. un.10 no.12:133-142 D '55. (KLBA 9:5) 1. Kafedra biokhtmit rastaniy. (Diatoms) (Algae) SIRMOV, G.P.; PAKHOXOVA, N.V.; BORISOVA, I.G. Coqmrative blochemleal study of two species of green algae. 'rest. Nook. un. Ser. b1ol., pochv., 9801-0 9609. 12 no.'J:77-85 '57.(KIRA 10:12) 1. Kafedra biokhimii rasteniy Koskovskogo gosudaretyennW univeretteta. (AT'r,AJ) ACC NR- AP70CO572 SOURCE CODEs UR/oz18/66/031/oo6/,,.Z)7/1246 AUTHCR: PaW )1. V.; Darkanbayeva, Go Tel Zaytseva, Go No ORG: Biological Soil Department of the State University in. M. V. lomonosov, Moscow (BioUgo-pochvennyy fakulltet Gosudarstvennogo universitata) TMZ: Effect of light and darkness on the content of acid-soluble phosphor compounds in the green alga Scenedesmus abliquus Kutz SOTMCEz Biokhimiya. v- 31, no. 6, 1966,, 1237-1246 TOPIC TAGS: algae. light biologic effect, plant chemistry, plant metabolism, i0s; a nucleic acid, phosphate, phosphorylation levels of acid-soluble phosphor compounds, includLig inorganic phosphat ABSTRACTs as, roon alga Sconode phosphorylated sugars and nuclootidos, were investigatod in g smus dbliquus Kutz grown under dark and light conditions. Light cultures arow:'ng in glass flasks on a modified Beneke culture medium with a 1% glucose solution wura exposed to fluorescent lighting (1000 to ZOOO lux. 25 to 270) for 24 hrs daily ovar ;. 7-day period. and the dark cultures under similar conditions were exposed to darrmes5 for 20 days. Air containing 5% C02 was blown into the flasks. Daily cell counts wero recorded, and following the culture growth periods. the algae were soparated from the rulturip wedium by centrifuging. The acid-soluble phosphate compound5 woru exLracted c,,d 1/2 UDC 1 581.112 .. . . . . . ............. . ................ .. ........ - - - - - - - - - - - PAKHOMOVAP N.B.; ARSAYEV, M.I.; IVANOV, V.F*; KUROCHNIN, S.S.; MAKKONYAN, S.V. Apparatus for detecting coincidences of relativistic charged particles. Wauch.-tekh.sbor.Gos.izd-vs lit. v obk. atom. nauki i tekh. nc.4; t9-98 062. OURA 16.- 10) KUROGHKIN, S.S.; KAMKONYAN, S.V.; PAKHOMDVAP N.B.; SALOV, S.P.; TUCHINA, A.S. Rev analyzer. Nauch.-tekh.sbor.Gos.izd-va 1-it. v obl. atom. nauki i tekh. no.4t6l-71 162. (MDU 1b: 10) PAKHOMOVA, N6- G. and SKRIPKMO N. A.* (Veterina Surgeons, Havocherk4sak Zooveterinary Institutel, RESIMMAK, V. Z. (Pro2essor). "To the question of trichcmoniasis of dcmestic fowls". Veterinariya, Vol. 37, No. 9, p. 41, 1960. RESIIETIIW,~ V.Z., prof.; PjWOMOVA,-N.G.-, veterinLrnyy vrach; SYUUPK,U4A, RU,-,-"tEFin--&rnyy vrach Trichomoniasis in poultry. Veterinariia 37 no.9:41-44 s 6o. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Novocherkasskiy zooveterinarnyy institut. (Trichomoniasis) (Poultry-Diseases and pests) RESMIYAK. V.Z., doktor votoriwwxy)b aau)r; PAXUQM.* . R A mar vrach votori VY LTUTOV, N.Y.. voterimarVy vruch; MigiiW N.A.. inarw vrach. The tick Hyaloma scupeaso a vector of the pathogen of aamplasm*91m In cattle. Voterimarlia 33 no.9:39-40 5 156. (xw 9:10) l.Revochorkmakly zoevoterinarmyy imstitut. (Anaplammosla) (Ticks as ca"Iers of disease) ACCESSION NH: AR4041560 S/0274/641000/004/BlOB/13109 SOURCE- Ref. zh. Radlotekhnika I elektrosvyazl. Svodny*y tom, Abe. 413674 AUTHOR: Pakhomova, N. L., Hastegayeva, G. 1. TITLE: Influence of thermomagnetic treatment in weak fields on the anisotropy of manganese ferrite CITED SOURCE: Tr. Mosk. in-ta i~zh. zh. -d. transp., vy*p. 165, 1963, 5-15 TOPIC TAGS: manganese ferrite, anisotropy, weak field, thermomagnetic treatment, hysteresis loop, crystal anisotropy TRANSPORTATION: Rectangular nature of hysteresis loop is caused by crystal magnetoelectric anisotropy of ferrite. With anisotropy there Is also connected time of polarity reversal. Study of influence of thermomagnetic t'reatment in weak magnetic fields on anisotropy of magnetically -soft manganese ferrite was conducted in magneti field under two different conditions- above the Curie point and below the Curie Card 1/ 2 ACCESSION NR: AR4041560 point. 1. t = 2000 C (purposely below the Curie point for MnO-Fc2O3); external magnetic field H = 1000 oersteds, annealing time T = 32 hours with subsequent !cooling of sample at rate of 1.51' per minute under continuous action of magnetic ifield. 2. t = 450* C (purposely above the Curie poinQ; external magnetic field 11 = IL200 oersteds; annealing time 'r"- 6 hours with subsequent cooling o? sample at rate of 1* per minute under continuous action of magnetic field. Analynis of curves of momentum taken after heat treatment of sample under condition 1 showed that anisotropy of sample remained constant. Thermomagnetic treatment under condition 2 led to creation or predominant direction of light magnetization along .one of the space diagonals of a cube, which is parallel to the field effective during annealing. It is possible to estimate constant of anisotropy evoked by thermcmagnetic treatment: kT 1-14 - 3.6 * 10 ergs/cm3. Magnitude of this constant is one order less than magnitude of constant of magnetic-crystal anisotropy. Magnetic-crystal anisotropy of manganese ferrite at room temperatures appears noticeable mly in fields higher than 1000 oersteds. Rkbliography: 10 references. 'SUB -CODE: MM, SS ENCL: 00 Card 2/2 BRYUKHATOV, N.L.; PAKHOMDVAO N.L. Isothermal magnetic reversal of iron-nickel ferrit.,es by rotation. Izv, vys. ucheb. zav.; fiz. 8 no.6:130-l'33 165. (MIRA 19-.1) 1. Moskovskiy inatitut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta, Submitted May 23, 1964. - I ~"- -- - --. , ~:- . 1 - , ~; ~ ~- ~~ w ~ - - - 't . m - - . I , - - I . 7r . - - t . ~r . i 1~ efterov---zh~~l-dihii6do'rozbnog6,. tr,an"pj~ta-,~ s ow- ~fjtillia ad i,Tr -CODE OTNE ACCESSION NRs AP4043379 S/0181/64/006/008/2510/2514 AUTHORS: Bryukhatov, N. L.; Pakhomova, N. L-i Potakova, V. A. TITLEs On the effect of thermomagnetic working on the anisotropy and electric resistivity of iron-nickel ferrites SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. S. 1964. 2510-2514 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic anisotropy. ferrite material, electric re- sistivity, orientation, metalworking ABSTRACT: In order to ascertain which ions participate in the pro- duction of the preferred orientation in thermomagnetic working of iron-nickel ferrites with a small excess of iron, the authors in- vestigated single-crystal and polycrystalline samples for aniso- tropy and electric resistivity. The investigations reported to date do not indicate the mechanism whereby induced uniaxial magnetic anisotropy-is produced by th.ermomagnetic working. The methods of Card 1/3 ACCEOSION URt AP4043379 producing the sa:Vles and their compositions are described. The magnetic crystalline and induced anisotropies were investigated by a torque method, and the electric resistivity was measured by a two-probe compensation method. The results show that during the course of the thermomagnetic working of the ferrites pairs of mag- netically-interacting ions become oriented along the tetrag6nal axis of the spinel lattice, and this'rioults in the induced magnetic. anisotropy and in a reduction of the electric resistivity. The in- duced anisotropy increases with the increasing content of Fe2+ ions. 2+ - The main role in the orientation process is played by the Fe ionst since the orientation produced by diffusion of the ions. The electric*resistance tests show that samples which do not have many ions of Fe2+ do not respond to therriomagnetic working. When these ions are present, the thersomagnetic working reduces the electric resistivity. The change in electric resistivity in thus also con- 2+ ions* Orig. art. hast 3 nected with the ordering of the To figures, 3 formlase and 3 tables. 'CAWd 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4043379 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta (Moscow Institute of Railway Transport Engineers) SUBMITTEDs 23Dec63 ENCL: 00 I SUB CODEs SS NR REP SOVs 001 OTHERs 007 co,d 3/3 Of VIVICIRSOMI 9"Ctra AW compstalm 0 timl, v IMW 91. t I Almic xer Cox". tte"W-. (IM).-TI. Is consts. of a tic potmtW function for the p1snar ribratkna of elbylene and the detaterkethylents were obtaked by the me of Elyashevich (allowance for anhamonkil), being mad ). The caW. and obsnved war*. nm weed to within * 6 cm. --I a3 av. myor and 29 cm. -1 as the max. erm. - The reciprocal force coeffs. which are invariant for a trans- formati'm of Co6rdinat" AV!ZM stop cakk. B,-. IK/ - ;....- --~l ~.- , -_i 'T - - , ~, "." - - I , ~. I .- " ~. ~~- - - UM/Physics - Oscillatory Spectra, 1 Jul 53 Deuterium "Interpretation of Oscillatory Spectra and Com- putations of Constants of Potential Energy of Deuteroethylexies," L. M. Sverdlov'~N. L. Pakhomova, 43taratov State U im Chernyshev DAN SSSR, Vol 91, No 1, PP 51-54 Computed frequencies of deuteroethylenes by method of Yellyashev (M. V. Volkenshteyn, M. A. Yel'yashev et al, "Kolebaniya Molekul" (Molecular Oscillations) (1949)) and used experience by 266T95 previous writers (]R. Arnett, B. Crawford, J Chem Phys 18, 118 (1950)). Compare computed and ob- served results in tables. Presented by Acad G. S. Landsb-6rg, 7 May 53. P,qKhVMOVA, AU. sp-W dima cm- logo as !M-1w m T.-A P., at ,zndv= - no. 11), U3jjjS floqnenCy TOlatiOnShip of uneven vibrati- pTOPOled VV Awtt Anil Claw[Ofd Mlc~lsliow were mikam of form m al'!,jelits coffesponding to uneven )jblAtlOns- ref.- L/ BRYUKHATOV, N.L.; PAKHOMOVA, N.L. Induced anisotropy in crystals cf iron-nickei forrites vitr. an excess of iron. KristallogreLfiia 9 no.4:521-526 JI-Ag 164. (MIPA. 17:1': 1. Moskovskiy instltut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo tmrsportri, SVIIHDWV, L.M.; PAKHOKOVA. R.L.; IAKMBIRG, G.S., akademik. Interpretation of vibration spectra and computation of the permanent potential energy of doutere-othylenes. Dokl. AN SSSR 91 n0-1:51-54 J1 '53. (KI-Rh 6:6) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR (for Landeberg). 2. Saratovskiy gosudarstvenn" universitet im. N.G.Chernyahevokogo. (Ithylenes) r AN INTFRPRETATION OF VIIIRATIO14 81'rCTRA ANI, COMPUTATION OF Till' P6TT?NTIAt. T555M71WIANIV 'TERS OF L- M. Syl,jauy.-d N. L. Pakhomma. Translated from Dntflad) Al ,I ?J,.k 4p, D-01 51) The deformation vibrations of the 111, 3nd 11,~ Iypeq or Symmetry in the C111, and C,Dj apectra were r,- -valuatpd, On the basis of this Interpretation the. force c,uvitantfi were calculated by the method of vorlittoii of pit-imeterm The agreement of the calculated frcqurnctr~ of dvitivrattA ethylenes with the observed frequencies if4 j!i)od U.S.H.) PAIM-01107A, 11. L. FD 4o6 USSR/Physics Oscilletory spectra of ethylene Card 1/1 Author : Sve:-diov, L. M., and Pakhomova, N. L. Title : Oscillatory spectra and potential energy constants of etliyier.~: an( It~ deuterium substitutions Periodical : Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 26, 64-78, Jan 1954 Abstract : On the basis of thE new interpretation of the oscillatory soectra ()f C,~H4 and C2D4 the author computes the potential energ:/ constantf of t~e ethylene molecule. Also calculates the frequencies aria forms of the normal oscillations of all the deuterium ethylenes. Demonstrat-.-S the faultiness of the interpretation of Gallaway and BarKer, aE fol- lowed by M. V. Vollkenshteyn, M. A. Yel'yashevich, B. L Stepancv, and G. 3ertsberg. Establishes a new theoretical basis of interpretation. Employs the Mayants method of iteration for the calculation of frequency and form of normal oscillations. Institution Saratov State University Submitted July 6, 1953 ACC Nr,. 11i'lo'-.~-vo aalsotropy in iron-raceul ft,rrituL; witli iuoi cum;or-Li't,~--un 6 0 clr:, ,Yz-c;,- an~SoLrooy, 'W',L;:-,M0rTlaC,-iOLiC OffCCt, oyturnai maL:"G,,~ic involveu; t!"0 - . 1 2, z;j uf :, 3.7 3" 06. 12' u,' rj.: L LLS vcr", ll-~L'~u a .n ~;W:, er."5 r 'I ,Doforc a:~cdl after trc,~I--meiit in tne planos ./74-07 and ur ~ wa-t~, respe-c- Tu Z5317 are givei. and analyzed. L -uggo5Lou LCc!rd ~'-ACC- NR.,'---g.,6020979 d u r -'~ nr7 t: i e Lm o ~-i: t gn c t, i c t rtCt c, i r o, ,c: I f c r r i L o s w ia I cr,; cc c..-. 0, - Qr*lQ.-':"-':'ion CZ ferro,;:; ,.on pa.~-rz; uccurs. Tlio of L.-,o pairs ara iuca~cd a-"ong cdoes of a cuDu. '!;,,us, the ferrou5 iwi~, form a cubic 'la"*,~icc. ~','antitaLdvo di3Lribiitacm af :,iio ion pairs is dotarmined 1;,y afid the cdgo,~ of tno cuba. Tno monocrystallino -pocimon botwuc.', LI-o - firld o.7~~Iuyoa in Ltiis z~tudy was propared by -,~rell-lalina in tho Crys I-d c Irlstitutu, All, SS114 Orig. ax-.. tlas : 9--f'.I-L; SU3 CODE: 11, 20/ SUBM D91'E: '22Dec65/ OTH REF: 007 ".9 , M"V. F~~behl~yl ,-13 , i -. PAKHOMOVA, N. V. PAKHOMOVA, N. V.: "The power engineering of certain processes in solutions of hypochlorites." Min Hi:,-her Education USSR. Leningrad Order of labor Red Banner Technological Inst imeni Leningrad Soviet. Leningrad 1956. (DISSERTATION Fc--,~ THE DEGREE OF CANDIDATE IN CHEMICAL SCIENCE) So.: Knizhnaya letopis' No 15, 1956, Moscow F-l is. K The Thermocnemistry of the Lissor-latar) Hypochlcrous Aci: n AquPous 4'olutions ;Jssots-ttsii i~-rn-)y i khl-rncvatist"..v rastvorol V D' A~; an- ,islct v vo1r.,,)-.i P~-RI-DI','A-: ~hurna! neorgtinicheskoy Khinii-1, 19~8, Vol, 3, Nr 8, p p - 1 17 B.~ ABLMtACT: By means of thermocnemical tests the reaction of soltitions of sodium nypocn!Drile with sulfuric aci,! was investigatel -h~. heat effect of the reaction M~- 4 H+---# i:Cl J anti Ofi- + 113C SO H,0 was calculated. The thermochemi-:a, 4 4 e' investigations of the processes in hypochloriie solutions were combined with a calorimetric and potentiometric metnci Tnis method is also a *PoLicabie 4;n the investigation D-- *n-rmo- chemicaj reaction., witti other instable systems. T~.t 'r),-, , e n t i o metric determinations were performed with platinum electru,,ics Card 1/3 and their results make it possible to correct the valu~~3 ~Dund '-he Thermc--hemistr I_-V '78-3-8-- y of the Disso~:iqtion of 3ulfuric Acil anl Hypochlorous A_-:~ in Aqueous 3oiutions by the thermochemical analysis The heat effr-,ct of the neutralization of ailutea soutions of sulfuric acj,~ at 25, 51- and 500: was determined. From the -Bata the lis!3c-.ation constant of 9,Y) 4 ff as computed. The average of the computeJ heat efftIct for the corresponding temperatures is the foll.Gwing- At 10 0C -16,C1 C,O,j kcal,,'gram equivalent, 0 at 25 -15.74 0,04 kcal,gram equivaient, at 55 0C -15.61 + 0,08 kcal/gram equi'valert, at 500C - 15,32 *0,0d kcal/gram equivalent The dissociation heat of the cnloric acid in aqueous so,u- tions w;ts investigated. From the experimental results the thermodynamic characteristic of this process in the tempera. ture range of 10 - 5~Dol: was founJ: At 10or ~ ~,90 t 0,05 kcal,"mol `3 r at 25' 1- = 5,'(, C.,04 kcal/mcl Card 2,,'3 at 55(`~' = 5,4C ~j,C5 k--al,moi The 7normochomistry of thp *.j iuacirition )f ~3ulf~lri.c Acin and :ivpoch.*ioro,.js AclJ in ~qw~ous ~,-,Iutlons at 5COI-' = -) ," I ~; , )~ KCFI 1 "Mr,, . ;isso.-iation pro~:esi (:niDri:; theTin'. -~ rRtur,, ~nere are figur~,c, , tables, an., 27 ref-rpnces, of w?~; ~b. are 3~viet. Z-),,j 13M I 'I T "' 2JulY 7 Card 3/3 SOV/76-1--8-11/Ze AUTIICRS~ Flis, 1. Ye., Mishchen?o, K. F. i-akhomova, Ii. V. TITLE: The Calculation of the Fundamental Thermodynamic Valuet3 for C10- aq and EC10 aq at 250CentiUrade (Vychislenije osnovnykh termodinanicl-eskiki. velicl-An dlya CID- aq i MO aq 1,ri kERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorL~anicheskoy khimi i , 1558, Vol. 3, Nr 8, pp - 1781 -1764 (USSIR) ABSTRACT: Thermochemical testinCs were performed of the reaction clo + ri 0 C 1 + 11,0 4 C at 1 U, 21, 35, and ',-.C aq 2 2 aq aq L 2 G centiErade. The results obtained at 25 centierade were usel' for the calculation of the calorimetric Based on their own results the fundai:.ental thermodynamic values for CIO and0HC10 aq at 250centigrade viere calculated: aq 6H 02?8(ClO- aq ) = -25,73 kcal/g-ion AH 0298(11C10 aq ) - - 31,37 kcal/mol Card 1/2 AZ 298(HCIO aq ) - -1),17 kcal/mol SOV/78-3-8-11/48 The Calculation of the Fundamental Thermodynamic Values for C.0 0 HC10 at 25 Centi-rade aq 0 4N z 02,-W (Cl 0- aq) - ~,),21 kcal/g-ion S0 25,84 02'. S 2'~~6(cio- ) 11 , 5 6 1.". ve all There are 2 tables and itj referenc~~c, 12 of whic'i .7c, Scvit--t S U BM 11"T ED June 10, 1,157 Card 212 MBANOV, G.S,; RAYDIS, F.B.; PAMOMOVA, N.V.. Extraction of bromine from waste products of synthomycin production. Mod. prom. 16 no.1:28-34 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Leningradskiy khJ-miko-farmatsevticheakiy institut. (BROMIE) (CHLOROMYCETIN) nis, I.Te.; MISHCHENKO, K.P.; PAYMP-I)VA, N.V. Tharmochemistry of dissociation of sulfuric and hrwchlorous acids in aqueous solutions. Zhur. nearg. khtm. 3 no.g: 1772-1780 Ag 159. (MIRk 11:9) (Sulfuric acid) (Hypoeblorous acid) (Thormochemistry) FTAS. T.TA. ; VlSffCTTr'JYO, 1,.P.,- PAYHOMOVA, N.V. CiqlCillptinng of Ole ImDortant tlinrmolynamic quantities for CIO;q and HCIOaq at 25*C- Zhur. neorp, khim. 3 no.8:1781- 17B4 Ag 158. (14IRk 11:9) (HyMehlorouR acid) Category USSR/Dptics Physical 0ptIcB K-5 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - FIzikB, N, 2, 1957, No 4938 Author ShklyaTevskly, 1 N , Mlloslavskiy, V.K.,Pakhomova O.S., Ryazanov, A.N. Title g tt~e of Liquids in the Interferometric Method for Determinin Ultraviolet Region Orig Pub Uch. zap. Khar kovsk. un-ta, 1955, 6, 147-150 Abstract The previously described (Referat Zh. Fizika, 1955, 23123) interfero- metric method for determining the dispersion of liquids and solids, based on the application of the lines of equal chromatic order, has been expanded to determine the dispersion of liquids in the ultraviolet region. The investigated liquid is introduced into a gap between alumirdzed quartz plates, which are attached to the slit of an ISP-22 quartz spectrograph. The thickness of the gap is regulated by means Of screws. The resultant spectrogram is used to determine the wavelengths of many interference lines,'to determine their interference order, and knowing the thickness of the gap, to calculate the index of r6fraction for many wavelengths. The order of the interference is determined by filling the gap half with Card 112 Category . USSR/Optics - Physical Optics Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1957, No 4838 K-5 liquid and hal with air and obtaining on the spectrotram two systems of 11nes. The accuracy of the measurement is 5 x 10- . The above method requires small amounts of substance ar4A is applicable to absor- bing liquids. Card : 2/2 AUTHORS: Broude, V.L., Pakhomove, TITLE: Effect f deformations on (Vliyaniye deformatsiy na G.S. and Prilchot'ko, A.F. 5~-3-7/24 the spectra of crystals. spektry kristallov). PERIU.DICAL:"Optike i Spektroskop' 3+1a" (Optics and Spectroscopy), 1957, Vol.2, No.3, Pp. 2 _329 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Deals witb the effect of planar tension on the absorptiun spectra of benzene, naphthalene, anthracene and CdS at tne liquid hydrogen temperature (20.4 K). The sample were thin fil-ms held in a crystal holder. The assembly had a quartz lens for photographing spectra of various parts of the sample. The whole assembly was rotatable and was placed in a cryostat with quartz windows. The spectra were obtained with a quartz spectrograph whose dispersion was 2.9 X/mm at about 2600 X. To study the CdS spectra glass optical parts were used. An Iceland spar polarizer made it possible to obtain simultaneously spectra for two mutual4, perpendicular directions of the electric vector vibrations, A krypton lamp was used as a source and the iron spectrum for cali- bration. Naphthalene crystalline films rigidly fixed Card 1/3 between two quartz plates behaved differently for different thicknesses of the film. Above 2-3 ~i thickness these films cracked on cooling to 20.4 K. Thinner films exhibited Effect of deformations on the spectra of crystals. (Colt.) 51-3- spectral displacement towards ultraviolet when compar with freely supported samples. This spectral displacement was accompanied by widening and weakening of bands and strong polarization of the originally weakly polarized "molecular" V bands (see the preceding paper). If the films were very thin (0.01 IL) only the spectral displacement occurred. Similar behaviour with strongly developed polarization effects was observed for anthracene films. Benzene films also behaved essentially in the same way as naphthalene but both the spectral displacement and polarization effects occurr6d only in thin (0.2 - 0.5 IL) films. In CdS displace- ment and intensity redistribution of absorption lines occurred for crystals under tension. The explanation of these effects lies in the large difference of linear herma expansion coefficients of the quartz !Tlders (2 x 10-~ deg-1) and of the organic crystals (1-2 x 10 4. deg-'). Cooling to 20.4 K from room temperature produced an extension of 5% in the rigidly held crystal films. In thicker films the ex- tension is non-uniform across the sample thickness being Card 2/3 largest at the planes of contrct with the quartz plates. This non-uniformity which pro,.uces lattice distortions, accounts for the displacement, weakening and widening of 20.&19/42 AUTHORSi Bragin, 0. V. , Broude, V. L. , ~(jtc~va, ~. V. .Pakhomov a, 0. S., and Pryanlishnikcva, 1-1. A. TITLEt S -peld -f-r-aT--Method of D~t-r:zd*-)~tic)n ci t-,.e of Side Chains in the Nfoluctiles of Rk-rI-.-.enu (K vapro su o spektrallnum mk2tode u:3t;inov1erii'.a i -Irz!~F,n~ya bokovykh tsepey v -~o-,iolowov t~enzola) PERIODICAL: Doklady A:: SSSR, 1~57, Vol. 111i , Nr 6, pp. -,;:I ABSTRACTi In an earlier work tl~.e second liAnor no th.~ fourth one i---wn that the Dltraviolet absor-tion Pectra of cr.-stAs of benzene 0 homolojue3 at 77 K (- te!:jperiiture of liqi~id nitrc-,en\, u3ed for the purpose mentioned in OIL titIO. Th') rQJUAt ol)t~in,d quickly and by a small qur~.ntity of substance (some --ra:js). These spectra consist of !3cries of narrow stri,,s vir'%i,-~~ ,are, in com- pounds with the saie ~oqition of' the side --hains, of the 9.'L.':;e ~'pe, independent of the lenf,,th and the ramific:--,tion of tl,ese If the spectra of thoau compounds whicl; Lave a :; j:.ii I!ir -1,. 1-:, t i tu- tion type within the molecule,3 aru put to,_-et?~er, a2 :-7". absorption strips (ccrre3pondin.- to the trar i: t-i,-n) lie together, also the folloviiiii, will Oo t~.c slime. 2her~-,Yijth olso the relative strip-i ntensi ties are reproduced. ::~enc7:enor was Card 113 proved on a -,-rest number of exa-,--:leg of the 2o-6-ig/42 Spectral Method of Determination of --he Nunber and Position of 3_J~e ~`alrs in the Molecules of Benzene Homologues as well as for some simplest o- and p-dialkylbenzenes. In the present work further informations on the af:irmation of the regu- larity mentioned are quoted. The physical characters of the ~ydro- carbons investigated are concentrated in table 1. It has been pointed out that the same spectrum type with the Crowing Liide chain length will be preserved. (1, 2, 4-trialkylbenzene - fijTure 1 A). The correspondance of the spectra of p-di-isopropylbenzene and p-xylene confirms the fact that the state branched out of both chains does not influence the position of the absorption bands. This analogy also is retained for the case that a double-birding, which is riot conjugated with the benzene nucleus, is introduced into a side chain. (comparison of ethyl- and propyl-mesitylenes with allyl-mesitylenes - figure I B). quite another picture will be at an immediate conjuration of the double-binding with the benzene nucleus. So, the absorption spectrum of the 2-methyl- -phenylpropene-1 also is interrupted in the temperature of the nitrogen. Here the absorpt:bn intensity is much hiJher, than in the case of all the other investigated substances. In spite of a same symmetry of the spectra of alkyl- and alkylene-meoitylenes (fi- Card 2/3 gure I B) and of monoalkylbenzenes (fig-ure I G) ~in essentially dif- EROUIR, V.L.; YEMIERKO, V.V. [Oremenko, V.V.]; MEDVEIM, V.S.; PAKHOROVA, O.S.; PRIKHOTIED, A.F. Itffeet of deformations on the electron spectra of cr7stals [in Ukrainian with summary in Inglish]. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 3 no.2:232-238 Xr-Ap 158. (MIRA 11:6) I.Institut f12iki URSR. (Crystals--Spectra) (High pressure research) 0.: Eluccroii Spuc ra ()j' j ITy6r,)_. Darivu"Uvas at 'Coh (Ob yah .1 'tolavo-l'orotl-, i 1,ch do-.rtorirowAw,y,:I, F-: J AD I 1~1 0~-U~m -i ~;Da;I-:-rc)jkcopiyu. 19108, Vol 5, lir 2, presn"t papor is the firt of a zi.jrlj. 0.1 -4, 1! absorptiou Spec+-ra of deut..)ratod coi~oounds aiJ ;.,olocalzir and er.'stal strA,,-*;lro pi-r)d,,i,;,)d b.., Jo-,~ lia hyperfine struz-ture, and -,,c, observa 6.a s..iili j,ousuro-ienz5 ,vare made at 200K. -The vjor~-, r,; is ax-unsion of tha aopli(-:~-inr. of it;c,,cpic excnu~i..-a of' hydrogen witl-. liq~zid uji-.j,-i, a uolutioii of hIM,, in iiqu.La luj~ (vLofs ~,-10)- ii. Table 1 which shorm t1la- uai~ - suc~l ..:)tl.odf; ii. diohanyl, n-ph-~,halene, toluer--, n-x~lana, U101-31.0 naxuL.athylbari Zeno may 'L-a replaco-' by doutori,~L- -Pr. 1// follo~.,ed the r---3..~.od describad i-- oaf 10, rnic . -i-i- -C On 3:)jCtI*U of' Armua-~-,ic IlydrocarbouL a~,o 'huir oulc_il.c~inn of tKe number of rjp!FAc-3d hydro,,on oloculo. Tho last ,:olwaa of TaDle 1 shovf. t!,d, vio i., oal- A litlu froi.i the total aa,..bor of hydro6en .Icllocalo iL, cpos--ion. The folloviin.4 hy~rocarbo~,.s ;rj I L)anzane, toluji.o, -xylone, n-x~jwie, wosi--.,lane, d!ArJI,Q, osi. oh t)ne, t),6hrena, diphanyl. The cons-,ui,ts, LOil iu.- fi%etiv a iii6ax, of ~i; a or i,~ina I a nd :o.-i :;j,S aL,*2dS ar-3 jv-JI, i". NUe 2. Jsing poiai-Iz,,(J' !I, SI)3(Zr~-u 7,' tYe ~-ryzr,,13 !is--Od i_ .-A UrIld fOrl-as'. ~t~ S !I' -L.- 200K and r -ii,7s ar ) !i n,.,4a in FiGs 1 -7 . 'Ii s :j,: DI'OdIlCod L" dj..~.jr_LLioa aro dtae, firs-cly to chanGus i.' of iiucoiJIy Lo ..Laiiges in the cr,,-stal i,irb-z prouA :!a s -j- ral s~iifts towards the short viavolen.,-,, 100-400 M..1-i a.~-! !. d frequencies of t:_e 17 a fa a- or o f 1 N -1 . 1 T'~.a c r Ta 1 s c ru (~ ru C."., Tal,_~ :X)Iariza-~i on ra~ ios fo.: absorption Duiids ii, poLarizad bandg. 0-- oi, Sci once& of ty..3 U .3 S j: z mina , i. a; _:onab S'iw-.ensh-~ayL a~,(! Ya.~.. 6OV51-5-2-3/26 On Electron Spectra of Aromatic Hydrocarbonfi and their bauteratod Derivatives at 20cK ~Fhysi c O-Chamical InL~titu~.e imafii 4arpov) prepared deuteratEA e=pounus - V.L. Broude, Id.j. Onopri ~,ai-.ko, O.S. Pakhomova and A.F. Prikhotlko (Institute of Physics, Academy of Science ef the Ukrainian S.S.R.) obtained and Interpreted the electron spectra. The authors thank Yu. Antonchik for density measurements of' the deuterated hydrocarbons and P. Manochkina, for help in dauteration of the hydrocarbons . There are 7 figures, 2 tables and 16 references 14 of which are Soviet, 1 American and 1 English. ASSOCUTICK: Institut fizilci AN UkrSSR; Fiziko-khimi char. kiy institut im. Karpova (Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R.; Physico -Chemical Institute imeni Karpov SUBIaTTED: July 16, 1957 Card 3/3 1. Hydrocarbons-d--Spectrographic analysis 2. Ultraviolet spectr,,un --Applications SOY/51-5-2-4/26 AUMIORS; Brodin, L.S., jPakhomov&, C.S. and Prikhot' ko, A.F. TITLE Absorption of Light by Stilbene Crystals at 200K (For ,I osh 1cristallami stil,bona pri 200K) j,,e.%jye sveta FMIODI CAL t OptiKa i Speictrasicopiya, 1958, Vol 5, Nr 2, pp 123-127 (US4~') ABS TRACT The authors obtai-LLed and analysed the absorption spectrLaj of crystalline stilbene at 200K. The crystals were prepared by sublimation and were attached to quartz glass plates. The spectra ware photographed iL polarized light using an ISP-22 quartz spec-crograph. A hydrogen lamp with a "uviol" window or a krypton lamp GSVD-120 were used as light sources. Iron spec-.ram vas used for calibration-A M-16 photm-1tiplier rus used as tLe receiver. Photographs of the two polarized cotaponents of the absorption sp,!~ctrum (at 200K) of a stilbene monocrystal, 0.2 tL thick, ar,5 shown in Fig 1. Fii; 2 givus the aL~anrption curve of a atilbene crystal at 20-4q for vibrations parallel 1,0 tho N T) axiu Fir :5 rives the absorption spectra of a stilbane crysta (curve 1) mid a soild solution of stilbene in tolane (c=rva 2) at 200ji (vibraT-ions parallel to the N. axis). The autiiors inake the following deductions GEtrd 1/2 froj,i FiL 3. (I) ,PhO iL!tonfiit,- of the first (purel:/ flactrnulc, wnd, is C11Mpareci v.-ith 7.he other bands, is considerably Grbater it. -,:,o Absorption of Light hy Stilbene Crystals at 200K -i(JV/ z#--3-2-4/26 crystal spectrum than the intensity of the corresponding oand in the solid solution soectrau. (2, 770 cm-1 , ribration frequency is present iz the cure crvstal spectrum. Th a s am avibration has a fre(Tuency of 745 cm-I in the solid solution of stl-lbana In dibanzyl but it is absent in the solid solution of stilbone in tolane. (6) The bands correspondinC to the harmonics of the 1590 cm-1 vibrations are stron6er than the fundamental bands in the V,-component of tY.e aura crystal spectrum, but they are weaker in the solid solution spe,ctra. The authors used crystals in optical coutact with quartz plates or layers produced by malting between two quartz plates. In both cases cooling to the liquid-hydrogen temperature produced considerable mechanical strain due -to the difference betwoon the thermal oxpansion voefficiants of quartz and stilbene. Such strains affect pol-irizstion of separute bands ar,d their spectral position. The vibrational structure, hmever, is practically uaaffec+ed but tl~e purely electronic bands Eire altereJ considerably and this has to to alloved for in ciaking of any deduAlor,.i. Card 2/2 There are 3 figurau and 5 Soviet raf,:*rz;nces. ASSOCIATI M Ins t1tiA fi aikci , AN UkrSSR, g. Uytwv (In6ti tute of Pilybica, , Academy V,' Scion-aw of tt)a Uttraii.itn S.S.R., --yev) 1. Stilbene 31: B".1 T TED: Saptoiabar 14, lcj.3- 2. Single orys-,~,,.!;--Spec-trograplii~- -iv.~ ;YSI';; M ~WWACWT( )/Zwp(i.)/ (b) '1M0 JDIWW/W 4 M.R., AP6001644 SOURM COMC: UR/0051/65/019/006/09IL6/0922 ko, A. F. Pakhomova. 0. S. n0nW, 14 14 Abs -TITLE: orpticn of liabt by alpha-oxygen In the 34,000-41,000 c*-l region at 40K SOURCE: Optika I spektrookoplys, v. 19, no. 6, 1965, 916-922 TOPIC, TAGS: absor-ption speitrum, oxygen, cryogenics, molecular physicsj, L10"'r ABSTRACT 'The absorption spectra of crwyatalline enqre photographed by using f IM~e o candensate, produced- by -cooling a strem a gas cc a collector which was coolod.b*:#quid helbo. The collector was a flat quartz windowand the cooled lay- ar:44s located: In the vacuum chamber of a cryostat. . Quartz aww"pagrap] with low dispirelc6.Vare iisedo ~ ~7he light sowee was a krypton lampo A comparlson of crystal spt6tra'sh6ved that: smet of the absorption In the WOOO-41,000 ca-1 r%gL on Is due _t6_aji6jtatjofi_ of liolga%ileg to the 3ZJ state. A transition.which is forbidden in the Is 11 -in the we of d6ndensod phase* an , ft", APP11 M, ctV& -a forced dipole transi- W 11m..vabretional 'levels In-.tbe ape ciii:ot the a' ost4' 4 gas am tabulated 41 C 04", 546.21: 32897 S/04 61/000/012/053/054 C * 1, IYC222 AUTHORs Pakhomova, 7,.,-A. TITLEs The graphic determination of partial derivatives of some functions of several. variables PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. !?, 1961, 54, abstract 12V326. ("Tr. Novosib. in-ta inzh. zh.-d. transp.11, 1960, vy-p. 18, 157-169) TEXTs The author refers to his previously published paper (A new method of graphically calculating functions of several variables, Scientific Reports no. 2, HM4