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PAKH'CI-7T, 1: T:., 777t--;-o-TIY7, Yedical Inst-uments and a-,qratus About the Journal 'T,!dits,:nskaia I romyshle-nnost 1 77 77-- ~l harrrAreutlcal and qui industry of tho.- V. '). '.'I. e~ prom. No. 3, 1,)52. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -3t Uncl. DID 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 1 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a is A h , 6, 1 0 1 4 it U U W " - t A a ' f t 2 a Is a it a is 01 1? to It a IS V to P t A1 2 Ak M A A A it IV &I #I m ED - - A-L-L - . -A-s L-s k .-P - - , ~ A - ii 11- -A-L-TA lit AS "P-190 ts-S Vioct . , . - . ND ORC0111112% .1,14 s mai tooke" V K bA W 1 1 A -00 00 j . . m6 . O , g rai;-O~X -opw CASO. (U. S. S. R.) 1'6- W-6 awrMhO& 0117 1 CIM; A Its IM-7% d:* 11 lwrfi fit' yw;d 7l * I 194 1) Tbr out tw4wd the (" 04(C'V)o "I'= dis 1 "Mo the WkJ thrott h the diartudi 16 . . . imlipworldwis-cm- 0 00 ' t mi it b heated to 'W) -21111' and treated refth a 4r o Nil;! m v"ted into the diantide as o1mve oud when the traction -06 1 u G d c , HoO is rosidensed and its ami is mrampird at the M it mixt. h4dened, thir Nil, strtmi wit, Stopped and :016 ig. - 00 . i ; 1 the reartim 50-2 cv- IlmO mid. whb NIL is obtaitted. with 1~5jg). NH. - bda or AIA. Then =,be iii"ife Moid. =)t!WVWCBCM c IPM i~d, 90 00 jl!! The dwatitin W reactka 1. 3-4 bro.; war, the Cod be . itatil dectimpts. became noticrablir in thir residue. i up , -Do DID a limmomm" w6mas and the temp. is raised 10 210~-21D*. , 2t h 0 as -arnidated and wreated with At 1111'" tOwn ft NN6 is stopped Whom thir corsirms betroone wwj? jikl. T111 -d t i hil d d h I d I A tocal cl 93 g ciudr n1trile was obtainnf, whirk z". a - 11 P rvv w s pm e ot, an reciYad. OlsO twirr (wvrral drugm of mmird, NIJA)II are added I on Washkiff with "fit. Nollc(N was Trillisid. too mran. ' 70 I l Tor l 1 8 00 P%). on. 220-41.6*, VkMVOE.(M T%r romber , twO in , wis. si ita e (Cl1j).(CN)s, bi M-O t= d l f 1111111 *iha, b9ww yk1& 111,11DOMA 41111 t1w sumnivietd iscid. A 1 .0 ul. s ovirt, roc ;.). Owe AM% was obtained from d th h I f I l --0111111 "'Pits- cvuGrmwd that the above Inup. gives flit b4bem r"w t - mpp~nt rmig tug dista, of the pritilvoct; jr (COXHO t torre ArOll and (Cli h ) NH H 4~ 1*1111 Of Obw (C11#).(COV11,),- The dimmido (344 g.) and - , ic n . imunst L) . ew v OR 1 K 1111 0 ' 367 S. Ac.0 (h. IU-4u*) Serve treated with Lb a. NH, - 6P r .00 modybdate and the mist. heated to 210'. finally to Zb)- ' too - Dart 0 ~41 30 . for a total at 2 bra with dista. of ibe AcON and A hi h O ;3 a 8 co . w c we co0w and wrigglied. %1wn the distillate 370-Mcc..mmortimmisaWledommitber 0 0 1- Ac#O is d. of 60-60 mm. The pradvict is then distd. 2 99 in mormo, its 130-22U', wrodwd with ntd. NoHCOj win. $t6 MOVALtiminmat 1#1106twit CLAIMPKATWO 1 4941S, I Otani .1p oftV Gal It U a AT 10 to 4 19~ as ** ODD t 444, *a.0. BID a0 All I S a Fm 0 a 9 1 9 a 9 KORESHKOV, V.I.; SHAT!VAYA, L.N.; PAKHOWV, I.M. Concerning the strength of the frame of tko KTN-2 mounted pctato, digger. Tract. i sellkhozmash. 32 no-5:30-33 Mw 962. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Vaesoy-uznyy nauchnc-insledovatellskiy Institut sellskokhozyaystven- nogo mashinostroyeniya (for Koreshkov, Shatskaya). 2. Zavod "Belinsksellmash" (for Pakhomov). (Potato digger (Machine)) I N PAKHOMOV,, 1. V., Candidate Geolog-Mineralog ,;ci (diss) -- "The geolng~r of th--~ Kizel black-coal basin ane its induPtrial evaluation on the basis of recent aatA". Sverdlovsk, 1Q59- 21 P-P (Acad Sel MSE p Trx-al AffiliFite), l'iO copies (KL, Vc- P, 1959, 162) FAKHOMOV,-LV~ , deleg-at )71' -"yczda Kommunisticheskoy partii Scvetakolzc Soyuza Introducing new equi~nant and improving production econom.'cs at the "Electric Heavy Machinery" Plant namod after V,T- Lenin. Va3t elektroprom. 31 no.! - 1- 4 Ja '6~!. (;!'1R;- 'l-', 1. Direktor -,a--ojr "Elek-tretyazhmash" imeni V-I- Len-ina (Eler~tri~ machinery industry I A UTH OR I Pakhomc-v,-I.V., 132-58-5-4/14 TITLE: On the Method of Prospecting for Coal Deposits in the Kizel Basin (0 metodike razvedki ugollnykh mestorozhdeniy v kizelovs- kom basoeyne) i'MIODICAL. Razvedka i Okhrana Nedr, 1958, Nr 5, pp 24-28 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Owing to the complicated structure of the Kizel basin the author recommends the division of all coal deposits into three groups, according to the geologic structure of the basin. The method of prospecting varies for each of these groups. These methods are described in detail. ASSOCIATIONt Permakiy gornyy institut Hlnin.:~ T rii, LJ. t AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Coal 2. Geological prospecting PAVIDY. A. ;. PAMMDV, X. ; LoUBACFWSKIT, S., SOTNIKOV, S. ; F-kLININ, 7. People of the seven-year -1fin. Stroitell no.2:10-11 1 160. (MI]RA 13:5) 1. Nachallnik otdola truda i zarplaty tresta Magnitostroy (for Sotnikov). 2. Nuchallnik Nauchno-tooledovatellskogo sekiora trenta *Wnitontroy (for Lobachevnkiy). ). Brigndir komplakenoy brigady konachnoy produktoil tresta Mosstroy-17 (for Kalinin). (Construction workers) ~ ~ PAKHOMV, K. Change In the appearance of Siberian villages. Sel'.strot. 13 no.1:1? Mr 159. (MIRA 12:5) 1. Nachal'nik Kirovskogo rayonnogo otdola po stroitel'stvu v kolk1hozakh Irkutskoy oblasti. (Kirovair Dlatrict-Farm buildings) DMITMOVp L.A., )mnd.tekhn.nauk; AlaITYAMV, U.S.; AGEYEV9 I.V.j PAKHO14OV9_X.A, SAWAXDV, S. K. P92TOrmanem of L&AZ-20/# engines fueled with light gasoline. Av*..prozn. no.2:23-27 1 161. (min 14:3) (Automobiles--.Mgines)(Gasoline) PAKHMOV, K.S., mayor teldmich,-gkoy sluzhbv: 7HURAVLEV, K.A., mpvor teekhnicheskoy sluzhby. Concerning guaranteed periods for storage. Vest. Vozd. Fl. no.5:83 161. (MDU 14: 8) (PLussia-Air *orce--Aviation supplies and stores) ~41 r,4 k- Hill t ! 111 A 9 Ar. Oro T 9 T L PAKITOWV. L.A. Inertia effect of the temperaturR pickup In aerological inatru- -vents an Oip results of invoraion layer Inveor.1 ti ns. Trudy TSAO nn.31:~'Ll--78 '59. =: 12 . 9) (Anteorological instrursente) (ittmospheric tenparature) BELYAYEV, V.P.; VINNICHENIKO, N.K.; PAKHOMOV, L.A. Electroneteorograph for helicopters (VEM). Trudf GGO no.135: 135-iA6 162. (MIRA 15:8) (Meteorological instruments) -- PAKHOMOV, L.A. Airplane apparatus for measuring the V--ctor of ul-nd. 11-rudy 'SAO no.4101-105 '62. (YJRA lo-.11j) ACCESSION NR: AT4033562 S/2922/63/009/000/0124/0132 AUTHOR: Belyayev, V. P.; Vinnichenko, N. K.; Pakhomov, L. A. TITLE: Helicopter electrometeorograph SOURCE: Vsesoyuznoye nauchnoye meteorologicheskoye soveshchaniye. Ist, Leningrad, 1961. Pribory* i metody* nablyudeniy (Instruments and methods of observation); trudy* sove6hchaniya, v. 9. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1963, 124-132 TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, meteorological instrument, meteorograph, electrometeoro- graph, helicopter electrometeorograph ABSTRACT: A helicopter electrometeorograph was developed by the Tsentral'naya aerologicheskaya observatoriya (Central Aerological Observatory) in 1960. The instrument is used for highly accurate measurement of temperature, temperature fluctuations, pressure, air humidity and helicopter overload. All the-%, ;.Lra- meters are converted into electric pulses. A block diagram is shown as , i -,. 1 of the Enclosure. The instrument is broken down into units for easy placement on a helicopter where space is at a premium. The temperature sensors are three resistance thermometers manufactured from a special platinum wire 0.06 mm in diameter; the resistance of each thermometer is approximately 130 ohms (at t 2GC). Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4033562 The humidity sensor is a specially processed animal membrane. A special support extending from the nose of the aircraft supports the temperature, temperature fluctuation and pressure sensors. The pressure sensor employs an aneroid unit of ?hosphor bronze. An MP-23 potentiometric sensor, placed at the center of gravity :)f the helicopter, is used to detect aircraft overloads. The range of measured 3verloads is 41.5 g. The five mete~orological parameters are recorded simultane- 3usly with a'R-12-21 oscillograph. Air temperature is determined with a maximum error less than 40.5C in the range from -20 to 4 30C, temperature fluctuations are neasured in the range +3C with a maximum error less than -~0.2C in the frequency -ange from 0.01 to 5 cps, the relative humidity unit determines this parameter with i maximum error less than 47% in the range 25 to 100%, the pressure unit measures )ressure in the range 102~-to 700 mb with a maximum error not exceeding:~3 mb. Che apparatus has been tested on 50 flights with a total duration of about 110 lours. Orig. art. has: 7 figures. ,SSOCIATION: Taentral'naya aerologicheskaya observatoriya (Central Aerologir-al )bservatory) ;UBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ. 16Apr64 ENCL: 01 ;UB CODE: ES NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 Card 2/3 ENCLOSURE: 01 Fig. 1. Block diagram of heli- copter electrometeorograph. I -- support extending from nose of helicopter vith temperature, tem- perature fluctuation and humidity sensors; 2 -- potentiometric pres- sure sensor; 3 -- MP-23 potentio- metric overload sensor; 4 -- power source; 5 -- measurement bridges; 6 -- K-12-21 optical recorder; 7 -- remote-control apparatus for recorder; 8 -- electric clock; 9 -- calibration unit. Cord 3/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4033562 I I PAYROMOV, Leonid A PUMS, Naum ZinovIyevich; SHMMER, Solomon Koiseyevich; KCHNILMMO. V.S., red.; I.K.9 [Aeorological research on the variability of the atmospheric refraction coefficient for ultrashort radio waves] Aerologi- chealcie lealedovaniia izmenchivosti koeffitsionta prolomleniia atmoefery dlia ul'trakorotkikh radiovoln. Moakva. Gidrometeor. 12d-vo. 1960. 101 p. (xjRA 14:1) (Kicrowavea) (Refraction) L 44178-66 EWP ZEWT (M) Ww1wH ACC NR: AP6011280 (A) SOURCE CODE!" IJR/0413/66/000/006/0157/0157 INVENTOR: Fialkov, A. S.; Davidovich, Ya. G.; Pakhomov, L. G. ORG: none TITLE: Treatment of carbon-graphite products. Class 21, No. 141194' SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 6, 1966, 157 TOPIC TAGS: carbon graphite product, I J~ iv%o P& +I ) ABS RACT: This Author Certificate introduces a method for treating carbon- graphite products by passing a-c and d-c current through them. To obtain a sharply defined boundary of physical, chemical, and semiconductive properties along the length of the product, current. of -various magnitude ispassed through various sections of the product at the same time that they are subjected to various degrees of cooling. LDJ SU13 CODE: 11 /3/ SUBM DATE: 03Jan6l Cut t/ PMUNIKTN. V.Yu.; MOLOTKCV, V.I.; PAKWK)V, L.H.-, PELLIKAN, S.G. Low-power ferr1te-~qu1pP6CP-,- etle amplifiers for audio frequencies. Trudy LPI tio.194:69-74 ' 58. (WRA 11:11) (Magnetic amplifiers) VACC Nks AP7002674 .AUTHOR: Petrun'k V. Yu.; Yesepkina. Chernov, V. A. ORG: none SOURCE CODE: UR/0109/67/012/001/0146/0149-: N. A.; Kruzhalov, S. V.; Pakhomav, L. N.; TITLE: Formation the traveling wave in a complex optical resonator SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, v. 12, no. 1. 1967, 146-149 1 TOPIC TAGS: laser.,, ring laser, traveling wave Ida ; 0 ( 4 "- r%.4L. -4 ABSTRACT: An anal'ysis is made of a method for calculating a ring resonator with supplementary extek~nal mirrors to obtain traveling wave excitation. The method is based on the theory-of long lines as applied to the analysis of conditions for natural oscillation of the system. The essential part of the external arrangement is a systeml of two mirrors: ope, with a partial transmission, is inclined to the beam, and the other, which is fully reflectingis placed perpendicularly to the beam. A system of equations is given for the wave amplitudes as functions of the distance between the mirrors and their transmission and reflective indexes. The scattering matrix of the system is determined relative to the complex wave number, the real and imaginary parts of which represent, respectively, the natural frequency and the attenuation factors. The problem is solved for certain special cases, and from these solutions the relation-___ ship between the wave number and the parameters of the entire system (expressed Cord 1/2 UDC: 621.372.4.029.67 ACC NRs AP7002676 through a constant) can be deduced. Generally, however, the unavoidable reflection from the end facer.*of the resonator produce$ a reverse wave which must be eliminated before the operating traveling wave can travel only in one direction. This can be achieved either by coatings or by causing the reflected beams to deviate from the resonator axis and'thus be ousted from the system. A rectangular ring laser, with near-optimal parameters, equipped with two supplementary mirrors as described, and with the end reflection eliminated by Inclination of the active medium with respect to the resonator optical aide, was experimentally investigated under actual traveling-! wave operation. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 10 formulas. [WA-141'i SUB ODDR: 20/ SUM DATE: 29jun66/ ORIC REP: 001/ OM RRYt 002/ AILC No.-AP.7001312' AUTHOR. Boach-Bruyewich, A. M.; Potrun'kin. V. Vu.; Arzussnov, V. W.; Tesepkins, i 1. A.; In". Ys. A.; Krushelov. S. V.1 Fakhmov, L. ORG, none TITLE: A study of a neodynium glass laser with external feedback SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskay fialki, v. 36. no. 12. 1966, 2171-2174 TOPIC TAGS: solid state laser, glass laser, neodyndum glass laser, traveling laser. laser r and d ABSTRACT. A study was made of a-traveling-wave external-feedback neodymium glass laser, the experimental setup of which is shown in Fig. I. The external cavity consisted of four mirrors arranged in a rectangular pattern (1.5 x 0.5 in). The output mirror W) was 80% reflective and the three other mirrors were 99% reflectiva! The active medium was a cylindrical glass rod 240 rma long and 25 mm In diameter. The laser was pumped by two IFK-15,GOO flashlaups fed from a condenser bank having a total stored energy of 30 kj. A Faraday-effect cell, consisting of a quartz plate and- a polariter (six plane-parallel Brewster-angle places) was used to achieve travelinr~ wave operation. A DFS-8 spectrograph (dispersion 6 ;Jm) and a F&bry-Perot Inter- ferometer were used to observe the emission spectra of the jeaer at various pumping levels and with the Faraday call in and out of the feedback circuit. It was above that the emission spectra of traveling-wavo laaers are virtually line spectra and UM 621.378.32 Coed 1/2 ACC NR; AF7001312 50 ;J~s _j Forward, 6 ackward Gr*L_ Fig. 1. Experimental setup of a traveling- wove laser 1 - Working substance; 2 - quartz plate; polarizer; 3 - Faraday call; 4 5 - 5" - mirrors; 6 - photocell@; 7 - spectrograph alit. Ithat the spiking sequence is better ordered than that of standing-wave lasers. A d reduction of the spectrum to a single narrow line. which has been observe in traveling-wave ruby lasers, was not encountered in the present laser. Such narrowing in the traveling-wave operation will not occur unless the luminescence line of the working substance broadens, as Ic does In rubies. The high-intensity lines observed jin the experiments corresponded to the uniform broadening of Imines- nce lines of Ithe dopant. Orig. art. hasi 5 figures. M) i ISUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATEs OIJun66/ OM REFt 003/ ATD PRESS: 5110 SOV/1 20- 58-2- --'2/ 3-) AUTHOIRO:Ipatov, V. A., Pakhomov, L. P. TITIE: A Pho toe lec tri-c--rn-s-trument 'L-o-r--t--he-Deter--zinat-' )n. ~f ti- CDncentrat-'on of IMercury Vapo,-tr in Air (Fo toe ch-~ c "'CiY pribor d1ya opredeleniya 111ontsentratsii parov r-,,It.J v I I r 2' FERIODI-AI: Pribory i Te',~;Iindka Ek-sperimenta, 1,15-, "IU3SR) ABSTRACT: A descr'L,,)ti,)n is given of a portable instru.:,r~nt vjl~ j can be used to determine quickly and cDnveniently the --eintration of -,uercury valjur in air. The instru:aent i~- baSed on the absorption -Dj a vaj-.oF of ultravi)let radia- ti,)n havirlo- Li waveLenr,,th of TIe intenc.~+--y of the radiat,-',)n is measured by a ,IiotomuIti,,Iicr, TI-ac, r,utl- ,~,J' of the p-hotomulti:,lier is fed to an eiectric circuit vililch uses :)nl,,, diode and triode ti-ansistors. The circui-,-. i~i otiomi in detai.l iii Fi--.-:,. The scaic of the n,, t i-ume n tLlnf--,ar arul full' scale deflcct~'Jn ur c to !20 -~ig/ A co:2flete anaLjOiS of mercury vii, in a ,~jven r,j:)i ,--,-tn iuc carried oat i,.~ 50-4- 3e~:. Ca2d 1/2 A Va Ai- 4 f f in c e s L A3_~0cIATI .jI.,I: F:!-! t i','t:tut A14 S;SR Tec hnical in ..',ti ti jUBIJITTED . A ii ---Analysis 2- Mercury vapor--DeterminatiDn 3. Photoelectric equipment--Applications 25025 S/()57/61/'O'z~l,~007,,'OC,6/'02- 9, 2 b l 0811B~09 AU PHORS Gol-oit, V. Ye. , Orlo,.-, 1,1. 1. , Pakhomov, L. P, TI ' 'L L Pro I'L. c t. on o f a M gh- deus ~ ',.y p 1 asma by a ho t - c a t hod e j i s ,:Karp(, in a ma6n~--tic field Zhitr!.-.l t,khnicfeakoy fiziki, v '1, no. '!. 1()61, %X i ihe withors pre~f-nt ',re results cf an investigiition of a d., s, -. a,-, a magn, ti c fi e I d I n su .: t. a d i s c tia rp e vi I U, a irrent cl~ r-i t~ f % 'Iti cij~m' ii, aj .~~ricmc;jeneous mat,,netic field (h /H > fl-ak-gl.e t I fielu strerq ti. in tti(- ander exam-.nation, h c - ma&netic feld -t,(--,rkl-h :LL-HY a I 'ssma -,-ncentrat,.~;n of )vtr '-G' ~4 c Ill 5 may atta,r~-c 'hec r 1 -, ~I It was t"Ie aiM C', tre present invp.31AEalioi; to cf ?narved ,art,.civs ~n suc.,-. a plaL-a em I t 1 c, P- r-r ri ii,-. - pi, d c , th(~ de v, ag 1 % cm, , 1 t --- t. :Z: -;-'At U r~ c v ,.(.(-.c Th~ distance between *.ne ti,.,igstei ~ncde and cut!i.,ci~ ehs U , ve.--, :..ade )n 1:oth a homc6ene.:,,.iq ~-,nd an int..---mc~'teneoiis ma, 2~025 7 6 %, 7, I f .1 t C -:,a r4 t I ri, ~i I-,,i t~'I 1L Le r mm a t i t :tf, e o f -c t -v r. C) I 1.d 1 u v n r a j 1, L as... a ccrd tcuwl to b-- i i rI s ymm r, c n r"q r 7. r I v:1 r I a t, I C 1, n 1? 8 S , C, An I Z'. 1- 1 11 C 1 e 9 111 U JE " ri :- 0 u!3 11 e I d III ;Ili 1-11.omot:.elleou o 2~,00 ?e r.; !.e I.i tw-, concentrat, -% :~f a a el t: a L~. i. as m~ C I - 5 autY,c.,Ts L, f,v its.Yiia for thp measurements, V V, Rc.ztj-3 e s t v e n s k I fcr 1he M . :,, L~~rioncv for havrg measured ti, e back rouril I ad-, 'it i of-, , arla U 1 h 1, V1 P Korstantinov for d~,sGussioi, There are ' figurer, aria 4 re I e reric e E; 2 Soviet-!.Io,:~ :rid ron-Soviet-bloc, A'J- ATI C~. Jnst~tut im. A F. -1cffe j,, SSR iler.~ ne rad Institute of Pn ' 31CS and Techno`opy ,,mer-J A, F loffe AS USSR LeninF,,.d,' C a rd 2, " ', PAKHOMOV, 1,11. Machine-Tra,~tor Stations Tractor brigade in the effort to obtain a hir-h yield. ~~"S 12, no. ~, 1?~,. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessicas, Library of Congress. August -1953k Unclassified. 2 AGAKRALTYANTS, 0. Ye.; PAKH914OV) M.M.; TRGFDIOV, A.K. Paleogeography of the PamirB during the Holocene. lzv-. Vaes. geog, ob-va 96 no.69505-509 N-0 164 (MIRA 18:1) C, n arju tre recel., ni: to spor, izv, AN SSSR er. T-3 Z+ PAKHomov. m.m. Paleogeography of the Quaternary period in the eastern Pamirs. Dokl. AN SWR 141 no.5:1191-1193 D '61. (M IRA 14: 1,11 ) 1. Predstavleno akademikom V.P. Sukachev-ym. (Pamirs--Paloogeography) YEDELI , Vladimir BDrisovicb. Prinimal ucbastiye GRIGORIYEV, Ye.T. inzh.; PA.MMOV, M.P., doktor tekhn. nauk, reteenzent; BOGDAW'7, V.P., kan~. tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; LISOVSKIT, A.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; KROVORUCHKO, N.M., inzh., red.; VOROTNIKOVA, L.F.J. takhn. red. (Design of the mechanical part of electric rolling stock) Proaktiroyanie mekhanicheskoi chasti elektropodviahnogo soatava. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat, 1963. 422 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Electric railroads--Rolling stock) Pm,m,bvP M*P,, doktor tekhn.nmk Generalization on the operation of a.c. and d.c. contact network jointing posts. [Trudy) LIIZHT no.193:145,153 ,62. (KM 15:12) 1. Noveoibirskiy institut inzhonerov sheleznodoroshnogo trans ta. rSiberia, saste.-4--Zlectric railroads-Current, supply) PAKHOMVP M.P., doktor tekhn. nauk Taking voltage losses in the overhead contact systaim into account in plotting the speed curve. Trudy NIIZHT 26t63-66 162. (MIRA 160) (Electric railroads-Train speed) PAKHOMOV, M. P., Doc Tech Sci -- (diss) "Research into vertical os- cillations and inter-action of electric trains on track." Moscow, 1960- 35 PP; (Ministry of Railroads, Moscow Order of Lenin and Crder of Labor Red Banner Railroad Transport Engineers Inst im I. V. Sta- lin); 170 copies; price not given; bibliography at end of text; (KL, 27-60, 151) PARHOMOV, M.P. Zffect of the elasticity of track on the free vertical vibration of the electric loccowtive. Ixv.vost.fil.AX SSSR n0-7:93-100 '57. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Rovosibirskiy Institlat Inshenerov shelesnodoroshnogo transporta. (Railroaide--Track) (Blectric locomotives--Vibration) SOV/124-58-1 1259 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 1. p 156 (USSR) AUTHOR: V, M. P. TITLE: The Impact of an Electric Locomotive on the Track in the Vicinitv of a Rail Joint (Vozdeystviye elektrovoza na put' v zone styka) PERIODICAL: Vestn. Vses. n. -i. in ta zh. -d. transp. , 1957, Nr 4, pp 30- 34 ABSTRACT: The author presents a method for the computation of the force exerted by a wheel having a nonuniform rolling surface, an elliptical tire, etc. , on a track having a variable or constant stiffness. Reviewer's name not given Card 1/1 FAKHDMV. M.P., dots. kiand. tokchn. nauk Rxperimental Investigations of electric locomotive vibrations and their affect on the track. Trudy NIIT no-103:44-64 158. (MBA 11- 12) (1lectr1c locomotives-Vibration) (Railroads-Track) 124-58-b-6322 Translation from: ReferatLvnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 6, p 6 fUSSR) AUTHOR: Pakhomov, M. P. ,_ ------------------ TITLE: The Effect of the Elasticity of the Roadbed on the Free Vertical Vibrations of an Electric Locomotive (0 vliyanii uprupsh puti na svobodnyye vertikal'nyye kolebaniya elektrovoza) PERIODICAL: Izv. vost. fil. AN SSSR, 1957, Nr 7, pp 93-10U ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry 1. Railroads--Elasticity 2. Locomotives--Vibration Card 1/1 3. Elasticity--Test results I !,~, i- I ... I I I I PAKHMOV, kund. takhm. nauk (Novosibirsk). ActIon of the HB electric locomotive on the track. thel. dor. transp. 39 no,12r42-45 D 1.57. (MIRA 11:1) (Blectric looomotives) FAKHOMOV$ Mop. kand.tekhn.nauk Action of the wheels of electric locomotives (diesel locomotives.- cars) on a track with nonuniform elasticity. Vest.TSUII 109 20 no.50840 161. (MIRA 14'.8) 1. Novosibirskly institut inzhenerov zheleznodoroz~nogo transporta. (Railroads-Track) (Railroads-Rolling stock) FAXHOMOV, M.P., kand. takhn. nauk, dots. Interaction of the rail with a flat wheel. Vest. TSNII MPS 18 no.5:22-27 Ag 159. (MIRA 13:1) l.Novosibirokly institut inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transport&. (Railroads-Raile) (Car wheels) FAKHOMOV,IJ-V&M-F, kandidat tekhnieheskikh nauk. Action of an electric locomotive on the track at the joint area. Test. 751111 KPB 16 no.4t3O-34 Je '57. (KEMA 1018) (Railroads-Track) -16flOlidiw- 0 -pro .140C 0 epertid 'o Awe f 111i i._~ art., gurea# toll s s ---A 67/0169 TiTLE., 11-1112e,ph tivileXith 2ME&Ws_JJXe -c2ALM hotocathode .777- 1A OURCE: -Tribory I telih S 1~63 167-169 n1ka eksperimenta. no. 1, _~_TOPMTAGS: Vboto~ultipller Mrst 11&., A` i~io~liiol tar with:hlph stability.,and incressed.threshold sensitivity ii--. tairibe .&-,~ Thi -multiplier consis Ito.-of a sea -silver-cesium ttransparent.oxygen p Ototath ide 5 j6--lit'diameter and a syst0m..-provided with the dynodes made mu of '"Ami~A13LOYOADir~Ruse-of its small dimensions and somie design innovations, the an Vit Mail r can tim idImpacts up to-.50 g and v Orations up to I kc. In the pro- :,duc -A t t Iplier, special.attention was pikid-no only to the accurate distil- J i~ 0~! a., 16n' uce o excess but's so to reduc ng nimum the amount of cesium w, Ade :foiled- on the dybodes. Photocathodes with a sensitivity of 20-35 vamp/lm were ;:'6u1.6pi ce& Tests showed an instability of only I 0.3Z for six hours of continu- ,~:oum,operat an-anode current of I vamp. A high threshold sensitivity 6 .3i1 0-112 cps, 1/2) was achieved in conjunction with a high Infrared it tyo eibold sensitivity for an o tinum signal-to-noise ratio was at its ~p llila~m~ aVan operating voltage of 1200-1400 v. The multiplIer to rac r inded as a Ai Ctor--of very. 46sk light flux. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and I table. JKMJ Iffir. All %Q2 101 FAKHOMOV, N. ...... The housing and public services Of RY&zan are on the upgrade. Zhil.-kom.khoz. 7 no.8:3-5 '57. (MIRA 10:1o) 1. Sekretarl Ryasanskogo gorkona Ko=unistlcheskoy partil-Sovetakogo SOYusa. (Ryazan-Municipal services) PAKHOMOV, N.; BATAK HIJV, N. First Russian expedition b- y G.IA, Sedov to the North Pole. Mor. flot 22 no.B-.40-41 Ag 162. (YJPA 15:7 (Arctic regions-Russian exploration) (Sedov, Georgii Iakovlevich) FAKlH %- . . . -May,-Alk- Improvement of the publie areas of one's own city is the busina83 ~f all workers. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 12 no.10:'~,5 0 262,r (MIRA 16:2) 1. Fervyy sekretarl Ryazanskogo gorodskogo komiteta Kom-Disticheskoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza. (f~razan--Landscape gardening) PAKROY.CV, N. Itogi navigatEii 1931. g. i adachi zirmei sudorenontnoi karipanii. CThe results of navigation in 1935 and the problems of the winter shiL repkir campaign_7. (Rianovoe khoZ-vo, 1935, no. 11-12# p. 89-105). Maritime transport (P. 93" ,L~: HC331-P51- &N Soviet Transportation and Communications Library of Congress, I,eference klepartment, W"hington, 1952, 6classifief SHD-fKO, I.G.; PAKHOMOV, N.A. Introduction of new methods for process improvement at the Kiev Combine. Khim. volok. no.4:6-7 163. (WRA 16-8) 1. Kiyevskiy kombinat iskusstvennogo i sinteticheskogo vololm (for Shimko). 2. Kiyevskiy filial Gosudarstvennogo institut po proyektirovaniyu predpriyatiy iskusstvennogo volokna (for Pakhmov). PAKHOVOV, K. I. Direktivy pravltellstva I zadachi vodnogo transpcrta. fbirectives of the government and the problems of waterway transportation/. Moskva, 1936. 27 p. DI.C: Slavic unclass. Itogi. navigatsii 1935 g. I madachi zimnei sudoremontnoi kampanii. Desults of t1w navigation In 1935 and the problems of the winter campaign for ship renair.-7 (Planovoe khoz-vo, 1935, no. 11-12, p. P9-105). DLCt 11C331-P52 Ocherenye zadachi vodnogo transporta. Next problems of waterway transportation-7- (Planovoe khozvo, 193h, -.0. 12, p. hl-~). DLC.- HC331.P52 SO: Soviet Transportation and Communications, A Bibliogaphy, Library of Congress, Refer-once Department, Washington, 19520 Unclassified. PffHONDV, N.M. Selecting the efflAent and safe parameters for solid borehole char On. Khim.prom. no.1:33-39 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:2~ VOL4DDIN,; pAKHOMOV.,X.M.; MMESMENVIC11. YUJ.; PASECHNIK, L.A.; BUUUMy. Te.T.; NOISETWA. Te.I.. Prinimali uchastiye: GRISHIR. K.Te., in2h.; PROTOSAVITSKATA. Te.A.. inzh.-, GOFEN. D.A., in2h.; VINARSUT, V.I.. lnzh.; FLUTMO, V.P., Insh.. MOSHCHANSKZT. N.A.. nauchnyy red.; TTAPKIN. B.G.. red.izd-va; GURVICH. B.A.. red.lzd-va; )GWV=V, L.Ya., [Anticorrosive coatings for construction elements and apparatus; handbook] Antikorr02iinye pokrytiia stroltellnykh konstruktaii i apperatury; spravochnoe poaobie. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.. arkhit. i stroit.mnterialam, 1959. 266 p. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.). Glavnoye upravleniye po montazhu tekhnologichoskogo oborudovaniya i proizvodatvu montazhnykh rabot. 2. Projrektno-konstruktorskoye byuro tresta Xontazhkh1mzashchita (for Volodin, Pakhomov, Dereahkavich, Paaechnik. Bukharin, Moise- yeva). (Protective coatings) (Building materials) ~HCMOV, N.M.; -..STOYKO, I. V. F* --- Introduction of an enlarged borehole pattern at the . open-cut mine of the Rosdol Sulfur Combine. Kbin.prom, no.10:773-776 0 162. (MIU 15:12) (Rosdol--Zulfur mines and mining) FAKH()MOV:' N.M. Determining the operating efficiency of the excavator in relation to the degras of crushing of the rock. Shakht.stroi. 6 no.l-.24-16 J& 962. (MMA l4t12) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauahno-iseledovateltakiy inatitut gornokhim-I.- Cheskogo syrtya. (Excavating machinery) KOPERINP V.V.,, Inzh.; PAKHOMOV, N.M., inzh. Anticorrosion work in Finland. Mont. i spets. rab. v stroi. 24 no.9:22-26 S 162. (YURA 15:9) (Finland-Corrosion and anticorrosives) ALEKSEYEV, S.N.; A11TIPIP, V.A.; ARTPWONOV, V.S.; BALALAYEV, G.A., inzh.; VOLODD-i, V.Ye.; GOLIDE;BERG, N.L.; GORINA, B.S.; GOFUI, D.A.; GHISHIT-1, X.Ye.; DMESI=ICH, Yu.V.; DO'--1'ONEN`KOV,I.M.; KLINOV, I.Ya., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; LEYrtIR'H,, V.E.; LUTONIN, N.V.; MOLOKANOV, A.V., dots.; NOGIN, A.Ya.; PAKHOMOV, L.M.; FROTOSAVITSKAYA, Ye.A.; a0l"OV, I.V.; CHOUT-SHY, L.A.; TSEYTLIN, A.G.;STRAVIYE,P.K.; MOSECHAESMY, N.A... doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., red.; PEREVAUYUK, 1-%V., red.izd-va; T124KINA, Ye.L., [Corrosion protection in the construction of industrial buildings] Zashchita ot korrozii v pronysl-dennon. stroit 11- stve. Moskva, Gosstroiizdnt, 1963. 406 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Corrosion and anticorro-ives) (Industrial buildings) FAKHOMOV, N.M. Calculating blasting charges in accordance with the distance separating them. Xhimprom. no.2:114-120 F 162. (MIRA 15:2) (Blasting) VOWDIN, V.Ye.; TIRR S VICH, Yu.V.; FAKHO$OV, N.M.; PASECHNIK, K.A.; BUKHARIM..U.T.; ND1SffMA,'Te-.I. Iiii mall uchastiye: GRISHIN. N.Ts., inwit.: AmsAviTSKATA. Te.A., insh.; GOM, D.A., lnzh.; 'VINARSKIY, V.I., insh.; PIETMO, V.P.. inzh.. MMCHANSKIT, N.A.. nauchnyy red., TYAPKII, B.G., red.izd-va; GURVICH, N.A., red.izd-va; MXDVEDZV, L.Ta., [Anticorrosive coatings for engineering structures and apparatus; a manual) Antikorroziinys pokrytiia stroitellnykh konstruktaii I apparatury; Bpravochnoe poBoble. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.;. arkbit. i stroit.materialam, 1959. 266 p. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Kinisterstvo etroitel'stva. 2. Pro- yektno-konstraktorskoye byuro tresta Montazhkhimzashchita (for Volo- din, Dereshkevich, Pakhomov, Pasechnik, Bukhatin, Noisayeva). (Protective coatings) (Factories-Equipment and supplies) PAXHDMDV, W.V., agronom. areat victory of state farms on virgin and Idle I-do. Nauka i pered. op. v sellkhoz. 6 no.12:30-31 D 56. (MLRA 10:1) (Reclamation of lavA) I * - 1 4 A-t -8 0- ~ Z- = : 1 000 v 6 9 0 0 0 0 0 6 *1: 0 1 # N 11 1) it w 4 A 0 OL W U A --A-A-.&--A -X P A . , , ~p I.C 00 tOF dolrrmsatmm Of Ipm and hmm ... m , IFOB of ih* dAMM)UM tanning bdths X ft. I... ....l . 00 * , , hhusum.: - *a : I-XII MKI i " % ..,Ih~, .. .1 1 IxAll 4 bv lilt-lim w0h Tw 'A k I' C UO* U0 wee I 0 0 a& 13 ita 40 0 gi PAKHOYDV, 0, 1. IVASTM. A. M., FEDDREMO, V. I., SHKUD, M. A., GEL'Wi, F. Avp HYPMV, K. FL, and hW-TY,, Ye. V. 4 Antenna Switch, Patent, Class 21s . 7204, no. 103460, Elektrosvyozl No. 1, J8n 57. PAKHOMOV, P.A., inzh. Theory of float valves of drawatts. Vod. j san. tekhe no.446-9 Ap 164 (MIRA 1841) PAKHOMM Petr Aleksandrcyl ~1~ POIZORATSKAYA, E., red. - GRISHKO, T., 11-1 ------------------------ --- -- e c I. r~~ 'a. (El!minating air from hot-water heating rjstem--l Vozdukhauda- lenie iz tiistem v(Ajan,)go otople-Mia. Kiev, Gob.izd-irc lit, 17 Pco strolt. i orkh" . USSR~ 19F~~ . 58 P. (MIU 15:0 (Hct-swatet hoa'Ling) 40371-6~ T id t ACC NR, AV6025263 SOMICE CODE: Ult/0057/66/036/007/1312/1314 'UTHOR: Pakhomov.P.L ~01,~I. Ya.; Shevcheako, Yu.F. ORG: none !TITLE: Temperature dependence of the diffusion cross section of metastable helium ,atoms in helium 'SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 36, no. 7, 1312-1314 iTOPIC TAGS: helium, metastable state, gas diffusion, 2lasma diffusion, pa ticle cross Isection ABSTRACT: The authors have measured the diffusion cross section (defined as v/3ND, 1where v is the mean atomic velocity, N is the gas density, and D is the diffusion con- 3S,) helium atoms in helium gas at 77, 64, and 200 K by a plasma :stant) of metastable (2 ;technique that has been described in detail by I.Ya.Fugol', P.L.Pakhomov, and G.P. IReznikov (Opt. i spektr., 16, 941, 1964). Plasmas were produced by 40 MHz discharges jin a quartz tube containing helium at pressures (reduced to room temperature) ranging ifrom 0.1 to 1.0 mm Hg and their deca was followed for up to 1.5 millisec by recording tthe absorption of the 3889 ~ 23S - 3~P helium line. The diffusion. constants, calcu- 11ated from the exponential decay curves on the assumption that the plasmas decayed en- Itirely by diffusion to the wall of the vessel, were inversely proportional to the ~pressure within the 15% experimental error. The measured diffusion cross sections UDC: 533.9.07 L 4017---66 ACC NRi AP6025263 :Were in good agreement with~the theory of R.A.Buckingbam and A.Dalgarno (Proc.Roy. 180c A213, 506, 1952). The diffusion cross section at 770 K (approximately 4.5 x 1:10-B cm2) was 50% lower than that found by A.V.Phelps and J,f,Molnar (Phys.Rev.,89, j1204, 1953). At 200 K the diffusion cross section was 5 x 1 5 CM2. Orig. art. has: j5 formulas and 3 figures. [151 SUE CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 02Aug65 ORIG.REF: 001 CrTH REF: 005 ATD PRESS ~S-,a S-:]~ L o8358-67 EWT(j)/EWT(m)/EWP(t)/ETI ACC NR, AR6028133 AUTIHOR: TITLE: SOURCE: IJP(c) JD/AT SOURCE CODE: Pakhomov, P. L.; Fugol', I. Ya. Spectroscopic investigation of a decaying helium p~Lma at TT and 20K Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 5Dh31 417 REP. SOURCE: Fiz.-tekhn. in-t nizk. temperatur A)4 WrSsg- Kharkov, 1965, 53 str. TOPIC TAGS: heVitm plasma, plasma decay, metastable state, discharge plasma, atomic spectrum, spectrpl line ABSTRACT: The pi-cesses of destruction of metastable He atoms in a decaying plasma of! a pulsed high-fr(,~iency discharge at 77 and 20K and the kinetics of the de-excitation ! of the He lines Pre investigated. An intense afterglow of a number of lines of atomicl helium was obsei-ed at pressures 8 -_ 40 mm Hg. The theory of the af'terglow is based on taking simultzaeous account of two processes: formation of molecular helium ions and electrons as a result of the destruction of the metastable atoms, and subsequent recombination of he molecular ions and electrons. The rates of the main processes of' destruction of mt;.astable atoms and the coefficients of recombination at lov tempera- tures are determi-ied. [Translation of abstract) SUB CODE: 20 UP/0058/66/ooo/oo5/Do56/DO56 I 63 1/1 not bdWW MAO er~ --cIollisiorl6`:of- lie'Li at r:at FA En EP M/ h n-4 ~7111(~ /0 059 .a, wa-a4- m-646.ujc-ed'-:,.~~ meafi~-- ption- o e~ ~h t ACCESSION NR: AP4039701 6/0051/64./016/006/0941/0948 AUTHORS: Fugoll, 1. Ya.; Pakhomov, P. L.; Reznikov, G. P. :TITLE: Spectroscopic investigation of a pulsed high-frequency dis- ,.tcharge in helium ;.SOURCE& Optika i spektroskopiyaj, v. 16# no* 6, 1964, 941-9413 TOPIC TAGSs discharge plasma, plasma decay, spectral line intensity,!- ;atomic spectroscopy, recombination, metastable state ABSTRACT: The kinetics of the excitation and breakdown of a helium plasma was investigated under conditions of a pulsed electrodeless high-frequency discharge in the pressure interval 0.1-40 mm Kg, [ kat room temperature (290K) and at the temperature of liquid nitrogen i'(77K) and at different values of the power. The experimental setup !land t;chnique are described. The decrease in line intensity during Ithe time of the high-frequency pulse at 290K is attributed to atomic JJ Wal (l)/W(n)/&TC(F)/EPJP(j1)-2/AM ACC., XR: AP6004f4oj (aYMP(0/114) LOW JD/AT SOURM CDM: EM/00 'Jim 11/66/020/001/oOIO/0020 F32111 1. y4 nona 41/0 777LE: .21' q11 -UQ1um afterglow in a Pulsed hf discharge Plasma at 770K -iSOURM! Opt a I 'Pektroskoplya, v. 20, no. 1966, 10-20 TOPIC TAGS:* discharge Plasmas, helium Plasmas luminescence :.ABSTRACT: 7he authors determine the rates of fundamental afterglow Processes under I:M gh-frequency Pulsed discharge conditions at a temperature of 770K and explain the ~*BcbMism rVaponsible -for the Intense afterglow in a helium hf discharge Plasma at a low te and ~ -!I - . - Veratuft - The experimental equipmMt IS described. Me Plasma ralliation -Concentration of metastable He(235).atoms in the afterglow were measured.' It is ~sh=D that the curve for concentration of ;pPeseltires.of .B-50 In Hg - metastable atoms as a function of time at ,s a close approximation of a hYperbola- The recombination 'Coefficient Is a linear function of pressure, wh ch dicates that collisions be- tab '"tweq- metes le atoms take place with th mal. at a e participation of helium atom in the nor- Uperimental measureftntg show that the trIplq_cojlj8jon plocess UDC. 533.9 77- ACC MR: 40 Mrsit t I I o04401 AP6 tls)--*... (23S) + He (23S) + 06 at dissociat ive is shown th it in a icles ressures above 5 M H99 zation of chargod Part probable at P Process for deicni is tj., fundamental 7be0retical considerations indicate that I Se Plasma- se atomic aftergi6w -are' Mcy. PuLsed dischar 1e for inteU 41) reactions Tesponsib Hols) - t2$-q)+1R0(22S)+ 2BG+kvo + YAW + 110 rec01Mb' high the on in im (or electron ) concentra- the variat formity with these two processes. al equation is given for . con theory explaining the funda- A,differenti of a helium Plasma ' is for a I ,*ination reaction is ijob in the afterglOwi5ms are used as the bas 7he re ,,,,,.two,proposed..jechan luminescence and afterglow- ex6ited atoms with Vrespect nf line Of SOME cobE.. mWOW/66/m/ow/0389/0394 `AUTM-.-_Atis6Xli'_-,l. -its' Fakbonow ACC NR. AP7002420 SOURCE CODE: UR/0051/66/021/006/0741/0748 AUTHOR: Fugol', I. Ya.; Pakhomov, P. L.; Shevchenko. Yu. F. ORG: none TITLE: Spectroscopic investigation of decaying helium plasma at 20K SOURCE: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 21, no. 6, 1966, 741-748 TOPIC TAGS: helium plasma, plasma decay, plasma diffusion, metastable state ABSTRACT: The helium plasma was excited in a quartz tube submerged In liquid hydrogen (20.4K). The luminescence was recorded through the liquid hydrogen. The helium pressure was varied from 0.1 to 80 mm Hg. The concentration of metastable atoms in t-he afterglow was determined by the absorption of the 3889 A line from an external source. The rate of pair collision, on which depends the decay of metastable atom and the diffusion coefficent D at different pressure p of metastable atom, was determined. The average value for Dp at 20K is (Dp)a1e[ , 95 cm2-sec-1-mm Hg. A comparison of results shows that below 77K the var a ion of the diffusion coefficient does not follow the classical dependence Dp - /"r, a fact v&ch Is possibly linked with the effect of the quantum features of the diffusi6n process in helium at low .Card _112 ACC NRt AP7002420 temperatures. The character of the afterglow of helium plasma at ZUIC is similar to the afterglow at 77K. The only intensive afterglow was that of the atomic lines He I. The duration of afterglow was 150-200 usec. Orig. art. bas: 26 formulas, 5 figures, and 3 tables. SUB CODE: 2011 SUBM DATE: 1OMay65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 002/ ATD PRESS: 5112 2/2 Card FAXHOMOV, S.; RUDNITSKIY, M. ,--~~O=Moc,87vage terms. Sots.trud. no.9:63-66 S 156. (XLRA 9: 12) (Copper mines and mining) (Wages) .11."IEDIFOV, ---.; ve. Fist C -1'-ur;~ Pon ". fi-:,! -~ I' ),. ~- .I I" - - I .. , k . . . . . I :. . , . 9. Montbly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, .. -../, 1953. Unclassified. PAEMNOT, S. Root causes preventing a growth in output. Mr 156. (KERA 9:7) (Karabash--Copper mines and mining) (Labor productivity) PAKIIJI-IOV, S. 1. Class 21ah, 72,,., N'o. 10297P. X. A. ~. L. 'Pllmary K. ". I -u 7 . '_C)MOV, A. - Ye. N. much -k, .3 . 'Pak -~ I~e , I .. aFY: ;. I . - ~e% .3witch-'Fii7 iin',,erinas. Authors' Certif-'cates, Elekti-osvyazl No. -, 1-6;-. MASURENKOV, Yu.P.; PAKIIOMDV, S.I. Geochemistry of c1dorine. Dokl. All SSSR 139 no.2:453-455 Jl 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. P-redativleno akademikom D.I. Shcherbakovym. (Elbrus region--Chlorine) (Geochebistry) KISSIIJ, I.G.; PAKHOMOV, S.I. Some data on the role of high temperatures and pressures in the forma- Ix' tion of the chemical composition of underground waters. Dokl. AN SSSR - 163 no.lt201-204 J1 165- (MIRA 180) 1. Severo-Kavkaaskoye otdeleniye Proizvodstvennogo i nauchno-isale- dovatel'skogo inatituta po inzhenernym izyskaniyam v stroitellstve. Submitted February 10, 1965. FAIMLEYEV, I.Ya.; MASUREMOV, Yu.P.; PAKHCHOV, S.I. Origin of carbon dicatide in underground vaters. Izv. AR SSSR. Ser.geol. 27 no.6:95-98 Je 162. 04IR;1 15:51'- 1. Sever(>-Kavkazskoye otdeleniye laboratoril~ gidrogeologichE..skikh I problem AN SSSR, g. Stavropol . (Water, Underground) (Carbon dioxide) -, I , .,I.- - . Ov I OSTRTKAU, U.S.; PAKHOW. S.I.; SINUL'XIKAU, N.P. w1wx Forces that cause tKe -ontraction Gf helium substances on drying. Vestal AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh. nav. no.4:119-131 '56. (MLRA 10:6) (Helium) (Drying) DOROKHOV, S.M.; PAKHOHOV. S.P.; POLYAKOV, G.D.; NECRAYEVA, Ye.G.. red.; --T FEWTOTC . .. to hn.rod. (Raising fish in pondsJ PrudovGe rybovodstvo. Pod red. G. D. Poliakova. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry. 1958. 295 P. (MIRA 12:4) (Fish culture) PAKHONOV, S.P., kandidat biologicheskikh nauk. Study of collective farm bodies of water In forest and forest- steppe districts with a view towards their use in fish culture. Trudy sov.Ikht.kom. no.2:101-106 '53. (XLBA 7:7) 1. Vserossiyekiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy iDetitut prudovogo rybnogo khozyaystva - VNIPRKh. (Hydrology) (Fish culture) PAMICEOV, S.T. Volga Valley - Fish Culture Collective farm pond fish culture of the Lower Volga Valley and prospects for its development. Ryb. khoz. 28 No. 5 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of' Congress. October 1952. Uncla5sified. I . PAKHOYOV, S. P-0 RA7CIEMOP E. P. 2. US3R (6oo) 4- Stalingrad Reservoir--Carp 7. Ways to create reserves of Volga Carp in the Stalingrad Reservoir, Ryb. khoz., 29, No. 3, 1953- 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April, 1953, Uncl. 1. PAXIM-M, ~. P. ; ILADCHENKO,Ye. P. 2. ussR (6oc)) 4. Carp - Stalingrad Reservoir I 7. Ways to create reserves of Volga carp in the 3talingrad leservoir. 3. P. Pakhomov, Ye. P. Radchenko, Ryb. khoz. 29 no. 3 '53. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL - 1953, Uncl. AKHCI!~ V, S. Fish G-ilt-re-VolCa Gcll'ec'~dve farm -om.: i':-If,',- --I';re -,-i Lo.,-ur Vol--a valley anc.' ;n_.: ..-c'-E ~-r developmcnt. oz. 23, 'I - !':.T Y L~3'7 I< L)F-\ V AUDMOV, A.Kh., kand.biol.nauk; BATMO. A.1.. kand. eel I skokhox.neuk; BRUDASTOVA, N.A., 1mnd.tskhn.nauk; GOLOVINSKATA, X.A., kand.biolog. nauk; GORDO. L.M.. kmd.ekon.aeuk; DORCKWV, S.M.. rybovod-biolog; TEROXHINA. L.V.. rybovod-biolog; WIN. T.M., ryboyod-biolog; 13ATXV. A.1., rybovod-biolog; XAD23TICH. 0.V., rybovod-biolog; KONAROVA, I.V., kand.biol.nauk; IMINOVA, R.V.. rybovod-biolog: XULAKOVA, A.M.. rybovod-biolog; XAMONTOVA, L.N.. kand.biol.nauk: METSNER, Te.V.. kand.biol.nauk; KIKHNM, P.T.. kand.biol.muk-, KUKHINA. R.1.. kand.biol.aeukr 7AXHQV0X,-SP.. kand.biol.nauk; SUKHOVMMOV. F.M., kand.biol.nauk; MKOLOVA. Z.?.. rybovod-bia- log; TSIMICHIK, R.I., rybovod-biolog; RYZIMKO, N.I., red.; KOBOVA, O.H.. red.; SOKOLOVA, L.A., (Handbook on pond fish culture] Spravochnik po prudovomu rybovodatvu. Red.kollegiia: A.I.Issev i dr. Moskva, PishchapromizdBt. 1959. 374 p. (KIRA 13:4) 1. Moscow. Vearoasiyakiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut prudo- vogo rybnogo khozyaystya. (Fish culture) .-PAUOMN, S.P., kand.biol.nauk; FOOSOVA, G,V. POpd fish culture. Priroda 50 no.4:49-52 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Voerossiyakiy nauchno-iosledovatellskiy institut prudovogo rybnogo khozyayatva, Moskva, (Flab culture) PAK]i(140VP t.?. ( --m, ta ' ' , 12. ~-- ', i , I :' I , kv. 13 ) Fomation of tho w!~!;~n ~c ~'! ~ Y.- -.c!r-lci ari, 'le anomalles of the r-xll-,a-y ot--y ,~ 7kT.. Preli. gilit. J embr. 0 '~vi 'I ""RA 17W 1. Kafedra .", ; arlatomiyeY (J.spr-lriyayushc,h4 7 .)byp 7,,,1,-, !-,, T za--alwrubh-hppo - kard. med. nauk S.P. Fakhomov)