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PAJMKI, K.; STARZYNSKAI, M.; NIESPODZIEWANSKI, Z. "Calcium Plumbate,, a Nev Rust-Preventing Coloring",, Biulertyn, p. 21A, (INZYNIEM I BUDOWICTWO, Vol. 11, No. 8, Aug. 1954, Warszawa, Poland) SOt Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 5, MaY 19559 Uncl. V-' --, -, -, . - I - i -- Vk1; 3 1, )+ Np. The amplifiers-are placed directly in the widened lead envelope of the cable and have operated for more than 12 months without fault. Type K-21+P (Figs.2 and 1+)t band 12 to 108 kc/39 gain 4-8 - 4-3 Np, noise background referred to input Card 14.8 Np, at 0 Np output level the second harmonic is 1/2 attenuated by > 8.5 Np and third harmonic > 10 Np. The power supply for this amplifier is described in some detail. PAJGRT, Milosl&v, inz. Deeigning transistorized R.FAmplifiers. Slaboproudy Obzor 2-1 no.12: 714-719 D 160. (EM .10:3) 1. Vyzkumny ustav telekomunikaci, Praha. (Transistors) (Amplifiers) FAJGRT _Xapglay. in . ,__ __ All example of designing a push-pull amplifier with OC30 transistors, Sdel tech 9 no~8:286-288 Ag 161. 266?6 Z/014/61/000/008/001/007 E.192/E382 AUTHOR- Pajxrt -Miloslav, Engineer TITLE: An Example of the Design of a Push-pull Amplifier with OC30 Transistors PERIODICAL: Sde3,ovacietechnika, 1961, No. 8, pp. 286 - 288 TEXT: The design approach is based on the formulae available from literature (Ref. 1 - R.F. Shea - Principles of Transistor Circuits, Czech. translations, SNTL, Prague, 1958; Ref. 2 - J. BudinskY - Low-frequency transistor amplifiers, SNTL, Prague~ 1959). The circuit of the amplifier to be designed is illustrated in Fig. 1. The main criterion for the design is the deter- mination of the optimum operating point for the transistors such that the output power will be a maximum. The suitable operating point for the transistors can be set by the variable resistor R, . Further, it is possible to include a means of thermal stabilisation o~ the collector current by connecting a thermistor R Int-) the circuit. First, it is assumed that Card 1/3 J 6, /n, I C-S for Tole- ustav t prct:~%e. T i tle: a PLsh-?411, Ampliflar ulth 5-rc~i- P r a "!l v ~, 1. 1:0 S. -0 fir'd tne output pow"r C.. ~he tranzls- .C.-, the use.-; a graphlo "J3 ar.11 zazes of z=p,!f!.ors--clnsL,,- -'. Lnd ;-pare!; with the trznzistor ;mplifler. rost llmportt-nt part, o.-. d-,- creasing the rutut -i incr~a5ed ~blenz tezipera- .un! P-nd s1lows a reduced voltngc of th~ DC :;ourcE.. Com- parIng the --ari=x- output of class A or B &z-,liflers with OC 30 trarslsto,-53 the author derives a ratio 3.1 1:4.63 P;) Vol 17, b-, Power Of the Proper coefficler-5 of cat"".1 results In a rat', of B-3:1 (-T--'a'ller). 2/2 ----------------------------- ----------------------------- MIGHT.. Milos:Lav*, inz. ------- Substitute dipole tunnel-diodes. Slaboproudy obzor 22 no.12:770-771 D 161. (Diodes) PAJGRT, Miloslav, inz. --------- -- Determining the admittance paramet.- of radio -frequency trans4stors by the means of substitute two-pole networks. Sdel Itech 10 no.2: 55-56 F 162. T, I PAJGRT9 Miloslav, inz. Frequency dependence of the Ye parameters of the 11401 type transistor. Slaboproudy obzor 22 no-3;145-148 Mr 161. (L?EAI 3.0:6) 1. Vyzkumny ustav telekomunikaci, Praha. (Transistors) PAJGRT, Uloslav.. inz, I.. Broad-band transistorized amplifier. Slaboproudy, obzor 24 1 no,1:43 Ja 163, 1 I WGRT.. Miloslav, inz. I .Note on the feedback loop disconnecting in amplifiers. Sdel tech 11 no.2:41-42 F 163o PAJGRT, Miloslav, inz. Admittance parameters of the OC613 transis'-:)r in thp freauenev band UP to 50 MHz. Slaboproudy obzor 24 no.21108-lCg F 1,63. PAJGRTt miloslavo inz. ,,Wier with OCS72 transistors for the siOY-OllwMel -A broad-band an Slaboproudy obzor 24 no-31173 Mr 163- telephone SYStOmo Miloslav, inz. Requirements on intermediate amplifiers of multichannel systems from the viewpoint of basic and intermodulation noises. SlAboproudy obzor 24 no.6.,340-.342 Je 163. 1. Vyzkumny ustav talekomunikaoia Pralia. PAJGRT, FAloslav, inz. Influence of the feedback on nonlinear distortion in transi- storized amplifiers. Slaboproudy obzor -24 no.10.-586-590 0 163. 1. Vyskumny ustay telekomunikaoi. PAJORT, Miloslavs, inz. Effect of the small thermal inertia of mesa transistors on the rmquency responselof their Y parameterff. Slaboproudy obzor 24 no.nt677-67d V63. ACC=10N IMs AP4038993 Z/0014,/6VO00/006/0174/0175 AUTHORs Pajgrt, Miloslav (Fingineer); Vojta, Ludomir (Zngiuser) TITIXs Some little-known properties of high-fraquenoy power transistors SOURCS& Sdelovaoi teohnika, no-9 5, 1964, 173-176 TOPIC TAGSs oaamunications engineerirg, BF amplifier, amplifier circuit, transis- torized amplifier, HF transistorizdd amplifier, transistor, solid state physics, .solid state circuitry, network analysis, circuit theory, network synthesis, BF pow,-%r ,transistor, power transistor ~ABSTRACT: High-frequenoy power transistors are finding an ever-inoreasing usoo Their technical parameters, which are put oui by the manuf aeturers, are directed "tovmrd the requirements of pulse engineering. In addition to the limiting values for current. voltage, collector losses, frequencies f0c or fp and direct current ~transfer characteristics -Which are geunrally given for a low frequency transistor, ~there are additional requirements for a short switoh-over period and low saturation ~resistance. When the EF power transistor is to be used in EF amplifier circuits, SOMe other data, which is dependent upon frequency, must also be known. The power :gain AV and input impedance Zinput, must especially be known. A much better.indox Card' 2/3 .ACCESSION XRs AP4038993 Ithan the outoff frequencies f fj and fT OCR could be the frequency fvlo, with which the class A power gain of the amplifier is Ava 109 The relationship of the tran- :sistor's power gain to frequency is given by the equation JAvj;= U2 . 12 a Au e Ai :The relationship of the gain A., and input Zinput and output Z t Ut impedances to :collector current in a 1OB10-10R transistor were measured at aoPrequenoy of 600 :cycles and voltage of UCE = 8 V. Results are plotted on a curve. The properties :of this type of transistor are in marked contrast to elsotron-tubes with comparable power. This includes the'very low input impedance in the transistor, the nonlinear- ,relationship of all of the transistor's impedance parammters and excess phase shift. ,of the transistor's transmission factor. Three new and heretofore unpublished valum .ar e given. This is the outoff frequency f.710, the outoff frequency fr ,,, and the :deviation 4(k from the minimum phase of the transistor's transmission factors Origs ,,arts hass 11 figures# I table and 7 equations* ASS001ATIOX& none Card Z/3 ACCOSION NRs AP4038993 SUBMTTEDs 00 SUB COM -EGo OP DATE ACQt O9Jun64 10 REF sovs 000 Card SNOW 00 0=R, 006 ?AJGRT, 'A"Osla'VP Inz. ers from overvoltRge. of transistor amPlifi Ap 164. protection no.4:236-237 Slaboproudy obzor 25 PAJGfr., Miloolavp inz. iodes. Sdel tech 1Z no*Y: Attenuator p,: with semiamductor d 260-261 Jl 'r--4 - PAJGRT, Miloslav, inz. - ------ .8 ri~ameiit of amplifier stability withont disconnecting the feedback loop. Sdel+ech 112 no-1:15-16 ja 165. L 10471-66 Acc NR. XP6W3701 SOURCE CODE;' (:Z/M?/65/026/001/0044/0047 AUTHOR: Fh&~. Miloslav--Paygrt, M (Engineer) 0 MG: Telecomunications Research Institube, Prague (Vyzlvmy ustav te lei) TITIE: Bridge-type feedback intransistorized amplifiern SOURCE:- Slaboproudy Obzort v* 26, noo 11 1965, 44-47 rized amplifier, amplifier designp circuit design, electronic TOPIC TAGS: transisto feedback ABSTRACT: Simplified formulas are present6d to facilitated mA speed up the' computation of bridgecircuits at the input and ~!*Ut!,Mt of amplifiers. UnlUm in the case of tube emplifiers, the influence of 'the internal feedback of the transistors is also taken into conaJderation. As an~example.s circuit diagram is presented in which the input bridge is formed vit.~ the aid of the vinding.of the cniptut transformerp whereby the input trans- 'former is excluled from the feedback circuit and thus cannot deteriorate the stabi3.ity of the a=3ifierf Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 8 formuiaso' SUB CODE: 09 SUBM DATFi. :08May64 CRIG RU 004 OTH REF: 001 UDC; 621.396.645#5--- Cwd 1A pl~~GR z - ; Bridge feedback of transistor amplifiers. SlaboproudY obzor 26 no.1:1.4-47 Ja 165. 1. Reseaxch Institute of Telecommunicationg Prague* Submitted may 8, 1964. PAJGRT, 0. (Cuchoslovakia) -- , Special finishing methods for polyester fiber ocuttaining fabrics. Magy, textil 16 no.9:418-421 S to4. PAJGRT, 0. Drying and steaming woolen tissues. p. 349. TESTIL (Ministerstvo lehkeho pruiUslu) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 14, no. 9, Se!t. 1959. Monthly List of East Eurcpean Accessions (EEAI), Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960 Uncl. CZECXOSMFAKU/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and H Application, Part 4. - Dyeing and C4aadcal Treatment of Textile Materials. Abe Jour: Referat. Zhumal Kbimiya, No 21, 1958, 72699- Author Oldrich Pajgrt. Inst Title Elution of Oilers and Treatment of Goods of Coarse Wool. orig Pub.. Textil, 1956, 32, No 3, 84-85. Abstract: Description and results of studies of Czechoslovak oilers, oil 90~ of white mineral oil and 10% of MY emulsifier oil DlR (same composition with the F addition of of a wetting agent); oil D2 (8CKo* of 0; mineral oil., 12ep of fatty and sulfo acids and 8e., of E). Sulfonate of "Makhagon" of the composition Wa03S (R')CHCH20H2CH(COONa)CH2, where RI is an alkyl Card 1/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Chenacal T(,-chnology. Chemical Products and H Application. Part 4. - Dyeiug and chemical Treatment of Textile Materials. Abs Jour: Referat. Murnal Rhimiyap No 21) 1958., 72699. containing, for ixample, 14 C atoms, is used as an E. The experiments of oiler elimination by the action of Retardon A (a condensation product of de- graded proteirs and acid chlorides of higher fatty alcohols) produced positive results, and it was found that the oil D1H is eluted worse than the oil Dl. Card 2/2 0 zech r, slovaki a H-34 CA 10-YORY ABZ3. JOUR. RZXh im. 21 19-50, 170. ?710G I ~, a nd Plisek, L. oivcn T I T L.. Imparting Parmanent Plents and Creasez t;~, 'Vool- Containing Fabrics OR 11 . 'PUB, Textil -'CSFI), 13, jio i~,, 46?-469 (1958) P.B3'r-RaICT Experiments bave shown that permanent creases can be _pro6uced J.n plire wool and clended wool fabrics (with 30-6~4,~ viscose staple fibeH by treating the pleata before pressiug with O.r-- I~a of a solution of 30% thioglycoliC acid, con- taining 0.1-0.Z% of wetting agent and adjusted to a pB of 7 by the addition of CH5COOH. 1. Fodiman PAJIC, D. A proposal for the construction of future freight cars. D. 18. ZELEZNTICE. (Zeleznicki institut GWZ) Beograd, Yugoslavia. Vol. 15, no. 6, June 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LPC, Vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 1959. Uncl. PAJIC, S. - "Small Rehna; impressions of the competitign in West Germany," Narodna Krila, Geograd, Vol 6, No 5, July/Aug. (i.e. Sept./Oct.) 1953, P. 30. SO: Eastern European Accessions List, Vol 3, No 11, Nov 1954, L.C. 'Ail(-;, 5. "Forming parachute units." P. 3. (Aero Svet. Vol. 3, no. 33, Feb. 1953. Beograd.) Month1v List of East European Accessions, Vol. 3, no. 6, Library of Congress~ June 1954, Uncl. PAJE, V. Tecbnique of operating a train on various inclinations of track. p. 29. Periodical: ZELEZNICE. Vol. 15, no. 2, Fab* 1959. TECHNOLOGY SO: Mmtbly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) W Vol, 8P no. 4 April 1959, Uncl. PAJIC , V. "A method for calculating the costs of train traction," p. 16 (Zeleznice) Vol. 13, no. 3-1, Nov. 1957 Belgrade, Yugoslavia SO: IMonthly Index of East Em,opean Accessions (EEAI) W. Vol. 7, no, 1j, April.-1958 PAJIC, V. Low speeds on rails and their effect on the consumption of c..')al. p. 90. ZELEZOICE. Vol. 11, No. 3, March, 1955. B@lgrad. SO-URCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of ConFress, Vol. 4, No. 12, Dec. 10,55. Z~ WIC, Vojislav M., inz. Expenses of train traction depending on the Conditioia of railroad superstructure. ZelezrLice Jug 15 no.S-.1-8 Ag 159. PAR, IA . bjulbljani, Kem. Lab., Kem. Studije ,-!AKS SAM]".. Akal. Znanosti Umetm-sti 11 1947, 52-75 LAJKAkOVIC Dt ~8_ _- Will the speed of tralzr~ be increased in 'View of the fact that i~e Yugoslav ralli~6ad tracks are being thoroughly repaired and so readied for greater speeds? ZBleznice Jug 20 no.5t5O-51 My, 164 PAMNOVIC, D. Reconstruction of the cylinders of vacuum brakes. p. 37. 7M NICE. (Zsleznicki institut GDJZ) Beograd, Yugoslavia. Vo. 15 , no. 7p Ju3y 1959. Monthly list of East Earopean Accessions (ERAI) IZ, Vol. 8, no. 9, Sept. 1959 Uncl. IIAJKANOVIC -_Re~ ded fre-Jaht cars is the computation of brakes of 0.76 in. gauge loa - 4r 1 6.-,.. correct? Zeleznice Jug 20 no. 2:43- , PAJKIC, Radisa Lj., dipl. ek (Beograd) - Greater possibi2ities of applying glass fibers. Kem ind 22 no.9:683-686 S 163. PAJKIC._RadisaI...d-ip1. ekonomista (Beograd) More varieties in the production of lighting ware. Kem fn~-- 113- no. 6:423-425 Je 164. PAROVIC, M. Clinatic characteristics of isouthwestern Monter*gro. P. 15. (MASNIK. (Srpsko geografsko drustvo.) Beograd,, Yugoslavia. Vol. 38, no. 1. 1958* Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 9,.no. 2, Jan 1960. Uncl. 17 TIT. MA B I I ;:L. P i Di- -it --Fi' RO ~('J.,-- of rft-riin 1, t ri t,!,! PO 14'A vi rmcjd~.- rn .,nd i I,om ,-i i mov. 13 i F I I'S Katedra orFaniziru z~ -aj-c t,-, I]!-,i-,rC-rS4 t-y V lj~ -adcA 'Kralr,-ve - Fakultni uAtivii ~,dnid v Hriid:~i Krnlove. PA,TERATOVA,Blanka PAJKR&TOVA, Blanka, MUDr Bolen test in diagnosis of malignant neoplasms. Gas. lek. cook. 93 no.28;773-775 9 Jialv 54. 1. Z chirargicke kliniI7 VL& T Hradci Kralove (UOPL&SMS I diagnosis *Bolen test) ': F-AJL- Z. A laboratory viscosimeter for measurements an vessels used for chemical reactions. p. 106 (Chemicky Prumysl. Vol. 7p no. 2, Feb. 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7p no. 2. February 1958 PAJNIK, Ludvik Thi "Steambloc" boi-ler for oil heating. Masinogradnja 5 no.2:35 J1 162. ' PAalIK.. ludvik) tehn. Dorastic harbor hoisting machines. Masinogradnja 5 no.2:31-32 ii 62. PAJOHA, A.; VAHENOPM, K. Some peculiarities in the cultivation of improved vegetable varieties. P. 134, - SUrSIALISTLIK POUOMAJAIMUS. (Pol-lumajanduse Ministeerium) Tallinn, Estonia. Vol. 13, no. 3, March 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 11, November 1959*' Uncl. ?Amm.' A. Experiences in using mioroelamts tn groving vegatablets. P. 18P. SOTSIALISTLIK POLMAVANDUS. Tallinn, Tlungary. Vol. 13, no. 4, 4or. 1058. ,) j r: - ve, I '(I C-L~ Z~ I-; ~bnthly List of Fast European Accessions (FFAT), V7, No. -4 -Jvlr 105c). Uncl. PAJOR, Geza dr. - Results of control exe inations of the educational inotit-utiona of Vas county. NepegeszBeguff 37 no.9:234-239 Sept 56. 1. Allami,,kozegeszegugyl felugyelo. (SCHOOLS in Hungary, hygienic cond. in a county (Hum)) PAJOR, Geza, dr. Epidemic of dysentery in Repceszentgyorgy. NepageszBezugy 42 no.6; 181-184 Je 161. 1. Kozlemeny a Vas megyei kozogeszsegugyi-jarvanyiigyi allomasrol (igazgato: Kneffel Pal dr.) (DYSENTERY BACILLARY epidemiol) (WATER SUPPLY microbiol) PAJOR GMA DR. Experiences in practical teaching and preliminary vocational training, Nepegeszsegugy 45 no.3.*82-86 14064 1. Kozlemeny as Vas megyei Kozegeszsegugyi-Jarranvugyi Allomasrol,. - IT PAJOR5 -. Electronic equIpMent in pided ind-ssides. a. 5' PR77-`~11LAD TPT'TTCn-. (Do-wofttwo '~Iojvk Lotnicznycli) !.,Tars-,w:a, Poland. Vol. 12, no. 3, Tlar. 11,45P. llontuhly list of East European Accessions 7-,,- Vol. no. 7, Uncl. PAJORP J. A method of partial hydrolysis of proteins In decalciflod Collagen of human dentine. Wiad Chem 16 no.D43 Ja 162. . Isolation of micaus acid from connective tismis. Wiad chem 16 no.1s" A 162, ____ - - I Fluorescent andsensitizing v-avelehgths of psoralensi Wiad chem 16 no.1--43-44 Ja 462, PAJOR, Laszlo Automatic wagon weighing machines with bank in railroad operations. Kozleked kozl 18 no.4-4:797-801 Z, IT 162. RADNOT, M.t-PAJOR, R. .Autonomic function of the retina in strabis-st (preliminary report). Acta chir. Acad.Sci Hang 2 no.1:99-10-1 961. 1. 1. lugenklinik der Medisinischen Universitat, Budapest (Direkbor: Prof.Dr. Magda Radnot). (STRABISMUS physiol) (RETINA Physiol) PAJOR, R.; TRUX, E. Treatment of herpes corneae with a desox-yuridine preparation. Acta. chir. acad. sci. Hung. 5 no-4:353-357 164. 1. 1. Augenklinilc (Direktort Prof. Dr. M. Radnot) der Medizinischen Universitaet, Budapest. PAJORY Rezso, dr.; SZABO, Zoltan, dr.; FUSKAS, Erno, dr. Three-year follow-up examination of 2Z7 newborn infants with retinal hemorrhage. Orv. hetil. 105 no.17:781-783; 26 Ap'64 1. Budapeati Orvostudomanyi. Egyetem, I.Szemesweti Klinika es II. Noi Klinika. -)e PAJOR, Rezoo Uperiences with euthyscope. Szemeezet 96 no.4:160-164 D '59- 1. Budapesl4i Orvostudoimmyi Iffetem I. oz. Szomenzati Klinika koslemenye (Igszgato: Radnot Magda effetemi tanar az orvostudo- manyok doktors). (AMBLYOPIA ther)