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c" at. vqt G.all A dew M';W"kVtI us-WO(I953) -'-hVr.64UtL;dZ k Felyotrat 59' 1 out by means of 4 clec. circuit comsistins of a capacitor and a resLitance irf series, where the output Is the &A dil- ferential of the input vd1t*,ge- The readmp of a voltmeter are plotted, anti the mW indicates the end point. Best-j results were obtained wR*lbc correlation between capacitor and resistance was 100'X,R - 11C, where resistance R Is the expressed in ohm% and,rapacitince C in farads. Ii fitration of Pet* with MnQ#-. ;L very sharp mat. was ob- servetl at the point of equivalence. lrtvftn Finfily KUTAS, Andor; ARMS, Fj*igyes; PACZOLA)~_,_ Technical and economic news. Koh lap 93 no-4tl89-190 Ap 160. 1. "Xohaszati Lapok1' rovatvezetoje op szerkeazto bizottsagi tagja (for Kutas). 2.i'IIKobaszati.IApok! fozserkesztoje,(for.Arkos). - PACZOIAY, Gy., cand. of On the unevenwss of current distribution among the stubs of aluminum electrolytic ce3-1s. Acta techn Hung 40 no.3A:323-335 162. 1. Research Institute for Nonferrous Metalep Budapest. PACZOLAY, Gyula; DELJAEV, A.I. I[Belyayev.. Anatoliy Ivanovich) i . Present state of slumlyla production, aluminum metallurgy and light metal metallurgic research in China. Koh lap 93 no.7:315-316 n 6o. SOKOLOWSKA- DEKOWAj. A.; JUMM,J.; DYEMKA,K.; PIECHOTA,J-; The level of adrenalim oxidase in the blood in cases of bronchial asthma in children& Otolaryng. pol. 17 no.4t433-434 163. 1. Z I Kliniki Pediatrycznej AM w Lublinie. Kierownik: doe. dr. med. A.Sokolowska-Dekowa. D03RZANSK&, Alina; KOWAIG]KA, Halina; KRYSTOSIK, Jerzyj PAGZOS, 31zbieta 10 'Two cases of developmental anomalies in children. Polski tygod. lek. 13 no.40:1549-1554 6 Oct 58. 1. Z Kliniki Pediatryl-nej; kierownik: doe-. dr W. Klepacki i'z Zaklada Chemii Fizjologicznej A. 14. w lublinie; kierownik: prof. dr J. Opienska- Blauth. Adres. Lublin, ul. 22 Lipea 82 m. 6. (LIPOCHONILRODTSTRCPHY, urine in amino acids (Pol)) (HVERTBIORISM, urine in amino acids (Pol)) (AMINO ACIIN, in urine in hy-pertelorism & lipochondrodvotropby (Pol)) 14AHRBURGO Stanislaw; SZYSZKO# Janusz; SOKOLOWSKA-DEK(YdAp Antonina; PIEGPOTA, Jerzy; JUMIKE, Joachim,, PACZPq7C B2zbieta Histopathological changes in Valdeyer's ring in bronchial astbma in children. Otolaryng. pol. 17 i)o./+t428-432 163. 1. Z Kliniki Pediatryamej AM w Lublinie (kierowniks doc.dr. med. A,Sokolowska-Dekowa) i z,.Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej AM w Lublinie (kierownik: prof. dr. mod. S.Mahrburg). Ak- 1 9 .: I - I I PACZOSA, X. The rotary ventilator as a main system of ventilation in mines. p. 179. ("WIAWIMSCI GOITUME, Vol. 5, No. 6. June 1954, Katovtice, Polaml) SO: Monthly Ust of East European Accessions, (EEAL), IZ, Vol. 3, No. 32, Dec. 1954, Uncl, PACZOSINSKI.. Zygurunt The coking plant as a sowce of emission of S02. Problemy proj hut massyn 10 no,5:332-134 My 162o 10* Koksoprojekt, Zabrze. WITTEK, Kazimierz; ZAP40SINSKI, Zy nt - .- _ . grqu., Prospects for the coke indu,-tr~v. Probl proj hut maszyn 13 no.2:61-63 F 165. 1. Koksoprojekt,, Zabrze PACZOSINSKI, Zygrant, PNfILOWSKI, Stanielwi New method of defrosting freight- cars using infrared r&distors. Problemy proj hut maszyn 12 no.1~18-23 Ja 164. 1. Koksoprojekt, Zabrze i Instytut Materialow Ogniotrwalych, Gliwice. L 36161-66 ACC NR: AT6015511 are discussed. Orig. art. has: 31 figures and 8 formulas. (Based on author',- abstract.] [KS) SUB CODE: 01 SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 0161 SOV REF: C02 PAGZOWSKI, A. Nvaluation of physical efficiency In workers employed in a medium with increased atmospheric pressure, Ked. pracy 5 no.2;141-144 1954. (ATMOSPHERIC MSSURX. effects, on phys, efficien4 in caisson workers) (PHTSI= xkFICIMGY9 off. of atmospheric pressure in caisson workers) Distri i2c "M 10 1 NW" " Z K . w' . . U , 'IDRA CIE: " deoxidim in the oted industry often disinte.- in the o~t of production and is then rejected, It was =that the main reawn for sucls disintegrut ton is the in- 111"tion of-Was incluslons into the Ca- the slag often can- l HO f h f o t e urnace Was uwtpAW CaCt, which reacts wi stm. to give C%M, apd the development of this gus cracks the lumps of C". It is not easy ta keep the dag out of the alloy, It Itas a large op. gr., mW during cooling will tend to move to. the bottoto gowly.'but slow cooling Is uneco- CCDmka. It one cools mpidly,'Wap will be entrapped In the , d rocess has been d c gin 7% ll d ore. a cas a e ca a er k oy. g p , Yeloped for the Co-& which bdap about a win Werner ==.I i l . c us ons, 7-- 4E2c big^ of f~~I bden by alum1no-allititheimic method. an Pactula. Prace Inst. RuInk "I Pac 10, 143--5(1958).-A methS*V0V0dHf production of ferro.; c7 molybdenum, employing IL mixt. of ferrosilleou and Al as rL I reducing astut, which makes possible the maintenanc~-oi the Si content within standard limits.- Prepn. of the charge,' Mien, of burden, and method of controlling the exothermic' reaFtion are desciihed. M. Womiansk"y- Cv POL/39-25-11-8/26 AUTHOR":' Kulinlski~ Z.j Paczula, B., Mechanical Engineers and _ _ _ cE_a_n =~a Ehgineer, Dotsent e Radiwicki, K., 9 TITLE: Production of Metallic Manganese from Waste Products (Wytwarzanie manganu metalicznego z surowc6w odpadowych) PERIODICAL: Hutnik, 1958, Vol ~25, Nr 11-12, pp 471-477 (Poland) ABSTRACT: The-'shortage-of manganese in the world market has been increasing,* for "years - - Imports -of-manganese. into Poland are inadequate 1- Thi~-raises-the-questionof the ex- traction-of manganese--from bianganic muds, which have been-&-waste'-product-of the-pharmaceutical industry. Basica:11y.-there-rexist-three meth-ods-for the production of-,metallie-mangan*e~se:~l)-electrothermic., 2) alumino- thermic, and 3) electrolytic. The electrothermic method is seldom used. The aluminothermic method con- sists in the exothermic reduction of manganic oxides with granulated aluminum. Aluminothermic reactions Card 1/3 are: NnO~2 + 4A1 =.3Mn j, 2AI203 L POL/39~25-11-8/26 Production of Metallic Manganese from Waste Products nese can be extracted. There are 8 tables, 4 graphs and 3 references, 1 of which is Polish, I German and 1-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Instytut hietalurgii 2elaza - Gliwice (Institute of Iron Metallurgy, Gliwice) Card 3/3 IFN AUTHOR: ~,ak, H., and-Paczula, B.,Mechanical Enginders -TITLE: Theoretical and Practical Principles of Production of Low-Carbon Ferrochrome (Teoretyczne i praktyczne pods- tawy produkcji niskowqglowego telazochromu) PERIO DICAL: Hutnik, 1958, Vol 25, Nr 11-12, pp 481-486 (Poland) ABSTRACT: Ferrochromes~are used for adding,chrome to steels in order to improve their zesistance-to corrosion; acids and high temperatures'. Steels the-carbon content of which does not exceed"l% of-the' chrome content have the highest resistance to corrosion.----ThL, methods used at present for the-production of low-carbon ferrochrome in Poland and abroad require.very high temperatures,, are complicated and.costly. The.Institute.of Iron Metall- urgy, Gliwice, has.been studying, since 1956, methods for the production of low-carbon ferrochrome from a mixture of higkL-carbon.ferrochrome and metallic oxides heated in vacuum-below the-melting point.. The Card 1/3 ical considerations and laboratory research were base6 POL/43-59-5-4/'28 18(5,7) AUTHOR: Paczula, B.p Engineer TITLE: Electrometallurgy of Ferro-Alloys PERIODICAL: Wiadomosci Hutnicze, 1959, Nr 55, pp 146-150 (Poland) ABSTRACT: In this article the author describes the technology of ferro-alloys working in the electric light-are furnace, As some ores contain a large amount of oxygen, demanding a greater amount of deoxidization and, thereby consider- ably increasing costs of production, they have to be roasted previously in the furnace. The drying of the charge, carried out in the rotary dryer furnace is of great importance too. Lastly, the raw materials must have a certain grain size, which requires reduction in size and grading. After these general remarks, the au- thor gives specific descriptions of the operation of in- dividual ferro-allrys: FeSi is used by the steel industry as a means for deoxidation, as well as addition to the steel. For its production cheap raw materials, frequent- Card 1/3 1y found in Poland, are used. But, as these raw mater- Electrometallurgy of Ferro-Alloys POL/43-59-5-4/128 ials (quartz) consist of SIQ2, which is very stable, its deoxidization demands a great amount of electric power. The FeSi is smelted in furnaces with a capacity of 2,000- 12,000 kVa with S8derbers electrodes, The CaSi. used in the steel production as means of deoxidization, is gained by smelting CaCn, Sio , and C, in the same furnace, as used for smelting FeS~. The raw materials for the FeMn, areManganese ores, mostly found in the USSR, (in Georgia and Nikopol in the Ukraine) and in India (Madras and the central provinces) as well as in Brazil, South Africa and Ghana. As there are none in Poland., they are imported. The production of manganese ores is based on their deoxi- dization by means of carbon. Manganese alloys are used not only in steel production, but in the non-ferrous al- loys industry as well. Chromium is the basic constituent of many special kinds of steel, and is produced as FeCr. There are several grades of -ferrochromium, depending on the carbon content. The price,of FeCr depends-on this content, for the production of ferrochromium in high car- Card 2/3 bon grades is cheaper than that of low carbon grades. ,.I rm~hrwnc. L' gy method orproductiou of FL--Cr alloy contg. C 77 VaCUUm no L-I* g of -a solid mixi. consistin, . Wh ferrocl-rome and metal oxides at high temp., Was developed, Ile expts. involved over WO anneallug tests, the variable M s2ng: mixt. compn., tirne and temp. of anneal- Vim 11 of Fc-Cr, and the ihape of spccfmen~ The optimum Conditions were spcdfied. Grain size of Ve-Cr should be < 0.5 tum. The charye. of wetat oxides should correspond to the 0 amt. required for theoretical conver- sion of all C contained in ferrochrDme into CO. The mixt. should be atmeded at 1300' and under the pressure of 0,5, Join. fig., fire time bving eqifl. established for the given :conditions of the process. The evalm. loscs of Cr were low -and the atain4ble product contg. C was ready for use ill the itecl-mcitift process without any addsit, treaL- Nv. PACZUIA., Bolevlavy mgr inze Outlines of the production processes of ferroalloys. Vied hut 15 no.1:8-3.1 A 159. FACZUIA, Boleslaw.,-mgr -, inz. Eleotrometallurgy of ferroalloys. Wiad hut 15 no-5:146-150 My '59. PACZULA, Boleslaw, mgr inz. World development of continuous steel cas4.--*Lr,--. WILad b,;t-21 r-0.4: 97-99 Ap 165. PACULL, Boleslaw~, mgr inza f"01, Gontinuous steel casting at the Bai-Idon Metallurgic Worka. Hutnik F..29- -o67)'~-V,8-;-25 -PAg t62. lo Inatytut Metalurgii Zelaza., Gliwice. DIAGZUK, Henr-yk; MIAMR0, Kazlmlerz; Tadeus27,; G~rtaln problem with toe construction cf the first for coriiinucnic steel casting In lloltmd.l~rzegl. naukowo tec-.h AGH ric-,.7:1-6 t(.4 1. Departannt of St;~el lletallu-gy, School of Minbig and Mletal- lurgy,Kraknw, and jv;dr.-os.--! Steel WGrk3, liern-lanowice. POL/43-15-1-3/EZ 18(5) AUTHOR: Paczulj,_.~~ ~ Ehgineer TITLE: General Directions for the Production of Iron Alloys (Zarys procesow produkcji zelazotopow) PERIODICAL: Wiadomosci hutnicze, 1959, Vol 15, Nr 1, PP 8-11 (Poland) ABSTRACT: This article describes the general use of iron alloys, the classification of metallurgical processes in iron alloys, the methods of production in blast furnaces, electrical furnaces, in metal-thermal crucibles and by anhydrous salt-smelting (i.e. fused mass electrolytic iron). Iron alloys generally are iron smeltings with different metals and non-metals; for example manganese and chromium are used., though they contain only small amounts of iron. The principle aims of alloying are: a) Amalgamation of enriching units with steel for its improvement; b) Intrcduction of an oxygen-type substance to neutralize the air, thus preventing shrinkage cavit- ies in the steel. The blast furnace method is no longer considered fundamental and is being dro ped due to the Card 1/3 excessive percentage of carbon (34-10% C5 for many steel POL/4 _7 -I General Directions for the Production of Iron Alloys products. The electrical furnace for the production of alloys has either three electrodes (three-phase-system) or one electrode (one-phase system). The system, size of furnace, power of transformer, etc. depend on the essential quality of the alloy to be produced. One-phase current is used with small capacity furnaces, while the larger furnaces use three-phase current (from low to tens of thousands of kV). The metal-thermal method is generally called alumino-thermic. It is a reduction pro- cess in which oxides of high smelting metals are reduced to metal by means of non-ferrous metals, such as aluminum or silicon without a supply of extta energy. This is done in large crucibles with a content varying from 100 kg to 1000 kg. The method of anhydrous salt-smelting is used for smelting very pure metals. The furnaces are heated from outside and have the shape of a tube with a diameter of 15 cm and a length of approximately IV to 4 meters. The time of reduction is 90 minutes at a temperature of 600- 9000C. In Poland the electro-thermal and metal-thermal Card 2/3 / . PACZUSKI, R. TECHNOLOGY PERIODICAL: GOSPODARKA WODNA. Vol. 10, no. 8, Aug. 1958 PACZUSKI, R. The Labinzyn-Bydogoszcz Meadow Improvement Accociation in the Notec River Valley. P- 364. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEkI) LC Vol. 8. no. 4. April 1959, Unclass PAGUISKI, Ryezard, mgr -T-asl-s--W-F~ater man-agem-ent and ways of their reaI4 zat - on -- the light of the nc-a Water StatUte. GoBp wodna 23 po.12-1- 449-451 D163- PACZUSKI., Ryszard,, mgr. On-the ways of solving organizationally the problem of water x9magen&nt assigned to the presidia of county peoplele councils. Gosp wodna, 21 no.11:1+74-476 N 161. I LIL, J 1:3 ~ II trovisi~)ns '-i- r.;f watrar Jr, Rr-iti-t; water -.1 wc;lre -~!, r (~, p ,, 1, " " '64. FACZY11SKIp Zygmmt Andrzej; PACZYNSKA, rotaj: WLODARCZYK, Jazina - ---l--- P9- Butazolidine in the treatment of malignant granulow, Pol. arch. mad. vownst. 32 no.105-80 162. 1. Z Oddzialu We=etrznego A Sspitala Wojewodzkiego we Wroclawl:u Kierownik: prof. dr med. J. Kaniak. (PHENMUTAZONE ther) (HODGKIN'S DISEASE ther) XNAPIKY Zbigniew; PACZYNSKAI Dorota Sensitization to meprobamate. Polski tygod. lek. 16 no.26:997-IM 26 A 161. 1. Z Oddzialu "A" chorob Wewnetrznych Sapitala Wojewodzkiego i Zakladu Chorob Wevnetrznych S.D.L. we Wroclawiu; kierownik-2 prof. dr med. Jozef Kaniak, (MEPROBAMATE toxicol) KNAPIK, Zbigniew; P 7AILSK1, Janusz Familial incidence of peptic ulcer. Pal. tyg. lek. 20 rc."J: 769-770 24 My 165. 1. Z Katedry 14edycyny Ogolnej Studium Doskonalenia Lekarzy w Warazawie, na bazie Oddzialu Wewnetrznego A Szpitala Woje- wodzkiego we Wroclawiu (Kierownik: porf. dr. med. Jonef Kaniak). CZTZMKI. K.;FALKIEWICZ. A.;PACYNSKIA TARK&WSKI, S.;TARNAWSKL, S. Endemic goiter in Iover SileBia. Postepy hig. med. doswiadez., WarBz. 5:203-228 1952. (CLML 23:2) 1. Of the Second Internal Clinic and of the lirst Surgical Clinic of Wroclaw Medical Academy and of Wroclaw Central Regional Infirmary for Thyroid Diseases. PAC 1. A. Itiology. aud pathogenes is of dermato myosit is. Polski tygod. lek. 5 no. 4: 132-136 23 A 150. (GM 19:3) 1. Of the Second Clinic for Interml Diseases, Wroclav University (Head -- Prof. A.Yalkiewicz, M.D.). CZYZEWSKI K.; FALKINWICZ, A.; MAKOWSKI, T.; FACYNSKI, A. -."WMMMW~' " Endemic goiter in lower Silesia. Postep7 hig. mX.'O`doawiadcz., Warez. 3:156-201 1951. (CIML 21:1) 1. Of the Second Clinic of Internal Diseases and of the 7irst Surgical Clinic, both of Wroclaw Medical Academy. CZTZEWSKI,Kazimierz; FALKIEWICZ, Antoni; FAMSKI, Adam; TARWSKI, Stanislaw. k . Mraluation of iodine in prevention of goiter In Upper Silesla. I. Evaluation of iodine in Walbr2yak region. ArchAmmin.ter.domf. 2:49-61 1954. 1. 1 Klinika Chirurgicm Akademli Hedycxnej we Wroclawiu. Dyrek- tor: prof. dr K. Czyzewskl) II niniku Chorob Wevnetrxnych, Akademit Modycznoj we Wroclawiu.(Dyrsictor: prof. dr A. Falkievicz) (IODINE, therapeutic use, goiter prev. In Poland, Iodixed salt) (GOITER, prevention and control, Iodized salt, in Poland) PAGYN.S~K4 liodular goit-.r in the endemic arAj~ of Lawarklesia. Eadokr. pol. 14-.:no.5t443-449 163. 1. wojewodzka Poradhia Chorob Tard*ycy ve Wroclawiu. Kierownik-. dr med. A. PacYnski. HALAZINSKI.. Stefan; KANIAK, Jozef; KNAPIX, 4bigniew; PACZYNSKI., Andrzej Diabetes and pregnancy. Preventice: behavior 0 the sugar curve in women giving birth to giant fetuses. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no.36:1338-1340 2 S 163. 1. Z Zakladu Chorob Wewnetrznych,, kierownik: prof. dr zed. Jozef Kamiak i z Zakladu Ginekologiemo-Pblomimego; kierownik-. dr mod. Stefan Nalazinski, Studium Dookonalenia Lakarzy - Szpital Wojevodzki we Wroclawiu. (PREGNANCY IN DIABETES) (FETUS) (BIRTH WEIGHT) (BLOOD SUGAR) KANIAK, Jozef; KNAPIK,, ZbIgniew- PACZYNSKI Andrzej Diabetic osteopathy. Pt.l. Polo arch, med. wewnet. 35 no.7: 1037-1042 165. 1. Z Katedry YAdycymy Ogolnej Studium Dookonalenia Lekarzy w AM na bazis Oddzialu Wewnetrznego A Szpitala Wojewodzkiego we Wroc- lawiu (Kisrownik: prof. dr. med. J. Kaniak). IX, Zbigniev; PACZ KASPRZAK, Janina; KNAP correlation betveen the appearance of atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels and arteries of the extremities. Polskie arch. med.wevn. 30 no.7:889-891 16o. 1, Z Oddzialu Vownetrznego A Szp1tala Wojevodzkiego ve Wroclaviu Oddzial, S.D.L. Kierownik: prof. dr med. J,Kaniak (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS statist) (CORONARY DISEASE statist) KYAPIK, Zbigniew; KOZIOL-NnWCOVA, Irystyna; PACZYNSKI, Andrzej TransItor7 bundle branch block in atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels. Polskie arch.ved. wewn. 30 no.7:886-888 '60. 1. Z Oddzialu Wewnetrznego a Szpitala Wojewodzkiego we Wroclawiu Zaklad interny S.D.L. Kierownik: prof. dr mad. J.Kaniak (CORONARY DISMA compl) (EXART BLOCK etiol) UNIAX, Josef ; FASPMKOWA, Janina; XNAPIK, Zbigniew; J~kq~~SKI. Andrzej. Remote reults of Insulin therapy of neripheral vascular diseases; .Polskie arch. med. wewne 98 no-5:783-786 1958.' Is* Z Zakladu Interny Insiytutu Daskonaler;ia I Specjalizacji ladr Laketrokich we Wroelaviu na barde Szpitala Wojewodzkiego im. J. Babinskiego we Wroclawiu. lierownik: prof. dir mecl. J. Unitik. Adres autoral Wroclaw, 9 u1. SzymanowsKiego I*' (VASCULO DISRASMS, PXRIPHERA~, ther. -insulin. remote results kPol)) ONSULIX.their use peripheral vase. ais., remote results (Pol)) PACZYNSKI., B. Influence of orienting the dust particles on interstellar absorption. Postepy astronom 9 no.l+:243-244 161. PACZYNSKI. B Clusters of galaxies in Perseus. Pbstepy astronom 12 no.3: 217-218 164. PAUDISKI, B. Raaial velociti-es ol' stars In the Perseus radlus. Fcs'%eP.-. astronom 12 no.4:268-269 O-D t64, Dependence of the reddening line on the diagram (El-B)-(B-V) on spe(-AfIc color indexeS. lbid.:269-270 -- PACZYNSKIP B. Fluctuations in interstellar absorption from star counts in the Milky Way. Acta astronom 14 no.'2p:157-192 164. 1. Indtitute of Astronomy, Polish Academy of Sciences., Warsaw. , PAGZYNSKI, B. New red variabU. stars, Icta rS,,-,onom 14 rc,,,-.297-3CC 164, 1. Astronomical Observatory of the Polish I.cndamy of SzlencaS) Wareaw. Submitted AF-rii 23, 1964. PACZYNSKI, B. Three-color photometric observations of RR Lyrae stars. Postepy astronom 13 no.2:105-106 165. Evolution of stars in spheric clusters. Ibid.:113-114 PACZAPKI, B. The effect of the orientation of dust particles on the interstellar Absorption. Postepy astronom 9 no-4-.243-244 O-D 161. FACM-45KI, T. Som geoclectric mathods in bydrogeolopy. p. 165 PRZEGUT) G-1:10LOGICUY. (Wydawnicti-ra ^Ieologiczne) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 7, No. 4, Apr. 19:59. Mont-hly list of East European Accessions (-TAI) LC. Vol. .-I, No. 7, July 1959 Uncl. S10351621000100910101060 A001/A101 AUTHOR: Paczyfiski,_ B. TITLE: The effect of orientation of dust particles on interstellar light absorption. PERIODIC ,AL: Referativnyy zhurnal, -Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no. 9, 1962, 30, abstract 9A243 ("Post9py lastron.", 196 1, V. 9, no. 21, 243 - 244, Polish) TEXT: The publications by Wilson.(RZhAstr, 196.2, 1A362) and Greenberg and Meltser (RZhAstr, 196o, no. 8, 7577) on studying the effect of dust particle orien- tation on interstellat light absorption.ar6 briefly described. r A t a t r b~ r c e" n Complete translation] PACZYNSIU,0 B, -- Dependence of the ratio p/Av on the density of interstellar matter in the Cassiopeia region, Acta astronam 12 no.3: 206-209. 962, 1. University, Warsaw, Astronomical Observatory. KOUAGO, S.; MACHFR, J.; Br. I -~ydrogoological fc---inology, :11, '~ Przeg' geo, I -' -- ~, I - - - - - I - .-- -.-. - 11980399 Ag 163. 1. Institute of Geolojy, Warsaw. MUCHI-IR, J.; 1. . . .., I , . i Hidrogeologi-nI termirology, 1"t. -5e -TZ ,~gl. gfr,.i. 1l roo'):4,35-4.36 SI-63 KOLAGO., C.; MACHER, J.; PAGZYNSKI, Br. ".1-11 1... ~ - 1. 1.1.-.1 Hydrogeologic terminology. Pt. 6. Przegl geol 11 nc.11:496 N 163. plat d':Z YNSAO, -) POITIAITID IQLA-004, Of R-AMMAN X01 "AT"NUSK10 jk~# Gooloalcal lmttttft (Inst7tist croologloaq) 1 "Aft"a '=a dAA 4-wara&au ilo Bs tlug 63s rn) 393-a 'PHydroj- ormu-41 ,voloj#cal li' orjr-.-nrl3* PACZYNSKII Bronialaw The use of the self-potential method for determining hydrogeological parameters in test pumpinga. Przegl gaol 9 no.412lO-214 161. (EM 10:9) (Hydrology) (Geology) (Electric testing) . . PAGZIMKI., Adzislaw (Krakow) Transportable social-service equiWint at building grouv4m of the Lenin St.eelwcxks. Przegl budovl'XiiiA mieszk 35 no.9:495-497 163. PACZYNISKI, Z. Painting steel elements before assembling. p.367. OCHRONA FRACY; BEZPIECZENSTWO I HIGIENA PRACY (Ildnisterstwo Pracy i Opieki Spolecznej i Centralmy Instytut Ochrony Pracy) liarszau-a Vol. 9, no. 11, Nov. 1955 So. East F4aropean Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 1 Jan. 1956 IKNAPIK, Zbigniew;.-P#kCZXIJ$Kli.Z.-.AnO;~J Treatment of diabetes in obese parsons. Fol. arch. zed. weumae~.. 35 no,7061-967 165- 1. Z Katedry Medycyny Ogolnej Studium Dookonalenia Lekarzy w Oddziale Wawnetrznym A Szpitala Wojewodzkiego we Wroclawiu (Kierowniks prof. dr. mad. J. Kaniak) i z Wojewcdzkiej Poradni dla Choryob na Cukrzyce we Wroclawiu (Kierownik: 16k, mad. Z.A. Pdozynoki). PACMNSKI, Zygmmt Andrzej; PACZYNSKA, Dorota; WLODARCZYK, Janina Butazolidine in the treatment of malignant granuloma. Pol. arch. Md. wmet. 32 no.1:75-80 162. 1. Z Oddzialu Wewnetrznego A Szpitala Wojewodzkiego we Wroclawiu Kisrownik: prof. dr med. J. Kaniak. (PHENYISUTAZONE ther) (HODGKINIS DISEASE ther) PADA, B. F. 6808. Pada, B. F. Lak na pero osenney posadki. (Iz opyta sovkhozov leningr. obl.) L., Lenizdat, 1955. 20 s. s. ill. 20 sm. (Za vysokiye urozhai rannikh ovoshchey!) 3.000 ekz. 25 k.-(15-3069)P 635.25 st (47,41) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis' N. 6, 1955 yoreet M[Lnagerpnt lorel3try. No 18, 1958, NO - 8219- Abs JOur -Fef zhur - Blologiyay .k-athor Padalka6 -,,B cultural Inati uto morlt in TorestB of the T.~:,t orgs, nization Of Average Green 'he City of nar,kov Ti t10 Areas of t Orig Pub Zap. xharikovsk. B.--kh- in-ta, 1957, 16 (53), 99-115 t that multiple mixed all-aG9 planta- kprOPOB Of the :fae fulfill BOU regeneration Abstract Ewe mcre resistaT-it and than BiA819- tions ation functions better creation of an and Water preserv the luestion ari3es about the stage ones) uLhern districts of the average mansgem9nt in the 11 1 conditions- country ur4ar excellera forest V398tation f average Characteristics are given of the main features 0 od to management, and conside-.rubj.6 atteUUOn is allOtt tion the question of the choice Of bog moss and determins' Card 1/2 Z'Ur 13iCloglya, No 18, No. 82191 of it' O"t'Mal Suantitv, depending on the purpose of 'MaM9642933t, Abans are described Of transferring to a 100--e cczIPOsite all-a69 Plaztation, and exELMples of utilization are colmiderod. - A. Yara Cexd 2/2 15 PADW,A, - P' 11()F 13. YA - P21-75T65 USMAkadine- w JA'- uinp~ Apr 1948 91waluatim or the-Brrectiva6ems of Modern Treatment 6r-WAria," Prof B. Ta. Paaaaka, Kie*, Clinic of Infectious Diseaseep'Xiev Inst for Advancement of Doctors, 2 Vp "Sov NbUtsine No 4, Results In eIvaluating effectiveness of modern methods treating ma] la 061looted dw.-IM 1944-1946 by Kiev Wiwia Organization. Data 6yplies to mass treatment or mai lal cases In Kiev aiA surrounding areas. 75T65 -PAI)AI&A, B.ya. Cj)ya*n*ery* clinical &g irlinika ofpects, 1955. 17o terapila i pr tbOrIIPYq and prophyl&zi,j i1ahika. Xjo~v Dizenterija 1 P. sad. Izd-vo UssR (Mft 10:2) 7-, 4---Jf- -\ 'GRO14SH318 IY. professori otvetstvannyy redaktor; DYACHSNKO, B.S., professor, redaktor; YELSHINA, M.A., kandidat meditsinskikh naukv redBktor; ZAYDSNBL?RG, Ye.G., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk. redaktor; PADAIXA. B.Ya., professor, redaktor; SEUBREDMOVA, V.I., kandidat --d1ts1nWM?f-ft'ak, redaktor; SORVINA, L.Te., kandidat meditsinakikh nauk, redaktor; TMKHOV. S.N., kandidat meditainsicikh nauk, radaktor-, KHOMINKO, G.J.. professor, redaktor; ZATULOVSKIT, B.G., reclaktor; IkXHKATYY, Ye.G., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Dysentery; a collection of scientific papers] Dizensteriia; ob"edinennyi aboraik nauchnykh rabot. Kiev, Gosmed. izd-vo USSR, 1956. 265 P. (MIRA 10:1) 1, 11yevskly institut epidemiologil i mikrobiologii. 2. Daystvitelf- nyy chlen AMN SSSR (for Gromashevskiy) (DYSENTERY) PADAIKA, B-Ya., prof. (Kiyev) Achievements in the clinical treatment of communicable diseases in the Ukraine during 40 years of Soviet government. Vra6h.delo no.12:1269-1275 D '57- (MIRA 11:2) (UDAM-COWUDICABLE DISRASES) PADAIKA, B.Ya., prof. , NYURF2TBYMG, L.V., dotsent - Recurrent apses of typhus, Vrach.delo no.4:411-412 Ap 158 (MIRA 11:6) 1. Infedra Infektuionnykh bolezney (zav. - prof. B.Ta. Padalka) Kiyevskogo meditsinakogo instituta. (TYPHUS FEVER) PADALXA, BoYa., prof., CHYMAYA# Me Zffective method for treating typhoid fever vith aynthomycin and levomycetin and the prevention of relapses. Vrachodelo noG7 709-712 J1158 (min n;9) L Nafedra infektsionnykh bolezney (zav. - prof. B.Ta. Padalka) 1f;yevskogo seditiinskogo instituta; (CHLOROKYGETIN) (TYPHOID FEM) PADALKA, B.Yn. ~ ~ linted classifiention of infactioue dioanses. Zhur.mikrobiol.opid. i iumun. 29 no.4:106-111 Ap 158. (H IRA 11: 4 ) 1. 12 kafedry infektBionnykh boleznei Kiyevskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (COMMIGABLE DISEASES classif. (Rus) PADALKA, B.Ya., prof.; POSTOVIT, V.A... dotsent '-,Diagnosis and treatment of tetanus. Vrach.delo no.12slO5- 3-10 D 162. (MM 15:12) 1. Kaf"dra lnfektaionnvkh bolezney (zav, - prof. B,Ya,Padalka) "vskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (TETANUS) (SERUM THERAPT) 111ORNKINp N.L, prof.# otli red.j PADALU B Ya.j,..-prof., red.; KHOMIKOf G.Lj prof,p red.-,-~MR, B.L., doktor mod. nauk red.1 MUIDVA~ Ye.G., Imnd. med. vauk., red. TIC-I&FO, NPI*p rbd.; CHUCHUPAK, V.D.0 tekhn. red. [lufattious hepatitisj collection of scientific works] InfbktdomWi gepatit6 sbornik naucbmVkh rabot. Kiev,, p Gosmdizdat USSR,, 1961. 305 p. (~UJIA 15:7) I# Akademiya moditainskikh nauk SSSR, Moscow, Institut in- fektsionrqkh bole=ei ANN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akaden-di meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Morozkin). (HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS) PADALKA., B.Ya , prof.; KAZATSKAYA) G.G. Appendicitis as a mask for typhoid fever and dysentery. Vrach. delo no./+:106-109 Ap 161. (KIRA 14: 6) 1. Kafedra infektsionnykh bolemey (zav. - prof. B.Ya-.Padalka) Kiyevskogo meditainskogo instituta. (APPENDICITIS) (TYPHOID FZM) (DYSENTERY) PADAIKA., G. Naval Flag - Bamer of the Ship- (Voyenno-Morskoy Flag - Znamya Korabl7a), 1953 miii - 5 ~PADN�AjAiPAONCHIMN, D.Ae. gyardii polkovnik, redaktor; SLEPTSOVA, Teen*, temnichooldy redaktor (The Red Banner Baltic Fleet in the Great Patriotic Var] Ilrasno- ZnAwmWI Baltilskil flot v Telikoi Otachostvennot voine. Moskva, Voemoe Izd-vo Ministeretva vooruzhemykh oil Soiuza SSR, 1949. 46 p. (MIRA 8:3) (Baltio Sea--World War, 1.939-1945--Naval operations) PADALIA, G. -- ~' , - ~. I Admiral S.O. Yakarov; on the hundredth anniversar7 of ilia birth. Voen. znan. 25 no.1:19-20 Ja 149. (KRA 12:12) (Malcarov, Aleksei Nikolaevich, 1849-1904) PADALKA, G. Lo7alty to the Motherland. Voen. zu&u. 25 no.11:2-3 N '49- (KM 12.32) (Rusaia--Arvw) PADAIMA, G., kapitan 2 ranga. -II4~---a_:_,I_----.ic9 Naval infantry. Toon.snan. 31 no-10:22-13 0 '55- (NUU 9:3) (Russia- Karlaes) PO,A C, 4 k 0~~ 6~, PADALKA, G., inzhener-kapitan 1 ranga. *mxt-- Birth of a ship. Voen.znan. 33 no.1:26-27 Ja '57. (MIRA 10:10) (Shipbuil(ling) PADALYA, G.9. kapitan 1 ranga Ship's colors. Veen. znan. 35 no.2:17-18 7 '59. (MIRA 12:6) (Ships--Flags, 1"Asignia. ate.) - PArATJCA,.,,G, Opemtlon Krannsia Gorka. Toenanan. 25 no.6:22-23 jo '59. (MRA 12:12) (Rusia-Revolution, 1917-1921) -PADA,I-y4,-G,- First step toward victor'f. VOen-zL-q-- 38 M-5:20 ll~~- 162. (MIRA 1-5:5) (Elack Sea-World War, 1939-1945) PADALKA, G.L. zF~~~ Basic characteristics of the metallogeny of southeas tern Tran~- baikalia. Geol. rud. mestorozh. 6 no.6.-60'-81 11-D 164. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy geologicheskiy institut, Leningrad. the ~-C 0 CF G M X L a so s T uv I v an x 31 12 n j4 a Is v x if do 41 a a .1 (OMNI A .-Il' A It 0 , ~ , A # f , 6 , v , , Isr IND No or- vaucts F. " ps ut.c. ObOll ime 7i,.90 13 Old POO 00 90 05i too se, #0, too 44~ %ylls Imp JIN'01N 011.1) in AUlims xl~j 441IN 'Poly Yl D, j too Pill- 4100JO064 d.7 $M1"#$ ltl4*ij-d6ViWw o V-f-f w r 1" 1* 0 gig 444 0 *see -4-4 4 6 A A 4 1 a 11 11 1) 'A 1) u 17 is I- A it 1, 21 1. i. N p Osv depolifts of Northeaster* Yakutis. L. I'AttAlks. a)- jqwI. lumi. 3,i. V. R, S. S.. Str. rill. 1030. 41-NiOn jingliall, All-tkl)~-Of the 2 lusin type. .I mr tlrtxnllp, 0 31 4 4ri It-% lint-I fivilut-lady W1111C An 14 -till ITIV t Thlet Clint Actel i4. tic sotwu tvf. C. A. 33, 02ir.16) of itulfide mex can Iw its.,- flutit rapt it) "T?st . (I I prMornitlatills ill filas. yelholill., f2) rich ill liveilk-like toulinaltur. wrollistmite; (3) mikulliblul in shirtile ski"l, il V. _414 its Contrast is, thr othre '., fom~, rxil,11,1w dev, i"pill.-Ill .4 v'"Ispirit nifult's. AgIr"llic All mc%snil Slv~ I In, omismir, ill high-tritip. filimials W,,flis ill incwm~ land 44 (Ill, I,-*- tesnp. mintrals to dcvmaw) (rml mst to -rAt. Unino C. Nfcttnrt ` tp I L of IAI I 1101,K &I L 111111fil VIII Ck ASMICA1100- b.6 -V Al I' a K Cl It It (C KLf) n f '14 "!V IT 0 IT 11 0 19 N 4 M K 0 0 0 0 9 0 :~* 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 sie 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 io 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a * 0 0 & 9 * 0 0 0 0 ISO 0 0 a 1~ to it 11 SO IL;. W? tti. b o NO fir 00 -00 00 TI nS ""I'llons of northpostem jakulls. ! ,I G ~4. 9. No. :1. 1115 7kIWO). Al ' 0 o 0 r4, iih Iv ltla~i%l' air chirth. acidic imVINprmd With dikes and cflur4am. The jau,ka nuir h&A vomidriattle ca-hotilt, mim-rallizution, the Vvikim)-amL much lv~ 0 1 41111 'rjL4khAy2kjjtA%%W 21111IKt 11111le At OU. lAktKV -00 r I.s.4tv ate lomd.4-A. with. ach... F. 11. R. =00 go coo 00 r.0 00 00 -of We =00 s 1! t-00 64~ I .20~' too u AT 80 ISIC" A- o IT 0 IV at Lv id a it q q it it Ix 1 1l I- 1, ~I An L 4 I.,. - 41 -3 2 -9 AMC ie * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 * ," & 0 0 0 0 A 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o : : : : : : i e 0 0 0 0 * * 0 0 9 0. GRUSHEVOY., V.G.; DOMAREV, V.S., ITSIKSON, M.I.; XCF-MILITSYN, V.S.; MARKOVSKIY, A.P., MOROZENKO, N.K.; NElQj,OROSHbV, V.P.; ~~kqL~M S-lYZ-jjG'j', A.T,; SJ?FUY_f~-V, V.-I.. T' DrJyj P.M.; _ ,_ A . , 4 A UR SHATALOV, Ye.T. Grigorii Sergeevich Labazin, 1898-1963; obituary. Geol.. rud. mestorozh. 6 no.2tl25-126 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 17:6) PADALKA, G,L, Geotectonic zonation and some qaestions of the metallogeay, of r, -, eastern Transbaikalia. Biul.VSE)GEI no.1:40--58 158, k. I (Tranbaikalia-Geology~ Economic) PADALKA~ I., geolog White flowers of the earth. Zram. ta pratsia no 10116 0 "2. iNIRA 15.'10c)' (Novoselltsy (Zvenigorodka district, Cherlmssy Province)- Kaolin) FADALKAj L, A, Listed as a member of the editorial staff of YMpraTQ Zn 0 Voysmyye Znaniyaq Moscawj No 7., Jul 53 SO: SUM 291v 2 Doe 1954 -MAMt N* A* Dissertation: "Question an the Nature of Products of Fermentative Hydrolysis of Casein." 6nd Biol Scit' Leningrad State U, Leningraa, 1934. (Referativrgy Zhurnal--Miirdya. Moscovp No 10,0 MV 54) SO: SUM 318p23 Dee 1954 PADALKA, N.Z. -, Attachment, for controlling the start and operation of the PRK-7 lamps. Khar.prom. no.l.-56 Ja4fr 62. (MA 15:8) (Yeast) (Automatic control) 4. ..4 - - R,f,~ - r f - - --L-11 - --- ir,0 u lid PALTA r ~,,, I -0.V --- - "Strengthening of molybdenum by dispersed refractory particles." TITLE: The Sixth All-Union conference on Powder Metailur7y (Held at C Moscow, 21 November 10.62 SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 39 1963. P. 110