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.OZCRAY, Gyorgy A new rook nalt precipice at Parajd, Foldrajzi ert 12 no.2: 239-241 '63. ("Yorgy .. - I z- j y cj' tjir~ Plain and -c H-. r!~,frcol.oe 1, , J i I ~,~Arcflkoz r!!gion. F-,~Idrajzl crt 23 no. 1:113-321 464. SlMDNO L&Bzlop dr.1 SCHERF, F.Mil, dr.,, a fold- es asvanytani tudomanyok kandidatusa ~. OZORAY, Gyorgyj SOMOGYI, Sandor, dr.., a foldrajzi tudomanyok kandidatulk) 1--l... HKETEp O"tVano dr'? a mesogazdasagi tudomanyok kandidatuoa I Some hydrogeologic-lawo'governing the irrigation requirements of certain area units arranged from the point of view of tectonics. Foldrajzi art 13 no,2t2l7-24:L 164. BREYEV, M.V., doktor ekon. nauk; SILIN, V.A.; BYCHEK, N.R., kand. ekon. nauk; GREBTSOV, G.I., kand. ekon.nauk; ITKINA, A.S., kand. ekon. nauk; KOKOREV., M.V., kaud. ekon. nauk; KOMIN, A.N.t kand. ekon. nauk; LIPSITS, V.B., kand. ekon. nauk; kand. akon. nauk; ORLOV, N.M., St. prepod.; Ye.K., kand. ekon. nauk; SMEKHOV, B.M., doktor ekon. nauk; FELID, S.D., kand. ekon. nauk; LlSOV, V.Ye., red.; TARASOVA, T.K., mlad. red.; GERASINDVA, Ye.S., tekhn. red. [Planning the national economy of the U.S.S.R.) PlaniroTania narodnogo khozibAstva SSSR. MosIcia, Ekonomizdat, 1963. 621 p. I I (MIRA 16:8) 1. Moscow. Institut narodnogo khosy"tva. (Russia--Economic pdlicy) BUDOVOY, G.T.; MARTMOV, I.P.; SHKOLINIKOV., B.Ya., GIRIGO!"Mr, YO.A.; DIOLOMMI V.V.,- REZNIK, A.I.; IGNATOVICH, A.A.; OZOANOV., A.K. . GILINSKOY, E.B.; ZHIRN(TV, V.Ye.; MENSKIY, 14.1.; VOLKOVI N.I., red.; VOSKAVYAN, G.G., red.; KASIMOVSKIY, Ye.V.p red.; M-IIII, A.Ya., red.; LISOV, V.Ye., red., PODOMARENA, A.A., tekhn. red. [The district worker's manual; reference and rethodological aid for economic and cultural planning in an administrative dis- trict]Spravochnik raionnogo rabotnika; spravocImo-retodiche- skoe posobie po, planirovaniiu khoziaistvennogo i kullturnogo stroitellstva v a&,inistrativnom raione. Moskva, -Kkononizdat, 1962. 439 p. (FJRA 15:7) (Ilussia-.Econor-ic policy--Handbooks, manuals, etc.) OZOROCZY, GY. Requirerents of thn industry for cranes and conveyers In connection with design- ing driving mechanisms. p. 23. Go-rosion and protection of surfaces. p. 27. GEP. (Gepiparl Tudomanyos Egyesulet) Budapest. Vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 1956. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL), Library of Congress Vol. 5, no. 6, June 1956 Cj Z -f =11A. -- 7' Lile -njish Hoily (~il aqu--I -'ai iur'! L - 761 VTSTA 7A DT77;TD07,) '-Iu(-ur(I,;tj '101mani a) -Vol . 71, no. 30: Yonthly inclez o~: Fast '17urolpean Acc~ssions 1,C Vol. 7, "To. OZSGYI 112 sef~zolnok) Hairdressers' club has been formed at Szolnok. Mjagy kisip.;'r 6 r-o-4:2 22 F 162. 1. Helyi csoportt3tkax, Szolnoki Fodrasz Klub. Oncology HUNGARY OZ5VATH, Imre, Dr; Capital City Oncoradiolo.-ical Institute, Uzsoki 3-Areet ~6:t'prta-17 (6FI~f physician in charge: VAND-01R, Ferenc, Dr) , Central Tumor Clinic (chief physician in charqe: KAIPATI, Gyorgy, Dr) (Fovarosi Onko- radiologiai Intezet, Uzsoki Utcai Korhaz, Kozponti londozo), Budapest. "Recurrences Following the Surgical Treatment of Intraepithelial Carcinoma of the Cervix" Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 10?, No 38, 18 Sep 66, paqes 1808-1811. Abstract: [Author's Hungarian summary] A few cases are described in which the patients were treatid surgically because of intraepithelial carcinoma of the cervix and returned later having neglected recurrences. The various modes of the development of recurrences and the possibilities of averting them are analyzed in this connection. It is stated that intraepithelial carcinoma should be considered a true carcinoma, its inadequate treat- ment and the lack of a careful control may lead to recurrence which greatly endansers the life of the patient. 15 Eastern Suropean, 30 Wpstern refer- ences. 1/1 ' --- _' .0 FRISRSH, Ishtvan [Fries, Istvan] akademik, KHGEDYUSH Andrash A' 16~ kand. ID , Lao1jodi La8z' Regedusp Andras]; OZHV L Oii_'va2~d L'01' ekonor.. nauk, nauchnyy sotr.; MUD, TAS10 TKozao, Laszlo], nauchn.vy sotr.; REDEI, Aranka kand. ekonom. nauk, nauchnyy s0tr.; ALEKSA, MjAleksza' M.11 red. izd-va; FARKASH, I. [Farkas,'I.3, tekhn. red. [Material incentives in the national economy of Hungary] Materiallnoe stimulirovanie v narodnom, khoziaistve Vengrii- sbornik statei. Budapest, 1962. 99 p. (MIR.A 15:71 1. Akademiai Kiado, Budapest. 2. Direktor Instituta ekonolniki Vengerskoy akademii nauk (for Friohsh). 3. Zamestitell predse- datelya TSentrallnogo Statisticheskogo upravleniya Vengrii (for Khgedyush). /+. Inatitut ekonomiki Akademii nauk Vengrii (for Ozhval'd, Komlo, Redei). (Hungary--Incentives in industry) OZSVAR, Jozeef, dr., (Kiskundorosma) ~ ~ Trachoma screening in Szeged district. NoPegeezaegugY 37 no-3: 79-81 March 56. (TRACHOMA, prev. & control In Hungary. screening In rural areas (Run)) OZSVATH, Imre, dr. P.ndotoxift shook caused by Escherichia coli infection related to septle kbortiom. Magy. noom. la~. 26 no.3:174,-177 My 163. l.- IIII. ker. Tanacs Robert Karoly koruti Korhaza, (igazgato Krasz*i Ivan dr..) I. oz. Szuleozeti bsztalyanak (foorvost Kulitzy Geza dr.) kozlem6nyee (AWRTION, MTIC) (ESGHERICHIA GOLI INFECTIONS) (NOREPINUHRINE) (ENDOTOXIN) OZSVATH, Imr~, dr. Endotoxiri shook caueed by Escherichia coli infection related to septic abortiorr. Magy. noorv. lap. 26 no-3:174-177 Mv 163. 1. 1111. ker. Tanacs Robart Karoly koruti Korhaza (igazgato Kraszq&-, Ivan dr.) I. sz. Szuleszeti osztalyanak (foorvos: Kulitzy Geza dr.) kozlemenye (!;;RT.IDN, SEPTIC) (ESCHERICHIA COLI INFECTIONS) (NOREPINEPHRINE) (ENDOTOXIN) OZSVATH Imra d 0; RADO, Sandor, dr. 3 T~,~Q Experience with the interruption of pregnanc7. Ilepageazsegugy 42 no,4:121-3.25 Ap 161. 1. Kozlemany a XIII ker. Tanace Robert Karoly krt.-i korhaza (igazgato: Y-raaznai Ivan dr.) I as II nuleezet-nogyogyanati osstalyairol (foor7oook: Xulltz7 Geza dr. an Schweitzer Arpad dr.) (ABORTION THERAPEUTIC statist) DMATH, Imre, dr.; FABER, Viktor, dr. Pregnancy and childbirth after surgical removal of ovarian urrhendbUstoma. Orv.hatil. 100 no.34:1230-1232 Ag '59- 1,. XIII. ker. Tanace Robert Karoly. koruti korhaza (igugato: Irraoznai Ivan dr.) I. Sxuleszet-nogyoCrasz&ti oaztalyanak (foorvos: 11-alitzy GeZEL &r.) es Prosecturajanak (foorvool: Faber Viktor dr.) kozlemenye. (MOMANCY) (OVARY neoplasms) (ARH OBIASTO%-purg.) HAULICA, I.; POPA, A.; HAULIGA, Ana; BAIMSCU. Alexandru; OZUN, R. Netabolic and functional aspects of the liberation of catecholamines by reserpine. Studii care.fisiol. 4 no-3.'409-420 '59. (VAI 9:5) (AMOSIn TRIPWSPWBS) (RHMPINE) OZVACIG I V. "Half-tone reproduction on diazo materials" by R. Landau. Reviewed by V. Ozvacic. Kem ind 13 no. 2: 108 F 64- L 46869-66 , EwPWIT pj4 1 ACC NRs A-1-6034716 SOURCE CODE: HVOOW65/6~i/009/0372/0376 Z/ ~AUTIIOR: Peter, Ferenc Ozvald Istvan; Research Institute of the Textile Industry I P (Textiliparl Kutato lnteze~)', tudapest, TITLE: Use of oscillopolarography in some textile P chemical studies. ix. ~ i.Quantitativa determination of some compounds with a polyethylene glycol ether skeleton, using an oscillopolarographic method SOURCE: Magyar kemial folyoirat, v. 71, no. 9, 1965, ~372-376 TOPIC TAGS: polarographic analysis, polyglycol compound LABSTRACT::.- different'~olyethylefie* gaycol derivatives nave been studied by means of an osci-Uopolarographic, 'niethod. It was determined that the cam unds studied 1) are active in a 11 M M and 1 Y NaOH basic solution, Zrthey can be determined quanti- itatively in a 1 M NaOH basic solution with an accuracy sufficient for 'tative determina- industrial control determinations, and 3) their quant. ~tion by means of osci-l-lopolarography is nuch more ra-pid -than the Aradi- f .tional anal- ytical procedurq5,Orig. art. has: 14 figuros. riPRS r .1 . -_ - .. I - - - 1. . _j SUB CODE: 07 SUM nATEt 20 Jan 65 1 ORIG REF: 002 Card SIOURCE CODE: 11ET-LR, 7orenc, and OtViiLD, istvan, Textile industries Research institute (11'extilipari jKutato Into zet), _7`udapvsf ."Application of 0scillopolarog,raphy in Textile-Chemical Investigations. X. Quantitative Detennination of Some Folyethylenoglycol Ether Surface Active Mothod.11 ,__AZ2ntr. by the,Oscillopolarographic DudapeA, LLaZyar Komial Folyoirat, Vol 72.'No 3. Mar 66; PP 105-107. Abstract FAuthors' English summarj]: Exporiments were carried out to study pot~--ii'ilitioa of the quanti~ativo determination of surface-active agants. Qf the pcUyothylonog:~Ycol other'Itypo. It was found that the inve3tigatod -can be qu&1k_E_atTv-aTj determined within the concentrationi range of .0.2-0.8 g/liter.'Idontification can be performed on the basis of the shape "of inoiGion7 at Q=0,92. The determination is muohmore rapid and much Virdpler ;than by methods in g2ppral use- br,-6z'. art* has: 5 f Igures and 1tabla. CJPRSt 36, TUP1C TAGSs polRrograph!e z:!Q1YrAs, surface active agent, polyglyr'd compound. SUB CODE: 07,11 / SUBM DATE: 26 liar 65 / ORIG REFt 001 / OTH REFs 015 OZVOLID~ M. !',,wspendence of ultrasonic attenuation in semiconductorr -,.n eloctria fir-ld strength. Chekoshl fiz zhurnal 15 no-i;~51- 25c" 65. 1. Higher School of Transportation, Mina, Marx&-Engelsa 25 (for il-rix-nak), 2. Instittite of Physics of the Sloval, Academy C1, Sclences, Bral.-Islava, Dubravska cesta (for Ozvold). Submitted A.-Ugust 29, 1961,. j-:Zs~ " -1 '. -;-- I ", T Developm,en'[, of our knowledge concerning tlie structure of th') I-I'My Way. P. 218. Vol. 115, no. 4, Apr. 1956 TERLESZET ES TjIMADALOR Budapast, IhinFnry Source: East Buronean Accession List. Library of Congress. V01. 5, ~Io. 8, Au.mst 1956 KARFATYY Gyorgy, dr.- 0ZSVA"T,. " r tIssue. Borg-jogy -,~,ennr, c-zem`v. 40 no~,/,~174-1'77 1. XIV. ker. T nacs VB Kor' ,a -!'oo-r-. on Szanto Sandrn- d-r,) On~oradlnlogfF4,. U Vandor Ferem~ dr.) Kozpo~t-.-, (vezzc-.~c foorvo5. Karpatl Gvo~F i dr.) BODO, Gyora,,, Dr,; OZSVATH, Naroly, Dr. Blectron.vatagmographic registration of alternating nystagmus. Fal orr gegegyogy. 4 no.1:8-15 Mar 58. 1. A NtUar Nephadsereg Ageszoegugyi Szolgalatanak kozlemenve. (NYSTAGMUS, c1W. electronystagmography in alternating xWstagmus (Hun)) v ;,k i ~l j fiperation of regulatimC. vallvc.-3 in steal," pipes; also, rc7l~a.-.'Cs Jausz. j. 181 Vol. 4, 5, 1,c55 Budanpest, Illuncary E?UlE?,~LPESZ__,T SO: 1.'ontl-dy List of East :Euro-ocan Accessions, (MA.L) , LC, "'o1. 5 1-0. 3, I:arch, 1956 11 OZVF,GY!, F. Trends in the development of radiant heating. p.20. EPULETC-EFESZET. Budapest. Vol. 5, no. 1/2, 1956. SOURSE: East European Accessions List (EEAL), Library of Congress Vol. .j No. 12, December 19* f o~' ~ ~~- " %, ,:.- r . Swm-er rainfall in Budapest in 1955, P. 113, EFULETGEPEGET, (Epitoipari Tudomanyos Egyesulet) Budapest, Vol-5, No. 4, 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (I-EAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 5, No. 11, 14ovember 1956 OZV---G--f-I, F. Trends of development in radiant heating, p. 16, muszkKi Fim (Mmaki es Temeszettudomany'os Egyemletek Szovetsege) Budapest, Vol. 1-1, No. 13, July 1956 SOURCE- East European Accessions List (EEAL) Librar7 of Congress, Vol. 5, No. 112 November 1956 OZTENGY!, F. Outdoor infrared radiant heating, p. 193 MUSZAKI ELET (Muszaki es Termeszettudomanvos Egyesuletek Szovetsege) Budapest., Vol. 11., No. 13, July 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessions fist (an) Library of Congress., Vol. 5, No. 11, November 1956 OZ-VEGY1, F. Industry for synthetic materials in the German Democratic Republic, p. 21, MUSZAKI HLET (Muszaki es Termeszettudomanyos Egyesultek Szovetsege) Budapest, Vol. 11, No. 13, July 1956 0 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress., Vol. 5. No. 112 November 1956 4.1 CCESS1014 NP; AP501133~ A AUTHOR: Hrivnak, L. Ozvold, ;--7T f n semi duc~orp-- V. s em con duc or i-ese a TOPIC TASS : I tion, electric field Cord 112 g MIMI I M-m, -- - - ~--allwlai Z, M a t 5 P, I v z r 1:6 re s c ~' Dr -5 e a am t ion, electric field ABSTRACT The interaction o f o. n d -a mul ane:-...isiv wi~:- Card 1/2 !and the nc-nlinear dependence of* current density on ejectri~~ strollp elp-tr;, f- 7 h SUBMITTED: 2gAug5U OMBIAN. V.S.; DAITILOVICH, Mae; SKVORTSOV, G.V. Using the air drilling method for boring deep holes in perma- frost regions. Razved. i okh.nedr 24 no.10:45--48 0 '58. (MIRA 12:2) 1. Ministeretvo geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR- (Boring) i I -I.M. A ~%Y,,; Ptl p -, uglia nc,,7~22(-,,-229, ' ' 5~41 PA lg,-to) GreVlag In the Galf Of Mat5alu' orlit'ol , PAP T, ~ F. The Khrushchev-Eisenhmier meeting. p. 59. T-LUI-E,jIyA. (politechnika Szczecinslm) Po-man. No. hi 19*) - 58 Monthly list of East European Accessions (E:,.4I) LC, Vol.9, no.1, Jan. 1959. UnCl. 4. On the relativistic theory S/033/62/039/005/008/011 E032/R514 a single elementary hydrodynamic particle, since according to present information it may be considered that its velocity field. is relatively isotropic and uniform. It is shown that the lower limit for the angular ve-loci .ty of absolute rotation of the metagalaxy is given by C o > ~~ j)(Po"D- where 'J* is the ratio of the min'imum value (during the preceding 2 x 10 10 years) of the average diameter of galaxies and the present average distance betwegn the galaxies, )t is Einstein's gravitational constant (8V y/c ), c is the fundamental velocity and p 0 is the density of matter for a unit scale factor R. In fact, the rotation of the metagalaxy is an inescapable conclusion of this analysis. Finally, if the anisotropy in the deformation of the corresponding space is neglected, then it turns out that a singular state in the presence of rotation is impos sible. Possible regular minima in the scale factor R of the universe surrounding us are then briefly explored. ASSOCIATIONt Astronomicheskaya observatoriya~Alcademii Nauk Vengrii Biidapest (Astronomical Observatory, Card 2/2 Hungarian2Academy of Sciences, Budapest) SUBMITTED: December 23, 1961 1 PAAL, -GG- *1 * " On the instability of clusters of galaxies. Acta phys H-ung 17 no.3:379-381 164. 1. Konkoly Observatory, Budapest. PAAL, G. ~ _ , ~ Structure and kinematlics of the matagalaxy. 11stron. zhmr. 42 no-1: lc~-29 Ja-F 1610. (~I_T.A 18-2) 1. Astronomicheakaya observatoriva Vengerskoy Akademii nauk, Buda- pesht. PAAL,, Gyorgy (Budapest) 9, R. Mustel's lecture on the achievements of Soviet aistrophysica. Magy tud 68 no.7/8:04-486 JI-Ag 161. 1. Tudommyoo munkatara, Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. Csillagvizogalo Intezete,, Budapest, PAAL GYORGY, Dr. Regmlation of firot aid in indi4try. NepagesssegugY 38 n0-7:183-18? July 5 7. (FIIMT AID In indust. plants (INDUSTRIAL HYGIM f irst aid orgLuis. in Hungary, orgiLniz. (Hun)) in Eb=gLry (Eh=)) '- PAAL, Gyora, Dr.; BONTA, Janos, Dr. The situation and problems of our intlustrial health services. Nepegeszge- gw-7 39 no.1-2115-21 Jan-Feb 58. (InMTRIAL HYGIZ14 mad. serv. in HurzarY (Hun)) GAL, Gyorgy, dr.; FAALf Gyorgyp dr. More important questions relating to the development and organization structure of factory sanitation. ftn*avedelem 7 no.7/9:26-30 161. LASZLOP I.; PETER,, M.; FILEP,-V.; ABRAHAM, A.; BALINT, E.; DOMOKOS, L.; KASZA, L. ; PAXL, Gyorgyi; BEDO, A. Experimental investigations of epidemic hepatitis. Attempts to isolate the virus. Stud. cereet. inframicrobiol. 13 no.3:313-318 162. (HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS) (TISSUE CULTURE) (VIRUS CULTIVATION). (HEPATITIS VIRUSES) pAAL, Janos. dr.; YLISS, janos, dr. Neurosypbilitic screening, in Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen county- Borgrogy. vener. szemle 9 no.6:235-239 Nov 55. 1. Borood-Ab'Luj-Zemplan megVe Tanacsa Semmalwals korb6za (IgazgatofoorvoB: KOPOXIL, jozssf, dr.) Ideg-ElmeOsztalyanak (foorvos: Bagotbay, Laszlos dr.) kozlemer7e- (NAWSTPHILIS, statistics in Hungary. results Of screening) PAAL. Janos. dr. Comprehensive report on catumestic controlled cases of skull injwr4ea in the dispensary of Miskolc, in the last six months. Naas sebesset 9 no.l.,34-38 Yeb 56s 1. Borsod-Abauj-Zemplennegyei Tanaes Samelvele lorhasa (Igasgato 11opari Jossef dr#) Rendelointesetensk (igasgato Namenyi Laszlo dr.) koslememys. (KW, wounds & Inj. with neurol. compl., follow-up & rehiLbil. (Run)) (WOUNDS AND INIURIIS head, with neurol. compl., follow-up & rehabil. (Run)) (IMOUS SYSTIM, dis. swol, complo in head inj.s follow-up & r6babil. (Bun)) PAAL, Jozsef__ The 2d conference on ahipbuilding. Jarmu mazo gep 8 no.7:278-280 n 161. 1 PAAL, Jowaf The 2d conference on shipbuilding. Jam mezo geP 8 no.8:317-319 Ag 161. PALL, Laszlo The situation of the mecharLtzation of loading in the field of automotive transportation, Kozleked kozl 19 no*25.438-439 Je 163. PAAL. L&S!zln I Component parts in the Factory of Incandescent Lamps. Musz. elet 18 no.616 34 Mr 1.0. PAALI I L. L. PAALI, L.L., Cand Tech Sci - (diss) nQuenching of energy in the under water level of constructions under conditions of the bottom mode Connecting." Ienq 1958. 12 pp with drawings (Min of Higher Education USSR. Len Polytech Inst im 14.1.Kalinin) 221 copies (KLI 20-58)98) TIPAKS* L.A., kand.tekhnonauk; VELIMM, Kh.A., Icand.tekhn.nauk; PAA I L.L. [Phal. L.L.I. inth. - Shortening the length of the spillva7 of a water-power installation. Izv*vyB*uchebozav*; energ. no.6:122-129 Je 158. (MIRA 11:9) 1.Tallinekiy politakhnichemki institut. (DRUMT 124-58-9-9875D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, `1958, Nr 9, p 58 (USSR) AUTHOR: Paal' , L. L: TITLE: The Energy Dissipation in the Tailwater of a Hydraulic Structure Under Conditions of Water Flow Through a Bottom Gate (Ga- sheniye energii v nizhnem bl yefe sooruzheniy v usloviyakh donnogo rezhima sopryazheniya) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree Of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the Leningr. politekhn. in-t (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute), Leningrad, 1958 ASSOCIATION: Leningr. politekhn. in-t (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute), Leningrad 1, Hydrodynamics--USSR 2. Fluid flow--Analysis Card 1/1 SOV/143-5B-9-17/18 AUTHOR: Tepaks, L.Ai,, Candidate of I'Vechnical Sciences, Docent; Paall, L.L., Ehgineer TITLE: Hydraulic Computation of Water Gauge Sumps (Gidravlich- eskiy r"abst vodomernykh kolodtsev) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy - Energetika, 1958, Nr 9, pp 112-116 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The float-level--relay~is-an important-'element of auto- mation - in hydroengineering installations - closing or breaking the-regulatioli circuits with changes in the water level. In order to ensure that the float device functions reliably, the floats are usually set up not in the water basin itself, but in a water gauge sump connected with the water basin via a feed pipe. Proper selection of the dimensIgns of the sump and the feed pipe considerably affect the work of the float device with rapid variations in the water level. In order to determine these dimensions correctly, the paper works Card 1/2 out formulae for hydraulic resistance, inertia head, the continuity equation and the rate at which the TEFAKS, L.A,p dotsentp kand.tekhn.nauk; VELINER, Kh.A. (Velner, H.]., dotsent., kand.tekhn.nauk- PAALI L.L.0 (Faal.. L.J, kand.tekhn.naukj AYTSAM, A.M., [Aitsam, A.], -tekhn.nauk; LIYV, U.R... [Liiv, U.J., inzh. Water hammer in a low-pressure hydroelectric power station with a sudden loss of load and methods for studying it on a stand, Izv,vyo. ucheb,zav.1 energ- 4 no*4:109-117 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:5), 1. Ts'llin kiy politekhnicheakiy institat. ZIIa~ kafedroy gidravlW. ln~ It', (Hydraulic turbines) (Water hammer) S/124/62/000/005/037/048 D251/1)308 AUTHORS: Paall, L.L., and Tepakst L.A. TITIM-: Electro-optical method of measuring the dynamic cha- racteristics of a current with the application of photo-resistance PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Trekhanikap no. 59 1962p 137, abstract 5B902 (V sb. Novyye metody --'zmereniy i pri- bory dl a gidravlich. issled., M., AN SSSR, 1961, 133-1M TEXT: The mechanical force being measured induces a small deforma- tion of an elastic element. The deformation in turn produces the deviation or shielding of a beam of light illuminating the surface of the photo-resistance. When the semi-conductor photo-resistance is exposed to a beam of light its resistance decreases. The varia- tion in the electric current passing through the photo-resistance is amplified and recorded on the film of an oscillograph. 3 refe- rences. [Abstractor's note; Complete translation]. VELIVERO Kh*A., [Velner, H-] kapd.tekhn.naukp dotsentL_E_AAkL'I--L- [P-11, L.jv kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent. Iaboratory studies of the conversion of vertical hydrogenerators to operation as synchronous compensators. Izv. vys. uncheb. zav.; energ. 5 no,9:108-115 S 1629 (MIRA 15:10) 1. Tallinskiy politekhnicheakiy institut. Predstavlena kafedroy gidravliki,, (Turbogenerators) (Hydraulic turbines) (Hydroelectric power stations) FALL, No Histocheimical Investigation of the adrenal gland of a mouse. with special consideratiob to sexual differencos. p. 149 A MAGYAR TLIDOMOYOS AKADEMIL V. OIZTALkY BOIOGIAI USOPORWANAK KOSIMNEI. Budapest. Hungary. Vol. 31 no. 2, 1959 Monthly list of last European Accessions MAI). ]U& Vol*. 9p now 1. Jeqne, 1960. Uml. PAAL, margit, dr.; CSOMIOR, Sandor, dr.; DOMIOTGRI, Jeno.. dr.; SZIIR,'Y-AI, dr. Changes-in the tranBaminase aotivity (SGOT) in female oancor patients during radiation therapy. Magy. radiol. 15 no.2:93-98 Ap 143. 1" Budapesti orvostudomanyi. Egyetem-1. sz. Noi Klinikajanak koziemenye. (Igazgatol Horn Bela dr, yet tanar). ' " "jUTERINE NEOPLASMS) (RADIOTHEUPY) (OVARIAN ISOPILAASMMS (ENZMAE TESTS) JASPARTATE AMIN&IIAINSFEIU~E) (VULVAR NEOPIASMS) (BLOOD CHEMICAL ANALYSIS) KOVER, Jozaef, dr.; CSOMOR, Sandor, dr.; MMKA, Rezso,dr. p p Histochemical examination of the effect of ultrasound and X-ray irradiation in Ehrlic h-ascites tumor. Magy. radiol. 16 no.102-55 V64. 1,Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem I.sw. Noi Klinikajanak koz- lemenue. (Igazgatot Horn Nela dr., egyet. tanar). Argit, HORN, Belap dr.; SZEMI, Miklos, dr.?, PAAL2_M -, - dr- Our experiences with surgiml operaticns perfomed an aged female patients. Orv. betil. 105 no.Z7&1255~-12-59 5 Jl'64 1. .Badapesti Oryostudomanyl Egyetemp I. Noi Klinika (Igaz- gat-oz Horn, Bela dr.) iv.-A T. Lenf,thenin,v the cperatl-.onal durition o' refractors., materials In non,~crfencd boilers. r). '110. (Nso-ciatL Stiintif'4ca a In.-inerilor si ~-V-n4cleni-lor ROM-1-.-i-a si Ministerul EnerEiei 'Electrice si Industriei 'Elect-rotuehnicc) D curesti, 1--timania Du Vol. 7, no. 7, July 195~. M in .1onthly IiEt of 1~astern European Acce2sion I dex (ELAI) 1 vol. ~Iij No. I Novembe . 195S~ Uncl. PAAL, Stefan A. Experimental electromagretle treattment of the feed water at the Thermoelectric Plant o.. Oradea. Energetica Rum 9 no.12:501-503 D 161. PAAL, Tamas Here is the Pf-B +-D expedition. Auto motor 16 no.20:22 21 0 163- L u75-66 EPF(c)/9fP(J)/E;IA(h)/S4A(l) MAU WWIRH .... ........ HU/2502/64/042/W4/042.W, 01 ACMM NRt AT3D2.52D6" Vs- Zoltan 0 Foldiak AIMRs Gabor: (rel diak, I tBudayest) (Doctor I TME: 6=6 reaction-kinetical problem in i~he radiation arnal crackin of 4ydrocarbone 801MCE.6 Acadezie -'scientiam hungairicass, A v. 429 noo 49 1964# 421-431. TDPIC TAM zz thermal decomposition, hydrocarbon, catalytic cracking# electric discharge radiiii-ion Abstract: (Russian article;.authors' English sum:wry, modified') T~e e'f- i ifects of-radiation treatment by high-voltage electric discharge on the J'cra&king of cetane ere investigated. The effect, occuning at temperatu- 'j'res above 2906C-, wl res above- identified as a chain reaction. At temperstu MWC thevnergy of the system is sufficient for both the initiation and '!the propagation of tbe-chain reaction. Thermal cracking was negligible Tat temperatures below 380'C. Catalysts,, such as aluminum silicate# pro- Lduced measurable effects at temperatures above 120'C. the reaction rate. of the decomposition and the terms.of limiting temperatures were ex- Pressed b7 nathemtical correlations*-,-- aft graphs 741-r:;~' ACC NRI AT6033600 SOURCE CODE: HU/2502/66/047/001/0083/009? AUTHOR: Paal Zoltan--Pal, Z. (Doctor; Budapest); Foldiakp Gabor-Felfdiak, G. j1v (Doctor; Mtest) V 91 ORG: Scientific Research Institute for Petroleum and Natural Gas, Veszprem TITLE: Some problems in the reaction kinetics and nechanism of hydrocarbon oxidatiol promoted by electric discharge in heterogeneous phase SOURCE: Academia scientiarum hungaricae. Acta chemica, v. 47, no. 1, 1966, 83-97 TOPIC TAGS: chemical reaction kinetics, oxidation, electric discharge, hydrocarbon ABSTRACT:. A silent! electric discharge promotesheterogeneous surface reactions-in the pre- ,sence of high-energy radiation. The processes taking place in the oxi- dation of paraffin oil below 100*C (where the reaction has no chain cha-.. racter) and above 100*C (where the initiation by discharge is tempera- ,ture-independent and is followed by thermal chain propagation) were described. The products of discharge-initiated oxidatioTykere colgared with those of thermal processes. The authors thaRk -SenMr Scientific Collaborator T. Balint for-his contribution. The authors also thank Academician, Professor Mikhau Fr d, Director of the Hungarian Sci'entific Research Institute for Petroleum and Natural Gas for active support in this work. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 2 formulas and 5 tables. [Based on authorst Eng. abst.] 1JPRS: 34,6691 SUB CODE: 07 / SUBM DATE: 30Jan65 / ORIG REF: 005 / SOV REF: 010 OTH REF: Y4 t Card 1/1 C_ FARKAS, Lorand; PALLOS, Laszlo;- PAAL, Zoltan Final synthesis and composition of sulfurein. Magy kem folpir 66 4:121-123 Ap'60- I 1. Budapesti 14uszaki Egyetem Szerves-Kemiai Tanszeke. II 41. FOIDIAK., Gabor; PAAL, Zoltan Examination of radiation chemical heat decomposition of h7drocarbons affected by electric discharges. Magy kem lap 18 no.12:573-576 D 163. 1. Magyar Asvanyolaj- es Foldgaz Kiserleti Intezet. ARUOLA., Ileino, kand. tekhn. nauk; KASESALU, Helmt, gor. inzh.; KUUSIK, Jaan, gor. inzh..-, FAAIMF aido gor. inzh., retsenzent; WHOP, VAino, goi-. inzh., retsenzent; REM-111AA, H., red.; PIMARI, J., [Mining engineering] Kaevuritd6d. Tallinn, Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus,, 1963. 393 p. (MIRA 16:12) (Mining engineering) NR / '17,1,-~_ USSR /othemical Technology. Chemical Products 1-15 and Their Application Treatment of solid mineral fuels Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 9p 1957, 31842 Author : Gubergrits M. Ya., Paallme L.P. Title : Process of Gas-Formation in a Shale Shaft- Generator. Orig Pub: Sb.: Goryuchiye slantsy. Khimiya i tekhnologiya, No 2, Tallin, Est. gos. izd-vo, 1956, 33-40 Abstract: An analysis of data derived by balance studies of operation of shale gas shaft-generators (material balance of the process, balance of COIL, 01. , organic matter), on the basis of which the mechanism of proceBses which take place in the gas generators, is considered, and views are C ard IA PAAL#)&, L. P. Cand Tedh Soi-- (diss) "Study of i4ili processes of ;Lovement and distribution~~o and poured material in the heat treatment of shale." Tallin, 1959a 16 pp (Awid Soi Estonian SSR. Department of Tech and PIVs-Math Soi), 150 copies M, 43-59, 126) -54- GUBIRGRITS, M.Ya., kand.tekhn.nauk; BRODSKAYA, B.Kh., kand.tolthri.nauk; W4. MILIK. A.A. [Milk. 'A.A.j;'_FAAL#14Z, L..P.,TFaalme, L-P.] Effect of-gas evacuation conditions on the output and com- position of the product of therml decomposition of Kuldcer- site-~bale blocks. Podzem.gaz.ljgl. no.4:25-29 '59. (MIRA 13:4) (3stonia--Sbale) (Coal gasification, Underground) GMEWITS, M.Ya., kand.tekhn.nauk; BUDSKAYA., B.Kh.., kand.tekhn.nauk; PAALIME L.P. 1Paa1=,, L.], kand.te3chn.nauk; EM, K.A. (Xuiv., X.) Decomposition of kukersite under the action of spark discharges in a liquid medium. Eesti tead akad tehn fuus no*3t234-243 161* 1. Acaderq of Sciences of the Estonian S.S.R., Institute of Chemistry. 4W $ -A- -- -- e - .: ~ Drag control in the aerman Democratic Republic. Ceak. farm. 4 no.5:217-218 June 55. 1. Ze Statniho ustavu pro zkouseni leciv NDR v Jens. (DRUG INWSTRY, legislation In 3. GermArq, state control) FAAR, B. I BA&ZSjj~t /-v-w--A Production and use of beryllium bronze. Pt. 1. (To be contd.) p. 55. KOIIASZATI LAYOK. (Ylagyar Banyaszati es Kohaszati Egyesulet) budapest, 1*.,Unfj'ary Vol. 14, no. 2/3, Feb./ Mar. 1959. Montbly list of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959 uncla. PAAR) B. - RAUZ~, Production and use of ber I li,nri brorize. Pt. 185* KOHASZATI LOOK. (Magyar Banyaszati es Kohaszati 4yesulelt') Blidapest, Hungary Vol. 14, no. 5, May 1959. Monthly list of East Eiiropean Accessions (MAI), Y,, VO. 8, No. 8, August 1959. "ncla. U PAAR, Oldrich Dyhovani v hydraulickych lisech. (Veneer Making in Hydraulic Presses. 1st ed. illus., bibl.) Prague, SNTL., 1957. 55 P. Manufacturing processes in the sector of pressing based on the valid technological methods. Information on glueing and roughing of surfaces before veneers are manufactured, veneer making in hydraulic presses, preparation of rraterials, formulas, and methods for mixing synthetic glues. Bibliograficky katalog, CSR, Ceske kniby, No. 30. 3 Sept 57. p. 654. FAAWU. Kh.299 inzh.; LIVAM, A.Z. (Finlandiya); HYAKELTA, R. [translator]. Now method of operational prospecting at the Otanmiaki mine. Gor. zhur. -no.12:26-28 'D ' 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Finland-Mining engineering) (Prospecting) CHAIDV, N.V.; LESHCHUK, A.Ye,; KOROTKOVI N.V.; GORYACHIKE, Ye*F.; AMAN,.A.Kh,,- PAAOIKIVI Lj,; ALMANDROVA, O.A. Hydrolysis of cellulose lignin by a 44-45% hydrochloric go .id solution in a diffusion battery. Zlm=. prikl. khi-m. 34 no, 12t2737-2745 D t61, I (MIRA 15:1) 1, Gosudarstvannyy nauchno-iDsledovatellskiy inatitut gidroliznoy i iullfitno-spirtovoy promyshlennosti. (Lignin) (Hydrolysis) CRALOV, N.V.; PAASIKIVI, L.B. Hydf;-61Ys-is--~f the polysaccharides of pine wood with 33-41~/. hydrochloric acid at 200. Zhur.prikl.khim. 35 no.6:1347-1355 Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Gosadarstvennyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidroliznoy i sullfitno-spirtovoy promyshlennosti. (Polysaccharides) (Hydrolysis) L 4~,2~0-65 VEW T. ( d ) /T 1,-P (c ACCESSION NR: AP5009309 S/0251/65/037/003/0535/0~42 L. A. AUTHORS: F tash-vili ar. soln-tion of cone i-eneral probl4~m of union encountered 1~1 :73jQ~'-E: .0 GruzSSR. Soobshcheniya, v. 37. no. 1965, 5155-542 bo-ar, d ed f -xn nll-sp,' +N-irm olAso, line&r approxirmtion, F,,,-r2rox~L~tion method, Foj--Ie-. seri-es ABaTRACIT. The author Sho-To th-a-b e-dli rs dS dSy dty B i U(X) CP (Y) y ~ F (y) y 4r (Y) 4r 47' r B -15 - c-'Atr c2f e-Av, e-'AY U W Sy+ x E B~ F(Y" r 47; -dS' -- 4r. .is a solution of the following problem. S is a smooth cloo-ed v--fac:e, .he glEmeral ;bounaary between -the finite region B end the infinite region B the complement of Card 1, 45230-6-5 I ;ACCMSTON ITRI AP5009309 u(x) is a function, regular in (Bi + BR), satisfying the conditions,. 1) in the region (Bi+ B.), U(x) is a solution of th~ v-ibration equation with, the An P (x) ii = F (x), whare B,, and F(~x) is a ziven ouB coefficient i B, jocal function; 2) at points of the si=fac~ 5the limating fr---- rith"n ~lm without ~'a) values of U(X) and satisfy the coincidence cond:itions da 7) at infinity i~(x) satisfies the condition of rad-iaL~oa. It is sho-an that an approximate solution o;' the system is in the form of a finite section of a certnjai uniformly conve-rgtng -5~ener&!-Jzed TWO theorenis 5 are provedp leading to the e=ression n fx) -JIM Y) -the - gmeral so= of u(:x"i, Orig* ext, has: 9 equations. ASSOCCUTIONs Thilisskiy gosuaixrstvmmVy vniversitat (Tbilisi SUte Univer=ity') Card 2&__ Z 9229-66 EW(d)18WT,(1)1T18U(j). jjp(c) Acc Nits AP6=732 FA)URCE CODES UR/0251/65/039/003/0510/0550 i AUTHOR: Paatashv"1.lij,,,L,-.k* OROS Academy of Sciences,,Georgian SSR (Akademiya nauky Gruzinskoy SSR), Tbiliii-) I -- I Xathem`ai46s'1fiit-ituA6 (Tbilisakiy matematicheskiy institutT TITLE: Approximate solution of the fundiamental boundary value problem in elootro- dynamics SOURCE: AN GruzSSR. Scobahcheniya, v. 39, no. 3, 1965,, 543-550 -.proximation TOPIC TAGS.* electromagnetismj maxwell equation, integral equation., ap msthod, electrodynamics "A- ~ I q q --;RAG 7FAB T: Lot Be represent an infinite isotropic medium bounded by the closed irsurface, S wiWa class H curvature. In the domain.B the solution to the Maxwell equations + rot (x) wit H W.T can be obtained,to satisfy the boundary conditions (m, Eh =f (j)' and the radiation condition "AV WiriiV,'ry(y) -vector class H. The regular solutions Card 113 ~L 9229-66' ACG-NRs AP60DO732 of these equations are known and can be obtained by means of functional equations with the unknown vector quantity T2 (Y) (Y)) as an integrand, The structure of (y) is obtained by the method of V. D. Kupradze (Metody potentsiala v teorit. UPrugosti. M... 1963) using the following functional equations ilk'd j f (Y) S, x tot far F (x) rot - d.5y f f 0,) r This then leads to the.followlpg two integral equations for the electric and magnetic field vectors and H respectively,9 Card 2/3 L 9229-66. &VY ACC NRa AP6000732 EM (x) rot (Y) 4 1; S r + I-Ot rot'f~?N) (y) It- d'SY r 4 7; wlL and dS, - H(N) (X) rot 479 r rot rot car dSv r f S A on 14 may, 1965- Orig- cademicianp -!~US-radzGsa This paperwas presented by V. D. art. has 2 16 equations* SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM. W. 19: lhMaY65/ ORIG REF: 0051 OTH FM: '002 MARUASHVILI. L.I.; DZHAVAKHISHVILI, A.N., redaktor; C, I Sh Ir redaktor izdatelletva; TODUA, A.Po., tekhaicheek redalto-r- (Upediency of reconsidew-ation of basic ideas concerning paleogeographic conditions of the Ice Age in the Gtimea; a critical sketch] TSeleso- obrasnost' p6reemotra aushchastvuiushchikh prodstavlenii o paleografi- cheakikh uslovAt-akh lednikovogo vremeni na Kavkaze; kriticheskii ocherk. Tbilisi, Izd-vo Akademii nauk Gruzinakoi SSR. 1956. 124 p. (Crime&--Paleogeography) (MIRA 9:12) RALATASHTU.11 V.A. A diecontinuous problem of linear conjup-t"on vith a a-u--nable coeff-icient. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 31, no.3019-524 Je t6l. (1,111R-k 18-;!) 2. 'fb:Llisskiy matematichesklLy institut Imerd A.M. Razmadz!- AN Gruzinskoy SSR. SubaLitted Euguot, 8, 1963. A~Al jr,"! PAAVER, K.L. Yipding subfosiil bones of the wildcat (Felis sylvestris Schreb.) in Estonia with summar7 in English. Zool. zhur. 37 no.8;1259-1261 Ag 158* (mm 11:9) 1.Institnt zoologii i botaniki AN Butonskoy SSR, Tartu. (Tamula, lake--Cate, Foosil) PAVER, K,L, Secular variability of the Bubfossil Populations Of marmals in the Baltic countries, Blul-MOIP.Otd.biol. 69 no.203-95 Mr-Ap 164. (YJRA 17W ~1_133R/Forestry - BiOlOgY and Typology of the Forest. K-2 .IAbs jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 2, 1958, 5857 Author : Pabedau., V.S. Inst : -_ Title : Changes in the Needs of Trees for Light in Accordance with Their Growth. orig Pub Izv. Akad Nauk BSSR- Ser. biol. n., 1956, No 2, 65-73 (Belorussian with Russian Resume). Abstract The A-cademy of Sciences of BSSR has studied the light needs of various varieties of trees in connection with their sta- ge of growth, the trees used in the experiments being the com n pine, thebommon spruce, and the warty birch. The basic index of the species' light utilization was the in- tensity of C02assimilation by branches of various ages. The pine was studied in a pine forest on fresh sandy loam soil, the spruce in a spruce forest on fresh argillaceous soil. Ithas been established that under intensive 7M V t Pal, FAIrIEL, Il- omic eval'uation of varicis ccal-mining t~chrdques. p. 391. PABEL, 14. Econ Vol. 51, ho. 1-1, Rov. 1955 UHLI qECIU%'C-LCGY Praha, So: EAst Europeon Accessions, Vol. 5, No. r,,, May 1956 - _PAPM, M.iloslav, inz. f !Tasks of the economic research in the coal industry. Uhli 6 no.5tl75-176 W ~64. 1. Research Wbrksite of Fuel Economy.. Ostrava. PADEEMSM, 1. L. Motulevich G, P. and Pabelinsldy, I. L. - "Investigation of acoustic radiation of barium titonatev," (P77OUT , SO: ZHUMML EKSPIMMMIL11101 I TEORSTICIESIMI FIZIKI. 1953,- Vo14 25, No. 5 (11) YABMH,-Zr~~k (Chojnice) My achievements in the field of searching for mid selecting watermarks used by paper mills in the Pomeranian and Kassubian regions, Przegl papier 19 no.1:23-24 Ja 163. ..; . . PABICIII, Franciszek (Chojnice) 1 ~ I- per mill in Koszalin. . . Tb*,.pk PrzagI papier 20 no. 1: 28-29 . I - 14. .. .. j- ja :,..,IBICB, Franciszek (C"110PI ~~e) - His tore; of tj'p Choin I ~~n- 1 14 j,-' - ; p-, 20 no.80 of cover AgICU