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OZOLS, Art "Latvian dictionaries up to 19,304 bv (filoloAjas zinatru kaudidatel ', D. Zemzare. Reviewed by A. Ozols [in Latvlan!. Vestis Latv ak no.11: 151-154 "61. OZOLS A M akademik, otv. red.; TST14OVSKIY, Ya.P., kand. biol. na&,red.; OZOLS,, E.7a.,, kand. sellkhoz. nauk., red.; EGLITIS, V.K.s, kand. sellkhoz. nauk, red.; PETELSM, E.K., kand. biol. nauk, red.; DM4ARSKAYA,, 0... red.; ZHTAOVSKAYA., A..v tekbn* red. [Collection of papers on the protection of plants; materials] Sbornik trudov po zashchite rautenii; materialy. Riga., Izd-vo Akad. nauk Latviiskoi SSR, 1956. 266 p. (MIRA 14-:12) 1. Nauchnaya konforentelya pa vopromm zorshohity rastenty. lat. Riga, 1956. 2. Akademiya nauk LatvIyskcW SSR i Inetitut'biologii Akademii niuk Latwiyokoy SSR (for Owls,, TSynoveldy). 3. Pribal- tiyskaya stantsi7a zashchity rasteniy (for Ozolsv.E.Yaj. /+. Iat- viyaki7 nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut zemledeliya (fo- Eglitis). (Plantsy Protection of) OZOIS, A.0 akad.; TARANOVA, B., kand. sallkhoz. nauk; PETERSONS, E., ---Tc-and. sellkhoz. nauk; ROZE, K.., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; BERZEIA,L., red.; BONDARE, A., tekhn. red. (Instructions on bybridization of fruits, berries., vegetables# and potatoes] Metodiski noradijumi auga hibridizacija auglu kokij, ogu kulturas, darzmd un kartupeli. Rika.. Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akademijas izdevnisciba, 1960. 88 P. [In Latvianl (MIRA 14:12) 1. Latvijas Padomju Socialistiskaa Republikas Zinatnu akademija Biologijas instituts. 2. Akadeifiiya nauk latv3*-Yskoy SSR (for Ozois). (Hybridization, Vegetable) OZOU J ~* GENERAL PERIODICALS: VESTIS-, NO. 5., 1958 OZOIS-, J. Power and engineering for transportation equipment in cattle barns. p. 147 Monthly list of East Eurapean Accessions (EEAI) LC,, VOL. 8,, No.2, February 1959, Unclass. OZOIS- A GENEItAL MIODICALS: VESTIS, NO. 6, 1958 OZOIS-,, A. Atonal salutation in the classical Latvien fblk songs. p. 15 Monthly list of East Eurupean Accessions (EEAI) LC-m VOL. 8, No. 2. February 1959j, Unclass. OZOLS, Janis; LIELPETERS, ?.,.red.; KIRIME, L., tekhn. red. [Xechanization of the mining,, transportation, and spreading of organic fertilizers] Orgarkisko meslu i9guves, trawporta un izkliedesanas mehanizacija. Riga, Latvijas Valsts izdev- nieciba, 1961* 85 Pe (MIRA 15:3) (Fertilizers and manures) (Agricultural machinery) MIS.&._YA* GENERAL PERIODICALS: VESTIS-., NO-89 1958 OZOIS-, M. Roberts Abolins; a prominent Soviet botanist (1886- 1942). p. 127. Monthly list of East European Accessions (SEAI) LC-, VOL. S. No. 2 February 1959t Unclass. OZOLS, E. Ya. In Liatvian OZOLS, )~. Ya. -- "Investigation of the Fauna and Ecolo&-v of Ich~ieomon Flies of thhe Family Icheomoaidae in the Latvian SSF." Latvian Agricultural Academy, 19~42. In Latvian (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences) SO: Izvesti-ya Ak, Nauk Latviys~oy SSR, No. 9o SePt., 1955 ; 01, 0 C j. ct Di0i Albs JOul' t LI r C'7,Cjs ~-Ihodg l Col -Dz;stg ::ma i-U1 t Ri, ' I )o or ic, Pub ,' -)- S on-dol-1- obo"'UrLIS Abstract -LI'ac in Boll 0.". i1 c or f pi; on O C 0 t r TII;z- - - 7~'u r 'A c1 1 . O - d t"-jo so '0' in - CT t1l 0 0 rr u 0 US)SR/G(.,nc;ral and Spoci;~,li7,f,d Zoolo,;y. Inoocts. Injurious P .Lno;;ct-~, mid. -T clk,3. Pr-,,,tL; of Cropt; Abs jour R,;f 11, 1-pf5c", 49551 numbor.Dd 148 3pocimons por 1 P.2 o-n Srassy plots ;r t' L (pla, 6.5) i-.iorc stronr~l- 11ma on cultivatod ones. Th-~: A'foctiv-ai,.oss of dusti-a3 the s,~cds witi 12~ sos in dust (2 docroa- dry years. Dusting., was con6idorably moro c~f- foctuivo on -)ocizol soil of 5.77 -,)d thLn on povty carbonate soil of 7.47 pH. DustinG th--. soc!ds with ho;mchloroc--rclohc)xa-nc lovii~~rs by 'nalf th-, i-n-- fectability ol" the sprouts by tlao SwL~di3h fly (Oscinolla). The toxicity of the plants, L-,-.rown out o L soads dusted with h,~y,,,tchlorocycloli~-:.,-.;ai, (IiCcii), was not dc~tor..iincd vir-m the fliL~s' larvao w--.r;) Liocul~-tod. Twrc~for---, tho outhor rc,~,-ards soi-,~ -..,iorpholo~ical cha.-,~;cs ha tho coljoptilc; as the causc o--:' offoctivcncss of dlustin3 with ACCH. n-r plant-~Dati-ng -rou-nd b--otl.::s ducrcaso the, orillination of the s-~ods. A troat--acat of thc C a. rd 2/3 U S 3D.V-7 Sp-D c -Jai i z u d Z o o I o .y. lris,-~cts. 11.1jurious P~Dst - of U Abs Jour Z'nuir -7C 4 "C,' -prior -60 A.P. Adrianov C',; nd 3/3 17 U,-,)R / Ga,~eral and Special Z00109Y- Insects. 35'StWa- P atics and Faunistics. I jour: Ref Zhur-Biol-j NO 1, 1959, 2149. i.uthor : Inst :-B-iological Institute, j'.S Latvi Title : '3pecies of Ichneumonidae, New to the Fauna of the Latvian SM. Orig Pub: Tr. In-t biol. AN LatvS3R, 1958, 51 129-167. Abstract: Habitats and collaction dates of 348 ichneu- monid s,-,ecies, collected in Latvia; geographic distribution and hosts of individual species. Card 1/1 JZ'74- KOVEREK41L"O-VOPROSAX-ZASriCliM- -RA97SnI. Ist, Riga, 1956. Shornik trudov po zashchite rastenil; materialy konferentsii. a (Redaktsionnaia kollegiia- A M Ozols i dr.) Riga, Izd-vo Akademii nauk Latv- Uskoi SSR, 1956. 266p. (dollection of works on plant life; material of the First Conference on Plant Protection Problems, March 1956. In Russian. illus., bibl., graphs, tables) SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (EEAI) LC Vol. 7, No- 5, 1958 OZOLS~ J. Dynamics of ascariasis in pigs in the Latvian S.S.R. Izv.P-N Latv.SSR no.1:55-58 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Latvijas PSR Zinatnu akademijas Biologijas instituts. I -,I " ll;;~-~-& - --- EYDUKvYu.[Eiduks,.T.1(Riga); IEVINISH,A,(Ievins,A.](Riga4-;-~ ~Y~ [Ozojs,Jj(Riga) Chemical and rational analyses of some typical Latvian SSR clays and their fractions. In Russian. Vestis Latv ak no.5t97-104 160. (EUI 10:7) 1. Akademiya nauk Latviyakoy SSR, Institut khimii. (Latvia-Clay) TARASKIN, V.V., inzh.;_Q~gLS_, G., inzh.; IMAGIMOV, D.S., inzh.; VARENTSOV, V.S.J, kand.tekhn.nauk Discussing the type of tractors and engines for self-propelled machinery for the peat industry. Torf.prom. 39 no.2-.27-31 162. (AURA 15:5) 1. Baksheyevskoye torfopredpriyatiye Mosoblsovnarkhoza (for Taraskin). 2. Upravlaniye toplivnoy romyshe1nnosti Soveta narodnogo khozyaystva Lat,,iyskoy SSR Uor Ozols). 3. Glavnoye konstruktorskoye byuro Severo-Zapada pri zavode Rigasellmash (for Ibragimov). 4. Kalininskiy torfyanoy instttut (for Varentsov). (Peat machinery) OZOLS, G.E..[Ozols, G.1 Eff6dt-Of the vicinity of the sea on the habitat change of some insect pine posts. Vop. ekol. 7:122 162. (MIRA 1635) 1. Institut loookhozyaystvennvkh problem i khimii drevesiny AN Latviyikoy SSR, Riga. -,(Latvi&-Pine--Diseases and pasta) (Latvia--Forest insects) OZOLS, G. E., Cand Biol Sci -- (diss) "Harmful entomofauna of pine-tree cultivation in the sands of the Latvian SSR.11 Riga, 1960. 40 pp; (Min- istry of Higher Education USSR, Latvian State Univ im P. Stucbka); 200 copies; price not given; (KL, 17-60, 148) 1''; tic.. z:-_ - f thi-ilW dl ti t ~ ~ll ii - au . m o mw y c for crystals of the trkHW gm, dk. Tivins'atid, 9; Mol C M , Daklady -A bd. Nauk S .R. 4, 889-0)(19,54 . IS ' &symmetric method for photograpIdug a rotuthig -sW is e4, for cryetds of the triclinie -systein, The 8 lattim b, , Wd,4 of dat b III u b AW I z a IV C .90n3 . n e C rmn x-ray I a pr( , 0.0015A. fig linear dimentions'aud: *0.012' for ungulan' dimensims, The lattke consts. aslcd. for CuSO& coni-I t)are d with earlitr data shoiml a silulficaut iacrease in tite I LI crystAmognphicstu ego UQ 0. K im. Borajov. 'Ifalcrioly .50 ns Oprosam Xhim, Botalov, Riga: If4lel. Fiz. IOSS; No. 4793.~-Ihe cryst;ds wire grown-by, the difli fusion method. A goniometric and x-ray study of rot around (100), (010), (001), and (110), along with an asym. method to make the data more accuratc, yielded ilic follow- ing rmlts-. The-rrystals bcIoul to the prismatic class of monoclinic syngou,y; the elementary nucleuc a 7.0997 :1: 0.0001- b 6.7200 :1: 0.0001; c 7.693 :h O.OD02 A.; 103.7gh2l =I= 0.0005, Z - 2. x-ray d. - 1,8643. 1. . MTOS, A.; d7bLS, . 2. U59R (600) /,. Chemistrys Analytical - Quantitative 7. Determination of sodium by zinc uranylacetone in the presence of potassium. Latv. PSR Zin. Akad. Vestis 4, 1951 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassified, 1. OZOLS.1 J. 2. USSR (600) 4. Bismuth Sulfate 7. Basic bismuth sulfate Bi ~03- 2 SO 3* 21/2HP. Latv. PSR Zin. Akad. Vestis 1, 1951 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, JanuarY -1953. Unclassified. I . . - ~ ~ - - - 10 OZOLS. J.; 3EVINSv I- 2. USSR (600) 4. Socum 7. Det9mination of modim by zinc uruqlacetone in the presenco of potassiume - Laty, FSR Zin. Akad, Vistie. No. 4v 1951. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, JanuarY -1953. Unclassified. OZOLS2 J.; SPRIVULIS, Z., red. (Mechanization of legume culture] Paksa:ugu audzesanas mehanizacija. Riga, Latvijas Valets izd-ba, 1963. 108 p. [In Latvian] (MIRA 1813) i_ - I C, . I I L- - 'Y 1 -16 , )~ i.-. . -tr.' :. - . F :. - - . I I y 1, I 1. OZOIS, J.; LEVINS, A. 2. usm 60o 4. Rocka - Analysim 7. Determination of potassium in rocks, Latv. PSR Zin. Akad. Vestis, No. 11, 1951. 9. Month3,v List of Ruasian Accessions, Libr2ry of Congress, April .1953, Uncl. 1. -ILTINS, A. F.; OZOLS, J. K. 2. US-OR (600) 4. Potassium 7. Volumetric method for determination of potassium, Zhur. anal. khim. 8, No. 1, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified. ' of ***Goo 0 600000007- 0 oo::10410104 44 'j "4t/ 4, 1 It U n A h m 17 0 z 30 it v 11 m Sk 40 u a )f v is Q is u ~ 2 0 fA L .1 h ua I I . fAL J- AA 10 QMU4i , 9 rq F,, / -00 0 PNK Oat if 13 IN SI 4 1300 . goo 00 4i 0 0 00 t, 00 L; d 400 0 woo 'so- ttA f1.LtUVSK.L WI-1-t cr too , w so it 4 n 7, "r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 S, 000 0 0 0 0 0 We 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 "W 04 k A 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 Ole 4 1 0 r0 ws 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 K K OZ~IS and G A SENENOV of a Method for Manufacturing Metal Ceramic Magnets"from ~omnleted in N55 at the State Union Sci. Res. Iust.- Min. SO: B-3~080t%4 CZOLSP K.K.; KOXORISH) Ye.',u, Synthesia Of gaIllim arsenide oingie crTstals- Rost krist. 4! 181-202 164. (MrJRA l7t8) /- A - "A'-- Ilr-' /- U "- ' -- I- - /I %c . F- USSR/Magaetism - Ferrites and Ferrimagnetism - 4 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, 1958, 1175 Author : Semenov, G.Ae, ~Zols' K.K. Inst : - Title : Properties and Methods for Obtaining a Ceramic Mq-gnttical- ly-HLrd Material -- Ferroxdure Orig Pub : Tr. I.-i in-ta. M-vo radiotekhn. prom-.sti. SSSR, 1957, vYP- 501), 97-111 Abstract : Survey of the structure, properties technology of m9mufac- ture, and regions of application of fexToxdure, B&O.6Fe~203, either isotropic or that obtained by pressing in a ma.- gaetic field. Bibliography, 17 titles. Card V1 SHILIH, B.A., inzh.; OZOLS, L.P., dotsent The IA-5-VTS automatic alidade. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; geod. i aer'oj'. no.2:41-45 '59. NIRA 12: 8) 1. latviyaluaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya akademiya (for Ozols). (surveying-Instruments) OL OZOIS' 0. Slider movement of central crankgear. In Russian. p- 37. LATVIIAS PSR ZINATNU AKADRAIJA. VESTIS. RIGA, IATVIA. No. 7, 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions. (KEAI) IL, Vol. 91 no.2, Feb. 1960 Uncle KAT INS, A.I.; OZOLS, O.G., dotsent. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. I . . -. Almost continuous method of dry distillation In vertical retorts. Metsaimn.probl.inst.rak. no.6!3-17 153. OffM 7t6) 1. D87BtVit6l'nyy chlen Akademii nank Latviyskov SSR (for Kalnine) (Wood distillation) AL'THOR. Miha iiov a j (IM I k 'Lha,, 10', , i uA7. o 1 s(0 z TITIE: -Beat--eLxchnanK5- in a transvc-rsv magvrje~ ic e'(" SOUPCE: M LatSSR. I zve s t iv a. I e 1, TOPIC TAGS: beat exchange, magnetiz field, magnecohydrodynamics ABSTRACT: The article presents an analysis of the effect o! a heat exchange as a functionof the elertr;ca conductivit-, ~f for a r~ifr ACCESSION NR: AP5019975 c; 21011a the axis of the ch, increase - the ,raQnet'c field n. F, t: I Cord 2 'Tnre ~cner,!liz_atincnS of t criterilcn E=mles (the rethod of vectcrarrls)." ACa_el Sp4 T:- -jar of T.'a-theratics. pir7a, 101"'. (Ti-,_~ertatinn for Perrp.--~ of Seienr!-.) Vnilzhnaya lctc-Is" No. '0, .0 co," 1 .1 ,: .--~ r . -,, --- " f ~C, V",- : - - I - I I t 1) - OZOLS, 1. j"" wkz-u~.Ikm ~"-' ~~e Bisanthyl nitrates. Latvijas PSR Zinatnu Almd. Vestis l5o, No.4, 87-93. (CA 48 no.2:487 '34) (MMA 4:3) k, ~ 11, KIR H Yll. A., akademik, Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda; KALININISH, A. LKalnipl A.J, akademik; STRADIRISH. P. [Strading, P.1, akademik; SUMABrAIal, Yen [Sudrabkaln�,*Janisl, narodny7,poet,Iatviyi3koy SSR MKOUDIS, K., khudozhnik; LAPINISH, A. Clapio, A.], narodnyy khudozhnik Latviyskoy SSR; TUROVSKIY, Yu., narodnyy artist SSSR; AVOTS, A., fotolyubitell; VARDAUNIS, E., khudozhnik, zasluzhennyy deyatell iskusetv Latviyskoy SSR; GAYLIS, V., kinooperator; RIDZEIIIYEKS, V., fotograf; KALIMPSH, E. [Kalnins, E.1; LOGANSON, R. [lohanson, R.), stareyshiy master khudozhestvannoy fotografii; RIBUTS, Ya. [Riekets, J.], fotograf; LEM, Yu.; YEDOSEYEV, B., fotograf; REYKM4AII, E., zasluzhennyy deyatell kcidltury Latviyakoy SSR; GROBWN' Ya. [Grobman, J.1. fotograf OZOLS 12,~Ozols, Jol, fotograf; TIKNUS, B-., fotograf; FAIEYEV, Ye., fo ~oa ; RAKE, I., fotograf; WZTIS, A.,-fotograf; RAKE, K., fotograf; UPIT, V., fotograf; SHADKUN, M., fotolyubitell; RITERS, G., fotolyubitell. Organize a society of Soviet photographers! Sov.foto 18 no.4:77 Ap"'58.- (MIRA 11:6) l.Rizhekaya kinostudiya (for Gaylis, Fedoseyev).3.AN lip-tviyskoy SSR (for Ridienieks). 4.Chlen-korrespondent Akademii kb.udozhestr SSSR (for Kallnynah.,E). 5.Zhurnal "Rigas foto" (for Rlekstat Gorman, Ozols). 6.Latviyakoye teatrallnoye obahchestvo (for Lerkh). 7.Direktor Dome, narodnogo tvorchestva imeni, R. Melngayllea (for REykhman). 8.Predeedatell Tvorcheskogo soveta.(for Grobman). 9.Ctlen Tvorchaskogo soveta, (for Oiols). 1O.Gazeta RTSinya" (for TikauB). Il.Potakhronika. --Iatviyskogo telegrafnogo agentstva (for.Fadayev). 12.irtstitut Intgiproprom (for Rake, I.). (Photo--rai)hy-Societles OZOLS, YA. Sauka, Ya. and Ozolso Ia. uRoentgenographic research on orptal structures of totrathiocyanmercury (II) of copper (11),0 Izvestiya Akad, nauk Tatv. SSR, 191+8, 10, p. 133-36 - in Latvian language - Resume in Russian - Bibliog: 7 items SO: U-3264.. 10 April 1953j, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, no. 3, 1949) FELIDMAN, E.A. (F62d ans, E.]; OZOI.13, Ya.G [Ozols, J.) Device for sp'ral traction in radIculitis. Zhur. nevr. -i psikh. 65 no.2:228---31 165. (MIRA 19-9) 1. 6-ya Rizh.,;kaya. oblyedinemaya go.,odskaya bollnitsa (glavnyy vrach S.C. lt8kovich). 6 ~2 a / //~ - A-, INVIRS,"OZOLS, Ya.K. 13recise determination of elementary cell parameters of triclinic crystal systems. Dokl.AN SSSR 98 no.4:589-591 0 154. OULBA 7:12) 1. Institut khtmij Akademii nauk Latv.SSR. Predstavleno akademikom N.V.Belovym. (Crystallography) OZOLS, Ya. K. OZOLS, Ya. K. - 'Investigation of Bismuthyl Nitrates.0 Lat-Aan State U, 1949. In Latvian (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Chemical- Sciences) SO: Izvesti-ya Ak. Nauk Latvivs , No. 9, Sept*, 1935 0"('1,7 AF,31 -r~. q. Ozolzars, K. G. ITne-monic dev,'ce for deteriinarF-, the senlit"ce of ch&nFeg of solne ihermodynw-.ic rv,a-reters," Trudy Novoc'-erkas. politekhn. in-ta in. Ordzlionikidze, Vol. XVIII, 194P, p. 77-0(' SO: U-3F50I 16 june 13, (Letopis 'Zhurnal lnyll~h StRtey, 'Fo. 5, 1941-,). OZC)LZA-,-S, 'K. f', Ozolzars, Y. G. 111-Ineropir dev're for deteniJnirf, the d`rection (,-' f'lcw -of a it,tkhri. in-ta, in. Ordzhon-k*dze process of Fas or !7team,ll Trudy 4" vocilerl-as. -pol- - -.; Vol. XVIII, 1114~, P. PI-03 SO: U-3850, 16 Oline 9, (Letopis 'Zhurnal ln3,k-h Statcy, lio. 5, 1949), OZONOVSKATA,..R.U- (Azanouskaia, M.M.1; DAVIDOVSKAYA, L.A. [Davidouskaia, L.A.] Capacity of compounds of monovalent copper salts for reacting with esters of phosphorous acid. Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser. flz.-tekh. nav. no.1:30-33 159. (min 12:6) (Copper salts) (Phosphorous acid) 'rev !("A, " h 3 1 czo -jF, Anatm. ical ~f the rtna: ou~,!I-ne in dtflerer~~!al clagnosis of timor-9. przegi.. ra~isl. 28 S - f-' 16-14, 1. Z. Il KI.-ln!.kJ Ghirarglcmiej Slaskile.i Akadamll Medyome", (Ydarownlkl. dr. ined. J. Gasb-;!ikf) ', z Zakladil~ loali f,-karoklej ~Iilaiklrzj Alkadomil Pfady-visi -4 7.abf-2.i~ (F.D. hierowniku., dr. OZORAII GY. OZORAI,,- (ff. Technical de'velopment of our stone quarrying for civil mjIneering. (To be contd.) P- 433 Vol. 7P No. 11., Nov. 1955 Budapest, Hungary EPITOANTAG SO: UDnth3,y Idat of East European Accessions# (EFAL)j, ILp Vol. 5 No- 3. Marcho 1956 OZORAI, GY. Tachnical developme-.t of our stone quftrr-jinry for civil engineering. Pit. 2, P. 465. 1 t' 3ud Vol 7, no. 12, Dec. 1955. ITIT'ANYAG. , apest, Fungary. So: Eastern Eropean Accession. Vol 5, no. 4, April 1956 ANTAL, Janosne; OZORAI, Istvan Role of food industry in facilitating household work. Elelm ipar 19 no.4;121-125 Ap 165. 1. Ministry of Food, Budapest. OZORAY, G. Hydrogeology of the North-Eastern Central Mountains of Hlinga--y. Acta geol Hung 8 no-1/4-.487-497 164. 1. Hungarian Geological Institute, Budapest. OZORAY, Qyorgy A-recently discovered thermal source traced to Budapest. Foldt koz1 go no-3:369-372 ji-s #6o. (EEAI 10:2) (Hungary-Springs) OZORAY, Qrorgy, Recently discovered thermal water source trace in Budapest. Foldt kotl 90 no.3:369-372 Jl-S 160. OZORAYX Gy. N.V. Pinegin's Adventures In the Arctic Rational abook review. p. 320. "Aggtolek". a review of a doamentary film. p. (3) of cover. TRRWSZET ES TARSADALOM. (TarsadalomP 99 Termeszettudmani Immrotterjeszto Vallalat) Budapest. Vol. 114p no. 5p May 1955. From Lenin's legacy; Lonin's guidance for workers in cultural propaganda work, p, 257. SOURM East XuropsAn Accessions List (EEAL)p Library cfCongress Vol. 5, no. 6, June 1956 Ozoa"~Y' Gy. Foldrajzi Zseblexikon (GeQvrnphjc%j Pochot Snr--V~cr ~ ; a book reivew. p. 1-25 Vol. 115, no. 2, Feb. 1956 TiA-:S5ZhT i,,S MiSAIDALOL Budapest, Hungary Source: East Suropenn Accession List. LibrRry of Congress Vol. 5, Nio. 8, Au;-ust 1956 6z- 011;~A~ --- ---- SYNOPTIC CLIMATOLOGY 71 ve Y. Tj f) I -289 Ozorai. Zoltin, Nedyesaft-elemek a l6gt6mt,gele=6sbeiL [Humidity factors in air- K7ML 1 5 ta les, num-IMMYSIF, =PP-- 21, Idlydrds, Budapest 55(9/10).264-273, SFp 9 1. b .30 eqs. Russian and English pummaries p. 310. DLC-In the first part of this article 5.3-3D6, March' 1954, MAD), some humidity elements were investigated as to their con- servative properties ri.e., their miftability for Air raass analysis). - In this second part, Borne 'combined ternperat,.ire-humidity elements (thermohygroinetric: data) are investigated. A table is presented, showing conservative properties (conservatiie, quasi-conservative, not, camervative) of the 17 irkments invatipted (in " artk6), in respect to dry or wet adia- Sub batic cbapge, nonadiAbstic chaage, and in tfie presence of evaporat,lon. Jeci Reading$. -TS- T ax lialloblirok inevajzolliskill, EA4cw zuzgeitioa2 (cc d ra 56(114):67-70, jan./Aiwif 1932. 3 fifs, -DIC-In 4rauriur ' liallobars the difficult 'rhost freg4ently encouhtert-j art: 1) 11310ty of data and 2) inc"mi il ta. . author diwAim-4 these tAp rources of error anif B111:rCstv the following niks: N 1) vhtn dato are scarce isallobars ahoold not be drawn withumt impOltring the virrithition. only thwe areas bhould be inarked with identical 6 u. 311obars over which th tico du f d - ,lu e vc rull 6on 6 the same. (2) C~)pcxxitc signs ef p--um teudetwv cau unt;xIly be. Jrj,,e,1 haviz to erroneous data if t7hey ccur in areas havinz identical circulation, unimi they am :11,0 aeWnt- panied by a iudden wi d shift. In this tatter istence ci a front 11tay 1W as~unlcd- OZOL;-4,1, Z. I I -~. I J,--- . ].g_.. '~) : -'a.t -I. u z t i I U., ", Low -,. 2F-;' ( ID - I ~ 5 , '10 1 . ' - 7 " 0 . Li , T ~ - Hunf-ary I ;o:!zn"sE, .0- -j, .. -3 SO: Illontilly Li5t :, f .',,a.,t European Accessions, LiLxary of ( I . -j !0. ), Ap---il 19:,.h. ";nclassii"ied. 0-4 44% "s 6 &484 551.515,3039,W; 4, Pubztftd mOvihar Tata k&nyik6n. [Desmictive storm near Tataj: 92,Alay/junc-1954. 411p, 'it% Ilimpry) whirit took pUtv It& wt-aterit Hungary un May 7. 1054, affected n territory 5-~6 Law in IvIlgill awl IN) in ill Width. Ihe synoptic bituation avcr Europe aud Ifui gary Wore mi(V durbW the aorm Is discimsecl Ill detail and Iflustrateti by cba;1*. I-ittgress t-)If the storm awl Amiage Woull Its ritb tire dvmTIbA Subjed 11radings. 1. Tornadpes 2. Tatit, Hungary. - j G. T. 143 - , (I 1954, JEu('-'P-C-stl SC: I-'rrtllly Of -r ~~ asu :-urc.?ear Acc,-,szicrs (-'*,:Ai,;', T,r-, Vci I-larch 1955, ITY-, cal . I . -,j Ui _,tilt OZO-RAI, Z. Snowstorms in April in the Bakony and Bukk Yountains. p. 190 IDOJARAS. Budapest. Vol. 59, no. 3, May/June 1955- SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EML), LG, Vol. 5, No. 2, February 1956 OZORAI, Z. Extraordinary climatic events in July. p. 247 IDOJARAS. Budapest. Vol. 59, no. 4, July/Aug. 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL), LC., Vol. 5, No. 29 February 1956 OZORAI, Z. Formation of suddei0y arising windstorms. P. 314 Vol. 59, no. 5. Sept./Oct. 1955 IDOJARAS Budapest Source: Monthly list of East Europearn Accessions, (EEAL), IL, Vol. 5, no. 3, 1-11arch 1956 OZORIILI I Z. Unusually strong windstorm over Lake Balaton. r. 316 Vol. 59, no. 5, Sept./Oct. 1955 IDOJARAS Budapest Scurce: Monthly list of East Euro-nean Accessions, (EFAL), LC, '-, 1956 Vol. 5, no. 3, Marc, OZORAI, Z. Absolute mazimum of 24-hour rainfall in Hungary. P. 344. IDOJARAS. (Meteorologiai Intezet, es Magyar 14eteorologiai Tarsasag) Budapest. Vol- 59, not 6j Nov./Deco 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (77EAL), Library of Congress Vol. 5, no. 6, June 1956 8 5 2k! ~.g. ,- -- 7.-,,, ~.!I! ~k & ,,;n~ ~ " - ~- ~ 4-~ ~- ' -' - ' - ; - OZORAL, Z. Orographic occlusion in the Carpathian Basin. p. 32~. (Idojaras. Vol. 60, no. 6, Nov./Pec. 1956. Hunrrary) SO: Monthly List of Fast Furopean Accessions (FFAL) LC, vol. 6, no. 6, June 1957. Uncl. Z. Work meeting lic-16- in Perlin frem Farch 26-2(,-., 15'57. P. 143 (Idojnra. Vol. 61, nc,. 2, 1957. 1,,udnpc~it, Hirq~,-;ry) " n i 1-.0 - -1y Index of Last Europepn Acces,-ions (E~1-.T ) Ir - Vol. 7, r(- . 2, Febri,.Lry 1~158 OZORAI, Zoltan the defenBe of the "stationary earth" hypothesis. Idojaras 64 no.2:118-119 Mr-Ap 160. (EW 100) (Earth) (Atmosphere) OWAID Z. da." V- Study trip of a German aerzmutical meteorologist in Hiluagary. Idoiaras 65 no,2t-127 It-Ap t6l. I. aIdoJarao" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja. -_9~49RAI, Zoltan$,- dr.- Jr Prob:Lems of aeronautical iiAeoro?(-),y nmy and in the imediate fut ea Idojaras 66 noo2:103-105 Mxr-4 16~1. 1. uldoJaras" szerkeszto bizottEagi tagja. OZOIRAI Zoltan -11 ~;~-.~-.,. , Concept of air masses and some of their basic properties. Orsz meteor i~t besz tud kut 26:113--125 162(publ.'63). 3/169/53/000/002/043/127 D263/D307 AUTHOR:, Ozorai Zolt&n TITLE: Problems of aviational meteorology in our times and the near. f uture Referativnyy zhurnal Geofizika, no. 2, 1963, 79, ab- a't 2B506. -(Id6j&r1s, :1962, v. 66, no. 2, 103-105 str c Hung., Rus. and Ger.)) ~::TEXT' The author considers,:the current fundamental problems of aviaiional meteorological se3~vice which emerged from a series of articles publiahed in the.'ICAO Bulletin, 1961, no, 6, With increas-: .-ing'speeds and altitudes of flights there appear new problems con- nec*Ce-d with the methods of observation and weather forecasting, which ma only be resolved 'by thaintroduction of new instruments 'Y and development of the meteorological technique. A brief reference -list is.aluo given of abbroviated terms for some meteorological :-..~,-concepts necessary.for the.crews of supersonic planes. Z-Abstrac- a notp:, -C ard ~_l /A L 64940-b.5 V ) /F'~c EIC ACC-aSION NR: AP5023662 HU/0033/64/000/W5/0292/0297 AUTHDR: Ozorai. Zoltan TITM, Diatance of vlBibility and cloud-halgbt at Budapest-Ferihegy Airport SOURCE, ldojaraa, no. 5, 1964, 292-297 TOPIC TAGS* meteorologic obrservation, atmospheric visibilit'~'Icloud level. climiatic conditioi-_ a!.-po-, -~T~ ABSTRACT: A project is in progress for the preparatlon of7 cl~mnroln- gicai data in conformance wtth Lhe requir,-~nients of the W~_, r 14~. Mete- rological Organiutioin regarding the airpor[ qt o%, r -i('e thc backgr~xjn4~- infor-iro-li ).-,, ,r:l prev'ailin? in the area betveen 1951 Pnd Jere ob.,~ervations were taken from. ~he cor,ro" I-r n el; che ground. Four tvDes of rit=te concjitior. %.-rp rhArl'ict~ri-4. r'_ Pre6f_'ItLiriR poor weather, weather in'er~ert~nce landinQ q L. r)C f, j Vtj p F, 7 1 2A 6494o-62 ACCESSION 7M AP3D233662 m t favorable for- airport operation are Apr, JtO., and Aug. 'Umding ia forbidden oo about 3-4 days per wmuml wually in Dci;czmber. Ila r-efor,-ncLs, 0-4 Art. 1nQ1. 2 f Igui -ts and I graph. -VR M SM.- OW ENCL., OD BUB CMDE ES OTM: 000 im OZORAI, Zoltan Report on the first session arrangcd by the F-ditorial on Aeroclimatology. Idojaras 68 no.6:381 N-D '64. 1. Editorial Board Member, "Idojaras", Budapest. L 313BO-40 rUU ACC MRs AP6021UZ SOURCE COD31- HU/0033/65/069/04-/0280702* AUTHORt Ozorai,_=Up (Mapest) ORG: none TITIZ.: Representat:Lon of frequarx.7 values for use in Connection with air-"Mte matology souRcs-, ticlojaras. v. 69, no. 4-5, 1963, 280-284 TOPIC TAGS: clinatology, atmospheric temperature ABSTRACT: Three wathods for representing the frequency values vere dis- cussed. '. The first method, developed by the Soviet Institute for Aero-' Climatological Research (original-language and literature reference not given], involves the indication of the frequency percentages along the IyI-axis. The second method involves the indication of the temperature Iranges along the ordinate and the probability values along the abscissa.1 .The third method involves the indication of the integrated frequency -values. Examples were presented to illustrate the advantages and disad- ~vantages of the various methods. Generally, it was concluded that the :second inethod, is slightly more useful for the intended purposa.-IC)rig. aA. has.. 4 figures. /jm7 04 SUM DM t, NOW SUB CODEt C-d Ill 11 9~9~ ., T;~~yap; -- TP.1-1-IS , Gyorgy, dr. Econometric methods for the calculation of the fluctuatiOn in connection with food demand. Elelm ipar 13 no.11:360-363 N '59* 1. Elelmezesugyi Mininterium. OZORAI, Istvan; TAMAS, Gyorgy, Dr. Econometric methods for the calculation of the elasticity of food demands. Blelm ipar 13 no.11:360-363 N '59. 1. ElelmszesuUi Miniszterium. OZORA!, L.. TAM&S, GY. Econometric methods for the calculation of the elasticity of the food market. P. 360. ELE~Y,ZESI IPAR. (IMezogazdasagi es Eleviiszeri-pari Tudomanyos Eygesulent) Budapest., Hungary. Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960 Monthly list of East European Accession (EEA1.) LC Vol. 65, no. 65, Aug. 196o Uncl. OZORLI I z,. , dr. I , %A-Potsdam conference of experts on air lines and allmatology. Ido)aras 66 no.4:255 JI-Ag 162. L "t4ojarav" szerkeazto bizottsagi tagja. OZ OFU I , 2,-)! tan, dr. The Pra&me sessiqn of the Meteorologic Telecommunioation Working Group. Idojaras 67 no.6-3&L-381 N-D 163. 1. Deputy Dqpartment Chief, National Meteorological Institute, Budapest, and Editorial board member, '11dojaras." OZORAI,Z.Idr. An assessment of idea relating to air masses. Idojaras 67 no.,4: 193-203 JI-Ag 163. 1. Oldojaras" eze-keato bizottsagi tagja, CZGU,AI Zoltan$, dr. Ussault on the unknownX , 7 W, Sullivan* Reviewed by Zoltan Ozorai. IdoJaras 67 nitW20 W-Ap s63. I* O.Idojarao" ozerkento bizotteagi tagja, OZORAI, Zoltan., dr, m ---W4zQxmu9mW Conference of directors in Moscow, Idojaras 67 no,2:125--126 Mr-4p 163. 1. *Idojpras* ozerkeszto bizotteagi tagja. 11 o- - - World Neteorological Organization working group conferencea in Paris. Idojaras 67 no.,1:59 Ja-F 063. lo "IdoJor-m* ezerkeazto bizottsagi tagja. CZCBAI,, ZDltan.. dr. I First session of the working group o~_meteorologieal tale- commmicatione Idoluaa- 66 n0*6OU N-4 162* 1. RldoJarasm szerkeazto bizottsagi tagjg, MM&I., Zoltan,,,.#F- kwical scare in a meteorological publication. Idojaras 67 no.li6l Za-F 163. 1e OIdoJara * ezerkeszto bizottsagi tagja.