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LOLUA, K.Ko; OMP G.N. SbSet Mt&l production fro4 aem, " I I edt.,-pe in ota ,,I t.~. a t.,,, 8 layer crystal structure. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.p- cherm. zet. 6 no.3:53-62 163. (MI"A 16:5) 1. RustavaLkiy met&llurgicheekiy zavod i Wskovakiy inBtitut steli I splavov. (iteel IngotB) (Rolling (M talwork)) A" . PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/6329 Gri-orly Naunovich, Paruir Apetnekovich Matevoeyan, Illya =.;L4rVZX.~&V.r;_les, Vladimir Ivanovich Danil1n, Gennadiy Anisimovich Sokolov, Ivan Aleksandrovich Baranov, and Viktor Mikhaylovich Selivanov. Novaya tekhnologiya vyplavki sharikopodshipnikovoy stali (New Tech- nology of Melting Ball-Bearing Steel). Moskva, Metallurgitdat, 1962. 124 p. Errata slip inserted. 2250 copies printed. Ed. of Publishing House: V. I. Ptitsyna; Teeft. Ed.: P.O. Islentlyeva. PURPOSE: This book is intended for metallilrgical engineers of steel- melting shops and central-plar* laboratarids. It may also be useful to btudents at tekhtilkums and metallurgical schools of Institutions of higher leashing. C0VZRAGZ: The book reviews the new technology of making ball-bearing steeh whIch was Introduced at tkw'%%wWy Oktyabr I" Metallurgical Plant in Volgograd. Vacuum degassing of metal is discussed as Card New Technology (Cont.) sov/6329 an Intermediate technological stage of the melting process. A brief outline of the conventional method of melting ball-bearing steel is presented, along With advantages offered by the new technology,which ensures an improved steel *MlitY. Designs of vacuum-units of the Plant are described. The book also reviews experiments in making silicon-rree ball-bearing steel by double vacuum degassing. The quality of steel produced for several years by the new melting technology is discussed in detail. No personalities are mentioned. There are 61 references: 56 Soviet, 3 German, and 2 English. TABU OF CONTENTS: Introduction 5 Ch. I. Brief Review of XxIsting Methods of K~j4tM Ball- Bearing Steel 7 Requirements for ball-bearing steel 7 Basic principles of the classical technology of Melting ball-bearing steel 10 Card ",- 112- -~US, Grigoriy Naumovich, prof. , doktor tekhn.nauk; IOFFE, Kha~ra endelevna; FOZDPIYAYCVA, G.L., red.i7,d-va; ' M I V.V.? tekhn. red. [Steelmaking; calculations) Proizvodstvo stald; rasct,ety. Izd.2., perer. i dor- Xosk-va, Meta.'Ilurgizdat, 1(,t~. 15- ~ . (PIRA 17: ~) Fxm "I no SM/6329 h Cyr NMI liksandrovish Duvw I and VIktor *ups L46 -malvaAM..., A. P0_ rom-OMMWVNW owes^ d, U* xise*~ N60kva MetallwBudato 22 cop a Prlnted.,. 9b2, .50 loin. mak"k ft0swu ilintl~eva. or, Duel- ~W,4kAa- bo* iiti~: fo*" NISM 'tF.77 5, xt: sio maso -be to btuo,*O at alid:06talluraoll schools of* 4 Wllo,p the am bWo w! big Gal t AZW S/148/63/ooO/003/002/007 E11.1/1435 Lolua X. K. G ;4A' ~TITLt 0 uction of'pl toof om ingots of 1he a r semi-killed tw"lajer cryitallino structure' ypi" with. ~Chernaya* CA avosit ya'vysshikI -.u6hobnyk zavedion y. "it I'lurgi :'Iio*3~ 196 m a Y^ s, 3t~ oduition- of semi~-killod steLi in~~.thi ha a incr6ased :7k r4l 4eak*i.:,_,-.`_- At. the'~IDIZ _experimental.. heats of semi-killed w produced and,rolled',in-th6:uxual way into plates, r-_,.vM'- ile iifik' taken from : the 's tbck at.: ~viri The samples a ousstages. xe mined.Abd- compared *Iih~-keferenc& samples of.rimming steel.~ aha lysio.of the.,steel was.0.2%*.C. 0 e 4 89 Mn ., 0.017% P, Deoxidati6n for-the a emi-~killed ingots was -vith (220 ~'g/ton steel).'-IntoAhe Oartly filled' -4--mould 'during, the- bottom pourinl' With-tho technique used go th i th O~,~p ping in' e'semi-killoid s.teel.weldad.up-on rolling and the rt.: - w 'a uniformly both along, and across the of tho.~distkibution of the two ng t.differed:46 -the"r mi*i YPID mewhat in i.. na stool _~-iion .-with. -sulfide'- in;~Iusions'iAcreasos from the outside Card -1/2 `k S/1"6/b3/000/001/004/019 E071/E151 AUTHORS: Gankin, V. 13. , and 0yks, u. IN. TITLE: The mechanism of crystallisation of rimming steel during continuous casting PLRIOUICAL. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebriykil zavedenly, Chernaya metallurgiya, no.1, 19b3, 34-41 TEXT: The crystallisation front in a continuously cast ingot was investigated. The position of the front in continuous casting was determined by three methods: 1) by emptying the remaining liquid from the ingot (the structure of th-~ steel skin -as studied after a break out in the regloil of the secondary cooling); 2) by introditction of radioactive phosphorus during casting and subsequent radiography of thp ijigot cross-section; 3) by intro- duction of sulphur during casting with subsequent sulphur prints of longitudinal and transverse section. It was confirmed by all the above methods that the formation of gas bubbles (subsequent blow-holes) takes place at tne solid-liquid interface. The bubbles open towards the liquid centre of the .1ngut. In the transverse section of the skin the bubbles increase in volume as solidificatioq Card 1/3 Tht. mechanism of' crystalliiiatlon ... E(.7 I/L 15 1 progresses. An increase in the teerring velocity (for steel containing 0. 14-0. 22",, C) leads to a 1#-crease in the length and diameter of the bubbles and the width ot the bubble zone. From literature data and the results obtained, the probable mechanism of the formation of continuoumly cast riiijuing steel ingots (of different carbon contents) was postulated. In the region of the crystalliser there are two distinct cooling zories - an upper ~from 50 to 300 mm) with a high rate of heat rf-inuval (1.2-1.b x 1()6 kcal per m2hr) and a lower where, due to tile gretiter thickness of the skin and greater clearance between the skin and mould wails, the rate of heat removal is lower kO.2-G.4 X 10 6 kcal/m2hr). In the upper zone the rate of crystallisation i.-s high, the thickness of- the skin is non-uniform (due to differences in the contact between the skin and mould walls and the scouring action o1 the failing stream). occasionally, when the velocity of crystallisation exceeds the rate of bubble growth, soine bubbles are trapped in the skin. With increasing amounts of solid, the crystallisation velocity decreases, and the ascending currents of gas and inetal flush out the bubbles and the metal enriched in segregates from Card 2/3 The mechanism of crystailisation... ~>/1-'0/u3,/UOU/UUl/UQ4/U19 E071/E151 the internal surface of the skin, s-) promoting the formation of a dense skin. In ingots containinv o.1-t-o.221,v C the formation of bubbles begins in the lower part of the crystalliser, while in ingots containing o.o6-o.lo',, c this takes place later in the region of secondary cooling. The formation of the hubble zone is influenced by the ferrostatic pressur-(- of the 11LIUld steel, so that in steel containing C bubble growti stops earlier and the bubbles are short, while in low carbon steel the bubble length depends mainly on the degree ot oxidation. The -influence of the degree of oxidation on the shape of the bubble zone and the density of the central zone is briefly discussed. There are 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: T8NIlChM 1 Moskov,,kiy in,~titxjt stali i splavov (TsNIlChM and tiie 1-:oscow institute of Steel and Alloys) SUBMITTED: October 6, 1902 Card 3/3 _QXK5. Griggriy Nauw3dgh, MATEVO~'YAN, Paruir Apetnekovich; ANSHELES, Illya Iosifovich; DANILIN, Vlxdimir Ivanovich; SOKOLOV, Gennadiy Ard'simovich; BARANOV, Ivan Aleksmndrovich; SELIVANCV, Viktor Mikhaylovich; fIfITSYNA, V.I., red. izd-va; ISLENTITEVA, P.G., tekhn. re& [New technology of the manufacture of ball-bearing ateel]Nov&ia tekhnologila vyplavki aharikopodshipnikovoi atali. Moskva, Metal- lurgizdat, 1962. 124 p. (MIRA 16:2' (Steel-Electrometallurgy) (Ball bearings) NAMP B.P.; OIKSP G.N. [Oyka, G.N.]; KUDRIN, V.A.; NECIKIN, I.M. [Nechkin, I.M.] - Influence of hydrogen concentration in the final Martin slag on the variation of hydrogen content in the metal during the discharge and teeming. Analele metalurgie 16 no.2:31-35 Ap-Je 62. BARANOVF I.A.; OYKS, G.N.; ANSHELES, I.I.; PONOMAREVA, Ye.P.; KACHANOV, N.N. Vacuum treatment of silicon-free, ball-bearing steel. Izv. vys. ucheb. say.; chern. met. 5 no.708-85 162. (MIRA 15t8) 1. Moskovskiy institut sta1i i splayov. (Bearing metals) (Vacuum metallurgy) 14 b/62/000/007/002/005 E-071A,183 AUTHORS 13aranov, I.A. , Ovks, G. N. , Anshe les, 1. 1. Ponomareva , Ye. P. , and Kachanov, N. N. TITLE. Vacuum treated si licon-trev ball-bearing steel PER 100 IC '~,L: lzvest iya vysshikh uchebriykh zavedeniy, Chernaya metallurgiya, no-7, lVb2, 7b-b5 TEXT: In an attempt to improve the purity of- ball-Uearin~ stup I . th-, posm ibi L ity ot mod ifying the usual deoxidising prac t kc e (vacuum treatment in the ladle and add it ion of b kg t o I I v r r o - silicon and 160 g/t of aluminium) was investigated. Four heats of silicon-f'ree ball-bearing steel were made in a lb-t electric furnace and teemed into 4-t ingots. At the end of the vacuum treatment -Abstractor's note: no details givenj undeoxidised metal was passed for teeming. In two heats 60-100 g/t of alurninium was added to the funnel. In the remaining two heats, aluminium was added to the ingot mould; of thesc. two ingots one was deoxidised and the ot'ner - teemed through the same syphon - was not deoxidised. The remaining metal from these two heats (not deoxidised either with silicon or aluminium) was top Card 1/2 Vacuum treated silicon-tree ... E071/EI63 poured; one ingot unjer vacuum (3rd ingot) and one in air (-tth ingot). From each ingot samples of rolled square (78 mm) wert. taken at a distance of' 16, 10. b2 and 97. 5", from the top, S 0 11W specimens of the f ini sned product ( 14-2.7 mm round ) were a I-,,, investigatpd. The resu I ts of the m(-ta I logra ph ic stud jes cool i r mo-,j the data on the total amount of inclusions in steel, determined i,*,, the electrolytic dissolution of 3-5 specimens from each In steel produced by thV UNUal MVth()(J ldeOXI(latlOn L11 tho Vacuum treatment) the amount of inclusions was O.ou2b %t.'.; ill silicon-free steel deoxidiscd on teeming in the funnel deoxidised in the mould 0.0083 wt..; and top poured under 0.0048 wt.~.. The smallest amount of oxide inclusions was in teemed under vacuum without deoxidation. In all milicon-Irt- the amount of globular inclusions wab smaller tlian iii tlie rk-m.1 heats. Undeoxidised, bottom-poured steel had more impuritAP, L r, top-poured nteel. There are 5 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskly in.-,titut stall I splavuv (Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys) Card 2/2 KOSTEREV, L.B.;_OYKS, G.N. Nometallic inclusions in 18-ton ri=.ed 9+Ael ingots. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 4 no.11:45.-56 161. (MIJU. 14:12) 1. MoskovBkiy inBtitut btali. (Steel Ingots-Defecte) (Nometallic matoriala) BARANOVO I.A.j OYKS~-G.N.j ANSHELES, I.I. Ifficiency of the vacuum treatment of liquid steel. Izv. v7s. ucheb. zav.; chern met. 5 no.1:60-61 162. (MM 15s2) 1. Moskovskiy institut, sta.1i. Vacuum metallurgy~ Steel-44etaUurgy) ~ -2 1. 2~-- Up 14. r- Ll~-- t2z~~..V. P-l". 9,41-r. Imms, T%" -U-~ t -%L.1.. %. L-AO4 ft, -d -%t-4 P-1 1. cow L-.~ L"-". WV~M, ft. 10 dr&UU. 6-1 wits ~ pr~ .-- am U. .Q-. fl- W Lwlzm.~ .4 Now V,.bl.- ee mmr-~ f L-t-t. - cl-d 1. U. rLm, lim so,UAw. Morkmola la alvea ~ Vr"%AM of OM af ft U. "921"u- -r - 2- F-W- -t..1. It,- -WIL" t -%.U. Tb. Curd G.." n- .A t-ftav- I- at.--,4 L. %blo -t1-' 1. 0--uu- ~~4- 2-r- -M." --a a-rt.,p -4 L. T-mla S-l ff-t~~w ,00 matibu 0, L. ft- Q..-u4 U-4 ~ or T*lbla-4 scl-S. cmdlu~ ft7 US ompapamm= owfm= AID A.T., emg%-,. &fpu-~ f P-6- C.-I -JMffMl-. AL.S., bmc~r oX T~hrA-l Sol-. PmN-r " Cal..- C..Ud.t. r T-2.1-4 6.1-.. d N.A. f S.L- L-1.4 ': A.~V-y -f R--kL.1~4 - a..- .&. &.~. MA 912-1" T.-L, ft.1.6 t A72li-'j- .OWU-' SA f N,,j-'. "d C.A t--, ct.-is C.IA P--1.4 f lb-L. Tr.41-A A-$., r fl, S-t~ f P- rF2 C.4 k'6 Cyr: OTMH, L.I.,Inshener. ......... ~ ~ _ Welding tubes to high-pressure bo Uer drams without subsequent heat treatment. Ilek. stn. 27 no.10:144-45 0 156. (KLRA 9:12) (Bo U ere ---Vold ing) OYR31H. L.I., inzh. ChRnging chnmotte brick lining f-~r P9,.-rp,,Cf1tri,1t concrete. Elek.stp. 28 no.10:76-77 1~7. (MIRA 10:11) (Boilers) OTR M , L.I., inshoner. Securing water-screen tubes. Blok,sta. 27 no-1:47-M J& '56. (Boilers--Kaintezance and repair) (muu 9:6) OYRIIH, L. .-, nzheiter. aws1k, ~ Correction of a defect in the longitudinal seam of a botlsr drum. Ilek.sta. 27 no.4:55-56 Ap 156. (KLRA 9:6) (Boilers--Kaintenance and repair) OTRZANOWSKA, Janina (Waresava) Serologic differentiation of distemper and Hepatitis contaglosa eanis In dop and foxes, using the complement fixation test. Rocs nauk roln vet 70 no.1/4:241-242 160. (UAI 1019) (Dogs) (Foxes) (Distemper) (Hepatitis) (Complement fixation) OYSSAR, E. [Oissaar, F.) (Tallin); sHcHELKIN, K.I. (Moskva) What is vacuum? Pr1roda 52. nr.13:125-126 '63. (~~ 1, 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Shchelkin). -I- I - -,,. I n'1 I -trirr 7 3-: --, ~. , " , 9 11p, I ! 1.- -111 I . I OYSTRAKH, D. G. 25913 Qy3trakh. D. 0. Klinika I Puti Ratsionallnoy Terapiivyao Granuliruyushchikh Ogne3trellnykh Ran. V SB: Problemy Vosatanovit. lAcheniya Invalidov. Voyny. Astrakhan; 1948, S. 175-202 SO: Letopisl Zhurnal Statey, No. 30, Moscow, 1948 A 4- OYSTRAKH, D. G. 25941 Oystrukh D, U. Reaktiviioat' fiziologloheakoy slatomy moyodinitell- noy tkan! pri renenlyakh myagkikh tkaney a zamedlennoy regenerataleye V ob: Problemy voaatanovit. lechenlya Invelldov Otecheatv. vo.Tny. Astrakhan', 1948, a. 208-13. SO: Letoplal Zhurnal Statey, No. 30, Mosoow, 1948 OYSTRAKH, D. G. 25942 ~Zatrakh. D. G. Gamodinamicheklye advigi pri ranonlyakh myagkikb tkaney a zamedlennoy regenerateley. V ab: Problemy vosstano7it. lechenlya Invalldov Otecheetv. voyny. Astrakhan', 1948, a. 214-19. SO: Letopial Zhurnal Statey, No. 30, Moscow, 1948 1 .1 . --'- , i .1 . . .7 . , 1 . ~ I . . . . I . I . . I ~ - . I . I I AVV- jail.,professor; NWHAIA)VA, A.G.. doteent (Astralchan') Pulmonary hemorrhage in periarteritte nodoss. 35 no.'k: 113-116 Ap '57. (MIRA 10:7) 11 Is lafodry fakul'tetakoy terapit (say. - prof. D-G.Oystrskh) I kafedry pstologicheskoy anstomit (sev. - prof. K.S.Brumshteyn) Astrakhanskogo meditainakQgo institute (Ur. -- doteent S.V.Zekharoy) na, base Pervoy oblastuoy klinichesicoy bol'nitey (glaynyy vrach - sesluzheanyy vrech RSFSR A.K.Belyayeve) (MIARTIMITIS NODOGA. compl. pulm. hemorrh. (LUNGS, hemorrh. caused by periarteritis nodoes) OTS!KIL~-,- 1. N. Now resin-tu-rpentine products. Gidroliz.1 lesokh1m.prom. 11 no.5: 31-32 ,6o. (MIRA 13:7) (United States-fOrpentine) (United States--Oums and resins) MZOROT, P.V., kand.ekon.nauk; OTSTRAKH, X.M.; VASILITEVO P.V.. prof.; VASILITIT. P.T.. prof.,; BARDIN, I.P., ABdemik, glevnyy red. [deceased]; INMM'Xa, G.S., red.1zd-ve; K&KLTRI, Ye.V., [Forestry and the lumber industry; proceedings of a conforencej Lesnoe khozisistvo i leensis promyshlennost'; trudy konferontaii. Moskva. Izd-vo Akod.nauk SM, 1960. 237 P. (MIRA 1):8) 1. Konferentsiya po rezvitiyu proixvoditellnykh ail Yostockinoy Sibiri. 1958. 2. Institut lose AN SSSR (for Nevzorov). ). Institut lose AN SSSR, Moskva (for Vasillyev). (Forests end forestry-Congresses) (Lumbering-Congresses) E. ?I. Rosin and turpentine industry nf China. Gidroliz. i lopokhim.prom. 11 nn.9:27-79 ' 59. ( Wr P, I I - I., ) (Chirm-Gums and reoins) - -'5 ~ I . ~ ~ i NORDSHTRIM. R.K.; OTSTBAKH. B.N. Methods of inspecting and calculating reserves of stump wood in the U.S.A. Oldrolls. I lesokhIm. pros. 10 no.8:29-30 '57. (NDU 10:12) (United gtates--Vood) (Gums and rosins) ,OTSTRMM, F. N. Raw process of mfinir#-, tall nil in the U.S.A. Gidrnlizei losokhim.prom. 11 no.1:31-32 '60. (KCRA 11-.~) (United States--Tall oil) NOFMWBM. 2.E.; OYSTRAKH. N.A. BrIquetting charcoal end charcoal fiats. Gidrolls. I lemokhIm. prom. 8 no.6:30-31 '55. (MM 9:1) (United States-Briquets (Fuel)) IVANOVSKIY, F.P.,kl!nd. tekhn. nauk, red.; FUW~M, M.S., doktor khim.nauk, red. ; SAXA:,IN, b.T ., red. ; &iIC)[EVSKIY,l. -., prof. doktor khir.. nauk, red. ; GOLUJEV, I Y. , cok-tor tekhr..ntju;r,:-ed. KRASJL'SRCHIK~V,A.I., doktor khin. nauk, red.; KLEVKE, %.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; I.MTHENKO, G.T., kand. khiff,. nauk,red.; GELIPEiUN, I.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, red. ';.037HAKII, M.L., red.; KREYSBERG, A.Ya., red.; TSUKENAN, A.M., red.; YOCAlo', V.V., tekhn. red. [Chomistry and technoloj37 f the products of organic nynthesis; intermediate products for the synthesis of polyarldoo) Xhimila i takhnologiia produktov orgnnicheskogo rinteza; polul3rodukty dlia sinteza polian.idov. Moskva, Goskhimizdat, 1Y63. 255 p. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Moscow. 09sudarstvennyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy i proyekt- W institut azotnoy pronWshlennosti. 2.Zamestitell direkto.-a Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-i~~sledovatellskogr i proyektnogo instituta azotnoy projVshlennosti (for Ivanovskiy). 3. Zamestitell direktora po nauchnoy chasti Gorudarstvennogo nauchno-l.BsledovaLellskogi pro- YoktW80 instituta azotnoy pror7shiennosti (for Furman). 4. Qavroy inzhener Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledovatellskopo I proyektn3go instituta azotnoy prou~yshlennostj (for Samarin). . DILAITORSKIT, X.,, doktor geol.-Riner'&I. nauk; OTT, LjOit, L.11 BILICHERO, A. Anticorrosive bitumn coatinp fbr roinforaing bar@ in oil- shale amb concrete. Isv. 0 Not. SSR. Ser. fia. mt. i tekh. nauk 1-1 no.4:296-302 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Inatitut stroitalletva i stroitellmykh usterialow AN Fatonskoy SSR. Corrosion and anticorrosives) Reinforoed concrete) ~ 'k; OYT, L.V. (oit, L.J, in7h. DILAKTORSHY, N.L., doV-tor p.,eol.-miner.nou *------ Corrosion of the reinforcement In shale-fly a8b concretes. Trudy T1I1ZHB no.22:54-60 '~1. (MIRA 14:116 1. Institut stroltel'stva J stroitel'nykh materialov A14 EstOnskOy SSR. (Concrete reinforcement) (.5terl--Corrosion) 8/00116 3/000/002/032/oN 315812166 Vilaktorskiv, W.,_Oyt, L., Norrovits, 1h. 00"091011 PrOtOOLON of roinforoemollt metal ilk Oom-our,*A shals-601 PUtIODIOLL: JWf$r4t1TWy Shurnal. Malys, no. 2, 1963t 337P abstraot MS (In 001190tioul looled. po str-wo, 1, I&JISS9 19610 194-201 140"aries In Not. WA NDS-D TZEN Corrosion of reinforoemwnt metal In objects made of atoom-oured shale nol has been found to be of the continuous, non-uniform deep-pitt9d type. After 4 Yea"' expoxuro of samples in moist air, the corrosion pitting reaches a walmon depth of 1.8 mm. Reinforcement metal in *halo-801- steam-cured concrete *offers from oorrosion of a diminishing type. Addi- tion of 2%-NaNO2 (on the mount of cement) halves the corrosion rate. Replacing the shalo-sol by 50% Portland cement gives almost complete corrosion protection to the roinforcoment metal. [Abstractor's notes Complete trawlation.] Card t /i S/08'1/61/C~/~~24/_," '~7- B I /B 14 AUTHORS Dilaktoraxly, N L , Oyt, L V TITLE Corrosion of the reinforcement In shale-ash concre%es PERIODICAL. Referativnyy zhurnal Kh1miya, no. 24, 1961, 512, abstra-. 241251 (Tr, N -I in-ta betona i zhelezobetona Akad 8tr vu arkhitekt. SSSR, no. 22, 1961, 54-60,.t TEXT. The effect of the chemical and the mineralogical composition f ahale-ash concretes upon the rate of reinforcement corrosion iG It has been shown that the corrosion rate of a reinforcement bar ir-, presence of Cl-. S02-. and 3- ions is 2 5 times higher than In their absence The higheit corrosion rate is displayed by autoclave shale as concretes. To reduce the rate of reinforcement corrosion. it 18 recommended that reinforcement bars should be coated with a layer -f 1 mm thickness with the following composition 100 parts by weio~,t.t Portland cement, 40 parts by weight of NaNO., 5 parts by weight of casein, and 33-35 parts by weight of water (Abstracter's note translation Card I/I OYVIN, T.A.; MILASH, G.F.; SHUBII~H, M.G.; VENGLINSYLAYA, Ye.A.; ENKO, N.M.; MUKHAMEDZFAROV, I.A.; TOKAREV, O.Yu.; SHCHEGELI, S.M.; YAGODKPiA, Ye.G. 'Krasnodar) Reltition of the development of inflanmitlon to the state of the blood coagulation sys!,em. Arkh. pat. 26 no.,1:63-68 'b4. (MIRA 1-,'.F" 1. Kafedra phtologi~-ntskoy f.zl'ologi! (wiv. - prof. I.A. Oyv~-.,', kafedra patologicheskoy anatnmii kzav. - (jotsent G.P. Mlla!lh' i kafedra gl!-tollog-'; (zav. - dotsen*. M.G. Shubi-h KubariFk0j7- meditainskoi-o im-titut.a. a 9 $99 W 4 4 4 000000000001,1.0 a * 0 -, * a a Is 0 0 0 0 9 a 1 6 1 1 0 1b Ii u u W IS % " 0 0 Is ti 0 as' a" lp a p a so W 4 IN a a IF a 9 a of 4 a III DID a a I.-I -m- -i"-- iL 0 6 a- -L-L. 0 Ole it for ft. 410"&f CA 4-66 4.90 00, Tbo osidatuts frductj 0 list t 1, of the blamod fq.i; ".4 (44 t '.Ij 4 , . 0 "'.0, 1939.1 1 1I.W1 t1t,111. A th. th. Iii-I S.- It" 1,411-Init .1 VSIL- (I - human, W111.1% 14-1 P 1 1% It n- Ge s &.61. Circulm int; Wood ni. I., th: 4 Ibr (Itivoc 167 "IV . Whole anti plawis 2W - Tbr Valn, of t.. .4. -1--l (..1, 1. . Mag I'l 11,W) mV ) by 00 ht~rmdvm- J -4-4- 1-h-$ wel" 1, tn 00 RCN rinvionins. in l hrtrrugrncoti* bli-d a i anti &~Itjsit-iw %h-1, (rabl"141 On thr Othrt hant]. Ih. Ins-r'..A up It, a mat A 2-7t. J insmrtslov, of In.111n kimtWitwis, d"6. bugn stimt 1. 11.- a. 1-I I.- mmwed 1. in rears 4 o v thettwiemighot-in fitintatkat, in mr% It laundicr, anti follow s) soned do 11 t t f 4 v . i 4, time e-ji g kftj th. stidst of tmII 1. th. 1.6. ua No chaup to the vrJut of fis test detected to caswit of CO i $41 1& 0 241ALLUOSKAt LJTff**T%J*1 CLASWKAIICU age. he"1401bAer, -nervulive bdirtmis. nommi. Inimphine. ethef + CHC41. pctorming onth dipboatirno. SPIDID i alkahma% anti sritloaii (Sill 6 it i. pe tom abork. apirmat" it, 1111111,11"41t Ifithation. ainne"Istv yp"lly"Inis. "Mmon t [mvi"Ming III full4voring lnjwtim 411 a4rrm oo g ? 00 see 0 0 1,00 *a a.. It. to 0 0 0 D, 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 U L. I CL n a - OWWWO abdre" in red"Oft ftodw?_A-A.-. ' OV It % -S , siv-71(twil) I nt buWAN SIWI 921M Tlw F 4 $2 l C - . a c , I'l-0 PF'otrillo err 00 *00 00 8 11"Ill - '.. -00 It.. .1 VI Al -01. po.vmW the 14m.1 s, I-- 1,,1 1,- sa t,. 11hilli i -00 gi., f ' w- 1,0 ago so's . and t1w 4 W....... . .. 1 h, h-, 00 00 '40: -Joe gloo i its It. too led. u 0 AV a Al* I A. * : 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 090010 00 go 0 000 0 00000 9 0 oiO 00000 000000*00 0 0 0 j **SOS 41144100 tio 4 a IS go 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 a 0:0 . " 1) .1 A, alto A L Al 4_j A _A 1 .1 Ama a,. I a 00 A, 00 000 The "me detterutulas th, Valeit so as Ed id tko .910 go A bkod I A 4 h ei PIN V R 5 -00 6. fin 09 A 00 ,bt IICN -w In h. P. W th, 1-k %I Pr~mumt, -A,, and %be tnjectfoomm III ml-, AIJ,- ltu-aw ~- btbr ~Ibho- mmlimm her nir".". 4, A FrAull Is 1110 It, 00 - Uin .111111111,4111 - I All a+,,nAIjnr onp, ~Vl , , '. .. I..", I .. 1; .1 , 1, 1.11. .-All- 00 All If W...1 -gl, I tu Im., -m 4 In.,11... . . ...... M. -00 ...... ... A ...... .1. "1'l I'll'. III--- -f-,rwI-nx .th thr 90 - M I If -II.Abll I-mml .4 lat, -4 phi -4 .00 00 1 Im .1,-, n. -t hint, I ht- t t.,-- ... 1,1-1 It'. .-00 00 - . - . h- .. ".. ..t-- - n .... .. ... coo 00 00 00 h., h., I h, , 1 f -pA-f w, It I h, 1-1- h, I -I I h, k-1 -4 1 0 6 h. I - I.. . -. - 1. -_ h., III, 00 ifutal h.m,- A--- sr" h -1 1~ th, I It I. -t"1 hit I--- 1--- 1-04, - -n--1-m wrIth h,,-,, gkAnn. a f.,f.-tA,-.W .. . .......... I. I lht, bk-1 .%-I. falfff fn d,lff- I-v be vau~. a redw t.m ties its 1, k I Cleo Igo., tree r I too t a ta, 0 2. q "1 10 u o a is ~ 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 , p 0 o o o 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 00 :.A 0 0 0 *1* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 9 00 1, A. (*"a wol A it. 0 72(im" - Ildbom dielf Obapf- 4 M k V0 1 k I It"'" The Irdwi N*N0, PH h4. of bOdP OL WWWOOLA"A PRO"' a nwill"Malb" cvsomt 111111FINPIP do ib* .. I tw antidow 4ktus at Mt ." -v"M (an me a- an OvAsum *jl". f llama F llb Leo 00 oil -40 tise of Jeo ,be .4 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 01 0 _:T l 9 pt f 9 P P go 06 0 0 a 0 0 0 F f ? t 0 f I I f 0, S, F r l t o A A it a I I -I *A f A L a a i - 1 6 & j3LWjL4s a t 1 _ __ . . - . . j - -09 ~ A mW&W top wMatiomy ON at anw. 0. and A I buJvo B%U 6W mid. etpti. I S A 9 .116 A)(MHO qrs GcrW4&01, c#. C A J4, ON.Ws ]notp -00 Irrintrabilliv srs. tweamird by drifts Ol the skin A As tin-l-Me was Plated under the skin of rabbi, mea td . hiklow Pt tnKI-tmet ucx~ilr hAling a (131Y so AS wirt, &Arr whwb the oredle vs removed A gauir tutsulap m k., skin, w14. with KCI ir" , i.ounnevird to *9 irmJr. arml a OcKrntiavrntfrv n used to mras a ~`&L*v%rf:i-: .00 r, tfir cu tv A Itlai,ii wrad A cut to dians troth 4 buir , 00 di kw fa-P Is pla-~O gaam the skin ..1javul to The AS 00 I- i-k ,- bAd the t, -1 Plua. ur gawr% against the skin fl~ W.~( J" ol ft. 'Ain 'd fabUts a f4i 0, 09 M. k ,-it of 31 mg 1 4 Ws o. nevrs%ary 1-ewwr a 09 redwakip in &jr of At A) Int, Cvrulalxm 'if ckh &I &tin ~00 pre-Mal Over the sko (as 4 coo Caused no cbaw 0 to 00. 00 coo 0 Th, Wn 4 raWat. and human rubprr-ts . -adify r- ~ 00 0 ..Abk tme it prwiKafly 1mr.-mirshfir 90 'II% Int It-; ""TWy 1. p"" 'h- lo* is 1-4.01MMAJ I-, the ctictru (A undltwx~l III% It- -It, ca-%. H.S cauum the cirmeo drtqi sit a Zoo 0 S A 600 1 no 0 00 U It A- 4) 0 * * * * 0 Al * * 0 a a 6 0 * a 9 ; 6- A- -&-L- to b1la~4 1, A. cxvm 14 ISOM) -Tbw a a a a a 0 9 a * 0 # a * a a A'24 to "I 'IV, ti w t, so it "te., "u., w1falAr -thtinsaigli"n &M 01111hesnottkA"a in bi-.) w. olk,sc a whwh thw total content at bernoglotan is drid ~biun* ,k,tfically and this value compared wub the 0 repacoy ad I ~k.kl I'bc cakos~ air based un Itic f~t that I a ,I 1-ma. jkbaw et truss -t. t,akt. 1 34 tuI .4 41 tf th~ I.L.0 ;xs- "-.I 1-Hebafts-I thc t1w 0 (.ltd by ib~ nwth..I,,d % a., Mrev..J. I., 111Z ..LA I- I hr 4 ... 1 4 1-- Iglufan to it* gswa Wood A valut .4 it. di- i Is &.J "'twity kmet (ban the value ca" lw-wn Itic bt--, 00 1,4k. 11bilk'St- ItHr Itst-114* 'if Itw '-f.tivA 61-1 ik""'"t ..,fthitiod : 'b' -..] wt 0 3 14 It-,-,, 00 Afik- asil it CL-%wK.T1t. , IN, W-Ta " , , , " " . . I . 0 a P 0 11 0 .0 a a - - - " ; ; ; D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 So 00 *00 0000 00 *a* ***-a 4v 000000 000000 NINN: 0 : a a Is ro, I a ft F I t , __ -1 T" L Is, 0- lomostiopt avi on is %pisnj 411w,ottooplea qjoqa w 0A. 441 JU AltAlb-" 4qj ~x%Foioj III jj4jv no, $e11 In amp r *or -111too puss All,) -n Alotiorl" triod -.M-. " "" NuApAsm, awmad jjjAlms ois so "qj pdmw am I jw 11114111111, M An"IkipmMuLsoopoold a also Impusq &A1jWj,q,_ AIMUMB "R 04 UARV6810 841 IR V 1. 11 - IT go 0 em F"l =m=in soul ru p www" 49 p aspolqjm Pow 61111111" V Pool 101 w " asip p is"Awl An" aq -"" Alf msba-mil n.4 mnueSsoaqtcntnmmapgmjowwrejsa~dlaipwju m sol u3ql leaumas Mmmzvm qivm spasnoilidu4mp Poeloosion 4 4 4ewIVO lgtXMN PWIP signs ID noolp I - -a w " C"I)*- 00 j, t $ l " 9o I - poqmmvd G"4" m q r a" epw" fm WE 944 "" VIVO Poll, empam"w" I Joe so G1 WE p wimpme"me sommio mmumeewd 00 00 00 00- so Ow - - ---" 04~. ;- - - _ - __ id.)#. 3-- j fj$ 14)V4. jd.) ., 141ded &i a.. is I ? 4 1 V TA do ly a W_ T_T_T_1r_j - U-1-f -I- a U W- r Go Ir is q 4 n e hi a a Is so so n n it ;Ip 4 4 ; 'i -a-.0 A- it a eoiftft -1 1" to 0 0 "Tiff f #o#9 el~eooe* a * t IL 00 A FP a 11 Is U0 I PA LL 0 U#s 6 1 0 8 0o I 11 4 ' JkJIM 0 s ftfto t "" fl b 00, ~ 4 a u s o" we d V I (R F om" A b 0 vu orms ,4 , m - a 91r -V41RIUM t 1 6 li t 4 V h le - d 16 hiff atlimitievittol . . ~ -11filcutlift WOW dilalmt$ (be uliptIV of the Ofivirt til 11.14 ew ' e 00 s itiellm-d almict-tinn ni ;~ romm"alkm Ity Wolmra W6 by Ilia alksill in tbe side-win vimurt. tapkil I&H in the ,mwa- of H.3 in The good uncler in~lrssllon owinle #-- 00 --sidalim. smsd qw6firiant Ml%i dimmru W illi at OU , l it in k"low OWN. jl.S in r4mics cd 0 9 X lot to 2 X ee 040 1()-' M nom a MMU (IM,) 4mvexac 0 the ten-ustim "I liver slices. Lower rancits s" no efimc Allhoush nmwe arnorate umbod is neremmy, in study tbe rRevi, :-1 1108. psellicubtely 161 hower "Nwnb . the Iftullm ibdk die l h O i l b in verla wt in nmrn. a. or m oin j y a s t. r ig M to OA x 10 At It 1. William. =00 &09 see Z Poe its of Cleo WOO - o V, n 0 a" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 Wo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wo 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 40400 too a Vo # 9 9 4 9 & 1-1 -:- ji"A, ~,, : , , i i 9 o 9 * 9 #0 0000 a 0 0 9*0 4 1 1 -f-W--w -.- - 0000#000 0 1 1 6 1 1 - 11 It 30 a IS I to to a -0 a a ,A : A -L J-1 0 A 00 00 : LAb-&'M "foldf W CO Pld"Mi 1 A 409 *oil . . ft- FOFMdb4. I TO&ijU. 7. \D. 4, (he PR*nl lab. tests our ("0 paimi W 1 .06 MI to m * .00 of the h-mvNiNn. Tests by chein. pptn -00 0 Proteins hwh arewtivity Ow we Mow. A mv m"bud -00 by dirw ads. of CO 6 wm*. walitive. ww nfth dr - I Mi. of blumll At UK , of bilber comm. ci 1, or , ml fix 00 . 7U -Pk III A446 wkb & Md. 31, fflm)~ teot d IN n 4100 g m p"w With &W " Z. Al tw 10". m a bob lum set **gee so *I% tttt!. So use, Q., .Or* 4004 09 folver so-opoil llomrtoo demermiummom of is as bl""a 1% Ve I b-410"m dwA L -A- ff- 00 66--itye 60. 477 .0--sev) I.. - h 9 4 -j U-4 fid-M 4. A, OW I . mold Ito ad 41mold wet" 1. R 00 ' ft I I Ini of 1+..I, Goed tlem 10 Mb 101, a." 1 -1 ~.o 0061- W .1 A was., ft- -hil pnpl 040 -4 bko mg N:f: T he novilroels mi fuhn A. 0. &W 014 ~ 0 !.ft -A- -4 *~Ihvlwmw kohm 4. a jmrfw.&~moo law -L. IS, Gmf -.1 4 to Iler lammi, is W-4 A,,@ . , ~ I - 6 . Amf of ,,It L'aw 14,0. ft. 0 ,.-d to-. P I,- ,wb -4 I., 1,~oot to o 0013 .-I. h...61 t. ._I. W. % . ..... 001 . .4 9% It. .. flo..t " 1-. 1 tt. k -F-~ ..d tb. 1=1 It N-Il-w 4 SO I L A Ull"Alkoet CLAI"e"C""oos UA eel was (to 00 00 "so .00 00 00 -90 00 go no* moo -09 No to 0000041000000::I:::i::::Oooooooeoooo*oo so 0* 90 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a **vast soft sassymps !LIP" --_ J A 46 FITT rrr-rTur A-A r A a --I - I.- JA W -a-11- n 4 Neill walliew. .".I - %, LF q 4 It 00 -06 if j go -00 j 6 1 j W 64 k WNW( 4L &I I I 11a I 4A I C L &%%WK A I ICO 11 1 .. . - - - - - - - - loo Ef -W. ;, . - a.. an I I It IN IN 0 -1 v 8. 0 a 6 1 a 49 NO ""S a it it a a 0 IN .1 0 0 : 0 a Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a a 9 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0: OTVIN, I.A. -'-, ,I .. Pri,ority of Russian research in the study of skin permeability. Tent. vezor. no.5:50-51 Sept-Oct 1950. (CIXL 20: 1) lo Of the Pathophyviological Department (Hand -- Prof. I. A* Oyvin), Central Skin-Tenereological Institute (Director -- Candidate Medical Sciences N. M. ?uranov) of the Ministry of Public Health USSR. OTYI11. 1.A.; MD. V.I.; SOMIN. V.I. Elect rophorptIr nnqlys I a of rn')bi t se rim fo: I ovi -4,, - r,)to-.: ri a"nothilization. Vou.mod.kh1m. 1: ?4-11 17 '11. WkA 11 '.) 1. Pntofiziologichookiy o*del TSentrpl'nogo kozhno-vonprc1og1,~-h-pvqpo inatitutFi Ministerstvn %drnvookhrnnenlYA S55R, Moakvp. (W,CTliOPHORES IS) (SERUN) UM/Nedleine - Wectlous DIseas*e Jul/Aug 51 Olleetrophoretle Twestigations of Blood Serum Proteins in Infectious Hepatitis (Botk:Ln's DI- sea,se)," I. A. Oyvin, M. Ya. Basok, V. 1. OyviN ftthophysiol Dept, Con Dermato Venereol Inst, Min of Pub Health USSR and Therapeutic Hoop of Primme District of Moscow 021orap Arkhi v " Vol xxin, No 4, pp 37-40 31lectropborstic Investigation of blood serm in Softwo disease shows regular lowering of 41- bumin level and lowering of the albimin-globa- Ift coeff. There is as a rule increase of Um OW/Modicine - Wectious Diseases Jul/Aug-51 (Coutd) fraction of bet&- and gamma-globulins as com- pared vith the serum of healthy persons. rM rates of movement of fractions in electraphor- eals of the serum of patients with infectims h6patitis shav values which do not differ fron the normal. C, A SlIP16"Me of *INM*P&3r*bc atuMiss of pitatinsil of blood gemm m cum" interaw &"sum I A. Vii woo M N - RawAl . 4nd % ' 1. Olvin (Ministry flealit. %to, ~__ ' A).* JIM k ' 1, S R 1 39, No 4, %:.' A lo5l) -- The I-i-ph,%- rrtw nwthtkl was vesteil 4k~dullv Inr 4n.ilvroi~ if lihimul. so-tutio-swwrin fractions Aw vAlu" %"r Amitnin clobuloiS I%.wrsk.ImIm Kni-. 0-thAmlin 1.1 .91, AMI -Kjobull" Ill .'% 1. AU.Jw,v the '-ItI.Altill" 1'.. tu- I'llors, in the ma)urlty of c4lors, while ob&Lrjrtl%C )4-1- 4." n.m Appm I. colutir such a r", In mutt p1mil. Ill, allmi-sin drup. and 1W 41"1 _11'Jocilln. in I"I'"I"'on'.. n lun. num fjrm~lw "lor in -jI.Amlin '.~orv .0. reipanding derlin" in all -other frat-tione, at high a- -eWbulin wAo Inund In carcJ,nmg-Icr~. the olimun- JI. tin" 4 Uir -Sholoulln olor.. 4 .,-it. rt,idf i. tu,"I J.-- ,, Ill -kWh .. al"i co'ghdocill'. 1-11 Illf-t"Jo. Cfilldo&'11~111IWAIIT tilt I-,I aml call- . rise in , and q. %f 1, 1 0, T f 1. A SWI~ FerNow. 11 To4sikol. 16, No. 6, A0-I(I9M).-R4bbIt* wee ven 1% trypan blue vol". In 0.0 ". Net D 2 MI./kq 9travenously. and a qx)t of We L Was I talej with Tykne, the Inflammation Was CIC*fly marked In blue. mp- g In 2.5 to 6 min., or 10-24 min. under "her nart-or-ni. anesthesia with Pf"Calne. by innophorems. douWd or = trebled the time of appearance. Julian P. Sknif-h" OTTIN. I.A.; SMIJCHXV, Te.P. Rate of the renewal of proteins in blood rerun; electropheretic studies. D*kl.AN Tadzh.SSR ne.12:71-76 154. (MIRA 9:9) l.Kafedra patologichaskey fiziol*gii Stalinabadskog* posudarstvannog* meditainskege instituta. Imeni Aviteenny. (BU)OD PRDTEINS) OTVIN. I.A. Mechanism of the development of skIn sensitization to blood pro- teins. Modych.7hur. 24 no.6:14-22 154. (MLRA 13:7) 1. Stalinabadskiy madichniy Institut. (AIJ T. experimental, Arthus phenomenon) OTVIN, I.A. Biological significance of inflasimtory *dam. Birml.eksp.btol. I nod. 37 no-2:29-32 F '54o (WAA 7'-6) 1. Iz kafedry patologichesbroy fitiologii (saw. prof. I.A.Orvin) Neditsinskogo institute, isient Avitsenny (Dr. chlen-korr. AN Tadshikskoy SSR Ta.A.Rakhiww), Stalinab&d. (INFIAKtTION, experlisental. Oinf lam. edem) (MMA, experimatal, *inflam. edem) OYVIN, I.A. %VL Iffoot of protein sensitization on the chemistry of the skin and Its relation to nonspecific stimuli. Biul.oksp. biol. I m*d. 38 no.9- 56-58 3 '54. (KLRA 7:12) 1. Is kafedry patologichookoy fiziologii. (say. prof. I.A.Oyvin) Stalinabadekogo moditsinskogo instituta Iment AvItsenny (dir. chlon- korrespondent Akademii nauk Tadshikokey SSR Ya.A.Bakhimov) (A11J T, experimental, off. of horse serum on skin water metab. In rabbits) (SKIII. metabolism, water, off. of horse serum allergy In rabbits) (WATU, metabolism, skin, off. of horse serum allergy In rabbits) Nedicina P)Wdology ~n 54/56 Oyw*j, 1. Aes ad Soolicheyp E, P, s Parombility of the human Adn for carbonate ad tdcarbonate ions P*.,~ M LSSR "/50 8694"2# Dee llw 1954 The results'derived in studrift the per"W"lity of the human skin for carb6nate and bicarbonate ions an amlysed, Mw ae%od emplayed in nea- ift 0A oancentratica of the solutiono poured on tka owface of the akinp is expUlmd. The danges in Vw cmeentration of the matter in the sobl- tics were ivmMbtoly reaDrded by a counter placed over the awf#ps of the In: mtvmt*d with &" solution containing radioactive isotopes C-L4. A re- dulition In Us nuwbw of atoviia deecapoeftions rowded by Uw owiter in disgosA re&atlon In the eoncentration of the mttw in tho solution this lndludrg that it had netrited into the *in* Five references: 34MR aA 2.0*210M (1866-1949 r. Gliiphsi drewirgev Oparinj, October 15# 19% bys A ism A L f veroul Wt. L,A. Olvill, V, 1. Oivia. wnd 7 Vol,. 73975.-1n rabbits t IV w ZA. BkI., 195o. Abstr. Rr Ihq COU4"don of ~he "furn pmtr-'W 8 CC4. -s, and the total pmt, by dectropi7iores 4 B h of t e s=Tn by reftuwmttry.. y Means Of bj phot& 4- - J__~_' untni In the t -%VMUAI IOSt WAS tbid tArbldity producv4 ta tha -Atitis in vibbity, the a1bumin conteat vvAs ramumd. In toxic lt~j line, %nA, partkulmiy of va cell, md tbe qc-aw. k ,!C~bu WaL 11j'" J=6~z(% ThO- thY*'nOl-vcrQn2l ttst I n 1U&U SU "patsit've in tbei4 ciaw. 71,,~ was ,.W obwved I hu bjects Infl-Chve hevatilil. 71v PL'!dtiyn apparen tly. -th-P.-appramnze la the wum ' 4 mtro- prottin complexes extractable by pthet and inigratin during with th- lobulins 'n 7. 11- PA"0146 y ,'TVIN, I.A.; GUNINA, A.I.: TlKfl)NRAVOV, V.A. Mechanism of the physiological action of hydrognn sulfide (Katsesta) water. Vop.kur.fizinter. I lech.fiz.kul't. nn.2:11-20 Ap-Jo 'S5: NLRA 8:8) 1. Iz biakhimirhaskoy laboratoril Bal'neologichoskogo innti- tuta imoni Stalina i. eksperimental'noy laboratorit Temntrp-l'- nnpn sanatoriia ineni Vnrnahilova (Snchi) (MINERAL WATERS. effects , hydrne-,Pn sulfil" water. mechanism of physiol. artion) OTVIN, I.A., professor. YIrst cnnference of pathop~Wsiologietp of Central Asia and Kazakhatan. Arkh.put. 17 no.3:83-87 JI-S '55. (MIJU 8:12) (PHTSIOWOT, PATROLOGICAL) ty F -msto ~P~ Wart Ol S 1 A l d 9 supt Od t Wo vm I d it U A m n an . . v pn). i v ( v t . m is pradk*Ny belvernm e" le ".0m .;No N&llctx vim anins, flinalMog oods b*W w S!rj ! al" Mechanism of senatt-tzatton and of antibody formation. Bi-il. eksp.biol. I mod. 40 no.9:51-S4 S 'S5. (XLRA 8:12) 1. Is kafedry patologicboekoy fisiologil (zav.-prof. 1.A. Olvin) Stflinabadskogo moditsinskogo Instituta imeni Avitsenny (dir.-eblon-korrespondent AN Tadshikskoy SSR Ta A. Hakhimov) (ALLERGY, experimental. mechanism of sensitization & antibody form] (AWIGIINS AND ANTIBODI3S, antibody orm.,mmcbqn1sm) DPr%;i-'1enereo. Fob 246. SOME METHODS OF TESTING SKIN FUNCTION (Russian text) - 0 1 v i n A. - THUD. STALIN.MED INST. 1956, 21/3 (195-230) The results are reported of a 10-year study of the value of skin funrtion tests. Considerable attention Is Riven to the er i ors of measurement in the M(Clure and Aldridge, Kavetskii-Letihchinskii and Bogdanova tests. Methods of statisti(al treatment of the results of quantitative testii of skin function are described. The author criticizes the interpretation of the Kavetskii-Leshchinakii and McClure and Aldridge tests and explains the mechanism of these tests. fie disc,sse8 the importance of the time factor in estimating the diffusion factor (hyaluronidase) by the spread of a dye through the skin. The erroneousness of the Grower method of pathergometry, of the Zalegskii method (detection of substances in the blood which raise capillary permeability) and of the study of the chemical comp(isktion of skin by means of dialysis is proved. The communication also describes a num- ber of methods for the study of skin capillaries, skin permeability to bicarbonate and carbonate ions and to sodium and bromide ions as weU as the principles underlying the determination of carbon-dioxide excretion by the skin. P OTVIN, I.A. Otrasnodar) - .. Nod*rn concepts of the mechanism of antibodv formation. Pat. fislol. I eksp.terap 2 no.4t3-9 n-Ag 158 NIRA 11:12) 1. Is kafedry patologicheskoy f1stologil (sav. - prof. I.A. Oyvin) lubanskogo meditsinskogo lustituta. (ANTIBODOS, form., machaninme, review (Run)) OTVIN, I.A. (Lrasnodnr) Resulte of the uRe of radioactive isotopes of study of capillar7 blood and lymph flow. 36 no.41114-119 Ap'58 (MMA 11:5) 1. Iz kafedry patelopicheakoy fiziologit (zav. - prof. I.A. Oyvin) Kubanakogo neditainakogo inatituta. (CAPILLARIBS. physiol. capillary flow, determ. with inotoDes (Rue)) (LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. physiol. lymph flow. determ. with isotopee (Rue)) is OrOPES . determ. of capillnry blood & ly=Dh flow (Rua)) OTVIN, I.A. (Krnsnod~r) MechRnimmm of cmOillnrl nprmonhility. Usn.scvr.biol. 45 Mr-Ap 159 (MIRA 11:6) (CAPILLARY PERMFAABILITY, r)hvtqiolngy review (Rur)) o! v ra, I V3NGLINSKAYA. Ye.A.; SHCHEGILI , i.K. (Kraonodar) 3ffect of ndenosinetriphoanhoric acid on cutaneous capillary per- meability: -iethod for the determination of local disorders of capillary permeability. Pat. f12iol. 1 OkOp. terap. 3 no.3:33-38 W-Je '59. (MIRA 12 :7 ) 1. Iz kafedry natologichaskoy fiziologil (zav. - prof. I.A. Wvin) Zibanskogo tieditsiaskogo instituta imeni Krasnoy krmil. (CAPILIAW PVNIVILITT, eff. of drugs on, ATP. trypane blue test in determ. of localized cu- taneous permenbility AiRard. (Rue)) (AD3NTLPYqDPHOAPHATII. off. on capillAry nermeability. trymane blue test In determ. of localized cutaneous permeability disord. (RuB)) OTVIN. I.A. (Krasnodar) Changes in vascular permeability In shock. Arkh.pat. 21 159. (MIR.A 1, 1. 1z Icafedry patolooricbeskoy fizioloorti Kubanskogn medIt9inBV.-,g,, I instituta. (CAPILLART PEDMOILITT, in exper. shock (Rum)) (SHOCK. exper. capillary permeability (Rue)) OTVII. 1.A., SXRGMV. Yu.V. Beflex mechaniss of antibody formation. Shur. nilrrobiol.. OpIdes. I Immim. 27 no.3:98-102 NO 56. NMA 9:7) (ANTIOM AND ANTIBODIM, antibody fers., reflex sechaniss (Run)) OYVIN, I.ii., BALULA, V.F. Signi fl cance ,.f Ihe r1 r.-)Iy* A - sys ,F,.m of tfe blood. F',, , I . eksp. bd ol .I mt-d . ' 4. ri r . 9 1 -JI 5 -)10 0' 1 # , - ' !G ~~A I 'I 19 1 . I 1. 1z k&fedry ~-atologllcreSKOY fIZI,)!OgAI (zav.- j rof. 'A.A. Oy-vin) Ir ib&nakopo mi-11 tainskogo iris~, ~u*-a , Krssrr>Iar. Predsti viona Aeyr, ~.vt to' I -,yu -hiir. m O~N -, F-. A V . ",e, bedl n,-,)(,iir. OVIN) a r; o ekr. te r a n, 4 -url 1, atj i , nn, -rf~zio:ngll rnodi'!3.n3kcy rai'o- br, i rui k OYV I No I. A.; KID I YAK 07, M.A.; K~)RULEV A, L.V. ; ROMANOVSKAY A, L. L. -P SVY-MiNIKOV, A.A.; TOKAREV, O.Yu.; UKLONSKAYA, L.T. RadiomeLric S'.U(jy of ,rob~ens of the pathogenesis and k-K~--rlment,a-l therapy rf ~rifl&mmal.ory edemas. Vest. AMN (MPLA - R. - - ' 1-M 2(j nc).9.87-93 1 w; v I . I I I . ' I s i - ~,,; ~ ~ v r it ~ ~ - I ( #! 11 AM N ~~SS R, ')br . r P ~ . ; ins',itut mod- . OYVIN, I.A. (Obninsk) Pathogenesis of early manifestations of acute Inflam-atlon. Arkh. pat. 27 no.3:3-17 '(15. (ml!~,A A:~, 1. Otdel radiatsionnoy patclogicheskiy fiziologii InstitLta meditsinskoy radiologii AM SSSR. 1. . ( Y~ -,. , , ~, ~ ) !,~ L, - , .!-. ~ I . " -." ii: 1 t, " r ~ 1 47 1 : Va ~'- - . h I , . :' .. " . , .-l, I M..11"Pll I J'Fj - . - - '. . 1 . : . 3 : 3- ' - 't ~ I - - ) OrM__L.A!j,_ BAWDA, V.P.; SHEGEL, S.M.; TOKAREV,O.Y.; VENGLINSKAYA, E.A. YAGODKINA, E.G. Anticoagulatn and antiphlogistic pro rties of phlogodym (neodymium pyrocatechol disulphonater. Acta physiol. acad. sci. Thmg. 24 no.3073-379 164 1. Department of Pathological Fhyaiology, Kuban Medical Institute Krannodar, USSR. CYVU.I.A.; allXDA,V.P.; SHEGEL,S.M.; TOKAREV,C.Y.; V121GLINSKAYA, E.A.; YAGODKINA,E.G. Anticoagulant and antiphlogistic propArties of phlogod-ym (neodymium pyrotechol disulphonate). Acta physiol. acad. rci. Hung. 24 no.3:373-379 164 1. Department of Pathological physiology, Kuban Medics. Insti- tute, Krasnodar, USSR. _OY1114, 1-.A. :-(Df,; BALUDA, V.; cand. med. riau;c 'Ii !ii-=cot;.. ra,-y -:r --~'qor-icrs of tI.e coai7il I n - I !i. ~,i ' - '~ ' '. (- ' - , , ' .cv'nwed by I.A.C. 4., In, V P Baluds. Biul. Uch. med. -,-v. 2 ri, . :. - j J~ , ~ Ag :61. (BLOOD-COAGULATION) (KI A ly': : I -OrMv I.A. ftthogenevis and claosificatim of dymproteinamia. Klin.mod. 38 no.7913-4 060. (KERA 13:12) (BLOOD MWIMINS) AUTHOR: ,~-i -v j_r_ L. f TITLE: e ljo 3'. ~-, i f bLa x. I i,~- an ic.. -a i ment f or 7Lie f a P i. a i. c_ * ia I .-')teajm c nd i i n --I'. ye J a, mu U, ~A I I ..-ari L ya I& vno go ,me* ry para C: PER.1 OD I CAi, : ~'e e r " "; 1, I j Sh ~ P . 1 ABST RACT T ) e e I t,:t i)T i ye e, t n -~i m N _,-ka d o,,, tlie I - 1;~ 3 4 1. L W lpt? .3 c f ma in _-ea in power t nd D u N, 14. 3, 1 y an experts' omall 1~ -in- a 0 .3 Cc),Mcil of f 1- 3- a I JL - n 5 %i, i irc luded JL, z aT` a gene ral -:wi_ a:- A me r, i I q-1 ipment power 3--, -team ..,ncitions ~,f 240 atm a" r. 0 verg re a caed bard 1/-I' a'- ~t t3 tiri use Df The Design of tne 'Lanuaw-i- L~jiq.m-r.t f-r t-e Main Building of a ?"Wer IrLI'LF-1 'J'teaz cA' C',40 atm and 580 C auzzlerj,_t -Teel Ete&Tt and live .5-team fittings and f C, I 11 LU,)PT C jj- i ~,C t 1~c bci leis rind turbines. 1 1 S Mc-1 e 1~ 0 W 0 1 ar,rl s-)mewliat limits cperaT.).nw, . Ut,~, us- zf a Eteam temperature of 6000C at tn-i -jrb-,r_ .e was ii-stified in 1995 when tne upper c)f pehtliti,-, steelf3 was 5~9 (11. At tiivit '-ue "tie _~11111C;e t,-,On, 1~0 aLm nxid to 22k_ at;n arid WO',~ Ea~ia a !i~tl e:,cnow_y of about At the preseat ti'RO can c-perate at steam *ewpera~i:7e:~ JF' --p '(7 6-1~; Be that tue gain iz efficiency fr,DM US'_L6 5teai~t of ?--0 atm and 6000C is only In t;.e rj,-ar, future 1-t will be possible to raise the val-j-, steam temperature to 5800C without using austen_it~~_ ~:*f-els )n Ir-e pipewor.K ~.r t,-.Lrbine. Investigations made by -ik Ai_t Jni,.z Tnermc -Tecmical Institute on pr~-.:esse:_, ix, Lc,.Iei- ,-n t.Le critical pressure region Card C__'/7 SIIC~W +_L~1' tf~, I-- SDa:9 d_J',Ab~ abo,,it r-,ia reliable operation The Design of the Ma-.n Thermal Me,-hBaicai Equipment for the Main Buildin6 of a Power ~31ation w,*,!. lnil~al Steam Cc;nditions of 240 atm and 580-(~ of boilerE inder var~,able cperating conditions when the turbi-ne stop vaive pressax,e is 220 atm. These effects are not observed with a steam pressure of about 250 atm. It. was' t be re f c) re advisat)ie to =crease the turbine stop valv-a pressure to ?-~-O atm Accordingly, il, is now considered advisabl+~ to set the turbi-ne stop valve steam conditions at 240 atm and 5800C. These steam conditions will give the same effj-,.en,_--; &B 2?C1 atrn and 6000C whilst the turbine sets are -beaper mcre reliable and more flexAble in ~)peral'icn It 1-3 proposed to use these steam conditions in condens.rig turbines (type SVK) of 300 and 600 MW and in bar-k pr-ssL;re turbines (type SV1?) of 90 VW. IN.irbines type SVK--300 and SVK bOO will have one reheat to ?0-53C at the tarbi-ne at a pressure of 40 atm. Other conditions that-, ~'t is proposed to use are listed ' such as the pass--o,-it and back pressures and feed water temperatures. The proposed performanLa charexterist--cs of the turbines are S--ven by %s-,ng steam conditions of 240 atm and 5800C Card 3/? and by in-reasing the outp,it of tile sots to 500 and 600 MW ) ','/' 0 - ' , I_ /4 -1, '/ '! I The Design of the hiain rherma!-Me~banlcal .6quipment for the Main Building of a Power Station wItL Iritial Steam Conditions of .240 atm and 580 C the primai7 superheat temperature is maintained at 585 + 50C and tile reheat temperature at '._~70 + liOG. tie he at and 9uperneat temperatures should be controlled by injection only dLa-ing periods of adjustment or emergency operation. There should be automatic control of combustion, superheat and reheat temperature ' fuel preparation including fuel :~ii burners and other mat,.ers.. Feed water condit.ions are briefly a&,ntionei The main feed pumps will be foi steam '~:urbine dri-,e and will have catputs of 2.25C; 1,130 and 5/0 (-u mAcur agairist a pressux~e of 310 atm,. Electrically driven pimps witt outputs of 1,130; r-70 and 370 ci, m/hour cperating against a pressure of 290 atz wil-l be i-sed as stand-by and starting pumps. Thus the ma.Ln feed pump will have turbine arive and its output will correspond to iOOyo of -~Le set power whiist the reserve pump. wi-,h eie,:~tr_,,~ dr,_-e. will oe suitable for 50% power ol-itput.. Trie ma~_n equipment for fuel dryi_ng and pulverising is tnen described. Central,..sed dryi_ng equipment will be Card 5/7 provided for brown ccal wi'~h xrarer contents of mr-re than 1.0%. . JVI'I~, '", j The De s i gn o f t tie Mae i a 1, -~ Ima, - Me - ii ail. I j-.AIpM'-n'r,t for tLe &,ain Building of a Powe- ~LL wi-. i'miriall St,,am Conlitions of 24-0 atm and 560 C .;*:eam i::iei 'will L,- tne, ma,~--i type -,6ed~ A n..imber of details are Oi-r,~tri :At~ut- i-r.,e pr~,pcsed -onstractioa of drierb !--I --t t,-i p--opesed to design aii 11%-~ea L-:iil DLi~ wir'. al.. of 100 tons/hour on dr-v ut~,?, 'xj~es ,,f ml-11 ArI1 be Used in partirlillar -as- d~-s-,-iLed ' ',;~iey include ventilated d nAm F_i s i -! ~d iia w, e r s!7ia f L t - P fpe f As ol tz~~-i design of new tIVPeS cl ~3!.i 3--nd ,80'-C it will- be possible t.c in r'PEI3e tL- ':,el'U-i of power stqtions by aboiL 6team -,unclitic -)ns of 130 atm and .'n i s wa i i ma KP t, ~ie - onst mction of t he power --Lations morp c~xperj-Qive r,,,,! abc-,U~-, 40 roubles per kilowatt. L)ata con,:ern,Li~~ li--e rifluence cf the i-n--rease in output J f uai ic ry p - we r s i i!~ )r- a 1 r s pe c, i f 1 c c c) s L 1 s giveli 111 :~aU-q I ~ z3t,c-ws t.,-.-Lt it is best to use unit Card 6/7 tyke se,~., wi-,, a sin~;ie at 500 MW and two snafts at 13JV/96-59--4-4/21 The Design of the Main Thermal-Mechanical Equipment for the Main Buildine of a Power Station with Initial Steam Conditions of 240 atm and 580 C 600 UW for the large power systems of the European part of the USSR, the Ural and Siberia. Purther increase in steam conditions to 400 atm and 7000C with two reheat stages would only increase the thermal efficiency by a further 1.6% and therefore, at the present time, the quest.ion of raising the steam conditions above 300 atm and 6500C should be considered only from a researcn and development viewpoint. There are 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: Teploelektroproyekt Card 7/7 OTVIN. N.L.. Icand.tekhn.nnuk Designing basic thermal and mechanical equipment for the main building of an electric power plant with Initial steam paraneterR of 240 atm. and 5800C. Teploenergatika 6 no.4:20-27 AP '59. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Taploeletctropro7akt. (Blectric power plants-3quipment and supplies) AUTHOR: S. TITLE: A -.S P'-":C!r Sta--icns loyin, Stear. C'l- tipcv ':bCruJ~-7-lr.iy-3 dlya r.a para,,etry PERIODI,~AL: 1158, t'r 9, ~)- 12 ABS2RACT., A cn c' f,,,r static,. no nn :3 ly I . p r of A':11("lqy rf r 'C 1:~SR r-1. "lay, I- lp. 1t wul~ !)y 1O of -,'cwr4r 10-.' ai.l ~OSPLA;.' USSH RSrSR? t~!'~ I:IT,j-;,-ry ')f P~".'nr .!n, srjc~)tifiz- v r A, a r d 1/14 e A ;cn clil c-.: c f Eq,-' uni t - c - S s Em I cy i n - Su C r - c 1 S c. a. - v n i n T v. P. s-,- s ~-- -11'. -:-"- ,-C 0 - P.-Il " I ~ -0: 1.- V. A. Zvyagintsev "-,V(, Fo r:la JU to ar c r,:~ i r, ns c'- 300 at. anJ 2 0 C, Do:~tor f 7 Sc4~~-:-,ce V.P. re e :1, U- 3 A.V. Lo -ivr ~00 ~#-Oc IM ea - :,n"7 f -c Ice c- S, 1:. A. PI ~- 7": - t Card 21/4 11. 'A 14-, r r.r.- 7 10 r 3 1 A A ' .) . -- su,i/56 - 5c -12 1 A ~;oi --I[. ".cw Ty-es for Un, 1-ty,,(,. P( w r S'- i ELI lc)Yir.-- Siier-critfc;~l Stear, Card 3/4 Sc-lonce K.A. tec!iriilcul ba..--~:; o~' 3u, f, EnLlnonr V.E. Biman, f-f CRGEl.'ERGOSTROY, av( a re- orl ci-.titie-' 'DcveJn;r-lQr,, rr '1,.e desi,~n of a bc"Iar for '~00 at. (11,100c, f(-r 3 0 0 - I-M un'- t A by Dnctnr of I~rc!ii.ic-ij S-r,;.re U-Iic, AII-U:-Aon -;e],-,tIon fc-- f-r a x,ior r. w i a F- !7 r C, 1'00 at. I. Doctc--, Ic- 1 S,~ A. A. Lc:.,a'- in, f t h, L n n in c,,] M c- I wr 'Si~r' cl :"e" I "'. ~- e , C, p -1 for very largc, un t:: :)'~- -- r f i S L. D. 3e.-. u.,. . Al I 71:~ -I r. s C, r C' C, -I Sr 'e!, A. E. 07M2, N. L. TEP OTse.binical Instructions on Dosiping the Basic Thermo-mechwiical Equipment of Very lAwp Power Stations for InitW Stsax Parameters of 240 &to, 5860 cg The Commission for High-parameter Stem of the Energeticheskiy inatitut (Pomw Institute) imeni 0. M. Krahishanovskogo Alt SWR bold a conf*rvnco on ft 16, 1958 devoted to now types of equipment for block-assembled power stationa, operating at super,-critical Assm parainaters. This paper vso read at this conferenceo Isv. Akad Nauk SSSR, Otdal Tekh nauk, 1958, No, 7, p. 152 WMAhumaces mar 1947 "Two-chambered Furnace with Molten Slag Tapping," V L Oyvin and G A Sheinin, 11 pp "Izv Vaes Teplotekh Inst," No 3 Data on investigationa of the very first tvo- chambered furnace with molton-slag tapping in the Soviet Union. Complete construction details. 1T42 EM-0 4 Al 00000 0 All 00 W of 01111 00 0000 N,* It A A L A 1. IL I,, L a 1 1 #4 1011 Lk IN I a 00 14 I ee g, ' - O b" w b as so an, o iou w s ps" e s " b4 1 M M F A C d Y .90 **a " . , . . an on. *pws . . 1. r-kowlial, 0 me 6 n-WIPLIr-rIffift kwitiff"I&I .00 .1wvkw ;V; " low Wft .1 be op 11's .. ' s nvetheitU ittosorl,ttriti c4 I tompkildoon by Worfouteg 10 by Ik afteli in the miolr-wopi V ON . IWW ISU to the amrs. at NO is the sabd and" Investigation coavisillk I., axislation. MW sksalbrual M%) disnocia. W 11.1i at OU A in Rinew Ob. 11A id cows. ad 0.8 x lif- 4 to 2 k 'lee IU-1 M coma a small (17%) dKreaft im the re"ation livef olk". Lower cestras. shuor &i elect Although I : rroore tarciarst, umbed is wevewy to study the Am. fee 00 it 119%. POUCUINIF to kW" curia-ul.. the resialts Malroar 0 no ernala. ow only a slight. effert in coorns. ham j x 00 It, MtOOAX 10 am. If L Willijams Quo Ji 7 lee goo see r1o 0 u 6 AV so Is 1 T+ a - j-j 0 a ft it a 0 plum d I 60::::1069600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 001 p VVO ;a K4 JAW of' the"Mmin pro.1 Ana stuing CC14. ' ~, :. *,~ , ". I~- - - - mat f'QWdetermined-by sledwPh*r-U, 114 tb6 total-pro 'ter ifibewumbyrthutometry. By'rmansbitbepbotooolorw FvA~Ced NW setum In ths thktWtTw'OW t0fil Vm .~~AsrbkUty In- t- r4b Ito Ow 4wMt.' of r&10~ - mW tw wu jacrea". -Tb6~ thyrml-mow ObwVed i#_bOM A 4*6 ca"O. TWS,was algo I_Jt The P04ttvu, fective b4patitic W7 ivy. 313, Tf ; - - , - ho -the uppeavana in -the seniia ~ij~r , ~~ Ot tho - A _,., ~, .- krown. tmm mtmotwW by ftb- tlb- ~Omp E~ AL hdftglA with! the -Y-gjobUF4t~.---~: (RUPIAA)- i-_ 7 "I OYVIII, V.I.; HO(InAllOVA, V.S. Fathergometry an a method of functional test of the skin. Vent. v"nar. No.):16-18 Kay-June 50. (CLMI 19:4) 1. Of the Pathophysiological Department (Read -- Prof. I.A.Oy-vin) and of the Dermatological Department (Head - Prof. L.N.Nashkilleyson), Central Sidn-Venersologic&I Institute (Dir"ctor -- Candidate Modica! Science@ N.M.Turanov) of the Ministry of Public H*a1th USSR. OYVIS. 1.A., prof OYVIN. V.1. ; BOGDANOVA, V.S. Methods for measuring capt llary oermeabilitr cf t,:.? skin. Mecvc,~ zhur. 20 no.3:B9-96 -~O. (KIkA 11:1) I . Z v idd i I u pa t of i z i o 1 op t i ( re v id uve :!h - r) ro f . I . A - Ov-v i n ) TSentrall nogo ohirno-venerologichnogo inatitutu Minist,-rstva okhoroni, zdorovlye SRSR (dirokotr - knndidat m"d.nauk N.M. rura nov ) (CAPILLARIES--PHRMUBILITY) (SKIN--BLC)GD S',JPPLY)