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77 J 110"d*vp 34TO-9, volotilov ma 6repailD VVI, 349 meta Ile: Ineft st ivis, MAWft MWO 4' 196): 47- 1' 477 i~6G ~.'Iliuthore away&*. miethOte, of astal *moil* tests at the boil- -of 214aid hyd"gone -the speolm" were cooled and deformd in a "diflid "A Improved Dewar lowk-Amooraturo vessele fte ~ tests were carried olat'41 *~MIUPWMODO P-5. (R-5) tosting machine at a 49formation rate of educes It It roooinsended cylindric" 0i'afts as this r ape ~the.orvov Affignitidsee :?be matura of Ahe,stressed state arising during the Aerokiaticift of' the, speciame Gan ~b;o established &Go' orUM to the angular Atstri~%Mob ~ of mi"Osis I in'~ vlomlski' Us' very: m1betmatial effect of ban&~I part ,.7ii44t Aow., total error ~Udst~rni"34:Lth* IMW*h&"G" oh"&Gt*r-. Istio's `V* -Able, m.thod. anovats to or, the matima stress. . Based on a stat4atloal..anslysis-it'vas fowA that-reliablio romiltware obtained with Ahis Sethod'A"o,th for'britum."CAnotile listalso -:Thor* a" figures and `-7 ACCESSION KRt AT4001248 furnaceswith seals to ensure hermeticity of the system at relatively large displacements of the clamps of the testing machine, heating elements for the furnace. and control circuitry. Some operating features of the furnace* are discussed. Orig. art. has: 15 figures. ASSOCIATION: TsentralIny*y nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut chernoy metalurgli (Cmtral Scientific Research Xnatitute of Ferrous Metallurgy) SUBMITTEDo 00 DATE ACQ# l0Dec63 ENCLt 02 SUB CODZs AP# MA 50 REF SOVi 006 OTHERs 000 COM 2/4 61 W( /4WT(s)/DDS AFM/ 91032163A 99/005/OeO/022 cg or leng-tift otnmgtb at AL is Sir IP ~29# Sao 5# 1963P 618419 so, ra'saft (00 x 2P z 2W m) me soft of asbastom coment 15 m ift ~-Vithlll Stainless steal Plat" at tbe, qpsnup &a vltk'MS12 bfttIM 010- The tomparetwe on as test piece vas measured w1lb a 'by ~1000ter. rm lGed Vag applied to the test piece after It v" Aid, Alle'It, me belid at AsodDe. "Tows am ame rigives. -1taitnatim amdoo-balsimatelleMy lostitut ebernoy Instits" or Pwrois nL44W Ime" 16 P. Dwain) L 2Z?60 (t zwp )IBWA(d) Prlk/ , PS-4/Pa-4 JD, ACCESSION NR: AT5003403 S/2776/64/000/038/0115/0118 I&beCe_v. D. V.; Solotilbv.-B. V Ouvannikov I I M. Te wlnw~_ I v lendh t sting ejutpwnt jor verl lov tggaratures r SOURCE., Moscow. Teentrailnyy nauchno-LadledovattVifty lastitlut thernoy metal- ~'lurxli~ Sbornik tvudov, no. 38, 1964. Wovyye,m4tody ispytanly setallovj 1."t iograficheakiye issl*dovantya I makhenichoskiye Ispytaniya metallov (Now m6od -:In the analyses of metalafmatallosiraphic investigatioag -and mechanical analyses , J ;of -metals ), 115-118 L -Z ne low tamp- 101AM te He testing,'cryostat,'liquid helium, liquid nitroge OP [~~era ture test RAM.- The development of solid state physics re uLres an ever-increasing a of methods suitable for low temperature.testing, and particularly unidir- ' tatic tensile tests. The authors' Institute has-been vorking on the ectional a simplification of available tensile testing machines, An Improved design'vas also sought Vith.a view to reducing the amouat of Be used so a coolant. Furtherwrtj the new machine was to have a capacity for testing single crystals, polyerystal 11m microsamples. mid studard.cyl1ndrical specimens 4 to 5 M in diameter 'Or f 2 0 vi'&ov VLIB be most conve. -4 several mo e 8 .Cryostat suggests V IL ~ 1 ~~?"40:1'&ndccmpsct." ;LOON.Of beat'Abrough.its walls. was"diminimbed by tightening b, -air. pis'is~'":tho -:leakage. of the tool ~-ihs comecti6he ta a use, of ru b b 41ditional Cooling i th liq- &at - Isolati, i a' improved - y Vi on from 'the siub on a r v a The loads applied werei.reciorded by means of an d#ctl2ography SYS- -utd tiftrogen. , too. A centering device.provided reliable centering of the work pieces The working cidamber'was isolated with mirror'fi ishe 0.1 mm thick,* n d copper sheets clad with Cr, A or Ag. However, the search for better equipment continues. -OrI&I ta:bsit _3 figures. p ' l chernoy metaillurXii, nyy nauchno-isel4idovatel skly-fastIM ASSOMMONt Tsontral P ','Moscow (Central ferrous metallurgy scientific research institti to) SURIMMI 00 ENCLI BUD CODIJ 59, NH 000 no Uk MI. 005 OTIMRf Card 2 R7N MISSION MU: -AT5003403 EWCI'OSUR9.i 01 old WON 4 D F!" 7 5 71: ~ Pi ure 16' :,Schematic view of the m6del-4 er~ostatt._',~(I) active pull) (2) radia- r with -tion screshi g: (3) working thambe devire; (3) ape- 4 d Ret centerlhg liqui -aimen; (6) vtcuum chamberl. (7) passive , pull. , Card,- M-d 1 21 P 64/001031/02 9/01 M Uib 7 "t nppllcxtlon~af -tontactleas ku power circuits) furnace *ve.1 Mal Ir oppen atid t trol zetbod -during -je empera urs, icon _ji. 2 and stress i~upturs strength tests W. _TS intra I nyy nauchlb'- ssledqvatel ilkly'lustitut chernoy metal- il.41MCIft x0ac'O 8 oridktivat metal- ant lografirbeski" 'Assledovani-ya ye nikhanicbeskiye lspytaniya metallov.(New methods. I d anical anal a2s; metallgaragbic Investlitat L'onivan mech _.,qna_ yses of met yees iv -t.viitals~ :119-122 ~T turatlo~n AA6". ~Ontactlisis ra Me ontrelt furnace tempera- amps c rAture regulationy:,ereep test, 'itreas rupture stranStb test, tester -Th thors investigated the possibility of introducing a more advanced:.'. a Au contactleas wbieb method:,of temperature control by means of a saturation eboke would anable,the use of a centralized remote control system, eliminate substantial rheostat heat emission Into the working area, and-facilitate mintenance* In earlier paperej thedesign a of saturation cbokeB as a means of In- nd employment LCarj 11 2776 'ATS 'duci1ve coupling, -between the primary circuits of furnace beating elements and the control, ciieuits had been discussed. - The iron saturation choke has an &C. coil j on tWouter cores and a D,C. excitation coil an the center core. The magnetic flot.p4smes only through 'the outer cores. The A.C. voltage is not induced by the! excit0tion'coil. The furnace beating range lies between 300 and 800 C and the **I tage In 0 for the Initial 300 C and 25 v for the maximum temperature. The choke capacity'is fully employed byconnecting the choke to the primry circuit of the beating elements through an autotransformer vhose transformation factor is equal to .2.- Both are connected individually to each of the three sections of the, furnace to provide accurate temperature control along the height of the working area.-: Light and sound signals Indicate irregularities in the control system. The proposed system enhances the reliability of a test installation, cuts the cost of electric power and secures a more convenient and saf or operation of the control pantLq~~ Origo~arto.basi I fij*re~ ASSOCIVIONt ?sontrall-nyy-na -L' skiy Ustitut cbernoy metal lurst I,' - uchno asledovatell terrotif-metallutd scientific research Institute) 00 MID COM Up M nilI Jilt M W r.".. 7.4 ACCIESST01 NF: Ar4013114 S/()032/64/030/00;1/022P/0220 ',T'TYCP,: Nsynrnikov, B. V.; Lebedev, D. V.; Yelekhinq A. %; Vollnov, V. F. TITLE i An instnllntion for testing lonr range durability, imder voscuum at tempera- furns lip to lFWC SMRCE: Znvodskaya Ipborptoriya, v. 30, no. 2, 1964, 228-)29 TOTTC TAGS: dur-bility, durability test, lonp, rpnge durRb'Llity, vocilum effect, +erperrture effect, vacuum oven, heated vncuura oven ABSTRACT: The install.-tion consisted of a two-section steel vnclzum oven of cylin- drical shape, 29 em in diameter and '40 cm long, provided with P weter ~F-cket and two centrPlly locnted rpdiation heaters. By these means it was possible to brine the temperature ur to 13MG within. 20 minutes and to 1800C within 65 irdnutes. Powever, It wAs found thpt a too rrpid rise of terperature caused an accelernted evolution of gases from the test samples placed in the oven, which affected the vacuum. A gradual step-by-step rise in tempermture ves found to be the proper procedure. An additional source of error in a vacuum of fluctuating magnitude was due to the prosenco of eoualtz-tlon loads of the leverage system of the testing mechire. 71 gure 1 on the Fnelowures gives the structural details of the vacuum oven,,_njM;Ps 4, L 3M3_65 Zv?(d)/W(ji)/OdP(w)/UP(c)/EWA(d)/EWP( 11P AccmioN WR, Ap5w7680 WP(b)/EWT(1)/FdA(C) Pf_4 JDIWIEM Andriano,,~t Tu. Ye.; LebedevI.D. V.; Oveyannikov, B. U. V -TITLEs A Method.for strain in testij small specimens at a temperature UP to 1600C vi- C89~~-, avodslc4a laboratori"t "V- 31* M* .3o_1965 3674369 Sotal defornationg vacuump 16111"Le Astio defomtion/ IFX 0*2 mchine~ ~"ABMCT .j - Atecbniquo of strain testing x1crospeeizens wider vaouvin (or in inert '9" --temperature up-to %= is- describedo- -The Method MPIOY8 the 12E2-_2-7~ M0+010CMI t&&+4vijw AgriA its Aeopribed by V, P. Kano-, ieWco'and ~ DO XF -Vinoaradov r; fte baiff Mch -11001 0-400) 0- -600, load',cavaoitv 1000 kgj direct loading; acale divisions 0 600, 0 w4--0,4000' kgj~ zwdx= -tQwPer 6-ture -1 1 - YPPPMM pressure, 1 X 1074 ~M LTg,' dC?fDr=- 06r ns 45:1: -test tWoraturo--2-li!6volti),---The-RAchinO Pormith L t imm era. Figure i6surt gives the definitiaa -measuring several- stre Na ~ - 7ri ~_. * 11 cn. the %o: ze of- disen ..The-optiml size Of a -test -or th '-variabl __q a as-- describing ifter si ajo. -epe ose-t a approxinati ape en idered _U be Viat: sis on of b "'k FWAII-I :z ows"- for Ono: Awl on 0 :me- 681'.- - ties,_ _Tefit'~*' 0, escripti f Z ' d to' the Optimal proper 5 . or par or" find orate rboomendations- are nadi for Bjpec ication of -;--speciam di4"iozw_, AM oon if cdhtrdi.a~d afteurement during Ibe testing. lemato inaicate that the Wt. are-in oo4lete acodrd with tlhe~: at Avotim outince pro- in 66ST I Orige art. hast 3 figues. _497 d ~,`-'AS=TMICff.---,-Tsentra1 i~bno- so eaoisteV zetallWfii MY -nau 4tu ta;~ of YnTous Xew3.UrAY) ~Q' ~ ~1, 1., , , " ZiT.. 0~1' ~g 'pk q.4, tM Ar A 32~65 44 CVSYA'~':~KCV, b.V. e pe r, t, e nc e r6 UL erl i , e no a: ~; t:. e .9 r. r. a 0 tt. A 1 N. rin' I tij', toir! c NaU S .9 Od( N% !.e me td! I ur~j 1:7wr ' Mrd': a. Me ACC NRs AP6010101 (d),,~WI(W)/EWP(t) IJP(c) Mj" SOURCE CODE: UR/0129/66/ooo/6-6ii6o6~-/-O-'0-65 AUTHOR; Lebedev, D. V.; Maslenkov, S. B.; Ovoyannikov, D. X. ORG: TsN1IChERMET TITLE: Mechanical properties of E1827 alloy at low temperatures SOURCE: Metallovedenlye I termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, no. 3, 1966, 64-65 TOPIC TAGS: nickel alloy, chromium containing alloy, tugsten containing alloy, molybdenum containing alloy, aluminum containing alloy, alloy property, low tempera- ture property / E1827 alloy 10 ABSTRACT: The tensile and yield behavior of E1827 nickel alloy (0.03%C, 9.85% Cr, 5Z W, 5.652 MD. 4.352 Al) at 20C to -253C has been investigated. The alloy wape annealed at 1170C for 6 hr and water quenched. It was found that the strength ~u clar-acteristics Increase linearly with decreag ing temperature. At room temperature the tensile and yield strengths are 108 and 70 kg/m2; at -120C, 119 and 80 kg /mm2; and at -253C, 140 and 82 kg/mm 2. The ductility changes Insignificantly with a drop In temperature, the elongation remains around 47%, and the reduction of areaaround 40-442. The deformation along the gage length was uniform; no necking was observed at any temperature tested. The yielding at temperatures as low an -253C was smooth, and the streas-strain curve showed no serretimNas observed In some metals and alloys al low toWeratures. At room temperature the alloy is prone to deformation aging. which DC: 620.17: (c) ~'i"c '.r. -,nnt~ an,i I m:xy Julormat Ion on ZaL13.-, prnc,.;L ln %n~n riu'uons of --Lool lKhltN'la,' -.oon%ra: ln~-j ina'..tut Ik % Lr rv, ~r,~Jov no. 46, 1966. 3,)(-j t 3 it, II r,~- . .,L yc I I Gplr~vy al 96-92 n'- -ii, chrordur T- ~n '.hlin iz, 1:. r~lc a r boon. UhO ro~;li- LO Of DO:-,-. c 7'o mut.31: ailavrw. ""o r, cro7.,.r'..'r~ ",:-a 1--'; sizo of Lho L;~wjl woru J7% Laro wl'l dw'roa (i(Il an. 7,;,(1 c. aro pronwiLvu 1 LWan foun'j that at cr~t,-'cal duformatior, of Lho ribbon was 16,)5~. A '~ all temporaLuros 3UL".*(J(;' a Cord 1 /2 OVSURIKOV, B. W. Tension test for metals. Standartizatsiia 25 no.3-46-48 Mr 161. (KERA 14:3) (Metals-Testing-Standa.rds) A- OVSYANN]KnV, B.P., lr--h. R,-3. I Its c, t-,, -' g'-laize -,r.*- - - 3. . -,, . I sel n , . I . : " ,, a ',,- . Iw - R -, ". , - 1. r'hplya~.,, rsk !:( nstit-jt mikhnn,- tai sl,, i 7 :e~ - - %, ~: i , 3e! '3k(,,,,) 0 ~.q! va. SERGEYEV, M.P., prof.; OVSYANNIKOV, B.P., Inzh. Determining the output of the choppers of silage harvesters. Makh. I elek. sots. sellkhoz. 21 no.3:5C-51 '63. (KMA 10~: 2 / 1. Chelyabinskly inatitut mekhanizatsil I el.ektrifikatsli sellskogo khozyaystva. (Mowing machines) (Ensilage) SOV/88 58 W 6/7 AUTHOR- &Mgg&LL2Lk_~p Candidate of Technical Scienneo, ind Kivirr), O.J., Candidate of Technical Sciences Exhaust Nozzle of a Piston Engine With the Addition of Atmoepherl'~ Air (Vykhlopnoy reaktivnyy patrubak porshnevogo dvigatelya s prisoyedineniyem atmosfernogo vozdukha) PERIODICAL: Trudy Moskovskogo aviatsionnogo instituta, 1958, Nr 97; AddAtion of a Supplementary Volume in Jet Apparatus (Prisoyedlnenly-~ dopol-ritr-11noy maasy v struynykh apparatakh) pp 181-190 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors consider the problem of using the kineti7 energy of exhaust gases for the addition of atmospheric air. They dpscribe the teat installation used in their research, give sow- numprIca.1 data and several graphs illustrating their findings. The main probl~-ms of their research vere: 1. to determine vhether the insta.1lation of an a] nter on jet nozzles of aircraft piston engines leadB to a natice- able thrust increase in spite of the high frequency of thpir -yelps (600-1200 cycles/mInute); 2. to determ:Lne the influence :.f thp pres- sure of the supercharger an the thrust of the combinpd. 1,-* The authors arrived at the folloving conclusions: 1. The addition of atmospheric air to jet exhaust gases by means; of an open ej(-&0r Card 1/2 IMASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV142~0 Ovays.nnikov, Boris Viktorov-ich Teoriya i raschet nasosov zhidkostnykh raketaykh dwignteley (Theory and Dl-siF~3 of Pumps for Liquid Fuel Rocket Engines) Moscow, Oborongiz, 196o. )46 p. Errat-a slip inserted. 10,000 copies printed. Ed.: I. L. Yanovskiy, Engineer; Managing Ed.: S. D. Krasillnikov, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: S. I. Vinogradakikh; 71ech. Ed.: V. P. Rozhin. PURPOSE: This is a textbook for students of aeronautical and machine -bt.Li I ding institutions of higher education specializing in the theory and design of pumps for liquid fuel rocket engines. The book may also be used as a manual for engineers and technicians interested in pump systems for aircraft power plants. COVERAGE: The book is based on a synopsis of courses given by the author and on Soviet and other literatuiv. It discusses the theory and design of pumps for liquid rocket engines, as well as characteristics and fuel requirementg of such pumps. The author emphasizes that he has made ample use of the Soviet T'neor-f and Design of Fumps for Liqlild Fuel kCont.. ) SOV/4230 experience in pump building presented in a book by Professor A. A. Lomakin, Doctor of T~?chnjc&j Sciences. The author thanks Professor V. 1. Polikovskiy, Doctor of Te~~hnicaj Scienres, for his comments and suggestions con,'erning ths. manuscript. There are 2t, references: 23 Sn,.,Jet, 2 English, and I Germam. TABLE OF CONTKN~,S: Foreword Ch. I. :n t roduc, t i on 7 1. Area of application or pumps in liquid fuel rocket engines 2. ReqlLtrements of pumps for liquid fuel rocket engines 11 3. Classification of pumps 17 Ch. ILI. Basic Concepts on a Centrifu~l Pump for Liquid Fuel Rocket Engines 21 1- Arrangement of centrifugal pumps -, 1 2. P--er and efficiency of a pump 4 5. Flow of liquid through the rotor of a rentrifugal pump 4. FUndaMent-al equation of turbopumps 5- Expressing Pump Preesure through cir.-u-lat1(,n 14 T 6. Equa*.Ion of energy with resWet to motion 44 Card 21 5 OVSYANNIKOV, 11.7. Relatlonshl;7 betwear. thp Impe' '-Pr pro-smi-re of a radial bladed machine anrl th.- mownt ~f inertia f-r--s. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav., av. tpKh. F 't- I . '?U~A ', ~ ( I',- boma - h ! ne e - F 1 u-' I I YnRni~ - 9 , /_,j Y,'Y Al ID ~? SUV~3848 a. vju& EXPLOITATION SOV 11-M-97 Moscow. Aviatslonnyy Institut Imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze Prisoyedineniye dopolnitellnoy massy v struynykh apparatakh; sbornik statey (Mass-Flow Augmentation in Jet Engi.en- Collection of Articles) Moscow Oborongiz, llj,,r'. 230 P. (Series: Its: Trudy, vyp. 9fi Errafn -Iip inserted. 2,21C copies printed. Ed. (Title pavp)* Kvasnikov, Professor; Ed. (Inalde bool,'. S.G. Boshenyatov (Deceased); Managing Ed.: S. Zaymovskaya, Engineer; Ed. of P1,blishing House: T":A. Valedinskaya; Tech. Ed.: L.A. L2bedeva. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for scientific workers at engineering schocls and research Institutes and also for engineers -ci,;1-ing in experimental design offices. CCVERAGE: This collection contains abridgua U'1jsL:rt___ns from the Department of Aviation Engine Theory, Faculty No. 2, of the Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy institut (Moscow Aviation Institlite) Card 1/12 Mass-Flow Augmentaticn in Jet Engines (Cont.) SOV/3848 the mixin,7 chamber and permit the calculation of the length and the profile of the mixing-chamber wall, as well as the effect of the ejection coefficient and the turbulence factor on the mixing. It was found that the length of the Initial sections of the mixing chamber depends primarily on the ejection coefficientlk and the magnitude of the test con- stant(X which characterize the structure of the turbulent flow of the driving gas. The length of the mixing chamber is essentially Independent of the difference in the velocities and temperature of the flows. The profile of the wall of the entrance section is extremely close to a straight line, slightly inclined with respect to the ejector axis. This angle of inclination depends primarily on~k , 0( , the velo- city ratio u2/ul, and the temperature ratio T2/Tl. The compressibility of the basic flow has a negligible effect on the mixing process up to sonic velocity. The analytical results are supported by experiments with an air ejector. As an incidental result of the study it was shown that, for a mass flow of the basic jet equal to C-5 kg/sec and a pres- sure ratio of 1.85, an Increase in thrust equal to 25-35 percent of the thrust of the basic jet could be obtained. Card 3/12 Mass-Flow Augmentation in Jet Engines (Cont.) SOV/3848 geometry of the walls without taking Into consideration dissipation forces (viscosity and themoconductivity). Comparison of the analytical results with experimental data shows that the properties of the complex flow ob- tained by the aforementioned theoretical treatment coin- cide with the properties of the actual flow observed in the ejector; that Is, the character of turbulent mixing In an ejector is the same as in a free turbulent submer- ged jet. The flow in an ejector may thus be regarded as a flow of a submerged jet which is deformed due to the presence of the engine walls whose effect may be theore- tically identified with the effect of a system of point vortices where the turbulent-viscosity coefficient is assumed constant in determining the vortex Intensity. The actual velocity fields inside and outside the engine differ from the Wal, particularly near the walls, be- cause of the-presence of the boundaz7 layer. Corrections for the effect of the boundary layer are given which permit determination of the actual velocities Inside the engine. The thrust determined from the analytical equa- tions was found to be in good agreement with experimental C ird 5/'12 t Erginen (Crnt. R OV, `3 3 4 Kudrin, 0.1., Candidate uf Technical Sciences. Pulsating Jet Nozzle with Mass-Flow Augmentation 98 I. Theoretical Investigation 99 1. Calculation of the thrust cf a sli,ple pulsaL..L*1,j,_, jet nozzle 2. Ener6y losses associated with the process of exhaust reaction ic.,4 3. General estimate of the efficiency of a pulsating jet nozzle with addition of atmospheric air IC7 4. Possible processes in a compound jet nozzle 121 5. Calculation of the process with gradual inflow of supplementary mass 125 0 Calculation of the process with expulsion of supple- mentary mass 139 II. Experimental Investigation 144 1. Test setup with pulsating combustion chamber 144 2. Test setup with a single-cycle combustion chamber 17C 3. TLSt setup with a one-cylinder piston engine 178 4. Conclua-lons from the experimental investigation 178 Card 7/12 Mass-Flow Augmentation in Jet En6lnco (Ccnt.) SW3046 This paper presents a theoretical and experimental study of the offects of addinp r.c i- __ )Li3_*L;ii,j, jeLo. It ir ~:!. ., ._ ,tie addition of atmcspheric air to a pula.iting gas jet may lead to a considerable increase in its impulse. The addition of supplementar:j air mass is not only due to ejection, that is, the parallel addi- tion of air Into the driving jet which is associaLed with mixing, but also to the Interaction of separate masses of air added gradually. Two forms of this gradual addi- tion are possible, namely gradual expulsion of additional mass and gradual Inflow of air behind the driving jet. The largest increment in thrust (up to 12C percent of the thrust of a single nozzle) was obtained in a compound jet nozzle with an open shroud which includes the three basic forms of the process of mass addition (eJection, expulsion, and graduAl infl--w of -Ir behind the dr1,.,ir- jr~t). The gratlual Inflow is the basic process which p~oducee a large increment in thrust and determines the character of Its variation as a function of the basic parameters of the pulsating flow. The thrust Increases obtained in the pro- cess with gradual inflow were found to be close to the curr(,qnonding calculated values based on the assumption of no losses :!i_ie to friction or vortex formation. This Card 8/12 --SOURCIE CODE: ACC NR, %P,-)036862 - - -- UR/O147/66/6C,-/,- AUTHOR: Ovsyannikov, B. V.; Borov~;Aly, B. I. ORG: none T ?:,oticm of enerc,,y '.rans c::, In cent.r.fugal and r-xu by c1rcula*.1on and Coriolis orcus SOURCE: 1VUZ. Aviatsonnaya '.eKhr--r'.a, no-4,1966,107-113 TOPIC TAGS: centrifugal PUMP, T1XCd f-low PUMP, Pump per'or..ance analysis, pump design 7 '^0,0Z / 0 /- / zFoL, cE ABSTRACT: An analys-s is presen~e,~ of some problems of cent.rlfugal and mixed-flow pu-mps the point of view o"' energy transl~er processes. It was prev-'ously shown (Ovsyannikov, V., Avlat31onnaya tekhnika, no.2.,i963) that in a centrifu~,L! t~,c ener,,y Is tran3A'ered to the fluid by Coriolis inertia Corco.- circulation forces (i.e., forces associated with the c.'rc-.-*-o,-, of relative velocities around Impeller blades). Formulas are erlvei~ loor calculating these forces, and relationships are obtained ~"nese lorces anci certain geometric pump parameters. It is note.~ ... a Z; t- I s Lype of approach to pump analysis makes It possible to various Card 1/2 UDC: 621.67 ACC NRj AP6035952 SOURCE CODE: IIR/0129/66/000/OiG/0040/0041- AU'n1ORi Babakov, A. A.; Lebedev, D. V.; Ovoyannikov, R. M.; Ol'yanin, Ye. A. ORG: T_%NIICkERXU TITLE: Mechanical properties of Khl4Gl4N3T steel at -253C SOURCE: Metallovedeniye i termicheskaya obrabotka metallo-i, no. 10, 1966, 40-41 77,c r,~;,Ie 60-eej,,A_~ TOPIC TAGS: chromium manganese nickel steel,'boron containing steel, steel property. steel subzero temperature property/Khl4GN3T steel, Kh14G14113TR steel ABSTRACT: The properties of Khl4Gl4N3T and Khl4Gl4N3TR steels in the as-cast and in hot-rolled conditions have been investigated at -253C. Annealed at 1050C and water quenched, the steels had a fine-grained austenitic-ferriti( structure, while the Khl8NIOT steel used for comparison had fully austenitic structure. At -253C, rolled 2 and annealed Khl4Gl4N3T steel had a tensile strength of 160 kg/mm , a yield strength of 49 kg/mm2, and elongation of 342, and a reduction of area of 281, compared to 185 kg/=2, 68 kg/MM2, 32%, and 42% in the Khl8NlOT steel and 152 kg/=2, 58 kg/1=2, 38% and 50% for boron-bearing Khl7Gl4N3TR steel. KhlhCl4N3T steel in the as-cast condition had a much lower strength. (70 kg/mm2) and extremely low ductility, and an elongation and reduction of area of only 5%. At -253C, as-cast Khl4Gl4N3T steel had a crystalline fracture which was not observed in Khl4G.14N3TR or in Khl8NlOT steel. Card 1/2 UDC; 620.17:669.14.018.8:536.48 OVSYLT'ITY'Ov, B.V., 1-nnd.t#4khn.nauk Inflow of rne into a :ylirlmr wit)~ raria'la vol-.ime. 1auch.4ckI. -rvR.Ph!7nl7', naph.1 prih. no.;': ~~71 'SP. Owl Ii" I ;. : 10 ) 1. Prv1ntAvloqnn AnFil-oveHm aviatnionnym inatituton. (Fluid dynamics) OTSTAINIKOV, BeV.; CHEBAMSKIT, V.F. BeeUts of testing high-spead centrifugal puspe. 1&y. vjvv. achob. say.; av. tekh. ne.W04-111 158. (KMA 11:6) 1. NDskovskiy aviatsiowW Institut, Kafedra AD-2. (Gentriftgal pumps--Testing) OVSTAIIIIIKOVA B.V., kand.takhn.sank ConcerniV, MA.Bater's article piblishf-d la "Inergonashin- strnanin" No.4, IqS7. under the title "Conforml method for specifyiW, blade profiles for Francis-type turbomchinery"; letter to the editor. Xnargnmashinnstroonle 4 no.5:15 R7 '58. (Hydraulic turbines) (14IRA 11-9) OVSYANNIKOV, D., kuznnts, brigadir kollektiva komhjunisticheskog,- truda, deputat Verkhovnogo Sovnta SSSR. Wim achieves 6routness only in work. Sov. prof 9r Juzy 16 n( .,?i~ : 10--9 0 lb(~. (MIRA 11:11,1 1. Odpaskiy zavod iment Tanvarskogn vosetaniya. (Odessa--VRgetable garleninj- (Irnitenriag) 009006000000000*:::90:10040 !0::10090040000000000 a --Lj- it cm AV a a opt, a 5 ?w-; d 0 -ts *0-0 7ton,.- 0 "1"41 48M us sell rkww- -All sq uuj sudied uvi-ad ju IiOmi~v mU ~nj~.j AitAn aqj tunarmvenj aqi w slissain aqi &aqzwa tm &~Ua 400 o9 Pwq Jwtv "1"'14 NO all'Ift '(511"Alu UI UaA4) -IIn-lJ 007 smilkolvue ~%mJ twittid qspa pouppucu jw)djd pul, q1tim 040 I.q. *-amAj uO.,tosd M txm qptu aw lutm tdxa w4i 00 0z jn~j "IqnAo amimaAd K)u pqp qua ssnow %V 0 pb Lussi ::AF -lui lawnsOl" ma ajnprjjd ajiPAl UWOMAO 99 fO - 9 U roo IjIfAI.ftMPqUbW (I;Ufk INFINUM IZI-0 On UA%Up) um &Mpnus 00 Ilu " sum mU AmAo aqi w tasgs clu peq &mop jJ191111M -A4Iu &.11USP4 64 1"IfIRAO Iva Insain aqii-K .100 Aglaw.18"t- P-Ii-as 4MOA 10 41fun -- 0- 1 V-:1 JO Wm-*%4 KL- - = '" ml 4-7 an) ? '1l a`OOP-'O-VZ *9"1 '"1w#7 A WPM ,Goo .PY "9r missal AG 4,() -61 00 00- "IMPOPINt" -- 06.. P"40 Ism 10MIND 00" .06= OMP Rom p mV "1 00 so- - ---- - - - - - - 600 gel... 6., - ., IV 00 4 T-T 4 -Ttwo M W-W T-T-Y-11 I 4--j I 1 0 d v v 'T v d a 904 0 IV tim Onow ItIcifirajam a's It '4 " (I n a i 1 0 1 1 Oro a 0 0 a 0 0 0 a wic~ewo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #1 IF 09 W 0000 so 0 0 OVSTAKNIIOV. 0. i;c. ., -- '56. . ffol,lirq,o or, rod j- . Straitell 2 no.6:1~ Je I I rders (p 1.) 1 , : " ) (Scn4'fnldine) AIX W-71 --- 1 i SOURCE CODE: UR /2 PM IT6=M3 63974V0()10Wv133161Yj AUT! IOR t 60 4 4 05 'S ORG: tam of &"its of the &b. RLwAAtj, A SsSR (institut fiti)d asoU AN SSBR) 5 TTTLEe. Semiconductor circuit for'powering a noncommutator motor for an opicentral. BSJLdc station -SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut Miki zemlio Trudy, no* 35, 1964, 133-137 .10PIC TAGS., semiconductor device. electronic circuit. electric motor, soismologle station. sAsmologle instrument ABSiRiM Test runs usinG a semiconductor-powored noncovmtator motor showed that 0 ~..wfwn the temperature of the surrounding medium exceeds 20 C, overall PC-for consumptl Increanst, This Increase can be reduced significantly us1ne som by jeontluctor diodes `(*chepitie for commutator is shown)* Origs art* hast 3 flaurese LroBt Y6 1, not COM NCO 93 SURH DATE: none 1. OVSYASNI~OV, G. F. 2. USSSR (600) 4. Cattle Breeds 7. Work practice in improving Yaroslav cattle, Sov. zootekh, 7, No. 12, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Februw7 -1953. Unclassified. OVSTA12ITKOV, G.F., I-and.sml'Rkokhoz.nauk InterrelatIlmnship bntwean the lAngth )f gastatio)n Finli liv- weight of newborn calvms. Zhivotnovolstvo 21 s 959. MRA 1~1:1) 1. .4oekovslWa sml'9lcokhozvaystvf)n-itqu aluiAnnipi ',non'. K.A, Timiry&zeva. ('01tiv-18) OVSYANNIKOV,-G.G., aspirant; LIDIN, Dmitriy Electronic cale,ilating machines. Avt4*., talen. i sviaz' 6 no.10t16-20 0 162. (YIP-A It,: 1,1 (Railroads--Flectronic equipment) (Flectronic computers', OVSWiNIKCVP G.G., aspirant; LILih, Dautrly i1lectronic computers. Avtom., telem. i eviazi 7 no.2-.18-22 F 163. (KIRA 16-3) (Electronic computers) ACC N17- AT6o 2 39 j 2 its firia.L Iona the probabi 1 1 tv of m;j,,,neti, Lj,,)f- i ,j u r- q. kit; wnere qi(L) is ttie prot)aoi ; I L Vof a SeCtI011 I ;-A I L ki re i n t iii--, i)Z of zones, ano w' is the probaoi',ILy Lhat Like Correcting code wi4l Correct by repeated readouts. Algoritnais are given for recording on tape and for re,.GIiL. Orig. art. has: 13 formulas and 2 figures. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 006/ OTH REF: OU2 0vs'w;-.'Ix'--;' 3. V. ASYANNIKOV, ;. V. --"Thc Histogenesis and ~.eactive ~;Langes in the Fkin Tissue of the Ram Scrotum Follow-inr Crstrati,n under Experi-mental conditions." Min higl,er -Iducation USST. Leningrad Veterinar,' Inst. Leningrad, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate o 7f ~-iolagical Sciences.) SO: Knizhmya Letopial, No 5, Moscow, ~eb 1956 OVSYANNIKOVA, 1.A. Studying X-ray apeotra of the compound IUS. izv. Sib. otd. AS SSSR no.11:8CP-87 161. '. ',I I ""J 15 : 1 1. Iwtitut neorianIchoakoy khimil Sibirskogo otdoleniya 'Al. :USSR, 1:0vosibirsk. (Nickel sulfidos--Spectra) (Spoctrum, X-ray) SMDT, N.V.j DONTSOVp P.M.1 KRASILININOV, Z.N.; SHVACH, Ye.N.; MUNNIM. I.I. Heat treated carbon steel for shipbuilding. Sudostroenie 28 no.9:44-48 S 162. (MIM 15-10) (Platea, Iron and steel-Testing) (Shipbuilding) --QVSYAUMWV. 4pr' Yladialrovlch; SXRGNYBV, V.I., red&ttor; ZUBRILINA, Z.F.. takhnichaski,y rodaktor-." [Growing fruits indecrej Pledovre rastentia v comnate. Moskva, Ges. ind-vo sellkhos.lit-ry, 1957. 109 pb (MLRA 10:4) (Prult culture) (House PlAnts) OVSYANNIEDV, I.V. Vher* to obtain seedlings and plants. Not. v shkole no.2195 Mr-Ap 156. (WAA 9:7) l.Daystvitellnyy chlon Koskovskoge obshchostva ispytateley prirody. (Forest nurseries) (Nurseries (Horticulture)) OVSYAM,A_KOV. 1&9r.'. y1adimi;qv.Ioh- VARGANOVA. A.B.. redaktor izdatelletva; - W-.-" ~~ ~ redaktor [Growing citrus fruits indoors) lownstnala kullture taitrusovykh. IZd,. 4-oe, ispr. i dop. Moskya, Izd-vo Ministeretya komunallnogo khosiaistya RSYSR. 1956. 46 p. (KLRA 10:3 ) (House plants) (Citrus fruits) ACC NRs EIWT (I SCTB DD Monograph ?4 L*ffannikovIKDnetantin Aleks9yevich Pjw&chute_junDin1fjr~m militar7-transport planet, (Pryshki a parashyutom iz voyanno- Us-noportaWkh samoletoy) moscow., Voyenizdat, 196h. 253 P- Mus., biblio.9 copies printed. TOPIC TAGSt parachutep air force training., tranaport siroraftj, training eqtdpment,, ground force-training PURPOSE AND COVERAGEt This book describes parachute parta and equipment and regulations for rigging and handling parachutes. It also inoludes rules for parachute jumping from military transport planes while carriring weapons anti other equipment,, Jumping over water and from great heights* Several recommendations on organizing and-training for parachute-descents over towns are node. This book is recommmded an a training manual for parachutists in flyift clubs and youth organizations of the DOBAAF, TAME OF CONMT5 (abridged): introduction - 3 Cho I* Ruman descent parachutei 10 Ch. Il. Parachute instruments - 55 Cwd 1/2 UDCt 358-h 0-34 OVSTANVIKOV, K.L., inzhener New techniques and industrial methods in Moscow construction Drojects. Mekh.stroi. 14 no.10:26-11 0 'S7. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Glavmosstroy. (Nnscow-Building) OVSTANNIIOV. K.L. , - -, Construction in the sixth block of the Novo-Poschanyt section. Gor.khoz.Mosk. 28 no.1.2:12-15 D 154. (MLRA 8:3) 1. GlaTM Inshener Obahchostroltellnogo territoriallnogo upravleniya No.1 Glavwsstroya. (Moscow--Building) OTSUMUOT, 94 - ' RAYIIM, Yevgenly Yakoylevich; ZOLOTNITSILIT, N.M. ~raf-. doikrto tokhn.nauk. red.; KGRELOT.A. N.I., red.; RAXOT, Solo, tokhn,red, (Amoost reinforced concrete at the construction site] Sbornyl sholosobston no poligonakh. Pod red. W.DoXolotnitskogoo Kooky&, Isd-vo TfvSFS Profludet,, 1960, 327 P. (KIRA 14:4) Mmeast concrete) OVRANNIKOV, Karp L'vovich inzh.; BAYYEi, Yevgoniy Yakovlevict,, kgnd tekhn. muktdeceased); KOHNIIDVA, M.I., red. [~'oscow experiment; experimental, assembly-line, ;in(, uniciue construction in Moscow] Moskovskil eksperiment; eksperimenta"noe potochnoe i uni-kallnoe stroitell- stvo v Moskve. M( skva, Profizdat, P)C5. 255 ~ . (MIRA 0:1) Zamestitell nachallnika Glavnogo otdeleniym po ztl- lishchnomu i grazhdanskomu stroitellstvu v g. Moakve f Ovsyannikov). - ~SYKlii~ '~, .~. .1 . . I ; . I . I . . I r,-,l . e * ,-C A.' ~, -. . ~. It *1 ~ I . I ... : , % T, 1-:' . . . I . - . I :~ j F :-F S ". I ~ , - " , - . . . - , , 11 r.~ , ( , I ~ .1% :. 1.. , I , I . . I . , enizc:a I, - , ... . . . ., ... . I ttUGIiIKCIVP Tu. P. , kand. tekh~ nauk. retsenzmt. 'A :.PYkNSKIY, 'A-7-l'- EN K 7 '1 OVSTANBIXOV. Koustantin Hatveyevich; RAVINOV. V.N., bnd.tekhn.nAuk, n3tsen- zent; VOLPTANSKIT, L.K., inzh., red.; WGINA, B.A., tekhn. red. [over-all mechanization In foundriael louplakenala melchanizatalia v liteinykh tBakhakh. Pod red. L.N.Volpianakogo. koalcvs. Goa. nauchno-takhn.izd-vo mahinostroit.lit-ry. 1960. 76 p. (Ilauchno- populiarmaie bibliotakm rabochego-litelshchikm, vy'p.29) (MIRA 1,4:1) (Found rios-Equipment nnd irupplies) OMANNIKOV, L. - "Lenin's wtelbock.l Hauka i zhi.qnl 28 U0.9-5-7 5 161. (141W 14:12 Moscow -Machinery Industry) 'OCIIER~'NKO, P.; OVS,'AT,IKOV, L., okonomist F-fficiency of t:., i,ieceworic-bonw ani- fiyn'.otm cin ri f,,r--. Sots. trud 8 no.10ibl-64 0 '63. (~U~-.A 16:1-2) 1. Direktor sovK:,oza "Kalacheyevskiy", Vororiezhskoy oblasti (for Ku- chertnko). DR&UIMA, 1-Yr.; MUCHALOVA, T.I.; OVSIANNIKOV, L.F.; OPJDCHKIN, D.& Investigat4ng the composition of naphthalene in the presence Koko i khia* no.3:48-50 163. (Naphthalene) of decalin obtained by the hWagenation of sulfur-reeiBtant caWyats. (MIRA 16:3) (Hydrogenation) OVSYANNIKOV. L. M.;BRUYNVICH. T. S. , -, ". -- Two cases of deep blastom7cosis o! the skin. Vest. rener.. Moskva no.5:43-" Sept-Oct 1951. (CL%(L 2 1: 1) 1. Of the Department of Dermatologr (Head - Prof. L. N. Mashkillerson), Central Skin~Vensrsological Institute (Director -- Candidate Medical Sciences N. P. Turanov). CNSUIWIXOV. L.H. (Moscow) Deep intestinal lavages for various icinde of dermatoals. Vest.ven. i dare. no.6:46 N-D IS4. (MIRA Pi-2) (SKIN--DISEASES) (INAKATA) o YS1,,,',4A1N1" '*/ 4, Al OYSTAMIKOV.- L.M. 14- Forokeratoole. Vest. won. I dorm. ac.1:45-46 J&-F 155. (XLRA 8-4) 1. Is ?Sentrallnogo koshno-vanarologicheskogo inatituta. (SKIN--DISUSIS) . '. K 0VSyAVyjj[0jg 4 r, A A L M i u Poll cr 1.0 R 77m Ov%yannikov, V., On a gim flo sith ji tis~,:ht tran,twn li,j- (ij, ItIlgil:1sq, jl,ttj if,,, jj,AA 1j, Ito V) lalln, t(, a -1 Itfroll _:L,2tv tit'ly Ito ~Vlmlvill ai j.-I 0,01 .(r whi r to 1l,,. n%14 to( ij~,- pqI -mli'm 1~ Wit 21, 1 121. RMI, t, ""i"t-1 L. A ro rie t I F- - r~ pp T- E rr - s e r te,-4 ~,), ' - - - ~ - - f, A ' ' -' r- --)nff7rf-! (-- -,- A ro-lynar- I cs ( Q-2 " 'f--r ' '~ '; ), C-rv, -), -J '~,- * - ,' r ~,t~ t ' F - f Vechan`cs, Acn`er-y of **SSF, vris, "S)-r.etricall Flow of a Current Tast a W- -i-E-1 ,cr ~n !-,., SO t Iz-estlya A" -S~T. Ct-~elenlye Tekhnic~xskle~. ':auk, ':-. I , ' N ~71~ne Ic53, (W-3114,2, I,' .',,Iy 11-W on Trimmes pmbtm ki 3, 1 -- generalize(I 39MRR.~Fof the Euler-Nrbouz Doldady Akaib N:wk S&S11 (N.S.) 91, 437--460 0953). (Rusiiian) Let S Ix a Tricorni domain for the Sauation hall Tha f ii, S cons;sts, of ;ill arc K in the j-pW)r y-%o with ~bthematf entilmints kin the x-axis (al Aand.B)and tile twochwacle.- ~MdY, 1954 isties in y;50 issuinx from these endpuints, A gener.Jized Anal solution u(x, y) of (*) 13 said to be in class P. if: (1) v rontInIMUS in S ; (2) U-0 on X; (3) v is twite uontinuulAy di-TtientiMile in' .5. (the part of S for which y>O) and oisfies (0) there; (4) Owe P%ists a function v(x) it Wil. B); Zvo that forijbitrary v roniinuous in Rt; (5) u(x, ~~;11611vi in S- tile Mostion Y) ~7, P(3)d3 Vol. 15 go. Jan. 1"4 rbb "Mau I ILIN&Ld i A PL Vestflik wimm"junly, IT", no, 5, Tr-34 I M (1952). (RuBS5 By perturbing unifc.rm sonic Raw the author first dwi approximate equatiorialgr @lady plane irroUtimal v* originally obtained b-tv' th. Phys. 182-190 (1947); them. ev. 217 Pn&Y, (Akad. Nauk SSSR Priki. Met. Meh. It, 459464 (1947); these Rev. 9, 4761. Then he obtains appropriate forms fot the conditions at a strong shock and shows that the same system of partial differential equations is valid to the eme order of accuracy in transonic rotational Ruw beHnd a curved shock. J. H. Gkta (Havre de Praca, Md..). 1-.U--T4-t4 C VIPS ties - 7/39, Lo, B :~~Oft inearization of an soatice, In partial derivatives of the Via I r ,EU, A uvtW is PMOMW fir: the or a map-linear equation In ~ewod order Into a Ilwar Ons in thO tOrm9 -portba- derivatives of the patloa. The Mtkod.pmIts say amber of lWep*DdeDt -or the Original eq a the bargetwigatian or the &U not of the vaildb2on and Alm P*ndt a .14 -Oft UM "w#,jcw obtained, jan"M 340 IL"! N. A, :~V.)Yh"NIKUV, ~_ V SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1627 AUTHOR OVSJLNNIKOV,L.V. TITLE The General Solution of the Equations of the Renorma.'ization Group. PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad Wauk, log, faso. 6, 1112-1114 (1956) Issued: ;2 / 1956 At first the equations of the renormalization group derived by N.N.BOGOLJUBOV and D.VAIRKOV, Dokl.kkad.Nauk, 101, No 2 (1955) by means of the perturbation theory are explicitly given for the GREEN'S function of quantum-electrodynamics. The present work furnishes the general solution of this equation and its analogy for the meson theory. At first the aforemeLtioned equation is trans- formed. The transformed equation is then linear with respect to the required function I (x9y,z). Next, ansatzes for the two first integrals are given. To each solution of the transformed equation there cor2-esponds a certain function T~y,z), so that this solution is determined implicitly from the equation T Y X,rmfo(x,y,z)) - ~(y,z). Inversely the followir4r is true: Independent of the f0 f the function T(y,z) the above mentioned equation determines the function f (X,Y,Z), which satisfies the transformed equation. Thus, 9(y/X, (X,Y,z)) - 9(y,z) is the general solution for the transformed equation. The solution obtained applies also in the case of y-0. However, in that case the function q has a certain form the determination of which is shown here. The most general solution of the transformed equation for the case ymO is explicitly written downi it can also be determined from the above general CIV'YFI N N IV,( V, L V SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CkRD I / 2 PA - 1903 AUTHOR OVSJANNIKOV,L.V. TITLE A Now Way of Solving Equations of Hydrod namics. PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk, 111, faso.1, 47-49 (11)56~ Issued: 1 / 1957 The present report concerns a new particular 4solution of the equation of adiabatic motion gf a compressible liquid: du/~t + (1/Q) 7 p --# 01 4 d(logQ)/dt + div u a 0,.d(log-P ~)/dt + I' div u - () Here 1 . u(t,x) denotes the velocity vectorl Q Q(t,x - density; p a p(t,4) - pressure, If - the coefficient of the adiabatic curve. The symbol d/It denotes the differenti- ation according to time along a trajectory, i.9. along any integral curve of the equation dk/dt Withtl being aslumed to be a vector with the projections the func one F a F(j), G : GQ) and the constant matrix of the third order L - III ik 11 are found, o that Z~ G - FL is true. Here denotes the operation V with respect to t e variables f nrthermore, the non- singular quadratic matrix of the third order ~(t) is defined as a solution of the equation Mp(d 2M/dt2 ) + I M 1 1 - rL - 01 here it O'denotes the matrix which is transposed with respect to m, and IMI the absolute value of the determi- nant of M. On these conditions the formulas: __;V 1 -0 -4 _' '), p - (11191d') G(M-1 x) supply the exact u (dM/dt)M 1, Q - (I/IMI)F(V x IMBJZCT USSR/MATH ZMA TICS/Differential equations CARD 1/3 PG - 657 AUTHOR OVSJA"IKOV L,V. TITIR A now solution of the hydrodynamic equations. PURIODICAL Doklady Akad.Nauk 111, 47-49 (1956) reviewed 3/1957 Lot the adiabatic motion of a compressible fluid be described by the system d ~ 1 AV + V p - 0 log + div 'W4- 0 dt d log P + gdiv 0. 4V--^(t01f) is the vedtor of velocityl (t,-t densityl p - p(t,t pressurel )r- adiabatic exponent. The operations 17 and div refer to the space d (Styps). Tt- means differentiation with respect to the time along an ff . y arbitrary integral curve of dt A406 Doklady kkad.Nauk 111, 47-49 (1956) CARD 3/3 PG - 657 2 2 2 0 0 6- + t2 '1 + 3S + 1, L - (0&1 t 2 0 0 0 F, 3) 2) r - 21 G( g( 05 )l F( ?) - 1 0'- 1 'f ( -1 ) , 2+ + t2 1 2 ~2 s ds fl 6 o (S) - exp F, 2 L 0 2 0 ~f 1 4 (0 0 0 3) r - 1; G( g( 6 g, G 4) r - 01 G - coast I F( arbitrary, 0 0) + L - (~o 0 0 0 0 0 L 0 0 0 Here g(G) is an 0 0 0 0 0 0 arbitrary function and gl(l~) its derivative. , -- V ~, 1, J k~ / - / A C ~,ti- I ~ . AUTHORt OVSYA"IKOV,L.V. 20-5-6/59 TITLE: Groups and Group Invariant Solutions of Differential Equations (Gruppy i invariantno-gruppovye resheniya differentsial'nykh urav-neniy) SSSR PERIODICALt Doklady kkademii Nauk/11958, Vol.118, Nr-3, pp-439-442 (USSR) APSTRAM Within the compass of the classical Lie theory the author considers group properties of differential equations. The given system S is written in a quasilinear form which always can be reached by the introduction of additional unknown functions. The sought functions uk (k-1,...,m) and the arguments x i are explained as point coordinates of an E n. Under certain additional assumptions the author gives proposals for the determination of the group of S. The following definition seems to be very useful: the solution u . kf(x) of S is called a group invariant solution (H-solution/ if the manifold defined in the E n by the equations u -Y (X) is the invariant manifold of a subgroup H of the fundamental group of S. The importance of the H-solution is that it is Card 112 determined from a system which in general Ls simpler than S. Groups and Group Invariant Solutions of Differential Equations 20-3-6/59 The case of an intraneitive H the invariant manifolds of which are identical with their systems of intransitivity is considered in detail. ASSOCUTIONaMoscow Physical-Technical Institute (Mosko,,ekiy fiziko-tekh- nicheskiy inst1tut) PRZSZNTIDt By K.L.Lavrentyav, Academioian, 24 December 1957 SUBMITTIDt 24 December 1957 IVAILLBLEt Library of Congress Card 212 16(l) AUT*;IuR: Ovayannikov, L.V. V, I'', 7_ TITLE: Group Properties of the Non-Linoar Equation of "Pat -onij,_jr,r~ (Gruppovyye svoystva uravnenlya nelineynoy tep1.,)Tr-iA-ic:-' PE.-IIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk A713T:tACTi The equation of heat conduction ~js (f(u) ~x R is replaced by the quasi-linear system ,1) W . f,u)u w u k x I x . t (see CRef 1-7) , and it is required that thp Qq,iati-ns are invariant under the first co-.tinuati,::!. of the operator I x + + ct u W If invariance is fulfilled, then (1) admits the oppratcr The following result of classifi:ation is obtained : 1. 'Pcr arbitrary f(u) the equation of heat conduction a(lmlts onli Card 1/3 Group Properties of the Non-'.inear Equation of ,6.1 Heat Conduction invariant solutions of rank 1 are riven. There are 3 references, 2 of which are !',oviet, and 1 Ncr~-~viar.. A33UCIATION: Moskovekiy fiziko-tekhnicheakiy institut (moscow Technical Institute) 1 R --: ":-"N T --'D iDecember 27,1958, by Y.A. Lavrentlyev, Acadr-mician .;UBI.:ITTED: December 27, 1958 Card3/3 LID4TIT. Viktor Borisovich; OVSTAIIhIKOV, Lev Vasillyeviehl TULAYKOV, Anatoliy Iiikolayevich; SHABOIN, Mikhail Ivanovich. Prinimall uctwetiye: AMIAMOV, A.A.; BOOM. I.A.; YEVGRAPOV, N.A.; ZTKOV. A.A.; "(ABIGOV, V.I.; LARIMOVA, Kh.Kh.; KUMYAVTSLV. L.D.: KMASOV, A.D.; SHURA-BURA, N.H.; SUCHEGLOV. K.P. SOIA)lJKOV, V.A., red.; KRYUCHKOVA, V.N., (Problems in elementary matiiemticsj Zadfichl po alementarnol mntem tike. Koskvo, Goe.izd-vo fiziko-matem.lit-ry, 1960. 463 p. (MIjtA 14: 1) (Kathemstice-Problema. exercises, otc.) OVSiAhwauvP L. V. (Novusiblrak) "The Group Fropertlea Qf 6omo Differazitia.L LquaLluns IL Pactimilco." report presented at the Prat Ali-Uif-on Ccn6reaa on Theoretical and Apilled Mechanics, Moscow, 2:7 Jan - -,. Feb 1,,6~ OVSIANNIKOVS L.V. (Novosibirsk) Group characteristics of S.A. Chaplygin's eq U ' FIwTF -, 3-0 160. "a"IL 14:7) noJt126~14 Differential equations, Linear) (A Muid dynamicsF OVSTANNIZOV. L.V. Remark on the calculation of the trace of a nonnegative, entirely continuous, operator. Sib. mat. zhur. 1 no.2:242-247 JI-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:12) (operators (Mathematics)) OVbYILNNI!WV, L. V. Doc PhysoMmtn ~~ci -- "Group properties of differ-entiRl equAtiona." NoTosibirsk, 1961 (Aand Sci U6SR. Siberian Depm rtment.. Join* Academic Council for Phys-Math anl T-ch Sci ). (KL, 4-61, 182) -3- :;,/0,,,,1 1 '19o, Group prop-rtips of tha el,intion R( w) A f t -r a t ranS I t i in ! o n~ ',,i ra, t - r i s v dw w L 9 j 0- Since . however thp bo!inlary vaitip r h- ~oi in the gpne ra I case r- -~a i n non- 1 1 n(~ q r I or t ti~ o vp -,,-)T.: nw difficulties some ia,~thors use ,tr. nTprox , ma . .-) n f tht. '? 'I r by simpler approximalion equations i,. nown i,, ~ ro x [Tin ~ni Pi criticized ty U~e a .,~jr i iv r g ri The greater the t ran:; f orma, i ~)n m i t h, e qua ' 1 u n I h " bo I ! - - - q , , - - ; i- -, * -,n 10. 7 ~~Rlculation Procogs of T"o f '. 'I- I- Z Z Z ly x Y wherim A. arc- f,~nrt ,)na T,~ ~ n r , q ss - a r d 2 6 1 /OOC'/O - C)/'(" -104 Group properties of the equation ... C111YC222 CIPISS (1.0) , K ('5) . I 0 6-2 y0 2S) class (I1,0), K,(F) = l'(Y 29). 0 class cla3s 11,q) E PI,I'(s), 6' -Ts 0 P., 7 To t);e class (I q) th(,re Papecially belong-s the function V (6' it is proved that every admissible haplyrifi !,in:! Ill-. with one of the functions (5) or can be obtained fr,m functions with the aid of the group transformatiDn (4). in f-:!--ti;.n9 w~.irh investigates admissil-lo 'hnplvi- -.jr p IF:--- OVSYANNIXOV, L. V. "Application of the theory of Lie groups to some partial differential equations" report submitted at the Intl Conf of Mathematics, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-22 Aug 62 LIDSKTY , Viktor lhorisoviche.44aANLIKCV, Lev asil'yevich; ITLAYMA Anatol'-; ~,`yr)Iaycvich;'SiiAbLq;II' , Pikhail Ivanovicl-.; iX*F-VA, A.F., rer,.; ?-,7,,,.,~I,K(,VA, tokhn. red. (Problems in ele-zentary math~--malicsl Zadiic~.i pc elenentarnei Yo.1v-, Fi=--i,t~-1z, GUcYANTJIKOV,-L.V.,,doktor fiz.-natem. nauk; ZELENYAk, T.I., Pand. RZ.-matem. na~ik Savlet-Am-rican s -mposium of rrathematicianE In Novosibirsk. Vent. AN SSSR 33 no.1101-06 N 163. (MIRA 271j) 01100YAliNIKOV, L.V. Olllovosl',lirr~.) "Invariant grou-, solutionn. o' the muatlons of hydi-Odynaiics" Roport pre sc!nted at t:... .'nd A I-l-Uni on Conj-.ress on 7r.~-or - , i c-i I -int' ,- i : ir-,d Mochanicv, Moscow 2-) J-ir. - 1, Fel.) L4. OVSYA%- - 7, 1 . '. L , 'lt~ -,it f- " .- 1-1, - - - I r. ~- . ~,.. 0 -1 ,, 0 ; I ". I . ; '- - cl -.' 1 , bw o f- T-t ~ , ; , , ) ~ -, t - t N . . . : . . I . .!;* i ~ -1 ~ I - :~,Al. . C., - ..-k 1F , -,, i- . - - -,, t AN " ~ .. 1, ; 0 ' "'j Vi, S, all 1.~Orlthly Lis'~ .,Us. OVSYANNIK('V, M. ; GIIIJDAKOV, 1. New books. Grazhd.av. 20 no.4119 Ap '63. ()URA lb: ~') (Bibliography--Aeronautics, Coanercial) OVSIANNIKOV, M.A. Method for the rapid determination of work fun..-ticn. -rady Slt,. tekh.i.nst. no.2-4:53-56 159. 14 3' (Surfuce energy) OVSYANNIKOV,, Mikhail Gerasimovich; VORONOV, P.Ye., inzh., retsenzent; - - bbVGOPOL, V.I., insh., retsenzent; DUGIRA, NA.0 tokhn. red. (The organizing power of technological progreas'jOrganizuiu- shchaia aila tekhnicheekogo progressa. MDskva, Mashgiz, 1961. 109 P. (BibUoteka mashinostrottelia. Seriia: Peredovala tekh- nika oanova kommunisticheakogo truda, no.1) (MIRA 16:1) (Sverdlovsk-Machinery industry-Technologic&l innovationL) (Sverdlovsk-Comanist Party of the Soviet Union-Party work) OVSTAKNIKOV, N.G., partorg. Mighty arsenal of socialist industry; twentieth anniversary of the Ural Plant of Heavy ftehinery Construction. Test. mah. 33 no.7:94-97 JI 153. (K6RA 6:8 ) 1. T&ntrallnyy koultot Kommunistichemkoy Pw*tii Sovetskogo Soyusa na Uralmshisavode. (Machinery industry) OVSrANNIKOV, M.I. MW Lwwdiate and late results of tonsilleetcs7 in rheumatic fever. Vrach delo no.10:131 0 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Klinika ukha. gorla, nosa (zav. - dotsent Ya.D.Kissionzhnik) Zaporozhskogo Instituta u3overshenstvovanlya vrachey. (TONSM--SURGERY) (RHEMTIC MER) OVSYAMIIKUV. 11. 1. .qpa. Veat.otorin. 20 Bronchonnonh",osl!o" vith fired for, NIRA 12:11) no.2:111-112 14r-Ap '58. 1. Ix kliniki bolezney ikhu, gorla t nosa (tav. - dote. Ya.D. Niosion2hnik) ZaporozhRknio inatitiita isover9henstvovaniyft vrachey. (IMOlICII03COPY,appar. & inatritmpnts bronchcosopha(roucapn with filred rminleR (Aus)) OCSOPUGOSCOPY, appar & inntniments same) OVSYANNIKOV, M.I. Pathohistological characteristics of inflammatory and reCencrative prodesnes following radical Burgay-1 with biological tamponade or, the ear of animals. Zhur. uah., nos. i gorl. bol. 21 no.2:24-27 Mr-Ap '61. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Iz otarinolaringologicheskoy kliniki (zav. - doktor med.nauk V.O.Kalina) i kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. prof. I.I. Madvedev) ZaporozhBkogo instituta uBovershen8tvo-~aniya, vrachey. (EAB--SUHGZKY) (MUSCLES-TRANSP 1A NTAT ION) ZVEREN, A.F,, in7.h.-. KAJI.-ALAPOV, inzh.; MAMR, ZJI., insh.; CFV,;YA0IKDV, M.!,_ inzh.; SEUL~CA, Ms.. inz? . (,oneerninL the uve of a glass fitwr tape in the manufacture of' cables. Vest.elextroixom- 33 no.6:61.-62 Je 16,1' . (MIIfj~ I I , I (Electric cables) OVSUNIIIKOVJI M.I. Simplified auditory probe. Zhur. uah., nos. i gorl. bol. 20 no.'6s87 V-D 160. (kd'(A 1512) 1. Otorinolaringologicheskoy kliniki (zav. - dotsent Ya.D. Missionzhnik) Zaporoxhakogo instituta usovershenstvcrvaniya vrache (MMICAL INSThUNENTS AND APFAttATUS) (&AR71ii ) OVSYAN-KOV, M.J., Cand. Medic. 6cl. (dice) "91oloc-71cal i,Aci for smadica-I Operations am~ A-~-Llc-antrotomy with Facklr.,-- ~lFlc- tic," Dnepropetrovsk, 1)c,1, 16 .:.)p. (Dnepropetrovak Med. Inat.' (KL Supp 12- 1, '28?).