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OVORINNlKGV, Yu.M.; KARI'kAEV, ~.V. i PALIGUTEV, S.F.; ZHDANOVA, G.M.; A, D. Kinetics of the reduction Dy carbon monoxide of solid so',utions based on cerium dioxide. El,~tktrokhimiia I no.10:119&-1201 0 165. (AURA :F:10) 1. Institut elektrokhimll Ilrallskogo filial& AN SSSR. L nm 5 IWT(1) (f)/M(b)-2, XJP(C)IAMVAS(op)-21W])IASD(o)-51 (t 7 g;= _[ AC 10N KRi AP4046435 8/0056/64/047/003/1136/1146 "AUMR91 Larkin# A. I.j OvdhinnikoV* YU- No Z 7 7_7~~ 1 ~7 - 7 77 77 _ T, -V. t b wakey, f ikio 47, ::3'- 146, o n '-_20PjC.'Tw$t., su p"conductivity,. ferromagnet,aFermi surface, Green iu~olonv' crystal structure,, energy gap ,AWTPJWT: Thelauthors investigate the superconductivity of a weak far romagnet witb Fermi surfaces-separated by-a distance-onthe order ; of the energy gap in a ban ferromagnetic superconductor. The not momentum of -the electron pairs'in such a superconductor does not vanisbo so that the quantity A,~Which enters into the equation for the Green's function and determines the spectrum of the single-par i ticlb excitiit-ions, is a periodic function of thicoordinates. Such Cmd Slow HR i AP4046435 h ~&-~sykteim of Aleictrons has-a crystalline structure with.a unit cell with dimensioho'on the order of the pair in the superconductor. wu wrqkes of different:types-of crystal -,The tbors.calculate the an lattices AUt are produced-near the transition point. It is shown magmkiv field beames forced-out,of the metal, that4ithis case the -dire ion Off. the maq- ~a_n, 1th of-joenetration di*ands on -the ct natic ~kbsld. . The spectrum of the si~ngle-'Particle excitations does t-have--a gap,'and the'speed of the excitations depends on the ~tion an 4 vanishes in some directions. This-results slow decrene of. the.;up'scific beat with temperature. The unit cell dimension is -4 cmw- Several 0 speculations are made concerning the type of tran- 1 altions-between the conducting and~superconducting-state and the possAbility of. e~xperimentally, observing' these of facts.. The ques- ti tions connected -with the- inst'ability of the forromagne c state ._--vere_wnsidere"tij958-~tog4ti~b6r *t4 !1. 11, 2"itsurt-to whmtbe __am __V_~__Qor Ikov- s-Uth are-- W Abrikosov discussiong. -~`Oriq. art. bas 1 1 for- use and A. A Cwd 2/3 L 12M-66 MO j ACC NRo AP50266111 soulld-E-W-DE: -tJR/60-56/65/049/oo47i:igo/-iI 9 AUDIORS: Vaks. V. G.; Larkin, A. I.; ovchinni ov,, Yu. X. ORM None 5 TITLE: Ising model with interaction between nonnearest neighbors SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoreticheakoy fiziki, v. 49, no. 4p 1965o 1180-1109 TOPIC TAGS: correlation function, free energy, spontaneous magnetization ABSTRACT: To check on the sensitivity of the results of the standard Wong model to the actual form of the model, especially with respect To the nature of aingularitleo of the different macroscopic quantities and the form of the correlation function, the authors consider a modi- fication of the Ising model In the form of a two-dimensional lattice In which, besides the usual Interaction, there Is an interaction between certain non-nearest neighbors, along diagonals between nodes with equal row-plue-column parities. The free energy and the spontaneous magnetiz- ation are determined as functions of the tengerature. The form of the correlation function at large distances to derived at and close to the -1 - Zv, 9- K -OVGIiINIiIKC'V, Yu.'%'.i KITAYFV, B.I.; ';.S.; YAROSHENKO, Yu.G.; I LAZ'F-F,X, B. L. Ar.&,yz!rg heat rrocessp!3 -'r. ~, Qhst furance hearth wl'h fup- Anjection througli the tuyeres. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 8 no.10:42-4F %~~r. (KIPA IPt9) I. "ral'skly I ~". ', '~-O -.'~ 'I. ~ "K!)' Insttut. YARDSHMM, Tu.Gj; WARM. B.L.; OVCIIIM;IEDV, Yu.N. Nvice for measuring temperatures at ehaft w.,,11s. Metallurg 5 n0-11:11-13 N 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Ural'ski7 politekhaichookiy institut i Nt2he-Tagillskiy metal-lur- gichesk17 kombinat. (Blast furnace@) (Thermocouples) L 283?-" EWTWIT ZJPW 00 ACC~~ M& ATIOMIO .:- AA t's'~ AUTWM Vdw, V.X; UwUs. A.L' T1TLZs The Joing modd In On -racum wo otbw thm the c1o~W sWgbbwa OMMMS mosom. hmobt 8600my IA19-M. INS. modd, istap v6do diom' IM04194114" 1-19 ri p IMC TAG& fu "Setric cry", swoM u4sr pbm trmhim, corMsbou twwuoa, tno ~rv, "Gotmems mspefteum ABSTRMTt Tbglgbg me" o~ixtw of a Imillim of d%wim, esch of whieb ummes 0* t" POONIMS Md jRtw&ds cmly with its cloo" ob a - s. R -wn of Werest to .S-- the ext" to un do rom&m uv sawlifte to tbo form of the noW, purtiod"17 wbdbw tm skedwitin in the macrom"Pic quwties md tm form of do Corrojeum fiamm chims wbw do loamseum wMb ae$obors odw Om the domed cow is bkm too aooo=L A wind loft loom im oommidwed In wbid4 is admisa to so ~d dowels=- F1"- alms dwdhwoaab A 1~ of do &kAmd at imp asimm at saw* phom; pdd Md 1/2 L 1837-66 ACCWMM MR: ATUMIO In tin vicisky. It was fatmd that the siegularitin ft the macrosoopic gaud transition, point recoaft the same = In the Wag model. The only differeace, of the inadd shulied from the Iving model Is that for a certain redo of the constants, three sucessafto phose bvesitloss exist Is the system as the tainperalm changes. "The adhere dwak G.V for MUM do remits of his A* (G. V. RYUMM. U021- 9" of "mViatic, behavior of G(r), and N.V, Vdvdcbmko for drawing our atkatim to his pqW (NV. Woovicbedw, ZhZTIP 486 $260 1"M prior to Us pu1blicatku." Orig. at. but 2 ftwM and 43 fonsdus MICRO BUBMMMDI 00 RNC14 00 KM CGDXt SS NO URF WVt 004 OTRM 008 cWd L 111109-66 Fwi ( 1'~ 1-,.-r, (C', ~ 11 /1;1 ACC NRt A16018815 SOURCE CODE: WOO56/66/050/005/1-364/1366 AMOR: Ovchinnikov, Yu. N. ORG: No ftsicotechnical Institute (Monkuvskiy fiziko-tekhnicherkiy inatitut) TITLE: Absorption of high frequency field in pure superconducting films SOURCE: Zh eksper i teor fiz, v. 50, no. 5, 1966, 1364-1368 TOPIC TAGS: superconductivity, radio wa,.reabzwWb6w4 Green function, metal flLm ABSTRACT: The author Valculates the dependen e of the ordering parameter A on the ~tq magnetic field in thin~/superconducting films. t)The value uf the field H is ass=ed such that the pe1%1Henr-M91cal quan tiC8 o not depend on the field directly, but uan only through A, which is then of the me order as the gap in the spectrum. The value of a is first obtained for P, 6En films in a magnetic field, using the Green's functions derivable from the Gor'kcyv's equations (A. A. Abrikosov, L. P. Gor- kov, and I. Ye. Dzyaloshinskiy, Metody kvantovoy teorii polya v staticheskay fizike, Fi=mtgiz, 1962, Ch. 7). The equations are obtained for both diffuse and specular reflection f)mn the walls, and the critical field is determined for specular reflec- tio?,. The results are then compared with the experimental data, which deviate from the,theory,, especially at lower frequencies. The reasons for the discrepancy are dis- cussed. The author thanks A. I. Larkin for directing the work and Ye. A. Shapoval for-valuable r~rkB- OrTg`_._a_rf_.'h_as: 1 figure and 20 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUEN DATE: O1Dec65/ ORIG RM 003/ 0711 REF: 003 L 05786-6~ Evr( I NR- AP6031455 SOURCE CODE- UR/0056/66/051/002/0683/0687 AUTHOR: Larkin, A. 1. Pvchinnikov, Yu. N. ; Fedorov, M. A. ORG: Moscow Physic, otechnic al Institute oskovskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut) TITLE: Boundary condition of the Josephson effect SOURCE: Zh eksper i teor fiz, v. 51, no. 2, 1966, 683-687 TOPIC TAGS: approximation method, functional equation, tunnel effect, Hamiltonian, Josephson effect ABSTRACT: A boundary condition is obtained for the Josephson effect in the quasi-classical approximation from the Gor'kov equations. The results of the investigation are in agreement with those in earlier studief3 in which the vfff-( t wail analyzed by means of the tunneling l1amiltonian. The authors thank L. 1). Gor'kov for his valuable advice. Orig. art. has: 20 formulas. (Based on authors' abstract SUb '-')DE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 3liMar66/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 005/ C.,d I / 1 1 YAROSHENKO, lu.G.; UZAAhN, B.L.; OvcHjjjjjaov, XU.n. Gompletic,n of beat tmwfer processes in blast furnaces. 1xv. vys. ucheb. sav.; chern. met. 6 no.3.185-188 163. (KIi-LA 16:5) 1. Urallskiy litekhnicheskiy inatitut. MaBt furnaces) (Heat-Transmission) TAROSHENKOP Yu.G.; LVIAREV, B.L.; HIKUYLOV, I.N.; KOTELINIKOV, Yu.V.; OVCHIMUKOV), 1U.N. Continuous measurement of cast iron temperatures durinc. Its tapping. Stall 22 no-4000-302 Lp 162. (MIA 150) 1. Nizhne-Tagillskiy metallurgicheakiy kombinat I Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. Mast furnaces) (Pyrometry) OVCHIIINIYC,V, Tu.S. FJAarin,r capacity of wooJin nlemer.ta glund at ilff-tr,trt Nauch.ctokl.vya.9hk,ly; strol. no.,1:169-174 I r r). (141RA 1-;:0 1. Rokomondoveina karedroy lorevyRimykh V-onntrul:tFtiy Loningrad- Mcogro inVinnorno-stroltnl'nogn Instituta. (W~ndwnrk ) ( Fliii yq~-) Ni 2. r, r U, OVCHINNIKOV, Yu. S. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Problem of designing open non-metallic designs with glued union." Leningrad, 1961. 19 pp; with dia- grams; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Leningrad Order of Labor Red Banner Construction Engineer- ing Inst, Chair of Designs of Wood and Plastics); number of copies not given; price not given; (KL, ?-61 sup, 243) OVCHINNIKOV, YU.S. Designing glued trumsed girders. Sbor. na-icn. trj:,~7 L17' - . ... 44 k '"' ',.A I I -149 'ul. 1 (Trusses) (Gluint;) OVChINNIKC'V, YU.S. St~jdj of tho~ atrergtn of gluing wooden elemar,-3 -t- im Sbor. nauch. trudcyv LISI no.34:150-155 'CI. 'R. iiA . I . (Trusses) (Gluing) :0,:K.,~ ~ I S. 0 1 _.. . ~ . ~ ~ ... . , .. ".. ~, . _;, : , .1 . . . . . ::1 . i: . . I . . . . - J~:- . ~' , I .. -1 ACCESSION NR: AP4022725 S/0020/641la5/002/0422/0425 AUTHOR: Stesikov, V. F.; Ovehinnikov, Yu.. V.; Kargin, V. A. (Academican) TITLE: Effect of nonnolvent on the physico-mecnanical properties of concentrat- ed solutions of jjolymers. SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. li5, no. 2, lu64, 422-425 TOPIC TAGS: polymer property, acrylonitrile methyacrylate copolymer, poly- mer solution property, property change, glass point temperature, strength, relative elongation, propylene carbonate solvent, dibutyi phathalate, supermole- cular structure, polymer soluoility ABSTRACT: The possibility of changing a wide range ot the mechanica; proper- ties of concentrated solutions of polymers by changing the solubility oi the poly- mers in a solvent system was investigated. The physico-mechanical propertes of concentrated solutions of ac rylonit rile- metnac rylate copolymers (2ulo metha- crylate) s-uch as glass point temperature (Tg) (fig. 1),strength and relative elon- Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AP4022725 of the low molecular liquid. Orig. art. has: 2 figures ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nuak SSSR (Academy of Sciences, SSSR) SUBMITT ED: 2BNovfj3 DATE ACQ: 08Apr64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: 0C NO REF SOV: 015 OTHER: 003 Card 3/4 ACCESSION NR: AP4022725 T 1~j !_ 0 -z0 10 ZD d Y. dibutylphthalate content Fig. 1. Relationship between glasspoint temper- ature (Tg) and non-solvent content. Card 4/4 ENCLOSURE:01 V~ Sao 600 '.Do ZDO dibutylphthalate content Fig. 2 Relationsnip between ultijn.Ate strength (T) and relative elonga- tion during rupture and the non-solvent content: 1. ultimate tensile strength 2. rr%A~yg elongation during ov-~ 1: 1 ,.1; : E ( 117, Yu..I . F-,~ ! r -r: r., '-.' "~,' "*/" -'I" "W ttlp ""f!( , ., i (, " pir. ! , , % , -F, I I Y, " - , . - n, . ~ : ~ 3-64 Ja 11, " . I ~-,: 1, : , *-, r- 9 . *"),. I y ~' 'A '. P, : ~ s e o BULIVAROVA, Z.I.; OVC111NNIKOVA, A.A.; SAMSONOVA, M.N.; NABOKOV, Yu.S. Study of the microbial pollution and pyrogenicity of distilled water and solutions for injections. Apt. delo 12 no-4-24-30 JI-Ag 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Mentralli-yy aptechnyy nauchno-issladovatelinkiy ini;titut i farmatsevticheskiy fakulltet 1-go Moskovskogo ordena lAnina meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M. Sechenova. BELENIKIY, Ye.Ye., kar,d. mo-~,J. nauk? BRYAKO*/A. OVCHD-,'NIKO,'A, A.A. Method of stardardi2s-ing the -El mixture ~," slor-'.q~de and cord!amlr,,,!. Sbc-T. na,lh. TSAVII 41""g-IR2 Irl (M I RA . 1:3) 1. ~~ , I I .... I .- , v ?t-&nda---t!Xats!! lekar-m+-v(r,,pk, -. ! *-.I n,, ti, ' i - , !'. , ! *~. I r- r fl,.k - t, .41 %i% TTI - - ~ I - N . G. Nil vFj k -, , ! I , % 1: , ,-2 '- - - - - ~ : skogo ir~:- * ''A. :K"', A , A.A. 7. A 1, La -Aktirs-yonny~h f0r_M 1,ov a .~,i vft,.. fj vFl- !Ft V4 0 anal I z a S- n r. 9 r n1i I ma 3,1 n,- - Fi A. A. Fft# radical$ In readsms W detimpoeltion a b4=)3 p~A P i C iN N N ohoodool Abet- . t ] H Ix " b 40 mo. 6 Vol stbtring I hm (whm N crohotim vf,"Od) gnvv Ili j%nd PhCll Nllf'b ftCH NlI B ll 34 3 . Wr 1954 - i . o s ; 4miga. omania cheadstry 2D ml. HOC36CHOCISt on a ofeun Im1b fitmily wt.j) - 4 in, bab until N evahtd" mwd WOOV v , , " 10 PhCHOMPh OEM%, and Imist AM, Intl ito CsIf. vwmi -7% forralng ft mW VhCjlvN I I iw1knN. , ool a faftonW. mr(ift, wb" forms, PhCHiNflPh, iviih Ima ol' N. fn '00 11 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, AUMORS: Fedotova, Ye.I., Khvilivitskly, R.Ya., C?v,;h1~,Ln.1,. vi, A-., TME, An Investigation of Benzylaminodiazobenzene las Ini'-, PERIODICAL! Uch. zap. Gor'kovsk, un-ta, 11)_)b, Nr ABSTRACT: Crystalline benzylaminodiazQbenzene (1) of ethyleellosoive at 50 - 1150C decamPosf- - 91.5 m01. It per one mole of decomposed 1) A* polymerization of methylmethacrylate in tt& ma s.~ 0.01 - 0-33-4 of the monomer weight) cam 1/1 OVCHINNIKOVA, A.I. Agroolizatic characteristics of the vage~a tion Derlod In VologdA Province. Vast. LZU 17 no.12196-104 62. (MIRA (Vologda Province-Crops and climate) I r , I - '_ , -1 '0 '-" , L/, t"- / ~ MUCH, Y.A.; OYCHINNIZOVA, A.I., student; IRRIACH, N.A., student. Corrosion resistance of cadalua-zinc alloys. Iauk.zsD.L'vir.un. 21:110-120 '52. (KIJQ 10:7) 1. Inf*dra noorganichnoi khtaii. Oadmium--Zinc alloys--Corrosion) OVC:iINNIKOVA, A. 1. "Certain Problems of the History of the Deyplopment of the Theory of keasurement Errors in Application to the Probler in Geodesy and Practical Astronor:y." Sub 14 De 1:, Moscow Inst of Engin-ers of Geoi say, Aer i , I Photo(-raptV and Garto, r ~pkv Dissertations presented for science and engineerin,- de,-rees in 14oaccw durint- SO: Surn. No. 4b0, y May ~- OVCHIMNIKOVA, A.K. P.P. Knnhchenk-o on the hund-redth anniveror-ry of his lArth. Zd-rav. '4cn. Feder. 3 no.4:32-34 Ap '59. (MIRA 12:4) (KAS'.ICIMIO, PjCTXR ?ATROVICH. 18SB-1920) OVCHI19VIKOVA, A,E.. K1.1chall Iranovict Barsukov: on hia 70th birthday. Scv.zdrav. 19 no.2:q7 ?8 160. (KIRA 1):;) (BABSUKOV, KIKHAUL IVANOVICH, 1890-) OVCHINNIEDVA. A. kardegedenauk . - '--~T.A. OZ, o--,-t9tnndIr%g Solshomik and organizer of Ph* ioviet public health system. Edrav.Ros.IP*der. 2 no.7116-18 JI'58 (HP-A 11:7) (ORUJI. VLADIMIXR ALUSANDROVICH. lan-19*) TELESIIIN, li.V.; OVCHIIUIIKOVA,_A.M, Temperature dependence of the magnetic viscosity of ferrite garnets. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 3: Fiz., astron. 16 no.1:29--35 Ja-F 161. (AURA 1-4:4) 1. Kafedra obtilichoy fiziki 41ya fizikov Moskovokogo univeralteta. (Forrnten) S/1 88/60/000/0 210410r4. B020/BO54 AUTHOR: Ovchinnikova, A. H. TITLE: Temperature Dependence of Some Magnetic Properties of Gadolinium ferrite Garnet PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 3, fizika, astronomiya, 1960, No. 2, pp. 51 - 55 TEXT: The author investigated the temperature dependence of the mag- netic viscosity and the coercive force of ferrites with garnet struc- ture, mainly gadolinium ferrite garnet. She investigated a ferrite with garnet structure of the stoichiometric composition 5?e 203' 3Gd203' The *&ayle had the shape of a toroid with a central diameter of 8.65 mm, a height of 4.5 mm, and was prepared as follows: Gadolinium ferrite garnet obtained by sintering of the respective oxides of the purity pro ana- lysi at 13000C was cauti. usly ground in a jasper mortar, pressed at a pressure of about 7 t/cO, annealed again for two hours at 13800C, and slowly cooled in the furnace. The sample obtained had a density Of Card 1/3 Temperature Dependence of Sox* Magnetic 8/188/60/000/02/04/006 Properties of Gadolinium Ferrite Garnet B020/BO54 5.9 glom 3 which corresponds to 91~ of the X-ray density. Its magnetic viscosity was studied by the method developed by R. V. Teleanin and Yo. I. Kuritsyna (Ref. 3). The time of magnetic reversal of the sample was taken as a measure of its magnetic viscosity. Fig. 1 shows the scheme used for measuring the magnetic viscosity. The hysteresis loop (Fig. 2) shows that in all viscosity measurements the @tat* of remanent induction was equal to the initial state. Fig. 3 shown the oacillogram of the magnetic reversal pulse at 2140K in the magnetizing field R - 30 oo with a pulse duration of 9.1 psec. Graphs show the tempera- ture dependence of the maximum mWetic viscosity T max , of the coercive force B., and of the maximum differential permeability Pd for gadolini- us garnet (Fig. 4), of the remanent induction B r and maximum perme- ability (Fig. 5). Fig. 6 shows the magnetic reversal isothermal lines for gadolinium garnet. The author thanks Professor R. V. Telesnin for conducting the investigation. A. V. Ped1ko (Ref. 5) is mentioned. There are 6 figures and 5 references: 3 Soviet, I French, and I American. Card 2/3 -I A P_ --r -W--*l.%A ...IT v P-- A M Ad~ .".d" -144 -41 -30112AOD ,.,I.,tWd p~ pj P..Cl..l VA IC -P- ~d d pdzl 3DI06'ou;ld .174 1 V7 -a 17 RMA SUPUSHKIR, Valentin Nikolayevich, agronom; ELAHNIKOV, N.A.,radoictor: OTCHIMIKOVA. A.N..rodaktor; PATLOVA, H.H.,telchnicheekiy rodaktor [The work practices of a state farm agronomist] Opyt raboty agronow sovkhoss. Mosicvs, Goe. izd-vo sellkhos, lit-ry, 1956. 93 p. (MM 10:4) (State forms) IVANOV. A.Ye.; KOZLOVSKIT. N.G.; MICHINKO, S.V.. redaktor; KARTIYANOV, P.M.. reoduktor; FAROY, S.V.. reduktor; PYIAYZVA. A.F.. radaktor; TYMSHCHMO. 5.L. recLaktor; OTCMIWIJrOTA,-A-X-. redaktor, RAKITIM. Ta.D.. redaktor; TAUAW, A.L. tekhnf-c-haskly redektor; VUSKOVA. Ye.l.. tekhnichaskiy recijiktor CHandbook for directors of etate farms] Spravochnsis kniga direktora ovkhoza. lzd. 3-e, parer. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo ael'khoz. lit-ry. ; t.1.1956. 952 P. ?t-2-1956. io16 p. (KLIA 10:3) (State farms) OTCHIMMIXOVA, A. 1. Comparing various methods for calculating evaporation In Volog" Province. Vast. UM 15 Do.24sl39-143 '60. (MIRA 13:12) (Vologda Provinco-Dwaporation) f,j1,aoO (11-V71 212W 5/168/6 1A)UO/00 !/~)C,4 B 1 OB/B 209 AUTHORSs Telesnin, R. V., Ovehinnikova, A. M. TITLEt Temperature dependence of the magnetic viscosity of garnet- type ferrites PERIODICALi Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 5, fizika, astronomiya, no. 1, 1961, 29-35 TEXTj The authors examined the magnetic viscosity of garnet-type ferrites of the stoichiometric composition Ve 2 03* 5M2OV where M stands fcr any of the rare-earth elements Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tu, Yb, Lu, and Y. The care- fully wdered oxides were pressed at about 800 kg/CM2, and then annealed P8C at 1000 for 6 hr. After this. theycw1re ground once again, pressed in-t" to toroids at a pressure of 7.4 tons/ m , and then annealed at 13500C for'-" 8 hr. A table shows the chief properties of the samples. The investiga- tions were carried out by a method described in Refs. I and 2 (Telesnin R. V.. Kuritsyna Ye. F. Ferrity. Izd-vo AN BSSR, Minsk, 196C, str. 520 and Ovehinnikova, A. M. Vestn. Mosk. un-ta, ser. fiziki, astronomii, no.2, Card 1/4 2-1~~91 881'61 'C)OC ', C - '-C4 Temperature dependence of the ... B10a,'B209 1960, respectively). The time of remagnetization was taken as a measure for the magnetic viscosity. The ferrites of Y (specimen 1), Gd, Tu, and Lu all showed the same qualitative behaviort decrease In magnetic viscosity between 7Z and 1700K, rise between 170 and 200 0K, maximum between 200 and 210 K, decrease, and another but small maximum at Curie temperature (about 5620K). The first maximum varies from 50 (Lu) to 145/asec (Gd). At 77 K, the time of remagnetization, i, rises when the remagnetizing field decreases to H - 5.54 oersteds (for Gd). In the temperature range between 170 and 200'K, two types of viscosity processes appear simultaneously, the first of which becomes less distinct with rising temperature, giving way to the second type which exists until the Curie point. The ferrites of Y (specimen 2), Dy, Ho, Er. and Yb show only one type of viscosity with a maximum at the Curie point. Between 550 and 5000K, all samples show the same behaviori Their viscosity is nearly independent of temperature. This is explained by the fact that from about 3500K onward viscosity is effected by iron ions only. The yttrium ferrite no. 2 was prepared by the method described, while specimen no. I was obtained by a method described in a previous paper of the authors (Ref. 4: Ferrity. lzd-vo AN BSSR, Minsk, 1960, str. ~25;', Card 2/4 21209 S/188/61/000/001/064/009 Temperature dependence of the ... B108/B209 where the tim* of final heat treatment (13800C) was 2 hr. It is possible that & second phase, viz. magnetite, has formed In the first yttrium specimen and thus affocts viscosity. There are 4 figures, 1 table, and 5 referencess 3 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: Van Uitert a. Swanekamp F. W. J. Appl. Phys., 28, no. 12, 1513, 1957. ASSOCIATIONt Kafedra obahchey fiziki dlys fizikov (Department of General Physics for Physicists) SUBMITTEDs June 24, 1960 Card 3/4 FFF(()F), M.M.; CIVCHINNA7K(VA, .YR. Substlt7i'.Ing ;7R9 '-- r - -,0 ' - - * 'P ~ - - 9 ~? . n-F I I : n -41 - ':~!t - -I . pi;inls. Gaz.,,il- r, -, ',_ . 1 . V se a oy-uznTi r.Rur hrir~- '. s n , p ,"I R I v ~ ' " -..C~ ' " '-I '~ pc' pp -0- -;1 h- ' K " Ispnl I zovnn.)-; *.o~~: '. vn. EFROS, M.M.; CVGhINNIYCVA, A.Ys. Using high-energy gas to sLblimate tlnc in R rotar-f furnace. Trudy VNIIT no.M13G-140 '61. (MIRA 1801) UNDIDSOV. Ivan Grigorlyevich. atarehly nauchnyy sotrudnik; ARMIN. Ivan Grigorlyevich; VASILIKOVA. Fogins Yevgenlyevich; ZHURINKOV. Yevgeniy Alakeendrovich; LIKKW. Kikhail Petrovich; OTCHWI- KOTA. Dina Kikbaylovna; TUZTUX. Vladimir Yefimovich. uc as yo: IRYM, I.G., stershiy nauchnyy sotrudnik, TUZVUL. T.Te.. starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; LIBM'T, K.F.. starshiy naue" sotrudnik; OVCHINNIZOVA, D.N., aladahly aBuchrLyy sotrudnik; VISILIKOVA, R.Te.. slaashiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; ZHURIKKOV, Ts.A., sladshly naucbnyy sotrud- nik. ZHURAVIXV. B.A.. red.izd-va; PARAKRINA, H.L.. [Album of designs of dams to be bruilt on timber floating rivers] Al'bom konstruktaii lesosplavnykh plotin. Moskva, Goolesbunisdat. 1959. 212 p. (KIRA 13:7) 1. TSentral'nyy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy institut lesosplava (for all. except Zhuravley, Parakhina). (Isamber-Transportation) Uams) -V~ -A-- Ito WMAil V" Mltd UP WO. t 45-ZQO In tilghtil", air. pli 0l: Polo. roduodwith Hla the pre*z 'Cort-N L3tben td. with RU4 "Vated C wert WPLb O)L'Wntd nt P I I USS-1, / Meadow Cultlvztion Abs Jour: lief Zhi,r-'~i:.,.., Vo! 59b57 A i,t h o r Dvc,,inni'jv-,, 1- A., C",,, it. V -~.ns t ~eti,nFnvods:: Univers;-ty Tl'~le Hay MeaJnwo en(, Fast-.,req. of the "il'.onchezcrs,~iy" SOV!,I)cz of leti-wsl-il, f,ayon and ?lean,. of Their Improvoment b: Uch. zap. Fetrozavocls1mro -n-ta, klr,7), 7, No A*L,o r,;c'.: The rcv,~,,ItE ~," cyperlmentb conductod nt the '.:ni- versity :,f on the fev,*~,jzation ,~ap paotures niW ho:, meacl,)ws .,iith L;rain [7,rn2~,,- clovvv in ac!--ti'm to diverse mIxed -:,asses arc 31vell. TI)e fertilizatiDn c,--msicte-l Card 1/2 jr 00 .00 00 -00 0 gv#lwolioe ell She t#odgscy to turblat, end fr*40IMM" 0 ads totem 4CAJS NI ~, .00 : -J I; I I twhinnilkol a 1,1~ ILI 0 4-` 11.41 r-1. we~ftla& Its 1%, lal~ &MI 4 tj lu'l.(- all 1 4 ..1. - 4.1 Ih.,t v 00 to Narn alon IAt' 41, Lt. 1h, -I a.. that .1. w.kqswtI by the All I .uw. .3 A J4,00.311 In al.,ut IMi 4 all t-l.. h. 1.6 -.01. 00 Then Well, w sPrement I be W hw" an slid r,oulawl in iob tests and at an tho '"Wialn a. kW 0 u-S nw~ddymjl the m,ibd ar, g - 11111C ~Q"r.IKXU ION 14 U.- N 00 00 400 tie* is it 40 4 T-11 I I is All I 0 0 0 s. a a I ore To 111 0 0 0 *1* 0 0 0 0 0 0 & * 0 0 : 0 e_* a , 1; , ~ I ; I lee ) 4 a L 00 00 00 go -00 0' it"d 09 vaj"- iwl I "kin in in -lalko, 4.1 .41 ....1 1 1'. a 4'adu 4v#m"wvlft6 '04wifir t. go 'tm J -it Win It It 98 the *#M1114ying no so a ml 0 1- ilic inn, "'Jul-if 0e ,b. wpm 'd lbr 41) ,,1 .1 '41 Tlw rinulqhmn is &J. SM .We- law-was Ab 0 00 W. team I he mris, w-durr and rrowlip wr dr Ab 0 -0-1 in dirt.0 :: 0 .00 00 04 '00 "t" Ow. A 0 too l, i o E. Lo jai Alwt. jil old Fik"'K -A-g. lbe 9 -POW 7?p~ emsmainst tbwmo- *,v; A. Barl=16r.-: .--8w C.A. 47. 2M1. uvl-tjii~~I- I F, uv,;L A!i Tile!1riakn1~0TV "A 4 11" V., v WINN"* 'j. AW4ff&--,'63n3')- Ghem. US.)R. 1932. cellulose acetate (1) results in the formation of CO, and CO, decarboxylation of the (1) and lowering of its mal. w4t through thain breakage. The accumulation of CO, and CO in the flas, ph&" is proportional to the Unit of oxidation and is closely comnecteil with the mechanism of oxidative degradation. Phenyl. maphthylarnine affords good protection agai&t 0 at 140*. It. C- MUJIAAV 17 I'll: IV -k Iv 'em"Al wr-lt~qft, m(%v.: Jew- Ind W4, Mir,'. fptftwq rmpo at- uld,);j -t-! -,form -QC 00000000000000000*0 01004 000000000000000000 00% a a Go 6 post vwl! Idl 0 ~ 00; O-e 0 466696096096 000004 000.0001 000004 an a 0 1 0 ! 11111MUM1119 H AGool"Id 841 ""1 "'N""W 4q' FD u"' p off s 0 -3on) 9 sto "WO p sms-i 4411 &SWO4411 -Mdv -Asul ;~ . 04W 0 w &W~m ago SRI p~1 pasms p - $-Am 0941 &A go q.Mqm lop- jqp" q so-* lAxoqm Apol sq) as Flue w 0 - ~mpm sor"s mp IR sopeaft&1w as poomw3se st 1j"Ist on 0 0" pwipmosolmu A- p ass qi to N"tft 8AI P" mous 911 sommood s mpq lo - -maq iV -3sqd wrvP Aq) -1 mKp AWIPA AAAA PD WIVALADI 84111W 03 0 V sjaAlq jpql NJ ppm W1 00 ul GRAS SJ IM A ) P R aad ftiv tougli arqKw:l GAUddlOp P n %"to$ 411 -1" -6 GNP" we me) -Now "A A41 ifto C. 00 -49-sil p- -SA- Goa" 441 - Allum,pon vM1 #Ajnu - I $ 00 o"jum "Itior aql eAculoW N qlfm lwpAsj sq) pow A OV lumle"I ."Posso p ""if" GII pmb" 411m wi- 00 0 4r m.w an "Iqo amp 641 of sto" O"Ism tGRI am" Pool ' M 00 A 111114W at 1419" MIJJ " -p- Pon 9"WOM poometA OAP Im-to P, -40 9 -"q p- at phaaw Ow (amAm" lotems-0) Pool '"W" - ' ' ' v f 00 wtqmftt qJ S V It S V 9 ii 6)l Wj)~MRJM (AS so. lip" 4 RAS","" I V i-sniq goof 24" domp ""M so p wompaq see 04 00 foldod So, too .1, -6 1-t-1 I r v v w T 03 v m it 4 14 (1 IN It off a 141 do 91 o1 it 01 (1 A Go f I 1 0 4 0 so 0 a a s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 & a IT up a R t's a too . 0 0 lxutl-4a'fA V V 4 .41 on IM-491 vpauu- fulml -N.jd .1 , W, 1.1- - m.,p poiw.q a twisas .9. vu-wl a.. Uaqd ql 0 IF aimlfwuyaqipuv it ? ~ 9 910104 UJIBAk WU "-a 1 S4 IM AUWUT) .1 pm -91 "160 fD ODIIJ14 UJOIU Jqj 11 P60PPI 11 JAIIS p4las 4#44 0 IV pus - w(liae &q1 ~Iuj jkm~f c1 pntu aqj die nj "a- I - 0 0fm~ 041 pj%*lhl UA4 I is I I..q r 4.1 2118- .1 Paoo"~ P- 9 1 .,1 1-10110. , I,.%? ..",I ". 111W fit. P418411 -q Iq,., 4.4 1... U.I. 00 ,I qla~ Aq .111 Uhl-j -1 84964 ul ml r' mutUM-s s41 In. ul A" 00 l tf 4A 'I P.1 11 N 4t 'i- 1 1'.. W 4 00 , , - It- W., , ~ 81"0O& 041 Pao 04100" WAMM I w : 3 "paid oa 4w. nn p"q pqrs ooqwqujga.fd 00 00 04~1 as 10 a vv 7 1 1r- UT A a I I I I I 1 11 'r -T ~ 60 01MVIGH, A.A.,prof. ; OVCH3111ZOVA, G.A. Differentiation of the regidating effects of *.he hypothala=B on the anterior and intermediate lobes of the hypophysis. Biul. eksp. b1ol. i mod. 55 no.2:100-104 F163. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Iz kafedr-I 7istolorii i enbrlologii (zav. - ch1pn-kor- respondent AMT' SSSR prof. A.A. 'loytkev-ich) Voronezhskogo meditsins'r.ogo instituta. (IR'POTHALAICS) (PITUITARY BODY) DENISOVA, S.I.; OVCHINNIKOVA, G.A.; WWSHI~OV, ;J. Study -,f the antibiotic "fluorin." Part ~., Stmict,ire of the skeleton of hydroxy acid rorimed In the hydrnlygis -)f lflurrir." Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.tD:2058-2061 Je '63. (KIRA 1t:") (Antibintics) DVGHIMIKUMA, G.A. Effect of neurosecreti n (in the Cytological Structure of a hypophyaeal transplant. Dokl. Ali 66olt 150 no.2t/.j,5-448 Pq 16). (MIRA 16:5) 1. Voroneahakiy gosud&raLvennyy meditainakiy iaatitut. Predstavlerio akademikom N.N.Anichkovyla. i (NEUROCHEMIST,Y) IIIJITARY bODY-TRAMPLANTATION) B--LOBORODCV, V.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; IVANOVA, N.A.; Prinimals, uchastiye: OVCIIINNIKOVA, G.A. Predisti.11ing of aicella by dispersion method. Masl.-zhir. prom. 28 no.7:8-10 J1 '62. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy ~Institut zhirov. (Ricalles) (Oils and fats) VOYTMICHP A.A.; OVCHINNIKOVA, G.A. CMMev in the oecretory nourona of the hypothalama and pituitary under the conditiorw of a aalt load. blul. eknl,. biol. i mod. 53 no.1:93-97 Ja 162. (MA 15:3. 1. Jz kafedry gistologii (zav. - chlon-korrospDndent AM SSSR prof. A.A. Voytkovich) Voronezhskogo maditsinskogo instituta. Predt3tavljnn doystvitol Inym chlenom AM14 !;6~ R VS. Parinym. (HYPOMIAMUS) (]PITUITARY BCDY) (wm NCTAWLISM) LUTSENKO, I.F.; KIfUWV, M.; UVCHINNIKOVA, G.A. Fhosphorylated chlorovinyl ket-ones. Part 31 Reaction of phosphorus pentachlorlde with enol eaters. Zhur.ob.khim. 31 no,612O28-2033 .Te v 61. (KMA 1416) 1. Hoakovskiy goeudarstvenr*7 universitet imeni M.V.Lomonosova. (Phosphorus chloride) (Enols) . 1. . ; d:-, .. % , ,,7- * s *,, s *-, -.I'. .. , .- , I, , " , , n, , ".- : -, :- I ,,. I ~ . . . 1, - 1. . . I . .. I- - . -. .1 11 1 . . I . ., - ~ ,.-I * ~gi or -.'It . -~)A - . . I :. , t t,.~i y .. , -" .. . VDY rKEV; ~li, A. A,; !T, A -HFV, A. V. ; ~HEKU NOV, A. f;. ; ~ ',-''f,, A, , n,- --: . I Roac t Ion of rit3liroiip,:ri * ury n,j -I e I ri I * , - , r.11 . I. -. , 14, - thy'ro i A ! 'a nd a nd * he n d Tv n r. g i a rld Pf ( ! ' ow I t-.r rsi,l : an t ne in~UM, of Llip oreanism. Vest. AMN -.- H . I . ' - - - it '. 111. : .1 lp . 1. rqcil( : A-N '*.') ~- FINM ISHTEYN, M.Ya., kand.biologichookikh nauk; GVCHIMIIKOVA, G.G. Effectiveness of treatinC legumes with niLragin. Zemledelie 2j. no.4:67-68 Ap 162. (XIhA 15 : 4 / 1. HDakovskoye otdoleniye Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-isaledovaWl'skogo instituta seltakokhozyzystvennoy mikrobiologil. (Legumes) (Nitragin) VEL'IASM, Lev bikolayevich; KRAVCMIKO, Semen Mikhaylovich; SHELYUTTO, Te.P., red.; OVCH.IINIRIKOVA, G.I., red.; ZAYTSEVA, L.A., takhn. red. [Maintenance and repair of typewriters] Remont pishushchikh mashin. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo mestnoi promyshl. i khudozh. promyslov ASFSR 1961. 169 p. (MIKA 14;la~ (Typevriters--+Iaintenance and repair) S j 1 9 p ig 0 4D Is IN a to V It a a a it 8 a m 0, b V a 0 a V 41; 44 a also a a I IA MIX a I A-t 0 0- . a 6 0 a - 0 Ito C Dell t ta.01 -- - 00 00 .00 so ~-00 00 Viwvwnc tiotteriminesim of w 1 -00 00 'k.1 ml I I im HeirAlb, it's (" I.J 0 -00 00 7. w) I, I IDIE-1 I a .4 Its. wo ps. *,ih -00 .4 it M &1 1, 1, 1.. .1-1 % ...... .,M 00 It I.. 1I 111o 411~4. 1.1 JAII-41-IIII-Aktil 11of W 1 .00 so j at" Ittan a Imm untij thr It.10 st.w 1-wn- 1 1 - 00 - Tsirst, with it I % 11.i1% I.- . -1- J."m 11 ihr "tni~ :- ~ 0 .00 'A) ,,, not, I I . It I soi-im I 0 it. Jn III III, arwvir-i 'b.- c 00 a J.-M 1~ coo , 00 th, jvo,-~ .4 p"Ilphihairit, I.. ...wl I-- I 1~ 4 coo 111401 "1111 alul tomm-l an 1 so 11 / k..". h ago =go 80* Go "Oo -1 11 1- K 1W. too 6-69- -to, 61, 411". 1 0 It I f0 so * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 4 0 g 9 0 0 0 0 .ts.' 9 0 0 0 slill"i,: Yllh"V , y k Iti Tracks C, KI.: a, i a n. GERLING, E.K.; OVGHIIIIIIKOVA, G.V. Causes of tho agu of micas when dat~nr them by tex RL>-Sr method. ~eokhiziia no.9:755-76' I & . 04MA I' : 11 '. 1. Laboratory of irecambrian Geology, Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R., Len-ingrad. (Mica) ('10010gical timo) !"/::~51-116211'.~~6/'3i'~ll".~54I ~:.. 1044/1244 A T -LAZ Arst dr-t,- r, t- r, ,bsolute geochronology :)f the cry3ta:1, to.-9,)r-.cnt of Bolorubgla "i.L: k1kad,-,ril I n, eltiruskay SSR. Doklad7. v.6, no.,~, 1-,C-, -17-'50 77.,: TTho me th.,-. 1 em.)loyod b,~7 the a*-itnorz ~-,n bi -tltenl in t3 dotemlnr. --::~~.te r%-as for tho varicus atage3 of t-AC -?ro ci,-.',-.rlar; of ~ho -.w-,-cso no "lie exIsting stratigranhIc alroady nz;tatllshed br mothods. Thls sonuence In tim-3 ~)rrljr: 1. i.rt~:'a',- -r-els. i complex; II. %ovier ?r.)teroz~~'c oil ~roterozzoic gne.'3:3 C A. L n,~ art, t-,no Iss C ~'- 1, . on.-" rix; Iv. J,-)I)e:, .-,r,Aol-3zolc - r :(iz ~.r junrtzitis and 3chlits. ,o daturn nr t: ~ -is -.-,(ire carried eb30]llt(J r~g out on the rocks tiumselves. In3ttint! t--~,- r:,7o of the Intrusives In these r Card 1/2 F AP, A. r'.; IlUl IN(j, FJ "-~R I V, , I.P.; JV :' INN I VA, lat.; -)r- ~i' f Wl- ~iu ~ 5. la I inqtitu! treolo f-eolov,.l lo~pmbriv,~ r-- -~,r ~jo~ Yr 1. -e!4W nauk Wt BSSil, v. Minck A", ')L.Sk, '.eninrrdd. (Wi tp Auss I a --u(,o I ),-v, -'! r;. I irr;tr WIRLING, Brik Karlovich. Prinimali uchastiye: TASHCHMO, H.L.. starshiy nauchnn sotrudnik; TERHOLIN. O.K., starshty naucbnyy notrudnik; TrrM, N.Te., sladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; AFANASITIVA. LoI., mladshly nauchnyy notrudnik: KOL'TSGVA, T.V., sladshly nauchnyy sotrudnik, CVCHINNIKOVA, G.V., mladshly uauchnyy sotrudulk; SHUKOLTIKOV, Tu.A., mlAdshly tauchnyy sotrudnik; LZVS1rrT, L.K., mledshly nauchVy entrudni1c; WROZOTA, K.M.. mladshiy nauchn" Botrudnik; KOVEMA, I.I., slAdshiy nauchnyy sotradnik; BARKAR, T.G., ml&dshiy nauchayy sotrudnik; BARANOVSKATA. N.V.. m1adshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik.- VARSHAVSKATA. B.S., sladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; SERGMV, A.N.. starshiy laborant; KURBATOV, V.V., starshly nauchryy motrudnik-, KRATTS, K.O., 1. -mineral. nauk,; ARCYN, G.M., red.izd-va; BOCHSTIR9 V.T., (Present status of the argon method for age determination and Its use it geology] Sov-remennoe sostoianie argonovogo matoda opre- delentia vozrasta I ago primonenie v geolngli. MovkvA, Isd-vo Ak&d.nauk SSSR, 1961. 130 P. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Radiyer" inatitut im. V.G.Khlcpina (for Knrbatov). (G9O1r*,-iCA1 t1MO) (Radio&rgcn dating; OVCHINMEDVA. G.V. Geochemical determination of the P-decay conBtant of rubilium-87. Geokhimiia no.5:392-398 160. (KIRA 13:8) 1. laborator7 Of the Geolog7 of the Precambrian, Acad~m7 Of Sciences, U.S.S.R., Moscow. (Rubidium-Dseay) AUTHORS, 3-ri)rg h .K . , &~. ". 36: i Le, 3At L X . :-, -h k :;v aI. V. TITLEi Ag~ De *it, va, !- ~~f ~,:we 9 --as kcrord'ng to the Rut,d3um St r ~) '~t Ux vp - n -,d (up rq~do 11 en ! Y04 v -)ZT& at a nekni cry ia a j L.,- PD rut'.d v--'11r-n1q1ye-mu metodu) PERIODICAL Q5A Nr 6 Pr 55~ - ~44 .~55V ABSTRACT- At the begi nr i rg of lhe present paper prDt exq o! the -"..;hl.d.lun) sty ~nt i um age det ermination are d-ar ussed .The detarm) ra*.! ,r. -f m~ -!as a.' nws : -, ~,2nt, c ' %I)* ottai nod valueo tv mid4rs ~)f *~e potaAA,,um arg,.mi mothod. Most of the4 'r-eg"Catpi samples -orne from the Ko~a peninsula. M. N. Yerwo',z!y- p,.t tho-..r at the alithOrg d I SPO Sal They wore rit &A us,-a' dF-,omposed voith HF2 and HC~O but a,.-:-rd:ng !-.1 Ila- :h ~r r most ckaeq a~cc,rd,.ng t-j ierze,-us Tht~a ,t was poseit'#- t- &,o-d the formation of difficu-t'y 11~ '1 9P j t &A 9 1 ULD and rubidi~jmdifluor.dee. F,)r the of the rat'o of lj~topeq thl method of to peJ Dr by mear 9 of Rb and Sr was cnosen. Th- ai-i vs.q wag rarried ,ut by means of the mass spectro- C ard T!~-i Jpt-~-mi nat I -ne e a,l te f owl, rqz ASTROVA, T.I.; OW! I NN I KCV A, I ~, , In zh. bptermln~nt4 'tie rigilltj A' tie ffiatening (A !raettl ;,hr'-- * ri,~Inforo.ed concrete beds ,f mtcUrm to- Iq. ". I )1i I Itll I(A I, ; , r.o. 0. ef-~ J e 04itotilne tools) iL ~C~ AR, t6019190 (A) souRCE CODE: UR/0122/66/ooo/()0P/O035/OO39 IAUMOR: Astrova, T. I. (Candidate of tf,chnical sciences)-, Ovchinnikova, 1. G. (Engi- Ineer) OPG: None TITLE: Foundation bolts made from concrete-r,-inforcing rod ~ I SOURCE: Vestnik ma hinostroyeniya, no. P, 1966, 35-39 ~TOPIC TAGS: mechanicEd fastener, concrctc,, fatigue strength, 3tress analysis, pexa- eter , NP+AO Droot- , 5,70ec)r -ruPA)A- 01P) JPOL~"6)v (_ ABSTRACT: The authors propose the use (f concrete-reinforcing rod for foundation t~olt -nufacture. This would reduce production time and save metal. Anchors at the end of the bolt are not necessary since they axe retained in concrete by their very shape. Pbrameters of the bolt are determined. The results of experiments to deter-mine depth of bolt setting, stress iuring slippage, rod diameter, rod shape, strength of concrete and other factors are discussed. Formulas are given for determining the bir,iing para- eter and maximum tangential stresses during slippage. The results show that ~t_ion bolts made from corcrete-reinforcing rod are easier to produce and hav- impr' lhoVing power. Forr-u-1az are given for determining the strength and riJ7,ifiity t" Its when fastened in concrete. A gralh is given for deterudring bolt en the diameter of the bolt in 16 mm or more. Orig. art. har.: 6 r , g u rs ,12 fortrulas. CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG RFF: 005/ OTH REF: 000 Cord 1/1 OYCHIM-IIKOVA, Irina Ignat'yevna; SINYAKOV. Yu*I.q red.: SHEMMIM09 [Soviet woman as active builders of co-nisal SDvetskis shenshchiny - aktivnys stroltell koummism. Leningrad. Lanisdat, 1961. 79 p. (NIU 14:4) (Vomen-jimployoont) MASLA)BD-lEV, G.Ya.: OVCHINNIKQVA, 1. ., doto., kand. tokhn. nauk, spats. red.; FUFAYEVA, G.I., red.izd-va (Screvthreads and threaded articles) Rez1by i roalbovye itdellia. n.p. Roavuzizdat, 1962. 52 p. (mm 16:4) (Screw threads) KUZKCTSOVA, V.A.; ASHIROV, X.B.; GRONOVICH. V.A.; OVCHINNIKOVA. I.V.1 KUZNBTSOT, S.I. Inhibiting the development of sulfate-reducing bacteria in the petroleum layer of the Kalinovke deposit (with summary in Inglish]. Nikrobiologiia, 26 no.3:3)0-337 My-Je 157. (KIRA 10:10) 1. Institut mikrobiologii AS SSSR J Gosuderatvena" Vaesoyurnyy tooledovatel'skiy i gidroproyektnyy Institut neftedobyvayushchey promyshleanosti, Moskva. (KALINOVX4 (KUYBYSHXY PROVIWJ)--BACTERIA, SULFUR) (PITROLIUM INGIRURIM) (FaMIDAHTDI) OVCHIbWIKOVA, K.A. 6ome problems In legal psychiatric testimocy in cases of mental deficiency connected with arteriosclerosis. Probl.sud.psUrh.7: 222-235 '57. (MIRA 10:11) (KRUrAL DIFICIRNCT) (ARTERIOSCLIRGSLS) -:AU X au cat u, L tray, wS Ll f - T- a 9---h --1-- f 1~ 1- -4 S.-, 1.4 ~-,g F. v!-- pru-4. 1141-W b-ld, S.C. S.-ft t-'&"- Of S.-: S.V K-p- IU P~ f... , j U. 1. KIOJU- K.A- -4 IJL. P--- T-. RNMIS, VMS wll-~ or S-111S, LS ~."4 rb, bLal~c-, P0,01-lonS. -A P-L. 00~. Th. SaLL-Las --4- 1A pLp.- - p-b- f pUs, Sa- M-1-0 -6 35 -PS-s So tb- -y -A P-"- Or L-L~a. T~ :4 1"MULLSO, Of -1 ~ 00 ~!, I r.-I~Sq QMIUU~ "Im-Irl..-A, T-Ul .80"s. 2 L-U-- s -d a-, SO, -Umb L-1~ - "!-, . -.: T--v -CUL.-k-G. ~1~ -f W-T- U.I.- t tb. ?-I 01.4u.1 LSSU~.) T-k Of im-kno,'" er-b 0. F-P-1- Of LUVOr"d A.~ie- V- L.L.-t M-L- mw,,~ r-, .1- MtLbdl.. - LL-11. 97. !q4rAPu7r.., T.. 1, iT-l :-M. I D... r- P~ f A.ts-PoSaw.. "- 232 ML'Tru.~~., 1.1., .4 S-Ol- - til 71 - S.S pbalitt, S.- C- pr t-t" %7 uO SOL-- 11 ft-~ A f m,! omad Ir,-bL.Ia L-1 IL-7 A A-A.w .1 lbu~sl A.I.- mm: -A f 1% i~l S.A. S.-hik Tiek Sm-Ophallt's 250 1.*., L.A. -.9 P.P. GO M.-PbS,11u. 155 j:!jtXf!4,*.A. (T-K f I- Alh-. C-P-11- f LS Th- vl~ D)- 261 Ift 9-% GSdj-j S--. Iw- ftm"M.j.A,(T-h 0- ftlb~d Of P-V-1-4 M.- rro k3. ^bL,..k-S4 L.A. (?~-. Xr-l-S). I%- W"--' f ls~ -4. P--r fttl_., VISO, " G-,,. C-Aj,j- f U" SOrm Z" A. LA. (?-% ft_ SO p_,_tOS r !I,. Lfu ha.Smm-4 dw,~ T..$. (T.-b lbb.4 r- ob-1-1-4 AdgUtiMtlxa Dy~"M 0- VW11tySm, G.A. (Tom" tmtlftt-I - Th& ~14gr1r%- of WIlbl- I.&S, AlMtIV- LS 'A- Pr"-%L- Or a-- Ca.. t. lcl-y~ a LA. T.- 0. US, P.. - 'IftsimOm L., 2. #,.Out, r b-urw Samut, Of usims Iluta, mtS r- ;.U-d- plogamtLOOS, (,_X jWtjtSU). ~MOl._y ~f U. lbtl.4 11 0G%S,SS,S,, clumotteoartal ISSaLmtt" L. T~t DVCffDMLIKOVA L,D,, PCKMAREl;XO N 1. SONCHIK E.A,, Preparation of embr7ma.~ 7a-- me agaln6- spriig and ei-e- -.' ~K borne anoepha-Litli, rrudy Tomtlvs 4111 J, .' - - - " .LO Tomskiy nauchn(> lssledova-3~ skiy Ingt1tut waktodn i (ENCEPHALITIS) (Uccms) OVCHINNIXOVA. L.D.; POWOMARMO, N.I.; 9DWCHIK, N.A. Jkperlence in the production of a brain racclie aealnet tick-borne encephalitis. Top.virus. 4 no.5:S63-566 S-0 59. (KIRA 13:2 ) 1. Tomskiy nauchno-isslodovatel'ekiy Institut valctsin i eyvorotok WnIsterstva sdravookhranonlya SSSR. (ZMEPHkLrT IS, immunol. ) FLGROVSKAYA, V.N., doktor geol.-sineral. nauk (MoBkva); I OVGHINVIKOVA, ..I. (Mwkra) Uldneacent microscopy In geology. Priroda 52 no.lle69-72 163. (MIRA 1711) 071GIKHIIIA. 0.G.; OVCHIMIIKOVA, L.I. The color photographing of luminoncent objectives under a microscope. Zhur. nauch. i prikl. fot. i kin. 3 no.4:310-311 JI-Ag '5P. (MIRA 11:9) (Color photorraphy) FIDWIVSKATA, V.N.: OVCHIHNIKOVA, L.I. flaces"ity, of st,vtyinp ltqT)nrRrA 1)ituninous -otter by nnans of cence micrnarovy. Hniich.dnkl.vvn.9hkoly-, genl.-nauH no.4:1~4-SA 158. (MIRA V: 6) 1. '4oalrovskiy univereltnt. gAolngirlinskiy fakul'tet. lCitfodre, gpologii I peokhtaii -nry-urhikh lal-npRyamrkh. (Bitumen) (FbinreacAnrp microscopy) AUTHORSt Ozhgikhina C.G., Ovchinnikova, L I. soy TITLEt Color Fhotography of Luminescent Objects Under the (Tsvetnoye f t rafirovaniye lyuminest6iruyushchikh ob"Yekt''. 0 o p 0~ pod m1kr ako om FERIODICALa Zhurnal nauchn~y i prikladney fitografil , kinPmat.,eriAf' Vol 3 Nr 4 ~p ~'.' ~.: USSR' ABSTRACTt Luminescence ;s caused when a number of rocks m-_rera."' and bitumina are subjected to ultra-violet li6ht By a study of the resulting colir differences, it is yoesitle tc iiag nose the nature of the specimen being etudied 7he a ~. t h - rS dP 3 - cribe the a.paratiis for making color photographs of sAch _qpec'. menB under the mcroscope kercwry-quartz lamps PH 4 1 _"'7DSh 250 are used for the lietit source with the requiste -1_r f,.: ters for singling out certain long-wave rays fr3m t~- m.!r-_,ry 131, at! t r'AM -Ywrtfi*r I i It era aboorb the 1,lup 1 ight eu. ~ !tj~l ty tne lamp which would rause distortion (-)f' the ol,jr itimp" ti 1ho 1',:tt, The specimen was photographed in this light with it J,h L(erujh)-, attachment fitted to a MUF-1 microscope The use r" t~e FRX 4 Card 1/2 lamp necessitates too long an exposure; SVDSh 211.0 is letle: tut SOV 77-'1-4-21,"' Color Photography of Luminescent Ob.,ects Undc-r the Microscope exposure must be still further decreased by somehow increasing the intensity of illumination. There are 4 photoe. I Luminesoent. analysi:,, I Ap p I. i c a t i (-) r, sMicrt)pb~)t(igrtiphy--Api,licati( r,,;Mr v --Equipment Card 212 BOGLANOV, Yu.A.. OVCT~jN!J;KQVA, L.I. 11 -.- - -.. -1.1 , . . %. -.. ~ - Methodology of dett-mirlng t,~'-umlncw ~qlibstsrcrF 'n Okeanologlia 5 no.2:1166-371 'A~. tMIPA IP:6' 1. Institut ,kefinologll AN