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OVCHIKjIjWI,-j.M.-, Prof. Immunofluores-nee method Ln the d'agncs,G c' gonr:-7-brF-. derm. I von. )8 no.9:51-59 5 '64. (Y:,LLA ' P: -.: 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledova!aIlckly Lnotitut (dlr. - N.M.%ranov) M-'n-'stpTn,,vR ranonlya SSSR, Wi3kva. i:"44, 1 ; 0 Le 0104 leaft j/A P & A 4,L4 go TlArlV I k&, .- 1. t h. Ph, I., n"I Im t ear 'I punt aml It" fi-Own- "I 00 ~vwmtsbw ond 0o is isb"umw they k,v," ll. ii- wbkbtb"clktalvtt fo,h~ 4 a Me, go 00 001 1 -00 . 003 00 wee too - - A A A A A a 'A, a I v 1. 1 a 0 1 6 1 :i u a AV 09) at I .. " 0 of a n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a a 10 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : : : : : U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 a 660600 0 0 00 00 900-00 000009 0 0000 ~041110 0000 00 *so** 61:00,0006 0000000*00000 00 ow IT 11 a a 1. ro:0600i, 0 0;; 0 *x eez : :to 06, 0 Or 602 41M "JUIUsIWI ajurq3 r ml-I .q, us ldjj uAm ,,I* NjlluI AsjA .%m m%aqiuAoDwqd 4u"3 ju 0- Isvp aql cq Idiij 00. P-D - val 0 sqj ul pajvTm:&A3 J411 Aq p2oxmqv N IT va Iqfjj 0 PD M Is ID 00 046- 040- 0 07;- 0 f. so go sw a CE 040000000000GOW6600,04 IT co 4v lb is 4 too IN Us ILMAASIO MA LIC4141"(11 ANAJ192 PD svjjusl~ , Ora jqI wnpq ultu ON.' ml lAvP 141v (nr awjj Im4pajoill A)j) ullsirr-jiAl -AS -fpl . M* 6 s 00 ijqX jAv-q *Iri "JX 1 I ju uolldu&%%v, wOn All-j T, -Tdlta aqj &mljq usus, A inj lqwl "fm wt- . j dl ll A a u l swa qjMm I" m9a a q1 p p ill -9-%(* "AL Poll PA 3qj SIVIC13 J~A I F00 to no Aivulpm ajqo mk" 3qj svjk PLq s IT ~ amo r o = i 100 I As n p - av I v p q I'l pailful-ml lo uoqpjw qIfm 'wetwljpp,l g00 IP"IVTIm+oL=: C-141L - .m. - - p loss 00 00 -- 00 A A 40 T g lb 0 4b 46 do a 4 also* 00,00,00 r,4 Sling of ban" saw on 60 Ow"17 a easalses -Tbe loosely townd water ul a colloid is readily valoal, by ak., glycerol. wagars, etc., (Nelman anal N , C-4. J2. =160). Substmicts wt less ad- in the loosely bound water envelope sarroundins an maywar than in ordinary water; belom. it the envelope is destrwyed by clemotic powes. the activity of the enzyme sholsid Jacesem. A 0.3% glyces ant. of pumpkin aredo ADS a 311%pnistar Catalsarartivity then a smolar Cal W* cools. slytoo . but InsOns the am Timosity 17% gelatin). Is the Amoselt of flyrovol or FeAstift. 4 eat Wined own Poster tatalass activity The viselvalty of a Iffillessess Caltsbaft activity. in the revew direction. am t6a does The destruction of the Lava of locally hatuail water bow -ir Dower 11 Pnextiev C V 0" 1 " 77 7 7, : C ', *,% ". 3rowth TLeci-y cf cyclical ran ` - - I . ~ - - . . , . p . I - 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congrt~ss, Line- 1 . CV ~' H TIN- - T K C 7 , :,' . N . ; , ". :-!. n. US,~R (60C) 4 4. Ri ce 7. Hetemlenc-un )c1len wit 'n a rice clunter, ', okI. AN 3~~R -Y, ':c. ' , I j' . 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, :-lay -1953. Unclassified. io3jDgY - Plant pbysidlov --Pub 22- 'Grild 2A 34140 "ind1mvt Me. No ad, ShMimmap No No a vwIsty tit pcumli* i6vi64 SA: of pefte of a* puft P*., AN US "/3p W-Wv Xff at 19% "U tGROO In up 14 I It Wu esUbUibed Out Vw sprMn at, a 2wp 40 fir -Mmmom inAhe wALddb pait of Vw plea hm gresUr 11fo4wtpity wd fertility than the sperviln In 'the f Irst blob In IWW MA uppem Torte Of the p3mt. The effect of ponen slues an Vie t*vUUty of spermins and their abUity to assimilate the evicens Is discussed. 7hMe tOM rO- ferewes (1931 ;rd 1952)o Wbee, b1" Acads4clan A. L., tursonme 3"Aduber'"s 3.9% pvt nted OVCIIINNIKOV, N. N. Doo Diol Sai -- (dies) "Qualitative differenaes in call@ and -ld4vjU !, "j " tissues of grAia-plimtwO Mos, 1967* 35 pp 20 om. (Moo Order of Lenin State Ur - im M. V. Lomonosov), 110 copies. M. 13-57. 98) -16- 11.1 DYCHIIINIKOY# N*Xv; SHIKHANOVA, N.V. Biological difference In qualities of kernels developod in varimis parts of the wheat 9&r. Trudy OGNI no.11:41-58 157. (MIRA 1113) (Wheat ) OTCHINSIXOT, N,N*; M1113UNOTA, N.M. ........... . Obtaining blologically high-quality moodie. Trudy ONU no,1109-69 157. (MIRA 1123) (Seed industry and trado) (Whoat) USSR/Physiology of Plants. General Problems. Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur-Biologiya, No 1, 1958, 11o4 upon the supply of nutritive matter and upon the place where the pericarps am fonoked. Any dirpct conne--tion between the weight of the external and internal florwer membranes and the weight of the pericarps were not discovered. The project was conpleted in the Odessa Hydrometeorolog~c&l Institute. Bib- liography of ten titles. Card 2/2 -4- -~40V, 0 8 3,1 -1 LI Or,) t I t 16: 4_. ror VY, t:i jr tuie aori&- fror, dp"Oc-'s f0ft-10"' on the oxperl, -1,," rzrc From t Institute. Lri 3dio p.,rt af U'lo stAke develOp nor" roo. ,jyqt.*)ruP de,ply 6JDDe%!d0,I r -14 o, .,,:o aecond type of tlll~-- I 16 17nes,,. amojnt of rootiets, le-v#38 a,-4 8AOOt8, Wit') a -Iigt)tjr perkionta4e of UIS slxvivftl Of Plant!" 'J"~h tillora, i,,Ighar yield %nd absoluto 4e.ght, of 32 ----------------------- fie n r, ldea-;ree! and ~:-,',*-Moden 1r, t~A cr,!~gen,)' Of El L;- h. Jokl. P'rkoly; biol.nauki no.3:134- w he, a ara barley. vy e. 139 IS:8) `--al,a tlB fi:~ I c 'log I I ras ti n I"y Odt, s s kogo solil- K C,,(,hoz ysivs L vQ nn,)g oris t -,,c hr,.)-S i bi rs k! m bi o I og 1, -hle S)l Im SSSR. til.lltom SW A' OVCHIN.VIWV,--X.N, (OveWnnykov, M.M.1; NIXOIAYEVSKIY, V.G. [Nikolaievs'kyi, "' V.H.] Changes in the anatomic structure of corn roots depending on the place of their formation on plant. 18 no.6:16-2) ,61. (MIRA 15:)) 1. Odesskiy sel'skokhozyaystvennyy institut, kafedra fiziologii rastenty. (Roots (Botany)) (corn (maize)) ! - , I.- - - -~e .1 -,?- - t. - OVCH INIKOV, N.N., prof.; SUCHKOVA, A.V.; BELOVA, S.I. Prediction of the aprvarance of IeRvee on corn. Trudy OrVd no.25:45-43 '61. 'K[RA I t,: ~ ' (Corn (Maize)) (Leaves) (YVCV1 INN I KOV, N.N. , prof.; Stl(:HF('V A, A. V. ; 'I I KOLAYFVSY. I Y, V.G. Prediction of the beginning of the stages of the formation of *.ne reproductive organs of corn Odeaskays 21. Trudy D;~U no.2't 41-44 '61. (KIRA lti:O (Corn (Maize)) (Plants-Reproduction) OVCHINNIKOV, N.N.; NIKUIAYEVSKI)I, V.G. Relation between stagea of the organogenovio of infloreacences and leaf and mot growth in corn. Trudy OG.LU no.2-2:29-33 160. (~ahA 14:10) (Com (MLize)) (Growth (Plants)) GVCHUINJI(OV, N.N.[Ovchywiykov, M.M.); 3111K]bWVA, N.M.[Shykhmova, N.A.] HeteronomW of organs, tissues# and cells In the ;plant org,-nism Ukr. bot. zhur. IS no.ltl9-27 161. OIC itA 14: 3 ) 1. Odesakiy se1'skokhozyqstvennyy institut, (Plant physiology) OVCITIJi21IKOV,-N.N.. SHIMHOVA. N.M. Heterogeneity of seed buds and egg calls developing in different parts of the wheat ear. Trudy OGNI no.18:17-21 159. (KIRA 1115) (wheat) (ovaries (Botazw)) .-4 OVCHINNIKOV. -N. N. Chang,ea in the amount of pollen urrains in the stutsen depending on the position of the flower In the wheat and rye ear. Trudy nGM1 no.IWI-L~? '59. (HULA 1)t5) (Wheat) (4e) (Pollan) OVCHINNIEDV. U.N.; SHIKHAZIOVA. h.m. -----R;j-atjon '3etvaen the variety In offspring and place of seed foroation on hybrid plants of the preceding generation. Tr1d7 OGMI no.16:67-77 '58. (MIRA 12:9) (Hybridization. Vegetable) OVCHIbMKOV, N.N.; SHIKRANOVA. N.M. Variations in the size of pollen as related to the also and vlFor 0:- the wheat plant. ?rudy OGMI ne.16:79-84 '58. (Knu 12-9) (vagat) (Pollen) OVCHIN'NI1WV, N.N.; SHIKHANOVA. N.M. Bffect of seed q-jality on the improvement of varietal qualities of spring wheat sown in f&11. Trudy OGKI no.16:85-90 '58. (MIRA 12:9) (Wheat) (Seeds) OVGRINIIrKnv. 11. N. "Plant phyololoU nnd fun4amertals nf microbioloa" liy P.A. Gonkel'. Reviewed bv N.N.Ovchinnikov. Fistol.rast. 6 no.2! 751-252 W-Ap 'SQ. (MIRA, 12: ~ ) (PLANT P[ITSIOWGT) ( HIC ROB IOLOGY ) OVCHINNIZOV. U.N.; SHIMNOVA. N.M. *~ Orowth characteristics of plants developed from caryopmes taken from different parts of the wheat ear. Bauch.dokl.vys.shkoly; biol.nauki no.4:124-128 '58. (MIRA 11:12) 1. Rokomendovana kafedroy rastaniyevodetya I pochvovedeniya Odesskogo gidrometeorologichookogo instituta. Meat) OTCHINNI-XDV, N.-N.-;--SHIIHANDVA. N.M. Changes In the fertilization ability of flowers as related to their position in the apike. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; b1ol. nauki no.2: 93-96 158. (MITLA 11: 10) l.Preentaylona kafedroy rastonlyevodetva I pochvovedeniya Odeeskogo gl*ometeorologich~sko 0 inatituta. f7ertilization of plant@) (Wheat) cowlay N'% IC4597 ABS. JOURe RZhBiol . p 9511a AUTHOR .-V3A -11411v]- .64 lisp Jo-tSlusA41, TTTLE Zor-7:1 !.,i If -IL iart~ GPIG. RIB. 1, 7--71 A3SMCT -e a --td: of zonteLu i-i tho i "I 0%'~~ a X a. Laj c ..ita!,t In ')"'"o t:kie on.'t - t .,f t-stal .. -t:!J nri; ii ml-'A n t , 1-io Axce of t- a .'-ar;,tA.n )f crai-3 tiie .,r'ta oo, in,'10M3COICO. , ,W.LS ro -k--' ' * ) I Le-t -L owt in -dLA-3r .'XiaL 'ri ins -., Joh for.;, I its - I c-~e ra 3 t 1 --.v lets I., tm ai,ldla rt o' t. 3 9 Axo-s. 'h.; D.** titAl ru.: Card- 1/ 2 OTCHI]MIEDT. N.V. Pruit, culture at the 59th parallel. Pr1roda 45 ne.8:128 Ag 156. (Nol*tov Province--Fruit culture) (NW 919) OVCHINNIKOV, N.V. Concentration and distribution of iodine and bromine in uLbter- ranean waters of the Azov-Kuban fault. Blul. HOIP. Otd.99ol. 34 no.5:159-160 S--O 159. (HIRA 14r6) (Azov-Kuban jwgion-Water, Underground) jodine) (Bromine) OVCHINITIKOV N.V. _ _2i~~~ Changes in the chemical comPositiou of underground watere in the Azov-Kubaq trough and their Iodine and bromine contents. Izv. vys.ucheb.zav.; geol.i razv. ) no.1:134-136 Ja 160. (mlU 13:7) 1. VoesoyuzWv aauchno-iseledovatellakiy institut gidrogeologii I Inzhenernoy geologii. (Azov region--Water, Underground-Analysis) (Kuban--Water, Underground--Analysis) OVUHANIKOV7 0. Present status a-nd the future of' planning. Grri-,.,,:. I- - . . 10-11 -Te 164. (M: RA 1 -': 8) 1. Nachalln-lk kafedr-y ekn~lur,'-atrdi vozdushnogo tninsports Vysshogo aviatsionnogn uchill.~,~cha Grnzh(janskogo vmdushnorr f Iota. OVCHINNIKOV, O.N. Zhukovskii profile in a uniformly vortex flow of an ideal incompressible fluid. Trudy LPI no.21707-50 161. (?ERA 15:3) (Fluid dynamics) ,~ , -1 4, 1 r. 6 ~ OVCHIMIKOV, O.N. Slow flow of a noncompressible viscous fluid about a permeable elliptic ishell. Trudy LPI no.2)Oi36-9 '(,4. (MIRA 17.6) (YVCHINNIKOV, O.N. Cascade of cylinders in a simple vortex flow. Trudy LPI no.217:51-64 '61. (KRA 15-3) (Cascades (Fluid dynamics)) OVCHINNIKOV, O.N.; SMIRNOV, O.V. Cascade of profiles in a nonuniform flow. Trudy LPI no.217: 71-80 161. OCRA 1,~: 3) (Cascade (Fluid dy-namics)) ACCESSION NR: AT4041809 8/2563/64/000/230/6036/0048 AUTHOR: Ovchinnikov, 0. N. TITLE: Slow now of an Incompressible viscous liquid around a permeable elliptical shell SOURCE: Lening-rnd. Polltelthnichenkly Institut. Trudy$, no. 230. 1964. Telthnicheskaya g1dromckhanika (Technical hydromechanics), 36-48 TOPIC TAGS: permeable shell, elliptical shell, viscous flow. Incompressible liquid flow. hydromechanice. cylindrical shell ABSTRACT: A solution In the form of the Ozeyen approximaition is presented for the problem of the steady state flow of an incompressible viscous liquid around an elliptical shell of uniform permeability. An approximate solution is also given for the flow around a thin cylindrical shell and plate plared perpendicular to the advancing flow, assuming that the permeability Is linearly dependent on the resistance. 7%e total flow of the liquid Is divided Into external now (in relation to the F;hcil), internal now and flow through the shell Itself, Ile motion of a liquid In the external and internal regions Is described by the Helmholtz equation. 71o Darcy law is applied to the flow through a shell and the linear law of resistance is expressed by PT UOV48, CWd PSI ACCESSION NR: AT4041809 We solution is not.valld In the case of a cylinder, so that It is trangformed by the Fourier eerle~ Into ell t - s1nq + D, + sin I.. i pq + + 6, i -.1 (7) 1 11 - n+ vvm - Chi - a' -px~. -0 01-1 The velocity distribution outside the cylinder Is7 then given by I OW CU. ell t - co3,q + D, + D. e-04 tOIN1111 4 [701", + !,(Vam (1) ell I E01 MV1 a. CU. h I sirrm-q D. e- Pin nil -% -d-r + T(T M all sin ml a cmd 3/9 ek, (1) - (a(#$) at'a, - -0 ma) ACCESSION NR- AT4041809 and the flow function by h F, +A# Ain. -011 + e Mw pressure distribution is determined by P, jr- Cl D, (12) Ut For Uve Internal region, the author derives &Z - 2A -a,- 0: (13) 4 wbidh Is solved by the method of separation or variables, giving (14) z Us Se. (E) - se. (1) V Card4/9 ACCEMION NR! AT4041809 TW~ relation Is transformed by the Fourier nine series and the final form for the solution in Vie internal region Is given by W* =2 U, - ell P. - ell nit P( .111 (1.) - Q(.111 P)l - min mill U, >] M - ell n,I -P( .11 (11.) - Q1.111 (1) 1 Coe MVI: (16) UnC' M - Nil nit I Pw (1. 11 I'Ll" (t) I tin mvj~l* A 0-1 1".1 (17) 7%e problem of flow through a shell In treated for the case of a small Reynolds number, a linear law of viscosity and an infinitely thin shell, where the normal components of velocity satisfy the conditions q- 4). Mw solution for the flow functlon Is given by CWd 5/9 6 ACCESSION NR: AT4041800 I!-= Uq-ej(cht+sht. - c-4-) - sinvi+ a, [slit -cht - In (I. -Are #'1.- A - C At At -4 T- E1n2-q+'o* sh 211 - In ob to - eu ~ in, e' ke UCC3. A (2ohl to + 1) e"-U In(8 - e chi dn-4 -T sin 2vj eh 211. + I - y ch2t) + ch eh E, ch 311 sin 3,1 + talf IT, -if, At th 4E., + sh 2t (P, + PI) ch2t - sin2n+ -T 2 -89W P- cht - cog,, + [26 U., A tq st a pressure distribuUon given by' CIO + (cos2-q + e72) I .0 (21) )14*- pp - t O:U= sh cos (P, 4- P2) Ch2t - m2,14 0. . (22) coilo + kC1 sh ch 211 - cos 2n.* -W -1m . . ACCESSION NR: AT4041809 As an example of the application of this method, the problem or a cylindrical @bell and a plate Is solved. For the cylindrical shell with the conditions cel r ce" - a (23) Ow solution in given by T-= U, (r + tin 0 - U. - -.[r - In (W) - r + r + In Oka) sin 4 + 6'U" sin 29 - r 1 --7-* U ge-A rt aq 0 -T-Irl - In (Ur) - -T + -;7t . In (Ikd)] sin 201 go . In (Eka) - coi 20 - -osO +a. U, r a' cos 20 + cos 20; Wl (k -r) I U0. A .P, (3a' - r') - r - sin 0 + (24) UA1 + + (a- - F" - sin 29 7/9 P+ - Pa F.-Cos 011 + ors - tosM, Cord lug' + ACCESSION NR: AT4041809 where the coefficients satisfy P4 - P- av d%V + == aw W -W -oiF npm r= a. -FU-TO- == -V~ - (25) ndvancing flow, the solution Is given by For a plate placed perpendicular to the Wr= U.C cb 11 - Sinn+ as sbt ch t In a ke el)] Sinn + OC sh V In he el) + we m.n 2n + Ish' t he P-P. e (26) In e ch I - Cosn + (cos 2n + sin 2n : I -=W -JR, r, (I - T) . I - - ). 0 wi;iii-&-coeffl-clents satinty- 1he comh linnr (27) P (a 0) P (n. 0) VA (n, 0) Ae C;rd 6/9 ACCESSION NR: AT4041909 The pressure resistance coefficients are given bvw---- 2m - a* C', == -~- . ~ lp. - P(o)) - 014 - dil = ---Fc-- Orig. art. has: 63 equations. 9U2 (27) 0C ASSOCIATION- "ningradskly politeklinicheskiy institut im. M. I. Kaltnina (Leningrad Polytechnical Inptitate) SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL- 00 SUB CODEo 149 NO REIF GOVi 005 OTHER: 003 Cwa 9/9 X, OVCH INN IKOV, 0. N. Laminar boundary layer on a plate in an inhooDgeneous flow. Zhur- tekhn. fit- 30 no.6t627-638 Je 160. (KIRA 130) 1. Leningradekly polltekhnichoskly Institut In. X.I.Ralinina. (Boundary layer) (Fluid dynamics) ~U258 AVTH-.h- ~vchinnikL'V, N. Le:. TITLEt Lun;,~,,ii'd na Flow %n -,r Stution%r~ Exnt%us n e -To-u--.-d a PERIODICAL: Priklhdna-,-i ~.ka . mo~yh.y,iku, Vo~ 7 1.7 F-' TEXT i author coris;uers Pi h e;., teo cy 1 ~ r u e r A ~ t t, r a d i us a whi t- , f 1 own around n long; tudiria' airect:jri L-y m, I rihL,m, ~-eneo',IL; ~W -,; incomuregs."L)l c. I'lul W, It. V. viscou whe7 -t. --~e boundary hym? r , xno-:- Q I n i kne s o 3 -.,; ~Aum~. ted T' r. d e r e ~;,~ -m i, , ' i,. t:~ ! i r.) n it r, ~ x , a I t r I ow z,r.,: I,e,, , en - v " rom the z - )o r 1 11.1 Inder *tie --nes 'r, r.t~lu " "'I*,! ve, un(I temper~il.,ir-- " i ,,ure. S T Nov,?mber 2i OVCKMIEOVP 0. N. (Leningrad) "Incompressible, rotational, azlaymetric flow past a body of revolution." report presented at the First All-Union Congress on Theoreticai &ad Applied Mecbanice, Wecow, 27 Jan - 3 Feb ig6o. 0 S/563/61/000/217/002/012 D234/D308 AUTHOR: Ovchinnikov, 0. N. TITLE: Zhukovskiy's profile in a stream of ideal incompressible liquid with uniform vorticity SOURCE: Leningrad. Politekhnicheskiy inBtitUt. Trudy. no. 217. 1961. Tekhnicheskaya gidromekhanika, 37-50 TEXT: The author gives an exact solution of the problem and derives formulas for calculating the pressure distribution along the surface of an arbitrary Zhukov8kiy profile and the magnitude of its lifting force. The basic differential equation is solved by the method of conformal representation of the profile on a circle. Influence of the inhomogeneity of the incident stream is discussed in detail. There are 7 figures. Card 1/1 KO -C VI" Rev. no. 1518. 77 land of the flow of a viscous fluld at ve opme 2 .21, s VXAM axrjry "Mmeulcal'velocky file At the entry, an aw basis of the same Approximation PCO foro4ag as have be" imd IA the solution Of the th; j problem In the "t t.1 & TwX j 17armlamtrat'd pmbltms flows,% Moscow-L**inFw4 GITTLj 1911). of the lbeary Of IMIA" We'pCesentej in the no results of the numerical calculations. coavexi regular, AM concave low of curves for relocky.pofil at the tnuy. -7!he t*jhner~xj results are Aiv~en for the case 1, and curvilinexts respectively, at Reynolds:' riumbers, of 230,000 to 280,ODO It in noted clim; the flow pmem It, the diffusor Agrees well. qualitatively, w1th the theolittical esticlusions, tiespitc tb* ftct that this theory tek ad in tha pres conclitions. while the expeti(bents were m e encr of turbulence. N. A.- Slaskin, USSR Comarzy 01 Rejerativayi ZbW1W1 rtoulddiom. Comytesy ministry soply' J414 OVCHINMKOV, O.N. Initial section in a cylindrical pipe under conditions of swirly flow. Trudy LPI no.198:160-168 158. ( IG RA 12: 12 ) (Pi pe--Hydr odyna mi c a ) 88512 S/ 17 9/ 60/ 000/ 006/ 003/ 03 6 E031/E135 AUTIIOR! Ovchinnikov, O.N. (Leningrad) TITLE- Axi-Symmetric Rotational Flow Round a Solid of Revolution PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR,Otdeloniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1960, No. 6, pp. 19-23 TEXT~ The body is assumed immersed in an ideal incompressible fluid whose mechanical energy is proportional to the stream function (E = wo%V). The flow is assumed to be steady. The basic differential equation: H ~L) , d 14 2 2-V) = . ill H2 H3 wo (1.1) Tq WTH 3 aIll dq2 (~.21-13 dq2 is given in generalised orthogonal curvilinear coordinates, which is specialised as required to particular coordinate systems. T h e solution is sought in the form of a complementary function and a particular integral (quoted for a cylindrical coordinate system): Card 1/ 3 $8512 5/179/60/000/006/003/036 E031/EI35 Axi-Symmetric Rotational Flow Round a Solid of Revolution * 0 = 1/2 U 42 , 1/8 Wo ~4 (1.6) The particular integral given corresponds to a velocity distribution far from the body in the form of a paraboloid of revolution. Turning to the determination of the complementary function, the case of a half-body is considered in a spherical coordinate system. The two parts of the solution are put together and an expression for the non-dimensional pressure coefficient at the surface of the body is quoted. The result is applied to a pitot tube witb a parabolic velocity distribution. Next the case of an elongated solid of revolution is discussed. The velocity distribution at infinity is in the form of a paraboloid of revolution. An elliptic coordinate system is introduced in the meridian plane of the body. The complementary function is quoted and the stream function as a whole is stated. TEib result is applied to the analysis of flow round an ellipsoid. By making a suitable passage to the limit, the stream function for a sphere can be obtained. The velocity distribution on the ellipsoid is given and that for a sphere Card 2/3 88512 5/179/60/000/006/003/036 E031/E135 Axi-Symmetric Rotational Flow Round a Solid of Revolution deduced from it, by letting the eccentricity tend to zero. The stagnation points for both sphere and ellipsoid are discussed. The behaviour of the flow depends on a parametcr k (k woa2/U for the sphere, where a in the radius), or ke (ke Wob /U for the ellipsoid, where b is the length of the minor semi-axis). There are 6 figures and 4 references: I Soviet and 3 English. SUBMITTED: December 15, 1959 Card 3/3 OVOMIKOV, O.N. (Leningrad) Longitudinal heterogeneous flow about a cylinder In the preBence of a steady suction of the boundary layer. PrUa. mat. i mekh. 24 no. 2:376-378 Mr-Ap 160. (MIRA 14:5) (nuid dynamics) OVCHINNIKOV, 0. N., Cand Phya-Vath Sol -- "Certein problems In the hydrodynamics of eddy currents." Len, 1961 (Min of Higher and Sec Spec Ed RSFSR. Len Polytech Inst Im M. 1. Kalinin) (KL, 8-61, 227) - 30 - POLTAIOVA, I.; OVCHINNIKOV, P. (9. Detchinc. Kaluzhokoy oblasti). Coubining learning with umeful work. Nauka I pared. op. v sellkhos. 9 no.2:57-61 T '59. (KIRA 12:3) (Ghildron-Inploymut) / 0. .2 00C 67063 40f*) SOV/44-59-9-9140 Translation froms Referativnyy zhurnal.Matematika,1959,gr 9,pp 99-100 (USSR) AUTHORt Ovchinnikov,O.N. TITLEt ~nii ndric Tub )I Under Twisting jIi__ _ _e PERIODICALt 1958,Nr 198,160-168 ABSTRACT: The author considers the motion of a tenacious fluid within a cir- cular tube with the radius R, where it is assumed that in the initial intersection there appears a twisting. The radial velocity components and the derivatives in longitudinal direction are neglected. The author establishes the usual system of equations for axialsymmetric flow'of a tenacious fluid in the tubel he considers the rotating component of the velocity w. The two other velocity components are expressed by the flow function IV. The solution of the system is sought with the hypothesis r2+a(z r); w - W r + b(z,r) 0 where it is assumed that the functions a and b are small. The last assumption contradicts those boundary conditions which have to be satisfied by the functions \$ and w. By negle~,tion of terms being small of ;econd order with respect to a and b, one obtains a linear equation which is solved with the aid of the Laplace transformations. V.T.Merkulov Card 1/1 OTCHINNUMV. F., inzh.; ILIIH, N., inzh.; ARTIMOVICH. P.. inth. Automatically controlled Pneumatic equiPment for unloading grain from garges at the No.4 Killing Combine in Moscow. Muk.-elov. prom. 24 no.10:4-6 0 '58. (KIRA 11:12) I.Oidrelogichookly institut (GO Promsernoproyekt. (Moscow--Grain-handling machinery) (Pneumtic-tubs transportation) OVCHINNIKOV, P., inthener; 1111N. V., itzhener; KASHCHBY-EV, I., inzhener. Central control of operations and remote control of machinery In ele- vatom Wuk.-elev.prom. 20 no.10:4-6 0 154. (KLSA 7:12) 1. Gosudaretvonnyy institut PromsernoDroyekt (for Kashch~vpv, Owchinalkov & 111in) (Orain handling) (Automatic cuuLitj AtTAXHOV. P, . I jirlj ono r~ I I n.-Liinor, I.L'I]N. H. . i nab on or. ART INIuV ICH. 1'. ,:-orwr 'Elevator witt, -~t i,~ -Noti.-alev prom. 21 no.7-4-8 J. (KW ic: q) 1. koskovskV me -vr~y oribinat 14o. 4 (f or Astakhov) . Prom- arn(,rrcy(-,, r,x- in. Ovihinnikoy, Artisovich). utc rs) (Ovchinnikov. P.. inthener) OV(',H1NNlXOVp,P" lush. Using level Indicator@ In filling bins with grain. Pak. elay. prom. 23 no.12ilO D 157. (KIM 1,117) 1. Promernoproyakt. (Grain elevator~-Aquipwnt and supplies) (Blectric instrunients) GVCHITMOV P . Inzh. 4 Ailt-t-atic w4tehing (fron "Knehanical Handling", M vml.4". nr,.- . 1957). Reviowqd ,)y P.Ovehinnikov. 14uk-.-olev.nrom. 214 no.3:-10--,l Mr '5 R., (uMii I?iq) (Weighing machineR) LIDIN, Ye.; OVCHIIINIKUV, F. Follm-up to our materitilB. Muk,elev. prom. 29 no.12:24 D 163. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Tullskiy meltnichnyy kombinat (for Lidin). 2. Gosudarstvennyy proyektnyy institut po proyektirovaniyu predpriyatiy i sooruzheniy zernovoy i -oLkomol'noy proaWshlennosti (for Ovehinnikov). OVCHMIKOV. F. Botanical research of SLjikist&n. 7'rudy ?FAN 3M 27:85-138 '51. (HUI& 6:8) (UJIkistan-Botany) (Botany--%Jikistan) PATVIYEV, N.I.; AYH1, 3.,glavnyy red.; OVCHINNIZOV, F-totv,r*d.; PROKOVYIP, A*Ao,rad,-, XMW=Oo Ye. red-ol*r-W,-'7NMW-~'~lPeet0khneredo [Outta-bearing PlAnt emomis, and Its cultivation In TAJIkI9tAAJ %ttonoonom restente eftommits I ** kulltum v TadshikistqNs. Stallm^W, lad-vo AN Tadsh.3SR. 1952. 56 p. (Akadestia, niak Tadshiksket SSRpstalinabed. Trudy. vol.8) (KIM 12s6) MOVEYBY, M.I.; ATNI, S.. glavnyy rodaktor; OTCHINNIKOV, F., otyetstyennyy reda"or; KOTSOBINKO, Ye., rodaktor izamzejL,s vX,--PWWV, F., tekhat- chookly redaktor C&comia-, a now. valuable. comercial plant] Eftommlia; novoo tsennoo takhaichookoe rastenie. Stalinabad. lid-vo Akademil nauk T&dxhikokot SSR, 1952. 23 p. (Sauchno-popultarnaia bibliotaks. no.3) (Isucommia) (MLRA M) OVCHINITIKOV. P.: SONIN, G. - 4, --,. - Bank control in financing construction. Dan. i kred. 17 ro.1.2:1'-19 D 159. (PaRA 12:12) (Banks and banking) (Construction induatry-Finance) OVCHINNIMV. F- Stud7 and teaching in a schoolrestaurant. Obshchestv.pit. no-5: 51-52 My 160. (NDU 13: 10) 1. Insturktor proisvodstyannogo obuchaniya shkoly torgovokulinarnogo uchanichostva, g.lishniy Tagil. (NIzhnI7 Tagil,-Cooldng schools) OVCHINNIKOV, P. A., Doe of Vet Sci - (diss) "Epizootology of the HemDsporidiosis of Horses of Bar-yat ASSR, and the Measures for Controlling 1hem," Ulan-Ude, 1959, 36 pp Leiningrad Vetrinary Institute) (KL, 4-6o, 122) 1. OVCHINNI'OV. P. A., Docent 2. Sm (6co) h. Piroplamosis 7. Therapeutic-prophylactic effect of shemosporldins (LP2) in PIrOPla=OsIq in horses. %terinarila 29 No. 12, 1952 9. Monthly 1,19ta of Russian Accesslois. Library of Congress, March 1953. Unclassified. OVCHIMIKOV, Petr Andr*yovich, for Doeftr of Vetep6mary Scidmmm on t~e basis of dissertation defended 17 Doe 59 in Council of OW Lenia~00d VetepirmT Infftt4m", entitleds )"Epitootology of Hemosporidi' 04&,A of 0 'AA Horses in the Buryat ASSI~~nnd Me Ways and Usthods of ~~4 Theme " (31visso USSR, 2-61, 25) 238 "Internal anc! riff-r-7"fal of -mn--wr-e a RoUer Taltn- :nto Acrolnt !h,? anc ',-*c7--7-',." Cand Ph,.-,-Math Scip Mat'.-icna'Almn. kn~;t.t Acad Sci Ukrainian 5,5RP Hirher EducaLioll TTSf7i)., 0(~cssa, 125')'. (KI, No 13, ~Iir ~5) SO: Sim. '10. , -10, ce" -,re- of Scieriti'ic and 7-hn'ral Pirnertatiom Defended a, TISSR Ili;-I,rr Ducat.ional In--titutlonf; (1- (- "VIL,--, Ft 11 N " i 1 k, (~" IV) NUDXLIMAN, Ya.L.-, OVCHINOKOV, P.P. 4f" Handing of beavm with variahle cross section accounting fnr shear deformationp. PrykI. makh. 2 no.1:40-50 '56. (XW 10:2) 1. Odes'kiy gidrntekhnichnty institut. (Girders) (Flexure) OYCHMIEN, P.Y. (Odess,) Integral equations for the steady notion of rotating variable cress- -section shafts accounting for d1spleement and grreseepic newent. Prykl.uakh. 2 no*3:284-296 056. (KLRA 9:10) (Shafts and shafting) (Kachirwry. Kinematics of) I IMMIECIV. F.F. (-,ieF St." ~ Different ' n eq-jnt I-;nf- 11 Verp : vIbrPitions in a rcl: r' . -1, btir of variable ~rosr-sec*.i-n -mkInR into act-ount 0.9 shcor nnd Crc- scorpic mom---' Lrw-'tl P--- --;;ripa in Aussipn o4nd narllish" - - rYIr] .-ne)rf- I nr. . ?: 147-. ',4 ' ~7 . t J. I - j I . Odes 'kiv , I ~ r,,t 1. - - ri~ y ! -~s* itut . ~ - n- - 9-in wires--Vibrpoion, F,F. 1, - .~- , 71,;.~cry c f ., , t,- -. '. T-, ", , f. . . . . . of procossed mc.. l' ,m. I . , ..,- i . . ,I . - . 1. . ...1 .2 2) 1 . Cde s skiy ' r Z.,.e -1t-, 7,1 . . I . I . . I . Ovorm"IKO-1, 1'. "". (Wessa) "Contribution to the theory of vibrational machines with specinl reference tc '.he influence of the medium subjected to machining"I Report presented at the 2nd A.11-Union Congress on Tneoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow 29 Jan - 5 Feb 64- AUTHORs Ovchinnikov F.F. (Odessa) SOV141-10-2-4113 TITLEs Extremum Properties 011the Eigen Values of Integral Equations With Essentially Positive Kernel and Nonmonotone Distribution Function (Ekstremallnyye evoystva sobstvennykh chisel integral'- nykh uravneniy a sushchestvenn+olozhitel'nym yadrom i nemono- tonnoy funktsiyey raspredeleniya) PERIODICALs Ukrainskiy matematicheskiy zhurnal,1958,vol 10,Nr 2,pp 1 7-15 ABSTRACTs Let the equation (1) If (X) k(x,e)-f (s)dS (a) be considered, where 6(x) is a distribution function of bounded variation and k(x,e) is a bounded, continuous and symmetric kernel; 0 Cz, a, 0 Card 1/ 4 for an arbitrary function a(x) of bounded variation. Let de- Extremuz Properties of the Eigen Values of Integral SOV141-10-2-4l""A Equittione With Essentially Positive Kernel and Nonzonotone Distribution Function note 2 I(a, k(X,B)da(s) d S(x) 0 L 0 and I(a,a, I(a,a) I(a, W) Theorems If I(a, b)> 0 , then the first ositi 0 igen value A 1 of (1) is the exact lower bound of I~a,a, 6v).GIt is at- tained for a function a(x) for which da(x) - ~,(x)d& (z),where q (X) is the sigenfunction of (1) corresponding to the eigen value A,. Theoreas Let A, be the first n positive eigen 2 n values of (1), let P i(x) be the eigen function corresponding Card 2/4 to the value A J, Let the functions a i(x) be defined by Extremum Properties of the Eigen Values of Integral SOV141-10-2-4113 Equations With Essentially Positive Kernel and Honmonotone Distribution Function dai(x) (x)d 6(x) j - 1,...,n . Anong the functions a(x) for which I(a,6 )~ 0 lot a function a(x) - a n+1 (z) exist for rhich 1(a,a, 8) attains the minimum dn+1 and which satisfies T I - the conditions I ~ k(x,s)da(s) da i(x) - 0 , J-1,2,...,n 0 L 0 Then it is 1-~ da(z) - da n+1 (x) ipn+ I (z) d 4 (z) ") ~n+l - dn+1 3.) A n+1 the smallest eigen value following A n Analogous theorems hold for the negative eigen values. Finally the author presents some applications to mechanics. There are 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet, and I ~;erman. Card 3/4 Extremum Properties of the Eigen Values of Integral SOV/41-10-2-4/13 Equations "With Essentially Positive Kernel and Nortmonotone Distribution Function SUBMITTEDr October 16, 1956 1. Integral equations--Properties 2. Functions 3. Mathemt~cr -Applicationo Card 4/4 OTCRUNIKOV, F.F. Nxtremal proportion of eigenvalues of Integral equations vith a witIve defined Icernel and a nomimonotonous Ustribution function th wammmy in RagUsh]. Mr. mt. shur. 10 no,2:147-159 0580 M (Integral equ&tioas) (Xpwaluem) (NM 11W rVcd IN N, I t~ Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal. Mekhanika. 1997 , Nr I I. p 14 fUSSR) AUTHOR: Ovchinnikov, P. F. TITLE: Integral Equations of the Stationary Motion of a Revolving Shaft of Variable Section with Consideration of Displacements and of the Gvro- scopic Moment. (Integral' nyye uravnenaya ustanovivshegosva dvizhentva vrashchayushchegosya vala peremennogo sechentya s uchetom scf~iga i giroskopicheskogo momenta). Ukranian, Russian abstract, PERIODICAL: Prykl. Mekhanika, 195b, Vol 2; Nr 3, pp Z84-296 ABSTRACT: Survey of the theory of the stationary motion of a revolving shaft ha'. ing a variable cross-section with consideration to displacements and of the gyroscopic moment, and its relationship with the theorv of small transverse vibrations of a non-revolving bar. M. Ye. Fernt henko Card I / I OVCHIhmKov, P.M. Production of flotation agents. Blul.tekh.-elmn.infers. W.11: "-1l , 58. OGRA 11:12) (Flota%ion) (Aminea) VVEDE4SKIY, A.I.; GRIGOR'YEV, Yu.S.; KNORRING, I.G.; KHECHETOVICH, V.I.; kYq-HINM1WY,-F-B.-; FILATIOVA, I. F. ; CRUKAMA, A. P. ; 7&0=L I, M. Ye. , tekhn. red. (Flom of the Taj1k S.S.R.lFlora Tadshikskol SSR. Glay. red. P.N.Oichinnikov. Moakya, Isd-vo AN SSSR. Vol.2.[Cyperacefte - Orchid&ceae)Osokovy*-Orkhidnys. 1963. 454 p. (KIRA 16:8) (rajikistan--Monocotyledons) OVCHTIINIKCV, P -. oychinnikov, f. B.t "On the typologicrLl differentiation of th-i grassy vagotation of Tadzhikistan", Soobshch. Tadzh. fUiala Akad. nauk 3SSR, Issue 10, 1948, p. 27-30, - Bibliogi 10 items. SOt U-3042, 11 March 53, (:etoris Inykh Statey, No. 10, 1949). OMITIVTKOV, 1'. N. (1170-al: thor) Seer F--,7L,-,VA. r,. 1. Ovchinnikov, P. N. and Fozlov;., G. 11. "-r, t - nrest-.rxe -.r ~ it * Tadzhikistan," Scobv ct . Tac4z- . filial& Akid. nauk 3S , 58I.e IL'q ~*L,'j P. 9-9. SG: U - 37 3A , 21 Y. ay r 3, k 1, mto; i a 17: ~. r ;i I I iy kf, -' t-i t my , 1: o. 17, 1 , I,', , . UMYAGATIVA, V.I.; PAVLOVSKIY. To.N.. akndealk, rodaktorl OVCHINNIKOTI P.N.. doktor biologichookikh nauk, redaktor; Wvsyxv. N.I. I-JEARTMOt -J)j e,- logicbeakikh nauk, re&aktor-, ZATW, R.I.. tekhniebaskiy re4ak+cr. Fruit culture and afforestation by dry-farming mothcdo In sountaincus Tajikietan. Trud7 TrAl SSSH 1713-118 '"- (KIRA 8:4) (Tajtkist&n--Yru1t culture) (T&jWstan--Affore@t&t1on) OTCHIMWF. P.N. Ocampeace of tau-saghys In Ujikistan. Tr~ WAX SSM 18:91-106 1510 (KURA 8:8) 1. OM!VITTIKOV, P. W. and ",.'DORF.TKO, 11. T. 2. IESR (6)0) 4. Ranales - TajLkistan 7. Discovery of a species of Bushcia In Tajikistan. Soob. T7AT: ESSR no. Y), 1951. 9. Monthly Lists of Russian Accessions, Library of Conrrosal Mai ch 1953, Unclassl~ied. SVICSHNIU)VA. V.M. ; ATNI, S.. glavu" redaktor; otyetstyenmyy redairtor; RATVIrNV, NED. Te.G.. redaktor ixdatel'stva; FWIDV, P.. takhnichookly redaktor. [Root systems of Pamir plants] Kornevye sistemy rastenii Pamir&. Stalinabad, Izd-wo Akaiemil nauk Tadshikokot SSR. 1952. 120 p. (Akademita nauk Tadshikokot SSR Stalinabad. %rv*, vol. 4). (KLRA 9:11) (Pamir*-Botany-Scology) Noots (botany)) SIDMMNXO, G.T.; ATNI, S..glavayy red.; OVCHIMIOV red. - KOTWENKO, Te.,red.ixd-va; FROLOV, P..tskhn.rOi-.- -"-- [Vegetation mid forass remourcem of the Kurams %3401 Rastitell- nost' I kormovye resway Isirsainskogo khrebta. Stalinsbad. Isd- vo Akad.nauk Tadsh.SSR. 1953. 98 p. (Akadomtta nauk Tadshikskot MI-Stalimbed. Trudy, vol.9) (MIRA Uzi) (Rurem Rsng&--Bot&ny) (Forage plants) KATVWW. N.L.- OFCHINNIX(N. Pope.,. rodpJctorl BIMMOVA, L.G., rw4ktor; rMBARIM, Ye.G.. redilter; noun. P.. tekhnicheskly re"Mor. [Vater oycle of some arborescent plants In the sounts1nous part of T&JIkIstan] Toduyl reshim nakotorykh dreveorWkh rasteniy gornogo Tadshikletma. SWI*&bad. IwG-ws Akadmit nank Todshikskoy SSR. 1953. 81 p. (AkRdsmilm nank 2Mshikskot Sn. Stalinabad. Trudy. no. 10) (Itajikintan-Flanto--Tranopiratim4 (Fruit trees) (KWA 19t1b) Dint trees) OVCHIIV,IIKOV, P.N.; CIRTKAVINA, A.P. Now species of rice gmes from ?ajikistan. lzv.Otd.~vt.nauk AN Tadsh.SSR no.10:57-58 155. (KLRA 9:10) 1. Institut botanild AN ?adshtkekoy SSR. (TaJikistan-Grassao) OVCHINHIKOV. P.M. . : Critical notes on 'Andros&cs bryomorpha Lipskye from Tajikistan. Bot.wat.Gerb. 17:324-327 155. (KUU 9:5) (RockJ&suine) r Aj C &It USSR/Gener&l Biology Evolution. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7o 1958, 28616 Author Ovchinnikov, P.N. Inst Title Basic Courses of Origin of Species in Connection with the Origin of Middle Asian Vegetative Types. Orig Pub Tr. All TadzhSSF, 1955, 31, 107-140 Abstract No abstract. B-7 Card 1/1 OVCaINKIKOV, P.N.; CHUKAVIIIA, A.P. Now var ettes of meadow graos (Pea L.) from Tajilrietan. Izv. Otd. eat. nauk AS Tadzh.SSR no. 17:37-" '56. (MIRA 11:0 1. Institut botantiri AU Todrhikokoy SSR. (Tajlkt9t&&--lb*dov gress--Varieties) OVCHINNIKOV. P.N.; CHUKAVINA. A.P. - - A now feather green (Stips jagnobica Ovcz. ot Czuk.) fran TaJUristan. Izv. Otd. set. nouk AH Tedsh.SSR no. 17:51-52 156. (XIRA 11:8) 1. Inotitut botaniki " Tadzbikskoy SSR. (Taj ik Iota n-Yeather grass) CVC4 01'MOV, P.H., red. [Silviculture in Tojikisten] lasoresvedenis v Tafthilristaneg Stalito- had, Akedeetia rouk Ted7hikekoi 66R. 1957. 216 p. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Akedemiya- nauk Tadshikskay SU, Stalinahad. Inatitut botaniki. (To jikistau-Foreste and forestry) OYCHIbbilov, P.b. Some trends In the classification of plants In Central Asia. Izy. Otd est. nauk Ab Tadzh.SSR no. 18:49-64 '57. (KIRA 11:8) 1. Institut botaniki kb Tadshikskoy SSR. (Soviet Control Asia,Botany-Classification)