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_'5rL-5e7 4 -16/26 Utilization of the Data From the Hydro-Meteorological Service (GMS/I by Agen- Cie* of the Gosstrakh U56R Gosudarstvennoye Strakhovanlye . 3tate Insurance USSR) cenniae bulletins of the hydro- respectively of the a6rometa ro- loeical stations. Those bulletins are published by the Central Weather-Foreoast Institute and by the R~_,public-, District- -(County) -Won the r- and Hydrometeorological Offices, respe,:tive 1y. Not aeldom errorn occur, which are made by collaborators without special instructions on account of plainly formal reports, when the) draw up damage protocols In cases, in weather conditions were not the reason for the damage. With regret must be stated that the special agro-meteorclogical observations in the station network are not performed in the desired degree. Decennial data on the growth dynamics of useful plants (e.g. cotton) are necessary to determine cor rectly the various kinds of damage (frost damage). Sometimes omissions of this kind are caused by deficiencies of measur Ing instruments. AVAILABLEe Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Agriculture - USSR 2. Meteorology - Applications OVCHINNIXDV, M.P. Production control in sugar refineries. Sakh.prom- 30 no.2: 35-37 F 156. (MIRA 9:7) I.Charkaoski.v rafinadn" zavod. (Sugar indue-tr7) UV, Lia ra 13M V12. MMM) d Ind he ow m b Amd 9dw" to TkA PWft Of Md~ b="M 9-*Y NOW. ?w www" '_ 7 Lugar - I'anufricturl- inA 'Z-"n-'r,'. Sugar drying. ;akh. i,rc7., 21 , - c . I , '. i' , . - , -)4. ''I'c ~ . 9. Monthl List of Pusslan Accessions, Litrary of Congrt-ss, Apl 11 z Ily -, ?1 71 07c", 1"" . 'C' . . 3u--~-r ln~--,str-; pr~ !-, ~ ~! `~ .. - ~~ :- * -I . .1 1 . - . I- I ~ 1. . ~ , - . I ~ 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ~j 1953. Unclassified. OVCHIlilizov. N.F. Froftetion of white sugar of stamdard qmality. Sakharnaya Pro&. 27, Mo.2. 24 15). (XLRA 6:2) (CA 48 no.1:393 154) 1. 2nd Kuban %gar Ref inery. yellow ovew rvttd.~Oul KL T' Nibla'adva 1"itat 19" N., A. r. f.v"m1a N. ('Vx ~. a beff W. irld "1 .4.1- V - -, W ~'f~ Ohr '.0 Uffs, A %.q f1w ".gm. and A A r.-I I Z-1 1. 1 W with ".4.- dill,v,w forl.ww.. -i.,niaw-I .4 'a, I.* uvttla~* Inuity and 1 6 lor A at, r~,n.uq,j I.* a tanclmd - .1-ttim 11 A A 00 00 al 00 A t k ua 14 mcm, qbp low WSW. 1w 11mommam"Is sum, W way %Gov OPM auk Inom It- dw IN do-, 60 main" PWI Moll I.# see 401.IL.W.1 WOMEN CtIONW196100 Waal --tosooj..R Gov ima vid 0o 09964 009000 00 mis 0 use too ' 1 T N 00 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 06 9606600 FEDOTOV.. N. S. (Professor). KARPOV, A. A. and OVCIIIWINDV, M. S. (Veterinary doctors, Ivanavo Oblast' Veterinary Pblyclinic). "Periodic irrigation of the frontal sinus of cattle".... Veterinariya, v01. 39, no. 8, August 1962 PP. 53 CYCHM - Pr H,V,, assiatent Nerves of the parietal pleura 1m artiodsotyls. Sbor.nauch.trud. 18 no.ItIO6-3.10 158. (KMA l6r2) 1. Rafedra nomallnoy anstomil SWeropollskogo meditd nmkOgD instituta (may. kaf edroy prof. V.V. bDbin) i Vimitakogo gosu- darstramnogo meditsInisko 50 inatitutao (nmRA-MIMVATION (UNGUIATA-ANATC*ff) OVCHINNIKOVI M. V., Cand. Me,-Uo. Sci. (dies) "Nervee of Parle- tal Pleura% of Man and Some Mammals," Simferopol', 19b6, 12 pp. (Crimean Med. Inst.) 200 cojAes (KL Sup 12-61, 287). gov/85-58-8-7/40 AMMR: Ovchinnikov, X., Deputy Chief of the Aeroclub (BiLrmaul) Tl=: Pilots Improve Their Skill (letchiki sovershenstvayat evoye maErterstvo) MtIODICAL: Kryllya rodiny, 1958, Nr 8, p 2 (USM) ABM?ACT*. The author outlines the training progmm for men and vomen pilots at the Barnaul Aeroclub jaerving the entire Altay Kray) on the eve of the 40th anniversary of the Komemol. ASSOCIATION: Aeroklub (Aeroclub) (Barmaul) Card 1/1 OVCHI-INIOV, N., mayor Firing on illuminated targets. Vocn. vpst. 41 no.q:bC-82 L ,61. (VIRA "': 1, (Shooting, Kilitary) OVCHINNIKOV, 11. C_ Nov diesel-electric dredge. Rech. transp. 20 no.11:37 11 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Kom"ir saxonaryada "Volzhakiy-26". (Wedging machinery) MURAVITEV. P.-. OVCHI?DiIMV. N. Standard mothods to be used in erecting wooden cooling towers. Suggested by F.Huravlev, 5.0,vchinnikov. Rate.1 Izobr. predl.v strol. no.8:102-105 '58. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Instruktor Orestroya Nauchno-issledovatellskogo, instituta organizatati. mekhanizatsit i takhnicheskoy ponoshcht stroitell- stvu. (Cooling towers) NUAND, Z.; OYCHMIZOV. N. ww~.~ (Orgarization of paysient and credit operations of collective farms thraugh the bank] Oformlenie raschetnykh I kr*ditnykh operateii kolkhosov cheres bank. Noakva, Goefinisd&t, 1953. 57 P. (KI&A 6:11) (Collective farms--Accounting) (Agricultural credit) QlTGHI.".Niv.ov, N. ~ ,-, , I A : " - I I . I K eml I oyees -~ - -- --~ r-' s..- F . - ~ r * - c- , r - .. ." - -., -~z- . . ~ - . I I . 9 - . of Acc'ur,.-,`~ :.~3 1* I'onrr-qs, J,,I-, , "'. ~ . . 9 OiCHIMIKOV, N. 'K s q n 1 ~, ~ n k i !.. 9 r.T I -) .., e - . s ~ - " k * , ~! 17" :- - 'j -~ , . -I r --. e ~ ~ * . -.. . - :. , D--.. . - -: - . I . . . ". L! Itussian Accuss~ .%,, -P r-c-. :' I .. OV%I"HiNNlKOVF %.A. Unif:~ed syatem of library and bibliographical service for enterpr!ses of the Kazakh S.S.R. NTr no.'7%8-11 165. (MIRA l8s9) 1. CW"INNiKov, N. S. 2. 'JSS.R 600 4. Physics - PhilosopfV .. Discussion on I. V. Kuznetsov's lectire "A,-ninst idealistic dist~~rtinnr, cf t- e mas-; ard energy ~oncpj t,;" in the Luar-ed ~~wicil of the Sertior of Lj,. Aj Ct I r NatArialism Pf the Philosoi hical Institute of the Acsldem~, or Sc!. r.(-Ps , f t~,p V. 5. S. R. Peviewed by N. F.. Ovrhinnikrv, UBI). fiz. nauk, )j', No. ?1 1,41 '~. 9. Monthly List of F-issian A,eersions, LJ - rAry of Ccu(,r,,rF, A~rll ~ncl. XHCLLICHER, Vallter [Hollitacher, Walter]; AMIUR111, I.A. [trensiatorj; ARJOinNGELISKIT. U.S. [translator]; KOCHALIN, D.N. [translator]; OHM'TANOVSKIT. M.Z.. akademik. red.; (WARIN, A.I.. almdenik, red.; HASEVICH, A.G.. doktor f laiko-imtem.nouk, red.; _QTCHIMIKQY, N.F., kand.filosof.neuk. red.: TTURYUKAXOT. A.N., kand.biolog.nauk. red.; GALIMIN, P.Ta.. doteent, red.; URTSON, R.I., kand.biolog.nauk. red.; KAXAROV, A.A.. red.isd-va; ZCTOVA. N.V.. (Nature in the scientific picture of the world] Prirods v nBuchnoi kartine mirs. Obshchsia red. i vatupitellneia Otatlia K.E. Omel'ienovskogo. Kookya, Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1960. 469 p. (MIRA 14:)) 1. AN USSR (for Omellyanovokiy). (Science--Philosophy) F SE I BOOK EXPOITATJOI SOV/3905 Filosofskiye voprosy yestestvoznaniya, [abornir-1 II: Nekotoryye filosofsko-teoreticheakiye vopro8y fiziki, matematiki I khImII (Philosophic Problems of Natural Science, [Collection of Articles) II: Philosophic and Theoretical Problems of Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry) [Moscowl Izd-vo Mosk. univ-ta, 1959. 248 p. Errata slip Inserted. 8,000 copies printed. Editorial Board: K.A. Rybnikov, Kh.M. Fataliyev, and M.I. Shakhparonov; Eds.: R.A. Aronov, and A.A. Konoplyankin; Tech. Ed.: M.S. Yermakov. PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientists interested in the history and philosophy of mathematics, physics, and chemistry. COVIMAM: This Is a second collection of articles prepared by the staff ofthe Department of Dialectical Materialism of the Moscow State University. The first collection was concerned with philosophical problems of the biological sciences, specifically Michurin's theories. The present collection consists of 14 articles divided by fields: physics, mathematics, and chemistry. The collection commemorates Card 1/4 Philosophic Problems (cont.) scrv/-~ 905 the 50th anniversary of Lenin's book "Materialism and Empirlocrltl- cism.0 The ideas are developed strictly on the basis of dialectical materialism. Some of the articles appeared previously In the perio- dical press. No personalities are mentioned. There are n(- references TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 PART I (PHYSICS] Fataliyev, Kh.M. Problems Relative to Types of Motion of Mass Parti- cles Arising From Recent Developments in Physics 4 Sokolov, A.A. Theory of Electron Motion Involving the Problem of Oscillations In Vacuo 19 Myakishev, G.Ya. One Aspect of the Correlation Between Kinetic and Static Laws In Dynamics 32 Card 2/4 losophic Pr,)blems (Cont.) SOV/3905 uhrehinnikov, N_.F._ Contributions to the Concept of Quantity of Mat- ter 52 Bazarov, I.P. Quantity of Matter and the Principle of Conservation of Matter 69 Ovehinnikov, N.F., and A.I. Uyemov. Is the First Newtonian Law of Motion a Corollary of too Second? 81 .3hahekina,- L.I. Principle of Conservation and Transformation of Energy and the Law of Causality 86 PART II (MATHMUTICS] Rybnikov, K.A. Algebraio Roots of Differential Calculus 94 Maystrov, L.Ye. Discordant Views of Materialism and Idealism on the Theory of Probability 102 Biryukov, B.V. Frege's Contributions to the Philosophy of Mathe- matics 134 Card 3/4 S/058/62/000/012/002/048 AIWAIGI AUTHOR: Ovehinnikov, H. F. TITLE: The classification of the conservation principles PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 12, 1962, 23, abstract 12423? ("Vopr. filosofil", no. 5, 196-,,, 72 - 83, 185; summary in Englinh) TEXT: The problem is set of classifying existing conservation principes. Four bases are proposed for their subdivison. 1. The degree of the generaliLy: a) common, b) partial. Indicated is the possibility of a transition, with devel- oping the knowledge, of some general principles (for instance, the principle of energy conservation) into a category of partial principles. 2. The character of the conservation quantities: a) the principle4 of the conservation of objects; b) the principles of the conservation of properties; c) the principles of the conservation of relations. The great fundamentality of the relations conserva- tion principles is pointed out. 3. The mathematical fonm of the conservation quantities: a) scalar ones, o) vector ones, c) tensor ones. d) apinor ones. 4. Symmetry forms: a) with respect to translation in time, b) translation in Card 112 s/o58/62/000/C 12 /002/D46 The classification of the conservation principles A16O/AIOI space, c) rotation In Bpace, d) charge refloction, e) mirror reflection, f') re- flection in time. Yu. Molchanov [Abstracter's note: Comp.ete translaLionj Card 212 PONOMAHEV, O.P., kand.takan.,rib"; ,., i;i1qNA-~k)v ) 4.,., In7h. Investigating the automatic device for limiting mnimun fue. in diesel engines. Vest.mashinostr. 43 no.9:15-19 5 163. (MIRA ) O.P., ktind. t,3khn. nauk; M*CPJN'NIKCV, N.F. .vsis Gf the autc)7,-,atJc lir-i4~er rjP f--e. Design and anal 6 feed for thp IA,'.C' rm;ltifuel d!,~sqll engines. Avt. ~! ! .-- F-11 Ja 164. ,:~ , rv" , s : I 1. TSon tra I I tiyy na ~ i c lino- i a s le dov a to I I sk i y i kon a t r,~ k t Q r E,, k i.,,- : -i s I '. - I.,ut toplivnoy at.1 aral ~ry avtotraktornykh i statslt-n,-t-r,:.,Ki, ~-. toley. Kal;zilocv, 1. V.; , ., . F , PHYS -1,cs "For the Subseq,ent Dia-icctic , :- i " I c a *, i ~,n 3 L' . - :.- " ~ -, :,f I-odern Fhys'-cs," '.*s;,cl,-Ii Fl- ' 2 1,- "" 1 PA 194T. F7 TSHLSMKIY. Ya.P.; OVCHINIIIKOV, N.Y., hIMNITSOV, I.I. - VMWAMVM-M'XkWW'M*' -j" Concerning a "Digenission of the renort of I.Y.lusneteov.11 Reply to IA.P. Terletakii. 50 no.1:157-159 Vq '53. (KIaA .):7) (lusnetsov, I.F.) (tore@ und energy) 1. OVCHINNIKOV, N. F. 2. USS'w (6oo) 4. Kusmetaov, I. V. 7. Discussim on I. V. Kuzzietsov's l,ctlire "Aeinst idealittti,:! distorti-ms of t~- -Napa rAnd anorgy cnncepts" In the Learned Council of the Seclion of DiRInctir- %intori-31irm. -)f tl~'a Philosophical Institrte of the AcadeuW of Sciences of the .!-'. Reviewal 1,,, N. F. Ovehinnikov. Ur-) fim rank No. 2 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, A7)ril - '-'nc.'. 4000010 0&0**04-50*446 lop 11011, n, "I" 'U"O.Ce "-L- #A a M_M4. I I I I !. ., I . . 0 & , _& 00 . --oj" "P461 - I . 00 00 _** 00 00 f : " I 606wommalwo of womw 67 ago Las O -00 08 I Kit"T. "i F. (1vewmikuy 104why IN*%@ UWAV ) zd"skdv - "', .00 sot' 1" 1947).- Tlw sample, cvnsj*jjr4 W gbml I # t4 d wilb I-am I*wd asibmCite tvw s ik m -.00 o . e a was Plated p , on a Cu plate. which -- v as the lam ;6;;;& WA zoo :0 mki he swums so so to bring various pnnicar rg the .00 99.3 powder un6n the up1wr tkrtnxk. Sampin In mon wTjv t- A run amordi IM- SO t Wi h ~00 ~ . o na t an 6. wmM 4 . oo, arr for excitation. the Inlerdillet of m6m S. Cu. and Mu Ovo lent% in the interval &7A"-,W A. wm carnimu. la- 000 00 tessily talkIrs and approviate SiAking coackis lire givrh I-W 1) (fill -7 11"; S. Frldntitn :00 -00 UOO Wool o0 too t 0000000000000000 *,*1** 00 0 0 0 060900 0010 0 0 00 0 00 0 0 '90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a ol~ I I - "I I I . I DRUYANOV. Lev Aloksandrovich, kand.filooofskikh nauk; kand.fllosofoklkh nauk, nauchVy red., JWNOTALOV, L, red.: TEMOVA, I., (Katter and its formal Kateriia i foray ob suohehestvoyaniia. (Kosk-val Nook.rabochit, 1957. 66 p. (MIRA 10:12) (Katter) UIT!TTNINT~T; v US I,/Physics Politictl Control Dook 7'1e,-Ac-w - i-- (- I ji "For the Subsec i~rt Dialoct-ic 'Yritrrialistic '-Iarif4catl~)r of F-u., rf .3.~ o' --eri 1. ~'. Yuznetsov, N. . Ovchinn'kov "Uspekh Fiz Nalik" Vol YTV, '~'o , t Y 113- U-0 Aut'-ors re.iew A. .-I . :or'e's According to lo-c the Vook ~s theorv of relativitv, stativi-s, discovf,riez and Soviet ':*.Pw-. hook is not conTtctely 'ree o" r.k "F-indamental Concepts of Modern P'..- not a -.Aruai. tie disc -.FL-, oT-1v certri~r atomic wrl r cLear pn!zirs. Lle rL- 9 Critic~, rp-,,ip-w took favorat-Ly, alt~)Gur fore!Fh sc-.erlifir irfl-.erre, s~-Io-~- ic~"p -I pro~lens -r, cl. tc "'lc PA. 1'~-LT~7 KUMWSOY. 1.T.; OTCHINNUOT X.F - OXMIYANDTMIY. H.R.; UUMOT. A.1.1 KKLYUH . . .; SACHKOV. Yu.T.: SM OT. G.A.; NOVIX. 1.B.. red.izd-va; LAUT. T.G..; RMOTICH. S.B., [Principles of casuallty In modern physical Probleme prichinnosti v sovremnnoi fisike. Moskva, 1960. 428 p. (MMA 14:3) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Inottitut filosofii. (Physics--Philosophy) OVCHINIIIKOV, N,G., red. i FOI;OVITEVA, A.A , tekhn, red. [Economic efficienc7 cf etpital investments in agriculture) Ekonomicheskaia effektivuost' kapitalli7kh vlozhenii v sell- skoe khoai&iBtvo. Moakva, Ekonomizdat, 1962. 363 p. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Vsesoyu2naya kkademiya sellskokho2yayetvenrykh nauk imeni V.I.Iknina. Otdeleniye okonomiki i orgfinizatail sel'skokhozyayst- vennogo proigvodstva. (Agriculture--Finance) TSY1MV, Make Turlyevich; OVCHINHIK",N.G., red.; PONOYAMA, A.A... tekhn. red. (Increasing production and reducing costs of livestock products on collective and state farms] Uvelichenie proizvodstva produktsii zhivotnovodstva i snizhenie ee sebestoimosti v kolkhozakh i sov- khozakh. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1961 191 P. (MIRA 15:7) (Stock and stockbreedin;_Costs) I. IACHENK' , . -. t~n v,ii ':. - .- I c h; *.' - 2 ' ' r ' '~ , !i , i(c ky Grifor I yt-vlc h; " , K,., ., % , . . , . [ ,a I itii ! : ~~ . . I. , r , I . - ; I'llovilyt- "undy pe j , - : r, L m i. i.,- z' na .1 . -. - .- .. ; - .. !: .,, - . ~ r. ~.. nc: i kc, 0 19 6-~ . 10 1. ,MIKA 17:. 'C ) GORS11KOVj V.P., nauchnyy notr.; KOLMOV, L.I., nauchnyy sotr.,, KOTOV, G.G., nauchro-ysotr.; KlUZIMI14A, V.I., naucl=57 sotr.; RLWAVISOVA, A.V., naucluiyy Botr.; S-11YA, F.G., nouchrq-1 sotr.; GIMUPKUVA, I.V., naucbrqy sotr.; POTAFOV, Kh.Ye., red.; OVCFD.I,IKOV, N.G., red.; PONCHAREVA, A.A., tekhn. red. (Raising the level of the development of collective farm opera- tion] Pov-yahenie urovnia rtizvitiia kuWioznogo proimdt;tva. lioskva, Izd-vo ekon. lit-ry, 1961. 236 p. (MDA 15:2) 1. Moscow. I'seso-'%-uznyy rpmchno-isoledovatel skiy institut eko- noniki oellskogo khozyaystva. 2. Vseso)uznyy nauchno-issledova- tel'ski,, - institut ekonomiki sellnkogo khozyaystva (for Gorshkov, Kolychev, hotov, Rurwantseva, Selina, CherepkoN&, Kuzlmina). (Farn management) 0 ITANCHXKKO. Anatoliy Antonovich; KINAKOT, Pavel Semenovich; POTAPM. Kh.To.. red.; OTCHINIMUT, N.G.. red.; GWWIKOVA, Te.S.. (Method of planning labor productivity in agriculture) Toprosy metodiki planirovaniis proisvoditallnosti truds v sel'skow khosisistve. Moskva, Gosplanisdat. 1960. 142 p. (KIRA 13:5) (Agriculture-Labor productivity) KAROT^ Nikolay Goorglyevich; OTCHINNrKOV N.G.. rod.; GIRAsrmovA, U.S., CDOOUONIO officlevoy fif capital investments In socialist agriculture] ArosomichookRia offekt1vaost' kapltallaykh vlashouil v votsialistiehaskom sol'skom khosiatetvo. Nookwa, Ixd-vo skos.lit-ry. 1961 142 - (MIRA 14 j 12 ) (Agrleulturo---;inanoo~ TSAUIN(YV, Vladimir Vaaillyevich; OVCHINNIKOV, N.G.# red.; PONOMAPMA, A.A., tekbn. red. [Rxpanded rel~wuction on collective farms] Rasshirennoe vouproiz- vodstvo v kolkhozakh. MoBkva, Izd-vo skon.lit-ry, 1961. 157 p. (MIRA W12) (Collective fame) TULUPMOT. L.A.; SOLOTO UT, A.T.; BATOVA. N.T.; GAVRILOV, V.I., kand. okonou.nank; SHD=. N.I.; PCLMNIO. I.S.. kand.okonom.nouk; PMAPOT, Kh.Ye., red.; OTCHINNIKOV. N.G., red.; PONOKARRVA. A.A.. [Froblems pertaining to long-range planning and system@ of issnagement on collective and state form@) Toprosy perepaktivnogo planiroyaniis I sistemy vedeniis khosioistva v kolkhosakh I sovkho- sakh. Moskva, Gooplanisdat, 1960. 681 p. (mjRA 14:3) 1. Moscow. Toesoyusn" nouchno-issledoystallakly Institut okonomiki sel'skogo khosyaystva. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Vaesoyuznoy akademii mallskokhonyaystvannykh neuk imeni T.I.Lonins; direktor Toesoyusnogc nauchno-looledovatellskogo Institute ekonomIk1 sel'skogo khosyaystva (f or TulupnIkov). 3. Zomeatitell direktore Tessoyuznogo nouchno- iselodavatel'skogo Instituta ekonomiki sollskogo khozyaystva (for Gavrilov). 4. Rukovoditell otdele Toosoyusnogo nouchno-ineledovatei-- sko o Institute okonomlkl sel'skogo khosyaystva (for Polovenko), Nollective forms) (Stato farms) ZOTOV. Vaslliy Petrovich; OVCHINNIKOV, N.G., re(l. : POTAPOV, Kh.Ye., red.; POHOMAIRA. A.A., [Light industry and food industry of t- * (1959-!965)] Legknia I pishchavaia promyshlennont' ' 11 - , 65 99. HoalTro. Gosplanizdat. 1959. 191 p. (HIR-A 13:1) (Ruseia-Indnetries) ITMOKI. Yakov Somenovichi Prinimall uchastiyel SHATS, S.Ta.1 GRIGORIN- RYABOT, T.T.; TIGLIN, S.I.; OYCHINNIXOT. X.l.t SOLOSHIN. 1.A.. ZABOIDTSKIT, N.G., red.; KORUZZY, N.N.. (Palme mochines) Imrpallanyo ustroletva. Moskva, lad-vo 'So- votskoe radlo,g 1959, 727 p. (MIRA 12:7) (Pulse techniques (Blectronice)) KRIVITSKIY# B.Kh.; OVCHIVNIROrV. N.J.# red.; SUXHAMOV, Yu.I.t red.; SVESH- NIKOV, A.A., tekhn. red. [Elements and equipment for engineering) Elment-/ I ustrolatva I&- pul'snoi tekhniki. Izd.2.p dop. i perer. Moskvaj Iod-vo *Sovet~ skoe radio,' 1961. 541 P. (MIRA 14:8) (Pulse tachniques(Electronics)) VIASOV, Viktor Fedorovich; Prinimal uchnatlyc OVCHINNIKOV, N.I., ii~., dots.; JZYUMOV, N.M., prof., retsenz IOKI, U.S., prof., nauchrWy red.; LARIOVOV, G.Ye., tekhn. red. (Course in rftdio engineering] Kure rediotekhniki. Moskva Goo. energ. lzd-vo, 1962. 927 p. (Radio) (MIRA 150~ OVCHIMNIKCYV, N.L.; ZABUGORROV, D.V. Geologic and economic estimates of copper ore d"elts. Hat geol.i pol.iskop.Ur&la no.lOtl57-167 162. (MIRA 161ir Economic) (copper ores) (Geology, 1. OveHmIltov, N. W. 2. MM (6W) A. Is"Iba sb"p 7* Qwaity of pelts from hybvid k&T&kUl sheep in the U.S.S.P. Trudly YXIO, No.10, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ftbrvW -1953. Unclassified. OYCHInizov, X.N. -s6fe~iihc features of the fur trade. Frlroda 45 no.5:54-60 Ply 156. (NINA 9-8) (14w) (Rmnting) OVCHINNIZOV, N. M,, prof.; SAZONOVA, L. V. Ccmqamtive evaluation of the results of the Treponema pallid= imobilization test and standard soro' gical reactions. Vest. dorm. I von. no.4t48-54 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Is nikrobiologichookogo otdela (zav. - prof. N. M. Orchinnikov) TSentmllnogo nauchno-ineledavatellskogo kozbno-venerologicheakogo instituta (dir. - kandidat maditainakikh nauk N. M. Turanov) Kinisteretya sdravookhmnaniya HSFSR. (TREPON124A PALLIDUM) (SYFMLIS-DIAGNOSIS) f- a a 4-7 AX_ im- M~ vs. ;W~."Pff% bows" of motwoo 884 be&" as W awaremlat "Ov" WA soullapyridime no" 0 a" ' 6 O " " . 0M6 1N 4 O# th. Hire 1 l o 09 lpowlefoly W mniull*rW4W% minvinumlatkIll Uf Millatn6flikho in Sulf4pyrullim loolob AL .11.1ioncs, viumv Fill. Wert. 1114' th"OllorUlk INAIllvilT 44 slit 111118% Allil ly cm.1 rt 00 ."It. fortnWalt-I voilsto f1w.114156 a., 'liw,l its Asuffallef ReIrl'it. ",I. as 00 -is ,-n mill-b -sib 111,~ ItM. amn1hre limp I a tm 004 a&* go" 0 els, sle,nor d4majo in its as .1," movie env I:o W ..V At. (vvr!*% "0 , .% -I was Fro h,1 in 4 h- .1 tl.$r, jjCj finfliMralk so SM) it&% isolimwo 14 of, Ig- &A ittoreft thr "On, d~ nth SutufAinitionvoklo, ovio% drill in ulUW anif L4%xml The niml SAIllikal tOu, likilitl 4-ut- ovor" islAwned lug the obr 4 0 0 r4po.1 unnjory, elitutoo.&Iumn laivik plov with the evoilk &I. pimps. Aitec J4 lor- rawnfujil, all SullAndan,". ... flown curruit (nun the anew in 11%, * &I ~.plvv . 1ho, 0 0 00-1 WilAt AlAmbic ishin. amnor"i 11. 1,161-1 Alfto," is, ..A " vatodir Itim AJk me. mly I: 0 0 tic In thv~ hh..) stair high-# I-J --f-for-1 w .:h, 1,41~1 1.vo loniv. &-I it., %1.. 1. .. I. &I.,. Aj I hi fril'Al''M RAI No Ran p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 ifik. &.m-I, It,- tildfil-I Is ni --- "I ih- 4(ftAill 01A.W 9A.1 11141.1solovil. I- %1k. *sib .- g..", -nAlIv i hl A11.1 Infilillin N111.11111111 ~ ~'j ilk I, ler... flo,, "v. -11' it'. 4. 'Al #I-- No a Am 9-0 0 q 0 .00 _60 coo Coe No ties too* Neel = In/adicume up"Cine 9Wfect of D'Agmth Pmr4mtimm (Blo-quino3. PolirMsel ad BIMMUL ftlicjrlate) an plealcinin'O Prof a. S. Wtehlmftlkov, R. L. Zellkova, chier 84 Apsm, Lab -at axperlmostea "Ills, Con Dermatol and Temerva iEmwtl Kin of Pob 504ath ~' 3 3A pp lz* 'C-Wftst vessrol I Dermatolft Jb 6 146watory szparlmsts cu rabbIts sham& a gnater ""clula caftomtratIcs In tjW IVUW intro- &=An solutims I& oil tbm In water mlutlme om*lm& w1th blemath preperstlams. We Asts. amt Icine - slamth Compounds Nov/Doe Wolmu) be GIWO&lly detexulved. Furcher &tuft Is -0 1W ft ate tberspestle value of the sumatamove im- tndmtlm or psalcMla and blanuft. C" *Varlablllt,y of G,.aoooool Dwift PaulcMIn lb~o trot N. M. Oroblmikov, Soomd Dwummweol ble- pmeary, ftecow, 3 pp *Test vlawal I Damtol" no 9 bwwlbso tU four pwtoda at vwlatl4m that em be WtIoed In ammoool &WIN vMIOLUIR thamm. Chlot of Bwcud DKwvmwoa DisponeW: Dr V. --r1O* is 1, 6 A I t A 1-t-1. 1-1 m 0 CL e4., Altin. .0 Itims'"Oth F,.PA,.Ihm, t-I.-Muth felicyletv- ON poeskillim kwht"AIt. I , 'I..& I 144A. Pt-Imillin 1, -W-1 1.'I l-,", a 1:,11, 1 Its, .41 -In. so I km In tit bw .if. - in %9.1" Pfa."lors-sl 1-11", . v t Ow- .4 1*: t"n", le-1. I., ,".,it k.wri to:n::v ,Wilho siml to trA" 1-plwar.s.- otimspred ag wIi~ I;xl IwAwnt Im w".ollus siv. %e Ism" uriaAry prnkiltin Wirels th-sn -morrQ. snaiwilt, It- 4 A hn thr nnl" Is it. ..I -st Isr ..I .I -A I-p, thl- w "If IF Is 'If w Ono *of *000 0 0 00 0 0 * 1114116o 01 *411011 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 Fe * 6,0 0 0- 0 0 e 0- 0-0-0 0 0 so 60 it 0 * UNW/lb"elm - j"Islula - ft"eing - Tefterea Diseases 'Attion of Domestic Penicillin an Spirochmeta ftllita,- Fror N. OL Ovablaulkov, R. L. Zellkova, Chief Bel Amese, lab of Uperimental AMWIlls, Cm Dermtol and Venereal Inst, Kim of ftb Jkalth am, 2 3/4 PP m4bot venerol I Marmatolo so 45 ftsrj~ta in vitro shaved that &ven larip "a" AM not k111 8piroch"ta PSUl". C~entratlmd 5 - 500 =Its per al vers'emalmd br daft fS*U xv%bad. Jbrpho2agloa chexWe occund but wbllltg VM/J1v&1clm* - Pmlclnla (Contd) NOV/De~ was retaimet for a loog Use. Retained vIrulamm 0 after 3 hours is such solutlma sadt Infected rabbits with s7*111m. 4W,- 10j" WO Acbm pf*pW*Ibft~ 004 OMpaidbeab of Vie I"" oil WkAery on"vibete of I 'I'm am the bloted twill is nit N 11 klishol.k.t. a), M471:1 Corsets of I.-vikiffin in rtlitiit orin, *11" 6-1 Ministration bw intramuscular route cialnictlentally with I,Pnuon;A is much low" Than in rAlif"19 irr,iteil with iffin alone us in conjunction with pirepne ,,,ntS 1-ilylis-A. he IiAlirylife. fiesinnirrinA - a,v.l pruirdlin rhoon. owi I% nuch loogrt Adininvit'.. to I.Pqui I .".I with 1b. "ovi, -vvincr unuhancou%li, giw~ toutary f"kNthe atut -amohm nvr~.Wht lostouati-i ken swern m any cAbrr nwilkIel %fivo r dfiiaptwuraw~ of vharkvr~ in rmthmis I~ki,s IPLI- th" viingir injeripm of r3rujin with I.T 0 single f- d1j. - I r4 Mimi". I~ICVP PrOk-111111 iVWI III Wins 0. 1=11-10 With ho-Im-4 ..., N Jov I,, tier .. tim A I ft PMWWS. 4 s %I K-A.1-0 OVCHINNIKOV, N.M.: ZICLIKOVA, R.L. 4 - - - Iffect of p~n1c1IlIn on Spirochasta pallids, In Otro (elpetron mi- croscopic Inv*ntigations). Yest.vener. No.1:1&20 Jan-Fob 51. (CLML 20-6) 1. Prof. N.M. Olrchinnikov; Senior Scientific Associate. 2. Of the Central Skin-lonor*ological Institute (Dtr*ctor--Candidate MMical Sciences N.M. Turanov) of the Ministry of Public Health USSR. OTGRIMIIKOV, N.M.-. ZICLIKOVA. R.L. Iffect of sleep on urinary penicillin excretion, its concentrat,on in the blood and its therapeutic activity. Vest. vener. no.l:.6-2r W-June 195~* (GUIL 20:11) 1. Prof. Ovehinnikov; Senior Scientific Associate Zelikova. 2. Of the Central Scientific-Research SkI-Venereological Institute of the Hinistr7 of Public Health USSR (Director Candidate Medical Sciences N.M. Turanov). I I - I . t - d I . ;,,- .. r - - ~ I OVCqIN-NTKOV, M.M. Iffect of medicinal @loop on the course and the treatment of ex- perimental syphilis. Vest. vener.. **oekva no. ):))-)8 Kay-June 1952. (CUM 22:4) 1. Professor. OTCHINNIKOV. N.K. Significance of milk and blood as penicillin-retarding substances. Test. vener., Komirva no. 6:29-33 Nov-Doe 1952. (GIML 24:1) 1, Prefesaor. 2. Of the Central Skin-Venereelogical Institute (Direoter -- Candidate Kodloal Sciences 3. K. %ranov). Kinistry of Public Health USSR. O!F~~L.N. f5srologic test In syphilis and gonorrhea]. Serologicheskle Issledoranila pri sifillse I gonorree. Moskva. Nedgis. 1953. 178 P. (NUU 6:8) (Venereal diseases) 11.1,213VA, R.I.. kandi4at moditalaskikh cuuk; OVCHINBIZOV, N.M., professor. &aveduyushchly mikrobiologichookin otdolon; TURANOT, N.M., kandidult modit- sinakikh nauk. direktor. Mold fungi in the etiology of onychonyaosla. Vost.ves.1 dorm. ne.2:22-24 Nr-AP '53. (MLRA 6:5) 1. Mikrobiologichookly *tdol Teentrall4ogo koahno-venerologicheakoge Is- stituta Nialsterstva Wavookhrumoutya �SSR (for liseleva. Ovchianikov). 2. Toostrallayy keshao-venerologichook4* institut Ministerotva idravookhra- &onlym, SSSR (for Tiaranqv). (ft4lo-Diso"em ) (Pealcillium) Owlil, ~:11'.Ov, I;. I . USJR/Vedicine - Antit.'otics Yay-,7 un ~ 3 "Concentration of Tenicillin in the Flr~od, Its Ellyrinatior ~Itl, -rine, ar.(l txie iate Therapeutic Effect. lesi.1tint- Frorr Treatirent With Novocillin of ~X-Teriuent&: Uis in Rabbits," Prof ' . 1.'. Cvchinnikov, YV;. Kutukova, Sr Sci Asscc, and S. L. '-~7rbut, Sci Assoc, Yicrobial Div, Cent :erT.ato-Venereo-'ogical Inst, Min flea-Ith, 11-'~ J Vest Vener i Derm, No 3, pp 43-46 Novocillin (the novocain salt of penicillin) is a new drug which prolongs t.~e tire that penicillin remains in the organism. Since the therapeutic action of yenicil in is thereby increpsed, ratients who have sy .p!ilis or other disease reqii1rine rro'onged treatirent, can be taken crre of by outpatient clinics. Therapeutic effecit c,' a t-,)ta-1 dose of 94,"0O units of penicillin in the forrr of' novocillin per kV of ratlent'q weight, administered intramuscularly for a perios of 7 days, is higher thar, the e'fect of an aqueos soln of the same art c,f ordinary penicillin adriyAntered Ii. tt.( 3are manner 271-13C " " 1 1 j .1 ~, 1. " ~ - I; i ! " . - V " '. . , , - KA 15. ?.N.. professor egerological studies of syphilis and gonarrhea.0 N.N.Orchinaikov. Reviewed by P.N.Keshidn. Test. von. I dorm. 00-31 %-5? IV-Jo '54. (MM 718) (SYPIRILIS) (GOPORRRU) (ER= DIAGNOSII) OTCHINNIKOV. N.M.. professor D.R.Sabolotnylle and F.P.Maslakovets's priority describing the imoblltsatlon test for Treponem pallidum. Test. von I dorm. no.4: 53 Jl-Ag '54. (KLRA 7-8) 1. Is TS*ntr&llnogo nauchno-iseledovatel'skogo koshno-venerologiche-. skogo Institute (dlr. kandidat moditolnokikh nauk N.N.Turamv) Kinl-- sterstva sdravookhranoniya SSSR. (STPHILIS. diagnosis, Ossrol., Troponsua imobilisation test, priority of D-1. Zabolotnyt & P.P.Kaslakovets) LOZIS-LOZINSKIY. L.K.. doktor biologicheakikh nauk. redektore g AOL, N.M., radaktor; TZIAGIN, V.D., redektor; TTSHINVICH, Z.IF n cheskly redaktor (The invertebrates-, structure in relation to environment and their importance to man; teachers's manual] Bespezvonochnye shivotn" ; stroonte v avisal 9 usloviiast shiant I snachente ikh dlia cheloveks. Posobis dlis uchitelim. Pod red. L.K.Losina-Losinskogo. Moskva. 1955. 404 P. (KLRA 9:12) 1. Arkademiya podagogichealcikh nauk RSFSR. Moscow. Yeatestvenno- asuchn" inatitut. (invertebrates) OYCHINNIKOV, II.M, (Experimental ffy-phillel Ikeportmentailr7l stfilis. Mosirva. MOUIS, 1955. 396 p. (KLRA 9: 1) (STM Ll S ) EXCE- IIJITA I:MI CA Sec.13 V01.11/1 Dermatoloey.etc.Jan57 256. OVTCIIINKOV N. M. Cent r. Derrnato- Venereol. Inst.,Nlosco-N. Non-f-ork. screw forms of Spirochaeta pallida (Russian text) VESTN. VENER. DERM. 1955. 3 (32-38) Illun. 10 The author sums up the observations on the Spirochacta pallida by the electronic microscope and by the silver-staining method of Morosov. Flagellae were noticed coming off the end and sometimeti the body of the spirochacte as well. The coccal formations (grains) were studied; they are sometimes slightly lengthened, Intense- ly refracting light. They are found in cultures and also in pathological specimens obtained from man. Observing the culture, one can see how the spirochactes dis- appear sometimes; simultaneously the numbers of the coccal-like grains are in- creasing considerably. The author's conclusion is that the spirocPaetes multiply in several ways: (a) by the usual transverse partition. (b) by development of the segments resulting from the disintegration of the spirochaete. (c) by reproduction out of the grains mentioned above. The author deems necessary a further study of the stages of devclopment of the spirochaetes. lie thinks that this will help to solve a number of the theoretical and practical problems of syphilology. Kozhernikov - Leningrad (XIII, ol) OVCHIMIKOV, B.M.,Professor Sclentific conference on the use of antibiotics in demstology. Vent. vwr,-~ I dart. 6:51-53 11-D 155 (ML&A 9:5) (SKIN--DISBASIS) (ANTIBIOT ICS) OWSROW I M.N. professor -KUTUIOVA. K.B..starohiy naucluqy motrudnik; KaMW. 5.TO.naUChT7Y sotrudnik. Affect of synthonVein. streptosWein. levomVein, bioircin and ter- ramycin on Bplroch&eta pallid& and the immAlate therapeutic results In treating syphilis in rabbits. Test. von. I dorm 30 no-1:32-36 J&-P 156 (KM 9 s4) 1. Is Ttentrallnogo muchno-issledovatellskogo koshnovenerologichookogo lumt1tuts (d1r.-kandidat moditsinskikh nauk N.M. Turanow) Ministorstva adravookbranonlya, SSM. (BYPEWS in rabbit. off. of various antibiotics) (ANTIBIOTICS. off. on syphilis in mbbits) OTCHINNIKOV, N.M.. professor Significance of complement fixation at low temperature, results of comprehensive work of 11 institutes of dernstology and venarology. Vest.ven. i darn. 30 no.4:29-32 Jl-Ag 156. (NLRA 9:10) 1. Is atirrobiologicheskogo otdals (sav. - prof. N.M.Ovchianlicov) ?Sentrallnogo kozhno-venerologichookogo institute (dir. - kandidat zeditsinskikh aauk N.M.Turanov) Ministeretva teravookhreneniYa SSSR. (STPHILIS. diar, complement fixation in cold) tCOLD. eff. on complement fixation in diag. of syphilis) im " tol. YUtukov* Anwov &- a x r ! vomm . qc*cow). o WtM?ry Hemlth. "c Actlv*tbkg XWHT *1 C6 "ho 30, No. 8. 34-?(IOW)."T- pe.,javu j~g c=Armc=db , uPts. with n"I's 41 on, of CvC16 bet- in travenou 1 I n vto s ( In ftulu"llOn W'Itb )a ot the dmg or after PAvjjnWmtb , -- , lwect4ms. cvai~ ~:Jyrv, 14. "4. "The Organizatior, of iahoratom .,-up ort ih Venereal and kin Diseases," -rises s t-77- On ttowls kov~ a, Afte r SUM- WAAx. moo. of 1k I-b dd Ph~rtnarolo~_rv, Foxicology. C .,erlO the rape .1 Ic )-rc )arationp. i lie Coiscuntrotl re; ,I Ponict Illn lei tt- I 'o' in.ition in tt,.e Urine, an, Immedinte I.ein-,eutlt i(es iltR in the Treatment 1)f .-xt)Arjm4-nta.LV-Inducej ii.; i I i i,erikntol I % enerol 19',7 , No. 1 2 -)2 t I t z - I ri thj ' Ci I C( LrIM I Tie. ln ex -rimerits ,i, rat).-LtF, if vA erimei.tal. AYI,lieilis, i t ivase mhuwn t1lat n1t;i t,ie in- jection J I in a dose of b#,..-,0 unflt-~ I, r kg o,ie time, or iii two tiopes %with fA 3-da:- interval, tie(- ini,tont I I in the blood jj3 mnjnt,-infd at is levfl or -in, ts 1-ir it orlo~ of 10-16 dikv4. Cnoi) -c re t (J') _ C, ui,ils ~vr tt,(- r e 4o t %but I i 0 C I I Of I r-,,juccs E,*:, ',er t cc i., i _U"IC res-'ts. In ~Iik orgmi~ t,, rik t.- i s-e) i U an.. i jver n ..c an i i." in I i i ouao i n nc i e ir.,)Unt ~ . . n ) ec t i -n , i n is e) -e ) j I () - ) in i t pe r k ~: m t o,)r, i c t i ve vezer, t i rot hool o% t,. i ii 'Aj; i(.ih,its %it - oicillin VL-HiAVA il? if, OVCHINNIKOV, N.M., prof. -------~evelopmen t and achievements of Soviet experimental dermato- venereology during the post 40 years. Vest.darm. i ven. 31 no.5: 29-34 8-0 '57. (MIRA 10:12) (GONORRHIIA. exper. serol. & immunol. research, progr.) ~SYPHILIS. exper. some) OVCHMIWV, N.K. Antibodles In syphillas leb.delo 6 [1.*.4) no.08-11 JI-Ag 158 (KIRA 110) 1. Is otdala mikrobiologit (sav. - prof. N.Ke Ovehinnikov) TS*ntrallnogo nauchno-lasledovntellskogo kombno-yonerologiahaskogo Inatituts Kinisterstva sdravool&rameniya RSFSR, Noskvae (ATTIGUS AND ANTIBOURS) (SYPHILIS) OYCHMIro -1.. X*No, porf Sm serological reactions In syphilis; review of the literature [with exemmary in Anglishl. Test.derm. I von, 12 mo,3t)4_41 IV-je 158 (MIRA lls7) 1. Is otdola m1kroblologli (sev. prof, S.W. Ovehinnilkw) ?Sentral'sogo Institute (diroktor - kand.sed.nauk N.V. Turenov) Mialstarstva, (STMILTS. diqg. various serol. tests. review (Rus)) AKOFTAN, A.T., RAMMANVICH, Te.K.0 AVAKIAN, A.A., OVMI"IKOV, N.M., ZPJWo P*M*9 ITEVLVVAs TZ.A., rVANOVA, B.C. Upertmental data on the study of causative t of pemphigus in the developing chick embryo Lwith summary Inv;lish]. Vest.dere. I Tme 32 no.4t3-9 JI-Ag 158 (MM 11110) 1. Is tsentrallnogo kozhno- wDerologicheakogo Instituta d1r X*X* Tursnov) I Institute virusologit Akadezii meditainskikh nmk SSSR ~dlre Pole Zosyakov). PZHPHIGUS. virus, culture in chick embryo (Bus)) OVTHIBIIIKOV. N.M.. prof., IJJRIYN, S.S., atnrahiy nauchnn aotnidnik. L-forms of microbes in urethritis nnd thpir practical aigmificance [vith aunmary in Znglish]. Vest.dem. i ven. 32 no.5:47-53 S-0 158 (KDU Ilill) 1. 1z TSentrallnogo nauchno-iseledovntpllskoeo kozhno-vpnerologichesko- go instituta (dir. N.M. Turanov). Hinisterstva sdravookhranoniya RSFSR. (URMTHRITIS, microbiol. ]-form hant Obis)) (BACTERIA, 1-form, isolntion in urethritis (Rue)) OVCHINNIKOV, N.M,, prof.; VL:: I, I YTV, 7.V. ; YEGOhOV, '~7, N.Y., kand.; SANINKTA, L.V. Cl'nical ev-aluation of Lf4e in syphilis. Vest. dam.. i ven. no.2t63-71 165. OCRA 1831") 1. Mikrobiologicheskiy oldel (zav. - prof. N.M.Ov(!~Irir,,!~-~v) i filfilidologicheakiy otdel (zav. - prof. M.A.Rozzentul) "Sentrall.-Iogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo kozhno-vanarologichaskogo instituta (direktor - N.M.Turanov; igmeatitall direktora po nauchnoy chasti - prof. AOA,StudnItaIn) Minlstori3-vu zdrpvockh- rananiya SS.17, Moskva. OVAiINNIKoV, N..'.*., prof. .n! f 1 -arre of .'a bcr&t -- r.,- at.; jv --s allseases. Ver, L. clerm. i v.-n. 3: n ent,ra-~ I nyy KozLnc-vontir eqkiy :n!iti it 'riiv - ookhranenlyn RSF.S;~, i i r. OVCHMIKOYs R.M., prof.; LESNIKOV, Ya.?, Brief, mmme Med. peraz* i paraze bol. 32 no*1891--94 Ja-#163. (MDU IWO) J~ OVCIIINNIKOV N M Lil~ A., WV. , L.V . ;0 IN, VA V.N. Flaorescer,,. r 9 s ~,nb. delo 10 nn t)4. kov) `)P.- , -Fil rl. vfit- I' 7o 'Kr zhno-vFn--rr)l or: - cheskorn ~nFl--w.,I r x,I mrj -1 ~, 1. k N . F. Turan r~v ' Y i r. ~ s - terqtvFi ~,l n~v-Anr-., OVCHniNix0v N M - prof. r-- Now simple method for testing Treponema pallidum imobilizaticn. Vest.derm.i ven. no.10-33-36 162. WmA 15: 1) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo nauchno-iaBledcvateJ'jjuWO koahno-venerclo- Turanov) (dir. - dotsent V.M. Hinisterstva gicheskago instituta zdravookhraneniya RSFM (TREPONMA FAUJIDUM) (SYPRILIS-DIAGNOSIS) SIDELIKIKOV, N.A., genera.1-polkovnik v otatavke; SUKHOMLIN, A.V., genera-1- loyterAnt; NOVOSELISKIY, Yu.V., general-leytenant v otatavke; SHILOV, N.I., general-sayor sapasa; MALINOVSKIY, A.A., polkoyn-lk sapasa; OVCHINNIKOV, N.M., polkovnik sapaaa; ZHOLNEROVICH, S.A., podpolkovnik sapasa To soldiere, sergeanta, officere and generala of the former 30tt, (later loth Guards Army. Vcen. vr-st. 42 no.6:46 Je 162. (VJRA 15:, (Russia-Army-Histc,ry) -OVCHINMO",Mw-p- pmf.; LURIYE, S.S#, otarshly nauchnyy sotrudnik; EMOVA, V.I., mlarlabdy nauehriyy 80trudnAk 7--motluoroncent method In astrological diagnosis of a hilis. Testedemoi van* no.lls27-32 161, ji~RA 14, 11) (SYPHILIS-DIAG110618) (AMGUI An ANTIBOMES) (SIRIUM DIAGNOSIS) owma"moll, E.F. S=e simplifleatIors in tieing Nelsor's sorodlafmosti~ t(-rl, foT Tropmema pal',Idum. Lab.del,) 7 no.l'sl4-19 1; 161. (Mliv~ 14:, 1. Tf;entr&l'-nyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy kozhno-vp-norologi- chaskiy instItut Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR, (SY]PHMS-DIAGFCSIS) OTCMMINDV, NJL Brief report on a trip to Hungary# Yest.deru.1 von. 35 noJi 64-67 Wr 161, (mm 1414) 1, Is TSentrallnogo nauchno-inaledowatellskogo kozbno-Tenero- logicheskogo instituta (dir. - dotmentu N.Me %mov) Ministerstya adravockhranenils RVSR. (MMTMWY) 07CEME OV. 11 lie, prof.; VTYURIV, B.V. - !a Certain structural characteristics of Tr*ponema pallid= in electron microscopic observation. Test.dsm.i ven. 35 noo4i 48-52 Ap 161. (TRVONMA PAUMM) (MIRA 1415) OVCHINNIKOV, N.M.; LUIVIA, S.S.; BMNOVA, V.14. Idmtificatlm of gonococci and their L-forms using fluorescon, antibodies. Lab. delo 7 no.12s3O-34 D 161. ()G.A 14: 11) 1. Otdol mikrobiologii (zav. - prof. H.H.Orchinnlkcm) TSentr&llnogo naudhho-isaledovatellskogo koshno-venerologicheakoko instituta Hinieteretva adravockhraneniya RSFSR, Hookya. (AIITIGEUB AND ANTIBODIES) (NEISSERU GONOIL-310EAE) OWIDINIKOV, N.M. prof.1 MOYOOV.B.G., red.; MATVEMA-#H.M.p tekbar*d. - ------- [Now serological reactions to syphilis) Novyo serologicheskie reaktaii n& sifilis. Noalma, Fedgiz, 1961. 162 p. (MMA 15:2) 1. Zaveduyushohiy mi*robiologichaskim otdolom Tgentrallnogo nauchno-isaledovat,al skogo kozhno-vanarologicheakogo instituta (for Ovehinnikov). (STFI[ILIS--DIAGNOSIS) (SE" DIAMOSIS) OVCHMITKOV, N.H* Nalson4k"r test (impobilization reaotion of its significance and method* Teat.demoi ran. 1, Iz TSentrallsogo gicheakogo inatituta stva zdravookhranoniya Trepon~ PS.Uid=), 34 no.4&56-61 160. (KIM 13 1 la) nauchno-ionledaratellskogo kothno-renerolc- (dir. - N.M. Turanov) Ittlater- RSFSR. (TWONENA) OVCHINNIKCR, N.H.; AKCJPTAN. A.T. -, SMELOV. N.S.; RA)UMLEVICH. E.M. -, LTA 9 E.F.; ZLTCSAIMA. 0.N.: 7.AIXIN. N.M.: RZZNIK(WA. L.S.; AVAKYAIF. A.A. Data on the etiology of pemphigus. Borg3rogy. vener. asemle 36 no-5: 193-200 S '60. 1. Az Oross Stocialista Stovetsegi Kostareasag Egeassegugyi Miniasteriuma Kozponti. Bor-Nemilcortani Intesetenek (Igaugato: Turanov N.H., az orvostudamanyok kandIdatusa es a Poliom7elitin- kut&to Intezet (Igasgato: prof. Caumakov M.I., a Szovjot Tudomanyos Akademia leveleso tagja) kDslemenyo. (PF,HPHIGUS etiol) OVCHINNIKOV, N.M.; ELIFINER, I.Ye.; REZNIKOVA, L.S.; SUPRUN, Ye.T. Bound-treated antigens in the serodiagnosiB of syphilis and gonorrhea. fab.dolo 7 no.?X_V~-41 Jl 161. (MIPA 14t 6) 1. Mikrobiologichookiy otdol (sav. - prof. N.M.OwchinnUcfy) TS*ntrallnogo nauohno-isaledovatellskogo koshno-venerologicheakogo instituta i laboratorii ulltrazvuka (say. - prof4 I.Ye.Ellpiner) irwtituta biofiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. (ANTIGENS AND ANTIMIES) (SYPHILIS) (GONORRHFA) OVCHINNIKOV, N.M.;-TURLNOV, N.M. Serologica.1 aid in U.S.S.R. and measures for Its improvement. Vest. dorm. i van. 34 no.713-7 160. (Y;~A :3:12~ (SERUM DIAGNOSIS)