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OTCHINNIKOT, A., kandidat &rWtektury. - -to" - - -- , I - - - I I - - BuIlding a how. Tekh. %al. 25 no 5:11-13 MY '57. (KIAA losO (Building) uNHINNIKOV, A., kandidat arkhitektury. - - ~"~I=mle Zz2-'beautiful. Pekb.mol. 25 no.6:34-35 Je 157. (MI.R.6 Ir ? (Architecture--Designs and D14ftfl) 41 e ( ~, (~ /7 /A/~V/ /4 ~' 11, . /I OTGH NNIKOT. As- kand. arkhItaktury. mummmm We =at enjoy our dwellings. Takh. ml. 26 no.1:23-25 15H. (House furnishings) (MIRA 1111) ACCESSION NR: AP4041962 S/0280/64/000/003/0077/0083 AUTHOR: Ovchinnikov, A. A. (MOSCOW); Puginskiy, V.A. (14oscow) TITLE: Application of the methods of logical diagrams to the planning and organi- zation of a t,!aching process SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Tekhnicheskaya kibernet;ka, no- 3, 1964, 77-83 TOPIC TAGS: logical diagram, teaching theory, curriculum planning, education, flow chart. Information flow chart AR~TRACT- A mathematical theory of teaching which takes Into account the opt*'num r,-thods of planning, organization and administration of a course or a %tjli;ec~ does not exist at the present time. The authors have Investigated the possibility of the application of logical diagrams, used widely In operations research, to the 9I.inninq and control of a college curriculum. Planning of a course car, I)-- -~-e- .o-nted by means of a logical flow chart in which all topics of the cof.jt%'-, P,,-)per- 1,, 1,,1)eIcd, are placed in the center of the graph as a horizontal linr of no-i'll po;nts, all topics of prerequisite courses are placed In the upper left ror-r and all topics in subsequent course,, which are based on the course ~)ein(j Pvahia"~! are pl.iced in the lower right corner. When all topics are connected by lineN w;''. at-ows Indicating the f low of ;nfor"i.ition, the resulting I 'ow chart pr-,1% a 1/3 ACCESSION NR: Ap4o41962 rapid evaluotion of the proper logical sequence of topics, and elimination of dup- lication and of topics for which there is no theoretical background. A curri~t, plan can be constructed as a flow chart which determines the timing of all courses and assures a logical sequence of learning. it is convenient to place the topic nodes of each course on a horizontal line, starting with the basic course, ,n that the related topics of all courses are on a vertical line. The information (!"w within the course is toward the right and between the courses it is riownwar,~, Changes and corrections can be Introduced by following the normal rules of s~ro- and source displacement in a logical graph. A curriculum plan can also he ln,med with the help of a linear graph whose abscissa Is the length of semesters I,, Weks and whose ordinate is the intensity of studic% In hours per wt--ek. Tile area of the linear qraph of each subject Is proportional to the time allowed for its study. Ba%ic sul)jects, which are required by all col Ir,)es, are placed at tile top a-d are followed by specialization courses. Infor-ation flow boundaries. 1.e., ti-es at which a particular topic frog or,e sub I 4-c t I % required in another suh)'ect, a,e ma rked of f by vert I ca I I I nor% . Total % t uden t wor6 load I% plotted at the bot tom of I he q, aph by stiny"; nq area% of a I I soil, i fir Is In a vertical dirfof:tiorl. I I I ~1; S I cad I % nonun I f orm, t lie I nt ens I t y of separale %ubjects is readju%ted t(i n,16(. tl,e load uniform. Linear graphs can also be utilized by students to assist thf-, ", their planning. A conjecture is made that a curriculum flow chart can be used to de0ve ma hematical algorithms of teaching planning and that computer techniques co'd 2)`3 ARZIMT,A.A., prof. ; k-.TARYA1, A.A. -, nauk; ~;Al-tOV,G.A. prof. prof.; !TkPS;iAVS?.AYA, L.Ta., karid. red. nauki VORODO;AV, I-A.; A-, kFind. mM. naux; DAN IT EL ' Ll,'l , K. *~ . . kariL; . med . nauk; :,&-iMAVII; V M. , kand med. nauk; DGI.FlSY.P , S.1a., I:rc)f.; V.N.; ZATSEFIl-, -YAG11111'-~EV, A.Ye., dots.; ISAKC)V,Yu.F., S.'., kand. med. nalik; Z~ doktor med. nauk; KM:~,EV, ~.A., ,and. med. nauk; KONOVAWV, AJ~ . ; Ohl' YAMSEP', k'~J., pruf.- KLPM~S'Kry, V.A., kand.,med. nauk; KLII-',],-Vlci:, 1Jl:!,LASl!I1;P N.I.p kana. mod. nauk LhVT',,, G-.YjA. !-'lod. naux; LUMSHKI1, A.I., ktuld. med. nauk; LEY.Z? .)kl,-,i ;vo. naur., I.ALD~INA, L.I., doktor med. MAfM EVA, ".r:,, kandidat meditainskikh nauk; NFmSE,;- .~. I . , kand. mod. nauk; OVGIUhhlKUV, A.A. OGLE724EV, K.Ya., kari,;. mod. naak; .,( ~TrOTSKAYA, V.I., kand, med. nauk; S'IETA~iOV, F.A., kana. mea. nauk; EPSHTM, P.V.; OST:-~CAM,Kl!CV, I)CF.b.tOVSKAYA, Tu.F. prof., O*v. red. [,"ultivolume manual on ie,:,latrlcs]Yno otomnoe -uko,,-odqtvo po pediatrii. Moskva. ~'oditsina. Vol.14.f~ediatric surgery] Khi- -urgi' v ia de,:-,,,,,,-- voz.-af~*a. Aed.'Loria S.IA.Doletskii. 1964. 6'4 (MditA 17:9) lryv A.aan AM14 S,,~"~. (for Don.brovskaya). 2. Ch-en- Dev~tvitel korres,,onaent k'li' SSSh (for i3al.-Ov. Vcl-kov). MISURKIN, I.A.; OVCHINNIKOV, A.A. Calculation of molecular vibration frequencies by the solecular orbital method taking the benzene molecule as a model. Opt. i spektr. 16 no.21228-233 F 64. (MIRA 1714) DOIETSKIY, S.Ya.; OVCHINNIKOV, A.A. Progressive lobar empl7sema and tension cysts of the lung in Infants. Pediatriia 41 [i.e. 421 no.2s55-64 F 163. (MIRA 1614) 1. Iz kliniki detskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. Sja.boletskiy) TSentrallnogo Instituta uBovershenstvovanlya vrachey (rektor M.D Kovrigina). iEMPHYSFMA, PULMNARY) (CYSTS) (INFANTS -L) MWES) OVCHIUIKOV,A.A.. inzhener Vashing-drying machine for sheet iron and pickled sheet steel. Vest. wash. 35 no.4:67-68 Ap '55. (KIRA 8:6) (Sheet metal) (Rolling-mill machinery) UR/0379/65/001/001/0071/0079 A SION KR; APS012830 f"edoa r of electron excitation energy to-vibrationaldegrees.of -in complex molecules 1. _SOURCE1 Teoreticheskaya i ekeperimentaltnaya khlxdyi.-v. 1$ -no. 1, 1965, 71-79 TOPIC..--T AGst-.-- molecular orbital method,, paraffin t:t. -'ABSTUCT: Quantum-michanical-treatment. is given to the transfer.of electron exci 1-tatfo~ ebe to vibrational degrees of freedom in gaseous paraffins irradiated rgy 'With 100 ev electrons. The electron structure of paraffins is treated from the -standpoint.'-- It was found that the energy transfer mecba- --- molecular orbital theory nism is analogous to the Landau-7.inerovskiy mechanism for the transfer of energy f~ electron excitation to nuclear motion at the point of intersection of the ter=i in reactions involving small molecules EL. Landau and Ye. Lifshits, Xvantovaya mekhaniam.,.1963, GIFML, p. 3803. A nonstationary nonadiobatic wave, function was found for a positive ion of a long molecule. The distribution of vibrational en-. ergy along the chain I ength is studied using this wave function., Orig. art. I as. card 1/2 OVCHINNIKOV, A.A. Cham ctar.'.q t.. i ::f Lhf- i-nunon epe: '.-an - f ~-nt, I ~ mF-..s' -Tla~ '-h 11 1: Piz. Lver. ~-Ia " nu.3t834-83- M,- 1-1. M TU , P, , I J - _ . 1. Intilitul !mrirj- Karpova, Mjskva. DOUTSMY, S.Ya., prof.; OWEN1~1KCIV, A.A.; DRACHI'VA, Ye.]. Tension syndrome in the thoracic cavity in newborn 'nfar.te ar.; very young children. Vest. rent. i rad. 40 no.6:11-It. '-,' Itc. (AURA "': . 1. Klinika detakoy khtrurgil (zav. - prof. S.Ya. boletnkiy TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovanlyn vrachey I Detsell-r1i gorodskaya klinicheskaya bolInItsa No.2 imeni 1.%'. Rusaxo-Fi, Moskva. ACC NR, AP6034268 SOURCE CODE: uR/o386/66/oo'4/(xtl/o'.)48/0252 AUTHOR: Misurkinp I. A.; Ovchinnikov, A. A. ORG: Physicochemical Scientific Research Institute im.- L-. Ya-.,-Mrpav (Nauchno- issledov-alt-efrs-kiy -fi-z-ik~;-k-hi-micheskiy ins-titut)-- ;TITLE: Electronic structure of long molecules with conjugated bonds ~SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimerital'noy I teoreticheakay fiziki. Pialms. v redaktstyu. IPrilozheniye, v. 4, No. 7, 1966, 248-252 ITOPIC TAGS: molecular electronics, complex molecule, metal property, chain pclymc-r, .conjugated bond system ABSTPACT: The authors show, with polyene Wlt2N) as an example, that when fl,e leng-th (N) of a molecule with conjugated bonds increase3 the moleculae does not becomn 'I -e- dimensional metal, as is customarily assumed, since the ex-perimental data 0-'0v, + +',- contrary, that with increase in the length of the polyene chain the magnitude of the first electronic transition tends to a finite value -2.24 ev. The gap in the spPctnim that might be attributed to the transition of the molecule into a state with alter- nating bond lengths as 14 - - in one order of magnitude sTraller thnn the experimental value. Furthermore, Langmuir oscillations in a one-dimencional System have an itc(JUAtIO character, and consequently cannot explain the observed opectrum. Vie authors there- fore propose an explanation of the experimental facto on the basin of an (Luovanr!e for the electron repulzion. The wave function of the electrons of the chain is calcuJated' LLard V2 mp Sconowle effeetiveness of emkPital investsont in irriipation vroiectr Top.obcon. uo.A.-65-,Pj Je 157. (MIRA Irl: 7) (Irrigation) (Irriculturs-?conomic mepmts) AUTHOtt Ovc h I nn 1 icD 7A . Ah:ng~ nee r 9~ 8 TITLE; On Increaei!ig the rffic'.9n~-y of Irrigation in the Ro8to-.i Oblast ~C, ~r~~-ysherjij ekonomicheakoy effektivnosti orosheniya zemel V h:3t~-Sk,.~y Obla~iti Ph;n IOuI CAL, Gidrotekhnika i Me)ioratslya Nr 5, pp 19 -29 k UbSH), I Ab6fRACT, The autnn7 deF-ibee the increased output of various agri::ul- tura: in the Rostov Oblast', reviewing the productIon figures uf eacP pr,3duot and advising how to further Increase this output. There are tab2keq. AV A! LAB L I!, Libra-y -~Frim.-sv, Card I /I Opera'.i -jr. Agriciai~.ura-:133R '4a t ar OVCHINNIKOV, A.A. --I - . Irrigation and cultivation of winter wheat. Zeneledelle 6 no.6.- 15-18 Js 158. (xm izt6) (Rostov Province-Wheat) (Soil moisture) I_ OVCHMWLOT,_A.A,- Utilization of water 4nd land resources in the Volga-Akbtuba zone. Oldr. I %a1. 12 no. 4 :3-14 D 060. (NM 14:1) 1. Tuzhgtprovodkhos. (Volga-Akhtuba Flooe plai-Vater resources development) (Volga-Akbtuba Flood plain--Agriculture) V,-:1~TY I , .,l.. - . . I , 1. - ~. I S . :! I . : I ~ ,: .. . - . - I . . I . ."I f , f, ... , , , . I , :J~ -~ - - ) OVCHINNIKOV, A.A.; SUKHANOV, A.L. Wave functions and electron terms of a molecular hydrogen ion. Dokl. AN SSSR 157 no.5:1092-1095 Ag 164. (MIRA 1'1:9) 1. Fiziko-khimicheskly Institut in. Karpova. Predstavleno akademikom N.N. Bogolyubovym. CVCHINNIKCVY A.A. Energy transfer of electron exc1taticn to vibrational degrees of freedom in complex molecules. Part LA Tearct. -4 eksper. khim. 1 no.1j71-79 ja-F 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Flalko-khImicheskly Institut iml, ra-pova, Moskva. ku-- OVCRMIKOV, A.A. State of the self-trapped holes In paraffinic Wroearbons. Zhur. atrukt. khim. 6 na.2091-294 W-Ap 165. (MRA 180) 1. Fisiko-khisichtskiy institut imeni Karpova. ------ ---- L'4904!2~L5 E ~PC? Pr-4 9M, -ACCMION IMs B/oISI/65/007/003/0832/0636 AVnMt CQ~* 'M=-2 Biqp9i'vitUs' in the Phonon ORWAr= of one-dimansional chains Mika tvardogo teu" T. 7s no- 3o 196% $32-836 -,TOP=. MSI- -bydrocatton polynerp pbum spectrum electron,spectrum, one dizerp. lAoml eb6ftj, adiabatic apprwduation, conduction# electron#_ lattice, structure, i iftboi,considers the effect- ALT17AM: The, of delocal-itation of-th6-eiectrona on the, d invade properties of a, one-dimenBional -lattice., using a bydrocarbon wlymer ICR)2j~ +2 'as an 6snple- 02e vibrationa.1 spectrum is calculated for such moTeMeD ~n tbe.adiabatic appudmation,, -and the. electronic spectrum in calculated in -tbe Ion. The calculation technique was developed by A. B llft&L (MMY V. 0 38v 1958) and some of the pametero mere taken from an earlier mer,by' the autbor (vith It ftsurkin# '0 1 spektri. v. 16, 228, 195 )4). pt It'is sbi7~ that~ a long polymer chain of the type considered should have etsential ion-Manotonicities an the edge of the pbonon spectrum* It In noted that the phonon. tq' ACCFMION NR: AT4041498 S/2916/63/003/01-/0073/0077 AUTHOR: OvchLy~ ~ov, A_.A.., Xhomskiy, D. I. TITLE: Expression of atomic effects by mekno of Green's function SOURCE: AN UtSSR. Utovaldy fizichesidy abornik. v. 3, no. 1-2, 1964, 73-77 TOPIC TAGS.- Green function, atomic theory, quantum mechanics, wave function, electron scattering, photon absorptlon, photon emission, electron transition, electron para- magnetic resonance, Born approximation ABSTRACT: One-particle and two-particle Green functions, Gj. 13 (xt jx1t1) and G, (Xtl y7jx1t1, y1?% can be expressed in terms of second-quantized wiVe functions, %V (A Using ihe Born approximation for interaction between the atom and the outside perturba- tions and exact expressions for interaction between the electrons within the atom, and us- ing the unit system -K = c - 1. the author derives the following expressions in terms of Green functions: Differential cross-section of electron scattering with transition of the atom from state Wo to state 0 >, d 6~, -#.A (pl), and the ampIlUide of this scattering, Q_Zlift). (q - p - pt - transmitted momentum. p w momentum of approaching electron) for a and inal"do scattering. Performing all.possible commutations info.-# B , --. - 1/2 -Card--. MISITRK IN, I A.; QK~~~ Calc-uliation of bond distances and angles in r-r.: bon6s. Zhur. strukt. kh1m. 5 no.6:988-891 M-D 16-4. (MIPA 1434, 1. Fisiko-khtmicheskiy institut imni Karpova. _T ACCUSION MR& AP4043934 6/0020/64/157/005/1092/1095 AUTHORS t Ovchinn1kov._A._Aj giikbanovo A* Do TITLEt Concerning the wave functions and electronic terms of the molecular hydrogen ion ISOURCEs AN SSSR. Daklady*, v.. 157, no. 5, 1964, 1092-1095 TOPIC TAGS: Schrodinger equ tio#' wave function, Stark effect# hydrogen ionization, molecul:r ion. Couloomb repulsive force ABSTRhMs After pointing out that the previously given wave function of an electron in the field of two stationary Coulorb centers+is in- correct, the authors solve the Schrodinger equation for the H ion with the variables separated, in elliptical coordinates, in t99 form of an expansion in large R (R - distance between the nuclei). The solution taken into account tbe'ftark effect for the hydrogen atom in the field W anot3wr nucleus# *ich leads to t1W usual. Multipole -2/2 "~VC I I T; N I K C 7 C-;c'- I n ~ kc: j "The or 1 , ,ty -pr in.7 hp-m r WX r~ -te - 17. F S C : U--'~55, 14 ",hurnal 't.,,,kl VV ': . . . ~ I , .. . f ror Fr-un,-- Df '- er, 'nc ed CrarikshiLft n~ o r e d ;An, (- r r ec-,i,,a :,-~;kv,, ~U: 2e4, dV OVCHMINOV, A.G., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. Strength and rigidity calculations In designing cast Iron frame for tilting crank presses. [Trudy) UM no.40:22-36 155.(KLBA 9:8) (Power presses) OVCHINNIKOV. A.G., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. &I-- . I I . _-.~ ~~;:t ", Determining the diameter of clamp bolts for tiltable crank presses. [Trudy] NVTU no.42:68-70 '55. (KLRA 9:5) (Power presses) (Strains and stresses) OVCHINNIKOV, A.G., kRnd.tekhn rtauk,--jbt&w*j Forming pipes bi Internal and extommil pres:~iire. Trudy YV7' lr)3-156 '64. Analysis of the stressed stsite In the center of deformation (f a blank. lbid.tl5'1-161 (MIRA i"ico) ZAKHk-,OV, A.T.; OVCiIBNIKO%' A G., kand. tekhn. nauk, red. [.'-;'low iine-c during deep draving.,, Foloay tak-acnest! T:-: shtarr,povke-vytIazrdce. Ioskva, Pashinostroenie, .1Yt)5. 6F F. (MIU 1815) WRONOV Yu.V.; OVCHINTIIKOV A.G. P ~x_ Attachment to an electron-optical device for studying the luminescence of cathodoluminophors. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 8 no.3tl9O-l9l My-Je 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Fizicheskiy Institut kN SMR. (Electron optics) (Luminescence) __gVCHINIIIKOV, A.G. Selection of a crankshaft press for drawing. ILux.-shtan. proizv. 3 no-1:30-33 Ja 161. (KIRA 14:1) (Deep c1raving (Ketalvork)) (Pbver preamem) J Ov , I A I tA 0, CD '8 Z .5.0 HIM 0 im ig i: v p au 0 0 99 A31" -40 L V.i. V V : A g* I i Ali 0 0 Ap .3 a- 30 h - A 142 00 .0 02 tv 9 -~ L A Ot a 30 HT, :1 41i 1 1 : I , 4 % I 1 41 00a 0 ILI i 1 0 -0 A 1. min 157 58-t) 122~i Translation f rom Relvral.% r~ v zhurn,il M (-I it I I u r gi ya 1958 N r t, p I ~ 4'S 5 P AUTHOR 0vt hirriik(-)% TITLF Use of Prcss,, re Indi( ators in Testing Stearn Haminers i Pr; rnencm,,v dal, )-,k,),, davlvni~a dka )spvtamy parox-%i,.h molulo-, 1 PERIODICAL V sb. M-h~r% . ickhpol. obrrbolki metallov (j , o \,,. \I a s h v-21 gjz.. 191)7 pp 17 ABSTRACT Prcsvrt,jt.or. of thv t ir( j;1 and a photograph of a pneurrial), p r v s % u r vi t t i ~ du t v r t h,i I t I I it 1) t' LI -1 V (I 10 p r o v i de it ri k,- 1 .1 ph I, r') I d o I ~ t C-.1 f 11 1) 1 vS'j I r I to 111 c t \ I 111 d c t;1 01, hest ar.d al cad of thr 1hrottIC of a harnmer Pic ram -,r,)k, rt-( orded h\ )I a sTririi.~ hodograph. Fhr pro, cd-,ir,. in r'At t T'g expt-r.mvio, \-.ith pressure Iransdu( er" -o stearn hamr-ricr \kilh dropping .kcights amounting to 2000 kk~ des( ribcd. !rtvrprcIdtion of the oscillogram is providec], and indi( ator diagrams ate plotit-d. A - Card Ii I OVCHINNIEDT. A.0., kand.tekhn.nauk. Using strain gauges In testing steams-powered hammers. C Trudy ] MM no.79:17-21 '57. (MIRA 11:1) (Ra rs) (Strain gauges) ~'j , \j f) " ___ PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 252 Moscow. Vyssheye tekhnioheskoye uchilishche Mashiny I tekhnologiya obrabotki metallov davleniyem; sbornik statey (Machines and Technology for Pressure Working of Metals; Collec- tion of Articles) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1957. 127 p. (Its: (Trudy) vyp. 79) 5,000 copies printed. Ed.: Zimin, A.I.; Ed. of Publishing House: Mezhova, V.A.; Tech. Ed.: Matveyeva Ye.N; Chief Ed. of Literature on Heavy Machine Building fMaahgizl- Golovin, S.Ya. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is Intended for workers In scientific research institutes and for others connected with forging and stamping. COVERAGE: This book contains scientific transactions of the Moskovskoye vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche im. N.E. Baumana (Moscow Higher Technical School). Theoretical and experimental studies of problems in designing forging machines and In the technology Card 1/5 of pressure working of metals are presented. The transactions Machines and Technology for Pressure Working of Metals (Cont. ) 252 Belyayev, S.N., Engineer. Production of Thin-Sheet Wedge-Shaped Individual Blanks by the Rolling Method 22 Zimin, A.I. Professor. Mechanics of Plastically Deformed Bodies. Relative Elongation in Plastic Tension 38 This 18 a continuation of previously published studies on the mechanics of plastically deformed bodies by the Department of Machines and Technology of Pressure Working of Metals. There is 1 Soviet reference. Pc,jov. Ye.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Analy5is of the Blank Flaring Operation 42 There are 4 Soviet references. Bugrova, A.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Analysis of Factors Affecting the Height of the Rim During Flanging of Noncircular Holes 62 There are 2 Soviet references. Matveyev, A.D., Engineer. Theoretical Analysis of Sheet Form- Ing Using a Cylindrical Punch 75 There are 4 Soviet references. Card 3/5 Machines and Technology for Pressure Working of Metals (Cont. 252 Pogodin-Alekseyev, G.I., Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and Zhuravlev, S.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Effect of the Deformation Rate on the Thick- ness of the Hardened Layer During Punch-Blanking 103 There are 10 references, of which 6 are Soviet and 4 an in English. Unin, A.I., Professor. Information Sheets on the Theory of Plastic Deformations 110 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress VK/lab 4 June 1958 Card 5/5 STOROZHRV, HikhAil VABil'yevich; POPOV, Yevgenty Alaksandrovich; UNKSOV, Ye.P., doktor tekhn.nauk, orof.. retsenzent; OVCHINWIKOV, A.G.. red.: MODEL', B.I., [The theory of using pressure in metalvork] Teorila obrabotki metallov davlenien. Moskva, Gos.nnuchno-tekhn.izd-vo mnshinostroit. lit-ry, 19S7. 121 p. (MIRA 11:1) (Metalvork) (Forging) SKURATOVp A.D., red., V rodaktirovanii prinimall uchastiye: SMkTOV. K.K.; YEDOROVA, N.,A.; _OY9Aj!q!LKOVL A._I.,; SIZOVA, A.I.; SIGICLI, N.G.; KARMSKIT. A.Y.; KULICHXIM. A.V.; NIKOLATEVA, Z.A.; SMPANOVA, V.P.; RTZHOTA, V.K.; MUZHINOVA, V.N.. YMMIN. R.1.. red.; KHAX31M, Ta.N., ENconomy of Ul'yanovsk Province; a concise statistical manual] Narodnos lchosialetvo Ul'ianovskoi oblasti; kratkii statintichaskii abornik. Ullianovskoe knishnos Izd-vo. 1958. 199 p. (MIRA 12:~) 1. Ulyanovsk (Province). Oblastneye statisticheakoys upravlentys. 2. Nachal'nik Statisticheskogo upravlaniya Ullyanovskoy oblasti (for Skaratev). (Ullyanovsk Province--Statistics) rlvclillnTIKII--~ A. :. Ovchinnikov~ A. 1. -in I A. K. "~':e ;~. : - -. ~ , :- - -: ' -1 *1 , I - , 11 in th- ' ., :r. ." Vre ., - . . ,tyr ~e . - - r I n p to 7 - ,. I .." . t ~ I : . A . irslf, -* . in-tr aD' j,~ . , - i '-ruo 11, 1 1, P. - 17 ~ -- 1 ~ ..: . 1. -M F SO: U -. I.. , y, I.- t r: -, , '.,, t . r~ I , . - , I -.y lri- .3 t t F. I , 1% 0. 1-, , 7", " . _I. - .1 " C,YcHi1vNlkOv.1 ~4 1 A T . C~ICF. 1,T,, . Xf- I, f I n I n - th- -2e t- s o p r in a I- '.ion :,n 7'~ " i of tl~.- A. 1. Ovehinnikov And A. -21 n~ ",at te- - Vae s s p I e n- t -) :;Q I c 7",'2 9 L t Irl" lo U- ~:-eto, OTCHINNIKOV, A.I., dote.; ALYA)fOVSXlY, I.G., insh. Formtlon of tartrate crystale In processed choose. ?rudy IMIXHP 51102-104 154. (NDU 110) (Chmove) (Tartrates) GIRISi4C*~;I:O, A.D.. kxndidpt tpIt~r,j,,?!epkjkh nauk- OVCII I NNIKOV, A. I., k-ndt dot Mt" 7.V. -himicheakikh nauk, I in;he ~rodnctlon of sour crepir. Ir,--r, raeonatituted cresim Trudy ,TIIGfF "."-',-41 155. o4LRA mg) .. Kafee-ra tekhnologil me',-kn i -nolochnyib- Droduktov i krfedra 'lokhImli I mikrobioloKiJ. ;,P-ii%,~rpdskiy moloc~ny7 zavc,-.' NO-2. ( C T- e P-Z '~ (Milk) v A/ KORABEL'SHCHIKOV, Nikolay Ivunovich, ktnd.tekhn1.neuk; XMIIV, L.I., reteenzent; SHINIO, K.N., retsenzent; ly-CHI49=1-~,A.4. red.; SOMMKOVA. Z.T., redAzd-va; TMUMOVA. T.T., tak, (Steam distribution in marine steam engines] Paroraspredelenle sudovykik parovykh mashin. Moskva, Izd-vo 'Rechnoi transport,' 1959. ~84 p. (MIRA 13:2) (Boilers, Marine) 0(arine engines) OVGHINNIKOV,._AndreL 1111chm. GRIGORIYEV, S.V., doktor geogr. ------ _jj~_ nauk, kand. tekhn. nauk, nau--hn. red.; TRUBIN, M.I., red. (Water supply of hydroelectric power stations on the Suna and Vyg Rivers in Karelial Opyt vodnogo khozialstva sun- skikh i vygakikh GF-S v Karelit. Petrozavodskt Karel'skoe knizhnoe -izd-vc,, 1961. 97 p. (MIRA 18:7) S/16 62/000/009/064/120 D228YD307 AUTHORS: Lyubavin, Yu. P. and Ovchinnikov, A. K. TITLE: Gamma-radiation of uranium and its decay products in radioactive orebodies PERIODICA.L'i: Referativnyy zhurnal', Geofizika, no. 9, 1,jb2, 44, ab- stract 9A291 (In collection: Vopr. rudn. geofiz., no. 3, M., Goageoltekhizdat, 1961, 87-94) TLXT: The relative portion of the d-radiation intensity of various elements of the uranium aeries in the total 4'-radiation was uscer- tained on the grounds of measuring integral and-differential .;pec- tra of the 4--radiation of radioactive orebodies. The r--radi;ition was measured on synthetic mixturea. These were prepared in the form of powdered samples or uranium oxide (in equilibrium with ux1 + ux 2), radium (in equilibrium with Rn and its decay products), and RaD (in equilibrium with RaB) under conditions that were close to thos*e of the natural occurrence of ores. Two models of "satura- ted volume" orebodies were used in the latter case; one was filled Card 1/ 2 OVCHINNIKOV, A-L; IVASHCHENKO, T.F.; KHAYKCVICH, I.M.j ZOLOTNITSKIT, V.A.1 ALIMCHKIN, VA.; ALFMEYh-V, V.V., otv, red.; BDRUSHKO, T.I., red, izd-vaj BMVA, V.V., tekhn. red. (Instructions on gama logging in prospecting for uranium deposits) Instruktaila po gamma-kar0t&2hu pri poiskakh i r&ztedke uranovykh mestorozhdonli- Moskva, Goa eoltekhizdat, 1963. 133 P. IMJRA 16:81; 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R., Gosudarstvennyy geologiche8kiy komitet. (Uranium ores) (Radioactive prospecting) LYUBAVIN, Yu.F.; OVGHIIRIIKCFV, A.K. Goanwag radiation of urani= &~d of products of iLe failout in radioactive ore bodies. Vop.rud.geofiz. no-3t87-94 161. (MIU 15:8) (Uranium--Isotopes) (Radioactive prospecting) ALIMXHXINP V.K.; ZOLOTNITSKIY, V.A.; IVASHCHENKO, T.F.; KOLESOV,~B.M.; LYUBIVIN, Yu.P.; O-VCHINNIKOV, A.K-. Separate determination of the clarke of potaBsium and the total of heavy radioactive elements. Sbor. at. MGiON no.l193-99 162. (MIRA 16:3) (Radioactive prospecting) -t ~- 11 W(I)IEW(m)II~S AFFTC/* TIPAM ~'imAsr eoMitions of natural M~-Mowm= with. MOW alp W or one proportional counter.. "7- tillation-vountarstood.-Int have: a' poor resolution --for- a&=& Vi margy below 20; k6l.' 2wr*fbft,`:Abi.Aitthors bave used a pro- porticinal'. ter., 7h9 counter of*a 34 mAimmiaterand',2W m length was fined with =nom at: 2 atmospbersq, The an*& was, a tmigsten 0&1, m win. 7h9 cathode -a croon mV .2 Imis tbick &teel cyUadere 2h9.. counter,*Iwas ed with aluninum. ?b simu- ,late the or*'. In xiatml condMon, BD-kp'of ore. was used In inn containers Of -33D. me bi lovith and 430 m In diameter. 7he, apparent spectra were continuous with ~*.Saxiuul afiliout 25-30 ImV. *~: The authors explain this by the matiple scattering in the; ~"clmwm - and by a n&3dxun officleficy of the scintS I I atdon counter in the ilvn~ rokibn 7he authors * concludeAhat the proportional counter can be used in,k"IbIft purveyp because of their selective, sensitivity. Squipped with a C04 noh9-63 ACCUMN Jas Appones "=ter mawdti ' O ve. rig, &rt bass 3 figums I 'AV-- N- ant 00 ODYs 0 7ms 001 KOILSOV, V.M., (,VC,9,NN:KOV, A.K~; KHAYKOVi"H, ..M. inj --u(iri-e of ur&n-ium ore compcsi t! Ln on .~e , I y -,f - : - - - - n. I ~ ~, A * ~) * Vor,.r-ud.gec,flz. no.4.-58--t)6 164. - - - I BONDAREV, -V.M.; GUBANOV, V.G.; KOROM, P.R.; OVCHINNIKOV, A.K.i I .- . ; .'. .* r, ,%( V A, A.11., rea . ("'llma-ful-ling o:' -rar-ur, ores, .r, *.re4r natural -,,-uf,- r- cei ~;aamz-op-ouovanie uianovykt, r-uc v este.9tV-1-r.L.11. Za- ieganii. ~to3kva, !7x,,-vo "Nedra," 204 p. ~ ;~ I , J-. 17 : 7 ) KOLFSOV, B.M. , LYUHAVIIN, Yu.P., OVCHINNIKCV, A.K. Gamma-ray spectra of ra~'Icactive ores in their natural bedB recorrie7 by proportional -crinters. Atom. enarg. "I no. ; i 4`)t>-4Qq ?V 'o-1. (MIRA (Radioactive substancee) (Guna-ray apectrometry) IVASHCHENKO, T.F.; KOLFSOV, B.M.; LYUBAVIN, Yu.P.; CVCHIIIIIIKOV, A.K. Using ga- logging data to determine the limit of urani= wid thorium in complex radioactive ores. Vop.rud.geofiz. no.).99-- 101 161. ~,-URA 15:2) (Radioactive prospecting) (Uranium ores) (Thorium) ALIMMMIN, V.K.; IVASIICIWIXU, T.Y.; LYUHAVIN, Yu.F.; .- OVC H IL'!' _ __ SHISHMDLIB, A.U. Matiparameter, simultaneously recording, logging apparatus HLK for complex geophysical studies of holes in ore deposits. Vop.rud.geofiz. no.3:119-146 Ibl. O~Luk *~'- ": 1, (Logging (Geology)--Equipment and supplies) 6/16 YD 62/000/009/068/120 D228 307 AUTHURo: Iva8hchenko, T. F., Kolesov, B. M., Lyubavin, Yu. P. and Ovchirinikov, A. K. TITLE: Question of separately determining uranium and tho- rium in complex radioactive ores from gamma-logging data PERIODICAL: iteferativnyy zhurnal, Geo-fizika, no. 9, 1962, 48. ab- stract 9A318 (In collection: Vopr. rudn. geofiz., no. 3, M., Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1961, 99-101) TEXT: On the grounds of.the investigation of the integral spectra or uranium and thorium ores with the same effective atomic number the authors conclude that, in order to separate uranium and tho- rium components in radioactive ores, it is necessary to record d--- .radiation with an energy above 1 Mev (the separation point). It J.8 shown that, if this method is to be used under working conditions, the equipment's stability during the recording of radiation at the separation point must not be less than 1 - 2% for at least 3 - 4 Card 112 BRAMMAKOV, A.G.; OVCHINNIKOV, A.K.; LYUBAVIN, Yu.P.; OVCHINNIKOV, VJI.; SA I A.M. Eftect of the density of uranium ores and of the thickness of th-i iron absorbing layer on the gamma-reS spectrum of the ores as recorded by a scintillation counter. Atom. energ. 11 no.l: 69-71 Jl 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Uranium ores) (Gamma rays--Spectra) (Scintillation counters) GRAMMAKOV, A.G.; OVCHINNIKOV, A.K.; LYURAVIN, TU.P.; OVCHINNIKOV, V.M.; BAZONW-,,, A.M. Affect of the composition of uranium ores on the gamma-ray spectrum as recorded by a scintillation spectrometer, Atoaerorg. 10 o.61 624-U6 JTe, 161. (Uranium ores) (Gamma rays) (pU 14 a 6) ACC NRa T60214i,2 "I.13/(,6/000/011/,-.134c)/0049 ov, it. Y,.; )~n,Jroyov, P. F.; Allnochkint V. K.; Gubanov, V. G.; i1olotnitskiy, V. A.; Kolenov, D. 0.-~] :-,Ono 7:71Z: A method for geophysical investigation of drill holes. Clana 21, No. 182255 ~announcad by All-Union Scientific Roooarch Institute of Goophynical Exploration V Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isslodovatollakiy institut razvodochnoy Coofiziki)2 SOURCE: izobrotoniya, prorVshlonnyyo obraztay, tovarn;rjo znaki, no. 11, 1966, 49 TOPIC TAGS: geologic exploration, geophysics, goochomistry OSMAC7: This Authnr Certificate presents a method for geophysical investigation of drill holes. 7ho riothod is based on measuring the oxidizing-reducing potentia' of rocks. 7o determno accurately the geological section of the drill hole, the walls of the hole are treated with a chemical reagent, such as hydrochloric acid, which intensifies the natural oxidizing-roducing potentials by changing the insoluble min- eral forrz of elements with variable valences into a soluble state. After a certain t--*-.e, sufficient for dissolving the rocks, the artificially intensified oxidizing- reducing potentials are measured by the method of recording the potentials of the internal polarization. SLIB COBE: 08, 131 SUBM DATE: 30Mar64 Card UQ; 550 837;62 .241 L L I It It,. s4pbaftect of hydrompolosy in thr solull" of spot) w*Moms A %I i --f ... . ~.L- d foctook hi a ft . n c p S l 00 00 I. A." 00 N AMI 11. % If- -41111,111 A 00 -milliultv .11.1 I-vi'm .1 00 00 ..'J Itu ..-1 .......... 410 001 00 00 00 00 0 00 00 00 00 00, 00 00. 001 it-ED Oe f o11 * ' 460 - .00 1 .001 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 IN a Ill 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 * o1 0' * 0 0 0 0 0 to 6, 0 0 0 -0 e0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A-A OYCHDMINOY, A.M., radaktor [Killtary geology) Toonnaia gooloctia. Kooky&. Goo. Izd-vo gool. lit-ry, 1945. 374 p. (MM 7110) (Geology) (MIlitary engineering) 'vchinnikov, A.M. Water,, UnderV=nd OW the Aytrothernal C&dltions'or'the Zu*th's Cruatp! A.M.07chinnikov, 3~abcratory roaploglc4 Prob- laza,Aooemy of Sciences &-ihe USSR, 3 pp 00amptes Rmdus (Doklady), Vol LIII, No 7 7he gootherml configuration with the earth Is studied In Its relatIon to the formtIon of under- Vvund waters. Recommendation Is made for thermo- mtric stations all over the globe for plotting Iso- tbermle profiles. It Is mentioned how even mwn obenees in temperature can lead to great changes in the gaseous and chemical composition of underground P A OVCHINNIKOV, A. M. '*The ftrticularition of Hydrogeology in Mofntsinous Countriesim Dokl. AN S&SRO 54s W0.3, 1946 lab. Hydrogeology Pmb., AS USSR 1, OVSHIUUOVs, A. No So Tian f. 6w) 4, esoloa To Misteral Water&,, A* No Ovdhimlkov. (Moicow-LeAlngrad State Geological Preass 1947)9 Rsv1swed by No Ye. AlItowskly and No K, Ignatovich, Sove U1669 No Go 29480 go ~ Report U-3081, 16 Jane 19530 UvAlassifled. OVCHINNIKOV, A. M. "Fundauental Principles Governing the Applicatim of Hydrogeological Criteria to Searches for the Locations of Mineral Resources,.* Voprosy Teoret. i Prikh. Geol.. Sbor. 2, pp. 3-11s 1947 C4 Prom" aft"S W I" JOGOOM Camsteralms tho formavAn of sablimrr~ Maten A M-Owcbiamikov. kady 1.46 f*WLAL- in F -In .161 ACIOTI's is .1 general review of 2rpXair-i of The sub. If, She" water problem A tAbiV 14 giVM for Obe hydro- ,,,whems" inter"alson tit wafer anslyurs. which illu%- ,r4tes the utility J Kurl"v*. Immul, .. a mmns of Mtr~ -ating water analyor, in a ctorw and cirwient mann,-f w as to make obvvms at a glance urkler what ch~vristw the water shuki tie cL,-%dw4 V It GottarhAlk OVCHINNIKOV A H. Conditions responsible for the formation of hydrogen sulfide in the mineral waters of Katsesta. Trudy Lab. Gidrogeol. Problem in. F.P. Savarenskogo, Akad. Sauk S.S.S.R. 2, 64-71 149. (KLRA 5:9) (CA 47 no.15-.7701 '53) BMMM. N.V.; SMSOT. M.P.. redaktor; XAMOSKIT, G.R., redaktor; OVI^HMIIEDV. A.M.. redaktor; PRIXUMISKIT, V.A.. redektor; ZOLOTA- RNr.-W.T:7'NMW"r. (Methods of determining water permeability of rock by eveaustion, filling and pressing) Ketody opredelenlia vodoproni t seems %I gor- nykh porod otkaehkaal, nalivaul n nagnetan1laul. Moskva, Ugletekh- isdat, 1951. 51 P. (MLRA 7:7) (Soil percolation) (Voter, Underground) KASHIAT. N.A.; OYCHINNIKOV. A.M., professor, doktor goologo-minerelogicheskikh nauk. re- _- [Mineral resources of Azerbaijan] Ninerallnye istochnild Azerbaidzhane. Baku, lzd-vo Akedemli nauk Azarbalftbanskot SSR. 1952. 503 p. (Azerbaijan--Nine~ arA mineral resources) (KIRA 10:1) - ~11 - TC H r ~:*rl I A 11 ;o-LM ft* Committee an Stalla Prizes (at Un Comall of NUMeters UBSR) in the fields of science ad iguentlaw ammomoss Ibut Wo IbLIOW114 scientific vaftsq pqpula scum- tifte booksO m4 textbooks beems been ~uUdttod for compatitloo, ftar Otalin Prizes for 00 Im 199 mod 1953. Humor, lb- 22-40s, 20 Yeb - 3 Apr 195h) am Kamenskiy, KlIment.ov, TIUS, at Waft Is t" ydT.J eDlo"y 0. je:-Or-AS of ~s- ful IUncrals" A0.9cow -i -al Prospectin,~ -r.St- ituLc imeni a. Jrdzhc),,ikidze 801 W-306a, 7 Jay 1954 cv7t~'Pxll'rC'V' A.11. KUMSSIT. 0.N.; XLIMXMV, P.P.; OVCHINVIKOT, A.M. .. -, -1 1 - fRyd"goolea of mineral depealts) Oldregool"lla mostereshdonli polounIM i*opssmWkk. Pod red. G.N.Xammuskage. NoWkva, Gas. lild-vo goologlebookol lit-ry, 1953. 354 P. (NLRA 7:7) (Water, Undergromad) (Nizovater) OYCHINNIZOV. A.M. Problem of "Juvenileo waters. (In: Akademlia nauk SSSR. Yopromy potrografil I mineralogil. Moskva, 195). Tol. 1. P-238-248) (KIRA 7:4) (Water, Underground) (Springs) OTCHDMIKOV. A.M. ""-Wrn"arp%wgft-or)W&oVoebooloaI al"mlflcatlon of undergronad wators. Biul. HDIP. Otd.ceol. 28 no.2:86-87 '53. (KLBA 6:11) (Vater. Undergratmd) OTCHINNIZOV, A.M. -I-,: 1~ Systematisation of the composition of underground waters. R&zved, I okh.nodr 20 ne.5:37-40 S-0 154. (KUkA 10: 1) (Water, Underground) KLDMNTOV, P.P.; OVCHIMNIKOV, A.M., redaktor; INTIN, N.L., redaktor; KIBMTA. Jt;*.",'-TWFmTcRe9kIy redaktor (Hydrageology; brief course of general and mine h7drogeology) GidrqpolWl&; kr&~kii kups obahchol I radnichnot gi4rogealogll. Noskv&. Goo. nanchno-toklm. Ind-vo lit-ry po geologti i okhrane nedr, 1955. 311 P. [Kicrofilal (KLU 9:3) (Water, UndergrourA) (Nine water) R yrnm__a w - KAKRINSKIT, G.N., redaktor: KISILIIVA. A.A.. tekhnichookiy rodaktor 0664 [General kwdrogeolon-I Obahchala gidrogeologtia. Izd. 2-e, Ispr. I dap, Moskva. Goo. nauchno-tokhn. izd-ve lit-ry pa goologit t okhrone nedr, 1955. 382 P. [Nicrofilal (KLRA 9-3) (Water, Underground) 15-b7-1-1005 Translation from: Referativriyy zhurnal, qeologiva, 1957, Nr 1, p 159 USSR) AUTHOR: Ovchinnikov, A. 14. TITLE: The Role of Soviet Geologists In Developing the Study of Mineralized Water (0 roli otechastvennykh geologov v razvitii uchenlya o minerallnykh vodakh) PERIODICAL: V sb: Vopr. izucheniya kurort. resursov SSSR. Moscow, Medgiz, 1955, pp 13-26. ABSTRACT: The results of geological-riydrogeological investigations in different parts of the country form the groundwork for developing a study of mineral-wator deposits. it Is noted that this study Is distinguished fundamentally from foreign presentations on mineral springs. The author discusses the role of Soviet geologists in Card 1/1 developing the study of mineral waters. A. B. A. OVCHIN?TIMV, A.M. Mlseral, vatere of Zarlowy Tary In Clechoslovakla. Top,ftr., fixioter. I Uoh.fiz.kullt. na.4t66-71 O-D 155. (WTI'b~ 12 112 ) 1. Is TSentrallnogo Itietituta kmrortologii (dIr. - tRad.ted.nauk G.N. Pospelova). (Nnn&Q WAT~A Karlovy Vary, Czech. ) OVCHINNIKOV,A.M. Etrdrogeological mapping in general geological exploratory and prospecting work. Sov.gool. no.42tllt~-127 '55. MRA 9-6) (Geology--Maps) BLUSM, Alsksandr Nikolayerich. GVCHIMIKOV,A.M., redaktor; TXVDCKINOYA, Z.N., tekbalcheskly redaktdIP - [Principles of the hydrageochanistry of mineral waters in sedl- Oentary deposits) 0snovy gidrog*okhlnll minorallnykh vod onado- cbnykh otloshenii. Moskva, Goa.lzd-vo sod. lit-ry. 1956. 225 P. (GeochemIstry) (Mineral waters) (MIRA 9:3) ~fv _f jqz C 11-f. pop.v am motar2im INWAN" MOO ft=- a-- P. pokwa 9-tv &*I.A. . = amm"alow asmbu" am foonal- bw ftr~. '.26momwel"ej "~ ODO&Mdmbw (A-iftu t ""W ~ftambsf" OWN6.- 04,.Uw I-eneummi Ododtwd As a. Umb *mum, MAm I r 0-6-Y an A-3f w U. or a-ewun, *- tab"Emmam" Amw is 0,&Ub in P. 106..Uu so"" PF&ONO. we 61,11 ?Al. Dollomm or SO.. PF�Dmmw as as Umb -440ad- , %.&w -, *.,. . ft.61. mlefte of omen. ftm so ragwo an elm ft"MOOL -, Isfa W"u I" la 04"* ~M "rWO 4060"1 MM &a VM* .= , I -ftp- stem. T.L. C-- O'V'Pu' NIA- PUWAhm. at "", mopmoubm" 40 46 ft Mo " a-wrism 43 -1 IlAft Of *a hmum of %bmma "W am&. of 41 WMW IMAM.Um ib Va,.,U . -ow of a * ftemn W Aftleshm co"holimm as IN Ikas 'A 0. rommau. r 0 saw vow 000- ammus, I.S. rn"Wn it %ftrwommi wAboft W **-.A w ftwom ftalm w now ftim. a" w raw "'m how"* an* afthoum of vmmmvp,~ Sm A AUTHORt Ovchinnikov, A.M. 5-5-5/6 TITLEt Hydrogeologic Conditions of Hydrothermal Processes (Gidrogeo- logicheskiye usloviya gidrotermal'nykh protseseov) PERIODICAL: Byulleten' Mookovskogo Obahcheetva Ispytateley F'r1rody, Utdel Geologicheskiy, 1957, No 5, pp 126-142 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The author develops a conception that the formation of hydro- thermal deposits is determined to a considerable degree by the hydrogeological regime which existed in tha intrusion zones. He comes to the following conclusionat 1. Hydrothermal processes which give rise to mineral de- posits proceed under complicated hydrogeological conditions, in pressure-vater systems of the artesian type, under con- ditions of metamorphism of the rooks during intrusions of magmatic masses. Hydrothermse represent ascending ionic- molecular solutions saturated with carbon dioxide. The study of these processes calls for the application of the method of paleohydrogeological analois. 2. Judging from the hydrogeological point of view, hydro- thermal processes are possible provided that certain con- ditions existi Card 113 a. The presence of a water-pressurt system with the pressure Hydrogeologic Conditions of Hydrothermal Processes 5-5-5/6 position of metals and in the formations of sulfide o.-e de- posits is considerable. 6. Many hydrothermal deposits whose origin is supposed to be sedimentary, represent actually former water-bearing horizons of deep artesian basins. It is more correct to call them deposits of the "sedimentation-hydrogeological" type or hydrogenetic deposits following the term used by V.I. Ver- nadskiy. The article contains 3 photos, 1 figure, 2 graphs, I map, 2 tables and 14 references, 10 of which are Russian and 4 are in English. AVAILABLEt Library of Congress Card 3/5 OVCHINNIKCV, A. M. (Dr., i-'rof.) "piniones contemporales de origine aquaru# minerallum respectu sarum usus habito.' paper submitted for be Intl. Balneologica-1 Congress. Czechoslovakia, ---11 ,el,t 1958. OYCHINNIKOV. A-M- -- Principles in the study of the formtion of underground waters. IzT. vys. ucheb. say.; geol. I razv. no.1:61-70 ja 058. (MIRA 11:6) 1. Moskovskl~, goologo-rasyedochnyy institut In. S. Ordzhonikidze, kafedra gridrogeologil, (Water. Underground) ON UXNIKOV, A.Me; IYANOT, Y.T.; TAROTSKIT, L.A. Origin of carbonated -4m ral waters. Sov. geol. 1 no.ltl45-149 A '58. (XIBA 11:4) 1. NDokovskiy goologornsvedochnyy institut in. 3, Ordzhonikidze I ?SentrallzWy nanchno-iseledovatellskiy institut knrortologli. (MIneral waters) (Carbon dioxide) LA 1.48 JA A KAH&SUY. Grigoriy Hikolayevich (deoessed]; TOLSTIKHINA, Katilida Moiseyevna; TOLSTIKHIN. Nestor Ivanovich; MAKSINOVICH, G.A., prof., retmensent; SHAGOTAMC?s, A-M., prof., reteentent; OTCHINFIKOV, A.M., prof.. nauchnyy red.; FILIPPOA. B.S., rea.isd-va; OUROTA, O.A., [Hydrogeology of the U.S.S.R.] Gidrogeologlia SM. Koskv9. Goe.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gaol. I okhrene nedr, 1959. 365 p. (MIRA 13:2) (Wnter. Undergrawd) GARNDNN, I.T.; XhILREMO. F.A.;-OYCHIMNIM. A.M. Grigoril Nikol&wvicb gaimmidi; obituary. lsv.Al SSSR-Ser. geol. 24 no.12tg?-98 D 159. (KIM 13:8) (lamuskIl. GrIgoril llkwl"vlcb, 1892-1939) OTCHINDIKOV, Aleksandr Mikhaylovich, prof.; FAYNBOTM, I.B., red.; fi&VQMK9, Tw.T., Underground waters] Podsom"o vody. Moskva. lad-To "Mania." 1960. 29 p. (TBeeoiusnoo obahchostvo po rasprostranoniiu poli- tichaskikh i nouchnykh snauil. Ser,9, Fisika I khizila, no.10). (MIRA 13:6) (Water, Underground) IANG3, O.K.,; BOGOMOIAN, G.V.. zomeatitell red.; 3XGLOY, D.S.. red.; KAHASKIT. G.N., red. [deceased]; KAKARINKO, P.A., red.; OTCHINNIKOT, A.M., red.; TCLST . V.1.. red.; BOGORODITZIT. K.F., red.; FILIPPOTA. B.S., red.izd-va; GUROTA, O.A., [Problems of hydrogeology] Problemy gidrogeologii. Moskva. Goa. nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geologil i okhrane nedr. 1960. 366 P. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Hatsionallnyy komitat geologov Sovetakogo Soyuza. Gidrogeolo- gicheskays sektalys. (Vater, Undo rground--Congre ass a)