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S/22b/62/000/005/001/007 E202/9135 AUTHORSi Geguzin, Ya.Ye.. and Uvcharenko, N.N. TITU t Microscopic pycnometry of solids with microcavities i-LHIODICAL: Poroshkovaya mttallurglys, no.5, 19b2, 15-19 TEXTz 1t is observed that instead of using the experimentally difficult and occasionally ambiguous method of low scattering of X-rays In determining the volume of discontinuities (cavities) /~S where pycn (1) f)xray it to possible, when A in sinall, to use ordinary metallographic method as long as the samples are subjected to high temperature annealing prior to metaliographic observation. The annealing causes diffusional coalencence of the cavities which Increases the average cavity site. With cubic lattices, and certain other reservations it is possible to connect the pyenometric and X-ray porosity and the numbee of thermal trectment cycles (n) with the energy of vacancies formation V viz: Card 1/ 2 Microscopic pycnometry of solids ... S/22b/b2/VOO/OO3/OUl/UO7 E202/EI35 Ppycn U0 --KT log ~~l (I IPxray Using copper it was found that for n = 50 (with tempering Iron; b5O C), the number of porep N -2.5 x lob cm-3, the average size of pores L = 2.7 - 3 x 10-if cm. i.e. epycn = 0-999925 'Pxray and U. = 20 - 22 kcal/mol. The above method in particularly suitable in studying the formation of friable electrolytic deposits and in other cases where there are small discrepaticies between o and e . There are I figure and 7 tables. ,Pycn xray AbSOCIATION: KharIkovskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo ZnamenI gosudarstvennyy universitet 10. A 'M. GorIkogo (Kharlkoy order of' the fled Banner of Labour, State University imeni A.M. Gorlkiy) SUBMITTED: FebruarY 5. l9b2 Card 2/2 s/lei/62/004/011/'012/049 Kinetics of thermal ... B1021BI04 2 2, -8 2 to 64_erg~ cm , where 1.4-10 erg/cm 6. 4.07'10 Cm D s- 4.10-~m/sec and T 950 C. The effeclive boundary energy 219 6- c0./3 wi th 0 2 a OV 2 Cos was found to be 6, - 148 erg/cm -gw,-2'9e,) 20 erg/cm and 6,/9'-:0-014, which agrees well with values from other authors. There are 8 7 figures. ASSOCIATIONt Khar'kovskiy Rosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. M. Gor'kogo (Khar''ov State University imeni A. M. Gor'kiy) 061, SUBMITTED: June 12, 1962 --1 06' Fip. 1. Schematic drawing of the forces acting on a notch or cuep. S Card 'V 43115 S/l8lj62/004/011/013/049 8104/B102 AUTBORSs Gegusin, Ya. Ye., and Oveharenkop N. N. TITLEo The anisotropy of the coefficients of surface diffusion of metals PERIODICALs Fizika tverdogo tels, v. 4, no. i1. 1962, 3117 - 5123 TEXTs A study i9 made of the influence which natural rugosities on the surface of crystals exert on the anisotropy of the coefficients D of sur- face diffusion. D was obtained from the smoothening, due to dif;ueion at 900oct of the wedg:-ehaped scratch produced on the surface of polycrystallUm samples of Cu, Fe and Au. To prevent th*-snoothening being affected by evaporation or by oxygen the samples were wrapped in foils of the same material and annealed in an atmosphere of dry hydrogen. The depth h of the wedae-shaped scratches was determined by an interferometric method. h - "I, where-h is the interferometer depth of the soratob, d the d 2 1 distance between the interference lines and A the wavelength. The scratch Card -1/3 GEGUZIN, Ya.Ye.; GVCHARENKO, N.N. Surface energy and -c-^-;xea on the surface of solids. Usp. fiz. nauk 76 no.2:283-328 F 162. (MIRA 15:2) (Surface chemistry) GEGUZ11i, Ya.le.; OVCHARENKO, 11. -hl.; MAITSKAYA, L.N. Interaction of vacanci&B with grair boundaries. Dokl. J.R SSSR 141 no.3:603-606 N 161. (MIRA 14: 11) 1. Institut k1limii Kharlkovskogo josudarstvannogo universiteta im. A.M. Gorlkogo. Predstavleno akademikom P.A. Robinderom. (Crystal lattices) GEGUZIN, Ya.Ye.; OVCHARENEO, N.N.: FARITSKAYA, L.N. Investigating certain physical Processes accurrinF )n t~-,e Eurface of crystalline solias at hiF-h temperatures. Fart E: Zharacter;,st1:5 of striia leveling on the distorted surface :)f polycrystal'.irie conper. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 12 no.1:42-46 JI '61. (MIRA '4:8) 1. Institut ~himil pri Khar'~-avOnm rosudarstvennom universitet" i Khar'~ovskiy Fosudarstvennyy universitet. (Copper-Metallopraphy) (Metals at ~ifrh temperatures) GEGUZIN, Ya.Ye., OVCHARENKO, NA. Investigation of certain processes on the surface of sinfle crystalB. Part 3. Kristallograflia 6 no.2:239-243 Mr-Ap '61. (KiRA 14:9) 1. Kharlkovskly gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.M.Gorlkogo (Surfaces, Deformations of) (Rock salt crystals) N t s T'~g 1, S 'r"-- r t r e a t e -i s r. t _R~_ D: CA L R t f. r i. h m 1 .' -A z a Ft r VS K ',i f. - t f '%k k ni m Kriv'_' , v T EXT Thp nat'ire c: -i ~f f u s, on _~ f v a r i c.--i 9 a i n~ em r, t ana 'he tr._-ckno~ass -f r. e -4 1"fusicr, la er devel -ping wtef. .ron and m Id stpe C'' nad I~een sutj-cte-. reatment wi tri meta, e.ectrcdes, over.: arnealel, nas 'ef-r. O*,F- trC JeS were Y - e , a r, J -A Z, F a V , Cr, N t h a t V C Mc . an d~ ,use -n R c _- n t i r_~ c ~_ s f r nt i n r 'I ritz t n- 9 e ri i t ta p, r .'. T. t 0 ur, ~IR r . e - . d f fus: c n f o r t ~,e a y ng e mer, t s i nv e s t I t ed i n I rc r. r - ana s t! A, ~7t ra-ter' 9 note lete rm. ,a r -7 A":-*0HS Geguzin , Ya. Ye 3vcharprro, TITLE . Surface enerpy anJ procpsse.,i or, the .9,jr;io'e -)I Is PERIODICAL: Uspekhi fizicheskikh naw~, v 76, no. 2, 19()?, TEXT: This is a survey on progress achieved in tne inves t i j,;tt i )r. Drocesses takinp place on trie surface of sinple solids whic!~ are i:. equilibrium with their own vapors. The survey comprises studies deali~,r with the following problems : Method of determinine the surface energy ~,' solids; "natural roughness" of crystal surfaceB 1 var)at on of~ I ~~'? s irf ~~Ice profile of single crvstais and pol.,-crystals, development of :nteri-rarA,a- thermal etchinp grooven; liquil films on the surface of crysta'line bodies. Finally it is pointel o:jl that further studies must be inder- taken ani a few rroblems are :~osel w,,).ge nol ~tion is of' rrpal .~n. r* for the development of this branch of sol ii-state ~,,,,ysics, P~ j7. , out experimental methods for determininv the surface energy of s)i~ds; study of processes takinE place on the surface of solid alloys; effert i! gases dissolvinp on the surface, on surface tension. Apart from ~,P:ng Card 1/2 GEGUZIV, Ya.Ye.; -OVCHARENKO, N.N. Investigating certain physical processes occurring On the 5u-rfac6 ,af crystalline solids at high teqvratures. Part 5. Self-correc- tion of defects purposely produced on the surface of polycrystalline .copper. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 9 no. 4;569-577 Ap 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Kharikovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A.M. GorIkogo. (Surface tension) (Diffusion) (Metals at high temperatures) 4 ' /OC ~/Obt, D? 1 2 Ll -1 L) 2 5 AUTH`91-~: -Ka.,,,a, L T IT LF - - he t v6 e on cancie- , n!.erar tions PER1')1!I'AL: Avademiya nauk SSSR DQK!ad.Y, V 1 196'. 60, 606 TE)(T. Wrien studying the TrysicaA properties uf polyzrystals at higt. tempera- tures where the mobility of atoms and vacancies is very high, the inter- action between vacancies and grain boundaries plays ar. important role. The authors Investigated the grain boundaries as locations of prevalent con- densation of excess vacancies and the formation of macroscopic pores and grair. r~oundaries as vreferred rlaces for the discharge of excess vacancies from the boincilires of the Tolycrystal It is assumed that pores located at gral:, vourd%ires will consist of two semi-pores Tne profile of suct, pores is de,ermin-i by the mutual orientation of grains and by the burface energy. The existence of surface energy betwe#-ri grains will change the equilibrium conditions along fracture lines of the pore profile, and this will cause pores to move along the toundaries 'Fig 1). To estimate the angular chanKe of the fraclure line of the nore r)rcfile, the relation a~k - 2T (cos& -cosc.,) 0 Card ~ ~ '6 1/ 14 1 /0C ',/~(,6 1021 e Q/ Interactions between vaca-c'~q ... -11-114/B125 AS~';OCIATION: Institut khimli'K . :,: , P-o -i r. i v e r s i t e t a i m . A . M . G o r ' k o p~_ ( I ns t i t try ~f Khar'kov State University imeni A. M. Gor',i,-, PR E., ENTED June 20, 196 1 , by P . A . 1i i Y-I,i ad em i c i an SUBMITTED: June 12, 1961 Leg-end to Fig. 1i (a) Dia~,-ram of the chanpe of ti,e pore profile under the influence of an intermediate-phase surface ener,y; (b) pore located symmetrically to the boundary; (c) pore located asymmetrically. Fig. I 0 Card 3/3 s/i,i,/6i/'oi~/001/005/020 &~ -80 AUTHORS: Geguz I n Ya , Yet, . O~ ti,ir vfilko, N,N, . Pni I' mk A ya, L.N. TITLE. Invefiigntion Gf taking plaLe on the Surface (if rytilolline tit eleva~e,i tempera'* urem V I I IC,m rining the hay-ar !er of levell Ing tip k f a - ~%, ii~-n n lis, or ted Surfaces of polycryattil IInc Loppt-: PERIODICAL. Fixilia metm Ilu%, 1 1961 Vol.12, No.1, pp.42-46 - ~;. P 1 11 ,f-. m TEM The results of an &,%, I ie- ti, e-j! iga, ion arried out by the projent authors (Ref ~ I FKM . i 91,0 1~ N 4 . 56 9 DAN SSSR, 196o, 130, N0.3, 537). showed that It,. 1, t fy e.-% sof lo.-alling up of a scratch on a flat surfa e of rv-s-vtliine speLlmen is affected by its structural stdte. Thuft I h on the surface of a specimen that had undergGne prcl~riged prel;mttitry annealing did not distappear upon stAtsequen, ho.Jinz ieva*&-l tempetatuies but only changed its profile ir, PL th" or,.ert,atjon of the grains rolative to the polimhe,i s~,rt,, On !ht- hanJ, a a-ratch on the surface of a Prmi!m1n,1.;lv J~t-)rm, A im~t-n levellej up at a rate which In-remsi-i %i,t-, iri (.t 1,tc-itminnry Card 1/4 S/1_~h/OL/012/001/005/020 Investigaticn of .erlair, E 1 14'~ /E -t 80 deformation, The A) je . , of I%;, j,i tti%eL%I igat ton wcAe to obtain additional da,a whi h *~j,ihi help in formulating art explanation of theie effe,!.% T. this end the hange of the profile of scratches on the surfa, e (A ~41e trol)t 1(ally depoal ted and ca at, pro I yc rys tn I I I ne . lj;);. r b tia i ed . ne a ritt, ties were made with the aid of a dininunA pyraml,l iridyritei wi ih an angle of 1360 between opposite The -ere nrried out in hydrogen, on specimens wrapped up in , opper f i I ryi i ri imi ze the eff e - t of volatilization, Ar. inteif~r , in e i tAito-- i to keep track of the changes in the prof ilt i I the I IN -lir In lhb first aeries of experiments bpeclin.,riB )f 1)1, 1 e leposited at it -urrent density of 0.5 and 10 anip/lm SP411". men t ut ned, ground and pc1ash'.4) --- e I Vj-r, h~jiding ~. 1 950 ^C scrat chea, of a 11 - he a e , h: t... tj ni, it e ~ I i e Li up. The tates of levelling of 5'ral - ties ,It - p 1-a r e I , d e p os I t e d a t 10 amp/dm2 and on the cap- spe: inien w. Ih the -iii 1',i t, def or mad by ma-.hining, were about the same dn-1 fa5? v., thtil) ' ho* Of 'he A. rat --h made on c opper , e I ec t r oil el, o a I ' e d Ll' (), 5 Linill/ Jrtl - In the so, ond series of experiments, similar spe,imen,~ were i%ed whi It, howe--ez, had been giveri a four-hour anneeil al 950'C t-fk,re itte-:rihtng the 5;.ratches. Card 2/4 5/126/61/012/001/005/020 Investigation of certain E193/E48o The preliminary annealing slowed down the rate of levelling up of scratches during subsequent heating for all three specimens. The rate of self-healing of the @,rat h on copper els,:trodeposited at 10 amp/dm2 remained faster than that for (opper deposited at the lower current density. Sin e the density of electrodeposited metal decreases (in the -ase of thin deposits) with the distance from the first deposited layer, the object of the next series of experiments was to study the behaviour of s~rat:hes inscribed on the surface of zopper ele-*rodepoeti eA ,o a thl.kness of 0.5, 1. 2 rind 3 u on annealed, :opper scrip :athodes. I,. was found that the thicker the deposit the faster was the rate at whil-h the scratch levelled up on subsequent hea-ing. Finally, it wa8 found that (other fa,:tora being equal) the ratt of Levelling up of scratches inscribed on electrodepoatted -ppei depended on the direction of the scratch relative to the dire-'ion 3f the current during alectrodepoaltion. The regul,-s ohlained aze discussed In terms of the effect of stru- tural defe un 'he self -diffusion mechanism of levelling up of the surface 3 h,:k. It ig postulated that the experimental fac,:s may be expl,-intd if it is assumed that side by side with surfa7e diffusicn, -u1-AuYfne Jiffusion !akes plae in a Card 3/4 Investigation of -erlain S/1-,6/61/012/001/005/020 E193/E480 layer which is onsiderably thi,ker than the interatomlz d1stanzt of the metal. The fazt that the lit of i 1e of the s rAtch remained smooth during the levelling up process in all the ases studied was a t tributed to arm 11 degree of ani so t r opy of t he c oe f f I c i ent of surface tension of : opper , and to the presen- e of misorient ed elements of a dispersed stra--ture in ~he surface layer, The results of the present Investigation Are in agreement with thoqe obtained since by J.M.Blakel) and ti,Mykura (Ref,7 Acta met_ 1961, 9. No.l. 23). There are 9 figures and 7 tefereneA 5 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet, The two referen,e!- to Englimh language publications read as follows: Moore A,J.W Ato met. 1958, 6, No,4 -19) Blakely J.M. and Plykura H, A~ta ni,'. ig6i, 9, No,l, 23 ASSOCIATION. InstiLut 1%himii KhGU Khar kovskiy gosuniversitet (Institute of Chemistry, KGU Kharlkov State University) SUBMITTEDi October 3, 1960 Card 4/4 QJWZIJ1. T&.T9. (Marlkov)i OTCHWIMO. M-1. (1harlimy) "Inherent roughness* in Polyerystals. 1zv.AJ1 335R.Otd.tokh.naak. metol toPle DD*3:48-52 IV-J9 160* (KIRA 13:6) 1. lbar1kovskly gosudarstvennyy universitet I Isuohno-iseledovatel'- ekly Institut Wall prl Kharlkovskon gosudaretyenwa universitste. (Ketal crystals) (Notallography) 80977 it 0 ID s/AoAo/o ?0*0 83 00/03/008/030 AUTHORS: Geguzin, Ya.Ye. and Ovcharenk'0'-',W�?' (Kha,-k.,) TITLE: On the "Intrinsic Roughness" of a Polycrystal PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye teklinicheskilth nauk, Metallurglya i toplivo. 1960, Nr 3, pp 46 - 52 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is a generally known fact that a polished surface of a polycrystal specimen. annealed at elevated temperatures, ceases to be flat owing to the appearance of a network of grooves and/or steps, standing out in relief. This phenomenon has been studied previously by the present authors (Refs 2-6), who have arrived at the conclusion that this effect is associated with the anisotropy of tlie coefficient of surface tension and who, consequently, have coined a term "intrinsic roughness" to describe roughness due to high-temperature -innealing. L.B, Erlikh, who had also studied this effect , has recently published a paper (Ref 17) in which he postulates that roughening of a polished surface of a polycrystal during high-temperature annealing is a result of the deformation of' a thin surface layer, which is caused by compressive stresses, set up in the surface layer owing to its temperature beiny, higher Cardl/3 80977 S/l60/6O/000/0-,/O0,V0-G Ele~~E383 On the "Intrinsic Roughness" ot a Polycrys specimens of polycrystalline copper were heated at a constant rate of heating to various temperatures; the polished surface becatiic rough at temperatures hi,lhvi thit, 800 OC. whereas at lower temperatures slighL roughening of the surface occurred only after prolonged treatment These observations disprove Erlikh's hypothesis on tne part played by the temperature gradient in the phenomenon under consideration, since under the conditions of heating b,, radiation, the temperature gradient decreases with risin~~ temperature of the specimen, reaching zero when the specimen reacho.-4 the furnace tomporattiro. Thv oxperimontal results described above, combined with theoretical considerations leave, in the opinion of the present authors no doubt that anisotropy of the surface tension coefficie,,its plays a predominant part in the onset of "intrinsic roughness". There are 3 figures and 19 references. 15 (,1 which are Soviet and 4 English. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy g.)sudarstvennyy universitet Nauchno- issledevatel'skiy i%stitut khimi pri KhGU (Khar,kov State University - Chemic,l Research Institut) SUBMITTED~ December 3, 1959 Card3/3 GI=IN, Ta.Te.; OVCHARKM , N.M. Properties and stability of distortions in the crystal lattices of an electrolytically prepared metal. I". uch ab . sav.; chern.mat. no.3:165-168 '60. (M 47~ 1. Khar'kovskiy goandaretvenzWy imivereitet. (Crystal lattice*) (Notallography) / P 4..,wo 67760 le~ r)5-00 SOV/1 26--8- 5-12/29- AUTHORS: Geguzin, Yaje.~ and Oycharenko, N.N. TITTLE: Investigation of the Aeasons for the Diffusion "Activity" of Crystalline Solids~rontsining Distortions. 11 - On Ointering of letals of Galvanic Origin According to Experimental Results with Eodels PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov I metallovedenlye, Vol 8, 1959, Nr 5, PP 714-720 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In this article results of experiments are given in which a porous solid was modelled by a set of short wires of galvanic origin, i.e. wires made by the 3ame proccss by which "active" powders are made. Experiment--; with such models represent the next step on the way from tbo study of wire models with an undistorted lattice to the study of the actual powder objeots. It can be assumed that ,?xperiments with such models may produce additional information on the reqq-nF for the increased speed and sTlecial kdnetics of volume contraction of powder Card pressings. Copper wires of galvanic oriFir. were 1/6 obtained in a continuous plitinr bath, the layout of 'which is shown in Fig 1. An armealed wire (if 50-70 v diameter was placed coaxially with a cylindrical copper 61760 S0V/126_P,_5-i2/z-) Investigation of the Reasons for the Diffusion "Activity" of Crystailine Solids containing Distortions. 11 - On Sintering of Metals of Galvanic Origin According to ExperiMCDtal Results with Models electrode, and the wire could be moved at a given rate along the electrode axis. A layer of galvanic copper was deposited on the wire, and the thickness of the a9posit was controlled by varying the current density or the speed at which the idre was moved. A U-tube, filled with water, was attached to the end of the bath for washing the filament. A wire of uniform thickness oould be obtained only when the copper was deposited on a moving wire. Experiments with depo3ition on a stationary wire have shown that the latter, duo to a fall in potential along Its length, becomes conical. The authors used an acid zolution under the following conditionst I = 5A/dm2, rate of motion v = 3 X lo-2 cm/se,~. The wire thus obtained was sized by drawing through a diamond tie) the diameter of which was approximately 5 U less Card than that of the w,-re. As the result, small irregulari- 2/6 ties on the wire surface were ironed out. The specimens were prepared by a method used Wore by Geach et al and 6776 7/ " 26 12/ ~ - Investigqtion of tho Roasons for the D1ffus1c,n "Activity" of Crystalline 3olids containing Distortions. 11 - On Sintering of Yetals of Galvanic ,,rigin According to !;Xperinnntal R~,,7,-ilts with M.odels ..i1exander et al klefs 7 and Tlic- wire w-,j- wound in 5evqral layor3 on et copper reel of 8 mm di-c- ,r-er. Jinding wa3 carried out on % special dovico ir. w1lich contact be've-n th- coils coul L' be controlled by ri-.,ns of a micro3cope k 1(nd of --proxim,.taly 1~-~ :, su-i)-nd(,d from the wire durinz c()ilin:- -~n3urod roT,;I-.r clos- contact between the rhi-- mr,thod vi-- used 'or the prepar7ttion of specimen.; of -',~--,lvanic" -'Ind ordin-iry wire3. rhe main nxp(--rimenti were c%rriod out on wire,3 of 120 F di-,~noter. Diffu.-inn -.nnr~,%lin!,, wa3 carriod out in vacuum at 75" , 87( -ind L ~k- 'hr, -,nnealed roel . ~,c-- %, L pres3ed into ~,,,T-l pl-i-,tic which polymerize:; 30 O-C. 1'etallo ,graphlc sections wer,~ prep-ir,~,d from diameter 3ections of the reel. Th,~- -structure w-L-1 Inspected after repeated polijhin,, and etchin; with ~ar i solution of ammonium persulphitQ in tmmonia. R,~ault.-. -'/6 obtained in three series of i:~othcrmA annoalin- x, shown in -1gi 2a-B --Ind 3a-i. TJ7, 4 shows th-~ cr,-".,.!- 10 .1- V Investigation nf tho leas=3 for the -)iffu7,ion 'l.',ctivity ' of Crystalline >'olids containing, -)Istortionri. JI - On -3interip., of Metals of Galvanic -1-ri.-in According tu ..xporimentil 'iesults with Lndels ,,ection of the wire ..after ann-nlin.- -it 75~ 1)4' for hours (-K 5, 6 -.nd 7 -,how tho crof;:;-.-,r.,ctIC'ns of wire coil-. ifter %nne-aling at IC2C 0,' for viriou':' lengths of time (:-ig 5 - ordin,iry wires, ?iZ,- 6 %nd 7 - wires of "cnmbined" specimens). The authors trivc! !,ainod information about the temper-iture dependonce of th'. effectivP :;elr-diffu,*,ion copfficient relationship ordinary cnpper Or) -ind g-tlv-inic copper Di By using the experimental value of A, at three different temperatures, and knowing the activation (~nergY of t116 process of self-diffusion of copper in an equilibrium lattice (-.10) (Ref 8)t the value of o/~j can be estimated, where i~ the activition nn,~rgy of the 3interinc; proceas oi galvanic wirej. A t-tbIc'3 page 718 shows values of / and 7, for different Card tomperaturo7.. Thr rolationship botwoon chords which form at the boundary between two wire3 of !,,alvanic oriqin 4/6 1 Yij, one wire ~,f galvanic and one of ordin-iry origin Yic, 67760 SO'VI126-8-5-12129 Investigation of the Reasons for the Diffusion "Activity" of Crystalline Solids containing Distortions. II - On Sinf.ering of Metals of Galvanic Origin According to Experimental Results with Models and two ordinary wires Yoo has been worked out mathematically. The authors conclude thot wires of galvanic origin become fused to each other considerably faster than ordinary wires. The approach of galvanic wires to equilibrium is accompanied by a coarsening of the diffusion pores which are situatad mainly along the grain boundaries. Pusion of wires of the same metals to each other possessingldifferent'diffusion activities is considered. Experiments on combined specimens consisting of galvanic and ordinary wires showed that the experimentally observed chords agree in magnitude with those predicted on the basis of the diffusion Card mechanism of high-temperature sintering. 5/6 There are 7 figurest 1 table and 10 references, of which 6 are Soviet, 3 English and 1 International. ASSOCIATIONt Kharikovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A.M. Gor1kogo; Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut khimii KhGU 67911 +*fit S/020/60/130/03/015/065 AUTHORS; Geguzin, Ya. Ye, B014/BO14 Ovcharenko.-N. N. TITLE! Self-healing of Defeot-i on tho iurface of Crystallino Bodies at 11i,h Te:,j-i_,h ir_c'n PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii na,_jk SSSR,1960, Vol 130, Nr 3, PP 537 - 540 (USSR) ABMIAM. Tho authors firat li.icuos ozpariments made by P.I. Lukirskiy (Rof 1) which Rhowe(l that spontaneous proceasea nocuiring on the surface of cryptalline bodies at high temperatures lead to a decrease in surface energy, The present paper is intended to study the decrease in surface energy in the leveling of a F;urface with macr(lscopic defects, The defectLi are houled by volume diffu~j-,nn, -nurfare diffusion, or substance tranapoit by the gaseous plia-ir- It is noted that volume diffusion is negligible in this case. According to equation (1), the .9elf- diffusion coefficient of the surface is determined from the leveling rato. Tin , :;urface tpnsion of the solid phase is CILIculated from vqu~ttion (2). The ani3otrnpy of surface tension Card 1/3 is not taken into account by the above-mentioned formulae. The,, 6791-1 Self-healing of Defects on the 3urface of 3/020J60/130/03/015/065 Crystalline Bodies at High Temperatures B014/DO14 "half-lives of healing" were compared to one another according to (3) in order to determine the relative part played by the two mechanisms in healing. For crystals with high vapor pressure, especially for ion crystals, the substance transport by the gaseous phase is described to be predominant in healing. This was confirmed by exneriments on the healing of scratches of rock-salt crystals. Text, the authors describe experiments on high-temperature leveling which were made with copper free of oxygen. Annealing was carried out in a 0 0 protective0 0 %Tlicuum' argon- or hydro(,ren atmoophere at 600 C, 700 r,850 C, and 950 C. An interferometer was used for obiervations. The diffusion coefficients determined from the leveling kinetics are consistent witL those mentioned in publications. In view of the, fact that a smooth profile of the scratch developed in healing, the authors assumed that the surface was covered with a thin amorphous layer. They arrived at this conclusion because rf similar results obtained for glass. This is, however, ricor-)r-' with electron diffraction studies carried out in experi~acnlz; with metals. In this connection the so-called Bayley layer in Card mentioned. It is assumed that this behnvior results from a thint/ IV 66890 /Z 6 /00 SOV/126-8-1-7/25 AUTHORS: Gesuzin, Ya. Ye. and TITLE- Reliei' of Metallic Powderso PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedentye, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 1, pp 38-44 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The experiments described were undertaken to study the surface condition of sintered metal powder objects, especially the details of pore form to supplement Geguzin's earlier work (Ref 6) on spheroidization Conditions in the bulk of a copper-powder object during sintering were simulated by polishing one surface and wrapping in copper foil (to expose it to a copper vapour at the constant ex erimental temperature). Annealing was carried out at 10-3 mm Hg, mean particle size (of electrolytic copper) was about 50 u and initial porositv was 35-40%. After the annealing the polished surface was studied under type MIM-6 and MIM-3 microscopes. It was found that the polished surface becomes covered with "macroscopic" irregularities about 100 u apart (Figs I Card 1/3 and 2). Each of these irregularities contains the step-like "natural" roughness (stop size about 0,5 0 P"(10men, in 11-r 668SO Relief of Metallic Powders SOV/126-8-1-7/-5 11natural roughness" formation There are 8 figures and 10 references, () of' which are Soviet, 3 German and I English. ASSOCIATION: Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni A. M. Gor'kogo (Khar1kov State University imeni A,M.Uor SUBMITTED: April 5, 1958 Card 3/3 GRGUZIN, Ya.Ye.; OVCHAUNKO, N.N. Using adsorption Pumps in high-temperature metallographic investigations. Prib. i tekh. a"-p. no.6:117-118 N-D '5B. (MIRA 12:1) l.Bauchno-issladovatellski.r Institut khimit Kharlkovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (Metals at high temperatures-Ketallography) (Pumping machinery) S k ) V / I i- ') I - I I" I I " ~ Translation 'rom Referativriv), zhurnal, hirtallurgiva, 1');7, Nr 1 1. 1) 77 (US",R) AU T I IORS -tsan, D.N., Bulgakova. A.M.. Ovtharvnkto, TITLE- The Oxiclizability of Powder Electri- lytically (0kislyayemost' poroshkoobraznogo kadiniva pr; poluchenii elektroliticheskim putern) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Khar'kovsk. un-t, 1956, Vol 15, pp ~)i-:iS ABSTRACT. An investigation is made of the degree of oxidation of t-le, - trolytic powder Cd in accordance with the conditions of pro- duction (current density and bath composition) and of the pos- sibility of reducing the reactivity of the powder by rnakin~4 ust- of the phenomena of passivation and protection from oxidation with the aid of organic additives at the moment the metal is deposited on the cathode, with simultaneous stabilization of its high degree of dispersion. The investigations are Conducted with aqueous solutions of Cd sulfate and nitrate. It is estah- lished that the electrolytic Cd powders obtained from th(-s(- solutions are highly disperse and highIv oxidized, particulark- if a nitrate bath is used, this being explained by the influence Card 1/2 of the NO 3 ion. It is shown that the increase in the de~,ree of SOV J I ~ 7 - ~7 -11- 11171 The Oxidizability of Powder Cadmium Produ( ed Elv( tr(-_)Jytjc ally oxidation of Cd powders with rise in current density is fundamentallv k undi - tioned by incre-c- in local temperature at the interface between the ( ath,)df- and the solut;Lii. X-rays are used to show that electrical deposition of Cd in the presence of geiatin will yield unoxidized Cd powders. P. Card 2/2 OVCHARENKOP GEGUZIH, Ya.Ye. "The Structure of the Surface of Metml Under High Wmpermtures," DAN USSR, V. 9, No 3, Ali (Academy of Sciences) USSR, publication, M. - L. P. P9. , ,, OVCHARENKO., Vikita Leontlyevna; GORA, A.P., red.; K1.TTORSKAYA, __ -- ~ I -. ".. -1 Ye.S., mdjzd_va; ISLENTIYEVA, P.G., tekhn. red. (Preventing explosions in blast-furnaco and steel-melting shops) Preduprezhdenie vzryvov v domenrQrkh i staleplavill- rqkh tsekhakh. Moskva,, Metallurgizdat, 1963. 67 p. (MIRA 17:3) -.I-,.. I. .- lt~ ----7 = ..,. II t . -,_i I,1 7 --- - - - -. -T UUM9 V.L. ClElin, V,L.1; OVCHARMOt 0.1.; HUMMITSEVA, I.V. Can Nitroemonas uoeimilate organic matter from the air? Mikrobio.l. zhur. 22 no. 5:1-5 160. (KLRA 13: 10) 1. Kharlkovskiy institut vaktain i eyvorotok. (NITFOSOMNAS) KHAZANJ, G. L., kand. med. nauk; GONCHAROVA, N. N.p kand. med. nauk; KARAMYSHEV, V. B., mladBhiy nauchnyy sotrudnikl VYCHFGZIiX:IN, A. G.9 m1adshiy nalichnyy sotrudnik; OVCHARMKO, ~~nd. red. nauk; ZHUK. G. S., kand. med. nank Mar'kov) Bacterial diffusion in the atmosphere of machine shops and .,ayB of decreasing it by the ultraviolet Irradiation of the recircu- lated air. Vrach. delo no.6:121-124 Je '62. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut rigiyany tnida i professionalinykh sabolevaniy. (ULTRAVIOLET RAYS) (METALLURGICAL PLANTS-HEATING AND VENTILATION) (AIR-BACTERIOLOGY) OVU"HARENK09 0. 1. Doc band -ed 3ci -- (diss,' " Combined aci.ivity (~,JA,, of-some antibiotics on ty,)hoid D-icteria in experimental ci~ s." Khar'kov, 1-)57. 1 ' on 2 ' cm. ~,.'~Ln of Apal~- Uk ~13R. t\tiar' ~ov 3tate ~iedical Inst), 20J conies (r~L, 21-52, lJ6) -112- CVCIIARENKO, 0.1.; CHERKAS, O.P. [Cherkap, H.Pj; 22111K, G.S. (&4, ii.s.1 gffect of bacterial toxinB on the tissue culture. Pikrcblol. zf-w. 26 no.5t44-40 164. (KA'A IA,-' 1. KhRrlkovskiy Institut vaktain I a)rvorotok im. Mechnikovn. ACC NP4 AP6031136 SOURCE -CODE: UR/0438/6 -6-/028/004/0077/0079 AUTHORF Ovcharenko, 0. L; Teslikova, N. S.; Artemenko, 0. 1. --Artemenko, A. 1. ORG: Xbarlkov Scientific Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera im Me (Kharkivslkyy n-d instytut naktayn ta syrovatok); Khar1kov Medical Institute (Xharkivalkyy Medychnyy instytut) TITLE: Antibacterial activity of alpha, and beta unsaturated ketones of the furanic series SOURCE: Mikrobiolohichnyy zhurnal, v. 28, no. 4, 1966, 77-79 TOPIC TAGS: ketone, chemical compound, microorganism, staphylococcus, tuberculosis, typhoid, inicrobe ABSTRACT: The author studied the antibacterial effect of-47 chemi cai -curn pound belonging to alpha.'and beta unsaturated ketones of the furanic series. Their activity varied with respect to the microorganisms investigated. The organistT* most sensitive to these substances were StaphZlococciy List eria and tubercule bacill Vhrphoid micirobei4were less sensitive. [Based on authors' abstract] [GC; OS9 06, 07/ SUBM DATE: 29Mar55/ ORIG REP: 003/ OTH IMF: 0M. Flo I . &-aj CWd SUV/126 -7 -1 -2b,, 28 AUTHORS: Lazarev, b.G. , Ovcharenko, u.14. and rhvedenuk, L.n. TITLE: On the Problem of Detarml-alng the Actim-a-Lion Energy of Vacancy-Formation Using Diiatometric Measurements (K voprosu ob opredeienit energii aktivatsli obrazovanlya vakansij 1z dilatometrinhoskikh izmerenly) FERIUDICAL: Fizika Metallcv I hiet-11ovedenlye, 19a9, Vol..7. fir.l. pp 154-155 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Gertsriken (hef.1) pointed out that expansion of a meta.1 on heating Is due to an Increase in the amplitude of tnermal fluctuations as weli as to loosening of the lattice by vacancy-formation. The volume change due to vacancy-formation Is given by AV C DlhT, ,e V where C is the vacancy density and ED the energy of formation. 'The onergy ED found from ailatometric measure.- Card 1/3 ments for gold was found to agree well with the value obtair,ed SOV/ 126 - 7 -1 -2 012b On the Problem of Determining the Activation r-nergy of Vacancy- Formation Using Dilatometric Measurements from experiments on quenching of vacancies ("D = 18*2 kcal x 0.79 9V, Hef.4). This value of 9D Indicates a vacancy density of 1.08 x 10-3 near the malting point. It Is known that a vacancy density of (I - 5) X 10-4 can be 10 asily quenched-in In gold. A sample with this quenched-in vacancy density should decrease In volume on cooling. Ij 116, to - metric experiments carriki out by the authors showed that iLo such contraction occurred In gold. This negative result Is due to the technique employed: the volume contraction was deduced from the change In length of a sample In the form of a plane parallel plate 0.1 mm thick (the other dimension-s were 8 and 100 mm). It can easily be shown that contrac- tion of such a sample will occur primarily In the 1"orm of a change in the sample thickness rather than Its length. There are 4 references, of' which 2 are Soviet, 1 4orman anct 1 tnglish. ASSUCIATlU.N: Fiziko-tekhnicteakly institut AIN 565H Gqrd 2/3 (Physico-Techni(,Rl Institute, Ac. Se. USSR) 24(2) AUTHO RS: Lazarev, vchar,;~ni,-, . C, TITLE: The Fnertry of Formation nni -isplFicement of ri 'I ani Platinum (Energiya ;brf~z-)rar,:yn i vakall- Siv V I Tififino, PERIODICAL; Zlurrjal ex:3:--r mintFillr~--Y Vc i pp ABSTRACTt In ~ --r. inl;a o, -) f in of, r. P r pFI,,, a,ithorg ha,i -.n-.e,,t~gated t~.r- ir. rln~ nlfi- tinum, the orps,~n-l T a r~p- n aper gl ves in,resti.gR'i~,n of the 2.)n- ard e n;~ r;,." vacanc leg ~ n t~ln ~nl p 1 a L i n~im w i rc a 1 w it' !in-ne*-r~ -~f 0.05 an! 0. lery 14) tempprfil -.flt-1113 With a rel~tiv- -*"Hc,rc ris,dutil resistancf- of l.:,.)O-z (Au), and 2 10' used ?-91stancp 4.50 K,,'rpsiqtqnc,- at - ( P t re room -.empprRtur-~. The w-.-p.; hqd a c:g'h of 90 Measurements wg-(- carrii-i j, - 4n tpmr-~:-ature in'ervn.-s cf 600 - 10000 r' (Au ) ani ~01~ (pt . R~-sistance -nert;ur, ments nt ,)w tompe-atuTt.-s wc-,~ oRrriel -i, in hYdrOKen, an' nitrooron. Ftopirti , nhows th, dnppnAnn,7p if lh- Card 1/3 gr~wtl,-. of tho r-'Rt v,, A on The Energy of Formation an! Displacement of 7n-an-~na F~ in Gold and Platinum during quenching of t~e vacan_,jos (rold) in wate- qnd air respectively. The first curve slows an exponentiRl increase of & R/Ro with temperature. In a corrasn,)nling manner h~ dependence In(& R./RO) on 1/T (T in 0 K) develors a-. a straight line (Fig 2). For the connection between a R."Ro gni the vqcnn- cy concentration it holds that 2i~ - (,AR,/Ro)~) = I 7.7.1o-5exp(-Qj/RT)S~cm, where Qj denotes the formation ennr- gy of the vacancies. -he fol owing was obtained: a) for platinum: Q1 = (27.0 4_ 0.5).'-01 cal/mole, b) for goll! Q, = (19-0+--.5).103 -Cal/mcle. The second paragraph of th- paper tleals with the letermination of the displacement energy Q2 Of the vacannins, which hqd sil- ready been determined (Ref 1) from the growth of electrc resistance in isothermal tempering as t,, '2.'C' (Au and 25.103 (Pt). The dependence 6 R/A Ro on time -~ -10 minj for gold (0.1 mm) at 1000 C Is shown by figure 5 (straight), Figure 4 shows the same dependence for wires of various thicx- nesses and various vacancy concentrations for tempering at 1200. Card 0 The Ene-gy of Formation Find DispIncement of Vacancies 9-7 in Gold and Platinum ASSOCIATIONs SUBMITTEDi The following was obtained: For Q in : Q2 - (25+1).103 , ~lntinun 02 ~20+ .103 cal!mole. The sum Q1 activation energy of s~lf-diffusion. = (0. !911 .5).103 cal/-nole and for (52+1 ).703 cal/mole. The results are compared with those There are 6 figures, 1 tab,e, an! IA are 3oviet, cal/mole land for i7oll: .'11 furni-hes 'he + Q2 - ~'cr gold )ne -,btains -Iatin~i-n ~j - obtain-! by other authorzi. references, ~ of whi-~ Fiziko-tpkhn,,chpik'y institut Akalpm1l. nauk USS~ Fhys~~:- Technical Institute of th,, Academy of 3ciences IJ'KrSSR, August 8, 1998 Card 3/3 OVCHARENKO, 0. N. Cand Phys-Math Sci - (diss) "Study of the behavior of vacancies in crystal lattice of metals in connection with diffusion mobil- ity." Kiev, 10,61. 10 pp; (Joint Academic Council of Institutes of Mathematics, Metallophysics, and Physics Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR); 225 copies; free; (KL, 7-61 sup, 219) t ~, OVCHARENKO. 0.M.. Dateridning the energy of vacancy formation in silver. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 6 no.D139-140 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 14s6) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR,-g. Khartkov. (Dislocations In crystals) (Diffusion) (silver) 1/1-16/61/011/003/008/017 E021/E435 AUTHOR: OvchnrenRo O'N' TITLE: Quenching Experiments With Pure Silver IPBRIODICAL: Fizika metailov i metallovedeniye, 1961, Vol.11, No.3' pp,404-408 TEXT. An attempt wa5 made to obtain informatlon on ttie values of the AnArgy of formation and the energy of activation of movement of vacancies, characterizing the elementary act of self diffusion in silver. rhe method was used to estimate the solubility of oxygen in silver. 99.9930 Silver wire, 0,05 mm in diameter, was used in the investization. It was electrically heated in air or helium with varying oxygen contents and qtienched in a Dewar flask with liquid helium, The relative residual resistance R4.20K/Rgoor was measured. Fipr,.l shows the relaLion between the increase in the relative resastance and the quenching temperature, 'K, for samples quenched from air, The ordinate is the difference in relative resistance of quenched and annealed samples A R/R20 OC - lo3. Vig. Z shows the increase in the relative resistance with temperature for silver quenched from helium with different oxygen contents. Notation is the same as for Fig.l. Carr.; 1/4 hh245 S/056/62/04 3/306/059/067 B14 11B102 AUTHORS: Lazarev, 6. ~., Lazareva, L. S., Ovcharenko, 0. N., Matsakova, A. A. TITLE: Effect of universal compression on the temperature of the supercona~ctln6 tr"naition of Nb 3Sn PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoieticheakoy fiziki, v. 45, no. 6(12), 1962, 2309-21110 TEXT: Nb 3Sn shows a very small isotopic effect, in which the critical -112 - 1112 temperature T or is not2proport.onal to M but to M . The pressure applied was 1730 kg/cm , which resulted in.a decrease of T cr by (4-5 -t 0-5)10-2 deg; i.e. 3TCr/ap - -(2-5 , 0-3)-10- 5 deg/atm. The pressure effect is of the same sign as in the majority of superconductors and of the same amount as in good superconductors, wherein T or is almost proportional to M -112 ('HOr/'T)Tcr - -15.5-10 3 gauss/deg. Thus Nb 3Sn Card 112 WW, V.S.; KMVKO, A.I.; UZARXV, B.G.; LAZAMA, L.S.; MATSAKOVA, A.A.; OVCRAFMOI 0.11. Constitutional diagram of the system Nb - Sn. Fiz.met.i metalloved. 15 no.lt243-145 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Xhartkovskiy fiziko,-takhnicheakiy inatitut AV Ukr-SSR. (Diffusion coatings) Niobium-tin alloys) (PhaSe rule and equilibrium) ACCESSION NR: AP4009135 S/0056/63/045/006/L'068/2069 AUTHOR: Lazarev,, B. 0.; Khorenko,, V. K.; Korniyenko, L. A.; Krivko, A. I.; Mateakova, A. A.; Ovcharenko,, 0, NO TITLE: ()a the I ayered and f ilamentlike structure of the supercon- ducting alloys Nb-zr and Nb-TI SOURCE: Zhurnal eksper. i teoret. fiziki, v. 45, no. 6, 1963, 2o68- 2069 TOPIC TAGS: superconducting alloy, n1oblum zirconium alloy, niobium titanium afloy, layered structure, filament structure, electron mi-. croscopic investigation, plastic deformation, critical magnetic field, solid solution, saturated solid solution, critical current density ABSTRACT: Data are presented on elettron-microBeopic 'observations of thin films and filamentary systems of tracks In al~oyB of Nb with 25 at. % Zr and of Nb with 66 at. % TI. Samples of thp original alloy were compared with samples reduced in thickneBs by rolling from 2-5 mm to 0.05-0.5 mm at room temperature. When'observed by Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4025914 S/0056/64/046/003/0831/0832 AUTHORS: D'yakov, 1. G.1 Lazarev, B. G.; Matsakova, A. A-j.9vch4L- renko, 0. TITLE: Critical m4gnatic fields of superconducting niobium films SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooreticheskoy fiziki, v. 46, no. 3. 1964,'831-831 TOPIC TAGS: niobium, superconducting niobium, superconductivity,. critical magdetic field, field depth of penetration. niobium film, superconducting niobium film, superconducting bulk niobium. critical superconducting temperature ABSTRACT: Thin (20 and 50 micron) superconducting niobium films weirs produced by copdoneation on pyrex glass or on mica with silver contacts prepared beforehand. The results are of interest since they permit pm astipato of the depth of penetration of the field in CWd 14 2~- ACCESSION NR: AP4025914 nibbium (-10-4 cm,labout ode order of magnitude higher than in "Soft" superconductors) and show that the high critical fields in niobium alloys are due tothin superconducting paths in the alloys. The precautions taken to reduce the effect of gas impurities are briefly deicribed. the critical field for the 50 micron film was about 25'-000 Oe, about 10 times that for bulk niobium. The field for the 20:'micron fAm is riuch higher but could not be measured with the available external magnetic field (22,000 Oe). The transitions tem- peratures for the 20 and 50 micron films were 6.5 and 7.5K respec- tively as against 9.1K for bulk niobium, indicating that the films were still not sufficiently pure. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Piziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN;VkrSSR (Physico- technical Institut:e, AN Ukr4SR) SUBMITTEDi 27Aug63 DATE ACQt 16Apr64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODE: PH NO REP SM 004 OTHERs 004 cc.r4 L-3 17-M- F."Wr(m) /Fwp(t)'/RTT IJF(c) JDIJG AC NR- AP6018939 SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/66/021/006/0828/0832 AUTHOR: Kogan, V. S.; Lazarev, B. G.; Matsakova, A. A.; Dvcharenko. 0. N.; Yakimenko, L. F. ORG: Physicotechnical InstituteAN UkrSSR (Fiziko-tekhniche9kiy inaLitut AN UkrS R) TITLE: The width of the homogeneity region of intermetallic phases in the Nb-Sn and 4 ~v G s t M SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 21, no. 6, 1966, 828-832 TOPIC TAGS: superconducting compound, niobium alloy, binary alloy, tin containing alloy, vanadium alloy, gallium containing alloy, intermetallic compound, compound homogeneity region ABSTRACT: Experiments have be made to determine the width of Oe homogeneity region of intermeLallic phasesiormed in the Nb-Sn and V-Ga systems, i.e., systems Sn and V Ca whose components have widely different melting temperatures. Nb3 3 intermetallic compounds were obtained by diffusion of Nb39n by holding an Nb specimen; I for several hours in molten tin at 1000C, and V3Ga by holding a vanarlium specimen wetted with gallium in a vacuum at about 1200C. X-ray diffraction patterns of the diffusion layer on vanadium showed that the surface layer contacting gallium Ind the inner layer adjacent to vanadium had equal lattice parameters, 4.819 * 0.002 A. The temperature of transition to the superconductivity state of V3Ga was found to be Card 1/2 UDC: 548.53 L 1,6~!74,6 :,:w7 (m)/T '7-HP(w)/?' '~-I' I Ai- I'( t. Iji'(C XCC NRt AT6014756 SOURCE GOLE: UR/COOO/65/OW/000/0089/0090 AUTHORS: Lazarev, B. G.; Lazareva, L. S.; Ifatsa-kova, A. A.; 07chareako, ORG. none TITLEs The superconductivity of V Ga -3 SOURCE: Sovosbehaniye po motallovodonlyu I motallofizike sve:-khprovodnikov. 1st, 1964. Motallovedeniye i met-allofizika svorkhprovodnikov (Metallof~raphy--a~j -~h-~sics or metals in superconductors); trudy ooveshchanlya. 1,o3cow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 69- go TOPIC TAGS. superconductivity, critical maj~netic field, hydrostatic pressure, gallium compound, vanadium compoun,:, Intermetallic compound AWTRACT: The superconducting proportlos of the intormetallic compound V Ga &re 1 3 studied. The compound was prepared by are smolting in an argon atmosphere. The specimens wore in the form of wafers with a thickness of e--1 5 mm. The effect of hydrostatic pressure on the transition temperature was determined. The critical magnetic field as a function of temperature was also studied (see Fip. 1). -he specific-heat discontinuity and the discontinuity of the thermal expansion coof- ficient could not -oe determined from the data of the work. Card 1/2 s#,r(m)/cwP(w)/T/r.WV(0I/ZT1 1JP(c J0/J,1/0D ACC NR' AT6014753 SOURCE -- COD Es LQI/WW/65/000/000/0(Y76/C'082--Ii AUTHORSt Kogan, V. S.; Kr-i.vko, A. I.; Lazqpov,__B._G.; Lazareva, L. S.; Mdtsakorvaj__ A. Ovcharonko, 0. N. ORGi none TITUj Tho phase dingr3m of tho nioblum-tin syntom SOMRGEt SoveshchanAye po jjoLajlovodqn_i yu I motallofiziko svorkhprovodnikov. Is 19(-A/.. 1110tallovodoniyo I motalAlofizika nverkhprovodnikov (Motallograph~and pfi;:~GiCg 0 motala In suporconductora); trudy novoahchaniya. Moscow, Izd-vo flauka, 1965, 76-82 TOPIC TAGS: suporconductivity, suporconductinr alloy, tin bone alloy, niobium alloy, x ray analysis, spectrot;raphic analysis, critical magnetic field, intormotallic corapound, alloy phase diagram AWTRACT: This papor is a continuation of an oarlior work by V. S. KoCan, A. I. Krivko, D. G. Lazarov, L. S. Lnzarova, A. A. Matsakova, and 0. 11. Ovcharenko (F4,24, 1963, 15, 14)) in which it was found that apecimans producod by holding niobium in m 'an tin a 01l. .4 temperatures above and below 850C difforod in their sMpoFqonductjF1g properties.\'The suporconductivity transition temporature for specimens produced at I 990C and 1250C is 18.0K and 18.1K, respectively (coo Fig. 1). For diffusion layers formed at below 850C, the superconductivity transition temperature is reduced; the lower TV the lower the temperature of formation of the layer. For specimens Cq,~ 113 ACC NNI 06014753 Fig, 1. Critical magnetic field Ias a function of temperature for diffusion layers of Nb3Sn obtained at temperatures of SOD-1250C, f 16 17 14 obtained at above 850CP Tk agrees with the known value for Nb 3Sn. X-ray studies r, *N confirm9d that only the compound Nb-rSn is formod when Specimens are prepared at over 650C. For temperatures below 850C, the diffraction pattern shows that 1rO2Sn3 is formed. It was concluded that in specimens prepared at temperatures below 850C there is present a very thin interlayer beneath the new phase. The formula NbSn is ascribed to the now compound. The superconductivity transition temperature of ihe Mn was found to be 2*7K. In other papers the now compound has been given the 2/3 L -38546-66 :-ACC NR, -AT601475) formula NbSn2 or Nb 2S"3 0 The authors thank L. 11. Masova for conducting the quali- tative spectral analysis, Orig, art, bass 5 graphs, I table, and 1 photograph* SUB CODE 1 11, 20/ SUBM DATE I 23Deo65/ ORIG R-EF 1 002/ ON REF 1 018 Card 31j,"Z- RODIONOU, A.Ye.; KOBILEV, A.G.; OVCHARENKO, P.P. Chemical methods for determining the free silicon dioxide content of rocks. Izv. vyB. ucheb. zav.; khim. i khim. tekh. 6 no.3t 518-521 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Novocherkasskiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut, kafedra kristallogra.fii, mineralo ii I petrogr&fii. (Silica) IRocks-Analysis) OTCHARMUO, Sergey Grigorlyeviah, slasarl-instrumentallshchik; I.N.. red.; GOLICHMOVA, A.A.. (Not a single minute lost) Ni minuty poter'. Moskva, Isd-wo VTsSM Profisdat, 1958. 68 P. (HIRA 12:8) 1. Odeaskiy zavod strottellno-otdolochnykh wahin (for Dvcha- renko). (Dies (MtAlworking)) ZHILKIVA, Lyudmila Vasillyevna [Zhylkina, L.V.]; OVCHAFMKO, S.K., red.; NEFGHENKO, I.Tu., tekhn. red. _ I- [Analysis of the utilization of working capital on col- lective farms] Analiz vyko stannia oborotnykh koshtiv v kolhospakh. Kyiv, Derzhsi71hospvydav URS-i, 19b3. 64, p. (NIRA 17:3) TU, Vladimir Zakharovich; OVCHARENKO, S.K.,, red.; NEZACIWKO, I.Yu., tekhn. red. (Path to col-lective fvrm abundance] Shlinkh do kolhospnoho dostatku. Kyiv, Derzhsillhospvydav URSH, 1963 112 W~A 170~* 1. Predsedi,tell kolkhoza Iment Tatarbunarskogo vosstaniya Odeskoy obluati (for Tur). " I f. r, ? -.. I C, I Ve - I I - . 1. . , : . . I . ; fl . I . .t, . . I , I. . j OTCHAMWO.T. Zzample of early prepar ation ?f storages for grain deliveries. nuk.-elov.prom.21 no.6:28 JS 55. (NLRA 8:10) 1. Bayram-Allynkoym realizatsionmiya basa Zngotserno (Granartem) BIRYUIK(YVAP L.V.; OVCHARENKO, V,G.. MIRONOV, A.M.; KARARAYEV, A.A. .. Z- -.1--p Testing atomizers and sprinklers used for spraying in absorbers. Khi-m. prom. no.6-.464-468 Je 163. (KUU 16:8) 1. Vaesoyuznyy alywainiyevo-magniyevyy institut i Solikawkiy magni.vevyy zavod. (Absorption) (Spraying and dusting equipment-Testing) A P S/048/60/024/007, 030/ OWn BOI 9/B056 AUTHORSS Konstantinov, B. D. and Ovcharenko, V. 1. TITLEs O-Transitione in Weakly Deformed Nuclei PERIODICALs Izvestiya kkalemii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1~460 Vol. 24, No. 7, pp. 912-919 TEM This paper was read at the 10th All-Union Conference on Nuclear Spectroscopy. which took place from January 19 to January 27, 1960 at Moscow. Using results obtained by k._&__Koro,pv the authors j - (Ref. 5), calculated the nuclear matrix elements. Korolev had derived wave fjn~:tions and energy levels of odd nuclei, and calculated non-adiabatic terms and double-phonon states. The authors confine themselves to investigating the matrix elements of allowed and first forbidden (~-transitions in non- relativistic approximation for a scalar and tensorial interaction of nucleons with an electron-neutrino field. They ca1z;ulate the matrix elements of allowed and first forbidden r)-transitions between nuclei con- sisting of a core of an even-even spherical nucleus and an external nucleon. The wave function of this system had already been given by Card 1/3 85596 ~-Transitions in Weakly Deformed Nuclei S/046/60,C?4/007/030/032/XX B019/BO56 ASSOCIATIONt Institut fiziki kkademii nauk USSR (Institute of physi,-.,3 _ of the Academy of Sciences, UkrSSR) Card 3/3 S/185/62/007/006/'004/014 Deuteron splitting under D407/D301 (r) and aescribing 'respectively) the motion of the fko" ~d de-.,~teron in the initia- 6tate, of the system neutron-proton in the final state and the groa6d state if the deuteron. These functions are used for ca-Ic-ulating the matrix elements of the transition of the system neutron-~,rjton from the bound to the free state. Formu- j ias are derived for tne differential cross-section of deuteron splitting, and for the angular distribution of protons and neutrons. Further, the total effective cross-section of deuteron splitting is ca.Lculated as a function of the energy of the relative motion of the incident deuteron and nucleus. As the obtained expressions for the differential and total cross-sections are rather cumbersome the case of deuteron energies are considered close to the (d,np~_ reaction threshold, E -, A+2 fhereby a formula for tne total d thr. -'-- -I, * cross-section is obtained. which is used in the calculation of a numerIcal example. A figure shows the theoretical curve: total crosl3- section (:r of deuteron splitting on the Ni 58_nucleus versus energy Card 21 4 5/18 62/007/006/004/014 Deuteron splitting under ... D407YD301 AS60CIAZION: Instytut fizyky AN UkrRSR, (Institute of Phy- sics of the AS UkrRSR, Kiyev~yiv 4 S',,BMITTED: January 3, 1962 Card 4/4 DAVYDOV, A.S., akademik; OVCHARENKO, V.I. Electric quadrupole transitinme between rotary states with large spins in even nuclei. Dokl. AN SSSR 163 no.2029-331 JI 165. (YJRA 18:7) 1. Institut fiziki AN UkrSSR. 2 AN UkrSSR (for Davydov). I '. ! . -~ 1, t V, , i F; j ~ , , , 4, , ,, , ~ I . ; R LIT, OY . V - M . 7~f f , -. . ' . , , ~ ~ -, j:4 . -j , t.3 - ~ , ---- 9Ti I-r, # --. - , - , I ~- :.: - , * ' I - f r~ .i .. ~, - - -,4-, ..-. - L. it 18 nc . - , -W I. - I-il-!(-4 :e' I -.' ;V :*,A IS- -- ~' I " - -. k - - - . - ~ mjt-~' , - , Y. F, ! ..' , . i I ) I - L- .,.- , - '. , - " ~'-' ~? OVCHARMO V.N.; SHCRRTAA OV, V.A. Dq=vlxg the systen of mini iml4wd dikes at the Be"sovakly Him. Trudy Gor.-gooleirAt.UFAN SM no.54slO3-110 160. (MM .14 j 6) (MULIM geology) ;I (BeresovskLy (Sverdlovsk Province)--Gold airas and ataft) MALIKCN, K.V.; PIMMANOV, V.L.; SUNTSOV, G.N.; STAROVEROV, A.A.; ovC NKO VA.; ANDREYEV, V.I.; MAZIN, B.S.; RUNIKCV, V.I.; SEP= J- 9, P.I. Using sulfurous wizut in blast furnaces. Stall 23 no.5t394-)Q? Yq 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy inatitut metallurgich-skoy toplotekhniki i Betoretakiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat. 01nat furnaons-Equipment. Ftnd supplies) (Mazut--Analyals) CVCHARMO, V.N.; SHCHELDNOV, V.A. Increasing the efficiency of vorking inclined dikes in the Bere- zovskiy Mine. Gor. Zhuro no.1:36-39 Ja 162. (MRA 15:7) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Berezovskogo rudnika (for Ovebarenko). 2. Ura.1'skiy filial AN SSSR (for Shchalkanov). (Berezovskly region (East Kazakhstan Province)-Mining engineering) OVCHARENKO, V.M. SeloretBk ~btallurgical Combine is 200 leara' old. Fwall4rp 7 no.906-38 S 162. OCRA "':-4; 1. Direktor Beloretskogo metallurgicheakogo kombinata. (Beloretak-Iron and steel plants) yZA3X I BOOK 9VLOITATIO11 &0V/5o98 kkademlya nauk SSSR. Vml'sicly filial. Gorno-goologIchoskly In- stItut. Podzemnaya raxrobotka rudnykh mestaroLhdonly (Under d B."Plolt tion or Or% Deposits) Sverdlovsk 119601 165 p. fZU-1"&~: Its",- "N Trudy. w". 54) 1,000 copies printed. Cilltorial Doards 9. V. Kochnov, professor, Doct~r of Tochn.1cal Sciences; L. To. Zubrilov, Candidate of Technical Sciences; A. A. 111vitakly, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Ed. of Publisting Rouse i M. S. Ebergardt -. Toch. Ed. t V. P. Seredkina. personnel In the odning Industry. Ibla Is a collection of 22 articles by different au a COVEXAQZj I th ra on problems of underground exploitation of large imaselve ore,d-- posits In the Urals. The articles are based on studies as" ad out In the Laboratory for the txploltattom of Dre Deposits of th:.. Oomo-Ceoloricheakly InstItut UFAX S= (Institute of Mining 06010CY, Uril Branch AS U3SH), bt ... n 1958-1959. No person.11t are mentioned. Poet of the articles a" acco=mnled bw TZCXXOLOOT OF UNDERGROU" EXPLC=ATra; ksegvaklym 1. 0. On Reducing the Volume of DraUage Sumps A., It 0 new In 53 J~. Lleksayevokly, 1. 0. Shaft Drainage Sump With Tortleal Voll-Typq Water Pits 59 3toplng (PorvIgm UrTantsev, V. F. Now Pothods of Overhand ipramcey -4 k-A-Ir-a-mic, cov"on or the 37st- or 65 W12a t:' V :*I Caving With the Combinod 3yotM Under the Ccndltjc~& of the Ty okoSorskly Mine 79 ZubrIlov. L. Yo., and A- I- Sh rygjn. Selective and Tot&, Extraction or Copper and Sulphur Or** or the DeStyarskoye Deposits 85 Zubrilov. L. To_ and B,)q, 3hqj-CX. Analysis of Labor input In Porcod Le"I Caving at the Vy2okogorskIj Nine 91 P., -4 Y.-A-5hchelkomy. Xmpm'~t of In- iffim.M"-w Itation at the BersZovskiy Mine 103 -Shu"gln, A. 1. Practice In L11plolting Thin Ore S*ctIms of the D*gtyarakoy. Deposit III "Shol'Odn, B- M. On the Tl~--Itlo- Do-dar7 F. Mining W pit LvtrlkctlOn In ZXPIcItIng Deposits of Massive Orem 115 DAnZhtY--Z. B. On the Influence or the covrrjcia~t or Loading ch the Effect or Eviction in Scope cutting L21 0Utkln._j,, A. Towards a Study of the Sqlgxdo &rfoct of ftrc~g Ex- i-loa-long 125 Nikolln, V. 1. gv&lugtj th Dirr-~t fttrwds of ftrml~g 7unnels Eli the plo,ors ofnfCh::b.r) Blocks 131 -umn9y, P. V. N. Zkonnikov. V. F. Kampone7ets. 1~1--A, 1AhGkQT' ~d P: A: ehel5churov. us. ar tr64-Frgm-nd t St-ePIY Dipping Ore D-posilts 137 v3hchelk~Ov, V. A. PtIlizing th, Forte of Explosion and the Ora's OWn WviOt for Trmn-p-rtl~a Cm.h~d Ore in Exploiting Inclined Deposits 149 Shchelkanov, V. A. Evaluating Methde of D.11-rl~g C-oh.j o, In ZXP1o1tI-g ZftclIn.d 155 FCRrOSEi This publication Is intended par engineering and technical AVA ILPLBLX tLibrary of Congress KRICUAR. S. I,; OV TH~AR~ Apparatus for the continuous automatic control of hydrogen chloride in the pr6duction of btbylbenrene. Zav.I&b 26 no.10:1172-1173 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Ural'skiy lesotekhnicheakAy inBtitut. (Butyl alcohol) (Ither) 25(6) v, AUTHORS: Krichmar, S. I., Ovcharenko, V. N., loffe, TITLE: Automatic Gas Analyzer for the Determin~ition of Inert ',asos in Ammonia (Avtornatiel.eskiy gazorinalizntor Ilya o;rp!P1-.iyi inertnykh (,,a7ov v am-ri Fike) i'E,4 I " D 1 7 A L Zav,)Iskv.,A Lnboratoript, Vol P, A 1, S'," T? 7 T The -.ratur des -ri ~ (-I (Fip-~ perTni t F 11 C~I%t of the wasps used in the r,)-luction rf %vp k. n-,tri- rate of IirplricP-7:,,nt of ntcon,tiint volume of i b r i n I i qui d in a eudiompter h t no ~-aser ro-y,., i r i t~ t y sor i t i on of x-,,on i a i n t he ribs -)ri,t i on 1 i,:ui 1 1 S 7 e a i, - a ra t u a hp - P I e c t r i c % I I y o p o r a t p d v% I v e s c) f t i':, - t -1r, q.-t o -,I t , -;Lily b~i 1 inced ~-rjrj;,-e ini i r,- r motor :')D-(,0 (f.,r turning t~~e ti-iing rel-iiv' , -,r E' T) pot o , t i o- I , r. T'.e i nert -f-;is -or. t t i - r. c'!, '. y . ", d et ;~ i I od d enr ri ;.t i on nf t t%e i r;i tu 9 1 - -n, in t h(~ n,-t i cl e , and i t i s 7-non t i oned t ha t wi t t I.e po t e - t i o.,~ e t . r i t is necessary to correct t~(- Card 1/2 not true in t~~- c-iie of E-:-09. T~,e total Prr,)r is given Automatic Gas Analyzer f,)r the Determination of Irl.,-rt Gaspt: 3--.,V, 4n Ammnnia as + In experi- ental oi,er-ition )f V.., r1it--.4 i(- _-ri~ the fol Inwing nor, lit ior:s were obtained : i rv n,irp of it-.- r. i.A at input -500-700 mm water column, --is c o n.-u -%'t i -)n -i c- o r~ a - i-, to th- nanoOtt - 1 - 5 1 per hour, ill'r-it ion -)f n-ilyri 8 minutes, absor; t i or. 1 i ju i I t a I- re. 1-cel -)n,!- a 3 1 of 25".~' H,SO me_-st,;rint._- rint-e -lc 1 t ' V form it I a ns wpl 1 r,q i c or.-. rat ive t .11, of th, r., obtained with this -., -1,arntus a!-' t*,,e re-lilt!- -f o i, I analyses are given (Table ) . Therr, --re I fi,-ur(, .,. I I t ASS -T. Dneirodzerzhinskiy azotno-tukovyy zav)! (Drieprodzerzhinsk rTitro&en-Ferti117(r Plant) Card 2/ 2 XRICMUR, S.I.; OTCHAR , V.11. Apparatus for the continuous automatic control of hydrogen chloride in the production of Othylbessese. Zav.1ab 26 no.1011174 160. (MIRA 13..10) (Wdrochloric acid) (Benzene) (Chemical apparatus) tatid and 4UaBigeostrwhic acre asawmed.----ThodCy-variation-,of erature Is temp k9j, ated-by. a -hannorilb- fuddh -dm- on.,-.Orlgm-art.~-has: --9-numberdd equations MIATION. -LAW Bredneaziatemy naucbAo-iseledovatellokly gidrometeorologichesldy institut (Central Asian Hydrom eqr I Scientific Researthlinst(tute -.__.qt AVIRCHBEKOV, D.O.; KOPCHENKO, D.S.; PRONIKIN, V.1P.; SIDDROVSKIT, V.A.; KNRSHANSKIT. Introducing the slectrothermic method of zinc distillation from silver crust at the Ust'-Kamenegorsk lead nmeltinp plant. TSvet. met. 12 noel:33-J4 A 159. (MIRA 12: 1) 10stl-Kamenegormkly evinteove-tainkovyy kombinat (for Averchankov. lopchonke, Pron"dn, Siderovskly) 2.Voesoyusnyy nauchno-ingledovatell- skly institut tsvetnykh metallev (for lbrbhunelly Orcharenki). ('Ustl-lamenogersk--Land--Ketallurgy~ SOV/136-59-1-9/24 AUTHORS: Averchenko-7 D.O., Kopothenko D.S., Pron'kin V.F., Silorovskiy V.A.., Kershanskly I.I. and Ovcharenko V.P. TITLE: Introduction of an Electrothermic Method of Disti ing Zinc from Silver Crust at the Ustl-lamenogorskiy Lead Works (Vnedreniye elektrotermicheskogo sposoba distill- Yatsil tsinka, iz serebTistoy pony na Ust'-Kamenogorskom svintsovom zavoda) PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metaily, 1959, Nr 11 PP 33-40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors point out that as continuous desilvering of lead Is not used in tha US-,3R methods of crust enrichment are being sought. A systeA iRef 7) in which fusion under carnalite is foilowed by vacuum distillation has proved unsatisfactory while that successfully used in Bulgaria (Ref 8) is not applicable to Soviet crusts. Based on enlarged laboratory and 'pilot plant work at tho VNIITsvetmet in 1956-195" (Ref 9) an experimentotili production unit based on electrothermic zinc-distillation was built at the Ust'-Kamenogorskiy lead works and has Card 1/1+ operated from November 1957 to the present. The authors give the results obtained and describe the plant. SOV/136-59-1-9/24 Introduction of an Electrothermic Method of Distilling Zinc from Silver Crust at the Ust'-Kameyaogorskly Lead Works I.P. Volko7, N.V. Kungurov, K.B. Boztayev, D.R. Demurin and others from the works and V.P. Kuur F A Mardamshing Yu.K. Medelltso7, A.I. Tkachenko and V.V ic~c'hurchkov of VNIITsvetmet, participated. The electro-thermic installa- tion (Fig 1) consisting of an electric furnace, oxidation chamber and dust catchers, was designed by the design do .fartment of the UK.9TsK under the direction of A . Bratchik. The works and VNIITsvetmet laboratories Performed necessary (,hemical analyses, The 3-phase 300-kVA furnace has a hearth bottom area of 2 m2 and an effective height of 1.8 m. Fig 2 shows a vertical section through the furnaes. The normal tapping hole is situated 11+0 mm above the bottom. The furnace is charged with an Irtyshskiy modeplavillnyy zavod (Irtysh copper-smelting works) type feeder (Fig 3). Power Is supplied by two type ZPOM-250/6 tr&nsformars with a total rating of 500 kVA. The electrodes are graphitized and 200 mm in Card 2/4 diameter. DistiAllations of zinc were effected at 1150- 13000C, giving lead bullion (sent for cupellation), dust (discharged periodioally and sent to the zinc works) and SOV/136-59-1-9/24 Introduction of an Electrothermic Method of Distilling Zinc from Silver Crust at the Ust'-Kamenogorskiy Lead Work3 as to improved working conditions in the cupellation department and great economies. There are 4 figures, 2 tables and 9 references, 8 of which are Soviet and 1 Znglish. ASSOCIATIONS: Ust'-Kamenogorskiy svintsovo-tsinkovyy kombinat (Ust'-Kamenogorsk Lead-zinc combine) and VNIITgvetmet. Card 1+/)+ ACCESSION h"A: AT4030528 SIOOOO1631rGOIC-,~Oli;C,551~;71 AU711OR: Bugayevs, I. V.; Burkava, M. V.; Dzhordzhio, V. A.; Dzhurayav, A. D.; Neushkin, A. I.; Ovcharenko, V. P.; Petro9yants, M. A.; Romanov, N. N.; Z. G. TI71E : On the upper cloud boundary along Tashkent-Hoacow route according to obser- vations from TV-104 passenger aircraft SOURCE: Nauchnaya konferentoiya po avintsionnoy mateorologii. Mot-cow, 1960. Materialy*. Moscow, Gidrometeoizdat, 1963, 65-71 TOPIC TAGS: TU-104 aircraft, cloud boundary, flftht condition, tropoBphcre, atrat- osphere, jet stream AASTAACT. lliir, p.ipl-r i 1,,"'LLS 01 ble 40 pa;)crs given at the Nauchnaya konferentaiya po voprosam, aviatsionnoy meteorologii (Gcicn- tific conference on problems of aviation meteorology) that wan hold in June and July of 1960 in Moscow at the Glavnoye upravleniya Sidrometeorologicheakoy aluzhby* SSSR. In this paper the authors present some visual weather obaorvations made from aircraft and the results of their 4rocessing. Reports from TU-104 crown along the Taohkcnt-P Moscow route. made during the period of 16 Sep 56 through 31 Dec 59, and airborno observaloi group of Tashkent meteorologists# made in two series of fli:lits .1, IL ACCESSION NRt AT4030528 (Oct-Dec 59 and Mar-Apr 60) in TU-104 aircraft along the Game route, served an tie raw data. Results of these observations are 1jivcn in grapliD. 248 research fli~-its ,made in the warm half of the year, have shourn a principle difference between tile frontal stratonimbus clouds and the same clouds in extrafrontal zonen, located ia the central, western, and northwestern regiona of deep soutod, wall developed cyzlones. This difference is shown. Frontal stratonimbus clouds have an upper boundary of 2 to 3 times greater than stratonimbus clouds in central, western and especially n3rth- western sections of deep seated, well developed cyclones. In these portions of the cvclones the ascending currents are caused by friction convergence which in any siage of the cyclone do not extend high enough and even at levels of from 2 to 4 km alternate with intense decending movements. Orig. art. has* 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: none .SUBMTTZDa ler ;3 DATH ACQ: 17Apr64 ENGL: 03 SUN COM AS I NO RIF SOV a 000 OZIER: 000 OVGHARENKO, V. P. kcauraL-j of calculating the Laplacian and Jacobl&n of thp aboolute geopotential in barotropic forecasting. Izv. AN Uz. SSR. Ser. fiz.---at. nauk 7 no.3t7l-73 163. (MIRA IN. 8) 1. Sredneaziat5kiy gidrmeteorelogichaskiy in-stitut. % A - and AMW - 7.1 U.S.SX 109,2 WIM. The Pt& tht! *pmtv"t Ot in YA Is bekS dti"n oN and tht proclo= mttwis ate Wiected to the Pb. * 1U Ag lbam fit thm tmod In ankift. EDrniie rd ,wbkh the realstorls the molten gag. Thelantrusc4inthe, pmvcu Contalus SCh 30-45, NagQ 20-36, and CaO 23-30%,, 110scu- Dititri 777777777*7~~ MMSRANSKIT, I.I.; OVGIL&JUUMO, V.P. Bleatrotbolmmmalm%Twitillating zinc out of silver crust. Met. mt. 31 no.W34-43 Ap 158o (NnA 1115) 1. Teesoyu2nyy naur-hno-iseledovatellskiy institut 79vetmet. (Zinc-Alectrometallurgy) KRICHMAR, S.I.; OVCHARENIDD, V-N-; IOM, A.I. - Offilum Autoinstic gas analyzier for determining inert passe in annonia.Zav.lab. 75 no.2:?11-?15 1 59. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Dneprodzershinskly asotno-tukovyy savod. (Gason-Analysts) (Ammonia) 1, ~ ~- 0 1) k- L., A, i-"-IV r L ABDYEV, M-AI.-,.ANM YEV. V.H.; OvCHARWQ. T.P.; RODYAKIN. V.v. Disausslon of Professor V.I. Sidroov's book, OShaft furnaces in the metallurgy of nonferrous sistals.0 Met. wt. 30 no.4:82-84 Ap '57 (Nonferrous netals-Metallurgy) (Balrnov, V.I.) (NLRA 10:6) do -- CV-HAREIKG, V.P. Baroclinic fre::astirR ~,f a preBsure field. -zv. Z -z. T'ZC C;r-r. f!z.-mat.nauk 8 no.!til-74 164. ()':RA 18:2j 1. Sredneaziatskiy nauvhno-issladovatellskiy gidrometeorolo- g~chBskiy In.9tltut. ~(', Y. - . QVV,jLALlkj U6,9 ol EL In tno- &ra-YE"j .1 .). - . ~ and F~rose-,- f--P~-asLlrg. Naucr., - Tast.G~ F' :, n c. 2 2. ~ 36 -14 1 164. ',Y-'F,,A *,B - YETOSITCV, C,.Ye.~ 7n:,r..,, Vll~.',.,~Sl, 1,.M., lnzh.;,_0~PFW, Y.P., irz~.- Siirrjr ce hardening or tcllov chamfors or cranksh&fta bjr starp-lrp. Mahlriostroenle nc,.','t37-38 My-Ja 165. (?C, RA I P,,,~',