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Publication Date: 
December 31, 1967
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A coo r-! I fit to tho III ;.?Ifh,, Trt.o: wit (;,-ophyaical Yonr o 4 tt, I., :I t Ll i lll~kl, )U:l,:l vht-h t;a ri,d (-lit ill tho Gco-,:.,, si cal Obsurvator.; DuAet iii-i 1~ 5t;%tion for Cosmic R.,idiation in Tbilisi. The oh,;ervic, , Ori.~ tiro cnrriud out jincf, October 11st 1957 ill a ionization of the station Tbilisi. The observatory Abastumani e ar i I (is nut invp7t,,~-ntionn conc(Irning photo- and chromc3,1,eric i )ri -, oi, t lit. 71lir, !ind o ncorni nL the , hYs i cal . fir:ti..- or th'. 11, l".1, t.j,,,!53C(-)i 1: colar iTlVl--,q ~ 16at 1 :)11!3 IN Ml 31-,t UI) ill 0.1 !1 j1j:ik, ~ V.0 01 ~C) 1. occasion of the Geophysical Yqar. The collabortitorri o. Kirehiz SSR are to solve a series of important problrzs D,' modvrn Flaciology by means of' the example of claciation of the Central Tyan'-Shan'. Both stationary and expeditionar.,~ inveotit-,,ations are carried out , 'rho astronomic Q,r,i Stalinitbad of the AS Tadzhik- SSR carriea out i nvoo I lj~ i! I oll:~ ~atigationo aro n the f t:Id of meteoric nstronomy. The in%,(- carried alit by means of plictol-i ,x,)hic, rtidiolocational ,i;,1 visual rethods. PTCkROW, 1. ; CH07ALIW* S. The Son-Kull depression. Izv. AN Kir. SSR. Ser. eat. t tekh. nauk I no.2:3-n 159- (MIRA 13:9) (Son-lull region-Geography) OTORBATP. K. 0. Pstr Patrnvich Sennnov Tianl- Shanakii. Izv.Klr.fll.Geog.ob-vh SSSR no.1:3-12 '59. (MIRA 1):5) (Samanov-Tian'.Shanskii, Petr Petrovich, 1827-1914) GRECHKO, Vsevolod Vcsill.yovich; OTOIWAYEV, K.O., otv. 1-ed.; A.T:OYJIIIZA, M.G. p telft. red. ---- - - (Agriculture in Osh Province; economic and VeoGrophic characteriatics)Sollskoo khozinistvo Ovhnkoi oblasti; (?Pono- miko-geograficheskaia kharnkteristika. Fi-anze, Izd-vo kkad. nauk Kirgizekoi SSR, 1962. 73 P. (MRA 15-9) (Ooh Province-Agriculturc) BDLISHAROV, M.N.; VYKHODTSEV, 13., doktor biol. nauk; Y'KITINA, Ye.V., kand. biol. nauk; ZABIfOV, R.D., kand. geogr. nauk; ISAYEV, D.I., kand. geogr. nauk; KASHIRIN, F.T.j KOROLEV, V.G., kand. geol.-mimir. nauk; LUNIN, B.A., kand. geogr. nauk; MAMYTOV, A.M., akademik; T1ORBAYE_V-,-j.O,, kand. geogE_. nauk; RYAZANTSEVA, Z.A EVk ogr. nauk, at. nauchn. sotr.; ge UKURZAKCV, S.U.1 YANUS~H A.1 .; BLAGGOBRAZOV, V.A., red.; BEYSHENOV, A., tekhn. [The nature of Kyoizistan; brief characteristic of Ito physieftl FeogFppliyj Pr1roda Kirgizil; kratkala fimiko- googrnfi h kiiia kharnkteriatika. Fninze, Kirgizskoe gos. izd-vo, ;72. 296 P. (MIRA 160) 1. Afiograficheekoye obshchestvo SSSR. Kirgizakiy filial. 2"."Zaveduyushchly Otdelom peoerafii AN Kirgiaskoy SSR. stva SS5H tror Otorbaev,'. 3. Dekan geograficheskogo fakull- (eta girgizekogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (for Umurzakov). 4. Zameatitell direktorn Instituta goologil AN Kirgizakoy SSR (for Korolev). 5. Rukovoditell sektors geomorfologil Otdaln geografli AN Kirgitskoy SSR (for Isayev). 6. Chlen-korrespon- dent, zaveduyushchiy sektorom Instituta geologii AN Kirgizskoy SSR (for Kashirin). (Continued on next card) BOLISHAKOV, M.N.- (continued). Card 2. 7. Direktor Tyan-Shan'skoy vysokogornoy fiziko-geograficheskoy stantaii Otdela geografii AN Kirgizakoy SSR (for Zabirov). 8. Otdal geografil AN KirgizBkoy SSR (for RynznntBevn). 9. Chlen- korreapondent, direktor Instituta enerpotiki i vodnogo khozyny- stva AN KirgizakoySSR (for Bollshakov). 10. Zavedyushchiy Otdelom pochvovedeniya AN Kirgizskoy SSR (for Mamytov). 11. Chien-kor- respondent, vitseprezIdent AN Kirgizskoy SSR (for Yanushevich). 12. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy fizicheskoy geografii Kirgizskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (for Lunin). (Kirg'aiziatan--Physical geography) KAXfAVOV, M.; ~Tq!~Lu~kYr, --L- Economic and geopaphiml studica of the SJR. Ser. est. i takh. nauk 4 aa.4:Y~-45 (Kirghiziata.n.-Economic MrChiz Izv. Ali Kir. 11,2. (MLLA 1bi.) geography) GRIGORENKO, P.G.; GLUSHKOVA, H.I.; -j9M-M--YF---vj IK.O. Natural conditions, hydrogeological characteristics, and ways for the economic utill$wtion of the Nugart Valley. Izv. AN Kir. SSR. $er. eat. i tekh. nauk 4 no.3s83-100 162. OURA 15:11) (Kugart Valley-Geology) (Kugart Valley-Economic conditions) OTORBAYE ~K ; LUNIN, B.A. "The Kirghiz S.S.R.; economic and ecographic characteristics" bY S.11, Riazanteevs V.F. Pavlenko. Reviewed by K.O. Otorbaev, B.A. Lunin. liv. Vaea. geog. ob-va 9,4 no*4:352-353 JI-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:9) (Kirghizistan-Economic geography) (Riazanteov, S.N.) (Pavlenkop V.F.) (10;~Fprc. S. Early and late frosts with special VojvodinA. (To be contd.) P. 3'~- (Vasiona. V01. 5. No. 112. Jan/fune reference to their occurrences in 1956. Beograd, Yugoslavia) SD: Monthly List of ~~ast European Acceenions (HRAL) Lc. Vol. 6. No. R, &U9 IQ57. Uncl. OTC,UFF,C. S, The early and late frosts with sneci-al en i~hasis on their occurrences in VojovdIna. ~. 110 M~5111F, Vol. 6 (Le 5: !;--. 3/4, 1~,,56 (Publ~sl.ed 1~~57) SC: Monthly List of East European Accession (EhAL) LL Vd. 6, *~o. 1.2, Dec. 1'~57 Uncl. S/081/0/00o/016/019/040 B140101 AUTHORS: Otorodnikoy. N. N., Levin, V. Ya. TITLEt Measurement accuracy of rapidly changing temperatures in gaaes by instruments with thermal inertia compensation PEeIOLICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 16, 1961, 141, abstract 16E25 (Tr. Kuybyahevsk. aviats. in-t, no 8, 1959, 65 - 78) TEXT: The authors mathematically analyzed the menourement conditions of non-atation3ry tempe:,,atures in gaseous media and the error occurring in temperature measurements with the aid of instruments with thermal inertia compensation. Different variants of the design of thermocouples that are used for measuring nou-stationary temperatures were studied. Recommenda- tions were made for the relatively best methods of producing and using thermocoupless volume heat capacity of the thermoelectrodes and their diametero mu9t be equal, the thermoelectrodea mut3t be butt welded without metallic regulus, the temperature influence of the ceramic on the hot joints and the transverse airflow at the ends of *he thermoreceiver pro- jecting from the ceramic must be eliminated. It was concluded from the Card 112 3 12 5/081/61/OUU/016/019/040 Measurement accuracy of... B143/BIO1 analysis results that the minimum error in non-stationary temperature measurements in gases may attain 10 - 15N,. This is in contrast to the opinions of designers of instruments with thermal inertia compensation ,in the temperature measurement error of N t2 with these apparatus . 'Abstracter's notet Complete translationi a r d 2,~'2 rrr,-r" Iv I'rn- -Y, `;tilt 0' 74jOr. I tlilf- --70 rr . ; '-'(, nl~w- t snO !'etpcr(,!cF- r,. o 7 sT-,rl,7A r, tid Sol oil 0 1., 1 - OTOTT-KOVACS, Janos. dr.. ; BUKIA, Ivan. dr. Primary cancer of the liver complicated by spontaneous hemorrhage Into the abdominal cavity. Orv. hetil. 96 no.27:762-754 itily 55. 1. A Tovarosi Koskorhas IV. ker.(igasgato-fooryos: Devenyl Rudolf dr.) Fertozo Oaztalywmk (foorvoe: Darvas Oyorgy dr.) koilemanyo. (LIVSH. neoplasms, with hemorrh.) (LIM, neoplasms. with hemorrh.) (LIVXR. hemorrhage. In cancer) (HUROMUGII, liver. in cancer) I., - 1 .1 t . 9 1 1 1 1 , . I . , . I . 9 -) I : :.Lor. :,- I ~ , . :, . --- - - GXVIC).- IN. Usinr the courier unit of an air division. P. Lel. VA2DIjti('i ILOVNI GLA5,.'Ik,. (Jut-oslovensko ratzic vazdu~onlovstvo) Zenim, Yurwlavla Vol. ,, no. 11, July/Aup. 1955. Flonthly List of East Europtan AccessJons (EFAI) U , Vol. U, no. (), Sert. 1?1-1~ I Uncl. HUNGA,RY/Fhysical Chemistry - Molecule., Cheraical Bond. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Mimiya, No 14., 1958, 45707 Author : F. Sirokman, L. Oto"O"s Inst : Title : Contribution to the Correlation of Steric Structure with Dissociation Constants in Organic Compounds. II. Carbo- xylic Acids. O~rig rub : Acta phya. et chem. Szegedo 1956, 2) No 1-41 127-136 Abstract : The bibliographical data concerning the dissociation constants of carboxylic acids of various classes were studied with regard to the question of a correlation between their magnitudes and the peculiarities of the molecular stereochemistry. The steric effect cf the lot kind was revealed on the example of 13 -dialkylcro- tonic and other acids. The presence of this effect re- sults in a decrease of the acid strengt4, which to espe- cially noticeable, ill neasuremento were carriel out in Card 1/2 14033-b0 g;WT )-bMCM/6:WG(z) J14 ACC NRj AR5020040 SOM= CODE: AMOR: OtVwhabe=1.1wv, N.V. ORG: none TnM A basis for the Ddbrotsvetov empirical rule SOMM Ref. zh. Shl"Ayn, Abs. M353 MW SOMM: Bb. Primeneniye ulltraakwt. k issled. veshtlestva. Vyr. 18, 14.0 .1965) 253-256 20FIC TAGS: thermodynamic cbaracteristic, sound yroyagation, atom, atomic physics r- TRANSIATION: On thp bas r- ratloo a substaniiation was found for the Is of themkemi- I a Alle- - K, gre e - the dis- empirical rule, V c Is the syeed. of souad in mittals,, tanc,! 11--tvean atme - the veigbt of the stomp and X the appmLmately constant A valua, whose calculated inaning 19 In satisfactory agrev=t with the test. A good agreement Is noted between the data obtained by tests and the rules: c 1/4 - conat. 2 and c Aa - const. (a Is the coefficient of linear expansion). B. Nudryavtsev. SIM CODE: 20 OTPISBC11FT-11MV, N.F. To-mrmar-i,,Ljro -ef ~ 5 -1 ,f ~ h-? i-~,,n,j %- . -,- '. ty pr,) pe r ~ 1, 9,-, , f : 1 I'l 12"'. VY9. fL- 1,"P- 116 1 r)4. . Re 1 n t I o n b$, twv, 0 r. '~rjf! I' f f rtci 1~ k bfi t onmpr on!-, t ,ind the tho- I pr opi r P.,-, ju i,i f-, . I 'It, 114 'M,1 RA P, 1. Kurakly iavogl.-hotikiy in:itltut. a It v0b 9bva0 00 41 a also A a AR -A -1 -1- 40 10 CL 0- 0A -&A 001 sea uhm3mbc metbod for frah" Mfl&lo N I go / I - -, f". f,C -00 009 #~&vft- ?,- ;.,- -.4 ,.4 ,:, "' '"'I 1. lie. -7. J-0. too go :9 0 .09 see S*o w 00 00 so a ) 6 , to a I atwo a 0 e a 00000*0000*0 Soso 66900004*90660000969 000*01009*090 0000 ll-~. komm -mowwww;;;-4 'Iflutsoo IIIIS pop 41 vOWSUaw in ODMO N. V. o"twNT"SAMISWI (Ilhvel- 1107, 112. 7M-744).-A ~pw awrMunion Z . . tord" of vpmmrbi a--im of ulbswmir dwi~w Ind is ik;d to mt*ftm thP ob" kon jo US If 0 Imnsfivow od, owl vowls?w 6X orod fw4rc4rum n1l thp Ir imi. so hu tu ) h e rm. - e absorptim. ?U rmho diff" frorn t frv*n t*bkft' famula. AiNwi&nw in atrel. brass, v NAC1. ru, Sn. and glaw III Lit) onropurml .1 A 1) All too u it 1- -11 1 0 0 - ' 4 ; ' 0090 00 9 0 1; 1 s 1; * A 0b00 0 a 0 *0 0 0 *1* 00 0000 00000 go* 0 (p 0o' A A A I A A A A, AL;AW-, 0 S; AFLO7 'A if 1 8 too 103 & IN f#v go 5A, 446 ;-*o 00 c WW DoMbNowilo-SM Oodftdm In a 64PM Awft" :0 a CbWIL 34.V.Ovmdmmmw. F. roj&&PAYI. U.S.S.R. 1. 1. op. 0- Kim to ftmalm".-ra 86=0 cd ft" ba awaft "Alon a SNOW 04P em 09 MW ba&Uwmwxm Me bdfty ed aKftg ammiNatimm w Op owMb*m so 6 smaw aq so 0 PIWmtj JIM ap so ONJOY. 0) Cc Puma sh -00 me& dmp d no' im 00 top bwom 84 OW Is M. simmobaw bftmft of 00 malwifta no *mmad" Part stud by oft W" SWO 4*00 %*a ft *a XX emahmm" b um tbwme* coo 00 ampb&MML is Ob immo 0 1 by 4d do mumm"Oft a" see 010 cawmaltbecin ;-90 Wes babmw" ed the andikeduft see 00 (OVIDIOV). Itbadbm ce 0 bawmahm Mt m emot. no Oft" vabb my mmeia raw of Godsomm aw Valm of no - - Chu" &M aw rap to ww"W. VMWlY OP COMOMM cd flawatme c4 ago Wbv= an Omm. F. R IL 0 logo -so. ww wwom fang "on a In log Os 000*0000000000#00 1 10 410 6 0 a * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a * a * " -*-* "14,11 1 - - - - ~14 set SM. A10.1ptim t S.Vwoftk Wovn In SaM wW Lj%*M got bia". M. J. 0/ Ealp. end Thftw. ftysw. V.S.S.R. **a It M-aix loc is Awiss.-Pnimmism wabywommis Con the :'o wd "*via in vwkms moedia we rnwrted. Tbeabwwp. WAPKWIOK = imtli in hqui46 emi to be mucb psater than Owme cakulAW :"lm S114"* I~Vvnuta smoms"s the shmlqqbm b, 1. diw 1" lniwtw Ilk ago *m TbeshmaWlan in weish 6 *wwe to bw mawiwv w %bW t6vw&l mod Own" stus got owe .WI-I 64,101 06 0 0 a al OTr,UCHC)OWKOVV N.F. Usn/hysics - ultrasonics Apr 52 "Method of Determination of Ultrasonic Velocity in Solids," N. F. Otpushchannikov, Kxrsk State Pedago- gical Inst "Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol WI, No 4, PP 1436- 439 Fresents now method of detg ultrasioaic wave velocity In solid bodies. Applied method to velocity meas- urements of ultrasonics of 3-3 me in aluminum, mag- Desium, glass, methylmetacrylate Und ebonite. In- debted to Prof 3. N. Rzhevkin. Received 14 Jul 51. 215TBO USM/PAY&ICS - UltMiOniCS Jun 52 "Propagation Velocity of Ultrasonic Wave in Metals," ff. F. Otpushchennikov, Kursk Pedagogical Inst "Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz" Vol XXII, Wo 6, pp 7&2, 783 The inconclusiveness of recent results made the author perform measurements by his own method ("Zhur Eksper i.Teoret Fi7" 22, 436, 1952.) This letter is a supplement to his referred work; he presents his results of measurements in 10 metals. Letter to the editor, received 15 Dec 51. USM/Phyvics - Ultrasonic Waves Noy 52 7.-: "A rrocedure for Determining Absorption of Jltrasonic Wawa in Metals," N. F. Otpushchennikov !!"Mur Tekh Fiz" Vol 22, No 11, pp 1867-1870 Proposes a new method for detg the absorption of ultrasonic waves in mt&ls. Presents data on subject absorption in the folloviag substances: zinc, lead, tin, rosin, and methylmetacrylate. Measurements vere conducted for the frequencY 3-5X106 cps. 236mok Acknowledges aid of N. N. Andreyev, Corr Mem, Acad Sci USSR, and Prof L. M. Brekhovskikh. Cites re- lated works of S. Ya. Sokolov, B. E. Korlin, 1. Livshits, G. Pa--khomovskiy, M. A. Iskovich. 236Tl(* otegs nDwv L' A. zkw. Dc mnsworelocuts Or ultr"Dole were curied cut at 18-20% with tbo so-w"volomy cj&s pa &cc. F)v-t wmpks of rubber bad Im 1 P43.. bnt*dkm-*t~ Ybuts4kno I(U),- sad Nawt m =C-14914r), rapto- V92'.03 CMI M), va'au's (VM), pu (1) vmtg. I IOD. IV 3. V D.T. VI 5, sud IX 0.3 part, had s -welodty of 29M * 100 m-lom.; imople (2) (U IOD, IV 3, Y 0.7, VI 3, YU 20, *W IX 0.6 W), 1447 * 39 =./"c.; mm le (3) loo IV 31 V 0.7. ,5 rt), T f YM 10. am IX 0.6 pw am vi bi r Md IX 4D a '(4) (W IOD, IV 3,V 0.7 ='' PM W and sampk 0.7. M 6. md Vn; ip (M 100, IV 3 ~,50 P"), 2644 - =.1w.. with the av. zmm 3.7%. VakscWtionnIted of Lbe Am 4 nmpks was cwrW out st. 4 atm. P"Wwe I*r no =in., 1401ph Wiff 10 min. Nit1q, A. P. xcgjow~j TT- IISSR 329. sows, rMals (4 (0111" o"'Umolmh trot a MAWS: *Iwt ourbk. iyon. white p-A,-cul& cast irm Ilml glass. pololytrm, rosil, MQ oat *OW Amm tbe SMMX rows) in the lit"Itum f or ima. vust, PAPI)MrA. And lain agm *VlI with v*awmwcw. 9. tAOM-04 Val USSR "sugstla" Ot tb* Pflagailon Df,04u*4,,ywLL* e quids by the wedit"ho, ~ essel we F.Otpush. OJI.- tI a ce-shap~d Vessel macle of 2 5-mm I plates 25 cm. bY 2.5 cm. Tf Ith a OWO of 42', %M41XV of ultramund w4vos ci (mmmy P ucW0.6006were (OwAtabes Iflo 103 t~ to K.j*w.f* 3KYkw IM, Ct#t% Pit 'IM, fire" J014 turPrittlos 203. Ultra-oll-,; Card Pub. 14~-17/21 Auth(,r Otpu:3h(-!mnnI tov, N. F. Title Absorption c.F"T"tr~7=r~;c wav,-f,, in Amnco iron and Periodical Zhur. ek--p. i teor. fiL. 2c, ~71, 1.~irch Abstract The author pre.;CIII-I Ulu of mensuremente, of the ff'! 14%, 1' !0- sorption of ultrasonic waves and velocity of propa.1fation Ai .."m r an,i plcxi~.7,las U~ the impulne methor' , in the ran.-,c of fr- 1~wn, - -z-. 10 me,~acycles. -~ix references; e F~. IN. F. Otpushchcrini ?.ov, 1952. Institution: Eursi,. Submi ttctl tf27:;'-ez- 0floo T t-~ 1,1 1. 1'. 17 TOT Tf -'43 Q .........i r-Ir J. -la-, P.. 14 4 Z ji IIIJ -=.Do vo~u&uoj.x ..:. sz~pojd q*jq. 'I. '?~J.Xp :m0 ic~131;14 Tadu Twjjjg~p" M3 jo UOTZ12 P- *..I &2ejj.o U.13-30. P119 wl to jo c I- oa 1 ~43 .I 0.1 ".1-d P- I-I.Awd J. .-I jwmw3 -1. ... ~d-l -u: P.9 111~01*- U00.2k alum A vj~ d- j. -I- CoUR ..I. %% I P. '09 d U~ (C !Ojwol A3jOj 3694 *11, 1:10~nli I'll", ,.,,-d. ,o,op vU 3Us I I * VIMO-S44d #TOO@ &ML I IDVVU*D P-.- owsiod J-ul. V.w &J"UIPUD Isalinvu 0, Wd JQj pe ". alul al vooq alma i ZSUKU '-sa.vLap" -4 - I I-PS pus *J.ggoj"d .Wpt.m "t 'A , -.Pj I.' alw- use& *pa.lid old" 901,11 -d [pp '6661 '1,= 'Pal is .~, T JOIGASUDSOL pus Gjvsq*j 011:10 1" losawelf4al uplow,V-1t. 177T. JO lmjlv~v J.j opl-OF-i3la JO " 12", tddl) L 'dAA '1183aw 0, uca 'ilue-Op-lool I 1-11lo,.vwa,jn *'I WDUOUTAd .02~1129ul %mlilmovals -ol&pd I& i %At@ 3, J--" RAWASAInewagA mollyllOlIrl "m I I.-M OTPUSHCBEIRNIKOVP 11. F. "Propagation of Ultrasound Close to the Region of Solidification of Llluida." report preaented at the 6th Scl. Conference on the Application of Ultrnooiuid in the Investigation of Matter, 3-7 Feb 19'j5, orEvnized ty Min. of 'E'ducation PSYW and Moacow Oblaat Pedagogic Inst. Im 11. E. Krupakayn. . I I - I I . . . I. . I . 11. :!. I " : 1~ ~71' , : .;I : . % ~ - f!: - I I I.- .. , . . . I - . . 1 11 1 1 1 ." I t, C,t:- F f till watAl :efll A: V. IV IN 1 1; 1 ~t vv,. t, i R ii~,ottiq; ,.-abiroi t- a V t. t t" t :,--)t tile -Itilt cua, -:lIz. tn' ur.4 thn ud -absti, rcjv~~ros jja'~' t~l T t1n.-I (-! thF) 'Altri--.M vri q 7 f I tivity fif the L to t t'- ri j th t 4 dO7n*. )~)a I R ~4 X- the ltr-,3011rj ve~olltv Fi,? i, --A - a ~ucc 4ajaratcr tw ~ ;,r t cith- f% :q,; t,, t.,V tv t q t I -F-'j + wr 1".'eril ar, q rd thA lalll~, FA- OV, Pic, itv c Fr~~.Qtlzf; Po tanA a rJ tti,, r t- Q til ~ u I trae atil t.hO CtP-L r i T t t pla Pn,)nt o f th 3 1--u I e -0 by the tau'ard F,il tan.- the i-- I lacement _f the i1 r. Fm,'L ty ti%(- sxT:11e witt, c t t Li vi a nu 1 i e [) r (,,ii ~ :~ (I - " - , :- tandi r ~ ~,~ ,I- t.L11 , IIlie err-.,, wore Lf the urdor of II m/s e lhe resut- i.iox--irement- i:i d!!Aill&J mater at 0 t t,t , ir itiro a I -'% C r,.(- Wil 111 The tw. jrve! re ro.,~,jt ti.~ f I + 0 It%; acl vle dild'an - __%brr9-?slbillty. Trio [it arv- tno ~.,znpresai~,illtv rzax~_=:;L 0 f-'! 7h,% or-e ' 1, rwt- e rt- thn At.-a-, c,nl,~ -,jlo.- itv In *xAter :,_~ OV / 4 1) - 1 6 . .0 " C Vc~_c, i ty L f F:,r,; a Zatior, f,,?' I r, 7i,ito- Npiar I t.-4 Fr,),.~Lin I,-, Pt_ int r.S'I 7 1 tf;oet-rij, foint may to ~x,-.laina~ only ~,y 3tr-.j tlir,il ~ ~,I - n wt, -h w.,)r,) o-i v.,y i rink -9 4-1 ~Hmi wh~ ir,,)ko of a ,ro Y:; tal I I t" t i c1 (I Ci L the 0-ttram-3 left of F,g show, al~; t~,ii t L the in i ti a' - ti o c ry,: ta 111 tat-, on o r i at 3,istant tw 'c - z--i t, c,f 0 mtv~ % t-.fu~ltamnmi Dive cf too ultralo,.' ~7elc A-1 r.,3 a re 1-1 ;-, r t3 , Fit ' 7 _~ -,,k.3t r,)f`._3~-j:,p,.,-, , f r IV .,,7( V'e,.I,YY g. no? ci y Inati t-t Kk,ram i: 6titlr~- SUB117 NED -art! ram I Fam Emcm-r- W-ty-lj- W". 9 (Apwu~tlm ar lrl~~" 9-1 -f L"- mm. 19". A5 P. X~" Lila ,o" pm- 2ft.. T. IP. M..4-. -4 S. PWOM- -U.1- " L.1-we f- -j--u um Ov"Y of qam vrvw~-I" of M~rlm.Lm. ~a im.6 pw -d WWAMI M. 0.11.WU~ M-Uft~ t-~- of ft~ 0 rmf~ A r"w% m -% disc U. .JMUMM"~T. Mi 1. 0. EAIkMyM JTW-ely P.LL~~. 1~1 (?~ 2-4- of 2~, -f IMAX"M" 4" Carl&" of Ljq~d C.O-stl- -A e3 -SWUMM,AL A. 12~ 0%;mal Pwdapo-l tMatit- ~l crvmjl. R~% : ,: tat- "- " Grp". U4.146 LA U. Uq~d-=rys~. ~-"Um R061~ 915 A. V. "d P*u~ocz:.l ZWUWXU Laml Lmaii~]. L-u4p~ow of %a, b~~- f cm"uru- nwsu~. U- a. lya-]A~- pd. Lb-s Lb. L. a-'1 Sal= L. lp .l1b.". P". L" L~ L-:.- (~- T~cl-l ub.Ul.-I L..L.)J. lttcb-?-C-. u Trr~ W-Ay-L-u L25 Lm.d L-L. ~d 1-1 kd.t~=. SY Z= ~L..Ut- ~f 4t wa Amb6mu .9 &a-.. =.'J E!T-1 of ~ vib-ti- or flam An a= (K:sa=y%mx lAsutu of "I's or S~ ~-. ~)). lrr~ or =t-.Md U. -.,u. P~,- Lami f InL-- rbmvb- IV am* sh N. F., :,Utov, V. X. T 1 -, L tr, i s on I c -) ro q -A t I o P, 1, n 5 ~ i ~, e r -, o1 (, (I I , q, ~ I I , i t. --i 1 CD 1 CA L: ,ip fe ra t.' vryy r,-..i' . P; .-. I r,.a. no. 4. I'm V. 3 3(- -~e tne ai. '-hcr:; '.-)ves -, I t, -,ite.; 3 1:-"Q a wl,!e te:-.;~erature ra;-,i;e, IncludIng the ~,;tato. -7-arle "t to ob!-,erve witty var-, 0,11 f.-, ~;On!c velocity """An 11,cident to ti-fair,"tIon te:-.peratire, bot.,, i;abstar,con evince it ump of velorfty. 7~ i to 14 -~/sec in sa' o:, anl -,/Ler. in thyro' . .o In th~ *n (4 * Uj n I roefricient of son!(- v1hrati-in, -,;a:-, ob3erved rcf(.1,-rA - the I , r ,ne Dhserveri were the ca:ne 'or frorr~ the ;,jp(,.r(7or)ArA the ' lquid state and fror- the '.Iquld st.-ite 'Anto the -juperfoO:erj jjt;jtc~. Jil-thors hold that the abrupt change observed In ultrasonic velocity Ineld"n', Card 1/2 'L; '~ t ras or, : c -) ro p P4, a t I on I n s u ~4-- r c, oc, I e(-~ s A~ 5,9/A : J , tc) transit!on t,-ro~.& t~-.e 7-,o' ' t'np, polnt Is vi Indeation that therc, :-";Pcrcoolo~ state, a ro:cc+alar modIfIcation different from that. ,f ',i-,e state. There are 29 references. 1. Ratinskaya Abstracter's note: Complete trwnslation S/13q/62/OoO/oo1/oo1#/o15 E192/E38~-, A UTI 10 i? Otpitilir-liennihoy, N.F. TITLE: A simple mWiod of determining the velocity of ultrasonic 11C.1ves III hard, high-absorpt ion material,,; PE'i(IODICAI.; 1zv(-,tiy,i vysshikh uchebitykh zavodeniy, Fi7ika, lio. 5, 1962, 71 - 74 T :), T The method is based on an earlier idea of the author "Pri-menenive ulltroakustiki )t issledovanlyii veshchestva" Izd. NOPI, Moscow, no. 7, 1958; no. 5, 1957; Akusticheskiy zhurnal, 4, 4, 367, 195h) of' comparing t%,ro pulses propagating through ,I standard (kno%,ni) substance and one to be measured. The equipment for such measureninnts is illustrated in Fig. 1. T11 I s consist-i of: I - a timer driver; 2 - amplifier; 3 - absorption tube; I,I - generator of high-frequency pulses; 5 - pre-amplifier; 6 - amplifier with detector; 7 - video amplifier; 8 and 9 - a triggered time-bane generaLor consisting of a univibrator and a paraphase amplifier; 10 - oscilloscope; 11 - two piezo-ele--tric transducers; 121 - the inve-qtigated material arid 13 - a vessel with the standard substance. Distilled water, for which the Card 1/4 5/139/62/000/005/004/015 A s imp.1 e met hod o f E192/E382 propagat ion vel oc it N, ()I iil t ra!ion ic waves is well known , is employed as the !itand.%rd substntico. If a plate of investigated material is inserted into the vessel across tile propagation path of the ultrasonic waves, the pulse received at the screen of the oscilloscope tube is Shifted. Dy assuming that the time base is linear, tile propagation velocity in the measured substance is expressed by: x C x P, X wh e r eC0 is tile propagiition velocity in distilled water, x is the displacement of tile pulse due to a "layer' of water equal to the thickness of tile investigated plate and (X iE, the shift of the r)ulse due to the introdtiction of tile plate of tile hard substance into the vessel. The displacement: XI = x0d Card 2/4 S/139/62/000/005/004/015 A simple Illethod of .... E.192/082 Wil er 0d 1~ the thicklies., of tile plate of tile Investigated substance and x0 1.4 the pulce displacement produced by a 1-nun thicl~ "Ickyer" or water. ille method was used to measure the propagation velocity in substances such as sulphur, tin, lead and Zinc . It was found that the experimental results were in agreement to within 2 - -)'~ witti the data obtained by other authors. There are 1 figure and I table. ASSOCIATION: Kurskiy pedagogicheskiy institut (Kurs;i Pedagogical Institute) SUBMI'I'T M.: May 15, 1961 (initially) November 20, 1961 (after revision) Card 3/4 S/135/62/000/005/010/015 E032/E3i4 'k U-i i i 0)? Utpushchennilkov, \.F. T IT L H: Oil the relation between the velocity of' sound and the phys ica I paramet ers of a liquid PERIODICAL: izvostiva vyishikh uchebnyl-h zavedeniy, Fizika, lio. 5, 19621. 133 - 139 T ~..~T The relation between the velocity of sound and pliv.-ical parameters, sticli as tliprria! conductivity, volume- expans ion coefficient, inoiec,ilir weight, specific-heat ratio and temporature 1-~ establislied by u-;ing: 1) the thermodynamic relation between the velocity of sound in a liquid and the potential energy of molecular interaction in a liquid (B.B. KUdryavtsev, Akustich. zhurnal, LI., 1, 39, 1956: 2. 167, 1956); 2) the Lennard-Jones potential function A B r wh er e A. B, j and 1.1 are approximately constant and 3) tile first law of thermodynamics. A further assumption is that most Card 1/2 5/139/62/000/005/010/015 On the relatioxi between .... E032/E3111 o i t tic jjjjy,,Ac -if 1) c, ram e t o r.,, involved are independent of temperature. An e.,%cplicit formula is obtained in which the velocity of sound is given in terais of the above physical parameters. It is found that this formul.-i gives the velocity of sound in a number of organic liquids co within 10-' of the experimental values. Further develo- liments of this theory will be published in a future paper. There is I table. ASL)OCIATION: Nurskiy u~ospedinstitut (Kursk Pedagogical ln.,qtitut(,) SUBMITTED! October 30, 1961 Card -)/;~ I C. t t I k i-I I r I I I t k L ,,, o , f , - I -~ ~I !! (fund , ~ , , , I i , I !, 0 , 7, , . - I .. , , ~, 0 " IL 0 11 , ,. ; : , - . ) . . Kur,-.'?.',, - - i, , , * I . f I I 11 TCV , V . N1. ; (, 11 i I 1., 1: c j! jl~ : ~~t %, , 1~ . ~,. Sp-r?d of soi;r ; a rA I rr. n 9, 1 - ; r (,r , 7-- ~ , !, ( r a,, -, q _ vys. U(,, 0). 2 A....; r 1, 7. P rr).( : :'- -1-4 It, 5. ~ "': . 1 . Kursk iy I-edfiFcq- i rhrn~ i y i rum 1, it it. ~ t t pij .'~; ~,Y , I, it .. . OTFUS;!~ I -'." ,~, . r . 10 1., t:mpirical ruln ani its subrtsintiption. Izv. r ys . -j c he k; . 2 a ,- . ; fiz. 8 no.2:179-180 065. (MIRA !81'l) 1. Furskiy gosuJnrmtv(!nnyj ped agog ic hcs:~ ly institut. L 6776-65 E%T(1)/EW(k)/T Pf-#M-4 ACCESSION NR: AP4043881 S/0139/64/000/004/0191/0192 AUTHOR: otpushchennikov, N. F. TITLE: Simple method for a theoretical justification of the Lagemann rule SOURCEt IVUZ. Fizika, no. 4,, 1964, 191-192 41velocity, temperature dependence, TOPIC TAGSt ultrasonic propant-ion liquid state, molar specific heat ABSTRACTs- The author derives by means of a semi-tbermod,Fnamical method the following formula for the temperature coefficient of sound velocityt AW , 7, (C" AT 2 2M (y C /C a coefficient of volume expansion, C specific p , v- p Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AP4043881 heat at constant pressure, M molecular weight, R universal ~'gas constant, i -- number of degrees of freedom of liquid molecules, m, n -- exponents in the Lennard-Jones potential function, C -- v specific heat at constant volume). This formula was rigorously do- rived in the author's earlier papers (Izv. vuzov SSSR, Fizika no. 5, 133, 1962 and no. 3, 108,~1964). -It in shown in thio report that the empirical formula AWK. M1/2 39.01m.g 1/2 /sec. deg. 6T derived by R. Lagemann at al. (Journ.'Chem. Phys. v. 17, 369, 1949) is only particular casa of the formula derived by the author. It is shown further than the LagcAann rujq_will. be satisfied only when the expression.(n/2)[jma(2C M - iR)/2141"', determined principally by the thermal propertien of the liquid itself, has a constant value Card -2/3 L 6776-0 ACCESSION HR: AP4043881 1/2 close to 40.0 m.g /sec.deg. The Lagemann rule is violated when the law for the-temperature coefficient of the sound velocity, ~Written in the form of the author's equation, does not hold in good agrectment liquids. The formula derived by the author shown very with the experimental measurements. Origo art. hass 3 formulas and .1 table, ASSOCIATIONt Kurskiy pedagogicheakiy institut (Kursk Pedaq-oqi(!al Institute) StMMITTEDs 25Feb63 ~-ENCL- 00 SUB COM GP, TD UR REP SM 003 OTHERi 001 Card 3/3 VA ACCESSION NR: AP4041852 S/0139/64/000/003/0100/0116 AU711OR: Otpushchennikov, N. F. TITLE: Temperature coefficient of the velocity of sound and thermal properties of liquids SOURCE: IVUZ. Fizika, no. 3, 1964, 100-116 TOPIC TAGS! aound velocity, Lernparaturo coefficient, thermal ex- pansion coefficient, liquid r3tate, molecular interaction .ADSTRACT: Inasmuch as the connection between the temperature coef- ficient of sound velocity (~%W/:,T) and the molecular-kinetic proper- ties of a liquid in which the sound propagates have not yet beon sufficiently investigated in detail, the author determines the con- nection between the specific heat C p and the thermal coefficient of volume expansion a, --sing the existing connection between the sound dis tribution velocity and the potenti&l energy of the interaction of CPI.d--.L 1/3 ACCESSION NP: AP4 04 1 11') 2 1 i,"fIn1-1rd-1T01W5 poi ~w i i1 ion for th- t!" inter,iction In th" li,1,11 I I111.1 the firnt. 1,1w of th~ 11;- t ly n iim i Th'. c,11 ('111 it 1()11 1!-, fill t hc hypothelli 13 th'it t ))-' ii, I,)-,,,,, ()[ f-,ound w, t h t i-ijwi at ure in ~,(Aids and li(pids I !z dU - tO LIA' 2 111 rVI,-A5-,(2 III f III- Lhe I 111~1 I I-Alon o f- tile atom,,; and 111C)l --~i I (,El A if ;:) i :m i I , i I: )ht,iin,-!d for calculat iliq tile value of thr! tempf-ratur o -y-ffici-tit- c)f sound velocity in normal liquids. Tho validity ni tli(- formula checked for ii-numlier of substances and tho f okind qi)(),i for MoGt ."I th'ink Prcf(-,ggor B. D. Kudrynvtn(~v for a Ch scu:~c-, ioi, -I the results . "Orig. art. hasi 21 fonnulas and I table. AS50%.:lAT ION: K,-Irnkiy pedagogicheskiy inotitut (Kurok Poda(jogical Institute) SUDMITTEDt 17Jan63 ENCLt 01 SUD CODF: r-;- NR REF SOVI 016 MIER 1 005 Cord' 2/3 ACCF.SSICU fiRt AP1,01,1852 ENCLOSILMEt Cindculated wilurs of (1-4/dt Subctancv, Chem. dt CAIC. - f ormila M13CCO' M/SeCO ermr,% expt theory Benzene 5,00 4 59 Xylol ( 0 ) 4,10 4 17 4 1 .7 Nitrobenzene 3,8 3. -3,7 Chlorofor-Tn 3.0 3,24 - 0 Aniline N 4'r, 4,37 o Acetone 5.5 4 rOwlY,enzene C..1 1 4,4 4,1,1 To4 uo 1 4,06 4,31 6.7 ate 4.6 17 4 11-dmven- sulfide 3,2 Carbon teti'VicnIoride ~3 3,24 4 Dichloretham 4 17 -9. 1 Butyl alcohol C'It"'o 4,0 fO ' 4 21 Card 3/3 Ethyl alcohol C,11.0 3,G 79 4 Methyl a.1cohol A- 3,3 .2 OTPUSHCHEIINIKOV. N.F.; TUTOV, V.M. Propagation of ultrasound in eupercooled l1quids. Prim. ulltra- akust. k isal. veshch. no.13:79-87 '61. (MIRA 16.-6) (ultrasonic wavae-Speed) (Liquids-Acoustic properties) - OTFUSHGHWIM-1 -- Relation betveen the velocity of sound and the parameters of a liquid. Izv. vys. ucheb. sav.; fis. no-5:133-139 162. (KIRL 15-12) 1. Kurskiy gosudaretyeanyy inatitut. (Sound-Speedi ILi*ids) KLYS P 14. V. ; S.MITSYN, ii. A.; PUZI)INO'KIN. V. M. ; 6A!W(1,1J, A. i . ; YAkToiNA , T. U. ; Prjz.imn I I uchastiye. M1DOVL;K11, 8.M.; GIRJTCH-~V, I.I.; KO~TANIYA.:;, ".14.; MA-RESHCHEUKO, N.I.; KRAI-JTOI;L,.';,, V.V.; I'OHOPOV, Making itCot molds and otW custiritji of cast Irnn wit, spheroidfi-i graphite at the Chelyabinsk H-ta-llurgjcal stalk '3 no.4:3el-IP3 Plant. I Ap 163. It i.) (Iron founding) (Inj7ot ~:ioldq) Ir r, Li n-1 e f ra t I c U i nn - e F 1:-, d c r L e:-~ i (KL 311 1 - . I , , ., y . . - , I -I - - . 6 * 4 . 0 b 9 !.L .2 - - I ~ : .: -, - -- CTFUSHCHFIVIKOVA, Z. 11. LTo-author7 Seei ScIGHIANSKII, A. M. "Effect of Spotting Fungi on the Yield and Seed Pmduction of Red Mover," 1937. SO: SIRA, SI 90-53, 15 December 1953 o we 6.2 dia - 1 0 ti 11 to 111 511 it v a a r0 a a a L All -A I : I., I Ap V CL It a 1 I -A, 0 CL a a. Af ..9 ism t*%Isi 01 "Mb*4lwft&w IMAM b CwAnbm wAb SabrAit. N. L L)tpm&Wa6-s"1- 00 lzd". Let IN'twis'L4 ~ 1937. & VOW-1101. (Av, boat.. 10%. 100, il~. lot nj," bv tilmso.4 uhrx HS 00 00 06 00 a 5 A III I., -sN A I 0 0 0,0 0 as as q 0 0 ot 0 0 0 o o o 0 0 0 0 goo, 0 0 * 4 0 0 e is 0 0 0 is 0 o 0 0 * o e 0 A low -00 go 0 too 7~ =00 too 9 'id w- 0 -1 013 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 W-P, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 I $is 6 F 1 4 n P.4 M.. pit: .0"-o A A -LIZ a (x w a., 0 AT 4100 so Th# &Wd eA .L*Iuw 064m, Y so -00 -00 00 00 00 ro 0 IL k I I k 411 D A t 140 t it%* K a I K 000, *LOA* 0000000e0 00 00009 00 t 0 0 so, 00,3 eq~ 0 0, Oes w 0 M"b. W. F. pkr. in". A. s_i;ft-,,m lo 6. ". Tw?". 1037 In &"eOA,--A dearripbom cl tho swoOw4 dowkWed by 00 w0wo siol - -1b of tm blerptim b1 vqmv mic "Lulatices is UA14 And ug"i nudA W* cim. Tbip savoind hat w%*W advantere vbw other umpthals The vshm Om Ow oowMKJ~nt of aborApban of Ow owporamic c*uU&tmmw 4132tr co"bembly hum tbA to its obtsumid by Otbor wow- Of the itmor N" WD&I isveoupum wauff b" the ham. wW veseLaw od Ow krWrst atmwrtion of ovperwmit akiUsbms; q%Wda- "Wely Me may be ext4wrAd by Me wommity coorkbout of vamArn "o boung groom this Uat of wsl*r. P* abmm"j-,n cmfficwt of m;wf- VMK tecilisums cumputmi by tkw Skkm iormaka greatly dLftn bTmn the -,!twnmvm"1 WWWO. vir sees WlYWM -"- a S 6 v v - M. I F'W. , I -1.1 A A a' A j 1 : ", , : n 1. 1 j , " ! 2193. &am me LAV�M '= 00 00 NO* 00 9 db 00 lee -00 01 041ALL""&L kiltDOW61 CLAISOKSIK. -00 1.00 .$b 1k 61, 'etas, 111I.Ampt 1$o@ 0 -4 1 OF ofIdo 0 *0090 1 P ~140 00 0 0 :0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 000 069,99909e 000000 0000, --7 ~-- .-,- - ~It, q -~ -9 A -* a a z 9 V V - ; : - 0 0#0064i goes wo- 0. 4u Go UI - t L 'A cg II *. 'to I.P 11. so .00 SIM AbwrpUm of Vbft*M .90 040 hAwm. No V. ovukm:= I* sob. d. mmop"low It 00 b" 00 w On ejul wwA neaft W the ailmurpUft el Im,wsm. ic O~cd)m hms =*4 so in Wid WA lbqvM nwdis an CW=. Th* mmajbW bw wvnW S&MIMM A 0 ThP ybhm Am tb& COSAkimi of atwwptim cif t)w a :0 pupwamk diS- -nM6w%WY hom 030 PM)b 440mvi by L40 0 0th- wTi", N tb~ IDW UV" W~dw I%~*&tkm wet-r two t)w JpW. ,000 W&"n* (Oil thr WPM cmiU&tkvna. quiblHa * 0 the mmy bp exillOwd by the rjbwWty coeffitimt ot v*Arhwe ,,I so 8 Wul Vft%w dan tMt 14 WSW. The ab"km cgwMrWnt rg pqwp we 8 wnx torillations, emniswiftl by the Stakm #w=*j& Vmtly dGm tnwl thp experin"14 "tom 00 goo mIf&L%W,,4K.% 1110aftof (t&t%oPK.IIt- bee ISO I v 0 0 0 1 w g09 as 0 31 6 0 *sees 0 0 0 see e 0 a 00 00 40 go 0 S- -- H ( J COP V: U It 103 16, 65/00(~ ~,irtornur with unnnturt3ted rut,l-rn St 'k 1 11,11 , no . 5 . 1965, 48-5 1 1-r- , butadivne styrene rubber , IvUlcanl zation A 1 ;it liv ctliNlene-propylene elaMomer SKE"ll %vith hL, tWIV'was investigated try comparing tfie__0hYql((l( -i itic init wl SKEP and of the vulcanizates olZilrwd 7: ..TI) I rnin at 160(". In the case of SKS, llic vlasti, ulcanizate increased with the SKEP coritcni (,I (1~sal arnotints of SKEP and SIQ) has boter ph 1 4 takvil individually. Sul fur cross -1 ink, ing wa be Vulcanizates containing 707. SKFP and :10'; it it ruhkc, , _ - , I I - properties. 'Me optimum conditions for %ulu;wi, ,11,0 ai 1.1 1,11 (if 60 min. Thus, It in shown that the compat i~~, thf, " , I . r S K E, 1) w Ith SKS butadiene -sty rene and N K nat u i ~i. t, is siitk, I I 11.q Card I/ '; fT, :IlO,ep64/ ORIG REF., 001/ OTH REF: (N-)" r4, AKIN)VA. K.I.: OTIthDINSIff. Tu.A. Calcium lose In bearing, BI alloys during, r9pfJ#Ltfvd noilting. Issl.splftv.tflTAt.mGt. no.2:140-144 160. (MIRA 13:5) (Babbit metal) (Founding) OTRADOVr- -, J. I TIRO'!T, J, j Tna-AZAL, -% , LEBOV,,KY, M FInverse' Foster R-- ned7 syndrome wrid an attc-mnt t, erplal" its pathogenesis. Gelik oftal 1() no ,. 22-7 -~ 3, JI ~t, 1. 1. 11 ocril klinika fmknlty ,roootecneho lektirstvi K11 --, PMOO, prednosta akademik J Kur-z Neurologicka klinika falculty v-soobeeneho lekarstvi KU v Praze, prednoeta akadem~ik K. fleriner. (0?71' . ATROPHY ) ( SC OTOMA j (-cMORY VEPhIVATION) ( PAPILLEDEMIA) ( ?/FIJ IT', I OMIA )I BRAIN 'fE)PLk~',K~) - OTMDOVEC, Jiri-; ZICHA. Josef Chan&* in the ocular fundus after extrnction of senile cataract. Ceek.ofth.16 no-7:454-464 N16o. 1. 11. ocni kliulkn fakulty vaeobscneho lekaretvi. Karlovy nniversity v Prate, prednosts, akademik prof.dr. Jaromir Kars. (OCULAR FUNWS pathol) (CATARACT EXTRACTION) - G ,.~,j c o c sevf!re ornea: ,rvL vs!,r,, r,*~ in 1I.r f, i 7,fir. - 3FC)- 3 (,Q (7 1 v,! rs ltv tll :' rj k. I vt1o" I, I ~~lll :;tv re m( s I a ! r. - t.!i rv t, ft V L) c I I t r.'i I. v ~ Kii r , k 'v y Il ~ v,. T..' ; r d - i )"' . . '. K ~~ , ;- , f- , ..:, , ~ . "I"liv . , , '11'. . . i ! , . , . . . . - . . 1 .1 1 , " 6 Cw, c h" r! -),-- t!'. u, -, I,-'; ! Yl 5 ' bf~ 'n; " q o , . ~ - C, : : c ", - er'c'~! hi I it 1.1 ( vlll~ fir, P'l or t ) . rj, a . : 4. . 14 r , . ;'s 1-~ "?-7 , . Ir 25 Je',,5. :. 1:. -'!"A ':~ ':.'o1 f!ikll" ty V!lo'.' I , -~ ii I ~; t '.' '~. I I r , - v Y- '. - ver-.S,ty v il!-hw /-,T-Adr."q 't9: fi~Itdt.:~As Kllrz ) . OTMKOV, D. (derevnya Kumetsovo, Sv(-i-dlovukuy oblanti) Use of nongonerating 1AIF and lA2-P electron tubes. Radio no. 11:43 N 160. (KIRA 14:1) (Electron tubos) ZHOLKOV. S.- RRLIT:30VA, T., master-povar; KARMTKO, RMTS11T, H. (Yu2hno-Sakhalinak): USPATISKIT, F.; RkRSTTYOVA, J#.; IARTOMVA. T. Our plans for 1958. Obshchestv. pit. no.1:7. 11, ?1, 11, 1, IQ, 51. ja 158. (MIRA 11:1) 1.Zaveduyushchiy proizvodetvom atolovoy No.32 1-go Chelyabinakoro tresta atol.ovykh (for Zholkov). 2. Direktor Moskovskoy shkoly kulinarnogo uchenicheatva (Karpenko). 3.Glavnyy inwhener So5nmg giprotororn (for Otradnov). 4.Znvaduy-ushchiy proizvodstvow stolovojr No.2 *Dallijevostochnik" (for Rklitakiy). 5. Direktor Mookovskoro tekhnikuma obahchastvennogo pitaniya (for Uepenekly). 6.Zavedu7ushc~iaya uchebnoy chast'7u Moskovskogo takhnikuma obt3hchastvennopo pitanlya (for Barsulcova). 7.Direktor stolovoy tavoda "Stankolit" (for Larionova) (Rastaurants. lunchroom , etc.) (Cooking schoola) OTRADNTKH, F.L. Co=Ittee on the history of physical and mathematical scierces Sossion in memory of nadimir Andreevich Markov. Usp.mat.nauk 9 no.4:256-258 154. ( ~U.RA 9 ! I ) (PArkov. Vladimir AnLreevich. 1871-1897) I---. MRADNMI.T. P. Session dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Henri Poincare. Usp.mat.nnuk. In no.2:224 lrS. (W1,RA 8:8) (Poineare, Henri Jules, 18')'4-1912) --OTIZA-~NYO, AMW Scientists - Mathematics O&M 2A PubD .127 - 5/12 Anth"s I I Otradnykh F. V, Ta. BwWakovskiy., professor# Peterburg University. (Regarding the 150th anniversary of his birth) Pario"Ca I Vest* Lane une nor* mat, fix* Mine 5g 49-54p May 2955 A'b#tr#Ot I A biographical sketch is presented of V. Ya. Bunyakoyskiy, a great Russian mathematician of the 19-th century. His principle work was devoted to the theory of numbers and the theory of probabilities, Institution1*0000 &Udtted I September 2,, 1954 MQ9NE.j;&; SORCIKIIJ, I.S.. rodaktor (Mathematics in the 18th centur7 and Ac,&danician Leonhard F-ulgrl Matemattka XVIII veka t akademlk lAonard Biler. Moskva, Go@. ird-vo "Sovetaknin nauka." 191;4. 36 p. (MLRA A-2) (Mathematics-Hiatory) (Suler. Leonhard. 170?-1793) OTRAIMTKV. F.P. Nploode from the life of Academician A.A.Karkov. Jet.-mat. jsBl. no.6:495-508 '53. (KLRA 7:9) (Karkov, Andrei Andreevich, 1856-1922) OTR&M Mi. ?. P. City-wide mathematical seminar In Lenintrud. Uop.mat.rxik ~4 uo.J:2~1- 202 W-Je 153. (KLdA ~: ? ) (leningrad--Mathematico--Societies) (Societies-Hathematic6- Leningrad) OITRAIMTKH, F.P. [Life an(I works of P.L.Ghebysheyj gbisn' I tyorchentyo F-L-Ch@t79-",T&- Moskva, Govetakala nanka, IQ53. 314 P. ( KLRA O~,: 1 1) ) (Chebyehav. Pafnutil Llvovich. IR21-1q94) "oirsanyb, F. P. An epl"Ja Itom the We o1 arademid3n -A. A; momy. Wor,"Niat. h-sled. 6, 495-503 (1953) (1(ussian) GT -Y~ YL (All-proressor In the Univ, 10, Vatni cm (Russian) I C / - , \I4LIN111, A /~ '- /- OTRADIiYKII. F.P. -YXRU~1114, N.P. , profAspor, redaktor. am" ":4" Mikhail Vasil 'evicn catropraiieki i . Leninf.-rnd l'-Ir r,. -, 1, ) Cost rorriOskl I . MIkhft 1 1, Vrio il, 'evi ch, IPC I - 1 Rf,I ) ') /rA 0 L)Iv ) /~ ", "/' 07RaNTKH, F.P.-,TBRUGIN, N.P., profeer-or, redaktor. Mikhail Vasillevich Ostrogradekii. Loningrnd, 195). 100 P. (KL.qA ?:)) (Ostrogradakil, Mikhttil Vasil'ovich, 1801-18hO MMICHAR. V.; LO)GCKOVA, H.; OTRADDYNC. J. 110 fundus of premture Infants W the occurron-m of retrolantal fibroplasia. Cas. Is-&. cask. 96 no.24-25: 786-791 71 June 57. 1. Ustav pro pact o mtku a dito v Prazo-Podoli. red. prof. dr. Jjrl Trapl, vedonct pediatrickeho vysirumu prof. dr. Kamil Rubat. It. ocni irlinika KU v Press, prednosta &kad. J. Kurt. V. K., Praha-Podolt. Nabr. 1. Marxe 157. (RITHOLENTAL FIBFVPLASIA (CS)) OTRADOVSC. Jiri (Praha 11. U nemocnice 2.) lietrnction nystagmis in oculnr syj)to-,,atOIop7 of nosencephalic lenions. Geok. ofth. 11 no.6:1W9-419 D!,t, 57. 1. 11 ocni klinika Karlovy university v Praze, prednoeta akademik Jnro-Ar Mirz. (NYSTA4MM. etiol. & pathogen. refraction nystagwis caused by mesencephalic inj.(Gz)) (9-Fr)-&.NCFPIfAIAON, wda. & inj. causing retraction nyatagmuo (Gz)) OTUDOVEG, Jiri; K&JG1, Lubomir; KRAU6, Jsroslav Ocular motility changes in patients with early cerebral -p&lsy. Cesk. oftal. 18 no-3:217-222 ~~y 162. 1. Il ocrii klinika vrcobeeneho lekarstvi KV v Praze, prednosta akadqmik Jaromir Kurz Jedlickuv ustav pro telesne vadne deti v Praze. (Ci;fU;B,-,kL FAILY compl) (EYE dis) ~h a3ma! order.", *,ra, !,c . C'. 1 C)c 1, 7. K:1 f r""r tv v r.,i . t v V T a r" C'-. *,,-.*,.,( '.-,,:c I I" . I ; * . -ji 1~ . , ; . , I- : . ., . , -li ~ _i r i " :, . f. ~ ( r, ~: , f, * )". I .;, r. . I -. ..( . -:, ~. -, I . - . . (, " , 1 , . . ., . . , h :, a ': , !, .", *.~--~,, , "'I", .. I f.y-., 'v ~ - ~: . !. -'.' -:,! ".-" " " ru. - ~ :-, -;: 1; , % fl. "i ., . . ?" ." . . .1 . - I - OTRADOVEC , . Sheathing of the retinal veins in multiple sclerosiB. oftals 20 nos3t187-193 14Y 164. 1. 11. ocni klinika ftikulty vooobeeneho lekarntv! KU [Kar- lova Univer,3ita) v 1'raze (prednosta akademik J. Kurz). L 114di-!~#~, ACC NRi Alb023194 FkURCE CODE: CZ/0082/65/028/005/0389/0395 AUTHOR: CAradovec, J. ORG: :)ocond (Iphthnvrriolot~.( Clinic/headed by AcadenAcian J Kurz/, Faculty of -,(!r,-ra.' ~~ -I Medicine, Charles Universit~r,_Prague (11 ocni klinika fakulty vseobocneho ieKarotvi i1co ) T 1TLE : Chiasrritic arxi retrochiasmatic neuritis in disgerrdnated sclerosis - ......................... SOURCI": Ce9knoloven.9ka neurologiv, v. 28, no. 1), 1965, 389-395 TOPIC TA(13: nervous system disease, man, vision ABSTiUiCT : .',1Liidy in two female patiento aged 34 and 56 with disseminated scierool-q and v4'9,-rd difficulties. Scotomas appeared during the first attack and improvou very sowly. A migration rmd evolution of the acotomae suggested that the lonion was located r-latively distantly in the rotrobulbar area of the nervo around the chiasnia. [Based on Eng. abstol [MRS) SUD CODE: 06 SUBM DATE: none / ORIG RET: 003 / SOV REF: 001 OTH JU-7: 015 Card V 7 Tr OPTRADOVBC, J.; HYSKA, V, Bilateral exophthalmom In an adult male with poneralized soainophilic xanthmntoun grnnulomn. Cook. oftal. 19 no.3t 154-160 W '6 3. 1. 11 ociii klinika fak. vgeobecneho la)mratvl KU v Praze, prednosta akademik J. Kurz, (EX OPHTHALMOS) (EOSINOPHILIC GRANULOMA) (WITHOMATOSIS I OTRADOVEC, -J. Diseases of the external eye muscles and eye manifestations of s7st,~-nic muscle diseases. Cesk. oftal 19 no.1:18-30 Ja 163. 1. 11. ocni klinika fakulty vsoobocnoho lokaratvi KU v Prazo, pro(Itiont.ti akademik J. Kuyz. (MUSCULAR DISEEASiZ) (OCULOMOTOR MUSCLES) OTRADO~".G, J. ; VC'FOCKCVA, -, N tiojc-- optic no ur I t I ,i . Sborn ~,,! , t.,. no . R 1 - t . I .- 3', kv .y of at, I 1. 11. ocni k-linika fakul-.y vooobecneho lakar:3tvi Univorbi'.y Fair v P.,aze, preanosta aiuAdamik J Kurz (OPTIC :; .N., Ji,,;) (NEX !,1., -13 e, t ~ 01)