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The first reconstruction stage of the Moscow TeISTISIOD Genter has
been completed. T,ast. eviazi 18 no.6:23-25 Je 158. (MIRA 11:6)
1.Glavny7 Inthen,or proyekta rokonstruktsii Haskovokogo teletsentra
Proyektnogo, institute Hinisteretva evyasi SSSR.
(Moscow--Television broadcasting)
AUTHOR Oetraiwktf1,_f V, '0- 120- ',~67
TITLEt On Meromorphic Punctions Which Issume Certain Values in Poir,ts
Lying in the Neighborbood of a Finite System of Ray3 (0
meromorfnykh 'unktaiyakh, prinimayuahchikh ne)cotoryye znachaniya v
tochkakh, le?h"ahchikh vblizi konechnoy oistainy luchoy)
PERIODICALt roklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 120, 11T 5, pp 970-972 (USSR)
ABSTRAM The author proves a theorem which contalne as special cas-s an
earlier result of the author [Ref 4] and a re:jult of Ediel [Ref
Let f(z) be a meromorphic function for lzl/oo with the vIen
rkel"Ok Let according to Nevanlinna3
In 0 < s 2'1(
C(R,et,P,f) . 2 31 fk
0(< lk< P
K,(t) and K 2(t) denote po3itive non decreasing funct~.ons -,f t,,>Ol
let k i lim In K i(t)(In t) 1-1.2. Defintions The set of "he
-.%, c0
a-points of f(z) is called neighboring to the system of rayq
Card 1/4 (1) arg z . 0 n~ n-1,2, ..,m, 0 < 01 0; co is a *-defect value :f
Then the order of f(z) is finite and not higher than
Y' - min (0 0 2T-0 I
For finite or vaniohing 6 T -i-M KI(t)t-
estimations of the order of increase areeiven The proof
based on a certain estimation for m(R?.f-j-T-'jT A third theorem
Card 3/4 f
On Meromorphic Functions V~hich Assume Certain Valu,-s 'In Polntq C- 120 67
Lying in the Neighborhood of a ?in,.te Syote-- oil Rays
..ontains w-ifficient conditiono that the order of f(z) iq nct
higher than 4
There are 4 references, ? of which (ire Soviet. I FinnisVi ind
I American
ASSOCIATIO'l-Khar-kovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imen-, A.M Gor'k-3gc
(KhaAov State University imeni A.L: Gor'kiy)
PRESENTEL: February 6, 1958, by S N.Berrishteyn, Aoademiciap
SUBMITTEDj February 6 1958
Card 4/4
, t , ~~ :, q
i n
7o v i in 5 C v M, Iy 7' .,!k
ro e y r r, :1 k h s a r t
an r. -I r
n ~i I X I
s a n I r.
s a t on v o r t
r P I a.V 0 P7- T-, ii o
pos I I v p it r :1 wt
t 11c
a t h t
a -7~ 7'... f r
w o ee n
o r r
Card I
t*tt)- it jr 0 )/020/60/1
AUTHORi Pstrovskiy, I.V.
ieros of th,. Derivative of an Intprral Func~ior,
TITLEt L`ocat~on of the
Whose Zeros lie Close to tht Real Axis
PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk 53,31t, 960,vol 130,Nr 5,1,r 117~ Olf tU"';7i'
ABSTRACTa The author considers entirp functions whrine zeros a k Satir"Y 1he
.9? -1
condition I m (a < 1) (functions of r1ass A).
The following analogue of t,:e clavalcal thporem of Lafnierr- im
proved t
Theorem 1 1 If an entirp fu iction f(e) bnlono7s to th#- clans A,
and if it is representable n the form
(2) f(z) - e QW P(z) ,
where Q(z) is ar entire fur!tion of ~xpr,nF-ntial type na'Isfying,
the condition
Card 1/ 3
Location of the Zeros of the Derivntive of i, ~-!020160111
Integral Tinction Whose Zeros lie Close to "he Real Axir
OD In Q-( 0 1
(3) 1 ti? , dt < oo
while P(z) is an entire function for which it is
go +
in In+ M(t,il dt < oo
then all the derivatives of f(r) also belong to thp class A ard
have the representation (2).
The theorem follows from a statement on the distribution of th-
zeros of the derivatives of special meronorph1c functions and
from the relation of Nevanlinna Z-11ef 2-7
T(t, P) c-- In+ U(t. P) :!F, 3T(2t. F)
The author gives a generalizailon of the thenrom.
Card 2/3
W~,, "6
Location of the Zeros of the DprivAtive w an 5/0 20/6011, C
Integral Function Whose Zeros lie Close t, the Rpol Axif,
There are 2 non-Soviet referinces, I of whic!. is Fi,nlsh. r~7-~
I French.
ASSOCIATIONs Kharlkovskiy gosudarstvennjry univnrsitet impni
(Khar1kov State University iieni A~V_ Gor'ki.1)
PRESENTED: October 12, 1959, by 7).N. bo,nshteyn, Academician
3UBMITTEDi October 11, 195q
Card 3/3
13 0 0 S/020/60/132/01/11/064
AUTHORS Ostrovakiyp I.V.
TITM Rel~"t~,'n ip Between the Growth of a Meromorphic Function and ths?
Distribution of Its Values Over the Argusenti
PERIODICALS Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 132, No. 1, pp. 48-51
TEXTs Let f(z) be meromorphic in the whole finite plane I O! 1, the expression foi- the attenuation fa(tor
ls similar to the formula which is derived by ti-4inr the
inethods of the geometric optics for a uniform atmosphere
Card 1/5 The method is used to study the propagation of ravs i I
Application of the Methods of' Geometric Optics to the Evaluation
of the Field in the Presence of a Near-Water or Raised Wave Diictq
When One of the Communicating Stations is Situated at a Great fleivh!
through a lamiriary medium Th is is sh own i n Vi g 2 .
a beam issues from the source 0 at an anglv Ck,
OA shows the direction of the beam in the cage of the
standard refraction while OB illustrates thf, pa'Isago
of a beam of rays in a laminary atmospherv. For this
case (see Fig 2) it is possible to write the following
PCA = W/d a RCAdPC f313 W/d a RbdPb
where PCA and F IB ar ener gy dPII 1% 1 1 1 e S AI fit A
A and D res pec t I ve I yMubmc r I ptCr 0 f of t 11f.
energy density in the standard atmosplier~-) and W 1_cn
the energy in the beam which is determined by the
angle d ct First tile carte of' a meditim c ons I st I ng of
Card 2/5 2 layers having thi:knesses )III and hn and T ad I I
S/ lit 1/()0/001/01 /00 1/020
E 1()2/E118-'
Application of the Methods of Geometi I(. 01)t Ic .9 t o the Eva luat i(m
of the Field in the Presence of I Near-Water or U-i I s e d Wa v v Dij ( t s ,
When One of the Communicating Station-; is Situated at I (ireat li-ilthl
of curvature of the rays P n and Pn- 1 1-9 (Onqltj~r~-l
(see Fig 3) The came 1.9 desc ribed bV E(l (1a) On
the basis of this formula it is possibi-, to df-rim.-e a
recurrence equation relating till Pn c1 11rI I a n () I
(see Fig 1) The resulting forilmla fot ativ it I
Zc)'n/ 'i)3k
d PB 9 In CL dIIII k An * I
d]PC A s in a CA "CA )IIC A/ ZI" k C A
The above results are empluve(l to int est igat (, a It,. t
having a height of 54 in a ri (i A M z 11 4 Th e wa %. v I et 11
of the propagatedl6signal is 10 in Tho talculat-i
results are illij;-tratt-d in Fig 4~ In till- the tuncil('11
Card 3/5 V, is plotted against x -V w [I t c h r - 1) 1 e s e n 1 5
S/ I It 1/60/003/01/003/020
E 192/E482
Application of the Me thods of Geome t r I r Opt ic 9 t o t lip Eva I Ila t I oil
of the Field in the Presence of a Near-Water or HaLso(I Wave Ukicts
When One of the Communicating Stations is Situated at I Groat ll-iizhl
the distance mensured from the tangont point of vh-~
plane wave and the earth surfare The Ctit-x- I in
Fig 4, refers to the standard refra:tion whilf,
Curve 2 is for- the case of' it tif-ar-water. duct, F I oul
Fig 7, it is concluded that the wave du(t has the
following effect, ( I ) it increases the width it thp
first interference lobe and 12) Thai overall vllllp of
the field is glightly reduced due to the redistribut ion
of the energy in space Further results are shown in
Fig 5 which illustrate tl ic dependencl~ of the distance
Go and the parameter ~S on n M, Wit %, k, I r~ lig t hxa it d
the height of the duct III Go ropr(.-Aents th-
distance between the tangent point of the wave and the
radio horizon, Tho, ( ormu I a ederivi~,d -arlier are al-9c,
used to investigate the influence of Inversions on
Card 4/5 the wave propagation The result-t ire illustratpr! in
Application of the Methods of Geometric Optics to the Evaluation
of the Field in the Presence of a Near-Water or Raised Wave Ducts,
Yhen One of the Communicating Stations is Situated at a Great Height
Fig 6 (Curves 1 and 2) and are found to be iti good
agreement with the experimental results. There are
7 figures and 2 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATIONtInstitut radiofiziki t eloktroniki AN USSH
(Institute of Radio-11hysics and Electronics of
the Academy of Sciences UkrSSR)
SUBMITTED: May 11. 1959
Card 5/5
C Ll 946
s/i 1/61/004/001/006/022 e
AUTHORS: Braude, S.Ya., Ostrovskiy, I.Ye. and Sanin, F.S.
TITLE: The use of the concept of a negative equivalent Earth's
radius in estimating the intensive refraction of radio
PERIODICAL: I7vestiya vysahikh uchobnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika,
Vol.4, No.1, pp.67-73
TEXT: S.Ya.Brande, I.Ye.Ostrovskiy and F.S.Sanin are among various
authors who have considered the propagation of' radio waves between
two points on the Earth which are at heights above the surface
large colnpared with the wavelength. The field at the receiver, due
to the transmitter, can be congidered simply as a reflection problem
in geometrical optics, so long as Fefraction and curvature of the
Earth's surface are allowed for. This can be done by replacing
the actual radius of the Earth a by an "equivalent" radius &3.
The effect is as if reduced heights of transmitter and receiver
were used which reduced the problem to one with a plane boundary.
The geometry of the problem is shown in Fig.1 (where A is the
transmitter, B the receiver and the wave from A to B is
Card 11A~
The use of the concept
reflected at C ). M.P.Dolukhanov has shown (Ref.4i Propagation
of radiowaves, Resprostraneniya radiovoln, Sipyazlizdat, M., 1951)
that when the angle y in Fig.1 tends to zero, the intensity of
the reflected wave at the receiver is given by
.346 Pgom D gill ~ !ILL. r3)']j me - At (4)
r t. 75
1,1'h-, + j/h2) (5)
V.A.Fok has shown that the concept of an equivalent radius can be
used in diffraction formulae too, despite the formal comparison
with geometrical optics, but only if the parameter 6 is small
ho repr senting the height at which the gradient of the
Card 2
The u3e of the concept ... E133/E'03
refractive index changes considerably. The author now
introduces the idea of a negative equivalent Earth radius, pointing
out that this will become nec;a:ary when the gradient of the
refractive index dh/dh < 1.5 1o-7 m-l for a sufficiently
thick layer of the atmosphere. (The equivalent radius tends to
infinity when dn/dh . - 1.57 x 1o-7 m-1.) Relationships
analogous to those used for a positive equivalent radiua*can now be
stablished. In particular, the variation of the negative
quivalent radius with the height above the surface of a given
interference maximum can be worked out (assuming a particular
wavelength and transmitter height). Thus Fig-3 shows the
var;Lation in height of the third interference maximum for a
wavelength of 3.2 cm and a transmitter height (hl) u 18 m and for
distances between the transmitter and ceiver (r) - 6, 12, 18 and
24 km. Using the data from this and 7imilar graphs, Fig.4 was
constructed. This shows the height of the third interference
maximum as a function,of r and of the equivalent Earth radius
(for both positive and negative values). These curves can be used
to find the maximum reception distance of a transmitter. The
equation ctually employed gives the ratio r/rc, where r is the
Card 3/V
259 4 6
~be use of the concept E133/E435
actual maximum distance of reception and rc is the maximum
distance under standard conditions. Table 1 gives values of this
ratio for various values of the negative equivalent Earth radium.
The last value in the table represents the maximum possible range.
The major limitation on the use of a negative equivalent Earth
radius is the assumption of a constant gradient of the refractive
index. There are 4 figures, I table and 5 Soviet-bloc references.
ASSOCIATION: Institut radiofiziki i eloktroniki AS UkrSSR
(Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics AS UkrSSR)
SUBMITTED: June 10, 1960 Table 1.
h'k-w) r (xm) rrc
Is 6 0.8 6'X) (Xk) '2).9 53.6 2.41,
100M) 140 6.4 o.e.
A01AX) 1W) 7.5 O.-S
6S IKKI 17.1 7,9 1
L 16853-63 ZW(d)/BDS/=i-2/tS(t)i-2 -AMtV/A6V/WD-3/AMC
~ACCESSION NRs AR3006324 S)?005Q/63/000/007/R029/B029
SOURCEx RZh.~ Pitika, Abs, 7zhl93
Ostrovskiy, X. Ye.1 Zamarayev, B :D*,
iTITLBs Magnitude of frequency shift in~sclhtterinq of radio waves
by the surface of the sea
CITED SOURCE: Sb. Radiookeanogr. issled. lMor-sk- volneniya. Kiyev,
AN USSR, 1962, 91-95
TOPIC TAGS2 Radio wave prop~igation,,-Isdatti,oring,,~frequency shift,
sea surface
'TRANSLATION: From the measured envelope~tVnction of a radio signal
reflected from the surface of the sea, tbol distribution of the
:felocities of the elementary "retransmittors" is calculated on the
assumption that the scattered signal is the Bum of a large number of
AVMRi XaIM6~V-x A. L,
i all
kdji~zi UR/o, -176-~[O-Ds*6611 -11
III Too) amp~-16r,SSA-7-J).1 FW!MS,-,i4 litt,
(Inatitut radlofiriki
TMZi Iffect of sea-surface structure on the spaiMa obaracteristics of scattered
40*111. Xedinfisika, V, Ox no. 60 19650 1117-1127
IWX TAM sea wav scattero radio ways scatterlnx~
ANTiWTV MINS MpgtUa ONTS1410n MRU Of soattmM elsob-on"tio radist~
and its iowmtion'wlth t4w dimensions of ihhovogeni~itiep of the jALAvxj= 99 been
theoreticiW'and tzparimentaW studW. The theMy assumea this model of the sea
surface that scatters radio waves in the ta-bandi large swella, to which the
Urchhoff principle is spplicable~ and small ripplimeausing rsflection3 'Odch can be
analys6d by a Alfiturbance method. The theimetieal rosults are used to Interpret the
everimmU12y found radii, of aorrelation of radio-vignal envelopea, the signale
being scattered 1W neparated alea arean. A special rAdar oorrelimeter having higb
range rovdintim was =ad for viewurenents within w8-w U 4-a band, Slmltaneo=37
with radic,-4mve masursnents3, sea-vars oharacteristUs warie also measured. The
1-228?4-66 EIRTUVEWT(I )/EEG W-2 R BIG'jNl-k S - I? UR/O 141/6 6/009 /00 2 /0 2 3 4-10-2- - -
ACC We AP6011908 SOURCE COM: 40
AUTHOR: hozenbers,--h- D.; Qatrovskly, Kalookov. A.
.1 1. . ".." ~-~
ORG: Anstitute of Bidio Malce and Elec tropics, AM Ukr5SR (Inatitut radlofiziki I
elektronIkI AN UkrSSR)
TITLE: Frequency shift of radio emission scattered by the sudace-of-the-fies
SOURCE: IVUZ. Radiofizik2, v. 9, no. 2, 196,60 234-2,40
70PIC TAGS: radio emission, radio wave propagation, Iradio wave scattering
ABSTRACT: Results of a study of the frequency spec1trum of 32-, 10-, and 50-cm and
1.5- and 4-m radio waves scattered over the surface of the sea are reported. A
formula was derived for determining the frequency allift of scattered radib emission
with respect to the frequency of the Incident emission. It can be used for the wave
range of 3 cm to 200 a. 7be measurements demonstrated that the spectrum bandwidth
and the center frequency of the shift are dependent on the state of the sea and the
angle between the direction of emission and that of the motion of the sea waves.
Narrow 'spectrum bandv9dths and the lowest center frequencies corresponded to a quiet
sea surfate. At high seas, the center frequency and the spectrum bandwidth are
dependent on the angle between the emission direction and the direction of the wind.
"In conclusion, we consider it our duty to thank V. 1. Zelldis for his assistance *"
OrIg. art. has: 6 figures and 4 formulas. IGS)
StM CDDRi,. 171 SUBM DATE: lbMarW ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 005/ ATD PRESS: ~-2:;
tiid ,-1K/ Unrt 621-171-16%
C,')"ih( V.:,?..']Y , I. Y~; . , c"! I,,', ?,i C) I ",(,.i -- ( -,, i -c,.: , "SC,,if-- I I. A I cc:-:, " f , :~ ~
exch-nn.-e of iodine in bare. in t~ t.: wu.,~tc r-n otInsts of Lt-e Ul,,i :, 111-
i-r, S-S!i . " L' vov , I c- C . I" pp; (!,'inic;try of A, ricu It ui t: ,
L 'vov Zoo-veturir, it uY I rsT ) ; 2L- (. coT i c ,; ; vr; ce ncl. , i ver, ; ( ?:L ,
lb-60, 1'~C,)
"Are internedinte outlets necesear7?" Sov.torg. no.8:44-45 Ag '57.
(pi-ju 10: 8)
l.Kommorchoskiy direktor Minskopo univermaga. (for ]Plokhotnikov).
2.Zanectitoll nachallnikA torgovoiainipochnoy bazy dorures Belorusekoy
zhelezno7 dorogi (for Shul'm&n).
(Retail trade)
OSTIROVSKIY, L., kand.yuridicheokikh nauk; KALININ, G.
Roviewed tri L. Ostrovskii, G. Kalinin. Okhr. trLda I sots.
atrakh. 5 no.7:28-29 JI 162. (MIJUL 15:7)
1. Zavedu~ushchiy otdclom okhrany truda Belorusskogo
respublikanskogo soveta profsoyuzov (for Kalinin).
(Industrial hygiene--Lnw and legislation)
OSTROVSKIY, L., kand.yuridichoskikh nauk
Taking into account special aspects of agriculture. Okhr. truda
i sots. strakh. 6 no.9t29-30 S 163. (AURA l6slO)
1. Vneshtatnyy pravovoy inspektor Belorusskogo respublAkanskogo
soveta professionallnykh soy-azov.
Onf-e mre on axte-31pun wells, in the Aral Sea region. Uzb.Ce-~.].
zhur.. 6 no.I.-71 T,~ 16~,. (,-fL-,A ',;, o.,
1. ingLit.ut geologil' i razrabotki neftyanykh I f;azm-ykh
mustorozLdeniy Ali Uzb-akikoy SSR.
(Aral Sea region -Artesian volls)
Comprpssed air drll!4np cf dry and .ater-boaring mands. Rl~il.
nauch.-tekh. inforr. VM- no.2:f-1-63 16'!. (MIFA
1. Priarallskafn wtdroRpnlcglcheskftya ekopedit9iyu.
K 1 Y, I
SOV/1 12-59- 3-~254
Trar-slatic- from: Referat-..,-yy zlit-r-al, ElektTr-tekLr.ika, 1959, Nr 3, p 135 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Ostrovskiv, L A
TITLE: Properties of Btidge-Tvpe Ci-ci~lq Wit~ Res:9tive Relative Arms
(Svoyst-.,a tqcpc,,, 9 akt"ir.yTm pleC-iatni v ctr.--jsitel'rykh velichinakh)
PERIODTCAL: V qb Nek-for, ',-, - e r,- v,'ve g-~~-c)me- i geofi7 inetody izmereniy i
pribory. L. , Gidy--meteoi7dat. 0~~, DI 68 91
ABSTRAC-- DC ~-r.~gc its are -- ier tl--,! cr.7d-tiors of a specified
supply voltage Ar-n res,.Ptarce.; a-e exvre!tc--ed ~*.- relat-ic values
Calcilati--,-,s oi ;:~!--ameiters (A a, ~ bridge a!e presented, the bridge
bunctioning wiVi 0~e specif,ed ryieasi , ~g de- !ce and a specified deviation from
the scale linearity A r,.,merical example of' desig-ing the u.1balanced bridge
with a rheostatic Frimary elerier* .s prese:,ted
A 6
"&&o swalmowus MA RISOWSMI O-MMMSWAI~ rA. A. a. PPPW (I"o), No*",
a-LI One.
'-,0V/14 1-56-4-4/ 2b
AUTHORS: Averkov, S.I. and L.A. -
TITLE: The Propagation of Oscillations in Systems with
Time-Dependent Parameters (Rasprostraneniye
kolebaniy v sistemakh s parametrami, zavisyashchimi ot
PERIODICALs Izvestiya vysshikh uchebn kh za-vedeniy, Radiofizika,
1958, Nr 4. pp 46-5 1 (USSK)
ABSTRACTt Previous studies of linear systems with variable
parameters have been made by various workers (Ref 1-4).
The physical basis here has been a quasi-stationary
system whose dimensions are small compared with the
wavelength of oscillation. Distributed systems have
been considcred by Rytov (Ref 5) but the validity of
the approximations used have not been examined very
closely. Some information on this latter point may bi-,
elicited by using Poynting's theorem for a system in
which the permeability and permittivity depend on time
and on the coordinates (Eq 1). The present paper
Card 1/3 considers the propagation of a plane electromagnetic
W48 8
The Propa%gation of Oscillations in Systems with Time-Dependent
wave in an ideal loseless non-disporsive medium
whom* properties depend on time and on the x coordinate.
The general solution to Maxwell's equations (Eq 2)
requires partial differential oquations of not less thtic
the third order; the problem is much simplified if we
consider a particular case. 11' the space and time
functions are the same then Eq (2) becomes Eq (3) and (4)
whence the expressions for electric and magnetic field
strength are found in Eq (9) and (10) in terms of
auxiliary functions Fl and F2i these are defined in
Eq (16) and (17). Making the appropriate substitutions
the expressions for electric and magnetic field strength
in terms of space and time are given by Eq (19) and (20).
These equations apply to the case when variation of
properties of the medium is linear both In time and
distance. In this particular example a single type of
wave is propagated whose amplitude and frequency
increases according to an exponential law with distance.
Card 2/3 This is explained physically in terms of Eq (1) because
The Propagation of Oscillations in Systems with Time-Dependent
the action of varying the properties of the medium does
work upon the wave and increases its energy. The mean
square value of power density is given by Eq (22) and
frequency by Eq (23). The distance traversed by the
wave-front in a time t in given by Eq (24). On the basis
of experimental data on the rate at which the properties
of a medium can be changed with time (Ref 6), it appeara
reasonable to plan an experiment at radio frequencies
whereby the predicted change in power and frequency may
be observed in practice. There are 6 references, 5 of
which are Soviet and 1 English.
ASSOCIATIONt looledovatellskiy radiofizicheakiy institut pri
Gor1kovskom universitete (Radio-Physics Research
Institute of Ger'kiy University)
SUBMITTEDt 14th January 1958
Card 3/3
'?-qV00 S/14l/59/002/05/o24/o26
AUTHOR: Ostrovskiy, L.A. E041/E321
Witil Electromaiiiet
Weak Signals lc
TITLE: c Oil
Shock Waves TN
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh -xchebnykh zavedeni)-, Radiofizika,
1959, Vol 2, Nr 5, pp 1-53 - 834 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: In Ref I it has been shown that when an olectroi-mignotic
wave is propagated in a knediutfi with a non-linear
relationship between B (induction) and H (magnetiz,,tion)
a shock wave is possible. In the simplest case of a plane-
polarized wave in a uniform medium the quantity charac-
terizing the vector discontinuity is Eq (1), where v
is the velocity of propagation of the front and c is tile
velocity of' light. The indices I and 2 refer to the
field values before and after the passage of the front.
The problem considered here is tile interaction of a stead),
shock wave (as in Figure 1) with a weak disturbance o1
arbitrary form polarized in the same direction. It is
assumed that tile permittivity is constant and the difierFn-
tial permeability is a monotonic decreasing function of'
Cardl/2 the magnetization. Using the 1)ertijrbntioii mothod tile
Z/O 5/ o ~: 4 /0 26
1/ 5
The Interaction of Weak Signals Wit" Electromagnetic Shock Waves
fields on either side of the front are Eq (;~) , w1jile the
velocity condition for stability of to"t is E(I (A- 1-11
Figure I the disturbance is propagated to meet the shock
and continues through it at a different frequency. When
III is very large the change in frequency is approximately
r1,12 IL the signal overtakes the wave the change is
given by Eq (10). If the shock overtakes the signal the
result, except for sign changes, is similar to the first
case. The discussion is valid providing the gignal wave-
length is not appreciably greater than the width of ti-ie
front and may be extended to trazismist3ion-line problenis.
A.V. Gaponov is thanked for his comments.
There are 1 figure and 3 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Nauclino-issledovatellskiy radiofizicheskiy inBtitut
pri Gor1kovskom universitete (Radiophysics Scientific
Research Inqtittite of Gorlkiy University)
SUBMITTED- July 11, 1959
Card 2/2
New hirh-power steam Iroiler for Euporcritical steam paranetere.
Enerpoma~hinostroenpi ( no.e:1-11 AF '(0. (YJP;, li~:ro)
(Steam boilers)
AUTHOR Ostrovskiy L,A.
TITLE The Geometric-optics Approximation for Waves in
Transmission Lines With Variable Parameters
PERIODICAL Izvestiya vy9shikh uchebnykh zavedeniy.
Radiofizika 1961 Vol 11, No 2 p 1) , ~~, 9 -) _ - -,) (, r,
TEXT The problem considered has been partly investi(-,at vd
by several authors (Ref I - P. Tien, If. Suhl, Proc. IRE, 46.
700 1958, ilef'. It - S.m Rytov, Trudy fizicheskogo instituta
,%N SSSR 2 1 'to 1940 and Ref. 5 - S.M. Rytov, ZhETF, 17,
930 1947). In the following, an attempt is made to investigate
the wave propagation in dissipative system with variable
parameters First, a waveguide filled with a non-dissipative
medium is considered It is assumed that the medium is uniform
in the transverse cross-section (in the plane xy) and that its
permittivity E and permeability p are dependent only in the
time t and coordinate z which is measured along the axis
of the waveguide. The electric and magnetic fields E and If
can be expressed by a vector potential Ae such that7
Car (I 1 /1 1
S/ 14 1/6 1/0011/00;1/009/017
The Geometric -optics El()2/E382
1 aAe
,.If , rot A E -
c 6t
c i stile velocity of light and
Ae is in the form
e e
A D(z t )A (x V)
wh4-re kr(z t) is a scalar function On tile basis of the
Maxwell equations the following equation is obtained
Card 2/1i
S/i 41/61/004/002/009/017
The Geometric-optics .... E-192/r,382
W; Io'l0 o 0
rol rot A' A,'
u IM 02 0 Z ol( ill
0 0 ij'~
d" Ot )t dt
A: I ou 0
oz o:
where z0 is the unit vector in the z-direction, while
Ae and A0 are the projections of the vectorAeon the
Oz 0
axis z and the plane xy The variables of Eq. (3) can be
separated if: 0
in which case the following two equations are obtained:
Card 1/11
S/ i It 1/61/0011/002/00')/017
The Geometric-optics .... E192/E382
o- I o-lo;
ot (P. (6)
where /,2 = a2/ax2 + a2 /OY2 and x is the transverse wave
number determining the conditions at the walls of the wavegui
Eqs. (5) and (6) are valid for TE-waves. In the same way, it
possible to obtain the equationsmfor TH-waves by introducing
the magnetic vector potential A defined by:
cE rot AM, If -
CI at
I Am (PM(z,t)Am(x,y) (7)
Card 4/i1
The Geometric-optics E192/E382
The finite conductivity of the medium for TE-waves can easilv
be taken into account by introducing in additional term into
Eq. (6) Similarly, the finite conductivity & leads to
1 dAm 4 iT ap-
EE = -rot Am 11 = - - -Z-- - - - Am
C1 0 t CI E
for TM-waves. The second system considered consrts of a
waveguide with a linearly polarised electromagnetic wave
propagating in neutral plasma having electron concentration
N which is dependent on z and t ; the electric and
magnetic fields E and 11 and the wave vector k in the
system are directed along the axis x , y , z , respectively.
If the plasma moves in a medium with a constant permittivity
it is possible to introduce a potential A such that
Card 5/11
.,/ 1!1 1/61/ou '1/0() ~'/009/01 7
t jiv kwomet r ic. -opt i c s El 92/E)82
1 0, A (I A
E z I I - ( 9
x c I t Y C z
On the basis of the Maxwell equations and the equation of
mot Ion for the electrons, the component A X and the potential
A can be expressed by
A X 6 A X 1 2
W-( z t)4 (z t) N( z. t (10)
2 2 ~-l t2 2 p x p m
The electric field can be expressed by
Cara 6/11
The Geomet ri c -opt ic s E192/E382
2E I a2 E 1 2 2 Me N(z,t)
- - W (z t)E (z.t)
2 2 ;_2 -2 p p
az cI t c I x mo
The above equations (6), (7). (10) and (11) are special cases
of a hyperbolic equation of the second order, which is in the
uzz = a(z,t)u tt *b(z,t)ut + c(z,t)uz + d(z t)u
where j is the unknown function,
a b c d are given functions of the variables
z and t .
These functions change comparatively slowly under conditions
of geometrical optics and b and c are of the same order
of magnitude as the first derivative of a or d Eq. (12)
can be rewritten as
Card 7/11
The Geometric-optics E192/E382
U a ut.., b V ut . c -t1 u + -2d u
where pz and pt where p is a small constant
parameter. The solution of Eq. (12a) is assumed to be in the
f orm.
11 pu + e x 1) [i
= 1u p
By substituting Eq. (13) into Eq. (12a), a set of equations
representing the successive approximations is obtained In
each of these equations it is easy to return to the variables
2 and t . In the case of the first approximation (or the
geometrical optics approximation) the solution is given by
U = U (z t ) exp L I z t (21)
Card 8/.
Tile Geometric -opt ics ....
In this case, for TE-waves an(] (2) can be written
kI/ If 11.1
and tile amplitudes of' tile fields at a fixed group front 6 60
are related to W k 11 (1kby:
d I k, VI'
'it .... k :-, .'
Similar equations can be obtained for tile waves in plasma. In
tile case of TE-waves in a waveguide containing n medium whose
parameters c , IL and 0 are functions of time, tile approximate
solution is given by:
Card Vll
The Geometric -optics ....
S/0 1/61/00/1/002/009/017
2 r i it/,
from which it is seen that the frequency of the wave increases
when c and p decrease in time. Eq. (29) is valid for an
infinitely long waveguide. For a wave propagatin in a non-
uniform plasma, moving with a constant velocity V the frequency
and the wave aumber are shown to be in the form of:
(11 la)
Card 10/11
The Geometric-optics .... E192/E382
where V. is a constant. The above geometric-optics
~) 0
approximation is based on the assumption that a wave consists of
a sequence of group fronts. This assumption is justified
provided that the distortion of the wave envelope due to the
losses is small as compared with the wave modulation caused by
the parameter chatiges The author expresses acknowledgment
to A.V. Gaponov for advice and discussion of the manuscript
There are 3 figures and 9 references. 7 Soviet and 2 non-
Soviet The two English-lariguage references quoted are
Ref I (quoted in text) and Ref 3 - F.R Morgenthaler. IRE
Trans NIT'T 6 167 1958
ASSOCIATION Nauchno-issledovatel skiy radiolizicheskiy
institut pri Gor,kovskom universitete
(Scientific Research Radiophysics Institute
of Gor-kiN, University)
SUBM ITT ED October 24 1960
Card 11/11
7,73700 E032/EI14
AUTHORs Ostrovskiy, L.A.
TITLEi Electromagnetic waves in a nonhomogeneous nonlinear
medium with small losses
PERIODICALi Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy,
Radiofizika, v.4, no-5, 1961, 955-963
TEXTi The author considers the propagation of a plane
electromagnetic wave in a nonlinear dissipative medium which is
nonhomogeneous in the direction of propagation. The parameters
of the medium are assumed to vary slowly compared with the
variation in the wave field itself. It is assumed further that
while B is a nonlinear function of H, the relation between
the induction D and the electric field E is linear and that
the variation in the dielectric constant and the magnetic
permeability is of the form
E = e (mz), 11 C U (11, mz)
where m is a small constant parameter and the propagation takes
place along the z axis. It is shown that if terms of the
Card 1/4
Electromagnetic waves in a s/i4i/61/004/005/014/021
order of m2 can be neglected, the problem is equivalent to the
solution of the following differential equations:
d t 11
= . dif 1/4 1/4
d 7. c ~iz ~L QdH k9)
Q(H. In (0~ k/C) AVr 11 79 j
2 c
W represents magnetic losses, G is the conductivity and n = mz
Both a and x are assumed to be of the order of m. It is
demonstrated that the corresponding solutions have the form of
travelling waves. The theory im then applied to investigate two
special cases, namely, 1) losoleaa medium, and 2) wave
impedance of the medium independent of z. The formation of
shock waves is also discussed and it in shown that the presence
of dissipation impedes the formation of shock waves. Thus, if
the nonlinearity is small, e.g.
E = C ( Z) ~k = ~L0( Z) ( 1 yti) (17)
Card 2/4
3 3 2~)9
Electromagnetic waves in a .... S/l41/61/oo4/oo5/oI4/o_)I
where Y is a constant and y1i