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ibis a to 4 j 's I So 1 11 A I A b 4 a - 0 O )10 "Plot A dMilf"2W sn"" " PWDO$Vttfk *$Oxwst 11. Qsm.1flivy. r"b ~Pbyj (V S S. U 1. 376 1193 1) -00 sea zoo 00 0 of& egg 0 0 e, I W IDS *0 14, 00 S4 IAAIVKXA4 U119010111 CLOWICAMP ts9o "lot. sit 9119. too %tons, .40 mv let 0.. '1. 4 1 I'V- w too u *9 No -41 A* V 406000440000000400 4 to a L a 0 a PQ a I I ve A I 00, --1 W 04r I" 'ff"60" *0- 00, 0*- OV r I- 4-r-T-1 -;a 03 to ol 9 0 if a (a a a 49 0 of a#** 0 000000 1 as o 0 0* qwmw -qW".v4tj so 00 'S 'A 10 &WOMW 00 00 so 00 -T"r- 00 -a it *9 44 At o 0 * 0 a 00001 0 T . 4 a -L4 0 0 00 :: - .of. 410 0 , 49. 0 a 4 dd 0,11! la! 410, ,,g,4 t- till CID at a r u lu~i 4wj aq L 'pq 'MMUMU1114) 00. 1 'ot qat f 00- OttonsQ603 I fulaIWAO Sol sq14 stnqxw p ed/4 ass v 00- 00- ita A A A I a 0 0 0 0 too -00 QVO 006 00 POO fee I-so 09 0 a 0 0 0 a "d chultw .,I the F." eta Ole top to 046, .4 tu. %Mw Ul it -144, Opu.%-Ve ,%. *,Ab .,49.0 &. %,s at rVO ILAAW a/$. pp S4 be 190- V~ 0 0 0 a 9asa0604 006 -i's- 0909#090000090006006 1*102 ~011.109; '178 v "1) rvk 904 ,a0 t so 9 00 00 Ow a a, =00 0 c0 0 goo 10 :a 0 ~0006-r coo fro 0 X*9 woo o 0 tjo 0 woo., I ISI-26i .1p 0.9 J., --j~'_V-_ rif 0 0 0 0 00 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 a0 0 a 9 0 0 0 0 0 00 ~lp *:::::00,000000000*0000000oo::Iooooooooooooooooeol~ SHINBILI. B.I.: OSTROUMV B-,L,., prof., red.; TANOVSKIY. B.M.. prof., -'--~VMYA. A.A., te" otv. red. [Studying the equivalent resistance of quartz resonatorej )sale- dovante okvivalentnogo soprotivlenlia kyartsevogo rozonatora. Leningrad, Izd. TNIIH. 1948. 56 p. (Leningrad, Vss9Qiu-Anyi nauchno- Issledovatel'skii Inetitut metrologit. Tnidy. no.2) (MIRI, 11:10) (Oscillators. Crystal) KRAMP. L.1.; UMNNTSOV. N.P.; OSTROUROV, B.A. Rquipmgnt f or v tud S" I "re-*-5irared regl r)ns of "otra. ?rady MIN no.16:23-'il '51. (NIEA 11:6) (Sp,,,-trum. Infrarad) (Optical inetruments) TIOSEY,- 0-. V...I-Ol)TpctrVr'- B.. (rrcf.) '"MAY T.. (Fngineer) . - -- -1 0 ~i; I Losev, Oleg Vladimirovich, 10,00-1942 Inventor of "crystodine." le-dio no. 5, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessicns, Llbr,iry of Congross, Augagt - IQ,,/,2'Jilc 1. Category USSR/Electronics - Se-micondictor de,,-ice~; and photoelements if -n Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizilm, No 1, No 1t'44 Author Ojtroumov, B.A.-, Rogin.;kiy, V.Yu. Title 'S-ea-T--_-ond_ictor De-,qces . Ori6 ~Iub 60 let radio - M, , Sv~,~az 'izdat , 1".2 - 10c, Ab.itract Survey article on the ti"jeory and teclinoiogy of manufacture of semiconduc- tor5 and 3emicoriductor devi,es The latest types of semiconductor devices s,ch as the Inoinated transistor wIth electric-field control and the serni- cond,ctor Letrode are briefly destribed and mention is made of a germMium triode with plioloelectric control. The accompli.MimentO of Soviet. sciOntists in the deVelD~rnent and applicatioR of photocells and photorecistors to radio engineering wid, a-itomation are mentioned. The advantages of the use of aemiconductors in certair. circ~lt~; ar,? I,riefly examined. Card 1/1 SONCE-PRU73VICH. Mikhail Alsksandrovich, inshoner,- PISTOVIORSA.A.,-, VOWMIN. V.P. (deceased]; KUGUSHIT. A.M., professor: SIKIVIS. N.A prof essor; Q=Qm ILjLW professor; OSTRYAKOT. P.A.. professor [deceased]; BONCE-BRUTITM, A.M., dotsent; ZIMILI. P.Te.. tokknicheskly redektor (A collection of works) Sobrante trudov. Moskva. lid-vo Akaiemil nauk SSSR. 1956. 526 p. (MIRA 9:10) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSB (for Bonch-Bruyevtch,N.A.. Ptatollkors Tologdinj (Radio) (Bonch-Bruavich, Mikhail Aleksandrovich. 188&-1940) OSTROUYOV, B.A. The V.I. Lenin I;izhri l,'ovporcd lbidio Latoratcr7 no t~#? crr,.dl-.,, C! Soviet radio engingerinp. Radioteklinika 13 My I -" - . (MIRA '-1:6) l.I)evBtvitellnvy chlen Vaesoyuznofo nmichno-tolchnichonkogo C)bf3hche- ntva radlotekhniki I elektroavyt,zi Im. A.S. Popnvn. (Gorkiy--Rixdio) c8nou)MP B. A. # I [Tranaac*ions e Conference on the Occasion of the 5OV/108-13-8-11/12 of th] 40tb Ann-ive rsary 'of the 11izhniy-!1ovgorod Radio LabGratory imeni V. 1. Lenin (22-24 May, at CWlkly) (1Raa1otekbn1ka, 13#8, 71-9, 1958) R'. M. Kosikov reported in short on two important discoveries of M. A. Bonch-Bruyevich in the field of the propaGation of radio waves (1932-1933).- A. A. PistolUrs, B. A. 0stroumov, 11. 11. Izotov,and V. 1. Ge spoke abot c tho Tvei7__ra_d_1_-o_s_fation as well as of the i%izhniy- -11ovCorod Radio Laboratory. The participants in the conference visited the laboratory establishments of the NIRFI at Corlkiy State University where they became acquainted with the observations made accordin- to the program of the International Geophysical Year. Aboard the motor ship "Ukraina" by which the participants in the conference sailed to Gorlkiy a readers' conference of the periodical "Radiotekhnika" was held. It was arranged by the Chief Editor 'M. R. Reznikov and the First Editor R.D.Mellnikovs- kaya. M. R. Reznikov spoke about the activity of the editorial staff. Ya. M. Sorin (Moskow) stressed the fact that the peri- odical supplies only little information on the problems turning up in industry. I. M. Kogan (Moskow) was of opinion that more articles concernin- applied theory should be dealt Card 4,4k with. A. V. BoCdanov (Leningrad) suggested to publish a special DDLINSKIY, Ye.F.; AGALETSKIY, P.N.; GAYZVSKIT. N.A,-LASSAN. T.L.; OSTWUMV, B.A.; SMDLICH, S.A.; STEPANOV. L.P.; YANDVSKIY, B.X. 1.11 , ". Metrological activities In the field of mechanical measuremonts. Trudy.VNIIM no.11:39-59 158. OGRA 1,1:11) 1. Rukovoditall otdela mekhanicheskikh ismeraniy Vanooyurnogn nauchno- issledovatel'skogn ibatit"ta mAtrologil imeni D.I. MAndeleyeva (for Dolinskiy) (MAnourat ton) 3/025/60/000/0e,/02/00" AUTHORt Ostroumov, B.A., Professor (Leningrad) TITLEs Hicrometallurgy PERIODICAL: Nauka I zhian', 1960, No 8, pp 10 - 16 and 37 TEM Professor A.V. Ulitovskiy, N.M. Averin-and V.G. Krasillnikoy were awarded the 1960 Lenin Prize for their research into the preparation of thin and super-thin metal filaments directly from the liquid state. Two methods of effecting this were devised: the fountain method and the draw- ing method A In the fountain method molten metal-was forced through a nozzle under a pressure of 4-5 atmospheres of inert gas to form a jet 0.2-0.5 mm thick. This is cooled by air or oater to form wire at the rate of 5-15 t/, sec. The method has proved successful with aluminumi'~inc,-Ileadilbrasa anci aluminum bronzeAV.N. Yakovlev and B.A. Ostroumov prevented the wire fram knotting into "wool" (caused by air resistance to the jet of metE.1) by feed- ing the jet into a tube containing air or inert gas moving at tht same rate as the jet. The resultant wire is fed into a revolving metal drLp Inside which it coils. The wire can be used for reinforcing auto-tireO~r plas- tics.4 The metal Jet can be regulated to give a metal powLer of eiven grain IV Card 1/3 x Micrometallurgy S/025/60/000/08,/02/003 aize, excellent for metal ceramics. Ulitovskiy was assisted In h--s work by V.A.Shpirnov, S.D. Bogoslovskiy and staff of the Institut meta-'lurgii imeni-Baykova Akademii nauk SSSH (Institute of Metallurgy imeni Biykov at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR~. -method II consisted in preparing 9 wire in-a liquid state within a protective envelope of glass, Assisted by engineer Yu. V. Deniaov Ulitovskiy designed a micro-furnace using a high-frequency heater (30 ~'/cm3) capable of melting tungstenAr inolybden m. A small piece of metal is placed in a glass tube and fitted in thi? heater. The metal melts and then melts the glass which can then be drawn out into a fine capillary containi molten metal. This is cooled by air or water in- to fine glass-insulatedvwire which is wound onto a spool. The thickness can be varied from 2 to 300 microns and iore, with insulation 1 m1cron thick. With a diameter of 50-60 microns and less the wire and insulation is quite flexible, while above this diameter the brittleness of the glass :oating can be offset by heating the wire to 400-6000C before use, when the glass be- comes quite plastic. The wire can be made of manganese, copper, bronze or iron. N.M. Averin has been successful in developing the technology of wire- drawing from these metals, and several wire-drawing devices have been do- eigned. Ulitovskiy's apparatus, designed at the Institute of Met.11lurgy at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, can be seen facing page 16, -xhile a Card 2/5 Y Micromet all i; rgy S/025/60/000/08/02,/_',-~ ; second device was exhibited at the 1959 Soviet Exhibition in New York. Tre super-fine wire has made possible the production of miniature transformers, relays and resistances, which can be sealed in glass under a high vacuum to improve their efficiency, reliability and independence from the external me- dium. Since the glass conducts heat away from the wire quite efficiently the wire can stand temperatures up to 600-8000C, making it useful in devices used in hot furnaces or in the chemical.industry. Thanks to this. it can also withstand a 2-3-fold current overloading and is therefore useful in transformers for high-frequency equipment, giving a 4-5-fold saving in size and a 100-fold eaving in weight. Using the wire, engineer D.V. Timashev has increased the sensitivity of mirror galvanometers to weak current3 1,000- fold, while Candidate of Technical Sciences B.K. Zavarikhin has di?signed a galvanometer with a damping period of 0.01 aec, leading to the de-lelopment of simple and cheap electrocardiographs. The wire gives even, good-quality Windings with little danger of a breakdown in insulation. If the winding or coil is heated ateadily at 400-6000C, the glass insulation fuses into a homogeneous, well-insulated structure with no need for a form or carcass. There are 4 sets of diagrams. Card 3/3 OBTROUMOV B.A, Radio engineering irl Russia in the period after A.S.Fcpov 1912). Trudy Inst. ist. est. i tekh. 44:233-256 162. (MIRA 18: 1) OSTROUR V, B.A., pro". The first npplication of radir In geodesic work belond the! polar circle (1Q22-1124). Izv. vyq. lickieb. zav.; radiotekh. 6 no.3: 320-322 ?1V-Je '63. (M.RA 1#3:0) (Polnr iregions-Radio In surveying) I-Q !;izhniy Novgorod PAdlo labors tory T. n,, h cqmring ).11 'ILL ,en.n nersema'lv W113 r-slw.hinskij in i I.' later A. ~-.Orit ~e'iverutov. ti * e r I,! d -.n- i ne c, r i n , V. Vo I og d i n, i t t3k i 7U I inikftya. N f tjo' n. .01d tMY ily I A L'I !14 1 i'hu fo I Ir) w i n 1,1 1 io! I (, c a I:!pec III t he i V . V. 7',1 t a rnov ,tho first -,I, !I -i :in :-a vlj r, -bov, tind )unLr 9tudento, :i~ijonj, * . 1. n~lev, i. V. etrov, and '. if. Kondrut'yev. c, t :-., % e -C. wt rw, i n#, :. % ') C;(?V, V. I . " 1 9 ! OV, Niahnly Novgorod Radiolaboratory lenin - tne l ,.n~T r1 T I v WK r) v'ev, I . 'W. iu 9 h c huk 19 11) c rum c. k, and k)3troumovt N. N. ,I , euqhin, r o I v en%c o --'or th- t - i o Iidation of' the -,~:i i. i r, it ,3 1 n n 11,j 1 1. rv t he abn ri, V, J t '.en(, -2 A' LIF? 111 1', - 7. e do=*U of the watlowa ECODOMW LS ..,- L, --~ ?I t"~ t~,(! AllItI'l, -' : u -,i:-,t oI Klectitonics t I_ Congress 1. Radio engineering--Development--LWR nVILITRY -.Bvti @'To oil Iy4~vich; GABZ, Dinn bffinovna; OSTROU)10V,B.A..p:rof., it aty. red.; TIU=7-, S.D., red. titd-va-, [Capillary methods of studying micro-organlems] IspillIsmys restody Isuchantle n1kroorg9nismov. Moskva, Izd-vo Ak9d. nauk SSSR. 1961. 534 p. (min 14:5) (Soil micro-orgnnisms) tkal OSTROUMOV. B.n.. prof. (laningrad) Hicrometallurgy. Aauka i zhizn' 27 no.8:10-16,37 Ag 160. (KIRA 1):9) (Ulitovelcii. Aleksel Vasillevich. 189)-1957) kNetallurgy) (Wire drawing) ACC NR, AP7002973 ('A) SOURCE CODE': Ul"/0413/66/000/02,1/00~jD/,~,-,I INVENTOR: Kotrelev, V. N. ; Ostroumov, B. D. - Opolovenkov, A. F. , Kraanov, V. A. ORG: none TITLE: Method of preparing a chemical CoMpoS4tion from fluoroplast 40. Class 39, No. 189571 SOURCE: lzobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 24, 1966, 69 TOPIC TAGS: plastic, teflon, polytetrafluoi-octhylene, fluorocarbonVj'H= AA- ABSTRAur: An Author Certificate has been issued for a method of preparin" a composition baiied on ftoroplast-40 (an unidentified fluorocarbon plastic). 'rile technological properties of the composition are improved by adding up to 101/6 of polytet raf luoro ethylene to the ftoroplast-40 during processing. [Translation) Yr SUB CODE: I I /SUBM DATE: 18DecG4/ KAISINOV, Vusiliy Mikhaylovich, dotaent. kand..geologo-miner.nauk; A4MR, X.G., dotsent. kand.tekhn.nauk; DAVIDOVICH, V.I., dotnent. kj~ind. tekhn.nauk; ALBUL, S.F. , kiind.geologo-minar.nnuk; PAUKYR, lnsh.-gidrot;eolog; gidrotekhnik. ZAYT-SKV. I.E.. daktor geologo-miner.nauk; TOLSTIKILIN, N.I.. prof., doktor toolot-o- mineral.nauk; ELZZNIKOV, A.A.. knnd.khim.nauk. starnhly nnuchnyy sotrudnik; HERSHALOV, A.F., assiatent; VOROTTHTS9V, V.T., dotsent, kand.tekim.nauk; HARKOV, I.A., dotsent, kand.geologo-miner.nauk; KIRWIS. Ye.Ye.. dotsent. knnd.geologo-miner.nauk; KHITROV, I.H.. insh.-geolog; BOROVITSKIT. V.P., knnd.geolo~:o-miner.nauk: RAYDCINIEAS, O.V., kand.geologo-riiner.nauk; ONIN. N.K.. kand.Ceologo-miner.nauk: BAfMOV, Te.A., inzh.-,,,,idrogeolog: NOVOZHILOY, V.N., dotsent, kand. geologo-miner.nauk; PEMINYY. I.S., Inzh.-gidrogeolog; ITEV~IISIITMA Tu.G., insh.-gidrogeolog; BOSKIS, S.G., lnsh.-gidrotekhnik, NIKIFOROV, U.N., inzh.-gidrogaolog; GATALISKIT. N.A., prof., doktor ecolmlo- miner.nauk, nauchnyy red., DOLMATOV, P.S.. vedushchiy red 4- NADITUA, I.K., [Hydrologist's hnndbook) Spravochnoe r-kovodstvo gidrogeologn. Leningrad, Goe.nnuchno-tekhn.lzd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnol ~it-ry. Lsningr.otd-nie, 1959. R36 p. (MIRA 1?:4) 1. Vsesoy-uznyy geologicheakiy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy institut (for Reznikov). (Hydrolo~;y) OSTR"07, B,P. Ilectric level recorder for measuring the dynamic water level in wells. Zap.Lon.gor-inst-32 no.2:148-152 '56. (MLRA 10:2) (Water. Underground) (Zlectric measurements) ZHELTOY. F.I.. doteenti_.OSTROUNOV. B.P. ~ Instruzent for determining the filtration factor in rockil under pressure. Zap.Lon.gor.inst.32 no.2:153-155 '56. (MLEL& 10:2) (Hydraulics) OSTROUMOV. B.P. Automatic recording instrument for observations on underground voter levels in bore holes. Zap. ILI )4 no.2:148-153 '58. (MIRA 12:6) (Water. Underground) (Idquid lovel indicators) OBTROUROV, B.T. Cdooommed) 11":r"r4stice of Chernotem meadov @oil@ in the Maymm Valley (Gorno- Altay Province) [with French summm-y in insert). Pachvovedento ne.6:110- 12h Je 156. (MLRA 9tIO) (Np,ven Valley-Chernoxem wis) J6 NOW&- 53b TAW 01 Be: -* smalwow-" I Too mi WO 0000. Use" few 4pv Ilb" a --~* ~'Wy "o 0 too '860,09'. 0 .0 's e'o wool see ve v0 94D off 00 : 00 too do a 3 L--A I AA 0 CC ti alp A go -00 -9 -0 00 9 ;4- 6. fli Ge"s mabW (we the 3rd editim -00 bmA 'Thesokul Ammlyws of C. A. 90. -*e /!&l-!rrJ 1-sm K-LOo um mAb cvetg. cwtoralro 6rw lbw .06 0: -31 00 400 -00 T-Y -y'll 0. -9d) too 0 0 0 0 0 r 0 0 'o 0 0 0 910 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 go 09 go *0 49P es 900 09 0 0 9 fe 000 .2 -jj - - - :,-- -4 - - a 0 10 &0 a 0 6 a, 1 r, .- 1 in it, A.: ful Poo UL I ~ .1 , k - a 6 , ll, . 1. "Plot COOP-b- of 00 tu --ajmj&S IIS a residlw &tlwf djWMR is -00 00 9 A 1-11MUMILVAPADMI A (ftTlI(ft:M4)V. 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A -- Thi -.11.01111.1v Air.46b.ivs W M11 N4 111.14) 041 00 00 06 00 II'Ll rbr v4w. foigsi-m If,($ with 4 urs, '%.- j ek, F, "H% Inv, 4 -4110.1 c A~w -a I, to -%-I w , ~-n "Rtijhq~ III"h 0.1 00% 4,1's m oil A1111t,tA 1 '4 (1: 1"0., %.,-. am$ "'W1111.1 a oil. .11 'w 1.11" N-4- it 2 11 A 1'.. 00 tillratir As situ'l I~ " ' ,W , 41.Iwp-4 ~ tor 'hWful, or wltai, , in III cc 11,0, "1. 00 110. '1 A -,- 11.14 1.. -&,,- alc I~r m~w, o. :14 n glv~' 1,4, Ids-4". tit, ILCI~lflv with * mm A Ift'l., .4.1 1 ~ .00 .4 1 StO .'.I, fj~ I.MU'd An 1,1,lhl tit 0 * *0 lh~ twanse wily with V 1, 1', Ncls by 03-1,140 111-t~f .4" %'Ak Until IN, j -I.W. inatch h*. 1116ju .00 00 1 00 00 00 as 'tf. 141)0 r 0 . 4 If 011 )ML3 4 is 0 0 10 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 16 0 0 4 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *as* so 0 0 0 0 0 0 &3 folio 'o to to Aa A-S-~L-S a it p a I II 004 [ -- I' 4-f J- to~fo~ At .41 0: a I Is' of 4 1* it Ora *A m 4 1, 1 -`*-p 00 04) Up satin 61 the DONWRM ,aisaamajoligogg n2ofts. Ii. r IINDQ in I l 00 w Lb. 4. WK,-V(j%Kt4I.-Fbc tota md am", t0 that "If 11" 4.%m low &td. " a -d 09 a by.%In I- A.211.fill-P, Till tests"' 'MS' urfe"W"k 00 with CS.,viticniWom with !"I AD 0 00 okv* W1111 Nicoll, 144g. As ullb 110 am-1 th F,jj)jj%, klivoidarIO I ht 1=1v WS. ,,r I" rmtjWjx-.I- "S' s'$ .00 a wirvirdmi-intbef'111111 tv' , 419 J ;IINO.i 4deqn.1,70mi.tatkmcdfowtlbno ~q&V%"p The SOSIVjo oht""d thAt the .111der "- 3 %7"; &I'd M~ X,,Wh c4'"fabot 11116"m h at C It" Me 414 to 4) So So a so #0 to If So 4 a a 4 .,o e 0 0 0 00 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! 10 . 11 . 11 t, LI.- .11".. 1 Vl)mh)6!~mm i.a Qt, it.. . so 0 so 0 00 1 00 90 '~106f4tkM 14 Calta.M fteM StImIlum and hatium aml 1 1.0 it I,v Ill. mirth'KI .I , %tw, sib& IA . kt uriustidal.t."V 00 00 so 00 A P. 'I "I v .40 a a A A 91 f( 1110.0 A 0 0 Si ISO 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 osis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 Q lF IF 6 4. Aff 0 a a P4 I I I w 4 3-0 F. $406#6 LffflCR )so 6.0 .1. CADOOS w ..11"Ll loses IV gas, sex so, - 1~11- jil j~) pun-ltuqx, jkM uwq,,UIKUji) ~jU JRl4PwIIMA'qCvuj *oil alln"Awu '9110, 8UlPUW*A"4. wnlv,% 1;u tunfun!) ;u OJOW13wLif )0 I".(jVuv ftee too 00 00'. '00 so go r 00 so. as-, .00 L lot WK-W T . . . . . Is . ox, VOW CIALAIT 0;00000 r I----,. - - . A a a 0 0 v wv - 0 00 fle-som O- M 0 A W- SL4& k -,L--A- A a-1 004 .I , 00 -.00 -00 00 00 Os 00 "s 0 00 of so :: OA the OWAM of us RAM votorminsum of ummum, van"em, &*A coo IM wba PnOM TorplIbm K A, (Pon"an- 0 Tbi-TIum4w) III ,tw pown .4 th~ i 1W. 4, M. 7M 0 1. W 'flulowd %Ith (-Nil 1 141.. it, . .-IM pm.,ft F.- ftr~ ~ r I-V nwtl m ajpl III A 1111f,l fig. I..IA1 I -% ' 11..1 00 V s ~00 0 r-O 0 3 1900 *0 0 ~ !:!Q 0 14) 0 I L a ag"t""C" %.IV 1:10 0 tow 41 4w -&;-st, w D & a 00 00000 o4 0000000006000*09 09 10 it U 11 to to Is ip so 0 i1mill AV 1111P bill w 11) so 0 26 it A 1__J_AA L a &'-so -.6 --JL a 0 **A ta.loo 00 so 10m illo beipwakilm ml Mmystli rnm WM "A votow. K. A. I b.1tinjour Itifi-Ituamition.1 o TOW (141-Mi"g 91WOMAIS 614 WI-11MIling fit fv~,*n Ph lm~rmi jUd"j voilk *,VnlbHW itf'm. 11? hl'in4l'to'.1 th,, III "It mith (at KfIrt), .1.1 hilt, (At It 4,11, Na 00 1-111I.I.Ilm"I tolth 13) With .0. 16. 1-1 n4"14" bowl lowit.. 116) th. 6.4.1 aslosi-1.0o, bj4).Q 1.6 , Sol Sift, to lllmr4ij 114 60-11111fallItg III thni IN6 ; X...j J,~Jlii So" S6. '44milrov.1 1.% meivriltittit thp (No itil') a rylohimir i4w"14~1 out 0* fit ah Allith. The basic viorlw%wtv trwt6.1 to uniostilifowt4" Ik N it blintu"(11C.I. L.Itp.?Ldt No 0 a A A '00 -00 -00 ~** 00 isttiipi fog 00 '00 #A -0 lid 13 It -T 6 it 44 M -1 n I to 6 slioeollie oil a 0 A? Is x a a v 0 0 a .1 it j Trifift'll- f'-A-1 1 6 ll A % 9 1 0 6 a 0. MI 00 Alt- 4)4) 00 apparsum d amall Suwon" d Us bvm 00 am sammaky. X. 1. Twmimmim mmi go X. A. Owrm)xlmuv (Zaviod. lAb.. ION. 6, 1173-1176). -4)0 g0$. ' -TIA- iiWidullocl. mirtmWinx lavuriv arM mxI 4)v aimp IV WA V catkim Is ma& maind W" N1011, &=I pm"d into hm 4N n Nn ale pht wA the mdatkm 4o 13 altrms Imm pm IN . As. fql~' "at Sn so Wp)ddw it" pptd. = tM mMi&d AWM,. Tb- !.DID W"W M.Ozeurmw in W-Im Mi. of 11100, is *0 J, 2 M. 00 4111104" y jj I p. of RON pw 0-1 it 4 As so ai Ab f so 11 (Ind.>requindkinaidiw1hroul 1401, , DN strod the mau" is bofin) for 1.1 00 min. 3de-red is W&J, faUmved by MCI to a rw4 vc1mv4r. aftm wMA 8 ad. of cano. NO am addni prr '80, IM MI. of Waum. Eum cd 6*,,* sq. cupfffnm is &&W to tho advUca at 3,~. W W. b c4iwad. .20 WSUW Wilb 001, cupla, m 6% isrliw with KN%, amd Wri (&'*W romits al" obtatimd for COO --Wp . -5- a of Ka, in pvw"ro of coramr"Illyrter 0 I Sh &M As. o too "IALLU~60C~ 11111141kell CLAUNI'Kafma to 0 see A I a pa 0, 9 .1 W 9. 9 a a 9 69 v 10 a D IF 0 1.a Is 00 0 a 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 fa 00 00 0 0 0 0 09 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a * 0 0 0 0 0 ID 0 w W W 10 - w rr In -00 0000 , ~ I I na a 004' oll 0 00 0. of CA a tus%sm 9 Wd, TOM" 1 310/ 00 a coo , h 110, 1 ,, 00 sit, I. . jI W,N ,OIL on, IW 00.3 goo 00 00 a, so SO ~l .00 00 2i too is 11 Joe 00 0 0 In 0 0 0 0 1100000 *A 61, a **Goo* 0 0 goo 0 In0 00 0 0 --90 In 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 In 0 0 L A s , a a a a AU J 1 1019101 - - - - , - A 1' tap vao$v) mv &0O *I- gores# Aj mirtbods for SPP*f*lkxx lint from COUSIS. ekkki bad manger" wit% bydmtb owedil &ad doW- Mms -100 Rise 1; A f The In th. /it fr,qn C.N. N4 SW Mn ulth It's t., ft., klald-lf and %t.,V" mi-th-vt , ( A " M). i1wV1, 1-of W,th,Ill, n- ,1 .1% nit 4 tti, -10brin -All And tj,, 14 A, 131111, And Ill OW di'llt "( 76 a' /1' 0** 4n1hrorniate I,v it" Funk and Dill l1wth-lif iC. A 27 Chat. f1tam see 00. so* AL 0 0 a & : 9, , , , , 0000000 0 0 0 9 a 0 0 0 & 111 0 0 0 0 0046 oil we* 01 ~~90~ ms ft im sail Ati p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 tab A. Ormv- - V' r - - ~ W- gal. or Lab. I * MDT O&V4 to Vi 1AL or a ha mw a*Lv, 1 W with co c at n M b O 00 us ip N - 43 e6 b;,& Mll~ ~ 00 too 01 I L A WMLW"At WINAT02 CLASWICA"M .5 _& $&Debi .40 Obw Oat u 60 ;61 '11.0 .19,16, 0000 0000000 09 age 099 :00 low. *~-O. 6*00696000060600 0 v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A) ms Ito JOSO& 4, b 1 0 CL 0 20 b A 6 1 1 mumore - 9 A -04.1 .1mill It! aw.1 %I t 4" I~ If.m. All, 1-t m froc 1-t", IWO h'. -atk .I Ilk I ':' ,,I ..I Ilk 1 11,41 a"1116111"I .11h Pvf"tl" I., 1111thil T 1:, "411 1- 11-1 1-t-11 -'"' " "' "', - 4 -" ,, . M..f . I1'4 rwric"t low #f)- 1A will I bfk O.t 111111"1 11,41, .4 ' 1 1,610 1141 1 .10 &or 41.1 1h. Wfior t 1p it 100 ;e a ~ * i 1 8 t 0 a I 4p 0 0 we 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 9 0 0 OLO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 6 9 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 go** 0 0 0 V04 40-4, w 11 11 1) 1., le, Is to a 111 a a Is a a v a ?p a it w 0 me 111 11, ! 14 11 0 0 6 11 41 a 1 , 6.6 L A L -2 L 8 1 AA 80 U it U 9 41 a -L'oo . foe -00 a PrackObbom of ormuilptivae, Lot a cirplaLhate state by -00 bf*MM muS4o Is the praostracel of boumthylessitirtro- .00 qk%*. V. A. Ottimumv. Zaftjiiayd 1,Lb 7, 7 IIWih).- It 4 Slithill' 01-W %411 19 Iff'Al"I Ulth ' S hC%A -09 to h ksm I tbrn the wAn .00 to 4 11411% 1. A,- Alned whk-h is 'Awy filletaW, 1b, %NS mn 1w *I- Imd WW auselylvi by any kn,mu nittirkI. Alkatick and 00 &1k vwth9 are &W in Sher Wilair Irmu MnS Its the SuAlysis of utres C(t and NI art 11110 A% 411111,lr% ail It l1vfl- '111w and 11,,1; it- A. 3), Wc4l') .11.1 th'. hitlat'. I, llud lat ),IN 1,10 tifeet I h, pvtOnt, 1, 141 ChA- 111411, ;.40 0 00 90 00 a** 00 '00 i*o so *0 1 00 s 1041 ...'s * too O ; 1 - 1 1 1 116'1 lobe 0 a 9 t 0 p .1 8# a , 0 , o e T - t 04 0 0 0 Soo 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1111 V u 1, 0 o o 6 o o 0 1 s c s T 1 2 t n - . , 0 Ai -~ ..4 -00 :0 of uranium with b7drilliva W&M, In f1hp -00 00 pre"Ifte of U101"Piss, atkl k 1 .00 MCI n WAS 'ws -,In In a fla,k .0412 a 4 (IL H06N. at),] Itaks in 1I.S hip 15 nil?) ati'l ; the I'-# V. J" nlin tirl,vt Still thir f6sh .*I 11W h- 14- ."A' -1. sil,m the PPI tit Ilk I'm 1% mll I'll, I unsh with Pj Nil.Nii. ""'it . .1 'I'l &nd 1,11111t It, 1*,f). J."t 11 )Ilk, a IW Iftnit It I h, 1. wif 1. lib"W"I 0 14111 1 It, ml pps 1 it* 0 It I t.'t 1% 4. 00 see will. k4... fee .40 111.09 $1.," 40 '1 &I to 110 .6 .1 6 AID Sol* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1o 0 0 0 0 O'o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O's 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 It SM: 0 _11 1, 000 0 0 0 0 goo 9 00000f00000 I 00600 1 , ;b l 1 I Jll " 0 No Is, a Is W a a a , , 11 to it Is Is Is N a I a 0 1 l 1 a 0 a ;! 4. W AA 0 0 ice s : 6 4 s a , a 9 l 0 v A A I a s L a a r 0 a is oes, ~ 00 4 I )l) oo.. d &-*& bous LOA Oweer. a" cAnian with talkie Am d ' 0 , (t4mod. 1A. (W-ka lAb.). lop, ik tin it.". &A -00 I In ROOM.) lew wriwatil-ot ill la.1 ,n jw,~ k 00 with a Mixtum P)7klltw MA iu blitrate. Hw too) mi. of 11, -00 06 -nisixi 111 W. sond Ow to abcat rAe C'. wA likov"joar XMIUWly - '. V -09 141 %Ms. ,n EM KNO. drtqmkr until thr w4uti.,n . 00 008 is clew. 'mi 1 6-8 term. %11,%0,, belill to boiling. orrmoorv froas burilwr. arkit - 00 0 hole Obalkin DU (11 pvia 91) lial. of flu, rrori* vbk-b in pyterviJ h) ' lf T .40 . of 6S liking 20 a MO, ot 15 ral. 1W.HN t), with 34 out. I"idine, and 890 00 diluting to I(M) 01. Mot to bollinX allutir 14. Wdol filt, 3") minulaso, wA Were, villosock mAinje. 14'aah the por"ipliate with a broot whotWok of T',, ' ' =00 % 11.% Os t4mWnirk - Ihissolve it* 1w. 1 1% by volvolow of the proordpitant , hM 63' t it t i I%U dih d i 1k h f 00 0 . . oo~ c a n w itte t an "m4 almolsont ., co wo in wat". j % a il't cup MA evallewaft to a It WSW bath. Joll-listrn the n*j,1W 1 l 7 = Coe V, th 2 m . WSW. am a-10 1 0% NH.. wW evolporktr to dmn,-. Itervirat this Fror"ke, me that tkw pyrillitor is compiridy rronaved. )giaitc ll d i h If I coo : we aradva nsw than OA Fook. 1% is lw,--nt it to not y an on N09. g ' i M coo a 0 tor4voulary 14) ort jorl'C . 7U cortionil irloorks rfw.l r.,slilts Flitsots tbr 0 coo 00 000 V woo 00 it .400 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 )" 0 6 0 go 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 6 4 0 0 -I 1~,aAs A,111~1**Qj ~JP3 W . . - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 01 9 9 0 Its 4 4 s 4 1 S it nobeav *p L Ak A 114 11 a It ool W 43 as S a 004 000 s l ' 'PIWv_ 8_"WA JIM Wpimths was tv Vill u&d Wooly, 11"M "llvm a-A- OOA e takiwal and on" 68" 67 mollo" W by- of or"Itte of barzatroveyIntlevan"t w Ijh Nvpjjks R I 1140 ) bleb ? Pr, e six . % s. 1 MUT 111M ) ( I 9. 1 W).-Tlw wini f- hawd on the Wn (- ,, so it in the jwturav 4 Wflsl.N. in a wAn of credusHo l WT.-iiing pit The Somple Sholum CIM14in cof oyrf LX,.. pil 11 f, 11 A it tA the 11kind stoop claintuts eak-d- as cisults so a Add 20 23 S. NH.CI. wittraliv with NH. to cloudim-tos. dt~iw the ppi with a Ilea, drive c4 HCI. saki dill. to Vv * , actil drop- nd Add mai-s-nied Frapn pulp, brat to fdl uiw, white %haking, 0 votl~ 4d pyrodme by(to(WhIkirscilt, mut tnticalmv II,,S Aftel ID 1.5 min "I droqmm. *hit, ~halkinjj. 3r, mi. o1 a *XW~ (Clis).N. siAn , tianaft-v 1,, a hut p6ic and cooltinuir poising In II~S lot 45 01) titin ithmit hoiling. Remove Italm the tun 14alp and pask it, * ,I's unid the anin has rim" 1.) fo,an trillp Fillet Arld CIO 0 00 wash with slightly unimmiaral 31/1v N114N(h. Aculstv ,h~ l5duate witb IINO. to mr1hyl r"I isrot evap. to 211, W, us* O%U ful I*Wray The (a It 11,01t IINI ),, dil with wwti 1, Oe &0 tief, Ibe Cot UMI&I nlauwitl [let (I)c A)W)r as outfol" by "itIV. with 11,9k 81(ft the Virg ,vanIxIi hjk%,- 1~n kilroved 71w mt th-I t- u- ful f,w a too v%n.Jvu#,.I %In or" stid Wivilar ori-Joll- 11N befit so vos it" e $*#Sao .1. a.. 1.1 - - u5 - a il Des tsawe At floso sale at TIM 4 3 i j 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 ; 0 0 0 0 0 * 9 0 0 0 0 & : : : -1 -1 a a A a L a 6 p 4 a -II I 1 09 0, 00 0 f 00 00 TT4 U 0 0 0 1w 9 1 1 1 ba 14 1. New mailla" r"iffittablid 1w*W W4*409 *'In 1 % d -- 4- lordstapto WpullIft 11-.. A-I' 00 .4 It I 11 1! . )w mot Ali. blot# -0 S J~b. If. -00 :4.fv d"i a *.0.." ' " , 171"_& I all". ota-b iwoh -I.1 v. I - I . 1, I'moo n ' e A 0 ,, I al . bv iWe It. ppin 4 -1,- I. m ;00 1, n ooi4 A, oilh147 to , : 0 bqei" to I S I lot.. Afoot lbe w1," oll if" -It- I- ,f NU, Alst, AoAm shavuhl for dbid to fir, the ,ih, I -iolwl, -I h, .4110 gum1w. thus ombialoaftil con lar 044m,1 61-to .1i't-1 imalorl -00 to .00 !A) 0 16 ILA 041AILLUO&KAL 0111110%,411 CLAtOPKAMb fS -is~- I 1- 0 1... I a a As I It A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 a 0 0 0 0 0.411 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~:Ss 00 sea *a is $00 00 0* di 900 00 0 *0 is -M#A 0 dools AS&-SLA Sn"LOMM LfTMTW CLADMAIM SM.!kiw em 19 of :-ull; saw "#&MY Mold alibal ca 6~ Ist -,m& 164we "vivo$ do 4 3 4 9 410o see 100 no* woe 010* We* a** 4,9011 o400 we 10 .20 lp~ woo so ob: so I:- r: 100 o9w .48 > 11-09 gig wvm~ *.a *,pay. " sobt PP,,. boop a OR vv ii'd b jwWomm ow" tu W. 730 W. IN . a *POOR al do 6 ST I 000660000000000000 ~2 ~20~ e, 0 *,Do 0*0 00 see we* tlea t;*O lee 11 Ij W 0) Is I# go A IV a It!* III Wso be l s b va 0 a r 1 7 #I &I u 0 a ie Af t .1 . I 1, '0010, let ' -M #Inc 3 7 *1 [rem. fi t it =1 4 by 01: 00 it Jilt Its WHIV.) to ..j~ 1--.1 -00 1-114, 1" 'Iff"t a '01146't'ity -$In '4 1f1i'm /I, 00 4-0,1% 1.1,111 of Fr(0111' III a -.111 I"Ad, I..Q. I-, --- 101111, of 8 . s W n fol T1,1111thl"'(h, 1.411311 b"t.'i-dw N .00 00 ,,, ' e ' ' I 1.04 00 1 lit /0 1-1-1 06. toInflool ti, ~-%klr ind III,. /ti if, td ' ou the mair way himli a silk, timitil. Ui'0, . m,d fallurd z",".1 bu is ibir c2a Cif CrC1. + ZmC6 the tc~ult, -I,- Z =0 it OPY links 9be hiciffloos wAn cinitaintif at.mi ..1,4 090 oo 00, off sell goo 00, I N ; 0 .,,00 ejeo to lit 91161.1,1164AU W410411,0011 (tittokit*o Use t so., 111-419 laic@) Go 0." - -a- f 3- 6- I eel 0 a a I or0 0 d 41 j 00*00000000000*000000Oooe,*Oooooo.oooo*ooo 014,000000:000004000000*0000001000000000000000 o000~ 0000; iftio so MA sisto fork a 0 a 0 0 0 JL I rL f f f I 0 M-0422(1013).-To preV. a ownple kv sualfrih. Wt 12 of AILL mA by*at& addLaS 3D sm). J ccescm]. go H Noft + wain to xnaks an After 24 len. ripest this 00 a 0 bris. the somple OPYAS be all dis- 00 a (it the MIX14 gab . felt N) fill owl I'J't Fe- (OU I. ilk the WNW .4 1 utimv I.Y. NIIAHI irs the I... 00 a ~Wv 4 MIXI. Illiewlt" the 1`0001418 P1.1 is$ Ift'l Otht 0 liffair the F the vaimm-11"nbardi Smm~Jwr If le-ft tb" oarst 13=' the cokwumetric dests. W*tb a it br7* is plehm . To da. Ti. firm remun &XV To" vu. by The also r"PON. viselbod, alter, Wftb WHIlbol.M. 110smTOW. the Al. Fr.m*4 Tiwil% NIIAMI 2:01111 00 as hydralvel saw" row the iovmftf '4 imsib KJV%. 00 -31 SINt In the ". "'W IV: 44 1AW W41 X11 1) smosill 11,4)l cak 'Ut As maims he wt. vi the 10"Ch + AV % f lo W), p". ohm A I -Ibq the Ve afal Al evalcuts- Ih4 isles 00 Ll in aw mfskw WAM. by thst %,Dnwd tistrals-les aflef 4m%fins rumn ASWI~ aW ViefriesIg of the Asa. Anwills-i Im.sms; 1 400 zt,"vilml. Tbe Provehlew isbamml#m #be fartTh&# the 10hV.1 AK*k k rom"VIvIdY "400119*4 by bralkis; M a cult"I 14 dry sit at 2111"WO lot the brolvelvd c%)-Wblt fee is tatic udi cm brimS beffird, and ;9 m,4 9--&Ilhpnl W If fle"11 400 -606 IL 6 611ALLWOL61, Ltl$061W� C%&IWIC&V*b 111M- 01.11116- '0"00; ;on *son so: 0 0 0 00 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 too 48- goo be., A101411.11 40 4.. ll~ * ; 0 ALL A&-. IN, w w v ~ v 0 o It T so*#@* ego a WW- IN IN IN 4, a P IN I, it is f 1:0 . l . t M & o* 0 0 -00 CA Procipalstaim at belywaim hydrujide by mesas, W - 1 A It N I I E A 9119 t inin ItIC0 . . 0%irtowit-v an vim RA 1-116 14 "I'll 1614. 'n-j" go ,1 1;1 1,l NI S Amt III lipin ItrOlIll, by Inein. ..1 n I. u.,l ho thor quant belm 4 the Ile fiont Win. Cu, \4. Ni"d im twbkb lusin CINIIpkaev "Ith ".PKtAaw). mw 1,,wn Ca. St. IM, Mg. md ba-ra. Neutralur 15t~-D* mL ~,# the 9.4a WIIIIN N11.01i (*"ins it dSu,;.ww WON "XI-t -011fionS U14111 IN OU11111 UU136411Y VIhkb RON PIPMOMI 1 till I Id IN Ilcli l I W S 4 4 4 NII CI - ,v am m su" 4- , al , It . In. the pleaw"NINIZA she qu"Illy 4 2,111.064" bbwuhl Ili, am I I will wtir, 11 dwp' of "Irthvl r"I zoo Do 1* 0 0 .3 cu". Ihm it,, .4ft IN, Ill.11n.s. t--N. Ih. 1. .9'. 0 a lost"41ml), 1.4 vippnm ~~. .21 min 1., 1- ..1 tit, to sittlir &n,1 ctaSulair), MiLr thr -In %lisir h..t, SLID .-IN the hr(0111, f44 oth hol :31, \11,\11 . ...... I, JUL -%WAI dritt. .4 241", .4n It, I, .1A by a PpIn In the Ine-t- of ,,, 1-'~ 'l-wnw. .4 In, C." and M. I,* IN nqnpl,t, -1'. .1-4- Ih, 11"t)II), pill In If),; 11C1 &I'll ch. - J- . TO-I I -IV the 1100111 ., I'V . Isn't, 11 ut a ['I mud.6- zoo I joilkw Itmi", zns.W. and Nin,ijt a, Ilri) I-It. Atkltl. Jr- ".4111ing 1.1 the 141114te 'Lin Ix w1vil by In. 11-1. J- 11-1 Ilfr% jlu~jv jhi" Iff"'n- 14 11..111 NIT&LkVOfKNk Litleatkoll CLAI%WKAV*m NJ o INS 0 It 8 It I IF *71 AA I % a w Otiolwo.181 a I I IN 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 to 0 0 It 0 0 0 0 0 -6 0 0 0 0_9 44 _(p_ 0 OlIg 0 000 so*** 00000 0'oo?o00??oofo1!Oooo 004 00, -00 010 A 1A ,0 I.V10"fe .4" Irv -0 ligull, fit 4 "twilit. 'I'll 111 144&4 6.1 111$", I'VII.Ityle tali Iri till to WS, It .1, 1.) 1 1 111' 71 "1 00 00 )if fim, it, Jt- 4% vphx-b limm Ooflff~flv. m Imme Ontill-try, 411d fit h, *0 1 pill 14 It. 0 flit, '.) bowling ),.I is tir.ridurlim) Intl) a P,,Pta ,I palre /it Icum eq %11 R -00 1.4"t J..w. I 111 0 l`;)In .4 hIM11 " bV mransd I'Vil- 00 I ' .4 Ilin. C." NI. In. C.S. alul Cu ibir brirruali-in -4 ms%rd ppi- c-so,,ming of m, 1A. ttNl III 1,11MO, yh'~ 1, e2144in"I ~-# 09 2 t1 l t l t d O k l I l t r f o I--- it itiva i1 flic W W a alu rv Itis I olm , I'vo I'lln, 1 1-14, 1 It '4 .04f, Io ~wp In ti'lin Ifir go AP o 0 I'll t, #b, fw'" 0 It"Mi), by '11,P144 inji 11it, I ago .111111 ... thl jjjjfl~IVOI 14 IIIA' 1.10111,11blin III tht Ilyli.111.1ir "Oil- go '11% I,v it,,. -Mn 4 \il.Ci Tfor mritmid inol..,ni twit zoo . Ij-I t.~ -1, in timn, (74, S4, Ila, %to, I, I-- %*,-Is - 00 ,1111 d I d4 11 J dd : roe - i rup. Am th, .4,) -,1 hU*v rv t ' In,; 1 09-3 %i~ -ih oioi-t inixtrix until a oblibi turtminy aplw4r%. r. 00 gow .1d lh~ mili,tv %,ih 2 3 dr,V. a# dim. [ICI, Add firalel ' of mi , 1A g -4 NII.Cl 1 10 g, -4 NII.Cl p" 111 11 p1w.,% I go 1 1. h Oar A of .4n 1, nA -woe mar"aled palor-T. jmt 1~0* th, .4's (is 6"llfig. isdit t-l"fifiline off (istr Jw-r"ce 4 ' ` 1, trifling "-n%13ntlv timild thr milor" tii :: vf-II'_. .,III sit ad'I'd 11) 1!, ml J pirlillm'. ""Irr fit, til-A" .,1h I w4f, h 1wrt 1hr .4n I" 1.41ma. k- I, 00 .'f" 1.11I I,* I it I A If" l" III, plo 6411fig live v4n', 1411rf *bile tull, It"I " 1.11 O)c zoo l"Aill" 111.1 .111, h"1 X' \11j"I - b l h R woe ro , tmwir e F." ur I i'l-I t priIIIIII, .411 al In'Oll " 11tv.All, lbt lifskilb. "I Ill. fill" 0 P1 tral" It is-# '11W M1. ovkh with IA N31.011 until a 11111opilly alq~*, .1k.'AtIve it Ibilk 2-3 &.1* .1 dd IICI. and It"t thl' VIPIW as PICVWUbIY. so)obj -to a.. awl millijolciol ~a G.;. -16, If p T 0 fm 0 a a I r to I a a 3 I 0 IN 0 a a 6 a 0 N KW 4 1 '83 Il 9 , N 4 If Rwi Offal III a 000060 go 0 0 o 0 0 0,0000 000 0 e * 0 0 0 0 o Go see *10 Olso 404111-4140 we -0 0 0 & e 0 00 U I *to T T 00 A A is, ol.q. po "plal 00 = 1vah-v+mvi atmi F. A slobfoc Is, 117.4,%11"t) -Ivbtbw :0 ~031).. ubkk an bratiosix low. I"11 .I it. "At'j, ml 1. foasmoJilivorrord into w" alosslowl In.d lixm. A mn&&H vivorm 00 cil pylidpw autl ctn4triatibir wso% 1A %'It, Wt. do " in. ttIPSWOSPAT ItithV1111111WINT *0 t td osah$ 14 %N. co. %'I. Ill. C.I. Orbit Cm. I'viklow Invot. 00 1 0% . n*l&k. 'muls llua julfbill 00 1.11V Ollh CO.. In, 0'%1 k-.1 In shor ivrwf.,- "f Law .1011, NIOXI to A. 6.~Imlr I., w1, twath 1.1~ C-11111. I,, 11U. losteltmoll con kW UWII "Of MAY IM An,113VIlk-Al Wt AIW 10 p"p. hish-143111T Ca I" wit (;4 Issim" OIL, earth ovietals.. 361m. svi silk mial. To an acid wit*. ul a t1a mil tionsiff Mn. Co-, Ni. In. (A. of Cor amid with utmixt. onissins dot \11,1111 until a hS%l It"1*11ty 6, foolp"I. dirmawtv by 4'1~11111 Wt, 1.11 'ItAn. tit .14 111.1. W&I slopivol. 13 g. of NII.C1. IwLng thir vol. to 1511 Ind.. "I sumor UW~Jajrlj IL11.1. MAI to 1.141111S. add nwilivI rect ondsocalur 0-1 ;No,. ..In k.h.n-ow fill niossnz P untst the . I,, W. 11-. I..'1 Ihj.bI with it. I'la lobtailins. I ki 610VAI fill J I tit- m A tro.q. 'I.- to libmishoof (owilnz I., I'VOPP. 44 1-11101tW thc %A440 t4 111V %A". CILAVISVS to Frd &bd th."Imr. Iurlllo thr ps-414-. pyloduar 91AN. sufficient to ih4ftSr IhV 1'-&* 14 thic PUID'AltAll' whonaLl be iahirdl. s I-illros 1111A~h IIA' 111-1 , Ilk-All't 60 IICI. and 111*16WIt tht i fi Im- 1 " it Is a iwl at* fr&vIII (No "kill tm&w It t : . I aah Cu with tyluftne moremij,, . stiobvismars L It "V&LLWftKAL OT all.. an It, p 0 a Wails NOR KIFKW 00 000 0000000000 000 0 P-11-21A 0 At 0 0 0 a * 9 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tv r 0 -00 "IwiiAlly, 4of Cd (1rtW#AI IOIMII14 Itill'yqIC1.1 are %losiblIV I* Ise 1;: I h i l 00 'la ' , I' loostioil Aml fill, .11W.1 sob l's t 6 -1 0 0 "V 00 NII.N411, In Ill, A.IW41 I'I'l . 11 .1 .1 01 err kf,l o- tf.~n*-AIIV The wrtm 14 ('04 From In and Of to - -00 nearly comi,irte that no reppin. tit nVolisoW. Add.. of =00 %*II,N(h to Ibr imiln. ideD rrmollso in The losornotban of drisr civonl4roin d grentris m4y., sont tbp notion d (1,6 = -* 0 ' 'a n- fr vfn 1he OIL rAtth noroolle itrut k1 1,11 eo 111 an 1.6 fr. I4 it umif the ovilith1knot Col (WOM0 formalism by IPYfkufw, ~ aml They can br w1M. "mnitktrips (rom ('.& mn tw - l t I N 1 K of bsl w rom j% a a. and . .4 k lf~nn 10 0 :04111, '011114111 .000 no 0 T a iii a 0 1 in ls~ 9 43 9 it& 0 11111 11110 4-&-9-4 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 - r M 41 Q 41 14 6 0 V. 1. #AN GL 0 U 4w 614faude bf 0*4" of pytiolips Se Z.,Q.6-yd A. (Asummmy-6114 S h"wb*y&m -00 00 mr) -I liw6n) I,, th, ~ k1w "A" .1.1 !1.11.c1 - lee c twulf4hrC witi, %jl.4)jj wd . 4kaht kliltuAl"Id 10 0 a, la.ulikv.1. di4.4rr tbs. woh A little MI. brat AP . pyli.111w As, ~ ...W uarth~l 0 tutu- INIt". ItK plewl- .4 Mh - juirricr.. oulliS to the forinalmso of " 4mbil, -h-urb 00 I NII.W.1 11%~Alljo but tht-11M it Sit ~WW CAW% AIVvIViMlIT Uh,011). by - I ..... iwqo 00 t.- it, it It.kil '0 0 0- 00 0 ~ re 0 - 00 0 0 go 4 r lee i-o 0 t .16 It A "?~LiVlbli -kal J8114611siPPI CtaSsrsCallow 9 9 boo ~ 6-k j flooooosooooooo*oosoo6000006600606680000000oo~- o * 0 0 0!0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 41 * a is a 0 q- 0 909000 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 ~ F. A. Dr. Tech. Sci. Disnertation.- IIN'ew Vethodr fcr Investipatinr the ComposItion of Min-ral Faw 'Llaterials Usinr r)rFanic 9asea." All-Union FcI. Per. Inst. of Mlneml Raw i-aterJals, 2 Jul 0. S"- Vec`iemy-aZa Moskva, Jul, 190 (Project #17E36) - -, T 1~~ 0 Ll f-1 0 %~ 1;, . ri 037MNHOV, FI; ke Ollev Mptbods for 1nv*stI&ntIng the Composition of Mineral Raw Materials Using Or&Bnlc Bases.0 Sub 2 Jul 47, All-Union Scl Res Inat of MinertLI Raw Materials. - _- -7.-~-x, , , _-7~ - Disoartations prAmented for degrees In science and engineering in Moscow in 1947 SO: Sum No. 457. IS Apr 55 A 0 it I A -2 A,JR- A-A, I Al a F I I It A 0 1 I-A-PA "iA IM Ufa 6 1 4 A .4010, of, .9 4 1 1-I au" 40 t"ts= from lotf, "ttim by thr bnw"b pj= awltorld. F, A -1-1 x to. j. I If 17,4194171 - CP troll 911F *14PI -Puftlil&livriy IMM gob" rave paribil as is bhm- twon-le in 0 Wills. but- ["W job pTMj" AXIS ppirlme-11cl. Fvjlp~ The WAS "3"I hi, Via f rAillis to drywim, Dia"Wir tbr froidtitr 00 0'. I;cl. atid stv"Is - Ito? ml. of lawt 1194), anrl (13 Nalkl0a (it) ("i-har Cc"), stir, nor" with 4 ft Itch a$ I InAl "Muly m a bell Plate, '"Idivis bill III() 0 to I"llir of 61 evqV6 IkAl fin ;it) M mill" until the alwarod lie wAnivests, prailav hat"lliphoillitip"Al A trof NAM h. on's. and rnwal the altrw I*OmJ 1JV OW011, Itinamll frono Ibr WO plate. antl clivi 3 4 min., add .1rovaritil, with will"Ins. III mi. of Niffer "OR 011"ll 4411 S 11110 + 211 ml, wattv + 26 MI of pyri-line 4- Wk ml 4 00 water). Lm itgoold evivallill. Mer, anel **A the ppt sitb ciAd 11s0; buk Ce bircirisate is ppid. quantilativirly T"t tbw ppt. with OD W. of a lit*. 10% inalic acid "I) "M 41.5-1.116. am" cl MAlk tarid, and low #or 44-v) rnin 1.) rf"14rit Ibr Ottall"ailto of tworwite to I lit Pat ilw mixi, to its usiSirtal vol. and krrp overns;bt Flit". wasbalabdil ozatkari4sols-, iSnite,and *r1h A800h F-ac*11trut remIto wM CAP441MA Ike 9e u a a 09 0 A:~ wevc: lob 19,0 41 0 0 0 0 MI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 as** ais Goo a (60 * 0 0 0 0 11141111141411111 OF 0 0 0 * # 0 0 0 s 0 , - - -,* so* 01 to If Do 1111 111 v 6 p of of a 61 do of* 0 0 to Off III ? 1. 1 1 .4 IA 0 M 0 a If I I I I a a 0 0 a I 'I 00 A (OPI&I 00 a .: 1-101.01 00 :0 Delf"Mm"bow of pleklm wool in tip' 00 Wfill L A 'a" 00 lv~lfllv k1wil , 1011 41* 00 .14") Atom 2. .111 It GO. The lmrl-~ .4 fill, In. wea4blef-ft *at to Orm la"d Improirr The 1114tim h Iwimvluir .06 WA.13.157#fs) 4 friv Scan I* lim-rut#41 .00 00 Ity tatifins out flit riactiam III l1w 1"twswv %if nw%Atlw Imi It. 140-mb.1 4 fix dwpl,f. I, I., llf~4,1114 00 00 it. 1... 11 A I 1. -00 iq lh~ .4 11.11" so thloll4c "fib Wit, W411 All't a little Uttlif of rww.&4rl 609 to urt the Immilef wrll. 11hir thr Ilunil4c in the re.,lown =00 044 mewl"witumf the R.A 1,.A midruter iwl t.. 2mvit.r. 00 -ta Olto)llc-, .,1t% Uluir juttwoling c4a, jim~ Off, 00 App .4.1.1 '0) fill 4 1114. flimush lool"I I" it., zoo u- k L. ~.A I I N I ,f HIM 11-1 -V zoo so Inil omiar,or h-ims IwI- th. 1, 1, I-v ~l I 00 hT. 1-%tMuAly 11001 lil Ifull ~M Al- 1-1 11-4 .111k 1-1. lloulng 0* -11tAffe of CIN. ro IIw "Mul"u'A 'N"llellf. "I goo o he oftlit". Ad dr-'s-1w . IV , -4u .4 CUFA I. 111 7 A Cd*A. filleir ON ther CuS jol-I , fw.&~b file ppl. to rr- z;& 0 :0169' Upovir all Culo kill% JIM Ifilmle to cut 0 in a INW(V&ln clu. coo 001 klije To tki FrS, in Itw I", wrb- 14 I'ther aul&k~. fif%l 00 a ;,Arfy out ibw almn.- j."t,"lurr %fib fill, zml no ~~i Alltr 300 fir .0"o, Imir 14-1 1111re th. ..h. ". 16, goes r,*. Ific lw,j,jm .. .1; vil-I t 11'.. t, 00 2 tit 0 go I &%* it a SITAtLOSOCAL LIT1116160111 CILOSOKAT" ri 21 --if a -WOO -0-da- a 1 0 9 I all .26 10 ; 11, o 0 0 0 0 0 o1 0 0 0 00 000000 0 0 0014 see* 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 All, 9 # -** W * - ~ . Is 0 Is - W ~ ; ~;- (6 1 11--t-A I-L-AA 0 Q M U.# t a a 1471 . ' 000 4111411~ 0 , -, I Va 0" U1111, All O*v Oftlytissal wft p"Saloap. Islaxillwas. isat b#jV F. A. Ilattiso. ire Ow an of pyrww as a orgulatar of the Pit of MAN*. dwilalI bv*cjli2k and li*oxabliovi W rowlypirairs. In 64mifts prorwisso, to a wrookly "I Mile., a Pit of about 011froulls vols" wMir MWIAN air is"d. as kinfraiiii" whilor Me, 1-1. Cia, Za. Co. and Cd form palailly W comples". lip,owilivs. corrif pyrikhat nitrate wiS give a allij, of If 4 -4.2; Owul thipur CV0411KA" be is P*w IN from rb 'and I. to. Cu and Cal ahiclo, jovov*w"p11.' reastrApsm with porritimp) and am* rwr metals ferear in. wakes Cr Atilt rare emwilit In tvvertion lawtweris .-f4m. lberr%wholl I- T-0. tinals, Itt(Oll is tan be arf-I learn Cd,fir, 14, vle,. lift'l Rlk&bL Two pirwedufro, -eye llsr ralivieq'i the ilk ,a, Ibe d grosip rott ell Destroy arse. twirttal In the filtrelt with 11\4% AMf &t. Ali. tAltht, 141S, Qn,] at U"1.1- A.h lose -,Mvisf ppl. of the 3M vmtp. gnite carrfullal, AM treat the a-b with "w". 1ICI whik 1111`261111S. It All inUll. T`tarn,wpjjjs#jwAajdujpyn. darst. wp. Fr. Al. Co. To. Zt. Ili, Ga, and same rare uses" from Me, Za. Ni. and Co. Flow The Weimer, *fire it* widn rat 1widirle fairdirtarblovitle. lips. Co. N1. &bit 704 will# Ms. thillt arrie flirw Irises 1614. (2) Feet Far, At, ('I. I", Ti. It t.f -vir fare torl.1% vljob pvt%litw. ---, , - - the filtratros lift tile Ad'In 4,ll!,vFjJiI)r flydrm h1,0610, M-1 %*I, co, Ond In with F'On tile (111f.te, 'Ill't The tionjitalton I.# the tivoulille, 11111 101) 911111 lilt in the harlanirthvirlivirtrary it Its tile filtrAl, F;:t Moo, after the destruction tat the IVA ISMICOAl Wsth life. the Alk V.Artbs, Mee, and alkali as u3ual I IS pesferml "bell CA . Ilig, and alkali are slrtd in pt~dnca, "Mfg Large omit. of litts. Co, And %*I That gwocedure it w Itr sited in *11 caset, rat-rriq whirri the pfolucl contain- civi%ulffstalt phratillusir arod wnaU qu3min" rat At, Ti, And It, IM-Suse then imsor (it the Co relay he Piled G#S-hM;IhAt1. Ilut At the Al. TI, and Z: *it sufficirm so vviabillop with 11 14).. then the method it appisrshir. (2). with Oulfcient Fr- in low -An . I- -I~ -intable when P and % &f- In .8 /it fi."]$ NI *-III C', it I. I-ferletl to ppl /ft . it,, S It-w, A uoin -tg C11,00M)II I NaoAc ItAIVIPAtIll-thl-Alkitiesel-I Th sbotald by wild frool Cr and mr, rtifths oith the AM 4 p_yrWijw and its nitric acid sale It the produce contiout er a-14Mine I,ar coetildrte plan 2*, if is rart"Ury to u a arp Ili I n " C . a If In the 4th selt'llp it is PrisailAr t to tn u n Cd with pvt1duse in prearosce of Its nitric eacid gait - It Z Karnich at* It 6 tellb&lb" CLASUPKOTKN u 11-7 a At 40 at b 0 a do smile Man lilt w a 0 0 0 0 0 0,11110 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 All 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 We 00 All 0 4111 0 0000 0 0 we is is a a I 00 .111pe .0 01111 J-06 144110 see t5 Ow 0.1 .- -I a 0-1 or a; -1) Q-0 , 0,0 1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 All 0 0 0 0 0 0 a OLO-OL-0-0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 091 rp a I ---;i i 6itai go 0 # o 0 - wl-- LID 11 aIs 4 10 v IN Is 0 A - I - 61 M a #A* I- JI-A ... -,!m #- . a- *--L A 0 r, 7 vwc~ Isul 4.0 .&COW.SS -. 0 7 . age .00 Sled l l at laium IL plydrazybxAsIn J AI)Wl- ' a tft of AdWJ Urb)c fin HWA14n) now.% Maw- zoo N. Ivanov Fmin and r A. Osthmmov. H . ObsArArl Khimii O(Mmal nf General chemistry). reel IMP). Sept. IPA p. IB95-1607. *OV rrfer*nrrt. 6900 2JUS : tie " .8446, nit a., %I ~ ; ~ Ana lotus Op 1311" 4 J, 9 T v * 041to SO 00 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 &90 a 0 & 9, 4 , 1 1 1 4 0 000of 0000 0 414141 so 00 0 0 a * 0 0 4 0 0 0 a 0 * 0 *00 0 0 0 0 O a 0 a 0 a a - __ a -0 _& 4 -4 _7 ___ . I- I - .. - I- * V - ' - ___ I 00~11401004 A L-L-L. llit mweippmm' m A.L! ___' Ir Z up. Amod. Xhosa. So 1041(mg)-7 00 0 ~ '- - jq 0=10' 9c Irorm other raorr mn he b bas"t on the dolkioraine in Is at at"Lit Owir hytirmaIrs plot. Timis, 00 a t-. at pit 4.9 (C.A. J". 5MV) sherret the 0 laimboxali. oi wilmr roaw vstbm "art ;,p4g. as pit it 3 :0 jVb mW Lu) movid bights. Flat 6tait"I ell atmined a', If. S' t- 46' $1' 'to ".(.1 rO .00 _4114111 -00 I, Nk-ep, j,m W. Ilo. &n,1 %'k), where hmo (b, "I'lls Imagict wilms. at pyriolvot ur iU matim (CA. 34. ;~771101, ocy. trip* PsAn vom 1"ird. c4milar rv~lts sere ol- 09 Ir. to" the plilf. PrAm.. mormam into a AP-oil. 8&%k titinvil white the rare earths were t&krO 10POIC' With "1. 9 0`10"JUS11 4111k It. IIN()a, IM CA N OZMM, WW 92&UdWdiPhl. .* ftnhe (tA. Co. lot. %m. Col. I I o, Fr. Vto to fit 27 2 s. of IUD% H%(J6. Add approx. ratios of 1 1-1 14 !PI nil. W Iloilo. itot. and wid %&"Iy 136 lot. tol purr Plitt. dumi " too on't - %hatims &%"I iiNxolm. %looso the ..In. I. at I-am I trial..' fill to The mark and null lborimushly. to 00 let lk,.,IV-4vr The astropir. amid aplorm 5 6. of NII.No., 0 carviullv co-morS111-- wilts dil. N31011 until a slimlit Per- fit Itillosifil) aplormirs. Simi them "I.1 d"m of colord. 00 1114"r Doll. lotlefixillor VIA. (C.$. IOU Itil.) wul IwinS to a taml. AM a little mortiated paper pulp morml I" Ima a dropparlif lumad &M appr". 15 ml. of the WS. fooln. with cAutst. atirrimS. Covvf the broker. bronS to mxi*ott "osS, and krep an a watts both fix W NO min. to vornplirte coagulal im food PPIN. of St (011)'. Fit- try. w%A vostit lax J'-r evin. of NII.NCh contS. a tnadl quantity W tbr ppid. "a (6 !2~1- m 110) MI. of 31'~ SJI.Nw. ;Amv abir plot. in a W68jord poormums crucible, :it)*. -00 -*0 -00 lot zoo coo 1109 -00 dry. asolf. Ismsor &I IMIA %.VW. 6114 wrtigh. Fog IJ goo 111 somolyars in solis it Ss-04 us, 0 g., thric amoi uto 2#0 ; -j adlersoft-a briuTtu -tallass, * A114 *'I,,uud'* In 6 cao", &r.1 :It.f in thin other 0 istuilyfors the dillirrvoce aW mot excited E: a(PAX01 4. Die filtrwes Orm IV&PI. to 11 sommill Vol. and '00 1.00.1 liv tic-, motor was 6.1tal It is timmisht that Sc. (001),Xih is litrut I-sonsiml. shwh of snovor pyie- 0 All 4mm mist. claampt eLmomfolvirly so wriv 400 run an Dips '*ft toy lho Imelli-ool in the r o 4 1-1164 r L v"m tisno taniti, wmally &W imiAilawd. 0 1~ of Ibr :k W. wits, lipmed by ff-myb. 141*n t"tn mm. i-AiiiiiWi a i I I LW C.. It. W 0 0 Olly. comoupbria arve. W W am abuineml by !%bleps 'a at 9 rx, it 0 9 V v 0 it 0 0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 a " ON 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G a 0 1010 0 lilto 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,0010 0 0 9 * 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 A-A LOA 0-0- 0- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 9 0 0 00911 POWURN. A.I.; OSTRWMOV, B.A., doktor k~,.-mlchesklkh mWk, relakt.-)r; KISELICVA.A.A..,---t6khntc?ie'skiy redaktor. (Method of chemical analysis for minerals and rocks) Matody khi- atcheskogo analisa mineralov i gornykh porod. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR. Vol I (Silicates and carbonates] Silikaty t karbonaty. 1951 334 P. (MI.RA 8:8) (SiliCAtOD) (Carbonxtes(Mineralogy)~ (Mineralogy, Determinative) CA D&W-k-Um of eirtWum wft a=&-W add. A, A Ama'"onA mW JK. A.. of 116flarrel Raw Mo- Miamw. OAS N ~). /hu?. A a4l. Kk,m. 6. 27 -33 (tWil i.-Tbe Sput$nae of this investiptim %is% to cbKk thir 1 Kuynins ratthod (C.A. 41. 47161). The enabod Will Se. CWAIC and catclive in wp", of Zi In= other "W1412 inciwl- i=tr&ft earths and Mo. FquAlly good fr*ults offe ob. I 'y wrishills b mWAFI&IN wilbmt Isuill"s The pla. io,vj%. Tbr irare" onswitlic mcid was r"myrol fly WIM). Ills The vpt. 3 3 tillws will) utull. Zr In qua"111W WOW Obt,110 S. dm clot ppt. at com. particulary in the pr of oth" ek-ments. In such mars the time alltywcd for pptn. khould br rztended to I or nsore days. J61. flowb rRfl wim-ORtv-0- ! NW1110'e'll"'I 4",,* '~I~ ~hll *;1,) 00 1, *,e ~4 I ~.l .,,) Pr OSTROYMIOV, 46. A.; sr TiIA, o,, T.,,. Vnnadlwt Some Inwe of the distribution of vanadium in contemporary marine dernsits. Dokl. AN SSSR 86 No. 2, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December Iq n.2 'inc L . OSTROUNOV, B.A. of determining forin of sulfur compounds In deposits of the Black Sea. Trudy Iast.okean. 7:37-69 13). (KLRA 7:3) (Deep-sea deposists--Black Sea) (Black Sea-Deep-mea depo5its) OSTRWXOV. S.A. Yorms of sulfur conpoundo Indoposits of the Black Sea. Trudy Inst. oksan. 7:70-90 153. (MLRA 7:3) (Black Sea--Deep-sea deposits) (Deep-sea deposits--Black Sea) p AOW~. f -j- tar yegw.* - __ JL. -- ofum-mm Op Tis jaiw fmctwb 11t3lk 90 06 the 'a Imm TAI- wtam Pat UK 00" In th, IlAd an I ro 1,1A I Nd Wd AMC for tz"'Is w (C. 7111 oz ;I I'm da ~~Wby SO I'M "t"Od' b tb$ 0 WWI do all tmndfint in WIV). Tiodment wo &I u Thom asi ,to. Tbl Of tbm ts gm tabu' pdllll. M. loot its ad otba"'" ww the To,` of thm AS R PONOMARIV, A.I.; OSTRDUMOV, B.A., doktor khtmichaskikh anuk, redaktor; LOSnMV. kKnUTIVA. N.A., tekhnicheekly redaktor. Notho(As of chemical analysis of minerals and rocks) Matody khtmi- chaskogo analiza nineraloy t gornykh porod. Moskva. Isd-ve Akademii nank SSSR. Vol.2 (iron ores. titanomagnotities and chro- mite@] ZhelezrTerudy, titanomagnp9tity i khrnmity, 1955. 343 P. (Iron ores) (Chrordtes) (MLRA 8:11) (Titanomagnstities) OSTROUNOV.E.A. Occurrence of manganese in bottom deposits of the SeR of Okhotey. Izv..411 SSSR. Ser.geol.20 no-5:83-RS S-0 '55. (KLRA 8:12' (Okhotsk. Sea of-Manganese ores) Im In the 1 imamm4w so Mhoto am ) %MMY MOM S-q-f.)L 102, (lasous wad ferric otides),was detd. In sampla rom Vm" th" 20 ftgloms of the Okhotsk Sm sed1w to. The deposits are div" Into I som with F4 content-to J.Oto,7%. ThesmewitlammelmaMolpe O=m thir XWO Ww3& AM Is the matis atmakY all X= cMtka Am. Most of the Fe amm to the oft from terra. trWmatakkandvokankbrftkdwaprtducu. Bomecal- WW Fe in very Ine suspension cabmtrata In the cu ofte tocrtha with Ft bomW with the tilytopilatoo = due. In ib* south the tonan. of Fe mord. with the day-fttm jiltne. Another pan of ths- Fe. bound with she valmnic iscovity products, concentralea In the mad and tat particles. loosted aims the Kurd WaMs jmd the tan shaft of Xamchatka. In compwiscm with other Runka sess, wAbDenu of the Oklmisk Sm hate it high runtent ul A ol M-71 USSR/Cosmochemistry - Geochemistry. ffydro~,hemlstry- D. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, !!,-- 9, -957, 30352 Author Ostroumov, E.A. Inst TnstMute of Dreanoioiv, Academy of S-,en,ei7, USSR Title Distribution of Titanium in the Dep,sits of the Sea of Okhotsk Orig Pub Geokhimiya, 1956, No ~, 90-95. Abst The content of Ti was determined In dried sami)ies Df the upper level of sediments coilected at 209 stations du- ring a number of years of field work by the expedition of the expedition of the Institute of OceanoioU of the A(,a- degy of Sciences USSR. Ti was determined -o_~orimetrically with H_O.,~ after deconposition of the samples with hyJrofiu- oric and sulfuri2 acid and fusion with potassium py-rosulfa- te. A chart of Ti distribution in the bottom deposits has been prepared. The following zones were delineated (TtO- in %): less than 0.2; 0.2 - 0.3; 0.3 - 0.4 - 0.5 0.5 - Card 1/2 USSR,/Coswchemistry - Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry. D. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khlmlya, No 9, 95 -17 , 30351 Author : Ostr(:)ywv, E.A. Inst : Academy of Sciences USSR Title : Titanium In the Deposits of the Sea of OldiotLik Or g Pub . Dok-1. Ali SSSR, 1956, 107, No 3, 444-447 Abst . See next ubs.ra- Card 1/1 - 29MOAAk j SHIIAOV. T.M. Occurrence of Iron sulf%de and hydrogen sulfide In deposits of deep trenches In the northwestern ]Pacific Ocean. GookhImlia no.7t25- 16 156. (NLRA 10%1) 1. Institut okeanolorii kkademit nauk SSSR. (ftcific Ocean--Iron sulfides) (Pacific Ocean--Hydrogen sulfide) OSTROUW)V. IC.A.; ASTANINA, A.A.: SHOKHOR. T.G. MmVvid for determining rare earth* in ocean deposits. Trudy lust.okoan. 19-29?-301 056. (MLRA 10:2) (Ocean bottom) (Rarths. Rare) SWConinochemistry - Geochfietry. HydrachemLetr~~, r a st Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, N,) 19: 19~:16, ~Iw4 Ab i F Author: Ostroumov B. A. Sh-'I(. V. 14. institution: None Title: Iron Sulfide and Hydr~fer) Sulf-..d-~ F --I D-;-:F~'Trn cf North- western Part of Pacift~: OcesLn Original Periodical% Dokl. AN SSSR, 1956, 106, Vo 3, Abstract: Process of rj..ictlon (-R) c.f SO', tak~fz-a P~Sce at definite stra .43 and beFins af R t.-. Fj.2+, at definite alvage of decom~,_)sitilcn of rorgaz,:~~: mattEx ne~-_e.zaa four iffe processes of sulfate-rc-iucing ml~-, rga,7_!.qm4. R ~f S04 - is well developed in sediments rf and Aleutian t.---)ughe where it big-Ins in 10-15 17m am,)znt,:j cf FeS reach 0.39% and Fred.- '-13 pr-~neyit RvI vi f troigh R Zone is ~)eterr I ayor .i %.i I it %L- I I tt I e FeS. In the seeximent. bed UIq j,r 1 "0-100 m I Ryer Card 1/2 0STWUNDT. N.A. _ Titanium In deposits of the Okhotsk sea. Dokl-Aw SSM 107 no.3:444-447 Mr '56. WAA 9:7) 1.1ustitut okesnologil Akademli nauk SSSR. Predstaylene akademikom N.M.Strakhavym. (Okhotsk, Sea of--Titanium) VOLYOV. 1.I.-, OSTROUMV. N.A. Forns of sulfur compounds in silt waters of seditmnte of the Black Sea. Genkhimila no.4:11"-145 157. (MIRA '12:3) 1. I*Lboratnry of RnrInA Sediments of the Inatitute of Oceanolog7. Acndnr,V of Sciqncna. U.S.S.R., Moscow. (Thlosulfates) (Black Sea-Silt) OSTROUMOV, B.A.; VOUOV, 1. 1. Internonnection of phosphorus. vanadium ind orranic -tntter In t~e Black Soft sediments Lwith summry in AV,lisbLj. OefthiMita A-N SSSR no.6:518-528 157. (MIRA 11:2) 1. institut okeanologii AW SSSR, Moskva. (Fhosphorus) (Vanadium) (Binck Sea--Sedimgntation and deposition) OSTOMOV, A.A, V~, i. - - - -- - - - 3iilfur compounds !r. ', -t, ,-, J- ~!!l to Inpt. nkenn. '~". ( I i -) t n k , of t~-.n 39a of Okhotsk. ?7-A7 (MIR'k 110) Is it o f - - Sit I Air ) 1, ~,, T. I ~ I I-- I L, . ', III.,, . . I - . HXZRllX0V. P.L.; Phosphorus distribution in the sediments of the Okhotsk Sea. Dokl. AN SSSR 113 no.1:142-14~ Mr-Ap '57. (KLRA 10:6) 1. Institut okos.nolngii Akademit nat4k SSSR. Prodetavlano alladamikom N.M. Strakhovym. (Okhotsk, Ser. of--Sedimentation and deposition) AUTHORS1 Volkov, I. I., Ostroumov, 8. A. 2o-LI-4-4-47/63 TITM Determination of Thiosulphatee in Silt Waters of the Black Sea Deposits (Opredeleniye tiosullfatoy v ilovykh vodakh os- adkov Chernogo morya) PERIODICALt Dokladj* Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1957, Vol. '114, Nr 4, PP. 855-855 (USSR) LBSTRACTs In order to get a better idea of the diageneeis processes it is necessary when studying the types of sulphur compounds in seadDpoeits, not only to investigate the solid phase, but to determine also the types of sulfur compounds of the water by which these deposits are drenched. In the Black Sea, in which an intensive reduction process of the sulphates takes place, there may also occur sulphites and thiosulphates, beside free hydrogen sulfide and sulphates. The authors investigated, from the expedition ship "Akademik S.Vavilov", at the below mention- ed station, whether these soluble compounds occur in the silt waters of the deposits. A method for the determination of au' - fites and thioaulfates in the presence of free hydrogen SulAlAo ,* had been previously worked cut by Kurtenacker. Its applica- bility to the Black Sea was to be checked. The shallow-*&ter Card 1/3 deposits here often do not contain any hydroFen sulfide. In Determination of Thiosulphates in Silt Waters of the Black 2o-ll"-47/63 Sea Deposits the silt water of the deep-sea, deposits it is often removed during filtration in vacuum. Tests indicated that the con- tent values of the thiosulfat*s obtained on this occasion are unetible and vary considerably. This is due to the leaking through into the filtration of small amounts of colloidal sulphurous iron (hydrotoilite), For that reason treatment with vincarbonate suspahsion is undisyennable. It removes the free hydrogen sulfide and the colloidal iron which is di- sturbing in the determination of the thiosulfates. The exyer- izents showed that the silt water& in the Black Sea deponits contain virtually no sulfites, at the most very minute traces of them, whose amount Lies within the limits of experimental errors. But steady figures for the thiosulfates are obtained in pit* of their small amounts. They vary between from 0#0 t3 10 :g/lit. The deep-sea deposits are richer in them then those ,~ of the shallow water. As is well-known one sulfur atom of the thioaulfates is very mobil6 and capable of reaction. There- ~-.fore the thlosulfates can function so a peculiar type of sulfur transmitters. In this respect the occurrence of thio- sulfates may be of great interest in the study of diagentical. Card 2/3 transformation of the Black See deposits. There are I table Und c1~7W10/1'V, 1 4. AUTHORSt Volkov, 1. 1., and Ostroamov, E. A., "o-';_32/51 TITLEt Concretions of Iron Sulphide in Black Sea Deposits ~Konkretaii sul'fida zheleza v otlozhenijakh Chernogo morya) PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1957, Vol. 116, Nr 4, pp. 645-648 (USSR) ABSTRACTj Already in 189o colloidal iron sulphide was foAnd in the Blick Sea deposits and the possibiliti of a formation of pirites which was contained In it in form of tiny pellets was ausumed. Also at that time concretions of pyrites of a length of 12 w,~ rind a breadth of 0,5 mm wore found there for the first timc. Beside 9o,84% pyrites they consist of a small qhantity of silicatca which apparently are of the deposit itself. A further referenct. review shove the presence of mellnicovit, hydrotroilite, and marcaoite also in the old Black Sea deposits. TraILGitions bet- ween the two latter minerals occur, too. The reseiroh of these. transitions and of the process could throw a light on ont. of the questions of the autogonous mineral formation of the bottom of the sea. In summer 1956 a pillar of the grouid of a length of 5za was taken in a depth of 54C m by the expedition ahi,1 "AkadeLik S. Vavilov" from one of the stations beside the cap( Kodor (420541,0 north latitude, 400541,8 east lonEitude). It was cla),ey Card 1/2 mud, grey coloring with bluish tinge an" %it- si-.g,e intermedia- u -A.. Ostroymv. E. A.. . A. "Detormination of horium Ty th-~ .%elj?ht and Goloriratric Xeti,odt." i . , In book Methodn cf Lntprminir.,,. hadleletivo Fleironts in Lilaoral ItAw l'gktc:ria,,,n, lqc,~O. 08 pr A TJT III R Pete I in, V T ITLF ',wre i ec u i i it rl t I e n I n t ht! Of the Sen Of ~` ~hn~:llk " r,eko',oryvt, 7 de I pri 1.,; $A -,h-jr7,A ); 0qqlkA r n "'k r~o t f- k r) fFC) IT, C, r:; -'I PF~I'T)JCAL: Ppillelen -oqkov,;k,*,wc i! ctip'. ppolngirro")KI.". Nr rp i ARS?PAC-: The reseArch wory ~,'-~ne (iurlniz 1-,.I1 - I t)y t he Z' ~, I p V I Vit 7 " n Fl rC a ~ A srur i a r, 7 be rotpd r, hr,, d i s r i t i n of tiie -kn-~r'f' r ccr, t rar i t r, o . h e - P, ~,~ i n j T r, ") r ~' 1, tI - his reseit,-n or tho 9 f I i It- : r v (,'I I n t S ev p e -n ti b Qn c 6 t t rl," i, r e,i r i ro r. ~ on I h q n v p r i r ~,rprv;~! -r, ments in r(2171 OnS A:1)0lnl'lF "It' Y', Y- Fi Fures and :7,ix i r.-, m rpr, -?n- r ~-e- r, in th- Vo 1., r r. ;r, ri 9 u t c, s v p r n U "V W n I %'- this flell. r,i a r w I V 1 '.rr~Kn-v rA x, r i I a ,ivernvqk,, v A -A N V h n t t n v b-:i a -~:i o i i rc. r 6,o t i into 1 n I ime n t n F-P h - r ~-ome j'ecul iii-i I ion i- * ne !i t :,,. tu - --)n -f -. r~~!. : n of Okhotsk (if Prof-ion proli;,'tm ,f Iry n r; 1 r,,1 han! of rrodur-.s nf recont voll-t-,,,- q r 1 1 ~ i ty F, trnti-n -f t~7e -ain iror-contAin:r.,7 -inerr- n c 1 R s t . --.!- PP r i n i , n r,,! , ~ r- ! , q t r 1 b,-i - r-~ fh neco H I nF o tt,.(. o7rnn~i ', o!no t r i -, 7, ptr-i- I o4, r - i r. character of the iron Alslrltutlon in thf, t P1 r r. 'k.hotnk -eA "'he re "' o re , sr, fnr ns I rc?I1 91t, i t IriI cerned. tho ",rhotsk ',en rim te rognried -i n 1 , - c i li , ti r. r!~ sen bnc i n a b,isir. wit t,. mail-ui, r~, T, i ron i n n c~ c c) , i is t7,j np r. 7~.erp 9re maps n nr 1 r-if-ren ,ov, , e tn n I r r, i 1. Sea of Oxhotsi-, --Pr -~-per T ;,e. SE*l Lmr. ., t"q t 1 Distribution 4. IT a-. e- Card 2/2 Ajl~"':Uil: 0 -A 0 t 1. 01 -I I ~A 7, Q c . L "A :1,41, A'17 r, t i t a t i v -I- t 0 1 r) r i no a 0 0 s i b i "f ration -q r r t a I -v t i --i L I n t '.1%(i 1::: 1 '3 t i t' Ic 1y Ib.- o n r va t c i:.i s 1 . ltatc(: .,iantitativel~, ~y i run rc . . I t I. rc:, Q 7, r,-~3 e n i n cjr= fold f"'C7, 0 1 a LI fS 1 r -r Card 1/3 ~~epanition of :1 0 of Pyrldill~ I V, C 71 f pl,ec 1 1 ta ia 7 t~ic- rIrn Ar . if ne o 1.1 r I C rc cart h t 0 T, r C-;C r , 01, r C 2 13 1 !3 Separation of Th,-riu,.,, .-- rom ia re :.arth!; ',)I ',' , eans of P~,ridinc and Its Nitrate preci3ely re,~,,ilatod in the :precipitation and kept -)-I a value of .1,1-.',2 by mc-i! . of this solution. In the ')re= ci:,itat ion of thoriui.-, li~-droxide it is dc-s iraljl(~ ri 11:1.oriu;. r.itr%te in ur,,ler to acceleratc t~~c of a -t.nner lid to accelerate the ."?T". D" ri.ienti; it was ~)rovc,6 tl,,at (even ir, care -f a .;inC,.;1ar precipitation of t~-orium 1,,,,dro-xi(!(' by mrann of a ;Axtu~e of'pyridine and ~yridin'p nitr~.te a practicall.j co,::.lcte separation of thorium from '.~e rare ~ rirth ;,.ctal.,3 car, lie bbtaine~. Yttriu;-i, lanthanu: trival.nt, :.eodymiu.%1,')rascodymium, erbium, and yttfrbiam r--,:-.aiv in ',~ie solution. T!.ori,i:-. :)V'-Ci.,1t-ited ir. s.Ac.~ purc~ forii ''iit a tion ~-- :.ot neceszar~-- The exieri-,~ntal carryin,* out of t"', e (I v (, r,,, -1 ra t i o n 1 3P.9 c r i 1) . precisely. -).ore I fi,~ure, t-t!)leq in~ 6 rufvroncen, (f %--hich ire -~Uviet. S 1JB' .' JTT ED ~a r c h 11 7 1. Rare em-thr-Precipitntion 2 Thorlum-Determinatior, Card 5/3 3. Pyridines-Chemical rvaotionz 4 Pyridine reactiom; 5(2) AUTHORS: Volkov, 1. 1., 0strouriov, 'E'. 1. 3(,V/71- 1 1 7 TITLEt Determination of Sulfatc,-, b.,,- Their ',tplucticr to Sulfide (0pred-leni.,-e vosstancv',-j,,1ye.7 ikh do scrovodoroda) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal analiticheskoy 11, Nr 6, T1 (USSR) A.BSTRACT: Among the titrimetric motho(Is for dotormining thore biLSing on a reduction of sulfr-te to hydrogen iulli"(, aivl. 'I subsequent iodome tric '-" tratinn, a-,,2 of i;,-rtioul (,r t ( Ref s 1 -1 1 ) . In usi ng ~-,,,ani ou~- c t, 1 urile -~nki yhoi~ d f or the sul fate reduc tic n ~ -,,o -, ~1 'I, , 'i a ~ 15 'Alrt -,Ix- by copper and other elumrntz c,' thf, which form sulfides difficalt to of 'I k~ present paper worked rut a 7,f thrd 'i- reduction to hydropen sulf i,.c! trke!- v6i tY, obtainf-d from SnCl~ anl nc'~, 1. W!?1F "'(1 ,h, `:I(" the apparatuo for the reducticn !):,- Kit- an, collaborators (T(ef 8) has a niunbe.- dt-fr-ctp, 41 wac :-~r .-.,iE-d by the authors. Tht, new appF-.-,-ttuj illustrat.," Card 1/3 It is characterized b-,. the fact tnit it be Do termination of Sul f -it e.- hy llydro;_-f,n Sulfide e a c t i va the conc~ntri-,, phosphoric was T r-partiI . r, rfi r.r- Sn (7 1 ') W i t h c o n cn 1, r i i t (! ~ i ;) 1.,,, . - ~ ~ I.,, r iIti was ~ornple te 'y r,?-,oved. : n Ift. i -)nr~-c I t ari however, that a r(,aF,-c-nt havir,~ cono,,irt ~~c* -!i VO obtainable. 1nve,,;ti~,-%tii,n-n ca? ri, ~! (jut fact that nmall ameunts of chlori after boi lin'g not onl,,,- (1r) not Ai stu--c) ho r- !1i- tir even intensify tho latter. A 1~rolonj--'i?,d (," t for the purpose uf* roi-.)ovi ti~! 1 o:-I,is- f considerable decrfms6 of th,, I-Odl, 7 7 4hi i it 1 1, 'Ir nt 1." c a u o e d by th c f o rm it t i o n on r~ ( r n b I eou n phosphoric acid. A vl~ry r. preparation c." the as of the coqcQn-r"t'~'i phoql)ho ri c riel (I n I it I conditions for tl%e rro para tir) n of the r~,--Aa-ent. r i t 3000. "he d-ns,- 1--;ii riot increased beyond on ;:01~ or CaC'12 anA stored. This method was tested on tb- Card 2/~ analysis of pure salts. As ". c ramtf ippa r on t , t hr p r, ~~ --i (:,-, - ' Determination of Sulfates by Hydrogen Sulfide Ca, Ba, Al, Cr, 14n, ~,rj, Ni and Zn doen not cauno in disturbance. Tho rediictir)n ,iro:,E~ss !,. acceleritp(i 1,11 1,r, by the presence of alcali mp. ~L--''-L- ;;,ither do 11~i, ;b ar-- -i disturb thp. reduction. Conjur -nd 7.-,t-rcury salts cau~;-- a disturbanco. 'rho samo mothod wFiq n1so adolted to natural matorialo, an rypitum, Plack Sea oozo an(i nort vilil-r. The results are on the same levol with those obtairind 14~ 'tit, gravimetric det,!rminatior of nulfate as 13aS04. 1, nunl)(-r practical indioationo for th`n t-.Pthod Js also --iv-n. are 2 fit-ures, -~, tables, anc' 11 ASSOCIATIONs lnstitut okeanologii At; SSSIP, 7,'ocVva 1notittit- of -c--cography of the Acadomy of Scionnc-o, 'JISSit, 1,'onco-s' SUBMITTED: October 1, 1957 Card 3/3 Ommmay"I.A.; SHIISOV, T.M. Distribution of ferrous sulfide and hydrogen sulfide In botton deposits of the northwestern part of the Pacific Ocean. Trudy Inst. okean. 27177-83 058. (ULU lls4) (Pacific Ocean-Iron sulfide) (Pacific Ocean-Hydrogen sulfide) 171 . : '. I` - ~ !, -1 , ! ~,, , ~!; 1 ~ . 1 ., '. I , - .." * ; " ~ I t I.- p. -, -~ :-, . I I . 1 11 1 "., . : . . I ~.' 1 . I I (I , 1~~ ~, A..'. - 1 1 L", -,, ! :-, . I : n 7, . , - .~~! , .. 1 :1 1 - - I 5(2) STJ/7P- ~UTHORS: Ivanov-&mln, D. N 0stroumov, E. A. TITLE: On tha Q*aestion of the Fo=ation of 13vdi-jxy-sca-ndiata-- o, -,I- k1k&:-i Metals (K voprosu ob obrazove-nil i,,i droxa30 3bln(L' 11 %Q'.' ahchcloch~-Ayk-h neta-Uov/~ llz"IDDICAL: Zhurnal cecrganicaesko:~ khtmil, 1?59, Vol 4, Nr i, pp (Usfm) ABSTRACT: Yhe so-j-i-,qtior, c' scandiate )-~avin(~ po.,;iti ri Na~ ',- '01) '1'020, s df-3cribed. Fo-- the sy-r0TLF-.-1.''- t4is coiupoai,u z;cwicuum aydroxi(ic producea by the method of N A. Tananayev wat3 disolved by heating in 18 n Bud-Jum hydrate. cr-pirF-ted wit vas analyzed and the formula mEn'- -as confi:-,ned- Tb-! coor(lination r)ureoer of c-i--- datim ir, Lais comp,)wn~- J.r. 6. !'no-- crystai-1-1ne rhombic lattice. 7i-.e zrye,.als frequeatlv form drasel. temp-rat,ire of 25 t~,e crystal denaJty is tio by th,~ by V. V. Syromyatnikc-v k I!ie f' iO) nit: powid sodium rexWiydxvxo-scandiate decomposer, cn the effc--t )f