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AUT11ORZ: T.A. SOV/147--, TJ IT iX, Cn t 1, e R e i a t i ~, r. Fl, e r, r. (7- 1. t,:. o1. ~,nd tl.e n,ezhdu vczni&nov~-i.iyeii techeniya v -,o Lj-~, ii-i c ).no-r~. s I -),y c PE' ICDICAi.: lzvcst.',yL, V.-/sshikh UchebiVkh 7,aveuc--.l.-,,, Aviat-ijn;,ay~i TeKhrij..a, ':r, 1, A ~STRACT: This popei coW a r, sul ts I L the authors at the I.IL)scj%. AviiiL~,jii L.--t-tutc tit,d iv(l: explanation if the f -,-, .!.c vjr*.c:~ L,,,rste.. ~,f Ll cirrespondine, ti ste~idy Lotlcr. Ex-: : L:-,, e n t a ~ , - bi 1~ ' - auced iL supiort. Ti-e vir,Lz Is ,.;rs,, e,~ t) -s -'or_e .ed ti-, t t~.e le i r f 1 for it to be assu~, dizensioaal. L,-,.z-inar f io- -,. t',.c j- asbumed. By di! "-~rcr,t c~lo i; - on t,.e Lip-ci 'ii.u surf aces o.' tl c ~.- int i' v-a~, -L ---e. ve,d t-, *~ v i C.C: in the up- er s-arf~~cr bcc--i~.,e .:pally ti e 1. ro i i r Ld t~- P.-, Dn I 1-)~- -C S As a resul*, s e 1 ed(-e , f I ,I t it is quasi-steaa,-. ere v Cardl/2 arise --,eriDdicaj' Iy 17. e t I I, ii:- r L SOV/1 4 7 Uri U R,~ I at it~ Ch a I,, z i,; t iF d f stca~ y j 1 a' ei- -1i tc t imf:t c i, a I 10 in tLe i!i ',A i.-,o ti f lov. b-o-~..:nvay r~ay TI c a.,-,d r'-fe: -,Ce~~, Df ;-et R,-is..-,an a,-.~ I ASOOCIATIO~4: Kafedra 3. Ai:r Ar r,:. r r:! SUBMITTED: 11, C,, rd 212 PHASE I BOOK F"LOITATION SCrV/403.3 SOV/11-M-118 Ostoslavskiy, I.V., and T.A. Gr=ondz 0 avyazi mezhdu pod"yamnoy siloy kryla i kharakterom techeniya v pogranichnm sloye (Connection Between the Lifting Force of a Wing and the Nature of Flow in the Boundary Layer) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1959. 51 P- (Series: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy institut imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze. Trudy, vyp. 1-18) 1,100 copier, printed. Sponsoring Agency- RSFSR. Ministerstvo vysshego I aredne6o spetidallnogo obrazovaniya. Ed.: I.L. Yanovskiy, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: A.A. 10irustaleva; Tech. Ed.: V.P. Rozhin; Managing Ed.: A.S. Zaymwakaya, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book Is intended for scientific workers and instructors at tech- nical schools of higher learning. COVERAGE: The book covers inventigation.0 of moteaU motion in the boandw7 layer Card 1/3 Connection Between the Lifting Force (Cont.) SOV/4013 at the initial moment after the beginning Ofairculation. It includes some plienamens of the formation of the lifting force . Results of experiments confirming theoretical considerations are given. These experiments were iqade with noncampressible fluids, but they may be extended to cover compressible ccmditions. The authors thank Engineer N.V. Korolev, Engineer 1,.Ya. Vasillyev, Engineer B.I. Kinlrov, and Docent A.S. Povitskiy. There are 6 references: 5 Soviet and 1 English. TABLE OF COMUM: 1. General considerations 3 2. Transition of the unstable flow to stable flov in the boundary Wer 15 3. Experimental investigation 32 4. Conclusions 40 Card 2/3 Connection Between the Lifting Force (Cont - ) SOV14013 Appendixes: 1. Some r viarks on e xperimental methods and precision of tests 42 2. Experimental values of b oundary Layer parameters 45 Bibliography 53 AVAIIABLE - Iibrary of Congress AC/ren/gap Card 3/3 7-29-60 PHASE I BOOK EXP,,uiTAT1JN ' Ov / 1~1 i --, C Ostoslavskly, Ivan Vasil'yevich, and Irina Vlktorovna Strazheva 0 formirovanti kontura upravlenlya samoletom (Forming Aircraft Control Outline) Moscow, Oborongiz 1960. 97 p. Errata slip inserted. 3,150 copies printed. ~Serles: Moscow. Aviatsionnyy 1natitut Imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze. Trudy, vyp. 1214) Sponsoring Agency: Ministerstvo vysshego I srednego Epetslal'nogo obrazovanlya RSFSR and Moskovskly ordena Lenina Aviatsionnyy Institut Imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze. Ed.: I. L. '-'anovskiy, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: M. S. Anikina; Tech. Ed.: V. P. Rozhin; Managing Ed.: A. S. Zaymovskaya, Engineer. PURPOSE: The book Is Intended for a1rcra,"t Industry personnel. it may also be used by Instructors and students In technIcal senools of higher education. Card -1/4 Forming Aircraft Control Outline ISOV/5130 COVERAGE: The book describes the general case ()f lonF;Itudinnl and lateral maneuverability of modern aircraft, equipped with auto- matic devices. Air compressibility Is taken Into account. The problem is treated linearly ,with the help of simple methods of the theory of aircraft regulation. Approximate graphic and an- alytical methods for determining the center of gra%Ity and the transmission ratios of the automatic systems are determined. A method of Improving the maneuverability characteristics and the controllability of aircraft at high altitude through the use of automatic stabilizers is discussed. The iuthors ttank A. M. Letov and N. A. Kheyfets, Doctors of Technical Sciences, and I. L. Goloborod:ko and A. Ya. Vasil'yev, Engineers. There are 4 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Conventional Signs 5 Card-2/4 A"022014 BOOK MLPWTTATION S/ Ostoelavokly., Ivan Vasillyevichl Strazhevap Irina ViKorevna night dyna-micel trajectories of flying apparatuses (Dinsimika poletetl trayektorii letstellny*kh apparatoy) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1963. 430 P. illus., bitillo, Errata alip inverted* 11,000 copies printed. (Textbook for aviation Tuses and departments) Publishing house editors M. F. Bogomoloval Technical editors V. L Oreshkina; RevJewerat Profereor Kurehev,, N. V., Professor Tkaebonko, Ya. Ye.; Editors Docent Kotlyar, Ta. Y.; Chief editors Engineer Krasillnikov, S. D* TOPIC TAGS: FliEht dynamics, flight trtjectory,, airplane,, guided missile, ballie-'~ tic rocket, rocked plane,, equation of notion,, problem of Mayor,, time standard atmosphere, dynamic coiling, maneuvering, flight range,, effective radius FJRPOSE AND COVERAGEt This book Is a textbook for students at aviation vuzee and conforms to programs In flight dynamics. It can be used olso by engineers con- cerned with the design of flyIng apparatuses. In this book,, methods of computing the flight trajectories of different flying apparatuses - ai"lanes, Saided, als- eiles,, ballistic rockets,, and rocket planes - a" describede Methods of optla1- sing flight trajectoriop based on the apnlication of irarlational calculus are Cord AH4022314 anal7zed. Brief information in presented concerning the application of mathematic apparatu3 to problems of flight dynamics. Problems of the maneuverability and stability of flying apraratueee are to be analysed in the eeowg book to this general subject* The authors thank Professor@ U. Too Tkacbenkv &W No V. tur- shey and Docent ra. M, Rotlyar, TABLE OF CaM=s Foreword 3 Introduction - - 5 Ch. 1. Equationa of motion of a flying apparatus 1. Equations of motion of a body of variable composition 15 2. External forces acting on a flying apparatus. Cowdinate eyettma used for solving problems of night dynamics - - 25 3. Equations of motion of a flying apparatus as a material point of variable Maas - - 35 4. Equations of notion of a flying apparatus in a velocity coordinate system in particular oases@ Squations of motion in terrestrial and In polar (inertial) coordinate votow Card 2h AW22014 Ch, 11. Mathematical bases for computing the flight trajectories of flying apparatuses 1. General remarke concerning the integration of the equations of motion of a flying apparatus - - 55 2. Numerical integration of the equations of motion of a flying apparatus 58 3. Integration of the equations of notion of a flying apparatus with the aid of computers - - 66 4o variational problems of flight dynamics. Basic propositions of variational calculus - - 69 5. Types of variational problems encountered in dynamics 78 6. Examples of the application of variational methods to solution of flight-dy- nOniC3 problems. Uayer's problem - - 86 Oh. 111. 1Uw data for computing the trajectories of flying apparatuses 1. Parameters of the atmosphere. The time standard atmosphere (VSA-60) 101 2, Aorodynamic forces acting on a flying apparatus - - 103 3. Kinetic heating of the surface of a flyIng apparatus - - 114 4. Characteristics of engines used on flying apparatuses - - 122 Ch, IV* Stable motion of a flying apparatus@ EquMbrium fllght conditiaw 1. Rectilinear stable action of an airplane@ The tbrast notbod ckf So Too Card 3/7 AN4022014 Zhukovskiy 134 2. Method of powers. Other rwthods of aerodynamic computation IA-7 3. Designing a flying apparatus in a homogeneous medium - - 160 4. Curvilinear stable motion In the horizontal plane. Banking of the flying apparatus - - 163 Cho V. Nonatable motion of a flying apparatus In the vertical plane 1. Motion along rectilinear tra-Inries witttout banking and slipping. Pulling cut of a dive. Climbing - - 1~t,, 2. Cptia= flight trajectory of a flying apparatus in the general case - - 182 3. Optimum take-off trajectory of an airplane with ram-jet eneinee - - 191 4, Computing the optimum take-off trajectory of an airplane with ram.-jet engines.' Nuntrical. example - - 199 5. Optimum rocket take-off trajectory (horizontal-fl4;bt rangs unlimited) - -214 6o Sinpleat problem of Intercepting an aerial target saving In the vartle4l, planar - - 216 7* Dynamic calling of a flying apparatus 2.11 Ch. V1. Nonstable notion of a flying apparatus In the vertical plane soace of additional kinematic relationships Ln the pro- Card 4/7 A314022014 1. Uethcd of guidance by the pursuit curve 232 2. kethod of guidance by a beam (method of three pointe) 241 3. Lineari7ation of equations of guidance by the method of three points 248 4. Uethod of parallel approach. Other guidance methods - - 255 5. Crapho-analytic method of computinr, the trajectories for rocket gu!Ldance by means of succee3lve approximation." - - 263 Ch, VIL Nonstable motion of a flying arrar&tus In the horisontal plane. Concept or a spatial maneuver 1. Nonatable banking of a fWng apparstur 276 2. Problem of overtaking a moving target with a flying apparatus in the hori- sontal pl4ne - - 283 3. Kinematic bases of guidance of & flying apparatus In the horizontal plane - 4- The ccmbat climbing turn, Other spatial maneuvers - - 294 - 287 Ch, VIM Nonstable motion of a flying apparstAis in the vertical plane with speeds elope to circult speed I 1. Computing the glide portion of the flight trajectory of a baUlstle rocket .0 3W 2& Computing ths ponr portion of t~,e trajectory of a ballistic rockoit 317 Cord 5/7 AU4022014 3e Selecting the number of stages of a multistage rocket - - 326 4, Computing the range of a three-stage balliatic rocket* Numerleal example - 5. Computing the night trajectory of a rocket plans - - 338 - 331 6. The concept of computing the Initial portions of the trajectories of space ships - - 346 Ch. IX. Computing the range of an airplane (quanietable motion) 1. Basic definitions. Per-kilometer and hously fuel consumption - - 351 2. Computing the rangre of an airplane with ram-jet engines (VRD) - -354 3. Computing the range of an airplane with propeller engime - - 372: 4. Effective radius of an airplane. Means of increasing Ithe range s.nd the effso- t1ve radius - - 373 5. Computing range in the presence of wind 384 Ch* X. Starting and landing characteristics of a flying apparatus 1. C=Iutine- the starting of baUlstic rockets 388 2. Co.%ruting the starting of winged rockets 391 3. Starting an airplane 403 4. Computing the take-off distance of an airplane - 9A 5. Computing the landing distance, of an airplang "I Card 6/7 AW22OU Appendix. The time otandard atmosphere (VU4 Literature MB CMBI A rp Alp WENITMe MuS63 D= ACQs 5H&r64 CwJ 7ft L 168gh-66 EWT(d)1FSS-21EB0(k)-2 GSIM ACC NR: AT6035713 FOURCE CODE: U11/00/65100/00/0302/0307 AUTHOR: Pstoslavskiy, 1. V (Professor, Doctor of technical sciences) ORG: None TITLE: On the expediency of stabilizing the pitch angle when flying in a turbulent atmosphere SOURCE: lasledovaniya po, dinamike poleta. (Research on flight dynnrnicis), no. 1. MoBcowp lzd-vo MaBbinostroyenlye,, 1965,, 302-307 TOPIC TAGS: aerodynamic pitch, aircraft autopilot, motion stability, aerodynamic stability, atmospheric turbulence q 10 AWMACT: The article deals with the role of the aut9211 channel which stabilizes the pitch angle during flight in a turbulent atmosphere. Horizontal flight Is assumed to be the programmed flight mode. The following simplifying assumptions are postulated In the solution of the problem: 1) the flight speed of the aircraft is considerably less than the first comic speed, and the effect of the Earth's curvature on the aircraft flight characteristics are diBregarded; 2) the diurnal rotation of the Earth Is not taken ipto account; 3) changes in density,, temperature, and pressure of the environmental air In the process of turbulent Card 1/2 UDC 629.19.04.005 L 16894-M ACC NR: AT6003578 motion are disregarded; 4) the aerodynamic forces acting on the aircraft are determined in accordance with the steady-state hypothesis (cxcept~ for the downwash at the bill); 5) the angle-of-attack is small ED that the propulsive force component normal to the flight tra- jectory is disregarded; 6) the effect of elevatcr deviation on the lift of the aircraft to dis- regarded; 7) the autopilot Is Ideal; 8) the problem is solved in a linear formulation. It to shown that, provided It Is possible to ensure satisfactory transient process quality and other indices of controllability and maneuverability without pitch angle BtabIlization, the use of such stabilization to improve flight conditions In turbulence is not advisable. Orig. art. hasi 3 figures and 12 formulas. SUB CODE: 01 /SUBM DATE: 02Aug65 Of/ Card 2/2--t4 L .16895-66 W(d)IFSS-21EW(I)IEWP(m)IEEO(k)-21&IA(d) 03/ow/BC ACC NR: AT6003579 SOURCE CODE: UR/00DO/65/000/000/008/0337 AUTHOR: . 0stoslovskly, 1. V. (Professor, Dnetor of technical sciences) -..�Lrav,hevn. 1. V. ORG: None TITLE: The design ofan oil-board stabilization symtem or a pilotless flying craft SOURCE: Issledovanlya po dinamike polets (Research on flIght & dynamics), vio. 1. Moscow, lzd-vo Mashinostroyenlye, 1965,, 308-337 TOPIC TAGS: aircraft automatic pilot, stabilizer, motion stability, aercidynamic stability ABSTRACT: The authors consider the purposes,, requirements, design, and configuration of an on-board stabilization feedback system for a pilotless flying craft. The transmission funcition for such a system is derived and analyzed. Primary attention is given to the formation of an on-board stabilization system which will provide satisfactory 'transmission of control signals over the entire range of required frequencies with a trinetent process of satisfactory quality, regardless of the problem of a reduction of the harnifti effect of Inter- fereLce. The craft is considered a second-order element (oscillatory or apeflodic), so that if the real automatic pilot, Is replaced by an ideal devicep the amplitude-firequency Card 1/2 UDC 629.19.04. 00f, L 16695-66 ACC NR: AT6DD3579 19 characteristics of the on-board stabilization system will be of a quite definite form. If the maximum control frequency is small then the required eigenfrequency of the craft (an air- craft, for example) with the autopilot will also be smallo and the problera can to solved without the introduction of any correcting clements. Basic expressions and tronsmi8sion functions for a case of longitudinal motion by the craft are derived, together with similar equations1for lateral or translational motion. On the basis of the mathematiciJ model, the authors describe an on-board stabilization system for a pilotless flying craft, assuming an Ideal device in place of the autopilot, and the effect of rudder movement on the genera- tion of aerodynamic forces acting on the vehicle Is disregarded. The paper coricludes with an estimation of the errors due to the substitution of the Ideal autopilot for the real. Orig. aA W: 7 figures and 136 formulas. SUB CODE: 01 SUBM DATE: 02Aug65 ORIG REF: 005 Card 2/2shf YUC; 0 BE"."-'IC, Dr Z., ana of -,~o -'~tampar Scr.ool ( Skola :;aroa:-.or7 Zarav. --a an,; -..%r; Ilublic Health jtr, ~ ~-om in "Infec,io-,is of Bolgrade, Vo 9 6 3 Ab~itract: ~Tlut-o--s' modirie-!7 t,-, o~ in;'octio,,.-i in tno o.' tho :, -o j,*' Koncanica LiStrt~.' 7,,)70 thar. a ,-,Lr ani % .1il,illf. T~,, o i. o t o detei-mine whetner ~he ear-y of sufferers prevent the further ozreau of ne ;.Jouase, but tno iooatior, of Tationts did not c'-eck tnu oPi,~czmlc. .'he leni-th of the o;,iJar.-,'c was probably due to the t-rj-,c.,3 of oc-tir-ments (onn vilarn-3 -`or.~, 'r,oth :-,ides of P- road, ano-,ner huadle-J -Jr the imido: of a wo~do, arothor on nei;-hborinE; hills, -,' ' -.,-4.*h a zinj--e cc7.-cn a.emo;-,tiry school) ara h:,-,.-ienic ccn-,i*.Ior..,j . :Iiotoctu.,~ rrj z;Cw~iI,-e dispossal systems, but ear'.y hoopit.%.ization may navo -,~L-Jod a 1717part. 'No tables, one b-raph, four YuCoslav refe-ences 28 DSTXAW730, J. Parinand's oculo-glandular syndrome. Cask. opht. 10 no.6081-387 Do c 54. 1. Z 11. ocni kliniky Karlovy university v Prare - prednosta prof. Dr. Jaromir Kurz (M.MVBS. OCUIOMWOR. paralysis Parinaud's synd.) Ahl)RFYEV , A. 0 irvardi I ':'3.~,j Y ) V. . gvardll ~,)j i tan Muscles of :;toed. Vo~-n.vuat. 43 no.1106-38 1; 163.(KIRA 16:12) OSTRUZ, L., inz. Support for the nationa-l economy in the Wroclaw Voivodeship. Frzog! techn 84 no.16:5 21 Ap 163. 1. Przewodziczacy Oddzialu Stowarzyazenia Elektrykaw Polskich, wroAlaw. .0-~ . " OSTRAUSKI-ENE, S. 4 5 --' 11 iz ." -1 . I '.I-I I - . I - . r~ . ,,arp for ~ ', , 3 I-f-, - -1.1 ~ . Knuno Vals' - 'nos I;ir,' -1, t,tj I,( Vk-', KU ' 1' 911 kli' I'll 76 - DJU YS,J. , med.m. SK7CA I-F,O. D,',' IF' E, St.; OSTIU."SALIE, S.; DP AIC G --- L I :E: KA71LME, Th- T- 7 ,-r tr(-.1. Svp ' k . apgaug. r)t, 1. Kwiro Va'lrt. r -;tar- (rcll-.tor!us - -,rof. ;.-P Kwirn klit i7 - llf-rr ~ne OSTRATAP TU. Incubator for tomatoes. !Un.tokh. 7 no.5t6O ~V 163. OURA 16:6) (Growth promoting substances) (Tomatoes) (Ethylene) ,i:,ILISSKATA. 7e.A.; OSTRAYA, S.S. . il-nckhends and nimpleG in Wants. 7es~. der=. i ven. 3"' -0-2: B2-83 mr-Ap 159. (141A 11-:7) 1. 12 -(02hno-venero loe, icheskogo dispannera 14oakvy. (SYIN-DISMSES) KRACMER, M.; OSTRCIL, F. Pertroeharteric fracturee (incidence and result6 of conser-m- tive treatment). Rozhl. chir. 42 no.7:4,80-483 Jl 163. 1. Vyzku=y ustav traumatologlcky v Brne, reditel prof. dr. V1. Novak, DrSc. (MORAL NECK FRACTURES) (FRAMM FRATION) (AGED) MASTNY, V.; OSTRCIL, F~ Reatoration of joint mobdlity after injury. Rozhl. chir. 42 no.7:454-458 J-1 163, 1. V3rzkt=y uatav tratmtologicky v Brne, reditel prof. dr. V1. Novak, DrSc. (FRACTURES) (JOINTS) (RERABILITATION) (DISABILITY EVALUATION) .S-hV: , ~ . , - -i~ ~ . ~, , : . w unc ti l!,a 1 rf,9',~ I, ~, 'if t' : '.7~ ' 7- " - - * : C , ~ " - I- -~ * .7-., . - .1 .1 . . -~.Ir. i,-' "'i I r),. . 1. Vy7e,.!irn-; i!;*.,.v v ;!". N " .; a K , I r--~ C. . . t . T -: %- -Y ..- .f f,: ( ~ " : 1! 1': - , ~: ~-' lir I.., :. ~ Lu- 1--1e :- - . . I . i --- " 11 ..a i~ f+0161 L .10-4s 00 .00 0, e0 0 c ~-09 : 00 :1: .00 13 'go "I Lm. N0lYw k)nolJrfft)t btbnlui I Svets&ol Arbliko 000 1 a llugm. Awl 4.1.1114.. ", '6 1044. A-M..". lik" 00 ~,jel Arctk Ar MWIALLUKKAI LITSBAIM CLASSONCATIC" AV AD t F-' 1044b M 0 ; 0 a a It a P&W A I I I &1 0 a 0 1 r w 5 40 0 0 0 0 0 : o 0 0 0 0 , ;." , ~c - "PI-OL) 1 ~."1:3 T il 1~:~ :3. - Li , .1.J -) *'A':'111~', %; C 3:,14 - D-j -I r~- ., . " 1, 'r-I ;-oviet loq; -rktik-', ~ol, 1~4~,, ~ 'I-yi). -T, )OS =R/Geography - Arctic explorations rArd 2A t Pub. 86 - 1138 Authors I Ostrekin., HOYE* MID I Most recent researches in the Central kretics Periodical i Pr1roda 43/12.s 3-12.9 Dec .1954 Abstract I A historical accowAt Is given of aggaorations in the Arctic regions# culuinating in the opening-up of shipping passages* The methods of eiploration are explained. Theme methods enabled the scientists to set up stations and conect data on the earthle napetisaj, air temper- aturess direction and speed of ice novammt., and the depth of the oceane The last mentioned data being incorporated into vzy3 sa shown* MajAj i1lustratiow, Institution 3 Subvittod OSTR M N, H.Te.. geroy Sovetskogo Soyuza. "etic anomaly in the central Arctic. Priroda 45 no.7:127-128 JI 156. (Arctic regions-Magnetism, Terreetrial) 4KIRA 9-9) 84589 1j/16q/6o/0OO/O01)/0,')7/C)0 - 3, Flo 0 A005/A001 Trarmlatlon Irrin: 101crativriyy zhtly-11111, Ook2flzlka, V)60, No, 1), p~ "U4. # 1104" AUMOR Ostrekin, M,ye, 1__~ TITLE, Some P eliminarl Concluslons on the G,:ographic Distribution of Dailyvmu~M,etlc Disturbances In the South Pole Real n According to the 0b,-rrv-a-t1TTr-Results Obtained in 1958 ~ V-0 PERIODICAL. Inform. byul. Sov. antarkt. ekspc-dit-sil, No 6, pp. 32-54 TEXT- The geographic distribution of magne~lc d1slurbances Is analyzed on the basis of the data from the antarctic stations. Tile Investigations showed a well expressed diurnal course of the magnetic activity at these stations The distribution of the Instants of maximum magnetic disturbance gives rise the as- sumption that the helix scheme obtained from the data for the aretic region re- mains, obviously, valid In principle also for the South Pole region. It is as- sumed that a secondary zone of enhanced recurrence and Intensity of the polar lights exists In both the circtunpolar Antarctic and the Arctic regions Kh.D Kanonldll Translator's note: This Is the full translation of t.he orginal Russian abstrart. Card 1/1 OSTRIMIN, M,Ye., kRnd.,veograf.nauk Scientific results of the Yburth GontInental Irpedition. Infort. blul. Sov. fntark. eksp. no-2115-7 160. (HIRA 13:10) 1. Arktichookly i antarkticheekly nauchno-iseledovatellakiy Ingtitut. (Az)tarctic regions-Rusdan exploration) .1 05THEKIN, M.Ye., kjLnd.VE--otva-f.nau1, J I Sixth Antarctic Eypodltion. Inform. biul. Sob. antark. n,).2-1-. 8-10 '61. (MI i A 14: 5) 1. ArIcticheskiy i &ntarkticheskiy nauchno-isoledovatelli3kiy institilt, (Ant-arctic regions-Russian exploration) LEDEDEV, Vladitir LIvovich, kand. geogr. nauk;-Qff_RI&B,-kUIhaiI- Yezellyanovich, kand. geogr. nank, red.; TOISTBOV, Yevgerdy -Tv-i-no-y-f-ch-, -Fa-R.--geogr. nauk, red. ; UPLINSKATA, L. G. , red. KOTIZAKOVA, 0.1., tekbn. red. [Transactions of the Soviet Antarctic ExpeditionlTrut Sovot- skoy antarkticheskxo ekspeditsii]Leningrad, lzd-vo I'llorskoi transport." Vol.16.fThird continental expedition, 1957-1959; general &3cription and scientific remltg)Tretlia kontinen- talInsia ekspeditsila, 1957-1959 gg; obshchee opiBnnie I nauchrWe rezul'taty. Pod red. M.E.Oatrekins i E.I.Tolstiko- va. 1962. 327 p. (MDIA 15:~,) 1. SovetBksWa antarkticheskaya ekspeditsiye, 1955-. 2. Eachal'- nik Tratlyey kontinentallnoy ekspediteii, 11~55- (for Tolstikov). (Antarctic regions--Geopt7sical resoarch) L 0303~-67 F-rl (1) T4 AZC Nil, '77001680 SOURCE CODE: UR/3174/65/000/055/0005/0011 -,r. OR :Ostre,,,in, Ye . (Head of the 10th aca3onal Antarctic expedition) L73 : Arc c ana Antarctic Scientific Re3earch In3titute (Arkticheakiy i antarA-~1C.-43Ki.y nauchno-issledovatel'skiy in3titut) Resul' the I ~s of the work of tenth seasonal Antarctic expedition 5 G15 -, 0 H :Sovet5kaya antarkticheskaya okspeditsiya, 1955-. Informatsionnyy byullaten', no. 55, 1965, 5-11 70?:C 7AGS: antarctic climate, son ice, oceanography ~-C, T F~'% C T :7~,v on.4ectives and results of the "I'enth )oviet Antarctic Eypodition are given. All Lhe basic Objectives for the January-Mirch (1965) season were Mct: 1) SOV01ILY-SiX oceanographic scatibns were occupied between Mirnyy and Novolazarevskaya along profiles which previously had never been studied, or only very litcle. 2) Detailed observations of ice and icebergs were Mide wiLh pi',oLorecording of the radar screen. 3) Precise recording of Lhe rhore was accomplished along about 500 miles of poorly investigated coast between "~Ur- y , n y and Novolazarevskaya. 4) Depth soundings were made for a distance of abouc 7,000 miles between Mirnyy and Novo lazarevskaya with quite frequent tie-in WiLh ASLronomical determinations. 5) Six oceanographic stations were occupied in the zone of the Antarctic convergence. 6) Two acientific treks were made for a distance up to 100 Ian from Mirnyy for geodetic determinations and determination of thickness of the ice cover by the electromagnetic method. -Card L 08085-67 ACC NR. 7) C;errman specialists determined precise gravity values at Mirnyy and Molo- dezhnaya and reduced them to the reference point at Potsdam. 8) The attached American biologist collected mosses and lichens at Mirnyy, Holodezhnaya and Novolazarevskaya. 9) Vostok was fully supplied by air. 10) A round-trip flight with japanese scientists was made from Siowa and*back. 11) Personnel at all stations were replaced and all stations were supplied; the "Ob"' brought 3,700 tons of cargo and the "Estoniya" about 200 tons. In addition, much construction work was done at Molodezhnaya and much repair work at Mirnyy. A special gravimetric observatory ~!as built for Germ-in scientists at Holo- 6ezhnaya.,:_Co_ntin_u-ous shipboard meteorological observations were maa-S.Iie- anQ weather conditions were good during the field season. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. IJPRS: 37,397) SUB CODE: 04, 08 / SUBM DATE: O3Jul65 c0, J OSTREKIN, M.Ye. Yishing in Antarctica. Inform. biul. Say. &ntark. eksp. no.39: "-45 163. (MIRA 16t 6) (Antarctic regions- Fishing) OSTRE-KIN, M.1e. "Marked" Iceberg. Inform. biul. Say. antark. eksp. no.1-18:47-4', 10. (MIRA lt,:7) (Lazarey Station region, Antarctica-Iceberp) 1. IDIALIFA-704 Ch.M.1 Q'Ja2'.5.KlYg ThnnowAlyUc 6DtandmtIon of thD can~ont of aidorito (zasmtdi- ciaorite) in farrucinow ourbumton. lmv*Ali Amrb,`,"14 Ser.raole,-CoM.rxwk no.2s63-67 164. (1,L- RA is Ill.) ANDRETEV, G.Ya., kand.tekhn.nauk; DAVIDBKO, N.P., inzh.; MALITSKIT, I.F., inzh.; WTRENKO,,B.S.k inzh.; SHATIKO, I.I., inzh. Using induction heating In setting and dismantling wheel pairs. Mashinoetroenie no.6s67-71 N-D 162. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Kharlkovskiy gomyy inatitut. (Induction heating) (Car wheels) AVDONIN, A.K., tnzh.; Or)'TTTNYO, V.S., lnzh. Device for reglete.-Ing tbe 1~ rectifiers &nd prcto.,ctors. Flek'.rG*,Akhnik& 36 no."U.4-46 .71 '-,c. 'MIRA '1-2,-' Do- C,rt; ti crd I'l-, A rj ti cn o I' the for-E., for rrzui,~rel drwwi tit- in a i ilgrim mill. F'roi z-v. trub nc,. 10: 7-14 63. O,a""A 17: lo) --OSTR&NKO, V.Yq. ; FLINICHEV. I.a.. rodaktor. [Skilled worker in the drill and casing pipe section; textb-ok for practical P~nd technical colirses ard schnolg for skilled workeraj Master otdela burtl'nykh I oboadnykh trub; uchabnik d1i& proizvod9tvenno-teirhn.k-ur9ov i elikol vaeterov. KhAr'kov, Gos. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo 111t-rv po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallur- gli, 1953. 179 p. (MLR-A 7:)) (Petroleum-Well boring) (Boring machinery) 7. Ya. ostr(~n~o, iri.-alir 1~aril'i-,-, 11, i~i- ~n r rizdat, P Df,scri ,lIq 'xo,~ rv),!,,rn 11 1, 1 !7. Ir I I ;, i , -s 1 e I J, 1) w r, n I r, ca I i i i' r,(, ne tt,. n - -a in rul,- )r ~~e roct-,:~,; ~o! n- s,?' ~.i ii - r ni-s. j Che br) ,k i,- t n I --Ac I ir t,),t r w o-arses aiii re-- i 12 ACCESSION NRt ARbO1046 S/0137/63/ODO/012/DO35/DO35 SOURCEt RZho listallurgiya, Lbs. 12D21L ALITHORt Q~.trenkop V, Ye.; Dferov, V. M.1 Geyko, 1. K.; Pechennikova, 1. Sol Lagutina, R. Vol Kirvalidze, No So TITM Hot rolling of pipes from EP38, ZP39, and E1993 steels CITEDSOURCEi Sb. Proiz-vo trub. M., Yetallurgizdat, vy*p. 9, 1963, 5-12 TOPIC TAGSi Steel pipe hot rolling, pipe steel composition, steel pipe rolling TRANSLATIONi Chemical compositions of the indicated ateela to be used in pro- duction and the mechanical properties of the tube blanka are given. The mech- anical properties of these steels are examined in detailo The mechanical pro- pertisa of the pipes obtained are indicated, and reconnendationa designed to im- prove the quality of the pipes are given for the procedure of their hot rolling. DATE ACQt 09Jan64 SUB ODDEs n ENCLs 00 Card 1/1- - . ~.. %'.Y'L. I , - -1. . ! -1. . 1, ~ " ; ~ - I - . I "'. . . , I ;- - - ; A . I I . . . . iI - - J .", 4 ., ,_, - ,, P, 9" I - . , - -.. . -, - -'- - . , - . -i :. - i. - - - - . - . . - - . . . . I I .. - : I ,,I, - " ; - . - ~ I I - ACCESSION NR: AT4007048 S/2598/63/000/010/0254/0261 AUTHOR: Ostrenko, V. Ya.; Sagoyovienskaya, N. V.; Bobrikov, L. D.; Aklmova, Ye. P.; Usov, i_.K.; L. N.; li'vovskaya, L. A. TITLE: Development of a production process for AT-3 titanium alloy tubes SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut metallurgil. Titan I yego splavy*, no. 10, 1963. Issledovanlya titanovy*kh splavov, 254-261 TOPIC TAGS: titanium alloy, AT-3 titanium alloy, AT-3 alloy tube, tube rolling, hot rolling, cold rolling, AT-3 titanium alloy property, titanium aluminum chrom- ium alloy, Iron containing alloy, silicon containing alloy, boron containing alloy ABSTRACT: The effect of thermal treatment on the mechanical properties of AT-3 alloy and parameters affecting the cold and hot rolling of tubes of this alloy were investigated in the laboratories of the Ukrainskiy nauchno-issiedovatellskly trubny*y Institut (Ukrainian Scientific-Research Institute for Tubes) and the Nikopol'skly yuzhnotrubny*y zavod (Southern Tube Plant. Nikopol). At temperatures of 800-900C the mechanical properties and hardness of AT-3 were markedly altered by hardening In water but essentially unchanged by cooling In air or In a klin. This effect Is explained by the fixation of the Intermediate a + 0 structure dur- Ing hardening In water. These alloys daimonstrated high ductility In a w1de range Coid 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4007048 of rolling temperatures (1975-1125C). A maximum deformation of 55% can be attain- ed by cold rolling of such tubes, while hot rolling of these tubes proceeds normal- ly. The problems Involved are sticking of the metal to the rolling device and the formation of a gas-saturated film on the hot rolled tube. These problems have been solved by additional mechanical treatment~Wch as etching. coating with an oxide film.and lubrication with a mixture of castor oil and talc. Some of these recom- mended procedures are discussed. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: IsIoUtut matanurgLi AN SSSR (Metallurgical Instl tute#AN MR) SUP14ITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 27Dec63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MA, ML NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4007059 8/2598/63/000/010/0357/0361 AUTHOR: Ostrenko, V. Ya.; Akimova, Ye. P.; II'vovskaya, L. A. TITLE: Investigation of AT-4 titanium alloy suitability as tube material SOURCE: AN SSSR. Inatitut metallurgii. Titan i yego splavy*, no. 10, 1963. Issledovaniya titanovy*kh splavov, 357-361 TOPIC TAGS: titanium alloy, AT-4 titanium alloy, AT-4 alloy tube, AT-4 alloy hot ductility, titanium alloy tilbe, tube rolling ABSTRACT: The six-component titanium-base alloy AT-4, developed previously for sheet-rolling and forging, has been investigated for suitability for seamless tube manu.- facture by hot rolling. The chemical composition of AT-4 is 3.6-5. 0% A 1, 0. 4-0. 9% Cr, 0. 25-0. 60% Fe, 0. 25=0. 60% Si, 0. 01% B, and the rest titanium. Basically, aluminum is an alpha stabilizer; and chromium, iron, and silicon are beta stabilizers. At room temperature the alloy consists mainly of alpha-solid solution and a small amount of beta phase. According to a practice adopted for testing of materials for tube manufacture, the alloy AT-4 has been tested in hot twisting and piercing. Phase transformation and response to heat treatment have also been studied. It has been found that the number of Wet turns-to-failure increased sharply from 9 to 28 with an increase in temperature from Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4007059 goo to loon; the number of turns increased further up to I 100C. and decreased beydild that point. From twisting tests it has been concluded that plasticity of AT-4 is slightly lower than that of pure titanium, but higher than that of carbon steel. Further, hot rolling of AT-4 alloy seamless tubes to possible in a temperature interval from 1000 to 1200C. In piercing tests, conclusions on plasticity have been made from the surface appearance of test barrels and from loads transmitted to the press. It is concluded that piercing can be normally performed at 1050-120OC; at lower temperatures defects develop In the barrels; i at higher temperatures clamping conditions of barrels got worse. Titanium barrels were of higher quality th= similarly produced carbon steel barrels. It has been established that AT-4 responds to beat treatment. Orig. art. has: 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut Metallurgii AN SSSR (Metallurgical Institute AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 27Dec63 ENCL- 00 M CODE: MM NO REF SOV: 000 (MER: 000 i Cord 2/2 ACCESSION NR: Ap4o41538 S/Ol 37/64/000/004/D04 1/D()4 2 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurglya, Abe. 4D248 AUTITOR: Ostrenko,, V. Ya.; Yuferov, V. M.; Geyko, 1. K. TITLE: Mastering production of pipea from atell 12Kh6S2M CITED SOURCE: Sb. Proiz-vo trub. Vy*p. 11. M., Metallurgizdat. 1963, 7-9 TOPIC TAGS: pipe, pipe production, rolling, heat trentment/12Kh6SPM ntpol TRANSLATION: In the development of production technolor_y of pipes from steel 1M652-M there was investigated metal of pdpe billets of composition (%): C, 0.12; SA., 1.53; Cr, 5.12; Pil, 0.38; Mo, 0.70; Nb, 0.25; Ni, 0.25; 3, 0-014; P, 0.015. Bi-1let3 had diameter 85 millimeters and length 900-1000 millimeters. Experiments for piercing were conducted on the laboratory piercing mil-l of the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Pipes. Rolle of the mill had :in pressing a diameter of 140 millimeters and angle of entrance and output cones of 3*301. There were rolled teat pieces of diameter 35 millimeters and length 90 Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AR4041538 millimeters. For comparison there were pierced also test pieces of Steel 10. During rolling they measured the load on the motor of the piercing mill and pressure of metal on the roller; temperature of heating was determined by a control piece with a thermocouple. During pressing in the 16% press, a cavity wan uncovered at all rolling temperatures; with increase of temperature dimensions of the cavity decreased, which corresponded to results of twisting tests. During pressing, of 10%, openings of the cavity were not observed. Procer0ing from given data, the temperature of piercing was selected within 1220-1250'. Rolling of 1pipeo was produced an automatic installation 140 with a roller-type piercing mill. Before piercing, billets were heated in a Hoffmann kiln for 50-60 minutes. During piercing, adjustment of the piercing mill wan the following: diameter of rollers 738 millimeters distance between rollers in narrowing: 76 millimetfira, between 3traightedges: 83 millimeters; diameter of mandrel: 68 millimeters; advancement of blade of mandrel beyond narrowing: 37 millimeters; diameter of housing: 93 millimeters; thicknese of wall of housing: 1-1 millimeters; pressing before blade of mandrel: 5.3%, calibration of rollers symmetric with angle of conicity: 3*30'. Load on mill motor 850-950 kilowatt. On automatic mill, housings were rolled in gauge of 88 millimeters applying maxidreI5 70 mil-Umetera in diameter. During the firat paue and 72 millimeter during the aecond paos. On the rolling mill pipea were rolIed up to a diameter of 96 millinetere, after which they were Card 2/3 ACCF!',51011 NR: AR1401#1538 calibratW to finished dimennion 89 x 8 millimeters and subjected to straightening.) Investigation of branch connections cut from finished hot-rolled pipes showed o that their metal had a marten3ite structure and waE) characterized by the following. properties: Ob , 143 kg/cm2; 9,, , 123.5 kg/cm2; 8 , 6.5%, ak , 9.3 kg/cm2; and hardneso 302 Intermediate heat treatments of pipes in the process of cold rolling con5a-ted in annealing at a temperature of 760-760' which ennur"d removal of work hardening, pre3ervation in the metal of the atructure of granular perlite and reatoration of mechanical properties. On the basio of conducted investigatione there was developed the technology of production and experimental lot of boiler tubes of brand l2Xh6S2_H ateel., SUB CODE: IE, HN ENCL: 00 Card 3/3 bEC11 I JIGH-POlhO , A. I.; Cj,,3TRi.NK( , V - Y& - W&-,r 5 (-, f & I I t (~fr.A T, I n,! p I I,, m I I I ~, .1-ju t . I ~, -, r n,- r A . pr nrL . ri ~ - , ; (MIRA 11"i ' 40-41 Mr-Ap It-).' . 0 ACCESSION NR: AP4019481 S/0133/64/000/003/0258/0263 AUTHORt Ostrenko, V. Ya.; Yufarovo V. M.; Geyko, 1. K.; Ty*r, V. P.; Oslon, No At; Chererinskaya, R. I.; Vil'yams, 0. S.; Lagutina, R% V. TITLEt Manufacture of tubes from now ferritic martensitic heat resistant stools SOURCE: Stal', no. 3. 1964. 258-263 TOPIC TAGS: heat resistant steel. steel tube. ferritic martensitic steel. tube rolling ABSTRACT: The authors report on techniques developed in recent yeais by the Ukrainskiy n.-i. trubny*y institut (Ukrainian Tube Research Institute) in cooperation with tube factories in Pervoural'sk and Nikopol for hot rolling and heat treatingof tubes made from 9 new types of steel, all of which contain 10-14% Cr and addition& of V. Mo, Nb, and W. The AC temperature was in the range of 810-830C; ferrite grain growth was noted above 1100C; piercing temperatures varied from. 1090 to 1200C. Ductility at high temperatures was found to depend on the content of free ferrite. and piercing of tube*billets presented no Card I / 2 ACCESSION NRz AP4019481 difficulties at a content of 50Z. At 15-20% ferrite hot tears, -crocks. and laps were formed. Annealing of hot-rolled and reduced tubes av4-70-780C imparts a structure of granular pearlite and the mechani- cal properties needed for further cold reduction. Metal consumption for almost all steels, including machining. proved no higher than those for similar pipes of stainless steels in current production ,practice. "Engineers N. S. Kirvalidze, R. A. Prudkova. N. N. Pil'nikova. L. S. Rakhnovetskiy, 1. S. Pechennikova, and otherstook part in the work." Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION; UkrainskLy n.-L. trubny*y institut Research Institute); Pervoural'skly novotrubny*y New Tube Plant); Nikopol'skiy yuzhnotrubny*y South*= Tub* Flatnt) SUBMITTEDa 00 ATD PRESS: 3045 SUB CODEt MM.IE NO REF SOV: 010 (Ukrainian Tube savod (Pervourallsk savod Oikopol' ENCLt 00 OTHERi 000 Cord 2 / 2 L 98-74-66-- 14> --p (z)/1. ACC NRj AT5022779 E..A(c) JD/Ml SOURCE CODBI MV3164/W000/014/01D05/0010 AUTHOR:, Ntmnko, V Ya (CanAidate of technical sciences); Yermolovp T. V. (Engr.) ORO, VWXITP - TITLE: Causes of formation..of scales on the outer surface of btainlus.-Iteal-- bot~-ronea Apoz vs 8 SOURCEs Dnerropetro k 461 uwqy naucbno-1s9ledovat9l'8-k-1Y- --k0Dj5-tr*t0rsko- LO oy.,Ina 6!jnbqt!-- 12V045tvo 4 1100 SWx;niV istey yo tooril I RiMiCeArubnogD proizvodatys (Collection of articles on the theory and practice of pipe production)t 5-10 TOPIC TAGS: p1paq stainless steelp hot rollft& corrosion ABSMCTs Difficulties which developal an a 350 pive roiling mill'iroaucing stain- p less pipes having a diameter up to'325 = are demorlbed. Tbe inner surface of those p109B met the necessary technical requirementag but the outer surface had Cara L 9874-66 AGO NR: AT50ZM9 serious defects In the form of scales, maie up of tbinp 0.5 to 1 mm films. May could be removed only by mechanical processing on special machines ana by changlng tbo al2e of the outer-wall diameter. In order to establish the cause of scale formation unler Industrial conditions# an experimental Investigation of the Influence of basic teobnologIcal factors on the quality of pipes was carrigrl out. The InvetAigatton consisted of increasing the content of harmful alimixtures - arsenic# losip tin and copper; Inereising the content in the metal or free aM combined oxygen, hydrogen, ani nitrogen; ani IncrensIng the content of sulfur In tho fuel used In the continuous furnaces for preheating ingots. The tnmpq-rature scheiule of furnaces, the cooling of working rollers of broaching machines, ani the wear of rolling tools were also Investigated* 7he analyses of thres.lealing typos of steel were rMe and no trace of arsenic, lead, or tin were found. The coFper content was about 0.Rj within the limit of requirements and did not influ- ence the rormation or scales. The presence of geaes (oxygenp hydrogen, nitrogen) in steel sharply decreased the plasticity of the metal and caused destruction In the outer layers cluring the Swocess of deformation* It was characteristic for the pipes with scales an tbo outer surfaces to have an Increased oxygen content when compared with the initial Ingots. Hydrogen and nitrogen were within the limits of Card 2/3 L 9874-66 ACC NR: AT502ZM tochnical re,,ulromonts. The furnaces operating on natural gas fuel with no sulfite admixture thus hal no Influnnee on the scale formation. 7ho r=qcas wnre fired previously with fuel oil. When gas was substitutel for oil the furnaces wore not reconditioned for the use of gas and the temperaturn schaiule deteriorated* The metal ramained for long periols In hi gb-trmpara turn zonns with a considerable excess of air, which caused overheating and Lurning of the outer surfico and the scaling of pipes. 7ho cooling of broaching-machire rollers with cold water (lid not seem to Influqnce the formation of soalne nor AH the wo.'Ar of rolling tools. The following meioures were recommeti4eds Docrasse the totnl time of preheating the Ingots to 10 - 12 min per cm of the Ingot diameter. Dearnise the temperatures In the rirst zone to 1000 C1, In the second &one to 1180-1190 C; In the third 2one to 219D-1200 C, Decrease the temperature of the Ingot center when preheating. Explore the possibilities of conducting the preheating process In a neutral or lightly o~ddlxlcg atno9pbare. Orig. art. bags 3 figures* SUB CODRs // SM DAM none/ WR RV SM OD2/ OTHIMs ODD cora 313 CBTXMOVAl I.B. (Loningrad)l BY77NSY.1y, I.A. (Leningmd) Docarbooqlame a glutaxic acid. Ukr. biokhin. ektur. 34 ro.31456- 474 162. (MIRA 1815) ACCESSION NR: AT3013136 3/3018/63/000/000/0-163/0'-73 AUTHOR: Sy*tinskiy, 1. A.; Avenirova, Ye. L.; Dementlyeva, S. P.; Ostrotsova, I. B.; Priyatkina, T. N. TITLE: Gamma aminobut)-ric acid in animal brains during radical accoloration and narcotic -sloop SOURCE: Trotlya Voesoyuznaya konforontsi a po biolihimil, nervnoy sistemy*. Sbornik dokladov. Yerovan, 1913, 163-173 TOPIC TAGS: garamn aminobutyric acid lovel, aminobutyric acid, glutamic acid decarboxylase activity, radial acceleration, cortex Inhibitionp amytal sodium, chromatography, electrophoresis, eloctrooncophalogramp central nervous system# beta oxidation ABSTRACT: In the first of two series of exDeriments the level of gamma aminobutyric acid and the activity of its enzyme, glutamic acid decarboxylase, were determined in rats in relation to functional activity of the central nervous system under conditions of strain. In the second series they were determined In relation to the functional state of the cortex inhibited by amytal sodium. For the first series animals were subjected to radial acceleration of 23, 33P Card 1/3 ACCESSION NR: AT3013136 and over 39 g on a centrifuge and then frozen In liquid oxygen. After the brains were removed, they were divided into large hemi- spheres and cerebellum for extract preparation by Robert1s motho(l. Amino acids were separated by chromatography and electrophorosis. Glutamic acid decarboxylase activity in the large hemispheres was measured by Barburg's manometric method. Por the second series animals were injected subcutaneously with amytal sodium to induce narcotic sloop and then were frozen in liquid oxygen. Eloctro- encephalograms were made before and after injections. Findings show that gamma aminobutyric acid and its enzyme take part in the ros-'st-. ance processes of the organism under heavy strain, Increase in aminobutyric acid level with radial acceleration of 33 g appears to be a protective reaction which contrib~ttes to inhibition of the central nervous system. In animals with induced inhibition of the cerebral cortex, gamma aminobutyric acid level Is reduced when brain blopotentials are sharply depressed. To compensate for this roductionp beta oxidation of the gamma w~i!nobutyric acid takes place and beta-oxygamma-aminobutyric acid forms. This is reduced when the animal awalcons, Orig. art. has: 3 figurest 3 tables, 2/3 ACCESSION TIR: AT3013136 0 ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya Ichimli belka fiziologichoskogo Instituta im, A, A, UlMtomskogo Leningradskogo universiteta (Protein Chemistry Laboratory of the Physiological Institute, Leningrad University) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 280et63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AM NO REF SOV: 012 OTIIER: 0,29 Card 3/3 CSV*',TSGVli, I.B.; ~'1711Z;KIY, I.A. I t- ,;dy of tr~c- 9'U'.R.Mic decarbey-ylare h!,t.vity in thc, L-hJr f~f rats follawing the introauctlftl",f strychnine and '.--r.4cotlr-4c arld hydrazide. Ukr. blokhim. zhur. 36 ... 4,5c,3-5W 164. WIJ,A 18.12) 1. Laboratoriya khimli bt~lka I.eningradskogo gosudar',3tvCnnof.,'U universiteta. Submitted August 25, 1963. L MSAz-,C-2/M-Z/EE0-2 AFF7C/ASDASD-3/kKC PD-4 ACCESSION NR.* AP3004894 S1012016310001004/00S3100B5 AUTHOR: Borisov, V. A.; Oatrayko. G. N.; Panasyuk, V. S.; Yudin, L. 1. 7 TITLE: High-power -pulsed -modulator 0 for high-frequency amplifiers and oscillators without long-line shapers SOURCE: Pr1bory*1 tekhnika eksperimenta. no. 4, 1963, 83-85 TOPIC TAGS: modulator, pulsed modulator, h-f amplifier. h-f oscillator. pulse shaper, long transmission line ABSTRACT: Two types of pulsed modulators intended for h-f equipment in the supply channel of particle accelerators are described. The modulators do not contain pulse-shaping long lines and, hence, appear to eliminate many drawbacks'; associated with such lines. instead. a partial discharge of a capacitor to used. Switching is performed by thyratrons. One circuit is designed for a power ampli- fier I Mw with a pulse duration of 200 microsec and a repetition rate of 5 cps; Card 1/2 Mom L 17331-63 'ACCMION NR: AP3004894 ,another circuit, ZMwj ;ZD0 n-dcrosec, and 10 cps. "T4 authors are thamIdul to Mo Pe1r;DVs Who made a number of valuable suggestions for improving both modulator circuits, and also to 1. A. Samokhinfor his part In calculating and aligning the second circuit. Orig. art. has igures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 0 lSep6Z DATE ACQ: 28Aus63 ENCL: 00 - BUD CODE: NS NO REF SOV: 000 CITHER: 000 Card -2/2 L U5642-( 7 FW1 I IN ACC NRo AF6o2l62o- CA/)- SOURCE CODE: UJV0089166102610031()20610'-r-!o AUMOR: Brudker, u. I.; Kiseley. A. V.; Kon'kav, R. G.; lia~~A~.A.; 4Uan&m&_V- I-j Ostreykot G 141 Panas .; Petrov I L. I.; Yasnav, G. 1. 9T~kV. ~S V. Yud ORG: none TITLE: Starting of the D-3M synchrotron, used as an injector for a positron-electron storage ring SWRCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 20, no. 3, 1966, 20-210 TOPIC TAGS: synchrotron, A;= accelerator, storage ring, cyclotron mMnet/ VEPP-~ I storage ring, B-3M synchrotron, ILIJ linear accelerator ABSTRACT: The article describes an adjustment of a synchrotron with external single- turn injector and single-turn emission of electrons and with a specially constructed electromagnet. This pulsed synchrotron is designed to serve as an injector for the VEPP-2 storage ring for colliding positron and electron beams, designed and described by one of the authors (G. I. Budker, et al., in Trudy Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii po uskoritelyam, Dubna, 1963 [Transactions of International Conference on Accelerators, Dubna, 19631, Atomizdat, 1964, p. io65, and elsewhere). The article describes the synchrotron itself (Fig. 1), the =gnet, two variants of capture Into rjnchroniamp and various test procedures. The Injector for the D-3H synchrotron was an IL1J pulsed linear accelerator. The injected electrons had energy 1 - 1.5 Nov ("e duration -7 nsec) and were acceleratod to 5D Nov. The D-3M synchrotron makes It possible to 2/2 uDo , 621.3%.6l2. 12 ACC NRt A16021620 Fig. 1. Block diagram of the apparatus of the B-3M eyn- chrotron. 1 - Starting-pulse block, 2 electroragnet excitation, 3 - hf generator modulator, 4 - Injector hf generator, 5 - phase shifter, 6,7 - modulators, 8 wo- computer, 10 - phase fixing block, Ll do- plifier, 9 - lay line, 12 - electron gun pulse generator, 13 - elec- tron shutter pulse generator# 14 - inflector pulse gen- erator, 15,16 - delay line, 1T - voltage comparison, IS - reference voltage, 19 deflector pulse generator, 20 - electronic shutter, 21 channel electron supply block. operate the VEPP-2 storage r1r4g at energies 100 - IN Mev wA an electron current -100 mA, at an approximate repetition frequency I cps. 7be ILU Injector was recently re~ placed by one with hIgher Injection energy (2.5 - 3 MOV) and lor4ger inj*CtIon Pulse (15 nsec). TUs increased the number of el*ctrons In the storage r1rG by &yproxia&te- ly & factor of 10. 07340 67to 1"1 10 figures. 60 CODE: 2D/ sm wn , 2zwv65/ mm Fzr, oo6 LCard 2/2 '~/' - ACC N;Zt A?7001936 AL-11-IOR SOURCL CODE-. 106fiO746/000/006/0G39/0040 Grits, Yu. A.; Panasyuk, V. S.; Os-treyko, G. N.; Yudin, L. 1. ORG: Institute of Nuclear Physics, SO AN SSSR, Novosibirsk (Institut yadernoy fiziki, SO M SSSR) TITLE: High-frequency power stage excitation circuit for feeding cyclic and linear accelerator resonators SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 6, 1966, 39-40 TOPIC TAGS: cyclic accelerator, linear accelerator, particle accelerator component ABSTRACT: In high-power common-grid pulse amplifiers for cyclic or linear accelera- tors, low efficiency and pulse distortion result from a mismatch bCLWCen the driver and the power tubes where the second harmonic is undesirable An excitation circuit is presented in which the fundamental and the second harmonics follow different paths at the power tube cathode Input circuit. The interotage circuit between the diiver and the power tube consists of a tuned split LC circuit (tuned to the iundamental frequency). two parallel cable sections assuring a high travelling wave ratio for the fundamental and a high impedance for the second harmonic (cable length is such that it acts as a quartcr-w4ve.c6ble .-or the second har- monic). The second harmonic is further t~aoped by LC circuits between uDC: 621.3.084-872:621.384.61;621.384.62 ACC NR, AP7001936' the power tube cathode and ground. The described circuit was tested using a GK-5A power tube operating at 6.3 Mc in pulsed mode. 71he out- put pulse had a power of 3 Mw. Its duration and repetition frequency were I msec and 12 cps, respectively. It is claimed that-the efficiency of this circuit is 60% greater than that of the simple common grid cir-. cuit. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 2 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 02Dec65/ ORIG REF: 002 / ATD PRESS: 5111 2/2 jtt)- j~LxlAt,r G. I Votived'ov P. I - ; Voptovoy Yu.A. Nolbovonko.O.A - ):a I kdov A - D - "It rey%~~. ; Panany.kV S i I Thip W-D turn oynchroti-tIn Ait.trtutl tokhnicheskoy f1rAkI , v.:11i I fill. 1), 111rih, 7AGS: oltictroa ficcolorntor, oynchrotron A 74 1 1;-, r I a C oncO r ned - I t h t -, X y I., 1QJ4 I r on- f r a 1 r n .,d It L t ~o I Y aj' CU A.N rj.'; rR f r L nj t i -, o ( .1, to I it 0 !,!,,V v 1, t r n. t ;",: .A W ; 3 1 1 J ~ I " ~ r It L Il It ~ f t 4 111 1 11 t - 1, z, I I , - " f I I ~ I V I, r, I. I.. ,'.orn~.;y in fial otbnr -Cli(irs (Trnn,.n,t L,,m, Of the Int-t-nit 1-- , I Acc., 1-~ rntorn 3uh-in . Vt63 , p. 106f, , AtonIzAla t , M . , ;'1,,4) . I n LA- .''It., "I of t;.o accolerntor are deacr L(A:d in -.Ot~-whnt r4orv tint it I , I T-.(- Lr,;~. t:.,, ,-L, tho ma,-.n,,t p-r &.pply, aml tto Injoctor, alld th-3 of [t- 1, , ~,, ,I I In . 7ho raa,-,not w1rulin,-, con:ilsto of two concentric rL:,, . , ~ Uio lx~t= circulatori. 7he outur ring, In capable of 50 at=, arki thu geozictry to ouch that the Inner ring Is In not ic I orcoe , IxIlni: a ubjocted only to a hydro3tat to pressure. 7-~ Lza,:- by a 0.045 F capacitor bank charged to 10 W. The maximum coGnot currs;;t 1- ii-out Co'd 1/2 c--- --l ist:- to -i ~Iocf rtlo -Int 1-v ~f III() VoV . Tht, n t~ t I t it 0 1 , 'I' 1 1, 1 ;-*. It Or t 1- C- 1.,J...:t 1,I.1 (If GOO IN o]--I I-, Ik ,vo I I, k I It ( Iw v opt m-il I, l-it rolit-i Tho 1; 1- )1,, 1 1- I ol. I o I lo-I I It (11. 1 Im f lo 1.1 1 0 I'l . I - I ,, , I . - I )- '..' r f nc, r n I 10,1'. v o I t n flo LI fre(Itimwy Irmi I it I '-,I t I) Ov I-o,m It i Lit tlko nid Of ,I it liij-,Ict r*v!iV-tnkOr lit tit I, it -' ?n''. t 1"0 lie 0 t ... I .' m,, I I It t J- ,, I j o -, I j. I, t of t 1, 0 -, C I I k I I(, I Ito t .n,.,~ f . - L wn I ;)n!, n I I) to t f) J iij ot: L abou t 1 .2 A 4); 600 1 V V I , 1: L r Opt.: t) 1,q cot, -1 mt f ltlO tn nrc,~ to nann 2o :~ or Lit,, I nj, , t, Cm-y")'It ",t I fomwl to Ito I by lo-~ Lt..] I ml p-c- , I", 0 C 17--0 1 rAIL11111' t1inji by I. rowivorno cloo;g, Own, rc, (~,' r- L-I 0 10-:1oir ctsrl-ilttl 0 (171%t b- nChloV,A With n ntrarl I .... I -,. vto witl)or-) th,,itit h-A-N'-,1-Iyv for )%I,) li%tem'it myj OrGn,jJLzIvj: Lho fnfirl.cntion of MO Matil IIIII-I.Pi (Ii 0- mcv'-,-vAov pnrtlcipntl.v,- Ii. L~. I ~,t vi col-Lain parto Ojr tho nccolorator. Orig. art. has t 3 formulniti oul G I ]iUD C03M 20/ SUBM DATUt 273op65/ ORIG IMIN OOID/ cTil In-11: 001 Cord 2/2 ACC Ni( % -~ -,,,) (~ -i o L) 5~)OURCE CODE: AUTHOR. Grits, Yu. A., 06treyko. G. N., Pana5yuk, V. S., Yud;r., 1- 1 Ol~G: Institute of Nuclear Physics, SO AN SSSR (Institut yadernoy liziki jU AN SSSR), Physico- Technical Institute, GKAE SSSR (Fiziko-teklLniche8kiy inbtitut GKAE SSSR) TITLE. Hi,~h-frequency pulse generator with 8-Mw pul8co intended for a power e1cctron accelerator SOURCE: MezhvuLovskaya konferentsiya po ciektronnyrn u sko rite iyarii. 5t:i, Tomsk, 196-1. Zicktronnyye uskoriteli (Ellectrun accelerators), trudy koniercrittll. Moscow, Atomiz6at, 1966, 287-290 TOPIC TAGS. pulse generator, electron accelerator ABSTRACT; A linear accelerator with a 40-amp, i. 3-Mev, 1 7-r,sec pul6c was developed and built in the PhyL;1co-Technical lnbtit~ite, G?"~AL' SSSR. It was put into operation in the Institute of Nuclear Phyaics. SO AN SSSR, an(i has been used there for a single-circle injection into an electron riynchrotron. Card 1/2 AGG NIR: AT7004005 F energy btored ir, a o. I - Mc resunawr is wised tor particle acceleratIOTI. Mc)(Iulator I (see figure) t3upp,ieti vo,lage pu:scs to two-stage generator 2 anoues, feedback is effected via high-Q loau 3. adjustable coaxial line 5 is employed for selecting the feedback phase. A low- power Oscillator 4 is intended for overcominr the resonator multipactor. A power of 8 !Aw wan obtained from the generator, with .5-kv anode pultieti. (laring Iriitti. However, in the above high-Q-1oad -excitation scheine, the generator develops 3. 6 Mv at 16 kv. "The authors wish to thank A. A. Naurnov for orpanizing th-is project. and V. 1. Vishnevskiy, N. P. Rubinshteyn, and Ye. P. Mcl'nikov for their participation in the alignment of the equipment. " Orig. art. hati: Z figures. SUB GODE: 09 / SUBM DATE. 06Mar66 / ORIG REF: 003 Card 2 / Z SAVIC, Isidor, prof.dr. (Beograd, R-:3ar-ska 10a); OSTRIC-41ATI.'ASEVICS Biserka dr inz., strucri sarad.-.ilk; IIA~SIXOVICC, DoC--wr, riMfl~js`aradn Lk Lyophilization of ment. Telmika Jup IP no.7tSupplementl Prehrar. ind 17 ro.7tl340-1344 J1163 1. Rukovodilac Laucne I strucre pro~dem%tike Ir.stltuta za tehr.ologiju mesa SFRJ, Beograd (for Savic). 2. Ingtitut, zn te$-vnologlju mesa SFRJ, Beograd (for Oitric-Matijasovic, Maksimovic. OSTR111ANSKY , Lubor; PANENKA , Jaroslav Effect of nuclear fallout an the radiometric field r-easure.- ment in prospecting for radioactive raw materials. Jaderna energie 10 no. 2:3)-39 F '(-A. 1. Katedra tizite geofyziky pr1rodovedecke fakulty, Karlova universita (for 09trihansky). 2. Geologricky pruzkum, Jachymovske doly, Spisska Nova Ves. O',;TRIKC)Vp M.S.; VITKEVICH, N.D.; SVIRSKAYA, O.D. Kinetics of the iricrc~ase of shrinkage stresses in systems undergoing drfing. Koll. zhur. 23 no.1:122-124 Ja-F '61. (MTTI A 1".. 2 ) 1. Rostovskiy gosudar.9tvennyy univeraitet. SVIRSKAYA, O.D.; OSTRIYOV, M.S. Shririkage stresseg In a --- - - . I . "" I ters. Koll.zhur. 26 ,.1,95-r49 J.-F " . (MIRA 17:4) 1. Rogtovskiy vinlv~ral.* , tot. DIBROVS. G.D.1 OSTRIKOV, M.S.; PETRENKO, T.P. Contraction (setting) of cenent stone. Dokl.AN SSSR U9 no.3t 648-651 Mr 163. (MMA 16t4) 1. RoetQvakly-na-Donu inzhonerho-stroitellnyy institut i RobtovsAy-n&Zonu gosudaretvenr47 universitet. Predstavleno skadexdkom P.A.Rebinderom. (Cement) PALKIN, A.P.; OSMIRIVA, N.V.; VIMITOVA, TON. Interartion 'n the 1TYutem '~nC13 - In . Zhur. neorg. kh'.m. n0,21:2566-'568 N 163. (MTRA I": I , 2. Voronazhrkly go.~mdarqtvenr-yj universitet, kafedra noorganicheskoy Oitmii. ODA 091, 000 *0 it *09 lood *Mla see 00 fS *owl Bill 81*20it Is@, lo ve 411 coodpeo, I m 's-I , J ""maim ft - IQ & 33 ~P~ ;M ov W The W" volmn tu HP , 1 ~ ot We man*. With < 15% ct tho *ft fed vM WSUr " ftoms or^ umtmmu *.a** WM WR we towmamildood. A torme Im fectm of 6 1 0-3 * Is Womd to tU val. lowW. On. Aso. Ir) / COD so* 600 woo .200 was Sam 000000000006000000 *::060090*9000*600000 4t. 1 4 a z 00 00 00 00 A nglM M**W 6W 09 &MnOMWO of IM WANAM #MkM of 9WMM" WA&WISh MA 0 1 1 . 1. 001-11A - shr, - &j I Romwiti) 1. No. 6-7. w"M .. m 7 ", 1, 3104.-Ak. was pow0d of" sbout cbm- x to g. of amphr. tbts bwwd ciff N)d the took i&M W*W. Tjw tog. is wt. frPrMple The ww" cmiral to 0 tbwgwm*. jjjprffMVWyArdjbsjwAtb-p$nbov at= Ifi b % 6 1 00 06 wa 0 .a % to fim"*Olww" mairw 6. * P to ~ sk. 006. with mallspin at high v#OW-v ~.Mfmf 14 and 111) lk 3 (Ia R 1 4p 11 I-O 411- awmw tw lzf~f,. . A cwrwtko Imlix al 04% 9000 be Od" 1" 0* vsh~ :: too". ArTmory .4 tim wwthml im -0-8 l 00 . M., W Oe so 00 so 0 00 00 00 04 0411i so 00 00 so 410 0 00 0 0 th 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a" 1"06 Au" &a" d "Wo &"own omow"L V (i 00- JbO Ca"m Alks. I%A tmum &MINNA of wal" i4 tak. WAS Ow 6" Nwihw is scrurats to f4"%. k. H CLARNO J, r is if OSTOSIFYIM11179 YU* G. r r L 1, 7 ro'cY ruli-Alr'ni Vvri' o-, ,ItT-r' ZY 4t To-) 51c. roothod "; I-- (f, cv-,!n- ni forth:) e !tn. w` ::j r.- J in r z rcw !tt' i T"') VC. 0' c- 2. In p-iircd cvar a 2C--. n c porc 3 F'-- mnphs C. :)~S. 71~'-'Lura thio ~;I- 1: 2 F,).- - i-~ r, t, ure c --. rr, , r. a', 01, a r,'.; r vz~ cn-r',- --6 all,. beinp urvi fc- enc' of I . 5 "- -'? - ~ ntr. J, Lz)-. rs -Prom t1,910u.". in I A,:t ih3 MA5i~ C ~ 4- ~ I r~,,~ C C."0:4 t-vl llvnt v- n ~r ror -,v r,. 05: 77- 7., , 1, ; ~ - - %, 1717; Tb :~ld n', --thc3 ri.- v n r".- C-1-2 -V, for ib,.) 6 etr, o1 n'c. i-- c er n ce. o,. ;11 11 rorc--l'i'.] ~U:.a t'lls IF:! U7:0, c_jid F,-L- r!mp2:iE c~ntE.;. I I t, . )JrtjLre ccrluznts 9 1, c `1 15 c% -,f~ nd,~7. t.,ilrE use-i fo7, osci f 1~ C121"d. rs. 'rrm tholc,vs In M.G. K.)~)ro rho alcebol metho4 log the deirrminshcow of immoftit 13 11-4s 1 4- 040 11.1% Ad ~1- " 1v1 .19., Ow 4 it. -mm r- IM I -.0 It. .4rcniclw3 aamferw= cm tho Prcblen Zonournlm~, Hathodis for Irri_=tUn of AvIvatmal Cultivaticn,'" :,. I. mmyarevald'y s3idrotel& i HaUcP Uo 6, pd- 7~-~ :jui,in,] 12 - 11. ~ar in ;:~- scjw, u*.,I(" Union Acad of .,,-ri "ci im,-mi 1.(,n;n hel,ll a Icnizi, and hydroloL-;ical aLln-Istm-tors, liroctom, and :-klill tractor stationo,', besidez; precdents .' Ioll~iozo in irri,-ated and Saratov in Oblastr. Di7;curscd ,.,cre roblems of ut-,'--*z.4n,; c ~~ndi'.ions 'lie ',',) 1,-a a::(i In -)'.hr~ r nrvi re -i on:-, to i m-, i; ri, -a i. hearl fron 2.1 lecturers. i'A 227746 Oskmu, Eva; WAZINA, Krystyna; MARKIEWICZ-CZAPSKA, Danuta A ease of encephalitis following vaccination against rabies. Neurol. nourochir. pBvchiat. pol. 12 no.1:123-126 162. 1. Z Pracownl Warazawnklej Zakladu Neuropatologil PAN Kierownik Fra- cowni: doc. dr E. Osetowska z Kliniki Pediatrycznej AM w Luhlinle Kierownikt (prof. dr W. Klepackil z Kliniki Neurologicznej AM w Lublinie Kierownik Kliniki prof. dr W. Stein (RABIES immunol) (VACCINATION compl) (ENCEPHALITIS etiol) OSTFOV. X D Spravochnik po radloizmeritell rWm priboram. (By) K. D. Osipov (1) V.V. Pasykov. Moskva, 'Sovetskoye Radiol, 19 - V. illus., diagra.. graphs, tables. Contents: ; v. 3: privory dlya lzmerenlya forrV kolebanty; v. 4: Spetsial'rWye izmeritellnyye pribory i istochniki pitantya; zX%GA1JW.'1?T =ICA I-C.6 2214. IJAEMOPTYSIS IN PERIARTERITIS NODOSA (Russ ian text) 0 Is tr a kh D. G. and Mochalova A.D. - KLIN.MED. (Mosk.) l95T._35_T4_C1_ i-3 - 1T9T_1_Uus. 2 In cases of periarteritis nodosa the lungs are seldom injured (in 12-251,v' of cases). In such cases the vascular process in associated with the development of small fibrinoid pneumoniae. fresh haemorrhagic infiltrates which show haemorrhagic tendencies. A description is given of one case with a fatal issue. Frey Baden-Baden (XV. 6) mmomwo co ftAwom bum dib~ omdmh* MOUSUM ke Owks MUMMA$ op~" ad w a. modabKophWA - S 1, IN nncr. M If fhuiuukl, &YO 11 S Twit (j a/,/,I Phys. 1932.2t ISK-20' 11ir .%I, ul SIM" hAvr fwrn nUkir IM 13,1111-OWHAPF"ng nnatitinal linv% asing a 41,trmsim Ifirmilla fm tlw line-ohmpr "pn-ntAtl.,n Vw. 4 tilt- bral &%mism? rxlwflnwnf3l data on lntRjrmt14I afft,11,11on And it4m, kmal Inlo,-will, ha,ilt it, r*1tuIAIt,I rmsuoviim~ villub at- in sriminwnt With r1tral"Wr'd emprical data PuNW-1 by IfiAtri arml by Vitnth In rdt"W'dAY. th~ th-n-titAl (1#jWniIrn,V 1-1 ,FIUYMV%ty oft fililLad dinwity. fur iiniall optital d4mam, at :tilt$' K Ilt"Ll,N)p The takillsium of vinhaiviors can 1w SIMIAIN'l by tile .- 14 All*"% III-21"WI)IN r If Xfoolm 7,Y.