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OSTASZEWSKI, Janusz, mgr inz. Development of cold plastic working processes. Przogl mech 2) no.1)1378-380 10 J1 164. OSTASZFW,T;'A, J. , inz. E,I-,:ip-pnt !'3r repil- 'In-3A Of %ir-?S- M:;'-T '~ 1 nod.11 17 9 T, . OSTAMUSKI J.. inz. C talo of Poliah-cado repair equlprent, Ft. 17* Motor 11 a M ro.50 51:21 ;6-,)) D 162. OSTAS72USKI, J., inz. Grinder for the SM-2 tM valV9 NOck8t8- Motor 11 no.31:5, 5 Ag 62. OBTASUWBKI,, Tozef, doc.inz. I- - - Causes of the wca.-irc off of ~ rv- - ',- - E~*~ats a:-,-i ', t.~ prevention. Nafta Pol 18 no.b.Suppl.: Naftowego 12 no.2/3:6 '62. OSTASZEWSKIp J. in2. A device for testing the steering play. Motor 11 no.28:7 15 Jl 162. RIMAN IA S11OLEAREK, Fr.; TEODORUK, I.; SMI-V14011SKI, St.; [affiliations not shovr, J, Peorles Rerublic of Poland "Autonomic Pharmacoloo,ic Mock (Ganglioplegis) in the Diagnosis of Hemorrhage" Bucharest, Revisits Sanitarn Militara, Vol 16, Special No., 19631 rp 45-48 Abstracts SympatholyLiC. ganiliorleiic treatment brings ahout a heno- dilution from interstitial fluids; hence, the deteminatiofi of the hemo- globin, red blood ceI13 and herantocrit I)efore and 30 minutes after ad- ministration of 10 ml of pendiomid or equivalent intramuscularly will be a d1agnostic aid in I,nmorriiage under arpropriate conditions as used by the author ~or eleven years successtully, as shown in 4 case Nistories; 2 graphs. OSTASIUMSKIP Waclaw Experlmntal studies on peat-boc'-s in thm Leba Fi-.-er vnille-.. Fo-: nl*-k roln rosl 84 no.1:12r,-194 '61. OBTASZ)I'Sr,l , ,. An interwit Inral rympoolum on nitro cmpaimdo. "ind chen. 18 noel?9539-542 10 164 OSTASMISKI, A. ~ WIELGAT, .'. Ttiv t of Ol I ~ ~ ',r ',' ` " .I ~,,, 0 . ,~,ortj! (jr . ?10. V I(-t.w- . reaction. Pt. 4. fiu I " t! I M. PA r1 , , I,c . -I') ; ~6~ - 4"" 't ~. 1. Int"t1"Ilte (),*, , - ", Artidern., of S - 1, on,- -~v , W a rsaw . Prpspn,,tl, t:j '. llrt~Ar-v' . OSTASZYNSKI, Abram; TUSZKO, Wojciech on the reaction rate of hydrolysis of sons fluoroaromatic compounds. I. Studies on dinitrofluorobenzene and 2- and 3- nitrofluorotoluenes. Roes chemii 35 no.5:1243-1250 161. 1. institute of Organic Synthesis, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. OSTATNIKI Vendel Contribution to dentogenous folliculnr cysta in the pamnagal sinuses. Ceek.otolar. 8 no.6:372-375 D 159o 1. OtolaryMologicke oddelent OM v Zlatych Moravctach. prim. Mr. Vendel Ostatulk. (PARANASAL SINUSES die.) (CTSTS) pr -!'i-t i -'r; .W" -"-Fkic?f-o O'i- "7 Porc-, nszniz,~ .-o) Lod-, Vol. l-), no. ", Sept. lQrr4, Xonthlv List of Euroi,-~-Ln Al) L17, Vol. 1), nt). l, Unrl. OSTASZVSKI, Fqozard (Warsznwa 22, u1. Czento-howqkri 27 M. 32.) Case of complete Invagrination of the appendli into the cecum, Polski pr2egl. chir. 29 no.4:395-397 Apr 57. 1. Z Oddzialu Chlrurgicznego Szpitala Mlejakiago Nr 8 Warosawie I, Zakladu Chirurgii 0,-olnej 1. D. I S. Y. L. v Warsznwie Klerown1k: don- dr nod. J. Kubink. (IMUSSUS031PTION, rnne rnporto, complete invnpination of appendix into cocum (POM OSTATSHIKOV, (1-1,.,Ij. E~Ir-7) "Problems in the lJtilizptic.n of Atunic Lnergy" "Birobidzh?LnsI,:.-..,n Zvezda"; Pirobidzhan, Jan 30, 55 ownsim MA xwbaakw ft?MXO. .1 it. ()*It,) I I - ". I 1 101. 0& %*-% 1. %11 W., lies 1:141" 11. 1.4-1, ._I r... . - I CBTEW, Milos Pasting foam polystyrene, Poz stavby 11 no,4i223-?24 163, 1, Vychodoceake cheraicke zavody Synthesia, n.p., Sbmtiz, CSTEN, Milos . A*;&,3MM%w%%aO* ~, Him to prevent UA surfave cracking of Uncart-D laminate. Drevo, 18 Do.5s203 )tr 1(0. lo Vychodoceeke chemicke zavody Synthesia, n.p., Semtin. OSTEN, Milos Gluing celluloid to wood by preasing. Drevo 17 no.7:228-229 J1 '62. 1. Vychodoceske chemicke zavody Synthesia, Semtin. OSTEN p Milos Technology of orgL-rdc glass glueing. Stroj vyr 9 no.6:11-1-377,31--l? ,,5 161. 1. Vychodoceake chemicke zavody Synthesia, n.p., Semtin. ('-- - t ), A, /~, " - Czecticalovakia/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their ApplIcal Synthetic Polymero. Abet Journait Referat Zhur - Ktiimlya, No 19, 1956, 63,6o Author: Oaten, M. Institution: None Title: Adhesive FlIns Based on Phenol-For-malciehyde liewll!!,; Original Periodical: Fenolicka '.epici folle. Chem. prunya~ Czech Abstract: Ln Czechoslovakia have been put Iii production atihoulve c,wte t) saturating paper manufactured fron sodium 11)*droxlele ceillilooe with aqueous alkaline solutions of phenol-formaldehyde real;i-i c,f reso- type having a Ford Cup (diameter 4 =) viscosity value of seconds at 200. Card 1/1 PHASE I DDOX EXPWITATION CZECH/52202 V Havlfc*ekp VladImfr,, Engineer, nlos Osten, and Jaromir S;upa"rrk, Engineer. P;ehled plasticky'ch hmot. 2.p dopl. vyd. (Review of Plastic Mat,erlala, 2d ed.) Prague, SNTL, 1960. 424 P. 7015 copies printed. Reviewers: Frantis"ek Ludylk, Engineer, and Artur Stoy, Enginerr, Docent; Reep. Ed.: VIAM-4r SPIVil,, Engineer; Managing Ed. for Literature on Chemistry; Chief Ed.: Adolf Balada, Doctor. PJMM: Thia book is intended for technical personnel in indwitry and acience dealing with plastics. COVERAGE- This handbook gives the most essential data on the properties and applications of plastics, as well as the methods of machining and working synthetic resins and plastics. The present 2nd edition of this work has been enlarged so as to include material on the most recent advances and bibliography in the field of plastics. The material has been somewkat rearranged. Under macl lecular materials are described the properties ..-ommon to all plastics Card IM Review of Plastic Materials, 2d ed. CZEC*5/5202 and the qualitative dependence of these properties on chemical structure. In the section on resinous products, divided into hardened and unhardened resinous products, the author discusses their characteristic propertiej3 and the type of plastics manufactured from them. Plastics used in the manufacture of consu r goods are classified according to the form in which they are (Jelivered to the molder (finished-product manufacturer) or the consumer, and their properties described. Plastics am also discussed from the point of view of their appli- cations and uses. The following personalities are vientioned: Engineer P. Ludvik, instructor; Eroneer Docent A. Stoy; the authors, colleagues of the ViZ1M=i Ustav synteticklch pryskyAc a lakd v Pardubicfch (Research Institute of Sypthetic Resins and Paints) in Pardubice including Engineer Doctor J. Mlez1va, V Z. Vanadek, EtZineer Plechg&k and F. Daleck~ for drawing the diagrams; K. Kadanfk for preparing the first draft of the manuscript; and A. Mm~n4 for preparing the reference material. Therv are 1450 references, chiefly Czech, German English, and French. TAEW OF COWMS: Preface to the First Edition Preface to the Second Edition 11 12 Card 2/ 16 - 0:177'.111, "1. P11-nolic ;;. /, 'l. ~; ;" 1, *.' "! "i rii.9 '.,, r 7~ t.v,) pa -~ I v r I -I )-:a -- "'fim ~ r t.,-. -I I ,-- ~; v ~) ) r T~ i -- tv i i T, -d 1,~ . " '. , - ') n, -) . , , , " I ~, v . .1 -~ ; . - I ' - f-~' f.. -) -,t '. , : .,~u.-op-n Ac-s.- nn 1,1:1t,, 5t n~). ')t , r I GIRGOIAVj S.S., professor (Io3ningrad); LEVIT, V.S., professor (Mosirva); BABCHIV, I.S., professor (Leningrad); RALIJLBV. A.N., professor (Moskva); EIRIMMAN, L.3., dottent (Leningrad): VATISHrITN. V.0., professor (Leningrad); GBRTSBIbIM. V.G.. profeasor (Knzan'); GINZMG. M.M., professor (Moskva) [deceased); GMLIB. Ta.U, professor (Moskva)-, WHANICLIM. YuJu., professor (Leningrad); DBACHINSKAYA. Ye.S.. dotsent (Leningrad): TZLANSKIT. N.N., professor (Leningrad): KORILEV, P.G., professor (Leningrad); KOCHERGIN, I.G., professor (Moskva); LIMBERG, A.A., professor (Leningrad); LINBIMO. B.B.. professor (Moskva); IMZENBV. S.A.. doteent (Leningrad); HAUROV, V.M., professor (Leningrad); OZXROV. A.D., profenoor (Lenin- grad) [deceaaedj; C~M-41AQA . .16,J61W, professor (Leningrad) [deceased]; PWROV. N.N., proreBoor (Ian ingrad); POLINOV, A.L.. professor (Lenin- grad); SAMIRIN. N.F.. professor (Leningrad); SHVARTS. N.V., professor (Leningrad) [deceased]; SHAMOV. V.N.. professor (Leningrad),- SHARAHOV. A.. redaktor [Manual of specialized surgery] Uchobnik chastnoi khtrurgii. Soot. I.S.Babehin i dr. Izd. 2-oe, ispr. I dop. Koskva, Sarkomidrav SSBR, Goo. izd-vo med. lit-ry "Medgiz.0 Vol.l. 1946. 363 p. (HIPI 10:2) (SUGIRT) OST-f)WSKA-WI"X,CKOW3KA, Nk ............................... Clln!CR1 67'.Mptcm; of PnrQp~.,,I-,c arClomus. Neur.&r.polska 5 no.3: 267-276 -y-je '55. 1. Z Panstwowego Inotytut Pczychr~nourologicznogo w Fruszkowle. Dir-ktor: prof. !r Z. W. Kallgowt%ki. (ANGIMA brain, clin. aspo'-As) (BRAI:I. nooplasma angiona, clin. aspects) h0537 S,1W/62;000'006 001 W1 1015 1215 AUTHORS Abdurasulov, D NI . Professor, Nikolayev. A L. Candidate of Medical Science%, and Oster, N. R_ Candidate of Medical Fvciences TITLE i The incorporation of radioindicators into nucleic acids and proteins of irradiated mice PERIODICAL Meditisriski), zhurnal uzbekistana. no 6, 1962, 22 24 TEXT Not all scientists agree that the leading role in protein synthesis belong-, neceisarilN to nucleic acids. Experiments Acrc carried out on albino micc weighing 18 20 g and the rate of bio%ynthe%is of proteins and nucleic acids %%as determined by the incorporation of p12, C"-glycine and S15-methionine The animalsi were irradiated with -%0 r from a 1-YT-Co-400 (GUT-Co,-400) apparatus and the labelletl substances %%ere injected ~.c. 1, 24. and 100 hours. after irradiation (p12 0 45 jjc,,g h %% , C14_glN.cine and S11-inethionine 0.2 licIg b w each). The blood serum proteins "ere unaltered in all cascs No correl ition hct%%ecn the protein synthesis and that of nucleic acids could be cstabli%hcd. There is I table ASSOCIATION institut rentgenologii, radiologii i onkologn kfinmcr~i%a zdcravook lira ncn iya O/SSR (institute of Rocntgcnolog~. Ridiolof.) and OncologN Research. Ministry of licalth UzSSR) Card 1/1 03T-M, N. R. "The Inclusion of Certain Amino-Acids into the Proteins of Various Organs and Tissues," a report pre3ented at bho First Conference of Pathologists of Central Asia and Kazakhstan held in Stalingrad, 12-15 Feb 1955, Ark. Patol., 17, No 3, PP 83-87, 1955 Abstract Sm. 1003 , 20 Jul 56 A n borh q ~o mit V r 7 z L OSM. B.R. Of a) 7=9riventnl Audy of free autop1naty vith comminuted bone. Ikoper.khir. 1. no.1:5%'.63 Ja-F #59. (MIIU 12:2) (BOHE AND B011M, transpl. free comminuted bone autogrnft in dogs (Bus)) V i~ ( k 4 A,~, , . , I ) , Vill I ) 4;. 3. , ~ I ~ - '\ .,. , I F L 1895"3 EPR/EWP (j) APF (c) AwT W /BD3/ES (a) -2 AFnCASD/SSD Pa-4/ Pc-4/Pr-4/Pt-4 RM/WW/MY ACCESSION Mt AP3006542 -9101911631WO10091005210053 AUTHORS: Oster-Volkov N N - MeAhainmedovj Kh. Ue; Zhuravleva, V. V. TITIX--. Ep 9~.-fur~anres~ins and sone of t1heir properties SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy*., no. 9, 1963., 52-53 TOPIC TAGS: epo.V resin . acetone, benzene, epo-cy-furan resin , fiberglAsi F -6~ ABSTRNCT: Now epoxy-furan, re3inn, designated as 41=L~--P-p were preWed by copolymerizing varying proportions of furfural-acetone monomer FIVVith epoY7 resin ED-6. The re3ins are characterized tri Lizh temperature -Mbility, hiSh insolubility in acetone,, benzene., caustic and orthophosphoric acids, and 1-6- greater porosity andgerittlenass than epo.-r,,-resins. The new resin was as good as epoxy for bondingval=inui; it was uned in preparing fiberglarsqor which plWsical-mochanical anta is tabulated. 111-1. 1-;. Yelltsova took-part in the experimental part of the work." Orij;. art. has: 2 tables. 1,4 Card OSlEii-VOLKUVO filkolay 1.'ikolayeviell; I(IZAYEV, li.U.v ktind. leklin. nauk, retsenzent; YAKSMOV, Yu.14., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; I!G;,.OWV, A.M., kar.,i.tekhn. nauk, retcenzent; 13YCHEROVA, A., red. (New synthetic rzterials based on Nran compounds] I.Ovye sinteticheskie mattrialy na oonovc furanovykh soedinen 'i. Tashkont, Gosi7xiat UzSSI(, Ic)63. 1. 5 1,. Wli,,A 17:11) ACCIMSIC91 NH: AP4039952 S/0191/64/000/006/OD60/0061 AUMOR: Oster-Volkov,, B. N.; Mukhamneclov,, Kh. U.; Xborol'skaya,, 1, N. TITIE: Combiaing furfural-acetone monomer with phenol-formaldehyde realn SOURCE: Plaoticbeakiye casey*, no. 6, l9a, 60-61 TOPIC TAGS: modified phenol formaldehyde resino phenol formaldehyde containing resin, fturNrtU acetone containing reoins curing, bexmethylenetetricAneo resin stability, resistance, dielectric property, molded realzo electrical InsulAtion, mazlizaical strength ADSTRAW: A 1)~j!.)-acr van obtained by combing a phenol -formaldehyde resin (FF-4) with a furfural-acetono monomer In a 1:1 ratio,, and tho product pri)perticso capo- cially dielectric properties and electrical resistance, were investigated. The mixing was carried out at 40-50C for 2 houre~ then at 60C at 300-350 = Rg for 2-1/2 houra. The product 41-FAFF-11 was obtained in 85-87% yield* The product can be cured wit], 50% hexamothylezetetramina on prolonged heatiAg ist 160-170C or with acid catalyoto at room tvoperature in 100-120 hours* The cumd realn is stable 'a dilute acids (except ~D% HN03)" in alkallp o11,, be=ens,, wollno, ACaWICN IIR'- AP4039952 kerosine, alcohol and water; it decomposed In concentrated H2SO4 and ENO The cured 41-FAFF-U resin is significantly more alkali resistant than phenollf'ormalde- ,hyde resin and has good dielectric properties. Molded compositions of 41-FAFF-11 'were prepared with graphite,, asbestos and glass fiber fillers (molding temperatures of 160-185$ 210-220 1and 180-200C and pressurea of 600-700, 600-700 and 100-250 kgs/ =2, respectively). These materials have higher strengths and better electrical jinculating properties then phenol-formaldebyde compositionso Ii. Ke Petropol'okaya ,and E* Yu Mirzayov took part In the experimental part of the work," Orige arte has: 2 tables, 2 figumso ASSOCIATION: None SdRUTM . MM CODE: Ou VO MW SOV 3 003 ENCL: 00 OMR: ODD 41ft-.;~lfg-A hit_10'JN~V/jjj~_ C L' 35520~, 0 ACCMSI014 Ims AP5M199 S/02136/65Y'000/005/()ci7O/,-470 =9i at r -V o V. TIT --A -me -for-producing resins from furfuryl 110t thod 4160h01- -Claos, 39t Ito. 10-078 Byullotm-' iz*rotmly i tovurnykh =akov, no 5 1965 W --,"TOPIC TAGS3 resing alcohol US11MCT I a Author Certifteate presento a method for producing rosina from In -the- presence of -mnall- quantities of M-31010 a*rdrida. La order to- indreawe the aolection of resina with hig~i thermal atabili!jj the furfuryl alcohol ia condmeed with turhydrazino, oil ITO-M-SOV,--- 000 771 Card L 2t~~,-6 t-6 Tm )/bI PJ !~C-4 RM :ACCFMION M AP5008201 3/02,36/65/000/005/0(y71," 007 _J AUMORSt Oster-Yolkov, N. N.1 Shavokiyj 0. S.; Cherpmukhing 1. K.; Poopirova, U-14 Trofimovat G. M. .TITLEs A method for producing synthetic resin. Class 39, Fo. 168830 P' A 4--~~Irjj -"ftjrj%tr- I,^ r 71 cate -pros rezin ~from rurfur7i alcoliolUan the presence of maleio abhydride '.rrj condensation. To obtain resin of hi& thermal stability, the furAu7fl alcohol in condensed f ii-ot T41 th ,levulose in the presence or alkalig and ratleio a&tydride is then introduced ;nto tho reaction mixture. 'ASSOCIATIONt none. SUMMED 25MV62 EIICL: 00 SUB COPFD Kj- NO REP SOTi 000 OT=t _000- OUT PC, OUROSt Byulletaul izabrateniy L tovarrWkb %nakarl no. IC,'TAM; resihp fur7l aaodhol malsio anby&ide, Wlits This Author Carti~icate presents a method for ob-Wjiing thermosottin! esin basedlon furyl alcohOPand =&lei* anbyarido in the prealInce ot alkOi. To* cal stabilit 374te. is tat-oduced Into the bma a in(wv"ql .-Ito -thatzochemi __y of resin, amrMOt none, r-C 1 21 60W IMCLs. 00 so CODE; I MW WYS 000 CTMMI 000. LEOIJOVP M.V.; OSTF'R-VOLKOV, N.M.; KALYAYSV, M.N. New plastica for starping tools. Phshinoistroltell no.12: 28-30 D 164. (YIRA Y12) HUCMM-GIMOCKI. Jerzy; OSTEROZY, Zbigniew A caee of OpalfiUmigma. Polskl tygod.lek. 15 no-114:515-516 4 AD l6o. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrznych A.M. w Krqkowle: kierownik- prof.dr J. Aleksandrovics. HUCZEK-GLEMCKI, Jerzy; OSTE-RCZY, ZbIgniew.; SZMIGIEL, Zbigniew; Cl~HOCKI , Tadeusz Acute ery-throblastosis with degeneration into myeloblastic leuke-aia. Pol. mod. wevnet. 32 no.7:701-705 162. 1. Z III Klinlki Chorob Wownetrznych AM w Krakawle Kierownik: prof. dr J. Aleksandrowics. (BONE ~WUIOW DISEASES) (LEUKERIA MYELOCYTIC) ALKKSANDROWICZ, Julian; OST&RCZY, ZbIgniewi.S7,MIGIEL, Zbigniew A rare case of thrombocy-topenic hemorrhagic diathesis. Pol. mej. wevnet. 311 no.7:761-763 162. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych AM w Krakowie Kierownik: prof. dr med. J. kleksandrowiez. (HEMO,RJ?1-'.AGIC DIATHESIS) (CUSEINGIS SYNDROME) (ADRENAL COHT,-U HORMONES) (VITAMIN B12) (ACETOPHENETIDIN) HUMK-GL9'-lDCKl. Jerzy;- OS72RCZY, ZbIgniew Drug-induced nplqstic anemia complicAted by diAI)etes mellitus during prednisone therapy. Folski tygod. lek. 14 no-36:1662-1664 7 Sept 59. 1. (Z III Kliniki Chorolh Wevnetranych A. M. v Krnkovie; kierawnik: prof. dr J. A. AlekaFkndrowics) (TIHIOSEMICARBAZOURS, eff inji) (ANEMIA APLASTIC. etiol.) (PREDNISONE, eff. lnjJ DIARY."IT-9 MKLIJTUS, etiol.) ..t. a r --c' ca e r.; %,rr -r r ;'L.T t ri t tnfj r r mc r c, rr r, nar E. J i 51 c i, r, c r n rf, c, r- t; a a 9 wr. r o -.6 n c f~ ti %, c n u r, e xc r T i r pa in 9 r, ILA n f ! r, 7 a fi 1, he t n " r a p 4 7 HUG7.LK-GLLBOCKI, Jerzy; C6T'.ACZi, Zbi,-,n1cw; iCCHOPI~,-;, Hanna; Zofia Value of thromboela3tocrarhy in acme diseanes of the heart and blood vessels. Folsk-i tygoi. lek. 16 no.4411681-1685 30 0 161. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Weinintrmych A.M. w Krakowle; kierownik: irof. dr. J. Aleksandrowinz. (BLOOD CGAGULATIO:;) (Ck'U)1QVASCU1Aii DIS""ASkZ blood) OSTERCZY-SLIWINSKA, Hanna Results of tridencleisim In the tmatwant or friaurcAwi. tyg. lek. 19 no.35tl325-1327 31 Ag '64. 1. Z KlImIki Chorob Ocau Akade&JJ Mc-dyoznej w Krakowis (kIerawnJki pref. dr sad. Marian6111czek). Cl,~,TERW~ F, L. Disturbances in radio and televulioll recept~rj iii witr, obiles. of idsturl~z:ices and the ~,ecl,;-~niC5 01 their orii-in. F .1t 1 kl,;~cz. Ina vrganiziicji~ , vc: nicw,~ -ic,.3, .-Y. 19' 9 or.t -l-,- List ol i~ast i:,k~rope&n -,,e >,,, "vj,i) L(,, June 1919 ,.ncl OSTFRLGF!' umioslxw. Wyposazenie elektryc--ne samochodow. (Wyd. 1.) Warszawa, Pamtwowe Wydami. Technictne, 1957. p. 305. Poland, Monthly List of East buropean AccersionE index (EEAI), LE, Vol. B, no. 6, June 1959 unclae OSTER-VOLKOV, N.N. Fireproofing properties no.2:73-74 '62. (Plastics) of the FA monomer. (Fire prevention) Plast.massy (MIRA 15;2) OSTER-VOLKOV, N.N.; LWNOV, M.V.; KALYAYEV, M.M. Quick-setting core mixtures. Plast.massy no.3:61-62 164. (MIRA 17:3) 83415 15*. loo L) 1 s/191/60/000/006/007/01c, 5-118310 B004/B054 AUTHORS- Itinskiy, V I., Kamenskiy, I V , Oster-Volknv. N N TITLE: Organoulneral Cement-free Concretp PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, 1960, No 6, pp TEXT. The Ptuthors report on experimentp made by the Laboratoriya kafedry tekhnologii plasticheskikh u&ss MKhT.I imeni Mohdoleyeva (Laboratory of the Chair of Plastics Technology of the Moscow Inatilute of Chemical Technology imeni Mendeleyev) and the Nauchno-issledovatoll- skiy institut plasticheskikh mass (Scientific Reses.rch Instituto of Plastics). Polymers of monomeric compounds of furfurol with ketones, especially acetone, showed high thermostability, incombustibility, :re- sistance to water, and chemical resistance. Samples of concrete in the form of ETO-10 (BTO-10) blocks,P -1 (11-1) timberej CTK (STK) tubings, and pressure water lines (Fig. 1) were produced from the furfuroi apetone monomer ~A (FA) (containing about 20% of difurylidone acetone) in test plants of the Upravleniye sookovskogo Metrostroya (Adsin)ektraton for the Con- struction of the Moscow Subway) and the Skuratovskaya ik-,perinental'nftya baza Card 1/4 63h15 Organomineral Cement-free Concrete S/191/60/000/006/007/0'~ B004/BO54 TollIPodiesehakhtstroya (Skuratovo Experimental Basin of the Central Science Research Institute of Underground and Shaft Mining). The BTO-10 blocks were produced at the zavod ZhBK (Reinforced-concrete Construf:!tion Works) of the Administration for the Construction of the Moscow Subway. The production of FA was started by the Ferganskiy g1drolianyy tayod (Fergana Hydrolysis Works), Lisichanskiy opytnyy sayod (Lisichansk lrx- perimental Plant), and others. Investigations by the Kafedra organiche- skoy khimii (Chair of Organic Chemistry) of the Dnepropetrovskiy se'Ll- skokhozyayetvonnyy institut (Dnepropetrovsk Agricultural Institute) show that the production costs of furturol can be reduced to one-half or one-third. Polymerization of FA is realized at 110-1800C by dehydration; a mixture of dimers of furylidene acetone and trimera of difurylide:ne acetone forms an intermediate. As dehydration leads to the formation of pores, the intermediate is to be used for concrete production. Hardening is done by sulfonic acids (e.g. benzene sulfonic acid), certain mineral acids (H 3PO4), or metallic salts, in which acids form due to hydrolysis. The hardening process depends on the amount of hardening agent used, and is controllable within wide limits. With the use of acid slags or waste Card 2A 8A15 Organomineral Coment-free Concrete S/191/60/000/006/007/015 B004/BO54 of the bydrofluoric acid production as fillers, the addition of harrien- Ing agent can be reduced from 3 to 0.7%. Sparingly wettable mineralo (talcum, sulfur, graphite, pyrite, etc.) were not used as fillers, Clay minerals form no concrete without previous treatment (e.g. with Ve tialte). Clays containing CaCO3 or MgCO3 cannot be used because of the liberation of CO 2' Building sand was wetted with furfurol in the concrete mixer, then FA, and finally the hardening agent, were added. Fig. 2 shows that optimum concrete hardness is attained with 12% of PA. The settine of concrete in air is shown in Fig. 3, the setting in water in Fig. 4. Materials used for reinforcement were: glass fiber, glass tissue, vietal rods, metal mesh, wood, and reed. Glass can only be used after treatment with furyl silicate resin. Investigations by the NIIKhIKVASh (Scieiitific Research Institute of Chemical Machinery) showed that plastic concrete is resistant to acide, bases, &&1t solutions, and polar and nonpolo,r solvents, while it is decomposed by hot oxidizing agente (HNO,,H,Ci,O 4~ 33% H202)' Cold and X-rays do not Influence the properties. Plastic Card 3/4 83415 Organomineral Cezent-fres Concrete 5/191/60/000/006/007/01, B004/BO54 concrete is impermeable to water and gas, and also dielectric, even at 20 ats of pressure. The following data are given for plastic concrete with building sand: compressive strength 700-600 kg/ca2' tensile 2 2 strength 64-70 kg/cm , banding strength 160-200 kg/cM , Brinell hard- 2 noes 40-42 WIND . There are 4 figures. Card 4/4 NA)WSXIYP I.V.; VOROBITEVP B.P.; ITINSKIYP V.I.; OSTER-VDLXOV, N.N. Polymers based on the condensation products of furfurols with acetone. I'lantic materials based on difurfuryliderAnce- tons. Plant. massy no.3t17-19 163. (MIRA 1614) (Plastics) (Butenone) OSTER- VCIX9_L0IA,., Lazh. Intrrdurn avntho.tic n:-odjje.-t" in ronntnictlon. 3trr)i. rvit. 4 no. ~:l- 3 Je I SR. 01111A 11:1 (Building -Atnriala) (Synthetin products) OSTICR-VOLEDV. N. . Inth. de's, of plastics in housing construction abroaA. Ehil.stroi. no.4/5: 5?-53 058. (MIM 12:6) (Plastics) 26996 sl" 91 /61 B qB2 18 15 2 ~ 0 9 1 ' '~~ 11 AUTHORSo Borisov, F. B., Oil, -i-xuv, N. N. TITLEs New synthetic un.versa~ (13OV- PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye masoy , no. 9, ' 961 , 42-44 TEM The authors produced a glue cheaper than, but equaily i-uod at3 eFcx,,y glues. They usedt fururole acetone monomer (FAV), styrene, eFoxy reLiin )A 5 (ED-5) , Bind hardeneriji poiyethylene ~,olyamne or distillation re:jid,,~es of hexamethylene dia-mine. Frc~duction was perf ormed in two st~.gcL;i ( ' )' varnish, (2) glue. For (1), the fo.lowing uubstanceB were mixedt FAM, ED-5, and styrt!ne, and stirred for ev-5k~, min in the cold, or under heat.,%oz to 4U-5UoC- For (2), this varniuh was mixed with thp hardener be,c,-X~- ': C. Dependine on the apii1cation, the followiz,e lliieru woro uouat uat.(1, cement, Aeroail, graphite, powdered mica and quartz, jtwdur,~a aab,,'Jt(j, etc. BOV-1 only co6ts one-third of ED-5, and rLay be used Icr g.uitq- decoratively laminated piaL~ticu, glaso-reinf arced ~ia~,tics, sh~'Ckjr~,~f polystyrene, foamed plastics, ceramics, concrete, wood, ajbtbtos cement, Card 1/5 26996 S/1 9 1/61 /000/0(J?,/,i,~/0,)7 New synthetic universLi glue ... B110/B218 paper, and metals (but not polyethylene and jo~yvinyl chcride,'- Fcr w c 11 BOV-1 oust be used with a f i,ler t,, prevent entering of ~crt:s. For meta.- 21 m131 it must be ~lajticized. It is aiplied in C). 1-u. :1 mm layers ~2_u - t)UU6/_ Gluing ahouid be pezformed at temperatures that are not below,/>16cC under minimum pressure (o. g., G. )-v.~ kg/cm 2 for gluing toeuther three iajerS. It glues honeycomb 1,a-itic8 un the basis uf MOO(LIFF) resins ai,d foamed P~asticaTrt-l and TMC-4 J5-1 ana PS-4). Sjecimens glued with BOV-1 and ED-5 re.3in were tested fcr tear and shear at the NIIPM and the Belorueskiy politekhnicho8kly institut (Belorussian Polytechnic Institute,. Whereas some samples glued with ED-5 broke in the glued joint, tho apecimens gluc!d with BOV-1 broke in the material only. Cerumic plates, porceiain wa8lint., basins, wooden chairs, and silica brickG were glued. Three-iayer ~ane.s of wood-fiber boards (on K~-2U and ftf--17 (LIF-I'T) basia) Wk)r,-- g-'u,.-d at the NIIPMi a honeycomb block soaked with MFF resat,a, having celk.s cf 7 mm siue iongth, was klaced between teem. Under short-termea !cad, the specimens glued with ED-"~ withstood 2ju-350 kg/m2i the specimens S~ued 2 with BOV-1 with cement fil-'er withstood a cad of 5u3-60C Ks/m . The Card 21~ 26996 J/ B, I Brine,l nardneos of BOV-1 ccatir,66 lies between '6 ana 2~ kg/,-M'. They are very stable against abrasior- T~,e jtrengtr remained unchanged ai ter twc, weeks' moistening at rorrLzii temlerature and at 1 o~,0C, Nc in strength was observed during hall' a year under atmospheric inf,uer--e, BOV-1 without a filler can withstand temperaturea between -r)L 0C and 225-2500C without any change in the fiiu. stru?t,,re . The f i Im sc-I ter-q at higher temFerature, and itj propertiej are ret~,red ii. coGlinF. Therm~,! stability increases with cement to 3~.;u DC. Wher, aj-1- 11 ed % it 1~ d i st iat l or. products of hexamethylene diamine (L.") tire(-- more than pclypth~,Iene amine) the BCV-1 film become;j more e.'ustic. In this, the harden;ng time at 18-200C ncreagea from 1u-16 to 20-24 hr. This is,y important for gluing wood -Nith metai8 or metals of different exiansior. coefficients. BOV-1 is not inferior in ela8ticity to epoxy and jher-~! glues, and glues modified with ~olyvinyi acetal, etc, B 0 V - * f i ,change in alkaiit3, aci.,s, rili6, ucet~.r.(,, d:-h,(,r ntf-''!.O. 7 , . , t6996 7 New oynt ht t i ~: ur, . v erLia u- kor, ~jvrx , etc. BOV - 1 " j !I ~-,(.ol t r 11 r 1, 1 t 11 t t, a I'di j 11~ cement , graph Ito tij I,-- r - 6 1 1, c u 2 f i , a,, i.,.;u I Litoo w I t 1; A iwaer ao filier , -t I ormo we. -* iF18-tit-riF f i r.u iir,. urd th,-, r;. i L; There are 3 tableg iind b Sovie, rof urerices Table 2. Re8ults of abraaicr. teot8 cf BOV-' Leetjr,di we,6~.t r~., the two dpecimens, E, 42,~ bt:cre tt~st, (') after tet;., (.1' wear c,' thr, two specimens, ME, (5) ~oazi , kg , ( v 1) L3 ~ e - iC I o ad :m'~ , r t fcrce, kg, (13) s~o-i- m 2, /Cm2 m OSTER-VOLKO'V, N.H. Anticorrosive materials based on furan resins. Gidrolls.i Isookhim.prom. 15 no.3al8 162. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Ferganskaye, laboratoriya Nauchno-isoledovateltakogo inatituta plastmos. (Corro,sion and anticorrosives) (Puran) OISTEJI-VOLKOV, N.Ne Laborator7 helps factories. Plant.manny no.11136-37 161. (Research, Industrial) (KIRA 1495) 3/19 1 /62/000/002/00P/00~ B1OI/B1 10 AUTHORY Oster-Vol-kov,-N. N. TITLEi The fireproofinp properties of tA(FA) monomer PERIODICALt Plnstiche3kiye ma3sy, no. Z, 1962; 73 - 74 TEXTs The fireproofing effect of FA monomer produced by the Ferganskiy ;7idi-olizny,i zavod (Fergana Hydrolysis Plant) was investigated. Spruce and fir wood was soaked according to a formula composed by the author to- Fether with V. 1. Itinskiy at the Ferganskayn laboratoriya NIIPY, (FerFana Laboratory of the NIIPM). Models of houses, 80 by 50 by 50 with 2C mm wall thickness. were soaked with a 50~. furfurolic solution of FA with ricid hardeners (15% by weight of the solution) for 2-2.5 hrs, and dried in air 2 for three days. FA consumption was 520 F per m . The soaking penetrat,?d the wood to a depth of 0.8-1.5 mm, at the front faces to 5-6 mm. Soaking costs were 30 kopecks per m 2. Soakel and unsoaked models were put on a f-netal table over wood chips, and the latter gere kinll(A. The unso,,-,kei models burned down within 13 min. Flames formed at the soaked modelr aft,r Card 112 5, j()j/6,/ooo/oc)?/',Ir)o/,~)n~ The fireproofing properties B101/B110 4 min owing to reatn ani ras Pscape from the food. As soon as the mnl,~ Tas removed from the flame, burning ;topped immediately. The Surface V'; "S charrel to a depth of 1-1 5 m7 only. These teits confirm the conclusion:, b,v the TsNIPO MVD SSSR of J,ily 10. 11-)57. FA sonked woord will tikr-- any coating. It is recommeniel as fireproofing apent for timber buildin;~s. There are 3 fiCires. Card 21? FO~iIS~2V, F .0.; 'U'SrFit-vju-.,-,v, ii.!i. a i I dr, . -1. - 42-44 ' ~] . I - ,i., . - (i~dbrsives ) TUSHIN. I.M-,~mnA.tekhn.n&uk-. OSTZri-VOLKOV, II.N.,inzh. ------ Concretes male with a plasticizing *A?A* furfurol-acetone admixture. 9et. t nhel.-bet. no-11:50)-506 N 160. (MIJU 13:11) (Concrote) (Plastics) SERIPCHMWO I S.p *I; nauchnyy sotnidnik (Odessa); MASTEROV. M., inzh.- Instrukto BELTAKOV, P.,; OSTSR-VOLKOV, N.N., insh.; ITIHSKIY. V.I., insh. loatters to the editor. Nauka i zhisn' 25 no.10:77-79 0 158. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Vessoyutnyy usuchno-issledovatel'skiy inetitut plastmaso. (EYN-DISRASES AND DIFECTS) (BONICS-WOUNDS AND INJURIXS) (RESINS, STNTFU"IC) Mtn 14 iTC IS 06tAln,&4 by saii~ wll'h a rei Vo M. troatej with a 9poln, of iIuThunmll-w,~t it ty-ju. wit Ow gTaj~hlttr is imattl with a cutaly*t, e.g. 6etlunr III au-'I rl.4ffln TIM). thV 91UP130 il 04111. With The ately i'l vowo aud, li'n off with th?, cjfMy r;l S-11) atin, pti--wr at 40 '11N i,,; 16N)W(A I)y ght 1~,fnp, 4dus fl,)llimlly u4tal OSTER-VULKOV rl N ; MIMUMVEDOV, Kh.U.; HIO-ROLISHAYA, 1.1N.; Prin,uill -'~:~u ~Ias'~e~. PETROf'OL'-'-'KAYA, N.K.; MlFrZAYEV, E.Y-j. Combining furfuroleace tone monomor.9 and j;henol-forr-ii'l r~~:ins* I Plast.mAoi7y no.6:00-61 164. (MI RA 18:4, ABDURASULOV, D, M,, prof.; NIKOLAYEV, A. I., kand. md. naukl OSTER, N. R.,, kand. med. nauk Inclusion of radioactive indicators into nucleic acids an? proteins In irradiated nice. Med. zhur. Vab. no.6222-24 Je 162. (HIM 15:7) 1. Iz nauchno-lealedovatellskogo inatituta rentgenoloFli, mdio- logii i onkologii Minieterstva zdrarookhrononlyn UzSSR. (NUCLEIC ACIDS) (PROTEINS) (RADIOACTIVE TRACERS) 'EXCEFJ~TA *YI-MICA SFC - 12 Vol. 12/8 Oplith. Aiir. 58 1445. RETINOSCHISIS - Rozezczepienie siatk6wki (retinoschisis) Klin.Chor.Octu A. M.. Krak6w - KLIN.OCZNA 1958. 28/1 (45-47) Illus, I In the temporal part of the ocular fundus the retina had a not detachment, folded, the external layer withdrawn on a big area, the Internal layer thin with (lark vessels, showing a horseshoe-like aperture. The operative procedure did not im- prove the condition; visual acuity remained decreased. The operations consisted of diathermy. cauter12ation and shortening of the eye ball according to Weve's method. Szmyt - LUI OSTBRCZY, Hanna Statistics of ocular injuries in children under 16. Klin. oczna 26 no.2:1'q-176 1956. 1. Kltn1ka C'hordb Oc-su AA. w Krakowle. Klerownik,, prof. dr. M. Wilesek. Krakow. u1, Krawoderska 28, m. 6. (EN, wounds and Injuries. in inf. & child.. statist. (Pol)) (WOTRWS AND TXTURI ES, eye, in Inf. & child., statist. (Pol)) : I i !: .. i . " ffiiA N'--DI"A Sec. 6 Vol* 11/10 Cct- 57 6s ~ a 6459. OSTERCZY Z. and S%. IATKOSKA %%. Ill. Kiln. Chor. %%'e-.%n. A. M., Krak6%. I 1 0 - 11 / 0 C CONTO *Przypadek bialaczki promielocytowej o klinicznym przeblegu zieleniaka. A caF4, ,f promyelocytic leukaemia with the clinical cour- ,( chloroma POL.TYG.LEK. 1957, 1213 (102-105) Graphs 2 1111114 .'I A case of my#-!-,cytic chloroma in a 41-year-old woman with green tumours it; described. Promyelocytes abounded in the hintological pictures of these tumcurs. Both the peripheral blood and the marrow showed lesions characteristic of silb- acute promyelocytic leukaemia. (VI. 5.16) ZBlf)?ID,V OSTJMZY; ZRIGNM, SZMIGIBL 1-=MMMMr~ Ionizing radiatlons and leukemia with report of a veracnal case. Polski t7--od. lek. 13 no.44:1724-1727 3 NOT 58. 1. (Z III Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrznych A. H. w Krakowte: kierownik: prof. dr. J. Alekaandrawicz) Adres: Krakow. u1. Basitown 4/3. (RADIOTHRU", conn)l. leukemia (Pol)) (MUKERIA. stiol. & pathogen. radiother. (Pol)) OBTMZT, Zblgniew (KWOW, ule Basstowa 4/6) Morphology of the peripheral blood in fluorescence microscopy. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no.12t442-444 18 Mar 57. 1. (Z Prac. Herstologicanej III Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrsnych A. M. w Krakowle; kisrownik. kliniki: prof. dr,J. Aleksandrowics; kisrownik pracowni: dr mad. Z. Osterczy) WOOD peripheral. fluorescence microscopy (Pol)) USTIRCZY, Zbigniew Shock caused by transfusion of InconpatIble blood; cure. Polskim arch. med. vewn. 26 ma.12:18DI-19D3 1956. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wownetranych A.M. w grakovis Xlerownik: prof. dr. %ad. J. Alskeandrowics. Krakow, ul. Basstmwa 4/3. (BWOD TRAOWSION, compl. hemolytic reaction. ther. (Pol)) (HMT,TSIS, etiol. A pathogen. blood transfusion causing hemolytic reaction (Pol)) OSTXRCZY. Zbigniew; SWIATKOWSKA, Wanda Case of proc7eloc7tic leukenia with chlorom. Polski tygnd. Ink. 12 no.1:102-105 14 Jan ~7. ft 1. (Z III Klinlkl Chorob W-vaptrznvch A.M. w Krakowie: ki4rownlk: prof. dr. J. Ajoksandrowics). Adres: Krakow. u1. Basstowa 4/3. (LBTKOSARCOMA. compl. myelocvt1c leukemia (Pol)) (LRXVIA. MTFWCTTIC. compl. leuknear(!oma (Pol)) LIWSZYC, Stanislaw; FROMOVICZ. Kurt Karol; OSTERCZY, Zbigniew; POLATTNSKA-WECLAWOVICZ, Joanna Vegetative factor In pathogenesis of nephritis and In atte-jpted anplication of phenothiattme derivatives. Polski tygod. Isk. 11 no.22:977-981 ?8 May 56. 1. Z Zakladu Fatologii Ogolnej I Dnawiadczalnej AN w Krakowie: kier. prof. dr. Hr. Gindooz I z III Kliniki Chorob Vewn. AM w Krakowie; kier. prof. dr. J. Aleksandrowics. Krakow. u1. Kopernika 17, 111 Kl. Chor. Wewn. (NVHRITIS, experimental, autonomic factor in, eff. on chlorpromazine th,9r. (Pol)) (CHLORPRDMAZINS, effects, on exper. naphritis, autonomic factor in (Pol)) (AUWWDIIIC ?TMOUS SYSTIN, In various diseases, exper. nephritis, role in chlorpromazine thor. (Pol)) "I/ "'L, '- LIW:iZYC. 5 islav; OSTZMY. 2bigniew. Largactil In severe ureals. Polski tygod. lek. 10 no.40:131Q-1320 3 Oct 55. 1. Z III KlInIkI Chorob Vvvnetrsnych A.M. w Irrakowle; kierown1k: prof. dr. J.Alakeandravlos. Krakov. III Kliniks Chorob Vewnetrznych. (MMIA. therapy, chloroprowasine) (CHLORDFROMENN. ther"utic use, uremiA) CSTERCZY, Z. St. Uwazyc, K. X. Framcndcz, Z. Osterczy, and J. Polatynska-Wecawwicz, "Die Rolle des neurovegetativen Faktors in der PathoSenese der NierenenauendunS und Versuche ihrer Behandlung sit Phonothiazinderivatenp" Bas Deutsche Gesundheitswesen; Zoitschrift fuer Hedisin. (Berlin), llth Yr, No. 30,, 26 Jul 66j, p. 1012. Titlet The Role of laurevegetative Factors ib the Pathogenesis of Nephritis and the Investigatice of its treatment with Phenothiazine Detivatives. From the Institute f6r General and Experimental Pathology, Mod. Acad., Krakow (headed by Prof. Dr. Giodoss) and from the No. 3 ClinA for Onternal Diseases, Med. Acad., Krakow (headed by Prof, J. Aleksandrowics), WS TERCZY-SLN It" SK .,, !~iaa;a fi~ a . - 1.. 7. "! ~ ~,'- :5 1" 1 , w, . h. 1. , .::: a . W , - ocizia 35 , .. - I r~ 3-1 Pi- I, ~'. I . Z r1 it. i ! I "I, ~ ro 1 0 - zu Al. ad, ~:: i I M,- I y --- i., ~ i w K i tj t~ . ; f([-~ I - I J--. mcd. !. VII 1 czuk. ). G,-~n,.;r-?I Protlrcs of P,,tholoF,. y. HUMt-n jour rRij f Znur-bi .A. 0 Nc 11 , 1958, 51794 "Ut hor C, s i 7,y W i,-i t k C Inst N c) t g d vn Ti t1 c, it C2,so of Prit,:yelocytic, L,~uke,-Aa with th, ic).,I J'icturu t)f GhIcIrc)nTI. Crir.,, Pub Fo I A. tyf~ . I -,kLr. , 1 -~1'57 ,'Nc 3, 1 -1( F) ,,bs trac t A' ..tyoluid clilorofnu in -1 41 old wo.,atai', -N-x:3 d(~scribod. Thur, %var(-. !;~rujn tki.-iorg in the ar,-a of the. rifht 1---."t ciriviclo and ot, tliu abJuLlt-~n. Tru 3tUdV ~,f th(,~ show~-;d a numbur of ci,.,1_r~s in thi blo.A ii, I,ntj 'b3n,,, -,rrcw -~,,oru tyTi-,-~l of -A subs~2~,tkj promy- 'lard 1/2 67 POI,"D / ~unor-~I Problj,ns of j y. ~u ors. H, waa r. P 1 ' 0, - 3 ,bo Jour: Ruf i~hur-Bi,,)j 517riq. ,,bstruct: 310CYtic loukamia. Problrjns c-ner-rning thij clinic,!). cuurge of various fr)r,:..g of chlGru,,v! liscussud. Aff-;runt ~,I'Anionj -n th,,~ : -t- ur(-- cf thQ Fivcn illnc~ss, thi) cria.aicnl nitur,, of tli,-~ Fj(,,~;n ~it~,aunt and its -riqir wore giv(.-n. 'ard 212 0,MwRJO;--r 1, ~~ ~j , - "Trends in the devplopment of the electric equipment of auto-~ohiles. Pt. ;.." p. ~7~, (Technika Motoryzacy~na) Vol. -, no. 11, Nov. 1-11,7 'e.*arsaw, loland 30: ~-'onthly Index of --.aqt ;-,uropean Accessions (FEAI) I.r. Vo:-. 7, no. ., April 1~)5&, f~.~ 07T -,, ~ OFF, L. ",:rn,t -.-Conorz,. In -'~Uto,-r"bile -lectrAec~:n0lo . " F . ~-- 0 1: , \ , Lf". -J, , I Vol. ~, !:o. 11, ',:o*.,. .17arri"awEt, 1 !,0: ~'Ontllly List of 'I:).,',. %uroy-l(I.-ar, ;.cce~-,nions, ( L11) , Ll:, 7o1. ), :'o. 12, Dec. *-',-,cl. "Char-r.- tor-i-e 'C: !.',onthl-.- List of --ict w-w ;.ccen .5j, 701. 3, "o. 17, Dec. 1"'14. uncl. OMMOFF, Lc--hoElw OST7-',.IWFF, Lechoslaw (Fn,;r.) and OLLUJISKI, Jo.,. f (Engr.): Napr~,wy ',,'yvo.9az(!nia Zlektr~,,c?nego 3arnoctiodow Produkcji Kradowej (Tiepairs of Electric;k' :-kjuppaerit Of POUS11 AUtomobLles), itr;;,w: Tlroi--iort, Public..tLon3, 11Y7. 2,42 pp. 3ST"RL21-F I L. Fif-fit at-ainst ~ llnci~ , ~ri liif-hw~iy tr~,ffic. T . 2 37 . I'CTRY "',A T;j (Einisterstwo I'r;,:,.sj,ortu i,'roCowc;-o i Lotnic:,ef-n) I-,'ai,sz,iwa Vol . I C ) no. F , ILUJ,Ust 19~5 I-Iotor vehicles ~,t ~A,t Intern;tt 1 J,o7,11.1r, I- %i r; f or( ii-ri cx) i) i t i. f . Ilir " T,(,' Vol. I:, no. 7, Jul: 19' I - C-7-L17 , L. the II(Thts of 'm ~ '-s. p. ,~r: Vol 1r', no.", Tu2 y I I I . . . "' ; '.', . I ill 00: '.uropcan Accc:~7ion. !"o1 ~, no. /., April :1, () OSIERLOIFFf L. Testin- acid storage batteries. p. 77. Vol. 10i no. 3, Mar. 1955. L ~ff" ~UM, I Z.ACJI.. Wars-awa. SOUPLEs East European Accessions List (EEAL) . LC. Vol. 5, no. 3, harcl, 195c. t`~S~- (- ', T' t- t, ~ n F r-L OSTZ71LOY7, L. "Insulption for gpar'r pluer." p. ?69. (!-C-`ORTZAC.TA. Vol Q. Nol 12, Dec. 1954. Wnrsznwft, ioland) SO: Monthly List of 77not Europenn Acce-sir)ns. ( UAL). LC. Vol. 4, PC. L. April 1055. 'Uncl.