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OSTASOVSKITP Ya.A.P kand.tekhn.nauk (Leningrad) Construction elements with transverse supports (systems with unilateral joints). Isel. po teor. sooruzh. no. 9t297-303 160. (MRA 14:1) (Bridges-Design) CSTASITIEV5KIYj V. What specialization in the enterprises achieved. Na stroi. Ros. no.3:3t#-16 D 160. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Glavnyy in2h. Mookovokogo zavoda zhelezobetonnykh izdelly No. 4. (Moacow-Reinforced concrete) GSTASPIEVSKIY, V. --- Completely elinlroite wa5te. Na utroi. Roz). no.6t29-30 Je 161. WIRA 14:7) 1. Glavnyy inzhener zavoda zhelezobatonnykh izdelly 110.4 Glavmospron.stroyr,aterialov, (14oscow--Zoncrete reinforcement) ft- OSTASILEVAn, - V.3. Stabilization of the frequency band of a microwave renerdtor. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; radlotekh. 4 no.6MG-710 N-D 'U. MPLA 15 - 11.) 1. Rekomendovana ka-fedroy teoreticheskikh osnov radiotekhniki Klyevskogo ordena Leaina politekhnicheskogo instituta. (Microwaves) (Oscillators, Electrie) s/142/61/004/006/010/017 E192/E382 AUMIOR: of; tas 11 evski Y TITLE: Power stabilization in a U11F oscillator over a rangre of frequencies PERIODICAL- Izvestiya vysshildi uchebny1ch zaverleniv, Radiotel,huilta, v. 4, no. 6, 1961, 700 - 710 T CX I' The problei-.i of obtaining stable output power in a sweep-frequency generator operatin_- in the U11F range is itivesti- gat ed . A block diagram of the system is given in Fi:~. 1. T'lie system consists of the following elements: 1 - U11F oscillator Oclystron or back-ward-urave tube); 2 - decoupling attenuator; 5 - servo element of the automatic-control system; 4 - directional coupler; 5 - crystal detector; 6 - comparison device; 7 - amplifier; and 9 - co.-.ipensation circuits of frequency characteristics of the directional coupler and the detector, respectively. The most important element in the above system is the servo element. By considering the known se"o elements employed in various automatic-control methods, it is Card 0 s/1'i2/6i/oo/i/oo6/olO/017 Power stabilization .... E192/13382 concluded that a ferrite attenuator operating oil the principle of the Faraday eff ect (polarization-plane rotation) should be the most satisfactory. The construction of such ail attenuator is illustrated in Fi_-. 2. riii-- consists of tile following elements: 1 - waveguide transfon-,iers; absorption plate, 3 - magnetizing coil; ring of insulating material (peno- plast); 5 - circular waveguide; 6 - ferrite; 7 - rotating; junction and 8 - longitudinal slot. A wave of the It 1.1 type i3 excited in the cylindrical waveguide by means of the transformer sections 1 , which carry thin absorption plates 2 - The wave- guide is surrounded by a magnetizing coil 3 and tile tirle constant of the ferrite attenuator is effectively reduced by providing the slot 8 having a width of 0-3 - 0.5 mm. In order to reduce the radiation losses of the slot it is covered with a fine foil. Ideally, the characteristic of the ferrite attenuator is defined by: Card 2/6 S/l42/6l/oo4/oo6/oio/oi7 Power stabilization .... E192/E382 PBbIX N a PBX wh er ePBbIX and "13X are the powers at the output arid input of the attenuator, and a is the rotation angle of tlie polarization plane. Approximately, a -, al , whoro I i.,,, the magnotizin~; curretit of the ferrite and a is expressed in degrees per ampere. T I I e actual control system in Fig. I consists of the square-detector 5, the comparison device 6, the amplifier 7 and the co.mponsating circuits 8 arid 9 . The control quantity is the UIIF power and so the static and dynamic characteristics of the fox-rite attenuator represent the characteristics of the controlled quantity. An o:ample of the ferrite characteristic N = Y(I) is given in Fig- 7, for the case when the magnetizing coil has W = 3 000 turns. The dynamic behaviour of the systeizi is also investigated and it is found that the ferrite attenuator based Card 3b S/142/Woo/i/oo6/ol0/017 Power stabilization .... E192/E382 on the Faraday ef,ect gives a very satisfactorY performance as tiie control clement in the sweep-frequency generator of Fig~. I The control ran-c of 30 db with a linear portion of not loss t, a n 10 db can be obtained if in initial rotation of the polarization plane of the input with respect to the output of tho ferrite attenuator is introduced. The initial rotation of the terminals of the ferrite also permits reduction of the diai;ieter of the ele--ient which, in turn, reduces its hysteresis and the frequency spread of the control characteristics. There are 11 figures. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra teoreticheskikh osnov radioteldmiki Kiyevskogo ordena Lenina politeldinichoskogo instituta (Department of the Theoretical Principles of Radio-engincering of the Kiyev Order of Lenin Polytechnical Institute. SUBIMITTED: April 6, 1961 Card 4/6 S/142/61/004/006/010/017 Power stabilization .... E192/E382 Fig. 1: Iq ,3 4 ,6 7 Fig. 2: Card 5/6 S/142/6i/oo4/oo6/o1o/oi Power stabilization .... E192/E382 Fig. 7: II I I Card 6/6 -- CSTASHEVSKIY . TaA, lmdequate development of vupply eenters for the constructien industry. Trudy YUHI no4l5:160-161 #61. MM 14: 12 ) 1. Nachallnik atroitallnogo otdola proyektnogo instituta Gipronikell. (Building materiala induBtry) OSTASHMICH, V" Projects developed imdividuany and in groups by engineers and technical vmrkers of the design bureauo Avt*tramp. 39 no-4t 7 Ap 161. (HIRA 14:5) (Wscow-Mtor vehicles-Mkintemance " repair) OSTA,StIM, L. N. "Investigation of Some Properties of 7.1-ctronic .1ectMers." -'and Tech Sc4 , Radiotechnical Facultv, GorIkiy Poly-tecmic Inst imeni t, A. Zhiar.:)-.r, Min Education USSRO Gor'k.iy, 1)55. (KL, No 15, Apr 55) SO: Sum. No. 704, 2 '~Iov 55 - SkirvTf of Scientific and Technic.-II Dissartations D,~!'ended at USSR Higher Educational InstitUtions (16). OSTASHIIN, I.?. Geological investigation of the Iyakhta, millimanite shale 49posits In 1954-1956. Trudy Vost.-Sib. fil. AN SSSR no.13:32-38 '58. (MIRA 12:12) (Kyakhts District-Sillimanits) 3(5) PHASE I DDOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2154 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Vostochno-Sibirskiy filial Syrlyevyye resursy legkikh metallov Vostochnoy Sibiri, tom. 2(Light Metal Resources of Eastern Siberia, Vol 2) Moscow, 1958. 298 p. (Series: Its: Trudy, vyp.13) 1,200 copies printed. Editorial Board: N.S. Alekseyev, Ye. P. Bessolitsyn, V.S. Drachev, A.F. Id, Doctor of Geological and Mineral Sciences, and Ye. I. Khazanov (Resp. Ed.) Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: V.K. Shlepov; Tech. Ed.: P.S. Kashina. PURPOSE, This issue of the Eastern Siberian Branch Transactions is of interest to structural., exploration and min-Ing geologists, mineralogists, and metallurgists in the light metal industries. COVERAGEt This collection of articles is a compilation of the reports presented at the third coordinated conference on ",I%e Creation of a Light Metals Industry in Eastern Siberia Based on Local Ores" organized by the Laboratory of Electrometallurgy of the Eastern Siberian Branch of the AN SSSR in October., 1956. It met for the purpose of promoting coordination between the activities Card 1/7 Light Metal Resources (Cont.) SOT/2154 of the power generation combines and the fast developing light metals Indulitry of Eastern Siberia. The reports indicate that large alumim"T1 and titaniuln- ma esium combines %re being constructed in the Krasnoyarsk Kray and the Irkutsk Oblast These areas provide the cheapest soureeb of coed nnd electricu.L energy. Individual articles also report on the folloving subjects: general questions in the development of the light metals industry in Eastern Siberia, sillJzanite ores, nepheldne syenites, bauxites, magnesium ores, el-.C. References accompany each tu-ticle. TAKE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Krotov, V.A. DeveloFment of Light Metals Metallurgy in Eastern Siberia and the Problems Facing Scientists Xhatanov, Ye. I. Long-range Plan of Scientific Research Connected vith the Develapment of Light Metals Metallurgy in Eastern Siberia Card 2/~ Light Metal Resources (Cont.) SOV/2154 PART I. SIIJAXANITES AND THEIR WILMCION Galaburda, S.G. Sillimanite and Disthene Ore Deposits of Easterm Siberia 19 OstaaWn, I.P. Results of Geological Prospecting of the Kyakhtinskiye SiliIiiii-i-eScbList Deposits in 1954-1956 32 Sushon, A.R., B.Ye. Mitrofanov, and V.V. Berengiliva. Kyakhtinskiye Deposits of Rutile-bearing Sillimanite Schists 39 Bavykina, Yu. B. Results of Geophysical Prospecting by the VEZ (Vertical Electrical Sounding) Method at the Kyakhtinskiye Sillizaanite Schist Deposits 47 Oleynikova, G.V., and Ye. I. Khazanov. Fbysicochmical Properties, Composition, and Dressing Possibilities of the Sillimanite Ores of the Kyakhtinakiye Deposits 50 Card 3/7 Lig;ht Metal Resources (cont.) S(YV/2154 Li, A.F. and Ye. M. Bradinskaya. Mineralogical Composition of the Sillimanite Ores of the Kyakhtinskiye Deposits 60 Chipanin, I.V.; and M.T. Ivanova. Dressing the Sillimanite Ores of the Kyakhtinskiye Deposits 66 Verigin, V.N. Electrothermal Method of Producing Aluminum and Its Alloys 72 Mazurov, M.K. Technical and Economic Prerequisites for the Utilization of Keyvskiye Kyanites in the Production of Alumimm and I'..s Alloys Based on the Energy To Be Supplied by the Planned State Hydroelectric Stations on the Yenisey 86 PART Il. NEIIHELINE ORES AND THEIR Ur11XLATION Petrov, P.S. Uzhurskiye Wepheline Ores 93 Yegorova, Z.A. The Distribution of Wepheline Syenites in the Irkutskaya, O'blast' and the Baryatskaya ASSR 101 Card 4/7 IAght Metal Resources (Cont.) SM/2154 S"bapiro, R.B. Dressing the Nepheline-Syeriite Rocks of the Uzhurskoye Deposits 107 SuBlikov, G,F., Z.F. Revenko, and A.M. Komlev. Semi-industrial Testing of the Dressing Ability of the Uzhurskiye Nepheline Rocks 125 Khazanov, Ye. I., A.F. Khlyupina, A.S. Bessonova, E.M. Shishlyannikova, and P.S. Men'shikov. Sintering Uzhurskiye Nepheline Syenites with Limestone in the Presence of a Reducing Agent !34 Chizhikov' D.M., 1.N. Kitler and N.A. Kovyakina. Experimental Studies of Granulation In Nepheline Charges and Their Sintering in the "Boiling Layer" 144 Dumskaya, A.F. Results of Studies Conducted Between 1952-1956 in Selecting Methods for Processing Uzhurskiye Syenites for the Achinakiy Aluminum Oxide Plant 16o Card 5/ 7 Light Metal Resources (Cont.) SOV/2154 Avdeyeva, T.I. Decomposition of Nepheline Syenites by Nitrogen Oxides 178 Pavlov, Technological Processing Plano for U71iurskiye Nepheline Rocks 185 PART III. BAUXITES AND THEIR UTILIZATION Bessolitsyn, Ye. P. New Data on the Boksonskoye Deposits 203 Orlovft, P.V. Regularities in the Distribution of Bauxite Ores fit the Boksonskoye Deposits 207 Khazanov, Ye. I., A.S. Bessonova, and A.F. Khlyupina. Combined Treatment of High Iron Content Sillcified Bauxites by Sintering a Two-Component Charge in the Presence of n Reducing Agent 226 Ponomarev', V.D., and L.P. Ni. Sulfide-Caustic [Sod'a Method of Processing Bauxites into Aluminirm Oxide 232 Khodak, L.P., and A.I. Ivanov. Combined Treatment of Aluminum Oxide Iron Ores-and High Iron Content Bauxites 237 C ard 6/ 7 Light Metal Resources (Cont.) SOV/2154 M&lltsevp V.S., and Ye.j. Khaznnov. Study of the Reducibility of Bauxite Ore Components of the Tatarskoye Deposits 24;~ Skobeyev, I.K. The Problem of Extracting Aluminum Oxide from the ~>5 r Higb Silica-Content Aluminum Ore of Eastern Siberia PART V. MAM=rM A1ND CALCIUM ORES AND THEIR UrILIZATION NFLdelyayev, K.M. Onotskoye Deposits of Magnesite and Talc 21,15 Safonova, Te.G., nrd Ye.I. Khazarov. Electrovacuum Method of Extrncting Magnesium from the Magnesites of the Onotskoye Deposits 273 Matveyenko, I.I. Aluntinum-Thermal Method of Obtaining Calcium from the Limestones of the Ust,-Anginskoye Deposits 28~_ AVAILABIZ: Library of Congress Card 7/7 E-19-59 OSTAS11hur F.I., karl'i. 101"r, Container for prolonged ironervrition of bu-U nemn in lirl,11fic..- gasos at a tomperhturn of -1P,3 to -1960 (G). ZhJvotnovodstvo 23 no.3:,9-60 Mr 161. (,",IkA 17-.1) Card 1/1 OSTASHFIO,~F_J-; , MA,' V)A, V. I Determination of osmotic preswarp in small vol,ines of flills. Lab. Islo no. 12i726-72() 164. (~U-IA 11:1) 1. irinttlit z),!votnovc,d,-3tva lenostapi 1 poleslya 'Tkr')SR, Khrr'Vov. OSTASHKO, F.I., kand.biolog.nauk Equipment For satrv)n fronzing. iti-'v(Afl(.Vojflfvf, 24 nr,.5j67-7,~ KI 162. (HIRA 16tIO) 1. Nauchno-issledovatollskiy institut zhivotnovodstvn losostepi j Poj(),qlya tTkr!,!'I(. cjilll~lcf: , V.A., aL;j " ; , ,". : . , I . 1) 1 oll eg. 1vt I, 1~ , m I-': ll:'~" I uk ( v -, , i *"~ ~ : I v") t i'" i ty '_ f u L-'~ ru, '-.: I it,, : no,~m- ial I, icn. Ve, te r i I.a:' 1 1 t, '2 J I I (" . 1P: . !'% I, -1z' --- , i ~ ~ t~ I, *"~ , I : ~ 1, y i i:: t i ~ k, t - i, i v,_ t nc, v( ~ 1 3 t vii , , -s o,l - - - ; _' . I -: : ej 1 Yl ".'o: r'l ~ no F, 0 .; . U;Nz', T m ic4-106 -I Nalxhnc-i:~L, 0 a L 1I n,) v E~ I : i Po I es I ya , i r"': R fr-77 e ic- e 13 C C -L 43977-66 ACC NR- AP6022868 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0239/66/052/00L/0433/0436 AUTHOR: Ostashkov, K. V.; Chopkiye L. P. ORG: ~a diologichoskaye loboratoriya Gosudarstvennogo meditainskOF0 institute, Dno2ropetrovsk (Radiologic Laborstoryp State Medical Institutd J -. TITLE* ew micromethod for determining Faseous substances in tbo-blr)gd I ~ ;-.1 -i - z#.L1 SOURCE: Fiziologicheskiy zhurnal SSSR, v. 52, no. 4, 1966, 433-1436 TOPIC TAGS: diagnostic Instrument, 40A. 1014-021. blood, respiratory system, oxygen, carbon dioxide I oA i or) e roV ~- ABSTRA~~,: The article describo3 tho datormination of 0 and CO In the some b ood sample based on the principle and reagents o~ the Sc~-)Olandor method, with a modified injector gas miolyzer (figurad), usinF'. a simplified procedure In which 0 2 Is Isolated first from the blood and Co2 Is isolated later. The gases are liborated by creating a vocuum; co2 Is determined from Its absorption In alkali, 02 with pyropollol. The values are expressed in volume %. The formula for calculation Is glven;k P to,concluded that this 18 9 convenient and ropld rr,r,,thndc - 4 requi ng only 0,0,2 ml blood and 15-20 minutes' time. The accurn ., J + 1% compared to the Van Slyke method. Orig. art. boa: 1 figure, 2 Card-j-A~- -----U-DC:, -612.127 1 1 i i L 43977-66 OSTASHKOV, K.V. kind. mod. nauk; RASSTRIGIN, N.N.; CHEPKIY L.P. Analysis of blood gases In artificial hypothermia. Khlrurgila no.9t37-" 162. (miu 15110) 1. Iz. 3-y kafedry khirurgil (zav. - prof. V.I.Kazanakiy) Teentrallnogo Inatituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey (Moskva) I kafedry gospitallnoy khiru;rgii No. 1 (zav. - doktor meditsinskikh nauk N.Ya.Khoro---Rnenko) Dnepropetrovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (HTPOTHERM ) (BLOOD, GASES IN) - - Uocd sorizz prGtoiri.:7 I n artif icial hypothormia. Diokhimd 4 a L 26 no.6:96(> 9(-fl M-D ,Sl. (1111L. 15:6) ~ ~ Chair of liont-,moo-.- wid "odical Hadiolon,, ;tato :'edica: 0 -L ~. Instituto, Diiicpropotro7sk. ,J3:,C,(D PROUP7,S) (HYPOTIE-LU-11A) hole of aocorbic Lcid in the of dev--lop--I-,nt of' artificial ':.-.-,(-thcrmia. Mul. eksp. biol. i nod. 52 n 16j. (ML~- 15~3 1. Iz ~ufudry pit.ofiziologii (-iave(',u.,ii.,iI.chIy - chl 4211 33SH P.D. 6orI,,;(jntov) T.Soiiti,allnogo Inotituta i.:-wvv,.!r;1 vnichey (.-Ionkva) i iz k&fedry r,~ntgrenologii i m2ditoin3kuy rad,(,- lo~.ii (7.avvduyushcIdy - dotsent N.P. F--~dcnko) Dnejlropctrovo,~o~!C) medltsinskogr~ imstituta. ITed3tavlena deystvitellnyn chlonom AI-Zt SSSR ;.A. j-~:ayavskim. (ASCUMIC ACID) (HYP(rLILMNIA) ~ OSTASHKOV, K.V, Dynamics of the regeneration of lAbile phosphorus c=pcunds in brain tievue. Arkb. pat. 22 no. 604-18 l(k. (,-;PA 1J.:1) (PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM) (BRAIN) 03TASJIXOV t K. V. Metabolism of labile brain ;bosphatea in hypothermic conditions. Vop. mad. khim. 7 no.5:470-475 S-0 161. (MIIA L'41: 10) 1. The Chair of Pathophysiology of the Sentrai Inotitute for Post- graduate Training of Physicians, Moscow; the Chair of Roentgenology with Medical Radiology, Dnepropetrovsk. (PHOSPHORUS I=ABOLISIA) (BRAIII) (HYPOTIOU41A) 06TASUCV, KOVO Metabolism rf phosphorus compounds in brain tissue during hypothermia. Biokbimila 26 no./+:655-,661 JI-Ag 161. (MIFJ 15:6)' 1. Chair of Roentgenology AW Medical Radiology, State Medical Institute, Dneropetravsk. (PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM) (BRAIIN) (HYPOTIMIIA) j-'. V, C a r F i e- he nv I nh1 od 1n 1 TIN";!. ('k"- 1 1 M, (Lr I') -~f~tract Investigated t.he effe,- of -affeine and bromine, '.n, r n le 1"A nbdominal lymphatic sric -,f frogs, on Sechenov inhibition Inhil.4 tor of reflex nctivity of sl In- I cord on stimulation of the opti-Fil t j- *"ercles of a frog with a cry.-tal of salt). No references. Institution: Chair of Normal Phyniology (IfeaII-Prof. F. N. Serkov) of the Vinnitekiy Medical Institute Submitted February 15, 1951s. Submitted by V. N. 7ernovskiy, Member (--)f th, Acn~- emy of Medical Sciences, USSR USSRI Fbamac ology -L-,d V-h Ab o J,-,~ Lr R~-f Lhur - BI 1. !.,,, 10, 1)5r-)', Rt It -(1,'-)o Author Oatachkk _22 ~i, ~vf List DnQproputrov3I. DiatiLut, Ti t 1,.: Thc. Effect j. C-.A*.-Li 3nd Broriinu un thu Slxt,.-Itlon of th :Ncitatio:-.s in th,.: Spinal C~,rd OriC, Palb 3b . nauchn. L-,%bo,. . Dnk2pr~)Pu Lr . .i,(1 . iri- ,i, 1~,5~, i - ,%bstrac t Zxp-ri..wnto w,r - c md,-ict --d )n 20 spinal -Ind 10 d,c r brated c:,t,-. I.-, cLits, th.: -9 -f thk- tilml II.Tibs w~r- (I~n,rvnt,,~, with th- ~::c,2pui(.n rf -~n, , o7, which a fl-xi-)n spinz.1 r,fl.x wms st,,~diQ(I. - -.iynp-aphi,~ r, c(.rding of th . c n ractions of' . ;.v,scl- in rspons, t , th, st Ii ml it, t z, )A ~h,, r.,.rv th-, filwlzL on th,-, a - tild- w7in on fix,, lnt,,rvLLls b,:tw,~cn th, ittlil- ulati~.--- -a r-.'I,-x c,-;ntr-.cti-)n -i h. .macl- w:,3 bs,rv,-(j, -.I~I a r,;sUt o,* t1., of xi-itations. 7,1., charact,2r Of th,.; ~dt,,;rati~jr. -f Lh, curv. i 3,L"-iatiDn ant' th, rang, -1 C7.rd 1/2 7",XJc-,11),,,Y. iii-doptico, .',bc; J,-,ur R,-f Zh-ir - Li i., un 1), 11,58, u, 4-fl-30 th, int,rv".Is b.,w- jti.;ul-Aionn withli th, 1L.itr ,I xr Lri- (, wis dAjrnined. Th- r1r-113s w-r- lntr- auc-A subcot-ui, ),iLdy- C-.ffk.An~ (C) i.icr,2r~s-'I th- r-I*I-x x- citibility th,- npiaal c-rd and i.,wruar-r, Lhj irrc- -,I tral xi itati ),i, th- op,,:(! of it.s --o-.,rsc th- influ,nc o: C incr---0-G Whil,-' iLv, dur,ition d,:ci,,as,r,. C th~ f(,r-- vid -,.iobility J Lh- -~xctt-O.ory pr(.,-, si 1,1 th, spinal -ord, whil,- 'jro;-dcI,.;s th, labtlity o.' th, r,nt..r.,3 A' th, spincd -)rk. ai,d pr, i; iot , th, I-, ( .1 Inhit, i - tion in ca.rd 212 )rolsow c v S - ^ard 1/1 Author Ab s I r a X n! f L i t i t uI o rt Cr,~ r c f fH,I- Fit 1 f F 'I i n, n 11 t,~ k -., 81-ul,mi t. t ed 7erru&r) i 7, r 7~.- X, - d C. U-.1try f r-!It" ry: Lab r -i.e -Ch T, i 1 39299 -Utll r (,stjj3hk V, shcl, Y7~- V Y(- Ir'st Vinnits~! C-1 11'stitutc Titlc The C-11,11t I' t".t- IlLur ;',uscul-~r f t1' ,,jar.zjs f ~j- 1- 1 s!X; r 1 n. MA ub: Sb wiuc ... tj -,itsl,. i k:d 7, 1G, 231-237 ,'.'j s t rf~ c tN. -.b6tr-.C Ca rd 1/ 1 T-129 L 43872-tA IT ACC N Q AP6 03 06 .16 50M~ CE COY Mi/ 0 1/66/000 0 1 (1/0103 010", INVE14TOR: Ebel' , 1. 1.-- Qstash4oy- Ye, G.- ORG: none TITLE: Cold cathode thy-ratron matrix. C I w-, r, N7,). ;,"', I eI t y Design Bureau of the Main Directorate of Signaling and Comm-inicatione MPS (Foni;Ir-uktcz-- akaye byuro Glavnogo upravleniya signalizat9il i rv-yazi MPS)j SOURCE: I zobretf-,n I y a, promyshlennyye obra7.tE;y , t ova rnyye znak I, no. 16, 1966, 108 TOPIC TA(Z : matrix, thyriitron 011"060& ) I-I.-Iortqte V40A,)DL)C7--01? C Vic ,e rv 'r- et4R1-?ICX ABSTRACTL : niis Author Certificate Introduces a cold cathode thyratron matrix cc-n- sisting of bustarr, with t.hyratrono placed tit their intersectic.n. To IrTirove brth ito F1 6,1 F i F,. -Iryr,itron mntrix Nishar; 2- h(-,rii,jnt(LI 1)'U:Ibf~r, th ral.ron. y reliability and its immunity to noine, each of the horizontal busbars is connected through a capacitance to the control clectrodo of the corresponding thyrntron, and Cord 112 uDc: 681.ilie.o7 ACC NRI AP603o616 through series-connected capac I tance -diode circuits to thyratron cathodes. Each of the vertical busbars is connected through a diode to the common point of the capacitance-diode circuit, and the thyratron control electrgde and cathode are, n turTk connected through resistors tothe negative 'feirmlnAi of the power supply ource (eee.Fig. 1). Orig. art. has: I figure. (JR) ! SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 12Feb64/ ATD PRESS: 5076 cl~rj 2f4 -CSTAMOV, Ye.V* (Dnepropetrovsk) Dynamics of the distribution of radioactive phosphorua in the body in the early staCeo of development of radiation sickneve. ~bd.rad. no.7t89-90 161. (MIRA 15:1) (RADIATIOV SIMMS) (PHOSPHORUX-ISOMPES) TKXSH3CLA,S',qVILI. U.K., )mri.te1zhn.nnu1-; i%SHC1[IiLN. 0.A.. kund.tekhn.nauk: OSTt-qHVILI. 7.I. Mechanical injurl"s to tna l"Emns Finel Invostigating thoir effect on thA qjInlity of production for the purpose of in- proving designe of plucking machinory. Trudy VIIIICHP no.1.71-82 158. (MIRA 12-r,) (Tea machinnry) 112-3-6192D Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 3, P. 164 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ostashyavichus, K. Yu. TITLE: Investi. ation of a Selr-Adjusting Synchronous Inductance Bridge TIssledovaniye samoustanavlivayushchegosya sinkhronnogo Induktivnogo mosta) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the Kuybyshev Industrial Institute (Kuybyshevsk. industr. In-t), Kuybyshev, 1955 ASSOCIATION: Kuybyshev Industrial Institute (Kuybyshevsk. industr. In-t) Card 1/1 OBTASHYAVICHUS, K. Yu.t OSTASHYAVICHUS# K. Tu.t *InvestigatioA of the a6lf-atabilization of a synchronous induction bridge." Min Higher Education USSR. Kuybyshev Industrial Inst imeni V. V. Kuybyshev. Kuybyshev,, 1955* (DISSERTATION FOR THE DE14W OF CANDIDATE IN TECHNICAL SCIC~ICE). Soot KnishMa Letopis', Moscow No. 15, 1956 A I A son I a 00, J, got - TWASOO kff W OMWMW Cd FlaW Md DOMOPOMY 110 -00 101111111 - OTWbO&ft1d7bd9WdL W.A.ErarbtinsimiA.W.I)otji"-vik-, I** % fKatochretwennstjo Stal. MI. vN. 4. No 41, lilt. 34 W: Stald 1111d sel l risen, 1101, TA4. A7. 36n. 21. pit, ful (W) By a Ilaliotical P-amin. * 9 & 2 ation of the rmulto of en"rnt t***I&. ifir ftk)1l;4w% have Afte'1111,140 I., go pn,lw-rtiil : *0 I of lasir PIKIne bimia; here their rvoijits trisling it) thr irmirm v ftw Raked anil haj%leraing cracks in fwm in t(kil ottv-14 arr cl-th 13, 00 "ith 11w effects of Ornall chnonium milditimis on the flakitig 00 a Inngsten p1ml Sol of thr t'"Osent of O"Ir Alag on the 11a,king of a lim-chnPinium *UA Sud Vie a ttlngtrgi 0 0 :w otevi am ahtpwn disgrammalirally and bViefly diacuttw4l cog 00 zoo 0 ,oil Poo Lilt &TUDI CLOWK&TOU t:oe we@ ilialk, it 0.. oft bill$, am 0.1 .01 F-w--r-T -1 -9 TX1 U0 AV OD 0 0 0 to Ip a 0 a II a NO a , N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ACCESSION NR: AP4011476 P/0045/63/024/OD4/0493/0508 AvrHOR: 03taszewicz" E. TITIZ: Luminescent properties of copper-activated zinc sulphide in their dependence on the activator concentration SauRCE; Acta physica polonicao v. 24, no. 4, 1963o 493-5508 TO?IC TAGS: luminescent property, copper-activated zinc sulfide, activator conceniration, tum1nophor, interatitial site,, e1cctron trap, conduction band kMT.UCT: The great amount of experimental data thus far accumulated su-"gests that the luminescent properties of ZnS-Cu depend primarily on the luminophor- producing technique and furthermore on the choica and amount of flux added, the cooling proce3s, the temperature of the experiment and the method of excitation. But they fail to mswer the essential question: how do the luminescent properties of ZnS-Cu, depend on the concentration of the activator? The author investigated and cataloguea the luminescent propertie3 of ZnS-Cu in their dependence on the activator concentration, keeping all other technological parameters constant. There are aections on PTechnology of Luminophor production", "Determination of Card 1/3 Acmssiox NR: AP4011476 the copper content in the luminophors," NDependence of the fluorescence inten- r3ity distribution on the copper concentrationh and "Dependence of electrolu:mLin- e3cence on the Cu concentration in the luminophors.0 At low activator concen~ra- tions the Zn fluorescence band appears beside photoliminescance bands due to Cu because ZnS is very easily activated even by atoms of tbe basic substance (Kon- stantinova-Shlesinger,, 1961). At higher concentrations, zinc atomB are evicted from the interstitial sites by copper ions forming blue centers of luminescence (a problem to be discussed in more detail in the next paper). probably rpst 3trikint is the fact thst at a well-defined activator concentration in the lum- inophor (5 x 10-4 g Cu per 1 g ZnS) phosphorescence vanishes entirely as the electrons can no longer escape from the electron traps into the conduction band. 3ut light emission is by no mems restricted to fluorescence. Above the stated copper concentration, the luminophors will exhibit electrolumineseence if an AC electric field is applied to them. The electric field frees the electrons from their traps ind ir;karts to them sufficient kinetic erbargy wh.Lle :in the conduc- band for than to yield electrOlUMine3cenre on non-ela3tic collision with tion :Lor42*d activator ions. On reversal of the field, the electrons become trapped once more. The paper Uives & systeautization of the luninwent properties of Cord - ACUSSIM Ms AP401147~ Cu-activated ZnS and a satisfactorily aimple and economical method of preparing luzinophoras "The author Is truly indebted to Professor W. Saymanowald,, W. Kapuscinaki and T. Oleszynski for reading sad apinioning (sict) the present paper as well as for their valuable remarks.* Orig. h23 3 diagrams, I photo, U graphs and a table of luidmseent properties of luminophlor3. ASSOCIATIONt Department of General Physics A of the Warsaw Technical LYdveraity; Da;artment of Physics of the Evening School for Engimers; at BL&Iystok. su=TED, 13Apr63 Dn% AM: 22jan64 ENM: 00 OP SUB CODEt ND RU SOV&- 008 OTHiRs 007 Card 3/3 ~0-~65 UT(l) Pi-44 IJP( 0) A NZS~OM IIR PO/0045/65/021/002/0267/0292 JOL. AP5009951 AIMIDE i E (DIal, 'Oatazzevlcz!:::~~w , ystok) T1TM Xle-atroluminescence of 7AnS-CU., Z-.B-CU-Fb and ZnCdS-Cu SOU.%M 'Acta phynica polonica, v. 2 -292 '17, no. 2. 19651 267 TOPIC TAGS: electroluminescence, luninophor, phosphor, zinc sulfide, zinc cadmimb i sulfide, zinc sulfide phosphor, zinc cadmi= sulfide phosphor, copper activator, lead activator ABSMOTr Based on results obtained by the author and on the concept or clec-;ro- luminescence mechanism derived from a Nott-Schottky type potential barrier and I electron trnps., an explanation is proposed of' the effect of tbF-- excil.-Ing fiell'a frequency on the electroluninescence Intensity distributlon Lri all thrc:c c-'roupc of! luminorhors investigated i.e., on the change in color 1'rm rreen to blue in '-ZnS-Cu; the slight shift of the green bond twardn shorter vavelengthr, in ZrO-Cu- A ehatwe from irreen to blue in ZnCdS-Cu. ?he t6c- viam re.Luxt:u u, -q. Card 1/~ ------- L 50!70Z15--------- ACCESSION HR: AP5009957 -vlahea-to thank Professor W. Dzym-movaki for-miggesting the nubject, of the precent. investigation, for his kind intereot throughout, for reading the mnnunc:ript cjull for hiu~valusble-remarkm. The author ic greatly indebted to Profevooro W. Kajru:c!nc3ki and T. Oleszczynski for their valmble remarks and opinions." Orig a 24 fIZUe-s Wr-W-equations. ASUOCIAMON: Pbysies Department A. Warsav Technical University; Physical. Innti- tute, Evening Engineers' Schoo)-Bini~~o SLMMITM: 3CKaA ENCL: 00 SUB COPY, 01, NO UP WVi.~ 008 OTEEER i O~O :7 (b)/Vr-'t) PI-4 NP(c) JD -L 4690-6$ A=wi6N XR: MOQM,3 F0/0045/65/027/002/0293/0303 AVMORS 68tasteviez,P E. (Bialyatok) Blectrol=17escen'?tr copper- and m=ganere-activated zinc sulfide T:rTLE SWIM. Acta physica polonica, v. 27, no.,20 1965, 29)-303 luminescence 1=1nolhor, phosphor, zinc mil.. TOPIC TAGS: clectrolminescenc6, activated zinc sulfide mnnv_-j!~~p neivated zinc sulfide fide, So j7Ne v e~ -7 ABSTFAM: Tht present investigation bring-3 an expl" tion. of 1) the ch-riiju in ZnS-Cu-Ku electruluminescence frem green to orange with higher voltaj~e cp)l pi -------- -- +_"_"nn4f4r"i 'hnr~V PT%-Nn n"nnr-n +,N f-T-Ar %xi ----I-Ctwd 1/2 h69h ACMSIDN IIR: AP5CO9958 Kaguscinski and T. OleszVwki for reading the r=uscript and for their vl-lijablc rem" 0 r i i 10 figureo, I table, and 1 formula. ASSMIATIONS Gentral Physics DepartwLent A. Warnay Technical University,,miyaIcs Department-,, Lwaai'49 K~gineering School, Bialystoe ACC MRj AflJ000644 SOURCE COM PO/0045/65/028/002/0247/0259 AUTHORs Ostasaawicxt E, (Bialystok) 7 ORGo Department of General Physics A9 Technical University, Waresiol Department of Physics of Higher Technical College, Bialystok---- TITLZj TrIcbromatIc color coordinates In the effect of electrolum-laos- cance In ZnC-Cug ZnS-Cu-Pb 1 .1 a Acil physics pollonles, v, 28, to. 2# 1965p 247-259 TOPIC TA033 electroluninescencep luminescence crystal, luminophor, oxcitation enersys electron emission# electric effect* color centsT ANSTRACTs The values of the trIchromatic color coordinates were sateb- llsbed for their dependence an the voltage, excitation frequency, and the t1me'of emission of the olectrolunineseence call. It was found that the color of electroluninesconce changes variously with theme parav*ters according to the composition of the luminophore and extits- t1onse The greatest diversity with regard to change In color occurs in lualsopbors of the ZnS-Cu-Mu group, I.e.0 In lualnophors of green- orange-blue colore The author thanks Professor W. Katusclaski for readInS and discussing the manuscript, Professor To-Olessruski for suggesting the subjectv and Professor We S2yM&M0W2kI for his Interest ACC yM AP600064* 6 and Soldamea of this vork In his Institute. Drl$o art# best 13 fil- algal, 6 formulaso and I table, [Based an autborwo abstract) (11TJ 393 CODN* 29/ SVIN VATIs 187ob65/ ORIC nyl 002/ SOV Uri 001 2/2 CROYYTON, O.J.; ROONEY, D.H.; OSTASZEWICZ, J., inz.(tranalator) Fodern development of the construction and equipment of the contact !Lne of direct current traction. Probl kolejn no.20:102-111 162 OSTAIMUCI. a.; DZITM, W. "F40iods of De-temining the Ama and Degree of Damro Caunod Ii*v Lpmklng Currents," P. 2ul. (GAZ. '70DA I TPj'3'.'!JTYA SA-,TTA7~'!A, Vol. 28, No. P, Aij'~-. 1954. Warszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly List of Fast Ekirope-an Accessions, (EFAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 1. Jan. 1955 Uncl. JAROBZYNSKI, Jan; JAR.ZEBr7WSKA, Elzbleta; OSTASZEWSKA, Jadwlga Apropos of the diagnosis of psychopathies. lieurol. teurochir. psychiat. pol. 11 no-4:509-514 163. 1. Z Insty-tutu Psychoneurologlemego v PruBzkowie Dy'rektor: prof. dr Z.W. P"luligowekl. (MENTAL DI.SORDW ) (DIAGNOSIS) CGTASUWICZ., Jerzy If., in2. The future of city comunication; monorails and elevated railroads or sulvays and streetcars? Przegl techn no.16:12 Ap 162. OBTASZE"Ap B. Talking about accidents. p. 260. CM41K. Katowice. Vol. 89 no. 9p Sept- 1955. SWRCE: FAst Ruropean Accessions 14st (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 3, ftrch 3.956 t4 Gbj~etrlzi Art* O~C) SAC 13 785. DYSGERMINONIA OVARIJ IN A D-YEAR-OLD GIAL - DysrerrY,,irD'nj ovaris u 9-letniej d2jewc2ynki - Ostasiewsks B, Klin.Chir.Wrc. A.M., Warsaaws - POL.PRZE(,r,7CI11R.-I-IS5,--3'ii'7 The author describes a case of dysgerminoma of the right ovary in a 9-year-old girl with undo rdevelopmtnt of the genital organs. The tumour was surgically re- moved together with the uterus and the other adnexum. After operation the patient was treated by irradiation. During observation for a year and a half no recurrence or metastanes were observed. WrSZNACKA-ALINSANDROW, Wanda$ BACZKO, Aurelia; DZIDUSZKO, Tedeubs; OSTASZWKA, Janinal RYLGFJ, Hiroslaw; RYLSKI, Slawomir Evaluation vith the aid of the "blind* test of geriocaine therapy of the elder3y. Pol. tyg. lek. 18 no.81287-291 18 F 163. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrznych AM w Warazawie; kiero%mik: prof. dr mod. D, Alskoandrow I z Oddsialu Payehiatryesnego Institutu Paychoneurologicznego w Pruaskowiel dyrektor Instytutu: prof. dr mad. Z. W. Kulligawokil kierownik Oddsialut doe. dr med. J. Jaroazynaki. (PROCAINE) IL Ir Fri flaw r. I C VL W4 . 11 '1 a r X W- 7' putr: t=9 Q iii" Oolysxd& bb 11M. 1. Use d n6rMnIvIdilyoz Mmcwxwk2 and Do&b Wpgww" Z' - j WO 58 onsamary lo" IS WM 4yed with ItT t car VIRYIPYflaw) 09410 (111 1 were (a) trcatv. W- at 00 or I &q. U &W dyed in a ado. of jSiaA-A-IDHO W. 4% H 4D. &W Acid VbDki 6B, Amine Red 0. cw Fask VM:GC02%-.m W treated 10 min. at 2D' with 6 col./I S. I in an ;;. Z9. conts. H.-A 23 and M8%J=WMedin4%N&eM3na1n dosedlOstda,with stairs. and dytd as in (0) of In a ;;6. coollf. W% sq.: HCOOH, 4%, insteod d ArOH; or (g) d with add=. W a rs. 2rtan&T defly IV) ci M. P A 2 487XD 17d 17W fduxw 10 17W by I hi r. 100 ;. obs. RtOH with 11.9 a. "r. 7%r *AnS. cootalnied dye 1. NRAO~ 15. IV 2 or 0 85% sq. 1JOWH 3 and NeokanWts. P ( un) V)O 2k..y. Aftrr2D;AZo1dylo;I% d fq. 83R 111WH was added and the dytbs was pro. loosed by 3D =In. !Li) I wm dyed. as In (c). but with dye content 2%, with C triftbtaranp 2G. Chrotnrchtplb W, Chrome Acid YtIlaw, Fit, aod Blot ERN. After chrondstj at 63-70, for 0.5 hr. I act treated with I X.A. Neovadine AN for 0.6 hr.. wil I jr./J. Jivrisdine A.R, and r1nW, Jell preLynted as kajg) wtoo dyed as In (Q. lasSesses ne; immersed at V into a dye Pon. (60 r./I which was then slowly bested to bK"j and btld or I . H dMpeMtd the CVIW but OpDW the Y40W. And IFSM 01 ale. produced a pt. in the dytin ath. M inten"ed the 0f9dIY toW own on ?,than on wood, 91proved Color Unit JW and IV was mit interior to V as a son Ian active Wat am d'd not mduct-W "Aw rtAd%m,-' Mea. realsta was but slightly redmed in (d) und W. U. use of quw=q dativa"M d Pay(XV21AT!"flikine) J;P for sulk PIS . -68- 1 .67 - 71 b It surfaceactive w0dissuciatingriuattroazy =EC7j~i:vWyIpyrWna$4VA) am lovestisattc! 03 stalk-prmeb I spou for 1. a fonawinx were Intl'd. from )VA after Premb 840.126 (CA. 33, ~Prflr derb, (VI), an EiRr deriv. (Vn) by a 21-hr. rtfit;xing of 10 g. IVA with 100g. MrOlf &sW 10 g. EtOr (U.S. 2,-187,- 09, C.A. 64 1732b)-. a Me derip. (VIII) by 14-hr. rtflux- Ins of 10s. M with IODx. sohyd. Calls and 14.5 g. 11c!.SO,. and a M, derb. (11) by dissolving 6.0 g. IV in 30 9. Ph NO,. ft-Ming 6.6 9. Uek%, boiling 30 min., distg. Vhl;O~ and MOWS 2 4N 4W CA. 44, 02W). The %Was. contg. V1 K at W i-6 C.124 " I N.Cl ".2, glym-1 :$ ax, aw it O-O.W' WM ";~I. In some casai 6% VLKI at EK erx3 neutralized with 10% NajCO, to giN 1Xx, resp.). 7%e I (I g.), 40/12 d& for Jbimin. wereizamersed in a W-ml. both &140 cl: V hw 3 min. and Kumed until the wt was 2 g. Standard arntA of IDD paraild 1, 30-~=. kmg. were tlectrifitif by rubbing against juss, and the distant.-.' Lx- tween tbtk Iowa emu was var"urrd. In untreatt-d 1. the Rp. was 2D ere. after b" mbbing; no sepa. wis de- tected after mom than 204old rubbing of I treated k the followin bathm V11 2, CDCU 01, and 10.6%; IX I%, IX 294; MIX 2. N&CI 0. 1. and I or U, 0.5%; VIU, 2 %; VW, 2 ; Vnh , IfaCl 0.2. aad X 64 , I VW2. Us 2e. M. 2k! NaCl. 0.2%. and X or U. 0.6%1 mp. V1 and VII (I or 2% who.) wc,c in-. Wor (e.# 0-8 cm. after 5-fold rubbing). Teruilt striingth W" oven QbUY higher after treatratnt. and the propnties ci I dW "I change otter peveral months. 1. 1. CHRZCZCNoWICZO S. ; OSTAS7.r.WIXI , B. PolMrIzation of enan'tholactan in nonpolar solventg. Ptn.1-2. Bul chim PAN 12 no.C-521-53O 164. 1. TechnologIcal '.&borstory of Plaitios of the Department of Organic Technology of Lodz Teohnical UnIversIty. Submitted May 15, 1964. CHRZCZO',;(,'WICZ, S.; CSTA3r.'NSKI, B. Pcl>merlzation of r_p in nonpolar solvents. Pts. 3-4. Bul chLm PAN9(L.e. 12] no.9t593-6C1 U. 1. Technolo:Tical Laborb,.ory of Plastics of the Department of Organic Technology of Lodz Technical Universit.i. S,ibmitted June 6, 1964. CIMM-70NOWICZ. 9 ; OSTUFEWSKI, B, ; RFIMSCIRTS71, W, Polymerization of I-Trlatholactm in ronpoler solventn. Ft.. Bill chim PAN 12 no.20.691-693 '64. 1, Ted-olool-' Laboratory of PInntics of the Department of Org,mic T,,nhnology of Lodz TochnIrFil University. Submi tted Junp 29, 11464, Distri LE20(j). and - I L&U; PO tho ymed" Werm Pei Cr m4sd PUB an the te "0061= and the fteadme 0 the pd dalm of I a* 6g". of Istalyst and palyme;rUITA& a tMp. Wet OadW from the uIrm bY v ditto. with 1% 111W0"11 ad dried onrPAIII wxopmW, Irm subaimeam pudAed' 'b fractiomdon. Henue, hEptan't, benigm, nn ~.Wtlr naxts. we. used " oolvtnts. Polymcrh4tiou of 17 does not take below 110'. the products being Sol, to Pg,.MerjUtioq ot I in 'SCJVtjjt jWd Jfl the prmucl of the NaWid land COlomrs above 1101, Thermeande-, To of polymerizat3oft of Ow produced polynaen &c% rapidly to a value of 400 at 1001 as the process t=p. it ImIntlueti. CISTASMSKI, J. Tests and researches on the prototypes of ne, devires for servicinp and repairino automobiles. A prototype of a tool and turning device for thp measurmc-nt of the anr-les T' of aligment of front wheels of automobiles. Biul~et. p. )CII (nYrORYZAGJA Vol. 12, No. C, Pay 1957, Warsaw,--Pol and SO: Monthly List of East European Ar-cessions (FTAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 9, Sept. 19117, Uncl. 031 "Teatz and rerearches of 0if, new equiTment for servicinr :ind repairinf. automobiles. Blulet ." p. 1 (",otoryzacla) V,-~I. I", no. 1, ~an. 105F ;Warsaw, Poland SO: '!on thly Indey. -f ~ :.qt ~iirorean V, I. ", n'. April Y~50 OSTAS7F-;ICZI J. Apnlying drainage to prevent cahlen from corrodjnf~. P, 43, (Przeglad Flektrotechnic7nv. Vol. 32, n-). 1, Jan. 1958, ly'nrszw~a, Polknrq) Yonth1j Index of Fist Furopean Ac-e3: ions (!-FAI) Lr,. Vol. 7, nn. 2, February 1958 0 0 a a size M A F OA le57o Kkr,'RAL GAS FnMRS FOR DMaTIC VS~,. Tiftliduda. ~06 A. (Hafta. Misr. 1946, vol.,,4, 97. 08. 104-106; Apr. 1948, vol. 4. .0* g a . 137. 136. 144-146; Way 1946~,vol. 4. 174-1771 June 1946, vol. 4 Go 2lb-216i July &n6 Aug. 1948j, vol. 4. 262-21bb). Increasine demand IS`* for natural Zme and the domestic burner for it has tnade the .00 OF'olish) Petroleum Institute 1% It* constrisotors to submit their 400 ail. ideas to it. The arti,!In Is a umary of a hievement and rowilts. .00 Unlike the coal-burninC stove he natural-gas burner needs w*ry Go* littlia excess air and no drau t. It also rejuires no primary air. COO au t SION, Mmqrous graphs Illustrate s point fron the considerstion of z too oes econony. Details of constr tion of the natural-ras burner affect see, the toyap. of the Cases, whic, in tum affects the "Clue losses". we* I go* f16 Skz 1V"F-'wT-O-vs1.a 'K [Cpj to N (t'b- where t am avernZe op. ht of flue gasms. th comb,istion t*Mp., E P3 0 to= roon tanp.j and vol. of flue gas I 9.bZ n a ago 8~ vv~.. 0. 1,-- so* 0 to a I W 10 9 Q 0 *&Tic a4 ; " a 11, is a99 a ft Ll 4 W 4 1 *Is 0 0 0 0 00 0 40 6 0 0 0 04 0 0 0 41, 0 0 0 0 IN 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 A of so 00 00 act"I air 00 00 as 00 the,)rotical air 00 00 according to formulas Inoomrlste, con ustion Causes losses *S of Do CO Cal. Yal. of 00 SCO on$) = iz;*-r Tn.- -V& V A V1 A 9 CO In gas 0 9 00 where Vl = vol. of dry flue r 9 prod-je*d ' _ - - - _ _ - - - 041 *0 00 vCT ar n & r,1 -8 t bu ma . r CA 00 00 3*vsral sketches awt drawings; of natural-gas burners desirned especially 00 00 to be used with the usual Polish tile oven follamp and a table setting out of Vheir performance in enclosed. During tests on natural-Cos burners 941 *0 0 0 through$ut and pressure of fuel was varied to find optimin conditions for 941 00 each burner. R*oulto are tabulated. and graHiss show that be!9t raoults ore 00 0 41 ob,.&Ined by Uqin&In.P, Uio flox3e on a trickwork which lowers ho Of other 00 burners the portable type received attention add different designs aere of 1141 thoroughly teatid, saw satisfactory results beinv obialnwl. Several 00 0 0 tables are included. Similarly, the desitus for a kitchen burner 1 so war* tested and results tabulated. Burners were used in conjunction 0 with traditionally desipad Coal sto"s an with 9"etal -as-Purning stovese 00 The latter or* better. 00 00 0 0 0 6 0*000000000000000000000000900000000000000000 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 e 0 0 a 40-41 0 e 0 0 Is Is 0 0 & 0 GO 0 0 A description of r-,,jui pnent, con~-.truct,~d -i' thn Fetr lo- rlf,ter-.~-ning, urii-r 1,1-o--',-~ry c---i the comroFite pi,.eno-ron-, cncounte7-d 171 thf- C)11-lfr- Of j :~tl-ojl-lln lell-. "h- , ~or a aut -1 for expc,-irl,-:ntr,, spoci~ip.!~ tl~,c problems wl.i cin be solved w--t~ tl.~-7 --.ui,-r..-n*,, su-'h is p!~~-T---~-',jdllty, J,ol-~)S~ty v..,! --Ae o- satur,tion o~ -'-~nl(i wlt~ 1-trolcur. -.:~! 4'!~- of th- pre~;sure .alues -r,. t*.- f lol-i 'III In- th, 'I-el,ractlon ol, : --I -inl :n conclur, 1 u'll"lor , , ter ~~,If , I-e:-,Ct.35 c -~n from thc re~7u2ts so Crcm r,!' lm~ --x-w-r- C~ SO: Abst-v-,.r c. -,T Journ. of Tnat. of Potrolnum. V. 38 Ilo.339 Mr. Dr I I I In& 1"Porlmeaw I '"Ift 'on, gf At-, I%I I At faint, Q9N* 19511, IF I'li. I Q.- T"v poilic-ro. tho (imt of which 'ftri he uml. nild nplificAlk"Im. &,emit twin* Amle with mod"b :7 11. tor 4hilonniiiiieg *L-~ And givm an examllo wlmr rull-orsto vmx$F two"I b*tU-r ulal. 'til, lihill"Im I-KI Lf) ollow 1. DingtAmm And f,)nnlllw we 1"Ouam. Y-PV lip 13:10 621466 001 b 420 114 2 1 a= 3" O&taxT_WjkLJ Trials on Nodris 0 Wring Masi Derricks. ..Wyniki tmdah mode"-ch mavlwa strunowych' ojPracr 01 Inst Naf'.. i. IL atow. 1*31, OIN. 10 2 pp. I fir,,% The rv-sulti of trltlx on mcdels of Mints most derriciLl, wilt, .1 v" W their um In oil wells Instead of swden tripcda novo ~njj,jo)rjj The routirw of tr&Llx are d*3crWd together with a calculation of a mo6tl of surnetrbml, ereentricaRy supported string derr4-is A der- rick for sells up to 12M mtt#Ts deep woo Otsiped and after nir:w tts!& provc~ prarUWly that the coristructlon represents a %., !lsfactv" soWLIon assuring cmsiderable "Y'no! (e material Th- method of mod#I tests proved abo, to be satisfactory and made pos- &Ibk the exanwisUan of grarlous new constructsom a: a trllmiir;~l expense PO AM 111jo: WAP-3 Uggirin J"trs jW skw ~4ta*,lu 31"908 0 DR WfUL %TRM' OcktryrMe do VkTrvywrgo nzfIq*yW. lAtare lr,it. Nall. No. :10), Mallijuir6il, 103~ FWT. 13 Psi" 13 IIAL fj.-Votej to tXperlilleills U11 a lawrialory. Mani-Injust. lial anil industrial st-ak, as Av;l as to the deftninq of heatem tocather with ihe vyjlQm vt ronvvying WcOrIval tnvrEy so she isell Wilon'The OqUIPMent ter Bic perlodit: healing of 01 wolis 14 so conceived as to AiMlAnts the use ct tuMerials in tlivri supply, xpeillol types of appli- r&Ws or equipment Operiii1on an Wo r%julpmont JeAgn Is simple, and the usuit'l gang employed lit oil well opentititt v.,in. onts tantillar with " wotkit&g of the hoaling ~ysteirt, luvter j4r AIjjjfjUj undue difficulty. 'Into the well, after which an elmlricul filler t:att c-onnftt It to the snalnx. One Such etlu!pnient can. under averiage working %vaditions, serve from I to 10 wella Thus,. thero IS nothing a.-OnAt this method being )nIro- went vuh is 1wormill 'doly output rim 20-3 to :00 Lg. Tils =~Ihod of WitinS Should be contidmd us a jujjejj(,;j in ~%Crhlni wdb SM doWidad to Imnove poraltin bydYocwjwj, act by wW means tho PmUce ot c5n%1jwuw heillol tit O.Al wells with a larser ouli4t, or the heatIng of jLm,1u-.Uo pipos, XIcOrIc hsatm enable an lnc(vxso in OULP'A In oll flOds ojwmtod With. out boatbw. It vrill, Inofft)vcf. bu wz~ll:lt. ~,l ~,A llelds 'Aherc 1~t: V?tljl -wen WAS V~ Clo." 43.)wn ,) nprr),cr o1 b0kt 1,3.ims wid I 'T, clinical Abstrrictg I r, 3 i69 1 FUM3rS for the Ifeat TmItment of Drill DII& J).,c piovvy do octrzenia Aw-drow- Nafta. No 1. 1953. pp. 17 19 lij- '17h~ aiithni, dIA3 %vith phenomm;i occurring during the li~atmig of "eel pr-,,r t,) torg!rug. lie quotes vaTlow moUindi a li,!allne r.1-1, e'ther wl:h in excvs - In the ewe of Sm Itimices - rw a dcfIcwn,y et nxyg:n ani at vaihnr an excessively rapid m a slow rive; he d,alz also with the effects of such rr,:lv3& an the forging of s eel Ile dc- ,rrl" a rut fumice d,!slpeJ by Uif- PetmIeRim Ins.1tu e. rnd drawi to thp advxri~a4-n U pifrA---ven. in b,)ji technir-il and rr-~,M- tic rc-Kpv'q, over orAJnnry bricV.irp? Varnares. T~i~ IN tv,;)~ famir'. I, It has been called, mriiUinrs, (or the h,!aJnR nf i IWIcal drill htL~. one hAf the quin'tity of g;Ln by a hrlrtt-13-p~ fiirnacc- hlieqver. the .,m,.ount of scale forTnr-d on meri hea ed In the new type of furn.'Ke is 1,-~s than In the old tyW. ry Polish Technical Abet. 2372 tx~ 622.32:622.245.5 No- 49 1953 Osteszewski J. Electric Heaters for Periodio Oil Well Heating. Mining GrzeJnIk1 eljktryczne do okresowego wygrzowanis odwiertoU. Haft&. Wo. 5, 1953, pp. 133-135, 5 figs. Heeting'oil wells In one of the methods used to Increase oatput. This can be done. by among other mans, an electrio heati-,~,' Thlb article contains a description of suoh a heaterp a dl~j m of a complete oil well heating Installation, and ~d4s~~Iptlon of the procedure in sinking the beater to the tt~A Q'f the well, of the correct method of heating and of with4AIolnr the henter. The heater described was auocess- full~ ti used t, hent all wells with an output of 2009250,300 and ~.jea' 600 kg of petr,leum per day. Every well heated revealed a major or minor Increase In output. Although the incrense in output In higher In the first days of heating the well, the output nevertheless fella, after sometime, to the origInal level. The Increase in output continueet in certain Instances. for Bow 45 dAys or longer; In others-the output declines to the original level after a fortnight. ^'-17 1 WS v~-j I A .7;~;7ft T I"I "Instrw-cnts for Surveys of C;o! bin(.d Para, eters.ff bullutin. p. ( (11A.-TA, Vol. ,, ho. ~I,p Yay 153) ',,Iars-.awa SO: ~ontlily List of Ea A Wropean Acc(,,;sion.-,, I ibrary of Congren!;, Vo! . -), ~.O. ~' , October 1953. Unclass'fird. OST'AMUS-NI, J., ani others "Developmen', of %he petroletun Iniustry in Polan-i as toll by Jozef Wachala, at-03 Rtl, an-I an employee of th,~ vetrolqrn rallnery !n Krosno since 1?13.* p. 2r~. (,A:---rAp *,'o:. Q, no. 7/8, Jul/Aug, 53, Krakow) SOi VQnthly- Ligt of Fast EuroRtan Accelsion , Vol 3 No 6 Litrary of Congress Jun 54 Uncl C roll p J. "CSrI ten-I eter." BJ ul et,yn. p. 12. (ILAM, Vol. 9, no. 11, Ncv 53, Krakow) SOI YonthIZ List of East European Accersions, Vol 3 No 6 LiLrary of Cont-resn Jun 54 Uncl 7- '-TA 1403. vallia hestafs I*? Potiodim batting of aj Wells. P"C"iftP of (J,.I;,A) q Pasyl,wo, 103. 10, M -A PtA-Itilia wells 6 a de"'st son of phmtlln wft]i ;11 11~4 rock At in the eqti tj)rwn 1, Tharmoansfiw this are, first or a)), 4 to)) in A 0) irmp, anA, Po,~nt))y, 1AAvr rmovAl And rw%pv "f lighter aml rtftmous hvdri~r^vl~,nx %irsch act&) vA yolvents for P-Mn wes. A411w'- satniAtion of the troda 'Ailh ItAll W~Ifl. Dn'4 IlWn WM9 AlighL V11putity Lrintp heavy Actopi4vi Aill'in A thoti, Ilyne. , ApArl from car-ful NW )Irfitlnx irmy be ilevelolKA to rwu i . , I-;- t,- ~'-. , I . - I =1 IT -tram, dee ' Illitr hot mirftlatvJ Shollow wells rrm ho t) jvr wrI14 vq~jirs r m4r, Thrtuiral q., ii-;-q 1401C )1,0. and A% at tloclAw (lots And lqtl#kj-4~eqL . Aint IVA % elto itre jultab)a for periodical )wathrg. sm) Ws~ dj4 �IloVr$ 14f VW of .jIW+4jvW h-Alfrg lot ~Velg,l wjljL Yrato crilcylationa JVM~A 1114t IOF b Wtil PMI11r'1n;j 20 Ilg of MdG,?1bky %"I wcull".1w spot it to %)m #T-Pf :v nj in Obo ft 01, hral yr~jwrrd I o. &#v 1W lemp Ly ZO, 0, will he rAevhINI by liltilr~ nwre Than )a NIVh for Ims-ing the DkEaaA-sipprox 0-8 )tlVh, for vnellit,4 tho vwx to I- ~O &*1. 1-1 lwat *.ftt to ah"islWa will Uke In outh 0,2 WhWlit. 1.40raijvy O'D ntrA a 0A trAvIng 41ftnant )~" lituo Inthianos. p tl%e;r Intmt beat to Milbor pvM lw&ttnx eftuars, .16t (whm t's'Aping I ajvl,rA giva it llwrm,~4web)~y .~.A~Aw bmtw ~Am i') a 1.4 a 41'spall.-L Ultilvolo temp IDI Mul. I, * 104siclo l4pitnw m bwt t.,q-.X i4rO::u)0 ~9 rm frotoo wporombad Yull wlitole Juv %karilox) ;to ;V") to lh ar.V Mp Of 11.6 ).4tOr. 000- ,.ywxkwm6 &&I PA(44* Of ri~thoo Peut a)~Xlua". ao~=l rr~ -4 Ulmer"Aary in An') Uvap w'w TOW VJV" 45. V~ ION= " 19 14,n~lttioou, ~ul 4 jut. %lwk %# lr~'J Od "V,.* Lbo )W%im W stop W Valminte*in of rVii1mv-1 Is A.-TRA.3 ", la;F.6tul. C%,,m-l 1. NJA..J Iswrm MW mJ ~f,, ~~l --).L Vt^kso V.,.UO4 im 1-4dot"m ivul pNip r*;Al ~( if" n.0 ?,.y .Y! -in"aWl-too vW%ja vlkli Q.u%- VAt ant,)* ivew c"AOW irmotl *I lboo wax ia OAUlim %OOISK mectrk b"im for Onustum dowalims of bor" Get"ZAwski. Bull. P-IiA Init. Prtrol-, 1954. 4, 10 J)tr~kw), 1934. 10).-Hpater dm-nW, with dilL. v 100 _,Mm, rwwd production t~, A S. J. SOURCE: An electric heater for the con.-3tant removal of paraffin from petroleum casings. Blulet-vn. p. 10. NAFrA. Krakow. Vol. 10, no. 10, Oct. 1954. East European Acassion (EEAL) Library of Congress Vol. 5. no. 8. August 1~-56. oumm-mu" J. (Ing.) Fbnpa wglebna OW--Nafta 111/1949. Foland SO: Oil W*Us2 by Z. OnysWervicz; MZ, Warsawt 1955o UwAassified. OSTASZEWIM., Jo (Ing.) Poland GramJ11"Id elektryezue do okrosovego vygrzovania odwiertov-Safta V/1953- SO: Oil Well1s, by Z. Onyszkievicz, FWSZ, Warsaw, 1955, Unclassified. ----------------- --V" Y: i L Cl~ Yre~cw, 'cland Sc. : .-ar, *, --,,:rci eon A~-c, tvi-c I or i! n, tic i e1 (-.r! -'r r 9" s--: i-*~-, OSTIASZWSKI~ J. Apparatus for testing the strength of rock when hydraulic pressurc is applied. Big~ae Pe 8 Vol. 1l,, no, 8v August 1956 HAFTA KrakDW SOURCEs Monthly Idst of East European Accessions (EEAL)p ID.. Vol. 5. no, 2, Feb. 1956 FUAAX I BOOK -XMMATION Pol,/2407 Vajn&r. J., ftaZess-r. =&:r-er; W1. CUKJ*Q, rutst.r In Science; Dr. 71 smr, Nester In Rnginmer-Ing, a. al&aar. Poster in 8MMme:rjnXj J. J. (kogoctomoski, Doctor, Docent; JIMaLneer, Doe t; a ManaaterskI, Doctor, Enginearl F. ALtum, Docent 16""r In Sclemce., St. Niamentomaki. Docent, o Do ant, Engineer: St. Su=arOoskI. t-m t r M,a ~ c _J~ Doe t re ... gkievics. Engin-1 and A. ;' ~ : r: p WLUdmdA, Decamt, Xnalmear Dwandele, lat promy Xnstytutu martoweto, 1945 - 1956 _(Twelve or the retralmum znsti-ute. 1~-65 - 1950 Katowice, rx Toars v WO-4. 57 IN V. Lrrats &Up inserted. 1.555 copies printed. . g Tech. Zd. ~ A. Miss". PMLPWlt This boox Is intended to Introduce reader* to the do- weloposent wa activities or thevoLiwistrolau,s institute f 1945 to 1956. CCTER"M The book d scribes the organizational structure and sO- tlvlti.b or the Ntrleuft Institute since its fo=dAtIon in ZrWmo LO 1945. It Includes photo& of buildings, laboratories, equipment. 034 porsonnel of the Instltute. "d give& the sts. A bibliograp" Of publications of f the cl~mn t "MO L the .1 tot" 18 " luded. The Institute cooperates with t c ;h:r j ~ SCI 001.2no imbututes of 16 foreign countries. TANA OF COMMI Intro"ation 5 Org"Isation, of the institute 6 ftnersa cusmez-riarica of the work or the Institute 14 Selestifle Personnel of the Institute 18 LL*%Iag of Scientific Research 3tu"am 20 Cooperation With Pomlgn Countries 85 books and ftblIcatims DDOWERentatIon and Ubrarlos 09"1='s On the Studies Of the ?Dtrgl*mM Lnstlt~te 124 AVAIIAUJ- LIbrL17 of Congress OSTASZ-NSKTP J. The theory and practice of hydraulic hamers. p. 3. Katowice, Poland (City) InstYtut Naftowy. PRACE. Katowice. No. 6ov 1959. Y,,nthly list of East ' ropean Accessions Index, (EUI), LC Vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959, u v uncla. OSTASZEWSKI, Jotef The autmatization of the exploitation of crude oil. Wiad naft 6 n-).9:197-1" S 160. (EEAI 10:1) (Petroleum) OSTAS717Y;SKI, janusz) rgr. inz. lid-ustrIlil patterns In t - "Inc'n-, Industry. Trzegl 21 718-719 25 D 164. OSTASZE'ev'SKI I J., mgr i,,,z. Photo clironic-,j. j-r~-ajl, mect. 23 n,-).14:356 25 Ja 'c4. I