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80982 WOO s/i8o/60/000/03/0111/030 08 0 AUTIJORS- Ivanov, V.I. and Osipov, K.A!l?A/E2% TITLE: Recrystallizatioii of' Tochnical Titanium During Hapicl Heating by Passage of' Electric Current PERIODICAL, Izvestiya Ahademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekliniclieskikh nauk, ~Jetallurgiya i toptivo. 1960, Nr 3, pp 79 - 62 (USSR) ABSTRACT. In spite of the deleterious effects of- oxygen and soine other gases on the properties of titanium it is riot ofteii that under industrial conditions this metqI is annealed in vacuum or in a protective atmosphere, the modern tendency being to anneal titanium in air and reduce the degree of oxygen absorption and scale formation by reducing to minimum the time at elevated temperatures. This is most conveniently aciiieved by the application of high-frequency induction or electrical resistance heating and the object of the investigation described in the present paper was to study the characteristic features of the recrystallization process taiiing place under tilese conditions as well as the effect of various factors (annealing temperature, heating and cooling rates) on the Cardl/4 propertios of so annealed titanium. The experiments were Lr*, t it I I I I I k I Willi,, ll I'll I, PtIsDage of El ec t I IC ul I elit carried out oil specimens measuring x x fain. cold-rolled to 001, reduction in thickness after a preliminary vacuum annealing at 780 OC, An alterntitin,~~ current (2 500 cps) was used for heating, the rate of heatin& achieved in this way varying between 20 and 1 000 C/sec. The temperature and time intervals of the primary recrystallization were determined by hardness measurements and the beginning and the end of recrystal- lization were pin-pointed by metallographic examination. The jesults were compared with those obtained on identical specimens vacuum-azinealed for half-an-hour at various tvmperature~_-. It wills found that when electrical rv!~,jstayice boating was employod the recrystallization range was displaced towilrd-q highov temperaturoa, thus, for install(P. when the rate of livaLing of 100 0'/ser was employod. the temperat Wires. of the beginning and end of recrystal- lization (tn and t k ) were respectively. 1110 and 100 Card2/4 higher than in the case of the furnace (vacuum) anneoled 41 80982 s/i8o/6o/ooo/o3/0l4/030 111 9~4Ej JR,-cry-&talli zat ion of Teclirilcal Titani.1.1111 r n8j Rapid Heating by Passage of Electric Current material. With incroasing, iate of heating v tills difference incroased. as is shown in Figur,~ wIle r e t A I- v 1) 1 (, t t ('(I I ll.,I t v 0C/s vc The rzxt e f I i I I I I I I inechanical pi u jw t t i cmd thc d (i g, cu it t)xItI,iI i-st ,t Card3/4 specimens ann ea I ed by tills method were comp;irecl witil tho:,. of qir-'Illar npecimens annealed in the furnace (10 min at tK 80982 S/180/60/000/03/014/030 Recrystallization of Technical Heating by Passage of Electric Current 700 OC followed by cooling in air), It was found that the UTS of titanium was the same, irrespective of the method of annealing but the ductility of metal. annoaled by rapid heating. wa,,i slightly higher and its grain size was approximately 1.5 tim es smal I or; In spite of' higher temperature attained. the cbgree of oxidittlon of tho rapidly heated spec.imens was several tinies lower than that of tho furnace-annealed material. In addition to these advantages. the technique of rapid anneal iiig b,, means of electrical heatung opens wide possibilities OF iner-hanizati.on and automati-on of the process of annealing of cold- worked titanium. There are _3 figui es . I table aud 2 Sov 1 t?t rf et enc "s . ASSOCIATION: I its t i t tit int. t it I lur gi t Ahad erni I. nauk SSSR ( I ns t I t ut 0 0 f Met al 1 urgy o f t lie Ac . Sc USSR SUBMITTED LI e r, emb e r '-' 95 9 86075 it Vot 140, 11P" S/180/60/000/005/016/033 E!93/EI83 AUTHORS: Sotnichenko, A.L. (Moscow) TITLE: The Stress-Dependence of the Activation Energy for Creep of ot-Titanium I -I PERIODICAL,- Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR,Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, 1960, No.5, pp.146-148 TEXT- Activation energy for creep appears in all basic equations describing the kinetics of this process. However, these equations could be used only if the activation energy wAthin a given temperature interval were independent of other parameters, or if the laws governing its variation were known. The applied stress is one of the factors which may affect the magnitude of the activation energy for creep, and since contradictory conclusions have been reached by various workers regarding the rel&tionship between these two variables, the present investigation was under- taken to obtain more experimental evidence. Creep curves were constructed for ct-titanium (99.97% purity), tested in vacuum at various temperatures between 18 and 600 OC, under the applied stress in the 10-35 kg/mm2 range, The test pieces Card 1/3 86-075 S/180/60/000/005/016/033 E193/E183 The Stress-Dependence of the Activation Energy for Creep of cx-Titanium (gauge length 22 am, diameter 3 mm), prepared from cast and forged material, were subjected to preliminary vacuum annealing at 800 OC for 100 h, Tests, in which the applied stress of 20-35 kg/ImE2 had been used, were carried out in a narrow temperature range (18-190 OC) so as to minimize the risk of the activation energy being affected by temperature. From the experimental creep curves the rate, c (%/min) of steady creep was determined and graphs In e versus l/T, where T is the absolute temperature. were plotted All these graphs were straight lines, those obtained for stresses of 25, 30 and 35 k&/mm2 being practically parallel to each other. Contrary to the findings of some other workers, the extrapolated In e versus 1/T graphs did not intersect at one point, The relationship between In E and the applied stress, a, was hyperbolic for the test temperature of 50 OC (e = AsHya), and tended to become linear (e - Ceyo) at 250 OC, The activation energy. I.-H for creep at each of the Card 2/3 860 1-1 5 S/180/60/000/005/016/011~3 E193/EI83 The Stress-Depet-dence of the Activation Energy for Creep of oL-Titanium applied stresses used in the present investigation, was calculated from the slope of the ln e versus l/T graphs, With a increasing from 10 to 25 kg/mfn2, -''H decreased at a gradually diminishing rate and reached constant value of 11.55 kcal/g-atom at the stress of 25 kg/mm2, Acknowledgements are made to V A, Tverezovsk~j_who participated in this work. There are 3 figures I table and Soviet references. SUBMITTED- April 5, 1960 Card 3/3 S/180/60/000/005/019/033 E111/El35 AUTHORS: Jianov. V-1, and ~~~ A -Worcow) TITLE- Investigation of the M-~in Factors in tho Qgrystalli-zati-on of flechnical Iron in Rapid Electric Heating 1~ Y PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR,Otdelenlye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, 1960. No, 5, pp.161-166 TEXT: The authors have previously studied the influence of heating rateon the kinetics of the first stage of recrystalliza- tion (Ref.1). They now describe their results on the investigation of later stages of primary recrystallization under isothermal conditions after rapid electric heating, Rings 50 mm in diameter and 1 mm wall thickness made of c)9,76% pure techniCRI iron with 55% cold deformation wore used. A large (0 25-0-35 inn) grain was produced before cold deformation Heating was effected by induction (2500 CPS), the average heating rate at 550-700 OC being 500 OC/sec. When the required temperature had been reached power was automatically reduced, giving isothermal heatin6 at that temperature Recording and limitation of temperature were Card 1/3 -0/180/60/000/005/019/033 Elll/E135 Investigation ofthe Main Factors in the Recrystallization of Technical Iron in Rapid Electric Heating as described in earlier work (Ref.1) For hardness measurements, X--ray and metallographic investiGation, the parts of the specimen close to the thermocouple position were used. Recrystallization isotherms, i,e. plots of recrystallized initial Crain volumes against time in seconds, for heating at 500 OC/sec are shown in Fig 1 (curves 1-4 8 and 9 after deformation, 5, 6 and ? after tempering at 450 6c): time for developing primary recrystalliza- tion falls with rising annealinC, temperature, The logarithm of time to reach a given degree of recrystallization was found (Fig 2) to be linearly related to reciprocal of absolute temperature, enabling the activation enerE;y of the process to be calculated. It is shown in Fig 3 in relation to degree of recrystallization The true (curves I and 3) and averaEe (curves 2 and 4) rates of recrystallization are shown in Fig 4 as functions of degree of recrystallization (curves 1, 2 after deformation, 3 and 4 after tempering) all show maxima most pronounced in curve 1. The continual growth both of the number Card 213 S/180/60/000/005/039/033 Ell 1./E 135 InvestiF,ation of the Main Pactor's In the Recry,-talliz,,ition of Technical Iron in Rapid Electric Heating and size of grains at times UP to 5 seconds at 630 OC is shown in Fig 5 Fig,ro shows the linear fall with rising reciprocal of absolute temperature of the rates of nucleation (N) and growth (G) of recrystallization grains (curves I and 2 after deformation and after tempering, respectively) Preliminary tempering leads to a reduction in both N and G for annealing temperatures below 600 OC but has no effect at hiGher temperatures The authors discuss the kinetics of the process in terms of N and G and also the activation energies and the coefficient in the exponential time - reciprocal absolute temperature relation (values are tabulated There are 6 figures, 1 table and 5 Soviet references SUBMITTED: April 1, 1960 Card 3/3 OBIFOV, K.A.; SOTNICHNSKO, A.L. Limiting activation energy values of the steady creep of of,-Fe and c~,-Tl under tensile stress in vacu. Dokl.&N SSSR 134 oo.2: 133-336 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Institut metallurgii im. A.A. Baykova Akademii nauk SSSR. Predstayleno ak-id. G.F. Kurclyumovym. (Creep of metals) (Iron) (Titanium) 2 026 7 S/180/()1/000/002/007/012 E073/E935 AUTHORS: Osipov, K. A. and Tyan' De-Chen (Moscow) TITLEi Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of the Activation Energies of Creep in Solid Solutions of Metals PERIODICAL3 Izves'iya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye teklinicheskikh nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, 1961, No.2, pp.88-94 TEM In earlier work (Ref.1) Osipov presented in detail the hypothesis on the limit and variable values of the activation energy of various processes in solid metals. According to this hypothesis, for many processes which may occur in solid metals, including plastic deformation, the activated state of the atoms may represent a limit critical state of their thermodynamic instability in the crystal. In particular cases this state corresponds for instance to the transition of the solid phase into the liquid state or of a low temperature modification into a high temperature modification. A particular case of the activated state can also be the critical state of elastic stability of the crystal lattice it it can be distinguished from the two first states and if its energy criteria can be defined. Depending on the Card 1/'v -7 .A_ 20267 Theoretical and Experimental S/180/61/000,'OOL/007/012 E073/E935 conditions, the particular cases of the activated state may occur separately or in combination. According to this hypothesis, the experimental values of the activation energy, for instance of the steady state creep of pure metals,,8 H can be expressed by 6 It = qn where q - activation heat of the process of formation of focl of thermodynamic instability in the crystal or of foci of "local fusion" in the case of metals without polymorphous trnnsformations in thz solid state; n I represents the number of simu I taneousl.\ activated atoms in the focus (creep) . For a number of pure metals, the values of q have been given in the earlier inentioncd paper (Ref.1). This hypothesis has been further extended to continuous and limited solid solutions of metals with any numh~-r of compoiient" According to the evolved hypothesis, the value q can be considered as the limit value of the activation energy of nimierutis processes which may take place 'n solid solutioas of various metals. The values of q were calculated for the solid Card 2/",)' 7 20267 Theoretical and Experimental S/180/61/000/002/007/012 E073/E535 solutions of the system Ni-Fe and also for the system Ni-Cr The values are entered in Table 1. These values were utilized for calculating the activation energy of creep of the solid solutions of Ni-Fe and Ni-Cr in accordance with Eq.M. It was assumed that n does not depend on the concentration of the solid solution. The obtained values of 4611 are also listed in Table I (T' is the fusion temperature of the solid solution). Experimentil values of the activation energy of creep of nickel and of Its solid solutions were obtained from tensile tests in vacuum at 900 to 12000C, applying a constant stress of a = 1.773 kg/mm). These are given in Table 2. The conditions under which these values were obtained are described in some detail. 1-i Fig.1 the experimental and theoretical values of LH are compared for Ni-Fe and NI-Cr alloys (all, kcal/mol. vs at.%). It can be seen from that for the Ni-Fe alloys there is good agreement between the theoretical values (curve 1) and the experimental values (curve 2). The test temperatur-9 were 900 to 11000C for the Ni-Fe system and 900-12003C for the Ni-Cr system. Fig.2 shows the dependence of the heat of formation of the solid solution on the concentration for the Ni-Fe system in accordance Card 3/4,k7 20267 Theoretical and Experimental S/180/61/000/002/007/012 E073/E535 with data given to the authors by W. Steiner and 0. Krinement of Dusseldorf, Germany (continuous line - experimenta I curve) . Comparing the graphs, Figs.1 arid 2. it can be seen that for the Ni-Fe system the concentration dependence of the experimental values of the activation energy of steady state creep is qualitatively similar to the heat of formation of solid solutions. The creep of solid solutions of the systems Ni-FP and Ni-Cr were studied unde tension with a constant stress in vactiom of the order of I X 10-1111-Ift" in the temperature range 900 to 12000C (+30C) on a special test-rig described by Ye. M. Berlizov (Ref-3). Vacuum smelted alloys of high purity were forged and then annealed in vacuo for 40 to 48 hours at 11500C. From these, specimens were produced arid prior to creep tests they were annealed at 12000C for I hou;;. Creep was investi- gated using a constant stress of 1.773 k9/mm". The investigations have shown that the creep curves for all the studied alloys i,,id the well known typical shape. The steady state creep speed a calcu- lated from these curves represented a linear dependence in the coordinate system I/T-In i. This enabled calculating the activa- tion energy of steady state creep )II in accordance wiith the well Card 4/19L_ ? 2 0 2 6 7 Theoretical and Experimental S/180/61/000/002/007/012 E073/E535 known formula HT The composition of the studied alloys and the H values obtained for these as well as the pre-exponent.Lal term %/Min are given 0 A in Table 2. In Fig.3 the concentration dependences ~.4 H (kcal/mol and Ini (%/min) are compared for alloys of this system (at.J6). The dashed Yines in the graphs t-,Z indicate the limit of solubility of Cr in Ni at 1000 and 12000C, respectively. The authors also studied the creep of solid solutions of the Ni-Fe and Ni-Cr systems by torsion, using a test-rig described by L. N. Bystrov et al. (Ref.5). The specimens were produced from the same materials as those given in Table 2 and the same heat treatment was used. The gauge length had a diameter of 2.5 mm and a length of 14 mm. The torsion tests were carried out with a constant torque M corres- ponding to a maximum tangential stress at the surface of the specimen of T 2.28 kg/mm M and T are inter-related as followal 3M Card 5/'%, 2 rt a3 20267 Theoretical and Experimentnl S/180/61/000/002/007/01-' E073/E535 where a is the radius of the gauge part of the specimens. The speed of steady state creep V iias measured on the same specimen at various temperatures, 950 to 115 0 0 C -It was established that V complies with the exponential law V V0f xP - H) where &H is the act.v,,tion r.-nergy for creep in torsion, V 0 is the pre-exponential coeli-tent. A typical graph of In V., O/sec vs. 1/T is shown in Fig.4 for an alloy of Ni +15 at-% 2 Cr, -r 2.28 kg/mm The results are plotted in Fig.5 showing the colsticentration dependence of the activation encrgy of steady state creep (Figs. 5a and 5b), -) H, kcal/mol vs. composition, at.*, and the pre-exponential factor In V 0, */sec vF. composition, at.% for alloys of the systems Ni-Fe and Ni-Cr (torsion tests). The results obtained in the torsion tests confirm qualitatively the results obtained in tensile tests with a constant stress. Consequently, it can be statod that the inethoO of torsion enables correct qualitative evaluation of the concentration dependence of Card 6A ) 20267 Theoretical and Experimental s/18o/61/000/002/007/012 E073/E535 the'energy parameters in creep studiee. There are 3 tables, 5 figures and 5 referencest 3 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut-metallurgii AN SSSR (Institute of Metallurgy, AS USSR) SUBMITTEDt july 8, ig6o r - ..K q. Table I SFe Table 2 cmc?emb 0.0 1728 2-).(10 65.0 r X.GAI 0A 1720 2.1 1-7 61.4 0.3 1710 -- )0 69.11 -0.5 1715 -1 1. 28 69.7 '0.7 11743 Z4.48 70.3 C9 VG8 23.87 68.5 1.0 1812 23.60 67.7 CwcTewa NI-cr - 0.0 t728 22.60 65.0 0. t 1693 22.94 1 65.7 C2 NO 22.84 1 65.4 -0.3 W38 ZIM 1 64.7 Card 7/k 0.4 1620 21.4t 7 CeicTeua NI-Fe 0. 0 65.02 20.57 5.5 69.94 23.211 It.3 72A8 ~ 24V 29.2 77A4 ~ 26.20 67.6 74.60 25.13 100.0 65.00 - 113 AINHUX 141 TadAUUd 2 % 4"A/ CmcTewa M-Cr 0.0 f&w 20.57 4.9 70.12 20.05 24. 0 79.60 25.00 30.3 77.54 24.31 40.3 69.24 21.07 48.1 84.70 ~ 20.80 981POV, K.A (~bskva); SUTNICHUIKOp A.L. (ftkva) Creep of zirconium iodide in vacpw uder constant streGs. Izv.AN 1- 61 (11-IMA 14 - 10) ,SSR.Otd.tekh.nauk.~%t.i topl. nb.5:83-85 S-0 I - (Zirconium iodide) (Creep of metals) OSIPOV. L.A.; !TAN' DE-CHEN Studying ~y various methods the speed of plastic: def3rnatian of nickel-chromium alloys. Issl. po zharopr. rplav. ?:)17-)18 '61. (MIRA 14:11) (Nickel-chr.)mium alljys--Testing) (Deformations (Mec~,anics)) IVANOV, V.I.; OSIPOV, K.A. Limiting and variable values of the activation enerry for the return of the thermoelectromative force to cold-deformed pure Iron. Issl. po zharopr. splav. 7:151-158 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Iron--Electric properties) (Activdtion analysis) OSIPOV, X.A.; &MUCHER0. ii.L. Investigating the deperdence of the activation enerl- .y of 4-Fe creep on straining. Issl. po zharopr. splav. 7:29--33 161. (MIRA 14-11) (Activation analysis) (Creep of metals) ~'! 17 S/65 61/007/c' Y D217 D303 AUTHOR-; OZ12U.L K.A. . and Setnichenko, A-L TITLE: Inveati giitine, the depondence of the eriergy (,f ii- * '.v,t- tion of creep of a-Pe on strecs SOURCE: Akademi ya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurcil. niya po zharor pchnym splavam, v 7, 1061, In - 17 TEXT: Using K.A. Osipov s hypothesis (Ref. 3: AN SS'--'R, 11", nD 4, 1958) on the limiting and alternriting values of energy of activ!- tion, two limiting values were calcjlated for a-Fe: q (X'T - III- kcal/g utom and q = 22.2 kcal/(, atom. The value of q corresponds the limitini- value of the energy of activation of slip in t~ie cr"'- stal lattice which will be'locally melced' at those points where this energy value is reached, It can also be sLown th,t -q crjrres- ponds to a slip stress of approximately 0.5 ,, i.e. t- ,3"re.,-q +he value of which Is of the same order as Prenkel's va_ Tests were carried out in ii BnH-C2 (VPN-SI) machine In w~,i,-r; tI '.. creep and long-term strength coild be studied in vacuo under a :~'n- Card 1/3 S/659/61/007/"C,,r~,-~'~/. "I '. InveotiCating the dependence of D217/D-50-5 stant stress Specimens of cast and forged Iron (9-~ 6 ~") %Iltlre j-1ven a preliminary anneal in vacuo (1.10-4 mm Hg' for 1C hours at 7C-0C, the temperature was then iowered to 45/00C and the specimens %VeTe soaked there for 50 hours. The investigations were carried out in the temperature rant-e 250-5onOC, in which the modulas of norma: elasticity changes very little, whereas at temperatures above 11Y'~C it fr.11s abruptly, The specimens had a total length of 60 Miii, ~i working portion length of 2~ mm and a di,",eter of the workinr r- tion of mm. It was found that on increasing the stress 30 k9/mm the energy or activation becomes a d9creasing curvi.,r',e- ar function of stress, changing from 66 to 20 '.cal,lg -atom On in- creasing the stress from 50 to 515 kg/mm, the energy of activati-lin remains constant, i.e, a limiting value of ?0 kcal'r atom is nb~--i- ned. At stresses of above 35 kg/Mjr,2, the specimens rupture -)n sing The constant value obtained for the enerpy of activiiti-~n iz-, on the average 20,3 kcal//[., %tom, and Is considerably greater ti,an the theoretical value of q CL.T 0 this being in good agreement -1-le second theoretical value of q- The great diverEence between the theoretical -alue of q, -1 Yand the experimental value of kc-I. Card 2/3 S/65 61/007/000/004/0,14 Investigating the dependence of ... D217YD303 atom indicates the possibillty thit the body-centered cubic lattice may transform into a face-centered cubic lattice during plastic ter.- sile deformation. The calculated value of q/atom is close to ti-'at ~f the enErgy of vacancy formation and has the same order f vilue -..s the nuclear energy of dislocations per atomic plane. There tire 7 figures, 1 table and 7 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Sovie!- bloc. The reference to the English-language publicati,n reaJs ,.e follows: J-M, Silcox, Acta metallurgicti, 7, 5, 1959, Card 3/3 4"1 ~"Q S 6 5 q/ 6 1./0('- P21 AAhORS Ivanov, V T, , ar,~ )eijj0V K. 1j, TITLE: Uitim;-Ite and vzarylnC, activatio!. erergy of re~-~very the rmoel ec tromotive force of c,~Ili-worked -.ure ~r-,n SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SS.L.R. ln~;tltut r;et%1,-'~'rf-i" T'. niya po zharoprochnym splavam. V 7 , i )E I , I ~ ,1 1. TEXT: The results of an inv, -,-tig,,tion of the rerovery kir-.-ti -- the thermo,~Iectromotive force (t.e-m. f. ) of cold-wc~rked ir ~~. a:-t, ported, and , t is s:,own th%t an ultimate and variable actij *,, , energy exists f-,,- this rocess The investigation vr-,s c~irried li* on high purity iron (99 99 %') in the form of wire of :.-irn liamp ter having undergone det;rees of cold plasti- deformatir,n ana 98 % Prior to deform-,tion, the wire was,.-iled in v-~, 8000C f Or 'j hours . Plas ti c def ori.-,at ior, was carri e,,! , i t ~~ I i perature, Recovery of t ~ e m. f. was s tud ied o!. tl.erm- - ~ e ~-, - -.' Z~ I tIng of an annealed and a deformed wire. the t e M. f, helr-'f~' red on each thermocouple immediately after deformat",on. uni -,f- isothermal te;..pering at vario,;s terperatures. The temperinC, I 1'n~ Card 1/3 S/6~9/61,/(-,,--,7, -.~' "I i ~,, , ". ~ Ultimate arA varying act:v-.'Ion ... D " 17,/ D -~' ~, ~' was r, 'Langed withir. the limits -A" - ~600 se-lnls~ T~,e heated at 2--OOC,'sec,)nd by means of an electric ture was measured with an arc,,iracy of + 0. 07C ? ao,,, i e,-.~ ti t e m,f., a mirror galvanometer of scale sensitivity ~ x 1- 9", 7:r,. w s used. The me%surements were c.arried out by two methodzi ponsation and 2) by the ancle ti,rough which the _~alvan-,m g ror turned. The specific t.e~m. f, in pv,'degree was 7alrulat,-d h j dividing the full measured value of t ~ e. in. f b.1y, *),,: ;- I ~. tempe ra tures be twe en the j unc t; i cns. h u ex i:3 t enc e ar, arA viiri,ih~ko enerj-,y of ictivati,)n -f reccvery was thc -iwtf,.Y -r t1vtOlon ir~ re Y A I i ....... I- r -rease ;r, legreu 1"I", vcl'~' ibove I,Inj, t~w lv~-,rt~e k,f frog:: HC tc 4~- IIA I,,,, tl~,n e lk~,I t I fo rna, I I o ri (1,, rir mate ener6y of a ,-tivatl,)n . the tI,eoreti,-;.lIy c~, remains close *.c, the value o of acti-,-itl n ",Cal,tT atom) There ,re 6 fii7areF. e Card "/ ~ S/659/61 /CC7, ~~- ~ I ~~/ Ultimate r-nd varying ac*ivation ... D217/D303 15 references; 7 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-Soviet-bloc. The 4 r- cent relerences to the I~nglish-langu%rze publicit'.ons re,-id -as ' "I lovis. R,M. Treco, J. T.'etals, sec. 2, 8, no. 10, I~c6, I,N. and H-U. Rosenberg, Phil. YaC., 4, no. 10, 1959; A. See~:,er. PY.-,-s and Chem, of Solids, 4, 3, 1958; C.vj, Berclio,lit. Acta .u r F i --I 6. no. 10. 1958 Card 3/3 V 311'.0 3/659/61/007/000/038,/044 D204/7)303 rind Tion-Tich Chleng AUTHORS: 0~1Q~ TITLE: Study of the rates of plastic deformation of Ni-Cr alloys by various metliods SOURCE: Akademiya nauk 3SSR. Institut metallurgil, Issledova- n1ya po zharoprochnym splavam, v. 7, 1961, 317 - 318 TEXT: A continuation of previous work (Ref. 1: Izv. AN SSSR, OT!". no. 4, 1959; Ref. 2: ibid, no. 2, 1,D61) in which the authors meas- red the hardness of a number of solid solutions of N! at elevated temperatures and showed that the diagonal of the test indentation d, varied with time t, according to d atb, where a and b are con- stants. It was also shown that In V t In b + In a In d d b where V 4 d - velocity of the plastic defri-nation (percent/min). In the present wor'c the velocity of plastic deformation of Ni-Cr syo- Card 112 3'J)02 S/180/61/000/005/012/01,",' 10.1 -SO L) 14 Ib E193/E383 AUTHORS __Qs)l)ov, K.A~ and Sotniclienko, A~L~ (Moscolf) TITLE- Creep of iodide --ircoriluni iii vacuum under a con-tailt stress P&RIODICAL Al-ademiya nauk SSSR- Izvestiya otdclenive t eklinichesk] I'll 1-uh. Metallurgiya 1 to!)livo no. 5, 1961 pp -85 TEXT: In continuation of their earlier work (Ref. I - DAN SSSR, 196o v. 134 no. 2, Ref. L) - Filial VINITI AN SSSR - Peredovoy proizvodstvennyy i nauchno-tel-dinicheskiy opyt 1959 No. P-59-68/6 and Ref. 3 - Problems of the th#,ory of high- temperature strength of metals and alloys Pub by AN SSSR ig6o) the present authors studied creel) of zirconium tested in vacuum (10-5 nu-,i 11g) at temperatures between 18 and 500 oC (i.e. in the a-Zr range) under a constant stress rangin,i-', from, 10 - 30 k9/mM 2 Typical creel) curves are sho%m iii Fig. I where the strain (E 0) is plotted aFainst time (-t. 11oul-S) graphs a 1~ B andL relat.Lng. respectively to tests carr-ied out Card 1/0 , 30902 S/180/61/000/005/012/018 Creep of iodide zirconium P-193/E383 2 under a stress of 10, 20 30 and 25 1-g/mm the test temperature being indicated by each curve The rate, , of steady-state reep was calculated from these curves and it was found that the 1 t versus I/T relationship was linear for any stress within IX V the range employed in the present investigation and that contrary to some published reports, extrapolated tn i vV1*suS I/T graphs did not intersect at one point. In Fig.. 3 en i is plotted against the applied stress (cr, kg/mm 2 ), Curves 1 0 (circles) and 2(trinngles) relating to tests at 100 and 500 C respectively. Finally. in Fig. 4, the activation energy (nH, kcal/g.atom) for steady-.state creep of iodide zirconium is plotted against the applied stress ((r kg/mm2 ) the broken line indicating the calculated limiting value of' 6H It will 2 be seen that, starting from e= 25 k_7/riim ,AH remains constant at a level almost identical with the. theoretical value obtained in the previous work (Ref. 3). The close agreement between the. exnerimental and theoretical :-,ia,,,rnitude of 4H jas taj~ejj j() Card 2/V 33182 s/i8o/6i/ooo/oo6/oi6/020 lo v5oo E193/E383 AUTHORS: Ivanov, V.I., Osipov, K.A. and Sotnichenko, A,L (Moscow) . 7-- TITLE: A study of the kinetics of the process of creel) and recovery PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdolonie tekhnicheskikh nauk. Metallurgiya i toplivo, no 6, i r)6 i . 1 '57 - 14; TEXT: The object of the present investigation was to study the relationship between the activation energy for creep of oL-iron and the applied stress as well as the relationship between the activation energy for recovery of this metal and the degree of plastic deformation. Technical purity (99.761.1) iron, preliminarily annealed in vacuum '10 hours at 7000C followed by 50 hours at 45~OC ) , was used in creep to A t9 Al carried out in vacuum (10- t1lin '-IS) at 250 - 5000C tinder ~ constant stress ronginy front 10-15 l(g/mm'. The lit i VC-SUS I/T relationship, where i is the rate of creel) and T - temperature, was linear over thc entire range of the applied Card IIAV 13182 A study of the kinetics ... S/180/61/000/006/016/020 E193/13383 stresses studied, The variation of the activation energy for steady creep (,6 11) is demonstrate(] in Fig,2, where A H (kcal/g atom) is plotted against the applied stress a (kg/mm2 ). It will be seen that the limiting vaPe of ,n~H = 20 kcal/g.atom was attained at 0 ~~ 30 kg/mm At 2 a.> 35 kg/mm fracture of the specimens took place in a very short time. Tire procens of recovery was studied on hoth technical and high-puri ty iron (99.67 and 99.994,~', respvc t i vel The experimental wire specimenm , 0.6 and 1 .5 mm in diamet er, preliminarily annealed in vacuum (3 hours at 800')C) were deformed plastically at room temperature to 80, 84, 94 and 98% reduction in area. The kinetics of recovery were studied by measurements of the thermo-emf of plastically- deformed against annealed material , which were taken immediately after deformation and during subsequei,t isothermal treatment at various temperatures. The value of (I - e/e ). where e0 and e denote the specific thermo emf (iiV/ C) Card 2/4W 33182 S/i8o/6l/ooo/oo6/oi6/o2o A study of the kinetics E193/E383 before an,. -or isothermal annealing, respectively, was taken as the measure of' the degree of recovery attained. The results obtained for high-purity specimens, deformed to 94% reduction, are reproduced in Fig. 3, where (I - e/e 0) is plotted against t im, e( I , see) at temperatures indicated by each curve This relationship can be described by e - = a + b I n -r e 0 where a and b are temperature-dependent constants. In the next series of experiments the temperature dependence of (I - e/e ) was determined. The results are reproduced in Fig. 4, where (I - e/e0) is plotted against temperature C) of the isoth--mal treatment of technical and high-purity iron (graphs a and (i , respectively); Curves 1 - 4 in grapts a relate to specimens held at the temperature for Card 31AM 182 S/180/61/000/00 016/020 A study of the kinetics E193/E583 1 800, 180 30 and 2.5 sec, respectively, Curves 1 - 5 in graphs R relating to a holding time of 3 6oo, goo, 18o, 6o and 30 sec, respectively. These data were used to determine the activation energy for recovery of the metals studied. To this end, the temperatures T at which various degrees of recovery could be attained after various times 't were determined from curves in Fig. 4 These were usod to construct curves reproduced in Fig- 5, where In sec) is plotted 1 4 against - = 10 the numbers given by each curve indicating T 0 D relating to technical the value of (I e/e ), graphs a and and hIgh-purity specimens. respectively. Since all the curves reproduced in Fig. 5 were straight lines, it was possible to calculate the activation energy , z-%H , for recovery,from: In A exp fZ\HIRT (2) Card ; '4 LA ? S/180/61/000/006/Glb/020 A study of the kinetics E193/F383 where R is the gas constant and 0 T is the temperature of' the isothermal treatment ( K) The results are reproduced in Fig, 6. wl~ere ,.~,H (kcal/g atom) is plotted against (I - e/e the circle,3 (1) and triangles (2) relating. respectively to high-purity and technical-grade iron It will be seen that the activation energy for- recovery is at ite minimum at low values of (1 e/e0), remaining practically constant up to (I - e/e 0.3 a.nd then increasing rapidly to reach - 47.6 kcal/g,atom at (I e/e o_8 Similar results were obtained for material deformed to 98% reduction which indicated that J1 would not decrease even for more heavily deformed materials In the last series of experiments the eff'ect of elastic deformation on the kinetics of recovery was studied To this end (I - e/e-) was determined for high purity specimens deformed to 94% reduction which were stressed in the elastic range during the isothermal annealing The results are reproduced in Fig~ 7. Card 5/91> -, . . -AP s/i8o/6i/ooo/oo6/ol6/020 A study of the kinetics E,93/E383 whip r P it e/e, ) i-~ p1ritted igain,-it the durat ion of treatment sp.-~ I at temperatureR indicated by each curve Comparison of isotherm-; reproduced in Fig~t -1 and 7 shouF that the elastic 9train 9tiperimposed on pla~;t I( deformat ion brings about a signif itntit incrensf, iri tho rat v (if r ocovery only whon t - c/o ) exc eeds 0 .3 'Clio results (if calcuLation showed that 0 e/ e 0,2. o 3 or 0,4 tile %allle of -,.H was 1"' 3 14,0 and 18~2 kcal/g atom r~5pe,tively t he C Or F eq pond in g value for specimens not 4trc-;ed elastt-ally being 12~2 L11.,( and 22,8 K-al/g,,atom. Thi~4 that elastic deformation doeq not affect the limiting (minimum) value of .'.11 1 t Id a 1 inferred from the results, obtained that tile artivation energy for recovery is a function of several states of tile crystal lattice, which vary not only with the degree of preliminary deformation but also with the degree of recovery attained The dependence of the activation energy on the degree of recovery can be attributed to the following factors Card 6/~M, I'A'82 6/18o/Wooo/oWol6/020 A study of the kinetics .... E193/E383 1) the presence in a deformed metal of volumes with different density of defects of various types; 2) variation of the density and distribution of defects during isothermal treatment; 3) different stability of different types of defects; 4) dependence of the activation energy for recovery on the nature of the defects and their density in elemental volumes in which they migrate. There are 7 figures, I table and 11 referencest 7 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloc. The two English-language references quoted are: Ref. 3: H. Bross and A. Seeger - The Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1958, v.4, no. 3, 161; Ref. 8: Silcock, J.M., Acta metallurgica, 1959, v-7, no. 5. SUM-11TTED: January 10, 1961 Card 71W IVANOV, V.I.; OSIPOV, K.A. ft-- Studying the kinetics of the growth of gralm in Wgb-parlt7 OL-iron. Dokl.AN SSSR 138 no.2038-341 My 161. QGR& 14:5) 1. Imatitut metallurgii im. A.A.Baykova Akademli nauk SSSR. Pred- stavleno akademikom G.V.Kurdvndovym fe--G* (Iron crys~A rovtb) IVANOV, V.I. (140SI"M); WOIMV) K.A. (Moskva); SGTNIC1U'-NT(, ;,~L. (Monkva) Investigating kinetics of creel-, and recovery processes. 17v. SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk, Met. i topl. no. 6: 137-143 N-17 161 ~ (,XTT-' 1I.; !~' (Creop of uwtals) IVAFOVP V.I.; OSII-OVJI K.A. Investigating; the kinetics of thermoelectromotive force recovery in cold-deformed iron. Fiz. met. I metalloved 11 no.3:360-367 Mr 161. WMA 14:3) 1. Institut metallurgii AN SSSR. (Activity coefficients) (Thermoelectricity) 2J832 S/020/61/1 36/002/015,'024 19 750c) I ETY, I I B 104/ B207 AUTHORS: Ivanov, V. 1. and Oalpov, K. A. TITLE: A study of the grnin growth in nighly pure -i-iron PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 138, no. , 1.?61, 3',8-341 TEXT: The iron i nvest igat ed conta ined the f ol lowing impuri t iea : 0.001 % 0, 0.001 % C, 0.002 19 S, less than 0.002 % N and traces of Cu, Ni, and Si. Iron rods of 7.7 mm diameter were subjected to a preliminary treatment during which they were cold formed and, subsequently, subjected to a recrystallization annealing; the resulting grain size diameter was less than 0.2 mm. Grain growth was studied at electrio heating and a mean rate of 200 degreee/Bea. In the range of from '700 to 9000C, the rate of heating was reduced from 300 to 150 degrees/sec. After heating to a pre-determined temperature, the specimens were chilled in AE~ter, the interval between the end of heating and dipping of the sample into water being less than 0.02 seconds. The temperature conditions of heating were registered with a Cr-Al thermooouple, which was fixed in the middle of the sample, by means of a loop oscilloscope and a ballistic galvanometer. The results of Card 1/5 2-033 2 S,, 02 0/ 6 1/13 S ~002,'O 1 5. 02 A study of the grain growth in nighly. B104,'B207 measurement are graphically represented in Fig. 1 When heating at constant rate a, the rate of shif tinp of the grain boundaries G can be determined from the equation G - ladD/dt, where D - f(t) is the mean grain 2 diameter. If a is riot constant, D -"Y(T) nvist always be dete!mined (-r denotes t~ie time). The lower part of Fig. 1 shows the temperature t as a function of time. The curve t - 9(-r) to determined from the oscillograms. The curve D - V(T) is constructed, cie shown in Fig. 1, by means of the experimentally determined curve D = f(t), (Fig. 16). According to the above eqiiation, the values G - 128; 188; ;10; 230; 300 and 354-10- 5cm//sec are graphically obtained from this curve Rt temperatures of 735, 765, 790, 810, 865 and 8900C. In another experimental series, the specimens with 700 degrees/sec were heated to 810 -"' 50C and kept at this temperature for a varying length of time according to the individual specimen, e.g. for 0, 0.4, 1.0, 2.25, 3.0, 125, 275, 66o, 900 and 1600 seconds. The respective grain diameters were: 43, 63, 87, 128, 1.4'1, 17~, 1~4, 205, 210 and 240-110-4 cm. The mean linear shifting rate of the grain boundaries was in the given periods of time 250, 200, 164, 97. 1.31, o.63, 0.20, 0.10 and Card C 2 /5 23832 S '02 0`61/13 8/002/01 ~,'02 4 A study of the grain growth in hignly- B1047B207 0.17-10-5 cm/sec. The glowing doAn of the shifting rates of the grain boundaries is explained by the reduction of the radius of curvature of the grains and the increasing concentration cf impurities at the grains. Owing to the high purity of iron, this state occurs only with very large grains. From the discussion of the results the authors conclude that the mechanism for the grain growth as surgested by Mott (Proc. Phys. Soc., 60, 391, (1?48)) is very probable. Accordingly, the grain, when ts-rowing, mel ts at its boundary es tind gol idif ten ntnni n wi th the bo.indary t-eing :fllt ftt-d III olltwnr-d i il'ec t "oil Tho witlijr:j' oxperimental iatli can t~v easily described by Feltham's equation ~J Inst. Metala, 86, 9',7' Aota metallurg., 2, 97 (1957); Proc. Phys. Soc., B L, 117 (1956)) D2 _ D 2 .K e xp (- &H/RT) T (1). 0 0 D and D0 are the mean values, the initial and the permanent diameter of the grains, -T the time at which T is constant, Ko a constant coefficient,&H the activation energy, R, the gas constant, T, the absolute temperature. By means of (1) G may be represented by ~ .1 ~LD K G exp(-AH/RT) (2). Card' 3/5 23832 S/020//61/138/002/015,/024 A study of the grain growth in highly... B104/B207 The results of the second experimental series are in good agreement with (2). Herefrom, 25.3 kcal/gram-atom is obtiiined an activation energy for the grain growth. In a preliminary Btudy (Re". 20 Izv. AN SSSR, Metallurglya i toplivo, No. 41, (1960)). basing on the hypothesis on the activatiQn energy of various processes in solids, the authors obtained theoretically an activation energy of 22.2 kcal/gram-atom. Finally, the fact is discussed that in the case of le;,d and iron&H and q are almost equally hign (see Ref. 20). This is brought into relation with the melting and re2solidification of the grain boundaries. V. P. Fedotov supplied the pure iron for this study. There are 5 fipures and 24 references: 11 3oviet-bloc and 15 non-Soviet-bl~o. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurfril im. A A. Baykova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Metdlluri~y .meni A. A. Baykov, Academy of Sciences USSR' PRESENTED: January 5, 1461, by G. V. K~Iirdyumov, Academician S11131'ITTED December 10, 1),-) C111- I -1,j I IVANOV, V.I.; KARAMYSHEV, I.P.; -OSIPOV~ K.k Crystal growth in high purity alpha-iron during rapil olcictr-,~ :', Trudy Inst. met. no.11:71-77 '62. M: R A ~, . (Iron--Hpat treatment) (Crystals--Gr,iwth) _pSIMV, K'rJ" Afanaslyevich; GfUJK-GRZRIMAYLO, N.V., doktor ichim. nauk, otv. red. [Certain activated processes in hard metals and alloya)Nekotorye aktiviruezVe protsesey v tverdykh metallakh i splavakh. Moskva, 12d-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 130 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Metallography) (Activity coefficients) IVANOV, V-1. ObSkvs); OSIPOV, K.A. (Hoskva) Sffect of the rate of heating on the activetion energy of iron and steel recrystallization., Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. Met. i topl. no.2s84-91 Mr-Ap 62. (MIRA 15:4) (Activity coefficients) (Cryatalliantion) VOLj Abram Yevgenlyevichj AG=p N.V., red.1 ABRIKOSOVp N.Kh.p doktor kbim-nauk, red.; KCRNILOV,, I.I.,, doktor khim.naukp red.; SAVESKIY, Ye.M.p doktor khim.nauk., red.; OSIPCV., KA., doktor t9khx.zauk,, red.; GUSEVA, L.N., kamd.khini.ii~~, red. KMGUMSY,kYA, M.S., kand.khim.nauk, red.j SHKLOVSKAYA, I.Yu.P red.; MITUSHOVA, N.Ya., [Structure and properties of binary metallic systems] Stroenie i uvoistva dvoinykh metallicheskikh sistem. Pod rukovodstvom II.V. Ageova. Moskva, Fizmatgi2. Vol.2. (Systems of vanadium, bismuth, kqdrogen, tungsten, gadolinium, gallium, hafnium, germaniump holmium, dyaprosl=, europium, ircr.] SisterV vanadiia, vismuta, vodorodal, vollframa, gadolWia, galliia, gafnila, germanila, gollmiia, dispri>- aiia, evropiia, zheleza. 1962. 982 p. WULA 15:5) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Ageyev). (klloys) (Systerz (Chemistry)) (Phase rule and equilibrium) 2 S/ 79/63/000/001/020/023 AUTHORS: Sotn:kchenko, A.L. (Moscow) TITLE: Effect of oxidizing atmosphere'and of stress variation on the creep and long-time strength of iron, titanium carbon steel PBRIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye takhnichaskikh nauk. Metallurgiya i gornoye delo. TEXT., The* ~creep and 1*ng-timb strength 'of technically pure iron (99.979), a-Ti,(99.97%) and Y-8 (U-8) grade carbon steel were invastigated'under vacuum and in air under varlous'loading conditions. Before tests', the ir n and steel specimen3 were first annealed under a 'vacuum of I'X 10" mm Hs for 10 hours at 8000C. .Titanium specimens were similarly annealed for 240 hours. An analysis of the cree 3 curves of the specimbns*tested at 6oo*c under a stress of 10 kg/= showed that the time-to-rupture of the ..titanium specimens tested in vacuum was reduted'by*about 2.5 timesi nearly 1.,5 times and that of the iron specimens was reduced by . that-of the U-8 steel was reduced by nearly 3 times compared with Card 2/2 71 S/279/63/000/001/020/023 Effect of oxidizing ... E040/E45.1 the-corresponding values obtained in testa in air.- Tests were also carried out at various temperatures between 430 and 515% and the creep curves plotted at several test temperatures under vacuum and in-air. A graph in also given of the logarithm of the steady- state creep of all the test specimens. Calculations were made of tbo'creep activAtion energy under various*test conditions employed. An oxidizing atmosphere lowers the steady-state creep activation energy of the U-8 carbon steel by 2.2 kcal/mol and a further reduction of,the creep activation energy by 25 kcal/mol results from an increase of the stress and a decrease of the specimen cro3s-section area during tests. In the case of the iron specimens the effect of both these factors reduces the steady-state creep activation energy by- 26 kcal/mol. On the other hand, an o%idizing atmosphere reduces the creep rate of titanium at temperatures below 606*C and increases it at temperatures exceeding 600%. There are 4 figures and 3.tableg. SUMITTED: September 13, 1962 Card 2/2 )/BDS-AMG/ASD-M L-4MI-611 EWP(q)AWT(m ACCESSION-M AP3000917 S/0279/631000100210146/C'152 AUTHOR) Osijeovj__X. A. (Moscow)j Miro3hkint, Ya, M.,(Moscow)l Satnichanko, A. L. (Hoscow5 TITLIA IInvestigation of the creep of a. and p-=odif le tions of 71-2c at joys SOURCS 3 AN SSSR 1xv. otd.-tekh. nAuk. Metallurgiya i gornoye-delo, no. 2, 1963" :'146-132 TOPIC TAGS: titanium-zirconium alloys, -&-atloys, p.-alloys, creep, active- t1on enerBy, creop mechanism ABSTRAM The creep behavior of a. and D-uDdifications of polycrystalline 7i-Zr alloys In a vacuum of about I x 10-4 mm HS under a constant tensile stress has been studied in an effort to determine -che mechanism Of 3ttady-3t880 m2pa, The alloys (23.15, $0.01, and 75.50 at% Zr, . 0.006% max N, 0.03% =ax C and 0.,, and 0.03% max Fe) vere vacuum-axe malted, forged into rods# annealed for 24 hr at BODC and for 168 hr at 45DC (alloy with 50 at% Zr) or at 550C (alloys with 25 ,-and 76 at. % Zr). The &-modification alloys were tested at temperatures from Card 1/2 L n291 .3 ACCESSION NR: #.P3000917 20 to 200C under & stress of 30 to 70 kg/mm The, aitivation energy A H of the steady-stage creep, determined from In E -I/T curves ( Z , rate of the steady- stage creep; T, absolute temperature), was found to be constant at stresses higher thin 40-50 kg/mm"a (depending on alloy compositions) and equal to 8100, 6900, and 8000 tal/mol for Zr contents of 25, 50, and 75 at%, . respectively. These values 14re very close to the limiting VAIU03 of activation energy calculated under the :1 assumption that in a_T1_Zr alloys the creep-induced activated state of atoms or ions corresponds to that of a local allotropic transformation. This leads to the tonclusion that the. ereep of a-Ti-Zr alloys under high stresses Is affected by a J.-mchanism directly associated with a local allotropic transformation. Creep tests iof the A-modification of Tt_Zr alloys were carried out under a constant tensile strength of 0.5 k&!=2. Analysis of the data obtained shows that the steady-stage creep of the -0-modification of TI-Zr alloys occurs through a mechanism directly associated with malting. Orig. art. hast 2 formulas, 6 figure3, and 4 tables. -ASSOCIATICN: In3titut metallurgil Im. A. A., bajkgyjL(In*titute of Hftallurgy) SUBMITTED: 29Nov62 DATE ACQ: 12Jun63 ENCL: 00 L.SUB CODE: HL NO REF SOV: 012 GrHERt 002 CW4 2/2 ACCESSION INR: AT4013923 S/2659/63/010/000/0027/0031 AUTHOR: Osipov. K. A.; Sotnichonko, A. L. TITLE: Investigation of the limiting values of creep activation energy for titanium- zirconium alloys SOURCE: AIN SSSR. Institut metallurgil. Issledovaniya po zharoprochnyom splavam, v. 10, 1963, 27-31 TOPIC TAGS, creep, creep activation, creep activation energy, tWinium, zirconium, titanium zirconium alloy ABSTRACT: Mic author previously proved that for set creep at high loads the activation energies of --~ -titanium and ck-zirconium approach a constant limiting value. Thopresent, paper includes information on creep of polycrystalline alloys of the titanbi m -zirconium type. 71c samples were tested for creep at 25-200C and loads 08 30-70 Lglr=2 on a VPN-S2 machine after being hardened in a vacuum arc fumace. Ile sot .. r(~,.ip rate (% deformation/mIn.) was calculated frnm the curves obtained. 7be logarichm of the set creep rate was found to be inversely proportional to the temperature for all values of kitress (see Fig. 1 in the Enclosure) - Analysis of the results showed that in alloys of the titanium- zirconium type in the of-modification, the nature of the activated state during creep at high Card 1/3 ACCESSION VAI: AT-1013923 F41,-- 1. Relationship between the Io.-arithm of the set creep rate and temperature for the alloy T1 - 25 at c,o 2r. Stress (in kg/mm2): 1-40. 2-45. 3-50, 4-60, 5-65, 6-70. .$L- 20 ENCLOSURE: 01 -'r I O-N .1 -r dard 3/3 ACCESSION NR; AT4013935 S/2659/63/010/000/0105/0i,D~ A L77-1 0 Osip,)v, K. A. A. T I "n".e~'ZicaLion of L'-le rot Of ,,~modificiuic),-l p W"r,: ',4 2.5 pc, LiVely, 11~d Witr,! vz,cu-, ot-,fore lostin6 klL L0000 for 24 Tho tensile t,Lrct;t; Card 1/3 FNC LOS URE LWr(m)/r/EWP(.t)/EWP(b) ASD(m)-3 JD/UIX _-ACCESSIOW A14;.046727- WOK EXPWITATION.- S/ _-Ivah6v---V&dim Ivanovichl -qq~povi Kirill Afanai47evich-- Recovery-and recrystallization in metals at raoid heati4 (Voarat i rekristalli- zatsiyav metallakh pri, by*atrom nagreve)P'"'Mz3cow, Tzd-vd "Nauka". 1964, 184 p. inu3.,.bibliu. (At head of titles Akodemiya nauk SSSF. Gosudaretvenny*y komitet po chernoy i tavetnoy,metallurgii pri Gosplane SSSR. Inatitut UV!if '51OPICIAGS.--metal.rew stallizii~ion,'_ metal ii n -etur -metal prain stmeture TABLF. OF CONTENTS (abridped]t ~btrb&oti0n____'_ 3~ Ch. L Re 5 turn Ch* IL Recrystallization 11 -Ch* III*. Effectof heatinp rate on recrystallization 31 Some feature3-of the-methodology for studying recrystallization 1,2 Ch* Ve Effoct of beating rate on recrystallization kinetics -- 50 Ch, VI, EfIbct of degree of deformation on recry3tallization kinetics and-erAi -growl1v at rapid heating - 124 C0,7172 ACCESSION KR: AIP4029840 6/0279/64/000/002/0161/0163 AUMOR: Osipov, K.A.CMD*cow); Sotnichenko, A.L.(Mosicow) TITLE: Investigation of the creep of the 0-mDdification of alloys of the titanium- zirconium system by torsion method SOURCE: AN SSSR Izv. Metallurgiya i gornoye delo, no.2, 1964, 161-163 TOPIC ThGS: titanium based alloy, zirconium containing alloy, torsion method, creep ABSTRACT: The authors state that in view of the importance of the energy parameters investigation of the concentration dependence of activation energy is of great in- terest in the action of other forms of applied stresses which are different from the tensile stresses. The results of tho study are presented in tables and a graph. It was shown that in testing the tensile creep action, as well as tangent stresses, tle same character of concentration dependence of activation energy of the established creep was observed. The quantitative discrepancy between the activation energy values can be explained by the difference of the stressed state in these two types of tests. Orig. art. has: 2 tables and I figure. ASSOCIATION: none Cord 11$ ACCESSION NRt AP4040991 S/0279/64/000/003/0161/0162 ~AUTHOR: Oalpov, K. A. (Hoscow); Sotnichenko, A. L. (Moscow) 'TITLE: On the duration of tests for creep and rupture strength of ~metals and alloys ,SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Metallurgiya i gornoye delo. no. 3, !1964, 161-162 TOPIC TAGS: zirconium creep test, aluminum creeptest, titanium ~xirconium alloys alloy creep test, creep test duration, creep test, ,itremis rupture test duration, stress rupture test, zirconium, alumi-, num ABS,TRACT: The effect of the duration of creep tests on the relation- shi-p between the rate of secondary stage creep c and rupture life T and the time reciprocal l/T has been studied in the cases of zirconi-' um iodide vacuum melted alloys of titanium with 50 and 76 at% Zr. and ,99 99%-pLure aluminum. All tedts were conducted in a vacuum of I.iO-4 mmHg under constant stress wtth a test time from 10 to 1500 hr. The test time for iodide zirconium vacuum annealed it BOOC 25(1,7) PHASE I BDOX EXPLOITATION sDv/274o Osipoy, Kizo Aleksand-- vich )*toA'kFi resheniya zadach po rvzanlyu metalloTj prodmet "Osuovy ucbenlya o rezanti. metallov I rezhushchly instrument" (Nethods of Solving Problems in Wtal Cutting; f6r the Course, Fundamentals of the Study of Metal Cutting and the Cutting Toole) Noscow, 1958. 75 P. Errata slip inserted. 1,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: VaesayuzW gaochnyy stankoinstrumentallnyy tekhnikum. Reviewer: N. A. Nefedov, Engineer. PURPOSR- This textbook is intended for students of correspondence tekhnikums specializing in metal cutting and tooling. COVEFAGEt This textbook deals with the principles of cul*lzg regime calculation In metal machining. Problems an given for the calculation of cutting fbrees, power requirements, permissible cuttIng ryeeds., and proper mchining time in lathe work, planing, milling, drilling, end other standard metal- working operations. Each chapter of the matal contains *XU91se of solutions for the given set of problems. 7bare are 6 references, all Soviet. Card 1/3 Methods of Solving Problems (Cont.) SOV/2740 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction I. Determination of Vachining Time For Turning 5 TI -Determination of the Cutting Force and Power Requiremnts Fbr Turning 6 Ill. Determination of Cutting Speeds Permitted by the Cutting Properties of Toole 13 rV. Selection of the Cutting Regine for Tarring 18 V. Selection of the Cutting flegim For Planing 26 VI. Selection of the Cutting Regime For DrillIng, Counterboring, and Reaming 30 VII. Selection of the Cutting Begins For Killing 42 V13:I. 3election of the Cutting FlegAne For Broaching 53 Card 2/3 tv_-thods of Solviag Problems (Cont.) SOV/2740 IX. Selection of the Cutting Regime For Gear Cutting 55 X . Selection of the Cutting Regime For Thread Cutting 61 X-T. Selection of the Cutting Flegime For Grinding 63 Appendixes Technical specifications for metal-cutting machines 67 Fractional povers of numbers 74 AVAILAMZ: Library of Congress (TJ1230-OB3) GO/fal Card 3/3 12-30-59 YUKHIDOV, Mikhail Yefitwvich; MANUYLOV, Leonid Konstantinoylehl OSIPOV, Kim Aleksanjro --KUVALEV, A'.M., inah., ved. red.; ESTEWTTY-I' zich, M.A., insh., red.; SMIRNOV, B.M., tekhn. red. 111ighly efficiptat methods of slitting &bwfts1Vysokoproizvodi- telInya metody obrazovaniia shlitsev na "Inkh. Moak",, Filial Vaes. In-ta nauchn. i tekhn. infomataii, 1958. 17 p. (Peredo- vol nauchno-tekhnicheakil 1 proizvod5tvennyl opyt. Tema 10, No.M-58-90/18) (KIRA 16:2) (Metal cutting) (Shafting) TUKHVID. 4.T9..-QA;FOV, K.A. Using hard-allcT cutting tools in form planing of steel. Stan.1 instr. 29 no.ljt29v3j N 158. (MIRA 11111) (Planing"Nachines) OSIFOV, K.A, I . Investigating, the process of machining slots on shaf to b7 broaching and planing with multicut heads. TvAy Inst. mch. 1:101-119 159. ( 141RA 12: 12 ) (Metal cutting) BELOV, V.S.; MAIJUYLOV, L.K.; OSIFOV, X.A.; CIM:?111KOV, S.S.; ACIIFRKAN, N.S., prof., doktor tekini. nauk, red.; FELEIUI, M.A., takhn. red. (Rodern methods of broaching used abroad; mn-vey compiled on the basis of foreign periodical literature in the field of the manufacture of machinery] Soyrenennye metody protiagivaniia za rubozhom; ob-zor sostavlen po matorialam zarubezhnoi periodichenkol literatury v oblasti mashinostrooniia. Pod red. II.S.Acherkana. 14o- skva, Vses. in-t nauchnoi tekhn. informatsit, 1961. 57 p. (MIRA 14:7) (Broaching machines) , I NDUOV, VA., inzh.; &RIIIII"OV, V.A., kund. tcIlui nauk, dots., retsenzent; EFSHTEYN, A.Yu., In--h., rctv rz,:?rt; MID, P.A., irzh., rcd.; EOFCL4C,'A, T F., ttkLn. red. (Problems -~nd ejuziplec of riotal cutting and rctiI-cutting toolsi Sbomik zadach i prircrov po rezaniiu rotallov I rczhi~shcheru instrumentu Forl-va Fashgiz, 1962. 221. p. (1-m , 15-.11) (Metal cu;ting) t1lotal-cutting tools) 0 I - - ___ - --C __ __ _-/66j002/(,';/2234/2236 ACC_Njj__ AP-0024o6 SOURCE 061~1 UR16~63 AUTHORt Vishnyakov, B. A.; Osipov, K. A.; Otopkov, P. P. ORGI Institute of Metallurgy im. A. A. Baykov, Academy of Sciencesp SSS~. (Institut motallurgil Akademil nauk SSSR) TITLES Study of the deloosition of tin and silicon films from their orgar'~c compounds under the Influence of an electron beam SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestlya. Noorganichaskiyo materialy, v. 2, no. 12, '?66, 2234- 2236 TOPIC TAGSt tin, silicon, metal devosition, electron beam, 3ilano, orrar~-_ir, co-n- pound AB3TRACT1 A recently devolonod method of donositing thin films by dficomn-, ;'Irw comoounds subjected to electron hombardmont was tnstod on totraothyltin a-! oyltin (for oanositing tin) and triethylvinylsilano (for rinnositinp, an~ I ractors affecting the growth rate of the silicon film wore studied. Tho '!oco7.r)os-.t'.on of triethylvinylsilano molecules was studied in particular detail. It wa-" fwnd tna':. the growth rate of the silicon film during 5 hr changed linearly with timn. At sub- strate temperatures of 135-200*C, the growth rate also varied linearly with changing current density of the electron beam. The growth rate decreased with rising substrato temperature and was Independent of the electron energy. A linear relationsnip was ob- 1/2 uDcs 621.9-418 ACC NRs AP?002406 served between the v&por presaitro in tho chamlinr and tho growth rato of Um fILM. I An olectrio ranistanon of milicon MMM Obt.A1110d undor varinum oonditionm wan Ilmall- i urad. Orig. art.. hael 2 rigurom. 1 tai)ip aixt 1~ romuiaa. SUIJ CODES 07,11/ BUBM DATX# 16NovO5/ On mrs oo5 2/2 ACC NR.AP70()5892 SOURCE CODE: uR/oi8i/C6/oo8/012/3706/37087' AUTHOR: Vishnyakov, B. A.; 051povi K. A. IORG: Institute of metallurgy Im. A. A. Baykova AN SSSR (Inatitut Imetallurgii AN SSSR) TITLE: Deposition of molybdenum carbide films from molybdenum hexacarbonyl. under the action of the electron beam SOURCE% Mika tverdogo tels, V., 80, no, 12, 1966, 37o6-3TOB TOPIC TAGSz thin flimA molybdenum cIrbide wepeow vapor deposition,, filw_ff a4 !* rate# electric vanadium aaaAil e. ABSTRACTt Molybdenum-carbide films, 1100--SBDO 1 thick, were made by vapor deposi- tion of nolybdomm hexecarbonyl molecules (mo(co)6) on a quartz or a nice-coated glass substrate at -30, -25, -IS& -5, +5 and +10*C. in a vacuum of 2-10-6 an Rg. A stream of mo(w)- nolecules was directed onto the substrate simultaneously with the electron beam at a current density of 0.3-1.5 Vamp/cU2 and an accelerating voltage of 250~--00 vThe film ___UDG: non.a OSIPOVO K. Northwaris. Grazhd.av. 16 no.1:15 Ja '~9. (KIRh 12:3) (Aeronautics, Comnoroial) OSIPOV, Konstantin Georgiyevich; MOLYUKOV, G.A., vodushchiy red.; TROFIMOV, A.V.. CHydraulic power transmissions of drilling rigsJ Turbo- peredachi burovykh ustanovok. Moskvn. Goe.niguchno-tekhn. Izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry. 1960. 179 p. (MIRA 13:11) (Oil well drilling rigs) OSIPOV,-K.D. ; PASYMOV, V.V.; RaTZ, G.A. , red. ; GOLOVANOVA, L.V. , . I red.; KOCYETKOVA, N.A., red.; RKOLEVIA, I V., rf-d. [Reference book on radio meacuriN,- devices Sfravochnik po radioizmerltellnym priboram. Pod red. G.A.Remeza. 1-1,oskvit, Sovetskoe radio. P-..5. [Supplement] Dopclnitellnula. 1964. 397 P. (MIRA l'!:b) OSIPOV, K.D.; PASTNKOV, T.T.; RhWZ. 0.A., red.; MASHAROVA. T.G., red.; SHMOT, B.T., [Handbook on devices for radio measurements] Spravochnik po radio- izmaritellaym priboram. Pod red. G.A.Remssa. Moskva, Izd-vo 'Sovetskoe radio.' Pt.3. (Instrumqnts for measuring the form of oscillations] Pribory dlia lzmareniia forny kolebanii. 1959. 170 p. MMA 13:4) (Blectronic measurements) MrUp K. D. "Vacuwa--rube Voltieter", Fopular &---dio Library, No. 64, ~ditor-ir-Cnief, Acade:aAcian A. I. Berg. -Josener~-o; -1,.t, -*,o9-,ow-Lenlnt;rad, !6 pp, 195t-j. GSIFOV. K.D.; HIMASH37BEIT, S.N., inzho, assistant Plastic components for locomotive friction units. Zhel.dor.transp. 42 no.10:54-58 0 160. (MIRA 13-10) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika lokomotivnogo depo g.Gowel' (Por Osipov). 2. Belorueskiy Inetitut Inzhanerov zhelemodoroshnogo tranaporta (for Miklashovokly). (Locomotives-Construction) (Plastics) PdASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4410 -2 and Vaevolod VIPAimirovich Pasynkov ,pravochnik po radioi=eritellnym priboram, chast' 1: Pribory dlya ivmereniya toka, napryazbeniya, moshchnosti i parnmetrov elementov skhem (Handbook on Radio Measuring Instruments, Pt 1: Instruments for Measuring Current, Voltag-, Power, and Parameters of Circuit Elements). Moscow, Izd-vo "Scrvetakoye Radio,' 1,959. M p. Errata slip inserted. No.of copies printed not given. :~d. (Title page): G.A. Remez; Ed. (Inside book): N.Ya. Arenberg; Tech. Ed.: B.V. Smurov. FIMPOSE: This handbook is intended for technical personnel engaged in designing, operating oy ;,eplirir, radio engineering or radio measuring equipment. COVERAGEi This first part of the handbook contains Information on radio measuring instru=ents of general application whnse purpose is to measure the values of cur- rent, voltage, power, capacitance, inductance, circuit Q-factors, resistances and reactances. The des:-ription of each Instrument consists of the following sections: purpose and field of application, basic technical characteristics, U38R/Radio - Literature Apr 51 Remote Control 00 "New Books" *Radio" No 4. p 62 Usts 15 new brochures, none running over 72 pp and most having about 50 PP, published by DOSARM and Gosenergoizdat. Among the =ore in- teresting are: "Amateur Short-Wave Antenna " by V. N. Gusev, "The Cathode-Ray Oscillograph" by K. D. OBipov, and "Remote Radio Control" by V. N. Loginov. Latter gives basic principles tNM/Rad,io - Literature (Contd) Apr 51 on remote control and design of radio-control-led devices, and describes instrs and circults used Iz telemech equipments. IRIrPI(A 031POT, K.D.; PASMOT. Y.T.; RMZ, G.A., red.; SMIANOT, Tn.l., red.; 51MOT, B.T., CHAndbook on radio measuring device-il Spravochnik po radio- i2maritellnym priboram. Pod red. I.A.Romesa. Monkvn, lvd-vo "Sovetskoe, radio.' Pt.4. [Speciai ff-Ansuring devices find mirrant sources) Spotsial'nye Ismeritellnys pribory I latochniki pits- nita. 1959. 152 p. (MIRA 1):5) (Radio measurements) (Radar) MIKLASHEVSKIY, Sergey Nikolayevich, insh.; OSIPOV, Konstantin Dmitriyevich, inzh.; J3ER.ESTOVOY, Ye.l., inzh., red.; BOBROVA. Ye.N., tekhn. red. [Use of rqlon parts for locomotives) Primenenie kapronovykh do- talei n& parovozakh; opyt depo Gomel' Belorusskoi zheleznoi dorogi. Moskva, Vees. izdatellsko-poligr. ob"edinenle M-va putai soobshche- niia, 1961. 50 p. (MIRA 14:8) (White Russia-Loconotives) (Nylon) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATIO~J SOV/5')6Q OsIpov, Konstan~in Dm1trIyevich, and Vsevolod Vladimirovich ra3jiii('0V_____ Spravnchnlk po radiolzmeritellnym pr1boram. ch. 2: Pribory dlya 1--merenlya chastoty I izmeritelInyye goneratory (Manual on Radio Measurtng Devices t - 2: Frequency;McasurinC Dvvtces and Measuring Generat~rs~ Moscow, Izd-vo Sovetskoye radlo," iq6c. 203 P. No. of copies printed not given. Ed. (Title page): G. A. Remez; Eds.: N. A. Kochetkova and Yu. I. Sukhanov; Tech. Ed.: B. V, Smurov. PURPOSE : This manual is Intended for technical personnal engaged In the development, operation, or maintenance of radio engineer- ing and radio measuring equipment. COVERAGE: This part of the manual contains Information on reso- nance and heterodyne frequency meters and measuring oscillators (1-f oscillators, signal generators, and standard signal gener- ators). The description of each instrument COnS13t3 Of tile C a Vd PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4102 oslr)cv, Kon!3"antin Dmitrovich, and V.V. Pasynkov ,pra,rochnik po radloizmeritellnym priboram, eh 3- Pribory dlya izmereniya formy kclebanly (Handbook on Radio Measuring Instruments, Pt 3: lnst!uments for Measuring Shape of Oscillations) Moscow, Jzd-vo radio," 1959. 170 p. Errata slip Inserted. No. of .,oples printed not given. Eri. (Tit--" p,3,ge): G.A. Remez; Ed. (Inside book): V.G. Masharova; T~- ~-. Ed. :B.V. S;n~;rov. PURPOSE: This handbuok 18 Intended for engineers and technicians en- gaged In the development, operation, and repair of radio equipment and _-V11.o measuring instruments. IC07ERAJE, Vie handbook givee detailed information on electronic os- ._.11:cqf~cpes, special osctllographic devices, spectrum and frequency r-asporae analyzers, modulation meters, nonlinear distortion measur- Ing equipment, and measuring amplifiers. The book also gives in- Card :/5 Han (I tcc) k ) r, Rad -1- 0 (Co n t . ) SOV/4102 f-r-matic.n. un general purpose.,serial production radio measurinE In- 9trxr.prt.9, and on Instruments which, though out of production, are sttll widely used. The authors thank G.A. Revez, V.G. Dubenetskly, and V.N. Sretenakly. There are no references. TABLE OF "ONTENTS: in' ro ei,~ t I o r. Ch. 1. Electronic Oacillographs (oscilloscopes) 8 Electronic audio-frequency oacillograph 1-304 8 Electron-beam oscillograph ENO-I 12 Electronic oscillograph EO-4 17 Electronic oscililograph EO-7 21 Electronic o8cillograph EO-6M 24 Electronic oscillograph 25-1 27 Electronic oscillograph 10-4 29 Electronic oscillograph EO-53 34 Electronic oscillograph SI-1 (pulse synchronoscope) 38 Electronic miniature oscillograph EMO-2 44 Card 2/5 Ha,11took on Radio (Cont.) SOV/4102 D)LIbIC-t"~-aM electronic oacillograph OK-17M 47 High-voltage osoillograph OK-15M 50 K!gh--vGlttge oscIllograph OK-19M 53 Doutile-beam pulse electronlo oacillograph OK-21 5- Dw-_,it,.e--team pulse os.,Illograph OK-25 6~ Ch. 1I. Special Oacillographic Devices, Spectrum and Frequency Reaponse Analyzers 64 zero indicator INO-3 67 Osa_'_7_'-)graph1c zero Indicator INO-3M 70 05,iillographic timer IV-13M 72 Oscillographic timer IV-22 75 Transient recorder IPKb-1 78 Speot;,um analyzer and frequency response characteristic re- corder ASCWlai-I 82 Frequency response characteristic recorder IChKh-l 87 Swe6p gen!~-:-ator 102-1 go Spectrum analyzer IV-46 94 Spectrwrn analyzer rV-66 102 ca-rd 3/" PwE r Boox upwrrarm WV/4217 Ostpovo Konstantin Dmitriyevich, and V.V. Pasynkov Spravochnik po radioizmeriteltnya priboran, chast' 4: Spetslallnyye izaeritell- nyye pribory i istochniki pitanlya (Handbook on Radio *souring Instruments, Pt. 4: Special Measuring Instruments and Electric Current Supply). Moscow, Izd-vo *Sovetskoye radio,* 1959. 152 P. No. of copies printed not given. Ed. (Title page): G.A. Remez; Ed. (Insie-e book): Yu.1. Sukhanov; Tech. Ed.: B.V. fttrov. PURPOSE: This handbool- is intended for technical personnel engaged in the develop- ment,, operation, and repair of radio engineering equipment and radiometers. COVERAGE: This volume is t1he fourth part of a 4-part work on radio measuring instruments. It covers instruments for measuring field strength and low h-f voltages, special and auxiliary meters for measuring at super high frequencies,, electron tube testers, and electric current eupplies of radio systems. The authors thank G.A. Remez, V.0, Dabenetskly, and V.N. Bretenskiy. No references are given, Cftrd-1~6- OSIPOV, Konstantin DnItriyevich; PASTIMOT. Vsevolod Tledimirovich; REM, G.J.. red.1 AWARG, N.Ta.. red.; 3MOV. B.T., (Handbook on radionessuring devices] Spravochnik po radioismari- tellnym priboram. Koskva. Izd-vo 'Sovetakoe radio.* Pt.l. (Devices for measuring current, voltage, capacity, and parameters of the cir- cuit elemental Pribory diia izmareniia toko, naprieshouiia, moshchnosti i parametrov elementov akhem. Pod red. G.A.Remaza. 1959. 220 p. (MIRA 13:2) (Radio measurements-Equipment and supplies) OSIPOV, K.G. Trananitting pover to t,irbodrills. Neft. khoz. 35 no.l?.,1-10 D (Oil well drilling) (111RA 11:2) Designing, manufacturing, and operating hrdrodymmic transmissions for drives used in oil field equipment. [Izd.] IDNITOMASH 52:126-13~ '59. ( MIU, 12: 12 ) (Oil hydraulic machinery) 11(0) SOV/93-58-10-4,/lg AUrMR: Osipov, K. G. and 3--pnin, V. B. 7ME: Industrial Testing of a Drilling Rig Drive Equipped With Turbine Transmissions (Promyshlermoye ispytanlye burovogo privoda s ti-rboperedachani FERIODICAL: Neftyanoye khoz3faystvo, 1958, Nr 10, pp 14-22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The No. 4 Dril1ing Department of the Tuymazaburneft' Trust in co- operation with the Giproneftemash Institute tested a five-diesel drilling rig drive equipped with turbine transmissions. The 5D-Tp drive with the Tp2-300 transmissions were assembled from standard parte of the Uralmach 5D drive. The experimenttl unit consisting of V2-300A diesel engines, PM-500, FM-700, and PM-1070 pneumatic clutches, U2-4-5 winches, and U8-3 Pumps Is shown in (Fig. 1). Mw data on one of the drives tested on a Giproneftemash bench are shown in (Fig. 2). 71,*-, resu-Its of the industrial experiments in an injection wel.1 drilled with T12W-10" and T12M3-10" turbodril.le are shown tn(Figs. 3-10). The data on the pumps am given In Tables 1-2. The test units were equipped with turbine transformers since drives with turbine clutches had been testo-ed by the Giproneftemash Institute for the Grozneft' and Tatneft' Associations. 7he tests of the 5D-Tp drive and the Tp-2-300 transmissions were not exhav-stive Card 1/2 Industrial Testing of a Drilling Rig (Cont. ) SOV/93-U~8-10-11/IQ nevertheless they confirmed the the M-coretical asaumptions on this Bubject presented in "Neftyanoye khozyayetvo", 1948, Nr 6. 1954, Nr 10, and 19~)7, Nr 12. The tests have shown that turbine transformers in dril.ling rig drives increase the miechanical rate of rig hoisting, the hydraulic power delivery to thf purTr,,-,, and the drive efficiency in case of engine brvakdown, and assure a completA~ and even diesel power output without engine control or o.,Mchronizatlon. Merv are 10 figures and 2 tablva. Card 2/2 OSIPMp E.G., kend.tekhn.nauk Mid torque converter with reveralhIe impeller vanes. ':'rudy Giprcueftemasha.Refteprom.delo no.1:13-17 161. MiA 15:8) (Oil well pumps) ILISKIY, Aleksandr Lonjrovich, kund. takhn.nauk. Prinimall uchastiye: DOp-jelop kande tekbn. nauk; OSIPOV, E.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; MKOLICEP A.S., inzh.; SPULINIKOV, L%V., kand. tekhn. ntruk; SKIDVSKIYI G.O., inzh., rotsenzent; PMROVA, Ye.A., veduchDMY red.; Y'01LS]2,'A, A.S., tekhn. red. (Calculation rind denign of irlIlIng cqul)vent nnd tooln)Raschot i honstruirovanie burovogo oborudovaniia i instriumnta. Mon)'-V: Gostoptekhizdat, 1962. 636 p. O-WLA 15:12~ (Doring machinery) OSIFOV. K.G., ~znd.takhn.nauk Unit for measuring torques. Vsst.miLeh. 440 no . 4: -- 0-) 1 Ap 160. (MIRA 1);6) ( Torquo-Moa our evio n t ) 1 IT OSIPOT, X.G. - Methods of Increasing the Allization of drilling rig capacity. Neft.1rhos. 32 no.10:1-5 0 54. (IOM 7: 11 ) (Oil well drilling) ITIPOV. X.G. Vhnt kind of drive 9hould be upod In drIllinr. qpparqtus. Neft.1chos.34 no.6-20-?4 Je 156. (ML&A 9:q) (Oil well drillirg-Rquipment nnd suvplies) or. Selection of turbine transformers based on the degree of 'transparency.' Vest.msh. 37 no.1:25-28 Ja 157. (MLBA 10-2) (Turbounchines) OSIPOV, K. G. : RXPNI 17, V. D. Industrial testing of drill drives with turbotranemissions. Neft.kbnz. 36 no.10:14-?2 0 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Oil well drilling-Equiplannt and supplies) -,V