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OSIPOV p 1.0. Ralleigh-type waves at the interfhce of two medi-i of cubia anisotropy. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser; geofiz. no.91lI70-1190 S 't)4,. OIURA 15:8) 1. Petrozavodskiy goeudaratvenny-i universitet. (3einmic waves) OSIPOV, Reflection ,ind rpfraction of rlastic planp wav-s at b-tween n liuuid arv-1 a soli'd ;nisitrotic todv. Izv. ,Ii S-&t. '.~er. gpofi7. n,-).12:1768-1783 I) '(d. (M.-At 1-4:12) 1. Pet?'07avod5~iy r,osunarstvennyy universitet. (Elastic waves) OSIPOV -1.0. Naturo of chanCen in the propagation volocity of elastle waves In anisotropic modla, Izv, .1; SSSR. Ser. goofiz. no.1-1--10 Jil '0:,:~ (MIRA 113.-2) 11 Petrozavodskly go3uda-ratvenn7 universitet, (Elfistle Wave'll nJ :r)trol).' c med'a. i.:v. + rc, zij -,r-,i 7,1..--.,, T S t I W, OSIPOV, 1.0. _ Reflection and refr;.ction of elastic plane waves at the boundary between two anisotropic media. Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.geo;iz. no.5i 649-665 ?t~ 161. (MM 14:4) 1. Petrozavodekiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Elastic waves) a O.'s 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 'A AL p a Ole& Aft A.&. -A-A A, AJP I a 0 A nAW abd *W.*w tor cabsom otiffabortw owburk Uhl 4~~ owd CUM AL ft.) ISM, N- ii E~ fl; Abow Rol". UAW. (W Opp Is 4m# lb"I The ocki. thr Migh" Nvin truril .810rativ, %N""3xrwql sit, Strom or.1 (N11.1.144 lir "qvni wv pow%l W., IN dj4, Al-lq,.% 3 4 ill opi, t1w 'hilefidin"I to tht atuillatkict Ivilavy .01 a 11.0 of 1~11 1M.I.V& is am-fit" .4 I= 1 guw.. ,iwls. N 02 If the matterster. IoNvIc that The j.iktkw vf~kily tlirtwctv the N xk",,f mite-ve. so. 0."1 Ow"W"t in dw tml4twq .4" 4 the wu 10,19 , re" bir u- g,irvi that ttm p-ritni-ttiml twedy-m p1g,dy file" N 1W1,141111thi-I vrfk 11rull I L 6 Wifilklit (110bliKAMN 7 -~T dOA w * tv x -so "0e 1o41 .60 400 me* 10111141 Use 04411V .8,641 Ow 41, Joe ci-i 9- I__w -0- 9-0-411-2 11-T 9 rw A UO 000000000 see ACC NR' AP6035598 SOURCE CODE: UR/0387/66/000/010/0062/0068 AUTHO11i Ouipov, 1. 0. ORGi Petrozavodak State Univeraity imeni 0. V. Kuaoinon (Petrozavodakiy gosudaretvennyy univeraitet) TITLE: Love waves in the layer separating two anisotropic media of monoclinic symmetry SOURCE: AAN SSSR. Izvestiya. Fizika Zemli, no. lo, 1966, 62-6a TO?IC TAGS: seismic wave, aninotropic medium, phaae velocity, propagation velocity j ABSTRACTz The present work is an extcnaion of previoun studies by 1. 0. Ocipov (Volny Lyava v anizotropnom aloye monoklinnoy nimmotrii. Izv. MN SSSH, Ser. (;eofiz., No- 5v 1963). The author investigates the dispersion of Love waves in a monoclinic layer separating two aniaotropic media of monoclinic symmetry but with different elastic constants. Dispersion curves are plotted for phase and group velocitiea%for 0, 1, and 2 nodal planoe. The three monoclinic media employed are aegorinot potassium, tartrate, and tartaric acid. 11"ho Love waves under the stipulated conditions must satisfy the conditionst Cord WSJ' X13 < C < %is - -. q XIS 211~ UDC' 534.222: ACC NRs where each X represents the ratio of tne corresponding elastic constant Uc to the density of thb medium. The dispersion is represented by Zn YD2 (20 (1) C66 (CG6 Yni + C" nn + arctg 4. C,:" 3, yD, where n defines the number of nodal planes. It is f(hmd that when the ratio~,~/H chanCeB at che site (O,q) the phase velocity of the Love wave at any value of n changes within the intervals indicated above. The velocity increases with increaec! ,A/H. when the value of A/H tends toward zero or toward q9 the gro velocities tenddl toward the phase velocities as defined above. At other values of ;k7a, the group velocity exceedo phase velocity. From a consideration of the oonditiono for mono- clinio media and other media, it followa W.t the phase velocity of Love waves for a monoolinic layer at the contact between anisotropic media of the same Bymmetry--in contrast to the case when the media hays orthorhombic symmetry or are iaotropic--has *lower and higher lunmdariee that are less than the velocities of SN waves along the x axis for a layer and a half space y > H under the conditions of us# mass < mot -will Card ACC NR, AP60355A 11%. was found that the diaporoion curves for tho monoclinic and orthorhombic media have the same form an for isotropic media. Orig. cLrt. has, 4 figureno 1 table, and 36 formulas. SUB CODFo 06/ SUBM DATEj 270ot64/ ORIG RU-i 005/ OTH RUI 004 Cord OSTMV, T. P. 091pov, T.P. -- *Mcrpholory of the Vepetativ3 Nervous System of LarFe-Porned Cattle. Dr Blol Sci, Moscow Technological Inst of the 114pat and Dairy Indurtry, 2j Jan 54. (Vechernyaye Moskva, 13 Jan W SO: SIN 168, 22 July 1954 Cc,in* ry r i J L 1,-, 1 r L 17 lo , V , c . ~, - ; " , . - , (I., :-, C, ) -!, I- ;~ , I - T. - r. - : , I . . . I I : : - , , - , .- ! , . . I I, . - I ;.: . I , . 1, . . .- . T . . , . - I 21 j v I ' c J- 'e re r "ri-P a:,: tv I "Y -:real "'ac, "'C I ..e C, C n , c I te vie rc e 11 t 11 f, c n 0- o , . t 0 + - rcent Ri w0irl,t e re e 41, t 0 . d 1 r or, roll U ~" 13 C) j 0 it r ~lcl r 'j e : De t ermnin at ion c f Sl ec if ic a-;,,: t a v i ty i the .'a' f -Li f e U, f 1C + (' . , mm wa 0 '';1'! e )i (- ~ . :1 1 ''!' I" 1, 1 . 11 '' t i !I-, I f~-iiriition.- vi-,re mewi,zre(i i tw(, -iii :e ior i-rition -i t'.' tA 's7-,ii Il --3c) I i J an, -1 e r'. At 1P I i'_, i yre n'. 9 it follovyp t~;-rjt the P, ecil ic act i v,, ty of I 1, 11 .9 or." P .0 enO.')c.O + 10(~ u-ducays. To L h i n .9 T e c if i I t , e I- (I - 1) r r!1 1, (- nA ~l n 1, a : f -- I .f e of( 1 t~ 2 4 c)n 10 I e !I', t 1 8 1 T1 , 0 1~ 1 1. (' I'(' e,- 0 11 1W I t t A :':erf- rirp - ref-re,ices. c r 2 r 1 2, 2 SHCHERMOV, V.N.,- NAGOVITSYIIA, L.N.; OSIPOV, - X.S. X-ray investigation of structural chUgev and mutual arrangement of individual grains in specimens of low-alloy iron in the process of deformation by pure terwion. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 9 no* 4:510-514 AP 060. (14In 14: 5) 1. Gorlkovskiy issledovatel'skiy fiziko-tekhnichoskly institut. (Iron alloys--Metallography) (Deformations (Mechanics)) PETROV, V.A.; 0SIPOV, I.S.; FIVANOVA, P.S.; NOVIKOVA, R.E. Distribution of doses in the surface layers of the t" along the beam axis of the GUT-Co-400-1 gamia apparattis. Ned. rad. 8 no.7:78-81 JI 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. 1z TSentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatelliskogo instituts, meditsinskoy radiologil (dir. Ye.l. Voroblyev) Ministerstva adravookhraneniya SSSR. PETROV, V.A.; OSIFOV, I.S.; PIVANOVA, NOVIKOVA, R.E. Relation of *Ihp surface dose dintribution in ga=u. therapy to the state of collimation. Med. rad. 9 no.2:86-89 F 164. (HIRA 17., 9) 1. Mentrallnyy naucluio-issintiovatellakiy institut meditsinskoy radiologii (dAr. Ye.l. Voroblyov) M-Inlaterstva Mravookhraneniya 7 7FDG-11"N' I UZ F, -, A.; C's I . M, , '-I ~ . Internstiona: on ,vjluht.-)n cf *.ne, - - ~l ~ ~ 7~ ~ ' '. f V ~ oubstanons in %he hurrnn body. Med. rad. 9 N ")4. (M-iql~ 'ao ,, WIMP A.Ya. finrlim" C, f :1'0~~"V cf th;~~Icrar Ye-d!,!'nf, (Muntreted, Carinda). K-41. rAd. 10 rio.504n-91 MY ' 6 5 - (m;!iA '9t6) OSIPOV. Ivan Tersot'yevtcli [From two centnere to rocord rrops; practices of a flax crew] Ot dvukh tsentneroy do rokordnykh uro2haev; 12 opyto llouvodnogo svens. [Moskva] Hookovskit rabochil. 1957. 30 p. (MIRA 11:4) (Flax) OSIFOT, lovif Zinoviyovich (Tateria-a treasure] Soirrovishcho Taterii. Kasen', Tatarelcoe knishnoe izd-vo. 1959. 246 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Tatar A.S.S.R.--Petroleum) A --I0,"-TpnV- Twif Zinov,yevich; S01A)VITIV. B.I.. redaktor-, KAMAKANOVA. I.N., teES-ETT-2911196swiskbor LLong journeys; notes on the Maritime Territory] Dallnie dorogi: iz primorzkot totradt. Moskva. Sovetskil pientel'. 1957. 156 p. (KLRA 10:7) (Karitims Torritory-Description and travel) KRASVDV, A.I.; OSIWV, I.Z., rodaktor; TERSHOV. P.R., rodaktor; TROFIROV, A.V., tegftnM 9MY-redaktor. [Drop of gasolinej Kaplia benzina. Moskva, Gos.nauchnc-tekhnicheskoe Izd-vo neftianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-r7, 1955. 47 P. (MLRA 8:4) (Gasoline) o.-J. , V, Losir ~,-'n(ylyevjch -IyovichsBOWKINA. V., redaktor; MCIROZOVA, G.. teVhnicheskiy redaktor [From a tourist's notebook] 12 putevogo bloknota turists. (Moskva) 12d-vo TsK VLXSM "Holodais gverdiia,' 1957. 83 P. (MLRA 10ig) (Burope-Descrintion and travel) -PLLLQI,.Iosif Zinov'yevich; ROTAPIKINA. V., redaktor; TERTUSHIIN, M.. tekhnicheskiy redektor [Sak.halin notesj Saichalinskie zapisi. LNoskvaj Izd-vo ToK VUSH ONolodeis gvardiia.0 1956. 285 p. (MLRA 9:10) (Sak-halin--Description and travel) OSIPOVO I. Z. "In Zhirul; on the oil 3hore5 of the Volpa," ?-',OSCOW, 19148 xxx PALMOS I.. kpnd.f-owrnf.nnuk: RIVI.M. A., Omrwillot-, OSIPOV. K., zhurnallet; OVSCIIKINA, L.S.. red. ---l- (Blagpovephchon;k is 100 years old] Blao,oveshchensIni 100 let. Blagoveshchensk. Amurakoe knizhnoo izd-vo, IQ58. 5-3 P. (Blat,,ove,.ihchanak--Description) (MIIIA 12:2) KEDVEDEV, N., RARTSINYUK, V., OSIPOV, K. Operative electrified model of a "regulating relae atand. Avt.tranatl. 39 no.2:44-45 F 16, , (MIRA 14;3) (Vioual aids) (Highway tranaportation workers-Education and training) NIXITIN, I., SLAVUTSKIT, S.; 1119LENIKIT, V.; LAVRIMIYEV. V., konRtr-jiktor: Os 1POV, insh. Alorki, the rnad of tochnical prngrons. Hast,ugl. no.4:16-17 159. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Nachal'nik tokhnicheakogo otdAla Ralakhovskogo ekeperimental'- nogo tavadn (for Hikitin). 2. Glavrqy inzh. kontory Proyektgid- romakhaniontsiya (for Slavutskiy). 3. GlnvW konstruk-tor kontory "Prnyektgidro,nni-hanizAtsiya" (for Bolen'kiy). 4. Stalinognrskiy filial CriproiWhlenssha (for Lavrentyov). S. Proyoktnn]rn Irontnra trnsta (for ORipov). (Coal mininr machinery) I . -r -C"-, ", ., i-,_t -D'rir j,v~ - t !*-,, -~ib' i. .- ! '_ y th, i I r : ~ ~ . I -nroo , 102-1 . T'r, lar-o- r.%! , i , 0 -it' I si- W- - 4, Fm 0 - , 04 1i ts W It is IP 1 1 Is A, J1 Lt 11 m a 10 A) a J. 46 m A 0 it Id 41 r 0 A it 9 A I v v v .11-L 1 &.41 of Q 0 "#A 4 10 4 00 11150-110PW Skuk A Gulymev arul K. 00 ($W. IM No. 12, p. 47-% (In '1)W &Uth$W* 4101- W i 1 l ~ 90 that hlgh.pjvvli x so P111#1 tontAin 01 oments to O stm 1)YIn8 e -00 (am rarbidevit whirb dixmix-isto with sliffivishy. Ths~ high-opwA so alarl 0111101itUt" Used in Rupoia 0.9_ 011M, #3116, RIM, A'1173 .00 iiabl X1184). in which chromium is the chief allo vinil efflistitimni, -00 . 040 to the chusm td thr fill4ming voinjumitioms 00 % 00 2 t 10 .1 ) .1 i 00 % Mi 3 33 3 -.14 1 .3 4.4 4 4 4 A 411 In thtse at" thn tarlmm ivrittmt is Ititit"I on the vaimhum 00 oontent. 7U above alloys wv" pn"n~j lit an if. F fjjrtj%(,v, rapt ' lictrgmi Into hillelm, mrin.-4,41 At NO C An,l v(xilml lit the rtirnaw (Nkrvm from dala Oplai -041 with a Ifilatompter ahniscA that I bel A, Im)Im* of thr strris wrrv- 1*4%trw~n N20' anAl W C. S.rilrvt.n f", 410 0 th" auvis abowiml thsit thuy all Ititomrsmi minimum aijslenit~ 7 0 hi b li 40 PdA i n The rwijm 720-7 ty wit 0 C, MAximum m6ling ratem un annabhrAx and (Tiliral coolifil" rattim for fjumrbjrsx wom ~J.%n obtalmd from the 6-curym. Irivilatiptiim of tbo optimum quenching tem. IF IWT&tuno shoord that tho permissihIp ranim was WW, lit all the 06:1 too 0 b ~i :Joe . 11, VO 0 'It T to 71 W 61 41 0 Obirm" WARN "Wil It" 3 9 Is 1 1 *Joe 000 CO 0 a * 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 6 : to V: 0 0 0 0 0000 000 000000.0 - LOP 0 000 *1@ to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0000 of* 00000 OA its A A I is a a 0, u it u 0 a 1, a 0 a P P I If I t 6 V 't A I I AA N (A 0 It A A AF so 11110 00 00 c 00 Pipe III&% op".3 tool steel I, o"J." A 1. llkh-bf IWO, %., _,j ~I. 00 J i : lwj j. l 00 a w4 I I C I I o zoo 00 W 2 S :1 0 3 4 J, and 1,21) C 1 2- 1 4, 3 10 AM 4!~r II 0 0 00 1 I, -1~ :4 JJ411, ; 0-1d I'A'. It,, I.M...'115 11 . ...... 1 ' t;#0 00 1% .*07 MI" anwafit's. U. .0 0 Sf"I J'j "," 11"I"ll 00 first .1malments, we dewrilrd 14 1 Kamm h 00 too off q, -00 . 0 '40 00 a 14. a "Ist(vocotat LirroaftAki CLASINPICATIC* . I U4 0 SIOR at lk 91 AV wo- is 'b AA 1 4 6 ?w 0 4 A 000000000000000000000 01 *;~;00*0000000000001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L h 00 A, 00 co -00 00 00 00 1 V. f- .4 AA 00, POO 00 'kimmA pwv'~l tit Isir %1"' Mts, Co and .'1 .11'.) rits-smi" -00 quzwflft-~ at .hkh ICl 'Wbui~ fi-'k. alml 1A 00 ,6frofly ifti-f.d. Its, .14141ul m 21 *0 thr 1811.-1 C,.(.' -k- "A Ill Atil-Itull'. call 3 &0 0 .1,11 "IstVIh$. .-Oft"I 4 un-(Ahk Cr J., in th, In s .4 a. i*),h U.M-A- ...t 4. -00 pot '.00 As. 61 9 IN *j0 A& n At is . I4 40 a 0 0 0 00 0 0 We 0009 0so** 0 0 0Oil 0 G;* 0 * 0 9 000000 (,.", ,;,i , I .-~ -- i . t".) - .,!, . - i - . . ... I F I , I" I . :.. .1 . . . .- I i 3!, -11. i - :,:, 9 0 0 0 0 t A A 4, Q Is U 1. 1 ,it y -00 Stfuclult Asd PIOVertirs of high speed strels contAtilms Ar i k '% I) If- l VA 1 ', 1. 1 4. 1 1. 1, 111 1 1., JIhA,t (I.Illpn . af,:l If* 'putfun 4 11 111611 J."I Nij "W 11M The 40Q.. "I III, It, I- . " I l "" . .11111.11Y ~j I 1 -11.1 .611 Ih. Al". (I O h 't iiatilla N UN N 14111M., .10 1 J 1 - - -- III Oil -I- Mjt7. bill the rIL-1111 Of AJIOytltjl CJI 40 1. "ilt lilto ilk cathl-tv ii,, lAtly. All m- I, I - : i 00 ., 4~ J C coAaftnts W it) sit Incrt7w III mi-i I ..... -00 llar,h 111118 lbir .1tti lbiwever. the residual 'A' 11"t o4bk 1,1.1 JI-1111.1 C.1,I)v all, r I . 1, lorn"I &I I~Nlk- 31.0 Awl. 0 oil i 11 1: . -1. Ain ,1 it st It 41 n it 0 BW it I 'as 3 4 0 0000 00 0 0 0 0 te 0 as 00*0000 O-A~ OWWWWW'- lot si'LlImp.. ... I I- . . . it a r k i i is i Lit J m. 00 K. A. (,Wpwv IW wad ui I 0 A '1451f tes Afth. 1043, W-Min mu%oato (in I-th I h'. '00 mmItir wA tbw dwhir 54vive. tran%jimon li,ma on, bralwh -0 :" aw*bm indleweg a change (4 the nalvirv td thr two haw mitiatinli the fransintmotHma (of majotmir miml rr dependetwe .Itb~ %,,tmtfv 4 fran-ftirnislift. tier", an N~-Jfvr cannot he rs. im-w,l by mw simille equal" lit Icrio. 4 ibc ib,,vv ,I almiluit reaction rates, apiwarantv tif a new traviJ.-vatte- 0 nuckru" crrm;mwpl. t. a sharp changr , hamil. 4 men A the beat And I,arlwmIAkrly 4 th~ ..f -t,- 10% 00 100 ~60--Jp jeo to it 'so. Al 0..-,., J'. 1, U 5 AV IV am-1 i--~ 'bi a-. o- 5 a )-a a et Is As a ASIA! -1111111 unwit I&& INS is 4 0;0~ "Was l#,'401 Oftwouls 640 "IMPAPeras woos The bardflo" curve of Gickeltowr alkys 1, Il 13.,V ( SJ, %I I f'. It .4 "t 1111111tr, wd All-,v- -J 4, ' I " f- 114 411111 11-1 -it " 9 t;l h1, lbe Ifmd-- "..I% J,f,j" 11164 111, hy, It-, ff,m~ j fid) I fit fl,r 1-0 .,.,Cgv -w 1'. 111, \IA I.... ... titt. f.0,11,1k milm tt~-O,I 04n fi, Lws- dw,witon,, -tmli --mid a ..f !0- ..1 -4 'u At ilatm ', I, u. k,t df-s, it IV- ..I us 0 l Lf sum il"Osit" 90. 04.... saft"O -0 $*$Ono .40 0.0 004 --V I 011,1011069 v filisil GNP On is, 0 a 0 0 ffi q p ii I; i i i a a a IN a 0 0 it a a f) 0 0 ---------------- II 0 0 0 0 0 0 I's 0 0 elp 1 of is sof of of to , : -- - of of as. is 1 4 6 0.. -to t 60 4 o 1~1 .1f.4 0, a ';4 'so -40 foe 4 #10 C go el . I-0. lbrdnrm Comorve of Nkikel-4, Pro, 7 s- to, K It. Ompo,' Rerx),t. . A003 ' ar Aled IV of Sciences USSR I s3 A ~j -In Ruwan , SOP(M21, IPW t $21- l d t N ll C I- al tirm O oo, m"M ar u m WMA r cc l 60 und t r t b t ' si O o o u A Du is utniq 62 a t '; s Cis A Own, is lire. -rifted which explaim llie re thr, hordni'a" nirte avid the h.catim, ,If to ma ,,,M,, st."Imurn pwill it, i,rm- i vA% N K too s . * bee lip I I ILI U 6 AV IQ 0 0 or or 110411 wfil1lV 1111111 fix PW it I a fm If 9 1 for-it 9 a a 3 9 9 4v0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4, 0 0 0 0 0 00 4 6.4 No 6 1; -S s 1( Ss. la%&w m i.-Colinj KAY d.l. of ()Orn and RiAwrie ICA P, 319MI ~ and flanorn ( fofbda J" IWI (C 1 33, :Avzw)i fix udy of trarfAls in Ats tt iq 4"outi Out thr thftwetkvi ru"ir of uslv I ~ Imst % Alrilly of The '11-AwnI rtwt&l dors not 1.4h)" lilt '%p(l VAIIITI t .11 . plot of milv #I kX11RAlkIll 1w)IcnisAls of thr mHAIS SIVPS an tACtl)Cnl fit of lhrWr$Jt`Al ... I clit'll dAIA (" Nt K,-,Ut..R UWR Ios Or"tILUIzation M%6ftotIC FIS1dA3 "017otallizat Iona of the Chemical Umpound Alfl 11rCA 7uslon in a Cocatant Magnetic Field," K. A. 06, pov, A. V. Miz $m1n, Ihot General and Inorg Chem Imant N. Mumakov, Acad Sol WW, 2 pp "Dok Akad M= SSM, Nor& Ser" Val LIZ, No 2 Autbors comfteted. aawa 4xperiumts cc crystallizaAloA of choolool compounds of metals from fuslm In can- stwt magnetic held. All prIor study on cx7st&3.U- "aim of motall1o allo7s In altsmating mometio flo2d. Describes acparimmt with nickel-aluninua &I- 437103 OW/ftyalas (Ccutd) ll Jan 1948 1Ws ccotaluing 20% uIckel. Uperiusats show that In amstant -gastle field, oriented or7stallIzatIon or chmical ompaunds of metals take place. Subvittol 1w AcadmIcIan G. 0. Urazm, 28 Sep 1947. Ca 0 I I IR 0 P I It 11 au I . ~ t ': 4 L I[ I I tj 1. f L "I (1 11 4 L a p 'r I. -k I L INA it lk W 11 1 1 N 60, W!, WHIM r - snalv-i~ 0 In,"I (mi the Mc) curves (" cd OKIrcins ha no the cnetgy r) for a- *00 and W-trxin~ The hiShri li,it strength III the -t-lmwe I, CX11141""I bY 116 10*17F (IVn%lIV (A t-Wif(In %tAtel 01 the till, -it tbv imvujv~l Irvek I'vider III.L%IIC d0cWT714114011 the :ftrFly And disiributil", 4 the ihor-i% in the litlim~ nust ~h.mjr The pt.Ax;il)jljly N rethitritmilKin o loviry 0 the fr." !br twimits"I wi.t- I,, the Ic,miy I III, curr"r mdloaeresl 7 . h. , no the 6, lice And an N(F) uFvr tilmilar'.. tb~ ol -P -ir,"i have little ef?mt on the hot strength ,f ;40 0 ;VC)" hen WI-Y fmn a -I)d "n with it Thi, I. 00 lialned by the m,ignpIw&,.t chAtige III the Ni I urge vi this rau L-inimnrilts h4vino an -IattKv and an A- 00 curve ,,fr,retIt Imm th.- .4 1 nicreA- the h.t 0 w) There I, %hirp vinnimOnmov vI oI r , ,, ,: 'j," 1, 1 - llh- the .-I III- -I-u : = t",n f-, fl~, metAllic Imynd ; 9 1010~11- .,I 1-1-n "m- 'W"-fing O'rph, 4 1 fvwn M. '11.1f.1"Itlem ... I Ir-, ,III ".. I. I.e he I-I Coo 0-ngth 4 ) IFIM Often 3 -1111 11,11, I, 111- .4 thl, j.h,n-j-- 1. -0,11 In tie 0 j do, 5 S U - - c ats, I CL.SSWKAVK. is I r 11 ID 0 a tj 1 11 lid G 0 - I Is 1. 1 611 1 3 va 4 103 tV I# M at g a a, g It e 0 0o0 00 00 00 000 0 q 00 j 000 0 : : : 00 000 00 00 0 *06 0 0 oo(/ . 0 Jul 48 Alloys, FAgb-TmVerature Melting Points "The Relation Between the Malting Point and the lut Resistance of Metal Alloys," K. A. Osipov, Inst Gen and Inorg Chem iment N. S. X=Aakov, Aced Sol UM, 31 PP "Dok Ak Ifauk SSW" Vol LZI, No I D"cribes, experiments on beat resistance of various anoye--tron-ohromium, Iron-nickel, cobalt-nickel, amd mwVanese -nickel. Discusses relation between h9st resistance and melting point. Bubmitted 7 Apr 48 8/49193 Usim/metals oct 48 Alloya, High Temperature BUtectiCe "Beat Resistance Factors of Heterogeneous Metallic Alloys," YL. A. Osipov, Inst of Cryst, Acad Scl UMR, 3 PP "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol IXn, No 4 Dincusses factors which prcmote viscous flow in transition regions and, consequently, increase plasticity of alloys. Conclud"s that, at high tomperatures, heterogenization of alloys in arat=s with a eutectic must lower their heat resistance, while, in systms with a peritectio, -m - 33149TSO USSR/Metals (Contd) oct 48 heterogeneous alloys must have greater heat resistance than do phases with a lower melt- ing point, and snaller heat resistance than do phases vitb a higher melting point. Submitted by Acad G. G. Urazov, 17 Jul 48. 33A9TBO 2711" AnLl it ichop~myp I t ro.,, 1,.1, .,1 vr,lyrt r,, r USSR/Physica Plasticity Sep 49 Metals Alloya "Mechuni6m of the Piusticity )f Humogeneaus Metallic Aj.Luyr. at H.Igb Temperatures," K A. Obipov InBt .;f Cryst, Acaa Sc! USSR, pp "1Z Ak Nauk SSSR, Utdel Te&n Naux" Nc, EXperimented study ~:,f binary and quaternary Metallic confirmed that one of the basic factors in suUject mechanism is Intensific&tion of heterogeneous distribution ~;f components-a process involving different degrees of stratifi- Cation of the components until a uev phase in 15 Cfr 82 am/physics - plasl~city Sep 49 Metals - Alioys tContd) created. Concluded that solid soluti,.~,ns most resistant to plastic flow 3hcuid ut those for WhIch z&ximum s~iubillty is CIniy 5i;ghtly changed with t-----rRture increase. Submitted 21 Dec 48. 150T82 - - . a a a 9 w tr1-?N,1;T-~1, W f Ohl Pam#*' i A 1, - ~ 210, 21t. 2 FA I)o 9" 1949.bP- (),( - ca r of V, of t ci Its N do l Ilsovol n saw,. X R 110 a" V 0441fol ha 1Aplallie zee t I t a The Is on I 11CA st"" tu Of 16, I the ip , coo- JUVIO ;i,;Pe-tu- -tr N Ju Y I the see 00. f T&Ynpe" A th 0 C-1 l- sttnv t." in th i2 udies . t ., A Y and Us 110 6 elpe en I and elLpe I ror k - goe Z- I ooret nal t "too of (01i Res t2 p,,Oibk p the t C* 0, o h 1. Ica at f Of 1l 9 of u C 0 a** 7 ob, 0 a y ro vious, Pape tic 0 Lo 0 "Do woo 041 ;~- 14 Do** 010 0 1 0 :0 UM/Metals - Alloys" Metallic sop 49 Melsim ftlAt "An Analytical loression for the Rotation ft an the Xelti% Point and the Realt-Resistwas of aktalUc Alloysj, n X. A. Osl;ovp 2 py 'Mak Ak Xauk "MA' Vol 1=11, So I Uses a formula obtained by Xott, for sUp valveltr on boundarlse of graim of monostainic metals and a formula obt&imd by Kelley for ratLa of beal of ftsion to Doltumm's constant to find a formula vhich saw nes-ralaticm betwmm sUp Telocity on boundaries of Srslss of solid solu. CV -.4 t4oa and liquid OW 80"d %VMW.', 0*9 *nUcIft P4 2/M" UM/Ikt&2a7 - Alloys,, Metallic Sep' Point (Coutd) St.' be-lovvy tko Am I w ft adUdUsperstwe .#pd Vw vider t4o &Uo7l * ar7stallization iuterm2, DIAR TVIOCI-ty also depeads up= such Talues as frequency of atoaLc oxcillatiow., parameters 2f lattless dUmuLona of atoms, and maLber of &Wm WbIch t"a part IA slIpping process. ftbgtted by Ac*d 1. T. OudUov 6 ju 49. It OSMV, K. A. USSR/Metals - Alloys, Structure Jun 51 "Investigation of Plastic and Othcr Properties of Alloys in Iron-Nickel-Tantalum System," K. A. Osipov "Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdel Tekh Nauk" No 6, pp 848-851 Studies microstructure, elec cond, hardness and deflection of alloys using specimens 2.6 mm In diaim and 85 mm long. Outlines expansion of lambda- solid soln in Fe-NI-T& system at definite temp. Resistance to plastic deformation of ternary gama- solid soln in Fe-Ni-Ta system increases with ap- proach of alloys to boundary of max soly. Sub- mitted by Acad W. T. Oudtoov. 20"77 am 111DIGUOIL A. X, ID,15r IV usiii..)! 0. "a ),. tZW the binary alloys of I th 5 at..% of W, Mo. Nb. Ti, and Tn. as pi-Ile phase soN solln. Using tlectrolytin Ni and the orimmrrrially ' I re me", 100-g. Ingots wo, Pam) from Alloys nielt I t T in , ooruudurn crucibles in a H F furnam. Coarse gra a l d b l utie were proi ow ooolin durin the t,.r_yvtn. iind by y s d IM' C "-025 l Ii t 9W i A Ob an annea - an s rnyr.. . a n8 a thI& hi k ft dl h d I irl (near to t e t c ness o n na no) were limpaml t from the undefortned blinp d Mier oRraphit obtained ' ith F di f 24 kN ti li A f 00 h Journal of the Institute of Metals w e ra a m o . nnea or r. at 050 mg ' S.O. Vol. 21 Part 7 -1- 50 hr~ at 1100 C. did not homogenize the dendritic gratnt; l C in cut Ni-W alloy. The dpndrite axe; Ppeqrod lighter In a Mar. 1954 the rwhogniphs, being enriched in 11'. grain hnundnripA ~, Properties of Alloym ppear as broken tints, X-rays being weakly Rhpiotb~l I)v &2 P 15O /Oofthewhoisgrainourface. ThIsweskabonrplitinfail be attributed to the p ownce of easily melting Ittipitriti-. firinkAgs porosity, or solid soln. low In W. In Ni-Sto alkv 0' C : W f 90 h 9 fl k ) nne& or r. at ~s ant ne,,Illea enrich-i I,, 3 a .. Mo were observed. Microxcopic inveotigation Phowed that the reedies represent an inarlIendrnt phww, "nih1v a compound of Mn and N or one of Mo and N1. linwover, the flaki-A were not observed tinder the mit-MArOpe. The part. of the grains near the boundarita were also enriched in Slo. A Ni Nb 1l h d d t - n-cut a i a a core endritic structure, but oy ' b ecame homogenized aRer 60 hr. at 1100 C., although the cdgea of the gruint -rm still enriched in Nh and the grain boundaries abqvrbed X-rays weakly. The NI-Ti alln v u,ted contamml only 1-8 Ti. find --&a prepared from Ni- O 4 wt.. /, Ti manter alloy ~ annealing for rin lit. at I IWIC. A f remov arem o a weakly abionthing pha*r. but not the id h l i l d cor ins e t i w) e gr&W of sa ng n. The heterogeneity of NN i the -Tp. mile)- was i9l redured on annealing. Nlicro. , ficopir investigation d*j% :varlnum Riloys Indicated hettro. ' nn, livit w)f "Thermodynamic Criterion of the Resistivity to Plastic Deformation of Completely Saturated Solid IWI'Aions of Metal-s," K. A. Osipov, B. P. StoyW=n Discusses meeban' sm of plasticity and introduces concept of thermodynamic criterion, ar-lysis of which shmm that, solid solus near satn limit my possess high resistivity to plastic deformation When 2d phase, coexistent with the solid solms a cording to phase diagram or sepd. from them in process, considerably differs from th by its c1mm c qj , cryst str=ture vol. Submitted by Acad G. G. Urazov Restr I , r~ I I r-r 11, 13 1 1 K. A. , ~nj;. 2. USS)p ~()O L. lllinin~., Machinos 7. Wori( t,)Tpri(,nce cf Yl:. an ifficir,)t oianirw, ripOinr rperAtvy-, Vest. rmas~,, 32, Nl.-. 1?, 11412: 9. MontYly lirt r)f llu~3.slpn Arct!sqionzi, Library of Congm.9s, A~rll 1~'J, '.;rcl. Tbvrrnodysomk anstyals of the foo6taAct of 11ro-pb4st '"etal odilays to p6Ok 4milmmalitam, K A 4 K~I-v aml 11 11 ~4- " It It I,, P41.adv ANW Vajot ~' .1; ~ R 83, 4.19 4j I t$%', It, b1fre-I Ilfwphsw alliols, t1w firre riwfg% I, m.mll thr'.41ch detiNwalm .I Ow ph&-. fh~f .I, the lij"-l .141, O".0ke.,ibm 44 Ow It,, offiallm 4 on " And a I ph"W. In .11-.1 0"1" ." . I'm, 1%- 4 Ow .I -"p., Ih, ".1t, .4 111, g"'I" .1". "1 llw I.I.- t" " A ? ... I ph,4. -... Iml v, i hm,l,mrig .41- 1 -.4, lwd, dl~joorf-l ..".1 it, 'fv.lal wor '%.W. 11'.4 '1-1 . '49 offierallow. diffu4'" fu ftw torms"dAt".. .I it., it. ph.- mir-- 'j th. -, is, it,. t-wanve it. tt6.IW OC110-M-1. 1h.... USSR J Inval3lifallan of the d! a..w gjrLnjjlb' of tb slormary gyp ali gad V In. A AV. Oul)-ov, x.n.; Irs1XII'Ov. S.G.; LOZINSKIY. N.G. A, now mechanism of plastioity of metallic solid solutions. Doklady A)md. Nauk S.B.S.R. 89, 57-60 '53. lyngl. translation issued b7 Natl. Sol. Foundatiog, Wash., D.C. as NSY-tr-19, 5 pp. (June 153)]. (CA 48 no.1:93 '54) (MLRA 6:2) 1. Inst. KachItie Pract~oe. Aced. Sol. U.S.S.R. Authors s,,=-iarize conclisions of several 3ritish investiFators whose works on "new" mechanism of plasticity in Al and Zn when they are deformed with low rates at elevated terms were published in "Jo,u-nal of the Inst of -etals" for 1949-1952. They discuss exptl data which corroborate possibility of similar mechanism of plaEticity in solid soln of Cu-Sn system., considering 2 ponsible interpretations of the nature of this mechanism and disputing assinription that this mechanism in "new". not actually represent- ing phenomenon of recr-ystallization. Four micrographs accompany articl?. Pre-gented by Acad. N.T.Gudtsov, 12 Dec 52. 25,9T15 - 8 - I I.Aj- two b& at ths t40114 44' VOW, kl9b4.ofm"ttlw* bafb -r4g I tE ka *'fl!o t WM: A OSIPA/ fta P', v IK * N&A Sjj am E. At. j Mlod Studies Amr, F-, 01,411, P. 005.W 'r'd Fe wfth 0'36 ' ' A abd 0.2D to 0 33% to 1.041 C, o-1.3 to 0.2", T66. pa 4 j rel. at hmpf-raturej from 910 to 1100 C.1 C'11' 1 1, 1 PUL' Author Osipov, K. A. and Fedotov, S. G., Moscow Title The heat content and mechanical propertie& of metals Periodical Izv. A14 SSSR, Otd. Tekh. Nauk 2, 98-104, Feb 1955 Abstract Cites expertmental data on the relationship between the heat cor.tent and the mechanical properties of various metals. Diagrams, tables. Thirty reference3, 10 USSR In!ititution: Institute cf Wtallurgy A. A. Baykov and Institute of Machine Sci- ence, Academy of SQien(:es USSR Submitted : November 22, 1)~-4 " ' ~ '7, f- A. R. ;'. , '*~! : -, .,)! I . , 1 71 1 1- - '. , - I' A, 'r. I .. " ", ra , 7 - K. A. ~io.-it (,r A, tiv n t f'-Di ,In i-ov , K. A. in Pand n Aliloys Ac Sc S in MOSCOW$ Dr. r C1 )'., t a I o tuld E I Y. ,I ti II I C. Lulk"Widt, AL,9 Jotu lip f Ltur - Fizika, No 2, 1997 No ~9(.)4 Au t h~, r Osipov K,A .1j --_ Title ~flipage Al rig Grain Boundaries In Metals at Ifigh Temperatureo -*r i g F~ub Pal,~-dovwjiya pc zharoprochri,)m aplavam M. , AN SSSR; 1956, 48-51 Abstract Further modifications are made to the theory of inter-crystallite slIppage in metals, proposed by Mott (Mott, N.F., Proc. Fhys. Soc., 1948. 60, 34o, 391). It is proposed that In the islets located at the place of mutual contact between the grains, where the atomic surfacer, show good adhesion, the potential-energy barrier, overcme by a group of n atcas as they aproach the liquid state, is determined by the value ofthe energy E::! n (we -v,T/T )y where We Is the heat content of the liquid metal, and w 8 is the he& content of the solid metal at the melti-tg point (per atom). Calculations made for alwairium on the basis of this ass=ption give results that are In satisfactory agreement vith the experiments. Card Orig Pub Prochnost' met-allov. M., AV SWR, 1956, 55-57 Abstract In an earlier work (Referat Zhur Fizika, 1957, No 2, 3882) it was shown that for many metals there takes place the relation Q ;;L 4ge-, wtere Q Is the h,-nt- -f' t f it I I vr, I I~n 3,, 1t' Dt r fuel i orl I 11 3 o I I dMe t- I L; Or i gPub [)'-. zhar-pro -finym ~;plavium I.I., AN SSSH, I 4~6, I" I- t r tI c~ t;fi h,it f,,r nioj t rn.,~ta i srctgu-d 1 (.-Gs of the t ylv of the -ryt;- I It 'e the re lat Ionshl p 4w holds quite well (~4 is the energ-3, of !1#?' f-I! ffu~iicn, wi the-heat content of the liquid metik.' F%t tue meltAng point) This Indicates a close connection between the 3-117-diffusion in solid meta.13 and melting from the energy point of view. It is possible that the aeLf-diffusion mechanism contains the same d1st,,;.r',-an--e tD the order in the crystalline lattices as the meltLELg pro- cess This agrees vith the ideas introduced by Ya.l. Frenkel' (Kinett- -htsshn~,a t~-oriya zh1d1,o.,Aey 'Kinetic Theory of Liquidr,/, Publ. by Aoademy of Sciences, USSR, 1945). Bibliography, 55 titles. Caxd i 1 0131PCYV, K. A. (Waaaw) "A#,tlvntl4m Kiworay 1,1011t 91,011 V-1no 1--tt Vo%lllfwo ..f' Otool'it'o 0t,"% 041*-1 40%0 144 Q-.1 1.1 , 1-1,"i pt vd"ttl @.-I . i I $-- A# ..... . I lf.~ I I I , 4 ~ # 1 1'. to- I .. I . , , f It., Oft . ~t . . . - , . f . . . . . .I I t, ". . t . t " t to , i I - , - t s . 6 '. * , . i , , I I , 10 . . Pus i on and no] f -d i r r,jr, j or, 111cli.1, 1$4, lip ti I IIIII'l i It Ott ti 0 1 (ActivitY coefficlOtnts) (Diffusion) (Solutions. Solid) OSIPOV. K.A.: IfIRDSHKIIIA. Te.k.: SOTNICHINKO, A.N. )font rpplntnn,,n rif NI-Cii nirntnm nillays. Trudy lmit.not. I .,It. (MIRA 1.'l 1) 1 11 ... it 1, .1 it 1 .4 1 it 111 it I I , ~ V it ) I , I - 1, ,, .. I , I , I " I I " V I ) OSIJPOV, K.A.1 MIROSHKINA, Te.M. Investigating nickel-chromium system alloys by the hot hardness method. Trudy Inst.met. no.3:160-164 '58. (MIRA 120) (Nickel-chromium alloys-Testing) (Metals at high tanporaturee) , ~ ) I V, - V . 0. 1, . , f I I It, - .I I r i I , , V '. , 1i , I tivnot trat i ne tt)si ros I a t it iwe to p In p t I c dq~ fnrewit I on ~f t, I I opi of the nickel - iron system. leal. po zharopr. splav. 1: 388-191 ' ~8. (MIRA 11:11) (Nickel-iron allnys--Tneting) (Deformations 04echanics)) 0 C) A L 1, 1 t I'l. I t 1:3 1 n ik ro kocurli o 1~ ~,nn or. A-- r the c Is, the activated st-tte of the aturis is ::(-nt!t,', same for all the above-mentioned phenomena : it Is ~ln -)~trt- Card 1/3 critical state of the theri~,clynatnic in!,tabillty of *.. , . , . -- SOV/ " (.) - I - I ~: , The Calculation of the Linit Values of t~,e Activ-, tion Zner,~-.- :f Procasseg in Solil in the cryotal. SOMe 3T~eCill Clgt'E3 Of t1iis ~-,tate ,ro the:7 r.",:y occl.r se.,aratp'-Y or simiiltarernisl. . For tivation enei.,y one mly write 6 ',1 = nq , whqre ii ~> ' t the number of tl,.p 9 .mul taneou!i1y act iv;it(,d FitoT.,zi i;. and t~ie a,~tiv ition ener-y of the on f of the exti-ei-,e one actav,ted atDir.,'. The iut~,or (for t:,e same ;avtal iml for L:ie jame si-eci,il --aou rf vation' variez) on1v slilrhtly if the 3xturnal , urA i chunee~. The variety of the eK; crinental va:u-9 (,f y c iiu sed :.-. i i ri I t lie 11 fferen~- e betw(~en t e n,-! r fr n, e. 1~y t:~e Lfference letween t!iu uctiv,it-~ a 3,)m- !i ~ c I ;t , -,~ ~n t ro I i [I -,,I j ~) i-~l . n ;i for . . n o:i . , I- I im- n Lk I i ii t 1~ I - i r~- . r.or, t n i n rfl v or r I ho I :I C, t I I 0.'j I ~I !1:11 t!lvy I t. oll.l t I- I t t. L 11 " 1. ! I(- :onol ivrc,i ivr, t,.(, lir,-it v (3 f t~-, SCV" 2 o-1 2 1 17 - 4 The Calculation of the Limit Valuesof the Activation -:-'ner~7j of Various FrooeBses in Solid Ketala perio4ic functlon of the atomic nnmber of the element. "~~ere are I fig-ure, 1 tablet and 5 referencee, 3 of whi2~. are Soviet. ASSOCIATION : Institut rietallurgii im. A. t~. Ba~,kova Akademii nauk SS31~ (Institute of Metallurgy imeni A. A. Bnykov,AS "SSR) PRESENTED: April 11, 1)513p by 1. P. Barlin, Academician SUBMITTED: April 1, 1958 Card 3/3 A I ITI h ) k it! Cardl/6 k )( , It, A tit leilikrl tit T I thertllu(lyrlam], r titat, II I1'j till liaij cf,iliq 1lit- 1A ... state. In metals in wi-ict, occur, deviations of d if fei rnt typEu may take place L~, ~,e by side with those describc-d at,ove. I r, ti.i!3 c~a.-,e given temperature T 4 T OLO (where T CX0 I-Le temperature at which the low-tempei-t)ture mo(iif1(-,Ji-,I OL changes into 0 ) some atoms may attain the !Aate t 'v -;;J~ 11, they are normally charactei~sed at TOLO * These Jevi~itions Activation Energy for CreeD and Other Processe-: 0 In clid L'etals from the ideal structure, called by the of limiting thermodynamic instability', may be aiso referred to as domains of "local fusion" or "locaj phormous transformation". To each of such ,omair.s a certain average number, n , of etoms can be as-:-.bP6, which can vary depending e temperature, applied streEs and other factors. lt wavW111 h y t e author in one )c hi_s earlier works (Ref 4) that in solid metals witll: t,',-,e f,-ace- centred cubic crystal structure, the experimental of 6H , the energy of activition of vol-_Lme sf`if- diffusion, obey the law 6H = nq , where n e number of atoms, _1t r, f " I -I I, q i -, t 1, e 1. ( 'I'll" ~ I: I , ~ of limit irl, 1, F. T1,11(), I Y I III III IIrl-110 lilt_'/ p, 1"1! V~i I ti (I rlfonh. 11 1("l I,.%. I ! c !1111 1'( 1 1. , I A,, ilk ili%~N A.,i I I n Env i-Fyf r C rr. c-,' i,1 r in every case, be e-%q resoed ty the e,~- -3-, iAl~ ~i by a simila,~- eountion of the same tyl e. The activ,~te~ state of atoms in each of these pr,,cesses is identical: it reprebents the limiti-4-, critical state -f thermal instability in the crystal. In Farti.:,iiar this state corresponds to that which is chara:terlsti: ~f a transition from the soiid to the iiq-)id state, or of a solid state transformation of the cL---),0 type, where a and 0 are the low a-nd high-temperatu2e mcdifi.LatioaEz. The critical state of elastic stabilJty car, aisD rep-resent the activated state. Dependir-g on the coaeitioni~,, ali these cases of activated state may 9xist separateiy cr jointly. The limiting state of thermodyaamical ~Jrstability of the activated group of ELtoms may be z~aueed bv the acti (: n of various factors such as tLermai fiu--tua-..on-9, appiie(~ stresses or various types of radiaticn. 1n any given metal, the quantity q is hardly affected by the ;Fi.-'.!4tion of the external factors governinj.~ the course of trie studied phenomenon and it appears to be a link conzic-ctink, different phenomenn tind rofloctln~T, thp i(iont-i* -I 11-~ nature of [ACtIvAlorl (-)I WIF)f3e AI; lt~#' (I"r!*(- "r,cfl, Car(13/0 in the viiiiieti of tlie activ!it'lull oilrr-~r'y 'A'taIrif~d A f I I y F ~P,lircn I, ti I I d a I UMi 111 UM H 0 It f U I 1" 11 f t IIe tA 1) 1' the tpmper ;At ure (Rof 51) IR a 1 1 t!'eso :,I r, al a (D v a 1 u e o f Ali I V 0 T'y TW ~1 T' ()r P -1 1 1 N I T, ( ~ t, t . C, A, I I v!1 I 111 1" 1 it, i it IY I b j1 LI c) ~j u It. t- dhy t. t o f defo rinti Iuri I n c ro, o 1) ii, ned Ellie rby c t i i1 Liol t. t , I, I ii, It 1, T I Kfited tc ml , 4, r e r c ri I A I , - .. I , 1, , , , I I . . I . I I A - -- 1, 1 A I I i I i . . I I - , , ... . . . I !% I 1 1. 1 1 I . I ~ I . . I . . I . I I . I - ~, .. , ., , 18(7) ..M:OR K. A. y of F r- litJon of Vpic~u--,, r TITLE: uln ~,'et rl (0 iyFi v-t)- -ir r, i y vvf- r, PEli I AL D k y A ~i A'-~STRACT: "any acknowled,-P~l the imi~ )rt,-.:.t ir~flr t v -n on r- t lll~ E E df.r~ te!l t',,, act -t an c r,-.y o:' vol,i-.e nplffliffui~-.or rl d d i f f, r,- of twit, I' r-,;ltior of V%-11"cit.r.E t 1 h, i r, t c 0 1, 1 e r e d a 7,, re jl-e:,eral iii,ii,ti ty, t:.'! t i s as t ~-x r t I v t i or. e:,e r,- . - , f- o f t h e a p i~, -ri!.r - f of t.,.ermodyvamic ity (Or as "Cf-f,terr, 'If 11 o f-, ; e c i a Im tiel was a.,it~ui,,i(~d 71 ~(' f D r t , e 9 o c e r i t t - r 9 . I Val -1e s of q cal cula ted accord inE, to the rtbove me!, t , , r~- I expression, aril also come vaiiies of the f-,o-ca~ I o d e T- e r -y of "hole formation" (found by various methods for t..e experi!nental invest igrati on of 5 met E, 1 .9 ) are gi ver, i r i tai,l o. According to this table, the results of U'-s i,n: -r and of some previous paprr3 on tt,is aul ,Qct otv;w v(lry good aFreement. F--)r mQtals ;Yith polymori hous conv;~rLiio~,.,i, the cotice-ti on of the cc-titers of t ~(,rmod t Y t 1i t y may be Feneralized for the cane ti at the rtate in centers correspot, ds to t~ie t2on of a I mol i f i c,t t i on into an )t:,t-r high-temporntiire T:.e valuo q 0 f t h o i, - # I v% t I o ii o n f, r ry -, r r~ ~ it p) r, d n t this state. T:, author found t~,.e values 11-01, 1 1, ~-, 11162 lkal.mol- for the a-mod lfic-~tions )f ir)r., t-,t-i, 7_ Card 2/3 and ei,tiv. I.,/. The :iwt:~or tnor rot r~iq t,, I ~ . I . .1 . 1 1. , 1: . 1'.: S L, lj.,: I . 'l, E") I . I . it ~ , - 1 1. 1 A I z ~ ; I, I , ""~ . I m . . . . I I . .% I I . I 1 1 ., ~ . I . lil I I , - . " . " , -, I I ~ Card 5/ 3 IB(O) AUTHOR 08 1! Ov, Y. TITLE: Ie Values of Liquid ..etala 10 v zhidkik-h 1.'etallakh, PERIODICAL: Dc)klil,,, i,kndernii I ussfi ) tne ;,ctivation Enerry of Selfliff~;~-,iozi ~n -,:,,-.tc1icniyakh ener",ii klivatsii P, nauk SSSR, 1 ,',f3, Vol 1 -1 y 1 1 2 ABSTRACT: Accordin,-, to a 1 rpvioug ,;,, er L,, tlie sn;ae aut:,ur values of t~ie ctivation ener,-,v of the vol~.ime .:01 f ~on F in 101 id me ta Is (w~Ach were le hi -ed f!- cj,,, e e x p, rI. en. I; ent.9 of tile qelfd~ f fition -~oef f ic i~-nts~ In t 'IV f SOV " o - I ~, I -, - I i , ,, On the Value-3 of t~e ctivat4or Enerr.-y of Self diffus i4on in Let-c which (,ccur it) ooli] metalo. i'lle e.i,0.rimVFA"t: 1!1 tb'~ t, o :i v;~ i la b I p ; e r:- i t t h e f ul i c, wi ng - Dric I ufi i on vii : -at, ~3 tho activation onor~,,,, oil t~iv tlolf-diffii,iion ff lijuid rietala near meltiti~-, point have to ,intinf tho o,ilmtlon 'q - L where L denotes the latent lent of fllgior~. I iquid A tl,')le -ives the v,ilues ct-lculated by moans of thin! equati,~r, for o elements . According to the data of t is pi -,er, t~.e rzethol c!' vioco.,3ity it, no cacti I,ermitg a jro,~Pr leter-minat of L :1 liquid , F,) iI r o Y, , j n, 1 41 r o n - c a r b o n a 11 oy s , *. I-. - r, c- t ~, o I of viscosity ~-,nd t~.(! metAd of the raiionctive isato-,ei-, -- v.? equal vh,.Ues of .~atiirrAlly, the ubove-Jis-i;,5~ea e,:,,erJ,r,entaI dzAa are 4nguffir--ient for tI.e aj:flic,~tion equati on L 'I q', i L for any equations 6H - nq and L 11 liquid ' q - L the ronci,lisi-)n be drawn that the celf-diffuqion in licuil metaii frog.-. t!.e self-liffut3ion in sclil rittals) is conj,-cted wit,. an inlividual fictiv-Ition (t,nd not with It 70"11 ;!Ctiv--- Card 2,' of e ;i t or:i3 . There are I f i r-., re , I ta ~11 p , an I I I -,e C . I . . . .. I , " , , .. . . I ! . , ~ I , 1. .1 1 . ( ')~, 1 1 1 ( . I - ,, ,, . 11 1 . i , i .. I . 1 .1 ' A ' ' 11 1 1 . , I. I , 1 1, 1 .. I , , , . I , , , , ,~ I . 11 .. ~ I I I I . , '' I . . h I I .. ,t L , ,t , . I I. " I " I I . . , y I "', I A . f. . , a - - v , f, ~ 1 :1:111 ITE")LIITED: d'i ' I. iI I I ' 1 ~~; t 1 0 " Y I - ) - - I'll '.A 111 , " li I etP, i - i a n TIBLIITTIED: 1 ,, 1) "t, Card 3/3 I ul =14.T-T: po" 701-d0 ~l ;IV .1. s,4- A=V" W" ;o UC-. COT jo f~.qv it Aq it -I-- ~.ll al Uto X-mv u?-V ;c "-y PUTI"Imov .1 r-~ .-m-4 V~- 21 IIT-.r it 1~. -,7= Lq rTm s,41 Zel ftll"o ftil-cat: it -6v~y T *,4;V4. ---Wj I'm .7-4 .07 it J.j 66 -.Z" it -ouv~os-v Uft-.i: it ~,~Ttrv4:- I Oul it tvrTVWmqom 30 6612j.dc-Ld W ..T.Ivv "V.Mtvw TUT.Tw--..c J-j SIM .2 T, iy-mu~ lt~ - Q~ ~.v rv, 81"4 p"u3s"d T'm UT pOftft* 10=02Jd rVOMZ4n jC; I, joad egopueTvb Tv2TUWX*lL it atsom 'mm "0900 .29-41"s *d CRT "6-;,fT uvjjdvv it Tvp PUS In j. Lun-V it guoI%:Vvvs.Ll) *ZTq%u&js;- *xTu.p .. W-.-Wft --..Xmw .zv,L,.o"JZX r- xv 180) PHASE I ~MK EXIWITATION WV12103 Tsentmllnyy nauchno-Issledovatel'Gkiy iriwitut tekhnologil i mashinostroyQrAya StrluktuM I evoystva zharoprochr,ykh materialov; (sbornik] (Structure and Prop- erties of Heat-resisting Materialsj Collection of Articles) Moscow, M%shgiz, 1959. (Series: Its: [Trudy] kn. 93) Errata slip inserted. 4,000 copies printed. Additional Sponsoring Agencies: USSR. Gosudarstvennayn plaiiovaya komiesiya and Glavnoye upravleniye nauchno-Issledovatellskikh t proyektnykh rrga,ilzatsiy. Ed.: Z.N. Petropavlovskaya, Caadidate of Tecibitcal Scienseq; Ed. of Publishing House: N.A. r-n--tova; Tech. Ed.: A. F. Uvarove,; Managing Ed. for Literature on M&tal Working Fad Tool Making: R. D. 11eyzellman. FURMSE: This cook is intended for workers of scientific research institutes and for engineering staffs of plp-nt laboratories of the boiler and turbine industries and power stations. It may also be useful to staff members of educational institutions studying problems of physical metallurgy. Card .119 Rd .r,d,,, ...1; d V &A.Ye., Co rr$.P-dl~4 Mest,.r, M's" A d..; of 1" 11, 1 031~A. 1, fl~ ravlov, NO I P Zudin, Cardidato 31c... MR ?U~ E ,Thle book to Intended for we t*llurgtets concerned with th. tr.ct.-I of alloy. COWRAOR. This Is & collection Of Opecialit.8 ,tudI,9 of various ~rohle�O 1~ the Otructurtl PlIallurgy of h~mt-rasiblant alloy*. 0" or* eoncornvil 0 1in in* Or~t!.,6Icpr1Pc1PI.a. am* sit h6 0, - cripti-a of now equIp-oM .hl h a, othero with propertleD or owlete wo t.rials. VmrtOuD patenomena " eurrt~g under Poll"" Cold'": no am O1u:1vd,8n,1 r:,.rtO on. For details, New b,. f 0 1 'tO 0 C n n to rtI ION 4. seco.Varldl by a num- bar or reforom caa, bot h Soviet and non-3ovlot. TA" ON COXTENTS, 001mg, 1. A p T. 3. IvAnove, 6nd Tu. P, Ltb*rov. Role of the Surface Of Separation In Creep-rupture palluro Of MotAlO 3 twividankov. P. 1. On One Contradletion In the Theory of Cold I 13 C21?,a:.,JL..A,_0iLth9 Diffuston and Ust PlealotAftee Of metal PI -ftylov, V A It 'I Q4yd11kQ;. 0. 1. Pattwo, 0, 1, 4914. gr oat- tr steurtw"i Pecullialrition he, Behavior of mistale at slaw To"Oraturge Card 2/11 77 VOL, Abran Yevgen'yevich; A(ZTNV, N.V.. red.; ABRIKOSOV, N.Kh.. doktor tekhrl.nauk. red.; KORNILOV, I.I.. red.; SAVITSKIY. Te.M., red.; 0.5jFQY,-X.A.. doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; GUMA, L.JW.. kand.khim. nauk. red.; MIRGALOVSLATA, H.S., kand.khim.nauk. red.; S1Da,0V- SKATA, 1.7u.. red.; MURA:kiOVA, N.Ta., [structure and properties of binary metal systems] Stroenie i avoistva dvoinykh metallicheakikh niatem. Pod rukovodatvom N.V.Ageeva. Moskva. 11on.jad-vo fi21ko-irvitom.11t-ry. Vol.l. (Physicochomical properties of not.lidim. nlmnimim. imnriotim. hnrtim. bnryllhim, .... .. 1f% Ott- 1-1,11 -1 -1-t- In V " 1 0 1 0 1 " lww 11 1 4, V n "IV I list 1... 6 '1 1 1 1 Im I I I I I I .. I I . 1. Gill nit-korrn Ilpfill-if, fit All :;:I:;1( (r,,r Ajnvt,v). (YetA18) (Plinne nila and equilibrium) SOV/180-59-3-L'7/4-i AUTHORS: Osipov, K.A. and Sotnichenko, A.L. (Moscow) TITLE: Values of the Activation Energy of Creep and Fracture for Aluminium During Tension I;ERIODICAL:Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye teklinickkeskikh nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, 1959, Nr 3, pp 139-141(USSR) ABSTRACT: Previous work is briefly discussed. The present work was carried out on 99.99% Al after rolling at- oom temperature. Testing took place in vacuo (10 ~ MM fig) and at temperatures of up to 550*C. The specimen was 80 itim lotig w1th a gnuge length of 22 min and diameter 3mm. The results confirm the relationship: x = voexp(,&HI/RT) where T is time to fracture, 'to is a constant, A111 is the activation energy of the process, and R and T have the usual meanings. Fig I shows the straight line graphs obtained for log tinie against inverse temperature for different stresses. Fig 2 shows the relationship between 4111 and the applied stress. The ctirve im not linear and &III approaches a limiting value, no -1 1 IV 1-1 lov-1 f- ho 7.,.! k cn)/R ntom (the theoretically OSIPOV. K.A. Diffusion and bent resistance of metal phases. IsBl.po zhuropr. splav. 4:21-25 159. (MM 13:5) (Hoat-resiatant alloys) (Diffusion) 'jo I ti t Iullb 1)YtI I t3 PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdolenlye teklinicheskikh nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, 1959, Nr 4, PP 77-81 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Binary alloys of nickel with iron, chromium, vanadium, titanium, molybdenum, tungsten and tantalum were made from metals of high purity and heated in vacuo at 1150 to 1200*C for 40 to 48 hours. The hardness was determined on polished samples using VIN-1 apparatus with a diamond pyramid and a load of I kg at 850 and 1000*C for one to twenty minutes. The diagonal M of the impression varied with time W as followst it U atb where a and b depend on the alloy composition, temperature and load. Fig 1 and 2 show typical curves for the relation of d And t for NI-Mo and NI-W alloys. Fig 3 shows the rolation of' (n) with alloy compositionj a is the characteristic ptirameter for short-term hardness. Card 1/2 Fig 4 shows the relation of rate of plastic deformation V ~6(6) SOV,120-128-2-1-7, r9 AUTHOR: Osipov, K. A. TITLE: Structure and Enerry of Grain Boundaries in Metals PER10DICAL: Doklady hkademii nauk SS3R, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 2, pis 284-287 (USSR) All 1111 A ('T t )is, I has, r Y o r -1 1 1 --1 t I ii is H r n I t wno li-,wti I tin t t ho .11fin I nilp I no, defint-d a,~ fillowei A b the energy per unit of area of the bounlary, tl the shear modulus under the assumption of an elaatic-isotropic medium, Card 1/3 b the Burgers vector, -) the Poisnon coefficient, 6 the an,-le Structure and Ener(,-y of Grain Bourd'Lries in Metals SOV/20-129-2-17,59 of' disorientation or the tingle of' relative rotation of the crystals which tire in contact with one ariother round the cum- mnn axis in the boundary plane, A a parameter dependent 3n the nonelastic enerLTy of' the center of dislocation. Theory restricts the applicability 3f the above equation to the range of' small angles of' disorientation (no more than 15 0 if h )~> b holds for the distance h between the diolocatione, but also at relatively large angles (25-300) (if h -,,b) this equation is in agree- ment with experimental data. This agreement indicates that the erroro partly cancel at large angles. R. Smolukhovskiy's dis- location model (Ref 5) permits an explanation of this agree- ment. With the help of metals with face-centered and cubic Lody-centered lattice, the author demonstrates that the energ-y at grain boundaries with large disorientation anCles as cal- culated b~ the above equation agree, with respect to the quan- tity, very accurately with the activation energy of --ortain I.rocuasee in the crystals. These processes mean the development of centers with extrouie thermodynamic Instability of the crystal atoms or of centerv of "local melting" Otefs 6-10). Unaer the ii-no annum-1 t,., ths, ;k~jth,,r, E ~-` I. ~1, 0 (1 - In 9' pr i F, 18(10 SOV/20-126-3-26/58 AUTHOR: Osi.Rqv_,__K. A. TITLE: Grain Growth and Creep in Metals eEJ11ODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 120, Nr 3, pp 521-1-551 (USSR) A14STRACT: P. Feitham (Refs 1, 2) showed that isothermal grain growth in recrystallized metals of - very high degree of purity mby be defined by the equation D2_ D2 - K exp(-h H,/kT)I, where 0 0 D0 and D denote the average values of the initial and variable diameter of tL- grains (measured at the instant t of isothermal annealing). K denotes a parameter defined by the values of atomic volumeo, lattice constant, and surface tension at the grain boundaries. L H I denotes activation energy, k Boltz- mann's constant, T the temperature in 0K. In pure metals# the deformation E satisfies the equation F_ - 00 at high tem- peratures vithin the unsteady range of the creep curve with one rotation. 0 and n denote temperature-dependent constants, t the period of isothermal creep. Thelbretical investigations Card 1/3 in accordance with experiments yielded the relation Grain Growth and Creep in Metals SOV/2o-128-3-26/58 0 - 00 exp(- AR./kT)sin h(va/kT), where Po denotes a constant, AH2the creep activation energy, v the activated volume, 0 the voltage applied during expansion. In a previous article (Ref 5) the author showed that the maximum values E m of energy of the grain boundaries (determined at great values of their disorienta- tion) for metals with face-centered and cubic body-3entered lattice may be defined by the formulae E m '~' 1.35 gr or Em '~ pr , where p denotes the s:aear modulus at moderate tempera- tures. Tn the same previous paper, the author proved the existence of the relation E m -z q, where q denotes the limiting energy of the occurrence of shifts within the crystal lattice. The quantity q represents the activation energy of those proces- ses in which centers of extreme thermodynamic instability are formed in the crystal or in the metals without polymorphous transformations of the center;i of "local melting". q is cal- culated by the formula q a -T HTS- 112 80 (6-7 - 1n T )-8 *ICV 6 T 3 - 2900 5 296 O~ Carl 2/3 11TS_H2 ,, denotes the difference in heat content of !he solid Grair. Growth and Creep in Metals SOV/2 -128-3-26/58 metal at the melting point T S t,nl standard temperature 2~_~'.lr0K; S2980 denotes the entropy of the solid metal at the latter temperature. LH 1 = LH 2 = E M *= q holds for metals of a high degree of purity. The following experimental values of activa- tion energy (in kcal-9-at-1) are obtained for lead: AH1 - 6.7 (Pb 99.9)99%) and AH 2 ' 7.7 (Pb 99.99~). The validity of the above relations confirms the aunumption that with increaning grain size and also with unsteady creep the activated atate represen'j the state of maximum disorder in the crystal lattice (or the state of "local flow", or the "origin of the transition to melting" according to N. 11. Nachtrieb's terminology (Ref 11)). The vacancies, which are 11centern of local melting", may form activated sites within the lattice. There 'Ire 13 referanc !s, of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii im. A. A. Baykova Aksdemii nauk SSSR (Institute of-Metallurgy imeni AO_ A. Baykov of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: May 27, 1959, by I. P. Bardin, Academician SUBMITTED: May 22, 1959 Card 3/3 FLWX I BWX MIMITATION SOV/3880 Osiyov., Kirill Afene3tyevicb Voprosy teoril zharoprochnoett uetaUov I splavoy (Beat Resistance of Metals and Alloys) Moscow, AN SM, 1960. 284 p. 3,500 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akadeziya nmik GM. Institut neteUurgli ineni A.A. Baykova. Beep. Ed.: I.A. Oding, Correeyonding Menber, AcaLleny of Sciences MM; Ed. .5f Pablishing Ho4se: G.B. Gorshkov; Tech. Ed.: Te.V. ftkuni. PURPOSI: This book is intended for met&Uurgical engineers and scientific research v-3rkere studying proble= of heat resistance of wtals and eLUoys. COVIOLWXc Tho bcok doeLls vith thooretleiLl problems of heat roviaLower or WtIOP Cum wital phases In various combinations. Atomic bondinav the distortion of the rryvital lettlev, otrarturo of ^1loyv, r"l.fttton between the strongth and the plAntiolty obararterlativo aji(g malting towl-wratut-a 4alwondanou of wohnMeeLl -if swtai phIM004, lVDI"M11141311 Ifolweletel MrAl"14111 n1lel hent, I-00101all'", 65657 S/180/60/000/02/013/028 /Y ")SY 0 Elll/E135 AUTHORSs Ivanov, V.I., and Osipov, K.A,--(Moscow) TITLEs Investigation of the Kinetics of Recrystallization of Technically Pure Iron during Rapid Electric Heating PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR,Otdelenlye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo, 1960,Nr 2, pp 87-92 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors point out that recent investigations (Refs 1-8) of the recrystallization of cold-worked metal at high rates of heating have enabled recrystallization ttmv f() ho roducod to fractions of a -,ocand.. But the %,tif-IIIII'l (1Xj,1t4nt%(I(,nn (tlor!i 14, H) havo not botin rIjIIII't'vIcId by !4dwitlillo (IXI,f,r1I(I,IlIt!t1 III !h(1 Wol-It tlm ntt[Iwl.:i (ItIlIc.1.11141 tholl IIIvt):)I,Ijf.1I1 It'll I I recry:it,,i111;,nt1on )t1notic.) uIltiol. iron (0.016% C, 0.1% Vill, 0.06% 31, 0.008% P, 0.01% 3) in relation to heating rate,, Ring specimens, 50 mm in diameter, and I mm wall thic,,kness. were machined from a deep-drawn cup. During deformation and machirii 'ng the Card specimens were carefully cooled and kept at below -.10 IDC between operations. Heating In the experiments was in a 1/3 single-coll inductor at 2500 c.p,s. and In a salt bath; 69657 8/180/60/000/02/013/028 E111/9135 Investigation of the Kinetics of Beerystallization of Technically Pure Iron during Rapid Electric Heating heating rates were 500 and 0.5 OC/sec respectively, The temperature was measured with 0.08 mm diameter chromel-alumel thermocouples welded to the specimen, On reac:hing the required temperature the specimen was kept at tI.At temperature ! 3 0C. Fig 1 shows a typic-al ostAllograph, After the isothermal he:~lding the specimen was quenched in watGr aftgr Induction heating or in an air iet after salt-.bath Leating. Fig 2- shows the logarithm of time of start of recrystallization as a function of, annealing tGmperature in the salt-bath (ouvio 1) and inductor 0-urve 2). In Fig 3 the same rolat lorn!ihlp~~. aro qhown for a hoatlng rato. of 500 o("'/_-e,i r(,,. i t t' i'(it,ont imik nit t vic, r, t rj itornp(trinp, itt. 1#50 CIC 111111 1 ) I1111"i t ~ I))' A 69657 S/180/60/000/02/013/028 Elll/E135 Investigation of the Kinetics of Recrystallization of Technically Pure Iron during Rapid Electric Heating fractions of a second of the time of start of recrystallization nd a reduction In the activation energy of the initial Stage from 5?.25 to 26.9 kcal/g atom, The main cause of these changes is the coexistence of the reversion and recrystallization in time and temperature (a schematic representation Is given In Fig 4 In terms of the relations illustrated previously), Preliminary reversion can have a Card different effe3t on recrystallization kinetics depending on heating rate and annealing temperature. 3/3 There are 4 figures, 2- tables and 18 references, of which 13 are Soviet, 2 English, 2 German and 1 Czech. SUBEITTED: November 15, 1959