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L 15756-66 E1qT(1)/&"(16)/T/BWP(t)/EWP(b) JD/LTIB APO PRa M027459 SWRON CMM1 M/0032/0/031/011/1349/1352 AUTEMs Iveronovaq Vo Xel Oalyenkop No No 13 ORGS State bdverjj~y Livi. lbscov (Wokovekir gosudaratTe TITM Veterainatt'nof the cite of mosaic blocks *ad viervocoldo lattice one =78 lines with differout Indexes dietorti frols ouRcs zmasim-p laboratv#yaj, Y# 31, Pg. 3.1o 3.9659 3349-1352 ',.TOPIC TAGSs - crystal lattice etructurep elastic modulus, ealculationp pusaien 11stribution# cauc4l diatz-1butionp barmorda analysis ABSTRACTs A method Is propDaed for'deternialng the parameters of the fine atructuo (Posaic block slas anti the size of m1orogooplo distortiona) from X-ray interferenca as, th'different Indexeas taking Into acoount the anlsotzvyl of fb wdulua of AIR-sticityo 'Tv6,D9b.*9 linen (deel ted A and B) with different indazaa wore uaod.! roe a can be dan*.,by;&ssv&bgVbat Wa) the average sim of the wealo blocks Dom-loot depend on tbo WwEss (bkl) in the direction studied# sad (2) the stressev VWz 620.28 L 15756-66. ACC Us AP,9=4,59 are. the In all directlow s *Ore are adc"neopic distortionso Mda method Is suggested. for the auLlYtical.*aud-oraybic*determination of the mosaic block size rk and the one 661h. by.uning the approximation method by Cauchy microscopie lattice distprtl or Gawse' 7be A and bO-/O, during ayproxioation by the Caudq functionp am: I r ated to the wid el ening of the line according to the equationt IL 0 W +4 sin 0.4- + 4 'A Ubicb.'in the dligram fbi grapble determinationjo'lo re 'esentadv at the constant E as a stral S During the analYtioal tt line In the coordinates peon 1Dvs sin solution of the ymblems, the valubm of - A and S ILA- we "Iculated directly in b7 Cauchy ftos the formVUSS. sin en, ED CM PA "*~A -7PA CM QA) =lnOA CM Of EA Ad E INA, ',i i sin on a Wn O"M -.EM #A A 2,13 :L ACC NR: Ap5o27459, During calculations by the Gpues approximationg it is n,?cevsary to replace ~the expressions a and JE in the above formulas with the expressions A _- a aj I aid-E correspondingly. These methods of calculation were checked experimentally withnickel.coppers and armco iron* Orige art. hast 3 Pprea and 9 forAlas. I SUB COE: 20,u/ orao Rut oo5/ on REY% 000 io Card 3/3 TTJI~ I L 46283--66 9,,T (m) / &,Tkw ) /T E,,:T ( t C ACC NR1 AP5025327 SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/65/020/003/0417/0-123 AUTHOR-. Iveronova, V. I.; O~~p~~ ?,'N. N. ORG: Moscow State University Im. Al. V. Lomonosov (Moskovskly gosuniversitet) TITLE: Low temperattirc raincaling of plastically deforme Imetals SOURCE: Fizilm met&Uov 1. metallovedeaiye, v. 20, no. 3, 1965, 417-123 TOPIC TAGS: plastic deformation, copper, povvder metal, Io'.%' temperature effect, powder metal proporty, inutal dvfori~dtlon ABSTRACT: The change of block structure by rainealing at temperatures to 105C ulic!vr '."o- thermal condltiopLs and/or by up to 6-month stora-12 rt ro~fni temperature was -;W(!1,-1 '.%Iul compact copper ~saniples, kleformed kip ,o 82')', by rf)111111g. 'Lov"' prerucryst'1:11' Z11t, oil tures Pr storage CaIlSe a deCrUWSV 111)0 11 flnc;.casc Ill flie sim, of blockg ~vith simultaneous cha-ngus In mlcrohardiw.,,.,~.' '111'. "i"arlll)g fifvo of block" 4 from x-ray interference measarementi~, Is 11ii-her thai, jo%% t4i.n*,,-,.~~.,-t some stability in block size, noicrohardriess and nde rot I oformatIon s is rL11LCA'10d storage at room or slightly elevated temperaturo. Ainicaling times, requirod for size of block stneture, and time required for stabilizatJon of block size aDd Card 1/2 UDCL_621,785.3 L 4b283--2~, 6 - . -- - ACC NR- AP5025327 increase with decreasing temperature. The final and stable magTAtude of the block structure increases with temperature. A minimum in the graph coordinating block size and finnealing time corresponds to a maximum of microhardness; and the time for stabilizing m1crohardness Increases with the degree of deformation. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 11/ SUBM DATE: 30SopG4 ORIG REF: 010 L, f cb- u- S/081/61/000/021/090/094 B107/B147 AUTHORS: OBipenko, F. G., Belen'kaya, T. V., Skrigan, Ye. A. TITLE: Study of the carbohydrate composition of hemicelluloses of sulfite and sulfate viscose cellulose PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 21, 19619 469, abstract 21P208 (Dokl. AN BSSR, v. 5, no. A, 1961, 159-162) TEXT: The authors give investigation results of the carbohydrate com- position and optimum condit,ions for the hydrolysis of hemicelluloses separated from centrifuged lyes in meroerization of sulfite and sulfate cellulose at the Mogile kiy zavod iskusetvennogo volokna (Mogilev Plant of Synthetic Fibers). ~'(Abstracterls note:Complete translation.1 .dmwb- Card 1/1 OSIFWO. 1. 1.; worm, I. Y. Seasonal changes it the histostructure of the skIt amom sous rodents species of Trausbalkalia. ImIrk.gos.nauch.-Isel. protivochun.inst. 20:55-66 159. (MIRA 13:7) (THOSBAIKALIA--RMMU) (SKIN) 1. OSIPENKO, I._ 0., MILIBI, M. S. 2. USSR (600) 4. Lumbering - Machinery 7. TL-1 winch for unloading full-length logs. Les prom No. 2 1953 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April - 'inc' OSIPEW, 1.0., Inzboner. wummbwawapsw Loading tree-length logo with an 1-505 excavator-crane. Mekh. trud. rab. 10 no.9:33-35 s '56. (MLRA 9:10) (Loading and unloading) SHCRET1111N, I.P., red.; BELICHENKO, U.I., red.lzd-va.; BACEMINA. A.M., tekhn. red. [Fobile equipment for preliminary loading of tree-lengtb logo-, "lumber industry and forestry" pavilon] Peredvizhnais ustanovka dlis predveritellnol pogruzki khlystov; pavillon 01-sBnate proVehlennost' i lesnoe khozisistvo.11 [Moskva] M-vo lesnoi promyehl. SSSR 119571 19 P. (MIRA 11:11) 1. Moscow. Vseeoyuznaya promyshlennaye vystavka. (Lumber--Transportat ion) TARNOVSKIY.G.V.; GOKOLYA. Ye.K.; KULIGHITSEATA, D.C.. OSIFANKO, I.S.; MINIOVICH, I.A. , assistont Advanced training for pheirmaclets in the Department of Pharmacy of the Kiev Institute of Advanced Training for Physicians. Apt.delo 6 no.5:59-60 S-0 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Kafedre tekhnalogii lakaretvennykh form i galenovykh preparatov (for Hiniovich) (MV-PHARMACT-STUDY AND TRACHING) HALINOVSKIY, V.G.; OSIP = 0, X.F. Automatic instrument for determining sulfur. Zav.lab 26 no.10: U67-1169 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. TeuWyevski7 metallurgiche0kLy zavod. (Sialfur-Analysis) SHLENSKIY, O.F.; NEFEDCYV, V.D.; OSIPENKO, N.M. Determination of the strength characteristics of plastics at elevated temperatures. Plast.maosy no.702-55 163. (MIRA 16:8) (Plastics--Testing) S/126/60/010/005/Oi6/030 E193/E483 AUTHORS: iveronova. V.I. an~~ TITLE: Recrystallization of Pure Metal Powders PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol.10, No-5, PP-736-742 TEXT: In many metallographic investigations, in which X-ray diffraction technique is used, specimens characterized by random distribution of crystals regarding their orientation have to be employed and this necessitates the use of powder specimens (filings). These are used either in the deformed or in the annealed condition. In the former case, it is usually assumed that the internal stresses in the powder particles are larger than those present in a massive specimen, even more heavily deformed. However, problems such as what is the structure of powder specimens produced by filing, to what degree they have been deformod,and what is their recrystallization temperature, have not been systematically studied, although there are indications that recovery processes can take place in filings even at room temperature and that their recrystallization temperature is higher than that of heavily deformed massive metal specimens. If accurate deductions, Card 1/4 S/126/60/010/005/016/030 E193/E483 Recrystallization of Pure Metal Powders regarding the structure of plastically deformed massive metal, are to be made from experimental results obtained on deformed powder particles, it is necessary to know the effect of room temperature ageing and high-temperature annealing on the properties of powder specimens. The object of the present investigation was to study the structural changes in copper and aluminium filings: (a) aged for various periods at room temperature in the case of coppe land at 60 and 100*C in the case of aluminium,,and (b) annealed for a given time at various temj~ ~ratures. To avoid the effects of heat produced by friction, the experimental powder samples were prepared by slow filing. Four samples of each metal were prepared; samples a and b from fully annealed massive specimens, and samples c and d from heavily deformed specimens; each sample was separated into the fine (samples a and c) and coarse (samples b and d) fractions. After being subjected to various heat treatments, the powders were examined by X-ray diffraction. From the variation of the number Of spots on the X-ray diffraction pattern, deductions were made Card 2/4 S/126/60/010/005/oi6/030 E193/E483 Recrystallization of Pure Metal Powders regarding the variation of the proportion of non-distorted crystals in the specimen and the temperature interval of the recrystallization process; the magnitude of the stresses of the second type, and the dimensions of the mosaic blocks in the specimens, were determined from broadening of the X-ray diffraction lines. The results indicated that in filings annealed even at comparatively low temperature (at room temperature in the case of copper), polygonization takes place, Wh~ch leads to a decrease in the average size of the mosaic blocks.1relief of the stresses of r the second type and appearance of spots (due to reflections from undistorted crystals) on the X-ray pattern. This process takes place more readily in an isolated grain and is inhibited if slipping is hindered by forces exerted by the adjacent crystals; it was for this reason that the intensity of this process was higher in fine powder samples, prepared from annealed materials. Recrystallization proper begins In metal powders only at temperatures near or above 5000C. Even then, polygonization takes place in the initial stages of the process, as a result of Card 3/4 S/126/60/010/005/ol6/030 E193/E483 Recrystallization of Pure Metal Powders which the rate of recrystallization of filings is considerably slower than that of massive specimens; for the same reason, the recrystallization temperature of fine powders is higher than that of coarse particles. There are 6 figures and 5 references: 3 Soviet and 2 Non-Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova (Moscow State University im. M.V.Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: April 4, ig6o Card 4/4 1 7 KOLOTOVAP 1#8.j CHEKBOVSKIKH, A.IL; WIPENKOp N*N. F~re4cting hoisting system fron rope lapRing in caso of jazzing of hoisting equipment in the hes. a Izv. VY3. Ucheb. zav.; gor. zbur. no.12MI-101# 176.'a~ (MIRA 16:7) 1. Karagandinskiy politakhnichankly institut. Rekomandevana kafedroy gorney mekhaniki. (Mine hoisting-Safety measures) OSIPEMO, S.N. ----------------------- First stage in the work of an instructor-organizer. ZhivotncvGClBtvo 24 no.9:20-23 S 162. 04IRA 15:12) L. Iimtruktor-organizator Pochepskoto proizvodetvennogo upravleniya Bryasnkoy oblasti. (Pochep District-Farm management) OSIPTINKO, T., otbor6hchitaa; IIAZBITSMVA, A., vugonetchitna; I -----PA-nL'SnTA, M., vagonetchitsa; KALININA, H., andchitou: MOSHAROVA, S., eadchitea; SIDOROVA, S., tnzh.;po ratsionalizataii; SHISMViOVA, L. Mechanization , the homemde way. Rabotnitaft 37 no.7:15 J1 159. (MIRA 13:1) (Moscow--Brick industry) Mathilitty Of ossy=k ft"Mazuk"fim of andbe, acids. DAWy Abed. Nank S.S.S.R. 73. 91-4 shown that tntyinic trans- amination does not take place Wwren N-methylaintno .ackisarAcl-kitteact N-metbylaininuackisdo not hindri tran"Minstion of NHv wids; the a-if of N-inethyl- amino arids 6 not dissoed. or cwhanzed by amiuopbrr~, The conciusinns am based on ox t-drc, expts. with N-methyl- atanine. V-nWthVIShJt&"IiC ACW-IICI. DL-I&ninC. L-SIU- " acid-110. Ns pyruvale. anti D-krtt4tulwic acid. wilb 'he glutam~txninr arninopbrrmc (Lenard anti SArauh C.A. 41, 12M). Hence, amino acids condense with the active CO group of the enzyme forming a Schiff base. The H [ability expts. were performed with D-Laticled water. G. M. Ko%Dlapoff 1050 . ~e kM of %lc.CO-dchydmtrI cells III M,rph. I'vemi farc4im with L-lYtollillor Of tYromble In aCrIate buffm cunched with IhO sho*ved that the tyraruine funned from tyrMne by dreturboxylatima contains close to 2 1) stolust fe- plating JI; tyronihir Itself diars mpt exchange H. ftulp- .1.1y one D catells at the mile of ocisinsl cWI. *bde lbi- 2nd D is intnxtuced in resnaupment of the tyratrine- InliDe compkz with decarboxylaft frm RCII:.NCII,A sivuetuFrintoRCHoN CIlApitructute. (I N1. K Osil-,m"Yo. To. 1). "Stildy of tlip OtienIstry of Of RMIM11"'lli'm sul-I r,' rr Dissertktionc for on"I nfvr~-te, sum. OSIP"ROt TS. D. USM/~Udicine - Protein ~%tabolism, Toxicology, Isotopes Jul/Aug 52 "Inclusion of S35 Methionine and C14 Glycine Into the Proteins of Enzymes and (Blood) Plasma," M. G. Kritsman, A. S. Konikove, Ts. D. Osipenko "Hiexhimiya" Dol 17, No 4, pp 489-494. The experiments described establish that inclusion of the amino acids in question into noncellular proteins takes place in human plasma and serum, the plasme and serum of a number of birds and animals, albumin, fibrin, plasmin, trypsine, and pepsin. EnVm poisons (KCN, p-hydroxyquinoline,, quinalizarin, alpha-nitrose-beta-naphthol, monoiodoacetic acidp sodium azide, sodium areenite, 2,4-dinitrophenol) inhibit the inclusion of methionine and glycine into the proteins of plasma and trypsine. The results of these experiments (carried out in vitro) open up wide possibilities of investigation by the isotope method of changes which plasma proteins undergo in the intact organism and of the utilization of proteins administered for parenteral nutrition. PA 236T12 AUTHOM, T. A.. ILlr-, M. A., d TITLEt 3yntl~rnll I K.p4t'-Ir- 0- a Al-1-- l.- FERIODICAL~ Z-r-I,ey -1- V.1 jQ, Nr J. pp 991 (us3R) AMTRACT, T~ir -1--nis were and theIr ~cnverslo- over ay. -aLalyjt at 300o CL - (72A), t; 14,1-14-,O t80,S), -; 71~-6"; IX -narthYl d~~yi a.irlde c,.i.p-ty~ suirld 4 $) J72,%); 5.6 , Lp lbtj.16o.5- (2 -], n D() I.t,419, d~' -1193~ Ll-"P'ItohYl C-71 b~lrld%IWiA), bp 209-2190 (2.5 am), mp 34-35 1 fy-nAphthyl -y pentyl suIrlde (65%). qar,J 1/5 bp 167 .5-09 ll~ (4 m) I n20 I 645~" d2o I . 10~2. ThIs 4 A330CIATI(Pit No- 3tate Univernity cooudarotvetknyy unl~.'altet) SUBMITTEM Karch 5, 19159 Card 5/5 3/081/62/000/009/032/075 1. N., )anJlova, T. A.,'e.0V, 1~ te., -ncv-i, 1 . 1. , Os"penkc , Ts. D. TITLE. Conversion Of Or,--,~L-OSUlf-ir co...,,ounds of tYoo(- and enc. in tnt. -)rfaence of an aluminosiLlicatc. cat,tl t I / 'i i e f,~ r 1-1 tvny, z !-. u r na I .Khi. iya, no. ?, 1062, 2,118, U~)strilr-t ".,.hi:Aya seraor,,%in. soyedineniy, soJerzh,-.zhcri't.ya',-.i-i i nefteproduktakh. v. 4", L., Gostoptekhizckat, 1 141 - 144) TMT: Contact conversions of organosulfur comDounds of naphthalene a.3 carried out at 300 0C on an aluminosilicate cata'lyst under conditions -'es- cribed earlier (Zh. khimiya, v. 21, 1951, 242) are reexamined. and 1-thionaphthols (I,- and' -I) were synthesized for research, an-, 14, - naphthyldecylsulf ides (< - and 'i-II) and-w - and ~" -naphthylcycl open ty sulfides (,~- an,-'4./-Ii1) synthesized for the first time. It was found under these conditions --I and ~~-I are converted to C 10H6 and H 26 similarly to the thiophenole studied earlier the respective yields being 52 and 42,., Card 112 -im Conversion of orEanosulfur complounds ... B158/B101 by weieht of catalyst. As established previously (see UCh, zap. v.1 1, 1953, 263), in the case of mixed sulfides of the C 61153R type (R beinC, an alkyl or cyoloalkyl), the bond between the sulfur and R is always rupturcd., In the case of'~-11, it found that C H and C H A are forme! 10 6 10 21 f~arther coriversion of the latter to C ;I and If -III also dccci.. 10 20 2 tYe same way, forminLq C 10H8 and cyclopentanethiol with subsequent con- 7ersici of the latter to dicycloDentylsulfide and H S. ;( -III under * f:;;- 2 r!on:i!_i-n3 decomposes to -I, cyclopent.-ne, C 10 H8an! h_.j. It. t-o c_~i- ,f -1, 0 OH, a dacene-decano fraction and H 6 were detectt,_'. ~On- 10 21 2 ~e-uent'y the bond bet-~.een the sulfur and the benzene rin[.' in ixed Fil- - L fide~-- is inuch moro stable and not rGptured in any of the ca3es ez:irA!~,. The bond between the sulfur and the 01 10 1:ain the -position is lar Ics- stable. The bond betreen the sulfur and the alklyl and naphthyl in tl-.e -i)osition is ;-' ore s-table tYan that between the sulfur and naphthene rin,-!~. /Abstracterls note: 3o,-,,,lete translation.j Card 212 VLEDUTS, G.E.; OSIPENKO, TS.D.; PAPPE, 1.Ya. Automating the conipilation of formula indexes of chemical compounds. NTI no.6:13-17 163. (~UFA 17:1) OSIPENKO, V.A. Commercial classification of beech timber in the Carpathians. Bum. i der. prom. no.4349-52 O,D 163. (MIRA 17'3) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut mekhaniches- koy obrabotki drevesiny. Z, "KOVSKlY, G.L'., lnz~ ; Mllf;lt,~', 'v.1 ., lynh.; i,.V. I ir-"O . itomatic mich' ne f or mnov i ntT rn - : * :. ~it rwq. -)Is. Ras?~ i nog t -or ni P nc ..', - .' I-AV lf,4~ (~UftA " OSIPENKO, V.G. &-e-me'ti-hod of harmonic synthesis. Radictekhnika 18 nc.1:17-2.-, Ag 163. WRA 16:10) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen Nau(-hnc-tekhnicheskoF,,o obshchestva radiotekhniki i elaktrasvyazl imeni Popova. (I~IPFNXO, Vi.~tcr Gavrilovich, starshiy prepodavatell Generalizci'ior. on a t,eoreL-. cf harmonic synthesis and lits tion and steady-state processes to the calculation of traxslents in linear cJrcuits. Izv. vys. uchob. zav.; elektromekh. 7 no.9t 1139-1148 164 (MIRA 18.-l) 1. Kafedra teoreticheski-k-h osnov radlotekhniki Taganrogskogo radiotekhnicheskogo instituta. OSIPENY10, Viktor Gavrilovich, ast;Istent Concerning a theorem of harmonIc s7nthenis an,! its a;.p-Icat!cn in the calculation of transients in linear circlAtq. lzv.vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 7 no. 3-283-.194 '64. (MIRA 17:r') 1. Kafedra teoreticheskikh onnev radietektniki -tiganrogskoro radiotekhnicheskogo instituta. OSIPPIKOP V.6. ll-Uidf-of Processes in I'nper systems using Fourier series and .L theorems of thp donvolutlon cf periodic functions. Elektrosviaz' 19 no.6:42-50 Je 165. (MRA 18:6) D., OSIXMQ, V, &,_EW milling Haehin" 7. Effect of position of end mill milled surface upon durability. Vest. mash- 32 Do. 8, 1952 with reference to the symmetry axis of the Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February -1953. Unclassified. GOLOVINp B.M.; LANDSM01, A.P.; r ,RjG0Rj YEVAq G.M.; ~~ENX _ "..; SARUMEVA, V-R-, tekhn. I-ad. [Effects Of high-ener rOtOns on silicon phototubegl] Deiatvie Protonov vyso%pi energii na kremnievye f0toelementy. Dabna, Ob"edinennyi in-t iadernykh iegledovanii, 1963. 26 p. (lPrOtOns) (Photoelectric cells) (MIRA 16:6) OSIPENKO, Yu.F. Use of small tin.ber for co.-ipressir.g :.;achirie parts. Flum. -' 'Ier. prom. no.2:29-32 AF-Ju 164. (,,~Jfok OSIPENKOVO VIP., The AEGF2A mobile Wo-position welding unit. Stroi. truboprov, 8 no.802 Ag 163* (MIRA 16all) 1. Kiyevskiy filial spotsiallnogo konstruktorskogo byuro "GazatroymashinaO. OSIRENKO, Ya. [Osyponko, IA.); VdKIIAIEV, Yu. (Mykhaliev, IU.1; . - - AKIITSiTII;, I., kand.biolog.nauk A little about everything. Znan. ta pratsiia no-5:25 My '612. OURA 15: (-' (Science news) KOZLOVS N.N.; SKVORTSOV, V.V.; OBYSOV, A.N.;-OSIPENKO U.K.; KHOKHLOV, B.A., glav. red.; CtWRDV, D.P., naueEiyy red.; VOSTROV, V.M., red.; DVIZHKOVA, N.M., red.; ZHEBRAKOV, N.A., red.; ZUTOTSVETOVA, I.I., red.; RAGAZINA, M.F., red.; '-]?ARADZH, N.O., red.; YEGOROVA, M.I., red.; MASLYANITSYNA, N.I., red.; PETRYAKOVA, T.D., red. [Instraments appliances, and mechanisms for assembling and special workj Instrumenty, prisposobleniia I makhanizmy dlia wntazhnykb i spetsialInykh rabot. Moskva, Vol.2. 1962. 226 p. (MIRA l6t7) 1. Moscow. Gosudarstvennyy institut po vnedreniyu peredovykh metodov rabot i truda v stroitellstve. (Construction equipment) STEPANOV, N.; OBIFZIKOV, G., starshiy inshener In the flaw of work. Gra2hd.av. 17 no.lOt6-7 0 #6o. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Rachallnik I&neyno-ekspluatatsionnoy I remontnoy masterskoy, g. Vnukovo (for Stepanov), 2. Takhnologo-konstruktorskoye bywo Idney-no- ekepluatatelonnoy i remontuoy matterskoy, g. Vnukovo (for Osipenkov). (Airplanes-Maintenance and repair) PISKORSKIY, G.A., Icand.tekhn.rauk; CHMMVICHMIKO, Ya.F., lnzh.; OSIMTMV, V.P., inzh. Self-ndjusting toroidnl rub'her sealinga for hydrauliC And pneumntir devIces. Izv.v-ye.ucheb.zav.; telli.leg.prom. no-5:135-139 '58. (MTRA 12:?) 1. Kiyevskiy teldinologicheakiy institut lerkoy promyshloTinostl (for Piskorskiy). 2. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskly inatitut I-ozhe- venno-ol)iivnoy prorWahlennooti (for CherednichenITo, Osipenl-crv). (Senling (Technoloa)) I , , , " DMIAPOV. V.P.; KOZORUMV. H.S,..;'.0SIMKOV, V.T.; PETROV, N.I.; RUSAKOV, V.A. Wilson chamber in a pulse magnetic field used in synchrocyclotron nuclear investigations. Prib.i tekh.eksp. no.3:3-9 N-D '56. (NLRA 10:2) 1. Orb"edinennyy institut yadernykh issladovaniy. (Cloud chamber) (Cyclotron) AUTHOR: DZELZPOV,V.P., 1VkNOV,V.G., KOZOLAEV,'..3., 081PE14KOV,- V.T., PETROV,,N'.J., RTJ:;AK0V,V.A. TITLE: _int-er__a_`c't -ion between 11,,catlvit Plon!i ;jtid Carburs-iki,d the Case of Energies of from 2310 up to 2',10 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoi 1 Teoret.Fiziki, 1),6. pp 92,~-9311 (U.S.S.R.) Received: 1 / 1957 Ltal Nir,lol III Vol "!, Nr Revi,ewed: 3 1 19 5 7 ABSTRACT: This work was carried out on the synchrocyclotron of tt,e Institute for Vuelear Problems of the Academy of Sciences in the USSR; it inves~icht~_s the interaction mentioned in the heading by the method of the WILSON chamber %11-.icr. is located in a magnetic field. The exDerimental device and the method for the treatment of the Dhoto0;:ra;'hs- A graphite target served as a source for negative pions; it was arran6ed in the chamber of the accelerator within the circulating bundle of the 670 MeV protons. The 230-250 MOV Pions emitted in a forward direction from the tart-ot were directed by means o~~large collimator and a deflecting magnet to%arda a 'UILSON chambur situated behind a concrete shield. In the chamber a plate of the mdtwri,il to be investigated was mounted under a4ugle of 900 with respect to the direction of the incident bundle of piona. The traces were photographed by means Qf a stereo camera. - 'Experimental reeulta:.760 cases of 6000 photographs wore found to re- present cases of nuclear interaction between pions and carbon, and 629 others re- presented cases of interaction between plons and lead. Examples of such interac- tions are supplied in form of attached photographs. The following facts weru, CARD 1 / 2 Interaction between Negative Pions and Carbon-and Lead PA-2003 Nuclei in the Case of Energies of from 230 up to 250 MeV. established in the course of work carried out with the experimental material: A) The total and differential cross sections of elastic scattering within the range of the scattering angles of from 10 to 1800, B) The total and differential cross sections of nonelastic scattering, C) The energy distribution of the non- elastically scattered pions, D) The total cross sections of all nonelastic in- teraction processes. All cross sections measured for carbon- and lead nuclei re- ferred to energies of 230+30 MeV and 250+70 MeV respectively Summary: The measured angular distributions and the total cross sections of the elastic scattering of pions in the case of scattering anglis of 9 1 100 as well as the total cross sections of nonelastic interaction are satisfactorily described by the optic model of interaction between pions and composed nuclei. Nonelastic scattering within the range of the scattering angles of from 60 to 1800 is chiefly due to simple collisions between impinging pions and single nucleons of the nuclei. The absorption of pions in the nuclear material takes place (also at lower ener- gies) above all as a result of the capture of nuclear nucleons by (p-n)pairs. The total cross sections of the nonelastic interaction processes of pions are equal to geometric cross sections. ASSOCIATION: Institute for Nuclear Problems of the Academy of Sciences in the USSE PRESENTED BY: Submitted: AVAIUBLE: Library of Congress., CARD 2 / 2 0 S 1, lz> v V, V. T SUBJECT USSR " Pilysics CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1852 AUTHOR 1VANOV,V G , PETROV,11 1,, RUSAKOV,V~A,, BUDAGOV,JU.A., 0SIP-NKOV I V IT TITLE Show~rs in Lead which are Produced by Electrons with the Energy of 360 30 MeV PERIODICAL Zurn~eksj-l teor,fiB,51,fasc.6, 1095-1096 (1956) Issued~ I / 1957 The data on electron showers published by the present report were determined in the course of the investigation of the results obtained by experiments carried out for the purpose of studying the interaction between negative pions and lead nuclei. The experiments were carried out with the synchrocyclotron of the Laboratory for Nuclear Problemo by means of a WILSON chamber of 400 mm diameter in a magnetic field having a field strength of 104 Orsted. The pion bundle passing through a lead plate (thickness 4,6 g,cm-2) located inside the chamber contained (2 * 1)% electrons Therefore, also cases connected with the production of electron showers in the lead were photographically recorded be- sides acts of nuclear inl~eraction On this occasion 159 showers were regist- ered which were excited by electrons with energies of from 330 to 390 MOV, An attached photograph shows such a shower. This number (159) does not include a few cases in which primary electrons came to a standstill in the lead plate, for It is practically Impossible to separate them from the many pions which came to a standstill. When computing the number of particles contained in the showers only the secondary electrons with E ), 6 were considered. By this V Zurn.eksp.1 teor.fis,1',faac 6,1095-1096 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1852 critical selection fcr seoondary electrons such errors were eliminated as are connected with the existence of a background of electrons with low ener- gien in the chamber. The distribution of the showers over the number of particles, which was found in the course of the experiment, is shown in a table, For reasons of compari- son the last column of this table shows the distribution of showers (corres- ponding to POISSONIS theorem) over the number of electrons. The average number of electrons in a shower according to the data given by the table amounts to 1,77, The energy distribution of the secondary electrons is illu- strated by a table Hithin the limits of measuring accuracy the average number of secondary electrons in the shower, which was obtained by the above measure- ments, agrees with the corre3ponding experimental results obtained by CH.A..OIANDLAU, Nuovo Cim .12, 859 (1954)) and also with the value obtained by R.B.WILSON, Phyn,Rev.86, 261 (1952) by computing the electron cascade in lead by means of the MONTE7CARLO method The above is a translation of this short report INSTITUTION- United InstItute for Nuclear Research (The name of this institute appears here for the fli-st time), V T SUBJECT USSR / Pilysics CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1853 AUTHOR IVAIIOV,V.G , QSIPE11KOV_V..T__ PETROV,N.I., RUSkKOV,V.A. TITLE The Total Cross Sections of the Nonelastic Interaction of Negative Pions vith the Nu^.Iei of C,A1,Cu,Sn,and Pb at an energy of 22~, - 10 YeV PERIODICAL Zurn.ekep,i teor.fis,31,fasc.6,1097-1097 (1956) Issued, ' // 1957 By making use of the synchrocyclotron of the Laboratory for Nuclear Problems the authors determined the above mentioned total cross sections. On the occasion of these measurements the losses of particles out of the bundle on the occasion of the passage of the particle through a scatterer made from the ma- terial to be investigated were determined.. The average lose angle was 300, The mesons were registered by means of a telescope consisting of three scintilla- tion counters . The first and the second counter contained tolan crystals, and the third contained as scintillator a solution of terphenyl in toluene. With the help of the first two counters the pions inciding upon the scatterer were counted, whilst the third registered the particles passing through the Beatterer In front of the third Bcatterer there was a lead filter (thickness 5,85 9/cm which was to absorb the heavy charged particles produced on the occasion of the interaction between the plons and the nuclei of the scatterer. For the purpose of determining the number of times that pions were lost o*t of the bundle, double and triple coincidences were counted at the same timt, The energy of the pions inciding upon the scatterer as well as the total admix- V Zurn.eksp.i teor fis,jj,fasc,6,1097-1097 (1956) CARD 2 /' 2 PA - 1653 ture of myons and electrons were determined separately from measuring the curve of the absorption of plons in lead. These measurements were carried out under the same geometric conditions as in the case of the experiment de- scribed. The following results were obtained; The energy of the pions in the bundle amounts to 230 + 6 MeV and the admixture of myonB and electrons in the 2 bundle is 12,5 + 3~.Th; thickness of the scatterer was on the average 5-6 g/cM and therefore tRe average energy of the pions, to which measurements of the cross sections refer, amounted to 225 + 10 MeV. Into the cross sections measured here corrections wero introduced on the basis of the work by V~P.DZELEPOV et al, Zurn,ekap.i teor-fis,~Ijafjc.6, 23 (1956). which took account of the following facts: a) the nonelastic scattering of pions into the angular range of from 00 to 300, b) the elastic scattering of pions into the annlar range of 300 to 1800, c) the fast secondary pro- tons registered by the third counter The total cross sections of the non- elastic interaction between pions and nuclei, which were found in this manner, are shown in a table. At an energy of 225 WeV these cross sections are equal to the geometric cross sections of the corresponding nuclei. Within the limits of measuring accuracy these results agree with those obtained by similar tests carried out by A E IGNATENKO et &I , Dokl.Akad.Nauk, 10~, 209 (1955)~ INSTITUTIOR: 21 (7), 21 (1) AUTHORS: Ivanov, V. G., Osipenkov, V. T., SOV/56-37-3-47/9,2 Petrov, N. TITLE: The Cross Sections of Elastic Scattering of Positive n-Mesons With Energies of 195 Mev by Carbon- and Lithium Nuclei PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooreticheakoy fiziki, 1959, vol 37, Nr 3(9), pp 863 - 866 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Measurements of elastic scattering cross sections by means of a cloud chamber which was located in a magnetic field (13,500 Oe) were carried out on the synchrocyclotron of the Institute mentioned below (cf. the previous paper in refer- ence 1). A polythene block (259/cm, 2), which was exposed to a 670-Mev proton beam, served as a n source. The targets con- sisting of a natural isotope mixture had a thickness of 1.72 glom 2(C) and 0.8 g/cm2 (Li), respectively. The experimental method as well as the method of evaluating the photo records were the same as in reference 1. By taking into account the corrections concerning the accuracy of observation, 410 elas- Card 1/3 tic meson scatterings on C-nuclei and 243 on Li-nuclei were The Cross Sections of Elastic Scattering of Positive SOV/56-37-3-4'11/62 n-Mesons With Energies of 195 Mev by Carbon- and Lithium Nuclei recorded within the scattering-angle range of 10-1800. The following was obtained: Nucleus Pion Energy Sign of the c elast (100) TiR2 [Mev] Pion C 195 + 204 � 26 mb 325 Li 195 + 156 + 26 mb 226 C 230 200 + 31 mb 325 The results are briefly discussed. They agree satisfactorily with the data calculated by other authors (among them Osipenkov and Filippov, Ref 3) on the basis of the optical model and square well interaction potential. For carbon the elastic scattering angle distribution measured in the course of the experiments is represented in figure 1, and for lithium in figure 2. The curves traced in full represent the angular dis- Card 2/3 tributions calculated according to the optical model in semi- The Cross Secttons of Elastic Scattering of Positive SOV/56-37-3-47/62 n-Mesons With Energies of 195 Mev by Carbon- and Lithium Nuclei classical approximation (calculated by means of the formulas taken from the book by Akhiyezer and Pomeranchuk, Ref 4). Calculation of the curves was carried out for a nuclear radius R a 1.4 A1/2 :10-13 cm, the absorption coefficient of the pions in nuclear matter X is assumed to be Os93110 13 em, and the real part of the potential V to be zero (Curve A), 30 Mev (Curve B), and for curve V it is assumed that K = oo and V = 0. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 7 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION; Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: May 28, 1959 Card 3/3 OSIFENKOV, V.T.; FILIPPOV, S.S. Cross ae~-ction of %:meson Interaction with carbon nuclei. Zhur. ekBp. I teor. fiz. 34 no.1:224-226 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:5) 1.0b"yedinennyy institut yadernvkh iesledovaniy. (Nuclear reactions) (Mesons) AUTHORS: Osipenkov, V. T., Filippov, S. S. 56-1-33/56 TITLE- The Interaction Cross Sections of Pions With Carbon-Nuclei (Secheniya vzaimodeystviya n-mezonov a yadrami uglaroda' PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy I Teoreticheskoy Fiziki, 1)58, Vol. 34, TIr 1, pp. 224-226 (USSR) ABSTRACT: At first short reference is made to papers dealing with the same subject. The present paper uses the data by R. M. Frank (reference 1) for the calculation of the integral cross section of the elaotic and inelastic interaction of pions with carbon-nuclei for meson-energies of from 0 to 350 MeV. This calculation was performed in quasiclassical approximation. For the purpose of estimating the error of the quasiclassical approxiviation the cross aectons were also calculated according to the exact quasicla8eical formulae. The results of these calculationa are illustrated by 2 diagrams and compared with the results of other authors. Besides the croso sections founO in various exparlmental papers viere entered Into these diai;rams. At high energies the elastic and iiielastic cross 8e,,tiono calci~lated in Card 1/2 quasiclasoical approximation are 2o to 25% larger than the The Interaction Crosc Secticns of Pions With Carbon-Nuc.lei 56-33/56 crosr~ sections calculated according to the oxact quant!.M- -mechanical formulae. The energy dependence of the in- elastic cross section calculated with the exact quantum- -mechi,nical formula is in satisfactory agreement with the existing experimental data. But at meson-energiae of lose than loo MeV the elastic cross sections calculated here are much smaller than the experimental values. In this ran--e of energy the depth of the potential well used in the calculations is too large. The insufficient amount of experimental data on the elastic scattering does not permit any exact conclusions on the agreement of the calculations with the experiment. The calculation of the inte-rral cross sections for a nucleus with smeared out edge would be of interest. There are 3 fi.--ures and 21 references, 6 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: JLU-Uhi(= Institute for Nuclear Research (Ob"yedinenij.,ly inotitut yadernykh iseledovaniy) SUBMITTED: August 3, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of ConFress Card 2/2 4E3dIAS4c - 8 RECTIOINM60 TOTAV INCLASTW INURACTIONCRO6 225 * 10 Mov NE(ItIJIV9 Al. Cu , . AND Ph NUCLEL V-- !~ ~ *,V, Swe 922.3 Ruv (1957) jujy-~ 64 Oft- g to determine total crow aectlono of. the toolAstle IvAevu w ITI'lons will l b R P uminU c s nuclRI of car i . 24, - -method employed was the rewirding of'ovabiwbIbb result lit the removid of a pArilde from the brim b piteaft through a scattarer made ei the oubetwe under Lavesil- g4liap, (.k,C,) FABRIK, H.; OSIFENKOV, Yu.-- -0 Automobile radio. Radio no.9:34-38 3 156. (MLRA 9:11) (Radio-Raceivers and reception) AID P - 5022 SubJect USSR/Electronics Card 1/1 Pub. 89 - 7/14 Authors : Fabrik, M. and Yu. Osipenkov Title : Automobile radio receiver Periodical Radio, #9, 34-38, S 1956 Abstract The authors describe in detail an experimental model of an automobile radio receiver. It Is equipped with only one vacuum tube and with nine triode transistors of the PIZH and P3A types. The detector is equipped with a diode transistor of the DG-Ts8 type. One connection diagram, 2 drawings of assembled details. Institution None Submitted No date OSIPEhKOVA-VICIITL,L-',C)VA, T.K. ; 1.V. Carcinosarccma ~f -he 1-1reast; a single observation. Vcp. crei.. 11 no.9:88-89 165. (MU~A 18:9) 1. Iz Instituta rentgenclogii i radiologil Ministerstva zdravc- oichraneniya F-i'Sh (dir. - i.rcf. I.G.Lagi.nova, zav. raciiolo[7i- cheskin otdelom - prof. A.V.Koziova, zav. patomorfologicheskim otdelom - dotsent Ye.D.Savchenko). OSIPISHIII, 1I.S. , inzh. Uuir4, cranes for roplacing switches. Put' put.khoz. nn.9: 32-13 S '59. ( 14IRA 12 : L-1 ) 1. Zamestitell nachallniluA diBtantBii puti, st.KbmelIrItBkaya Yugo-Zapadnoy dorogi. (Railroads--Switches) IL '~a V Y*--;DICA Sec. 17 '1o1. 3/1' Pu~-,Iic 3573. OSIPIN V. T. Moscow. - T h e u s e o f ~, e x a r. r,', ri r ~, r. (- a k-- r ri s r,, ! r, ri h e s in c:)mbating insect carriers of tran;rnissible d.seases in open country (Russian text) VO.-MED.Z. 1156, 9(60-63) Tests of hexachlorane aerosols in an oper. locality demonstrated their pronounced insecticidal activity with regard to fleas, flies and ticks. Fleas proved to be most sensitive to the aerosols (paralysis was observed ;n I D rnin.) , the next sensitive were flies (10017o perished in 24 hr.). In ticks placed at the hei& of 1.5 m. above grriund at a distance of 30 rn., the first signs of paralysis were observed after 2 days and they perished at different times up to 31 days. Hexachlorane aerosol torches are recommended for the disinsection of objects in open localities. Vavilin - Moscow (~SIPISHIN, h.S. . insh. Tracirralsing, orpnrrttlnno. Put' I put.khoz. no.10*11--17 0 159. (14IRJ 13:2) 1. Zamostital' nachallnika distantsii, stantsiya Khmol'Tlitskaya, Yugo-Zapadnoy dorogi. (RnIlroads-MaintAnance and repair) 107-12-11/46 AUMOR: Osipkov I. teacher of physics, Novo-Belitskaya high school #2, G o me I -, c-, -i-y TITLE: Gomel' - Tashkent. School Children, Be Ready forthe Contest! (Gomel' - Tashkent. Shkollniki,gotovltes' k Borevnovaniyam!) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1956,Nrl2, p. 12 col. 1 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The school has two ultrashort-wave radio stations, 003005 and 003013. Schoolboys have established communications with several distant stations; among them: 065507 and 065511 in Novos rsk 049003 In Barnaul 4 028001 in Tashkent, operator Slivitskiy 028002 in Tashkent, operator Karpov 028003 in Tashkent, operator Bykhovskiy 028024 in Tashkent, operator Boryayev. By the contest date, Jan 3, 1957, a 10-w ultrashort-wave transmitter is expected to be installed in the school. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 MAJULAN, G.I.; OSIPKOVA, T.A. ; vers. Trudy I.SG;?-'I Radiographic study of pulmonary function in dy. 53:1W-182 '59. (MIRA. 13:1C) 1. Kafedra rentgenologii a maditsin3koy radiologiyey Leningrad- okogo sanitarno-gigiyoniellookogo maditainaltogo iniAltuta (zav. kafedroy - prof. D.M. Shtern). (LUEGS-RADIOGRAPHY) (DIVING, SUIDUiRINE-HYGIENIC A;.',:--CTS) KCMMV, V.I. (Leningrad, Kirillovskaya u1., d.14. kown.16); OSIPKOVA, T.A.; YAHMN' G. 1. Roentgenographic studies of the heart and lungs of divers. Vast. rent.1 rad. 34 no.6:24-29 S-D 159. (MIRA 13-5) 1. Is kafedry rentgano-radiologit (zav. - prof. B.M. %tern) Lenin- gradekogo sanitarno-gWyanichaskogo meditsinskogo institute, (dir. - prof. A.Ta. Ivanov). (MOM radiogr.) (LUNGS radlogr.) (DIVING) OSIPKOVAP T. A. Teaching of radiology in medical Institutes. Med. rad. no.12: 63-64 '61. (MDU 15:7) 1. Iz kafedry rentuenologii I radiologii (zav. - prof. Ya. L. Shik) Leningradskogo pediatricheskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (RADIOLOGY, MEDICAL-STUDY AND TEACHING) TAREDEVA, A. P.;-OSIFKOVA, T. A. Pnetmmediastinography in tmors of the meediaBtinim in children. Grud. khir- 4 no.3:80-84 My-Je 162. (141RA 15:7) 1. 1z kafedry khirurgli detskogo vozrasta (zav. - doktor medi- tsinakikh nauk G. A. Bairov) i kafedry rentgenologii i radio- logii (zav. - prof. Ya. L. Shik) Leningradskogo pediatri- cbeakogo meditsinskogo instituta (rektor Ye. P. Semenova) (MEDIASTINUM-TUMORS) (PNEUMCIMDIASTIMI) OSIPKOVA, T.A. 't2a Nastrz~- a" X-ray picture folloviag lnt-alhoracie eeev eog _U e&cphagoJejunoanastemosla operation. Vest. n3nt~ i rad, :-rq no.3&25.-29 My-Jo 664. (MIRA 1. Kafedre rentgenologii i radlolog'ji (zav. - prof,, Ya.L, Shik) i tal-alltetakoy khiriirgii (zav. -- prcf. A,A.Rueariw) Leningradskogo pediatricheakogo meditsinak-ogo instituta. I FnLrVAP A.P.; OSIPKGVA, T.A. X-ray diagnosis of mediastinal tumors in chUdren using gas as a contrast medium. Vest. khir. no. 6:119-U5 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Iz kafedry khirurgii detskogo vo2rasta (zav. - chlen-kozz spon- dent MN SSSR prof. G.A. Bairov) i rentgenologii (zav. - prof. Ya. L. Shik) Leningradskogo pediatricheskogo maditsinskogo ipatit'Uta. NERAZIK, V.V.; OSIFKOVA, T.A. Pneumomediastinographic Cagnosis of cancer of the esophcgua and cardial segnent of the stomach; clinical roentgenolog:ica-I examination. Vop. onk. 9 no.1:69-76 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Kafedra fa'.-i ', t.,~ta 1-hirurgii (zav. kafedroy - prof. A.A.Rusarov) i kafedrit rertgenologii (zav. kafedroy - prof. Ya.L.Shik) Lenin- gradskogo pediatricheskogo medit5inslrogo instituta. (Pl-,'EUl-la,T,EDIASTIl,'UM) (ESOPHAGUS -CATCM) (STOnACH-CAIICKR) (DIAGNWIS RADJOSCOPIC) OSIFOP A. I. USM/144~0~rlqg Mar 49 LumberIn.4 Saws, jtlettrlo 0 "Simpliffed. hectric Save for Cutting Wood," A. I. Oelpor, E. A. Pavlov, Engineers, Can Sol Resjne~ for Mach and.Pawar Rug of Tidber- Cutting, 5 pp %ekh Trud i Tyazh Rabot" No 3 Ibese apiall, power handeave have done much tomardpechanization of operating processes at Ivabarijig enterprisee. Describes variations- of the Baw, performance figures, and character- Ifitl9q. KALOSHIN, S.G.; OSIPOSKIY, 1,.F,; YURCHENKO# V.A. Rock drills with independent rotatim of bits. Trudy Inst. gor. dela AN Kazakh. SSR 7:152-157 '60. (MA 14%6) (Rock drills) -, OSIPOVO A., navigator - Accuracy of visual estimation of d1stances and directions. Mor. flot 25 no.7-.19* JI 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Uchebnoye sudno *V;DabininI* Bakinskogo morekhodnogo uchilishcha. OSIPOV. A.. inzh. (g.Mcskva) Boring shafts by blasting methods. Itobr.1 ratn. no.7:11 il 159. (MIRh 11:12) (14ining anginnering) SUCHKDV, A.; 0~-Irv-!, -A- , - Valuable feeds for livestock. 17M no.5:12 MY 159. (KIRA 12: 8) l.Predsedatell Moskovakoge obla tne v pravlentya nauchno-tekhnichookege obahchestva leency proiWehlenno:tl ffor Suchkov). 2. Zamestitell pred- sedatelya. Moskovskogo oblastnage pravlenlya nauchno-takhnichoskego obshchestva lesnoy promphlennosti (for Ostpov). (Feeds) AUTHOR: 0s"'povj_A-, TTTLE: At the Exhibition of Five Countries PERIODICAL: No 'i0auka i zhizn', 1959 - 5t Pp 48-50 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes the Mezhdunarodnaya peredvizhnaya vyst- avka priborov i sredstv izmereniya, primenya~emykh v nauch- nykh iss.edovaniyakh po sel Iskomu k-hozyay3tvu (International Traveling Exhibition of Instruments and Means of Measuring applied in Scientific Research in Agriculture) held in Mos- cow, in which Hungary, East Germany, Poland, the USSR and Czechoslovakia participated. A total of_180 stands were occupied by about 1000 exhibits. At the USSR stand. K. N. Shishkov explained new methods of testing soil, water and air cond*tions by a COMPLItel- "DGM", givinj resL~lts in -4 hours which normally required months. A Hydraulic Inte6ra- tor uf Professor V. S. Luklyanov forecasts the level of sub- soil water. A. mechanical drill for taking samples of sub- soil ~, m deep was constructed by Candidate of Agricultural Card IP Sciences, Ye. G. Petrov, and Engineers V. P. Stepanov and A--- the ExhiUl ',it, o. .- ve V . " . KY, r o mo v ;for assessing the qzality of Lt,e subsoll by a stabilDmeter, by Professor Medkov of Moscow. A photoe'lec- trical instrument UF-1 proposed by Professor M. V. Sokolc,,v and V. A. 111yanok at the Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR (The Institute of Biological Physics at the AS USSR) was also d-isplayed. Other devices exhibited were- a dyna- mometer DSh-1 for testing the tensile of wool! a thermoalarm ETS-21 signalling the temperatures at 25 points in granar- ies, hcthouses or stores. At the East German stand, Dr. H. Peter, Director of the Leipzig Institute of Scientific Re- ~;earoh in Agriculture explained and demonstrated the photo- meter Pulrich, a universal thermostat Wobser working be- 0 tween -600 and +200 , a viscosimeter fleppler and a Mercedes computer. At the Czechoslovakia-n section, Engineer R. Ncl,ak explained an electronic modulutor which could in a few gec-- onds asse3s automobile vibration, etc. R. LiInsky, an assio- tant at the Physico-Chemical Laboratory of the Institute of Vegetable Production of the Prague Agricultural Academy, Card ?,/3 demonstrated the P-576 pularoscope. At the flurigari'mr, -.ection, SOV/25-59-5-31/56 At the Exhibition of Fiva Countries Engineer R. Zoltan from Budapest demonstrated a new laboratory counter. At the Polish section J. Tarkowski, Senior scientif,.c assistant at the Polish AS, explained the regulation by instru- ment of the movements of microscopic objects in the protoplasm of a cell. The exhibition lasted 2 months, and was visited by 100,000 people. From Moscow it will go to Leipzig, Czechoalo- vakia, Poland, Bulgaria and other satellite countries. There are 13 p~hotographs. Card 3/3 OSINN, A. 0.004 millimeter. Nauka i zhizn' 22 no.10:50 0 '55. (KI-RA 9:1) (Rolling-mill machinery) OSIPOV,A. Giant lathe. Hauka i zhizn' 22 n0-7:51 JI '55. (91-RA 8:9) (Lathes) OSIPOV, A Resumption and development of intmati3nal economic relations. moscow. foreign languages publ. house,1932. bibliographical footnotes. OSIPOV, A. Welcome, electronic sk-now-it-alls-0 On. takh. 5 no. 12:36-38 D 160. (Blectronic calculating machines) (MIRA 14:1) OSIPOV, A. (Khartkov); LIPSKAYA, V. (Sverdlovsk); VATLETSOV, V. (Kirov); ~~TYAMINY M. (Stavropol', Kuybyvhevvkay obl.) We pirepare for the Fifth Congress of the An-Union Volunteer Society for Assistance to the Arny, Air Force, and Navy with achievewnts in vork, training, and sport. Za rul. 20 Po.5-3 W 162* (MIRA 16:4 L Starg3hiy trener Sverdlovakogo avtomotokluba Dobrovollnogo obahchestva sodey-etviya armii, aviatell i flotu (for Lipsakaya). 2. Neshtatnyye kotmospondenty shurnala "Za rulem* (for Vatletsov, zatyamin). (Motor vehiclea--Societies, etc.) OBIPML-L",_Pelegat XXII V"Yezda Hom-nisticheskoy partil. SovetBkogo Soyuza Com-mism and labor are ind1visible. SovprofsoLuzy 17 no.22:11- 12 N 161, (KIRA 14: 10) 1. Predesdatelf Yaroolavokogo oblantnogo noveta profsoyuzov. (Yaroolavl Province-Trade -anions) - OS EPOV, A~; NIKONOVA, L. Our suppwt. Okbor.. tanida i oots. strakh. 5 no.7:22 -)1 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Takhnichookiye impaktora Khabarovskogo krayevogo komiteta profsoyusa rabotnikov stroitelletva i promyahlennosti stroitellnykh materialovp Khabarovok. (KHABAROVSK PROVINCE-INIDUSTRIAL MIDI) 0-,1:10", A. S'! r7 r'l 1, rmt 7 --d I- ;.-,ero `~le n-l-,;(. i:*. o' ;r k )- -,, : 6c"'-i~" lol. ID Cl,,rrent. Di~-est o' (in CIA Li---Y) OSIPOV, A. Osipov, A. "The First Republic Conference of Medical Workers' Unions of the Ukraiae~ll (Kiev, iebruary 1949), Wrachob, delo, 19149, No. 3, paragrapho 273-76. SO: U-3736, 21 May 53, (L--topis 'Zhunial lrzykJi Statey, No. 18, 194)). OSI Pov. A. Lahor and Lal-)oring Classes V. T. D-min's and I. V. 'Ital in 1!5 vio--.P, r~,nt,~ -,n i 71. . :n,- ' Prof. soiuzY, '10. 3, 1/52. Fonthly List of R-ussi.-in Arre-;siijns, Lil-r~,ry -.)f l-)5,-', 15(2) C v AUTHOR: OsiTov, A. TITLE: Glass Blocks P -P T?I~'DICAL: 17auka --' z~iznll 195.0, Nr ABST.RACT: T1,is is a concise re:o:,t n t- -,-,cr'- '-in- -o a' jinski,i zavod (Skopin Flant), t h ~ f -v I in.- rlass ~-Icr~lvs. The -~e-7c-atur2 t")p 1,4500 C. Eve r,,,, "d rcr " of Ii d -2,,~ s s s Glass blocl-s nrnd,-:cc -` in t~ic fa -tory arn f4 :-,- -Lof, hard , transparent or colore,! at opt i(.-)n, (-oc6 '-ea and chcap. Card 1/1 - -OSIPOV-,--A. Education and training of trade-union activists. Scv. profsoil_IZ7 16 no.18:10-12 S 160. (MM 13:10) 1. Predsedatell Yaroslavskogo oblastnogo soveta profBoyuzov. (Trade unions ) OSjP-f' -1. I--- - - 11%, -_ - -_~-~'_;_- Technical conference in Kreanodar. Gaz. prom. on. 7:53-53 Jl ",'. (MMA 11-7) (KrasoodAr Territory--Gas, Natural--Gongresees) 14(5) SOV/25-59-9-26/49 AUTHOR: Osipov, A. TITLE: For Petroleum Industry PERIODICAL, ; t.; Nauka i zhiznl, 1959,,Nr 9, p 65 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Laboratoriya avtomatizatsii Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo i proyektnogo instituta neftyanogo mashinostroyeniya kLaboratory of Automation of the State Scientific-Research and Designing Insti- tute for Petroleum Machine-Building), headed by M.G. Eskin, has developed a new automatic regulator "AVE-111 for advancing the bit. It is already being used at Shkapovskoye deposit in Bashkiriya Recently, the "Gipro- neftemash" designed an installation "ASP-3" which fully mechanizes lowering and lifting operations during dril- ling. It is remote controlled from three deoks. The experimental model is already in operation at the trust Card 112 "Pervomayskburneft'llin the Kuybyshevskaya Oblast'. For Petroleum Industry SOV/25-59-9-26/49 This installation released surface worker from tiresome work. The "ASP-3" was designed under the guidance of R.P. Raygorodskiy. The Moskovskiy zavod kontrol'no- izmeritel'nykh priborov(Moseav Plant for Checking and Measuring Devices) has designed a frequency telemecha- nization system for oil wells. Up to now, 1,500 wells have been equipped with varioun tolemcchanizntion tjy.,i- toma and about 15,000 wells with local automation. There is 1 diagram. Card 212 NEZ111WHO, A.K, vo to rinarny) f'o' ds rioc ( Y-1, nr k-.N, t- fty if o Eflnt,l ~ ; M [A '.1 ; ():-, :RY.7, 11. ()I T" !I . Prophylaxl,s and therapy -)f t~jp n Vetprinarila 1.1 nc.7:66--67 11 164. C41nvnyy voterinarfiyy vracti novK),c:.o oblastl (for Rharclienko,'. 0- logicheek-4m otdelom AltRyskvy ,.:-ayev.,)y w!ter,nt~r7,)v (for Osipnv). 061"T. A.A.. (Xomkr&) Nothod for acquainting the 20th class students vith the pro- ductica of sodium and sodium bydroxide. IhIm.v shkols 11 no.5i 29-36 1~-O 156. (MM 9: 11) (Sodluw-Study and $*aching)