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WINSKA N. -PSTOCHOWA, K. Determination of the degree of exchange anc circulation of trans- fused blood in fetal erythroblastosis. Med. doew. mikrob., Warez. 4 no. 3:342-343 1952. (CL)(1 230) 1. Summary of work progress presented at Ilth Congress of Polish Microbiologists hold in Krakow Pay 1951. 2, Wrool&v, OSINSVA, U.;STOGHOWA. I.;XSWS. A. Applications of now factors In determination of paternity. Ked. doew. mikrob.. Wares. 4 DO. 3;343 1952. (CLHL 23:3) I. Sunzary of work progress presented at Ilth Ccgress of Polish Microbiologists held in Krakow Pay 1951. 4 Wr4claw. HIRSZFM, L.;TABMKji, H.;MAMZ, J.;OSINSY.A, M.;STOCHOWA, K. ApplIcation of the new group characteristics to establisbtAp, of paternity. Polski tygod. let. 7 no. 16:437-461 21 Apr 1952. (CLHL 22:4) 1. Of the Institute of Modical Microbiology of Wroclaw Medical Academy. HIRSURLDOWA. H.; IAT"SZKWIGZ. J.; OGINSM, N. Developaental defects In relAtIon to amolftIvAl 1wompstability of mother and fetus. Polski tygod. lek. 7 no. 36;1077-1080.8 Sept 1952. (CLKL 23-.5') 1. Of Wroclaw Research Center for Pathology of Pregnancy; of the First Pediatric Clinic; Of the State Mathematical Institute and of the Institute of Medical Microbiology. POI:,ND/General Problems of Rathology. Immunity U-1 .',ba Jour :Ref Zhur - Biol., No 13, 1958, No 60937 ;,uthor :Hitszfeld Luclwik... Osinska Maria.) Fdess Edwaru Inst :- - - -- Tjtle :Incomplete Antibodies in Normal Serum Orig Pub :Arch. imunol. i terap. doswiadez. 1953 (1954) 1, No 1-2 i97-2o6 Abstract : A titer of complete and incomplete antibodies present in the serum of mothers and neonates, was determined throu~,h a reaction of erythrocyte r~-gglutination in a physioloGical so- lution of NaCl and in a solution of dextran. Incomplete antibodies were always found in the blood of neonates. The titer of these antibodies was highest (similar to the titer of complete isoagglutinina in the mother's blood) when the mother and the offspring belonged to the blood group 0. In blood group A, the titer was by 4 times, and in blood group B by 9 times lower. Most of the complete antibodies were retained by the placents and did not reach the blood of the Card 1/2 POLWD/G,uneral Problems of Pathology. Immunity U-1 ,',bs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 13, 1958, No 60937 offspring. Normal seruris always contained incor-iplete anti- bodies, anti-A and anti-B. while this did not serve as a Lkinifestation of hype riumuni. ty. -- F."'t. Mayzill. Card : 2/2 BOkdAiOVICZ, E.;TURCZYNSKI, T.,OSINSKA, M.;STOCHOWA, K. Studies on exabange transfusion and on other remedies in hemolytic disease of newborn. Pediat. polska 28 no.9:928-931 Sept 1953. (CIML 25:5) 1. Of the Pathology of Pregnancy Research Center and of the First Obstetric Clinic and of the Institute of Microbiology, Wroclaw, HIRSUELDNA, Hanna; BORDANDWICZ, &a; OSINSKA, Maria Effect of maternal antigens ~n--'-'rogene is of group antibodies se in newborn and older infants. Arch. immun. ter. doov. 3:197-207 1955. 1. Instytut Immunologii i Terapil Doswiadczalnnj PAN we Wroclawiu (Dyrektor: prof. dr. L. Hirszfeld) Dzial Immunologii Ogolnej (Kierownik: prof. dr. L. Hirszfeld) Klinika Pediatryczna Akadsmii Modycanej we Wroclawiu (Dy-rektor: prof. dr. H. Hirszfeldowa). (BLOOD GIVUPS, off. of maternal antigens on postnatal antibody form. in inf. (Pol)) (PRI&GNkNCY, off. of maternal blood group antigens on postnatal antibody form. in inf. (POW HIRSZFELDO,qA, Hanna: BOHDAY)WICZ, &&; OSINSKA, Maria Im'mnology r~f colostrum and hirnan milk in homospecific and hnteroopecific pregnancien. Arch. immun. ter. do9w. 3:209- 222 1955. 1. Instytut Immunologit I Terapii Doswiadczalnej PAN we Wroclawtu (Dyraktor: prof. dr. L. Hirssfeld) Dzial lmmunologii Ogolnej (Kierownik: prof. dr. L. Hirszfeld) Klinika Pediatryesna Aka4emit Medycznej we Wroclawtu (Dyrnktor: prof. dr. H. Hirssfeldowu). (BLOOD GROUPS, Immunol. of colostras & milk in homospecific & heterospecific pregn. (POW (COLOSTRUM, immunology, In blood group homospecific & heteroopecific progn. (Pol)) (MILE, HUMAN, irmunnlogy, same) (PREGNAN Y, immunol. of colostrum & milk in blood group bomospecific & beterospecific pregn. (Pol)) OSIM, M.,.FR"KOWSKA--STGCHDWA, K. Method of determination of incomplete antibodies and their significance in pathogenesis of hemolytic disease in newborn. Med. dosw. mikrob. 5 no.2:245-252 1953. (GLRL 25:1) 1. Of the Institute of Microbiology of Wroclaw Medical AcadeuW; Research Center on Pathology of Pregnancy. GROIECKA, Ujrszula; OSINSKAm Maria Anti-Rh (c) nntibodies as a result of blood transfusion and hetero- grom) pregnancy. Arch. immun. ter. dosw. 4:10-18 1956. 1. 11 ninika Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych Akademil Nedvcznej we Wroclswtu (Kierownik: Drof. dr K. Jablonski) Instytut Immunologil i Terapii Doswiadczalnej PAN we Wroclawiu (Wrektor: prof. dr St. Slopek) DzIal Immunologli (Osrodek BridAn Patologii Clazy) Kierownik: prof. dr H. Kowarzyk) (RH VACTORS isoimman. in pregn. & blood transfusion, rare cases) GODMISKA, H.; OSINSKA, M. Prematurity and serological incompatibility within the ABO and Rh group featurea. Arch. immun. ter. doew. 4slg-28 1956. 1. Instytut Immanologii i Terappi Doewladczalnej PAN we Wroclawiu (Dyrektor: -Prof. dr St. Slopek) Zaklad Grup Krwi (Kierownik L prof. dr B. PoDielski) (BIDOD GROUPS, stntist. ABO & Rh incomnatibility, incidence in prematurity) (RH FACTOR, etatist. inco=atibility. incidence in prematurity) (INFANT, PRSHATURB, blood in ABO & Rh incompRtibility, statiet.) GROUNCKA, Urs2uls; OSINSSKA, Paria Blood graws In animals and their significance in T)athogenesis of he-nolytic diseaRe. Pontepy. hip. med. doaw. 11 no.4:387-396 1957. 1. Instytut Imm=ologit I Terapii Dosviadozaltiej PAN Im. Ludmika HirazfeldA Dzial Immanologit. Wroclaw, ul Chalubimskiepo 4. (AITMIA, FMMOLVIC, etiology and pathogenesis, blood group incompatibility in animals, review (Pol)) (BLOOD GROUPS, incompatibility in hemolytic die. In animals, review (Pol)) GROMGKA, Urezula; OBINSKA, Maria EyDerimentfft-e-r--Yt-hr~o-In)lacstoi3is in rabbits. I. Antigenic structure of rabbit blood. Arch. immun. ter. dosv. 5:373-385 1957. (BI,O0D GROUPS antigenic structure of rabbit blood (Pol)) ,V s W /q) / 11~,~7 /4 pC)LUID/Tfur-nn and AlAra-al !llYsiDlr;Qr I("- :3io-D-1 GrDups. T-4 Abs Jour lief Di-il. 7~,, i-o, 45)36 Auti.:)r Gr Aucl-7~ ',Irszlll---; Maria. Inst ---l ly Tr~vi~~f''3i Ins anl by Titlt. R, (C)-,,',Iltil A rc, --vic Z. I9'), Ori i: 1~ , x. 1 . L t iv,~,stract 11 C--tr~! 11/1 POUND / Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Patholo- T gical). Blood. Blood Groups. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 21, 1958197435 Author t Halazinska, Jucja; Osinska, Maria- Inst : Not given Title ; Prematurity and Serological Incompatibility of Group Indicants ABO and Rh. Orig Pub: Arch. immunol. i terap. doswiadcz., 1956 (1957)) 41 19-28 Abstract: Examination of blood oi 240 pr%-,gnant women and their premature fetuses showed that incompatibility accor- ding to groups ABO or Rh-factor was no different from usual incongruity among the populace in gene- ral and cannot, apparently, be the cause of pro- Card 1/2 10 vll,~Iry :Polanct 11timan tin d At. im a I Phyf.~ I ~j I Blood T 0 _7 D ir,,,decka, 11. ; 0~*iriska, M. 7- 'T- -nj :Anima-i Pliood Grovij~, and theLr 9qii if -cance in the 1-1,ithogen-sis of h_,:aojyt)c Diseasu. ~.p- F'171i. :Postepy L ig. I med, du_,-,viiad~:Z. , '-'157 , I I , VC). 4 378-13~jCi A rc-v , -V t)-', tht~ I i nt-re o-, hlood gi-oupE A nd t I c- ni., c, i f ,s It i ons o I rkvnio I Y i i L (: i --; (- (-, f t h o nf-lw bo r i i j, a ho r,-i v f~, , do i, k c vs , 3 he e p, p i g ii , ca t s , dogs, chickens and rabbi Ls. The rosiitl.s ol the author.i' own invest' -gation on rabbits are incl~ided,j which indicate 5 blood groups in thi6 animal: a,b, c, d and e. A descripLian is inciuded of crythro- blastogis in rabbits born of an albino female which had several times borne dead litters. In- complete antibodies were detected in the female's serum which teacted with the erythrocytes of 80% Ca rd: 1/3 T-30 ~NN71Y _T A T"RY AB~I. WhBicls) Ne). 5 1959, NO. 21932 AUTHUR IFZT. TIME ("RIG. PUB. -of the rabbits, studied; anti-group antibodies were not ordinarily present in the animals. Tonicj and clonic convulsions were &een in 12 hours in one of the newborn rabbits, kept from birth on a dried mild diet; in 24 hours the animal was apathetic and refused food, the skin became wrinkled and other signs of dehydration appeared. Pathological examination of the animal, killed with ether, showed changes in the liver charac- teristic of erthr3blastosis. The presence of immune antibodies in the mother's serum, the Card- 2/3 GRODECKA, Uresula; MRCIIIAKOXAA. k1wa; OSIN.SKA, Maria Significance of serolot, ,Ical formnilae in pregnancien with serolop,,ical conflicte. Arch.irmn.ter.dovw, 8 no.2:225-234 '60. 1. 0srodek Badan Ntologit Cia2y Instytutu Imminologil i Terapii Doswiadczalnej PAN we Wroclawlu (BLOOD GROUPS) (PARGMCY blood) SURWIE., Given NO, Countrys Poland Academic Degr~es: h;ot iv 7 /Presumel,3 Leundwjk Hirszfeld Institute Of Immunology and Experi- Af f iliation: men t al The r_ap_y__(M_s_Uy t i II _Un_0_1 F-g I I -IIDUSWTOM-MST IT '-L53wika Hirszfelda), Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN--Polska &a=V" Akademia Nauk), Wroclaw; Directors Prof. Stefan SWPEK, Dr. Sources Warsaw, Postepy Higieny,i Medyoyny Doswiad `70 -Bater 1961, pp 372_3~4. czalnej, -rxv, No 41 Datat "The Significance of Serologic Structure In Conflict Pregnancy." English abstract of original article, published In Arch Immunol I Terapii Doswj 1960p 81 225. Authors: _9AME-C-U. U.. jjA?_.CJ21ZAYQ0_VMAj E* OSILISKA. M, ZVI); Cm,try: Poland D-CMt3: CUOt Ei,e,7 rl=n%al The-py *f the Acammy Inst.1 utv of ==unolozy_~na Dcre at,,, V --jiniiitut Immmlog" I ToraVii DmvtsA-Ibli*J P" A.CflIA zouxce: vx~wo prleglO kr.1d, SO 5. 1961- VP 198-1"- D1,43 -Stsmiricence ct 5- se-0100-1 atmut."D In cmrlit Pregmency.1 (AboLme-,I co-authorl bsTrsyk, H. institute of ImImlogy kna 2"rimmul Therapy Of UA "Ob Aced of ociezems, wroola- OBINSKA', Yhri.a;_ ULKOWSKI, Miroelaw Symptomatic herpes zoster during the course of a neoplastic disease. Pol. przegl. radiol. 27 no.3:259-264 163. 1. Z Zakladu Radiologii Lek. AM w Warazavie Kierownik: doe. dr med. S.L. agliezynaki z Oddzialu Terapii Rtg FSK Nr 1. w Warezawie Ordynator: doe. dr med. J. BoreJko. (HERPES ZOSTER) (NEOPWYO) SCHLESINGER, Danuta; 6SINSKA, Marla The influence cf cn salivary secre-ior cf gro--- isoantibodies. Arc"n. exp. 12 no.3-29?-397 I F-4. 1. Department of B"ood Groups, Institute of Immunology and Experi- mental Therapy, Yolish Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw, OSINSKA, Wanda Stanislaw 02scwsKi; !Iau.-,-t ~- c, -- .3,,4: 37 5- 377 1 -,/. i F'. , ". p I f I111 , , . , - - , , - , - - - - * - 5 " -, , - . r - - I . .-!~ - r.- r, - . '. ~ . f : - : 1 -4 1 . (',i m3K;i Z. 11~'el,-ct: rw? Hqr s f or .annirt~" (3eI-eKcj-I svynt.K 1, -r-(, icnn.if-:-'...,.- i). 'rzt-ri;v~d ..oln- i 3T)oz-.,v-cz,.. 1,0 5, 1950, pi Q(-94, 7 fig,3., I t~ib. Det~til--d rese;4rch ha.. e~ALil)li shi-j th, crit,eri.-I f(ir sur- rf.ttinv :it the tirf v.,hf-ri thr~, ,ir~ de-qi(,rifrtrini !x. 1, :ihi,iil 1 1%, erphri~'-,-! thqt iritr-).-rusclil~ir su,(r" ','iriv i n.1c.- i r ! c i r1 C'min. ! h a. ha be n ascert~dned '-hat tn(- t'liicvlelli f the inner I~i-er if I ir,, 'J-f- shoulder-tilade should be t i),- cr-I ', e: i ''D of 'L' f- Burl-.' if , it in the h'IIT,. Thf- ~n of th, + - (-,, it of f it in tt,e hsh,)uIJ nc e-ceed ber- at the r.ost corre rili to or* inrtr f-t. The thicKiiess (T tl- .4nr:~r lpvf--- c)" I .- on *.kf ~;h u- ii-r snould not exce d 3 cm. 3C: 'Folish ".chinica-, bs*-mc'.-- - .o. 2, 1951 1 'Lsinka Z 11 )'o,-e F-wtors in t~i, -UaIi ~,, oil (Niektoi-Z skladnit'd J,,,--~osci szyr-,eK `,'..I.,e-w~..Ych). "rzer.-,rsl ;;,oln-; i 3pozp,~czy. No. b, 1950, pp. 131-ii5, ' -~ tabs. A raeth A i, ~,iven f ur a se ji rig the X h r , pointing OU' !,h7it erroro may f re, jutmtly i Y'i:3(- ,13 .1 I-C 'u. t ;!, umiui L-Ible 11;, thods ~f 45 me that is tho5e ~,jhich f~dl tu t Ke ir,.t;) con-ider,tion I -he v--vri u.:3 di ff,ren-es in the mornholoL,.~, uf the indivi iu~--' muscul ~i!- ,-.rt3 of h~JT . Lsser.,~ -: al di--fe~ eiice.3 exiscing in t~,e consi-tenc.v. iu-;cine-j -And -altineos in ever *v if,divi lua-, h~u-t afiJ iii i i :-,ever-il - ~,t.i hive be,~n discov-red. lheie Ljiffere.,,cei -,.n7, ~in,j -- should bc taKei. into -ic,ourit when r.-. e rw, r an li,ti.-il te,~ts 'U: :oLi~h 4'echinic,i b~, tr (-' s N*o. 51 P-,M jl t t j j L 0 coli en 3u* j w4 D (Ietd, by the inethodb of trosaeld, Gubtr~ xTid Soxhlat~ by making OQ dows. W carhmtthod. kt, YN XtUtrAlly ))Ithrr Y"U11% And tht )tandAfd,tffOr WAI 4 P UTEVSIKIY. A.M.; OSINSIKA, V.0. blature, properties and significance of fluorescent products of the oxidation of adrenalin and noradrenalin. Uicr. biokhim. zhur. 27 no-3:401-407 1955. (MLRA 8:12) 1. Blokhtmichm" viddil Ukraino'kogo inititut skoperimentallnoy endnkrinologit. Kafedra blokhimit Kharklva'kogn mndychnogo 1nqtItutu. (EPINEPHRIN'S, fluorescent oxidation prod.) IIARTMENDL, fluorescent oxidation prod.) TAYLDR, Alina; TAYLOR, Karol; UHL, Wands; OSINSKA-CHI)IJAK, paria Blood aldolase determination as diagnostic test in epidemic hepatitis. Bull. Inst. Marine M. Gdansk 8 no.1-2:9-19 1957. 1. Z Instytutu Medycyny Morskiej w Gdansku. (HEPATITIS, INFRGTIOUS, blood In aldolaae determ. as diag. test (Fr)) (IMMOIASES, In blood aldolase determ. in Infect. hepatitis, diag value (Fr)) OSINSKA-TANEVSKAY S.M.; BYNYAYEVA, M.K.; MISHCHENKO, K.P.; FLIS, I.Ye. Spectrophotometric determination of the constants of dissociation of hypochlorous acid at various AgWeraturea. Zhur.prikl.khio; 36 no.6s1212-1217 Ja 063. (MIRA 108) (Hypochlorous acid) (Disaociati6) (Spectrophotometry) ~IyLjil- ~y TJ G c Ad T ii usins utya, T 0 -st T -7 c~~Veqdcal IlIntitute LIT I-.' 'A :.e- i-it:tiud i,or the La~)jratory -ia,.,ro,4js of '.OqLriv-ra- vrri, C T 00 abStF~)Ct Ofk L 7 AKINOT, B.I., TOLKOT. S.F.; XONDVALOVA, N.A., 061HOVSKATA. R.I., PLISKO, Tu.yu.; SBTMOT. M.N.; STIOANOT. L.A.; SHCMMIN, T.Ta.; TORONI- Mo. M.P., red.; TRARMO. A.P., red.; TIMINA, G.P., [International railroad transportation] Mezhdunarodnye zhelesno- dor02hnya soobahcheniia. Pod red. H.P.Toronichava. Koskva, Goa. tran8p.2hel-dor.jzd-vo. 1959. 242 p. (MIRA 13:2) (Railroads) 89754 3/169/6 1/0CA/G~WC,3 7/,. 9 S, F/00 A005/A0O1 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1961, No, 2, P. 3, # 2G16 AUTHORS: Deniskin, N. A., Yegorov, Yu, M., Lipskaya, N. V. , Osinskaya, S, V., Kheresko, G. V., Shel'ting, V. F. TITLE: A Magnetic Station With a Quartz Microvarlometer PERIODICAL: V sb.- "Vozmushcheniya elektromagnitn. polya Zemli". Moscow, AN SS34 1960, PP. 57-62 (English summary) TEXT: It is reported on the development and designing of a magnetic micro- variation station on the basis of the low-inertial quartz variometer which was proposed by V. F. Shellting (see abstr. No. 2G15). The station is intended for continuous recording of the variations of all three components of the Earth's mag- netic field with amplitudes of the order of 10-7oe and more, and duration of from 1 see. to many minutes. The equipment consists of three main assemblles: 1) the m1crovariometers of X, Y, Z; 2) the photographic recorder with 200 mm in paper width and 90 mm/hr I..n speed, which has also a device marking the time; 3) an automatic band switch relay operated by two photoresistances and permitting the rays to return in jump onto the phototape after reflection from the microvariameter Card 1/2 89754 S/ 169/6 1/000/002/CC 7/0 ~9 A Magnetic Station With a Quartz Microvariometer A005/AO01 mirror in case of its dep4rture from the tape under the effect of an intense variation of the field. If operating with the automatic banswitch relay, large angular deflections of the moving system of the responsive element are excluded, which is important for the stabilization of the graduation value. As a result of the tests of the station, which were conducted in autumn 1957, It turned out that: 1) the moment of Inertia of the moving system Is equal to 10-5 g CM2 2) the natural periods of the oscillations of the different variometers lie within the limits of TOR:~l - 2 sec at a graduation value of the order of E ~~ 0.05-e/are minute; 3) the magnetic moments of the moving magnets amount to about m = 0.5-1 electromagnetic units; 4) the shape of the frequency charac- teristic of the device testifies that the graduation value Is constant for all periods longer than two or three seconds and does not depend on the period of the perturbing force; 5) the amplitude characteristin Is linear within the limits of the scale width. There are 7 references. U. Fastovskiy Translation fromt This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 212 6 "L Jc) -.-r :L -L ------ T60 3 6 SOURCE CODE:. UR/3175/65/000/025/0139/0146 AMOR: Yegorov, Yu. 14.; Osinskaya, S. V.; Chernozemova, V. G. ORG: IFZ AN SSSR TITLE: Shock absorbing platform with liquid damping 15OURCE: USSR. Gosudarstvennyy geologicheskiy komitet. Osoboye konstruktorskoye byu- ro. Geofizicheskaya apparatura, no. 25, 1965, 139-146 TOPIC TAGS: shock absorber, ground shock transmission, vibration damping, vibration measurement, stismologic instrument ABSTRACT: A shock absorbing platform cousisting of an instrument -mounting plate sup- ported by four thin elastic rods was developed at the Institute of Physics of the Earth, AN SSSR. In addition to the supports, the plate is held at its center by a large rod connected to four blades which are partially immersed in machine oil (see figure). The platform absorbs microseismic disturbances with frequencies of 2-20 cps and is used with geophysical instruments. The natural frequency of the device is ex- pressed analytically in terms of the physical properties of the elastic rods. This. frequency should be at least 3 times lower than the disturbance frequency. Tests showed that this.platform can reduce the effect of microseismi-q dist rbanneskAfrom 5 tc 10 times. Examples of readings from instruments mounted on the platform are included. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 4 formulas. .-- L 22554-:66 -. ACC NRs A 5 0 shock absorbing platform. SUB CODE: 08,14/ OTH REF: ODO .qpmmwA: 0 u m ts 16 1? IS " a n to to as v if M, It Al 33 M A a 30 x So a #1 4? 4) at 48 A* A At A F Q 1 1-4.1 a k A _J_6 p_1 W11% !.!-~ bA A "-d "fwmdm,*, of odto"U" -00 2&-3j.-Fjprv,-wpvrjvsfu#3nrd on SO paus 1 00 ol jauWW adrenal berf stands. out (A the tmki- 4JWMY6 JIM toi The total athrusualt contest of the -466 0 con =)y g1rairf than that of the rtgh, t was oil a sELAtz" tho Cobm F. at tomue W" appm - kkw as a maxna=glamdia. I -,oO 00 a KjUjtF-LoCkC SWm~ led to an increav in Ibc total Odtrn' 941 t ut. content of the gI&Dd lu cOMPaIrd with the T,WxvndInjg nomperfumed stand. Acklificatiou of the so .31 str-l"ke "D. with AcOli or IICI to & PH 01 4-5 ILI" tflort on the total adrenaline Content hot intrt&Kd Inarkr*eOdly the tate of eats. of adrenaline by the perfumit. Alk. Ringer-Locke ooln. (pil of 9.0-10.0) pruduced simm coo uu-tv ve in the MIC Of eats. and in the total adrenaline "nivnt of the perfund stand. S. A Comm I 0 0 coo 0 .1610 :3 L DIVAILU06KAL LITIQ.?Ull -09 JOE u -F--T --I - V -3 lob s AV 00 As Ita plan it 43 9 Ail 0 0 0 a 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 * Aftd~ t ; a 0 0 to 0 **cases 000000 1100", 0,00 2 so** *see 00 0 *1 Ole 0 0 0 00 0000 0000 00 0 01~ o a o o 0 0 0 0 a 0 Is if . u 0 1, u is 4 it 16 1) w 16 *j6pxn*,,w4j Is a it 111 Is If V1 I I it V __A__J__JL_PA_ M.,CC to U _p__b to a A flebt.l ..t, It- 11.1,101, 00.1 0 SfPtbqM!SVY C4 ledlessisibe and C4 the adrecal system n the tomil"ON W 1 1 a 1 s o 1 0 1y v The Influ"Its, at twM led abd "Wougmt 911144dou vMducts *1 adlellsilse . 't Ited tif4l (I It If- r-1, -w.", Addn 1 6 a 3s. No 1 low . , 1~t kim-flerv with Ow 1111610III)IIA life tall" 00 4"111i,fillilliftne (in-C."difix fit KI.V 1,111 inhiblic.1 file Ito) III siltruo. hwin' Wr 410-1,11i"11 V11111 1-11"' . #4 00 with Illaynw, AJdn 0 .11,01 1-, 111, -101411.01 00,1 is 4 all r1whill- pl,kin, *9 Ititfirvittv"LT Cis it IM 'hed I.% f % .)It" wil, , slISSeins that it tk-pend% tin tile fornialuill o 0 .1 he ad".nabric ('104416,11 plMilt-1. Ad'In A C110) I-- n.fintr jvI%,vctjt-I flit, I'Mmull.m.4 I"Murt,t, .d.. : itumsh if did two inwitirm ith the tIu.*-,- A airradt, o -01-1 dirnialkne s A **a -.44 to -00 -00 .00 boo if to 00 1 v Is A if It it I Is b 13 of to o o of 0 0 0 lo to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,; 0000*00000000,0000009 040 00000000000000000*000, -ICA."SIM 6 OM .- - : - ^Ala a Is - IN 0806*wwfff~ 4) a Ow Is 10 a is at It w 0000 13 u 13 Is L-1-AL r_jL ,,A sea : Oil &,wine and Cd w MU" 1110 -00 atia and CA 1101111 as. 0,60" The, 41"iett j is WOW" a 0 No. - V1 . 194 AIM a aimida aim wk, Cl 6-ADAMY6. ~ Amird - 1 yrnle. t. . Pail I..$ Vill$ nt a 03 t t e III i s. acid "In he tact Aittf A t t h a j an, S1,nwed t a gtalidq "I" `ch 'A the P&- ' , 4 1,,- 1 1 e , I ,, 1 MIMIAT In I %.,Uc ., 11 .0 .,1,% let, it "I &,-I,1 roe Coo "'U'll all a, Kill till Vinl1i"' L the A1.111tv 11 It tolinAll, ,Wke) 1 , j"I"Ooll In Hillgrf I it 7 coll. Sly n A .,k,) ill it n aict ,,, 'wiltal ,,, 0- Will, hl'o- "' , 11 : see I. , g IV%cnc 1e inO A 1pal. Lives.,,, CL,SUVKAIOOP "In. - 'Al 1,1 1&L split, 6311111c"I IP I oe C a U sees V U 16 Ali 1-o 9 a " 6 14 w 0 see* :l : : e 0 0 0 0 o 0 4000000*000000000000; 0 0000011100000410"', 1111ill 0 6 "Itillilun 16 till "milli 004011132- -19 a 16 a 4. si 43 rt;j! 0 L-A -1 IL L, JR, h P a I1_1 v _J-1- k a A 00 A W ..r J'wP_Pi,j" lit! 0 P #$Sri 600 004:0081.11% .1,114 " b=1 -00 r MiNlywUMMMOrEMWU& " illio Sys. Un. VII. TM 1"DOW 4d MOMOADOCOW I" and 00 cylizides ce The alteration &M formlittlon of adranalitia go the ilauted Majim"M Cappalit V, 0 Q~nAnla. A41 expd. (Clittlim) MD. No. 8 ,i0l~K -a Z A. 35, 14761. i-00 50WI.-Sopribircilbil Capsoft ;;e ii~~ for 3-4 bes. .0 00 a with Ol-said. MAW will. of p)l 7 at 38'. after which the 00 adrenaline was ded. by tbe method of ComewAtti-Iladly. 10 The "In. of CHlMH to the RbMW solits. at pit 7, produced on the xv. so incirew in total adricralkieft mm- oa ! parvil with the results obt I I with pure kirmtert Sabi. At 1.11 4.5 Ilivre wa, a distinct incrtw, even in the imrqwtull portions of the prrfumtc. The addii an umease in adrenaline at pit 5.2 but not at lilt I rb, aoq 00 Oi 00 a 02 00 z "Al lotill lubenaMr at pit 4 was harreawd by the Clf,lCi),ll as compVC4 to the adrenaline content of the rwitrol u- prartnalcaqvilks, nairesWtawtuiterptriedasindicat- the ptmAWly of a "hidilm" form of adrettaltut ;&. rairlol"o" cc Any%amb siso of eytibribusehyda 0. 111 am E'. I%'- "Ina A&d. 27-M.-Suprarenal Capsule exts. prelid. with oild KCI will. "misintil the artive glycolylic system of th, enxyme~ When 2 tnS. of the ext. wasused with a phuphAtt 0 COO 9*0 aloe 1. goo 1-00 009 Imfirr The incrraw it) lartic &M from slympil in 3 hr,~ at -171, was up to 130%; from glarose, it Was only I -5e, Amyla%e frorn filtercif sillivit retarded glycvily%i, Glymr see 0 1 akithyde acted as a lactic &6l former an %pontanvoti, -reviting with in- glycolysis, The built. of the acid forntril inc Sol "TraNins "W". CA the slycirmulchyde, IIIJK11" -41,01 11) (11YEIT"Irhydr retarded the glymysil (A slailhe awl fif kill 4 the 111(it)(14114-th' Cliff 'rhe let ASO-Sta attALLUArKAL LOCROUNI C, binary glyerfaWAY(Icit *a% the Saint. I'llmugh CArt" 00 .Ion Irair. 1041, 1, W.. __ Co. %Ilxxr woe 1411illo'? v MAL %Irmo litigo 9 a a 3 1_9_vxy~ U it AV siti xi P I? as a a a Or 11 It a a 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 00 00 0 .00, 0 0 0 o o 6 & o 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 IOT441,:::::1o***oo*oo 0 00 0:600 0 **Goo&* 000000000111 0 46 0000000000000*00000 * 2 j A I A I a I is it U um " U I? it !P 1] 34 a 116 V is 30 a a) a 63 AS r 0 S t 004 41. :.~fkj -*a 0001 PSOCCA941 ..0!' 10coff-19 C44 9OA 0 *a AS, PM4102ill" 12 11M c0ah"t a" alsaloran-t1l'a a' -00 so mbgbm,, wkkb take Ow 69twill" 01 -00 008 amno". 0. 1. U.Mko..S. D"himiya So No;- 1. 12:ulia Comm"An. N) -60 194L)).-Tbe MUX** Ed rabbits 8-18 day. am err high in otal p coakVols. wA in P compds. insol. in acid fPhus- -00 l bmpbork awl 24m)- a 0 00 phatides). but am pow 0 C, 113*P 0"tecup- 00 13i uV;m btt-.c t1st functional state Of the muV"* &'Oil its 31 0 At," 30KC-01 wod anaw- 4 97% of crmtiwPbOsPbOfW " and AO% Of Illy"oten Co: f pn-wrvtd in the wuam .1 ymuz rabbits. In adult mb- biti, the comlentolOmfilaMbOllabOricaes"Id-d roe I work to an av. of 39.0% &W Ilia, of Slycesm to 52% .10 Arl thrif conlral at test. Thp prrserwim (A the resffv" of 00 glycogen -0 -tjwVbmpbjwic wW in mumck. of.y-n4 are 0 mie rabloits during short intensive wmk (WtW PMod (if .k) i- at tribuled to bet ter ClaDdilkOF IOr the myntli-is which tiLkn Plut MAT intensively than in lb" "'I"1( saii- mal- Ten reltretsOrp. W. W Sim" I-C' CL1 free lie a a a - I L A -01TALLUX611CAL U114471111 CLAIWKAYMN too& aloof Ito & Ea Ua AV to &S o" all as If a own I I a "40 w *IN 10940 )a VMAIA-~o ~St7~ 001-44 0 0 0 0 044060 000000 00 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 6 6 O"'t 00 0010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 a a a * a o a 0 o 0 a : 'A OSINSKAYA. V.0. Oxidation of adrenaline, noradrenaline, adrenalone, and noradrenalone in fluorescent substances. Btokhimiya 18. 56-62 '53. NLRA 6:1) (CA 47 no-15:7579 153) 1. Ukrain. Inst. Exptl. Endocrinol.. Kharkov. Expts demonstrated the possibility of an oxidation of noradrerlaiin, adrenalone and noradrenalbne into fluorescent compds. A method for the -stabilization of this fluorescence has been worked out. There findings permit the utilization of the highly sensitive reaction of fluorescence for the differentiAl identification of substances of this group in biological objects, where their conch Is very low. Data have also been obtained confirming the prevailing conceDt of the striActure of fluorescent compds and s~ibstantiating the a9siunotion that: 1) the leuco-oxo-a,~renochrom is responsible for the fluorescence arising tlurinr the oxi-lation of airenalin anu a-irena one; and 2) its derivative lacBing one methyl group, is responsible for the fluorescence i-n the oxif~ation of noradrenalin and noraorenalone. 2~72 OSINSKAYA. V-0. Studying adrenaline and noradrenaline metabolism in animal tissues [with summary in English]. Biokhimiis 22 no.3:537-545 M7-Je '57. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Otdel biokhimii Ukrainskogo institute eksperimentallnoy endokrinologii, Kharlkov. (FLPMPHRIA. determination, in various organs in animals (Rus)) (ARTMNOL. determination, same) UTF.VSKIY., A.M.; BARTS, H.P~; BUTOM, 1-~-L.; GAb'INSKAYA, M.Y,,j.; OSINSKAYA, V.O.; .1. TSUKEWJK, A.V.; EYDELIW, Research on neural rogulation of the metabolism of adronalino and adrenalinelike substances. Sbor. nauch. trud. Ukr. nauch.-issl. inst. eksper. endok. 15;62-72 '59. (14IRA 14: 11) (ADRENALUE IN TIE BODY) (NERVOUS SYSTEM) C9I.'Z-)Kj~Y.i , V. U. ; MCrjIL-"V;3Y.IY, A. i- - ; '7',,'V-,YiY, A. 1-1. (Kt.or I kcv) DariRyye o prirude i lokali,,atsii k: tr-~,h(Japdnov v morfolcF-icl~eqki i funktsionallno razlic~..Vkh lichastkak~. Folovrjogo moz~,,a -hivot.nykh (sobak) report sub itted for the First Ivio-cow ~onfr-ren(-.e on Heticular "'onra-tion, I Moscowy 22-26 March 19-60. in:~ an' L z,:-. u I r :-Ios~~ 1w, ACC Wt AP5027493 Sown CODE: PO/0071/65/000/009/0525/0528 AUTHOR: Badura,, R. (Directorg Docent, Doctor); Modrakowski, A.-Hodrakovski, A.;- Osinski B - sinlski,' B.; Utzig - ~, J.--Uttaig, 1. 17 7~H~G:_ ~Depaxtywnt of S1_ugerY',.VetL%rdnary Faculty, WSR, Wmelaw (Katedra Mirurl4i -11~ Wydzialu Wt. WSR) TIM; Effect of controlled mspimtion on oxygen and carbon dioxide lev'pls or the blood SOME: Vb&jcyna weter7naryjna, no. 9, 1965, 525-528 'IDPIG.TAGS: swrgery, anesthesiology, respinatm~, biochemistry, oximetrV ABSTRACT: Experiments were conducted on 3 groups of dogs to determine whether controlled respiration Is equivalent to natural respiration in successive' stages of anesthesia and also to determine the effects of hypo- and hyperventilation, Controlled respiration is-idescribed RS artificial respiration combined with biochemical control of oxygen and carbon.dioxide levels of the blood in such a way as to accelerate or retard the normal respiratory cycle during surgery, Basal anesthesia 'was induced in the experimental animals by chlorpromazine (0-1 mg), atropine 10.5, mg) and dolatine (50-100 mg). A tracheal tube was Inserted during narcosis produced with barbiturates* Natural respira- tion of animals was L&-Ibited'wlth a curarizing agent (Flakscdil 0-3 mg/kg) in 15-20-min. A "Cato" machine (made by Drager) was used to ACC NR, AP5027493 control respiratione Air was pumped into the lungs at the rate of 6 cycles/min for the first group$ 8 cycles/min for the second groups, and 10 cycles/min for the third qoup. Oxygen and carbon dioxide levels of blood drawn from the hind-leg vein were determined with a Van Slyke apparatus at various stages of the experiment, Findings show that controlled respiration can be substituted for natural respiration in all~three groups of animals despite different oxygen and carbon dioxide levels ofthe.venous blood, In all cases natural respiration was .restored as soon as the drugs affecting the respiratory muscles ceased to act* Oxygen and carbon dioxide levels of the blood closest io the physiological norms were found in the first group, Hyperventilation appear In the first group during the 20th minute of controlled respiratior4and in the second and third groups It appeared as early as :the 5th minute end continued to increase, Hyperventilation apparently -depends on length of the controlled respiration period and on ventila- tion frequency* With biochemical control of the-oxygen and carbon dioxide levels during anesthesial, controlled respiration ensures prpper IuM veiatilationb Orig. art, has: I f Igure w.A 1 table, [06) 0=:' i$~ SOB11-MCM, nooe/ ORIG 07: 007/ oTH mw: oi?/ ATD PR=:. 4135 S(XJRCE CODE: AUTHOR: Badura, Ryszard (Docent; Doctor); Modrfskow Uj_AMjrZ&J--Modrakovskip A.; //0 Osinski, Bogdan --0 ifitski, B.; ~tzig, Jozef--Uttsig, I. 1~2 ORG: Department of Surgery/headed by Docent,, Doctor Ryazard Badura/,, Veterinar7 Faculty,,,kML Wroclaw (Katedra Chirurgii Wydzialu Wet. WSR) a--, TITLE: Effect of control-led breath on blood oxygen and carbon dioxide SOMMs Nedycyna mterymryjna, no. 9. 196% 525-528 70PIC TAGSt biologic respiration,, blood chemistry, dog ABSTRACTs The effect of controlled breathing on the content of caygens, and carbon dioxide in the venous blood of dogs for various speeds of breathing was investigated* It was found that healthy dogs in which their own breathing was replaced by contralle breathing endure the slight hyperventilation of 5-20 minutes vs3,19 and that there Is a certain to2orance to variation in the amount of Og and COg In the blood causing an excess of physiological norms. The values nearest to the physiological noras were fakind, In the authareg investigations# in the fifth minute cC contraXled breathimS wban air me bell pumped 6 times r minute. Orige art. has: I figure and 1 tablee Eftse,d on authors US. abstj IMI 33.50D) 3VB CM 06 / SM DATE: none / ORM Ms OD6 / ON Wi MO 111 CI L~. LS K Ii:, i iew a n u 0 S I: il i', c;a ni,a i r o f I a L i.(~ C,;; i C,, L C4, (KaLedra Ana L0111i i Pato lo:"Ic~'ncj ) ..'-"iLI pro L011 (kurator ) Duccn~ Dr .- r ~a.. KUPROI-.1SKI ; and Cl~a ir ot SU r,,;cVy (Ka Ledra Cli irur;,i iVOL cr ilia ry Cul I C"C 04 Agricultural University (~Iyd.-.ia I tieLerynaryjni IlSio t-.roclaw. i~ea~l (Kicrownik) of Chair o~E Surjcry: DOCLIII: Dr tyszard MDUiUi. Use ol (r-ental "'e_Mient al'id %1,S0rba'UIC 'Cj'- ilmostaSIS r'oliowina; i'dCLi- Lublin, Nedvcvna ~:QLeryuary]iia, Vol 21, ',:o 16, Oct 651 J,i 016-621. A~sLraCL suric-.1ary modified".: An alloplascic fiorin sponj;c dressing was found much less suitable as surgical :IeMoStaLiC Inaterial in I-arr-ial neplirectomy in raL)bits than auLoplastic fatty abdominal omen~al tissue; mainly this was due to inAi. -lairmaLory reaction which Li;e 5ponge induced in Lhe renal parenc'.Yma. Five photomicrographs. Two duniArian, 9 Polish and 13 I-,'CSLeM rCiQFCl-4CeS. 1/i OSINSKI, J. (PnIand) Helicopters in regular pa.-,.gnnpgr *.ranqporta",,n. I Ats-('~.y fczr- - 8 no.9:266-26-7 3 164. 13LI R-A -7, R vr,,-nrt -,n with E~O T ~ I I it :ul',n reii- m;rcln and sens!tiva !--I Tes'stanI stf' Is o r, hydr~azide and after infec."Inii -th b,'icillus Jur,nf7, 1 -jrlzl ic,-, 12 ,'KTH preventive rea-~menl,. r I- r.Q.9:773--780 S 1f-4 1 1. ? Zpkl~sdu Spldei.-,iologif -,nstyt~t,l Kior~wnik' d dr. med. (I.Bura~!ze-wsk."). VAVILOV, U.N. (Vavilov, IR.M.1 (Kiyev); OSINSKIY L.M. [Ot3jrnslkyi, L.M.] (Kiyev) - Ybthod for structural sAthesis of finite automatons. Avtomatyka 8 no.2:20-30 163. (MIRA 16:5) (Automatic control) OSINDVBTS. Ye.,aspirant Kuban, a land of incalculable r1ches (OPearl of Russia" by Da.Pollanskit. Reviewed by B.Oatnovets). Nau~m i pered.op. v sel'kho2. 9 no-3:76-77 Mr '59. (HIRk 12-5) 1. Kraenodarekiy pedagogichaskly institut. (luba-n--Agriculture)(Polianakii, Dm.) OSINSKA-R'YSIAK., Krystyna; SZYMKMVICZ, Czeslaw. Wilms' tumors in children. Pediat. pol. 38 no.9'.731-738 Ag'63. 1. Z Oddzialu Ghinirgicznego (kieromiks prof.dr. mod. W.Poradowska) i z Zakladu Radiologii (kierowniks doo. dr. mod. S.Kubiaz) Instytutu Matki i Dziecka v Warsaawie (dyrel,tor: prof. dr. med. B.Gornicki). it. OSINSKI., Antoni. mgr inz. (Gdansk) Gement paste density in porous concrete. Inz J bud 19 ,i.- 238 Je 262. OSINSKI, Antoni (Odansk) Remarks and guggestiong concernIng heat accumutation. ~~az woda techn sanit 37 no. 3;91-96 Mr 163. Star..-*slp-w; GRYMER, '!AYTSGi, Florent~ne Zoflaj* W-ISOCKI, im-, An epidemic (.-aiiskA by the ECHO V41ns. Przegl. epidem 1-3 1. Z oldZial", Zaamegc '.,' 41tLla P,~t,~CitaweExl v svld:~Icy (o-~-d)matorl 1--k. j.wysoc:~i~ i z Zakladu Wdrusologii PZH F.Przoamycki). OSINSM, Knzlmlorz, Inz. I y an(4 techrical prrblems enrnected -with vatermeters --:- Orvanizater I .- - hoses. Gaz wc~da techr sanit 36 nc. 4!147-149. AT '~2 1. Poznanske FabT-7ka Wo~2cyrierz,, i razomierzy i , razind e rz., 11 r : . N3w water me Ac-.9 ' jmed rj~-- - - - :-- -f.., - ~ . (I a 1, a ~ecfn ~~ aan` t 37 no. , ~-- - 5 Ja '0. I. ; o- vcf--p 7 , I C 7.11~ I,'!. OSINSKI, Kazimierz, inz. Spotting and the development of the technic of connectia,z I ~ -, water lines. Gaz woda techn sanit 37 no.4/5:143-1-45 Ap-.~( 1. Pourogaz, Poznan. I I . I I . T ~ ~, . : -r , - , . 1, 1 . I ~ ?i , ~ 1, , -1 , 1 1 ! " ". 'I . . ..1 . . OSTNSK': , Kuzlmlerz, -'nz. Froper detA3rmination and d,~slgnstdon of the nize of water me:eers. Gaz woda techr, sani! 38 F '64. 1. Powogaz, Poznan, OSINSKI, K., Inz. &-tiviti~a cf' Lhe hatit-ate of th,~ Cwzicil for 4-atuaj &-rnoml= Assistance in Moscow. Gam wr)da tecm Banit 39 nn.49142 Ap 064 32(l) PCIL/44-1 08-a-r- /I r, AUTHOR: Osihski, J., Master TITLE: Air Communication n Poland PERIODICAL: Wojskowy przeglgd lo iczy, 0 108, Nr 9, 1959, pp 37-45 (Poland) ABSTRACT: Air communication in Po before WV1 II did not de- velop as expected. The ticle explains this situation as due to the private e e prise system. After the former company "LOT" b ame a government operated and controlled oragni zati an a colonel of the Army became the chie f 0f eration in 1948-1949, develop- c ment showed a Iefini e improv ent. All major towns m"ov v and cities of the c untry have een connected to the Ss system. In 1947, 5 000 passeng s were serviced; in 1957 this number creased to 000. During the period 1945-1958, LOT" accomplIN 133,oon flights of a total of 47 mi lion km, transpor ng 1.5 million passengers and 000 tons of goods There are 7 pho- Card 1/1 tographs and 1 olish refernece. CS ~(t,! -'- ~~ ! , -);A 1,~ ~j S2- SURNAME,, Given Names countrys Prland Academic Degreess '50t given7 Affiliations Sources Warsav, I Medycyna WeterynaryJnal PP 54M49- Datai "Tuberculin Reactions in HorsoB Tuberculosis of Cattle." Vol XVII~ No 9, September 1961, In an EnVironment of Intensifiod Authors: O1BZa-1KA,j Wiktor ..State Animal Lospital (PZLZ--Panstwowy Zaklad erzat)$ Zaborowl dical Organization-Di-vision (Dzjal Ifedyczno- uberculosis Institute (Instytut Gruzlicy),44arsaw Department Director Werownik)s 0. BURACZEWSKI, Docont, dr ned.; Directors Prof. W. JAPTUEVICZ d E-,,- TW(M-K, Romuald, DepaftIme-n-t of 1,pldemlology (Zaklad Epidemiologii) ata-te Department-of Ilygiene(Panstwowy Zaklad 111gleny)q /WarsaWj Directors Prof. J. KOSTRZEWSKI, dr. mad. / (1;m 1, of t Tsil- rv rr,7" L' L( 7 on t,y s i,f '-Ek i OSINSKI,. ;-., mgr-- Transport planes in future. Wojsk przegI 13 no.8:38-40 Ag 160. (I. ~ I Vlt'! ITT llou the fir!7,t Fulish av-s-itiori rbib v:ts orrani,,(Y. 10 (517-zkl-.ta ?(, ~ ska, 'inl. nr "'rt. -7 '1 ~51 7. osi~lsxi, J. ,,S, -' ri Di,eaF-es _)me t;.,jc,jc;~j %d%- -~.kRyj -,k, '.,'c)l. 9. 12, :>--c. 1953, SO: :lo~ithh, f i."W.-t 'Ku:of;owt,4 A-co jo,,, (KSKL), L~. 14~,y 195"~, Uacl. BURACZEWSKI, 01giord; CBUISKI, Janusz Animal tuberculosis and its importance for mar (the imtrsduct an). Gruzlica 31 no.6:704-707 Je163 1. Instytut Gruzlicy, Warszw4a. 4- OSRSKI, Janusz; WIECK(14SKI, Vincenty Tuberculin and hemagglutination reactions in cattle infected .pe of tubercle baci-1li. Preliminary comnu- with the avian tv nication. Gruzlica 31 no.6:718-722 Je163 1. Instytut Gruzlicy, Warszawa, Powiatowy ZarzqLd Wetennari-", Tuchola. C.7-111,1717, =,-Y. Transport I- tnicz., . (Zy~. I.) 92a,,-a, , I Or- . 272 r. Wrorinutic trans~-ortqtion. 1!7t ed . i1 I us. , aq- 7 (p,, rt cc" . , ,-, -)I . , ~.jn-rs., --raphs, tables) Co. Last i-uropean AccesFions List Vol. ~, "c. ~, Jan `05L ~j - I ~~SINSYJ , Transpcrt lotr.4~--y. 1. 7 i.-ars:zawn, ,r-..a-in. -ne, : - 212 --. /r-Aeronautic transrcrtati(r,. Ist (,d. llli,L3., yraps (part r~, 1.1, 111-1., ., tables-7 SO U t 'I --, :Fast Europear Accessions list '~, ilc,. I Jan. 151'1~ OS114SKI, Jorzy Polish comaercial airserri~~e. -etecky obzor 8 no.2*-~,~-7 F 16- OSINSKI, K. First Polish standards of mterinf; water, their characte ris tics and importance. P. 434 Vol. 29, no. 12, Dec. 1955 GAZ, WODA I TECHIJKA SANITA;M Warszawa Source: East European Accessions List (FEAL) , IL, Vol. 5, no, 3, March 1956 K. SIandardizatIon oIr' water mters, p. 652- (POj,,,;Kj Kom]TET NOPAALIZAMINY, Warszawa, Vol.. 22, no. 10, Oct.. 195h.) So: 'Oonthlv List of EaEt Surop~,an Accessions, (EFAT.', LC, Vni . L, No. �,, IjuTbI i9551 Uncl . 001,1141SIX13, K. "The Te6hnical Probler of Sealing Gas t'eters." p. 2. (GAZ, ;~'ODA I TEC&IKJ, 3tj4!TARI%'A, Vol. 27, No. 1, Jan. 1953) Warszawa SO: honthly List of East European Accessions, Library of Congress, Vol. 2, No. 19 October 1953. Unclassified. OSINISKI, K. (GAZ, WODA I TECHNIKA SA211TARNA, Vol. 27. No. B, Aug. 1953. Warsaw, Poland) NIs this the end of water neters or az i:::Drovements iL their hp-nlicatio:~,sll p. 2.2:1 SO: 14011'~HLY LIS"! OF LAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS,'L.C., Vol. 3, No. 4, APRIL 1954 OSMKI, FWszard, inz. Impressions from the exhibition of coal preparation machinery in Harrogate. Przegl gorn 19 no.4:187-11:)i Ap 163. L 23787-66 EWT(d)/T/EWP(1) 1,TP(c) BB/GG ACC NRt AP6005764 SOURCE CODE: -UR/0280/65/000/005/0103/0107 AUTHOR: Larin, L. K. (Ki"'' ; Qsinsldy, L~M. (Kiev) ORG: none TITLE: A procedure for the efficient coding of the state of a partial automaton SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Teklmicheskaya kibernettka, no. 5, 1965, 203-107 TOPIC TAGS: automaton, coding, computer coding, computer storage, storage device ABSTRACT: One of the possible ways of solving the problem of coding the internal states of an automaton In In searching for the coding version with which the function of excitation of every elementary automaton depends on the minimal number of variables. Such a coding procedure, ter7ned efficient, makes It possible to obtain a relatively simple block diagram of the automaton, which is often close to, or coincides with, the optimal. The basis of the known methods of searching for the efficient version of coding is the concept of separation of the set of the state of the automaton. Its present authors present a more general concept of separation and develop a method of efficient coding which to applicable to Complete, as well as to partial, automatons. The examples used to test the applicability of the procedure are automatons realized on storage cells with two states. It to noted that the procedure described as well as the methods given elsewhere (R. E. Stearns, J. Hartmants. On the State ABsign- ment Problem for Sequential Machines, II, ME Trans., 196 1, EC- 10, no. 4; Yet N. L 23787-66 ACC NRs "6005764 Vavilov, G. P. Portnoy. Sintez likhem clektronnykh tsifirovykh mashin. W-vo I'Sov. radio," 1964) are applicable for the synthesis of delay element circuits. Authors express their gratitude to Ye, N. Vaviloy for assistance In the writing of this paper. Orig. art. has: 3 tablea. BUD CODE: 09 SU13M DATE: 20Mar66 ORIG REF: 061 OTH REF: 001 ;d 212 -Cc nFTI-~!Z7, q . Rol- )I' -':-n-iinF ~n t-0-nInf7ic-il ripveloT)m,?,nt. r. 3-F. (PRZFCL,'J) Vol. r,. V.. 1~, rot . 'Or-' , ',Jnr-7.qwq , Pol-4M ) -) v - , SO: TAFt -" E,-t Fur--- Ar~oeF- T-r, Vr)l. I "r,. I . !I'r,. 1054, U-rl. OSTNTSY1 , F . Prohlem o' sy5temptic intro-huctirr, of +,-0-nrlogi(-ql i!-rr-v---r,rt- I- rnli'.r- - . p. l-'. (FP77-(-,LAD Vol. ~. \o. , . Mfiv '.q,r!-7 Fol,r-" V, I . -~. 'y . I - , T~, '. SO: Mont I T.v IA ri ,P Evi~ t !,I] I r I A, -(-or~ 1 ,, , ( !"v"T.) . U'. I T")Cl. OTTN'7T, ~. The 11-1-)~ 2 -r. 0 ' "C' , lEl- - 7 '-, ' :---, --q 2 1 ?,-' -~- ' ~ !-a f- .- .. Vo I . ',', no. ~ , -T~ ine I ,) ',"arqviva S 0'- F" C 7 :Fqs t F,-ror-,an A-ep.- J.-)rlr T.1 F~ 1. (F. AL) , Lr, Vol . , , n(;. .., 1 1, ( r C 7 -'~- - VA r-1-,+' nF 'or --l 'v I 'A I! mPnf ~' +!,,- -1 n n~ t -~,n,l()F4 -s I 4.~,- I ~T-rr,rt. 1 'IT. 1 1- 1, lynl. 4, N-. O~, Jllr,~ l0c;l~, lq;irF71;,--, r.. ?'1l. (PP'77 P(l: V7~rtj-jy T.j -+ n~ !~, t -4.i!r-r-n- Ar(-esF, -nFz, (7'W,) , Lr, IT,l . -~, 1", D,-r-. 1(?c'.L,, 7nel. SIDDRDWICZ, W;OSINSKI. T;WISCLAWEX, B. Behavior In vitanin C in urine of skiers. Polski tygod. lek. 7 no.7-8:187-191 18 Fab 1952. (CLML 22:2) 1. Of the Second Clinic of Internal Diseases (Director-Prof. M. Semerau-Sientanowski. M. D.) of Warsaw Medical AcademW and of the Medical Consultation Center for Athletes (Director--Z. Zajacskowski. M. D.) in Warsaw. SIDUROWICZ, W.;OSINSKI, T.;WIECTAWBK, B. Vitamin C in urine of cyclists.Polski tygod. lek. 6 no. 37: 1183- 1165 10 Sept. 1951 (CIML 21:3) 1. Of the Second Clinic of Internal Diseases (Head--Prof. M. Semerau-Sismianowski. M. D.) of Warsaw Medical Academy and of the Main Medical Center for Sportsmen (Director--Z. Zajaczkowski, H. D.), Warsaw. ALEMBDROW, Dymitr; ASKARAS, Zdzislaw; uSINSKI. Tadva3s. WIRCL"EK. Bonifacy: VYSZHKCKA, W^PA&., Toxicity of pelentan In chronic circulatory Insufficiency. Kardiol.polska 1 no.1-2:60-66 1954. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrsrqch AN w Waresswie, Kierownik: prof. dr nod. M. Semerau-Sismianowski. (CONGESTIVE Hmm nuun. therapy. etbylbiscour-Acetate, compl.) (COU M IN. derivatives, ethyl biscoumacetate, ther. of congestive heart failure, compl.) WTSZNACKA. Wanda; FILIP=I, Stanislaw; 061HM, TadeUss Complication of chronic circulatory insrafficiency with disorders of the plasma electrolytes composition. Polski tygod.lek. 10 no.26:851-856 27 Js 155. 1. Z 11 Kliniki Chorob Wevustramych I.M. w Varssawle; kierownik: prof. dr nod. D Aleksandrow. Warsamm. Horogrodska 59 1111iniks Chorob WewnstrszTch A.M. (BLOOD CIRCULATION. diseases InBuff..with disord.of plasma electrolytes composition) (ELSMMLYTES, In blood disord.. with chronic cire.insuff.) MICII;uJLIK, A., OSINSKI.T. ; WIECTAWJW,B- Determination of the coefficient of per-abrodil clearance and renal flow ratft per minute. Foalkle 25 n0.2: 283-289 '55. 1. z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych A.M. w Warazawie. Kierownik: prof. 4r med. D Aleksandrow. II Klinika Chorob Wownetrznych A.M. w Warazawin, u1. Nowoi;rodzka 59. (KIDNBY FUNCTION TZSTS, determ. of coefficiont of clearance & renal flow rate per minute.) J!MRZWWSKI, Roman. OSDMI, Tadeusz. ..... luvestigatlonB on peroperative vater-alectrolyte bal e. Polski przop,l.chir. 27 no.8,.*816-821 Aug '55. (SURaW, (IPMTIVI. perop.vater-alectrolyte balance) (KZCTRDLTTBS. metabollem. water-electrolyte balance in surg.) S/081/0'2, ,.',01~2, './0- 31 34/B1 02 Wito Id A U'." H 0 Ill S Sopiela, Waclav-, jvO S Tadeusz; OsiAski Jabl:osnski, Fenryk TITLE: Jriethod for strengthen- of casein fiber PERIODICAL: Referat-*Lvnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 24(11), 1562, )57, abstract 24P1059 (?olish pa-,.,no. 45355, Februt-- -4, '.90'2 TEXT: The freshly-shaped fiber is first -z.-eated in a bath c --ning ammonium salts and then in a formalin bat-. The fiber-strenE;.-----'--, method is characterized by the following stages: the shaped -.s treated in free position in a bath containing 90-110 g1l Al 2~sc fc- 8-10 min at 60-650C; then it is stre..-he- at 20-30 0C for 5-7,5 sec in a formalin bath containing 30-32 g1l formal-ehyde, 25-40 9/1 -,12(s0 4)30 120-150 g11 Na 2s0 41 30-40 g11 NaC1, and 10-15 9/1 H2 so 4' After this, the fiber is treated in the same bath in free position for 1 hr, and finally also in free position at 60-700C for 30-60 min in a bath Card 1/2