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OSIN, V.. myor. r- Testing tiie intensity of wnatization of permnent --r_gnets3. sviag. 16 no.1;36-37 Ja '58. (MIRA 11-7~ (Magnets--Taeting) OSIN, V.A.. -aspirant Role of trees anA shrubs in controlling city noises. Gor.khoz. Mosk. 33 no.10:23-24 0 159. (MM 13:2) 1. Moekovskiy inzhonerno-stroitellnyy institut im. V.V.Kuybysheva. (Nols,0- (Trees) (shrubs) OSINJ- T. A. - Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Study of the effect of green plantings on the decrease of noise in cities." Moscow, 1961. 20 pp; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Moscow Arehi- tectural Inst); 170 copies; price not given; (KL, 5-61 sup, 192) . . - -. . - - - - -1. ~ - w - I ". I . . . -- . - 1 7-. 1 ~ I , ! -! , : . . el n , ". , ': . 1. . - " - - - . - I I ~ I Y.AFUSTB4f B.N., glav. inzh.; GVOZDEV, T.T., glav, inzh,; GRIGOROVICII, V.D., inzh.; KONDRASHENKO, A.A., inzh.; ABADEYEV, Yu.A.) inzh.; HYADNOV, A.A., inzh.; YEGORYCHEV, V.F., inzh.; 5RELIK111, B.A., inzh.; MARSHUTIN, S.F.,, irizh,; KHODZHABARONOV, K.G., inzh.; FEDOSOVA, Te.M., tekbnik,--_~QSINV.L# tekhrdk; SEMENOVA, le.P., tokbnik; OMAGOVA., G.A., tekhnik; PASIIMEV, D.A.0 inzh.; KAIUSTIN, MI., inzh.; VAGOROV, L.A., inzh,; IONOV, I.T.,, inzh.; KOPEYKINA, L.M.9 inzh.; TELERIEVAp T.P., tekhnik; CHAKURIN, Zh.G., tekhnik [Albam of the mechanization of labor-consuming processes in stockbreeding] AlIbcm mekhanizatsii trudoernkikh protsessov v zhivotnovodstve, Moskva, Izd-vo Giprosellkhoza, No.4.[Equip- ment and supplies for the mechanization of labor-conswing processes on livestock farms] Oborudovanie i inventarl dlia makhanizatsii trudoorkikh protsessov na zhivotnavodcheskikh fermakh. 1959 [cover: 1961. 229] p. (MM 15:7) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu sellskokho- zyaystvennykh sooruzheniy (for Kapustin., Grigorovich, Kondrashenko, Abadeyev, Ryadnov, Yegorychev, Shmellkin, I-larsinitin, Khodzhabarono-v, Fedosova, Osin, Semenova, Avsara- gova). (Continued on next card) KAFUSTIN, B.14.-(continued). Card 2. 2. Respublikanskiy gosudarstvenrjyy institut po proyektirciva- niyu sovkhoznogo stroitellntva (for Gvozdev, Pashkeyev, Kapuatin, V.N., Nagorov, lonov, Kopeykina, Telepneva, Chaku-in). (Agricultu-i-rd. machinei"j) 5 1 A", V'S AUTHOR: Osin, V.S. 119-6-q/i6 TITLEt Instrument for the Testing of the Degree of Magnetization of Permanent Magnets IFribor dlya proverki stepeni namaginichennosti postoyannykh magnitev) FMODIOAL: Priborostroyeniye, 1957, Nr 12, pp. 28-28 (USSR) ABSTUCT: During operation permanent magnets are subject to demagnetization, by which the magneto-electrio systems lose their sensitivity and became unreliable in operation. While these apparatus are being prepared the permnent magnet has to be magnetized up to the amount required (fig.1). The method of the comparison of the influence of nagnetic carrents of perranent magnets and the electromagnet upon the rotor is the basis upon which the operation of the apparatus rests. The apparatus consists of two basic parts: the mobile system of the rotor, connected inflexibly with an indicator, and the imobile system (fixed system) which consists of two separate magnet circles, whose magnetic currents flow over the ro- tor. The degree of magnetization of a permanent magnet Is found by the amount of current of the milliammeter which corresponds to the zero point of the rotor Indicator. The ammmt of current of the milliammeter is taken from a table which was worked out an the basis of practical card 14 teats with magnets which correspond to the technical conditions. For ORLOVA, M.A.; OSINA, A.N. Soils and groundwatc-rs in the lower reaches of the Chu River. Trudy Inst. pochv. fill Kazakh. SSH. 14~:162-207 163. (MIRA 16:12) ACCESSION NR: AP3008585 Z/0065/63/000/00410476/0489 AUTHOR: Farlik, Alois; Osina, Vladislav TITLE: Structural changes in high-rate extrusion SOURCEt Kovove materialy, no. 4. 1963, 476-489 TOPIC TAGS: high energy rate forming, high rate extrusion ABSTRACT: The behavior of carbon steel 12,060.1 (approximately C) and of the die under conditions of high-energy-rate forr-_:-.,- has been studied. Steel specimens I (Fig. I of Enclosure) 18 mir. ~~ diameter and 40 mm high were extruded through die 3 at the ralle ci 95-1050 m/sec. The extruded diameter was 15 mm or 13 rim. Specific pressures in die and punch were found to vary from 95 and 55 respectively at a punch velocity of 100 m/sec to 241 and 201 at a punch -velocity of 350 m/sec. The die failed only at extremely high punch velocity. The shape of specimens extruded with a reducLion of 18/13 is shown in Fig. 2. At extrusion rates of 125 m/sec inc higher, cracks appeared in the transition section of the specimen.:. The microstructure of extruded specimens was deformed and the haru`ncss Card 1 ACCESSION NR: AP3008585 increased to a lesser depL1, than chat in conventionally extruded specimens. White stripes were found on the surface of the extruded portion and transition section. Thase stripes are probably formed by low-tempered martensite. Under the effect of the nonuniform de- formation, local energy accumulations and consequently local heat ,evolution occur in some small areas followed by rapid heat dissip~'tion ;by the adjacent material. This caa cause the transformation: 4r-.-'tial .structure -1, austenite - martensite. The quantity, nize, and curv~rure ,of individual white stripes differed from specimen to specimen. Their formation is probably affected by the die shape, its resona"ce, ~lubrication, and deformation energy. Until the cause of the formation of white stripes is explained, it is not advisable to use extrusion rates in excess of 30-60 m/sec. Orig. art. has: 2 tables, 12 formu- las, and 14 figures. ASSOCIATION: Katedra technicke mechaniky, pruznosti a pevnosti, fakulta strojni, VUT Brno (Chair of Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Haterialso Department of Mechanical Engineering, VUT); Katedra nauky o materialu, fakulta strojni, VUT Brno (Chair of Material Science, Department of 11,1echanical i.nginccrinr, vu,r) Card 2 / 4 ~- go p G-0 .. ........ 196 ~`,661, ra On' -at, ituay" owe: W" a ga .=ion dz- g In: ert _ -veto jt- yea ateau, rxesUgatid' a ;a apood bf t ~'Ths' f0 3: 9 -~&Ual the -exp, i4ti~ deformations, -amia: energy, a0cumu- Oubm oort.ain Points Of i gv' iW, gan I loo M ion -tbe.---vblte- Audi'], li~- of thikulx':' or In Ue- 0' cro ibit- t f ~ - I V~- al 6 (~tivziot during,; 400-~ 6ad4rebd.-durV*-- t h6 ~Wrkbi, 8. no 0 ir tic 6Wtion aki 0 d which oaay' to~ oi. n k' U - sorystani =04; ISMSAMP. oei iiir; -.-T zatio ~or -7 ~-Pp per.UM401."Aud :- 8.'. -.: that bijb~ h A p. I . . ~d.l :ax- , ; ": -11, I-l-, .1 ~i ape -V be sm, of be vbita a -1. d ung --on. ad. Ono. Ir ca re4s i Vaboioe--Ofl-'~ 0SlN A, V, , Jol, ~ I rtz. , " ;o,' as o! ri; it grams ! r,r fi I rl'~ ' -,:"- ~, '-P- nea ~ ~ri a t~m~.r; ',.* V V. ~,raus. Revlewed by V. OsIna,. '~trc,'~renstvl 14 " 14 , 0 '~,4~ ZMWOV. V.A.9 dotsent, kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk~ OSIM, R.P -., ituaont. b", Procedure for determining the optimum content of organic substances in Industrial shale. Trudy L191 no.9:134-139 4s. (MLRA 9:9) (Oil shales) L_~L~89- T/EVJ~t)/ET1 IJP(c) ip :~6 ACC NRt AP602.1') I SOURCE CODE!- CZ/0065/66/000/002/0168/0179 AUTHOR: Osina, Vladislav ORG: Department of the Science of Materials, Engineering Facult -, VUT, Brno (Katedra nauky r, materialu, strojni fakulta VUT) TITLE: Study oi the influence of an impact wave on the transformation of austenite SOURCE: Kovove materialy, no. 2, 1966, 168-179 TOPIC TAGS: austenite, austenite trans formation, impact wave, pressure effect, steel microstructure, bainite steel, martensite steel ABSTRACT: The pressure effect of an inipact wave on the transformotion of austenite has been investigated in carbon steel 12060. 1 and in cast s-,eel -12,2661 m the temperature range of 950-1000C. The rates of the forming mandrel r&ng(-,-. from 50 m1sec to 190 m/sec. The achieved results proved that the pressi,rr effect of a mandrel shot at the rate of 50 i-n/sec did tint considerably charigo tho structure. Perlitic and perlito-troostitic miCr0Str11CtL1re has been obtairied, Ccs'd 1 / 2 2 / 2 S-1 414: -5~ Waub TrM~ Akad Poklad . y 3A 12 4 . , -The &~Toj tho sturgrml-l"* A*b call WVC, eviown1wlyj JOT. PlAY111AMMILI 11P!'~ OA MV;Attft as the. tour" o . an rm 11li z64t=tt4 Uver It nAd. 7ith 11,01m TO', tht Mtraw - i if d O d J . P WCUO" ure Rt H, ftntr , evap Is trutod vith 0.7 Y61. and 1'M; stortA 8 d erilind In thi pmence of PhOU - ~ li id i s to DO% after which the III tred, and heated 5 trun. qu 04dy um. '0 ~- , j , , , ;~_ -- ~ KARAYV,V, A.I.; ALITEV, R.K.; EINA, Ye.Ye.; GAUZIM. Ye.G.; IGONETS, G.Ya. Industrial method of manufacturing triprotanine sulfate from sturgeon milt. Izv.AN Azerb.SSR no.1:101-110 Ja '57. (MLRA 10:5) (Krasnodar Territory)--Snails) ,f - ~ /, ." ).; ~ 'r ALIYNV, R.K.: OSIFA, Te.Ye.; GAUTER, Ye.G. Method for commercial production of cholenzyme. Dokl. AN Azerb. SSR 13 no.4:419-424 '57. (KIaA 10:7) 1. A2erbaydzgabskoy meditainakiy institut. Predstavleno akademikom Akademit naUk P2erbsyd2hanskoy SSR M.). Tupchibashevym. (EMOCRIBOLOGY) (PHARMACT) (HATERIA KEDICA, ANIMAL) ALITIV. R.K.: OSINA, Ye.Te.; GIUM, Te.G. Industrial method for preparing artificial gastric juice. Dokl. AR Azerb. SSR 14 no.12:1053-1058 158. (MIRA 12:1) l.Azerbaydzhanskiy meditsinskiy inst1tut im. N. Narlmanova. Predstavleno akademikom AR AzerSSR A.I. Karayevym. (GASTRIC JUICE) ZHIDOVTSEV, N.A.; OSINCHUK, Z.P. Effect of hydrostatic pressure on drilling indices of thue LoIina area. Neft. i gaz. prom. no.2:17-21 Ap-Je 162. (MIPA 15:6i 1. Gosudarstvannyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut ugollnoy, rudnoy, neftyanoy i gazovoy promyuhlennosti. (Dolina region (Stanislav Province)-Oil well drilling) KOLICHENKO, A.V., kand.tekhn,nauk, MAIDUTSEV, N.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; OSINCHUK, Z.F., inah. Effect of hydrostatic pms5ura on the drillability of rocks. Nauch. zap. Ukrniiproakta no.9%15-23 162. (KIRA lb-,7) (Oil well drilling) (Oil well drilling fluids) KOLICHENKO, A.V.; OSINCHUK, Z.P. Inproved radial rubber-meetal turbodrill supports. Mpsh.i rJeft. obor. no.12:3-6 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1. UkrNlIgiproneft'. KOLICHENKC, A.V.; CLIP"Clit"j-, Z.1'. Deziion of a ttrbcdr4,!,' ,., : -~ ...*'-.. Zi z , ". Mash. ' nef~.. obc,r. ric.~:3-c` I ~"J. (,/: _:. p : -, ~ ... 1. Institut Kllpiv. KCILIC,HEN?:O, A. V.1; ',)L ' TI ~',-HUR., L'. i . Npign r,-4- a rcr~~w 4'-- 1 I a.: - . fieft. Dt)(,;,. i.( . -~ 0--, 1",') . ' ": 7 v, --N I I I I . , I Lf' ~i !-- n~ff t ' ' 1, v. SAVOGINP N.A., inzh.; 06DiENIKO, V.A., imlzh.; G!:~i-JIIOJVJI A.P.0 in--h. Asynchronous mode ofoperation of a TV2-150-2 turbogenerator and its connection in a power distribution network using a self-synchronization technique. Elek. sta. 34 no.8:66-67 Ag 163. (MDU OSIMICH, V.V. 5=11 beating unit for SKT-48 driers. Obm.tekhopyt. DUYJ no.36: 44-45 '56. (MTRA 11:11) (Drying apparatus--Textile fabrics) __ OBININ, 0.. predeedatell. The shop committee helps the activist group rmster trade-union work. V pom. profaktivu 14 no.16:]4 Ag '53. (MLHA 0;7) 1. Zavkom Chelyabinskogo traktornogo savods. (Trade-unions) OSININ, O.P. -1.1---~, - Oar contribution to the Russian tractor industry. PAaMmstroltel' no.11:19-20 N '57. (RIRA 10-10) 1.Sekretarl PartJymogg Komiteta Chelyabinskoge traktormoge zavoda. (Chelyabinsk--Tractor Industry) L 18413-66 Eff(MMEWPWA Pal ACC NR: AP6003418 SOURCE COVE: UR/0190/66/(08/001/"4/0097 '57 AWHORSt Goykhnan, A. Sh.; Osinina* L. A,; Osinin, S6 G&; Nosov, Ho P, ORGt Kiev Branch of A31-Union Scientific Research Institute of Artificial Fibers.(Kievskiy filial vaesoyuznogo nouchno-Issleclovatellsk6go InstiEu iskusetvannogo volokna) TITIE: Correlation of the macromolecular orientation index in,fibars,, determined by x-ray and acoustic measurements SOURCEt' Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniyap v. S. no. 1, 1966, 94-97 TOPIC TAGS:* polymer, polyamide, polyamide compound, caprone, inoleculnr structure, macromolecule ABSTRACT: The orientation indices for polyeaproamide fiber stretchod at 180C were determined as a function of degree of stretching by x-ray methods to estab- lish a correlation between the orientation indices of macromolecules in fibers determined by different methods. The acoustical data were obtairod and treated rafter the method of W. W. Moseley (J. Appl. Polymer Sci., 3, 266, 1960), and the x-ray data were treated after J, Corny (Faserforach, und Textiltechn., 15, Card 1/2' UDC: 678.01-.53 L 18413-66. ACC IMs AY6003418 321j, 1964). The experimental results are presented grapbicany (see Fig. 1). f& R Fig. 10* Dependence of the orientation factor on the degree stretching. I - x-ray data (fo); 2 ultrasound data (t