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4540 8/892j62/000/001/009/022 B10.21DIS6. AUTHORS: Larichev, A. V., Levehenko, Ve P.90mmov,_D.-P. TITLE: The effect of channels in the shield on the attenuation of the gamma radiation of extended sources SOURCE: Moscow. Inzhenerno-fiticheskiy institut. Yoproey dosivietrit. i zashchity ot izluchenly, no. 1, 1'962j, 66-73 TEXT: The effect of conical or cylindrical shield channels Is calculated for y-ray sources in the shape of a truncated come or of a l1ne. In the case of the truncated cone covered with a shield containing the.ocnical channel, the dose rate at point A is calculated by Pon - 1. 3 4 4; P06 A (I -COB it + ftff 1. 2. 3 a + a) + sei a)) + 441. aV-m ml~ +cost 101(pt + PASect) - OW"Oft (1) ;11- 1 Card 1/3 S/e92j62/ODD/ODI/OD9/022 The effect of channels in the ... B102/31" k is the gamma constant of the Isotope, q the specific source activity and ~ (x) King's function. The pt-dependenoo of the reduced done rate V, obtained for p0H-1 is shown in Fig.11 P(a.O,pt) denotes %be does rate at A without shield channel. E(u) is also oalaulated. For.& linear source and_q_oylly~drioal channel the reduced done rates P, (3) (2) 'Off)& e7 We) ON are calculated, where P and PI are the dose rates at any point behind the shieldv without and with I-ray scattering taken Into accountl P opt 0 a denote these dose rates if no channel exists; t(a) am 11(a) are the -1-ray path lengths without and with channel t(u)-*0 ~sea, t0 to the shield thickness; p,,is the linear y-ray attenuation fectorl P(t), P(tf) are fte dose build-up' factors. Numerical calculations veto sad* for pto U 113959 pR - 0.29 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, and 3.0 and 0 - 30, 60 and 96c; 9 Is the anglo Card 2/3 The effect of channels in the ... between channel 006ol-rays (1-25 experimental data. was observed due 8 figures. Card 3/3 8/092/62/000/00/6091022 Bio.,-i96 axis and shield plane. For lead, steel and water and Wlev) the_th8oretical results were partly.compared with Por 9 90 agreement "as close, for 60 a divergence to V-ray reflections from the channel walls. There are Fig. D epende r 0 nee of the.accumulation (at rage) facto s S/796/6z/00 /003/005/019 3 electriOns.-perI c.m. the Xlein'Nishiha, function ~Which expressies the intensity of radi- __11.7''ation scatieXed in'a given direction for a unit solid angle, unit initial intensity, and bone electron; the true absorption coefficient of the air for the. scattered- radiation _~energy;and the* energy. equivalent of one.roentgen. Calculation formulas are developed. For a given shield -thickness ~iod=2,.the dose intensity is plotted versus the collimation angle for 3 caseB: Shield placed adjacent to the detector# shield place d adjac exit to the -source ':shield placvd Midway between. source and detector. :.At,zero.angle the'3.curves coincides. With.growing angle the first curve (shield near .-detector) diminishes: steeply,, since only the quanta. contained i th"n n e a gular range of .0-30 c6ntributei substantially; hence.,there' is no need for maintaining constant d i bl - thic thickness throughout the shield, an a vaTia e ess calculated from _the curve to - obtain,a, given desired shielding effectiveness with a minimal use of rnateriali' In the se6ond instance (shield near sourcei the curve drops from 0- lo, 0 then rises to near 25, . then drops again.. - Interpretation: At small angles the non- scattered quanta miss the- detector , but. the number of scattered quainta remains Simalli. since the -path.length alon whicb-sc attering in the- shield -is possible is viewedunder a very small angle. This angle grows in the 5-25' angular -range, ands with it grows theprobabilit of scattered- quanta impin ement. At yet greater Y anglesi radiational absorption prior to and following, scMtering t kea, its toll. a These:'and other analogous curves are used to, calculate the. spectral imd angular ~':-Card 2/3 AUTHORS. TITLE: PERIODICAL: Kovalev, Ye. Ye. S/089/62/012/006/013/019 B1021BI04 Absorption dose factor for a cylindrical source in the presence of a shield Atomnaya energiya, v, 12, no. 6, 1962~ c~26 TEXT bathe results of previous work (Atomnaya energiya, 10, no. 5, 515, 1961 re extended to a cylindrical nource located behind a plane shield a thickness of p1d. Using the deriotations from the previous work, the absorption dose factor is obtained as S + 1 + 0.75 gR (1-5 + 1/p)f(~Lld)f. The function f(p1d) is tabulated 2 for pR . 1, 3, 5, 7t 10, P - 1-5, 2, 3, 5, 10, and d 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, 10. It is virtually independent of the relative height of the cylinder. The relation obtained for S is valid for single scattering of radiation. -----Multiple scattering can be taken into account by using the method of equivalent absorption length. The factor B(p1l)/P(p1t) has to be introduced, 6ard 1/2- # PCT S/069/62/012/006/013/019 Absorption dose factor for ... B102/B104 where B is the dose accumulation fact03', and p1l and p1t are the equivalent absorption lengths for a hollow and a ijolid cylinder, respectively. There is 1 table. SUBMITTED: November 25, 1961 Card 2/2 38992 S/089/62/013/001/008/012 C -0 B102/B104 , _, Z !~ MJ'1dG1)'1 r.ovalev, Ye. Ye., Osanov, D. P. T:T1,'_'. The v3lume radiation of a gaB-filled source behind a plane shield I u~jl ~ AL: Atomnaja enerE-iya, v. 13, no. 1 9 19629 68 T " : 'The attenuation factor of the ganima radiation emitted by a cylindri-, cal Cas-filled source was calculated under the assumption that the self- ~_.-sorption in t'ne source could be neglected. The calculations were made using the for-mulas P=2PqRS(p, k, ILIR, jLd)B (pll) (1) for the dose rate in the source plane behind the shield, K= s(p, k, pjR, lLtd=O) = K'(p. k, p%d) (2) S (p, k. j&IR, psd) B (p,l) B (p.1) for the attenuation factor in the shield, and K' (p, k, jLd)=Ae',035ptd_t (I -A) ed,S'p,d. (3) as an approximate relation holding for the attenuation factor KI if multiDle scattering in the shield is neglected. B is the build-up factor of the scattered radiation for a point sourcel /A2 - In K1. The remaining Card 112 S/089/62/013/001/008/012 T'-Ie volume radiation ... B102/B104 definitions are Fivrn in "Atomnaja energiya", v. 8, no. 4, 374, 1961. The coefficient A, which depends only on source parameters, is tabulated. The accuracy of Eq.(3) is 10-15%. There i3 1 table. S'U'Bi~:ITTED& December 18, 1961 Card 2/2 LARICHEV, A.V.; OSANOV, D.P.,il POPOV, V.I. Spectral composition of ~'-radiation from honogeneous cylindrical sources. Atom. energ. 13 no.2sl45-151 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8) (Gamma rays-Spectra) ACCESSION NR: AT4021251 AUTHOR: D. P. S/2892/63/000/002/0051/0065 TITLE: Experimental data on the shielding attenuation of 7 radiation of extended sources SOURCE: Voprosy* dozimetrii i zashchity* ot izlucheniy, no. 2, 1963, 51-65 TOPIC TAGS: y radiation, energy scattering, radiation dose-$ point source, attenuation ABSTRACT: This paper presents results of experiments on the investigation of sh~eld- ing attenuation Of 7 radiation from solid, hollord, and gas filled cylindrical sources. The results are plotted in graphs. A number of measurements were made to determine the dependence of the multiple attenuation factor of y rays on the location of the shield between the source and the detector. Based on experimental data, the author arrives at the following general conclusions. With an increase in the radius of the cylindrical source, the fraction of ~Irays which penetrate the protective barrier in inclined directions increases, which leads to a stronger attenuation of radiation. An increase in the multiple factor of attenuation depends on the thickness and material of the shield. The physical parameters, the atomic Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR-. AT4021251 number and the density of the extended source, have an effect on the attenuation of y radiation in the shield, since these parameters basically define the self-absorp- tion and the self-scattering of radiation. The processes of scattering absorption of 7 rays in the source itself are not related to the character of 7 ray attenuation in the shield; the main factor which determines the attenuktion of radiation in the shield is the spatial distribution of the active substance, i.e., the geometry of the source. When pox > 2, the soft radiation formed due to the scattering in the source, amounts to an Insignificant fraction of the total radiation beyond the shield. "I would like to express my gratitude to A. I* Bonder' and Yu. P. Kayurin for their aid in the execution of the experiments." OrLS, art. has: 6 formulas, 12 figures, and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy inzhenerno-fizicheskly institut (Moscow Physics and Engineering Institute) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 06Apr64 SUB CODE: PH, NS NO REP SOV: OD6 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 001 Card 2/2 OSANOV, D.P. Effect of th,5 i3hape of 1i bar-tsr on thle of gamma rays from volume sources. Atom. energ. 15 no.0331-332 0 163. (MIRA RADZIYEVSKIY, G.B.; OSANOV, D.P. Depth dose distribution of absorbed energy frGm normonoenergetic electrons. Vop.doz. i zashch. ot izluch. no-3:125-138 ON.. (miRA 18-21 0,- 111, ~V, D. I'.; K, 1V - - ;, Yo. Y,.. it A~AYEVI'~PJY, G.13. Tissue ~:r '. ctron 1,hr7 . * ~ , 1, , rad-lat-ort -.);:-~ '. Vop.doz. -' ?.aor,cn. ot izhich. no.):13~~--! ( ~v .-Fut ~3- `6_52o-- 6 ~2/-FCC/!;W!(d)/EWA W TT/DD/GW - ACC_ NR:. AP5026o58 801MCE CODE: UR/029P/63/003/00510782/0T06. Ye. Ye.; Ossnov, D. adiix~hlx, B Mel$nik4 A. X. b6ne TITLE: Protgetign of the cosmonaJefrom electrons and bremestrablung radiation-in the,eartbls,radiation belt SOURCE:~.~ Koanicheskiye iseledovaniya, v. 3, no. 5, 1965''782-188 TOPIC TAGS:; radiation protecti manned space flight, radiation biologic effect, ~electron, bremsstrahlung, absorbed dose, tissue dose, radiation dosimetry ABSTR4CT:. The authors consider methodological problems incalculatipg the protection of cosmonauts. frcxi~ electron and bremBstrahlung Irradiation in the earth's radiation ~belt. 'Among these problems to the selection of criteria for evaluating the radiation hazard and'geometrical peculiarities of protective structures. A calculation is pro- ..Posed for the protection of a cosmonaut situated outside a spacecraft in a radiation belt. Experimental data on the depth distribution of electron doses in materials of !'low itomic nu~nber areused in this calculation. The possibility of using a single dose, distribution for electrons in an energy interval up to 3 M6v is demonstrated. Also presented are evaluations of bremastrablung tissue doses emittable by electrons in a protective layer. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. [CD) uDc: 628.58:629.198.621 ----- ------- MIKHAYLOV, Lev Mikhaylovich; AREFIYEVA, Zinnida Semenovna; OSIVIOV, D.P.,, red. (Tables and nomogrEm to calcul,%te shieldini, from gamia rays; point sources] Tablitsy i nomogranmV dlia rascheta zashchity ot gauma-luchei; tochechnye istochniki. Moslcvh, I-'editsina, 19h5. 132 p. (Nli~A IF:9) L 29571-66 EVIT(m) ACC NR: AP601287% SOURCE CODE: UR/0205/66/006/002/0298/0307 AUTHOR: Radziyevskiy, G. B.; Osanov, D. P. ORG: none TITLE: Distribution of absorbed energy In depth in materials made of light atoms and irradiated with accelerated electrons having energies of 0. 4 - 1. 2 Mov SOURCEt R~Alobiologlya, v. 6, no. 2, 1966, 298-307 TOPIC TAGS: electron beam, electron distribution, electron radiation, beryllium, alumi- num, plexiglass, celluloid ABSTRACT: In connection with problems of dostmetry of accelerated electrons, the authors determined the depth distributions of the absorbed energy in materials made of light atoms (e. g. , aluminum, beryllium, plexiglass, celluloid) for the geometry of an "infinitely wide" electron beam. Measurements were made of the relative dose distri- butions in several materials with a normal Incidence of the beam of electrons with energies in the 0. 4 - 1. 2 Mev range. The partially contradictory data given in the literature on Card 1/2 UDC: 621.039.55 L 29571-66 ACC NR: AP6012876 dose distributions at nornial incidener have been refined. For some materials measure- ments were made of the relative dose (list ributions at a beam angle of Incidence in the zero to 60* range. The disappi-arwnce nf the peaks on dose curves was detected on increasing the angle of incidence front zero W 60', and an explanation is offered for this phenomenon. The question of setting up norms for relative dose distributions has been examined, i. e. , the question of determining the absolute doses corresponding to the prescribed intensity of the electronic beam on the sample, 'rhe standards proposed require the knowledge of the dose or energy coefficients of the back scattering of electrons. Dose and energy cocff ici - ents have been determined for some light atom materials In the 0. 4 - 1. 0 Mev energy range. The authors express their gratitude to A. 1. Fornichev, Z. F. Ponomareva, and A. D. Mellnik who participated In tahing the me urements, as well as to P. -Ya. Glazunoy and N, 1. Vitushkin for pr(,viding the opportunity of working on the accelerator, Orig. art, has: 5 figures. [ C)81 SUB CODE: 20 / SUPN1 PATF: 15May64 ORIG REF: 012 / OTH REF- 021/ ATD PRFSS: Card 2/2 c r t c ~,~i d6i -, * _,( -,- - A LA rt=tionv o Zen 50 '1 riyllthosphdrwe). Dtlefilikat 01) 0 nylphopshorus by meani of d :)t- I G~ A. Rnzu- -qsi~ mwt, Preimling Lti-,tr.-.jt- waa O'b"vii ihat the-clk-avage Pf ph ~-mh froin I'lij? ~-,ccws -*4h equal facility from PrIlar mid atorial locsitiong; thus all 3 Ph groups are cuerg6tically ally N.-ituid to the P atnin in spite of thOr. -&mlittric junlity-around the F it toin [A-tbe lonn OUA trik.-AI-41 111- md(L -114 rcstilt 4 different from exchange tea Win .,4 of diffeecutly it'll a RAZUVATEV, G.A. OSAIMVA, N.A. Pentaphosphenyl. Zhur.ob.khim. 26 no.9:2531-2537 6 156. (RLRA 9:11) 1. Gorlkovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (PhospheiVI) OSANOVA, N. A. Cand Chem Sci -- (dies) "Study of' WNKZNIII(Nlgy Pentaphenylphosphorus." Gorlkly, 1957. 7 pp 20 cm. ((Iorlkiy State Univ im N. I. Lobachevskiy), 100 copies (KL, 26-57, 105) - 20 - 50) 30V/79-29-9-38/76 AUTHORS: Razuvayev, G. A., Petukhov, G. G., Osanova, N. A. TITLE: Investigation of the Reactions of Pentaarrl Phosphorus. Determi- nation of the Equivalence of the Groups bj Means of Deuterium PERIODICALt Zhurnal obahchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 9, pp 2960-2983 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The investigation of the reactions of pentaaryl phosphorus with deuterium in a phenyl group in benzene- or chloroform solution showed that the separation of both the polar and the equatorial phenyl groups takes pj:sce equally easily and with radical mechanism (Ref 1). The problem arose whether in ionic separation of pentaphenyl phosphorus the equivalence of the polar and equatorial phenyl groups was maintained. The reaction of penta- phenyl phosphorus with hydriodic acid (Ref 2) and acetic acid (Ref 1) is known to be an ionic reaction. The reactions of this phosphorus compound containing deuterium in a phenyl group with the above acids actually showed that the equivalenoe of the polar and equatorial groups is also observed in the course of an ionic reaction. The quantity of deuterium in dinitrobenzene obtained from the separated phenyl groups amounts to approximate. Card 1/3 1Y 1/5 of the total quantity of deuterium in pentaphenyl phou- SOV/79-29-9- 38/76 Investigation of the Reactions of Pentaaryl Phosphorus. Determination of the Equivalence of the Groups by Means of Deuterium Card 2/3 phorus as may be seen from the data of table 1 (experiments 1,2). J. Wittig substituted the p-tolyl group for a phenyl group and found in the reaction of tetraphenylt%1jy,1 Ocaphar~jkw~xl hydro- bromic acid (Ref 2) that besides benzene and toluene a mixture of triphenyl-p-tolyl- and tetraphenyl phosphonium bromide results (30). Information on the ratio of benzene to toluene is, however, missing in his report as well as the method of determining the ratio of the salts in the reaction products. The authors assumed that such a ratio of the separated phenyl- to the tolyl groups with tagged atoms could be determined. For this purpose a tetraphenyl-p-tolyl phosphorus with a deuterium atom in the cycle of the tolyl group was synthesized and caused to react with hydrobromic acid, chloroform, and alcohol. The table (oolumns 5,9) gives data on the djotribution of deuterium in products obtained from the separateCreLdioals, and in the radicals which remained linked to the phosphorus, on the as- sumption of equivalent separation of the tolyl- and phenyl groups. A comparison of these data with those experimentally ob- 'tained (Table, experiment 3) shows that in ionic reactions (in SOV/79-29-9- 38/76 Investigation of the Reactions of Pentaaryl vhosphorus. Do-termination of' the Lquivalence of the Groups by Means of Deuterium this case in the reaction with HBr (Table, experiment 3)) there is no difference in the rate of separation between the tolyl- and phenyl groups of tetraphenyl-p-tolyl phosphorus. In chloro- form,where the reaction takes place according to the radical mechanism, separation of the phenyl radicals is predominant (Table, experiments 4,5). There are 1 table and 3 references, 1 of which is Soviet. AS.:)OCIATION: Gorlkovskiy Fosudarstvennyy universitet (Gorlkiy State Uni- versity) SUBMITTED: July 21, 1958 Card 3/3 RAZUVAYE;V, G.A.;,WANOVA, N.A., SHULAYEV, N.P.; TSIG-IN, B.M. Radical reactionsof peentaphenylantimon7. Zhur.ob.khim. 30 no.10: 3234-3237 0 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Gorlkovskiy gosudaretvennyy universitet. (Antimony organic compounda) RAZWAYEV, G.A.; PETUMOV, G.G.;-OSANOVA, N.A. Investigating the reaction of pentaphenyl phosphorus with benzene by means of tagged atoms. Zhur.ob.khim. 31 no.7: 2350-2353 Jl 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Phosphorus organic compounds) (Benzene) NAUMOVA, Ye.K., dots.; SHP14SUTDID!OV, N.S., assistent; FEDOROVA.S-A-I RYABDVA,N.I.; qpAl,.,CVA, V.P.; KOKSINA.K.D. (Kazan') Fighting diphtheria in the country; abstract. no.1:113 Ja-F'61 (111RA 161ll) A N BL'~' 1 l';i t87 -a" o f, _ T rr' r. l Ig' -O&AIW;*)~~9y~~,,U.I.,nedf3estra (14oskva) Respiratory disti=bances in neurosurgical patients. Mod.seBtra 18 no.2:35-37 F '59. (KIM, 12:2) (RESPIRATION) _,C;_-SSI0N XR: AP4029204 AUT11OR: Boyko, P. A.; Gryaznov, B. A.; Dubinin, V. F.; V. N., V. A.; Osa3yuk, V. V.; Radomy,.'sel'skiy, 1. D.; Rudenko, V. N. TITLE: Investigation of the properties of N32D4 high-allay nickel-co,~'P.-_-.- powl'cr- natal steel SOURCE: Poroshkovaya matallurgiya, no. 2, 1S64, 32-39 TOPIC TACS: N32D4 steel, high alloy steel, nickel copper steel, powder irecal ecce., copper cnntaining n1loy, nfrl(el containing alloy AUS URACT ..... ... by ~~O cal variations. It was shown that the higher pressures of the first pressir,~- and temperature of the first sintering raises the density of the manufactured a-amples only slightly and has little affect on the GL.-cnSLh characteristics in Dtatic test.3. These results are presented in tables and &rap-s. In dync-nic tents (resiliencyr ultimate strength) there is a consiaeral~!e La the streni;th of the cample& manufactured by 61c second technological variation which is arDocinted with an in- creased ficivAtf-f, ~ of t1ja dynamic strength characteristics of porosity micro- heterr,:-.i t-Lon which is hi&her in tho ram,,ilco subjected to a filrGt AC(-t7S.;I01; IM; AP4029204 sintering at low temperature. Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 2 tablaD. ASSO-CIATION: Institut problem materialovedeniya AN Z~Za (Institute of "L-teria'. Behavior Problems, AN 5=) DATE ACQ; 28,%pr64 SUBMITTED: 13Sep63 O~~ SUB CODE: 11L NO REP SOV. 005 9, Z Ll- aOOJ- ACCCESSICU NRt M41015269 B/M6/64/000/001/OM/0080 AUMCRt Grigorlyeva, V. V.) Dubinin, V. P.1 Sergeyenkova,, V9 M.; Nnayuk, V, Va_ TITLE: Rupture strength of a hard chrmim carbide allay 13OURCL7- Poroahkorvaya metallurgly'a, no. 1, 1A, 77-80 T= TrkGSt ccrmet, cermet rupture otrength, chromium carbide allay, chrcmiun Caxbi1,_- iAcIm', cei-met, refractory a.Ucry, refractory oermet, chramiun carbide, &JJ-oy ntpture otrangth J'~_M fl~`.Cl, ICermat. sp_,~Cimenn (Fig. I of Pncloouarc) cuitaining 8% chrcniuD car- jidcl ak:A 1% niclaol vexre canpacted from pjwdcrc anul aintered in hydrogen at 1573K, tbeu subjected to streas rupture teata at 1073 and 1173K for 100 houro. _o,ualti; plotted FrapLlically (Fig. 2 of Enclwure) are ccmpared vith data fur tin iieut-rvaiatmt al-loy E11~37D and Indicate a oubstantial d-ifference in rupture strengt1i of tbc tiro materiale at 1073K, which decreasou an the temperature In in- ' to U731'. Orig. art. has: 3 figuren wid I table. crew~e-,,; I Cor!! I ji-t ACM-RST(T .-,,T,4o1r.,,269 ASSOCIATIMt Inatitut problem mate r1 aluvedeniyn All UIUGSR (Inj3titute for Problema in the Science of MaterialB AB UkrSSR) smmm.- 24sep63 MM 1 02 SUB CODE: IM NO REF SCVt 001 ODO Card 2/4 ACCESSION NRi AP4015269 i -- - i Z: E T 5 65 ENCLOSURFt 01 Figure 1. S"cJmen for stress rupture teste 3/4 f ACCESSTON NR: AP4015269 Figure 2. Results of stress rupture testae chromium carbide alloy ---------------- heat resistant alloy E1437B use 11stress, mn/m2st vertically and "time, hours" horizontally 4/4 ENCIBSURE: 02 OSASYUK, V.V~, irlAt. New metbod for testLne itre.,:s -b- I. cn. Y!%sBnostr.-enie no-5: luc S-0 '64, (MIRA 18t2) OSAULEIIKO . B. People of initiative and capability. Sov. profsoiuzy IF, je ;~2m 1~1:0 1. A"redsedatell oblastnogo komiteta profsoyuza rabotnikov gosudarntvennykh uchrezhdeniy, g. Vladimir. (Vladimr Provinc6--Trade unions) Madimir Province-Offici4as and employees) OSAULEMO, I. j~ 11-' -~ - - ~ Do not stop at achievements Plast. ugl. 3 no.12:18 D '54. (MLRA 8:6) 1. Nachallnik otdola truda t zurabotnoy platy tresta Ordzhonikid- 2ougoll. - (Coal mines and mining) OSAUIMO.I.-, inihener Itfficiency vorkere are utilizing all potentialities of Industrial growth. Mast.ugi.4 no.9:15-16 S'55- (MIRA 9:1) (Donets Basin--Coal mines and mining) KOSHELEV,-Konstantin Vasillyevich; DOLZHENKO, Vladimir Ivanovich; -OSAULENKQ.- n lemeLjyAnovich- YATSENKO, Vladimir Dmitriyvich; NINJI Aleksey Mikhaylovich; FEDDROVA. A.M., red.; KRASGVSKI'Y, I.P., red. izd-va; WMILINA, L.N., tekhn. red. [Timbering permanent workings of deep shafts] Kreplenie kapi- tallnykh vyrabotok glubokikh gorizontov shakht. Pod red. A.Y. Fedorovs. Moskvpi, Gosgortekhizd)it 1963. 75 P. (MIRA 16:7) (Nine timbering~ KOSHEIEV, K.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; OS.ULENKC-,- I.Ye., inzh.; LOSEV, N.T., lnzh. ~ --l- - Rock pressure in major workings of deep mines. Ugoll Pr. 7 no.11:15-17 N 163. (WRA 17:4), 1. Institut gornoy mokhaniki i tekhnicheskoy kibernotiki. i) IU ' f k- W K - AU T:,'O R Csaulenko, ?.L. , Mining Engineer 127-53-5-7/30 TITLE- Improvement of Dirr.-ct Cuts in the Mines of the Apatit Com- bine (Sovershenstvovaniye pryamykh vrubov na rudnikakh kombinata Apatit) PERIODICAL: Gornyy Zhurnal, 1~58, Nr 5* pp 26-28 (Uj:3R) ADSTRACT: Direct cuts are used in the apatite mine imeni Kirov for drifting horizontal and sinking vertical workings. Ap- proximately 70% of the operations are carried out in rocks of 6 to 9 hardness coefficient, and 30`1"o in rocks of 8 to 12 hardness coefficient - bi Professor Protodlyakonov's --cale. At present, several varieties of direct cut are used. The most efficient method is as follows: the cut- ting-shot-hole is drilled to a depth of over twice the depth of the other shot-holes of the set. It is charged over its full length and is blasted together with the other holes. The section remaining after the blast serves as a ready cut for the next set of shot-holes and is not charged anew. The dia-;-raM showing the distribution of shot-holes in this method is presented in Figure 3. This method of direct cut, with an advancing shot-hole also has some draw- Card 112 backs, but work on its improvement is being continued in 127-50-5-7/30 Improvement of Direct Cuts in the Yines of the Apatit Combine the Apatit Combire, to achieve 4 to 5 m of face advance- ment durin- one cycle of blasting operations. U There are 4 fiCures. ASSOCIATION: gauchno-issledovatellskaya laboratoriya kombinata Apatit ( Scientific Research Laboratory of the Apatit Combine) AVAILABLE: Library of Congreso Card 212 1. Mines-Blast effects 2. Mines-Improvement 3. Mines-Development OSAULENKO, P.L., gorny inzh.; ROZINOYER, B.L., gorny jr,zhe; PEPI.IYAKOVf R.S.P kD~Myinz-h. Breaking of ore in deep holes without corresponding free space. Gor. zhur. no.4:9-11 AP '60. 1 (MMA 14:6) 1. Kombinat Apatito Kirovskp Murnanskoy obl. (Mining engineering) OSAULE-1110, P.L., gornyy inzh.; ROZINOYER, B.L.2 gornyy inzh.; ABAKIP-TV, R.A., gornyy inzh.; PAFKOV,, A.V., gornyy inzh. Practice of charging upward holes in the Kirov apatite mine. Gor. zhu.r. no.3:63-64 Mr 163. (MIU .16:4) 1., Nauchno-issledovatel'skaya laboratorlya kombtnatz 114atILt") re Kirovsk. OSAULE-NKO,--P.L., gornyy inzh.; ROZINOYER, B.L., gormyy inzh.; SUKHODREV, V.M., gornyy inzh. Practice of upward drilling of holes in the Kirov apatite mine. Gar. zhur. no.7:29-31 n 163. (MIR-A 16:8) 1. Kombinat "Apatitu. LITVINOVP I.D., gornyy Inzh. ILdeceased]; VUSOV, G.Yu., gornyy inzh.; P., OSAULENKO, , go, - 11. -nyy Jnzh.; ROZITIkYLR, B.L., gornyy inzh. Development of breaking methods in mJnes of the "Apatit" Combine. Gor. zhur. no.11:3-7 N 063. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Kombinat I'Apatit." LUAKP K.S. (Kiyev, Brea t-Litovskoye shosse, A-82); XOLOM1YTSENs A.K. (Kiyov, Brost-Litovskoye shosse d 82)- OSAULENKO, V.YEL. (Kiyev, Brest- Litavskoye shosse, d.82~; 6HERi'1OV, O.V. (Kiyev, Brest-Litovskoyr-- shosse, d. 82) Reaction of the peripheral nervev of the akin to oynthotic auture material. Nov. khir. arkh. no.502-95 S-0 160. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Kafedra gistologii i embriologii (zav. - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki, chlen-korrespondent All 36SR prof. N.I.Zazybin) Kiyevskogo meditainskogo instituta. (SKIN-INIIEMATION) (SUTURES) OSAULEIKO, V* Y&O Effect of therapeutic doses of mercusal on the motor innervation of skeletal muw~lee. Vrach. delo no.2t9O-94 F164 (MIRA 1794) 1. Fafedra gistologil i embriologil ( zav. - zasluzhennyy dey-a- telt nauki chlen-korrespandent A14F SSSR prof. N.'L.ZS--Ybin) Kiyevskogo weditsirskogo instituta. 1. 03ATJLENK02 YE. 1. RYI-RON, 1. M. 2. USSR (6UU) 4. Plastering 7. Plastering work in below freezing weather. Biul. stroi. tekh. 9 no4 19, 1952. 9.- Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, January -1953. Unclassifit4. OSAMO. G.K. Ap-nlication of honey it, or-lilar nrLatice. Vest.oft. 32 no.3:35-1/6 )-~-Je '53. (MI-Ra 6:8) 1. Glaznoye otdelentye Odeaskoy oblastnoy klinicbeskoy bollnitsy (Honey- -Therapeut ic mie) (ke-Diseases) OSMG, 1. Meeting of the Moscow Society of Psychiatrists and Neuropathologists devoted to problems of controlling alcoholism. Zhur. nevr. I paikh. 54. no.12:1038-1039 D 154. (MIRA 8-2) (ALCOHOLISM) G.A-LMfKO, V.I.; OSBXRG, I.Yu.; AZWKINA, V.D. Use of aminazine in psychiatric clinics. Sav. mad. 20 no.1:29-35 Ja '56. (MLRA 9:5) 1. Iz Hauchno-lopledovatellskogo Instituta poikMatril (dir. D.D. Fedotov. uauchnvy ru)-ovociitall-prof. V.A. Gilyarovskiy) Hinisterstva zdr&vookhr&naniy&. SSSR. (KERITAL DISORDMS, thar. chlorpromazine) (CHLOWROMAZINN, ther. uas mantal disord.) GALHKKO. V.Ye..; OSBERG, I.Yu..; AZBUK114A, V.D. Aminazin v paikhiatricheakoi klinike. Zhur. nevr. i poikh. 56 no.2: 162-165 156 (MlJU 9:5) 1. Institut psikhiatrii (dir. dotsent D.D. Fedotov) Hinisterstva zdravookhraneai,ya SSSR. (MITAL DISORDERS, therapy, chlorpromazine (Ruo)) (GHUR)PROMUINA, therapeutic use, ment. disord. (Rua)) 'a tam. OstyaCl, SF(Olper, And 0,11. Ptenkel t with and '21-namal coorul InifivWvalsr, A IMq4-, the 't -I * J* -d 6C8 4tal-, -ah a tr -it- bia 6dwill 446 uor ult litiaMPA ere xuadd prior falbd lxiiVlAlon of thed Iru lAn wl APY C "Ceplalogmaj ifidicated a nanuialltatia~ 11 3. A SEOPT WNtEL Y," FOR TIQ Fl Ncurolo7y CZ--'C: 3S-0VA":IA I - -Z, -,ic, V IADV 0 R: P J.; ljlrjur-,surr~ical N ical 2aculty, Cnarlas "'nivers.ty (:;euroc~~irur-ic,ca Kiinika -_,Fjk. Fak. K-U), .---,-radee Kralove, '-7ead (?re~,:-.osta) Pro-' Dr R. 'ZOE"JR; ".eurol- ogical De~)artment 0-111-res--i lnstitute of '-ational ;iealth (:t_.eurolo- gicke Odd. OMNZ), .--.avliccuv Brod, Head (Vedouci) Dr A. 3SCADAL. "Diencep,'-_~al oschisis. Pra-ue, Ces',:oslovanseca ~Ieuroio~-ie, Vol 2c),, No 5, Sep "6, pp 331 - 332 Abstract /-Autnors, Engiis.q surni:-,ary 7: Diencephaloschisis is a rare anorraly of the brain;in tlae p7st it was known only from autopsies. The auLlaors dese.ribe a live patient, in whom the di3- ease was diagnosed by pneuirioencephalographic examination. Its manifestations are similar to suprasellar expansion; this is dif- ferent from the fissure of the hypothalamus. 1 Figure, 1 Western reference. "%'b U -"19 Lnur - biologlyno No 2P 1959) No. 7416 Author t tschmann Inst Titlc; APiculturo in tho GcrmRn Domocrntic Ropublic Orig Pub Pszczclarstvo, 1958, 9, No 2, 52-53 Abstract No abstract givon Cord 1/1 CZF,C.IIOSLClvWM./F a r, - - -I-jQc: . ,'.bs Jcrur:!,'cf N-- 20, -uthor Osch..rm~, last InstiLute of V(Aori.-L,.ry ll'arac*Ltolo(y of l.'iLi'boldt U~ liv . Titic Dcvclop:~iunt of '..deuiturc. in the Gurzn DIL,:~ocmtdc Eupublic (GDh) - Ori-f- Pub: Vcularstvi, 1956, 2-1, No 1, 8-9. .I:strl7~ct: ;.piculturr- iii Gun-cmy has rezained soncwhat L,.ntcu- rish irL) to the %,cry '_musent. Imis is confixyiQcl by th,U imusual v-aricty in apiary inventory and equip- ~-:c;it. Tho sr:cializcA suctor covers only 11 of tl-.o anpia-rics si)-.LlL, xivately ownca apinxy hams on. an avaraL--c 10 fnzilics (50000 apiary mmers hnve 55000C C Can! 1/2 Surface tension &Ad f "'t W oe 51A A!lplf '71 ;1-11 A~ uhfi'ZPW;~pi, f ~. , t. A 11 ' 1114 airy Ing A surfilce tenslon and visr(Aty waN -.tu4jk-d in %y;ti ri)-~ (,j) where adecrtase of surface tcazion IoNowsaii iuvm,,v r,f x,!,- cosity cotff., i.e. M-ridint: FtOli. 2-propaiwl, and 2-pentanol, (b) inheirt: a dtrrv-,,4- a ~, tclj~ 'i"ll i, Ihe saane thric arcompanicd by a ilvmr..w. in A vt-- Chemical Abet. losity, Le. pylidine; AIVOIN tillillulkle: M-01f, E(olf, -I- VOL 48 No 9 propanol and 2-butanol. (.,) where it dcciras,i of sur( , ~ 1, 11 b d th d fi l) i f i - MSY 10, 1954 ecream, eir an in owe rst on s y a s o cosity coeff., i.e. quinolitte: 2-ficutimol. The rdifimi la, I ' Q General and Physical Chemistr !- .. OaIO to bu a tile S.Udied sy%teins was fot. ., - .. teff c i i wi i d b y , . . t v wo; n are consis., vi ty o 1where a an l :aud *' - surface tension In dyn-/cm. The ((imtj. a ;ovj for the SYSteMS studied lvere: RIC.11.1 a b AWN[ h 7,10 XIf)-- -1 Oll RIVII 1-1116 xW -1 1. R 11) 2- 110) X10- 2 011 11 0-1 2' bw .. 1 0.8799 x 111` 2 097 6 "0 A 11) t 0.8685 x W. U." . M I Piotr-, A, i The cumatmapht "j!srjbA a �m9-pYMmrr=-iW f dwJrx&qm from dick squem on IlIC&M !4~. A -AX0. Mg. 1W NOW Lilip"NOOMM, In"- AAs ab and mme of i c Ivs. from mg. wilas-mm pituuted at 231 on utive C (Carbopol 4ff) by am of a Tliella-amson am. (type LKB SOM-10). AdurbADIty ixima~md with hicraw in aid. she. and so wlwrb&Wky for pyridine < 4., 'Wine < 8-pimUne < 2-pkvfte < 2.64utlifixie < cvl- tr;. however, them rm oWy sm&U Werema in the AdX&PtiVt Power Of thelUdIVIIJUJI] Mt1hy)PY7141129 darlVe.; thelt adsorptim isotherms mn don to one another. Plotrowaid OSCIK., JARNMW Chemical Abst. V01. "48 No. 9 Maylo, 19~4 General and Fbyalcal Chemistry U#ff of P11 IA tb* *Olson em the !WSOCUTO JABIRLIM-. of waIdIaL and jis motty) dwilvativi A=MMIL WaIdmundiki and jatWI2W- QM LW-ITWF~9"W. 1:*ct. AT 6, Ax increase 1'. pH of the w1n. mlorption increased slowly at first and then very rapidly until a pH was attained at whkb the boft iras half neutralized. Thus the VH for razz. adsorption for jr)-ridine was 6A, for 2-pWine 6.0, for 2.64utidine 6.5. and far 2.4,6- collidine 7.4. L. J. Notrwaski S_ p its saint and J.-Imt, .1 aftogia d wen Willne bun from aquem solutions Varian Inarpnic *dsorbents. jaroshwvObta. Ann. ~AA.6, W-4709BIXgusIM summary).-By use of the Tiselluss-. CUUMM's app. (type LRB WD3-10) the atimption of m sq. wins. wa3 studied by frontal "Mme I "IS at 230 an silkews eRrtb, SiOs gel, At silicate and A=~A jXt,,*d. accordIhS to Brockman). Tte order of ad- V WAS COW to be AIA i-ion > vr-oli'> CON101j. this ordvr 1* msociittaA with-tht 11filarib., 0( tho boh-Crits -dipMe mmurnO. wVd 0 (dl-lccl~ic "%t. and to iomasinjg -solvatiun. Thu orduri; of mag (!A of allgorption froin SolutitAw arb-fromI110,Q1,14 -~ 4-itw4hyl- 2-6. dimethyl..< 2'. 4 , 6-trimethyl-pyTidine; Irvin alcobob, Cjl&1% 3-methyl-