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v USSR/Physical. Chemistry - Liquids and Amorphous Bodies. Gases B-6 ,',bs Jour Referat Zhur - Khiiriyuy no 2, 1951', 316-47 Author Q,~adchiy A.F, Inst Moscow Cbr--ist Pe-lagogical Institute Title rupendeiice of Trans-Stokes' Absorption of Ultrasuund in Liquids cn "Molecular" Volumes of Liquid Partic1cs. Orig Pub Sb.: Primeneniye ulltraakustiki k issled, veshchestva. VG 3, M., MCPI, 1956, 105-i16 Abstract Utilizing the theory n1L differences and assuming that the-particles of the liquid can take part in the prora- gation of the souiid impulse either as a single entity or as separate portions of molecules, the author has ie- rived an expression for the coefficient of sound absorp- tion. On the basis of a comparison of the expression thus derived with the results of observations conclusions are drawn ccncerning the mechanism of sound propagation in different liquids. Card 1/1 - 47 105-8-12/20 AUTHOR 0SADCHIY A-P,Eng. TITLE for Det ermininp the Di s tance to t he Fau 1 t I oint in Pupinized Cablea. (Impal i%etod o,,redeleriiya rusntoianija do :iiei3t.-i oi-r Pupinizirovannykh ka~)elyakh - Russian) PL_;!I0:;I",A_1 -lektrichestvo, 1957, f Nr 8, 2i) 59 - 6o AB5TFt_,',CT Since 1957 a new universal equipment 01" tj'ne 11:L-5, an vice for j,(!:isurings in overhead lines as Acll as in cables,i:-~ -.-ro- duc(-d.In recent years tests were made to use the ;_resent impalsc Ct- vices for Leasurements in pupinized c;.bles. The method of 3 narrow .-,onopolar i-,,)use ernplo~~ed on that jccasion isroveG to be a 1'a,~lu:-e. -he fadir...- oscillations which are reflected b~- the faalt o~;nt rE:- turn to tne 7oint by which the impulse was sent out.intil the a7ri- val o~ t-iis reflected iEipuse the oscillations of the first link Cf the chain ma~, be seen on the screen. These w(;re ~,,,;-lier ::iistnker. fcr the reflection of the Pupin coils. fhese oscillations remer the 4 i,loyment of thei,:,,)alse aethod dif,icalt.They can be ccnsic!;~rab:ly :-e- dAced,hov--Ever,if two narrow mono~olar iml-ases are sQnt out tc, thE: cable.1he parameters of the second i are selected so th- im p us e -i t t- e Y are co:apensated in the first link oft~ie chain after onc se-ipcrioa since the begin;-inE of oscillation.x'or that a second impuse of the same polarity as the first one is selected,but with a shift in time in ccmparation to the first impase,and elial to lhc- diration o" t'lle Card 112 first semiperiod of oscillations which are caused in the first link. 105-8-12/20 ,;.n Impulse -ethod for Determining the Lista.-ice to the ~'ai.t Point in Pa,,inized Cables. The amplitude of the s econd is chosen s malit-.- t,,.aL:. the first one.Thr- darations of i-palse are select,-,~ e iral ar.,- 1(.,r than thil- h!%lf of the oacillation puriod.ihe charact(.i, of fault io tieterr~ined according to the si,,,n of the first oscill iticl, of the reflected impuse.The expi.riments confirLied the effic:e:--t-~- of the ;iethod, especially in the c)f ca,)les ',he use of thc- IKL-5 type equipment is Dest suitable. (2 illustrations and 2 Slavic refer(~nces). C, ! 0 "c-ntral Sci,:-,tific -lectrotechnical iesearch -aboratory cf !n, Ministry of Electric Power Plants (Tsentralln~ya nau hno-issle- dovatellskaya elektrotekhnicheskaya laboratorlya IIES5 PREONTED 13Y . J.TI 1 zd, 13-).1957 AVAILABLL Library of Congress. bard 212 83872 1 3/1 12/59/0()(j/() 0/'gavo A052/A002 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurna'., Elektrotekhnika, 191~9, No. 16, p. 24V. # 35355 AUTHOR TITLE; Osadchiy, A: P. On the Dependenoe of the Absorption of Uitrasound on 1*.s PERIODICAL: V sb., Primeneniye i.:l'traakust. k Issled. veshchestva, No. 7, Moscow, 1958, pp. 101-104 TEXT; The recently investigated effect. of the dependence of absorption in liquid on the amplitude of pressure is "xplainecl -y t, energy dissipation of the wave due to periodir deformations of th- particles of liquid under the action of excess acoustic pressure, When 0-if, amplitude of shift of the sti-actural particles becomes greater thar. '-he sizp of the particles, the thickness of the liquid layer shifting during a q, of i period be3omes greater than the size of one stru:tural particle. This Is equivalent to a dimension Lnorease of the structural particles, !, ~- ar increase of the mass of a particle and of the number of Its ourside ~-lp-ron~' Card 1/2 83872 S/112/59/000/016/0~2/`~- A052/AO02 On the Dependency of the Absorption of Ultrasound on Its -ntensi-ty with the result that. the general viscosity increases. A t~al:-Ulati in nfA~ t - :-arrled out. The data obtained oorre6pond to a cortaln eyten*. ID Qv. oxp--,T,:M, tal data of other studies, ex--ept. In the case of absorption in wa-r 7: ar.omiallty of absorption of -A1traso!-Lnd of high intensity in wa,~er is by the association of mole~,.ules in mole-ular complexes whic.11 -an r-a 7onzldr as single structurad partir-les. M. G , 3 'Iranslator's noted This is the full IranslatiDn of the original abs-ra-t. -ird 2/2 OSADGHIY, A.F., Inzh. - - - - Propagation of pulses in electric transmission lines. Trudy VFIIE no.8:5-22 '59. (MIRA 13:9) (Electric lines--Testing) (Electric measurements) BAKINOVSKIY, V.L., kand.tekhn.nauk; LIFINSKIY, G.V., inzh.; OSADCHIY, ;L.P.; inzh.; FRIDMkN, Ye.Ya.. inzh. IKI,5 universal pulse device for measuring the distance to damages in overhead and cable lines for electric transmission and communications. Trudy VNIIE no.8:35-43 159. (MIRA 1i:9) (Electrie lines-Testing) BAKINOVSKIY, V.L., kand.tekhn.nauk; OSADCH lnzh. ~-IYG-411z--A. PIK-2 pulse device for ultrasonic measurements. Trudy VNIIE no.8:62-76 159. (MIRA 13:9) (Pulse techniques (Electronics)) (Ultrasonic waveo--Measurement) 6 (2) LUTHOR: Os&dchiXL_A. P., Engineer SOV/1 05--59-11--14/52 4' TITLE: Pulse Measurements in Electric Tranamissior Linee PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1959, Nr 11, pp 65 - 110 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the introduction the Inbtrument. of type IKL,-5 for detecting the source of trouble in electric lines which is produced in series is mentioned and it is found that the pulse mpasure- ment for determining the source of trouble has been little dealt with in publications. The purpose of the presen'. paper is to investigate the phenomena occurring on pulse measure- ments on multi-condu,~,tor systems by deciphering the oecillo- 4Z grams. In the first part the pulse propagation in the lines is dealt with and it is said that the pulse warea propagating in symmetrical lines can be represented as the sum of two wave groups. 1) phase-earth-waves with the same sign and the same amplitude. 2) Phase-phase-wave with different. signs in the in- dividual conductors. These waves are explained. by means of figure I in whi~:h E0 represents the phase-earth-waves and Card 1/4 EV E2' and E 3 the pha8e-phase-waves. If the amplitud;~ .-,f' the Pulse Measurements in Electric Transmission Lines SOV/105-59-11-~4/'-2 transmitter test pulse is 100% E 54c/"- E - E3 27%~ 2 Bo n 46% holds for the waves. The groups propagate auper- --,,POsing1y9 they are partly reflected at heterogeneous places, the reflected parts in turn forming phase-phase- and phase- earth-oomponents. The wave deformation is determined by the different attenuation of the frequency components of the wave and by the different propagation velocities of the waves. The measurements were made only in the phase-phase-component8 since they propagate with considerably higher velocity and are subject to much lowor attenuation. Tables I and 2 show the re- sults of the reflection oalculations in defects of different types of conductors and of the passing components. In the second part the experimental work is described. The pulses with a duration of 10 microseconds and an amplitude of 5 kv were transmitted into the conductors by means of a special ap- paratus and pulses of different length were transmitted into the conductors by means of the aeries instrument of type IKL-5~ The pulses were measured by photographing the oacillograms; figures 3, 4, and 5 show such photos and the types of the de- feats. Results: 40 A ground-leakage in any phase is noticed in Card 2/4 every phasev the most strongly in the faulty phase. 2) An Palos Measurements in Electric Transmission Lines SOV/105-59-11-14/32 lntwyhase fault can be detepted only by measuring the short- eirouited phases, 3) In ground leakages in the center of the measured phase has the reflected wave 29 - 54% of the trans- mitted one, according to the type of the ground.leakage. In the final part the measurements are described.for oomplicated parts of the mains. First the measurements of the mains shown in figures 6 and 7 are d;alt with and an osaillogram is shown in figure Ba which belongs to the mains represented in fig- ure 6. The results are summarized as follows: 1) reflex pulses occur in the osaillograms of untroubled lines which cannot be eliminated. A pulse originating direotly from a defeat is superimposed en the existing ones. 2) The measurements at one end do not definitely determine the place of the defect. 3) It is possible that in the pulse characteristics pulses occur.whioh are the sum of several reflections at different defects..In complicated asses the error can be found by a comparison of the osaillograms of the troubled and the un- troubled lines. There are 8 figureaq 2 tables, and 2 Soviet references. Card 3/4 Pulse Xft*urements in Electric Transmission Lines SOV/105-59-11-14/32 ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut elektro- 11-~ energetiki (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Electric Power Engineerintz) SUBMITTED: February 14, 1959 Card 4/4 0 0" Sin 61/000/008/051/092 JV,400 (1043 D201YD304 AUTHOR: Osadchiy, TITLE: The mechanism of Nei-rtonian viscosity and its effect on ultrasouiv-1 absorption in ".luids PERIODICid.: Referativiiyy zhui-nal, Avtomatil:a i radioelelctronika, no. 8, 1961F 6, abstract 8 E50 (Uch. zap. lioslk. obl. ped. in-ta, 2.960, 92, 223-241) TEXT: The nechanism is analyzed of Nei-irtonian viscosity (NV) in fluids. It is assumed that the NV mechanism is common and the only mechanism in the liquid statc- of Lhe -..tatter fully respon- sible for the hyper-Stokes absorption of ultrasound in liquids. The NV can unite various processes differing in their nature which occur in the liquid and these processes lead to the hyper-Stokes dissipa- tion of enercry oC the tiltrasonic wave, If with rC-spect to the ul- trasonic wave the liquict is assuried to !.~e a structural medium, con- 1TV would show due to the sisting of structural particles, then the Card 112 The mechanism of Newtonian_ periodic deformation o1' the a!jcve culation foiTiula produce(I for IN lar con8tants of the liquid are ultrasonic field. The anally-Fis concrete cases, 3 f' res ~ 5 Complete translation's 30502 S/194/61/000/008/051/092 D201/D304 structural particles. In the cal- the more ir..,iPortant of the t:iolecu- related to t1te pararietern of the of this furmula is Made f(r various referciices.. fo,stracter's note Card 2/2 OSADCHIY,A. Cand Tech Sci, -- "Study of the possiciil--y o f a-Itomatic measurement to the-Z" of damaged LE at the moment of damage." Mos, 1961. (Mos of tilizher and Sec Spec Ed RSeSR. Mos Order of Lenin Power Eng Inst) (KL, B-61, 247) I/v 278 la'OZDM,V, V,F.; OSADCHIY, A,P,- , RUBTSOV, A,S. Invout.igation of ultrasonic volocity iri water rilong the uaturation line, including tile critical region. Akust. z-hur. 7 no-3:383-384 s61. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Stalingradskiy sel'skoldiozyuystvennyy institut i Moskovskiy oblaotnoy pedagogicheskiy im-titut imeni N.K. 1"rupskoy. (Ultrasonic waves--Speed) (Underwater acoustics) ANOKHINj V.N., inzh.; LANYUK, S.Ye., inzh.; OSADCHIY, A.P., kand. tekhn. nauk I Automatic two-beam electronic oacillograph with rau .ltiple delayed scanning. Trudy VNIIE no.18:122-127 164. (MIRA 18:6) AT603369? SOURCE ODDZL-=--bUI/66/000/002/OIU/0196 naox- QmdcmL P.; K. .OBG.- am T I r LE: NOD appuatas for muMchanwl dbcftl rooordbg of welandc mignIs SOURCE: AN WEL huMM fizIbd Zemli. VyddsIIW%ay& seymmlWM so. 2, 1966. MsWwinwLy&-ffiWipii59Rji -; i - ; T; I ;0& vain INIIIIAIC~ . n of solumic vmves), 183-195 "PIC TAG& digital seimmic sJpW rworder, dicktal tog converter selemologic Justrtment, selemologic ststion,, AAA~0- AMRACT: The' ioci whIcb Incorporates a device for on-the-spDt conversion and nuflUchamod rewrdbg of saimb observations on magnetic t4e, was deyelppW at Ow hadbits offtyalm of dw Sex&, AS OWL 71wes to firs KOD sets, sub twbuw at * aw"ate embuic swum,, am pwride womd m rooDnliqp for computer- lud amlymis at the smam ffibibm. The 04 oftaws of the humbs pftow compoments (M 3LY. selmdo sApd Taloft so Muni level his% enmsb cmd t 7 7 -~:ACC W!'iAT6.033WP:- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A;A i~' _j;' IM .10 1. simplified blook diagram of registration I - Pickulp; 2 - amplifier; 3multidM=wl analqS-tD-dlgUal cowerter; 4 - time service-, 51 - raft recolver; 6 - magamic recorder; 7 - viroal roondw; 8 - control =ft; 9 - power ma*y umit; 10 - UP; H - =990@U0 ftPCSdW&r.' 12 MAIPWW trAw- 13 Multlebol" Wo owmwqb M "A. f-ACC NRI AT6033697 for conversion to a binary code - the number of amplifier channels corresponds to the number of X, Y, and Z components of the recorded signals; multichannel analog-to-digital converter Ok time recorder(Q for subsequent integrated analysis of material from a number of stations; radio receiver 0 for reception of the exact-time signals; magnetic recorder (6); visual-monitoring recorder 0); control unitft power source (storage battery) M The recorded tape CID) is transmitted to the main station where it is selectively transcribed from a magnetic r& producing unftCWGtD another magnetic recorderOA while at the same time providing a visual trace, decoded bl' a multichannel digital-to-analog converter(l) and recorded by enoscillogmPhOA). Signals within the frequency range of 0. 03-5 cps (33-0.2 see) are recorded. This act, designed for continuous round-the-clock operation, requires the following daily servicing operations: 1) replacement of mWetic-rooorder tape. 3 times daily; 2) adjustment of quartz clock 2 tines daily, awarding to exact-time signals transmitted by radio; 3) checking the performance of the data converter by visual monitoring of owillograph, screw; 4) c&Ubr&Uon of amplifier and control units. All measuremat results are recorded on the station log. Orig. art. has: 5 figures, and 2 tables. ODDE: 08# OD/ SUBM DATE: nme/ ORIG RZFs 002 ATD FMS 1 5106 SOLYAHKIN, Xe.V. - 06ADCHI7, A.S. 11~ Beat bal&we in the Black Sea. Okeanologiia 2 no.4:602-613 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Institut okeanologii AV SSSR. (Black Sea-Temperature) SOIWKIN, E.V. [Sollyankin, Ye.V.); OSADCII, A.S. [Osadchiy, A.S.] The thermal circuit in the Black Sea. An&lele geol r-geogr 17 no.2: 97-110 AP-Je 163. OSADCHIY, A.T.; POLISHCHUE, V.A. The use of short concrete piles with a pedestal formed bY blasting. Prom. stroi. 40 no.9:38-40 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Piling (Civil engineering)) (Foundations) OSADCHIY, D.P.. dots: TIRASPOLISKAYA, N.M.. 1 led inflammatory tumors originating In the kidney. Urologiia, 21 no.1:59-62 Ja-F 158. (MMA 11:1) 1. Is knfedry khirurgii (zav.-prof. G.M.Gurevich) lhnrlkovokogo stomatologicheskogo Institute na baze 11-y gorodskoy bollnitey 11her1kova. (KIDNEYS, neoplasms Inflammatory tumors) 17( SOV/177-58-7-24/28 AUTHOR: Osadchiy, D.R., Suards Captain of the !.'edic,31 '.or-,s TITLE: The Treatment of Deep Forms of F-yodermititides I PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 195P, Nr ", p P8-Q0 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author ba6es this treatise on his o-!.-n investi- Cations and those of F.N. Kashkin, Yu.F. Korolev, V.Ya. Shla,?oberskiy, ".T. Gusev, P.V. Khizhnyakov, K.K. AClintsev, M.N. D'yachenko and S.T. Pavlov. Ile observed 128 patients who were treated with the RUM-4 type a paratus and came to the following con- clusions: 1~ X-ray therapy with the x-ray diag- nostic apparatus is very effective in the treatment of deep injuries of the skin caused by staphylococci. Card 112 2) X-rays take a marked healin,-- effect in all phases SCV/1 17?-58-7- -8 The Treatment of Deep Forms of Pyodermititides of the inflammatory process, but the are ~~ost efficacious in the early periods. 3~ In roent- genotherapy of all forms of deep staphyloderma a careful exterior disinfection is necessar- 2nd in case of endogenous causes - a general 1-at'-0--enetic therapy. There is 1 table. Card 2/2 MICH I YI F. ~ Organizing repairs of fuel-feed and ignition equlpmnt. Avt. transp. 36 no.3:15 Mr '58. (MIRA 11:3) (AntomobIleB--Mmintenance and repair) BUDITIKOV,t Aiv inzh.; OADCRIY, F.,, inzh.; POTOKIN, A.; DMITi~IYE-V, A., inzh.; BRUZHJO H.; YELIZARIYEV, B. Exchange of experience. Avt.transpe 42 no.2:47-50 F '64. (MIRA 170) - F., in An. HENKO, G.; ~; GOLOSOV, V.; NOVIKOV, K.; MITIN, V.; RYBC KUZNETSOV, V.; TERENT'YEV, M., inzh.; MATKUZHIN, Zh. Exchange of experience. Avt. transp. 42 no.llt47-51 N 164. (MM 17:12) TIOUTIM. V.1 KLYSR. F.; FAYZRAKHUNOV. H.; WOMB. S.; ROCEDINKC. L. AXEMOV. M.; XMIN. A.Ch., kandidat tekbnichookikh nauk. otvetetven- nyy redaktor; OSADCHXY. F.Ya.; PaPUINA. Z.F.. takhnichaskiy redaktor [Itxperience In oil well drilling with pneumatic percussion rotary equipment] Opyt burenlia ekvazhin puevmaticheskim udarno-vrashcaatell- nym sposobom. Alma-Ata. lzd-vo Akademii nauk Kazakhokoi SSR, 1956. 79 P. (MLEA 9:7) (Oil well drilling) OS&MHIT, G.V., in2h. Effect produced by RL wheal pair with worn-out treads. Vest.TSNII MPS 19 no.6:32-34 160. (MIRA 19:9) 1. Treat Doubasetroy, g. Stalino. (Car wheels) OSADCHIYY G.V.; HYCHKOVSKlY, Z.M'. Speedy construction of a storm drain. Transp. stroi. 15 no.3:10-12 Mr 165. (MTRA 18:11) 1. Glavnyy inzh. treats, Donbasstransstroy (for Oaadehiy). 2. Starsbiy lnzh. tresta Donbasstransstroy (for Bychkovskjy). M,TYNSUY ; V -'f- OSADC illy - I - - t":BLOn1 V - Trrigation Mechanization of work involved in the tranvition to anew irrigation system. i~TrS 12 No. 4, 1952. 2 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Libraj-y of Congress, AUg=t - 195Y, Uncl. lilY, LY. .- I .,, ~t?.; , ~ - . I ael~Corced --,ncrete -)r~ll,a,,~i7tq ulnnt. Put' I put - I , A i ~ I ~~, 7 . f, i ~ ' ,,;, I, (RFiilrz)ads--E4uix)rerit ano 9-apD11C - OSADCHIY, I.F. , , I". Slag concrete blocks. Put' i out. k-hoz. no. 7:3?-3R Jl 158. (MIU 11:7) 1. Zamestitell nachullnike diatantati, 9. Gomel. (Concrete blocW OSADCHIY, I.I.. inshener. Covosibirsk nachine-excavator station coaducting soil Improve- ment operations in the Barabs steppe. Gidr. I mel. 6 no.7:18-22 .T1 154. MURA 7:7) (Baraba, steppe--Soil conservation) (Soil conservation-- Baraba steppe) OBAMHIY, I.I.. inzhener. R~_Wf ww"*4 - Fractice of efficiency promoters of the Stavropol Machine-lxcavatar Station. Gidr. i mal. 8 n0-7:37-40 JI 156. MaA 9:9) (Stavropol--Excavating machinery) OSADCHIY, K.H. ptlewlship forever. Mekh. sill. hoop. [81 no.12:8-9 D 157. (MM 10:12) 1. Sakretar Parevaslav-Khmallnitelkogo rnykoma Komuniotichnoi partil Ukraini. (Agriculture) OSADCHIT. L. I. Zffect of carbondioxide and novocaite on interceptors of the Ileocecal region. Biul.akep.biol. i med. 41 no.4:10-14 Ap '56. (MLRA 9:8) 1. Iz laboratorii fiziologii retseptorov (zav. deyetvitellnyy chlen AME SSSR prof. V.N.Chernigovskiy) i laboratorli patologicheakoy fiziologii (zav. prof. V.S.Galkin) Instituta fiziologii imeni I.P. ftvlova (dir. akademik K.H.Bvkov) AN SSSR, Leningrad. Predstavlena d8yBtVitellay-m chlonom ANN SSSR V.N.Chernigovskim. (BLOOD PRRSSURE, physiology. eff. of ileocecal stimulation with carbon dioxide & procaine (Rus)) (IINJH. ptwsiology. off. of carbon dioxide & procalne stimulation of ileocecal region on blood pressure (Rue)) (CECUM. physiology, same) (P]JOCAINE, effects. on ileococal region. blood pressure responses (Rus)) (CARBON DIOXIDE, effects. same) 01"~'W"i: F , i,. 1 , Cl n 1 Vo, I :"! I -- ~' : i :~ , i " rf! r, ~, ~ 1 1, 1, . - ~~ , !* : . , :, * - r : - - 4 .- I ,- , . . I , " com-,),--)nent in "-.e of' el"'ect.!7 c)*' in'rnvrs-il~-r o' C~~ I or i Cie. " i-r., I ,19. .. I ( Ac! ,-i --, ~ . 1'. s * , t' ~ ~ -, :3 1 , I n . i 1~11 v I ov , , 1 ". 0 ,,o ieL ( ,~ ~* , - " - 11, ~ I I I -1; 1-- OSADGHIY, L.I. Changes in reflex motor reActions to intravenous qnd infra-prterial administration of n chemical irritant [with summnry in English Biul.eksp.biol. i med. 45 no.2:93-37 F' 58 (MIRA 11:51. 1. Iz laborntorii pntologicheekoy fiziologii (zav. - prof. Gn1kin (deceased]) Institute fizioloeii imeni I.P. PPvlOvq (dir. - akademik K.M. Bykov) Akndemii nPuk SSSR, LeningrPd. (MOVEMENT, physiolopy, eff. of intra-nrterinl & intra-venous hypertonic on motor reflexes (Rua)) (HTPMONIC SOLUTIONS. effects, on motor reflexes, intrnvenous & intrn-arteriRl (Rus)) V.S. solutions ndmin. OSADCHIY L 1,~ Role of the interoceptive component in the mechanims of sction of intrnvnncizlnr hypert:-nic solution on the knee ref ley. [with 9ILMmAY7 in English]. Biul.pksp.biol. i med. 46 no.7:15-40 Js 153 (MIRA 11:7) 1. 1% Inboratorii pptoloo-ichoskoy fiziologii (ZnV. - Drof. V.S. Galkin [deceased]) Instituta fiziologii imeni I.P. Pavlovn (dir. - akndemik K.M. Bykov) AN SSSR. Leningrad. Predstavlena nkademiliam 1.11. Bykovym. (HYPEFOONIC SOLUTIONS, effects. on knee jerk, interoceptive factor in intra-vase. inject (Rus)) (REFLEXES. knen )Prlr, eff. of hy-pertonir solution, interoceptive factor in intrnv-vnsc. admin. (Rile)) GkNELINA. I.Ye.; ZIMOVAYA. N.G.; ILIINSKIY, O.B.; LEBRWA, V.A.; MARTTKYM, V.K.; KEHKULOVA, O.S.; MUSTASHCHIKOVA. S.S.; MYAGXAYA, T.V.; RRNNIKOV, I.S.; TTUTRYUMOVA. Z.I.; CHEMCHENKO, V.A.; TAROSHEVSKIT, A.Ta. Interoceptive component in the development of certain pathological states. Trady Inst.fiziol. 8:240-253 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Laboratoriya patologicheskoy fiziologii (zaveduyushchiy - V.S. Galkin [deceased]) Instituta fiziologil im. I.P. Pavlova AN SSSR. (SENSES AND SENSATION) (PATHOLOGY) ACCESSION NR: AP4017133 S/0239/64/050/002/0225/0229 AUTHOR: Korniushkint Yu. D. (Kornyushkin, Yu. D.); Osadchi I~# 14 (Osadchlys L. 1.) TITLE: A mochanotron intravascular pressure data unit SOURCE: Fiziologichoskiy zhurnal SSSRO v. 50, no. 2. 1964, 225-229 TOPIC TAGS: intravascular pressure data unitp arterial pressure direct reading, mechanotron transduoerp membrane manometerp MPO-2 oscillograph .k ABSTRACT: A mechanotron intravascular pressure data unit constructed by the authors records arterial and vonous pressures directly on a loop oscillograph without intermediate amplifiers. The mechanotron is an electron transducer and is connected to a membrane, The membrane is mounted in a capsule forming a membrane manometer whioh reacts directly to intravascular pressure transmitted through a polyethylene catheter, The membrane converts the pressure into small pressure waves and the modhanotron converts them into electric signals of sufficient powpr to be directly recorded by the vibrometers or a Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4017133 MPO-2 oscillograph. Visual observations are made on the screen of a VEKS-1 vactoolectrocardioseopes The meohanotron loolut like an ordinary electron tube and is a specially constructed double triodo with movable anodes and grid and a fixed cathode. The two anodes are used to increase sensitivity and current is moasurod in a diagonal bridge circuit. Basically the data unit is a highly sensitive electromanometer with very reliable direct readings, Orig. art, has: 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Laboratori-ya eloktroniki i poluprovodnikov Leningradsko-, go instituta tochnoy mold-Laniki i optiki i laboratorkya fiziologii krovoobrashcheniya instituta fiziologil im. I, F, Favlova AN SSSR9 Leningrad (Laboratory of Electronics and Semiconductors of the Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optios and the Laboratory of Blood Circulatory Physiology of ihe Physiology Institute# AN SSSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: 17Apr63 DATE ACQ: 18Mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NR REF SOV; 001 OTHRR: 005 L KGFTYt:SHKl'h', Yu. ('S~,L)CH I Y, ":4e,,-r on" recor,ter ~,f '1~to r : rc-S5 Labora r Ilyh p "ek tron ~ i,;, i L,Ap-..jvodri i kov t- ta tochia.- mokl,arii k ii tx)-ti va f, .-m,henlya ln.;titita filloio,., I (,~AJCMY, ,.!. r-,-i tant aFi7 ir) I. zhur. "L nc-. 3 :,"93--i',(, liZ~010i7ii krovoobra3hcheniva i dvkhan~v laborato- 4 Va f i z Icie 41 1 i,-Itn;- P . '--av I ovA AN en r%,: -, -.- Card . 1A 11 -' -~ --,- ,. - OSADOU'l, L.I.; LEVATOV, V.A.; ORLOV, V.V.; VOSTRIKOV, N.A. - -------- Simple model of a tensiometric electrorianorneter for recordin;7 ii.travascular pressure. Biul.eksp.biol.i med. 5? no.5:1~,0-122 My 164. (VJ?,.A 18:,)' 1. Laboratoriya fiziologii krovoobrashcheniya Insti-tuta fiZI iDg:~' Imeni Pavlova AN SSSR, Leningrad. Submitted June 15, 2963. 0S=HU,L.K~"YRKIN, Yu.G., inzh.takhnolog; VMSHIN, K.D., mashinist elektrovoza,, Geroy Sotsialiaticheakogo Truda; ONOPRIUNKO, L.N., mashiidet elektrovdU; SHAROV, M.S.; mabini6t- 'Iwtruktor *Ele6tric networks of the VL23 electric locomotive." Elak. i tepl. tiaga 5 no.6:44-45 Je 161. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Depo Dnepropetrovsk.(for SyrkILn). 2. Depo Barabinsk zapadn6-Sibirskoy doro i (for Sharov). fLectric locomotives) VAVILOV. Dimitriy Mikhaylovich. kapitan I range sapasa; OSADCHIY, Mikhail Dmitriyevach. kapitan 1 range zapass; BTKHOVSKIT. Israill Adol'~O- kapitan 2 ranga zapasa; KAZANKOV, A.A., kapitan I rang&, red., KONOVALOVA, Ye.K., (Practical seamanship] Moreknia praktiks. Pt.2.[Ship handling] Upravlenie manevrami korablia. Moskva, Voen.1zd-vo H-va obor.SSSR. 1958. 287 p. 0. (MIRA 12:4) (Navigation) C~ -'0 A ~p C /j ~7 ~, /~, .1 USSR/Cultivated Plants. -Technical Oleact:--~e, :3agar Plants M-7 Abs Jour Lhur - Biol., No 1, 1958, No 17D0 Author jL-aO:-,adc-h,.Y - - d - Inst Not Given Title Tlae Most Favorable Method df irrigating Tobacco Orig Pub Kirgiaii, 1956, No 5, 18-22 Abstract Testa for studying the periods and amounts of irrigation for tobacco have been conducted duxinZ 1940-42 at the zonal sta- tion of Frunze of the Up-ion Tobacco and Mahorka.Institute. Tiormulas are given for dcta.-mininS the total amounts of water cons,xaption of a tobacco field and also norms of watering and ir,~igation. Results of the study of the tobacco irrigation met7tod in vegetative cont-aiaers ahve also been noted. Card -',/l kiviTie :OSADCHY, Nikolay Ivanovich Dissertation: Cultivation of tobacco under condi- tion8 of tto lrrlgatod agrl6ulturc of Central Asia and Kazt'.khstan Degree: Doe Agr Sol Affiliation: Kirgiz jigr Inat Defense Date, Place: 21 Dec 55, Council of Soil Inst Imeni Dokuchayev, Acad Sci USSR Certification Date: 5 Oct 57 Source: BI-NO 23/57 44 4 C., -_i - I., T lul uc r 2- -17 -L-- -.t t... F v.-E, z,. xicidtur. -I-* w- f-*. -, N 1'.W t Lu, r~.o z:r 60, r i.: _vrou, r ck li -wi: BIRAZHNIE)DV, H.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; BMAREUD, V.I., inzh.; OSADCHIY, N.I., inzh.; EMIPM, Yu.I., inzb.; CRISTOV, V.P., lnzh. - Automatic-control s7stem for scale cars. Hekh.i avtom.prO12T. 14 no.10:23-26 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Weighing machines) (Automatic control) 77'7_77 2- 1; A~ Wj/BB it 6992a- ACC NR: AP5026809 SOURCE CODE, UR/0286/65/000/017/0091/0092 'INVENTOR: Osadchiv N. I.; Chistov, V. P. ORG% none TITLE- A combination binary addition-subtraction unit. Class 42, No. 174438 ;SOURCE: Byulleten' i,zobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 17, 1965, 91-92 ;TOPIC.TAGS: binary logic, logic element, computer component, arithmetic unit 16~') ABSTRAM. This Inventor's Certificate introduces.a combination binary addition-sub- traction unit. In order to carry out subtraction in direct code as well as to sim- plify the system and make it possible to use elements of the same type, the unit co.ntains.two.series-connected nonequivalence elements with additional outputs to which a two-input "OR-NOT" gate is connected for forming the borrow or carry to the most significant digit. Each of the nonequivalence elements contains an "OR-NOT" gate at thejuput as well as two "OR-NOT" gates which have one input connected to the out ut*,of the first "OR p -NOT" gate. The other two Inputs of these "OR-NOT" gates IPr"onnected respectively to the inputs of the adder-subtracter (for the first -card, UDC:_ ~681.142.07 L 6- m773-66 ACC NR: AP5026809 0 nonequivalence element), or to the output of the first nonequivalence element and to~ ~~he source for the borrow or carry from the least sIgnificant digit (for the second honequivalence 'element). The nonequivalence elements also each "OR" gate ~at the.output which istonnected to the outputs~fron the second'and third "OR-NOT" gatts. SUB CODE: DP,EC/ SUBM DATE-. 22Jul64/ oRiG REr. 000/ -OTH RErt 000 Card.. 2/3. ...... 0 OSADCHIY. N.P.0 inzh. Initial period Klektrichestvo in the development of long-distance power transmission. no.1:74-77 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:2) (Electric power distribution) OSADCH1Y. Nikolay Petrovich; NIKOLAYEVA, M.I., red. [Historical study of the development of long-distance electric power transmission systems] Istoricheskii ocherk razvitiia peredachi elektricheskoi energii na rasstoianie. Moskva, Izd-vo "Energiia," 1964. 94 p. (MIRA 17:4) OSADMITY, ~j p. 1,17.11. Problem , - -._, ~ , , T : , ~ ~ T _o. . ~ , -._~ , c frequenz-y arl,'! 1 t S -,j) t ~ :~ --! , -j ! t '- ~- F- , ; , -- 'k , r -. - ` . C.- 5 ~ v -~ " - - : 11 111-11 1 , . ;, M! ~ , I -,, , .bets of ir-c;` ~ nr 1~ he S, f cat on--i vt~ ry t Glavmyy Jn?.r., komplakLatsii GJnv'Pn,-t,T-r.,-- Nlich!il 'Pik t,- i e 1 aG I t. T- : 1,7 a ov fcr ~Urt.,ptev~j OSOMIY. a. -11 More about technical norms. Kuk.-elev.prom. 20 no.3:10-11 Mr 154. (NLRA 7:7) 1. Klyevskaya normativno-lesledovatellskaya stantstya Za- gotzerno. (Labor productivity) (Grain elevators) OMMIT, S. Loading grain Into railroad care at the lurgan procurement statlon. Muk.-slay.pron. 20 no.?:Il JI 154. (MlBA ?:8) 1. Xlyevskays normatIvno-Iseledovatellskaya stantelya UgDt- serno. (Grain--TranapDrtation) OSADDHIY, S. , ~- Cleaning seeds of flax and other crops. bbik.-eley.prom. 20 no.10z 25 0 154. (HLRA 7:22) 1. Kiyevskaya normativno-losledovatellsk-aya stantsiya Zagotzerno. (Flaxseed) (Seeds--Cleaning) OSADCHIY,S. Conveyer with a power ahovel. Muk.-elev.prom. 21 no.4:24 Ap 155. (MLRA 8:7) 1. Kiyevskaya normativno-issledovatel'Bkays stantisiva Zagotzerno. (Grain--Handling machinery) OSADCHIY,S. Simplified power shovel. Ruk.-elev.proz.21 no.6:23 Je'55 (MLRA 8:10) 1. Kiyevokaya normativuo-isaledovatel'skaya stantaiyA Zngotterno (Grain-handling machinry) OSADCRIYO S. Grain conveyer. Muk.-elev.prom.22 mo-3:21-22 Mr 156. WLIRA 9:7) l.Kiyevskaya normativno-iasladovatellskaya stftntsiva Zagotzerno. (Grain-handling machinery) OSADCHIY, S. I..,.,-, -_, -. ~-~ t-"'- Shelling and drying earn upon delivery. MA.-elev.prom.22 no-5: 30 My 056. (MIRA 9:9) I.Myevskaya tormativao-Issledovatel'okaya otantstysi Zagotzerne. (Corn (Raise)--Storage) ACCNR'- AP7002oo6 SOURCE CODE: UR/0118/66/000/---~2/0033/CjO3i4 AUTHOR: Platnov, P. N. (Doctor of technical. sciences); Tr.beilgorn,E.V. (Candidate of technical sciences); Osa!.c~~hi_,~j A. ORG: none TITLE: Small-size contactless time relay. 'SOURCE: Miekhanizatsiya i avtomatizatsiya proizvodstvo, no. 12, 190606, 33-34 iTOPIC TAGS: time relay, cold cathode tube ABSTRACT: A time delay relay developed a~ the Odessa Technological Institute in Lomonosov with continuously variable delay ti-ic from 1 to 1200 see is reported. The relay, encased in a dust- and w,,terproof ~container which has an 8-pin connector, uses two MTkh-90 cold-cathode thyratrons (see Fig.1) to realizethe delay function. The maximum error of the preset time delay is 110'. Thyratron (T1) working as a triode together with the RC circuit realizes the delay function while thyratron: i(T2) is used for resetting T1. The large amount of delay is possible i lbecaus'e the C, capacitor charging current is commensurate with its Ileakage current. Orig. art.has: 1 figure and 1 table- Card 1 UDC: 621-563.5 Fig.. 1. Schemal:ic drawing of timi 'Ael~ay relay SUB ZODE: 091 SUBM DATE: none 2/2 'iY4 OSADCHIY, V.G. Evaluation of oil and gav potential.- basod on goothermal data. Neft. i gaz. Prom. 3:6-8 Jl-,S 165. (YaA 18:11) OSADCHTY ~ P V.G.; BAYBAKOV, V.V. Characteristics of the change in physicochemical ~Topertle-s cf petroleums in the Bitkov oil field. Neftegaz.geol. i geofiz. n0.8139-42 165, (MIRA lgigl/ 1. Institut geol3gil i gookhImil go-juchikh iEikopayenWkh VN UkrSSR. ~7K salt 39-95 V.1 IrrigaLion Mechani 7ation cf' Nc. 5, 191~1. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, C c tc bm-r S/194/62/000/007/151/163 D413/D308 AUTHORS: Osadchiy, V.I., and Shvetskiy, B.I. TITLE: A self-contained pulse voltmeter PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 7, 1961, abstract 7-7-275 9 (Nauchn. zap. Llvovsk. politekhn. in-t, no. 78, 1961, 156 - 171) TEXT: After consi4ering various input circuits for pulse voltme- ters, the paper deseribes a circuit for a self-contained pulse volt meter in which the pulse being measured actuates the release of the preceding indicatiox~. The memory circuit of the voltmeter uses two- triodes and two dioAs, and in it the voltage on the memory capa- citor is made to follow automatically the level of the input si,~- nal. The choice of circuit components is discussed. The basic tech- nical characteristics of the voltmeter are: limits of measurable '_ iroltage 1 - 3000 V; measurement error up to 5 % for pulse voltagea- (duty cycle 1 in 105), and up to 3 11b' for continuous voltages (ovei~-- the range 100 c/8 - 1.5 mc/s); minimum acceptable pulse width 50 usee&J~Abstracterls note: Complete translation.] bard 1 PAVLOV, I.M.; OSADCII, V.I. [Osadchiy, V.I.] Influence of the lamination speed in the automatic mil.'s on *-ne quality of pipes. Analele metalurgie 16 no.41133.-132 C-D 162. 8(6), 14(10) SOV/1 12-59-3-4651 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 3, p 52 (USSR) AUTHOR: Osadchi-Y, V. P. TITLE: Experience with Building a'Roller -Compacted Dam from GYPPum-Treated Soils Across the Outlet of the Kuyu-Mazar Reservoir (Opyt vozvedeniya ukatannoy plotiny iz gipsirovannykh gruntov nad vodovypuskorn Kuyu-Mazarskogo vodokhranilishcha) PERIODICAL: Tr. Sredneaz. n.-i. in-ta irrigataii, 1957, Nr 90, pp 155-163 ABSTRACT: A nonuniform mixture of sandy soil, tertiary clay, and gravel was used for building the clam. The mixtuie was subjected to a special treatment (moistening, breaking, stirr;.ng) in the borrow pits prior to its placing on the dam. The dam was filled in horizontal layers. Spreading the layers was done by D-159 bulldozers and a D-2411 grader; in close quarters, by hand rake. Joining a previously placed layer with a new one was obtained through harrowing the former to a depth of 3-5 cm by means of a diesel cultivator. For Card 1/2 8(6), 14(10) SOV/ 112-59- 3-4651 Experience with Building a Roller -Compacted Dam from Gypsum-Treated . . . . compaction of a placed layer, a two KKV-Sh roller unit was used; in close quarters, an S-80 crawler tractor and type OMSP-5 pneumatic hammers were used; Nr 16 channel-iron tamping plates were fastened to the hammer bits. All work was done by a flowline method. Use of pneumatic devices is particularly noted. Borrow-pit layout, drawings, and equipment characteris- tics are presented. A. P. T. Card 2/2 OSADCHIY, V.P. Iowering the expenditare of labor in raising earn. Zhivotnovodetro 20 no.4:32-33 A-P '58. (m raA 11: 3 ) 1. Zamstitell nachallnika lYnapropetrovskogo oblselIkhozupravleniya, (Dnepropetrovsk Province-Corn (Maize)) OGNYPJqIK, S.S.; OSADCHTY, V.V. Deteru~,ing f-luorine i-n welding flurt-5 bry thin method. Av-'.-0m. svar. 1? no.20s89 0 161, (.':-~,,A 'F.-) ~, I-,., ,, .-; , : ,K ~-; - " ( ,i; . . I 1 7.. ; .-- , , .- . : . . II I .. .. . .. . . .I. . 1: - I . . -,: ".. I - " .. . . . .. I . 16(0) AUTHOR: Osadchill V. Ya.- SOV/161-59-4-25/47 TITLE: Analysis of Forces and Conditions at the Gripping 1'rocess in NaL,,onal Rolling Mills (Analiz ail i usloviya zakhvata v stanakh kosoy prokatki) PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly. Metallurlyiya, 1958, Nr 4, pp 149-157 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The capers (Rifs 1-9) are mentioned. In a resulting discussion, it was stated th-~it the formula derived by .'. T. YGmellyanenko (Ref 9) for the Frill,- irij., .rocess in diagoraLl rol 'Ling mills is wrona and the new formulas suE(~ested are doubtful. Here a formula (8) is derived for the condition at the gri,)-ing process Jn a ~;cneral form. in lerivin.; this foriula, the starting point is tile -)resence of axiul anu tan6ential Cliding of the semi- finished material between the rollers. On account of tt,is c-liding, the direction of the frictional force does not coin- cide with the direction of the circumferential speed. It deviates fro:-.i the 'Latter by a certain angle q, the magnitude of which de:.ends on the ratio between axial and tangential Gliding. The lirection of the frictional force vector may be Card 1/3 found Craphically as the difference between the vector of the Analysis of Fcrces and Conditions at the Grip~,Ing SOV/163-58-4-25/47 Process in DiaConal Hol ; inj, 1.~ills rol:-surface velocity und the vector of the semifinished- -m-terial surface velocity. In forgiula (6) all anEles are parameters of the cylinder rolling process. They are given and known except for the anGleip. The angletpis a function of the uxial and the tangential (,liding. For the dotermina - --tion oLf Y the foralillas (9) and (10) are derived. If the factors of axial apd tanGential gliding, as well as tt- angle of inclination ef roller", are known, the angleb can be found by the formula (10). Then,6 is introduced into formula (9) and the anCle required is obtained. They-value is introduced into formula ~8)1 and the fricticnal factor required in the L-ripping process in the axial direction is determined. For a com,,,lete analysis of formula (8), 16 different cases of combination cf factors are examined for the gliding in axial and tan,,,entiul ~Iirection. It is shown that the Cliding of the semifinished material between rollers is something like a natural reGulator compensating the lack or excess of frictional force. Tlhe--e are 5 figures, 1 table and 9 Soviet references. Card 2/13 Analysis of Forces and Conditions at the Gri-.~ing SOV/163-58-,4-25/41' Prcceas in Diat;onal Rolling Mills ASSOCIATI-ON: Moskovskiy institut stali (Moscow Steel Institute) SUBMITTED: January 10, 11158 Card 3/3 OSADCHIYO V. Ye. ; GURYBERG, A.Z. Measuring specific pressure caused by transverse rolling. Biul. TS1111CHM no. 9:44-46 159. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Moskovskiy institUt BtBli(for Osedchly). 2. Pervourallskiy Novotrubnyy zavod(for Glayborg). (Ralling(Ifetalwork)) (Photoelectric measurements) OSADCHIY. V.Y*.; KAIWHAN. H.H.; NOUN, H.O.; RAKHNOVIVSKIY, L.S. - a g~mf- ne, of mandrels used in broachiag 8t&InleBS steel. Blul. TSUIICHM no. 10:45-46 158. (MIRA 11:7) 1. Moskovskly institut steli(for Osedchiy). 2. Pervourallskiy Novo- trubnyy savod(for 11nufman, Modev. Rakhnovetskiy). (Broaching machines) FHASR I BOOK 137WITATION SCV/4782 Moscow. Inatitt Stan Pralsvodstva I obrabotka stall I splavov (Production and Treatment of Steel and Alloys) Koscow, PIttallurgizdat, 1960. 462 V. (Series: Itss 3bornik, 39) 2.100 copies printed. Ed. j To. A. Berko; Zd. of Publishing Houses S. L. Zlngerj Toch. Zd.t X. A. Xleynnan; FAltorial Council of the Inatitutot M. Ji. GlInkov, Professor, Doctor of Tischmlcal Sel-coa; R. N. Orlsorissh, Zlooont# Candidate of Technical Sciences, V. P. Yelyutln, Prof.860.., Zootor of. Technical Sciences, A. A. Mukhovitakly, Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, 1. U. XIdIn, Professor, Doctor of e'echnical Sciences; B. 0. Livahits. Professor, Doctor of Tech- nical Sciences; A. F. Lyublmov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences; 1. X. Pavlov, Correapond1mg Member, keadecy of Science. USSR; and A. X. Yok1svisnev. Professor, Doctor of Technical Science.. FC2P=2 ?his book to Intended for technical personnel In Industry. scientific Institutions and schools of higher education, dealing wItJ! open-hearth and el*ctric-furmace steelmeklng, Metal rolling, physical metallurgy, astallography, and beat treatment. It may Card 1/10 also be used by students specialIzzi-ng In those fields. CCTZRAals The book asintains results of theoretical and experiment- &I investigation* or metallurgical and heat-engineering L13 operi-hearth and electric furnaces. Data are Included on the followings desulftirizing of pig Iron outside the blitat turnace. 1xittraxit.4on of OxIdes of the carbide-rorming metals with solid e4srassn, the change of content of gasei; In -he bath of the open - baLrth furnace In various periods of melting, Interts--floation of the electric Melting of steel, ot'c. Other articles deal with =9 nonun1formIty of deformation in rolling, the study of tit* continuot;s rolling process, the do;,endence of 'he friction - slippage coefficients in rolling on a number or ractorn, and other problwass In the pronsworkIng of metals. Aartlclec on pftyslcal votallurgy and the theoretical principles and techniq-a Of the heat treatment of steel are also included. No parnonall- ties ars mentioned. References acaccpxn7 most of the articles. ThftrO are 207 references. both 3velv- and non-Soviot. Care 2AO r -11al. of T.oh,lcsil 3.1- Palmv I X , and V r ~:a1alIp - t ;tt 6_~Ro 1 li I . 1. a Igatio. of th~ Frlttl.n Cctorflalatnt and Selection of Material for 3urfacing of Rolls of stills In Tub. Manufacture 195 _;gj"aJay__V__L_Zxcfes3or, and Idt. or ! 2- Toc!=Ical Sciences (Dspa~rtcsent -or Die-Porging Pr;' t 1onj. Relationship Between the Total and lrltlal Red-tIon Coefficient. Ism Shoot-Xtal Drawing Without Annta-Ung Betse-ts Operatlona 2C,6 YC4L&d=bI7, V. U. 3ulfldatlom of the Ihstbing Surfaced of the itoll. g xquIpmenst 219 and ?. T. XreshchIsft_4n,_HhgInovr (D~parta-t _ ` F-.Dr*--VorgIng Productl-E-nF. D cpendeni 7 or Properties or the - U11BIM Stool an the Porging Conditions 226 D~mctssr Of Technical SI-encer (Department of Notallura and Heat Trod t=_nt ;. no T-/poo of the Me. a!~L~zio and Kinetics of Formation of "-tenite In Heating of Steel 250 c,,-.d 6/ 1 o __1001 T c 153 162 7 v I cr, 12. 0. G5 11'. 1 153 9 162 9 p I'll 5 13.2 0,88 11 1 14 r, 12 1 r.4 12 i C.2 12 C, 135 4 15.2 0, N . 12.7 ? 4S - 242 7 255 111 2o 237 4- I8.() 0.47 15.(-, . . . 13 .5 1 (1, 90 ?42 13 IS Q 2 1" 7, -2 I - 2 12 2 V2 I I r, (22. 2 1 r, 18 21-, Ti "ll 1) 1.) 1 21 4 27,1 2 71 t 266 273 lir 273 14 "f,7 I1 2, 2-,,1 1- , 2r,8. I - ~11 ; , 2 1, 271-2o ~ 2 ~i, T, 273 76N 2 1 '22 7 2 2 f; 8 2" ~112 27:1 :;H ?73 2,3t 71, 1 2 1 1 K.-, 273 45 2711 V.! IL t r) r n on ~he ,o' W i t 11 t lie p r, e s i j re t lie c- ~ e e-, d /I It rreEi,: ~;z C) t "o le i:,e e r) rn Ej p, e e Ll S 0,2 T a I A m L ~~e :3"~L""esl. ~~al , I Li I I 'Ale !,o e j- P 1 1 Imp rove me r,'- 1 0;, e." M1118 of SO"'! s ame a s a c e of -.,,e,,e e s'~ e c_ e - c e e z; 1 7. e _Ie~-eas.7~E -,-.e s. As see-. A ne 2ce- 6 D~. s. e :- a, e a s e_~ s "'a 1 ef one -:-.e s e of --e e 7 - C) e %, e c).-, 3 S e --, 3 ap w a s a, e-,na-ces _,c--os'_o-. A ~re o .3 '. s c' c,-e Pa.- sa.1t, c7~e ;~a- a~:_-! -:-i_,ee pa:-s s-,a'.e '-~e~rea3e_; ty -I.-mes a~~_; --e area -'es3z "'a-' pro:~ess '.%,as m_c'- snore s'_able a--.~; ~~a.-.-!7e_ A~ec:,ease,;. -11-~o,:s emic~,asize tnat :' I The a,,_~ ne --ise oL --he proper lubricant c,,ips time from 20 to '0%. For more efflclcr~-_ ope:-atio,,: o~ -,!-Ie plug!, mill, ~1'.'e ai~'-.o:,B les!,~-. a- 4 ma e; -ecomme, 1. ~ X pa-a77~e*_e.',s; sys-.erna':!~ -ise of l'it-11cant. 'n e - e are - '!w ~-es; ~ab.le; a~~-_~ ~, Sovllet :-ej1ere,!:ces. ASSOCIATION: Mosco-w S!,eel Ins'-- 11. -;',e (Mosicovls,~Iy Southern Pipe Plar~-_ (Y,_~zh-o'~rub-~yy za-,Io-;) Card 7P,, S/148/60/000/007/'~C'5/015 A161/AO29 AUTHORS: Osadchiy, V.Ya.; Fomenko, Yu.Ye.; Yeriklintsev, V.V,; Daykov, V.P. TITLE: Metal Pressure on the Piercin.- Mill Rolls PERIODICAL. Izvestiya vysshikh ukhobnykh zavedeniy. Chernaya metallur- oiya, 1960, Nr 7, PP 103-110 TEXT: An experimental investigation at Nikopollskiy Yuzhnotrubnyy zavo~ (Nikopoll Tube Works)' is described. The purpose was to study the dynamics of the process, which is important for full utilization of the power and mechanical strength of rolling millsNas well as for establishing an optimum rolling process technology. The "400" installation of the plant used for experiments consists of two continuous heating furnaces; two piercing mills (with 96o-66o mm diameter rolls and 2,350 kw motor); one reheating furnace before the spreading mill; an automatic spreading mill; two rolling-over mills; one sizing mill, and a cooler with a straightening machine. Both piercing mills ~je operating only when rolling large- diameter and ~~,hin-walled tubeallotherwise the piercing mill Nr 2 operates alone, It produces billets in a single piercing Metal pressure on the Card 1/3 S114 60/000/007/005/015 Metal Pressure on the Piercing Mill Rolls A161~4029 piercing mill rolls was measured with dynamometers placed between the screwdowns and the work roll bolster (Figure 1), In especially prepared casings (Figure 2). Pressure oscillograms are shown (Figure 5) and "decoded" (in Table 1). No sufficiently accurate theoretical or experi- mental data are yet available on the dependance of specific metal prea!nire on the basic piereing process parametersp and data obtained by experience are usually being employed in calculations of the piercing mill parts and technology. In the described investigation, mean pressure was determined by dividing the experimentally determined full metal pressure on the rolls by the contact area between the metal and the rolls: P = P kg/mm' A.I, Tselikov's method /Ref 3/ was used for s determining the contact area, taking into account the ovality of the billet. The mean specific pressures are given in a table (Table 2). It was stated that for alloy steel the mean spegific pressure is 10-14 kg/mm~, and for carbon steel it reaches 7.5-12 kg/mm , which matches the data obtained in other investigations /Refs 1, 4 and 5/. The following con- clusions were drawn: 1) In the two piercing mills studied the pressure was 33-92 ton, which is not high for this type of mills, In rolling Card 2/3