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ORMESHKOVSKIY. V.V. - -- AL case of erythremia complicated by a hemichoreic syndrome. Vrach.delo no.2:183 F '59. (MIRA 12:6) 1. Gospitaltnaya terapevticheskaya klinika (zav. - akad. AN USSR t deyntv.chlen AM SSSR. prof.V.N.Ivanov) Kiyevskogo meditsinakogo instituta. (ERrBEMIA) (CHUMLL) SHIKHCN, M.N., prof.; -ORZHBSKUGVSKIY, V.V., mladebly nauchuyy sotrudnik mAtkyloslng spoudyloarthrltlem by N.I. Gladyrevskil. Reviewed by M.N. Shikhov. V.V. Orsheshkovalcil. Zdravookhranents 2 no.6:57- 58 11-D 159. (mrm 13:6) 1. Nauchno-iesledovatel'akiy institut revmattzma Hinistarstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR, g.Sochl. (SPINI-DISBAB23) (GLADYRIVSKII, N.L.) (MURPREOVSKIT, V.V., mladshy nauchnyy sotrudnik Diuretic effect of cortisone (in edemas induced by p7razolidine). Noble.endok.i gorm. 5 n0.5:117-118 8-0 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. 12 Sochinskogo Institute, revmatimma )Hnisteretva zdravookhraneni- ya RSPSR (dir. - prof. N.M. Shlkhov). (MBMA et i ol. ) (ARTHRITIS, RHNMTOID ther.) (CORTISOIN ther.) (AZOLIS eff. iuj.) ORMSHKOVSKIY, V-V-; WAMTYAN, V.S.; TIMOYPYXVA. N.V. in infectious nonspecific polyarthritle. Sov.ned. 23 no.7:'14 4 Jl '59. (MIM 12: 11) 1. 12 Sochinskogo naiichno-issledovatellskogo institute, revMtizMa (dir. - prof.M.1l.Shikhov) Ministerstva zdravookhranenlya RSFSR. (EYE DISEASES complications) (ARTHRITIS complications) AR IT, V.V.; SHILYATEVA, T.I.; POFOVA. A.D. Sigmificance of the 7horn test in ACTE treatment of patients with Infectious nonspecific polyarthritle. 23 no.11:43-45 N '59. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Is Soohinskogo nauchno-looledovatellskogo instituta revmatlzma (direktor - prof.H.M. Shikhov) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. (ARTHRITIS, RH3MTOID therapy) (CORTICOTROPIN therapy) (ADRENAL CORTEX funct. tests) -ORZHESHEOVSKIT-1-V,V"-.mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Mitral heart defect in patients with infectious nonspecific poly- arthritis. no.5:2-5-27 S-0 t60. (KIRA 13:11) 1. Iz Sochinskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta revnatizma (direktor - prof. M.M.Shikhov). (ARMUTIS) (MITRAL VALVE--DISMES) --j=HfiaMgVSK1YL V.V., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; TIMOFEYEVA, N.V., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Formaldehyde reaction and the viscosity of formalinized serum in patients with infectious nonspecific polyarthritis. Vrach.delo no-5:527 MW 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Sochinskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut revmatizma. (ARTHRITIS) (FORWMEHYDR) nswo, Ye.i.;,. ()VU V.V.; BUYUKLYANs A.A. (Soehi) MHEA . - 1. Modified method of vertical ballistocardiography. Vrach.delo no.11: 128-129 N 6o. (KUU 13: 11) 1. Institut revmatizma Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya MFSR. (BAUIST,OCARDIOGRAPHf) TIKHONRAVOVp V.A. j ORZHESJP~01S,&M V LO -- - AV._-_ So VIYEVA, T.P.; SHILIAYEVA, T.I. Protein formula of blood cerum in patients vith infectious nonspecific polyarthritis and its changes during therapy, Terap. arkh. 32 no* 4t49-53 S 160. (MIRA 1411) (ARTMITIS p FUIEUMATOID) (BLOOD PROTEHIS) TUMMISHVILIt G.K.1 ORZHORKOVSKIYp V.V. Anaphylactic shock lz repeated F*nicillin administration. Klin. mod. 38 no. 2s140-141 P 160. (MM 14 t 1) (PENICILLIN) (AKAFHUAXIS) Cand. Medic. Sol. (diss) "Condition of Heart-Respiratory System in Patients ..,,Ith Infectious Non- specific (Rheumatoid) Polyarthritis," Kiev, 1961, 16 p . (Kiev I-Iled. Inst.) 2vr-.-; copies (KL Supp 12-61, 287). , V.V., m1adshiy nguchnyy sotrudnik Condition of the cardiovascular system in patients with infectious nonspecific (rheumatoid) polyarthritis. Zdrav. Bel. 7 no. 2:15-19 F 161. (KERA 14:2) 1. Iz Sochinakogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta, kurortologii (direktor instituts i nauchnyy rukovoditell I. %asluzhennyy deyatell nauki prof& M.M. Shikhov). (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM) (ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID) "SHMOV, M.M.,, prof.; ORZHESHKOVSKIY, V.V. (Sochi) So-caUed P"dtochenakii-Sjoegren syndrome. Klinomed. 39 136-138 Ja 161. (Kau V,81) lo Iz Sochinskogo nauchno-iosledovatellskogo instituta revma- ti=a (dir. - prof. M.M. Shlkhov) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR, (MUCOUS MEMBRANW-DISKASES) SHIKHOV, M.M., prof., zasluahennyy deyatell nauki RSF`SR; ORZHESHKOVSKIY, V.V., -------- Terminology of so-called infectious nonspecific polyarthritis. Vrach.delo no.8:70-72 Ag 162. (KRA 15:11) 1. Sochinskiy nauchno-Issledovatellskiy institut kurortologit Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. (ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID) ORMIFSHKOVSKIY, V.V.; PETINk, L.A. P.- Combination of rheumatoid arthritis with silicosis (ColinetCa lan syndrome). 26 no.6:126-127 Je 162. (MIFA 15:17 1. 1z fochinskogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo instituta kurortologii (dir. - zasluzheimyy deyatell nauki prof. M.M.Shikhov). (ARTHRITISI RHEUMATOID) (LUNGS-DUST DISEASES) FILBOV) B.I., m1adshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; QRZHESHKOVSKIY. V.V._.(kgchi) Fun'ctiopal state of the thyroid gland in Infectioue non.- specific polyarthritis. Vrach. delo no.8:1.1-13 Ag'63. (14IKA 16,9) (THYROID GIAM) (kRTIDUTIS) LYSOV, V.P.P kand. med. nauk; ORUESHKOVSKlY J, V,V., kand. med. miuk; SHILYAYEVA, T.I. (Sochi) Anaphylactic shock followi. repeated use of the adreno- corticotropic honnone (ACTN. Klin. med. 41 no.6:140--141 Je 163. 1 (MIRA I'?-I) 1. Iz Sochinskogo riauchno-Assledovatellskogo instituta kurortologii i fizioterapii (dir. - zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR N.Ye. Romanov) Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSh. OMMSHKOVSKIY., V..V., starshiy nauchayy sotrudnik; ROM'YAN'~.KlY, V.I., nauchnyy notrudnik Compound use of ultrasound and sulfide (Matsesta) tlie,-~zj:y 'n Bekhterev's disease. Ortop., travm. i protez. 26 no. 73-7,4 0 '65o N7-*-~A 1. Iz Sochinakogo Instituta kiirartolooJ I fiz-.oteraf.~ ~ : , . - zasluzhenrlyy vrach RSFSR N.Ye. Romanov). Adres &vtorov: SGchil, Kurortnyy prospekt, dom 110, lnst~tut kurortologil rapii. Submitted Jan. 11, 1965* 12(5) SOV/113-59-5-17/21 AUTHOR: Orzhevskiy, I.S. TITLE: A Three-Axle Automobile of High Roadability With All- Wheel Drive PERIODICAL: Avtomobillnaya promyshlennost', 1959, Nr 5, pp 44 - 45 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes the three-axle, all-wheel drive dump truck "Metrak" produced by a tractor plant in Schaffhausen/Switzerland. He obtained the informa- tion from the periodical "Automobil-Revue", dated December 18, 1958. There is 1 photograph, 2 dia- grams and 1 Swiss reference. Ca-rd 1/1 IMOV, A.S.; ORZHINSKIY, I.S. Preventing wheel locking caused by braking. Art.prom. no.9:46-47 S 160, GMA 13:9) 1. Gosudsretvennyy soymyy ordens Trudovogo Xmionogo Znameni nauchno- iseledorvatel'skiy a-tonobilln" I avtomotorny7 institut. (Atitomobilem-Arakes) BRYKOV,- A.S.; OR7JW.VSKTY. US-; ROZANOV, V.G., kand.tekhn.nauk Investigating the performance of the antiblocking device in the pneumatic brake drive of a motor vehicle. Avt.prom. 28 no.11:8-n N 162. (KRA 16i1) 1. Gosudarstvennyy soyumW ordena Trudovogo Kraonogo Znameni nauchno-issledovatellskiy avtomobillnyy i avtoz4otornyy institut. (Motor Vehicles-Brakes) Vllyar,-'.y;~ a."yo-vo~,o rl"I y'~4. T. XI, I "I.P" SC: TF-C"I'l Cltzm, ".13KIl , : ~ . D , 1. 1 1,: -T -; 1' PA-".' ~ C) A) J,.E JA . ~ L L. "-j- E I -) 23~14 P-L ffZ III):_Ll Fl~l I- I- - - "'ir , 194~;, 1l,-. ?. C. 19-20 So; iLTOPIS' NO. 31, 1;49 : .. !). Peredovye m-etoly v pr--.%eLovod-Itvo (ProgrenEive metriods in bee-keePirg). ,ir, r0 ,~p ::.-, , I '-~ e, .?,~ :; SO: Moiitnly List of Rils-iii-i Accesgious. Vol 6, -0- 3, Julie 1"-,!'33 Oilzm.!~Elyt 1% D. Bees - Diseases Scientific conference ofr studying the poisoning of uaes from impura honay 1-ch,:;lovodqtvo 29, no. 5, Kay 1952. 2 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August - 1953/, Uncl. ORZHEVSKIY, M. D. "The ExternxLnation of DendrophilouB Aphids of the Voronezhskaya Oblast and the Effect on a Bee Swarm." Cand Biol Sci, InBt of Zoology, Aced Sci USSR (Apr-Jun 54). (Vest Ak Neuk, Nov 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (11) SO; Sum. No-521, 2 Jun 55 -7 - 4 P USSR General and Specialized Zoology Insects 0-7 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 6, ?4arch 1957, No 23141 Author Qrzhevskiy, M.D. Inst Not Given Title A Droppings from Plant LIce and Their Effect on Bees Orig Pub Tr. Vonorezhsk. zoovet. in-ta, 1956, 13, 105-115 Abstract In the Voronezh District, 27 species of plant lice on 21 species of trees and bushes were isolated and studied. Of these, 21 species secrete droppings which are gathered by bees. The author indicates the portion of the feeding plants affected by disease in each plant, the number of colonies formed) the calagdar period, and the duration (in days) of habitation on the feeding plant, the quahtity of droppings secreted by one p plant louse per day, the frequenting of dropping by bees and ants. The droppings are secreted by plant lice In the spring, summer and beginning of autumn, expecially when the temperature is high and humidity'low. One plant louse secretes 0.00041- Card 1/8 USSR / General and Specialized Zoology - Insects 0-7 Abs Jour : Ref Zk1ur - Biole, No 6, March 1957, No 23141 0.09t2O ml dropping per 24 hours, depending the species of louse, the plant fed on, the size of the louse body and at- mospheric conditions. The chemical composition of the d-roppings is not alike, and depenft on the species of louse and plant and the time of secretion. Bees did not visit yellow acacia, birch, hawthorn, cherry and common maple, although plant lice on these trees secrete abundant dr*p- pings. Bees collect droppings readily from elm, oak, quince, linden, poplar, aspen, pear and apple trees; the gathering of dropj)ings occurs during the first half of the day and when natural honey gathering does not take place, which often coincides with an arid period. Oak lice droppings secreted in the second half of summer are--most toxic " bees, as well as d-roppings from quince and poplar; less toxic is that from apple, dog-rose and especially from plum trees. Daring the summer, bees die chiefly outside the hive. Their dying is noted mostly when they feed on dropped JfAc7 honey during winter. Card 2/2 ORZHBV4-JT. Mikhail Danilovich; =HII, Te.V., red.; DEYEVA, Y.N., [Honeydew, honeydew honey, and bees] Pad', padevyl med, pchely. Moskva. GosAzd-vo Bal'kho2.lit-ry, 1958. 82 p. (MIRA 13: 4) (Honey) ORZHEVSKIY Mikhail Danilavich,kand. biolog. nauk, dotsent; VOROTN-lKOVA, ODOZ~RHAA, F. G. , tekhn. red. [Bees have curativo powers] Pchely lechat. Voronezh, Voronezh- skoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960. 62 p. (MIRA 15:1) (BEES) (HOI&T-THERAPEUTIC USE) 3 5 2 /0 C ~./r 2 ~,'O6 ~103~'l 113?1 11'13J .,?6, / 6 ~.7 / AUTHORS: Fistull, V Orzhevslciy 0. B TITLE: The Conductivity of n-p Junctions Jn the Pic-kinF Direction PERIODICkL: Fizika tveTdogo tela, 1,960, Vol~ 2, No 9, pp 2214-2217 TEXT: It was the aim of the authors to find the function f(E) which depends on the voltage of the field E in,the n-p unction, on the basis of the equation j = A exq -[qlf - f(E~ /kT (2). (~ = activation energy cf the formation of minority carriers) As nly f(U can be determined experimentally (U = voltage at the n-p junction), the authors, by using E - JUI/L(U) (3), where L(Uj is the thickness of the junction, and L = cUm (4) (c = capacitance), derived the equation J, = A expj-[ qY - 'k( 1 -M) - BU I /kT ( 5) .. 0, 0m) ic measurablo experimentall y Meaiureinentri on germanium dildee with m 0.5 and O..~ and on silicon diodeo with * - 0.5 led to the dependence j = A expL-(q Y- afE)/kTj(6), where a is * constant of proportionality. The voltage de endence of the reverse current is linear in the coordinates log J, UMM)/2 (pig 1). In dicdes Card 1/2 1085 The Conductivity of n-p Junctions in S/1 81 ~(0/002/OC9,1/026M6 the Blocking Direction B004/BO56 whose capacitance drops considerably at low negative voltap-es, L = const, and the rectification of the reverse branch of the current-voltage characteristic occurs in the coordinate system logj,I-U (Fig 2) FiF 3 shows the current--voltage characteristic of the reverse current of selenium rectifiers (log j, UG.,4) The authors then discuss an empirical equation mentioned in Ref, 5, They note that within the range investigated no difference from the result obtained from equation (5) occurs, but that such a difference is to be expected for a transition to low voltages and high temperatures The non-occurrence of the saturation of the reverse current in n-p junctions in germanium, silicon, and -lenium is explained by a decrease of the activation energy by 6?-T7PF, which is caused by the field of the junction There are 4 figures and 5 Soviet references SUBYITTED: December 14, 1959 Card 2/2 / ~? ? (/ 00 b821 3 /J9 26 ( S/032/60/026/0, /0251/0~,2 AUTHOR: Orzhevskiy, 0. B. B010/B001 TITLE: Measurement of the Thickness of Coatings by Means of the X-Ray Photo Effect PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya. laboratoriya, 1960, Vol 26, Nr 1, pp 74 - '76 "USSR~ ABSTRACT: The possibility of using the photo effect, which appears on the effect of X-rayayfor measuring the thickness of 7oatin4;9 was investiga-l-e-67-1- certain substance layeT takes part in th,- formation of the photoelectric current - - to the oneit,,y (,f the electrons which are formed on ionization, The ph,ltoelertric current is determined by the substance layer and the coat,..%(, if this coating (thinner than the aubstance layer) is appi)el to the substance layer. If the material of the base and the coating material cause photoelectric currentp of different n- tensity, the intensity of the photoelectricrIlburrent var.,es with the thickness of the coat i-n-g-,-Th-17-aWeThod was tally tested by way of boron coatings which were appi-ed t- steel basis by electrophoresis. An Ionization (,hariber (Fj.t,, working with air was used for measuring the photoelectTi~ Card 1/2 current. The current in the ionization. ch&mber wms meavire(~. 68213 Measurement of the Thickness of Coatings by Means S IC 16 -- ', z I - '-- I li~; 4`~ / , ~ of the X-Ray Photo Effect by means of the compensation method whereupon a sec,)nd "standard ionization chamber" was used (Fig '2~ block scheme 2 of the unit). kn amperage of 10" a .an be measure4 b~ us-,r,.z a differential amplifier for alternating curreiit. Sinre the electron absorption depends on the density 1~f the layer, the quantity pej- layer unit (Fig 3) is mprisurod by the above method in addition to the thickness of the c Oa tinf, T~--- .1 maximum coating density to be measured is 3-5 mglcm2 ~f X r 3'~S of moderate hardness (,~100 kev) are used ' wherF?as thz thickness depends on the specific weight and,. P..g,, 1.~ '17 a 117. the case of aluminum and only 2 p in the case 3f g~,!-i greater the difference between the atomic number of the baai-, material and of the coatings, the more precise are the m~,-,- surements since the intensity of the photoelectric ~--urrent is proportional to the atomic number (Pit; 4). Thl-rij 18 no quitylt.1- tative basis of the doocribod mothod duo to a liv, '~, of il/tlli; since calibration curves are used, however. th~-s mothc,l is cf interest with regard to measurements of thin coatings. There Card 2/2 are 4 figures. 22053 S/16 61/003/004A"10:50 9, 6 -0 //4% *4 Inv) B1 02YB214 AUTHORS: Fistull, V. I. and Orzhevakiy, 0. B. TITLE: Temperature dependence of the conductivity of p-n junctions in the inverse direction PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 4, 1961, lir,8-116o TEXT: The authors have already shown in a previous paper (FTT, 11 2214, 1960) that for many p-n junctions, the dependence of the current j in the inverse direction on the potential U is given by J - A expl~(q~ - BU(I -m)/2 )/kTI(l), where m