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Publication Date:
December 31, 1967
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hyde, acetaldehyde) and ammonia yielded an especially promising AZ.N11..
lif (substituted alicylphenoi-Xurfuramide). ..Atiout 1% of this gaves
.smaller amounts of deposite, lower acid number of the oil and better
stabilization than ionol. Urotropine-formamide condensates were in-
vestigated. Optimum synthesis conditions for additive No. 17,
,'p-'tert.,octylpaenol-urotropine-formaldehyde condensate were studied.
:0.1% of'No. I? In MK-8 oil gave as much antioxiaant protection as
Ionol, and was more effective than p-hydroxydiphenviamine, as tested
~by the VTI mettiod at 1400 and 20U00. Folyfunctional additives were
,prepared from mixtures of alkyl phenolates, phenylsulfonates and
-phenolate-? S* reaction products. Mixtures of SB-3 and VNII NP-
354, VNII NK553, Zn salt of S- and P-containing compounds, or BEK-1,
tested on transport engines YaAz-204 and M-1-46, showed the SB-3,
+ BFK-l combination most effective. SB-3 + AZNII-7 (1:1) offered
better protection In a S-containing AS-10 oil than either component
alone. Orig. art. has: 16 Tables and 5 Eguations.
Card 3/4
ACC NR. .4_o602i~~5i~_-_(A J--s ouRct -doDz.--~Rloo8~i]66/666/oo6ipo36-[p636-
AUTHOR: Orudzheva, 1. 2.11.; l',ovruzov, 5h.
TIT13: 5tudy of additives synthesized from derivatives of naDhthenic hydrocarbons
SGURCL: Raf. zh. 1(himiya, Part II, Abs. 6P244
REF SOURCS: Azerb. noft. kh-vo, 1965, 3?-3~
TOPIC TAGS: anti-oxidant additive, lubricating oil
A~MACT: In order to develop antioxidant motor-oil additive whose composition in-
I eludes nhosphorus and sulfur, nonochlorides of cyclohexyl- and methylcyclohexylphos-
-ohorous acids were prepared. The chlorides obtained were subjected to condensation
reactions with various alkyl nhenolls (C3-C10) and sulfide-disulfide allcyl Dhenols *//
IT'he effect of the synthesized con-pounds on the performance characteristics of D-11 oil.
was investi.gated. Tests of these compounds for the oxidation resistance, thermal sta-
bility, and anticorrosive properties ~f the diesel oil showed that the induction oeriod
of the oxidation, determined ~y the method of the Az:'!I, increases from 30 to ?0-100
ran, and the time oil absorDtion of 10 ml of o-.1cygen, from 240 to 340-355 min. The ant-1-
osive properties were tested under drastic conditions (method of NAXI); in the
/M2. The thermal
iprosenco of the additives, the corrosion decreases from 360 to 1-13 9
~Stability of D-11 oil incroases from 25 to 60-105 min. Phosphorus- and sulfur-cpntain-
!in.- comnounds in combination xTith SB-3 and BFK additives have practically no effect on
Card 1/2
-L 42972-66
! ACC NR. AFG024954
!the wettinm DroDerties of the oils. Authors' abstract. [Translation of abstract]
0 . .
SUB com. : I I
i Card 2/2 MLP
T a3gm-6f, M(m)/EWP(WT/ RM
ACC NRI AP6028573 SOURCE CODE: UR/0316/66/000/003/0021/OOZ.3
AUTHOR: Orudzheva, 1. M.; Yagabova, A. A.
ORG: Institute of the Chemistry of Additives, AN AzerbSSR (Institut khimii prisadok
AN AzerbSSR)
~of dialkvlhydroquinone esters of phosphorous a id
TITLE: anthesis
SOURCE: Azerbaydzhanskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, no. 3, 1966, 21-23
TOPIC TAGS: antioxidant additive, lubricant additive, orgapic phosphorous compound
ABSTRACT: New phosphorous esters suitable as antioxidant additives for lubricating
oils have been prepared. 2,5-Di-tert-butylhydroquinone was reacted with phosphorus
trichloride to form the phosphorochlorldous ester, which in turn was reacted with
heptyl, octyl, nonyl, or decyl alcohol in the presence of triethylamine to form the
appropriate phosphorous ester:
~OH R-OH R OH pCial:
OH H2S5-,, A OH
0 R,-OH R 0
C,H - - \c \P-OR,
RI K PC' TCHs)3N /,
0/ 0
L 43926-65 U
ACC NR. AP6028573 i
It is noted that such organophos-fiorus,-.iO46
also~.-Qf- ;Int'"'est
as herbicideb-
medicinal prepArations, and poli m-Ar viAtflzer 1
Or fomula. VS
SUB CODE: 07 j u
-220ct~3/' Um
, ; ,
71 IF
Hydrodynardo conditions influencing the formation of oil poola
in the Sub-Brzaaki aerlea of the Bibi-Eybat field. Aterb. neft.
kfioze 42 no.1:11-13 Ja 163. (MM 16tlO)
(Apsheron Peninsubt-Oil fields-Hydrodynamica)
L 04972-67 EWT(m) /DiP(t)/L-M IJP(c) JD
ACC NRI '-- AP6023949 SOURCE CODES UR/0233/65/ooo/oo6/0065/0068,
AUTHORS MuL111ovq Kh. M.; Dzhalilov, S. U.; Orudzhevap Sh. 0.
ORG: none
TITLES Study of the viscosity of amorphous selenium
SOURCES AN AzerbSSR. Izv. Ser f:lz-tokhn :1 matem n, no. 6, 1965, 65-68
TOPIC TAGS1 selenium, solid viscosity, viscous flow
ABSTRACTS The purpose of the work was to determine the influence of temperature on
the apparent activation energy of viscous flow of selenium L id to study the app3Aca-
bMty of the Williams-Lindell-Ferry (WLF) formula
109 aT = -ioi.6+T-Ta
(where TS is the reduced temperaturep and aT the ratio of viscosities at temperatures,
T and Ta respectively) to the viscosity data on selenium. The visooetty was doter-
mined from the rate of extension of selenium filaments observed with a microscope.
The WLF forwiLU was found to apply to the viscosity data over a wide temperature
ranp. The activation energy of viscous flow was determined from the formula
A H. 2,303 R CF C2r T'
T )2
Card 1/2 M + T 9/
L 04972-67
where Cf and c2g are constants. &H. imrsased rapidly with decreasing temperature.
The linearity of the curve -Og air --L below the glass transition temperatu-re, T per-
mits the use of the ArrherAus foimull for determining the apparent onergy of ;1800U8
109 aT Ha(T-T9
K -K -1:g
where R Is the gas constant. Below Tg, AHa was found to be 190 koal/noles Orige
art. hass 3 figurve and 4 formlas.
SUB CODE$ 11/ SUBM DATE1 none/ ORIG REF1 001/ OM REF1 008
Nature of hydroaromatic hydrocarbons of the fraction boiling
at 140-175c'C from Kirmaki series in the Neftyanyye Kamni
offshore field. Azerb. khim. zhur. no.2:3-U 163,
(MIRA 16:8)
Investigation of the nature of the hydroaromatic hydrocarbons of
the fractiGn of '440-1730 from the petroleum of the Neftyanyye Kam-
ni field. Nefteper. i neftekhim. no.losl2-14 163. (MIRA 17:2)
1. Institut neftekhimicheakikh protsessov, g. Baku.
is so
c a ~p7 c an
- I, L, 1, 1 " / 1, /'
OBURK,A.A., assistent
Determining current and voltage of a transient system in a track
circuit during a break In the trolley wire. Sbor. MINT no.145;
17-34 153. (HLRA 8:10)
(Electric railroads)
ArAlkolayevich; MINA, V.S., redaktor; NMNTIYgV, A.M.,
O'BURK, Alpkeaw
"'TMU'd - skii re r.
[Multiplication tables] Tablitsy umnozhenlis. Sterootipnoe izd.
Moskva, Goestatizdat, 1953. 335 P. (MI2A 7:8)
OIRURK._A.9 V.N.. redaktor; KAPULOVA, A.A., takhnichookiy
--- - _A; DEMINA.
[Multiplication tables) Tablitay unnocheniia. Izd. 2-oe. dop.
(stersotip). Moskva, Goe.stat.izd-vo, 1957. 336 p. (KLRA 10:6)
1011ZLaK. A.N.; MAKAROVA, O.K,,, red.; KAPRAWVA, A.A., tekhn. red.
[Multiplication tables]Tablitay umnozheniia. 4., doP. im.
Moskvas Goastatizdat., 1962. 336 p. (MMA 15:10)
./ "T
"T'he Applicatirr. of Integral equations for the itut;v of Transient Processes
in Complex Linear and lion-Linear 3ystems," Trudy Voyenn~-Morkoy Akademii
Korablestroyeniya i Vooruzheniya im. A.14. Krylov /Proceedings, 11aval Ship
Construction and Armament Academy imeni A.N. Krylov/
ALl-Leningrad Seminar on the Theory of Automatic Control (1955-1950
6(7) SOV/112-58-3-5205
T9-auslation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1958, Nr 3, p 262 (USSR)
AUTHOR-1--OX,&r"_,A._,,--' -
TITLE; Calculations of Transients in a Telegraph Line by the Method of Real -
Argument Characteristics (Raschet perekhodnykh rezhimov v telegrafnoy linii
po metodu kharakteristik veshchestvenz,-ogo argumenta)
PERIODICAL: Sb. Leningr. in-ta inzh. zh.-d. transp., 1956, Nr 151, pp 120-151
ABSTRACT: A method is set forth for determining an approximate equation of
currents, voltages, and other transient values referred to as transient
functions. The method is intended for finding the transient functions in
complex linear electromagnetic systems, i. e. , systems with lumped
parameters described by differential equations of higher than 4th order, and
also systems with distributed parameters including the nonuniform chain
circuits. The method permits obtaining an approximate solution without
neglecting any circuit components and does not require labor-consuming and
Card I /Z
AUTHORi FOMINA, Ye.N. 103-10-9/10
TITLEt Seminar on the Automatic Control Theory in Leningrad (1955-1956)
(Obahchele,iingradskiy seminar po teorii avtoaaticheskogo reguli-
rovaniya (1955-1956 gg.))
PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i Telemekhanika, 1957, Vol- 18, Nr lo, PP. 947-949
ABSTRACTi On Jaiiuary 21, 1955, P.A.Lebedev delivered a lecture on
"Stability of a non-Stabilized Movement in the Final Time
On February 2, 1955, T.N.Sokolov discussed the "Question of the
Characteristics of Quality in the Theory of Automatic Control".
D.A.Bashkirov discussed the "Finding out of Roots of Algebraic
Equations According to the Method of the Successive Divisions".
On June 6, 1955 I.A.Orurk discussed the "Application of Integral
Equations on the___Z_c_c_a_s_1_on of the Investigation of the
Transition Processes in Complicated Linear and Nonlinear Systems".
N.G.Barinov discussed the "Problem of the Construction of Trans-
ition Characteristics in Automatic Control Systems."
On September 27, 1956 Ye.P.Popov discussed the "Approximate
Investigation of Transition Procresses in some Nonlinear
Automatic Systems According to the Method of the Harmonic Lineari-
Card 1/2 zation."
Seminar on the Automatic Control Theory in Leningrad. 103-10-9/10
On November 1, 1956, A.A.Voronov discussed a method of
approximation for the determination of the stabilization process
of self-oscillations in some linear systems.
On November 29, 1956, A.D.Maksimov discussed the"Precision of
the First Approximation in the Case of a Linearizing Action of the
Non-Linear Automatic Systems by Means of Vibration".
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 212
ORURK. I.A.,kand.tekhn.naukdots.
Kethod of determining optimal paremeters for conplex linear
control systems. Sbor.LIIZHT no.161:43-61 158. (MIR& 11:12)
(Automatic control)
I _ , 1 1 ' !. I C I f~ 1 V -
TITLE. The Calctilati-i. i I ii,-- ~i 1
Sys I ems
1,ERIODICAL:Izvest i-ya vvs~~liik!i zave,2eni,,
1 9 5 9 N r L 5SR)
ABSTRACT: The c laz~;sica I jilf,11)"ds "I 1),;m-r I, ;i I s,Ati! jr)y. i;~'l
found wide ric L el t;,ii( on~ ra( t it 0 1 all~o
Th (
they arv ~~ nul T I I ( a t k d 1 1! 1 M C ~ lil ~ lln! 1 115-
r e clil I r e (I 1 1) t 1~ e .~ it - j d 1 ;1 1-, ()M 1: t'l 1 1, - Tis I ~;
pr- a c t i cri I r-,, h 1,~m s wti t i f i d t~~ 1-~-
~l l1." IV (I T- 5~ Plf-
t o .1 r e s I I t f,() r it 0 ollo I orrv.~
I v f III I r (-' s s of I o I ;I I it 1, t lk-1 1,
a 1) e r I s 1~a~zed t'll I (" n-"Il i it k'l- ~-olutlofl 1, quadl ~l I w
11 v C o w e I S r ~j rrv. r ii ti-,, StilA n t i it ( ize i I :-, ) Gr f"i t
c onil kit Illy sk I I I I L' 11 -t I A-lo fl.c. hilrici, I al'l' - '11~
used. iin xar: I t fit, 1 c;l i" 1~-llf o I I 1~ a I t , 1, 1,;l t r
c ont ro c ci L I: I a c ~;( i s K a ui I i 1 (1,:, - ldf r I r-!.: t I
differentia I c-l-at ioi, L!i t :I i ~Q e n f- r -A e . r, o r 1 1 1 1 -, ,
Card 1 /4 o f f i rs t o rd e r , Eo ( I T! I F- r it r e s t a '~ s - t i 1 r .- t
StAV I 'i'i - :~,~ - I - - I / ., i
The Calculation o f rra n e n t i r tj c I- l, in N o n 1 111 (,;.- rS V s t c- n, L;
is t o c it I c t I II T C, -~ , , A i I ,v x fr mi t n e )?I, n,,r (~ - hit t I a r ir t,
a S In E q( -,) ) T 1-1 e -9 o , t, lol (i Iit I ( u I I t 4. S X ., 1] ~t .;I
single i torat ion who:,v I j I* ;i r o y i ma t i 0 It t s 1
Th I. r d I y . a I I -~i t vaI if-i XII
C L~Inpu t ed frorr t 11o (,!If. I fill, f-T-IIIII lo L(I
An a I t c Ina ti v f- , I I i,~tt ii i t o Ivi) I( j I
Lu I er sIli(- thod it s -i li,,w n I it AT-j , rld x I I'll f Io rmu I
F q ( 4h ~ ( 5 a I I t I -i r4~ f I --I- I ). c,i 1 zi en d I x-1 1 it f
P .1 S v11 t Ia Ia it I;I Q, t I11(-f t, t .~ 111 11 ~, II I'k
C 11 r v "t t -1 1 11 1 1 11~1 I
I I , .1, t T fl f f r I
j 4 ) a 1) d lo e- - I x
between s t e ps n ?I mi f ".(.1) 1) 1 1- 1- 1 1 N i
required, a quadrat m I- -Y-tmi lzif cl nil I o Oil 's t q
he der ived u --;I ng m(,,rc, ti, r m - t o rpf f-fl I C t 1 o n , (,
extension c) IF t It o m(- t tio (I o it v s I em ., fl' I r t~ t r- J e r-
Card 2/4 equatiun,~ s tic h a s Lq ( ! i -. t I a i o- h t f-,) I w a I- d u ~, i n Q
The Calculat ion (if Transient ii-,,( -- iv -111-11-1cir SN'stc-fbz`4
t lire e c oi- re q I (in d i fig c, t a Po v ,' I, ~-: c r ! 1) 1, - -1 1) ~Lci ( I) ) , ~ I "it,)
* n I I (l5 ) 17 1 Y, :_'I~: II I()fk, I Iit'vrit t)f v I r r Iii t, oin I- itt
* Otis Idei v ~ I II , ii Ix~i IT. 1 1 4 .'I I I I-III I t, t t I Iv (, II III, , IIc f
are I.roport i o I I a I t C I I T_ t- k~ I I vo I t ag, t- at I I d t It r- d,, I i %-:I I I v
of t It V I I I it ~ e ci I Ig C1 0 1 1, ev ii t wo k 1) 1 L a I,, e s A t h v c v - Iha -
shor t -c I rc u I t I spci ~ t ii I a t u-d f (o ra t I III e I) 1 0 ~ I s(,( (i n (i S
TI i e e I ec t roma .i it eI L1 r )c t-s s e s chi r- 3 1) Q, t 11 1 S t III, rC
c a J c u I a te d 1, v iI Ieme tho (I.Ln1t,He f't a I I c1 5 1' 11 '.'t
mo t i o n d u r 1 1, g t 1i I ~4 I it I v r v -I I I~~ coit.1 tit ed tahllik~ it,' ti v
loqses into ac-o'1111 itc I ())The ljaramf't C. r .4 r (' I " r I ( ,
t h e I e ri I it Vo I z I I s k I ~ t- it (- I atI I I g. -~ t it I I o n a n d t 1i e K I \ 1, % S I II,
NO ~5 c ow t ra n.~ rD I s s I u ii I ;, f- I'lle -'N s t em equal iorl 5 arc 17 o
an (I c Th e t1) r a tI (,ri I, () I I I Ii ,ittr
S a I 1 0 w. e d tf) r r:~; ti II I III, 1 11 ()It tn~- va III(- -
exc i tei v o I tit ii e.F h e \',-I I- IIt I1~ T' 1 11 11 -1t r- it 5~;v o
th(, feedhac k it e r I% i t I "hown III 'I al, I es I awl
Th e r e s u I t of I !I e.g I Ii I ijg til I. oyia t I ml y _.a; t c. 11) ( i '/ I !~
F 1 3. As a c h c k I it -L- c it ra cy,Ic a I I- u a t I on w a smo (I
b V Adams rtiet h c) d a ii the er r )r I.; a sa t'(?w t entlis c) Ia perc erit
in b ( t ) ( ,; e r- cx I -,'-Ta 1, i I-- "i hiit r it t I I o, r laruc r I n t )
C n r d /4 t 111, e X.- I t I, r v Q fa I c. t'11 t' --i I- 111 1, v a II I- all'!
,(,V/1 44 - IL
The Ca Icu I a t i on o f Tra ris i e fi t Pr S , i n N~,n I i I, c c~ , Syi t epis
6 Soviet referenceg.
ASSOC 1AT ION - Kafedr a t euret ic he.--t I, 0t I j --,mov e I Pht rot ek h III If I
I en tii:~ i it tit a I I) Ili T t,,. zhe I
t ra ii -, po r t a ki i t ,; (, 1111 C: I I ~ t L Ca i V 5 u f 1,
F', n g 1 ne e r I rig I (- ii i j i L, r,i (I 11,A i I iqiv Tr opf) I- t P, ii.if 1 11
Inst i tut (, )
card 4/4
Akadendya nauk S&9R. Institut alektromakhaniki
Sbornik rabot po, voprosam elektromakhaniki, vyp. 3% Energeticheskiye sistemy,
elektromashinoetToyeniye, elektricheakaya tyagat avtomatizirovannyy elektre-
privod,, avtomaticheskiye i telemekbanicheskiye sistemyt elektrosvarochnoye
oborudovaniye (Collected Papers on Electromechanical Problems, no~ 3s
Power Systems,. Electric Machinery Construction, Electric Traction, Automated
Electric Drives, Automatic and Telemechanical Systems, Electric Welding Equip-
ment) Moscow lzd-vo AN SSSR, 1960. 314 p. Errata slip inserted. 5,000
copieB printeA.
Resp. Ed.t V.V. Sidellnikov; Ed. of Publishing Houses I.V. Suvorovj Tech. Ed's
R.A. Arons.
PURPOSEt This collection of articles is intended for scientific and techniial
COVERAGEs This book is divided into sections according to the title. The ss-ien-
tific articles are preceded by a brief biography of Academician M.P. Ko,9t',-nko,
Lenin Prize Laureate, Director .)f the Institut elaktromekhaniki AIN SSSR f,
U In-
stitute of Electromechanics, Achdemy of Sciences USSR). References accompany
most of the articles.
Gard 1113
Collected Papers (Cont.)
Sirotko, V.K., L.A. Sukhanov, and G.M. Smolin. 3.5 kva Transformer Model 2'.
The article contains a detailed description of the MTO-3.5 transformer
designed at the Institute of Blectromechanics, Academy of Sciences USSR.
Investigations on the power system electrodynamic simulator of thl,
Institute have demonstrated the adequacy of the simulator.
Sukhanov, L.A. Additional Short-Circuit Losses in Simulator Synchronous
Generators With Nonsalient Poles
The author describes the causes of additional short-circuit losses and
seeks ways of reducing them. From experimental data, he concludes that
in a correctly designed simulator gerprator with nonsalient poles
additional short circuit losses could be reduced, but not below 0.4%.
Orurk, I.A. Rules for Regulating the Excitation in Synchronous Genarators
The author refers to the works of M.P. Kostenko and I.D. Urusov which
established the fundamentals of rules for regulating the excitation in
synchronous generators. He examines certain additional problemaj, In
particular the operation of the machine in a zone of artificial stabili-
ty. For this, he uses approximate equations for a synchronous machine
expressed according to the Lobedev-Zhdanov method.
Card 5/13
Collected Papers (Cont.)
Orurk I A# and G.V. Roshchin. Static Stability of Parallel Operation of
-SWcO-o-nous Generators When the Excitation is Regulated Through the
vatives of the Absolute Angle
The author compares regulation of the excitation through the derivativ-63
of the absolute angle with regulation based on other parameters, such
as the relative angles and currents. The analytical investigations are
based on the Lebedev-Zhdanov method.
Anempodistov, V.P. Modern Methods of Direct Cooling of Turbogenerators IF
The author considers the advantages of direct cooling of turbogenerator
armature windings and describes ventilation diagrams. He concludes that
direct cooling of winding copper makes It oossible to increase the rated
power of the turbogenerator without altering its dimensions.
Dartau, A.A. Calculation of Magnetic Dispersion Reactance of Two Layer
End Windings 130
The author establishes a method for calcu-lating the reactance of two-layer
end windings based on separating the reactance into its axial Find tangential
components. A formula is derived expressing the reactance as a function oif
Card 6/13
ORURK, I.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent
Use of time characteristics in t),q synthOsis of linear systems
of automatic control. Sbor. L1IZHT no.169:76-92 160.
(MIRA 13:11)
(Automatic control)
OR RK 13ORI ALEKSEYFVNHJcand.tekhn.nauk.. dotsent; ZHEPERZHEYEV,
USEVOLOD FEDOROVICH, kand.fiziko-mtematicheskikh naukp
Determination of the parameters of 1-inear systems using given
transient processes* Izve vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromekh. 4
no.7:3-15 161. (MIRA 14:7)
1. Kafedra osnov elektrotekhniki Leningradskogo instituts.
inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta (for Orurk).
2. Kafedra, matematiki Leningradskogo institute, inzhenerov
zheleznodorozhnogo transporta (for Zheverzheyev).
(Automatic control)
.nchronoijs generators
Equivalert representation of a group of sy
joint by transmission lines with a single machine using the
conditions of the similarity of oscillations* Sbors rab. po
vop. elektromekh. no.62132-146 161. (MIRA 14:9)
(Electric power distributio-n--Models) Mectrio generators)
Use of an electronic model for an equivalent repreeentntion of a
complex system using the conditions of-similarity of nonlinear
oscillations. Sbor. rab. po vop. elektromekh. no.6:146-153 161.
(KIRA 14:9)
(Electric power distribution) (Electric vetwork analyzers)
ORURK, I.A., kand.te.'.--hn.naukv dotsent
Numerical calculation of trnmdants in nonlinear syutems.
Sbor. trud LIIZI?r no.179t8l-95 161. (miRA 16-.11)
AUTHORS: Orurk, I.A.p Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent,
ancT__Zh-e-V-e_-r`z-heyev, V.Fo , Candidate of Physico-Mathema-
tical Sciences, Docent
TITLE: Determination of parameters of linear systems in
accordance with given transient processes
PERIODICAL: izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Elektromekha-
nika, no. 7, 1961, 3 - 15
TEXT: A method of synthesis is considered, whereby a complex sys-
tem'is replaced by an equivalent simpler one whose parameters are
determined. The dynamic parameters of the equivalent system are
determined in such a way that the functions which describe the two
(complex and simple) systems should differ as little as possible.
Such a method can be used in automatic control. Further, the equi-
valence criteria are given between a power aggregate and a group
of power generators which operate in parallel. The determination
Card 1/5
. 2hOV'
S/14 '61/000/007/001/003
Determination of parameters ... D229YD303
of the dynaric parameters is based on the similarity of character-
istics in the two equivalent systems. A system of equations is set
up for the complex system describing its behavior under small (li-
near) oscillations. This system is solved with respect to the F(p)
images of those variables which are involved in the equivalence of
systems. For systems with lumped parameters:
F(P) = "V
where v,,-- w. F(p) is ap roximated by a simpler image of the same
physical magnitude, Y(p~ -_F(p). The images F(p) belong to the
equivalent simpler system,
Card 2/5
Determination of parameters D229/D303
T(P) k-0 1 (2)
Ir "Pli
b- "
The parameters sk and rk are determined by the similarity of the
characteri sties corres onding to F(p) and Y(p), respectively. The
phase-amplitude (p = jw~ and real-argument (p = 8) characteristics
are used. By means of the Fourier integral and rellin transform,
the original function f(t) is expressed in terms of the real-argu-
ment characteristic. In order that the error in determining the
originals should be minimal, the method of least squares is app-
lied to the characteristics. This leads to a non-linear relation-
ship between the parameters rk and 3ke To obtain rk and sk-in the
Card 3/5
I 2hO78
Determination of parameters D229/D3703
first approximation, the method of least squares is again used,
yielding a system of eauations, whose solution gives the sought-
for dynamic parameters. The above method however (based on simila-
rity of characteristics) does not ensure the necessary degree of
stability. To provide for this, the characteristics approximation
is combined with the construction of the stability region. Thus
the method provides for the required quality factors of the tran-
sient process -- like the form of the curve, maxima and minima --
which constitute the numerator of the expression for the image,
and for the degree of stability (the denominator of that expressi-
on). The equivalence criteria of an aggregate (to a group of power
generators) are: a) The power parameters are equivalent; b) Two
complex systems are equivalent if their parts are equivalent. Exam-
ples are given illustrating the use of the above method in optimi-
zation problems and in determining the parameters of power genera-
tors. There are 7 figures, 3 tables and 9 references: 7 Soviet-
bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloo. The reference to the English-language
publication reads as follows: Brown, Cloues, Combination of Load-
Card 4/5
Determination of parameters ... S/14 YD 61/000/007/001/003
D229 303
Flow and Stability-7]quivalent, Power Apparatus and Systems, 1955,
no. 19.
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra osnov elektrotekhniki Leningradskogo institu-
ta inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transporta (Lenin-
grad Institute of Railroad Transportation Engineers,
Department of Fundamentals of Blectrotechnics) (I.A.
Orurk); Kafedra matematiki Leningradskogo instituta
inzhenerov zheleznodorozhnogo transports. (Leningrad
Institute of Railroad Transportation Engineers, De-
partment of Mathematics) (V.F. Zheverzheyev)
SUBMITTED: July 27, 1960
Card 5/5
ZIEMZHEYEVO V.F.j, kand.fiziko-matem. nauk, dotsent; ORURK, I.A.,
kand.tekbn.nank, drit3ent
Use of a least squares method foIr findixW-Me brigiWas of
complex iniages mid determination of parameteipi . oA CoMplez
systems. Sbor. trud LIMIT no.17Q:96-106 161o MIM 16% 11)
koo 0 D201/D308
AUTHOR: Orurk, I. A. (Leningrad)
TITLE: Imaginary frequency characteristics and their
application to the synthesis of linear dynamic
system parameters
PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, v. 23, no. 7, 1962,
TEXT: The author considers the imaginary frequency character-
istics by assigning to the operator p, in F(p),presentation,
real values 0 o The expression for the original
function is a function of imaginary frequency charac-
teristics, analogous to the Fourier integral for frequency char-
acteristics. Expressions are derived for the evaluation of the
error in the original function as depending on the maximum error
in the-approximation of imaginary frequencies. For representa-
Card 1/3
imaginary frequency ... D201/D308
characteristics require much less numerical computation as com-'
.)a.-ed with amplitude-phase characteristics and may be applied to
the synthesis of conservative systems. There are 5 figures.
SUBIMITTED: July 5, 1961
Card 3/3
Use of a specialized electr6nic network analyzer and digital com-
putera in the study of processis in electric power systema. Sbor.
rab.po 163.
(MM 16:5)
(Electric netvork analyzers) (Electric power diatribution)
ORORK, T.A., (Leningrfid,)
Faulvalent cf a grollp of Btations of a :,emplex
power 3ystcr: ;n cs~:illa*,ory mcd,~,s of operation. Izv. AN SSSR.
(MIRA 17
.5 )
-er,7, 1. transp no.2.:ql-201 Mr-Ap'64.
ORMK,-1gor!-Ajeksand,rovich; VORONOV, A.A., doktor tekhn. nauk
prof., otv. rZ-'
[Vew methods for the synthesis of linear and certain non-
linear dynamic systems] Wovye metody sinteza lineirykh i
nekotorykh nelineinykh dinamicheskikh sistem, Moskva,
Naukax 1965. 206 p. (MIRA 18:7)
S/ 123/59/000/09/24/0 3t
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyenlye, 1959, No. 9, P
# 34120
AUTHOR- Orurk, I. K.
TITLE: Method of Determining the Optimum Parameters of Composite L4-.-,-,-
Control Systems',
PERIODICAL: Sb. Leningr. in-ta inzh. zh.-d. transp., 1958, No. 161, PL.
TEXT: The author discusses an approximate numerical method of ana-~--'.-
and a method of synthesis of composite automatic linear control systt-.w. T-
methods are based on Volterra's integral equations. In some cases the
D-breakdown of the plane of one or two parameters is used. The methnd
can be applied to direct analytic investigations and for programming purposed
in case computers are used. R. N, F.
Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian
Card 1/1
ORUSKV, '1rajko, dr.; DONEVA, Vaska, dr.
The frequency and characteristics of endemic goiter in Kocani.
Med. glasn. 14 no.12:564-566 D 160.
1. Dom narodnog zdravlja u Kocanims. (Upravnikt dr T. Orusev).
(GOITER epidemlol)
The frequency and characteristics of endemic goiter in some villages
of Osogovo. Higijena 13 no.2:156-162 161.
(GOITER statist)
RUBBSHTM9 A.L., prof.~ ORUSSM; Y.,*..q retsenzent; FAYNTSDOMR9 V.M.,
reteenzent; YELIZAVETSWA, G.V., reC; GDREVICH, M.M., tekbn.
[Soil mechanics research and foundation engineering] Gruntovede-
nie, oanovaniia i fundamenty. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-
ry, zhu-nalov i plakatov, 1961. 311 p. (MIRA 14t8)
(Soil mechanics) (Foundations)
"De I Ing Srmll Auditorium (With 100-600- Seats for Clubs and Fouses
"T." Cand Tech Sci, Le-ningrad Construction Engineering, Inst,
of Cult'.'re
Leningrad, 1954. (RZhFiz, Nov 54)
Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher
Educational Institutions (11)
SO: Sum. h1o. 521, 2 Jun 55
ARABAYEVp E.I.9 kand. ekon. nauk; ORUZBAYEVp A.U.p kand. ekon. nauk;
LMTUS p B. 1. , otv. red. ; ARI) ". ~ teklm, red.
[State farmw and their role in developing the agriculture of
Kirghizistan] Sovkhozy i ikh roll v !~p~tii sellskogo khoziaistva
Kirgizekoi SSR. Frunze, Akad. neak Kfrg.liskoi SSR, 1960. 70 p.
(MIRA 14:6)
(Kirghizistan--State farms)
ORUZRAYEV. AU_~wnd.ekonom.nauk; GRM14NIKOVA, L.A.; YOM, G.L.;
-'OUUaDLATOV, O.S.,; SEHIKIIIA, T.F.. red.izd-78;
[Ways of increasin.g profits from state liventock forms in
KirghizistanJ Puti povyshaniia rentabel'not3ti zhivotnovodcheskikh
sovkhozov Kirgizii. Franze. Akad.nauk Eirgizskoi SM, In-t ekcnc~-
mii-ci, ig6o. 163 P. (MIRA 13:10
(Kirghizistan-Stock and atockbreeding)
Reparative regeneration of the gastrocnemius muscle In white
nice under conditions of impaired innervation. Uch. zap. Kir.
2hen. ped. inst. no. 4:71-86 159. (MIRA 14:1)
(Gastrocnemius muscle)
(Nasals--Degeneration and regeneration)
t!V,I,r ~gf, - -:~Ir. - I - r i,, ~ --*r,5 , ~ .,,ua I crra:-y n! )Uvi -Ing ~;' *1!7c- :P.-! ,
R'. v e r V a " " P~ ~ '~,eo-. t) r 1~ ~ i - 6 ". - I " r,- - -, ;~" 16--,.
, " eo '~ ~-)r i ck~ Lr ~ eskam %!i , , i ~ ntprprJ se, " i I I nil .
1, , I
. - - . 1, . - I . . - . ..- . I .
--:-AS, L. *17. ( AS;---a~'. y - - ._.. ~c * t. : ~ ~ - -,.P- - -:-. r C., - I ~ . C
~" :3 in e . ~
11 Llir"ll I: ~ ~ i" 1 1!1. -,:; ~ .; 1 1; "!1 c, . ~ '. - i I! ~. I~' . - 14 't I :; I r ry., ~ ' t . , ' ~ :' . "
. I . _.. " . I . ~ . - ,, -.' ~, r ~ I
Vet- '.' "lari-i -.1
; j
ORVIDAS, L.V., aspirant :-- .",
ll-..'----I.-- i,-,
Immumgmeeb following nmaination of swine against arysipelase R
Vater.,narils, 38 noollt.u-43 N 161 (MIRA 18ol) F,
1. Litovakiy rauohno-isaledovateltakiy institut vaterinariia.
RAUKAS, Anto, kand. geol.-miner. nauk;-I~Y~A,,,K.K., akademik,
red.; KALIO, D.L.[Kalju, E 1, kand. geol.-miner. nauk,
red.; VIYI)ING, Kh.A.[Viiding, 11.1, knnd. geol.-ainer.
nauk, red.; NUPm. E., kand. filolog. nauk, rod.;
KINDLAM, M., red,
(Granulometric classification of detr'Ltal rocks] Purd-
kivimite terasuuruse klossifikatsioon. Klassifikatsiia
oblomochnykh porod po granulometricheskorm sostavu.
Tallinn, Eesti ESV Teaduste Akadeemia, 1964. 4
9 tables. (MJRA 18:5)
1. Akademiya nauk Estonskoy SSR (for Orvik).
BELYUKAS, K. K. [ Bieliukiis, X. I.. akademik, red.; ZJIELNIN , G.A. ,
red.; GUDELIS, V K :-ed.; LESIS, I.P.[Liesis, J.],
red.; XAAZ1K * *11
. V.Ya. -~aasik, V.], red.: OZOL, LJ.
[Ozols,L.], red.; ORVIKU, K.V.1, red.; HAZHINSKAS, A.K.
(Razinskas, A.], ruff.-i,-SsK'FRT- S, K.Ya., red.
[.-.ecent and latest crustal movements in the Baltic region;
materials of the lnterrepub:Lic Conference on the Problems
of Recent Tectonic Movements in the Baltic Region for the
2d International Symposium on the Study of Recent Crustal
Movements, Helsinki, 19651 Sovremennye i noveishie dvi-.he-
niia zemnoi kory v Pribhltike; materialy... k II Mezhdu-
narodnomu simpoziumu po izucheniiu sovremenrjykh dvizhenii
zemnoi kory, Kheltsinki, 1965. Pod red. V.K.Gudelisa.
Vilnius, P14 Litovskoi SSR, 1964. 139 p. (MIRA 18:1)
Mezhrespublikanskove soveshchaniye po voprosam neotekto-
nicheskikh dvizheniy Fribaltiki. 3d, Vilna, 1962. ~'-. Akade-
miya nauk Litovskoy SSR (for Belyukas).
ORVIKU K.I akademik, red.; BAUKOV, 3.S. kand. geol.-miner.
' nauk, red.; KALIO PD.L.[Kal 0, D.1, kand. geol.-mlner,
nauk, red.; M.YAMIL', R.14.iHildnnil, R.], kand. geol.-
miner. nauk, red.; FAL'MRE, Kh.G. [Palmre, !.], kand.
geol.-miner. nauk, red.; SKVORTSOVA, A., red.
[Lithology and stratigraphy of Quaternary sedirwnt--. in
Estonia; for the 7th Congress of the International
Association on Quaternary Research held in the U.S.A.,
19651 Lito-Logiia i stratigrafiia chetvertichnykh otlo-
zhenii Estoniii k V11 Mezhdunarodnomu kongressu D~KVA v
SShA, 1965. Tallinn, 1965. 147 p. (MIRA 19:1)
1. Resti NSV Teaduste Akaueemia. Geoloogic- instJtuut.
2, Akademiya nauk Estonskay SSR (for Orviku).
-k; kand. geol-miner. nauk,
ORVIKU, K., aknde r. 4
-recT'.-'vypuska; D.], katia. Cc -L.
na-,i-'-, red.1
L" - " it
nau,,, Kh.7,.t'
kana. geol,mine-. nauk, rea.
['-,itho-iop, of Fa3cozod,,: ~,ec,'Ten~,s ii,
giia pt.-ieozoiskikn hstrni- "alirl, Al.
Estonskoj ~Zh, -L9b4. 131 d
1. Eesti N,-,V Teaduste P-ka;vt!,~.~h Geoiougia Instituut.
2. Akaderiya nauk Estonskc,y 3:1it (for 0.-Vik-u).
CRvikaj, X.
lb-drogeological Gity of Tartu. Institution of Western Tartu University, Publishing House
of Scientific Literature, Tartu, 19Lb. 55 pp.
(14eteorologiya i Gidrologiya, No 6 Nov/Dec 190)
SO: U-31218, 3 Apr 1953
. " - %. i_,,
(MVIKU,K.X., professor
Meteorites in the collection of the Geological Institute of the
AcqdetW of Sciences of the Estonian S.S.R. In Tartu. Meteoritika
nc.12:94-102 155. (MIRA 8;10)
Irm: ReferativmYY zhumma, Geologiya, 1957., Nr 3P p.2 (USM)
AUTHOR: Orriku, K.
TITIZ: k. Kho. Tat-Iffin (1892-1953) fA. n. Wtha (1892-1953):7
FMIOMUL: Mr. In-ta geol. An EstSSR, 1956, vol l.. 14 5-8
ABSTPACT: Artur Mie~~ j, Pramiwmt Estomism geologist, vm
tbe d'mator of the Iwtitate Of GeO1097 Of the Ac&dmW of Sciewes
Of Eftmim SM. Us works v associated with the study of the
geolosdaO e=titaticm & the Estomism SM (Sibyrimm, Devcnion)
and vith rese&veh in pL,L*=0mtol (yarmbmites of the Ordavicim
MA owUwodenu of the 0 T played an Jupwtant part
Ix grgazdzing the sftdy of the geDlW Of the Estmim WR and
tjw Immatigation of zdmml resc=ces (clWn, oil sbales., and
Oaxd 1/1 phospborites). G. I. D
lb -b'! -4 -4
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurntil, Geologiye, 1957, Nr 4,
Pp 30-031 (Uss`i)
AUTHOR: Orviku, K. K.
TITLE: Stratigraphic Nomenclature for the Quaternary Deposits
of Estonia ffftratigrtificheskaya skhema antropoCenovykh
(chetvertichnykh) otlozheniy territorii Estonskoy ssR7
PERIODICAL: Tr. In-ta geol. AN EstSSR, 1956, Vol 1, pp 105-112
ABSTRACT: The author describes the Quaternary deposits of Estonia,
using the Pleistocene terminology of I. P. 3erasimov an
K. K. Markov, but the Holocene divisions of 14. 1.
Neyshtadt (M. I. Neustadt?). Two groups of morainal
deposits are known in Estonia: a lower, correspond llnz
to the Dnepr glaciation, and an upper, correspondinE to
the Valday glaciation. They are separated by Inter-
glacial deposits concaining remains of broad--leaved
varieties, hornbeam and hazel-nut (Ryngu) in the lo'.ver
Card 1/2 part and having alder and fir (Karukyula) above.
Stratigraphic Nomenclbture for the Quaternary Deposi ts (Gont. )
According to the geoc1hronological scale of DeGeer, Estonia wrbs nDt
covered by the ice of the last glaciation during the first nal I of
the Gotiglacial stage. Note is made of the stage zones of marginal
formations belonging to late glacial time. There was oxtensivo
development of lucustrine and paludal organic deposits in the
Holocene and of correlative widespread marine deposits. The s e
latter represent a stage of development of the Baltic sea and -6ve
considerable stratigraphic value in this area. A large number of
invertebrate fossil localities have been found in these deposits.
The geomorphological method has also been used to study the marine
rocks; maps show abrasional terrL2c63 and coastal dunes of older and
younger age. Up to 25 shorelines of different ages may be differ-
entiated in the lower parts of Estonia. Locally, the older sediments
of the Baltic Sea rest unconformably on lacustrine and paludal
deposits. These relationships permit a comparison of the mbrine &nd
continental Quaternary deposits.
Card 2/2 M. zr~.
~;tratigrap~Ac Bcherme or t~:c LLatern-.irr deposits in ,stoni.~n
p. (~'okslLniai Franesi:-,al) V~31. 4, Vilnius, -,ithwnail-k
--~dex of '~Lst (-:!~!A.-) ',C, - Vol.
Main features of the grologic evolution of the territory of Estonia SSR in the
P. 187 (mokslinlai. Prar-esimai) Vol. 4, 1957, Vilnius, Lithuania
AUTHOR: Orviku, K. ~OV/23-51,3-4 -1
TITLE: A Scie~,tif'ic Session Dedicated to the 50th Anni-
versary o1 ~he Death of Academician F,B, Shmidt
(Nauchnaya sf_~ssiya, posvyas.,icht3nnaya 50-y C,1,odo-
vshchine so dnya s,%ier,,i akadlemika F.B. Shmidta)
,ya Akademii nauh E,3tonskoy `~R, 1958, Nr 4,
pp 353-354 (U6SR)
ABSTRACT: From 8 to 14 'Septe::~ber 1956, a session took place
in Tartu which was dedic~tted to the 50th anniver-
sary of the death of the renowned Russian Scien-
tist, Academicia-ii PriLdrii~h Bo-danovich Shmidt
(1832-1908). About 15u persons participated, in-
cluding 100 reprez;entziLives of Estoniam inStitU-
tions, particularly of the Uprnv.1()nJ1.r(. !,eolorii
i okhrany nedr pri E'~3~SR Adm:Ln:1strat:1on of
Geology and Conservation of Njineral Resoarces
attached to the ES~3R Councii of and
Tartu Univer~;ity. Over 5o participants arrived
from 12 scientific institutions of' Moscow, Lenin-
Card 1/4 grad, the Ukraine, Belorussia, Lithuania and
A Scientific Session Dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of the
Death of Academician F.B. Shmidt
Latvia. A considerable number were from the In-
stitut geologii i poleznykh iskopayemykh Akademii
nauk Latviyskoy SSR (Institute of Geology and
Mineral Deposits of the Academy of Sciences of thE
Latvian SSR), Inatitut geologii i geografii Aka-
demii nauk Litovskoy SSR (Institute of Geology
and Geography, AS Lithuanian SSR), Inatitut geo-
logii Akademii nauk Belorusskoy SSR (Institute of
Geology, AS Belorussian SSR), Academy of Sciences,
Ukrainian SSR, Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatell-
skiy geologicheskiy institut (All-Union Scienti-
fic-Research Geological Institute) (VSEGEI), and
others. Th( session was opened by A.K. Khumal,
Vice-President of the AS ESSR. D.L. Kallo de-
livered a lecture on tile life and work of Shmidt.
Commemorating the 50th anniversary, the third
volume of "Transactions of the Institute of Geo-
Card 2/4 logy,AS ESSR" was published. It contained
A Scientific Session Dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of the
Death of Academician F.B. Shmidt
articles written by R.M. Myannill, Ye.A. Karpin-
skaya-Tolmacheva, and K.K. Orviku,all dedicated
to the work of Sluiiidt. It was tne purpose of
the scientific session to familiarize the parti-
cipants with the latest achievements in the study
of the geology of the ancient paleozoic era and
the Quaternary period in the republic. During
the session, the "Review of Stratigraphy of
Paleozoic and Quaternary Deposits of the Estonian
SSR" was published. Lectures were also delivered
by representatives of the Paleontologicheskiy
institut AN SSSR (Paleontological Institute AS
USSR) (R.F. Gekker), Institute of Geology AS BSSR
(A.S. Makhnach), Institute of Geolog anc Geo-
graphy AS Lithuanian SSR (V. Gudelis~, Villnyus
State University (I. Pashkevichyus) and the Lat-
vian State University (E. Grinbero. Members of
Card 3/4 the session were shown the Geological Museum AS
'cientific Sessio:. to
A 1,
Death of Academician F.13 hm id
ES~;R in Tai,tu. The %'zeologicai Departi.-ient of
Moscow St-ite Unlvt~i,zs~ ty Presented a bU6t Of
to tLe ,'%cade.,:iy of '.)'ciences The artIcle
tains further inform.,ition on the .-eol-)~,ical exc~-..r-
sions ,:iade by the partic.,pailts of the session,
and on thio
NOTE: Russian transldter~ttion of' namies, titles ind"
soci~Aions are used t1iroi;,,hout this abstract.
Card 4/4
AALOEJ, A., nauchnNyy sotr.; NARK, E., nauchnyy sotr.; VAIRUL, It.,
nauchnyy sotr.; MUIRUSEFF, K., nauchryy sotr.; ORUP
, -)C
nauchn~(y sotr.; KIVILA, H., red.; TOOMSALU, E., tekhn. red.
[Stragigra hic review of the Paleozoic and Quaternary deposits
of EstonM Ulevaade Eesti aluspohja ja pirmakatte otratigm-
afiast. Tallinn, Beati 11SV TeadusteWdeemiaGeoloogiia
Instituut, 1960. 61 p. (MIRA 15:1)
1. Geologicheskiy institut Akademii nauk Estoriskoy SSR (for
Aaloo, Mark, Mamil, Nuurisepp'.,Orviku).
(Estonia-Geology, Stratigraphic)
ONVIKU, Karl K - ,
"Latitudinal pebble shifting on emerged coasts"
Report to be submitted for the 13th General Assembly, Intl. Union of Geodesy
and Geophysics (IUGG), Berkeley Calif., 19-31 Aug 63
NESTOR, Kheldur Eduardovich; KALIO, D.L.[Kaljo, D.], red.; ORVIKU,
K..,K.,, akademik, red.; HAUKOV, S.S., kard. geol. nauk, red.;
MYANILj. R.M.Winnil, R.1, kand. geol. nauk, red.; PALIMRE,
Kh.G. Palmre, 11.), kand. geol. nank, red.; SKVORTSOVA, A.,
[Ordovician and Llandoverian Stromatoporoidea of Estonia]
Stromatoporoidei ordovika i llandoveri Estonil. Tallinn),
In-t geol. AN Estonskoi SSR, 196.1+. 11.1 p.
(MIRA 18:5)
1. Akademiya nauk Estonskoy SSR (for 0-viku).
CRVIKU, Knerel
Accumnilation of boulders on the seacoasts of Estonia. Okeanologlia
5 no.2016-321 065.' (MIRA 18,6)
1. Institut geologii AN Estonskoy SSR, Tallin.
(Exercises on punching machines and controllers]
Perforaatoril ja kontrollimasinal t6btamise harjutus "
Tallinn, Tallinna. polUtehniline in-t, 1965. 32 F- [I-I
Estonian] WIRA IF:12)
BOTNINKAS, J.-, MAZYLJ~';, A.-, 04Y1
(Protecting ycun- f3tonkc from diseases] Gynu-1-4u prleauglji~
apsaugojimas nuo susirginu. Vilnius, Leidykla "fAntis , '
1965, 65 F. (In Lithuanian] (MIAA 18.-?)
OIUAT, --F-.
Results of thb pollen analysis of two peat bogs of the island of Wolin. P-253.
Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (EEAI), LC. Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959
Xv,PIN%KI, Antoni; ORWID, Maria
Present status of psychiatry. Polaki tygod. lek. 13 no.47:lBBB-1894
24 Nov 58.
1. Z Kliniki PBvehietrycznej A. M. w Krakowie; Kierownlk Kliniki: prof.
dr H. Rrzezicki.
review (Poi))
Further practical considerations on group psychotherapy. Neur.
&c.polska 10 no.5:697-701 l6o.
1. Z Kliniki Psychiatrycsnej A.H. w Krakovie, Kierownik: prof.
dr B.Brzesicki.
Some problems of puychotherapeutic methods. Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.9:
327-328 26 F 162.
1. Z Kliniki Poychiatz7cznej AN v Krakowie; kierownik: prof. dr
Eugeniusz Brzezicki.
"Calculation of Wood Spare Subjected Simultaneously to Banding and a Compression Load."
p. 21. Budapest. Vol. 5, no. 1, 1952.
SO: East European Accessions List, Vol. 3. No. 9, September 1954. Lib. of Congress
ORY , H.
Calculation of the dynmdc load of airplanes when a change of stress is
known. p. 294
Vol. 2, No. 10, Oct, 1955 Budapest, Hungary JARMUVEK MEZOGAZDASAGI
SO: 116fithly List-of East European Accesalonat (EM)p IZ., Vol. 5
No. 3. March, 1956
Composition and texture of collectors in the Berezovo lover
Cretaceous. Geol. nefti 2 no.4:29-35 AP '5B- (MIRA 1115)
(West Siberian Plain-Petroleum geology)
(West Siberian Plain-Gas, Natural-4oology)
Lithological characteristics and
in the Triassic-Jurassic Korkino
Chelyabinsk garben. Trudy Inst.
1:265-276 6o.
(Chelyabinsk Basin--Silt)
reservoir properties of rocks
series of the northern
geol. i razrab. gor. Iskop.
(MIRA 14:1)
(Chelyabinsk Basin--Sandotone)
Bitumen inclusions in Triassic-Jurassic sediments of the
Chelyabinsk garben. Trudy Inst. geol. I razrab. gor. iskop.
1:277-281 160. (MIRA 14:1)
(Chelyabinsk Rasin--Bttnmen--GeolO9Y)
~. N . I.
Microscopic study of bituminous rocks in the lower Mesozoic
section of the Chelyabinsk graben. Dokl.AN SSSR 133
no.3:673-676 J1 160. (MIRA 13:7)
1. Institut geologii i razrabotki goryucbikh iakopavexvkh
Akademii nauk SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A.A.Trofimakom.
(Chelyabinsk Provinae-Bitumen)
Bituminous concrotinnary formations In middle Triausic deposits of
the Cbelyabinak and Anokhtnakoye grabens. D01.1. A-,i SSSR 1)5 U0,4:
954-957 160. (MIRA 13:11)
1. Institut geologil I razrabotki goryuchikh iskoi,,qyetWkh
Akademii nauk SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom H.H.Strakhovyn.
(Cbelyabinsk region"-3itumen) (Anokbinskoye region--Bitumen)
KOILINA, Lyudmila Favlovna;,- i~_Iy.. RAD KHANU VA
_q1~I'YEVt_;!q-pnId--Grigq -9vich;I KAYE ,
Yelizaveta Semenovna; CiMIKOV, Oleg Anatollyevich; CREPIKOV, K.R.,
otv. red.; PERSHINA, Ye.G.p red. izd-va; ROMOVp G.N.p tekhn. red.
[Lithology and distribution characteristics of reservoir rocks of the
Jurassic and lower Cretaceous of the West Siberian Plain] Litologiia i
eakonomernosti ra=eshcheniia porod-kollektorov v otlozheniiakh iury i
nizhnego irela Zapadno-Sibirskoi nizmannosti. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk
SSSRq 1961. -123 p. (KRA 14:7)
1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Chepikov)
(West Siberian Plain-Petrology)
OR'YEVA, N., inzh.
V18ion, color and production. Tek-h.mol. 28 no-7:4 160.
(color sense) (Color--Psychology) (MIRA 13:8)
Effect of the structure of the hard-facing layer of rollers oD
the working capacity of bits. Trudy VNIIET no.6S129-133 t62.
(MIRA 16s6)
(Hard facirg) (Boring machinery-Testing)
Investigating the structure of the reinforced layer ~f bit rollers.
Trudy VNIIRT no.10:111-119 16". (MIRA 1'7:4)
Twoc asee of familial acute infectious lymphocytoals. Pedlat.polgko
30 no.6:559-563 Je '55.
1. z n niniki Chorob Dziectecych A.M. v Lodst. Klerawnik: prof
dr mod. Fr. Redlich; Lidz, Armii Czerwonjj 15.
(LYI,CPHOCYTOSIS, In Infant and child
acute infect. familial)
BASINSKA, Hallne; qI=KA,--KrystyAR
Voltusetric determination of biamth and thorium by means of potamium
farrocyanide in the presence of 3131-dimetbyl-naphthidine. Ohez anal
5 no.5:73-1-714 160. (EUI 10: 9)
1. 16tedre, Cbexii Nleorganiesnej Universytetu M. Kopernika, Torun.
(Bismith) (Thorium) (Potassiun felproc7- mide)
(HYLSKA, Krystyna
composition of the solid phase of the reaction Bi(1103)3+
Na4LFe(CV)61 and Bi(NO3)3 f Li4[Fe(CN)61 with regard to
concentrations of reactive components. Rocz chemii 36
no.1:11-15 162.
1. Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Copernicus University,
Indirect manganometric method of determining bismuth by nrAcipitation
vith oxalic acid. Chem anal 8 no.2:151-155 163.
1. Department of Inorganic Chemistry, N.Copernicus University,
Distrs 4E2q(j)/4E2e
r~bjleri6a&i-Of eAdndum. IV.'- Coln- uct,
--igno'bf cadmium va-ES tETu-m ferrOC
M feff"Aj rjl_ ~.-A. ~asj a
and Z. Orylski. PrzmiyAV.-1l(34u)
-4-Abe foilowins sall'B' were ft"a;.d*1
C&%0j, Cd(NOs)s, CdCI3, and Cd(OAch, 7%t current used!
!was of 200CI cycles/sec. I%e struhnicroburet was of &ml.j 41
vol., with a "a of 0,01 '". The design of the app. Is:
given. The voltage used was 0.5-0.6. re-4st4nee 60-130
ohms, Thus- 5 or .10 of UtFe(CN~ (1) (0.2074N)~
were dild. to about 50 ml., and litrated with the Cd salt Of a~
coven. several times higher than 1. For CdSO6 and Cd~
(OAcN the cond. had a marked min. at the equil. poinq
for Cd(NW, and-CdCls the emd. was increamug ail thel
time, but the ratt changed k,!y at the equil. pointJ
11M results w re co ared rth electrolytic method;1
the differences were 1%. Thernelbod Is cot applicable
in Presence of cations which form slightly Sol. ferrocyanifts,
and with salts giving cngmnplex S with Cdl?t(CN~.
Potentiometric titration of bismuth with potassium forroc7anide.
Chem anal 4 no.4:685-689 159. (EMAI 9-6)
1. Zaklad Chemil Nleorganiconej Univeraytetu MoKopernilm, Torun,
(Potassium ferrocyanide) (Bismuth)
BASINSKA, Halinai,-ORYLSLI,-.Z9non--
Potenticmetric titration of bismuth with sodium and lithium
ferrocyanide. Chen anal 5 no.2:187-191 160. (EUI 10:3)
1. Ratedra Chemil Nieorganicznej Uniwersytetu M.Kopernika, Torum.
(Bismuth) (Sodium ferrocyanides)
(Lithium ferrocyanide)
- - Z---
Potentionetric titration of alkal-i P-Atal ferrocyanide with solutions
of bimuth nitrate. Chen anal 5 no.6017-921 160.
(MI 10.,q)
1. Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Copernicus University, Torun.
(ADmli metals) (Ferrocyanide) (Solutions)
(Bismuth nitrate) (Potentiometer)
On the solubility of bismuth ferricyanide Bi[Fe(CN)61- Chem anal 6
no.3:307-308 '61.
1. Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Copernicus University, Torun.