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ORMTSEly, V. atol ogica I Investigation of the sympathetic ganglia In rabbit& In repeated homoplastic transplantation of the adrenals. Arkh. pat., Moakra. 14 no. 2:83-84 Mar-Apr 1952. (CLML 22:5) 1. Of the Second Surgical Department (Head - Prof. 1. N. Samarin, CorrespondirAg Member AMS USSR), Leningrad State University. CWX.47SA-1x .., P. I/ 61,10 , professor m"W"uk In wavorv of B.N.Sawrin. Xhirargiia no.11:93 N 154, OM 80) (SAMARIN, NMMLI UrKOLARVI(M. 185-1954) ORMTSHY, V.V., prof essor Significance of the reaction to ether-ooluble bilirabin In the diagnosis of cancer of the head of the pancreas and of the Vater's ampulla. [with summar7 in English, p.1561 vest.khir. 77 no-5:3-8 IV 156. (MLEA 9:8) 1. Iz 1-y khirurgicheskoy kliniki Gosudarstvannogo ordena Lenina Insituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey iment S.M.Kirova (nauchn. ruk.- prof. U.N.Petrov) (PANCRW, neoplasms. diag., determ. of blood ether-soluble bilirubin In cancer of head of pancreas (Bus)) (BILE DUCT, COHMON, neoplasms, Vater's ampulla. diag., determ. of blood ether-soluble bilirubin (Rus)) (BLOOD. billirubin. other-soluble. in cancer of head of pancreas & Vater's ampulls,diag. determ. (Rue)) (BILIRUBIN, in blood. ether-soluble, in cancer of head of pancreas & Vater's ampulla, diag. detem. (Rus)) ORHATSKIY, V.V. Torsion of the appendices epiploicae of the ar)pendiz vermiforals. Xhirurgiia Sunplament:38 157. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz 2-7 khirurgichetikoy kafedry Cloaud&rgtvenn(wo ordens Lenina institute usovorehenetvovaniya vrachey iment S.M'.'Kirove (zov. - prof . U.B.Samarin) (APPINDU (ANATOMY)-RDISRASES) ORHiTSKIY. V.V., prof. (Leningrad, Kirovakty pr., d.54, kv. 53) Perforating ulcer of the bladder. Vest.khir. 79 no.12:100-102 D 157. (MIRA 11:1) 1. 1z 2-y khirargicheakoy k9fedr7 (zov. - prof. N.N.Samarin) Gosudarstvannogo ordens lenina inatitut usovershenstvovaniya vrachey im. S.K.Kirova. (BIADTM, ulcers perf., Burg.) ORWAT$KI7,, yoyo (Leningrad, P-22. Kirovskiy pr., d.54. kv.53) Pulmonmry myoma [with sumar7 In English]@ Vopponke 4 no.32343-145 158 (MIRA 11:8) 1. Is 1-y khtrargicheakoy kafedry (nnuchnyy rukovoditall - dnystvitall- nyy chlen ANN SSSR prof. N.B. Petrov) Leningrndskogo ordena Lenina, Instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey im. S.M. Kirova. (LURG NEOPLASMS, case reports, letomyome (Rue)) (IJBIONYORA, case reports. lung (ftn)) ORNATSKIY, V.V., professor Retrosternal goiters. Vest.khir. no*6$3-7 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Is 1-7 kafedry khirurgii U. o. zav. - prof. V.V. Ornatskiy) lenirigradskogo ordena lenina instituta usavershenstvovaniya vrachey im. S.M. Kirova. (GOITER) ORNATSYJYP V.V.J. prof. .ii"k-c"I"ai- Nikolae-vich Samarln. on the ?-5th ann-fversp-ry of h-s bilth. Vast. kbir. 92 no.l-.JOG-IO9 Ja (Ml RA 1 "'. ~- I ) ORNEA Z. "Conterporary bo*vois sociogogy and the clasm problen" by Stela Cernea. Reviewed by Z.Or~ea. Problene econ 16 no.4s 143-148 Ap 163. 1-:1PLU, N.; "F-y- ~, Z. ~~r ~ -; --*-- ,I-e c-litiructer -f ~,,.mu iota*, -t4-o. a'A -e--- -.. the 1922~)-J940 perliA. Problume IS nc..,;f,0--7,1, F 165. AUTHOR: Ornis, N~ M. SOV/121-58-8-17/29 TITLE~ I An Inst-,,-ament for Measuring -the Wear of Cutting Tools (Pribor dlya izmereniya iznosa rezhushchikh instrumentov) PERIODICAL: Stanki I instrument', 1958, Nr 8, p 36 (USSR) ABSTRACTS A special optical instrument for measuring the wear of the cutting edge in a direction at right angles to the machined surfac:e is illustrated and described. The eyepiece is pivoted and can be set at an angle -between 0 and 450, The magnification is 30 and scale divisions are 50 microns each. There a:e 2 figures Card 1/1 ORNITSKAYA,.- GORYUNOVA, S.V. _ ~L.K. First All-Union Conference on the Cultivation of Unicellular Algae. Mikrobiolo~iia 30 no.6:n35-n38 11-D 161. (IMIRA 1/,: 12) (ALZALe-CULTUIM AND CULTWUi, MDIA) 0: tK A 7;'X C7 . "DICA Soc-15 V01.10/5 Ch,,~st Dis--~inses 1378. ORNOWSKI S. Sanat. MSW , Glucholazach. *Zagadnienie tzw. anergil dotat- nrej w grtliy ptuc na podtawie w1asnych spostrzezed. P r o b I e rn o f positive anergy in pulmonary tb ir: the light of personal observations PROBL.LEK. 1955, 2/4 (336-342) Tuberculin tests were performed in 152 sanatorium patients, 96 males and 56 females, aged from 18 to 54; old tuberculin produced by the Serum Institute in Warsaw, and Mantoux tests with 1:10,000 as the first test and 1:1,000 concentra- tion as the second test were used. Four patients were tuberculin-negative to both tests. In all 4 cases, pulmonary lesions may be classified as minimal o~ probably arrested, the onset of the disease being from 8 to 2 yr. before the present in- vestigations. Of these, 3 patients were treated with chemotherapy 2 to 4 yr. pre- .riously, the courses were short and the total dose of either streptomycin ISO- niazid or PAS was relatively small. In none of these 4 cases were tb baQli ever detected, so that the diagnosis of tb was not confirmed bacteriologically. Both the clinical course and the radiological examinations are consistent with pulmonary tb. The various possible causes of the lack of tuberculin sensitivity are discussed. The opinion is held that'in the cases described the ao-called positive anergy, i.e. lack of skin sensitivity to tuberculin with good resistance of the body, existed. Since the patients stayed oeveral times in sanatoria, it seems possible that re- peated superinfections might have a desensitizing effect on the one hand and an Immunizing effect on the cther; the latter might be compared to the mechanism of repeated BCG vaccinations by the de Assis method. Zalaczkowska - Warsaw ORNOWSKI, Stanislaw Clinical value of the determination of the maximm 3-second expiratory capacity In p0monary ventilation insufficiency. Gruzlica 31 no.6t569-576 Je'63. 1. Klinika Ftizjatryczna AM,, Wroclaw i Sanatorium MSW, Glucholazy. GARBINSKI, Tadeusz; SOSNMISKI, Karol; ZWOLIDISKI, Jerzy, CWTOWSKI, Stanislaw Chondro-osteoplastic tracheo-bronchopathy. Gruzlica 32 no.2: 159-161 F164 1. Z Kliniki Gruzlicy AM we Wroclawiu (Kierownik:, T.Garbinski) i z Sanatorium MSW w Glucholazach (Dyrektor: dr. med. S.Ornowski). Ch(,,nilc,-l Pr-'uct5; Part TI. C~rami(-, Glass, Hill- b-tl:-ri.-ils. C-ccr,~Lt- Ru~f* 21hur-Ehirri-Lyaq I ~-: 1r-9 195-1), 511")l T11! t itlc. Bitin",_1 cl-13slfl.:.,Iti 19 E:-,7 Ori,,,- Pu) S t -,, r,. --tr,'i zar :., a 9/ 9 99 log 434-4-)0- Abstract Gr;i(Ij.n- -in' classiflc-!ti,:,-i .-: bit,limonsl accurt,-ir: t. rhi-,ol :,iC'Ll pr~.pur- ti(-~.99 n is b(3(-.,n cal C 1110 ORNBHTBYN. E.G. M-~' 'the treatment of injuries on a large collecti-r-3 farm. Ortopotravm. i protez. 17 no.6:5D-51 N-D 156. (KIRA 10:2) 1. Zoveduyushchiy leakovskim sellskim vraebabnym uchastkom Orgeyevskogo fayone SSSH. (WOMS AND INJURIES, prev. and control in large collective farm) ORNSHUYU.B.Ge -(Xoldavskaya SSR, Orgeyevskiy rayon, s.Isakovo) ii~x-e-ctlom of a-neurinom of the carotid gland. Nar.khir.arkh. (NLFA 10: 1. Xhirurgicheskoe otdoloniye Imakovskoy sel'skoy bollnitsy Noldavskoy SSEL. (UROTID GLAW-TUMMS) RUSAKOV, A.V. (g. Ivvnovo); CRUSHTEM, E.G. Claosification of accidents ond some terais used In treumtology. Ortop.travm. I protez. 18 no.6-60-61 N-D 15?, (MIRA 11:4) 1. Zaveduyushchiy Isakovskim eellskim vrachobnym ucheatkom, MSSR. (for Ornshteyn) (AcciunTs-ciAssivicATIM) RLr,J4IA, / Chumioal Tocbnology. Fats, oila, vlaXUs" soapap H-26 dotcrgents, substancas, flotoroagont Abs Jour t Ref. Zhur-Khimiya, No 12, 1958, 41175 j.Luther t Voluntaru, Ornshtoyn. Inst t Not given Title i Standardization of surface active agonts Orig Pub : Standardizarea, 1957, 9, No 11, 560-562. ,Lbstract : In roviuwing the existing standards 9,nd norms of surface active agents with the purpose to eliminate the impurfoctions of the system, it has boon recommondod that the surface activo agents be divided into groups and sub-groups according to their chemical composition. 1,.ppropriEkto nomenclature should be employed. Card 1/1 9-4 ORNSHMN. H.Ge (MSSR, Orgeyevskiy rnyon, aelo Isakovo) . .Speare fnrM ACCident. liov.)rhir.arkh. no.2:99 Mr-Ap 158 (MIRA 11:6) 1. GlavTiy7 vrach IaRkovskoy uchRfltkovoy bollnitay Holdnvskoy SSR. (AGRICULTURF-ACCIDEFTS) ORISHTSYN, B.G. (selo Isakovo HoldAvsk(,y SSR) - ~A. ~- -, - Role of ieldsher-midvife stnti)ns In the Btruggle ngninst agriculturnl accidents. Fel'd. I nkush. 23 no.3:45-46 Mr 158. CAGR ICUUME-ACC IDENTS) (MIRA 11,4) (FIRST AID IN ILLNBSS AND INJOY) OHNSIMY11P ~,.G-. - Fractures Of Lhe lower segment of the bones of Lhe foreaxm. Zdravookhraneniye 6 no.l.'50-51 J-F'63., (141RA 16:8) 1. Iz travmatologicheakogo otdeleniya bolinitsy skoroy i ne-otlozhnoy pomoshchd Kishineva (glavnyy vrach V.I.Zhosan) (FOREAR14-FRACTURE) 1.161360' (Stody of somi, pi ~a Studle nlkte4-.*c)? Amplooffil, VT ~ 4wlvwft~ v 2 2UL 4 P "No ~ 7ust3 on effeea Of varlout OIL% da"N "a diii "~lnsllma So Trf. jum c"UnB quAty. Gyapb~..pbotq-prm. bb) main lW-Hydwm*cfct Method D~tirintw Chi., tojgW numf Sandsi Itualow4mi, ~Ie fodjt grus MOW ORNSTP J. "Synthetic resins as core binders. 236.11 SLFVAIH,NSTVT. Praha, CLocho8lovakia. VoI. 3, no. 1, AW, 1955. Monthly list of East European Accessions (FUI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Jun 59, Unclas. ORNST, J. Gas content of core binders and core mixtures. Prace. P- 53- SIZ-VAMSM , (Ministerstvo afr-0-3irenstvi a Hinistertvo hutniho prumyslu a rudnych dolu) Praha. Vol. 4, no. 9. Sept. 1956. SOURCE: East European Accession3 Lists, (EEAL), Library of Congress. Vol. !~, no. 12, December 195,(4 J. Use of s:rnthetic r--.sirs -!7 co.-e F - .. 17-, (Ste--a:-,-mstvi) "ol. ~, no. ~, June Pr h-i, S(-,: ~.O-i '-:1- ln-i-,~\ o~ ~," st, "'AL-op-an Arx-ss,.- F~ ( AT) "ol. '~, ::o. 12 -r -- - ORNST " J. "Binding paste for cores." p. 57. SLEVARENSTVI. (MISTERSTV0 TEZKEHO STROJIRENSTVI A CESKOSIDVENSKA VEDECKA TECHNICKA SPOLEMOST PRO HUTNICTVI A SLEVARENSTVI). Praha., Czechoslovakia, Vol. 7, no. 2, Feb. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EMI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959. Uncl. ORNST, 'Tiri Use of fluid technique for reclamation of shell mixturee. Slevarenstvi 9 no..U%393-396 N 161. 1. Statni vyzkunny ustav materialu a technologie, slevarensky vyzkum, Brno. (Shen molding (Founding)) ORNST, Jiri Use of semi-dried nixes for the production of gray iron casti gs with very imooth surface. Slevarenetvi 9 no.11:401-403 N 161. 1. Statni vyzkLnmy ustav materialu a technologie, vyzkum alevarensky, Brno. N 161. (Iron) (Founding) -__ORNST._Jiri Use of slurries in preparing molding mixtures. Slevarenstvi 10 no.11: 427-430 N 162. 1. Statni vyzkumny ustav materialu a technologie, vyzkum slevarensky, Brno. ORNST, Jirij DAVID, Vladislav - ----------- Puran resins in founding. Slevarenstvi 11 no.2:53-50 F 163. A 1. Statni vyzkumny uotav materialu a technologist s2eVarensky vyzkum, Bmo. .IRNAT Itl'; PAVID, Vladislav 4_; I'dran resins in founding. Pt. 2. Slevarinotvi 11 no.3:95-98 W 163. 1. Statni vyzkumny,, uptav materialu a technologies slevarensky vyzkim, Brno. MNST, Jiri contribution to the thecry of mold preparation by squessiag. Slevarenstvi 12 no.11:425-427 N 164. Nev L t'-de of reducing the burning-on of sand on carbon steel cattings. Ibid.t472-476 I State Research Institute of Material and Technology, Foundry Research, Brno. ORNST, Jiri, BLFRli',~N, Alois Insulation nleevco of rrom pearlitiI, r,,,'xt11re3. --evarer'.9~7' 13 no.2.51-52 Y I 1, State Resodrch lnstitu'.f~ of ma*.er'~al and 'ruchnology, Flundry Research, Brn,7 C~LT5T,-Iad-islav, CYbc. zem. Arrangement of M leads. Cask. neur. 21 no.5:359 SePt 58. (SIMTROMMEMMULM leads, arrangement (Oz)) ORNSTEI!-:, 1-1. ORNSTE1N, M. Old and new problemE rclating to the terminolo,,;y of t he petrolewil induvtry products. p. 20. Vol. 8, No. 9, Sept. 1956. STIaIDARI ZARE A TECHNOLOGY Bucuresti, Rumania So: East European Accessiom, Vol. 6, No. 2, Feb. 1957 RMANIA/Chanical Technology - Processing of Solid Fossil Fuels, H-22 Abe Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 24, 1958, 82975 Autlior Ornstoin, M. List Title Theoretical Basis ConcerninC; the Sampling and Further Treatment of Lump Sarrples, Coal Scaiples Particularly. Orig Nb Rev. minelor, 1957, 8, No 8, 380-385, 349-350- Abstract Theoretical considerations in respect to coal samplin_ for analysis are given. Card 1/1 C-n.ste-in, I% 3i:-,ni.ficati~jn u,' s',Ilndir,j instr~:L_-'~--':~ !'~r tne .'r. of anal-rs4~~r. arid tost5~ 145. STAND i'ZD i -A " iZA ~"i ~"r~ St ~j i)~I" "L! -v, ri -a Vol. 11, no. 3, 'l-r. 11~5~. i'lont'al Liqt o,' East Zuru;:,,!~,n Ac LC, llncl. ORNSTEIN, -M. Paradoxes in tenninolo&y. P. "' 3 STANDARDIZU U. (Of iciul di Stat pentr-y St~-,,v,tarde di Comitrful Elect,otehnic Romin) Bucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 11, no. 9, Sept. 19,FQ Monthl,y list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC Vol . 9, no. 2 Feb. 19ev Uncl. 0 RAI S rf. 09,-A GATZGORY ABS. JOUR. AUT"; OR PU B. 1. DI RA 0 T ~j t U, C. 3 6 '4 Ul* COUNTRY Ru pas n i.-. C A FZ G CD ~111 rj Q'.3 il L C, T S x p e y n f? na on the Production of So"t Ma t7i, v L F e r i t e n Rev C,;irj. 9, No "91-393, DiEcussion 595 T h c- 7re5frt reetillts from exuer 'Liner. t 8 on t, p:-,:cl,;,: t( :1 C, f --I L I C -err I to c, ( MF) f or :r i r ,hokei3 -jx~ecl in Ltlephone c:wpunlrations .r, t rt a frequar:--y range 8-100 kc. The effect of the roirionit-,oo ana deirree of pur4ty of - znt etziriing materii.,, :~& jniform~:Iy, type of ,h~-rp,al trej~tffent aLd of the atmosphere of tne furne~,e 'n wric~, tbe treatment is out on the m:i~,,netoPleclrAc propertiefi of tn- PR-Zn an-i Ni.-7n MF nave teen inveetig,ted. Tn e r) p- s t 1/3 0 CU'VIT *~ f Rumania H-1 3 Y AL,13. RDUR. RZIR)II0., 110. 21 !959, TITO. 751501 AUTHOR I T . T YN. ~ OR D-1 . PUB. A.], 3' T ?JiCT results were obtained with Ni-Zn MF, the permea- bility of which attained 1,000,/A. It nas been found that KF of identical composition can exhibit different characteristics depending on the type of process used. The contact surface between the oxide particles plays a decisive role. The spe- cific surface area of the powderawas found to be an objective parameter which permits the evalua- tion of the activity of the materials used. Measurements of the specific surface area, made C A:-ZD 2/3 183 7, OROBCL-1vKO.) J/, V. ORODCLYK0 wLive autumn hedges for Wing and aut=n crops." Tr. trom the Russian. (ANAULZ ROI-MO-SOVIffICE. SMA AGRICULTURA-ZOOMNIE, Vol. 6, seria a II-a., no* 10, Apr*/June 1952, Bucuresti, Rumania.) SO: Monthly List of East EuropW Accessionsp L. C., Vol. 2, No. 7, July 1953, Unal. OVCHARENKO, F.D.; KRUGLITSKIY, N.N.; NICHIPORENKO, S.P.; OROBCHENKO., V.I. New structural antt imehanical criteria of suspensions naed in drilling. Ukr. khim. zbur. 29 no.41376-382 163. (MIRA 1616) 1. Inatitut obahchey i,neorganicheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR. Drilling flods) SuBpensionvcc~emistry)) OVCHARENKOP F.D.; K-RUGLITSKIY, N.N.; PUCHIPORENKO, S.P.-, OROBCHENKO, V.,'~ Regulation of the properties of drilling fluids on the basle of atructural and mechanical characteristics. Ukr. khim. zhur. 30 no.3000-305 164. (MIRA 17t-','j/' 1. Institutlft'Wchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN UkrSSR. OVCHAMINKO, F.D.; KROGjll'SKTY. '77-17TI:IK, V. OROK~:O,yo Stabilizing el'fe~.t of soa:ur, ny~L-oxi~e 3r. aquecu: sione u"L , I avs .Mr r . h " m.z r .' I ~,,- .30 Institut :,Iiey neorgwni Aleskny khlm-'~ I All UkrSSIL. KYWGI,ITSKIY, N.N.; OVCIIARI-',NKC, F.D.; TRETINNIK, V.Yu.; ORODCHENKO, V.I. Controlling the processes of coagulation structuration ii, aqueous clay dispersions. Ukr. khim. zhur. 31 no.4:421-422 165. 041RA 18: 5) 1. Institut obahchey i neorganicheakoy khimil AN UkrSSR. OROBC11FITOO V.P. Rape (Plant) Winter rape in the green fodJer plan of forest-steppe districts. Korm. baza 2 no. -~), 1951 Monthl- List of Russian Accessins, Librar~ of Congress, JulY 1952. Unclassified j,Istract: No abstract 0 Card : 1/1 OROBCHEIIIOI V,,jljy platonovich --- HBP,, ozimvi. Moskvs,o GOB.Jzd-vo sellkhoz. (Winter rapal (mIRA 13:6) ,it-ry. 1959. 157 P- (Plant)) (Rape OROBCHENKO, Te.V., inzh.; IONSHIR, N.P., Inzh.; OMBCHEIZO, Ye.A., inzh. Substitute for edible fats In the manufacture of linoleum. Maal.-2hir. prom, 24 no.1:31-32 '58. (MITU 11:3) l.Odesskiy takhnologicheakiy institut pishchevoy I kholodillnoy pro- myshlennosti (for Orobchenko, Te.Y.). 2. OdesskI7 probochno- linoleumwy zavod "Bollshevik" (for Konshin, Orobehanko, Te.A.) (Idnoleum) ARMM:~ e.V., inzh.; KONSHIN, N.P., inzh.; OROBCFIEIIKO, Ye.A., inzh. Substitute for edible fate in the manufacture of linoleum. Mael.-zhir. prom. 24 no.1:31-32 158. (MIRA 11:3) I.Odeaskiy tekhnologicheakly institut pishchevoy i kholodillnoy pro- myshlennosti (for Orobchenko, Ye.V.). 2. Odesskiy probochno- linoleumny7 zavod "Bollshevik" (for Konshin, Orobchenko, Ye.A.) (14noleum) 01, lnft. PEYA"! -ITI] or of -1 -,C,- C' Pro, crt.4- -L -rd 3't~- .t:, ,l.-zh-;r. prom. lmtiti t st~ at alov L', C (Acids, FL'.t,,,) OROBCHERO, Yo.V.; PRYANISHNIKOVA, N.Yu.; MIKIIAYLOV, V.S. Studying the possibility of substituting other a-ubstances -fr-- fats in the synthesis of modified a1k-ld resins. Report 1o,1: Synthesis of glyphtalic resins modified with vat residues of synthetic fatty acids and tall oil, Lakokraq. mitt. i ikh 14-iri. no.3:46-49 162. (MI:,I 15:7) 1. Nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut pla.3tmass Ukrain0koy SSR i Kiyevskiy lakokrasochnyy zavod. (Alkyd resins) (Acids, Fatty) GORSKIY, B.Z.; POGREBNYAK, Z.F.; OROBCHENKO _-Ye-V.; PRYANISHNIKOVA, N.Yu.; IVANGVA, M.I.; KCWOV, ROVA, Z.K. Waterproofing additive for the manufacture of insulating and semihard wood fiberboards. Der.prom. 11 no.5:12-13 Yq 162. NIRA 15: 5) (Hardboard) (Waterproofing) CROBCHENKO, Ye.V.; VEPRINSKAYA, M.N.; PRYAIIISHNIXOVA, N.Yu. Utilization of the still residues of synthetic fatty acids in the pro-- duction of polymeric materials. Masl.-zhir.prom. 28 no.8:27-28 Ag 162. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Ukrainskly nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut plasticheskikh mass. OROBCHENKO., Tevgeniy Va.sillyevich; PRYANI.SHNIKOVA, Nadezhda Yurlyevna; GREKOV, A.P., kand. khim. nauk, retsenzent; BULGAKOVA, N.B., inzh., red.izd-va; ROZLP,-,, T.I., teklm. red. [Furan resins] -Puranovye smoly. Kiev, Gostekhizdat USSR, 1963. 167 p. (MIRA 17-.2) ;P (r, ACC NR: Ap6oo6720 SOURCE CODES UR/0303/66/ooo/ooi/001810020 AUTHOM Orobchenkoj Ye. V.; Pryanishnikova,, N. Yu.; Gubenkot R. V. 1-7 ORGS None TITIEt Paint and varnish materials based on carbamide-alkyd rosins SOURCES Lakokrasochnyye materialy i ikh primenenlye, no. 1, 1966, 18-2o TOPIC TAGS8 varnish, urea resin, alkyd resin ABSTRACT: The paper describes the synthesis of carbamide-alkyd varni7hes fron glyptal rosins containing no fats. The carbamide component used was K-411-02 biitanolizod urea-formaldehydo resin. Tho varnishes were prepared by mixiiii-_~~-Ii--rosin in thp cold with a 50% toluene solution of the alkyd resin. A study of the phys'comecharilcal proporties of the carbinnido-alkyd filmu dried for I hr at 120CC showod that thf)Ar Im- pact strength and hardness increase vrith the acid nuilbor of -the a]Jcyrj resin. When tho content of the carbamido component exceeds 80%, the impact otrength decreases; when tho rosin content drops below 50%, the films coase, to dry. The optimum physicomechan-. ical proportiou are obtained when tho components of the carbainido-alkyd ronin..) arfj taken in the proportion of ItI. It is shown that by using glyptal. rosins modifiod t with C20 and higher synthetic fatty acids and with distilled ton oil in combination with butanolizod uroa-fomaldebyde resin,one can obtain enamels and primers forming stable atmosphero-resistant hot-drying coatings, whereas glyptal rosins modified with CUM 112 uDct 667.633.263.3 -'-I C~', 6 Z-4, -z';? - - --- 7 Ad C -NR-,-AF6--o-o-67-2-o---- 0 ' C?ft synthetic fatty acids in combination with butanolized uren-formaldshyde resin can a used to prepare oolorless varnishes and a hot-dr7ing white enamel for inner and! outer coatings. Orig. art. bast 2 figures and 5 tables. i SUB CODES II/ SUBM DATES none CC,-d 2/2 10 -92LIO 22723 S/084/6i/000/007/001/001 11045/D114 AUTHOR: Orobelo _~Y~ __U~,_S_enior Engineer-Economist (Bykovo) TITLE: The regulations should be revised PERIODICAL: Grazhdanskaya aviatsiya, no. 7, 1961, 14 TEXT: The author is concerned over the lack of uniformity in the standing regulations for the inspection of aircraft units. This greatly impedes ' accurate planning of operations of the line maintenance shops of -the r6~3y (GVF), where several types of aircraft, each with different provisions fo inspection, are serviced. The special equipment of the large airliners is inspected after a certain amount of flying hours of the airframe, while the W-9-14 (11-14) and A14-2 (Li-2) aircraft are inspected after a certain amount of flying hours of the engine, 6 operations being performed in the case of the Il-14 and 7 in that of the Li-2. Here disparities in the regu- lations become evident. After 200 hours of flying time, the engine, air- frame, instruments and special equipment of the Li-2 are serviced but only the instruments and special equipment of the Il-14. After 400 hours 5 de- signations of special equipment are serviced on the Li-2, but 23 on the Il-14. Card 1/3 2270 S/084/61/000/007/001/001 The regulations should be revised D045/D1l4 After 600 hours all the special equipment and 9 instruments are serviced on the Li-2, but only 2 instruments and none of the special equipment on the Il-14. The ~AMY-3 (EDMU-3) manometer installed on the Li-2 is replaced after 800 operational hours, while it is to operate on the Il-14 to the limit of the life of the airframe. On the other hand, the number of periodical checks on aircraft instruments could be reduced without lessening their ope- rational reliabil4ty as in the case of the T_-9 -45 (TE-45) set. It is removed from the Li-2 for laboratory inspection after 200 hours and completely re- placed after 400 hours, while the manufacturer guarantees that its trans- V mitter can work reliably for 1,000 hours and its indicator operates steadily to the limit of the life of the airframe. In spite of instructions by the chief engineer of the GVF to reduce the number of checks on special aircraft equipment, the regulations for the servicing of aircraft instruments have re- mained unchanged. Simultaneously the growing discrepancy between the servic- ing terms for the instruments and the radio and lighting equipment, and those for the airframe and the engines has increased the difficulties in planning. So the author, in her conclusion, stresses the importance of revising the re- gulations for each type of aircraft towards a periodic comprehensive servic- ing of the airframe, cn7ine, instruments and special equipment, particularly Card 2/3 22723 S/00 61/000/007/001/001 The regulations should be revised D045YD114 in view of the increasing amount of' operations connected with the servicing of turbojet and turboprop aircraft. T)ie revised regulations would in turn promote accurate planning of the work of the aircraft engineering service throughout Aeroflot and all line workshops. Card 3/3 A OROBBY, A. (Korkino, Chelyabinskaya oblast') Utilizing spray burners on construction sites. Pozh. delo 5 no.5:14 Mr '59. (Chollabinsk Province--Furnaces) Nin 12:6) S/136/60/000/04/013/025 E091/E235 AUTHORS: Tsenter, Ya. A., Gvozdev `S G., px_o_~~ Ya., Myshkina. A. D., Andreyev, A.-Ye., and mai,stin, V. M TITLE: Improving the Grade of Commercial Primary Magnesium and Magnesium_Allov , PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye metal y, 1960, Nr 4, PP 51-56 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The results are described of laboratory and production tests aimed at producing a commercial metal which satisfies the exacting requirements with respect to flux inclusions. The following operations were carried out: a) testing of various chloride and chloride-free fluxes under melting and pouring conditions of magnesium and its alloys; b) introduction of conveyor teeming of ingot moulds in place of hand teeming; c) complete revision of the melting and teeming procec~ure for pr?.mary magnesium and the magnesium alloys MGSlkland 4g�5,jV Experimental melting of magnesium and MGS5 =aoys with various fluxes wore carried out under laboratory conditions (see Table, p 52). All fluxes were applied as cover layers, except for the VIZ flux, which was applied the same way as a refining flux. The starting metal for the experimental melting Card 1/4 was standard magnesium produced by the Berezniki Magnesium V101 S/136/60/000/04/013/025 E091/E235 Improving the Grade of Commercial Primary Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys Works (BMZ) and an MGS5 alloy manufactured by the SollFamsk Magnesium Works (SMZ). In the nase of some melts, 3% electrolyte was added to the molten metal in order to bring up the chloride content of the metal to that of the crude magnesium. In a few melts, solid crude magnesium, made at the VAML experimental establishment, was used. Melting of 8.5 to 9 kg of metal was carried out in an iron crucible in an electric resistance furnace, using magnesium or MGS5 alloy ingots as the initial charge. The metal was melted under a layer of flux and heated to the teeming temperature. When solid crude magnesium and MGS5 alloy made from it, were used, the metal was melted under a layer of flux and heated to 710 to 7200C. The melt was refined at this temperature with VIZ flux and then cooled to the teeming temperature. In some melts, the metal was reheated to 8000C after refining and allowed to stand until its temperature had dropped to that at which teeming could be carried out. In all cases the Card 2/4 teeming temperature of magnesium was 690 to 7000C and 6/136/60/000/04/013/025 E091/E235 Improving the Grade of Commercial Primary Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys that of the MGS5 alloy, 680 to 69000. The metal was poured directly from the tilting crucible into horizontal ingot moulds. From each melt, 3 ingots were teemed, each weighing 2.5 to 3 kg. During teeming,, the jet and the metal in the moulds were protected by sulphur powder. A comparative estimate was carried out on the basis of the ability of a flux to protect the metal from burning, on its ability to form a plastic crust at the end of the melt, on the ability to separate from the metal on teeming, etc. Three melts were made with each flux. On the basis of observations carried out during melting, the following can be said; a) all established chloride fluxes protect the metal satisfactorily against burning; b) the chloride-free fluxes VAMI-1 and VAMI-5 and borate flux barely protect the metal from burning and can be a plied as cover fluxes only for a relatively short period; C.3 addition of boric acid to VIZ flux prior to teeming leads to the formation of a stronger and more tenacious flux crust to form and enables it to separate more easily Card 3/4 from the metal. This lessens the possibility of flux V/ 3/137'/6 L~/C OC A OCKS AUTHORS BondLrev, S . 11, , Orobey, N.Ya 3okolcr, I . I TITLE, r.1eeming liquid magnesium in a titanium realt,).- PERIODICAL! Referativnyy zhiirnal, Metallurglyb, n-, 6, fiist!-a (In collection: " Titan I yego S~-IaVy ', TI 1961, 21 - 22) TFY,T,, Pouring and filling-up Mg in the reactor was variants. 1) with the aid of a heated ladle with bottom diz:harj;, aid of a container built into the reactor lid (dosage cup) , vilier. is conducted by variant 1, a special frame is fixed for mounting the 1a;..- the discharge tube. Mg was poured from the vacuum Mg-electrolyzer iadl~_ a ladle preheated to 7500C, The reactor was heated to 750 - 800c'-', inert gas, and Mg was poured in. After its utilization to 55 - Mg added. When the process was conducted by variant 2, the dosage c,,p sprvir,,2 a reactor lid was heated with the reactor to 750 - 800c)C and Mg was through It, Mg was fii.~ed from the vacuum ladle of the electr-y~~',~ :~h-; Card 1/2 Teem~ng liquid magnes!-im In _a ti-~~nium reactor A' ,harge and filling-up of liquid Mg offers the foilowirig advcTi~aji- ~ng time of the reactor decreases 1.5 - 2 times. 2. The coef .11 -iit by 5 - 10%, 'D-ie metal quality is not tmpaIrr_-,'' I,t ir-_ almost not being formed during operation with a desage cu~.. p,~wer consumption per I ton of sponge decreases 1)), 20 - 25%, The-, -lency of tne reactor increases by 10 - 15%. 7. The Ti -sponge ;, r-! are reduced. CI --V C ~ f [Ab-,,trarter's note; CompLete translation] Card 2,12 PAVLOV, G.Mj_qRPBEjp Y.G. Reenterification of wtuae cIL Izrvya.ucheb.sav.;piabch. tekh. 1:45-49 161. (MIRA 1423) 1. Krasnodarskiy inetitut pishchevoy promyshlennosti# Kafedra tekhnologii pererabotki'mbirov. (Whale 6i1) PAVLOV, G.M.; OROBEY, V.G. Bubble and foam method of whale oil hydrogenation. ~Izv.v-/s, ucheb.zav.; pishch.tekh. no.4:84-.87 162. (AURA 15:11) 1. Krasnodarskiy institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti, ka-fedra tekhnologii zhirov. (Whale oil) (Hydrogenation) vi S/011/63/000/001/OOZ/002 A006/A1O1 AUTHORg Azizbekov, Sh. A. TITLEi The Third hll-Union Conference on regularities In the formation and distribution of endogenous mineral resource deposits PERIODICALe izvestlya Akademil nauk SSSR, Serlya geologIcheakaya, no. 1, 1963, 126 - 128 TFM The Conference was held in FlAku from September 18 to 23, 19621 It was attmird bY 455 reprementatives from noientifio wo Industrlskl 1goologloAl organizations Including 24 Academicians and Corresponding Members of AS USSR and AS of various republic. 49 Doctora-Professors and 164 Candidates of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences. The Conference was opened by Academician D. 1. Shcherbakov, secretary of ODON, AS USSR. The program of the Conference was di- v1ded into three main groupst a) "gularitles In the formation and distribution of endogencus deposits In the Caucasuej b) regularitles in the formation and distribution of endogencus deposits of other folding regions of the Alpine cy- ole; a) general problems of metallogeny. In group a) reports an basic features Card 1/6) S/011/63/ODD/001/002/002 The Third All-UnIon Conference on... A006/A101 of metallogeny and models of detailed metallogenic charts of the Caucasus were delivered by Sh. A. Azizbekov &no R. N. Abdullayev (itf-Azerbaydzhan), S. S. Mkrtychyan (in Armenia), G. A. Tvalchrelidze and Yu I Nazaroy (in Georgia) and V, 1, Orobey (in the Northern Caucaaua)l V. I.-Smi:M_~0_4~_-=Ae_~ on pecullaritiqa in magmatism and metallogeny of the geosyncline a-Rd--plateau stage in the evolu- tion of the Western section of Northern Caucasus. Reports were delivered on mag- matism and metallogeny in the Dashkesan ore region (M. A. Kashkay, M A Mustafa- --AWe-razons 0. beyll) Southern Georgia 11. R__N -Lr-4ze) the Sevan ~ey;man~ov he -Bolins o region (T. Sh. Goglahvill) and In the emalf Caucastirri Allaverdy re t 1ntrusives. CL. S. qKq&Aen1dze reported on "Paleogen. volcanlam In the Caucasus and metallogeny related to it"; V~ N_ Kotlyar on "Deposit types related to paleo- volcanism"; papers were delivered on pyrite deposita.In the Somkhlto-Karabakh and the Sevan-Akera zone (P. F. Sopko); Northern'Caucasus jP__S. Skriprhenko, (S. Sh. Sarkisy epo B--W _V I. Buadze) the Chubukhlu-Tan_zu_ts_r ore region ere read on polymetalic deposits in Northern Caucasus M. Krasnov dova ), North -West Caucasus (0. P. -Kornev) and the Mekhmany ore fi7e-ld LN. V. Zayteeva. j . Other reports dealt v gold N Ye Gukhman, D. 0. Sallya) mercury k5. -Y. Abuyev) and rare metal (F. V. Muslafabeyll m oral-1-ma-t-lo-n.--droup 2 included _Re-poPtr on Card ()ROBEY, V.I. Yetallogenetic forecasting map of the Northern Caucasus. Zakonom. razm.polezn.iskop. 7:352 164. OURA 17:61 1. Severo-Kavkazskoye geologicheskoye upravleniye. ORDBEYND, L., inzhener. Radar-guided landing. Grazhd.av.13 no.4:24-26 Ap 156. (MIRA 9:7) (Radar in aeronautics) (Instrument flying) oku~,Y!..), L.. Pa;f;j-.u;, ~'. Motion -)icture, ai a nart -,f technica' inqtruction. ', r 1; -. .-. -J . n-7 . 14 n0.7:14 ji 15-,. ~ K,--I,; ! .- : 1) j 1 , .-t uictures in neronsutic a) OROBT77SKI-tYli, L. D. Class 21aL, 71, 1' b. 10297--'. 1- . 111. Steianov arid L. D. Or-obiLSKa.,!--,. --f Measuring the Transconductance of Iteceiver Tubes by the Zers, -- Method. Authors' Certificates, Elek-trosvyazl No. 9, 1956. ORDBINSKIT, G.D. Important problems In Increasing the operating efficiency of diesel locomotives. Zbel. dor. transp. 38 no.9:13-17 B 156. (MLRA 9:10) 1. Glava" Inzhener Ka2alinskogo otdoloniya Orenburgskoy dorogi. (Diesel locomotives) 1- 7-- " 1. ORMIBSRIYI I. I. wk.;I ,~ 'v' ~ - - d 2. SSSR (600) 4. Vaccination 7, 712trable forms of Tsenkove1dy's 2nd vaccine. Trudy Voss. Inst. ekep. vet. 19 No. 1. 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, rebru&ry -1953. Unclassified. OR,)BINGIIT, I.I.p kandidet veterinarrifth nauk. ,-- A litterelloole-type disease in sheep. Vaterinarila 31 no.11:46-48 N 954. (KI2A 7:11) 1. Iftenoyarskaya nauchno-tooledovatellskaya votertuarnaya opytwtya stantelym, (SHM-DISUMS) OROBINSKIY. I.I.. lmnd.veterinarnykb nauk Formation of species In Bacillus anthracis. Agrobiologiia no.2: 283-285 *-AP 159. (14IRA 12: 6) 1. Kraennyarskiy sel'skokhozvaystvennyy institut. (Bacillus anthracts) Ommmat 1. 1. "Biavetin in the case of dyspepsia in baby pigs." Veterinariya, Vol- 37, No- 5~ 1960, P- 43 G'a Vj - XC,- - Ar,~ S.~ CROBINSKlYo 11. D. CROBINSKIY, M. D.: "The Theory of Physical Education in Bourgeois Lithuania in the Service of Reactionary Ideology." State Order of Lanin and Order of the Red Banner Inst of Physical Culture imeni T. S. Lesgaft. Leningrad, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Gandidate in Pedagogical Science) So: Knizhnaya Letopis', No. 19, 1956. BLAGOY, Yu.P. [Blahoi, IU.P.)-, OROBINSKIY, N.A. [Orobinslkyi, M.P.] Liquid - vapor phase equilibrium in the propylane - argor, system. Ukr. fiz. zhur. 8 no.12:1378-1385 D 163. (AURA 1"s4) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut nizkikh temperatur AN UkrSSR, KharIkov. I ~ ciioD-NS~Il, N".A., :tinfvil unIE,s,.'ye-. TROFIMOV, V.A. 'i1 I (: Oy 9 L - I - I,quid - vapo-, zhaFe of 'he system pr,~-pylone - f- nitrogen. Zhur. fl.7. k~.~r.. ~9 no.8.~^022-2CI'14 AF, (M'ARA LF.-9) 1. nli-.,(Ikh tenperatur AN UkrSSR. ORGEINShl'f S. Ya. ., I Dissertation: "Physiological and Diochendcal Peculiarities of Varieties of Apples Ripening at Different Times." Cand biol Sci, Leningrad Agricultural Inst, Leningrad, 191,7L. Referativnyy Zhurnal--Khimiya, Mloscoi,:, "o 14, Jul 54. SO: SUM No. 35b, 25 Jan 1955 MALINOVSKIY, V.G.; OROBTSEV, V.M. Inproving the ndxing of sinter charges. Metallurg 8 no.2:12 F 163. (MIM 16:2) 1. Yenakiyevskiy meta3-lurgicheskiy zivod. (Sintering) 3684. UMILATIOB OF ANTHRACITE TAILINL;b 1b kLUk;h PLANI'S. KiselOgof, M.L. and Orochko, A.A. (LA. Ekon. Topliva (Fuel Econ.) hay IP52, 5-8). From the -r8n'1't-&--oTW"r1=enta1 combu3tion of anthracite tntlings at a power plant to ascortain their practical value it Is concluded that t he jaste with awleture content up to 10% Is a suitable fuel for power plants, but for noraal operation moisture should not exceed. 7091. (L) D.E.A. ( k ~ C H t, ~ ~ /) - / RPIK. P.A., dote., knnd. khim. nnuk; OROCHKO. Al.I., nesintent 1. New method for determining iodntp and bromnte from thelr mUture. Izv. KPI 20:90-94 157. (MIRA 11:1) (lodptes) (BromRtes) AUTHORS: Epik, P. A.. , Orcnhko, A. S07/78 - 3 -8-2,7,48 TITLE: The Dependence of the Stability of Some Oxygen Containing In- organic Compounds on the pH-Value of the Medium (Zavisimost~ ustoychivosti nekotorykh kis'~or,:)dsoderzhashchikhneorganicheskikn soyedineniy ot pH sredy) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol. 3, Nr 8, pp. 1864 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The resistance of the oxidizing agents KC10 3) KBrC 31 KJC,, K2Cr 207' KMn0 41 NaClO2 and NaC10 to the action of sulf,=~,_ acid 4n aqueous solution was investigated. The results show that cn certain conditions some of these oxygen contairing oxidizing agents completely decompose, and that others in the same case remain unchanged. The deformation and decomposition of the -.xygen containing oxidizing agents is due to the catalysis of hydrcgen ions. The decomposition rate of KMnO 4 in acid medium increases with the increase of the acid concentration. The decomposition rate of potassium permanganate does not take place monotonously. Card 1/3 With the increase of the normality of the acid to 23 N the de-