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tkfho ur dltp-~ajg- ~)Arwa= -as Placed lawk 4A,; ;qfn0cs- and -.ficjm6tUll Tb~ boRled. z- - - . : m I S 19P --%mo a ille 46 UAW, Mon tit -type jil "diltil" ilia .~A ~:Akterpft=wof. e rcim, u 61 1 --- - t ivau vowible- f -6t add, USSR General Problems of Pathology. Transplantatf,~n U-2 of Tissues and Tissue Therapy. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biole, No 15, 1958, 707Z9, Author :,~l ova 0. K. Inst No f__~ ~-~ Title The Use of Yeast in a Study of Blogenic Stimulators. Orig Pub: Vrachebnoye Delo, 1957, No 7, 765-768. Abstract: A determination of the activity of biogenic stimu- lators was made by using the method of Filatov and associates for measuring the rising power of yeast. The amount of glucose fermented for a definite per- lod (determined by a polarimetric method), served as an indicator of increased yeast activity. Ex- tracts of fresh tissues have no effect on the fermentive activity of yeast, Tissue extracts oreserved for seven days produced a marked accel- Card 1/2 z ORLOVA, 0. K. "On 2 new diDfit~ieria bacilii" T , I Ax". qnif LLe (7hemlotry, &n1 Vetut- , -. s-L. ' ~' :--, f-,- ' A.- '--- a~ al Fl,". * r ,void erence i n Mc,sc,-,.i - .1 w xLr-, , , ?, I n r! j~ - - ~ , --i ORLOVA, O.K. Structure of mannan in Corynebacterium diphtheriae [with oumar7 in Bngl1sh]. Blokhlmlia 23 no-4:502-520 JI-Ag 158. (MJTRA22:3) 1. Chair of Biochemistry. kedical Institute, Rostov on Don. (CORTMACMMIUM DI Iff 11 IAN, metabolism, mannan, methylation (Rus)) (POLYSACMARIDES, metabolism, ,ma=an in Corynebacterium diphtheriae, methylation (Rue)) ORLOVA, 0. K. .The structure of -r-skn in diphtheria baciUl. Biokhimlia 26 no-3:4*-443 Mv-.Je 661. (MIRA 14W 1. Ghair of Biochemistry, State Medical Institutel, Rootbv-on-Don. (GORYNEBACTERIUM DIPHTHERIAE) (Hamm) MIMA,, O.K.; ROMENSKAYA, Ye.P. Method of radial, paper chromatography used for the separation and identification of methylated monosacebarides. Biokhimiia 26 no./..-6,46-60 Tl-Ag 161. (11IRA 15: 6) 1. Chair of Biochemistrys State Medical Institute# Rostov-ori.-Don. (MONOSACCHARIDES) (PAPER CHROMATOWLAM) -ORIANA , 0. K. Localization of the mannan of diphtheria bacilli., Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 32 no.7:128 Je 161. (MI.,A 15:5) 1. Iz kafedry biokhimii Rostovskogo-na-Donu meditsinskogo instituta. (CO?"DM- aACTERIUM DIPHTHERIAE) ORLOVAP O.K. Localization qf mannan of diphtherial bacterisin the bacterial co.11. Mikrobiol. zhur. 24 no.2:14-18 162. i (MMA 15:12) 1. Kafedra biokhimii Rostovskogo meditsinskDgo instituta. (GORYNEBACTERIUM DIPHTHERUE)(YANMNS) ORLOVA,- Q.K .; MARI Y k~ANA, A.P. 7 a' )n an' vp ap a a of me t~.y -,a' PA m 57"- 582 j' AR (M: k AIF 3,' Kaf od r& bl c, kr., m-, I a bo ra to rly abloKr.!m.J1 pitogenrykY. im I k r o be v ~josudarst,vennogc InstAtuta, Rost.Dv-na-l,cru. ORLOVA, O.K.; YEFIMTSEVA, Ye.P. Some biological properties of the carbohydrate fractions of the pathogen of diphtheria. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 4.1 M.3: 89-92 Mr 164. (MIRA 17-,11) 1. Rostovskiy meditsinskiy institut. ~ I I- I I . Th I ~ I . i . . I . I . . ~ 4. il ~: - - , w . - . I - - ORWVA, 0. N. From the practice of testing and grading students' knowledge. Ist.v shkole no.1:43-45 Ja-y '56. OU-NA 9:5) 1. Uchitel'nitea 6altykovskoy sredney shkoly No. 1 Moskovskoy oblasti. (Grading and marking (Students)) (Examinations) ---ORWVA, OJI..zasluzhennayn uchitel'niteA shkolay RSFSR ~ - - Preparation of moist specimens by the otudente. Blol. v Bhkole no. 2:80 Mr-Ap 158. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Snltykovskaya srednyaya shkola 17o.1 Balashikhtnakogo rRyonA Mookovskoy oblanti. (Zoological sDecimeno-Collection Pnd proservntion) CUOTA, O.M., saslushenneys uchitalluitea ahkoly RSFSR . 11 , I ~ elo- Independent work of mtude0a with textbooks during botany and zoology clasegs. Biol. r shkDle n0-5:33-36 S-0 158. (MIRA 11: 11) 1. Saltykovsk#qa 4hkola No.1 BalashUftimakago rayona Moskovskoy oblmstl. (BotwW--StudY and teaching) (Zoology-Study and teaching) ORLOVA, O.P.; PETROVA, L.P. Multisocket blocks witb a simplified replacement of insertable molds. Lit. proizv. no.6129-30 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Founding) ZIIUhAVLEVA, Yekaterina Ivanovna, kand. tekhn.nauk; KOMAKOV, Sergey Ivanovich; TOKAREV, Lev Illich; RAKIMOVA, Ksaniya Georgiyevna; GUSAKOV, A.I., inzh., retBenzent; ORI~A, G.S.A retsenzent; KRUGIDU, G.I.,, red.; SOKOLOVA, I.A.., tekhn. red. (Technology of confectionery]Tekhnologiia konditerakogo pro- izvodstva. Pod obshchei red. E.I.Zhuravlevoi. Moskva.9 Pi- shchepromizdat, 1962. 442 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Confectionery) ORLOVA, P. V. "Lithology, formation cunditiors, and patterns in the d~str'but. ,, -f F~%r:,~; -:- bauxites" P-282 MIWrMIW md OrlWLU of Dwmites, Nbsoow,, Izd-vO Ali SM (otd. coolop-GeogW. naa) 29A, 48BO. IhIS Mileftion of articles IV various authors on the Mineralogy and amcbm'styP of bmKites aPP&arOd QO & remat of 1955 conf - on the origin of bawdte (Mmirmn, Acad. N. M. ataldwy) % Distribution of ores in the Bokson bauxite deposit. Trudy Vost.- Sib. f1l. AN SSSR no.13:207-225 '58. (M?A 12:12) l.Vuenoyuznyy institut minerallmogo s7rlya. (Bokson region Ouryat-Mongolia)-Bauxlte)) ALITGAUZEN, M.N.; GIN7ABURG, I.I.; DUBOVSKAYA, M.V.; YERSHOV, A.D.; NEMV.. V.G.; OSIKIV, ]].I.; ROZHKOVA, Ye.V.; STRAKHOV, N.M.; EMUSHCHOV, R.A.; SHMANECHKOV, I.V.; SHCBERBAKOV, D.I.; YANSHIN, A.L.; AMIRASIANOV, A.A.; GOTM&N, Ya.D.; ZUEIREV, I.N.; KOROVYAKOVp I.A.; ORWVA, P.V.; PASOVA, F.G.; SAAKUNp P.S.; TERSIVIEVAs KaFerSHANOWKIT, L.M.; GHEFJIOSVITOV, Yu.L.; SHCIERBINA., V.V. IUrii Konstantinovich Goretskii; obituary. Sov.geol. 4 no.12: 153-155 D 161. (YJRA 15:2) (Goretskii, Iurii Konstantinovich, 1912-1961) GORETSKIT, Tu.N. [de,peaaed]; ORLOVA, P.V.; SPIRIN, S.L. Prospects for finding bauxite in Siberia and the trends in and the methods of further prospecting. Min.syrls no.513-19 162. (MIRA l6t4) (Siberia--Bauxite) ORLOVA P P. V. D"ndence of the qua-lity of bauxites of the Southerr, !irali: or, -,!,( ir position in structuml-facies zones- Sov-geol. 5 r4o.',..7-117 Ny (!.'IR;, 15 7) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut 7,-AreraIInoj7,o syr,ya. (Ural Hountains.-Bauxite) KOCncTxoVAq'N.P.; ORLDVAt P.Ye.1 FEDOROVAq 19A. [Inotructiom of captains of vessels navigating between Southern Straitsof)Wwaya 7maya (Tugoroki Strait, Kara Get@ Strait) or Cape Mauritis wd the Port of 'mrkA an the Yenisii River] Instruk- taiia dlia-kapitanoy Budov o p3AManii meabdu lUabn*i Novozemellski- mi prolivami (IUgorskim Sbaromp Karoklyn' Vorotami) ili mysm Zhela- niia i pDrtom Igarka na reke Enigei. Moskva, 1960. 22 p. (MIRA 3.4:7) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) G-avnoye-mFr&vl&uiye Severnogo morskogo flota. (Kara Sea-Navigation) (Yenisey River-Navigation) P. ORWVA, R.B., otv. za vypusk; PEREDERIY, S.P., tekhn. red. (Programs for individ,,Al and team training of mechanics for tie assembly of airplane instrument equipment; commercial air fleet] Programmy dlia individuallnoi i brigadnoi podgotovki komplektov- shchikov pribornogo oborudovaniia oamoletov; grazhdanskil voz- dushnyi flot. Moskva, Proftekhizdat, 1962. 21 p. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.)Gosudarstvenriyy komitet po profes- sionallno-takhnicheakomu obrazovanlyu. (Aeronatucal instruments) L 10831-67 AR6034647 (Al KC SOURCE CODE: UR/0299/66/000/008/MO17/MO17 Iz- AUTHOR: Gritsman.- Yu. a. ; Lipovitskiy, G. S. ; G~qlldina B. G.; Orlova, R. B. TITLE: Experimental data on extremity grafting after preservation for 48 hr SOURCE: Ref. zh. Biologiya, Par t T1, Abs. 8M99 REFSOURCE: Tr. 1-go Mook. med. in-ta, v. 42, 1965, 169-173 TOPIC TAGS: log, ioL)ic 'transplant, grafting, extremity, extremity graA'-tin;;, amputation ABSTRACT: The an uxtrernities of "I dogs were dreserved at r2 a~nc; --IC for 48 hr. 7wo dog- c,.,iied shorti-Y after the operation. Tile rest were 'nder observation ior -, 6-ys ,c,; 'i months. Tjie posLoperat-'ve periob of these dogs was more difficuiL and aystrophycal cnanges were more severe than in dogs witn extremities oreser-ed for 24 hr after the amputation. jTranslation of abstract, SUB CODE: 06 Cord L GH TT'-!-~. 7- ;"fNr,()P2,T, A. GOLITS"J. Lyubovl Naumovnai kand.okonom.nauk; ZAVADSLAYA, Irina Yevoeyevna, kand.okonom.nauk; ORIA)VA, Raise IllInIchna. nauchnyy sotruAni ; YA14POLISUTA, Tat' 0r:2 iwaftw yana Giorg yevns, kand.tokhn.aauk; KHOIXOGOROVA, T.A., red.izd-va; SEILIVM, A.A., [Maintaining city streetsj Voprosy okopluotat6ii gorodakikh dorog. Koakva. lzd-vo N-va kommun.khoz.RSM, 1959. 88 P. (KIRA 12:11) (Streets--Maintenance and repair) SHXGLINIXOVA, R-Sh., kand.khim.nauk:,, ORWVA, R.K., etarahty inthener Uoa of aconstic vibrations for precipitating drilling dust. Bor'ba a sil. 3:75-81 '59. (MIR& 12:0 (SOUND WAVES-INDUSTRIAL AMICATIONS) (DUST-REHOVAL) OPUVA' R * S. USSR/*~Wicins - Penicillin, Therapy Medicine - Puerperal Infection Nov/Dec 48 OUse of Penicillin'in Obstetrical and Gynecological Practice for Puerperal Diseases and Gonorrhea," K. A, Pshenitaina, R. S. Orlova, Fjj-Bt Obstat and Gynecol Clinic4 Second Moscow kled Inst imeni I. V. Stalin, 334 pp "Akusher i Ginekol" No 6 Experimental date was gathered on tests on 20 localized, 10 transitional, and 14 generalized puerperal-inIfection cases and 42 cases of gonococcal infection. Gives conclusions draim. PA 22/49T43 ORMU, R.S. ---------- Significance of cytologic examination of vaginal and cervical 8mears; In diagnosis of cancer of the genito-urinary tract. Akush. 61n. no.2:46-50 Mr-Ap 150. CLKL 19:2) 1. Of the first Obstetric-Gynecological Clinic (Director -- Prof. I.I.Teygell), Second Moscow Medical Institute iment I.V.Stalin. BARMOTINk, Z.G.; DUSHSKAYA, R.Ye.; KOGAIJ, R.B.; KOIWV, Ye.P.; KOIDURNO, A.F.; 'ORLOVA? ~ R.S-. Analygis of chromites. Trudy no.5:264-9172 '59, (MIRh 13:1) (Chromites) (Metallurgical analysis) YEVSEYENKO, L.S.j D.7SVETOVA, V.V.; KORMAN, D.B.; LnIITIN, Ye.l.; ISYENSON, B.P.; ORLUVA, R.S.; SHIYATAYA, O.K. Results of the cl--nical use of ~-fluorouracil. Vop.onk. 11 no.11169-.75 065. (MIRA 19.-1 ) 1. Iz khimIotprapevtJ0if-nkogn otAielenlya Momkovvkoy gorodskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy No.1 ImenA N.I.Pirogova (glevnvy vrach zaslu!,;~,nnyy vrach RSFSR L.D.Chernyshevj. ORLOVA, R. T. "Sufficiency of the Number of Observations for Obtaining in Aerology Mean Temperatures of Given Accuracy". Trudy Kazakhak. n.-i Gidromet. in-ta. No 2, pp 45-51, 1954. On the basis of observations at one aerological station in Kazakhstan the author attempts to determine the criterion governing the number of observat'ons at various altitudes for the obtaining of comparable quantities of the mean temperature according to months. Analysis of the mean square deviations shows that in the warm period (April to October) the magnitude ofthe empirical standard fluctuates in the limits from 5.2 to 4.4. revealing the greatest values at altitude 2 and 8 kilometers, which testifies to the large variability of temperature at these heights. In the cold half of the year the mamitude of %he empirical standard sharTly decreases in the extent of the first two kilometers from 8.8 to 6.5. Later it decreases slowly up to 8 km, when the quantities for both halves of the year unite. Higher, the quantity for the empirical standard decreases very slowly up to 18-20 kilometers, where it anounts to 3-3. In January the temperature up to altitude 16 km possesses and accuracy not less than at the earth's surface. In April and July the accuracy at altitudes up to 16 km is unessentially less than the accuracy of the ground temperature; in October this also holds for 12 km. Hence the author concludes that the temperat.ure at medium altitudes in the troposphere can be sufficiently accurately dater-mined by means of averaging without the employment of the method of differences. (RZhGeol, No 11, 1955) SO: Sun No 864., 9 Apr 1956 L 46oll-66 Evr(!) GW ACC NR- AR6029445 SOURCE CODE: UR/0169/66/000/005/13007/BO08 AUTHOR: Orlova, R. T, TITLE: Accuracy of airborne A-10 meteorograph sensors SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 5B64 REF SOURCE: Sb. rabot Alma-Atinsk, gidrometeorol. observ. vyp. 1, 1965, 78-85 TOPIC TAGS: meteorograph, airborne meteorograph, aerial meteorograph/ A-10 meteorograph, A-10 airborne meteorograph, A-10 aerial meteorograph ABSTRACT: The accuracy of meteorographic ineas-urements was checked by using a SM-43 and five.A-10 meteoro raDhs in a series of nights made in 1959-1960. T~e relts obtained showed t at 1) tlll~e difference between the A-10 and SM-43 meteorograph was relatively small and within the limit of accuracy of measurment and processing for all the meteorological parameters measured; 2) the accuracy of the A-10 meteorograph qualifies it for use in a meteorological network; 3) values used currently with the A-10 meteorograph to correct temperature error due to flight velocity are somewhat high and should be revised. The flight methods used C,,d 1 / 2 UDC: 551. 558. 822 L 1,6oll-66 ACC NRt AR6029445 are described, and tables are given showing data obtained with several different i pairs of meteorograph sensors. [Translation of abstract). A. Nevzorov. [SP] SUB CODE: 04/ ell 1( , , 1, %-/ 2/2 t 47362-66 ~ , ,I )('74 ACC N" AR6029443 SOURCE CODE- UR/0169/66/000/005/13004/13004 AUTHOR: Orlov.~,J~._-T. TITLE: Accuracy of radio wind observations obtained with the radio theodolite Malakhit" within its operating range as a function of secondary reflectors on the base and in the vicinity of the btation SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 51345 REF SOI I~CE: Sb. rabot Alrna-Atinsk_gi~drometeor 1. Qbs-erv, , vyi). 1, i~,65, 67-77 TOPIC '-'AGS: aerological observation, optical theodolite, win(] measurement, radio theodolite ABSTRACT: A study is made of the effect of secondary reflectors on the accuracy of radio wind observations obtained with optical and radio theodolites in free direction and secondary reflector sectors, using parallel measurement methods. d 1/2 UDC: 551. 501. 81 L 47362-66 ACC NR, AR6029443 The study was carried out within a network of ;icrologic;A fitalions of the Administration -of H drometeorological Service, Kazakh SSR (UGMS KazSSR). Y_ Secondary reflectors within the operating angle range are shown to have no signi- ficant effect on the accuracy of radio wind observations. When the vertical angle approaches the limits of the working angle, measurement errors in wind direction and velocity increase both in the free direction and secondary reflector sectors. (Translation of abstractl (G. Trofimov) [SP] SUB CODE: 04/ Card .2 / 2 Mt ACC N16 AR6035072 SOURCE CODE: UR/0169/661000/008/BO07/BO08 AUTHOR: Bergun, K. I.; Orlova, R. T. TITLE: Improving air survey observations with an A-22-11 radiosonde SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 8B69 REF SOURCE: Sb. rabot Alma-Atinsk. gidrometeorol. observ., vyp. 1, 1965, 46-54 TOPIC TAGS: aerial survey, temperature measurement, temperature inversion, isobar/A-22-11 radiosonde ABSTRACT: A temperature and humidity gage designed on the basis of a calibra- tion certificate without regard to variations is proposed. The gage makes it possible to insure gage production far in advance, and verification or deiign accuracy. Temperature and humidity variations are introduced after exposure "to the open air before release. " The gage is assembled with allowance V~r the temperature and possible inversion depending on the season and the time of day. Examples of gage design and methods of manufacturing are given. Certain 1 1/2 UDC: 551. 501. 724:551. 501. 771 ,CC NR- AR603507 simplifications are suggested for the introduction of radiation corrections and for corrections on elevations from an isobaric surface level of 200 mb, when the introduction of radiation corrections becomes complex. A method is proposed to verify the accuracy of determination of elevations of isobaric surfaces of 1000 and 900 mb, based on measurements of pressure changes near the Earth and the mean temperature of the Earth layer-the isobaric surface of 1000 mb (900 mb). Gayvoronskaya. [Translation of abstract] [GCI SUB CODE: 08, 04/ 2/2 SEGAL' , A.N.; ORLOVA, S.A. Apnearance of beavi-rs in Yarelia. Zool. zhur. 40 1583 0 161. (MlRA 14:9) 1. Institute of Biolop7, Karelian Branch of thp U.S.S.R. Acadery of Sciences, Petrozavodsk. (Karelia--Beavers) AUTHOR: Nagibina, I.I., Cancicate of' Sciences; 0r1oval-S.A., Engineer TITLE: On the Metl-,ocis of' Measuring the Width o1' S~,,.,ctra-L Li,-.c Contours on a eicture Obtainea with a i~abric-PLrra~ "it Interl-romEter (0 metodikc izmereniya shiriny kontullov spektralInyWh liniy po kartine, ~oiuchayemoy ~ri pomoshchl intcrf't-rometr~, I-atri-Pcro) PhhIJbICAL: 'ILvestiya wys~shlkn uc),cbnykh L~4ve.cniy - Pritor~--str-~,,ycniye, Nr 1, pi 1~1-1 6 ~U&~jh) ABSTRACT: Scientil'ic llter.~turc contains a num,LL-r ~-)i aiEtnot- ic-,- processing results of observitions witti vari(-L,~; Perrault stancara asscmblies with a s:t,ctrai insU-umcnt. The l'urmuiae Viven in liter,~turf:- Uo nut take into consideri~tlon cr,anges in the aispc.-siun of tloE star.u-r~. This pa:er ceais with measuring the wic;th of' ~, s~ictrL,1 line without taking into account t'-16 barkt,rcunu, i.E. I max 15 MeiA :~urea 1'rom I min. As -:,easuring t.-,.JL ~%Ly is Card 1/3 fairly lonr vvinauu (it r(kjulve~, a vhiirt,:-t eri s tic rurvf, SOVI 1 11 C. I _ l _ I A /,~2 On the Methods of Measuring the Width of Spc-ctral I.Inc -rt ur, on a Picture Obtained with a Fabric-Perra,-it lnterf`ercmc,-:- for the plate) a filter fixture is recomml~ndea for the input apertur-e of the spectrograph, which arcplerates and simplifies processing of the interference picture. -The principle -Is as follows: The fixture is a two stage bxtenuator, the first stage of which is fully trarjaparent and the second stage semi -tr-amiparent This extenuator is placed cirectly in frent of the .aperture of the spectrograph, so that the lat.t(r is verticaaly divided into L equal parts, as is ti.e line on the interference picture- In thr~ cs~ntei- of the ring of one paYt there is a blackening, -rresponging to I max and in the other part blackening c--irresponding to I max/2. With this type of fixturE line width measurement is reduced to L readings on the microphoto- meter drum. The paper tabulates t~.e results of' measuring-line widths of MglI, 280- R, Call 3-.4j6 A, Call 3968 9L by k methods, where the concentrations of the tested metal in solution and the number of thc Card 2/3 measured ring arc- given, the measurement of the line S()Vl I tj('- i -I 111/91-P Pil the Methods of Measuring the Width of' 5pertral Linc a Picture Obtained with a Fabric-Perrault Interfer,-,mete,- width bLing shown In both uasr-s loti accuracy of the meaLLlrements Is 4; 1 are 1- graphs, '- diagrams, 1, s--,(?m&l- io I photograph, L I aLl (-s a!; 0" ~v ASSOCIATION: Leningracskiv (Leningrad Institutil. A* ~irie 14f Card 3/3 OUOVA, S.A. Calcium and phosphorus content in certain medicinal preparations for children. Topr.pedlat. 18 no.2:50-53 Ur 130. (GIXL 19:3) 1. Of the Department of Therapeutic WatrItion and Distology Iment S.K.11row in leningrad (Director of Institute -- Prof. G.A.2mmenskly). MAXULOV, N.A.; (RI.CIVA, S. -Ao-; KLIMOIVA, T.P. Analytic possibilities of the ton-charme'. MFS-2 phc-.oe-2ncL,-ic speotrmeter. Trudy Giprotsvotmetobrabotka no.24047-354 165. OCRA I F : II ') IMYTOVA-LUKIYANCHIKOVA, Marlya Nikolayevna, prof.; MLQ ~ Aramovna dotsent; Pmrimovi, irine. Alskoije-vuZ. kwA.wd.vauic; 'E ~~i. i.A:. red.; CMAY37A, Z.V., [Children's diet in a family] Pitanie detai v sewle. Lenin- grad, Yadgiz, 1962. 231 p. (NMI 15t2) (CHILDM--NMRITION) ( ) R L C) \1 fA . 113,1. SHTM. L.D.;.OftMAt_.S.I. W, Sulftr b&cteria md ecologic properties of water associated with their oxterAive development, Trudy Inst.odkrobiol. no.3:176-IN~ 154. (BACTIMIA. Thlorhodaceae In water) (WATER, bacteriology, Thirohod&ceas) is Q a a 0 it 0 a A C I-A-1-A-2 "Plot .-CICOWS Pftfttbft of im spin* ;Wia-M by i-~ d ph"k C4. cf. to aoto pb M *aa. I N A )tC.ANIIIARNV. I LAimme Amp N "ov'r"~-V I'arrupose A, '48.0 INIA, "M P411. ),"1V& A. cf I' 1 24, will F(W Cd malifte two onow"SOWA Womird "X* suiall. (I I M.&I Is K'Cd I (*N J~ it 2L 5 KOJI, I a) a '"trinji L 1110. ir (1 4110 U III I cm.. "vion troup 2 V. *rtrut.. dbotaftV 4 4$ cm CtR"nI rob -A k1wall 0 01 Intel 91- rhorwry li=p ouck was.4,lifiahl fit IR 21) ins" (Js 104 2 It CARO, M Is f HARI,, A Is rwivenur. 1 1 SIP4 1. r d 0 VAIIA &ins% stort ml frin, 113 41.4 v . friorvistale dMancr 4 A cut Cuttv"I ~Ihrtfrucv OA 07% A It 411 Mut drt*pOt - a- -4-taturd it, 4() Inset Atilub's In NO ra-firs w"r Cd 71w XCN am) X011 knort inuot lor frotarrd The brid povkv,lurr r-lu~ a dull. Ibr wvwid At br*hl. drstrioll. to thr storms raw thr ps -luxAd be 2 A 3 8. with a ft Post" o" 61M 0 dwk to WWI; I 'I to obtsboord. Foor CY plating. Uw toth con tsiowd2ffls.CvC~.8s.Cr4")%3s.B(OH)i,. Tkow"blycolthreastiumuffinvoident trwer,.c.d.,ov. bright bitiontionwom drswaito fine obtainord at SAW and a r d 0", ~mp. pet orl din 71w bro emOup true at 40 4A* and a r d A If) Amp- TMI 6 I.r q dies IU ppla, ul 2% wa& Wirl"ifird trioat the fi4k,wi"S I~th. I I I Ali L1,11fil USk!. 10 Is. 111(011)~ 40 6. gum Aredwor. 1 1 11.4 1, (.11 L%% Is tfum 1, 175 5 Not 1. K alum, (3) 136 S. ZaCI& 234 g. No" 2D S. AIC6 rooon temp. c & 1 2 antla Iwr dm~ In *9 thm frows It hjol pay, fitse-Siramed. plastic derpous. wa% obtateird A ImmixtIgenrow.k. fivir-Srasof-d 111, coatios; wa& delomited on Fe (stuff the figlinfoill both ..N a IINC,IIOAs. 26 1; liC.110h. I a acktio, 2 cc lovirklinc. a.", is o uslattagsw. I I Il'i 1. 14ftan Icall'. c 0 13 omp~ [me sq. din. F.w 1W.ArC21%, Artuml, ~ 1 CI at R I- MPA 3 Y 668 SL A U a As go at!* p 0 0 0 go ft1I&LkkoPrK6k LittfittL*f CL&ISWK61`10" If I I In asookif egg oil is a it a it if ins a 6 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 so 0 0 q* 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o III ses Its 0 0 Ils 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *1* 0 6 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 III W V a a ."_A_j_L~ss k A I.t, 6.p 41 fill Witew a a -Avg -00 -00 .06 .00 0 .641 too -06 woo -00 tre 0 see* frXII Wife 4 0 0 *4141 0 41116411 1411# -00*641 , -* 100*000000*000090000 0 0 0 0 0 0 96 011 *a 0l eo* 0* 0 90 0 0 0 0 0a * 0 05, 1 lids$ t o 11111U13144 16 It to " a at a a 10 a 36 v A J9 N P V U U 15 b V AD Is L V U 41 W 41 .4 a- all a r m a a A a -J~ -90 -00 Dawes mo the saft of cbreask mabc 00 011LA)VA. N. N. Patim AsD A. L Somax"m /6sr. 06.4,11tri Khoo 3, 31 8 - h i f h ifi an a rat t e Ut Methods of the prtaduction 01 K anti No aluniq WIt 7tit"t-ITWO -00 jibryated th were investiated 11) dirmt trmtrawnt C4 tbr -An WithIN mkin and 12) jormstiam of abain by mrant of I M.#NO. whoch is the 111tcnImAlate swoduct In the -90 00 f" lpwlbmf I)W ymtkm J%: KCvall, + 41W41. - KCf~80.4 + 4110t) + 30. 1411) C A) I K i *0 - , TI ng , a ONOt 4 m) 4 311,0 - 61INII,. the tooled atilt A ot"timaent. ' 40, thrmiSh. and 144 9 a "f V.!% 110). To make The substonm mittable he jisums 04 cc, of M)%IIN(I~IftI&d6mI ThIsmethutinkme IRS IIjV% + 2NII% - IIW%Ntt 4 IIN(4 6C.Crol). 4 311.W).N0 f IfO*I. - K,Cf- 00 00 4 311N, It t It." I t., ICNI 1. .0. It-m."'A Ill 11W t kok-". 116.1t of 6'. go the -star 1-th Z;O : 00 =00 foe 0 ZA 0 0 -00 '00 %10 0 be be 9 tau. he 0 too] U 1 44 folkiplo fo l low n a W 0 0 11 1 If Im I as l . 04P IlumumbV00441434 G G, 0 4. a It 1. . a 0 pa a S 1 0 "; , " 0 _- I--& Yll A --b A- i 0--t P~ AND G 40 0 1` 4011136011SVI) 164LVNALII IT3113&Mllv&" v I I a 0 0:: .(I -A **a -OnTum awn jqj upun urnle I #o jwqj ump Almol. ARM ipamal amp 94q #o apAm 0 " M4 - ()S .4 < 'ONN < On."N < -(YW-4 < ~%-W* < ONII < wit mvmw" awlin- IM-Ov jww al Impina- p3ft- al (Ima cvM" "t pawn m3a W"a% gK4Mv3 aqj jo wmlvu jqj sw4n pw -wow Af-141 90dS WMOdSp %jfW hltjAK%t%UJM3 341 10 UIM UP~ No UNUI ~rftt= 13POIA a. too . 9 .1, -OR 1 4, p amp-qp"An r am 4m warm-GIR Ile* rl I Iviao!) Ohl 4xv Al 1 0, so- W-0-0-N W-T f( I _f, I 1 11 W-W, -1 w r w I 1 91 0 it to 9 4i a 1 19 1, t,, 0 9 000 0 Go* 0 0 0 a 0 * 0 0 0 so 0 0 see *Gooses** m - -~770_4-1# 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 ID 1, u li 4 ts is " m to a ill 22 a N A it V a L p a ji w c m 6 a I. 1 0 ro A r a a x CC M U .1 A L-4- I L -A--A A-A. A R 00 A T .' I I.f_1111. I w 11K The tramawmuss 61 meaftatimma d chruwass whig into V101*1 ttwm.. 1 - MS- S I OXL~IVA Ast, N. N. I 1 Orn. CAWM. (U a. 8 Sk.) 11 19311. rf C A Islet ibat RAN. 11NOI,, MSOi, alki other suIntswe. micvelrrixt, the MUS U( Or WVMC N106 60 011116trOU1 CILPIS, iWWlnS the Meatutellwats (4 rkTtrO4 -nd &nd p W gain Tbe eupts, abowni jiset t1w cbanr CA the anvil In'"Illwatim W Cr mi -k*t -C le b ll t I*) j i1 ' a v i ,V - n s n "Ifiluvil.141 wth thr O'hy N .114th.11 I lit 11 Ilt-1 4,111101 uf 11 111,1141 S). 1111AWtO A 11111fl, 161*1 11allifillwall4mi It : 0 to ILS 011ALLOGIkAl. L11FRAIL42 CLASSIPICAtICO Ito., lc. 1 7 1 Ow 0 If b. -3 d3l ~ 0 0 000 0 lei 00 0 0 0 0 0 * 1 0 0 0 0 0 00 000 0 0 00 0 #1 0 00 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 - - - ' 41 0 0 so 640 0 0 0 f, m 0 0 0 0, a 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0* 00000 ~f 'a, 4 's is 4 Z 4 -1 ~s _PM - - - - - - !??1!*** *4444 k v asp& 61 uo*aAo * It"iffif A-A-A-, L ---I. JLI 'q- I AMES 10 IV" 00.6 000 MUM; ""I go. 96A 1-00 19404, 000 00, got son .41 go 0 0 1 'W& UL 0982 - ---k6. ,3k IL be* ~Wft a ado*= A nail. 90 *A 0 046-06 hm%L as 'ago 004 b VvbsL:3,m,,r=,-P4-=-,~" e&.1 1-910 00 dmnmd. AMMmj-. goo see 00 00 00 fto -zoo loom o"Amw goo $slow %at 4mv subm NIIAII at sov As, RM 0 a 9 1 v a a 6 3 1 6a a go 0: goo 999900.9099:46''0o 00 60 0000 0000 0 06:0006096 0 00 ve"all pole save Wo 4, u 41 44 4, 1 ON if a 34"I"Jill IvwwnllTlv. v I I 0 441t 0 Of sob 0u v"AA -144 '1 19 wake F 1-.4 J-w 4848, '1 'A M *4L r r---j f gar, wifif amoft Rol tffq y - I I---$ "IT aw (41-491 AM to" UA IVO Fee OA l " 1 q I l qj W44)u tqm ARIt"m 041 ts"s PAUMM" AN Wqr" Mquamp am elp"a W*Pqumr p" WAN"trop ftunppq lwmj %at a" 90 '"Ope"le )o ORNIMMOP ankpwvjp 'm UO slumagal all "I) -111-0 191) UK I# PP#f Aft? INSFK -007) 1-mll ffAW jMjpjMpW p jMjW,,4,#,MWW* 11 Fl It 11 41 V j 0 t I lice kfilfijl~jggl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * am 0 0 0 ~ l 04.,6,0_0 0:0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0-0 ow 1 U - t 11 Is" 9 111 tl 1 1 1 4 1: 1: ~ 0 , At - . - - -010% 'Opo #1 1 C' '400colm -P 4 1 1110twommatift Rim. ""Im. "Vr. okkkol ita tkt%M- ll d O N a " ula ' 1 1 h 9 : 1 11, 1, 00 ;1 r q-1 t Wwl 1, N,, 1% 7L ftivilt weir I 6-u4slytic-Ally drigfraft"t. iffiturcull itt a 1w-M Na./W to w)ln und plated in the uwal moviviri Th, 1 1 wile Imighl and uilijimm arm) adherrd w. If W. mullit"atin coo 0011 see .00 00 '0 at; lee 00 ..So 00 00 go A S N I L A -RIALLUVIS.Ka &IU~t CLAMOKOICk 00 S 010 to go A 1A -Q~- a 0 a .1 w IN .1 a a 3 1 130 0000iiis ilia- 09009066- o 0 0 0 01 a 0 6000000 0 0 6:0 0 0 0 0 00000 000 016091996 see 0 0 0 6 -0 0 -0 0 0 0.0 1 k "' boo .4t ' A . -t"' 99 7 FIC)CIA411 FAGPI111.11, ..Do. 18 - -- - . ImpistrammialmeWedleftemid I V. I. bdw as that niday both. K 4 !0 IV U. N010111 1.1 4 ZM 2 . , . 1 1:110) CM)w ri'vill tirpovill Syr fornwil III thr ovid V-1 111 1 41111 1- itll ob.mi I ...'nit I.. stmAthelent ~ l 1 amalrom lit W&I Itl inciviisr the '-dth-114. Alhkl: p Z ICSIlOst JuRl to 011CA111 4 liOr-jr-.IU Cd drskmt. It.- $-A o ut l) t th j o e &c so u~p m mitipl. W rdlimbill (prplusat, W Mi C do AI d dif 11 41 V I" orval V . Col Ibalh am lRvrMipfr . W*s Ujmtrd &I 2U* &W a, So r l Up fhi, lie rialloyal" owe fyle!t IN 4046fill Joel, &XII-aml its 111*11111 loti, 41111. silk &H "IN of I I /I lus 00 . with Vk.v firme "d es ally Washed. Atuairt *,Ifv 11A)h drimiallf 04-te G41101twd f 00 131 rtilled Cd platee witit a surface I A-2 1111jes as large Aut the 11111' 5 3 . s . 11hre 1. v. it. 111-11) arrip./eq, it,,, Irmp N~ was studiM ctme of the pt The str f h & . e aw am. a t e8 0 71, rfy~eieny Was 96 ared -W%. ,he lifiF, both aw "wry cl, m i 100) k J n eir c a under A In P v0xvp x SuPrrim to the Others because it Permits Use of a high c d with 11W strucium Cd the mi. obtabbittl fruto a CAI(C.Ni. The throwing Power Of The acid Cd bath is consideral.1t, i m b l 1 41 b Th Cog e , e9 w $ w ar ai t. 1.1h melywrivil IS Ser -w- Ilion that 4 the CN both. ThrCilplairsfrmpion , ' / 1.! 01 30. It)& Towiptim. 414 the both tamest tiont. Its a. /4' 4v"1 hall) have 0 fine-grain slitivitire smi 1%~ fill W"'. too It'll lit. 33 orbit A10*004111.0 as. NIh 1-0-1111111" 14 1 Ile "JIM611 4% 1 61 IIIAt'. 111- F. 1 IN-21 . In all raves, Ilar Cd plate 11114% U-01 HIM 1,6111 It It.-t", 0 hie The mhusk et&rWWY Was ht* prploric."mil. bath the fixest-pain structure and drnme depoxits war orstain"I of a r"Wrl- Of 0"19-/1, 011"11)"" oil Ity a c, it. L4 j)jV- I jamp./sq, &4. &%(1 fill 3 -3.2. Th. MISS opiIIIJUM OtMktllWM 10F Cf*OMW Were Is CUNCU- Of A 9-/1- "1 Mitmirl. pH I,b4A C. d. 0-b-0-1111 AMP./24- 4m- I'll' ISO saw Go^ depedts ham a ". both were with WOO 00 Own. For boo momiks the gown. Of fhw C- d- L6.10J Tim . ISO 0 It A 2416LLU06KAL kittGAU1111 CLAISOK111" 'I IVA, o it'll, '410 041 '11( AV W At 4 0 0 0 Is 0 a a a a 4 6 ft it a : opi=i1i qw fill), VILA is I I I W a 0 -v-1 Is to 1 48 a 1 8 1 No I silly 0 6 0 a 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7--g 42 ~ - bob me as tow effirigig" of the mi-b". ~?=, -00 .00 GOP" ON My. "MAN b w 0.1-01 MZ' am " ii1ma", licx Vt. Tbrouibly _ 1101 . Tbr OW - . I.&bwv*rf- ON tw 4011 e10 pow Smaimad, "dw 4d OR sh P61a 0 ! tog 160 0 00 do 411KIN11110 e. a. how"m aeft U-2 724, an, Ift em"m wbdmy 'Wk dMINIP - "wir. a" wt il 101100 to Af gob@& mmod.. do flow - t W4 pwww is h, mw is belk ~p ad do -- d Wbm bw " Sho M is ame " ip,below P. mW i.kbwr k".9 p th 7 = m As (14 111W16 0 "US Pit. a 111L is$ Rig- 0dre 6 o 1 d. - if (11g, b"Dwo ft- :80* C. 8. 011140ke t$ 40110,1,01 tLA6101(ayfou too* IN: 4 life* . 3.9 Smoot,) 44. d.4 .8~111 Lim Ofto It, V-4- ILI a a w a 0 ~14 10 00 LL f# Is 14 90 #to if f1b"TITIA' 4 It Al 4 "Wes on xv=m"" = 00 a Obsyeo #W *o. 00 ail 41%061) %bauv~ .0 0.1 Cal it 0 *0 0 a It j a a A A, 1--* two a-( -Plot 00 coo roe 0** .~Xoo :zoo woo t:oo too '*6 woo I-). am 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * It 00000 0 0 -001 idloo f e L-j -1 Is v -30, D'30* A a 17 a 3 6 &1 41 "-A- 4--L -,L- s. a r a a I- I M an w 62 u : ip 4 ~ A I mW he Albsos. 1. A Slendeley. S. I. 4orlova. and F. S. Shpichinelaity (TAW. Mjj.. li4l. I& j2j3j, 53 Am; 41... Zinir.. W42. ' rhe mx~ M Im. mott; c Abs.. 1064, Ilk 3111111) po siospinit-i d0*1161d filf tknKlut-1149 vk`01hAY0` 111611itS104%, is rosvimall's llw,.I,i Uirriessi - " A 11-10017" l k l I t al e . 611 truji. WOW%, nic , joromse. 1110K), mutbiftwo O'COM ~rco prMW Worlilsix at a higher v.J. (21-3 Material OtArtin 1 f th . 69 UW4 or e it titift of M10404 was MaNi than slorcillni In amp I'din.) a higher ronor-11tra ~I A) l IM) NI z wit N rivan rocras. The anolyte "tainM 260 g./lisre thr u j g. Ister(Nif of the bath by lil' I tecu J th i i i l f~ ;;;Z 00 go, . w e mtro s r& yo t4-d t p. ring v liras W As urated solution of SO, was lidded periodically to lw~vrvlt oli,iatum of th" roe and to favour the formation of uniform casta,111tre of manganese. -tauA~-at4trI rathodr and a leod anotir were, um . It was i.,,e.A&rv to krep th., movvew rat son tit fnv me id in t he om-lyte Ileh- Theplidilor 17 L41 101 1 7(r I i . .1 U. ntin "'. vte *&* a s. pw viorwns t1fiesrovy raiwN wt ' 111alwancee "HAM111topt look nion, thati 0, IV,, Irmt And -ullshur orm midumd per hr. This high-punly mangamw oas viani to litelmro alorviel alhnv of mangatorm-copprr, somispnew-atts= and manganest-tvpIver nulirl. Thrtmvhanir&lprc)lwrti(~styf#Kitiie alloi s &or thwribed. 00 -00 sea to u ss is W is Owl '.1 -r 0 00 0 0 416 0 0 ego 0 *GOO* 0 v It f a #1 4* as #A of 0 #"coal I 0 Ocf 'to 4 0 A of. girt coo o:.9 roe O'D .00 too 00 C.. 'I. %*Data .&P a.. 084 -T-4- 0 0 0 0 to 0,UDVA.4 S. I., and ABRAMSON, D. S. --I -- -- Kontroll elektrolitov i kachestva gallvariopoki7tij. Izd. 2., ispr. i dopoi:-.. Moskva,, Mashgiz, 1950. 239 p. diagrs. Control of olectrolytes and quality of electroplating. DLC.- T3670.A5L 1;~50 SO: 1-1,anufacturing and -fechanical Engi-neer;-nr- in the Soviet 7-Inion, library of CongreS3, 1953. j :1:7: ~7' ~77~~ I371-58-S-q364 Translation from Referativnyy zhurnal, Nfetallurgiya, 1958. r 5. US 5 P AUTHORS Mayants, A.D. , Orlova, S. 1. . Barotitskayr.. F. 1. , Shva rt s, Z. M. TITLE Employment of Various Oxidation Agents in the Production ot Zinc Sulfate From Solutions Resulting From Leaching of Poxk-- ders an(' Sublimates of Zinc Production (Polucheniye tsinkovogo kuporo5a 1z rastvorov ot vyshchelachivaniya pyley 1 vozgonov tsinkovogo proizvodstva s primeneniyem razlichnykh okisliteley) PERIODICAL: Sb. nauchn. tr. Gos. n. -i. in-t tsvetnykh met. , 1957, Nr 13, pp 134-146 ABSTRACT~ Leaching of dusts and sublimates of zinc production was car- ried out under laboratory conditions. After being previously de- contaminated of As, the solution underwent crystallization of ZnS04. Pyrolusite, atmospheric 02, and gaseous C12 served to oxidize the admixtures contained in the solution after leaching. It was found that standard ZnS04 can not be obtained by employ- ing pyrolusite. Most rational method is the employment of atmo- spheric oxygen in which case practically all of the Zn is obtained Card 1/2 in the forrn of standard technical sulfate which is suitable for any 137-58-5-9364 J~rnployment of Various Oxidation (cont. application. If advanced purification of the solution is difficult, gaseous Cl? may be utilized as an additional oxidizing agent in place of the atmospheric 02. L.P. Zi,--- s-ilf a -.,:~--Produ~ t ion Z i, -n --a' Card Z/Z 6MMSHU.9 I. N.; ZHUMATOV, Kh. Zh.; _,TWVA2 S. K. Virological investigations into the etiology of membranous conjwbeti- v1tis In infants. Acta. virol. (Plahs)(Ing]6 no.1:89-W Ja '62. 1. Dept. of Virology and Rickettsioses, Na-kb tan Institute of Kri- desiology, Microbiology and Hygiene, and Chair of Children's Infec- tIqw Diseases, Kazakbatan Medical Institute, Alma-Ata, U.S.S.R. (ADEROVIRUSES) ORLOVA, S.M. Acad Iled Sci UZSI;~. 1 0 -~- C)UjDVA, S.M. 116eminoma (Diai-nosis and treatment-." Acad Med 6ci * ~-. %, -w, 1956 losco (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Medical z-citnces) S : Knizhnaya Letoris', No. 2'j, 1956 SV7641ul/000/000/002/003 J%UTHORS: Karsanov, G.V., Lyakr.-i, B.P.,, Nlikhina, V. IN.P Tirkina. A.N., Engineers, Uandidates of Technical Sciences. TITLE: Problems of the technology of metallic Chrome. SOURCE: !1azvitiye farrosplavnoy promyshiennosti SSSR. Ed. by N. M. Dek;i"nov and others. Kiyev, Gostakhizdat USSR, 1961, 205-Z17. TEXT: The paper reports briefly the rcr-ults of experimental investikations per- for.-acd at the Laboratory of Pure Metals and Alloys, TbNllChcrMet JCentral Ocien- tific Research 'Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy), The direct objective of the i.Ave.ti- gz.c~on is the development of a method for the making of metallic Cr that would ob- viate the defects (primarily the elevated content of impurities) exhibited bV the aluminothermic method currently prevailing in the USSR. A brief state-oi-the-art report comprises two graphic summaries of the processing of Cr-containing ores and the technology of the production of CrZ03 and Cr03 . Following a brief co:st comparison as obtained from various sources it is stated that the utilization of chlorchrome as an initial source material broadens the perspectives of the making of pure chrome and reduces the production costs siinificantly . The watarless Card 1/3 ,Problems of the technology Of 11-.~Lallic Chronic. S/764/61/000/000/002/003 chromechloride can be obtained directly from a chloridation of Cr orts wiii-. a min.- mal numbet of process operations and a high degree of purity. The prth~nt gation was based primarily on a chloridation of briquets of ore and a G-containing reducer by gaseous Cl at high T, the removal of the chlorideb of Cr, Fe, A!, and other elements, and their subsequent selective condensation. A schLrratic ~IoLk diagram shows the process procedure for the obtainment of CrC13 . Thu laboratory experiments show that under suitable 3rocess conditions the Cr is practically com- pletely removed into the sublimate. The process is almost total at 8000C, but up to 8500 it still proceeds slowly. A fastur rate is obtained at 900-9500, but,~a further increase in temperature does not acceleraLe the process substantially. lia~d coal was found to be the most inexpensive reducer. A cost comparison indicate the cost advantage of the new Electrolytic methods were tested at thel Labora- tory of r"'ure Metals and A.-uys of the TsNIlCherMet for the production of metallic Cr, including: (a) The electrolysis of aqueous solutions of CrO3, (b) the electrol- ysis of polychromatic solutions, (c) the electrolysis of aqueous solutions of salt!i of the trivalent Cr. primarily CrC13, and (d) the electrolysis of CrC 13 in salt fusions. T'.-.e TsNIlCherMet developed the electrolytic method of the making of metallic Cr from aqueous solutions of CrO and introduced them into serni -industrial production at the Experimental Factory of L. T.NIICh.rM.t in 1952. An experi- Card 2/3 Problems of the technology aff metallic Chromc. 5/764/61/0001000/0621003 mental production of chrome at the Zeitafon Iron-Alloys Piant wab p.-rforrn,-d by the staff of the Plant under the direction of 0. Ya. Sioridze. The nit-thod i., inended for general industrial application. The high cost of the initial ra%v .... qori~! is. to a degree, compensated by the high purity of thv product obtained. Pol) matic solutions were developed at the Ural Polytechnical Institute inicni Kirov hild at the Ural Scientific Research Institute for Metals. A systematic inve.cigati.; of the clactrolytic making of chrome from aqueous solutions of CrCi 3 was per(orij)ed by the Laboratory of Pure Metals and Alloys of the TsNIlCherMet. In additiol'to the methods already mentioned, an improved technology for the making of Chi-Vine by the electrosilicothormic method was also performed. There are 10 figures aiid Z tables; no references. I ASSOCIATION: ToNUCherMet (Central Scientific Research Inis-tute for Ferrous Metallurgy). Card 3/3 34~" S/65 9/61/007/000/0 ~_k 3,, 04 4 D205/D303 AUTHORSt Orlova, S,Ye. -, Mikhina, VA., and Kars -i~,v, G.V TITLE: Production of chromium by electrolysis of polycliromate and chromium chloride solutions SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut metallurgil, Issledova- niya po zharoprochnym splavam, v~ 7. !961, 280 - 28c; TEXT: Owing to the high production costs of electrolytic chromium from solutions of chromic anhydride alternative electrolytic routes from the cheaper polychromates and chromium chloride solutions were investigated. The amount of electrical energy required is also an- ticipated to be lower. Lead cylindrical baths which also served as anodes and stainless steel, tubular, internally water-cooled catho- des were employed. The immersed cathode surface was 1 dcm2. Tempera- ture was maintained by a water thermostat. The starting reagents were technical chromium anhydride, sodium dichromate and sulfuri% acids Current of 30 - 70 amperes was supplied. Duration of L-ach run was about 7 haurs~ The following process parameters were studied: 1) Concentration of polychromates in the electrolyte in the range Card 1/3 S/659/61 /GO'7./V'00 '44 Production of chromium by D205/D303 150 450 g/l total CrO 3j 2) The Na/Cr03 ratio In the range O_G 0,163, 3) The H2so 4 /CrO3ratio in 0,01 - 0,15 range; 4) The ele,- trolyte temperature in 20 - 6000 range; 5) The influence of HVO_~ additions. The increase of CrO 3 concentration from 150 to 350 g results in a higher yield of Cr with respect to the used curreni. Further increase to 450 g/1 does not lead to further improvement. The increase of Na/CrO 3ratio to 0.115 does not reduce the chromium yield, but a further increase reduces the yield, Increases tne energy requirements and produces dark, brittle meta'L. The posSib-'e accamulation of H2SO4 will not worsen the process characteristi:s up to an amount of 5 - 7 % with respect to Cr03; further inc-rease to 10 - 15 % reduces the yield sharply, but does not alter the me- tal quality, Temperature Is an important factor, Above 50C a sh_,r~, drop -Ln the chromium yield is observed. Increase of the cathode current density from 30 to 70 amp/dcm2 causes an increase in yielld with respect to current but also increases the energy requirements, In some production methods the a,-.,pearance of HNOj; impurities is Card 2/ 3 S/659/61/007/000/0WO44 Production of chromium by ... D205/D303 possible, corroding the lead baths. In some instances the eLe.,trG- lysis of polychromate solutions in which a dia,liragm-less simple cell and high current densities can be used gi,es better technolo- gical results thari that of the pure anhydride solutions, The prob- lem of the e:Fctrolysis of CrC13 solutions is not as yet satisfac- torily solvea due to the hydrolysis of Cr*3 salts at relatively high acidities. To obtain a high buffering capacity at the desired pH, additions of ammonium chloride, fluoride, borofluoride, sU1p)-.r__1_ te and urea were tried. Vinyl plastic baths were used with a rein- forced perchlorovInyl diaphragm ,. Stainless steel cathodes and gra- phite anodesviere used. The catholyte was a 1.0 - 1~5 g-mole//1 CrC.3 solution with 1 - 2 g-mol/1 of buffer additives, the antlyte a 10 12 % solution of HC1. NTIOand NH4F additions gave best reBUItB. Current densities of up o amp/dcM2 could be used an! good qua- lity metal was obtained. Pilot-scale trials were perfirmed by TsN11 ChM, There are 4 figures and 10 referen6es: 4 Sovie*.-bloc anj 6 n-rDn -'oviet-bloc~ The 4 most recent references to the English-llanCuage publications read as follows: T. Iosida, J. Chem.Soc.Japan, J. Morisse, Chromium plating, 1954; J. Salov, Galvano, 22, no, 19-1, 1953; F. Teilor, Electroplating, 5, 1952~ Card 3/j S/080/61/034/008/008/018 D204/D305 AUTHORS: Orlova, S.Ye-, Karsanov, G-V and Vorob'yeva, A..~, TITLE: ~'tudy of buffer properties, electrical conductivity and the cathode process in solutions of chromium chlorice in hydrochloric acid xERIODIGAL: -hurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. j4, no. 8, 1961. 1759-1764 Tr:i,T: Production of k-;r metal by electrolysis of its trivalent compounds has several advantages ovei Lite electrolysis of the hexa- valent compounds. t-lectrolysis of GrC,13 solutions has particular interest, since. in aaaition to producing the metal, chlorine is also produced at the anode, which can be utilized in the ch)orizia- tion cycle of chrome ores. Technical and economic calculations show that production of GrC13 by ore chlorination is much cheaper than well-known methods of chrome ore treatment. fhe object of the work reported in the present paper was to studv the effect of var- ious auaitives in improving the electrodeposition of 6r from 'J Card 1/ 3 S/08 61/034/008/008/OL8 Study of buffer properties D204YD305 GrC13 in HGI solutions The additives studied were: urea, "4114C;1. (NH4)2SO4. NH4BF4 and N114F, Buffer properties were ntudieu' by adding small portions of 3N H,_'I to 100 ml of solution, witi, coiitin- uous mixing, measuring pH value potentiometrically after each such addition Electrical conductivity of the solutions was measured by a compensation technique. The conductivity of pure V~13 solution varies only slightly with its concentration; addition of buftering compounds increases its conductivity considerably it was found that addition of NH4,.~l does not impart the required character to the electrolyte and that NH4F and NH4B,"4 are the most effective additives for the purpose studied -:01utions containing thern have high buffer capacities in the requisite pH range of 1,7 - 2,.2 and higher electrical conductivity ,athodic polarization determina- tion. showed that with these two additiyes, Gr deposition takes place at a lower current density (4 - 5 A/dm-) than with other additives and with a current efficiency of 39 - 400/o- Tbemetal obtained was light in color and dense in nature There are 3 figures. 3 tables and 5 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc The refer- Card 2/3 S/08 61/034/008/008/018 Study of buffer Properties- D204%305 ence to the Englisli-language publication reads as follows: P. R, Carveth and W-R. Mott, J, Phys. Chem., 1905, vol 9, 231 SUBMITTED: July 25~ 1960 L; ard 3/ 3 SHOSTAKOVSKIY, M, F,; ATAVIli, A. S,; Tliffit,110V, B, S.; ORLOVAi-L. Ye.; KEYKO, V. V, - DeCOMPOSitiOn Of !-( thy-* oxy.' -Z -ace toxye t tlane ~:, r.u r . ov. KtIlm. 34 no.t.-4~)89-2090 Je '64. (M I fIL4 I'l: " 1. Irkutski,, ':.stitu*, organicheskoy ~him;i Sibirskogo oldplenlya AN SSSR. SHOSTAKOVSKUP M.F.; ATAVIN, A.S.;,PU S.Ye.; TROFIMOV, B.A. :z Synthesis of P-hydroxyl alkyl others of asymmetric acetylenic glycolp. Zhur. org. khim. I no.6rll7O Je 065. VI-A (WRA 18:7) 1. Irkutakiy institut organichaskoy kbWi Sibirakogo otdelaniya AN SSSR. GOFLqIIKOVA, S.M.; , '.Y(). Nourohumora-I re ', L -.r, - f t tie :r. % -- r* * -,I. " r *.nf, FFi I : t I &,,:I ri 1. Fiziol. zhtx. 5C: D 1 ~4, . IF.) 1. Laboratorlya 1~'.fl,.,hovaran~rl I - inerli I.P.Pav'ov-i AN '.or..r,grad. ORLOVA, T. A. 01?LOVAA T. A.: "Experience in working with audilbry apparatus in lbaryacusial*. Kazan', 16'~. Kazan' State Medical Inst. (Dissertations for the Degree of Candidate A Medical Sciences) 50% Knizhnaya letopis', No. 52, 26 Decemuer, 195,). Moscow. CIRLOVA, T.A. it-v- Use of hearing aids for therapeutic purposes. Yest.oto-rin. 18 no.6: 21-27 N-D 156. (KLRA 10: 2) 1. Is kliniki bolaxney ukhm. gorla i aces (zav. - prof. S.N.Ioozanov) lazanakogo meditsinskogo Instituta. (MWING AIDS. non-correctional ther. use) ORIAWAP T?A. AID P - 2458 Subject USSR/Medicine Card 1/2 Pub. 37 - 5/118 Author Orlova, T. A., Scientific Worker Title Measures for the improvement of sanitary conditions of work on heavy-duty Diesel tractors Periodical Gig. I san., 6, 22-26, Je 1955 Abstract Discusses the work performed by the Institute of Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Diseases, Acad. of Med. Scl., USSR, analyzing the sources of nolse on the high-speed Diesel caterpillar tractor S-80 manu- factured by the Kirov Plant and widely used in ~.agriculture, as well as In oil, lumber and coal industries, in road construction and in.hydroelectric power station building. Describes the effect of thin noise on tractor operators with tests performed, and discusses joeasures for eliminating the noise and also the structural defects of the tractor, important from the hygienic point of view. Recommendations for the re- construction.of the tractor were sent to the Central Oig. I san., 6, 22-26, JO 1955 Card 2/2 Pub. 37 - 5/18 AID P - 2458 Committee of the Trade Union of Agricultural Workers, to the Ministry of Health, USSR, and to the Kirov Plant, which took them into consideration and started the manufacturing of improved tractors. The evaluation of the efficiency of the above recommendations will be performed later. Diagram. Institution: See "Abstract" Submitted : Sept. 18, 1954 T. A. 'e,~ 5 1 - - d _4 z -- evr-l :-ion a: -~ 'F'a : - 's -t, -~i;e tvstli.V, of aeriv I jet e!,f- "Tic-,, Wl(.' Menns 4~ 1 imi fi I It- ttieJ6r .-r I, e,,.t . " M.o s , 19., ~, .19 r" (Act : 'I.e,l )(-.i -z, R. I?i:* of Lsi~or :y iene rinul Occkr , ~ i (-.-j DI s e f, s er ) , ' 0- co I Fn (X.L, I`t.-~m, Ilt,l) --14- ORLOVA, T.A., nauk Hygienic evaluation of the noise in capron fiber textile mills and measures for its reduction. Gig. sanit. 28 no.2: 25-31 163 (14IR& 17:2) 1. Tz Instituta gigiyeny trada i professionallnfth zabolevaniy AMN SSSR. Y - .~ , - - . --, ~ - 14-57-6-12150 14-57-6-12150 Translation from: Referativn y zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 6, T P 68 (USSR AUTHORS: Preobrazhenskaya, M. V., Orlova T. D. TITLE: Safe Rain Intensity in Central Chernozem Region a v usloviyakh (Dopustimaya intensivnost ' dozhd Tsentrallno-chernozemnoy Oblasti T PERIODICAL: V sb: Orosheniye s-kh. kulltur v Tsentr.-chernozem. polese RSFSR, Nr 2, Moscow, AN SSSR, 1956, pp 77-82 ABSTRACT: To determine what is a safe intensity of rainfall, observations were made on the time of formation of puddles on the ground at various intensities of rain- fall. It was established that a safe intensity of a continuous rainfall, with drop diameters ranging from 0.2 mm to 1.0 mm, varied from 0.3 mm/min to 1.2 mm/min. Crop rotation on a particular field, type of crop grown there, and agricultural techniques used are the Card 1/2 ORLOVA, T. G. Viticulture Flooding method in vine p1sating; Bad. 1 09. Do. 2. 1952. g. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Ma - 1952, Uncl. 1. ORWVA, T. G. 2. USSR (600) 4. Virticulture 7. Modified layering of grapevines. Vin. SSSR 13 No. 1, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl. ~,~T -1 i,!IA, ~, . - . C-PWVA, T. '.: I"'"h rie7a, , I ilinaid,,r ropc Jor ~s a inethco! of de- I ect i m ti.e Vi -an! ic-er 4. r. rult.~mes and vaccines, m( Vi , - bodie 4r sera." Acad 1,*.Pd ~!Ci 'soscow, jrc ~ . (Diss.- latior, for berree of* ',andidate ;n ~,-dical -iciences). 6 0 :Krjzhna:!a-lr?4.oT)isl, No 23, 14~Ll- T ORLOVA, KmWlutination reaction as a method for determining Vi-antibodles "~Ks in sera, Zhuremlirroblol.epid. I immun. 29 no.5:4,96-5i WRA litO 1. Is Gesudarstvannogo kontrollnogo institute eyvorotok I vaktsin imeni. Tarasevichae (HIKAGGlUTINATZON. deters. of Vi-antibodies in Immune sera (Rus)) (IMMUNE SERUMS, hemagglut. reaction in determ. of Vi-nntibodies (Rue)) ORWI-.A-,- T.G. Virulence and immunogenic properties of S&Jmonal Is ty-phi and immunogenic properties of vRocines and their Vi-antigen content as determined by the heragglutiration renotion. Zhur. Mikroblol. epid. I Lzsn~,, 29 no.8: 105-110 Ag 158. (MI-HA 11:1U) 1. Is Gosudaretvennogo kontrollnogo institute imeni Tarasevicha. (SA IMOMIA TTPHOSA, immunogenic -'pror'nerties of cultures & vaccines & vi-antigen content, hemagglut. reaction (Rue)) (HMOGIMINATIOND determ. of Salmonella t"hoea vftocine & immunogenic Drop- ertlee & Vi-antigen content (Rua)) ORLOVA, To G., P(RUEU, L. A., VA3ILYFVA, I. N., SOLOVIY--71, V. 2. IlSome results of st dying the (,genetic charactistics of Influenza virus and their importa ce for anti-i fluenza imnunity." Report submitled for the Ist Intl, Congr, ss on "espiratory Tract Diseases of Virus and Rickettsial Orgin. Prague, Czech. 23-27 May 1961. ORLOVA, T. G. Study of cell lines obtained frm the lungs of a irman embryo and a human amnion. Trudy Mosk. nauch,-iBal. inat. virus. prop. 2:330-339 '61. (MIRA 17-.1) KHESIN, Ya.Ye.; AMCHENYOVA, A.M.; ORLOVA, T.G. Histochemical study of a human embryonic lung in situ and in expl&ntation by the method of si'ngle-layer tissue cultures~ Trudy Mosk. nauch.-issl. inst. v"Irus, prep. 2. 340-347 'ti. (M RA 17.,1) SOLOVIU-V, V.D., ORLOVA, T.G.; PORUBLILI, L.A.; VASIL'LVA, I.N. Study of the genetic characteristics of vaccinal, strains of the Influenza virus type A2. Vop. virus. 6 no.6-.684-691 h-D '61. (~UliA 15: 2) 1. Moskovskiy nauc o-issledovatellskiy institut virusnykh preparatcrv. hZINFLUIM&A-1-11CAUB10LOG X) aRLDVA, T.G.; PGRUMEL', L.A. Obtaining an influenza virus from the charioallantoic membranes of an Infected chicken embryo. Vol). virus 7 no.1:79-85 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Moskovskiy nauchno-issledovatel.'skiy institut virusnykh preparatav. (INFLUENZA-MICROBIOWGY) _9~A ~G.,- TATARINOVA, YU.N. SOLOVIYEV, V.D.; I Influenza B viruses. Vop. viruB. 7 no.2:lU,,148 Mr-Ap '62. (141 RA 15: 5) 1. Moskovskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut virusnykh preparatov. (INFLUENZA) ORLOVA I.C&.; DISKIIA, B.S. Study of the highly infectious variant of influenza virus strain A2Arasnodar 101/59. Vcp. virus. 8 no.1:17-20 Ja-F'63. (UU 16t6) 1. Institut epidemiologil i mikrobiolgii imeni V.F.Gamalai ANN SSSR i Moskovskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut virusnykh preparatov. (II,'FUJEM VDWSES) SOLOVIYEV, V.D.; TATPLMOVA, Yu.N.: ORID7j'-, T.G.; ll-!'.KLYUDOVA, L.I. Identification of atypical strains of a conjectural influenza B virus isolated during the 1962 epidemic. Vope v-Irus# 8 no*2t 199-201, Mr-ApV63 (MM 16:12) 1. Kafedra. virusologii TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvova- niya vrachey i otdel virusologii Institute epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni N.F.Gamalei AMN SSSR.,Moskva. .6 7: -6 AP6004P66 ,brain,& rats su found.,. in be,braino rvived ,and ---no _ - - ..Upon usibg'-3-Alfferent ' tissues - systems __ rain and ~ exudate from the 9 b (lung . I - - ,6f- -,11.nds MLniAal0 ads was;. tbe--vii,us found to proceed rapidly orption Of _ I- -tis sues: of se Inal t ve .. an m t .i I-And-- ~1 6ntlca 1y n! I d on-suscsp bli:mnimals and - "3 a app 4 eir6dw~ vi iu Jt.wa3 concluded -~Oversll v ruse -loss was. Uiii7PA-9 _ ~,tbatl, . both as iltiie7_46d n s-sue-wconta n resistant u I' "recept,bre.66pable of ~ ng'-, t e.virus- i b. and b to a :'Or g to convert Ing.:, it iti:"e ar has -3 tables j. DATE *.::~::'OlDec . . ..... .. _Pz MIRCOOVA, I.E.; d==SOVA, V.S.; ORWVA, T.I. New system of solvents for the chromatography of actinomycins. Ahtibiotiki 8 no.3tZ73-275 Mr'63 (MIRA 17 W 1. Laboratoriya antibiotikov biologo-pochvennogo fakullteta Moskovskogo universiteta imeni Lomonosova.