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Kinetics and Mechanism of the Decomposition B/15 60/003/004/C)'4/04C/XX Reaction of the Hexacyanoferroate Ion in th " B020XB054 Presence of Silver Compcunds relation between the light absorption of the solutions and the logarithm of the silver salt concentration for a certain time in a concentration range of silver ions between 3-10- 7 and 2.10-6 moleB/1, and in the presence of thiourea. The catalytic reaction is much slowed down by ad dition of a NaCN solution to a weakly acid hexacyanoferroate solution containing AgNO 3and thiourGa (Fig,B). The authors revealed the reactior, mechanism according to which the slowest reaction is the decomposition of the intermediate complex formed from positively charged catalyst ions (Ag+ or Ag(CSN H )+) and the cyanide complex of bivalent iron, They alsc 2 4 2 derived the kinetic equation for this reaction, and calculated the rate constants (Table 1). At a pH of 3.7, and at 400C, the rate constant of the reaction is equal to 0.016 + 0.003 min'-I (Table 2). The authors de- termined the equilibrium constant of the conversion of the cyanide com plex of silver into a thiourea complex in weakly acid solution, Silver can be quantitatively determined in concentrations of the order of Card 3/4 Kinetics and Mechanism of the Decomposition S/15 60/003/004/014/040/X.X Reaction of the Hexacyanoferroate Ion in the B020XB054 Presence of Silver Compounds magnitude between 10 7 and 10 6 moles/l n the basis of ligh, measurements in solutions cortaining potassium hex&-yanoferr:>ato, an acetate buffer, a silver salt, and T.hiourea There are 6 figures 2 tables, and 14 references: 3 Soviet US - 4 BrAtish . " Yugo-Slav 2 French, I Austrian, and I Dutch ASSOCIATION- Ivanovskiy khimiko-tekhnologlcheskiy inst-.tut, kafedra analiticheskoy khimli (Ivanov,- Institute of Chemical Technology, Department of Analytical Chemistry) SUBMITTED. December 9, 1958 Card 4/4 UTSIMIOXIT, X.B.; ORIA)VA, M.N. Unstics and mechanism of the conversion of the hexac7anofer te0l) ion In the presence of a gold-thiourea complex. Zhur. neorg. khim. 5 no.10:2184-2189 0 160,, (KIIIA 13-10) 1. Ivanovskiy khimiko-tokhnologicheakiy institut. lafedra analitiche- skDy khimii jGold compounds) (Iron compounds) Li,,CVA, ~!. N. Cand Clell. Sci - f-IT;l of, "', - :: - " ~ , ' of hexac.varof'errorite ici ir. thu rr-t-~,tr.ce of rc' i , i ' v, r r! - ;:. - ,.Pounds . " Iwinovo, ~(-,~A . I ~ T r ; (.'~ -4 r 4. s -I r'v (-, f --i r.r -'e ~! ( - - - --, ST (~Ci 81 iLA FducHti on , I vanovo Gllemi cal ' 1 7.,.: t - 150 COT~i(-~.;; price r.ct i-iv(-r!; (K1 , sup, 17") i 11, b.1: , ; ly " V ." . j (',,T,-',(-)V I.., P_%'. 1 vaportit' r)n rate rf or-pit 1,9 of it-jupoufl fv~ "IL-j- ' -,r-B rf .9 R,2tive agents. Probl. fJ z. atm. Pc .2 !~L2-150 '6 3 ~ ( 1'1~- F "~ _7 " r, ; LIKHTENSHTEYN, Ye.A., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; ORLOVA, M.P., nauchnyy sotrudnik X-ray diagnosis of metastases and growth of malignant tumors in the mandible. Stomatologiia 39 no.1:31-36 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Iz rentgenodiagnosticheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - prof. Ye.E. Abarbanell) Gosudarstvemogo onkologicheskogo instituta imeni P.A.Gertsena (dir. - prof. A.N.Novikov, nauchnyy rukavoditell - prof. A.I.Savitskiy). (JAWS-CANCER) (JAWS-RADIOGRAPHY) A. "an- 13 is, c0 so tbirresummaimooomm, 010 " to" 6w dw lisuff a" sekthl- TI, Ww (0) olbow as bw a Q conown dorble Making. 4W*4 Makin& (c) akw""We ""Woovowe an P-Aw 1 *1 Wl r 0 "b" 1110 WAOI t:rd :r= "6b; Ibr If" I%Pff* ,WAkimo* doe I son* in ce"*4 owl to olmvb opormit vito% r. ",. Umb d 16 TINT Wo b~Pdw *00m 1, 1, ~Wwng I and *br MOW PWW tba $06, Vco& bo-we" TjW ~bMwN wn*Wm"W". -1 ad SON& wow dw Now en~ b, UWA in On bo own" a" 156rdof a dot A111111110" 0 P" stato wilknows ro bo.&sas 0 Million So on@" sob imi no wql"'~'k'td2'rW d, aft now "am + pt owwo, do 111111111 00 To VWW- I same. ,,k 2h,2 6604 ton rg Me W rwdwrmmt.- Ow ban 4m& tomona byv%, w som. Wobod Mani w4w by a ad dw C-t-t in the betAbor kween be dmkniw OW god M"'w" bm. I ni gwL shor 1111" twig*. be"I "a "Woodly V"Wwdc slowalor so wmpmdtb MOOM boa *W up in 00 0 wm the most pospom ill two om iowl to boomw Tw planet dw wkbw 00 me am 0 + KWX .41 -iEI17 maw + %MIN 4 4 11., ovtA (a) omit + K am so K%'6(A -at I in aThop as "In all KdOD 111111110, !vr%l lown: am* say -at MA .hwmlml M" won .a WvAb an iseem toopwauM IN dom dbown d, swend Wk.!t= bW' d6 wo W.. 1W boseb &A od in tw Coding An, styund *2 I on, d, 64-mm -dud IN 0 IN In 111A a go one 41 Wbood6on 41= twEt, f1wim A1W 4 iw told bw bw ft ow a v" W*bg$Wv "a"1517 OU07%, '1'T. 71. 7,n.~-neer " M llet.riod for lietp -m*--w ttie dwr, J L, -)-- ~ort;~,in *' - ~-." Thesii~ for 4R4ree of uaicj. Tnch:,if-~l Sci --iub TO Rty 50, -)ci 1,,i::t of Glass, M'-,ii~try ol~ tne grite-I'iiq hid,vztry U3~11 Sunim.,xy 71, 4 Sep 52, ijissort:tt on~ Pregent-I for Dewr, (-,3 ~n ~,cinivc tnd 1~11, -,worinr in Moscow 11 1950. From Veche '.TLV!IYR -iO'IkVIL.Jan-jAc 1950 ,,kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk: SRSOMA, V.N., kandidat ORWP7A4 P hesklkh nauk; TTUCHINSEY. 1.D.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh muk. Investipting the performiance of the VVS machines at high speeds in the Bytoshevskly and Chagodoshchenskly glass work@. Trudy VNII- stekla no.36:82-94 156. (MA 9: 11) (Glass manufacture) (Purnaces) ! - X1 ~C C A - I /-,, ORLOVA, M.P.; POLLYAK, V.V.; TYKACHINSKIY, I.D. Speeding up the meltiN, process is a powerful meanis for increasing the productivity of glass furnaces. Stak. i ker. 14 no.9:1-4 S '57. (MIRA 10:10) l.Vseeoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy inetitut stekla. (Glass manufacture) AUTHORS: Engver, Ye.A., Chief Engineer of the 72-2-3/20 "Proletariy" Works, Katayeva, G.V., 91loval Collaborators of the Institute for Glass TIM: The Practical Application of Ammonium-Sulfate for the Acceleration of the Process of Glass Smelting (Praktika primeneniya sul'fata ammoniya ka-k uskoritelya varki stekla). PERIODICAL- Steklo i Keramika, 1958, Nr 2. pp. 6-7 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The staff of the "Proletariy" -,-iorks, together with the working group of the Institute for Glass, carried out a practical test with the continuous glass-smelting furnace Nr 2 having a total surface of 141.6 m. A.L. Nikanorova participated in this work. The authors further describe the temperature conditions of the furnace, the chem- ical composition of the glass, and the composition of layers. The correlation of the Na O-quantities, which were introduced by soda and sulfate into the Kyer, was 90:10, the moisture content of the layer 0.5%. 20-25% of scrap was added. Before the use of an-onium- sulfate the layer contained 0,15% F', which exercises no noticeable influence on the acceleration of glass smelting. This quantity was, Card 1/2 however, left in the layer also further. After the introduction of The Practioal Application of Ammonium-Sulfato for the 72-2-3/20 Acceleration of the Process of Glass Smelting 3% ammonium-sulfate, smelting and refining of the glass mass im- proved considerably. The entire heat oonditiona of the furnace as well as the technological process remained unchanged, only the means of reduction (coal) was increased from 8 to il% of the weight of the ammonium-aulfate introduced. The dharacteristic values of work before and after introduction of the ecimonium-aulfate are shown in a table. There are 1 table and 2 Slavic references. Zovad "Proletarly" (projet&rly" ww")# Motitut stekla (Insti tfte for 01"s) AVAIWLM Ubz%r7 of Congress Card 2/2 AUM~R'~: ~.'ey-brska%, T IT- 7-: luftetrUa Roerlmnt In Replading Bodiummaphate by Astrachanite i n t L e Mo irig c, i kv 3 a ( r omy z7 ht?nnyy 0 py t L 'Im E- n:i S u I n a t i,,,y c tr% v ti:, n ,, tm p- i v -i rk L -? 16 a 1 f+Al 101) 7 --'A I.: ."tek", I Icer-.-,*.~a N1. 8. L-i, IbLMIAM: The ct' u:~inq~ in the inetting cf glass were in-est ig;-ted AiL the '.nfltitute of Gla~s t..nptitul stekla," by !a Iaf' in 1940; - '9~3, as well as at "he Beloruss-fan 1-1.vt cchnic,,~' Tnstitute 'Reloruspki *,, pol.-khr.- rhes?) ~ I - 1 u: -, ; 6:,, .~-. .. G-zuure irl 5,-,dee, *~he :ns'-i~u ~e rf lialurgy in-3titut 911 C,.,rI'lled :ut inVeStigations on thp working -jp of ai~tr!i- chan,te "-nm 947 to ~~54, The great attention -ovhiA attracted by zi;is minere" may te explained by tae `!ict 'ria' hugp depoFitc: may be I*ound ,n the sarea ct' tht- ,ra, nnt '%,-P-an Seas( ~rul , qkoye i i'a::piysk,-1ye morya) , the I cvver Vo.Fa Card 1/3 (Nizhnyaya Volga) anti at a numt-r cf other places. The fol- j 0 *V/7 " - 5 8 - 8 - ~', -, 'I,' IUdMztr1V2 Experlment in Replacing Sodiummaphate by Astrachanite in the Melting ok (HASS lowing formula holds for the composition of astracrian-te: B), whore x der-oles tne rjercentage cf Me-. P, 4 a nd B percentage cl,' H,,( . ..Pr., ,er pa-pers sho6ed that a8trachaniti- maY be used Only after ~tp homogeneity had Deen improved t~-,et ~), At the end of 19'.4 a workinp, I-eam o. the Institute of Glass together with the collective of the iras- nousal'eK glass factory oRrried out a continuous experiment of g.,ass mElting in a tank furn-ice v,~th astrachartille. More than AOC t of tniz mineral were used. Its chemiccl compos.- tion und the sample taking are given 4nd described, its -mork- Ing up was carried out according to echeme nrid this process is then described in detkil~ By tne introiuctioil of astrachanite into tne ciiargp the prorer~ies of' glass me-, 'Ing sire nCT changed. The coriiparative data concerning Piork ma.v be seen frum Table 2. 1. G. Druzhinin ~'Wf 2) gholved in his 0 paper ttiat i,stra,hanite melts at it terr.perp-ture of 67 Conclusions-. 1) Astrachanite may i,c- uo-ed to replfxe soda umqk~ iful P ~) This increaies a little -the rosts of the charp-!. .i.) To use this material SUCCeSSfUlly a respect4v- io-?- :-'ion Card 2,'3 must be organized tt its place of findirie. New Tasks and a New Orientation of Our Periolical SOV/72-'.8-J-1/17 glass and ce!amics. Fii.ully it is stLted that t,,e i, tion and improve;r1ent of the period 4e-.l cannot be solved 1;~ the erlitors alone. It needs Vie active part ic ipat ion of collabor.tors in the glass-and ceramic ind,_,7.try. 1. Glass industry-USSR 2. Ceramic materials--USSR 3. Periodicals Card 3/3 IOPM, Use of petrolatum In the drying and impregnation of -zateria:Ls for the manufacture of containers. Trudv NILtary no.2:71-80 1513. (MMA 1.):12) (Petrolatum) (Wood-Preservation) (Umber-Drying) ORIA)VA . M.P. Standardization of containerB made of plywood. Trudy BIL Tary no-4:44-49 160, (MIRA 14:12) (Containers--Standardis) (Plywood) OUDVA, M.P. Plywood drum@. StandurtizatelIN24 no.7:38-39 JI 160. (NMA 13:7) (Drams (Containers)) 395-5 ---66 iW (1)1Wr( go./W(t j'/'Mn_- Ij?'c ACC NR: AP6008780 SOURCE CODE: UR/U115/66/)6~, AUTHOR: QrIova, M. P.; Kats, G. A.; Astrov, D. N.; Bel)~anski,,y, L. B.; .4hibayeva, 0. A.; Shu=n, V. E. ORG: none TITLE; Alloyed germaniumfor low-temper ature thermometry SOURCE: lzmerite! iiaya teKhnik., ~ju. i, V), b, 57 -ul TOPIC TAGS: thermometry, germanium alloy, thermometer ABSTRACT: The results are reported of an experimental investi.4alioil t..; ;..t galvanomagnetic properties of Ge doped with various amounte of 5b, As. the Ge properties were studied in a range of temperatures froir) helium in order to find out the beat impurity and its concentra!ion temperature thermometers. MoBt measurements were made ;/101 Card 1 /Z UDG. 54b.Z8().u0i.',: L 3955'-66 .ACG Ni: AP6008780 whose Nd was 4.6x 10 1'-- Nd '- I x 1011 per cm' ; the resis~ivitv 0.00042-0. 00046 ohm. rn at 20-4. ZK; acceptor -impurity con Na 4 0. 1 Nd. A few thermometers were made from Sb-duped ~;e (Ntl Cm 3, K . 616) for the 40-4. 2K range; their resisti,/ity was 0. ' 25-1_. at boiling-helium temperature. The relation Ig V (I iT) was B,ti 6:,o thermometers only under 7K. A relatively high value of magn,to.-q'q1s".;:. doped Ge is noted. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, -1 formulas, an~, ; , SUB CODE: 20, 09 j SUBM DATE: none OPLIG 14-EF: OU3 , C"' ii i%I,-,i .Card 2 / 2 ORLOVA, M.P.; Oi,,ZIIDESIV'.NSKIY-, Yu-P.; BAI-,AI;OVA, Ye.N. RineraLLogy of *ne :~ir'-Icnat-~tes of the Massif (northern Kar,!I'a.). 'Frui-,, VS'L. 1 Jt.:3-20 'r33. ('-!I-,A ORLOVA, 11-I. P. Some probiems of the peLrocLe=istry and L~e-.rciog--- of Caleaonian comi,lex of alkali-ultrabasic roc's of .-.'oia Peninsula. Trudy VSEG-','i 96:65-103 163. ( ~,L,,A 1' :"1,,' ORLOVA, M.P. Alkali basaltoid rocks in the Dautaba Valley (Talas Ala-Tau). Inform.sbor. VSEGEI no.16:87-95 '59. (MIRA .15:)) (Daubaba Valley--Basalt) CRIOVA. M. P. Alkaline gabbroid instruaions In the northwestern spurs of the Talas Ala-Tan. Uch. zap. WU no.291:91-121 160. (NTBA 1317) (Talas Ala-Tau--Gabbro) -~RIDVA., M,P.; KUKHAREIIKC, A.A. 14cli.lite from alkali-ultrabisic masnifs of tha Kola Penl'nsulA.,-' IGU no.312:173-189 162. (',!IRA 15:6) (Kola Peninsula-l-telilites) OlUA)VIi, 1-1. 1 . Dissertation: "Investif-ation of the ~ossitility of iteproductlon of 'emper~.ture Ihanse Conversions in ..')olid On-pen." Cand Tech "'ci, 1,11-UnJon L;cl :--r-f; Inst of Leningrad, 1954. heferativriyy Poscow, No 7, ;'~Pr '4. SO: SUM -1,84, 26- Nov 1954 . --z- - ,4'. OIRL-OV.A.H...P. and BOROVIK-ROMANCV,A.S. "Magnetic Properties of Cc and Ilu Garbona tea and MU-Oxydes" Moscow Oonference on Physics of Magnetic Phenomean, May 1956, Sverdlovsk, USSR C) SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 ?A - 1750 AUTHOR BOROVIK-ROLIANOV,A.S., ORLOVA,:A.P. TITLE The Magnetic Properties of _Me-Marbonates of Cobalt and Manganese. PERIODICAL iurn.eksp.i teor.fie,.Ll, faso-4, 579-582 (1956) Issued: I / 1957 Here the temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility of 11nCO3 and of a waterless COCO, preparation is investigated within the temperature range of from 14 to 3000. Three different MnCO samples were investigated: an undried 3 0 industrial preparation, and the same preparation dried at 160 C; the third preparation was made by the authors themselves by means of the heating for 20 hours (at 1600 C) of a saturated solution of MnC1 2 with CaCO in a sealed test glass. The values obtained in the case of the first and thiri sample were al- ways lower than in the Ca8e of the second. This is due to the presence of water in the first sample and of CaCO -remains in the second sample. After the necessary corrections the susceptibilities of all three samples were in agreement within the limits of measuring errors throughout the entire temperature range. Further, two samples of waterless COCO 3were examined, which had bEien produced, like the MnCO,, by the heatine of CoCl 2and CaCO 3 in a sealed ampule. The results obtained for oth samples were in agreement within the limits Of MEiasuring errors. Susceptibilities were measured by FARADAY'S method. The temperatUrEt dependence of the magnetic susceptibility of both carbonates at higher temperatures satisfies V Zurn.ekep.i teor.fis,~1,fasc-4,579-582 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1780 the law by CURIE-WEISS M - C M(T + 0). The values of the constants C M and 9 are shown in a table. The same table contains the values of /A-,ff computed from the here measured values of C M and the theoretical values of ,eff computed on the assumption of the total "freezing in" of the orbital momenta. Below a certain critical temperature T a permeability increases sharply and do- pends considerably on field strength. Also a slight hysteresis is found. At temperatures of less than T c and at field strengths of more than 6o0 Orsted the dependence of the magnetic moment H on the field strength H can be represented as the sum of two terms M - M + X1H. Similar isothermes were obtained also for CoCO 3' The temperature dependenoe of M 0 in the case of MnG0 3 and GoCO 3 has the shape which is characteristic of the "settling curve". However, at T-4 0 the value of M 0 tends towards a considerably lower value than might be expected in the case of ferromagnetic saturation: For KnCO 3 : Mo a 6a, m ferr ' 32000, for CoCO 3 : M0 a 400 to 1000, Mferr 0 27200. The results obtained can be ex- plained qualitatively by assuming that an antiferromagnetic process occurs in manganese- and cobalt manganate below T c. INSTITUTION: All-Soviet Institution for Physical, Technical, and Radiotechnical Measuring. AUT1MR9 BOROVIK-RaMOV,A.S., ORLOVAX.P. 56-5-49/55 TITLE: The Magneti8 P erties of lEii-ganese Oxides at TemperatIlLres - 300 , bWe ~ vW., atva kislorodnykh 9,ajedinoniy of 20 K. 11agn M temperaturaxh ot kO do 3000 K, Russian) PERIODICALs zhMMp"pierim. i Teoret. Fiziki, 1957, Vol 32, Nr 5, PP 1255- 1256 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: In connection with the anomalous magnetic behavior of manganese oatbonate below 31 0 K becoming known the following maaganese 0 oxides were investigated with a temperature range of Aj - 300 K, an which occasion the following was found with respect to their ma etio behavior.;4 has ferromapetic properties below 42,50 K, 2-) Mn203 remains a pammgnetic substance within the entire in- vestigated temperature domain of 20-3000 K. ASSOCIATION: dl-Union ScientLt'iC Ltesearcl, Tnstitntf- for ?1,~,~~ical-Tuchnical and Ha- PRESENTED BX: diotechnical -:.t::asUrt;11iU11.t.3 SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: Library of Congress card I/ I D t"~q N\ - 1, A .3 . orlova 1~.P - 56-3-49/59 1 troy D.14.,Borovik-homanoy the Akntiferromagn*:t'c ,Ori ~eH AUTHORS As Irl ~~F TITLE The Ragnetic Properties of obal State. BvoyBtva ftorida kobol'ta v antiferromagnitnom sost- (ILagnitnyye to the FAitor) oyanij ) (lAtter Vol 55,Nr 5,pp PERIODICAL Zhurnal Skaperim Tooret.Fiziki,1957 n ttj;jjporii sured dependence of reciprocal susceptibility 0 ABSTRACT From the mea I at 380K is obseryeable which Occurs simLll- ture a minimum for CO'2 casion of the measuring of heat taneousll with the jump on the oc ty obeys the Curie4iel8s relation -The magnetic susceptibili . 0,875 (par mol*) capacity h the constants (4) --5o and Cm above 550K wit e Cc++ -ions in the paramagnetic state was A strong anisotropy of th for CoF2.There are 2 figures. further observed as a peculiarity Physical -Technical and Radiote(;hnical Mea- ASSOCIATION All-Urjon Institute for ,stitut fiziko-tekhnicheakikh i radiotekh- durements. (VsesoyuznYy nicheskikh iz-nereniy)- SuBt&ITTLD June 2o, 1957 AVAILABLE Library Of Congress* Card 1/1 V OZ4 t 5 y 0, C. g g C 5: SE x:0 0 U C I to 00 0 6 09 vo Ca t It 1, o, "c ~z Z C 1-l" zUxj ; 9 I V 9 U i . . . . . . . . .2M U Q U 1. .1" 20 a 9 U - r6 0 A " ; .1 on '. ~ '; 'c I IN OV Co. 04 CCU o C. o z 1% V f is 0 t5 24(8) AUT 11OR nrlova, M.P. SOV/1 15-159-5 -14/27 TITLEs flow t; Ittain the Boiling Temperature of Oxygen PERIODICALs lzmeritellnaya Tekhnika, 1959, Nr 5, pp 23-25 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The reference point at the bottom of the international temperatur- scale is the temperature prevailing at the equilibrium of fluid oxygen and saturated steam, which is determined by the formula (1). In the course of the development it became desiz-able to attain this point with the greatest possible accura,iy. In the yuars h~-- tween 1948-1949, the laboratories of the MGIMIP developed the fol- lowing method. Oxygen condensating thermometer- (cf. Fig.!) in .)r- der to determine the purity of oxygen of different fillings in ro- ' to the difference in the solidity of the vapors, tw-,, oxy ga r . -9 coiiilonsatincr thermometers a) and b), which are protected bN vac--tii, covers, wero used. The glass of the thermometer contained platinkim foils. A description follows. It was foun q out that a possible iin-- purity causes an error of less than 2.10- degrees. The therma) Card 1/2 process in the oxygen tank was investigated. Good -esults were SOV/ 1) 5-59-5-14/27 How to Attain the Boiling Temperature of Oxygen gained, when heat exchange with the walls was avoided. The fol- lowing part of the article describes the principle of measurement in connection with the instrument in fig.l. Fig.2 shows two dia- grams of a tank under certain test conditions. Fig.3..aE. fig.2, shows the difference of temperature of the oxygen and the atmos- phere outside, i.e. the balance temperature which corresponds to the atmospheric pressure. The graphs show results of tests with an error calculation. There are I diagram, 5 graphs, I table, and Card 2/2 1 Soviet reference. 24(5)9 28(2) SOV/115-59-8-14/33 AUTHOR: L., St-relkov, -Z, G., and Astrov, D. IT., Or1ova, L" _ _ - T._- Sharevskaya, D. TITLE: Comparing Low-Temperature Scales of Platinum Resis- tance Thermometers PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya teldmika, 1959, rr 8, p 29 (USSR) ABSTRACT: At the 1958 iession of the 1'.onsulltativnyy komitet po termometrii(Advisory Committee of Thermonetry), a comparison of platiliuj8 resistance thermometers at temperatures below 90 K was recommended. Complying with this recommendation, the Vsesoyuzn,ry nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut fiziko-tekhricheskikh i radioteckhnicheskikh i:imereniy (All-Union -~oientific d R di E o a ngineering an Research Institute of P1 sical 1~ and the 11,ational .'Physics Engineering Measurements, Laboratory compared their platinum thermometers. The British platinum thermometer was sent to the USSR, where the authors performed this comparison a'u' 35 temperature points ranging from 10 to 90C~K. The comparison was performed in an adiabatic cry- - ostat with a temperature change of 1.10 degree/ Card 1/3 minute. The experimental characteristics of the SOV/115-59-6-14/33 Comparing Low-Temperature Scales of Platinum Resistance Thermo- meters British thermometer with the calibration of the scale of the National Physics Laboratory was compa- red to the IKh-6 scale. The scale of the British thermometer was obtained by calculations using the "Z-function" tables of the US Rational Bureau of Standards Z_Ref 1 7and their correotions,~__Ref 22. This metho-d is fully satisfactory for the given types of platinum. Although it decreases the range of platinum brands which are applicable in this tem- perature range . For example, the Soviet industrial platinum "Pobeda" is about equal in purity to the British platinum (R /R o - 1.39243 for the "Po- beda" and 1.39250 f1gotoRe 9ritish platinum), and does not satisfy the additional criterion. For this reason, individual calibrations of such platinum thermometers cannot be calculated by the method sug- gested by the National Physics Laboratory. In ad- dition, the aforement ;oned method was developed for Card 2/3 temperatures of 90-20 K, while presently a scale is SOV/115-59-8-14/33-3 Comparing low-Temperature Scales of Platinum Resistance mometers required reaching below 200K. The deviation between the practical scale IKh-6 and the calibra4.-ion of the thermometer of the Nat ;onal Physics La8 oratory in the range of 90 and 20 K is about 0 .01 according to the a~,thorsl data. For comBleting the comparison of temperature scales below 90 K, direct comparisons of the scales of the National Dureau of "Aandards and the Soviet scale are required, since these two scales are based on primary measurements with gas thermo- meters. There are 1 table and 2 references, 1 of which is American and 1 Soviet. Card 3/3 SOV/115-60-1-16/28 AUTHOR: Borovik-Romanov, A.S , Orlova, M.P. and Strelkov, P=.. TITLE: Estab;is a Practical Temperature Scale for the 10-90 Ko%gge. Deviations of the International Tem- peri le From the VNILFTRI Group Standard Scale and the Thermodynamic Scale Near the Oxygen Point. PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, 1960, Nr 1, pp 34-35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The VNIIFTRI temperature scale for the 10-95 0 K range coincides with the International Sca;e ("UShT") at the boiling-point o9 oxygen (-182,9? C) except for a discrepancy of 0.01 in the 90-95 K range, which means that the interpolation f8rmula is only sui- table for temperatures near 90 K. Former compari- sons made by Heuse and Otto /Ref. 37, Keesom and Dam- Card 1/3 mers /Ref. 47, and Briewedde and H5ge /Ref. 57 SOV1115-60-1-1r.-128 Establishing a Practica) Temperature Scale for the 10-900 K Range. Deviations of the International Temperature Scale From the VNIIFTRI Group Standard Scale and the Thermodynamic Scale Near the Oxygen Point appear to be insufficiently accurate. The auth8rs suggest a better practical scale for the 90-273 K range. Use of the interpolation Dower formulas is not advised and recommendations are made to estab- lish a scale according to the principle suggested by Strelkov and Sharevskaya /77ef. 67. The VNIIFTRI group standard thermomete7rs wer6 compared at the boi- ling-point of "natural composition" hydrogen, which was determined as T = 20.39 +0.003 This value can differ from the thermodynamic tempera- ture of boiling hydrogen by the value 20-39 TO2 - 1 + 0.0060 K Card 2/3 190.11) 1 SCV/115-60-1-16/28 Establishing a Practical Temperature Scale for the 10-900 K Range. Deviations of the International Temperature Scale From the VNIIFTRI Group Standard Scale and the Thermodynamic Scale Near the Oxygen Point The article includes a temperature table of the boil- ing-point of "natural composition hydrogen", measured by different authors, after the phenomenon of ortho- para conversion became known. There are 3 graphs, 1 table and 12 references, of which 5 are Soviet, 4 German, 1 Dutch and 2 unidentified. Card 3/3 ORUNA, M. P. Reproducing temperatures of phase tr&witions in solid oxygen. lzm.tekh. no.2:21-123 F 161o (KUd 14:2) (Oxygen) ORLOVAO M. P.; ASTROV, D. N. "Le thermometre a tension de -apeur de 11hellum de condensation pour la realisation de 1'echelle T58 " Report presented at the 6th Session of the Advisor7 Committee on Thermometry to the International Committee on Weights and 14-~asures, S-vres, France, 25-27 Sep 62 institut ational des Recherches Scientifuqes pour les 4-sures Physiques et Radiotechniques (1). R. S. S.) V;!--~,V, D. 7A, !1. P. r, ~ nn (11 1 w, -I rn% e P.-atl -u,- cp- R, -rt :.r,sfr.LeJ a. U,.~ h 5,,, f & , f [-~) q ;~nd n I ~onaczvtr, to Lte, :,r. n;,1 C-r n 'I - i . t. :~-?-suras, FranciL,, ?~-17 5,7 1,- ;r.~L:tut Nationni der, Rechorchon Scdontifvqufa pr,ur les ?lVsi.%.u-s et -Ladiotochn~qucs (". R. S. IS.) T7 a n 7.1~-. r-a* dar,.s I~e d ~) 7-~a ne C!c , i a'0 'K," :mci)OM Pre--.cnted at the "th 5~,snl n of tl~e V~,vlnoi~t Corv,itta ,,n to tho lnt,,r.-v,tAnnal on 'llelphts and "Loanur,s, S.vm~. France, ?",-27 Soo IQ61'. Irustitut des "'esuron nh-.sicotechniquoq tli. -1. 'z. S.) ORLOVA, M. P.; ASTROV, D. N. *Llechelle de termperature dand le domaine de h,2 a 10" K- Report presented at the 6th Session of the Advisory Committee In Thermometry to the Inter-national Committee on Weights and iessures, Sevres, Francep 25-27 Sep 62 Institut national des Recherch-s Scientifuques pour les M.-sures Physiques et Radiotechniques (U. R. S. 5.) S/18 62/004/004/035/042 B102YB104 AUTHORS: Astrov, D. 11., Kytin, G. A., and Orlova, M. P. TITLE: 5hift of Curie point of' manganese and cobalt carbonates in uniform compres8ion PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 4, 1962, 1055-1057 TEXT: The Curie points of b1nCG 3 and CoCO 39 which are weak ferromagnetics, were determined from gravimetrioal measurements of the magnetic susceptibilities (Faraday method). The pressure (1900+1 00kg/cM was exerted according to the Lazarev method (ZhETF, jA, 470, 19i4) in a water-filled autoclave of beryllium bronze. The specimens were pressed from powder and coated with a waterproof film of polymerized H-4 (BF-4)i The measurements were carried out in fields of -1800 oe. Correction was made for the susceptibilities of the autoolave and the water. The measuring error was less than +1-5%. From the 1,.,(T) curves plotted withl and without compression applied to the specimen, the Curie point shift Card 1/2 -r-T 37952 0:-, L; i c C fj -o" of C..- t h,4 n t~ c C;.-. 0 D U~ G c ~'n u c t t'D a c .. D C.. -ebruary 1)0'2 (after revision) . 0 M, M.P.; ASTROV, D.N. Neamiring temperaturem below 10O.K. Im.tekh. no.8:37-38 Ag 162. (Thermometry) (MIRA 164) ACCESSION NR: AP4018401 5/0120/64/000/001/0230/0232 AUTHOR: Orlova. M. P..* Astrov, D. N.; Medvedev&, L. A. TITLE: Germanium resistance thermometer for low temperatures' SOURCE: Pribory* i takhnika eksperimenta. no. 1. 1964, 230-232 TOPIC TAGS: thermometer, germanium thermometer, low temperature thermometer, Sb all6yed Go thermometer ,ABSTRACT: The thermometer was prepared from Ge al1oyed with Sb; the measured carrier concentration was from 5 x 10 Ila to I x 10"? cin-3' . Au-Sb alloy was used for contacts. For 4 months, six thermometers were tested for stability Iiy comparing them with the reference Pt resistance thermometers and witk an H condensation-typs thermometer at the H-boilixkS temperature. Nonreproducibility ofindicationwasT-0.001toO.002K. The developed Go thermometer In recom- for a temperature range of 1-35K; it has a small size, good accuracy, ACCESSION NR: AP4018401 high sensitivity, and sufficient ruggedness. However, it is sensitive to magnetic fields, difficult to manufacture with identical iharacteristics, and there is, as -yet, no fornudasibich would establishthe resistance -temperature relation. "The lauthors are thanidul to G. A. Kate and 0. 1. Shibayev& who developed the method band grew Sb-alloyed Go single crystals. and also to V. 1. Petrov for his part in .preparing the thiirmometers. 11 Orig. irt. hail 4 figures. I ASSOCIATION:, Voetoyusay0y, nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut'fiziko- tekhalchookikh I -radiotekbAlchaskikh ismererdy (All-Uhion Scientific -Reivearch !Jnstitute of Physico-Totbalcal and Radio-Technical Measurements) SUBMITTED: ZiDec6Z DATE ACQ: ISMar64 ENCL: 00 SUB- CODE: PH NO REr SOV: 002 OTHER: 00 3 Corct. ORLOVk, M.P. Session cf working groups of the '-onsultative Committee on rhermom-,~--~:-y I zm - tekh. no.2:50-51 F 164. (MIR,A 17:4' ORLOVA, M.P. Development of the research in the field of lOw-temp-3rature meas-ure- ments in the U.S.S.R. and abroad. lzm.toekh. no.6:22-29 Je 164. (MIRA 17:12) L 34866-66 EWT(d)IEWP(v)IEWP(k)IEWP(h)IDIP(l) A,,C NR: AV6014518 SOURCE CODE: UR/0115/6S/000/011/0008/0010 i%JTHOR: Orlova M,__P - Konoplev. V. A.; Sharev!~~ ~a, P. I.; Astrov, D. N.; fillshin, B. .; Medvedeva, L. A. RG: none TITLE: New commercial resistance thermometer SOURCE: lameritel'naya tekhnika, no. 11, 1965, 8-10 TOPIC TAGS: resistance thermometer, temperature measurement, low temperature research / PTS-100 resistance thermometer 0 ABSTRACT: As the PTS-104andard platinum resistance thermomet4 (10-300K. � 0. 0 IK) is suitable only for operating under laboratory conditions, two new high- accuracy designs have been developed by the authors for industrial uses. In the first design (see Figure 1), coil I is fastened by the glass coating of straight platinum wire 2. Four such vitrified coils constitute the sensor of the thermo- meter. Platinum supporting wires are used an lead-ins 4 in envelope 3 filled by Card I /Z UDC: S36. 531 L 34W-M ACC NR: AP6014SIB 1 .4 iJA Fig I helium through throat 5. In the second design (see 2), a straight 0. 1- Figure mm glass thread 2 is placed 5 I.-I - - -,/'- - _7~ Fig 2 triple points). Their thermal inertia was 5-8 sec. I table. inside platinum coil 1. The latter is mounted in glass capillary 3; envelope 4 and latinurn lead-ins 5 are conventional. 'The above designs were tested for Pvibi-ation (50-3000 cps) and temperature stability (250, 100, OCI H boiling and Orig. art. has: Z figures and SUB CODE: 20, /fL / SUBM DATE: none / ORIG REF: 00 1 / OTH REF: 002 Card 2/2 Vub 'CRMA, M.P.; KONOPLEV, V.A.; SHAREVSKAYA, -ArCSYN, B.I.; MEDVEDEVA, Now induatri&l resistance 8-10 N 165- D.I.; ASTROV, D.N.;l L.A. thermometers. lun. tekh. no.11: (Milu 18 - iz,) ORLOVA M.T. Accessory -i rals of the ancient mute strata of the vestern slope of the Southern Urals. MI&t.VSZGEI.Ob.ser. no.28:31-43 160. (MM 14 & 6) (Ural Mmmtains--Nineralogy) MOSKALEVA, S.V.2 2~~OVA, K.T. I Genesis of garnetiferous pyrozenite of the Krak massif in the Southern Urals. Hat.VaME1.0b.ser. no.282143--147 160. (Ural MDuntainw --Garnet) (Ural MDunt&tnfi--Pyroxenite) (MIU 14 16) HIBIPASOV. V.P.; QRWVA, H.V. (Moskva) Family epidemic of acute pancreatitia. 36 no.Z:LZ4-127 F '57. (KrRA 11:4) 1. Is GIavuogo voyennogo gospitalys iment eked. N.N.BurdenKo (nach. H.M.Nevskiy) (PAUCRPATITTS. case rGDorts acute, familial (Rua)) ASIDIARIV, Yu.R.,; ORLOVA, M.V. (Moskva) Gase of combined herpes zoster and chickenpax. 143-146 162. (CHICKU Pox) (HERPES ZOSTER) -'c.. 3: (mBbI 15-31) CRLCVA, Y. Ye. Orlova, P. Ye. "Experience in tising nwririe: :7cn-ct, us anti-nes i r ~ - -: - ---; i -- - Cemale goncrr~~eall (From a candidnte's ills erl, t~ n,) 36ornlk nau . !.- . .- (:V-,- t. obl. nauch.-issled. a-usi.-F i-t), issue " V. I So: U-3.*-61, 10 April l,#'3 (Letc.pis IZI,irrml 'nvkh Sttitey, lic. 1,--, 1 ;,,. :. CRLCVA 9 M. Ye. Zalesskaya, P. A. rind Crrlcva- V- Ye, "Cytchact-ilcscopy cf cervical cv.r~' "Fcharves Ln gonorrheal', Shornik nauch. trudov (Rost. o-bl. nkusherskc-~~inf'kol. in-t), Is ue 8, 1948, p. 56-0. So: U- Al, 10 April 19' (L;trpis 'Zhur!.al Irvkh 3tAey, -c. !I-, UaLcivA, i--l. !e. Crlova, M. Ye. 117r,L -o-ne st rn , '- tn,-- :1onceoccus !n .-igchar -e.9 'rr- '~- - 7- '- or gra n s 11 ,Scrn.'~ na~ach. (RLc,-,t. - 1. nh ic~ .-issled. . -,._ . \ Issue 8, 1948, . 72-76. So: U-11"t 11 , 10 "pril (Li-.tcpis 1 1 1 ny~h St t py, !,:(,. 1 t , 1 1/,, ~~ --Ax".-YAP -NOTee Drolution of iseik chromatin in the noutrophils of the blood; preliminary report. Probl.gezat.i perel.krovi uo*7124-28 162e (MIRA 1599) 1. Iz Rostovskogo-na-Donu reepublikanskogo naucbno-iseledc- vatellskogo instituta akuBberetva i pediatrii (dire F.S. 1kra- novak". naucbnyy rukovoditell - prof. T.V. loverdo) Hini- sterstva zdravookhrazonlya RSFSR. (LLPUGOGYTES) (CHMULTIN) ORIA)VA, N., Beware of grippe! Okhr. truda i sots. strakh. 6 no.12:19-22 D ,63. 1 (MIRA 17:2) 1. Zaveduyushchaya laboratoriyey profilaktiki zabolevaniy dy- khatellnykh putey Instituts. virusologil AM SSSR. GAY~ F.A.; DZI-AIIAYEVA, V.M.; KktAFA-KORBUT, I.G.; K!"NOSINIEVA, L.S.; 11UNCIMIKOP A.I.- U.;~LOVA N.A.; PhOTOFOFOV, G.F.; PHUTENSKY, SOM, BAYEVA, II.V., red. izd-va; POPOVA, D.I.; TKAMEM), MI.G., tekhn. red. [Irees and shrubs of Kii-ghizia)DerevIia i kustarniki Kirgizii. Frunze, lzd-vo Al, Ilirgizekoi SSR. No.2. (Families: Liliaccaa- llo.-aceaell.croi.-Ava lileiriye-tutovye. 1~)61. 211 p. (141M 15' 10) 1. Akadeiiya nauh Kirgizskoy SSR, Frunze. Institut botaniki. selctor lesa. (Kirghizistan-Angiosperms) r it -2 00 00 0* of a "I 00 w swim- 4 s A 1 0 v 41 Q 41 a a wo at mom bm so A. "(Mi w S. V. POISM& twn how .00 106000 ld 1911416.) .10 4"V gal 0 000 -00 see =96 .00 too 1 40 so dol ~4 0--L yz- f~ 7, Ila azo roductt.."Alo Rvww_wJ)ya"oI 7-2it-64 --The Kield,1111 f 1p a rpeportY o Method vms adapted I*r t4l4e cletvw-a N triDleuni fm& ' . A 20-200- tiotaii cspec!Miy heterocyclic- N vimpAl Aask to Wh Quiple bi 6 Wit %iw pl%ctd JA tho N"Jelult 44drd 4 AlvSOj iiu66ii -200.. CUS04 40. KSW 6i ~nd So-40-tnki CM U6 tAM20'. Altq 2 loos of 0. r, 0 1 11 1 brR.A 1 . 1 1 Afld&dh ~ 1 KIYU04 lVeibadded. All x . Ile colIlterltti ofthe-Awsk were the* tru - durcil for SO mill -hito the Ak's P4rnas agner- dkin. upp; ~cf. C.A. 44. 4,90f), with ~ 10 od. Naofl:- solu~ (3:1%, and NH* -Awn dctd, - -Tbetcprodiiciblllfkd this ilictimil -przmdurc. * If Ot 'Clim fivol 4.01%tq o, l %" ro K,6 A - P. 7 - J w V f ORLOVA, ff. A. Cand Tech Soi -- (disa) wSalifiontion as 4dw means of antifiltration Nall for MA"Or irrigation* canals of the southt-lr,'~ Ukraine." Kiev, 1956. 14 pp 20 one (Min of Agr USSR. All-Unift Soi Res Inst of Hydraulic Ragineering and Improvement VNIIGIN), 100 copies. (KL, 13-57, 99) -31- KAGAN. TU-B.: BASHKIROV, A.N.; ZMIZINA, L.I.; ORWvA, N.A.; KLIGIR, G.A. Influence of reduction conditions ox the properties of molten iron catalysts used In alcohol synthesis from carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Trudy inst. nefti. 10:262-z68 157. (MIRA 11:4) (Alcohols) (Carbon monoxide) (Hydrogen) A! T 1131,, S: yu. L., A. .1 Kryu'.ov, Yu. 3., Lo::tev, S. Gr:c-va, N'. A. T I T L E 0 n t--. e 1 c s o f t-- E'f_`,~', cy of F-~_k_l ir,)n C in the sy.-'t- of C." H, n i e .. taliticl.esko~;o deystviya pl torov -,i~.t-:,:_-~, iz CO _4 11 2) PERIODICAL: Izve~~ti,-a nau', SESR. J'tdel- riye r 10 12 74 - 12, '_ ',-SSR) ABSTR-'.CT: In an c, -_ ---I i e r e r t he i,,. t ho _- s !,'I d t ]., t r V~c re~l,~Ction ~1-y_ hyd,-, --o,. - t 1000) fw!ed iro.. r~ ') rd H 13,sts in t,.e hy'rocarbor, of CL 2 are not active any more. Only u,-,uler the worlin.- coi-iditions of the v,,..en the _-as mi~.t-.ire CO+H, is p.,.Ssed t'.-.rouj,,, the c t-.,lyst ~;ralually beco::ies acti%lo (for 12-2o h1ours). This p,,-,eno!~.enon may be e,)1: lined by of com"'etir." - V, - t,;. eacl, ot ,~er. Due to thQ of r;-_-t,io,,0 :0!,- e-c-. t'..e '_'_~_c iror. re Card 1/2 often (U,..(-r co. of t',-, oil ti-,? Me c-wi : sm of CC-. -'t Ir Ef ~,:-cY Of' I ron C-it,ilyp to in S, n f: of C-0 corni~-)unds, :.!id -.t t.,~e surl-,,cc of t-.(., o.i-..,r tin, c", " -.-ly::t t`.f~ 7.-.-L C e iui'-, ill I- Uri of t~ of (1~ f~ e-- c..1 ol~~ As co.lloe."~ (I I-( of t,,-,, !lc t'~.p nctiv tion of t',.o c-.t ly,-t oc:-,ir:;. IN(! i ', 1. r tix ~ :- :, ii t.;,-I f :i r, com,lou~-.dls ii~-:.t be from it r;7, I-e re-con. for tll.~- activ.-,tion of t'.,2 c A ly:-t ~;urf -e. T- e "-,- -.~2 d fur c.., in m t.-.e _. ot..e: is cat lytic efficicincy of iron cat. -lyst s (a cc or] to ahic:i tl.e of CC -in3 H2is c, :.-~cd by t..e reactions of carbon and l.-.-,!rc. mono4(le laity, iro'- ,-..d its co::li -)u,-. :o on :7, r 1%ce of tl-.e opcr ti:.,~ .y t ) as descri~od 1 C: 1,41 by t.-,e u t no r s catLI VI Ti e r c, r e1 t a;. I e.1 1 re 4' r e.. c t~ .:hi bov- ~-t . AS S,'C 1 AY 12: L"stil ~,~t nofti A i:. _u;- SSSR (P0tI-I-'c,I:-- I~.~-ti ~ '.e AS USSRi SUBI-:II-ED: AL--.41 6, 1."D C:irl 2/L> KAGAN, Yu.B.: BASHKIROV. A.S.; ZVIMXINA. L.I.; ORUM, N.A. Pused Iron catalysts in the synthesis of higher alcohols from carton monoxldc and hydrogen. Trudy Inst.nefti 12:200-212 '58. (KIRk 12:3) (Alcohols) (Catalysts) KAGAR. Yu.B.-, BASHKIROV, A.N.; LOMY, S.M.; WROZOV, N.G.; ORIOVA, N.A. Iffect of the introduction of ferroalloys on the activity and stability of fused Iron catalysts for synthesis based on CO and 92. Trudr Inst. nefti 12:228-239 158. WU 12:3) (Catalysts) (Iron alloys) (Chemistry. Organic-Synthesis) 3(5) - AUTHORS - Chopikov, K. R., Corresponding Member :3f.JV/2()- 12 r)- AS USSR, Yermolova, Ye. P., Orlova, N. A. TITLE: Epigene Minerals as Time Indicators of the Petroleum Appear- ance in Sandy Reservoirs Capable of Exploitation (EpJ.gennyye mineraly kak pokazateli vremeni prikhoda nefti v peschanyye promyshlennyye kollektory) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 5, PP '1097- 1099 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The problem of the time indication mentioned in the -title is of great significance both practically and theoretically. In order to determine this, the authors have studied the character of the correlation between petroleum and the epigene minerals. Samples of petroleum containing rocks of the largest petroleum fields in the Volgo-Urallskaya (Volga-Ural) region servedfarthis purpose: Romashkino, Bavly, Tuymazy, in addition to the Yablonovyy and Zollnyy ravinFL4.From there came the quartz sandstones of the Pashiyskaya suite, while samples of Lower Carboniferous rocks cama from Yukhanovo. The clastic material of the sand and llalpuritic" rocks ie almost exclusively formed Card 1/4 by quartz (95-98 %). Only non-clayey varieties were studied Epigene Minerals as Time Indicators of the SOV/20-125-~-39/61 Petroleum Appearance in Sandy Reservoirs Capable of Exploitation whose cement consists of epigene minerals. Most of the reservoirs investigated had high effective porosity values (P eff ~ 17-22 %). There were also, however, sandstones with a slight Pff value, and even impermeable varieties. The roll played by the individual epigene minerals in the cementation of the non-clayey varieties of sandstone and "aleurite" is different. Regenerated quartz takes the first and most impor- tant place; it generally penetrates through the entire rook. Other epigene minerals occur only as local precipitations and have a limited distribution. The epigerte quartz is mostly precipitated as a regeneration overgrowth of various thick- nesses. It often binds only the clastic gmins and o* slightly fills the pore space. Carbonates (calcite and dolomite) as well as anhydrite, cement the sandstones and "aleurites" only super- ficially. As a rule, all of the minerals mentioned corrode the elastic and regenerated quartz. Often they replace it com- pletely, in which case they indicate a basic cementation type. The genesis of the epigene minerals is briefly discussed. If Card 2/4 pyrite, whose genetic conditions deviate from those of the Epigene Minerals as Time Indicators of the Petroleum Appearance in Sandy Reservoirs Capable of Exploitation other minerals, is excluded from the observed formation sequence - quartz, pyrite, carbamte,anhydrite - the sequence of the precipitation of the remaining minerals agrees well with their increasing solubility. The regeneration process is discussed. The analysis of the formation sequence of the epigene minerals in quartz sandstones and "aleuritea" has shown that the last minerals precipitated (the carbonates and anhydrites) represent new formations which origirated at considerable depths. ?e- troleum filled all of the freely interconnecting pore channels in all samples of sandstones and "aleurites" whic',i were already earlier cemented by epigene minerals. The form of the petroleuri inclusions is determined here by the morphology of the pore space. As a rule, epigene minerals contain no petroleum in- clu3ions; at moHt they have thin petroleum films Dn the contact of the quartz grains with the epigene carbonate and anhydrite cement in fractures and individual calcite, dolomite, an~' anhydrite crystals. This can be utilized as an indicat-nn tnat the petroleum has not filled the pore spaces until after the precipitation of the entire complex of epigene minerals. Card 3/4 Consequently the petroleum has a younger age. By comparison Epigene Minerals as Time Indicators of the Petroleum S"V/20-12L'-~)-39/61 Appearaace in Sandy Reserv:)irs Capable of Exploitation of the assemblage and the intensity degree ~jf mineral formation in water and petroleum tn'e .2e assemblage of epigene minerals is encountered again and again; additionally, their precipitation is always the same (Mukhanovo), however, the precipitation of calcite and dolomite in water bearing rocks is more intense. This is due to the fact that the formation of these minerals had come to a stand still in petroleum bearing rocks, while it continued for a tiiie in the water bearing rocks. SUBMITTED: December 9, 1958 Card 4/4 CHEPIKOV, K.R.; TERHOLOVk, Ye.P.; ORLOVA, N.A. 3pigenetic minerals in arenaceous rocks of producing horizons and their effect on reservoir properties of rocks as revealed by the studies in Second Baku. Trudy Inst. geol. i ratrab. gor. iskup. 1 160. (MIRA 14:1) (Second Baku--Petroleum geology) BOGOMOLOVA, A.F. (Ibskva); ORLOVA, N.A. Obskva) Quantitative characteristics of the structure of pore space, F;%E? no*4:77-81 JI-Ag 161, (MIFu L": --0 (Porous materials) BOGOMOWVA, A.F,, ORIDVA, N.A. Study of the structure of a porous area. Geol. nefti i gaza 5 no.12.,4&-49 D 161. (?,'.IRA 14~11) 1. Inatitut geologii i razrabotki goryuchkikh iskopayemykh ;lN SSSR. (Porosity) CHEPIKOV, X.R.; YERMOLOVA, Ye.P.; ORLOVA, N.A. Corrosion of quartz grains and cases of a possible effect of petrolfr= on the reservoir properties of sandy rocks. Dokle AN SSSR 140 no.5:1167-1169 0 161. WIRA 15:2) 1. Institut geologii i razrabotki. goryuchikh iakopayomyIdh A14 SSSR. 2. Chlon-korrespondent AV SSSR (for Chepikov). (Petroleum geology) CHEPIKcrvp K.R.; YT-f,".""OLCVA, Ye.P..~ CRLOVA, N.A. - ----- --- - - Variations In f.-JI-05ity Of SaXVJBtODeS W-itL deFti-. Do~-! Al; 355R 1-4.4 no.2i435-437 Vq 162. ( ~G-RA I ~ - -,- , 1. Inslitut geologit i razrabotki goryuchikh iskopayemykh. ?, Ctilerj-k~-rretipondent A14 SSSR (for Chep:Lkov). (Sandetone) CHEPIKOV, K. R.; 'YERNiDLOVA, )~e. F.; ORLOVA, N. A. "Authigenic mfnera~-s fr; ci---uear--'r,,w terrigenu-is rc-l'-E." I . - - report s,.-,bmitted for 22nd less, Int.~ Geologi--a.' 'ong, New - - 1964. TYU 1.7NEl% , III k. t T, '1, 1, A L TV L e Tk. 1 14 ,,~.Iasti meliorf:*r.~! Pi,,j ro i.e k ~m 1 KAGAIII, S.Z.R YOVA:ZV, Yu~%.' Y-4CA.N. lu.B.; :-.IPLOVA, N.A. S',udy'-ng Cf alcollols frr"= t~efr with hydrcnarbons. T-,--,,.iy 14KH'. i I-, n -- . 4,6, 12 6 -' 3 3'. ~ I (MIRA -1-8112) ., ;"-.- , : I e :, -, *,~, , . '-' ~l . . . ., ., -- . :- t! ; it - - , .. . ., : P~ I,,-- . %- c, r. -:. !-, , 4 1 1 tf, -*~Utds. ~;,~~, . ... . 'j, . ~ . . I ,,' : 30-34 ' ;-4 - I - - - - - .11 . T (--,' " / 1, 4. . ISVINA. R.Ta.; KIM DYAY GIR, SMIRNOVA, E.N.: ORWVA, N.D.; TRZSHCHOVA. Te.G. Synthesis of hydrocarbons. Part 591 (0.1,3)-bicyclohexanes with two quaternary carbon atoms. Zhur.ob.khim. 27 no.7:1779-1783 Jl 157. (MIRA 10:10) l.Mookovskiy goeudaretvannyy universitet. (Bicyclohexans) - J 1 ,kith WO 111111'CIlUty."Q Pic, --:r Kill, it, 4 027 of 1-lIwffiyj;j With RA1gX:gdvo t PIOLI A With- hJ: bllib f5f~ 1,4872, 173- R;'-_ lAtvi; 0 S488- - 4757a Tv wi IM, Rj% 06- I zu 41twi In 115%0 yi-Oding aftcr djMn,'cjtber.. o', dj:pure :isi I% lhjj;~ 1334- 1:44W;- IMS10 rkl ' 1 -kat 4, Jp unit littri, I(F401 _UX3.5)k -:3-Ba iiiW~g.-, -1 tl~,, 471 V:; 179.5 S , 1.4 13 . 'AW LMM, 0.'~170 90'(8)i :3.W4), nrWit. Yere ued in ciclt:~%a~i- bmt jiurctmAio~yvlie bytkoz also for, 'Wilated Troib them*. - LX, Itomalp ewbonsl cimlil gvt,bL- f gi jidelixis OU Aklk&tmef- 'th klhilx~.~z o -eihy1bS!qeni from * , i=xk jilddi: o%h cii Wiig AUTHOR: Bulanin, M.O. and Orlova, "'.D. TITLE: Investigation of tne ',hanges of t,,.a Rotation-Vinr,itici. of Certain Sbaple 1*oloca-es Upon Dissolution lIbsl imenaniy vrashchatalloo-KolaL~atellno.-o soeic-_-, 0 pros ty1ch -olakul pri rastvoreiiii) PERIODI= s 0 pti ku 1 3 peictrosco --A ya , 19 )8, 'W 01 1 Vr -)'-f - o' I ABSTRACT: Transition froin tlie vapour stat-3 to liquid Dr soiution i. normally accoiapanied by disappearlLl-~6 of tne rot-&-.ional of bands in the vibrational spacrrun. This dffa-t .'s the ab s an ce of froa rotation of .,iclocule6 1r., 6 rotational aiotion Is leaut affj~-tol on liquefactj o., In liquid oxy6en, aitrogen and jaetharie the dis,~reta spectruw is absent ~Raf 2) and ntily -~- 3 for... of* bsvj,~a !. sea ttering indicates c a rtai a fro ado.n oC ro-t;jAt,. on oi t~ 9 molaculas. No rota,,ioaal strActure was dise,)-vica,! ~(, ,,r solutions. The presont papar roportc. rafr-illa of J," L --i infrar(YJ absorption upoctra of aolutiont of ri, lroi,v,i a t 1,1 r (HC1 , DG1 , 1IBr, DBr, HF) and of wutor. ~he 3-9 Card 1/3 made using infrared spectrcws-cars witn LiF and NdCl _"~ - 4 ~ - '- L v Investigation of the Changes of the RotaTion-Vibral'onal ~;pectra a.' Simple Upon Dissolution The a pectroffieters Yjare z a I Lb rated ~u a inc, t~,e a us rro-~Ao-: 5 0-3 gaseous H20, 30, HBr, H01 and INTH3. The Firror in frequency did not excood 5 cm-1. Thin layers of sc~lat OriS 15 E) (d - 0.05-6.0 cm). Tho s pec %I ra of tho fo I I nivi n r, 3 n -,,A ti r It5 obtained: HC1 In GG16,, SiOlj, TiO'14, !jcl in 3.,14# GHC13; HBr and DBr in "14; Iff in C;,5FI2, H,,)O in C~C!,Z, 0 "C14, C2C14, CHC13,03NO2 and D20 in 0C2Cl,3FZ , all at rocin, tawparature, as well as H01 and HBr in CGI at 75 U' and in GH N02 at go'- , . 4 3 ~' I j W of tne spectra obtained are saawn in Figs 1-5. Fifa 1 , 2 uaij ; nnw tnat the absorption bands of all hydrogon halides iii i3olutiort cr.i ~,~jt of a central pauk and additional muxima on botri side-s ofE tha doa&- The pokiitions of the central peak and t~ia two udditional u-axima, denoted by -401 N_ and v,, are given in Table 1. In t~a -f solutions of water (Figs 4 and 5) two tands were observed, corre~---'- ponding to symmetrical kvl) and antis ymiuatrical (-Y",, -iianco vibrations. The antiayruuetrical band Is moro iuteutio It 1"I concluded that the observed additional abborptiou Lan(j-~i ),a tke substances studied are iot due to iaternal molocular dogzzaos ),' freedom. Comparison of the solution speet,-a ylit'-L ts,s sp-(3~-,- :;4' Card 2/3 gases indicates triat the additional absorptio.- barwi are racii.i-jt .,r. InTestio,ation of the 3han7as of the Rotation-Vibra--ion- Bps ti. 0 M -am Simple Molecules Upon Disaolution of rotational branches. This indicates t,,,6Lt alji.ost f'rjr, rotation of the solute Laoleculas 13 po6siblle solutfl'c:j., increase of interaction. of the solute with tno solvant r-)t;at ic,~ is transformed IM' librational inotion. "Ilia aitl,or'vL.4 V-'-. Chulanovskiy who directed this woric. There ara .5 f.'L.-.- -as "blas and 26 references, of which 10 are Aujiarj.-un, 5 Soviet, 3 French, 1 denuan and I 3anadian. ABSOGMTION: Fizichaskiy institut LanIngradskogo gosa~arstia~-u.cgo (Physical Institute, Laniagrad State Universit-,j SUEWTTED: July 5&1957 1. Picl,~cules - Rot~t'on - Vibrntici-. halides - Infrared sisorptiun LD-.zr- Card 6/3 Spectrometers - AD~)licaticns