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CHUDNOVSKIY, Abram Filippovich; ORLOVA, L.I., red.; LUPTANOV, A.A., tekhn. red. (What is agrophysics?] Chto takoe agrofizika Moskva, Fiz- matgiz, 1963. 85 P. iMIRA 17:1) (Agricultural physics) AMSENSKY, N.N.; PARIICH, I.V.; MOLCHANOV, V.I.; Oi1,LOY".1.,;--- GORB, A.M.; KUZNETSOV, Yu.A., nauchn. red.; SMORCPIOV, Lye., nauchn. red.; (Accessories of the granitoids of the Altai ana methods for studying them] Akt.-Pssorli granitoidov Altaia i me- todika ikh izucheniiv, ~:oskva, Nedri!, 1964. 175 p. NIRA 17:10) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR ~for Kuznetsov). TOLSTIKHIP. N.I.; ORWVA, L.M.~ A particular type of carbonate waters in TransbRikalia. Zap. ILI 34 no.2:70-74 '58. (MIRA 12:6) Daley region--Mineral waters) '-~'Uvn, V,G., doktor goologo-mineralog. nauk; TOLSTIKHINj N.I., prof.; PIMTEM, Ye,V.p kand. geologo-tinaralog. nauk, mladsbiy =aucbwjy sotr YASNITSKAYA9 V.V. 9 m1adshiy newhmry sotr., khimik; tRTJTlKO- VA, A.I.9 mladshiy nauchMy sotr., khiyaik; SHOTSKIY9 V.P., kand, _ , , starshiy gidrogeolog; SMANOV, VJI.v geogr. nauk;~_OgPVAI L.,M kand. geologo-mineralog. nauk; VLASOV9 N.A., kand. khim. nwk; PRO- KOPIYEV, B.V., kand. khim. nauk; CHERNYSHEVI L.A.9 starshiy prepoda- vatell; PAVWVA, L.I., starshly prepodavatel*; Prinimali uchastiye: IVANOV. V,V.s kand. geologo-mineralog. nauk; YAROTSKIYv L.A.9 kand. geologo-mineralog. nauk; KARASEVA, A.F., nauchryy sotir.~ ARVTYUNYAIITS, R.R.. nauchnyy sotr.; ROMANOVAq EXv nauchMy sotr.; TROFD4UKv P.I., starshiy gidrogeolog; LADEYSHCHIKOV~ P.I., starshiy nauchrqy sotr., kand. geogr. nauk; LTSAKp S.V., starshiy laborant; JUIUCHININA, L.Yu., laborant; SEMENOVA, Ye.A.v red. isd-va; BOCHEM, V.T., tekhn. red. (Hineral waters of the southern part of Eastern Siberia] MineralInye vody iuzhnoi chasti Vostochnoi Sibiri. Moskva. VoLl, (Hydrogeolo of mineral waters and their significance for the national econorqf Gidrogeologiia mineralInykh vod i ikh narodnokhoziaistvonnoe znv~e- nie. Pod obshchei red. V,G.Tkaohuk i N.I.Tolstikhina. 1961. 346 p. (MIRA 14-6) 1. Akademiya nauk SSBR. Sibirskoye otdeleniye, Vostochno-sibirskiy geologicheskiy institut. (Continued on next card) TKACHUKp V.G.-- (continued) Card 2. 2. Vostochno-Sibirskiy geologicheakiy inatitut (for Tkachuk, Finneker, Yasnitakaya, Krutikova, Lysak). 3. Inatitut geografii Sibirskogo ot- deleniya Akademii nauk SSSR (for Shotskiy). 4. Chitinskoye geologiche- skoye upravleniye (for Orlova). 5. Sosnovskaya ekspeditsiya Mini- sterstva geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR (for Stepanov). 6. Irkutskly gosudarstvennyy universitet (for Vlasov, Prokoplyev, Chernyshov, Pav- lova). 7. Leningradskiy gornyy institut (Tolstikhin), 9. Gosudar- stvennyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy instit-at kurortoiogii i fiziote.- rapii. (for Ivanov, Yarotskiyq Karaseva, Arutyunyants, Romanova). 9. Irkutakoye geologicheskoye upravleriiye (fa~, Trofimk,~, 10, Bay- kallskaya limnolpgicheskaya stantsiya Vostocluio-Sibirskogo filiala AV SSSR (for Ladeyshchikov). 1-1. Otdel ekonomi-kA i goografii Vostochno- Sibirskogo fillala AN SSSR (for Kruchinina). (Siberia, Eastern--+Iineral waters) A. TADDLINt V.A.; VOLIF# B.S.; MATSULEVAp N.N.; GEMNAO E.M.;,__~RLOVAp PFTRUNIKINAt Z.A. LIM, Features of the course of erythrobl;;tosis fetslis in nevborn infants. Sov. mod. 24 no. 7:5u-56 J1 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1, Iz kafedry pediatrii (zav. - prof, G.N. Speranskiy) TSentrall- nogo institute, asovershenst'Vovani vrachey i rodillnogo doma No. 12 (glavnyy vrach M.M. Repz:ro Moskva. (ERrnMOBIASTOSIS PETAL) Got 004 461994~ a A 'A a 4 0 1& up 4 Wi,. I I-so 4 1 d " L , 69 n M p VAM u % M W z 1 r I.... S a, I .00 "# s r . ft R.) P& Wo or.101 mow W" HAM Ind KIM vwim .00 avow IT"OlAw. $~ .4 1 Islaw .19 a" Got *.Spool; i 0 a 0 .0 0 0 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 , 9" isle* see am SAAA91 w 00V All seem ISO a low* asiveome 39 9 : and IF I *011 .)Pistil 13 J11,111I.J11, 11.18411.1il. 't -$v 4 .10 sk.4 k-, ..I I l.sulsoul jul.ti .141 1" us, 'q 4.1. J."1 jo~, lu"Ju-illi up. 1,1,v w ' 41111-1- At 469, '-AIM1111- .191111.11111 tilm 111.1tilaul Aq 10 !- . I.- ~'Jl M ~l tom 'J"sla I ..pblw. ., I .1i'l pill" tcjjjj.'APV 'y ql~j I fussfWAIS1 p sesslaslossus" 'nowume 'to to sawpWoop &41 r 4.040 'Jose 'j.. - ' - - U If 9 r r IF I IF T TTT Is Is I S I !, a a O it 0 R a M it 4 gwait Worm a It a It f f f v f 4, 4100 0009 9 1 NUA w Ev W, :2- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 04 0 00 00 0.11f. DOWEbahm W If*@ WMI in UK sokOM wilk the 36100cou). ZA F.1 Am 3704MW) Thi. inortboal cmum: 4 rschausit"Ji t he cut im III "An AVALD011tor 11 of a catkInstr and totratiaig tbr min. J-d thnnab Ibr c~tkwstr. A. rzrh.,IIqr nLitcrial u-As up It train. The wits studwd istre K. ba, Cu Cr and Fe*** chlorides and AII(SOJI. Frurn nrulml soins. Cu A- d FU At-MVINA OVII, K not so weU, Al %till %an. and Ci h-wl-l itis Fttvrn scidifint .4n. Cu A-0-1 -11 x ,it- it) 11 (C N avid. Re up 14, 0 1 N, K satv 1%%w rrunll- tot ,~ s.1 .4n. . At gaw puttl r-ull. tit, tofl 115,Vachl..nd F, tit, to 11 1 A Shtnthl 11w &Msty,-f the dt %All. lw higher thn ifir indicated litnits. ttw soltis. ntay he dild M- linni-h 15-57-10-14518 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologlya, 1957, Nr 10, P. 189 (USSR) AUTHOR:.-Orlova, L.M. TITLEt Hydrogeological Criteria In Prospecting for Mineral Deposits (Gidrogeologicheeklya kriteril poiskov meatorozhdenly poleznykh iskopayemykh) PERIODICAL: V ab.: Materialy soveshchanlya geol. Vost. Sibiri I Dalln. Vestaka po netodike geol -' slbyenochn. I poisk. rabot. Chitat 19569 PP 115-122. ABSTRACT: An account Is given of some examples of b method of hydrochemical Investigation In searching for mineftl deposits% Examples from Eastern Siberia are cited. The results are good in prospecting for uranium, sulfides, oil, and other mineral reamwees. Some hydrochemical oriteria are given for oil exploration. No Name Card 1/1 S I - F-S' 0 'nSh-; A=---AL-&M-411- InSh- Mtrasonic f2av detection In velded corner and too-joluU =do b7 the sealautomtle and slectrio-olag wthod * iftuche trWj ZNIDUMk U205-208 159o WMA 11,91) (Velding-Testing) 5(2) SOV/32-25-4-13i'll AUTHOR: Orlova, L. I T LZ "eparation of Cobalt From Mangane8e With Nitroso-R-salt on an Ion Exchanger (Otdeleniye kobal'ta ot margantsa nitrozo-R- sollyu na ionite) _1_:~UIODICAL: Zavodakaya Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 4, P 417 (USSIR) A'33TRACT: Besides greater quantities of cobalt, manganese cannot be de- termined by the persulphate-silver method and an arsenite final determination, as the pink coloring of the solution disturbs. In the present case a cation exchanger was used which absorbs Co and 1~;n and then extracts cobalt with the help of nitroso-R-Salt as a soluble complex iompound. The solution of the Co3+ complex compound is red-brown, in the presence of Fe3+ ions an intense dark-greea coloring can be observed. After the extraction of the Co the column with the cation exchanger is carefully washed out with water, and the Lin is then extracted with--4 n sulphuric- acid SolUt4 on, and determined by the usual methods. Tests car- ried out with manganese, cobalt, and iron-salt solutions in Card 1/2 neutral ~)r weaklj alkalic media (pH )~2) produced satisfactory SOV/32-25-4-13/71 Scparation of Cob~--lt From LanTaan.--~ Vitr. .'.itroso-R-salt on an .1o.: -Excha-nger result, (Table '). ',(oaults of aii anLlybi3 ol' steel samples viith 0 75% U and a stan,lard sariple o-' the cobalt steel s.o. Nr 54 with 0 51j% 1-4n are ;ilk;o mentioned 2,5). There are 3 tableo. Yoskovskiy in-titut (Loscow Steel InLititute' Card 212 .POZNrAl. L&A*v kandetekhnonauko; SHTEYN, F.S., inzh.; CRIDVA, inshe - Selecting optima temperatures for the hardening of certain the steols* Metalloved, i tom obr, not, no.10:45..50 0 162., (MIRA 15:10) 1& Mwperim*%&lInyy nauchno-iselodavatellskiy inv$Itut kuznechno-pressovogo mashinostroyeni . I (Tool steel--Harde=f STJOho'll NN~; FEDUFJU, KN. QUMA, IJ:,-~ OUELVik. k-b, Derivatives of i rdc,'e - Pei t 16, SyDthesis of t>-, and 4- SubsT I ~ryptamines. Zb]r.cb.ktim. 32 zio.",,2358-1`30 JI 16:. (~UjiA 15 - 7) 1. Vsesoraznyy nauchnc, lssledlvatel"S~JY khim-Ao-farmatsevticheskty in-qtit-ut imerJ .5.0rlzhcn-lk--jze. I. ind c. 1e ) ORLOVA, L.M., inzh.; YENSTRATOVA, V.M., inzh.; VOLIMAN, I.A., tekhnik &Iectrolytic POUBhimg of certain die steels. [Nauch.. trudy] KMEMA-lalm 7:13 5-139 163 * (~ff RA 1-5:7) (Tool steel) (Electrolytic polishing) PMNYAK, L.A., inzh.; SHTEYN, F.S., inzh.; CRLOVA, L.M., inzh. Evaluating the quality of the heat treatment of die steels by the actual size of austenitic grains. (Nauch. trudy] ENIKKASha 7:140-147 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Tool steel-Heat treatment) (Chrobium steel-Metallography) PMOBRAIRWitAtri,"r.N.; ORLOVA, L.M.; SUVOROV, N.N. Syntheois of OL -hyllfO3 'y4(3--indolyl) propionic acid. I ~-t9 Ap -4) J4jmpVbAhim.,33 no.4: 137 63. KRA 16 ~~Olepropioiaie acid) (Alkaloids) POZNYAK, L.A.p kand. tekhn. nauk; ORLOVA, L.M., inzh. Control of cartAde heterogeneity in type X12 steels. [Nauch. Irud-.7, ENI104ASHa no.916l-72 164. (MIRA 1?:12) POZNYAK, L.A.,, kand. teldm. nauk; ORLOVA, L.M... inzh.; YEVSTRATOVA, V.M., inzh.; SHTEYNI F.S., inzh.; SHKATOVI P.P., inzh. Microstructure of certain die steels for the cold and hot forming of metals and alloys. (Nauch. trudy] ENIKMASHa no.9:73-127 164. (14IRA 17: 11) Sr. ~tr~tls. ins t; t u r, YAI.IPOLI,3*',l ', 1:.Z.; J,~Vl, r~aZon,~'s indix. zal.. .:Urs*:. -o:,. 1 5' C.. 1. Kafcd--a :c" ---ui K---: -V 'o r in NIKONOROV, A.P.1 ORLOVA, -LN~.__7SAREV, 13. Unit for measuring the surface roughness of pinion teeth. lzm.t6kh. no-5:14 MY 160. (MIRA 14:5) (Gear cutting) RODIOBDV. V.M.-. ORIOVA, L.O.; TMI. L.1. (Moskva) lffect of various Xray done@ on cortieosteroid secretion in rabbits. Fat.fiziol.eksp.terap. 4 no.1:24-28 J&-F l6o. (KIRA 13--5) 1. Iz Instituta biologichookoy I meditsinskoy khtmil ANN SSSR. (ADRIM CORTIZ HORMDRES physiol.) (RADIATION UnCTS) ZYKCIVP S.I,; STUPNIKOVAP N.I.; PAVLENKO, A.S.; TUGARINOV, A.-I.; ORLOVA, L.P. Absolute age of intrusions in the eastern Tuva region and the Yeniaey Range* Gookhialia no.7:547-560 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. V.I.Vernadakiy Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chw4stry, Academy of Sciences U.S.S.R.. and Chair of Geochaidatry M.V.&*=nosov State Universityp Moscow, (Sangilen range.-Rocks, Igneous) fyinuey *dge--Rocks, Igneous) (Geological timie) ORLOVA, L.P.; CHERNOV, V.A., rukovoditell raboty Use of electrodialyais .1~9 extract the exchangeable bases (Ca and Mg) from soil. Pochvovedenie no.12:110-113 D 161. OERA 16:8) 1. Pochvennyy institut im. I.V.Dokuchayeva. (SDiIS-kn&lySiS) (Electrodialysis) ORLOVA p L. P * Malignant degeneration of a thymoma of the anterior medias'%Oim=. Zdrav. Belor. 6 no.6:65-66 Je 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Iz onkologicheskogo (zaveduyushchayn L.P. Orlova) 1-y klinicheekoy bollnitsy g. Minska. (MFADIASTINUM-GANCZR) I ORLOVA, L. F. Results of treating some cancer localizations with radioactive needles. Zdrav. Belor. 6 no. 7:42-45 Je 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Zaveduyushchaya onkokhirurgicheskim otdeleriyem I-Y klinicheskoy bollnitsy gor. Minska (glavny-y vrach A.I. Shuba). (CANCER) (COBALT-ISOTOPES) ORLOI A, L.P. - heurofi'=oma of the Btamach. Zdrav.Bel. no.3:60--61 lt2. WIRA 15:5) 1. Iz onkokhirurgicheskogo otdeleniya (zavedu)-ushchiy otdeleniyem L.P. Orlova) 1 klinicheskoy bollnitsy g. Minska (glavnyy vrach A.I. Shuba). (STMACH-TUMORS) (NEUROFIBMIATOSIS) ORWVA ~ L. P. Results of the treatment of hemangiomas by the application of radioactIve cobalt. Zdrav. Bel. 9 no.8.-73-76 Ag'63 (MIT,LA 17 %3) 1. Iz Beloruaskogo respublikanskogo onkologicheskogo dispensera (glavnyy vrach V.A. Kozlitin) i luchevogo otdelaniya I-y k'Li- .y vrach A.I.Shuba). nicheskoy bollnitay Minska (glavnv I VkNO,,'$ IV L.3c; for leter-minAing the Cop "I Ni, Pb, an r: ej L ra c a F ~ t - Sn -'n. t.r 1~t" !?nts iL soils. Pochvovedenie no.~ -89 a (MIRA L,017) 85 1. Pochvwin., cnayevu . Moskva. IVAROV, D.N.; IVANGVA~ Concentration of other biological. N.N.; CIUMA, L.P. microelements for their determination In solas and objecte. Trudy Kom. anal* khis. 15006-310 165. (MIRA 180) PAVLENKO, A.S.; ORLOVA, L.P.; AKHMANOVA, M.V. CorpboBphorhuttonito, a mineral fron; the monazite group* Trlidy Plin.r.,,uz. na.l6sl66-174 165. (MIRA 18:8) PAVll,,'NKO , A.S.; OF! X VA , i-P. ; A KHf,VtN(A'A , A.V. -1 TOBELK0, , E. I . Thorbastnaccite, tf,orit;m fluororarbollate. Zap. Vsf,s. rn~n. rA)-vFi Yt. no.2:105-113 '65. 1 - ;-, : --, 1. Institut geokhimii J ana'~it'cheskoy khludi 'menj ,I er!irl ~- s i: ( t, .- Ali' SSSh, Moskva. 36-71- V16 AUTHOR: Dubov, A. S., Orlova, L. S. TITLE- of ForecBs Ing a Surface Field of Pressure and Results Mapping of Baric Topography by the Graphic-analytical Method (Rezul'taty prognoza nazemnogo polya davlentys i kart baricheskoy topografii grafo-analiticheakim metodom) PERIODICAL: Trudv Gl;;vr)rv aeofizicheskoy observatorii 1957, Nr 71, PP. 34-48 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The forecasting method described by M.I. Yudin (this publication, PP. 3-331) is described and evaluated. The partic- ulars of selected units and practical steps in the fonnulation of the method were given, and the areas for Which the material was collected are cited. A major point Is made of the calcu- lated transfer of pressures and three separately le6ding air streams. The efficiency factor for successful prognostication may range from 96 percent in summer to 24 percent in autumn. All predictions are based on the correlation of calculated and actual values which, in general, are difficult to establish. New indices of possibly lesser precision are recommended for Card 1/2 36-71-2/16 Results of Forecasting a Surface Field of Pressure (Cont.) this evaluation. On the whole, the predictions for surface baric fields are more reliable than those for the 500 ob. sur- face. Of the special components, the advection of temperature Is better reflected in the findings than the advection of the vortex. At the same time, synoptic forecasting methods are better justified percentage-wlBej than analytical methods which provide no advantage In Ricking up the emerging baric compo- nents. The insufficient weight" given to advection by tempera- ture is a major source of error, however, the basic weakness of analytical schemes Is seen in the unsatisfactory follow-up of the intensification of baric formations. Correlations of probability are given for all types of baric situations, such as, cyclonic, anticyclonic and mixed. The failure to forecast development of the Leningrad cyclone which caused an inundation in SePt. 1955 is attributed to a failure of graphic integration and to some errors in evaluating various surface factors. Use of electronic computers is strongly recommended. Persons men- tioned include: Yudin, M. I., Dubov, A.S., Orlova, L.S. There are 7 figures, 11 tables, and 3 references of which 2 are USSR. AVAIAABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 Vork of the group of employees In charge of nnerical forecasting of pressure flelds and cyclone movements at the Lealngrad Veather Bureau. Trudy TSIF no.106:123-131 160. OURA 13:12) (Atmospheric pressure) (Cyclones) DUBOV, A.S.; ORLOVA, L.S, Calculation of the movement of cyclones :n -, regions. Trudy GGO no.124:56-62 162. 1.1:r ORLOVA, L. S., Cand Med. Sci -- (diss) "Cholecyatitis mrO Its N Surgical Treainent Today as Af-minnt Its Serious - U r Con.'r.icatiorts". Miarlkov, 1958. 17 pp (Kharlkov UedJ 1nst.) 200 oopies. (KL 34-58, 101) 5 0 WMA, 16.2% Ibnlga twwr of the posterlor wdlestinum in a 9-year-old child. Pbdiatrile 38 no.11166-67 1 060. (MIDIAMMN noopl.) (N33A 1:1: 12) W8, G.I.9, prof.1 VASHEVs Ye.A.,- ORLOVA, L.S. Aminoquinone treatment for lambliasis in children. Fediatriia 38 to.12955-58 160. (MIIM 14SQ) 1.1s kafedry detskikh bolezney loohebnogo fakullteta (zav. - PW. G.I. Tets) KharIkovskogo meditsinakogo inotituta (di:,-. - 416toont B.A. Zadorozbnyy) na base Detskoy dorozhnoy bollnitsy ("ebalfnik A.G. Novalenko). (GIARDIASIS) (QIJIINONE) MOLI. Ya.V.; ORLOVA. L. . , 0', tr,--Tw~ a " Vacuum dehydration of frozen tissues. Trudy Inst.blol.fix. no.l: 268-275 155. (KJA& 9:9) (YRZrLB--])RYING) (ANATOMICAL SPSCIMINS) TONGUR, V.S. ; CRIOVA.L.Y. ---mood Ground cereal mixtures with increased nutritional value. Vop.pit. 15 no.6:25-30 N-D 156. (1112A 9:12) 1. Iz otdala tekhaologil (zav. - kandidat tekhaichaskikh nauk S.M. Bessonov) Institute pitaniya AMN SSSR. Moskva. (GRAIN, barley mixture with high nutritional value (Ruv)) REMOVSKAU, M.N., BISSONDV. S.M.; GALIINA. A.Y.; GORWNOVA. V.I.; GRAYSICATA, Z.B.; ZHM2YDO. A.T.; IAGUN. G.G.; EALININA. M.N.; KOCHITIOVA, Z.V.-, HATSKO. S.M.; 0 ; TUPIXOVA. A.A. Results the of vitaminization of food in public eating astabLi9bMents. Wop-p1t- 15 no-5:37-42 s-o 56. (Hiju 9:11) 1. Iz laboratorii (zav. - A.1h.Patrachev) sanitarno-apidemiologichaskoy stantail Franzeaskogo rayon&. iz otdela taktmologii (sav. - kandidat tekhuicheek-ikh nauk S.M.Bameonov) Instituta vitaniya ANN SSSJ1R t iz A.D.Ye - vitaminnogo otdela (zav. - prof. S.N.Ketsko) Gosudaretvannogo nauchno-lealedovatellskogo instituta vitaminologii Ministerstva zdravo- okhraneviya SSSR, Moskva. (FOOD vitamin supplement, results (VITAMINS, supplement in food (Bas)) MWVA, L. V. and M=xl 1, Yn. V. Dehydration of Frozen Tissues in Vacuum TIWT lnm&ituta Uoloalcheskay Elpj", No. 1,, 1956 B9160 5 Mar 1956, p49 Diecusses the preparation of tismues for radio-autography 4,' 3 HFUT"A Doe 3 '!C1 13/5 Endocrinology May 59 I)YEHOID 11011MONE CONTE.N'r oi, rIIE ADRENAL BLOOD OF IRRADI- ATED DOGS(Russian text) - Orlova L. V. , Itudionov V. %I. and C h v k m e n o v a L. 1. Inst: ol 13161. and Med. Chem. , USSR Acad, of kled. Svis, Moscow - PATOL. FIZIOL. I LKSPER. TERAP. 1957, 114 (22-26) Expi-riments Avre carried out on 22 adult dogs irradiated by X-rays in a dosv of W)0-700 r. ; tne animals dird on the 7th-10th day. The corticosteroid content was oviermined in the plasma of the adrenal venous blood (100-150 nil. ). The stvroids were ext;acted anti separated hv paper chromatography; the substances isolated -vere identified and estimated quantitatively, The blood was examined 40 min. , '., hr. , 2, 3. 4. 5. 7 (lays after irradiation. The total conce ntrat ion of cort icoste ro it] s in the plasma of control and irradiated dogs fluctuated within a wide range - from 248 to 900 jug. / 100 mi. plasma. However, the differences in the mean concen!ra- lion of hormones in these groups were slight: 509 Mg. / 100 ml. plasma in controls and from 417 to 660 ;Ag. /100 mi. plasma at different inti-i-vals folloring ir r1onation, The relative concent rations of various hormones were even more constant. In control dogs the concentration of 17-hydroxycorticosterone constitutes on an avf-rage 54% of the total concentration of corticosteroids, and in irradiated animals it fluctuates from 48 to 59%. Concentration of compound V (which consists mostlv of vorticosterone) is 29% in control and 36-42% in irradiated animals during tile first 24 hr. , then 29-30%. Some reduction in the concentration of mixed steroids, containing aldosterone was noted; it amounted to 5-6% as against 151/6 in healthN dogs. No definite changes could be observed in the rate of secretion of steroid tiormones. rhe data obtained permit the conclusion that no significan, inhibition of aarenal function was present in dogs subjected to irradiation. References 8. Davydova - Moscow (S) 1. WAMULIO Yaqvem ORLOVA, L.V., SHUVATOVA, T.F., KUZIN, A.M. Radlomu-t-o4r'aphy of frozen tissues (with sunmma7 in InglIshl. Bloflslka ) no951591-596 158 (MIRA 1WO) 1. Institut blologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. (RADIOATJTOGPAM. of frozen tissues (Rua)) ORLDVA.. L.V.1 RODINOV, V.M.j TULL', L.I. Comparison of the effect of total roentgen irradiation and adrenocorticot,ropic hormone ACTH an corticosteroid secretion in rabbits* Probl. endkok. i gorm. 6 no. 1:33-37 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 14:1) (RADIATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (ACTH) . (AIDREVOCORTICAL HORMONES) RODIONOVp V.M.; ORLOVAp L.V*; TUUL'p L.I. Methods for ompling the blood draining fram.the adrenals in chronic experiments. Biul. eksp. biol. i =d. 50 no. lltI33-135 N 1609 (HIU 13:12) 1. Iz Institute. biologichaskay i meditsixokay lehimli AMN S3SRq Moskva,, (ADRENAL GLAND-BLOOD SUPPLI) ORLOVA, L. V. and RODIONOV, V. Y. (USSR) "Corticosteriod Secret-*on in Irradiated rogs." Report presentee at t.e 5t.h Interwitional Blochemistry Congress, ~loscow, 10-16 Aug 11*1 RODIONOV, V.M.; ORLOVA, L.V. (Moskva) Study of the secretion of corticosteroids by the adrenals in irradiateci dogs in a chronic experiment. Pat.fiziol.i eksp.terap. 6 no.2:13-lE Mr-Ap 162. OURA 15:8) 1. Iz Instituta biologicheskoy i meditsinskoy khimii W; SSSR (dir. deystvitellrjyy chlen AMI SM prof. V.N.Orekhovich). (ADFWAL GIANDS) (RADIATIOIN-PHYSIOIDGICAL EFFECT) OSIPOV.0 O.A.; ISMAILOV, Kh.M.; KASHIRENINOV, O.Ye.; GARNOVSM, A.D.; 0 A- I-V- Study of some dialkylaminometbylphenole and aromatic sulfides. DokI. AN Azerb. SSR 19 no.9:21-24 163. (MIRA 17:8) 1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy universitet i Institut neftekhimichesiikh protsessov AN AzSSR. Predstarleno akademi- kom AN USSR M,A, Dalinym, RODIONOV, V.M.; ORLOVA, L.V.; TUULI, L.I.; KLIMVA, S.F. Effect of stimulation of the peripheral end of the splanchnic nerve on the secretory function of the adrenal cortex. Dokl. AN SSSR 151 no.5tl238-1240 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Institut biologichaskoy i weditsinskoy khUdi ANN SSSR. Predstavleno, akademikom A.N.Bakulevyu. (&-'-q-ENAL CORTEX) (ERVES, SPLANCHNIC) ORLOVA, L.V. Functional change in the erythrocytes in vivo following ga=m irradiation of guinea pigs with lethal doses. Radiobiolo iia 4 no.5:649-655 164. fmIIRA 18:4) 1. Institut biologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR, Moskva. !ACCESSION NRI AP4040832 8/0241/64/009/006/0019/0022 .AUTHOR: Orlova, L. V. TITLE% Radiation protective properties of the adranocorticotropic hormono(ACTH) ,SOURCE: Meditsinskaya radiologiya, v. 9, no. 6, 1964, 19-22 TOPIC TAGS: radioprotectivesagent, chemical radioprotector, ACTH, hormone, radiation reGistance, radiation protec- :tion, chemical shielding, chemical radiation shielding ,ABSTRACT: Present data on the radioprotective properties of ACTH ;are inconsistent. For this reason a study was conducted to attempt .to determine under what conditions ACTH does have a protective effect ~against radiation. Male white rats weighing 180-200 g were irradia- ted on an RUM-3 apparatus (dose rate, 54 r/min; current, 15 mamp; vol- .tage. 195 kv; distance, 30 cm) with doses of 480-720 r. The animals :were given various doses of ACTR intramuscularly daily for 6 days prlDr ;to irradiation. Irradiation took place 30.min after the last injec- ition of ACTH. The rate were followed for 30 days after irradiation. cord I / 2 ACCESSION NR: AP4040832 .In the first series of experiments, designed to reveal any possible dependence of ACTH-caused changes in radiosensitivity on seasonal shifts in adrenal activity, not a single case was found in which ACTH increased the rats' radiation resistance, irrespective of the time .of year. In the second series, designed to reveal any possible de- lpendence of ACTH-caused changes on the dosage of ACTH adminis'tered' I idaily doses of 0.5-5 units not only failed to increase radiation re- sistance, but led to somewhat increased lethality. Daily doses of units had practically no effect on radiosensitivity. In the ,third series of experiments, designed to evaluate the effect an radi- ation resistance of long-acting ACTH preparations (Moscow Plant for Endocrine Preparations), daily doses of 0.25 units of long-acting ACTH administered for 6 days prior to irradiation increased survival by 10-50%. ASSOCIATION: Institut biologicheskay i meditainskoy khimii AMN SSSR (Institute of Biological and Medical Chemistry, AMN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 2lOct63 ENCL% 00 SUB CODE: NO REP SOV: 002 OTHERz 006 Card 2/2 SOKOLEMOP V.A.; P~ ~Yj GERSHTEYN, N.A.; YAXOBSOW, G.G. Kinetics of the reaction of hexafluorobenzene with aodium methylate. Kin. i kat. 6 no.2065 W-Ap 165. (MIRA l8s7) 1. Novosibirskiy institut organichaskoy khinii Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR. ACUMION NRI AP403J4693 3/0249/63/0.19/0D9/0021/0024 AUTHORS.- Osipov', 0. A.; Ismailov, Kh. o.; Kashireninov,, 0, Tee; Garnovskiy,, A. D.; Or TITLE: Investigation of some diakylaminomethylphenols and aromatic sulfides (Presented by 14. A. Dalin, academician of the Azerbaydzhan (AN SSR) SOU"LE: AN AzerbSSR. Doklady*, v. no. 9, 1963, 21-24 TOPIC TAGS: antioxidant., dialkylami~,(xi6tuhylplienol, sulfide, intramolecular bond, intermolecular bond, hydrogen bond, - .,c'-e i,ionient, magnetic susceptibility, inf rared spect~ra 101352RA.CT: The dipole moments and mz- -qusceptibility and the inf rared spectra of diaDqlaminomethylphenols (DAAI.?,' an,i zutinomethyl derivatives of alkylphenyl- sulfides (AKAPS) were studied. Thesc -substances were of interest as potential antioxidants for lubricating oils, and ' ,hey al.1 contained a phenolic hydroxyl group in ortho position in respect to the dialkylan-4-nomethyl group. The investi- gation centered on whether there occi-,=Ied in these compounds the formation of either intramolecular or intermolecular hydrogen bonds, as Card 1/? ~" AccEssion NR: Ar4olh693 r O-H ~0'\-CH N( R (VI) OH P 61-i, N, (R)2) ell- ^4 -CH N- H-0-e*" % (V11) To this and,, dielectric conductivity measurements were conducted in benzene solutions and the dipole moments calculated., using P. A. Osipov's technique (ZhOKh. 156., t. 26). The existence of intrimolecular hydrogen bonds in r')st of the DWIP was confirmed., but was proved absent in the AMAPS compounds. Orig. art. has: 2 formulas and 3 tables. ASSWIATION: Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvenny*y universitet (Rostov-on-the Don State University); Institut neftekhimicheskikh protsessov (Institute of Petroleum Processes) C,,d 2/~'. ORLOVA, L. V. OFILVA, L. V. - "Changes in the Percentage of Oxygen, Phosphorus, and Lipides in the Elood of Guinea Pigs and Pabbits During Gar- Gangrene Caused by the Introduction of Toxins of Bacillus Perfringens kTypeA).11 Sub 8 Apr 52, Acad Med Sci US_`R. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Biological Sciences). SO: Vechernaya Moskva January-December 1~52 I SHABADASHO A.L. (Moskva, G-151, pr. Kutuzovii, 24, kv.114);Nn-:1P.NKO, S.O. (Moskva, ul. Belinskogo, 'I, zv.7)! ~PLUVA, ('Iosinap Len-'r, gradskiy pr., 78, Krrp. 5, kv.691~ Cy-tochemical examination of' tho Flycogen of ~ie central nerv~)uq system of frogs after gamma irr- iation. A,ki. anat., rist.. i embr. 44 nu15:26-36 ~V 163. (:, i -~ ~'!: 6' 1. Institut biologictieskoy fiziki AN' SSSR, Poskva. GUSEYNOV, I.I.; LOPATIII, B.V.; VABILOYEV, G.S.~ kliWVA_, L.V.j SHOSTAKOVSKIY, M.F. Spectra and #$ructure of 1,2s,3,,-phoophorus-containing hoterosubstituted 43-butedinis. Isv.AN SSSfi.Otd.khim.nauk no.9.-15WI554 S 162. 1 (KRA 15.10) 1. Institut organicheskoy Ichimli im. N.D.Zelinnkogo AN SSSR. -;~ (Butadiene-Spectra) ~ ~ ~,Ni I',' - ~,, . . ; " . ; C'. , 1 .'' , .~, . ~ 7 - 'I ,-., : A! , , . - , I . V . . " , V, - - . T . . , C -1ppe r c -i m-,, -'c-,,7f-q of 1-m-nzii-o-a-m,noi ~~-rCs. 1" 1) 10' 5 . (. k, '..'% 1 ,. ~ I ) I . ~ -s ' c,~ s' - v..r. m- I onu rs tweanvy ix ! %,~- -E i , f t . . . . 4 t - .- TRINCHER, K.S.; ORLOVA, L.V. Concentration dependence of the velocity of erythrocyte destructior in an alkaline medium. Biofizika 10 no.3:540-542 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Institut biologicheakoy flziki AN SSSR, Moskva. Submitted July 17, 1964. ORLOVA, M.A.; SOKOLENKO, E.A. Land reclamation in the lower valley of the Chu River. Izv. AN Kazakh. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk no.202-37 163. (MIRA 17.:LC,)' ORLOVAY M.A.; OSIXA, A.N. Soils and groundwaters in the lawer reaches of the Chu River. Trudy Inst. pochv. AN Kazakh. SSR. 15:162-207 163. (MIRA 16:12) ORLOVA, M.A. Soils Pf the present Syr Darya Delta (Kazalimk). Izv.AN lasakh.WM.Ser bot.i pochv. no.2-3-48 158. (MIRA 1414) (Syr Darya Delta--Soils) CRLOVA, M. A., Candidate of Biol Sci (disn) -- "Soil-improvmerrt conaltions n the contemparary (Kazallnsk) delta of the Syr-DELrtya". Alma-Ata, 191,9. 25 pp I (Min Higher Educ., Kazakli State u Lm S. M. Kirov, Roil-Biol Faculty), 110 copies (EL, No 22, 1959, 112) DOROVSKIY. T.M.; ORWVA.__M.A.- Soils in the eastern part of the Aral Sea region. Izv.AM pochv. A0,30-14 160* (KI" 13: 7) (Aral Sea region-Soils) SHAPATINA, Ye.A. (Moskva); ORLOVA, N.A. (Moskva) ------ - - ------- ~Ziis~ Rxperimntal equipment for solid fuel decomposition by high-speed heating. Isv. AN SSW. Otd. tekh. nauk. Not. I topl. no.2:152- 160 Nkr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4) (Peat) BOROVSM, V.M.; VOLKOV, A.I.; NWIOVA, L.V.; ORLOVA,, M.A. Natural regions of Uyt-Ords. Provirce. Izv.AN Kazakh.SSR.Ser. bot.1 pochi. no.30-28 162. (MIRA 15s12) (Kzyl-Orda Province-Zoils) (Kzyl-Orda Province-Reclamation of land) SHAPATINA, Ye. A.; MALASHWO, L. P.; ORLOVA M. A.4 ZDIMKAYA, N. D.; AVGIGUVICH,- I. V. Thermal decomposition of peat under conditions of high-speed heating. Trudy IGI 17:3-20 162. (MM 15:10) (Peat gasification) MALASHENKO, L. P.; SHAFATINA, Ye. A.; EDDISKAYA, N. D.; Semicoking of peat under conditions of high-ape d heati Trudy IGI 17:21-33 162. (;;m 15:10T (Peat) (Carbonization) ORLOVA, XARIYA lVA.N%0'.'NA EFF .Rq2212 GLQ,AN.-LlA V 192h-1549 'ADAj.h. . CSINA, I L)-VO iSZh~ ';jt,,)GC; U,.IV...6'lTr,TA, 1955. 36 1). AT fl,~,AD TITLE: ',IOSCOW. UN' V,:, -51117'. TIMOVA, V.Te.; GLIBOVA, N.F.; CRLOVA, K.I. Jkffect of Schisandra chinensim and ginseng on the higher nervous activity In dogs. Zhur. vys. nary. doiat. 5 no.5i741-746 S-0 155. (KLRA, 9: 1) 1. lafedra f1slologil Khabarowskogo oofttolnskogo Instituta. (COKDDMTS, offoots. ginseng. on higher nervous funot In dogs.) (PIANTS, Schis4milra chinensis, off. on higher nervous funct. in dogs.) (CAKTRAL NERVOUS STSTAK, effect of drugs on, ginseng & Schisandra chinensis, on higher nervous fanct. in dogs.) 1. ORLDVA, M. I. 2. USSR (600) 4. Poultry - Feeding and Feeding Stuffs 7. Raising young chickens on the "Organizator" Collective Farm (Archangel Province). Ptitsevodstvo no. 2, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions Library of Congress, February 1953, Unclassified. VEYMI-VOJI ~- '!.t ORLOVA, Guinea Fowl WinterLng of guinea fowl in rorthern m`ons., riroda, "1, 'lo. 1, !,,:2. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1'j52 44W. Unclassified. ORLOVA, M. I. Canc. Geolog-Mineral Sci. Dissertation: "Soila of Mountain-Forest Areas of the Eastern Sayan." Moscow Order of IAain State U. imerli M. V. Lomonosov. 24 Apr 47. SO: Vecherny.Va Moskva, Apr 1947 (Project #17836) ORLOVA, ]~~ - I - Orlova, 1.;. 1. - "Exp-rierxe ! r.ea I r, t~p Etu(,.,- -) - t)~- dvripiT:Jci3 of t~,- cl., m-pf. , ' thp Rrr-. snoy~ rsk w-),)dpd E; tenor-, 11 T ru (j y S ' , . 1 p L ) * p ~ r:, . I r;-tm , S.;ii ro E ' w I s i, ~, p , 19L,?. T). - Blblioe: 7 It-ms '_St 51, (L~ptonjs 17,uri.-I lny~-!. Stntry, No. 15, 1 -9) 30; L-L~55, IL AUg) URLDVA~ H.L., dotsent, kand.geologo-mineralogicheskikh nauk Trace element content of gley soils rich in humm and carbonates and their dynamics. Uch. sap. Mord. go@. un. no.13:38,48 160. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Kafedra agronomil i pochvovedeniya Mordovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (Soils-CompoBition) (Trace elements) ORLUVAO M.I.; RYCHKOVA, T.A. ~- - .1 - Effectiveness of 2ina fertil-4zers in turf-Poftolic solls of Leningrad Province. Vest. LGU 2C ro.^.,.5.-79-91 165. (KE". 18-9) ORLOTA, Me is 1261. Tookhovyye reekhody mehinostroltollnykh savodov I Ikh B"Rzt 0 ob'sibov proizvodetva. L. 1954. The 21sm. (*-Yo Vymsh. obrazovanlya SSSP. LenLW. Inxh-okon. isirl in. V. X. Molotova). B. to. C-54-5417b3 SOv AMahnoya L*topts. Vol. 1. 1955 SHATOVICH. 16.L., kandidat okonomichookikh nauk. dotsent; ORWVA, R.I., kandidat skonomicheskikh nauk. Consolidated calculation of the work capacity In designing riev machines. Trudy LIBI no.10:102-106 '55. (NMA 9:8) (Kachinery-Demign) ORLOVA. 14 Imnd.ekon.nauk Relationsbir between shop expenses and the iutput experience of machin"r-'r Plante. Trudy LINI na.11:149-i76 '57. (MIRk 11-19) (Industrial managenent) ZIMINk. K.I.; VOROPIYXV, G.G.; ORWVA, M -I,- Spectrum analysis of the ash of s;ent mtor oils, scale, azLd do-posits. KhIm.1 tekh.topl.1 masel 5 n0-5:50-56 MY 16o. I (MIRK 13:7) 1. Vseaoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut po pererabotke nefti i gazov t polucheniyu iskusetvennogo zhidkogo toplira. (Ijabrication and lubricants--Analysis) 1~1 ORWYA, X.I., kand.ekonomichookikh nauk - - - Determining trends in specialization and the size of shaped steel casting in long range planning, using the Leningrad Iconomic Region an an example. Trudy LIBI no-31:30-39 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Leningrad Iconomic Region-Steel castings) MJiSHIRhv/" 7-011., OPLrA'A' 1!.:., -~)RPMNI,; :1.1;, 14-termination cf In Tr,~ro-,,-um prodaci.s ~7)- t~e ve-f-.w doublet with rhe use : f ' -1-29 ape,-trrgrqph, Khir. i ,F.k,rI topl. I masel 1~ 0 '."S N.-- - IF 1')1 1. Vaenoyinnyy !natitiit. r,- 'ti i ga7ov I Isiii,.ct!-tvvnnngo thAdkogv top Ivi. ai I n AUTHORS: Qribov. L~ A., Gellman, A. D.p S/078J60/005/04/039/040 BoWBW TITLE: Investigation of Some .,C,oImplex CcIapoundel of Platinum by the Method of Infrared Spectroscopy PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganiche8koy khimii, 1960, Vol 5, Nr 4o PP 907 - 989 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the infrared spectra of the compounds cis- and transidoxyl 2A] in crystal form in paraffin oil emulsion in the range 2500 - 1600 ca-1 and 700 - 450 on-? by means of the IKS-11-spectrometer. The absorption bands or* given which correspond to the group OCPt. To explain the resultant spectra, the oscillations of the plane model of the trans- -[CONH3C1 2pt] are mathematically analysed by assuming a linear addition of the CO molecules to platinum. Calculations confirm the linear addition of CO to Pt in contradiction with opinions hold by M. Ye. Dyatkina (Ref 12) Furth droll the infrared spectra of the compoun 'H jNH )3;: do [(L 3)3 3 _fJ( and 1(CH3Y'tj3 were taken by means of the IKS-14-*PeotroPhotoseter. The results are Card 1/2 summarized in a table along with preliminary interpretations of Investigation of Some Complex Compounds of Platinum S/078J60/005/04/039/040 by the Method of Infrared Spectroscopy B004/BO16 the spectra. There are I table and 12 references, 9 of which I are Soviet. 11~ ABBOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, US87R BUINITTED: July 3, 1959 Card 2/2 IN07BAS-, -1--ATZ T 010 #18 4 D Z x. sen "lc .1 M m - 7hej--,_b-roduc ion of bxslate-oe f it-e*.: ar,A: tb '-Qm* -ax rnmnou~d -um and url. $,1071'1073 1063 CdW61i:imi~, ves 'ileol s nm Th tb 00 0.4 uwati poiou~ 1y 3r L, W_ 6~4 010.rium batisft tooln'temPera., e..cuss xy, i dohcem~r'a e4A361vtions 'i4 Q P S_ c 0-11 1, Mr, 0~-x.6 -g-.09 a ph ex:.~kegregm es.out in the ne &4ith- L~6h I _-Ailml ~isl~ istibliMled that, the' com-s! are a An X~ )w -eWesis, , ~..v ~. ~a`by'lhe~:'ge' al ~h (c 0 - %~! , '.nera prm .,."-All the 2,4)2,- 3n IMP MM-1-ike a, C, ia~ -P:ovders IL appear,. #pmoepneqqs vhen hd Ihi i I6!Yi4:6;Ai."6'! c -ihdeiis: -of %'the -,'cr~mtals could th iiii , " i ` ~--`?~,tmw~--.ii*isti , - %tioUL J.S . 1 1. , ~. * 9, ZLb;,r, Mai A, Ar 5(4~ AUTHORSt Y a -~ 'F 0- '~Va TITLEi m p s c r: t n e 7 E* of the C-,,,.r ide C~,m, lexee e,,y z - 'ra r.~L 9..~Or~,st re,~Ats_ll z ain e PERIODICALY Z r. ; 7-!- '1-! 4, 1~*r 4 p~ -4-, ABSTRACT: The,,,- .-s e r: an: i and c -mp' as v. e1 IS a me - ,.j i- The , S Orr'~ -, ed n e t w it c- ii r or. e x -- TP')' d f -, r l r a . . . ' aq e r t ar.a r - Tros~ benzene was inves-:_6ated. T wa2 a* a w-;L-.e en~ztY. Df FE K f - ni t -.a' e the 3~~.' -19 C-f 4,~, a s a. .3 j t a, a a r c 9,~ i rst ai u r u r , . . . , i-, yarl',c,~ ana a x d Et i o t fe rc u, /4 e 'Im r~ c I t f /-, 8 - 4 -4 - 14 4 SOV T -A , tj, e f e r c, a-:. r r7,. atc' rz. R T' e x w ' v e LL, se C'* 2 2c 4 c i~ F - C NC. Fe C A -; NC C c N X N, c . cl* 9 Nc Nc Y- .0 c a -i N The Tnfluerce of 3c1d Cc,mpcunds on -.he Velzcity Of Z - 4 "4 theSubstitution .,.eactior. in Cyanide Com~lexes of Iron - [A,(CN),]- 2cl- + 2 1Fe(CN'~ 5H2013- 6 [Fe(CN) 5H ;:01 C6H5 NO - [Fe (CN) 5C6H 5NO] 3- + H 0 7 The rate i:f the reaction between the fer.-ocyaniie an d the nitro:3o benzene was 'investigated at varicus concentra--.ions of gold salts and ferrocyanide iccns and at va.-ious pff values. The results are given in figure I The ma~cimum rate of reaction occurs in the p a range 4.2 to 5. In more strongly acidic and basic solution the rate :>f reaction is slower. The intensity of the violet cc-or of the complex [Fe(CN) 5C 6H5140]3- is dependent upor, the gold concentration. The influence of various sults upon the reaction was investipatE.d. The salts KNO 3' KC1, and KBr do not influence the formation of the complex. The presen~,e of KCN and KCNS disturbs Card 3/4 the reaction, since in this case the gold ion '.s bound T~-- Tnfluent-e of Gold Compounds on the Velocity SOV/ /7-8 -4-4-1,144 the Substitution -teaction -r, Cyanide Com~'.e)res of -r(-r. in very stable complexes ' 9 rate Cor.9tants cf the reactiun were determineG -f:)r varicuF pH tlues. 'Kerc-ary and platinam ions disturo this dett ...Lrati,-r. of ecld. There are ' figures and 9 references. ASSOCIATION: Ivanovskiy khimiko-tek~:ro-Eicheekiy inst,-t,-i*. lvar-vc C,tem~cal Techr~- . -;,i-a' :n5-tit-te' SUBMITTED: jan,;ary Card 4/4 B020YB054 AUTHORS: Orlova, M. N., Yatsimirskiy, K. B, TITLE. Kinetics and Mechanism of the Decomposition ReaO;ion cf the Hexacyanoferroate Ion in the Presence of Silver Compounds PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vyeshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. KhImiya khimicheskaya tekhnologiya, 1960, Vol~ 3, No. 4, pp. 630 - 636 TEXT: The hexacyanoferroate ion is distinguished by high stability At increased temperature (Ref-1), or under the action of light (Bef-2), the hexacyanoferroate ion decomposes slowly in weakly acid solution to form soluble Prussian blue. The rate of this reaction increases consider ably in the presence of Hg 2+ ions (Refs-3,4) which bind the cyanide ion5 in the form of a stable complex. The kinetics of the decomposition pror ess of the hexacyanoferroate ion in the presence of silver compounds was studied at 400C by an optical method To determine the dependence of S/15 60/003/004/014/040/U Card 1/4 Kinetics and Mechanism of the Decomposition S/15 60/003/004/014/040/XX Reaction of the Hexacyanoferroate Ion in the B020YB054 Presence of Silver Compounds the reaction rate in the presence of AgNO 3 on the acidity of the solu tion' the authors conducted a test serien at different pH and constant K41pe (CN)61- and AgNO3 concentrations (Ftg.1). The pH of the solutions was measured with a glass electrode in anflff-5 (LP-5) tube potentio- meter. The decomposition reaction only sets in at a pH below 5 and its rate increases with acidity. The dependence of light absorption on the concentration of potassium hexacyanoferroate is shown in Fig.2 and that of the decomposition reaction rate on the AgNO 3 concentra".ion in Fig-3. At AgNO3 concentrations of from 2.0,10-6 to 1-3-10- 5 moles/l, the relation between light absorption of' the solutions at a certain re action time (D10C) and the logarithm of the &gNO 3 concentratio,a is linear (Fig-4). The catalytic action of kgNO 3 is considerably increaB- ed by addition of thiourea, even in amounts of only 10 5 moles/1 (Fig-5). Fig.6 shows the change in light absorption of the BOlUtlOns with time at variable AgNO 3 concentration, and Fig.7 the linear Card 2/4