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OPICIA, (11. !". Mr. , -. Gnr'.r', A I I-I; ni rr) I %~lt . f gr Fy,it, . "#_,c1 .. ,(I . ci . , I qlr-C cr_ p 1) 1 "Rate of 'T)it'~!Rllzaf!,:- )f akin Wcrind- *- Do'(. A,Z, 4f, ITO. P, !-,i~r: "Exner-entq of llle'ernfn )ic Tr-.nF, 1-,~:t:-t I -i -' -, S' -," ')ok. 7r, I', 19rr); "Effect of 7~0enti-.en17-itt r --~ t~e c' ti!f- -: t- SI-ir Qf T' b~,it,," Dok. 71, "o. I,., ic)",(+. *go P a 00 *so. 0081 I Goal, .11 *of *04 00 a ;1-9,*A:*K. c IL W, - - oil) no map* of 4163 max4p A--J-A- A--11 It.A 46 0 x0o 'logo !see see 090 0 0 ORLOVA, G. N. USSR/404dicine - X-Rays,, Effects Vow op Healing 1761'67 I Aug 50 "Effect of Preliminary ltoentgenization on the Regeneration of the Fpidermis of the Skin of Rabbits." A. A. Braun, G. N. Orlova, Inat Exptl Mod, Acad Med Sci USSR wDok Ak Nauk SSSRO Vol IJIXIII, No 4, 849-852 Studies histological aspects of healing of open wound on ear of rabbit, mado day after local irradiation of ear by roentgen rays in done of 4,000 roentgens, the erythemic dose beIW 600 roentgens. Finds regeneration of normal structure of the epidemis is produced at expense of its own pathologically changed cellular elements. Prings of 2 zierophotographs. A 176T67 ORtOVA, 0. N. WO/Nedicine, JBIology - Nerve-Muscle 11 SOY 53 Relationships "Histological Changes in the Shin'Muscles and Their Innervation Appliratus on Cutting of the Sciatic .Nerve, '~6G. -N. Orlov4_Anst Exptl Ned, Acad Ned Sci USSR DAN SSSR, Vol 92, Do 2, pp 421-424 Found that in muscle atrophy resulting from the cutting of the sciatic nerve there is no large in- crease in the number of muscle nuclei, as assumed by many investigators. There is an increase in the number of connective tissue cells and a 269T30 proliferation of blood vessels in the connective tissue. The reason for the atrophy is not a lack of blood supply, but disturbance of the Innervation. Presented by Acad W. N. Anichkov 16 Jul 53. AUTHOR: Orlova, G, Y.- 2o- 12o - 6 - 51 !L 1, TITLE: On the Reactive Properties of Atrophied Skeletal M.-scies (0 reaktivnykh nvoyntvakh atrofirovannykh skeletriykh --,,sht--' 2ERIODICAL; Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 12o, Nr PP 1349 - 1352 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The atrophisation process of muscles in connec tion wit?~ i~s denervation has been sufficiently investi,,ated (Refs 1 - " ' The aut~.or succeeded already earlier in provin 6 t.,.:A thiS atror-hisation occurs in foci Beside atro;~hied nectio.-.s --re bundles of muscular fibers which conserve t.,.ei r normal h;.stolo gical stri.,cture. Terminations of nerves exist in ouch fi~er3. whereas they are lacking in atrophied fibers- It is known that the atrophination process proceeds slowly- The de.-ree o1' :ttroj,ny depends on the time which has passed since the denervation T~.e modification of the capacity for reFeneration of the miiscul&r fibers in ti.e course of their atrophination ha d to be For this purpose two experiziental series werp carried out 1, The muscle was denervated and injured at tl.e n a:,..e ti7:& (Rc-f ~)" Card 1/3 The histoloGical picture did not differ at all from th-,.t 3-' n On the Reactive ilr-~Perties of Atrophied Skel tal 2o- 1 2~, r I./ Muscles i7nerv Aed II) Thc mrscle was ln~ured IT. th- -tat- :~f a atrop~,-,,. Fcr this purione a section cf t,.C- ,. e i.gc,- ia~] czs I crn of 20 v;hAte rats vins cut -Ibve the o-rA of r ar c h i r, i n t o n ervus f0m1wis ommmis and n e rv u s t i t i: ~ 1 ',CC Ll,-,,YS later a trian'-le (with i-, aide of was cut -,-t cf t!.e L:a~,,,trocnemiua- The results chowed TL--t t1le -n,,scle i the state of thoroul7h F-trophy is incapable of the re -ener ticn of th~, sectio-s in which the 7-uscular fiberr. -ire r,ot and were ~,;ubjected to atrophic chan,~:-es Hmevcr a -x,%rI,2te .denervation within an entire ork~anisw as well as -, r,i muzqc-~;lar atrchy -trc~ hrirdly poo.,ible cince :,vcrl tTri . ' t:.,~ perti,herai nerves and their anastomcn-i take I rt- i ri., There nre 2 fijures and 8 refererce- w 1. 1 E o v ASSOCIATION': Instit-ut eksperi-.1entallnoy medilsin~ Ak:~,Iemii nauk SSSR,E. LeningrA (Lerinp-ra.1, Institute of 'Ex',er-7.u. I Medicine of tIIe Acaderij of Medical Sci-ricen )USSR) PRESE'N'TED Marc ,i 17, 155E', b~, NX.Anichkov, Member f 3:.C.. USSR Card 2/3 On the Reactive Properties of Atrophied Skeletal . Muscles SUBMITTED: March 3, 1958 1. Muscular atrophy-Analysis 2. Muscular atropliy- - -, factors 3. Muscles--.Properties 4. Nerves-Regpie-;~t'c, Card 3/3 ZHINKIN, L.N.; MOVA. G.N.; SIROTIHA. M.Yu. Inclusion of methionine in developing and regenerating somatic muscles [with summar7 In English]. Arkh.anat.gist. I embr. 36 no.1:32-38 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Laboratoriya gistologii (zav. - prof. L.N. Zhinkin) Inatituta iceperimentalluoy meditainy AKN SSSR. Adres awtora: Leningrad, Kirov- eirly pr.. 69/71., Institut eksperimentallnoy meditBiny ANN SSSR. (XMCLICS, metab. methionine. inclusion of prop. labeled by radio- sulfur during regen. & develop. (Rus)) (MMIONDIN, metab. musc., inclusion of radionulfur-laboled metnionine during regen. & develop. (Rue)) ORLOVAj G.N. CUnge in cell divigdon in of the lip under conditions 2 no-4:404-411 JI-Ag 160, 1. Laboratoriya gistologii Akademii mediteitokikh nauk (KARYOKINESIS) the epithelium of the mucous membrane of disturbed in rvation. TSitologi-ia (MM 13:9) Instituta eksperimentallnoy meditsiny SSSR, Leningrad. (EPITHELIUM) - -ORLOVA, G.N. Effect of I rays on the regimen of cell division in the mucosal epithelium of the tongue. TSitologiia 3 no. 1:67-74 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 14:2) L, Laboratoriya eksperimentallnoy gistologii Instituta eksperimen- tallnoy meditainy ANN SSSR9 Leningrad' (X RAYS-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) ~CELL DIVISION (BIOLOGY)) NABOMOV, V. A. ; S.,. WNIKOV, A. I.; USPE14SKIY, I - V- PrIll i 'a~ L-4RY'jy -1, M.A.; rRrITSOVP, Ye.jl.; 'i~71SHOVAI T.S.: 'AtLOVA, G.I.T. Use of' a hel! 7opter f,:r sprav'_ng. f,,c- of ti,~k enr-ephal It fores!,s. Med. paraz. i paraz. bol. 33 ro.1:64-68 Ja-F (M 1 TIA 1. Otdelerive toksikologli i borlby a nhlenistonogimi ( zav. pr-f. V.A. i4abokov) lrstl'~uta meditsinskoy parazitolog~.. - tropicheskoy meditsiny imen! Ye.I.Marts.novskogo (direkt,,- - prof. P.G. Sergleyev) i Gosi-,da--stvmnyynaucimo---'ssledovai.ell- skiy inst-t-at Grazhdanskogc, Vczduslmogr, Flota, Moskva. ~'. in- s-!.itut meditsinskoy parazitc.lopli. imeni Ye.l. Mari s:n?v.3-,Cf- - (for Laryakhim, Kr-,'vtsova, Yershov 3. Gosudars"venny-y nauchno-issledovatel I ski y institu' Grazhdanskogn Vozdushn,-,g,, Flota (for Kish, Orlova). ORLUVA~ 0. P. "On interaction of water with silicate melt under pressure." report submitted for 4th A11-Union Conf on Struoture of Glass, Leningrad, 16-21 mar 64. SHARAFIYEV, M.Sh.; ORLOVA, G.V. Chrome-magnesite periclase lining of rotary kilns for the burning of cement clinkers. Ogneupory 27 no.3:142-144 '62. (MIRA 15:3) 1. UN11TSement. (Xilas, RotarY) (Refractory materials) SHARAFIMJO H.Sho; 2R-OVA1-"V- Mutual overgrovtbm of magneBloferrite and foraterite in chrom&.- naguesite brick. TSement 29 no-1:15 J&P-F 163. (K[RA 16:2) 1,, kwiltsement. (Refractory materials) SHARAFIYEV, M.Sh.; ORLOVA, G.V. Using the Fedorov universal st4ge for studying clinkers. TSement 29 no.3:12-13 My-Je 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Azniitsement. ORLOVA, G.V. From !4ay 18-21 the third Scienctific Conference of the results of " ho, wirk of the Scientific-Rese arch Institutions of Siboria'-for 1951 and first quazt,~r of 1952 was held in the Siberian Zonal Scientific-liecearch Veterinary Inntitutc. G.V. ORWVA scientific asnociate of Altai NIVOSO gave a report on the 0 topic IfUlitization of Protein-virus complex in Foot-and-Mouth Disease". SO: Veterinariya;Vol. 29;No.9;Se,)t.l952 pp 02-64 Tj. V nc th. of F r.. tr1i Diff-r,:!,,t -.--.b,-t ..At -7 ~,-T_, t USSR.Diseases of Farm AnimAlst Diseases Caused by R-I Bacteria and Fungil Abe Jour I Ref Zhur-Bide., No 18j, 1958p 83513 Author t -OwItrVIT--G. V. Inst t Altay Kray Scientific Research Veterinary Station. Title Comparative ~'valuation of Complex Diarnosis ~%thods in Bovine Brucellosis, Orig Pub Sbornik nouchn; robot Altayak, krayevoy n.-i. vet. at., 1957p vYP. l.. 88-101 Abstrart t No abstract is given Card 1/1 4, 1, ' ' SALINIKOV, M.D.; ORLOVA, G.V. Work of the Kamul-on-Obi interdistrict veterinary bacteriological laborator7 of the Altai Territor7. Taterinarita 34 no.8.-9-12 Ag '57. (mm lotg) 1. Starchi7 vaterinarnyy vrach veterinarnogo otdola upravlerdya sel'skogo khotyavotya Altayakoge kraya (for Sallnikov). 2. Star- shiy nauchnvy sotrudnik lauchno-ineledovatel'skoy veterinarnoy stanteil (for Orlov). (Altai Territory-Voter1nary laboratories) I BYEHOVSKAYA, M.S.; ORIDVA, I.A.- Separate determination of manganese, chromium, and iron in the air by polarograpby. Zav.1ab. 27 no.5:540-542 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1* Institut gigiyeny truda i profzabolevaniy Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR, (Manganese-Analysis) (Chromium,-4nalysis) (Iron-Analysis) MIRCHINK, T.G.; ORLOVAs, I.A. Mycoflora of some Gray-Brown forest soils in the Voronezh iteserve and its toxic characteristics. Vest. Moak. un. Ser. 6: Biol., pochv. 17 no.3-.70-77 MY--Je 162. (14IRA 15:6) 1. Kafedra biologii pochv Moskovskogo universiteta. (VCRONr,,ZB PRESERVE--SOIL MTCRO-ORGANISMS) (FOPMT 5011,S) (FUT11GI) TATAROV, Z.I.; ALIERASHKIN, Ya.l., kand. fiz.-matem. rwuk, otv, rec' ORILVA, I.A., red. (Standard programs for the "Streia-Y' computer.] Standartnye programmy dlia mashiny "Strela-3." Mosk-a, VTs, AN SSSR, . 8 p. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Vychislitellnyi tsentr. Standartnye i tipovye programmy dlia mashiny "Strela-3," no-4) (MIRA ',' 8: 1 ~ POPOV, S.H.; GOLOMCHIKOV, A.M.; GO11CHAROV, G.I.; LYSENKO, T.P.; ORLOVA, I.A., inzh., red.; VOROBIYEVA, L.V.,, (New transverse profiles of the ballast section] Novye poperechyWe profili ballastnoi primy. Moskva, Trans- zheldorizdat, 1963. 31 p. (MIRA 17:1) GRABLEV, A.S.; KOROLIKOV, N.V., kand. tekhn.nauk,, otv. red.; Ojj;~=A ._; red.; KORKINA, A. I.# tekbn. red. [High-speed ferrite diode elements with a.c. power sup- ply for electronic digital computers] Bystrodeistvuiu- shchie ferrit-diodrore elementy s pitanlem peremennym tokom dlia TsVM. Moskva, V7chislitellrWi tsentr AN SSSR, 1963. 63 P. (MIRA 17:1) , y . -,:,- d M.I.; V..).$ otv. rots.; 0i,UIVA & A., i . P-rinciplas of the "Alj7-,11-6011 a1corith:Tdc_ ianCuai~e.l - -. - 1 0 y ;,-. 1. . ._._ chosKog-o iazyKa k:. '~oscvb, 1-464. ill. ~. (AAP:iomli~, - .,- . Vychislitcl In,,,-! !.;entr. Oush-,11d6 voizosy '.. '~ ~ - ( .- _'. - - I I KHOVANSKIY, G.S.; DITKIN, V.A., prof., otv. red.; ORLOVA, I.A., red. (Methods in nomography] Metody norografirovanila. Moskva, Vychislitellnyi teentr AN SSSR, 1964. 223 P. (MIRA 180) ANTIPOV, I.N.; PODDERYUGIN, V.D., otv.Ved.-; ORLOVA,-I.A., red. [Use of gimpson's method in solving a definite integral] Kychislenie opredelennogo integrals netodou Simpsona. Moskva, Vychislitellnyi tsentr AN SM, 1964. 9 p. (Akadeniia nauk SSSR. Vychisl--Ltellnvi tsentr. Standartnye i tipovye progrwW EESM-2, no.9). (KRA 17:4) 1: k, - " --.-,, , ~ ~ ;'- , N 0- D.r,.~ SF,"GAY-TCH, CR; IV A A ed , Rrcgram.- 4 n d tne a r bre P, r-i a i,', i.: Mc,skva, 62 F. Nj 1~1 VY ! ~i ~-.qan tr. arida rtnye v- lrir I ri V-~7- K,.zgi. Iekhn. na ~1, V red,; ilharmal strerpfi; In cy'l.-Aer wlxr, FirmiLrary distribution of by heigh'Ll ".,nnperat arrive na- priazheniia v ts~ I'Mare ,~ri pr-.izio:ll~om rac;-- predelenii. ter[.err-.tLr,, po vysr)ta. MDz-,kvii, Vychislltel Iny. tsentr AN SS.I~ , !()i,' . 1. 1 p. ,, ii%., TOROPOV, V,S KOROL re~.; [Some problems in mngnf-..~ poiar'-ty particular cycles of Inf: ;eirctorye V, J,r~ 5~, peremagnichivaniia `err~-tov gisterezisa. Mosk,--.,, I P. naiv Vychislitel'ny.' tekhnike, no. 3, BOCHEK, I.A.; Pdl'r':PoV, 7~,N*., -~,w.rt-I., 1 A., ret.; KOIK I 14A, A.:., . ~- . [Program fcr calru! , elver-,valiies anr! -igenver,~C,rl -! -I symmetrical mal.ri,!. vy.--!-i-s:er-'i sobstve-nnykJ, znFI( ?.: i sobstvennyH-. ie~.tor,v 1 %4 . 2 3 P. ( Ak adem i j n n,, ik. 1; * ~;.p . .-, 1 ~ , e , , ny; * - T-, *, I. . S! 11 rc! -1 :- * " -, -I tipovye prorrrunny FI-*Z'-- , ri-. I " :1 ULII-IASOV) E.; KHOVAEMY, G.S., doktol- tekhn. nauk, otv. red.; ORLOVA, I.A., red. [Nomograms for the hydraulic design of sewerage networks] Nomogramny dlia gidravlicheskogo rascheta kanalizatsion- n~rkh setei. ',,'oskva, VTs AN SrM, lq6z,. 30 p. (VIRA 17.F) DASHEVSKTY, Lev Naumovi-nl kand. tekhn. naLk; F)G?TBJliSK-.`, Solown Yeka*-eriaa A.lekse-.evna. kand. teknn. naW. Prinimall uchast17e- LOSEV, V.D,; ABA7YSHNIKOVA, L.M.; ZORINA. Z,S.; --Ja2ML 1-k-A ZUBATT~IAO, A.Ya.-, PAVLEMKO, Yu.S., inzh., onzen-T"'.0 51 r;~Cs '-,; ; GfIl IKOV V. M., akademik, red. fThe "Kiev" -orlpLter., 4'-s cle.-.i= and rqer-.~i~nl Vvc-lisl'- tollnaia m!isl,,4na "Kiev"; proektJro-ianie ` cksplilal~atsiia. Kiev, Tek~mlka 119G". 3.- FEDULOV, Vasiliy Fedorovich; ANTONOV, Fedor Ivanovich, ZAKATALOVA, Aleksandra IosifGvna; ORLOVA, I.A.p red. [Characteristics of the maintenance of tracks with re- inforced concrete ties] Osobennostl soderzhaniia puti s zhelezobetonr*rmi shpalami. Moskvas Transport, 1964. 19 P. (MIRA 17:10) KOROBOCHKIII, B.I-,, FILIPPOV, Tii.k.; DITKIN, V.A., prof., otv. red.; ORLOVA, I.A., red. [Tables of modifled Vhittaker functions ,' Tablitsy modif-itsi.- i rovaraqkh funktsii Uittekera. Moskva, VyshislitelInyl tsentr AN SSSR, 1,~65. 321 p. (Ivj!~A 18, ') DITKIN, V.A., prof., otv. red.; ORLOVA, I.A., red. [Tables of the logarithmic derivative of the gan=.a func- tion and its derivatives in a complex region] Tablitsy logarifmiclieskoi proizNodnoi gamma-funktsii i ee proiz- vodnykh v kompleksnoi oblasti. Moskva, 1965. 363 p. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Akademiya nauk S.SSR. Vychislitellnyy tsentr. RASSOKHIN, G.I.; KOROLIKOV, N.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, otv. red.; ..."DilLOVA LA. . red . I [Method for the synthesis of logical networks using inhibitor elemarts with multiple inputs] Metod sinteza logicheskikh skbem nr a)-,mentakh zapreta so mnogimi vkhcdarr.1, Mosk-va- V5chlslitellnyi tsentr AN SSSR, 1965. 27 p. (MIRA 18-7) EMLYAKOV-BODIN, V.I.; KOLEMMOV, M.A.; TORGOV, Yu.I.,,- SIUMANSKIY., V.V.; SMIRYAGRI, V.P.p otv. red.; -OP.WVA, 1,A" red. [Supervision of the operation of electronic computers] Kontroll raboty elektronnykh vychislitellrykh mashin, Moskvaj, 1965. 48 p. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. VychislitellzWy tsentr. ot-r. rt:d,; 01' f-.nrLjycslic-v lk ym.,frill a I ,i or ti-,or,.( rmall zed an a :;j-,tem of equialbtart pt,,.nts] Tablitsy polinomov Cgeb:,,-- Aeva, orloncrm~rrwtrmy,~h nr. sistem rawootstoiashchikil ' 't LN Moskv!i, Vy - i.,~ e, SSSR, 19b5. p. OIRA 18,,1-2) 0:-,LC,VA-, LA.,, red. [Accelerating the car turnmrer-: wl.,: : :- Moskva, Transport, 1965. 92 p0 (A', : ~j' - ~" - , - , LOMNEV, S.F.; ORLOVA, -0c. ,Ira! m, !at !(.r. -if e !e,, cF. r,! !. 9 E, ric phenomena using ciFltai cc)ri.Futers, elaktrofizichaskiki-- lav- Tkh aiash!nax~.. w,,~, leni, n& Vychislitellnyi tsc-r.t,- Ali SAMSONOV, Aleksey Vasillyevich; LYAKHOV, Gennadiy Aleksanarovich; CIIIOVA, I.A., red. (Labor safety in railroad triiffic operatiormi Okhrana trudq v khoziaistve dvizheniia zheloznykh dorog. Yoskva, Tr&nB:;o!-t, 196". 182 p, (MIRA !E:10) NIKISIUN, V.z~; VIEITI~AN, h.1., otv. red.; ORLONA, I.A., red. L'trussed state of a aywanetricaliy loadad slaBtic circular cylinderl Napriazhennoe soBtoiania simmetrichno nagruzhen- nogo uprugogo kr-ugovogo tsilindra. Moskva, Vychislitellnyi tsentr AN S&SR, 1965. 193 P~ (MIRA 18:12) POVOROZHENKO, Vladimir lasillyevich; ORLCYVA, I.A., red. (Increasing the operative capacity of freight cars] Po- vyshenie proizvoditallnosti gruzovogo vagona. Moskva, Transport,, 1965. 195 p. (MIRA 18t7) SRAFMHNIKOVP V.N.; IKAZANSUYA, T.B.j ORLDVA, I.Q. Effect of dicarbmWUo acids and som otheir compounds on the blosynthesis of atreptonVoin. low*PSSt.Ser.blol. no.6s813- 824 11-D 062. (MM 16:1) 1. Institut mikrobiologii AN SSSR. (STREPTOMCIN) OIIT,OVA, I . C'. MLOVAt 1. ri.t "Inw-nUfrntion of t~r fusion Dn thr. transform.,-tic~n c," thr -crti es ;ims." Yl~.,irlk-v, lr~`,. Polyt.( chn! c Inst imeni V. 1. !rrin. of' 'echnicpl 'jcJ4(-rc-,) -f'fr-rt Of CIPT-ta'n -,ror)r-rt'-- 01" in trilvri'tc 'rtr, --rt-7-4r, -ro- Fln :.IjcalLi-,n Klmr I k~-v (Di!3-;(-rlut! on fcr t~ r c o 3C: !~n~z~IiLayq ILtcj:-.!.q' No. I, No-.,er:!~ r 1109.cow. to 1958 1-22)2 Translation from Refe rat ivnyy zhurnal. Wtallurgiya. 19~8. N r 2 1) 12 WSSR AUTHORS Kaynarskiy, 1,S. Orlo,.a. I.-G. TITLE Phase Transformation of Silica Pre,,-rashcheni ya v sistelile kren-inezema) PERIODICAL V sb Fiz -khirn osnovy keramiki Moscow. Prornst ro~- izdat, 1956, pp 507-519 ABSTRACT. This is a survey of the latest information on the transiorn-,~- tions of SiO) at high temperatures into tridvn-iite, cristobalite, quartz glass, etc Included are data obtained by the Authors on the "cristobalitizing'' effect of different cations oil finely divided quartz and on the ''tridymitization- of SiO? as a function of nature of the raw material involved and of various other factors Bibliography 41 references S.G. 1. Silioa-Transformation 2. Silica-Temperature effect5 Card I/ I (,) k) " c) k/ /-), I/ , (.1-),, AUTHOR: Felldgan-3ler, G.G. 131--12-8/9 TITLE: Short Reports (Kratkiye Fjoobshoheniya). Confer--not of the Scientific- Teohnica.l Counail of the Institute for Refractories in Khar'kov (Sessiya. nauchn,04elehrlicheakogr, soveta institute. ogneuporov v Khar'kove) MIODICAL: Ogneupory, 1957, Nr 12, pp. 567-568 (U33R) ABSTRACT: This conference took place on Ootober 2800, 1957, and vm3 attended by many representatives of scientifto institute!? and the corresponding industries. Reports were heard on various problems connected with re- fraotories, of which the following met with the greatest interest: 1.) Professor Karyakin, L.I. , he&3 of the petrographical laboratory of the Khar'kov Institute for Refractories) 5poke about the results obtained by re3aaroh work connected %Yith kaolinB and alays of the Ukraine. 2.) I.G. Orlova, Candidate of Technical Sciences, gave a re.- port on the research work o&rried out -_cnoerning sintering and swell- ing up of refmatory olays and k&olina wben heated. 3.) T.S.Ignatova, scientific collaborator of long star-ding of the Uml deps.rtment of the Leningrad Institute for Ref rao-.cries, delivered a report on the results obtained by labomtory work. as well " by the industrial testing of the rational utilization of primary kaolin foun-3 in the Kyshtym Card 1/2 deposits and of the semiacld olayss discovered In the Ural depob.Lts. ORLOVAY I. G. and I. S. KAYMUSKIY "Relationsh4p Between he Pi-lysicoc~iemi,-al PrGperties f EquIlva-e-:! Mets and Quartz Tridymitsation" P. 359 '~'f t - I, , i P. TIVALLS&cticiLIA - I ~)w i III, , R).-~ - wid pe'LMV-Z-A4 ";4' r*IAT,+f tvtl to ? V-- 41'. 11. jile, (Ifu al -L:;.Lf I. .t' LJ-1 t-~Le i'le.!" ' Ze t-- 'J. ew' 'r st'.-CL4! tw ". ~j I I KAYNAMIY, I.S.; ORLOYA. I.G. Various C*"aTr,,Iz`a-t~,onpaiterzks of molten sil4cates. Zhur. neorg. khim. 3 no.6:1416-1427 is 158. (NM 11W 1. VesooyuzVy nauchno-iseledovatellaidy Institut ogneuporov. (Silicates) (Crystallisation) AUTHORt Orlova, I G, TITLEt On the Physical-Chemical Nature of Fine-Grained Dinas Mass During Burning sushchnosti uprochneniya v obzhige dinasa) K PERIODICALt, Ogneupory, 1958, 1ANr 8, PP 367-371 S 0 V, / 13 1 - 2 the Soli6ification of (0 fiziko-khi:,-.chcskoy tenkoz.-i-rnistoy massy (USSR) ABSTRACTs The strength of Dinas depends,on the whole, on the content of fine quartz fractions in the mass as well as on the pres- sure and the comf)osition of additions (Fig 1). The influence exercised by the phane transformation of silicon dioxidr.- as well as the process of the modification of the strength cf Dinas have hitherto not been explained. The com,,osition of additions influences pressure-and breakin.g_str~_n,~th (Ta,,)le Samples containing alk-line additions were founJ to hav,~ greater strength. Table 2 shows the calculated values of strength, and, besides, the strength of such samples -s mer- tioned with respect to which there is no agreement The .:19'n degree of mechanical stren.-th of samples containIn.- alkal~.n- additions may be explained by its nigh tr".rymit(- contend, Card 1/3 which maj also be seen "row figure 2, which shci,s tne iirro sov/".A-, b ~- .1 / , ~-. On the Physical -Chemica-- Natur, cf thc. Soll idificati~,)n of j.*.,-,(, Dinas Mass During Burning s t ru c t u r t- osiLp I eie n . r. vi tent cf 80 6 p a s Y, e s a m p c. ha na I s' r,, i i,: ~i 800 kg/cm' -)amplu 9 (Fig 3) contains cnly 50 dymite and has a ,;.renSth of 6,UO Kgi/.m', anc -3anpl~, contains about 20 - 25 % tridymite and ~t.; stri~.-ngth ain---rts *o about 400 ka/cm4 A reauction of th~ cont,rit of ide in melts leads to a reduction of t~ie tr,-dymit~ contt~ri' as well as of stren,,:th, which is confiriaLd b~ th,.~ va-aes o'ta-r~-i b~ experiuents (Figs and 6). An increase )I ,aantit, i:, the binas rLa.~;s do~.s r,ot Increase strength --)f t~,e burned frai,ment /,."aole ~) ui~c-iusk t!.:,s cis,s no infl.A~nr:e upor. tht- tridymite cont(--nt Con~l.isl',:)ns: It was found that the -rriatest streri.-tr. i.i attaincd in samplcs of fine uartzite fractions b. ---.edns of alkaline aciditions 2) It was found that thi, pro-6s ,,)f dification consists ir. the transformation of silioov into trid,,,.:.ite und,--r the influ~:nct~ of aduitic..,-.~- ' ) A' r,n Card 2/3 nection bctvt:--n the structare :irio tt,e solicifi,a',*,on ~,I' *h- On the Physical-Chemical Nature of the Solidification (;f r'ine-rilliec Dinas Mass During Burning AS S 0 ~ I-T Iv 1: fine fractions of bina-s MaSSL's during burnine, was citt, r:iin( d There are 7 figures, 3 tables , and 12 references , 1_' ,rt:: Soviet . V:..soyaznyy nauchno-isslecovatel irtz~,.itut c),!re,:,c.-ov (All-Unior. Sci,.:r,tific ;(es,2arch Ir).~titat,~ tor io_i*r,-t2r-i&.~) Card 3/3 15(2) AUTHORS: Kaynarskiy, I. S., Crlova, 1. G., SOV/131-59-4-)/16 Merkulova, Ye. V. %_ TITLE: The Pressing of Refractories Containing Graphite and Carborundum in Thermoplastic State (Pressovaniye grafit- karborundsoderzhaslichilch oGneuporov v tormoplastichnom sostoyanii) PERIODICAL: Ogneupory, 1959, Nr 4, PP 173-180 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the results of pressing Graphite- and carborundum-containing masses are described which were made thermoplastic by means of additions of fireproof clay. T~.e blanks were pressed by means of a unit which is presented in figure 1. Experiments with graphite KLZ-2 showed that it is possible to obtain first-rate products by pressing Graphite- clay-containing masses in thermoplastic state (Table 1). especially when using ground graphite the structure was mproved (Table 2). At an amount of pressure applied of 75 kh/cm products of different density and porosity, depending on graph- ite content and pressure temperature, are obtained from graphitic-argillaceoue masses (Table 3) The influence Card 1/3 exerted by the graphite content of the masses upon the The Pressing of Refractories Containing Graphite SOV/131-59-4-9/16 and Carborundum in Thermoplastic State apparent porosity of the samples is presented in figures 2 and 3. The dependence of the breaking strength under pressure of the graphitic-argillaceous samples on the graphite content within the mass is demonstrated in figure 4, The interrelation between the breaking strength under pressure and the apparent porosity of graphitic-argillaceous samples are given in figure 5. The properties of graphitic-argillaceous refractories pressed in thermoplastic state at a temperature of 1300 are listed in table 4; figure 6 gives the model of a graphitic- argillaceous stopper for steel casting, Further carborundum- argillaceous refractories were investigated whigh were pressed in thermoplaltiC state at a temperature of 1300 and an amount of 100 kg1cm of pressing applied (Table 5). The density and deformation of vraphite-carborundum-argillaceous pressed refractories are presented in table 6 and their properties in table 7. Finally the authors of this article state that this proosing method has considerable advantages as compared with the method of hot pressing, which are hanod on variout; phyalco- chemical processes. There are 6 figures, 7 tables, and I Card 2/3 Soviet reference. The Pressing of Refractories Containing Graphite SCV/13'-59-4-9/1, and Carborundum in Thermoplastic State ASSOCIATION: Ukrainskiy nauchno-inaledovatellskiy inatitut oguaupor~v (Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Card 3/3 "rA1nIAP=p I.S.; MOVA., I.G.; NUMIA)VA, Ye.T. 7ftpertiss. of hot-presmed refractories on a basis of clay and kaolin* Sbor.sauch.trad. UNIIO no.P79-91 161, OffM 15112 ) (Firebrick) KAYNARSKIYo I.S.; ORLOVAv I.G.; MEMLOVAp Ye*V. Thermoplastic pressing of coomon clay and kaoline bricks. Ogneupory 26 no. 2:71-W 161. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-isaledovateltakiy inatitut ogneuporov. (Firebrick) v KAYNARSKIY, I.S.; ORLO A, I.G.; TROKOPENKO, M.I.; SOKHNA, G.Ye.-, YEnoy'lMov, YU.P. Testing of zircon dinas bricks in the arches of steel-smelting are furnaces. Ogneupory 27 no.2:77-80 '62. (MIRA 1,:3) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut ogneuporov ~for Kaynarskiy, Orlova, Prokopenko). 2. Khar'kovskiy traktornyy zavod in. Ordzhonikidze (for Sokha, Yevdokimov). (Firebrick--Testing) (Electric furnaces) KAYNARSKIY, I.S.; ORLOVA, I.G. Grog-free refractories made of high-grade clays and keoline. Opeupory 27 no.10:444-449 162. (MA 150) 1. Ukraindkly nauchno-issledovatellekiy institut opeuporov. (Refractory materials) KAZANSKAYA, T.B.; CHLOVA, I.G. Effect of orgwdc acids of the aliphatic series C2 - G on the grovth of Actinowyces streptonVoini and the forztaaon of streptowlein by it. Dokl.AN SSSR 145 no.521158-1159 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Predstavleno akademikom V.N.Shaposhnikovym. (STW2TOMYCIN) (ACIDS, FATTY) (ACTINOMYCES) ~z-l-'."Iiiii'i,-'fii-dti6n---bolov-.31A Both -,Ien dint: ittr4n.gth' a6d--treakdovu Voltage A/ 21 L 2129-65 EPA (S)-2/E1VT (m)/EPF'n'-,)/EPA (-ei)-21T1EF1P(q)1EViP(b) Pab-24/ Pt-10/pu WH JACCESSION NR.' AP4042205 3/0020/64/157/002/0331/0333 i ':~ jL !AUTHORS: Orlova, I.G.; kaynarskiyj I.S.; 1TITI;E: Kinetics of deformation of corundum specimens upon heating SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 157, no. 2, 1964, 331-333 TOPIC TAGS: deformation kinetics, corundum, vacancy diffusion IABSTRACT: The authors have experimentally investigated th9 do- formation of corundum which did not undergo prior anneal -ing, sunder the action of its own weight, at different temperatures ~of heating. The camber of small prisms of corundum 5x5 mm at '~the distance between the supports of 60 mm, was measured. The stress caused by the weight amounted to about 10 gm/=2. The defor- mation vs. time curves were found to be of two types. One type showed saturationg the other did not. The deformation depends on thel kind and on the amount of admixtures., The deformation under its own weight was found to follow the same rules which correspond to the vacancy diffusion mechanism of metal deformation and of sintering of metal powder-so Orig, art* bass 4 figures, 1 table. L 2128-65 ACCESSION NR: AP4042205 ASSOCIATION: Ukrainakiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ognouporov (T-Tkrain Scierdlific Research Institute ~f ' Refractory Materials) SUEMITTEDI 25jan64 SUB CODE t ENCLI 00 NR REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 001 Card 2/2 SRAPOSHNIKOV, V.N., akademik; KAZMISKAYA, T.B.; ORI&VA,__I,_G. CharacteriBtics of Aerobacter cloacae Nc).28 as relatond t.-) thfj accumulatio, of valine in the medium. Dokl. AN SSSR 159 no.6: 1408-14-10 D 164 (MIRA 18:1) 1. In8titut m1krobioloill A' SSSI(. ACCESSION NR: AP4043452 S/0131/64/000/008/0378/0380 AUTHOR: Orlova, 1. G., Mirkina, R. Ye. TITLE: Effect of microstructure on the modulus of elasticity of corundum ceramics SOURCE: Ogneupory*, no. 8, 1964, 378-380 TOPIC TAGS: ceramic, refractory, corundum, corundum ceramic, elasticity modulus, ceramic elasticity, ceramic microstructure ABSTRACT: The theory that there is a regular relationship between modulus of elasticity and the grain size in polycrystalline materials was verified in a series of tests in which the modulus was determined by a static method in 4. 5 x 4. 5 x 80 mm samples of corundurr. ceramics. The samples, containing more than 99. 8% Al~%, consistyd of fine (