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EDSTF.NKO, M.V.; MRDLYUBDV, N.N.; OIIwv. V.N. Effect of internecting talacamunication line conductors on thpir asymmetry coeffla.clont. Trudy LPI W-195t62o-630 '58.(mIRk 11:10) (Blectric ljnAH) KGSTENKOP M.V.; SIDELINIKOV, V.V.; ORIDV, V. . Parameters of high-frequency co=unication channels using overhead and cable electric power transmission lines. Sbor. rab. po vop. elektromekh. no.5:240-251 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Telephones lines) (Radio lines) (Telegraph lines) ORIM, V.S.. BYKGVS-,:IY, YA.L., KIKU-13-ilY, G.V., T.Y. OChameteristics of carrier current channels for taletransmisBion over pwwer lines.' ReDort to be submitted for the 19th Biennial Session, Intl. Gonf. on Large Electric Systems(CIGRE), Paris France, 16-26 may 62. BTKOVSKIY. Comm. Lab., All-Union Scientific Research Inst. -Electro Power Engineering. MIKUTSKIY, Central Scientific Research Elect. Engineering Lab. Min. of Elect. Pwwer Stations, USSR. ORLOV, Ural, Polytechinal Inst. I- S.M. Kirov, Sverdlovsk SIDEL?TIKOV, Chair Automatics and Telemechanics, Leningrad Polytechinal Inst. im M.I. Kalinin ORLOV, V.N.; SIDELINIKOV, V.V. I*thod for calculating the high-frequency parameters of overhead power transidesion lines, Elaktronvias' 16 no.7.56-63 Jl 162. (KM 15M (Electric power distribution) (Electric lines--Overhead) inin mnjz~-.~':Pp_ " ENCLI 00 KADOMSKAYA, K.P.; LEVIESIffM M.L.; MIKHAYLOV, Yu.A.; OKOROKOV, V.R.; Oi.UV, V.N.; POLOVOY, I.F.; KO~TENKO, M.V., prof. red. (Internal overvoltages of high-voltage a.c. networks, 1961- 19631 Vnutrennie perenapriazheniia v elektricheskikh setiakh vysokogo napriazlioniia poremennogo toka,, 1961- 1963. Mo- skva, 1964. 24-1 p. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut muchnoy informataii. 2. Chlen-korrespondent All SSSR (for Kostenko). M I KHAYLOV , Yu. A. , i nz h. 1 0 RLOV, V. N. , kan r' te khn. na uk; POLC)Vr'Y, I . F. P kand.tek,b-.nauk; CHERNYAYEV, I.V.P kand.tekhn.nauk; VERSYK07, V.A., inzh.; NAUMOVSKIY, L.D.P inzh.; TOPOLYANSKTY, L.B., inzh. Registration of internal overvoltages in 110 to 500 kv. operational power distribution networks. Elek. sta. 36 no.2:48-52 F 965. (MIRA 38:4) '.RUV~ ,l. 7.1 ` ~ 1 ~ 6~adi 5nt of the T ln*,anpity cf a n~Drrr;-,- fio2d, (.oca. : n:~. I.-, lEr, 0 NTRA -,W) .1, -%LlLat matvt~-Azrrui, I.oroifpry 1. ra.9 pros tranen'..'ra radic,,m--,-, I -V, 11.L.; K s c w,-, r OHIC%lf V.N. --- ~ 'i ectroi-ymngraphic eyxq;tow of thp cic a tr I c I al 3~, age of qrocard! a! I nfarcti on. Kardiologila 5 nc).1,42-46 Ja--F 165. (MIRA 18,q) 1. li-ya kitfedrh terapli (zav.- prof. A.Z. Chf~rnov) i I-ya 'kafedra rP.-itgen,-)lop'lJ J mr-111tsJnskoy rndlologii (zav, pror. S.A. Reynberg) I nogn tuta usnvfrsh-enstvnvun!.ya vrac, P-.,, MoB~va. A.P., X T 7 - -- - ---- - - Abinnel IntQ soo- '74- L2 '7~ 7 -1 07"9-67. -w( L) ACC NR: AP6035845 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/020/0055/0056 INVENTOR: Orlov, V. N.; Sokolinskiy, A. G. ORG: none TITLE: A temperature-compensated ultrasonic delay line. Class 21, No. 187083 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, Lovarnyye znaki, no. 20, 19661 55-56 TOPIC TAGS: circuit delay line, ultrasonic effect, ultrasonic equipment, ultrasonic frequency i ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for an ultrasonic delay line (see Fig. 1) with a rigid sound conductor and a distributed input and output. The Card 1/2 Fig. 1. Temperature stabilized ultrasonic delay line 1, 2 - Rigid sound conductor; 3 - transition layer; 4 - tightening bracket. UDC: 621.374.5 L 07449-67 iArC NRt AP6035845 rigid sound conductor is made from a quartz and a magnesium part to reduce the temperature coefficient. Both parts are located in the same plane and are polygon- shaped. The two parts, linked by a transition laver, are mechanically connected with a tightening bracket. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. L .12007-66 - wr ZEE NR, AP6005291 SOURCE C6D-E.--u-R7o-Vl-376-6Vo6o-7b-6f[60314-/OO34 2;VENTOR: Sokolinskiy, A. G.; Orlov, V. N. ORG: none /2 TITLE: Method of suppressing false signals 4 Class 21, No. 177h58 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 1, 1966, 34 TOPIC TAGS: signal reflection, acoustic line, false signal, signal suppression ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued describing a method of talse- signal suppression in ultrasonic delay lines w th multiple signal reflection in a Fig. 1. False-signal suppression 1-3 - Offset reflecting platforms. Card 1/2 UDC: 621-374.5 L 32007-66 -4CCN-R-, A P--6-0--0-5291- -,-- - - -- ----- rectangular acoustic line containing reflecting platforms. To equalize false signals at the output of lines, part of reflecting platforms is offset in parallel to the other in the plane of the beam direction (see Fig. 1). Orig. art. has: 1 figure. [Translation of abstract] [NT] SUB CODE: 17/ SUBM DATE: 27Aug64 Card 2 32976 2 1 S/64 61/000/000/003/037, , B1 12YB1 36 19-0 0 AUTHORS- Marchuk, G. I., Orlov, V. N, TITLE- Theory of adjoint functions SOURCE: Krupchitskiy, P. A., ed, Neytronnaya fizika; abornik statey, Moscow, 1961, 30-45 TEXT: The authors derive a number of perturbation theory relations for different functionals which occur in the theory of emittive transitions. To simplify the formulation of perturbation theory relations, adjoint functions are introduced, which have the physical meaning of particle *values*. The concept of the value of a Darticle is defined as follows If the particle flux T satisfies the equation Ll - q, and if 1+ satisfies + + p the adjoint equation L if p, where p is an arbitrary stream function, then - is said to be the particle value with respect to the functional I'(jj - (T,p). The formula 6IP + 61,y) is valid for the case of small p p perturbations. These general considerations are applied to the operator Card 1/2 32976 S/64 61/000/000/003/033 Theory of adjoint functions B112YB138 Lf a 121 +9t'71+ T(E)T d rl~ dE IT(-', E I v at r E- --~, E) , where 2:(E) is the interaction cross-section. Neutron values in a reactor are investigated in the final section of the article. D. I, Blokhintsev and A. S. Romanovich are mentioned. L, N~ Usachev (Doklady sovetskoy delegatsii na Mezhdunarodniy konferentaii po mirnomu ispol'zovaniyu atomnoy energii, Reports of the Soviet delegation on the international conference for peaceful uses of atomic energy, Geneva, 1955, p~25 (1955))",/ and B. B. Kadomtsev (Dokl. AN SSSR, 1U, No. 3 (1957)) are referred to, There are 6 references: 3 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: Weinberg A, Amer. J Phys,, 20, 7 (1952); Ehrlich R , Hurwitz H, Nucleonics, 12, 2 (1954), Card 2/2 ,--ONMI T.N. - SMYGIN, P.M. , YZSIN, O.A.; Investigating the direct reduction process of iron oxides from molten slag by'the electromotive force method. Isv. vys. ucheb. saw.; ebern. not. no. lltl2-19 060. (KIRA 13:12) 1. Urallskly politekbutchookly Institut. (iron oxide) (Blectromotive force) Ln DUKHIN, S.S.; CRWV, V.N.; PMWWKA, I.A.; ZAYTSEVA, K.A. Flow methods for the determination of sizes and charges of coa#ee aerosol particles. Roll.ahur. 26 no.ltl33-138 Ja-F 164. (MIRA V:4) 1. Institut obshchey i noorganicheakoy khimil AN UkrSSR, Kiyev. ORMV. V. W. I _.i_ Special problems of changing spring wheat into vinteri6eat under conditions existing in Kuybyshev Province. Agrobiologiia no.1: 137-139 Ja-IP '60. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Kinel'skays, gosudarstvonnaya selektsionnsys stanteiya. (]Kuybyshev Province--Wheat) ORWVO BYMNSKAYA, I.G., red.; YRUGIN, A.S.,# tekbn, red, [Use advanced cultivation practices Ji growitg backwboat] Gr*ch4k - vysolmlu agrotekbniku. Moskyaq Ud-vo RSovet- WmAa Rosmiia,g 1961* 15 pe (KIRA WS) 1, Briffedir komplokimoy brigady kolkhoza imeni Illicha Aurgazin- skogo rmWona Baahkirskoy ASOR (for Orlov) (Buckwbeat) VI ORLOV, V.w Age and evolutionary variation of noral tooth in the genus Squus. Nauch.d*Ievyseshkolys biol.nauki no.4:66-69 06o. (MM 13:11) 1e Rokomendomm kafedray zoologil, PosvonochyWkh Moskovskogo gosudaretvennogo universitota Im. MoLomonceova. (HORUS--ANA?OW) (TEM) USSR / Farm Animals, Hogs Q-4 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1958, 7190. Author : V. N Inst : Not given Title : Breedinc7,, of Highly Productive Hogs on a Kolkhoz Farm Orig Pub: S. kh. Povolzhlya, 1957, No 6, 71-73 Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 ORLOVv-VoNe Age-related variability of the skull in the wild ass (EquuB hemionus Pall.) Zool. zhur. 40 no-4:592-601 Ap 161. (IURA 14:3) 1, Department of Vertebrate Zoologyp State University of Moscow. (Asses and miles) (Skull) (Age) q~~S_ V.N.; ZAYCHIKOV, i.V., nauchnyy sotrudnik; SIMGEYFVA, O.Ya., n&uchnyy sotruflnik PrecedIM crops and tillage for winter crops in Kursk Province. Zemledelie 25 no.8:42-46 Ag 163. (MIRA l6t1O) 1. Direktor Kurskoy gosudarstvennoy sel'skokhozyaystvennoy opytnoy stantaii (for Orlov). (Kursk Province--Rotation of crops) (Kursk Province-Tillage) ACCESSION NR: AR4046012 S/0058/64/000/007/EO76/EO76 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 7E580 AUTHORS: Aleksandrov, L. N.1 Orlov, V. N. TITLE: On the connection between the recrystallization kinetics and the stress relaxation in metals CITED SOURCE: Sb. Relaksats. yavleniya v met. i splavakh. M., Metallurgizdat, 1963, 294-299 TOPIC TAGS: recrystallization, stress relaxation, internal friction, activation energy, tungsten, molybdenum TRANSLATIONs The temperature and time dependences of internal fric- tion (IF) were investigated in non-recrystallized and in recrystal- lized wires of tungsten and molybdenum. Two peaks were observed on the temperature curve of the IF. Recrystallization greatly reduces i Card 1/3 I iACCESSION NR: AR4046012 the first peak and lowers the second; after selective recrystalli- zation, the second peak in tunLjste:i disappears almost completely. The temperatures and activation energies of the peaks amount to 1400C and 1115 kcal/g-atom and 1950C, 150 kcal/g-atom respectiveDy for tungsten, and 1000C, 87 kcal/g-atom and 1450C, 118 kcal/q-atom respectively for molybdenum. The activation energies of the relax- ation process corresponding to the first peak are close to the ac- tivation energy of the crystallization, and this peak is apparently due to relaxation over the grain boundaries. The relaxation process causing the second peak has an activation energy close to the activa- tion energy of self diffusion or diffusion of impurities in the in- vestigated metals. The contribution of vacancies (measurements at 100C after cooling from 2400C) and of dislocations (comparison with the dislocation density determined by the x-ray structural method) to IF are analyzed. Relaxation curves are plotted in the tempera- ture interval 500--2700C. Opinions are advanced concerning the nature of the relaxation processes. L. Mirkin. Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR:* AR4046012 SUB CODEt MM, SS ENCLt 00 card 3/3 ~- -V~~ 4 TIN -77 ORLOV, 0. Y,*.; PAPOV, Ye.N.; GHAYKOVSKIY, Yu.V.; YABLOKOV, A.V.; G(MCHARI24KO, Ye.]N.; GORMOVA, V.G.; XWOPLYANNIKOV, A.K.; KUDRWHOV, Yu.B.; REUK, V.D.; SHUBNIKOVA, Ye.A.; TARLISOV, B.N.; PETRUSEVICH, Yu.M.; IVANOV, I.I.; GAFCKWO, V.I.; ANTONOV, V.A.; VOROBOYEV, L.N.; DURLAKOVA, Ye.V.-. BURDIN, K.S.; PARKHOMENKO, I.M.; AGAVERDIYE7, A. Sh.; DOSKACH, Ya. Ye.; TARUSOT, B.N. I Brief neve. BiuL MOIP,Otd. biol. 70 no.6tl5g-171 N-D 165. (MIRA 19: 1) o1 ois . c e p4yir ca -p i -th-' ie t asell n e- a -,t-ion--; A* ars-wave tar, a , --- - r w e6 procit YqC rac erzt; -A ure --azid-l tablao nQAo, 1A n SSQ T - . , " oloki. . - So TI RN, K- ; - z -Fisk ,:,.~-r-VTIadIr4r-Csi-povich; SALTYKOV, N.I.p doktor tekhn. nauks prof. otv. red.; BEMMLOV, I.D., red. izd-va; BRCMSKAYA, A.G.J. red. izd-va; RYLINA, Yu.V., tekhn. red. [Frost heaving of finely dispersed soils]Kriogennoe puchnnie tonkodispersnykh gruntov. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 186 p. (MIRA 15:11) (Frozen ground) (Foundations) I ORLOVO V.P. Length of T and I variation periods accordir.g to paleomb~-7- .,, studies. Geomag. i aer. 5 no-3:590-591 My~Te '65- (M I RA 18 - ~, , 1. Institut zemnogo magnetizma, lonoafery i rasprostraneniya radiovoln AN SSSR. KUMMSDIF, Yevgeniy Semenovich; Prinim9li uchostiye: RTTCHHNXO, T.I.; cOUQL-Lk.; MnWS, D.A.; UYATS, T.P.; KUROFTXT, T.T.; LZYDZRNAN, S.R.; NOSOT, L.I.; 9MOWT, O.T.; TMOT, G.A.; SWIN. P.T. LESNYAKOV, r.1., red.-, DONSKAYA, G.D,, (Ifficient systems of maintenance and methods for their correction) Retsionalluye reshimy tekhnichaskogo, obalushivenlia i metodiks ikh korraktiir.ovanlia. Moskva Avtotransindet. Pt.2. [Becond stage of motor vehicle maintenanoei Vtoroe tekhnicheskoe obalushivanie. 1960. 98'p. (KM 14:3) (Motor vehicles-Vaintenance and repair) FAYNSHTEYN, Veniamin Fedorovich; BOGDANOV, Yuriy VaoilOyevich; ORLOV-1-yacieslav Prokhorovich; BUROV, Anatoliy Illich; Ta-UIBQM~~A ~otv Ted.; FROIAIVA, Ye.I., red. izd-va; LCMILIVA: L:N:' tei~n. red.; MINSKER, L.I.,, tekhn. red. [Sparkproof gauges and spark- and blastpnDof strain and their use in the coal industry] Iskrobezopasnye i iskro- vzryvobezopasriye tenzometricheskie pribory i ikh prime- nenie v ugollnoi prorWshlennosti. Moskvat Googortekhizdat, 1961. 86 p. (MIRA 15:8) (Coal mines and mining-Electric equipment) (Strain gauges) jit:, _N't-*,*. i. I Li , : .. I'- " - -;~ : . , i .'-' ',A ~-*. '.. I ~~ - I '. - ..I. .1 4 ' *'- ' ' ' ' :". ., (1- 11- ,,,e!3. Inst, of ~~ t~.e A-I-A. . 7, - . , 3 -, A- Sci. ~ontrnl Inst. -f Vet. Preparatl-mr, )~ Af-rl., "Che.mot~.eru!~c't,ic Fr-l-rIlt-S -, t.!,e N(-W ".." Veterinariya vol . ~-, nn. 11, ! 1 -6: ., .- 3 SHHULEVIGH, A.I.; POVAROVA, L.N.; TURSUNOV, P.T.; LI, P.n., ORLOV. 7.P. Chemotherapeutic charaoteristios of the nev preparation azidine. Veterinariia 38 no.U&23-25 N 161 (MIRA 18al) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-kontroPnyy institut vaterinarnykh preparator Xinisterstva seltakago khozyaystva SM (for Shmulevieh,- Povarova) 2. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut reterinarld. Akademil sellakokhozyayetvenn-ykh nauk Uwbekskoy SSR (for Tursunov, Li, Orlov). LI., PA. (Candidate of Veterinary Sciences)., TSKIY, A.X.., MNMEYEVA, N.Kh., and TLWMOV,, P*T. (Scientific Workers) _OIRLOVA V.P. (Laboratory Technician, Institute of Veterinary ML-dicine, Uzbek Academy of Agricultural Sciences). "Use of Phenoformforte (Fenoform-fortel against tick-carriers of cattle Reemosporidia..." Veterinariya, Vol. 39,, no. 3., March 1962 pp. Bo CRIA)V, Vasiliy Pavlovich '_ '. ~ -6V0F?rU "WL'rk d 0 "OvIniv, [Sewage irrigation of agricultural crops; based on the exam le of collective and state fare@ in Moscow Province] Oroshente sel'sko- khosialetvanafth kulltur stoohnyst vadami; as primers kolkhozov i sovkhozov Hoskovskol oblasti. Moskva, Goo. tzd-vo,solkhon lit-r7, i955'. 101 P. MaA 9:10) (Moscow Province--Sewage irrigation) ORLO kandidat sallskokhozyaystvannykh nauk Brrore In the sanitary protection of natural waters. Gig. I @an. 22 no~3:60-68 Kr 157. MRA 10: 6) (VAM SUPPLY sanitary protection of reservoirs in Russia) (S"ITATION sanitary ?rotection of water reservoirs in Rusvim) OMM, Vasiliy Pavlovich [Irrigation of vegetable crops by sewage; based on the example of the collective and state fams of Moscow Province]Oroshenie ovoshchrqkh kalltur stoobzWmi vodmi,* na primere kolkhozov i sovkhozov Moskovskol oblasti. 2. izd. Moskva., Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1959. 127 p. (KUU 15. 8) (Mosoow Province-Vagetablo gardening) (Sewage as fertilizer) 9~LOT&_T*P*,,,..kand.sellskokhoz.nauk. Prinimall uchaettye: AVROV, H.B.; BASICKO..P.T.; VARLAHOV, D.A.; VASILITRY, I.I.; VLASOV, V.H.; VTLIGZHA]Iin, V.A.; ZHIVLPT'TRY, V.G.; ZAVADSKIT, I.S.; ZALESSKIT, Te.Ts.; ZAKORTUKIN, D.S.; ISHCRSIX0. 1.N.; KACHIBATA, I.D.; KISX- Uff. Te.S.; KOZHMIKOV. I.Z.; LISITSYN. V.I.; MRSHCHIRTAKOV, V.F.; NTURIN-VERTSBERG. R.L.; PXRVMITSA. VA.; RTABKOV. A.D.; SMKHIN. 1.P.; SUOYOTSV, N.A.; TAS110, N.G.. GRXBTSOV. P.P., red.; ZMILINA, Z.P., (Our farms in 19651 Nashi khozisistva Y 1965 godu. Moskva, Goa. Izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1959. 230 P. (KIRA 13:2) (Agriculture) KITRYUSHKIII, Konstantin Petrovich, kand.eellokokhoz.nauk ULLIT. VaBiliy L-94 , Pavlovich, kand. sell skokhoz.nauk; PYLAYSTA, A.P., rez--,Tm"pftft A. -UM. red. (In the struggle to increase agricultural production] V borlbe za pod"em sellskogo khoziaistva. Moskva. Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, 1959. 232 p. (MIRA. 12:12) (Agriculture) _PRIDV, Vasiliy Pavlovich; 9RIGORIYEVA, A.I.., red.; GUREVICH, M.M., telEF. -re-l.--- (Irrigated fam fields]7,em:Ledellchaskie polia orosheniia. 3., perer. i dop. izd. Moskva, Sellkhozizdatp 1961. 141 p. (MIJU, 15: 10) (Sewage irrigation) ORIDV f V. P. Effectiveness of organic and phosphate fertilizer mixtures on leached Chernozems of Orlov Province. Zemledelle 23 no.6.*42- 46 Je 161. (MIFLA 14:6) 1. Orlovskaya oblaetnaya gosudaretvennaya seliskokhozyaystvennaya opytnays, stantsiya. (Orlov Province-Field crops-Fertilizers and manures) ORLOV) VOPO brtilizing field crop on leached Chernosem goilO, ZemWelie 24 no.10:51-55 0 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Orlovskaya oblastnaya golmdarstvewiaya sellskokbozyaystemaya opytnaya stantsiya. (Orel Province-Field cropo-Fertilizers and manures) ULINII. Ta.D., redaktor; PALINIU. N.Y*.. redaktor-, QMV, V.P.; PZU]j- VICE, M.S.; FAHKOV, N.Y.; XWONOVA. L.B.. t of reduktor. CNIguetic field of the U.S.S.R.; compound systematic catalog of magnetic determinations of the General Magnetic Onrvey of the U.S.S.R.; 1931-19421 NWItuos, pole SBIII. Svodal sistematichaskii katalog magnituykh opr9dalenil Conerallnol magnItnol smemki Solusa SSR. 1931-1942 ". leningrad, Gidrometeolsdat. Vol.2. Pt.l. 1947. 328 P. [Photostat] (MLU 8:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glaynoys upravienlye gidroustoorolo- gich,askey slusbby. (Magnetism, Terrestrial) nin- ;n- n -3teel n 30: sov/49 -58-10-9/1.5 AUTHOR: Orlov, V. P. Variation of tiie Ma-,-,,-nelv-ic Field in Centmi Asia (Ma:;-nitnyye anDmalii vekovo.,.c k~ioda v Sr--d-ny C21 Azi.L) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya kkademii Nauk SSSR, serija geofizicheskaja, 1958,1 Nr 10, pp 1245-1247 (USSR) 0 ABSTRACT: Tae secilar variation of the ma,~~netic field is not" t-ie same at dilCferent places on the earth's surface and is a result of a superposition of a niuniber of physical -processes. In order to explain the physical natare o~ tiie secu'lar varia- tion one must be able to separate it into the respective com- ponents and explain each of these components separately. Tile main components of the secular variation may be the following: 1) periodic changes of planetary nature, 2) changes assDoi.,- ed with physical processes which take place within the in- terior of the earth at a depth of the order of half iWs racLius, 3) changes associated with physical processes in the earth's crust which are Icnown as anomalies in the secular variation, 4) changes associated with physical processes in the upper layers of the atmosphere which are due to solar emissions. The present paper gives a very brief siLlmary of Card 1/3an expedition organized by the Scientific Research Ins(;itute SOV/49 -58-10-)/15 Anomalies in t~ic Secular Variatijn :)f the Ma-1.,: Central Asia of Terrestial MaGnetism, Ionosphere and Propagatijn of Radio Waves. The itinerary of the expedition is shown in Fi-.J. It consisted of two rings: Stalinabad-10ioroc,-Llur-~ab-Osh- Iieninabad-Stalinabad and Stalinabad-Termez-Karshi-Bukhara- Samarkand-Stalinabad. Fig.2 shows the results ~ALained. Definite deviations have been observed (from the average) at a number of points and these cannot be explained by experimen- tal errors. The deviations exceed the probable error by a factor of four, It is suggested that the r~_as-3ns for these deviati3ns are chanoes in the lressurc, ex~,erience-'l by crystalline rocks which is a result of -.)rccesses Card 2/3 sov/49 -58-10-9/15 Anomalies in the Secular Variation of the -IaFnetic Field in Central Asia which ta-ke place in the neighbourhood of deep fractures. I. Ye. Gubin is thanked for supplying geological data. There are 2 figures, no tables or references. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionosfery i rasprostraneniya radiovoln (Scientific Research Institute of Terrestial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Propagation of Radio Waves) SUBMITTED: August 15, 1957. Card 3/3 iOf.,,Lo-v v - P. ig 1: V I P61 -1 .I ~ it J~ x V V $bill I III Al 41 10, jai I Is All 411 Ilia I 14 a j it j S11 Ills I Ali! 11,J11111111 3 S/049/59/000/12/020/02-, AUTHORz Orlov, V.P. E]31/E391 0/- TITLE: he Strength of the Geomagnetic Field T in the World Chart for the Southern Indian Ocean PERIODICAL,- Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Serlya ge0fiLlcheskaya. 1959, Nr 12, PP 1870 - 1872 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The results of two Japanese expeditions to the Antarctic described in Refs I and 2, are given, The data are illustrated in Figures 1 and 2, which give the corre:;ted\/ distribution of the geomagnetic field T ir, the Southern Indian Ocean. There are 2 figures, 1 table and 2 English references. ASSOCIATION- Akademiya nauk SSSR InstItut zemriogo magnetizma ionosfery i rasprostraneniya radiovoln (Ac.Sc.USSR_,__-- Institute of the Earth's Magnetism, Ioncs here &TAd L - Propagation of Radiowa-es. SUBMITTED: June 11, 1959 Cardl/l ORIDVO V.P. Position of Z ai2d-rzaximms in regions of mapetic anocaUes. Trudy W1224IR no.l6t67-71 '160, -- (MIRA 14:3) (Tatar & S. S. ~ . ammaUes) ZHILTATVA, T.; ORLOV, V. Revived rocks. Tekh. mol. 28 no. 12:5-6. 31 160. (MIRA 13:12) (ftmettan, Terrestrial) 3/169/61/000/010/052/~)", D228/D304 AUTHOR: Orlov, TITLE: Secular variation of the geomagnetic field and a methrJ, of using it iihen compiling small-scale magnetic mapq PERIODICAL: Referativnvy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 10, 1961, 56, abstract lOG211 (Geomagnetizm i aeronomiya, 1, no. 2, 1961, 254-261) TEXT: Secular changes of the geomagnetic field are the overa.11 res,li f of a number of causer. They consist of: (1) periodic changes having a planetary character; (2) changes induced by physical processes within, t)~e earth at a depth of about half its radius; (3) changes caused by crustal processes (tectonic, geochemical, geothermal, etc.); (4) changes caused by variations of the solar activity. The mean-annual, sliding, 11-year values of the magnetic elements were freed from part of the secular va-ria- tion due to the solar activity. Their variation proceeds so reoilaxly arzid Card 112 3/169/61/000/010/052/(~5 3 Secular variation of... D228/D3O4 smoothly that it is possible to forecast them for several years ahead witt, Z satisfactory precision. The part of the secular variation causp~" by flip- 11 solar activity has in its turn a complex characteri it oDnsists of !io-!r- sIupprimposed. waves with periods of a full, half, and quarter solar- v-' ~, I Abstracter's noted Complete translation.-7 Card 212 ADAM, ]N.V.; ORLOV, V.P. Annual variations of the magnetic field in the U.S.S.R. during the period 1948-10,59. Geomag. i aer. I no.4:572-582 J'1--Ag 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionosrery irasprostraneniya radiovoln Ali SSSR, (Magnetism, Terrestrial) ADAM, N. V. ; ORLOV, V. P. Annual variations H,D, and Z and the determination of mean annuAl values of magnetic elements from observations during a month's period in high latitudes. Geomag. i aer. 1 no.4- 583-58? Jl-Ag ~61. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionosfery i rasprostraneniya radiovoln All SSSR, (Magnetism, Terrestrial) ORLOVP V.P. Ground support of aeromagnetic surveys. Geofiz. razved. no.3172-81 161. Unusually large changes in the size of secular variations of the geomag- netic pole. Ibid.sBI-85 (MIRA 17j2) -~~Okm - V. P. I Concerning I.M.Pudovkin's note OA fev vords on the criticism of V,I, Pochtarev's work." Izv.AN SSS.R.Ser.geofiz. no.6.-924-925 Je 161. (MIRA 14-.5) (HWetiom, Terrestrial) (Pudovkin, I.M.) '3A00 AUTHORS: TITLE: 3 '-, " 9 1 3/035/62/000/007/045/083 A001/A101 Adam, N. V_.' Orloy V. P. On the complicated form of the part of secular variation caused by solar activity PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I Geodeziya, no. 7, 1962, 67, abstract 7A463 ("Tr. In-ta zemn. magn., ionosfery i rasprostr, radiovoln. AN SSSR", 1961. no. 18 (28), 3 - 13) TEXT: Secular variations of geomagnetic field consist of two parts:the depth one, 9 Fe due to physical processes occurring within the Earth, and the external one, Fa, due to changes in the level of magnetic activity. Distri- bution of 9 F a reveals a 11-year cyclicity. The authors hold that variations of other more periods contribute to changes of S F . To test this con3ecture, hori- zontal and vertical components, S'H and ~ Z , :f 4~F were investigated using the at froa data of 13 magnetic observatories during the ime m 1920 - 1924 to the end of fifties. Deviations of values of these quantities observed at individual obser- vatories from the averaged values reveal a geographical distribi,tion; the pattern for 9 Ha is simpler and more regular than for 6 Z a. The correlatton with varia- Card 1/2 S/035/62/000/007/045/083 On the complicated form of the part of... A001/A101 tions of Wolf numbers is by far simpler and more pronounced with ~ H a than with E z a. This implies that the 9 Za-curve is not due only to 11-yearperiod. Waves with periods of- 2 and -5 years can be detected in this component of 9 F a. The -resence of a 5-year wave is observed, although with a lesser amplitude than In S, za, in E Hat too. A more detailed analysis brought the authors ~o the conclu- Sion that actually these are components corresponding to 1, 1/2 and 1/4 of the solar cycle, rather than 2-, 5- and 11-year waves. The authors hold that the S Z a- component should be excluded in works on magnetic cartography. B. Rubashev [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 31657 S/570/61/000/018/001/004 B116 B108 AUTHORS: Adam, N V., Orlov, V. P. TITLE: World charts of isopores for the period 1954-1959 SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionosfery i rasprostraneniya radiovoln. Trudy, no. 18(28), 1961, 14-26 TEXT: The charts of' the secular variations of the D, H and Z elements of the Earths' magnetic field are given in this study in azimuthal projection for the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, as well as in IX/ Mercator's projection for the zone 700 northern latitude to 500 southern latitude. The difficulties in drawing them up are pointed out In the USSR, isopore charts were compiled only for the area of' the USSR. For other areas, the charts by E. H. Vestine (Ref. 1, see below) were used which were corrected for the time after 1947. 6F-values could be obtained only from 90 of the 150 existing observatories. Longer continuous data of the annual averages for the years from 1954 to 1959 were obtained from only a few observatories. The main difficulty is that 50 % of all the observatories are situated in Eurasia, the network in America is fairly Card 1/4 31657 S/570/61/000/018/DG1/004 World charts of isopores for the... B116/BIOB regular, while the possibilities in the remaining continents are very small and almost no bF-data are available of the oceans The activity of the Soviet schooner "Zarya" will improve the situation on the oceans The bF-values were calculated in the observatories either from the annual averages, if available for 1954-1959, or extrapolated until 1957 Auxiliary charts of the 6Y- and 6T-isopores were compiled in order to reduce subjective interpretation The values were not recorded north of 80c latitude and of the magnetic pole, since the 6D-values strongly increase where H is very small, and reach � 1800 on the magnetic pole Since the magnetic and geographic poles are no singular points for 6Z, nor the geographic pole for 6H, the 6H and 6Z course was interpolated Fo:- the high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere, only the bF data from Mirnyy, Vostok and Siova (the latter reported by Doctor T Nagata in a letter) could be used, which point to an unusually complex 6F-distribution in this sector of the Antarctic The isopores were, therefore, recordpd only up to 600 latitude, and more to the south from there on only the 6F-valueB from the three stations mentioned bZ- and 6D diagrams of some observatories in the USSR are given as examples The following main changes are pointed out: The Caspian center of secular variation Card 2/4 31657 S/570/6 1;,bOO/01 8/00 1 /004 World charts of isopores for the B'16/B108 less intensive and has shifted north. This led to the reduction of tri- 6Z- and 6T-values around Tbilisi (< 50V ), to the reduction of the absolute values of the focus of the negative 6H in the Dikscn reEion. and to the decrease of the 6H-values to almost zero in the European part of the USSR and in Western Siberia The zero-isopore north of the Kaspiyskoye Sea has shifted west, and the absolute positive 6D-values -n the European part of the USSR and in Western Siberia became much smaller (2) In Japan, NE China, and SE Siberia, a focus of the negative 6Z-values developed which is connected with the appearance of the focus of positiv., 6H-changes in the Yakutsk region- (3) The focus of the negative 6Z-va!-_;r- is at present in the area of the Antilles, and that of the negative 6H-values south of the 6Z-focus, (4) The eastern part of this focus is connected with the 6Z-focus, the center of which is apparently south of the Siova station. In the Antarctic a focus of the positive H-values is assumed to exist, which is related to the 6Z-focuo and which 11eE1 rar-th(Jr south. There are 11 figures and 4 references: 2 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet The two references to English-language publications read as follows: Ref. 1: E. H. Vestine, L. Lange, L, Laporte, C. Cooper, W C Hendrix Description of the Earth's Main Magnetic Field and its Secular Change Card 3/4 31657 S/570/61/000/018/00'/004 World charts of isopore.,.3 for the. B116/B108 1905-1945. Washington, 1947 Ref, 2: T Nagata. Report of Special Committee of Secular Variation and Paleomagnetism, Toronto, Assembly, ~< 1957. Card 4/4 AUTHOR: Orlov, V. P. S/570/61/08W18/004/004 B116/B108 TITLE: Secular variation of the geomagnetic field and its abnormally great variations SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut zemnogo magnetizma, ionoofery i rasprostraneniya radiovoln. Trudy, no. 18(28), 1961, 77 - 86 TEXT: This paper gives a survey of the complex character of Secular variation of the geomagnetic field and the reasons therefore. The author assumes that the secular variation of the geomagnetic field con- sists of the following components: (1) planetary periodic variations; the author assumes that these variations become effective in the so- called western drift of the geomagnetic field. (2) variations caused by physical processes i.L the "centers" of secular variation in the earth's interior. These variations furnish the main component of secular varia- tion for short periods of 5 - 10 - 20 years. The focus of maximum variation of Z almost coincides with the center. The focus pairs of the Card 1/3 9/5,70/6 1 )lC'60600/018/004/004 Secular variation of the ... B116/B108 6Fa values measured at the one observatory differ, however, essentially from one another for different cycles. The 6F a variations are, on the whole, very complex; the author will study them in a special paper. Abrupt variations for b Z values were observed at the Irkutsk, Sverdlovsk, and Tashkent observatories, and for 6D values at the obser- vatory on the isle of Dikson. On the basis of data from observatories and some additional points, the author compiled schematic maps for the differences in the annual averages of secular variation from 1954 - 1959 and from 1949 - 1954. These maps show that the variation of annual averages of 6Fa is considerable for different 5-year periods, a fact Ile which has not been observed in the USSR since 1875, and apparently also since 1825. The author assumes that the variations contain besides 6F a' also an important part of 6Fc . Finally, it is stated that abnormally gTeat iryegularities of the secular variations take place all over Eurasia, and possibly on the whole plobe, There are 11 figures and 1 Soviet reference, Card 3/3 ORLOV P V. P. Secular variation of geomagnetic elements in the Arctic for the period 1954-1959. Geomagn.i aer. 2 no.lsl67-171 Ja-F 162. (MIRA 1501) (Arctl-c regions-Magnetism, Terrestrial-Secular variation) ORLOV, V.P. H, Zs, and T maps for thO tOrritory of the U.S.S.R. GOOM9. i aers 2 no,3:579 My-Je 1629 (MIRA 15:U) (Magnatiamp Torreatrial-44aps) ORLOV, V. P. Sharp changes in the secular variation of the geonagnetic field to the east of Lake Baikal. Geomg. i aer. 2 no.4:763-766 JI-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Inatitut semDogo magnetizma ionostery i ras#rostraneniya radiovo3z AN S&SR. (Baikal Lake region.-Magnetism., Terrestrial-Secular variation) ADAM., N.V.; BENIKOVA, N.P.; ORIA)V, V.P.; OSII-'GV, N.K.; TYURMINA, L.O. Spherical analysis of the constant magnetic field for the epochs 1955 and 1958. Geomag. i aer. 2 no.5:949-962 S-0 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Institut zemnogo magnetim, ionosfery i rasprostraneniya radiovoln Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR i Institut matematiki s vychislitel,nym tsentrom Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Magnetism, Terrestrial) ORWV V P, Secular variation Of elements in the zagnetic field in Antarctica- Geomag. i aer. 2 no.5:972-W5 S-0 162* (MIRA 15:10) 1. Institut zemnogo magentizma, ionoefery i rasprostftneniya radiovoln AN SSSR. (Antarctic regions-44agnatism, Terrestrial-Secular variations) -AUK N.V.-, BWOVA; N-.P-.,. oRwi.- v-.P;; osw~_, N:K-.,' TTMqU-, C.O-. Calculatod mgwtlc fleld of the Farth, (USSR) roport outmitted for the 4th internattoma spos soiwA* 3~wstmm (ODsPAR) Warsm, 2-12 J~ 63 ADAM, N.V.; BFXIKOVA, N.P.; ORIDV, V.P.; OSIPOV, N.K.; TUMM.. L.0. Spherical anal in of the constant geomagnetic field for the period 1955 through iva Ft. 2. Geomag. i wr. 3 no.1r121-126 J&-F 163. W. (MIhA 16:4) I* ImUtut zennogo mwetizma, ionoefery i rasp"strawniya radiovoln AN SSSR i Institut matematiki a vyphislitelinym tsentrom Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR. (Magnetism, Terrestrial) ADAM, N.V.; BENI-KOVA, N.P.; ORWV, V.P.; OSIPOV, N.K.; TYURMINA, L.O. Spherical analysis of the permanent geomagnetic field and secular variation. Geomag. i aer. 3 no.2:336-353 Mr-Ap '63. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Inatitut zemnogo magnetizma, ionosfery i rasprostraneniya radiovoln AN SSSR i Institut matematiki a vychisliteltnym tsentrom Sibirokogo otdelenlya AN SSSR. FAYNSHTEYV, V.F.I, inzh.; CPLCV, V.r',.# lnzh. Universal explosionproof totsometere 3bor. Kuz?Mll ao.lCt 222-2130 16" (MT.RA 18tg) ADAM, N.V.; BEN'KOVA, N.P.; ORIDV, V.P.; OSIPOV, N.K.; TYURMINA, L.O. It." ....... Synthesis of the geomagnetic field according to the coefficients of spherical analysis. Geomag. i aer. 4 no.1:151-160 Ja-F164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut zemnogo magnetizza, ionosfery i rasprostraneniya radiovoln AN SSSR i Institut matematiki a vychislitellnym teentrom Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. ACCESSION NR: AP4043254 S/0203/64/004/004/0748/0752 AUTHOR: Adam, N. V., Ben'kova, N. P., Orlov, V..-P., Osipov, N. K., Tyurmina, L.O.: TITLE: Analytical representation of secular variation SOURCE: Geomagnetizm I aeronomiya, v. 4, no. 4, 1964, 748-752 TOPIC TAGS: geomagnetism, geomagnetic field, geomagnetic field secular variation, secular variation ABSTRACT: A study has been made showing that an analytical representation of the secular variation (SV) of the geomagnetic field based on six harmonies is adequate for representation of world SV with the same degree of accurary as world maps of SV compiled directly from observations at magnetic observatories; it Is also shown that the analytical method can be used for compiling maps of SV. Ile synthesis of SV maps was accomplished', using a gridwith grid lines spaced V apart in longitude. The grid-was somewhat more open' to the south of 60% and to the north of 70*N. The values S X and S Y were derived using the In mean coefficients Sgn and S lin m, computed from S X and 6Y in order to exclude the 1 potential-free part. In accordance with the assumption of the axistence of an outer pan the values 6 Z were computed using j Im and frcn. The quality of th was judged by compiling am" of ;&r7" 0 analytical maps between-the taltial values SX, ~ X N ACCESSION NR: AP4043254 and S Z used for analysis and the values obtained as a result of the synthesis. Figures 1 aqO 2 of the Enclosure show the IZMIRAN (Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, the Iono- sphere and Radio Wave Propagation) maps of .6 9 X and 4 S Y. 7%e A values are given Ip gammas; positive values are represented by solid and negative values by dashed isolineB. The maximum discrepancies between the initial and now maps. �30Y , was in the southern hemisphere; in the northern hemisphere they did not exceed +10)( . The discrepancies in X. SY and S Z on the IZMIRAN SV world maps do not have a regular pattex-A, except that in the southern hemisphere Af Y is generally p*egative. The values ASX and J~ Y are of the order of +5Y and only in the south polar cali do they attain 40Y for 4 X and 20 for S Y. For A f Zaere is an increase to +15*y in the Atlantic and a sharp increase to 60'r in the high latitudes of the southern hemispKere. ne IZMIRAN maps also were compared with the values Lf X, S Y and SZ directly at 63 magnetic observatories; the mean discrep- ancy for the three elements was �D)". Ile analytical method is thus as accurate as graphic methods, but does not involve the- subjectivism involved in use of the latter. However, graphic and analytical methods could be combined; the first Is beat for areas fot which little data Is available and the sqcond Is best foir characterizing regions of rapid sqpular varia- $tons. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables. ACCESSION NR: AP4043254 ASSOCIA77ON: Institut zemnogo magnetizma. ionosfM i rasj)rostraneniya radiovoln AN SSSR (Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, the Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation, AN SSSR); Institut matematiki a vy*chislitellnym teentrom, SO AN SSSR (Institute of Mathematics and the Computation Center, SO AN SOR) SUBMITTED: 04Feb" ENCL: 04 SUB CODE: ES NO REF SOV: 004 OTHER: 001 Cir-d 30 3 ZA BAD S.D /M( t GW% -3253 9/0201/ A/PoAlPOV107510761 P - Way xi yurm !in ~ti --ri i 3.-d 753-763. ijueti6. t Pro iffi~,foo"i- ti, Aii tot t ional-toi, ~Tar ous t f tl 4 j~ P~~" Omp U At --d t -Z --wero ~_perf o itit -0 -"vj-p or va armon 300':~ ght -10- ObO ;-,,and'-l 5 j 000 km v tb sn.7 ac- 001: 3000 Ac --t6--4--fiv- t. Al~v. "Z~eu c- -:fl ap elds-'-f-0r_:the-- --pros, are ity..'V. for:' I't-uA i. e d i0intod, - -~A* j _magnet.ic intemi -h---'- Afth iu'rfa~~ jh. a..0 ~-tbe~ longitudinal - asymmetry I 46 Uw - 4 ~7 "rd ifndllvi~fie belt :f rom 100 to 4e_ tb _'t iey --~,o *;!ki O.Ai 'e b, -at or4 xiatii-a-b 1 f T-om-.- grad t ~e' Y Vi t ' i- a- grad entAl a greatcr~ -hefgbt of ie-_n6ndlp6ltt_~par o i t dih - eereas,e,of..-th6i mekeoj~ion ~o'f ithe absolute 09'.- e, a on.--- the -baais- of th e:. In ~'6va i -tb6~*f eld mto radientr tbi6_'_cqLSe 0. It a ad i 'gable to a _rom;art f. cla1v~earth-sat~oilitis v ---grad ent-l'o'etyeen; -he h -,and-. on -vasi jk:'xeAp he, t - t -0 'h2 61 ght~ On t field.- vdluea dt --tbiff" b 9'L b s, , t Iferenew, e.tveen --ya ues::4 t e'~cprresOnding calculate -thm- me mi value a I vith an.accuracy Tit- _t ibu-~~ ildeted-suff e be: case-~ of dipo 6 distr ImLxkrum -values ex- "U10fri -should-show aqua e- -ihvm-- .4 IbIVA tbe- zone: of~thc. t I'- K - tv e'7-i ivie i - --t a 1 il b ",*ini georagne ta e9 --~an 10 ormu s-. b 0 "t ran, ne I -ion-osfer a-, -9 y f - -t - In ih ~A 4 77- J.P. fr- ~~ - , , 7. f, - '. . ~ . I .. . ".:,. ~ . . I. - ~ ~ ~, 1, . a ., . . 11.1~ , * 1, ilpfV 0 1,; ~ , , - - I .;I , . . - , I ... : z 1, - i .7 N A - ;E 3URLATSKAYA, Serafima F 'rovna; _QjU~Py, V.P._,, doktor fiz.-matem. nauk, ot-%. red. [Archaeomagnetiwn;a st,dy of the earth's magnetic field in past epocnsl %rKheomagnelizm; issledovania magnitnogo polia Zemli v prQ31dye epokhi. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 126p. (1-URA 18:6) L 0701-67 Ba ACC NR. A%02101~11&xc_~,GWZ SOMCFC&E: UR/0000/65/000/000/003W004-1- AUTHOR: Adam, N. V.; Ben'kova, N. P.; qrk oy, V. P. ; Tyurmina, _ L. _ 0. ---------------- ORG: none TITLE: Calculation of the geomagnetic field strength based on the coefficients of spherical analysis SOURCE: AK_SASRj_tkk!~it~ut_fiziki Zemli. Nastoyashcheye I proshloye magnitnogo polya Zemli (The present and past of ti-6 -earth's magnetic field). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1969, 33-41 TOPIC TAGS: geomagnetic field, geomagnetic measurement, magnetic field intensity, cartography ABSTRACT: This article is devoted to a calculation of the geomagnetic field strength based on the coefficients of spherical analysis in order to obtain information on the distribution and character of the change of the geomagnetic field at various distances: from the earth's surface. The first step in this work was to determine the coeffi- cients of a spherical harmonic series in order to calculate the geomagnetic field in circunterrestrial space. The starting data were the magnetic charts of the IZMIRAN and the British Admiralty for the 1955 epoch and the values of the magnetic elements, at unevenly distributed discrete points. A subsequent synthesis of the field on the earth's surface and Its comparison with the starting data showed that the best repre- Cord 1 3 L Me AT6021012 entation of the field is given by the coefficients calculated with respect to world harts. The elements X, Y, Z were calculated by the sum of the first six harmonics : for a network of points 5* with respect to latitude and 15* with respect to longitude.1 The coefficients obtained from the IZMIRAN charts were used for further calculations. It was found that spherical analysis carried out for world magnetic charts gives an analytical representation of the distribution of the field on the earth's surface withl the same degree of flatness and with the same errors as the world magnetic charts on which the analysis was based. Spherical analysis offers a sufficiently simple and easy method of calculating the magnetic field and its gradients for large heights. The absolute errors of calculation decrease with height in proportion to (R/r)3 or even more quickly, but the relative errors remain constant or decrease slightly. Tak-; ing this into account, as well as the rapid decrease of old harmonics with height, the' authors assert that at large heights the series of spherical harmonics provide a high :1 accuracy of approximating the magnetic field sufficient for various problems of inves-1 tigating a constant field and for interpreting satellite observations. An analysis of', the 1955 IZMIRAN charts confirmed the systematic shift of the earth's magnetic center.! The theories of the origin of the geomagnetic field scarcely touched upon the problem of the eccentricity of the field and the authors wish to call the very fact of eccen- tricity and the systematic shift of the magnetic center to the attention of theore- ticians. The representation of smoothed world charts by series of spherical harmonics up to the sixth order is not, in the opinion of the authors, the limit of what spheri- cal analysis can give. With a sufficiently large number of observations pertaining to,- one epoch, a spberical harmonic series can provide a more detailed picture of the __2 3 07493tfN ACC NRs AT6021012 field and with fewer errorse Orig. art. has: 11 formulas, 3 tables, &ad 4 figures. BUD COM 08/ SUM DATSt 2lSep65/ ORIG REPs 008/ OTH REF.- 004