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ORLOVO M.M.., inzh. Efficient degign cOlum joints of the main structure- Energ. atroi. no.31:7-11 162. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Moskovskiy filial VsesoTuznogo institute po proyektiro- vaniyu organizatsiy energeticheskogQ atroitel'stva. (Electric power p~anta) (Coluxns, Concrete) USSR/Human and Animal Physiology - Digestion. V-7 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No lp 1958.. 4o63 Author G4V. Machavariani,-M.-N. Orlov Inst Title Potain's Aspirator with a Duodenal Probe for Gastric Lavages. Orig Pub Voyen.-med. zh., 1957, No 5j, 81-82 Abstract A description is given of a simple apparatus for gas- tric labages; it includes a Potain's aspirator, a duo- denal probe and an air pump for the compression and de- compression of air in the aspirator. Card 1/1 ORWV. M. N. "Kinetic Methods for Silver Determination in Solution" submitted at the Conference on Kinetic Methods of Analysis, Ivanovo, 14-16 June 1960 So: Izvestiya Vy3shikh Uchebnykh Zagedeaiy S35R.. Khimiya i Khimicheskaya Technologlya, Val III, No 6 Ivanovo, 1960, pages 1113-1116. UUDVO M.N. ET-149 (Operatina conditions in the use of frammma). 0 re-bl-Irb ramogo pileniia. 10(10)s 25-29; 10(11)s 22-279 1950. 1. =Ov~ V'. N. 2. usm Wo) 4. saws 7. New method of setting and tensioning frame saws. Les. prom. 12 No. 10,, 152. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accession$. Library of Congress, jam&ry -1953. Unclassified. 1. ORLOV, E - 1"' - 2. USSR (606) 4. Saws 7. 1%'ew method of mounting and tightening frame saws., Les.prom, 1~-.' bo. 11, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February -1953. Unclassified. I*- ORIA)V, M. N. Nov method f6r Rettln4!-up and ti&ti3nirw~, frhmod sawi. Dhr. pron. 7 no.8:9-11 Ag 'S8. - O-ERA 11:9) kBand -sawn ) I MUMOS,, F.M,,, prof.p doktor tekhn.nauk; VOSKRESENSKIY, S.A.iprof.,, daktor tokhne-7j'r; ORLOV,, M.N,,, dots.,, Imnd.tekhn.nauk; SOLOVIYEV, A.A., assis-U-n~~ Errors in P.S. Afanaslev's book "Design of voodvorking machinery." Der, pr=. 10 no- 4:25-26 Ap 1610, (MM 14-4) 1. Nafedra stankov i izwtrumentov Moskovskogo lasotakhnicheskogo institutao 2. Zaveduyushiy kafedroy stankov i izwtrmentov MooXovsko'go lesotekhnichookogo instituta (fo~ !4anshos). (Woodvorking machinery) (q"slev, P.S.) I OP,L-Ov, -,r ~~IiiBkWMA, B.P., inzhener; ORLOV. -M.P. Ms-"~ The effect for outstanding quality of repair. Pat' I put.khos. no.6:16-17 Je 157. (ML&A 10:7) 1. Nachallnik Putevoy mashinnoy stantaii-11 (for Orlov). (Railronds-Kmintenance and repair) 06186 6 Wo 9 (9) SOV/115-~9-11-14/36 AUTHORS: Astrov, D.N., Borovik-Romanov, A.S., Orlov, M.P., Strelkov, P.G. TITLE: The . Dvsijp--, of a Practical Temperature Scale in the Range of 10 - 900K PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya tekhnikat 19599 Nr 11, pp 35-38 ABSTRACT: In a publication made by the authors in 1954 Zlef ;7, a practical temperature scale in the range of 10 - 900K was explained. In a session of the Ad- visory Committee on Thermometry of the International Bureau of Measures and Weighteg an international com- parison of existing temperature scales between 10 and 900K was suggested by VNIIFTRI - Vsesoyuznyy nauchno- issledovatellskiy institut fiziko-tekhnicheskikh i ra- diotekhnicheskikh izmereniy (All-Union Scientific Re- search Institute of Physical and Radio Engineering Mea- surements). This article is based'on the previous pub- lication /Wef 17 of the aforementioned authors and Card 1/2 deals witli equTpment and measuring methods. The au- OPLOV, M. P. (Engineer) "Source of supply for argon are welding of aluminum alloys of small (about and less) thicknesses". Application of electric circuit with separate magnetic ampli- fiers ensured stable burning of welding arc of alternating current. Report presented at the regular conference of the Moscow city administration N7yj Mashprom, April 1963. (Reported In Avtomaticheskaya Svarka, No. August I k3, pp ~3- ;5, 14. M. Popekh.fn) JPRS24 P () 5 LI I May 04 ORLCV, 11. S. ORLOV, M. S. Electrical specification for telecommnication nets. Y;oskva, Gos. Izd-vo lit-ry p6 voprosam sviazi i. radio, 1944. (Hie 53-78) Microfilm T-4 TZLOV Rectifier OMbthOd Of AdJusting Broadcasting Boosters Over Wires..* M. S. Orlovp Candidate of Tech Sol, G. I. 2sbehinshaya, Moscow Relay Network, 2 pp *Vestnik Svyati - Ilektro, SvyazIO No 2/3 (Tl-T2) Discusses the need of an autmatle indicator in the event that there is breakdown In me of the boooter blocks. Mmtlms apparatus like the TUO-500-1A rectifier call, VUO-500 Condenser filter. PA 1 9 19%9 Ouov, M. S. USSR/;tad_J--, 4ired Cables, Lnder~r)und PA I.YT,o 11~nder--roun,_4 -Iar!i~) lines," lrlw, _an-- ate ec~r, C, ..e V. :,. Doga.-Ln, 2 pp 111,'estnik Sv~~azi - Elektro ~vyazlll `6 7 Discusses the at-vanta6e of a E7%3tem _)~ 11-nder,;,r-)imd wires (--vic-d w4.,~ v_~~I chloride Dver wire lines, wit-ri resppct to stibscriber s. ,evi~rov at t he ~',entral bcieW i.nder.-rium' SN Ste'l 1:35 .-1 -ke,~ -)iA li~ A. .151.-4- Ae 'or ass fic InveLstipation Ir 'oryTinications. 7)i, -,r m lea-'ir.~; 'P:e,_~e wire-- ~,it-i CRLOV, H.S., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk. . , - --Q~ Basic principles of elastic supply in planning radio rediffusion sYstems. "est,eviast 7 no-10:7-9 0 '47. OM 9:1) (Radio relay system) ORLOV, M. S. "Underground Radio Broadcasting Lines of Rural Radiorle.tion". One of a series of Telecomnunications lectures given by experts in the scientific research institutes and educational inatitutes. SO: Vest. Svyazi, P 24, No. 6, 1952. ORMZhA&dl Sergeyevich.- ISVINDV. K.G., otvetetvenW redaktor; HARTSIZINVICH, T.M., redaktor; USLIMSKATA, L.M., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Coll loading of rural underground lines for radio systems) PhpInIzatetts, sel'skikh podsewVkh ltnii radlofikatoti. Moskva. Go&. Isd-vo lit-ry po voprosam svt&zl I radio. 1954. 55 P. [Kicrofilal (MLPA 8: 2) (Radio-Receiven and reception) ORLOV, M.S., wrach Stimulating U.- healling of f'racturas. Vop. travm. i urLLp. no.13.-106-10-tl 163. (mlFg, IF,:?) 1. Travmatologichaskoye otd-iien,ye Sak)ialinskoy oblastnoy bollnitsy. ORWV, 14J., inzh. Problem of tolerances In ship hull building and principal trends toward Its solution. Trudy UM sud.prom. 8 no-3: 5-13 '59. OGRA 13:5) (Hulle(Naval architecture)) (Tolerance (Inginsering)) ORLM, M.V. A- -!!!- ~In Studying the temperature conditions of the axle equipment of freight cars. Vest.TSKII MPS 21 no.204-37 162. (KIRA l5s4) 1. Urallskoys otdoleniye Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta sholesnodorozhnogo transporta Ministerstva putey soobahchaniya, Sverdlovsk. (Car axles.-Thermal properties) ORLOV, M,V,, inzh. (Sverdlcvsk) Potentials of savings in axle boear'Lng transp. " no.11:79-80 N Ib2. (Railroads-Equipment lubricants. and supplies) Zhel.dor.- (KRA 15tli) ORLOVt M.V., inzhj (Sverdlovak) Organizing the current wintenance of car axle b=ea on lengthened haul distancea. Zhele dore tranapk,,,45 no.11s25-29 N 063. (KM 16 r 3-2) ORLOV, M.V. (leningrej ) Approximate methods of calculating the warping of a cylindrical shell during the making of a welded giewh joint* Artome evare 17 no.4&38-42 AP 164 (MIRA 18a1) inzh. (Sv,-.rdl:,vsk); PERE' SE'f SF.1 Y, A.Z., Jnzh. (Sv,rdl-vsk); SENDEROV, G.K., inzh. (Svprdl,-j,.r.*ltj Present-day rplinbility rpquir,-n,,.n'.s if froight cars. Zhpl.dor. transp. 4? n0-41:49-53 Ap (MIRA 18,~,) GRIDYUSHKO, V.I., Im-nd. tekhn. nauk; DYLD114, YU.N., in.Zh.; ORLOV, M.V., inzh.; KHILICHENKO, V.P., inzh. -- Mechanization of current maintenance operationo and ways to deteot the technical flaws of freight cars. Trudy TSNII NPS no.289:5-51 165. (KIRA 18-.1-2.) MLIN, M.V., insh. Testing the vorkizig capacity of axle equi.ment with Bliding bearings on electrified heavy dutAlines, Trudy TSNII HIS no*28902-77 165. -4 (KM 18: U) 1. ORLOV; M. V. 2. USSR (600) 4. Poultry Breeding 7. Biological control in the incubation section. Ptitsevodstvo no. 4, 1952. 9. Monthlj List of Russian Accessions; Library of Congress, February 1953. Unclassified. VOLKOV, V.A.; FJONOVSKIY, N.P., kand.biolog.nauk; PBNIOlizffzvlcff. I.E.' prof.. doktor biolog.neuk; KASLIYEV, I.T., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; IMIM , A.A., kaud.sel'skokhoz.nauk; PATRIK. I.A., kand.sel'Bkokhoz. neuk; KALINOTMATA, A.S., )wnd.biolog.nauk; DA SKIT, N.V., kBnd.blolog.n&uk;(03LOT,!K-Y, kand.sellskokhom.nauk; RUM. V.K., lmnd.sellskokhos.nouk; GOPM, K.B., zootekhnik; GRIGORIYSV. G.K.. starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; GORIZONTOVA, Te.A.. starshiy nsuchnyy sotrudnik; PROXTISTOV, P.L. kand.vater.nauk; KOTHLINIKOV, G.A.. Imud.veterin,nauk; SM=VA, R.I., red.; BALAXIS, V.M., red.; GRADUSM, Yu.N., red.; SMOLOVA, G.S., red.; SAYTANIDI, L.D., [Duek raising] Utkovodetvo. Izd-vo Wva sellkhoz. H.S.F.S.R., 1959. 284 P. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Nachallnik Glavno u ravleniya ptitnevodstva Ministeratva sellakogo khosysystva RSFSR (for Volkov). 2. Vsei;ovuznyy nauchno- iaeledovateltakiy institut ptitsepromyshlonnosti (for Grigorlyev). 3, TSentrallnyy nauchno*i6eledevatel-l-ekly institnt ptitseperera- batyvayushchey promyshlennosti (for Gorizontovu). (Ducks) .QRIDV, Mikhail Vasillyevich; OSIPOVA, V.N., red.; SHESHNEVA, E.A., M tekhn. red. tekhn. red.; LE X, L.G.p (Biological control in incubation] BiologIcheskii kontroll Y inkubataii. Moskva, Izd-vo M-va sell.khoz.RSFSR, 1963. 130 P. (NIRA 16-7) (Ihcubation) CftLCV , M.V.,,--Anzh. Device for lubricant feedtng to the car axle Journul. Vest. ISHI'l MPS 24 no.5~41-44 165. MIRA 18:9) 1. Uraltikoye otltelaniye Vaesoplznogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo Institut.b zheleznodo,-czhnogo transporta Ministorstva putey soobahchnaiyu. 6 30 AUTHOR. Orlov,M.Ya. SOV/33-35-5-9/2C TITLE: On the-M=totm~--Exci tat Ion of Hydrogen in the Atmosphere of cLBoo (Ob anomallnom vozbuzhdenii vodoroda v atmosfere mBoo) PERIODICAL: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, 1958, Vol 35, Nr 5, pp 755-762 (U-55R) ABSTRACT: The author states that the ultraviolet emission of the corona of oLBoo can-not explain the anomalous excitation of hydrogen in the atmosphere of the star but this excitation of hydrogen can be caused by electron impa-,te in a chromosphere with an electron temperature of 10oooO - 2ooooO. such a chromosphere would be transDarent In the continuous spectrum and should not produce noti-eable h~liiim absorption lines in agreement with t~e cbserva- t-.--~r, T'11.p auth'cr s investigations base on results of S.A.Kap~an, S.I.Gc.pasT,-k ' ef 114 and A.A.Niki',~'-n f-Ref 11-7. L R -7, There -.3 ' table, and 16 referenced,, 6 -.f whicY- are Soviet, 9 AmE:r--'-an, and I Dutch, SUBMITTED: Nc7ember 12, 1957 Card 07-1 L, -: I " . Y A . , - -. -.' LA --;~ p '. ". ) r1. '2 *.,-', ". ' . I A '-; A 'I y - . ' . '~ r :: t r,) n Pro - a ~ - ~ 4 ~' I - : ~ 1, . r- T' r-', - I S r - -,- , i - f a Fa s t ~? e, a c t ~ r . ren~,rt F .)rritt-r '-r t e cr t.le ' ,a-t : lr r-. .- CF ') f ~ I ?eact-~r~, Viciqa, ~-ll Ax 19(i. ORL(YV M.Ya - RODRIGFZ, M.G. Spiktrum of nova Herculis 1963. Astron. zhur. 40 no.5:952- 953"S-0 163. (KIRA 16: 11) 1. Glavnaya astronomicheskaya observatoriya AN Uk76SR. ORLOV, M.Ya.; RODRIGES, M.G. Spectral observations of Nova Herculls (1%3). Astron. tsir. no. 238il Ap 163. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Gosudarstvannaya astranomicheakaya obaervatoriya AN UkrSSR. GOLUIRV, V.I.; ZVONAREV, A.V.; NIKOLAYEV, M.N.; ORLOV, M.Yu. Effect of reflectors made from different materials on an increase in neutron capture by the uranium shielding of a fast reactor. Atom. energ. 15 no.3;258-259 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) (Neutrons-Capture) (Nucelar reactors) GOLUBEV, V.I.; ZVONAREV, A.V,j NIKOLAYEV, M.N.; ORLOV, M.Yu. Effect of reflectors made from various materials on the number of neutrons capturod in the uranium carbide shield of a fast reactor. Atom. energ. 15 no.4027-328 0 163. (MIRA 16.10) , :-l' - a , swit, - ~ - Akalum -,An: ~:g As I Ail W -useo -~-Urdll U14:-Qjir di(d-,A-n~-t ~hs t ot -P ~nl -3-7 ;-tj ft by, ~ "4r- aOh'PAI.W-;Lfij't -Abeow ise, secti Mai -Ute U mA e4ti divtribilti6-, Of ~fti ce effeas. . _rThe airthai~~: somn Are 'deeply ---,-5I.-!Anterei~-An- the voi-k and uftiftit:Aiowunft4ni I N ,b)) ~ ~, u V ) /"V CRIDV,N., inihener Using fork-lift trucks In block rubble quarriem. Stroi.mat.,Lzdel.. I konstr. 1 no-7:20-21 J1155. (MLRA 8:11) (Cparries and quarrying) (Fork-lift trucks) CMVP N. Vachanization of Us, eatting of frozen ground. Na stroi. Rom. 3 po.10:22-23 0 062. (NM 16 16) 1. QlavW mkhanik upraylaniya atroitellotwa Peraskogo soveta naraftago khosyayatwas (hMsm ground) (lartbuork) IVIDLIDSM, Ve 0 ill"*; -WV-S N. I Jushe I TARAMN, Me p imbo Moctric stand for the rmwda-In and testing of marims disselm. Becho transp. 21 no,1005-37 0 162, (mm 15 110) L QO&%&rBtvs=7Y Institut, po poyektimanou i "kamlyan as rechum tranoWts, (Marine diesel engines) ORLCIII,j N , 5- SO tney W"r)'- rnr ',1P Vc,--r,, ln;tn. ~.. -)- --,, 1"-,- 1. wl ;. , ") ; . -~t . mWT, N.A."---. --- Stulents study of Ostashevo District, Moscow Province, Geog. v shkole 21 no.3:50-53 YT-Je 158. (KIRA 11:6) 1. Shkola NO.246, Moskva. (Ostasheyo District-Physical geography) ANDRIANOV, D.P., doktor ekon. nauk, prof.; GENDELIMN, M.Z., kand. tekhn. nauk, dota.; GUCHEV, A.V., kand. ekon. nauk, dots.; DIDENKC, S.I., kand. ekon. nauk, dots.; ZHURAVLEV, A.N., kand. tekhn.nauk, prof.; ZAKHAROVt K.D., kand. tekhn.nauk,, dots.; MOISEYEV, S.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; OLISHEVETS, L.Y., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; PR~OV, N.A., prof.; POPOV, P.G., ispolnya- yushchiy obynzannosti dots.; SARKISYAN, S.A., kand. ekon. nauk, dots.; STARIK, D.E., kand. tekhn.nauk, ispolnyayu- shchiy obyazannosti dots.; TER-MARKARYAN, A.N., kand. tekhn. nauk, prof.; TIKHOVIROV, V.I., kand. tekhn.nauk, prof.; CHESNOKOV, V.V., kand. ekon. nauk, dots.; SHERMAN, Ye.I., kand. ekon. nauk, dots.; ELIBERT, L.M., kand. ekon. nauk, dots.; LAPSHIN, A.A., dots., retsenzent; NOVATSKIY, V.F., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; TWWANSKAYA, F.G., red. izd-va; KARPOV, I.I., tekhn. red. [Organization, planning and economics of airplane produc- tion] Organizatsiia, planirovanie i ekonomika aviatsionnog) proizvodstva. [By] D.P.Andrianov i dr. MoBkva, Oborongiz, 1963. 694 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Airplane industry--Management) SAKSIV. V.P.; BIJGROV. V.P.; OIIIDV,_ N.4., Omilate ewnpl,4x of rwimeeIn-. Ucl..'~,in.yArosl.tskh-ol. '-Ft. (Oxinlic acid) PM,- a I u n C u - a 1y latIPMA" for la6airtrial Cbmalsto "a 16.1~ lauttleo 0 eb"Cal routta" am tmr ft. low Ow"esi rwomm. O~j Me Onm4ptwo arstaloo or this asizoettes ami matety ith io. Ametaw grammes" r(mr tao V*PWMIO& of orewo CONO.Mb. jW#jao~ of ral W:hwes related to them passoesso ft& vith porso"Uttes am mentioned. ftfft"i:w an" 0-h arttele. Uo u IU g e sell A,9r J, I BAMOV, A.Y., redaktor; BIZYMIN, D.D., redaktor; YAMIN, X.I., otvetstven- ay redaktor to&&, professor, doktor takhnicheakikh nauk; VZMIWV, B.M., rsdAktor; IVLITRY. I.Y., re4aktor; YAZHCHUN, I.D.. redaktor; EMT, Te.F., glavnyy rodaktor; SONOLIMS111, TiL.I., redaktor; SDWGtMOV, V.N., reduktor; SHLU IY, V.A., rodaktor; ALMOV. A.A., inshener; AXMHKIN, B.T.. in- zheuw; AIAM"IYAV, Ye.V., laureat Staliuskoy premil, Inshener; B11MO, X.N., dotsent; BORISOV, D.P.. dotsent, kvndidat takhnioheskikh nauk; IIHILITSOV, P.N.. inthener; 21MR. N.R., inshenor; ILIM100i, V.I., doteent, kandidat tokhnicheskikh nauk; KAUKOV. A.A.. kan&idet t*khniohookikh nauk; KRATZM, L.P.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh amuk; XOTMARINK0, S.F., doteent, k&ndidat tekhnicheskikh nwak; MAYSHIV, P.V., professor, kandidat tokh- nicheskikh nauk; NAMOV, N.Y., inshener; NIMM, V.S., dotseut, kandi- dat tekhnicheskikh nauk; NOVIKOV. V.A., dotsent; PRIQL.16&, Inshener: PWMV, I.I., kaudidat tokhniabeskikh nauk; PIVX07-"--!iizhener; PG- GODIS, A.14., inshener; RAKW, F.H., dotment, kandidat';ekhnicheskikki mauk; ROGDMKIT, V.N., kandidat takhuicheakikh wmk; RTAZASTS1V. B.S., lwarest Stalinskoy premii, dotatut, kandidat takhnichoskikh neuk; SNARSKIY, A.A., inzhener; MIDM, A.B., inshener; SMTIN, V.A., laureat Stalinskoy preall, inshener; SHUR, B.I., inshener; GONCHUKOV. V.I., Inshener, reteensent; NOVIKOV, V.A., dotsent, retmentent; Aft- NAS'Y2V, Ye.V., laureat Stalinskoy previl, reteenzent; (Ttohnical handbook for railroad son] Tokhnicheskii spravochnik %holes- nodoroshnika. Vol. 8. (Signaling, central control. block systes, and cossmzn1cation] Signalizatsila, teentralizataiia, blokirovka, evias'. Red. kolltgiia A.Y.Barauov [I dr.] Z.F.Rudoi. Moskva. Gee. transp. shol-dor. Isd-vo, 1952. 975 p. (Continued on next card) BRUMV, A.M., laureat Stalinakoy premii, inahener; GAMBURG, Ye.Tu., in- shenor, retsensent; GOIDVM . M.K., inshener, r*tsensent; ZLZ&JWV. A.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nouk, rots*nso-At; KUT'IN, I.N., dDtaeut, kandi- dat t*kbnicheskikh usuk, retsensent; IMOV, A.A., inshonstr, retmensent; 31 NO OV, N.M., laureat Stalinskoy premli, Inahener. rotsensent; a M - XWOV, T.B., Inshener, retsensent; VALUTIV, G.A., inshener, rotsensent; MITM, HA., laureat Stalinskoy promil, inshower, ratesusent; NOVI- KOV, V.A.. dotsent. reteensent; PIVOVAROV. A.L.. lushoner, retaeusent; POGODIN, A.M., inshener, retaeusent; KHOWROV, L.R., inshoner. retsen- sent; PIVOVAROV. A.L.. inshener, retsensent; POGODIN, A.M., inshener, reteensent; KHODDROV, L.R., Insheuer, retsensent; SHUIPWV, V.I., kan- didat tekhnichookikh nauk, reteenzent; KLYKDV, A.F.. inshener, retson- sent; YUIMON. D.M., takhnichosidy redaktor; VERIM. G.?., takhnichookiy redaktor. [Technical handbook for railroad men] Tekhnichookil spravochulk zho- lasnodoroshnika. Vol. 8. [Signaling, central control, block system, and cousunication] Sienalisatmila, toontralleatatia. blokirovka. avian'. Red. kolleglia A.F.Baranoy Ci &.1 Glay.ied. 1.1F.Rudoi. Hook-ta, Goo. trapap. shol-dor. iud-vo, 1952. 975 p. (C.^rd 2) (MINA 8:2) (Railroads--Signaling) (Bailroads--Commusication systems) Orloy. Ntkolay AlaksAnimvich N15 753.421 . Kq Posobi,ye Telegrafistu (Mznual for the Telegraphigt, By) V- F- FL=cjj,.cov, ; Nikolay Aleksandrovich GrIov. Moskva, Transzlieldorizdat. 1955. 226 p. Illus.. Diagrs. KRYUGHKOV. Vladimir Yeofanovich; OHLOV. Hikola4 Alekpgn2dZr=ovIch; STROGANOV, L.P., inzh., red.; KKITROV, P.A. [Manual for telegraph operator&] Posobie telegrafistu. Izd.2.9 parer. i dop. MoBkva, Gos.transp.zhsl-dor.Izd-vo, 1959. 191 p. (KIRA 12t5) (Telegraph-Operators' manuals) PHASE I bOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6558 Andrianov, Do P., H. Z. Gendel'man, k. V. Glichev, S. 1. Didenkv, A. No Zhuravlev, K. D. Zakharov, S. V. Hoiseyev, L. H. 01'shevets, No A. Orlov, P. Go Popov, S. A. Sarkinyan, Do E. Starik, A. No Tar Fin, V. 1. Tikhomirov, V. V. Chesnokov, Ye. I. Sherman, and L. M. El'bart, Or.ganizatsiya, planirovaniye i ekonomika aviatsionnogo proizvodstva (Organization, Planning, and Economics of the Aircraft Industry) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1963. 694 p. Errata slip inserted. 5000 coplen printed. Ed. (Title page): L. M. 011shevets, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent and No A. Orlov, Professor; Reviewer: A. A. Lapshin, Docent; Ed.': V. F. Novatskiy, Candidate of Economical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: F. G. Tubyanskaya; Tech. Ed.i 1. 1. Karpov; Managing Ed.: L. A. Gil'berg. PURPOSE: This textbook is intended for students of aircraft engineer'ing schools of higher education. It may also be useful to engineerin3 per',sonnel of aircraft Industry. Card 1/j" 3 organization. Planning (Cont.) SOV/6558 COVERAGE: The book presents a comprehensive review of problems con- nectied with economics of the aircraft industry and with the organ- ization and planning of aircraft production. Concrete problems of organization of work at aircraft enterprises are analyzed as they apply to various types of aircraft plants, esgs, aircraft construc- tion plants, engine manufacturing plants, instrument-making plants. Specific features of the organization and planning of production in industrial and experimental plants are outlined, The Introduction and Ch. 1, 11, and XI were written by Professor N. A. Orlov; Ch. III by Docent S. V. Hoiseyev, Cand. of Techn. Sciences; Ch. IV and XIX by Docent S. A. Sarkisyan, Cand. of Econ. Sciences; Ch. V and X by Docent D. E. Starik, Cand. of Techn. Sciences; Ch. VI by.Docent P. G. Popov; Ch. VII by Docents Ye. 1. Sherman, Cand. of Econ. Sciences, lad K. D. Zakharov, Cand. of Techn. Sciences; Ch. VIII by Docent : 0 Z. GendeVisan, Cand. of Tachn. Sclancesp Docent A. V. Glichav, Cand. of Economic Sciences, and Professor As N. Ter-Markaryant Cando of Tochno Sciences; Ch. IX by Professor A, N, Zhuravlevt Cand. of Tech* Sciences; Ch. III and/XIII by Professor D, Po Andrianovg Doctor of Econ. Sciences; Ch* XXV by Professor V. I9 Tikhostrov, Cand* of Card 2/0 -3 01ganitationt Planning (Cont.) SOV/6558 Techn. Sciences; Ch. XVO XV1, XVII, XXII by Docent L. M, 01'sheirets, Cando of Tachn. Sclenceal Ch. XVIII and XXI by Docent S. 1, Dideako, Cando of Econ. Sciences$ Ch. XX and XXIV by Docent L. M. 211bert, Cando of Econ. Sciences; Ch, XXXXI by Docent V. V. Chaso6kov. Cand. of 2con. Sclences. L. M. 01'sheyets and N. A. Orlov supervised the group of authors and completed the scientific editing* lach part of the book is accompanied by references, all Sovistv and in addition there are 9 Soviet references relating to the whoAs book, TABLZ OF CONTENTSt Torevord 3 Introduction. Purpose and Content of the Course 5 :PART Is FUNDAMZNTALS OF ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF AIRCRAFT INDUSTRY Card 3/~#. OTWV. N.A., prof.; OSADO, P.A., red.; GERASIMOVA, U.S., [Planning of specialisation and cooperation in industry] Plani- rovanie spetsializatall I kooperlroyanila v promyshlonnosti. Moskva, Gosplanisdat, 1958. 93 P. (KIRA 12:2) (Industrial organization) ZABBLIN. Boris Mlkhailovich;_~ ` H.A.-_ prof., retsoonzent; IM14DR&SHMV. D.D., kand.akon.nauk. red.; SALTANSKIT, A.A., red. Izd-va; ELIKIND. V.D., [specialization and cooperation In roachivery manufacturiug In thm U.S.S.R.; a follow up on materials on railroad-car con- "truction and otber branches] Spetsializataiia I knoperirovani" v mashinnstromnli SSSR; po matertalam vagonostroentia I drug1kb otraslet. Moskva, Goa. nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostrult. lit-ry, 1958. 146 p. (XT-RA 12:1) (Macbinery Industry) SOV/122-58-11-2/18 AUTHOR: -2E1oy,. N.A., Professor ,TITIE-. The Specialisation of Industrial Units and the Automation of Production (Spetsializatsiya predpriyatiy i avtomatizatsiya proizvodstva) PRRTCDICAL:Vestnik Wasibinostroyeniya, 1958, Nr 11, pp 7-10 (USSR) APMR&M; Several ways in which specialisation can assist productivity and automation are discussed. The building- up of machine tool plants from standard units is regarded as a decis-ive contribution. A reduct-ion in machining allowances capable of saving up to 25% of the 300,,000 tons of swarf produced by the heavy engineering industry alone can be achieved by greater reliance on specialised manufacture of more accurate blanks. A substantial increase in the use of castings and forgings is foreseen by 1965- Major trendo of development in mechanised casting and forging are mentioned. In the automotive industry, the main immediate requirement is to concentrate the production of standard parts in speclalised plants. By 1965, 9Wo of the fastenings (compared w:Lth 3Wo now), 1OW6 of the Gard 1/3 pipe fittings (compared with 30,% now) and 10N of the SOV/122-58-11-2/18 The Specialisation of Industrial Units and the Automation of Production gear boxes (compared with 5Wo now) are to be made in specialised plants. Other details, standardised only in single industries, must be produced by specialised methods. Turbine blades, conveyor rollers, rolling mill and haulage machinery elements, machine tools spindle units and hydraulic control systes units, compressors, filters, radiators, suspension springs, pistons, wheels and dampers are meutioned. The existing reserves resulting from the re-organisation into Regional Economic Councils should be used for setting up such specialised manufactuxes. Before the recent change, ministries outside the mechanical engWeering ministries controlled 3500 plants employing I million operatives and possessing 52% of all the metal worldmg machinas in the country although contributing only 30% to the output of the engineering industry. National stand rds for machine components Card 2/3 cover 50,000 types and sizes but insufficient use has T* Speciali-sation. of Industrial Units and the Automation of Production been made of them in planning specialised manufacture. Plans include the erection of 1400 autonatic production lines. The importance of adequate documentation and of research into production problems is emphasised. Card 3/3 ONAROVSKIY, Aleksandr Grigorlyevich; ORLOT, Jj.,4., prof., reteensent; BURRIp LoYa., prof*, doktor skon.nauk, retoonsent; XBOYMY. A.A.. kand.ekon.-suk, red.; SALYANSKIY, A.A., red.lsd-va; UYAROTA, A.F., [Production specialization and the distribution of machinery manufacture In the U.S.S.R.] Spetsialisateita prolsvodetva I rasmashchenle mehinostroitellnol pronyahlonnosti SSSR. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhnAzd-vo mashinostroit.lit-rys, 1959. 178 p. (Machinery industry) (MIRA 12:4) SATELI, Eduard Adamovich, prof., doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; LETENKO, Viktor Alakeandrovich, kand.okon.nauk; BRYANSKIY, Georgly Anatoliyevich. kand.elion.nBuk; &AJD)IISKIT, Georgiy Ivanovich, kand.ekon.nauk- ORLOY N.A., prof., retsenzent; Y"ID, I.L., inzh.-ekon.0 rtr..Men' 'F-MICLIKAKHOVICH, N.A., kand.takhn. rsauk, reteenment; BILTAYN, A.V.. inzh.-ekon., rotuenzent; SOCHINSKIT, A.R., in2h., red.; SALTANAIY, A.A., red.izd-ve: ALIKIND, V.D., (Principles of the technology of production and labor organiza- tion] Oenovy tekhnicheaVoi podgotovki proizvodstva i orgarii- zateiia truda. Pod red. B.A.Satelia. Moskva, GoB.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostrott.lit-ry, 1959. DO P. (MIRA 12:10) (Machinery industry) 25(5) sc V/2~1- 1/2,~ AUTHOR: Orlov, N.A., Professor TITLE: Specialization of the Production of General-Use Macli'rie Components and Parts (Spetsializatsiya proizvodstva obshchikh uzlov i detaley mashin) PERIODICAL: Standartizatsiya, 1959, Nr 3, pp 3 - 8 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author stresses the urgent necessity for special- ized plants to produce machine parts and components of general use, like -,fasteners of all general kinds, torque-transmitting components (reducing gears, chains and sprockets, etc.), parts of hydraulic and pneumatic drives, electric equipment, and states that the present state of' standardization is hampering the development. By the end of the current Seven-Year Plan the output of equipment for the foundry industry must be more than doubled, semi-autoi-.-itic and automatic prcrluction lines ;-ncreased 2.1 - 2.3 times, forging presses and hammers by about Card 1/5 1.5 times, chemical equipment by 3.2 - 3.4 times, SOV/2B-59-7) - 1 / 425 Specialization of the Producti,,n of General-Use Machine Components and Parts etc. This is only possible ,,.,,ith maximum standardi- zation, and the minimum use of particular equipment components. The use of standardized machine -tool components and parts reduces by 3 to 4 times the de- signing work an special machine tools and the whole production cycle by 1.5 to 2 times. Although standardization is largely completed in the machine- building industry, centralized production is at present insufficient, which can be seen from the fact that there only 18 plants specialized in production of fastenrs, but 1,350 plants are producing them, and that the production costs per ton varies from 2,000 rubles at a specialized plant to 30,000 rubles at a non-specialized. The metal consumption per ton of finished product varies between 1 and 3 tons. The planned number of special plants producing fasteners is 114 (Table 1). The small inefficient Card 2/5 plants will have to be closed. The relatively high Specialization of the Production of General-'Jse Lach-ne Components and Parts technical and ec-~;nomic efficiency cf t1he Lenin,-rads- kiy staleprokatny-y zavcd (Lenln,Frad Steel Rolling Plant) in producing fasteners io still lov; comparing with a specialized production si~op, ,s can be seen in table 2. The annual production of fasteners planned for 1-165 is 90C,'UOC tons, In the case or reduction gears, there a-re 1-26 in the country producing them, some in quantities of less than 1,000 and even 100 a yea-r. As estimated by "Gipro- stroydormash", about 400,000 reduction Fefir units w duced in 1-"C,5 for all industry branches ill be ro (Table 35, and not less than 1~,O,OOG tons of metal are required for the job; 15 - 16 specialized plants are planned for the ;~rod-ction of general-use reduc- tion gears. The strmdards for the rk~d:~ct1on gear parts are yet to be worked out, and the exa:.-Ie of the gear reducers beinG produced at the time is Card 3/5 telling: the "R!,"' reducers with 2111C between axes SOV/2B- 519-3-1/25 Specialization of the !Irod1._icti,-.n of "Jenerai-','.3e '.*Iach.ine Components and Parts produced by the IzIevs"-.iy zAv:)d (Izhevsk plant) weigh 102 '-.g, %,jhile reducers "TsD2-25B" of the Kiyevskiy -n.:!-:Ihan:Lc!.es,-._,Y (,'.i-.,ev :.ecn.-nical Plant) weish 142 I:G; the "R,91- -'50B" reducers of the Izhevsk plant :iei 6h .134 kE,,, 31id similar reducers made by the Pavshinski.y z~;vod ~'_Pavshano Plant), 247 kU.--. The numbe:- of work hours si,,ent for machlnin,- identi- cal parts of gear red,..,.er2 v,,,,ries larcely, and is 6 to 8 times that for the job. ~-inical (-.hcaracter~ s tics A comparison (Table 4' of tec- of gear drives made in the U~;3R and zbroad (Czechos- lovakia and Germany) shows tlial. U,33R-I~roduced drives are slightly inferior and two to four times heavier. Special gea_r--)roducing .Ian'-s exist ~Dnlz~ in the auto- mobile and tractor indu_-try. flie majority of others are makinC gears for ti.eir o%,.,n use, and it is estiLn.- ated that existing 5,0DO different gear ty,,,es and Card 4/5 sizes can be brouCht down to 300 - 400 StUII'Jard cialization of the Production of ne Components Parts type-sizes, coL;ld be ;~rodl,_cedl :_r, s,-ecial plants on production lines. The s~-,_~cial_7atien of the pro- duction of -~.,heels (for aaito;') J-12- tr:iilers, road machines, bicycles, P.Gtor cycles and inotor rollers, wheels and casters for frateriais handling equipment, mine cars, etc,) is mentioned as art example of ration- al organization GIC centralIzed specialized production, but the standardization of %,.,heels must be carried out, and specialized workshops an:i plants will have to be built for the prod~;ction of wl~e.-A spokes for farm machinery, front and rear bushes of bicycle wheel hubs, etc. VNIIK com-leted in 195'-3 a nomenclature of general-use componentl--, -1-nd parts that can be rationally and co-,u.erc.:Ia.I'L_%, i~roduced by special plants, j and the author thinks t1l,.Is nomenclaturp can now well be used for detailed sI.eci:_~liz,-ition. a-re 4 tables. IATION: Gosplan SSSR Gosplan of the "'33R) 5/5 ORLOT.-Sikolay Alekseyevich,, prof.-, IS6ANKINA, T.F.. red.; ATROSHCH=10, , tekhn.-red. - A (Mechanical engineering is the bass for over-all mechanization and automation) Kashinostroonis - oanova komplakonol mokhani- &&tail I avtonatizateii. Koskva. lid-vo 02naule.8 1960. 31 P. (Tsesoiusnoe obahchostwo po resprostransuilu politichesifth i wmchuykh znanit. Ser.4, Hauka I tekhnika, no.5). (KIRA 13:3) (Technological Innovations) (Automation) ZABOLOTINYY, I.I., inzh.; ORLOV, N.A., inzh.; YAKIMOV, I.D., otv. red. [Manual on engineering geological operations in explorations for lumber industry enterprises] Nastavlenie po, inzhenerno- geologicheskim rabotam pri izyskaniiakh predpriiatii lesnoi promyohlennosti. Leningrad, 1962. 190 p. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Moscow. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu les- nogo transports. 2. Goaudarstvennyy institut po, proyektirova- niyu lesnogo transporta, Moscow (for Zabolotnyy). 3. Nachall- nik tekhnicheskogo otdela Gosudarstvennogo instituta po pro- yektirovaniyu lesnogo transporta, Moscow (for Yakimov). BERRI, L.Ya., doktor ekon. nauk; KLIMENKO, K.I., doktor ekon naW-.; OBIQISK.TY, Ya.A.,, kand. ekon. nauk; SAVINSKIY, E.S., kand. ekon. nauk; KMNMAN. S.A.. dokwr ekon. nauk, red.; MOSKVIN, D.D.,kand.ekon.nauk,; pprof.#W. ; SA7X4O=, H jZj.X. tilaA-.rid. ; SR41INA,, tu.o.a. industry in 1929-1963; technical and economic trends and structural changes] Promyshlermost' SShA v 1929-1q63 9.) tekhniko-ekonomicheskie tendentsil i strukturnye sdvigi. fByl L.IA.Berri i dr. Moskva, Ekonomika, 1965. 406 p. (MIRA 18:5) -- ORLOV, N.A., inzh. Growth rates. Avtoni., Lelem. i svLazl I-) no.11:19-20 N 165. (M---,,,A 18:12) L 0231L-17. EWT(m)/T "13,NIWE ARQ16568 SOURCE coDs; uR/Olq6/65/OOO/0l2/Toi4/Toi4i AUTHOR: Rozbdestvenskly, V. P.; Astaflyevaj E. A.. Orlov, N. A. _77" TITLE: Using chromatographic analysis for determining the properties of liq4~r u ied gas SOURCE: Ref. zh. Electrotekhnika i energetiks, Abs. 12T58 REF SOURCE: Sb. Ispollzn. gaza v nar. kh-ve. Vyp. 3. Saratov, 1965, 2T6-280 TOPIC TAGS: chromatographic analysis, gas liquefication, gas composition analyzer, gas chromatography, vapor pressure, heat of combustion ABSTRACT: The authors study the possibilities and some characteristics of chromato- graphic analysis of liquified gases in connection with specification of individual cases by GGST 10196-62, and fro in connection with testing of new gas-jet units. The work was done on sJUM-4KNchromatograpt One of the fzactionating columns of the instrument was filled Vith tripoll treated mineral oil and soda. It is shown that chromatographic analysis may be used for determining the composition of liqui- fied gas as well as such important parameters as vapor pressure, heat of combustion and specific weight. 2 illustrations, 1 table, bibliography of 8 titles. ["Giproniigaz" Institute]. V. Speysher. (Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: OT, 20 uDc: 662.767:543-544 ORLOV. r. D. "Calculation of the Maximum Thickness of the Wall of a Cast Iron Mold for Pouriw Screw Stock of Copper Alloys." Sub 28 May 51. Moscow Inst of Nonferrous Metals and Gold imeni M. 1. Kalinin Dissertations presented for science and enrineering degrees in Moscow durin,- 1951- SO: Si=. No. 480, 9 May 55 C kyT. D. Shaped C~~ of Cqpper (COnt-) book, Collection of Articlego-9 Moscow 1957/ 205 pp. 6,500 copies Orloy,_ N. D., Candq of Technical Sciences. Properties, 11elting and Casting of Silicon Bmze 102 According to the author,, lead branses can often be replaced by less expensive s1licon brass, vhIch also has uperlor mechanical properties* Tables md diagzuw show the changn in mechanical properties vIth the varlaUen of silicon content. The effect of addin given amounts of lead, iron, Phomphrms, amwmse, tin, arsenic, nickle and alvmdmm are also examined. Th amstIm of silicon brass shrink cavities are said to occur frequently but can be avoided by carefully designed riser syvtAmse ]Mow&M vIth siltrogen and chlorlue ps is also dIsmsede No Tersomalties we mentioned. Mwre are 13 references,, of vhIch 12 are Bowlet and 1 Is Polish. This bonk contains papers presented during a technical and scientific convention Moscow, 2rk.19Z. -on th%Re Babayev. . magmeer. punt Practice 117 In this paVer the author deals v1th the meltlag and casting of standard copper &Uoys deolgwUd 19 8-3Lj ANts-9-1 and QBN 11-3-1e Coatings frm those alloys an tested for ImpermabIlIty at 60 to 3W atme hydraulic pmomm,, or 45 to 320 atis. Gard 1T PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/4969 Orlova Nikolay Dwit!-Iyevich, and Vladimir Kikhaylovich Nlronov Spravochnik liteyahchika; fasonnoye litlye iz splavov tyazhelykh tavetnykh setallov (Foundry Worker's Handbook; Shaped Cast- Ingo of Heavywelkht YOnferrous Metal Alloys) Moscow, Mashgiz, 196o. 402 p.- Errata &lip inserted. 7,000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): N. N. Rubteov,# Doctor of Technical Sci- .Oboes,, Professor; Reviewers: A. 0. Spasekly, Doctor of Technical Sciences,, A. V. Kurdyunov,, Candidate of Tech- nical Scienceso.M. 7. PIkuno*, Candidate of Technical Sol- in6es, V. M. Churoln, Candidate of Technical Sciences, N. Z. Pozdnyak, Engineer and D. M. Zeslavskiy, Engineer; Ede: N. D. Orlov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and S. N. Ponerantsevo Engineer; Ed. of Publishing House: V. I. Rybakova, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: B. I. Model'; Managing Ed. for lAterature on Heavy Machine Building: S. Ya. Golovin, Engineer. ,ORLOVP Nikolay Dmitriyevich; VLADZIYEVSKIY, A.P., prof., doktor tekhn. ---=n* T-red -. - (Foundry practie*]Liteinoe proizvodstvo; uchebnos posobis po rasdelu "Liteinos prolzvodstvo* kures *Tekhnologiia metallov." Moskva, MDsk. inzhonefto-okon. in-t im. S.Ordshonikid2e, 1962. 103 P. (KIRk 16:2) (Founding) s/i28/62/ooo/oo9/Oo3/oo 3 AOO VA 127 AUTHOR: Orlov, N. D. TITLE: Conference on problems of the die-casting theory PERIODICAI: Liteynoye proizvod5tvo, no. 9, 1962, 44 - 45 TEYT: On December 21, 1961, a conference on problems of the pressing rate and hydraulic impact in die casting was convened by the Komitet tsvetnogo 11it,ya liteynoy sehtslli (Committee of Non-ferrous Castings of the Foundry Section) TsF N70 71"ashpror in T,,oscow. L. I.J. Neverov reported an the results of experiments for measuring tne plunger motion speed, pressure and temperature of the melt in the compression chamber and gas pressure in the mold. M. F. Makel'skiy gave an accot,nt of the results of his tests on a casting machine with horizontal compression cha,,n- ber. A. Y. Belopukhov emphasized the difference between the pressing rate and the admission rate which decisively affects the casting quality. V. M. Plyatskiy poin46 ed out that only with a sufficiently fast filling of the die the necessary heat condition of the melt can be maintained. P. P. Moskvin reported on the optimum filling rates of the mold with the melt. M. L. Zaslavskiy mentioned that the fi-'- ling rate is necessarily closely connected with the heat conditions of casting. Card 1/2 S/128/62/000/001j/ul, Conference on problems of the die-casting theory A004/A127 I. S. TI raspol 1 skiy expressed the opinion that the casting rates should corre:-,; t,,X~ to the characteristic features of the castings and melt properties. N. A. 3huhIn dealt with the problem of hydraulic Impact referring to articles concerning thl, subject that appeared in "Liteynoye proizvodstvof' 1960, no. 3, and 1961, no. 1,. 1;_*,O Card 212 ORLOV, N.D.j OSOKIN, N.Ye., kand. tekhn.nauK,, retsenzent; 'tIMMAK, -V*V.p inzhop red. [Short course in foundry practice] Kratkii kurs litelnogo proizvodstva. Moskva, Mashinostroenie, 1964. 220 p. (MIRA 18:2) is 11 is to a)1vAx3Sbvx39*j1 12DJONJOS) loops Us) MCI:* R I 1-v I -A-A-L-AA Wa W-ef" -- "-A-1--fi k A A. - a -a : --I- N-F J. ( Awm. loid. (Mcmaw) 12, 674-91 IWO 00 -00 00 -00 ow ff. -00 00 IS ail, zoo :0 roo 00.31 ;08 00. 004 zoo a zoo zoo Noo ,it's too of =0 V 08 roe to,,) Ica 4-1 '1 'S 0 IV OTO*q 0000 4 00 too 000 #10 0 *6 000 000000000e 0 OFLOV ~ 1i. F, Dissertationi "7he Effec! or '11traviolet Oxide-Foron Oxide-N-Jilica." -hem .,ci, Zhurnal-Q-d-miya, 'oscow, :*.o '~,, ~'pr5l.. Lirht on of the T,(-,rnrry .~,Iystcm -ocillur, C-ptical Inst, v*oscow, 19".7. SO: 304 2.34, Z-6 ')cv 1954 c AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODOCALt A/ Dolgov, B. N., Orlov, V. F. 62-11-18/29 Synthesis of Tetra-kis-[Trialkyl(aryl./~silox,7~Titanes Under Presence of Tertiary Amines (Sintez tetrakia-L-trialkil(aril) silokaij- titanov v prisutstvii tretichnykh aminov). Izvestiya A.N SSSR, Otdelenie Khimlchoskikh Nauk, 1957, Nr 11, pp. 1395-1396 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Here a new method for the synthesis of the tetrakis- Ilrialkyl(aryl)siloxyjtitanes (R 3SiO)4 Ti is desoribed. It is based on the reaction of the trialkyl-(aryl)ailanole with titanium-tetrachloride under presence of nitrogen bases (dimethylaniline, pyridine, and the like) as acceptors of the hydrogen chloride 4R3SiOfl + Ti base (R3Sio)4Ti Product elimination is 40-95%. The tetrakis- Etrialkyl(aryl)siloxy]titanes produced Card 1/2 synthetically according to this method are colourless Synthesis of Tetrakis-[Trialkyl(aryl)eiloxy]Titanes Under 62-11-16129 Presence of Tertiary Amines. liquids or crystals with scent of camphor, which are soluble in organic solvents. There are 7 references, 3 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATIM Institute for Silicate Chemistry of the AN USSR (Institut khimii silikatov Akademii nauk SSBR). SUBMITTEDs June 26, 1957. MILLBLEt Library of Congress Card 2/2 0 PQ ~, c, \/~ N. F am ORM, I. F. jen Containing Orgazoa.luminummilloic Compounds of the Sslok% typs' (Novyyo galogenoodersbashohiye alMinlykremieorganicheskiye 4,0. sayedisenlys, tips I SiOAlX2.- Russian)- l 11 V S 10 k i k R 1 103 N IMONUL adom au o 33- l SS Boklady A 4 r 5# PP 957, 5 MIUff The, compounds of the I 910M -type (Z ClqDr) w*re hitherto g7 k not described In publi ed w0 e* In two papers opinions are expressed on the possibility of the formation of such compounds, which were, however, never Isolated and for which so constants or analysis results were given. The author developed a method of synthesis for these compounds. Xt consist# of heating squUwlscular amounts of hex&-alkyl- dielloxame with Alumixuahalogeside with simultaneous distillation of the aorrespoadIng tr1&lkyl-h&logsmsIl&x*. The heating of the reaction Sixturs is stopped when Its temperature surpass** the boiling point of the initial hozaalkyl-diallowas by 20-30 0. With & 70-85 fS yiela tho reaction proceeds According to the following system: em 1/2 20-5-32/60 '... Alv- Xsw Uloges Containing Orgamosluminumoilicio compounds of the a3 BiOAII2typo. R 3Mail 3+ Alz 3 ---- )- R3 SiOAII2+ 13SIX. The properties of tri&lkyl-ailomy-aluslaus-dibalogesides are describe&. In contrast to hoze-alkyl-disiloxaso hoza- oblorodlelloxase does not react with ahloroaluninum under the some conditions. Uperimostal part with the usual data. 0 Tables, 2 Glavio references). ABBODUTIONs Institute for the Chemistry of 8111oate of the Academy of Science of the 'U.B.S.R. (Institut Mail silikatov Akadmil sauk SSSR) ST: I.N. Nasarov, member of the Academy. IM WIND: 4-3-57 ATAXIA=: IAbrisry of Congress. "n 2/2 e /1 4 A/t A,, AUTHORSs Dolgov, B. N., Urlov, 14. F. 20-4-19/52 TITLEt Sjntheaia of Totrakia (Tri a I kj- I (A r,11 ):;i I ox, ) T,' ar, I U,.; of Re-etherification of Tetra-Alcoxj-Titanati- (Sintez tetl-,I- kiu-(trialkil(aril) silokai~ titar,ov metodon ,:,_-rueterifikati;ii tetraalkoksititanatov). FLRIODICAL; Doklaaj Ali SSSR, 1957t Vol. Ifl, IN*" f1I : ~618 'I USSR ABSTRLCTi The only mono;_eriae titanium-iii1iocn-orgUi.ic ;oubin itiorl of thfz t./pe (R35'0)4 tha t ig t tArA kia (triwet!:, -1 ~ i I ) titanium. [(CH3) S'OJ4 Ti wus extractea for the first ti-;.. in 1955 frum the r2ction of trimethjluilunole xith titania.:jtetrachlori~e in presence of a.;..-onia with an exploit of M,'. (rufu:-e-nce 1)_ Next it waa extr.Acted~n 1957 from the reactior. of natriuL,-tri- methyl-uilonate with the sam(_ chloride (refzr~.~ce 2).The authors studied the adntheiwis of the aubwtarce wenticz _-.1 ir. the title above bj re-ttherification of alkjl-orthotitj;t~.tu6 r) ', t rialkjl (arjl) eilanol,~_,i in prE..;-zice of metallic natri,~,.. U.AL a catalyzer. The reaction proceeuo well a,_;curding to the ic!- Ila (R()) 4Ti + 4R3'SiL)B (13'SiO),~,Ti + ifROH The subatinces received,uz -antioned ir, the title above, are Card 112 colorleu~;, comp,rativu_ly ~aubile liiaicz (t,trakisi (trimethil- Synlheois of Tetrakia (TriaIkyi(Aryl)5ijoxj) Titar;ium bj- Yeans 20-4-19/52 'of Re -ether if icaticn cf -A I coxj -Tit a r,ateii . silox,Y)titaniuLa, tetraki. (methyl-diethylailoxj) ti,. iu-, tetrakihi (tri,th./Isiloxi) t~Jtuniam ard tetrakia (::i I-di- -n-T.rupy1r.i!uxj) titunix-.i), ur criatqlw (tetrakij Z,I.LD_XjO titani-oh). They irf- ~ot ~)Ie i.. ciry air anc r-ual, ol_ able ii, urg-nic 6oiv,-tits. T!,,i inclinat-on towards; h, - ic,6i- ctcrea4-.;a when the radic,,I cura~jined with zilicon iu iz,,_r,!ased. Finalij f,_Iliows thu ex ` (! ra-t~nt a-~ part ,. ith th, u4u-Ii data There ire 5 r~ferunceg, 3 of wl.ich are Slavio. ASSUCIATIUN: Intitatu f,.r Silioate Gnt~~aiitrj of the Ali USSR (111mititat bi--ikutov nauk SSSR) PRES~21TED: J,.ij,e 2, ',937,1,j i. Ii. Nesviejar.uv, Auadt....iciar SUBLITTED: J~Jle 28,1)57, AVAILABLL: L.'br!r.,- A' Cun7re.. Card 212 AUTHORS: OrIny, N- F-- Dolgov, B. N.v SOV/2o-122-2-22/42 Voronkov, M. G. TITLE: Trie(Triorganosilyl)-Vanadates (Tria(Triorganosilil)vanadaty) PERIODICAL: Doklady 4k&demii nauk SSSR,, 1958, Vol 122, Ur 2, PP 246 - e49 ~USSH) .-e organic d ABSTRACT: T' erivatives of vanadium are little investiFated, especially, because vanadium is not liable to form stable organic compounds with a vanadium-oarbon bond(Ref 1). But also compounds in which a vanadium atom is combined with a carbon by means of oxygen are deficiently described (Ref 2). The present paper is an investi ation of the synthesis of hitherto unknown organosilicon vanad~Jum derivatives which contain a binding V-O-Si ( see the title). The authors have produced these derivatives by intz:raction of triorganosilanes with V 205t VOC1 3 or with trialkyl vanadates OV(OR) 3 as well as the reaction of the sodium triethyl silanolate. The first method is discussed. Another simple method of synthesis of tri- Card 1/3 organosilyl ethers of the ortho-vanadic acid is based Tris(Triorganosilyl)-Vanadates SOV/2o-'22-2-22i"42 on the reaction of vanadium oxychloride with trior.-ano- silanolene in the presence of hydrogen chloride- acceptors, (ammonia, tertiary amines, and others). The yield of ethers is 60-80o. A suitable synthesis of the silicoorganio ethers of the ortho-vanadic acid is the trans-etherification of tiie trialkyl vanadates by means of triorganosilanolene in the preeence of catalytic amounts of sodium derivatives of the latters. They are formed by addition of metallic sodium. Finally, the compounds in question can be produced with a good yield by the reaction of sodium triorganosil&nolates with vanadium oxychloride. The properties of these compounds are discussed and the constants tabulated in table 1 . Therf. are 1 table and 7 references, 4 of wh1ch are SDviet, ASSOCIATION: Institut khimii silikatov Akademii nauk SSSR (Instit,,+e of Silicate ChemistryAS USSR) PRESENTED: April 30, 1956, By A.N.Neemeyanov, Uembor, Academy of Sciences, USSR Card 2/3 ORLOV~ N. F. N. F. Orlov, b. N. Dolgov and PI. G. Voronkov, "The New 'iynthesis Methods of Trialkyl-(aryl)-Siloxiderivative Elements of the 1II, IV and V groups of tht:. F,:~riodic System." Report presented at the 6econd All-Union ~;onference on the Chemistry and I-ractical Applicat ~on of bilic on -Organic Gompounds held in Leningrad from 25-27 September 195P. Zhurnal prikladnoy Oimii, 1959, Nr 1, pp 23F-240 (USSR) 50) SOV/62-59-5-30/40 AUTHORS: Orlov, N. F., Voronkov, M. G. TITLE: Trialkyl-ortho-vanadates (Trialkilortovanadaty) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheskikh nauk, 1959, Nr 5, pp 933-934 (USSR) LBSTRACT: In accordance with papers by Prandtl and Hess (Ref 2) the synthesis of trialkylvanadate from V 205 with alcohols is carried out according to the reaction equation V 0 + 6ROH '20V(OR), + 3H 0. As this reaction is reversible 2 5 2 by the formation of water, it was necessary to take measures in order that water be removed. This was done by a continuous azeotropic distillation with benzene. In this way a synthesis of 6 trialkyl-ortho-vanadates was successfully carried out, the isomeric butyl- and amyl esters of orthovanadic acid, two of which had hitherto been unknown. This method does not produce a very large ?ield (20-25%), but is very simple and was therefore preferred by the authors also to the synthesis from VOC1,, which is known from publications. Mention is then Card 112 made of the fact that in the reaction of V 205 with triorgano- Trialkyl-ortho-vanadates SOV/62 -59-5 - 30/401 silanoles taking place at similar conditions the corresponding silicon-organic asters, the tria-(triorganosilyl)-orthovanadates are formed with a good yield. The table gives the physical data of the synthetized compounds. There are 1 table and 6 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimii silikatov Akademii nauk SSSR (Instituteof Silicate Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: October 21, 1956 Card 2112 50) SOV/62-59-8-11/42 AUTHORS: Dolgov, B. N., Qzla~L,__F. , Voronkov, M. G. TITLE: New Titaniumailicon-organic Compounds - Trialkylsiloxy-titani halides PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye khimicheakikh nauk, 1959, Nr 8, PP 1406-1411 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper a report is made on the syntheses of silicon-organic titaniferous compounds. These compounds are hardly known in publications. Mention is made of Andrianov, GanirvL and Khrustaleva (Ref 2) who described the synthesis of polyorgano-titanium siloxanes. The silicon-organic titani- feroua compounds can be obtained according to the following pattern by the effect of hexaalkyl disiloxanes on titanium tetrachloride: nR3SiOSiR 3+ TiCl 4 3SiO)nTiCl 4-n + nR 3SiC1 nal-2 The reaction takes place as soon as the materials have been heated for some time. A reflux cooler is used- 7 different compounds of the general type (R 3 Sio)n TiX 4-n X-halogen were synthesized. The individual synthesis processes are Card 1/2 described in the experimental part. The analysis of the com- SOV/62-59-8-11/42 New Titaniumailicon-organic Compounds - Trialkylailoxv-titanium-halides pounds obtaiiied was carried out by Yu. W. Platonov. If heating is continued over some time, the compounds tend to decompose. There are 1 table and 15 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut khimii silikatov Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Silicate Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, US31i) SUBMITTED: December 16, 1957 Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Orlov, N. F., Voronkov, V. G. SOV/62-59-8-36,/42 TITLEs Trie(trialkyloilyl)-antimonitea PERIODICALs Izvestiya, Akadamii nauk SSSR. otaeleniye khimiaheBkikh nauk, 1959, Nr 8, p 1506 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The silicon-organic esters of antimonic acid which have been unknown up to now were synthesized by the authors according to 2 different methods: (1) by means of &h azootropic separation of E2 from a mixture of tr1&Uvl~11&n* and Sb 2 03t 6R3SiON + Sb yields according to + Sb 203t:;2(R3SiO) 3Sb + 3E20. Tho (R 3SiO) 3 this method were up to TO%. (2) By means of an esterification of the trialk7lantimonites with triorganoollanes (R'0)3A + + 3H Sion t=;(R Sio) Sb + 3R'OE. In this case the yields were 3 3 3 r__ Sb, boiling point H up to 90%. ft'hus the compounds LGH sioj (0 ) 2 2 3 3 5 1600 (5mm Hgj; VC2H5 )35'013 Sb, boiling point 1700 Omm Hgj were obtained. The refraction of the Sb-0 binding (5.25 ml) was also determined for the first time. More exact data will be Card 1/2 published. Tris(trialkylailyl)-antimonites BOV/62-59-8-36/42 ASSOCIATION: Institut khimii silikatot, Akadezii nauk SSSR (Institute of Silicate Chemistry, Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUMMED: mv "? 1959 Card 2/2 50) AUTHORS: Orlov, N. F., Dolgov, B. N. SOV/2o-125-4-35/74 TITLE: New Methodelbr the Synthesis of Organosiloxanes (novyye metody sinteza organosilbkaanov) PERIODICAL; Doklady Akadenii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 4, PP 817-820 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Hydrolysis is the most important method for the synthesis mentioned in the title. Apart from undoubted advantages this method shows, however, also a nil-bar of considerable short- comings: among others the difficulty of obtaining compounds with a certain altenuglon of radicals. This alternation is due to the possibility of condensation of equal moleculeti,con- taining the SiOH-group. In a survey of publications (Reff) 1-11) the authors mention pq~psrs that are in almost all cases favoring processes of several stages. The-authors suggest now, simple and convenient methods for the production of organosiloxanes with a certain structure. They are based upon the reactions of the catalytic dehydrocondoneation of organosilanes contain- ing an Si-H-bond with organosilanoles and water in the presence of colloidal nickel. The first reaction: Card 1/3 Now Methodeft the Synthesis of Organosiloxanes SOV/20-125-4-35/74 / Ni SO + Hosi - 0 -siosi- + H (1) 2 may be used for both the synthesis of monomers and particular- ly of asymmetric organodisiloxanes and of polymeric organo- siloxanes. As the interaction of equal groups is prevented and the catalyst does not favor any side reaction whatsoever, yields in final products are achieved amounting to 60-9(YA. Apart from octaorganotrisiloxane the authors obtained also a fraction with a lower boiling point which corresponded to a hexaalkyldisiloxane with the radicals of the initial trialkyl- silane. It was found that triorganoailanes do readily react in interaction with water in the presence of colloidal nickel and form hexaorganodisiloxane (3). The results achieved led to the discovery of a second method of synthesis of organo- siloxanes. The basis are or anosilanes with an Si-H-bond. The general form of reaction M is expressed by scheme (4): SO + HOH + HSi- 1P -~iosi- + 2H 2 - It is possible to extend reaction (4) to both monomeric and polymeric organo- siloxanes. The reaction with water in the presence of nickel Card 2/3 is more convenient than the methods hitherto known (Refu 12-W