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S/ I 23/59/OOC- ~'C, 10 /~ I A004/AOC] Translation from. Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinastroyerlye. l(il-i Nt) lu 79, 0 37791 AUTHOR: Orlov, B.M. TITLE, The Effects of LubricatioAl-oi, the Steel Cut' Ing Pr-_:-~s5 a' Ml~r-~, speeds PERIODICAL. V ab.-, Issled, po fiz- tverdogo tela, Moscow, AN SSSR, 1957, pp, 94-101 J TEXT~ The author investigated the fact,.)rs facilitating the cutting pr,:--.!~ if lubricants of various kinds are used (dist'.1led water, benzene, metnyl al- cohol, aleic acid, carbon tetrachloride CC14). The 2OX (2OKh) grade steel was machined by the free planing method with a P 18 (R18) cutting tool at a low :ut- ting speed (25 mm/min) in order to keep the temperature constant The 2utting forces acting on the tool during free cutting are investigated. An analysis ,)] the factors which affect the change of the resultant force R and its ccmponents showed that a decrease in these forces Is taking place on accoun* -~f a redu~!-.',i. Card 1/ 3 S/123/59/000/010/01,3/06,9 Aoo4/Aooi The Effects of Lubrication on the Steel Cutting Process at Microspeeds of the frictioA faftor X between the chip and the front edge of the tocl. D is pointed out that th~ decrease in R can take place owing to a decrease in the tangential stress T in the shear plane, which is determined by the degree of deformation E of the chip. The author presents a graph of 6 versus ob- tained as a result of calculating Tand ( during the cutting without and with all lubricants under investigation. It follows from the graph that a definite T corresponds to every E . regardless of the property of the lubricant, Pro- ceeding from these data, the author does not confirm the theory of P.A. Rebin- der. A graph is given of the dependence of 1A on the thickness of the cut and on the application of the lubricants under investigation. Another graph shows the dependence of the cutting force on the same faotors. -The use of the liquid (CC14) lowering /4 , results in a decrease of cutting forces, while an increase in jiveorresponds to an increase of cutting forces (benzene). The author points out that the test resulTs did not substantiate the assumption of the researchers that, during the cutting process, surface-active liquids*are,most suitable to reduce/.- . CC14 which does not possess surface-active properties, reduces ;ktc Card 2/3 Translation from Re~ei it~- zr-;, y --S.SR) AUTHORS- lvanova A B M- TITLE- High-speed Ncke'l P'..--mu PERIODICAL- Mate,iaiy po (-:bni-T)u opvtuin i nam-hn do--tizh v 11~e-t urotil- s I 1, 19 5 T N r i ~ , -- i!;j K, '. I ABSTRACT A we.,I-de-ined 'og,,, for a .9 c~el- 1):at,,r-.g p---~(ecLjre per- rnitt*,ng deposition of 0 '~- I ') in k r(;i,, of bright Ni cc~iti-ij, per minute without defects of anv kind has been developed at the Mozhavsk Medi~al Instr,,,i-.e-ts Plant TI,,e u; t-e elect rol vte and I det,l.).-d dt.-- r-piloi~ .~)! Ill.- plating techno.uiv -.s Fau-Oes-n uf-r.-ornian~.e (,I ? ,, e procedure is dependent pr.rnar;'~- UPor. the cho-.ce of --ippropriate combination of equipt-ni- nt A des- ription ril. the equ,pnient is provided (baths, steam heat-rg d?vices air 1.),owers, a Z- chan-ib,2r diaphragm p,in-iji icr t~ow,nuous fi trat,or. dur,rti' the operation, a fi'!er press. a,,d a r,-(-t,,!,er 1) G Card 1/1 ORWV. B.M., prepodavatell Ts"rature and shrinkage of chipn formed by cutting with the use of metalworking lubricants. Nauch.dokl.vye.shkoly; mush.i prib. no.1:135-140 1 58. (WRA 12:1) 1. Predstavleno kafedroy "Stanki i razantya metallov' Tomskogo politekhnicbesko inatituta. rNotal, cutting) AUTHOR: 0--lev, B.M. , Enwine-er /7 -of Lubr~catin and Coo'inE Fluids jn Force and TITLE. I i~ Temperature of Cutting ~Vliyaniye smazochno-okhlazhdayush- chikh zhidkostey na tem~eratar~_ i silu rezaniya') PERIODICAL: Vestn'Lk Mashinostreyeniya, N27 ,, pp (-LJSSR) ABSTRACT: Investigations shcw that t1l.e iife c-* toois can be 5 to 4 times greate2 when coolants are pressuie fed to the top and the flank of tiie tooi i- the form of a firie Jet under 25 to 3C. atm. pressure, fron- a nozzle 0.3 mm dia. Tests weTe made cutting 0.' iarbcr. steel with various coolants iLcludinE carbon tetrachloride. Tre actual too.1 temperature was M-aSUrea bj -,using I.I.e all,, 'ip find the steei as a aatarai thermociuple pair - a c~-nriection wade of the same hard a-'Ioy belng jcined to t~,e tou: t-ip. Cutting force was measured by a tiiree-ccmponent ryr1raulic dynamometer. Figure 1 si:ows a "swarf COLtrUC:t~,,)n" coeff-Lcient versus cattj__-_,g speed for vari~,,us -,oolants (Curve i being for 'ir 'Y anci ~-Pr'jre tliriF, fo,-~e, IN KP., -/ers.As _'t'.Lug, speed 1'(.i- the same Beyond a certain speed the a-,~'tint fi-ids te-_cme ies_~ and less el,ie~ti.,e anci t.".-_ fo--ce _--~rves coincide Card'./--- i,,ith -Ilh- -iry -r-.e. F1E-,,r(_ in-fiuence of Lucr--~atii~F a-nd ?--:-Le ara Temperature .'-f Cu-i.-n- versus spez;a ior tLe same c --.Lant s I%Ito7: , jr,,,eS ai.. -ire ncrm,,~i ''I 'r.aer -ivv; ~i'e6~ure ana i--wer' a.-e f,:i f, rce fed fJne jet s-~pjlv). T "-. e .r e a s -- i, i Le a a L ~~ r c-,-- e ', n t r % 17 e V.'1'~ L c ~, t t i nF L ~- e ~a a i b',; I e al t c a - ~ p tl . e t D o I Ti--'s alF.o -Iver ca~:.,.r.g fo-r-,e a:~-, 'swari cc)ntrqcIIi:)n' -!n a cerLair:L spe.:,a TanEe, ~)a.-~I-,a-La-ri,-/ ~i., Lhe preserce of wLile s.--e wc--i-~.ers -,hzit b~i-iid-up d,-e3 not. c)~,cur with f---.- ie: i Ttil- mad(- witil ir..,~Laiitaneous ces--,-3-,-- r. I)v dr--ninv t-Jr.e -u3i showed that p e-I'dent wi-.,- aul -,.-d.ti,)n!: -:f ciolant supply, F, E -e. ~,, wi.i -L ai.-- 1'-)r norma' and for ,i and 0:! lant sup ,-mped r ply. r,spectively. TI-erc a,-e figures a;~:,--~ z-L- --eferences. 3 of whir~h are Soviet and 1 English. Card -,'12 - :. ,II . I . . . . . I I "'I I .. I . . I I - . I I ANDREM, G.S.,, kand. tekhn. neuk; BOKUCHAVA,.-G.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; BRAIDUN, L.A.,, insb.; BUDNfEDVA, A.V.,, inzh.; GORDON, H.B.p kand. tekhn. neak,, dote.; ZHAVORONKOV, V.N., inzh.; KARZHAVINA, T.V.j kand. tokha. nauk; KORDTKOVA, V.G.p insh.; KORCHU, S.N.p insh.1 KLUSHINq M.I.j kand. tokbn. noukq dots.; KUZKCTSDV, A.P.p kande tokbu. nauk, doto.1 KURAKINp A.Y.p insb.; IATTSM.. V.N., insh.; OLIKHOVSKn, V.N., insh.; PRIV M. kand. tokhn. naukp dots.1 OSHIR, R.N., insh.-I PODGORKOV V V. in*.l I SILIVESSOV, V.D., kand. tokbn. rjWk [doceasedil * ' TURNOV0 V.M.j insh.1 TROITSKaA, D.N.p In1b.1 K=1,'IWV, V.A.p insh.j LISNICMMKO, I.I.p rod. ind-val SOKOLOVA, T.F.p tekhn. rod.; GORDZYZVA, L.P.9 tokhn. red. [Lubricating and coolAng fluids and their use in cutting metals] Smazoohno-okhlasbdaiushchie zhidkosti pri resanii metallov i tok)-lirs ikh primenealia. Moskva, Goo. nauchw-tokhn. isd-va mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1961. 291 p. (MIRA 15:1) (Metalworking lubricants) 22161 5-0 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: SIC 48,'~, '/Ce -- C,4; 0 10, 048 B 104 B2C' LevaLin, V, L. and Orlov, 3 M Study of the thermal activation energy of tl;e op-a, extinction of some crystal pto8phors Izvestlya Akademii nauk, SSSR Serlya fizictegkaya v. 2-, no. 4, 1961, 46v,--469 TEXT: The present paper has been read at the 9th Conference or. 11~imires, er~p (Crystal Phosphors), Kiyev, June 20-25. 1960. The aut.-.ors studied ~r, three different phosphors the dependence of thi? thermal activation enerpy E cf extinction on temperatures ZnS, ZnS-Co, and CaS-Bi E was Jelprained t~.,- the relation 2~3 lovAST + B - -E,!kT, where AST ~ S,', , ST= A,-EikT S, ti ,i,e area bounded bl-; the curve of thermal de-excitaticn, that tag teen drawn withDut prior extinction of thq ph~aphcr by means cf infrared `igrit, ST is the area bounied by thts curve. if drawn after ex*lnct--on F)r Zn3 it was not possible to determine E, becaise of tne slow chanze of S, A,t!~ temperature. The results for jifferent wavelenFtha of the :rfrared !;Oznt X Card 1/3 22161 Study of the thermals 3 /D 4 j G 2 -1, jf~ 4 F1104,'B201 are collected In Table 1. They show that for a givi,n level E does n7t depend or 4ir ' E is the larger, the deepc-r the level T h , s a I t;: 1 e x ~ I a the increase of E witt, an enlargement Of Kist The infrared ligt;t -auBes the maximur, cf tnerma 1. Je-exc 1 tn t , on to sr. if t toward r.1 gher tempera tures Similar resuits had been obtaineJ by trie &,,itn ra in a prevlous study (Ref. 3: Levshin et al., Optika i spektroakopiya 1, vyj, 4. then they Jetermined the thermal actlvaticn energy of trie scnt,.11*11a*.,.,,;1, c f ZnS-Cu,Pt) phcsphrs. In tne ensuing discussion, Ch. B Lustch,,V juctel well-known papers by V V. Antonov-RomanovsKiy and N. A Tolst-_, -Anpre similar effects had been c_nsidered, and Etatej tht., the physical -,r~:Csses giving rise to the de-exciting effect of the exciing light &:-A. r.~-t clarified as yet. He mentioned several results yielded b-y similar st-idies conducted at Tartu. Thus. e.g, it has been found there teat t%e Jimini- tion of F centers is ca-ased r~* Only by -p!. ~ t c t he rir.~t 1 i on: za t - ~n -_i! a 1 sc cy a phn tot he rmal 1 1 bera t i, ri -) f t,o I es f rom ',:.e 1. rh~. n i niz I e vell .9 of' the F ceri.ers ~y exclton scillisions, e tc There Eire 2 e. and 3 references: 2 S e b I oc -nd 1 n - r. -S,-,,; ie c_ Card 213 Z 16 1 S/04 "/' 61/025/004/010/048 Study of the thermal ... B104/B201 ASSOCIATION: Kafedra. optiki fizicheskogo fakullteta Moskovskogo gDs. universiteta im. M. V. Lomonosova (Department of Optics of the Division of Physics, Moscow State University 4:neni M. V. Lomono8ov) C~-4~ Op X-0'1~~ 0.8 jL 0.9 P 1.0 ~L I IL 1.2 1.3 IL I Rcp ZnS