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-.777,77.7" -,,:19fC` 133., Ira . . . . .... --- --- UT Dexter -M Z~,- nv -5, rue u --As T neL- tionk nd6k-:. SUMP C~ eq ti One- F7- ilk V r p T f Tir. Of Of ;Cs' .ribecry.4f, Oxide-Film romation an AUOYS# 001cyp 4. A.-' Vist of J6e1aUOP1Wwj,, WtI Atfinlate Aced Sol UMS 10 pp wftvr Tekh Piz". Vol XXX No Twther develops theory of Ulgh-tesperature,,ami- daticio of binary &33*ys, using model desorlbdd., ' ;Ievlous report (Wzhurml Mtsperlmentall of I *Giqtlcbsskly,Flzlk1,, " Tol XXV., 1944S p 4 9WIT96 yvol~lm for come vhom coefficient of 51/49241 ;m*eteae (Cwtd) Ifty 49 diffusion of both sotmIs in the oxide doparAmm its campoeltion. Considers Swoblm of influmee ,at twepwature an speed of oxidation at greaft* ;Iojgth, Submitted. 17 NSY 47. '51/49T41 IM/Faysics Crystallopmpby Oct 51 "Calculation of Dependence of Lattice Constant Of Binary Solid Solutions on Composition," A. N. Or- lov, Inst Ph" of Metals, Ural Affiliate, Acad Sci USSR 1. "Zhur Usper I Teoret Piz" Vol MCI, No 10, pp 1081-1089 Orlov calculates energy of cryst lattice of solid oln as a function of its compn *and conen on b&- is of a xwdel in vh1ch conducting electrons are : distributed in crystal vith even density wA their 19=03, ww)~~sjcs Cryvtiilogra~ (Contd) Oct ~i Interaction vith ions and mutual Ion interaction Is computed approximately. Orlov acknowledges trof A. A. Sairnov's guidance. Submitted 29 De:c 9D ZC- 19M03 ORWV, A. N- "Ibeory of Elaot1c MA.ulus of Binary Solid Solu- tions Wjtb Cubic lattice," A. 3. Orlov, Inst Pbys of Jktals, Ural Affiliate, Acwl Sci USSR 4.Zhur Ilksper i Teoret Piz" Vol XXI, No 10, pp 1090-1095 'briov refers to model of preceiing !article (ibid. 1081-:1089) and calculates dependence of elastic isodulus of solid iso:UL on coapn. Exptl data may explained by adequate choice of counts in theo- retical formulas. Orlov acknowledges Prof A. A. -8mirsov's 1pidance. Submitted 29 Dec %. sj*.Il 154L73L3: 939-32 gmx no ana 'd aw shaft mossamilm d ~ no abdow W," ama babow A:'"--4)mlJvW- ZA. a*-. T- jb.. 27, IGN4 (NO. 106 1"l) In RINOWL Fju* commossift of a In also rplood" 6111011110. 1 w m fim-tkwA Ul M.1V W" WMIM OOM C~LV'o cowpo*klm wil Well sub WW OPKMWNW we"es VAIIIIIII monwisol COMWAN wo wmm& b ~ of d. VLftb PIT dw bolk IMMINIIIIIII b Gapomd ID CMW 1. edW whWou, L moub. do lip of an club 4m as IN PING www"ork Imajo 41 dw~*.v is .Wkmmd by OPWWML k lLRb4m -mi- this commum~ due Ws dgpWd m compniiim, AN Amic cus be akdkw 60110 amourun-b of Illwo MONO an oompollion. of OWN , -Wwom the dolk ccwaws of 00 pwo of 0, MM mijon as an mrbkmY am- Ao-ft gWWWn,,WMpbL A-L- -(MAV USSR/Pbysice - Oscillation Spectra 11 Jun jj "Spectrum of Oncillatory.Frequencier, of the SImplest Model pt an Ordered Alloy," A. N. Meal amil-1. I., OrlovAtnst of Phys of Metals, Ural Affiliate, Acad Sci USSR DAN SSSR, Vol 90, No 5, PP 7537756 Using the method of effective atoms (A. A. Smirnov, Zhur'Eksper I Teoret Fiziki 17,.740 (1947)), the --athors. consider oscillations of the simplest model of an ordered solid soln, namely, a linear chain constructed of atoms of 26c)T96 2 kinds which are disposed along the nodes of the chain with arbitrary degree of distant order eta and with arbitrary relative.concn c vhich interact elastically. In this method, the trme crystal of the binary alloy with arbitrary values of c and eta,:which crystal is made up of atoms of two kinds closely alike in their prop- erties, is replaced by a perfectly ordered crystal of stoichiometric compn composed of effective atoms whose properties depend on c and eta. Presented by Acad M. A. 4eontovich 1C Mar 53. 1"6f-der~--6f - licable-th:r6rrites in --7-. --7 ----- -- al: card) .6b T"Cpfibri fiivifi -jebted -rA.Va "rve to the ORLOV, A. N. "Calculating the optimum blackening denvity in gamma defect detection", page 5. "Calculating the influence of dispersed rays on the sensitivity by the radiographic method", p 2-2, both appearing in the "Dectection of Defects in Metals by Gamma - Collection of Papers", (Gama Defektoskopiya Hetallov - Sbornik Statei), published by the Academy of Sciences USSR, 1955. Category USSR/Magnetism - Ferrites F-5 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - F-1zika, No' 1, Nc, 114-L Author Men", A.P., Orlov A M Inst Inst. of Metal Physics, Sverdlovs)- Title Temperature Dependence of the Degree of Inversion of Mixed Fe~-.-ite~; Orig Pub Fiz. metallov i metall vedeniye, 1955, 1, No 3, 4lo-,4i6 I Abstract Mixed ferrites havAng a cmpos"tion ACB- L-CO.Fe2O-j -ire examined. The f-ee energy F of the spinel lattice 13 found as a f~an~tion of' t:-.e temperatw,e T, of the concentration c, and of the degree of inversion.,~ - The dependence ofj~, on T is obtained from the condition that F must be a minLmum. Fo;- the case when the ion charges A and B are e-jual and only the A 4-on- .=hift in '.he octahedral sites, the fol-lowi e. r ssion is obtained (C-A)(.1-7~) /j. where b, and bp a-re. constants independent of.~' and c. The range of poz3sible values of 7'~ was studied as a function of the values of' b2 and if I b2l /b1. A prediction is made that at low tempera-~ures there may exist u meta3table pha5e, which is inverse 11' the stable phase 13 not inverse, and vice ver3a. The Card 112 Category USSR/Magnetism - Ferrites Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizlka, No 1. 1)',-7, No F-5 character of the function (T, o ' and an an iysis of tne conf iguration energy shows that the equilibrium value of/A- may change rplatively rapidly with T near room temperature for certain values of the theoretical conz-,tantzi. A relationship is derived for the Madelung constant of the spinel buttice and the parameter characterizirW rhe distortion of the cubic packing of the oxygen ions. Card 2/2 USSR/Nuclear Physics - Penetration of Charged and Neutral c-6 Particles Throuf4a Matter. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizilm, No 4, 1957, 8850 Author Orloy, A.N., Fedorov, G.V. Inst Ural' Branch, Academy of Sciences, USSR. Title Absorption of Brem strahlung of the Betatron in a Two-Layer Absorber. Orig Pub Zh. tekhn. fiziki, 1956, 26, ND 9, 1991-1993 Abstract It is shown that when radiation passes through a couble- layer absorber the intensity of the transmitted radiation depends on the selected sequence of absorbers: the atte:-- nuation will be greater if the heavy absorber is ahead of the lig~it one. Experiments carried out with a betatron with a maximum enerIg of 20 Mev and absorbers made of steel and water confirm this conclusion. Card 1/1 137-58-6-IW91 Translation frorn Referativnvy zhurnal, Metallurgiya. 1958, Nr U. p 272 (USSR) AUTHORS Men', A.N., Orlov, A.N TITLE- Calculation of the Cohesive Forces in Somt, 0\ides J ition Metals (Raschet sil svy,azi %, nekofory~:., o'~isla' I pcrt- khodnykh metallov) PERIODICAL- V sb.- Issled. po zharopro(hn. splavam. Vol 2. lvlos(oxv, AN SSSR, 1957, pp 44-51 ABSTRACT The cohesive energy (CE) of a crystal was determined by the use of the statistical theory of electron gas. The Thornas- Fermi equation was set up with due account for the energy ex- change of the electrons. It is taken into consideration that the numbers of electrons with right and left rotation are not equal, and either variety is examined separately A system was devel- oped for the solution of the Thomas-Fcrn-ii equation, without accounting for tlic hangv, by expa s:- i into series. The simplest version of the tll(-Or%' '.'.'as aytied to determine Ithe CK of oxides of transitio,i metals "kith spincl stru(ture An v x - pression for the period of crystal lattice, a0 I was developed Card 1/2 from the (ondition of minimurn CE. Experimental data sho,,% I i-, - 58- t. - 11 Calculation of the Cohesive Forc es in Sorne Oxides of Transition Wtal" that an increase in concentration of at-)n)s vith high aton-ii( number !(-,ids --I a decrease in ao, An equation is adduLed for the degree of Lonversion. applicable to some types of spinels. The temperature dependencies of A calculated for certain values of the constants correspond to the experimental values. Concurren( v is ret cived therein fot- values of constants that ( orre- spond to not purely ioni( coliesive for( eF;. N1 K 1 Crystals--Ener,;y 3. Electron gao--Theory 4. Thomas-Fernic equatik,n-ippll~-Liorl: 1). P Metal oxides--' ropertie.~ Card 212 -A ~ Z_ L 126-3-23/34 -AUTHORS: Orlov, A.N., Plishkin, Yu.M. and Shepeleve, I. M. TITLE: 07onditions of equilibrium of an atom chain. (Usioviya r"veqiga psVpteW1r,,'ptft* PERIODICAL: "Fizika Metellov i Metallovedeniye"' (Physics of Metals and Metallurgy), 1957, Vol.4, No.3, pp. 54('-542 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Simple considerations 6iven in the work of Frenkell, Ya.I. (1) indicate that in an atomic chain, which is not subjected to external forces, all. the interatomic distances are equal in the equilibrium position. In a strongly stretched chain the equilibrium configuration of the atoms is non-symmetrical. So far it has not been mentioned that in a sufficiently lon6 chain the disturbance of the ideal periodicity in the form of anomalously large distances between certain atoms corresponds to minimum energy even for an insignificant stretching of the chain. Some of the results are given of investigations of the conditions of stability of an atomic chain witli a given type of denendence of the potential energy of the interaction of the nea erneighbouring atoms; the interaction of the distan-u auviAs are not taken into consideration. On the basis of the obtained results it is stated that any conclusion on card V2 the disturbance of periodicity in a stressed three-dimensional ideal crystal would be premature. More detailed consideration ORWV, A. N. "Sensitivity of ionization counters in gamma defect detection", appearing in the "Detection of Defects in Metals by Gamma - Collection of Papers", (Gamma Defektoakopiya Metallow - Sbornik Statei), published by the AcadeW of Sciences USSR, p 129, 1955. AUTHOR: Orlov, A. N. TITU On the Theory of the Elasticity Constants of Alloyo of the P-brass t pe. (K teorii upru~-osti sT~I-r%vov tipa P-latuni~. P--*RIODICAL: Fizilca Metallov i !.'etallovedeziiye, 1~57, Vo1.5, 1,1o.2, pp. 212-219 (USSR) ABS2RACT: Solid solutions of ~-brasc type ~--itul! a space centred cubic lattice are of intereSt fro,;; the point of view of Lnvestigatinb the character of the inter-atomic interactions in metallic phases, since in these crystals the charges cf ionic skelet9j2z are screened only partially by conductivity eleptrons.. If the ion -distribution is an ordered one, electrostatic forces --.i)--ear which are characteristic for the ionic crY--tal of the type CsCl. In contrast to ionic cr,,2tals, it is possible in metallic P-pl-iases to cha-nGe t ,.e -7-ffective charge of the ion-, by chaninf~ the composition of the alloy and the order of distribution of the atoms ii, the latLice. It was found experimentally (Refs.2-4) that the elasticity constants of the alloys under consideration show a stronb depundence on thL lOnIS rFinge amer ;-)aramL-tE:r i, Card 1/4 ard chanGe conEiderably if the composition of the alloy is made to differ from thE! stechiometric com-Dosition. 121~ 5 On the Theory of the Elastic1ty Constants of Alloys of the 0-1r~,ras~~ type. Mottl B.F. (Ref.1) and Samoylovich, A. G. (Ref.5) investiF,ated theoretically the dependence of the bond energy and of the elasticity constants on n. On the basis of a simplified statistical model of n crystal of stechiomatric composition, Mott calculated th!-it the electrostatic fraction of the orderint-, enerEy of Q-brass equals 0.027 eV per atcm, whilst a second important coT",ponent, the energy of overlapning of the ionic skeletons is 0.013 eV. Usin,~ the same model, Samoylovich investigated tne const-,.nts of s1;ear elasticity C' = Cil - C12 and C44 and found that the electro- static interactions have practically no influence on the dependence of the elasticity constants on T1. Samoylovich carried out his calculations for a crystal of stechicmetric composition. In calcu2atinE the electrostatic enerLy of the deformed lattice some components were not taken into consideration. In this p--per, using the swiie model, the resultF of Samoylovich are extended for the case of alloys of non-stechiometric Card 2/4 cOmPOsition, taking into consideration all the ~.-nergy 126-2-~/25 On the Theory of the Elasti,~ity ConEtants of Alloy- of the P-br,~~sF: type. components. The final formulae, derived by t,.e au-ftor for the elaFticitv constants C' and C are the Eqs. (34) and (35), p.219. These fortlIae lead zo the following conclusions: the de-p,.,ndence of the elasticity constants on the JOLC Mnet- order is a parabolic one; if the co,-.iposition of the alloy differs from the Co~ ,,IpOS4 t~ or stechiometric this dependence is less pronounced. Taking into considerr,,,tion the electrostatic energy, which was disreGarded by Samoylovich (Ref-5), does not c'-ani~e the foy,.i of t'--.e dependence of C' and C44 on 71, it remains parabolic but is deter:fIined fundaLlentally by t'~e enerE:y of the deformed atomic spheres; tne relitive ma,-nitude of the components of the elasticity constants, caused by the electrostatic interaction, is lar6er LhL;.n. th~it calculated by Samoylovich. Acllmowled,-merts are made to Professor A. A. Smirnov for his useful advice :ind criticism. There are 13 references, 5 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: November ~1, 195C. Card 3/4 12r -;7~- ~V~ 5 On the Theory of the Elasticity Con-stants of Allo.-- of typa. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Physical U.S.S.R. (Institut Fiziki A111 SSSR). of Mlletals Ural Br,-11ch Ac.Sc. t Me ~-llov Ural'skc)~,o Fili-la AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 4/4 AUTHORS: Orlov, A. N. and Sokolov, A. V. 126-5-3-2/1-1 TITME: The__Struc'~~es of X-ray Emission Spectra from Alloys Showing Order-Disorder Phenomena (Raschet struktury rentgenovskikh emissionnykh spektrov uporyadochivayu--,!-,ch- ikhsya splavov) PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, 1957, Vol V, Nr 3, PP 390-4 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The intensities of the L-series iines emitted by transitions from the conduction band are calculated for binary alloys with body-centred cubic lattices from the one-electron theory. In these alloys (of arbitrary concentration) there can be a forbidden band i,,-ithin the conduction band, of a width which is dependent on the degree of long-range order, if there is more than one conduction electron per atom; this forbidden band can lie above or below the Fermi level, depending how full the conduction band is. The calculations are performed in the strong-coupling approximation. Eq.(l) is taker, from Wilson's Theory of metals; the conduction electrons are assumed to be in s-states, which automatically restricts the argument to L-series lines. A major assumption jr.,ade Card 1/2 in developinE the arGument is that the volume ,;i!-.h1n Lhe 12r--- 5- 17, -P I The Structures of X-ra-): Emis!,icn S-,,(-ctr,,., from A11r,-1,s S~.owin~l Order-Disorder Phenomena Fermi surface is conFtant. It is concluded +,,h;71+1- the lonb-wave ed:.-3 moves to longer Vave10-,,-thS, and the short-~kave edle to shorter wavelen6ths, when order-in.-, occurs; if there ic than one conduction e2ectroL per atoz, the forbiddler, band noted above ~_ives. ri~;e to a gap in the etaisci-or, band. NL) such effect ha.,; L-et!n futind in the weak-couplir-it,- ~jpproxiuvition, so it iL: t.1,at in a real allc)~, we i,.ay onlf Get a dij- -'r, -,he ce- _--e of the band, Ackrjo~%led&aents are made to I~ ',11, Shenelr~v-3 for ca-ri-yin6 out Lhe numerical calcalations. There are 1 fiGure and 10 references, 6 of v.:hicl~ are Soviet, 4 English. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch (-.f 'Ghe Ac.Sc, U.S.S.R. (Instir:ut Piziki Metallov ural'sko,o Filiala AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: December 2C, 195C. . : 1. Alloys--Spectra 2. X-ray spectruff~--Analysis Al-oys Card 2/2 --Electron transi$ions 4. Mathematics AUTHOR: Orlov, A. 14. TITLE: Moistening of the Layer in the Charging 3ox of trie 51ass Melting Furnace (Uv'lazhneniye shikhty v zarruzochnom karmane steklo- varennoy pechi). PERIODICAL! Steklo i Keramika, 1957, Nr 120 pp. 21-21 (U56h). ABSTRACT: The previous moistening of the layer (up to )i - 5 '/o) takes * Place In the glass works usually in the department for ore mixtures where the layer is composed and mixed. However, a considerable time passes up to the charging of the furnace during which the layer dries again gradually and therefore dusts when the furnace Is charged. In order to avoid this it is expedient to moisten the layer a second time, i. e. during the charging of the furnace (see figure). For t!~is pur- pose one or more dispersers are installed above tl-.e c!.arging 'box of the glass melting furnace in an approximative ~eigft of 1,5 Tr, 6e= pendently on the breadth of the box. These disperqers disperse water by means of compressed air or vapo-- by which the moisture of the layer in the charging box is re-established up to 5 - 5,5 */o. The creation of moist air over the charging box supports moreover an additional cooling darm of the front part of the mechanical char- Card 1/2 ging plants and of the vault of the box which are exposed to high koistening of the Layer ir. tr;e ~hargirig i3ox of tile ~.;'lass 72_12_q/lj4 Malting Furnace. temperatures. The moistening of the layer (furnace -neltiriG area approximatively loo m) introduced in the works of Tiraspol in 1955 on the suggestion of the author reduced the dusti-ng of the layer, improved the process of glass melting, and reduced the wearing out of the furnace. In spite of the increased furnace temperature (148o - 15ooO) the furnace campaign Increased by 1,5 - 2 months. The moistening system consists of 2 dispersers with double dispersion (suggested by working engineer Prokhorov) and with an output apertu- re of 3 myri. The water consumption of a disperser amounts to'=tfr _,6 -0,8 M3 a day. The dispersion has to be very fine in order to avoid local concentration of moisture, as well as the formation of sand nodules which can be melted only with difficlilties. There is 1 f igure. ASSOCIATION.' Tiraspol Glass Works (Tiraspellskiy stekollnyy zavod). ,AVA,ILAJ3LE: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 48-10-2/20 AVJ%ORt Now given TIMS ftterlals of the 2nd All-Union Conference on X-ray Spectroscopy; NDseow, Jknmma7 31 to FebrwLry 4, 1957 (Materialy II Vseaoyuznogo govesbebaniya po rentipenovskoy spektroskopii; Moskva, 31 yanvarya - 4 fevralys, 1957 g. ) PMODICAL: Izvestiya Akademil. nauk SWR, Seriya fizicbeskaya, 1957, Vol 21, Nr 10, P.P 1341 - 1342 (USSR) AB&MCT: go Second All-Union Conference on X-ray &pectroscopy was held from Jawalkry 31 to FebroLry 4, 1957. 7hirty-three reports vere given, 18 of vhIch appear In thle Issue. 7he remaining are: Introductoz7 i1mmorks by la. B. VAuwkiy; Calculating the Structure of X-ray Emission Spectra of %lf-FbguUt1ng Alloys by A. 1. Orloy ead A. V. Sokolov ( UFAN SM) 301mi 11sthod of X-ray Spectra 1bgIstratlan by M. A. Mowhin ad A. 1. Froyman (FGU and Xhisfal, MDU),- HU;h 9tabUity lover Sources for X-ray ftectra Uketallations by A. 1. ftoymam; Prospective Ap- plicatime of Ilectrostatic rbotography (xmrograpby) in X-ray Spectral ad X-ray Structural Analysis by A. L Froymanj TavestigWon of the Flzw Structure of X-ray X-Opectra of Absorption and Adission of Sow Cazd 3/ 2 11ownts of the Iron, Group by I. B. Borovskiy, V. P. Bykov and v A.. /V, PHASE I BDOX EXPL4DITATION SOV/30- 47 SOV/26-M-ZO Akadenlya nauk SSSR. Uralskly filial. Institut fiziki Metallov Trudy,, vyp. 20 (Transactions of the Institute of the Physics of Pbtals, Ural Branch, Academy of Sciences USSR,, No.20) Sverd- lovsk, 1958. 402 P. Errata slip inserted. 1,000 copies printed. Reap. Zdx.s 3.V. Vonsovskly, Correspon4lng Nember, Academy of Sciences USSR, and V I. Arkharov, Doctor of Technical Sciences. PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientists working In the field of physical metallufty. COVERMS: This In a collection of 28 articles written by members of the Institute:ar V* PWos:ct, MpW ##..VrxXBrinA','Or the,AcMaW of Sciences USSR,, on problems investigated at the Institute. Studies at the Institute have concentrated on two basic problems: 1) developing- a theory of metals and alloys and finding ways to improve the cam 1/6 Mr, tne Transactions of the Institute (cont.) SOV/3847 Institute of the Physics of Metals 5 Vonsovskly, S.V. Problems in the Quantum Theory of Solids 13 ~rlov, A.N. and A.N. Men'. Statistical Theory of Binding Forces In Trans n Metal Oxides With Cubic IAttIce 43 Th1s'iwt1cle'ii a survey of-the authpIrs I studies based on a generalizationI of the method of solving the Thomas-Fermi equation for a diatomic mole- cule (RZhFlz, 1955, Nr 8, 16122) to the case of a crystal with allowance for electrons with two senses of spin (the d-shell of the transition e metals). The bibliography contains 21 titles. /1"A Vlasov, K.B. Problems In the Quantum-Noohanical and Phenomenological Theory of Ferromagnetism, Antiferromagnetism, and Ferrimagnetism 91 IrkhIn, Yu.P. Anomalies In the Electrical Conductivity of Anti- ferromagnetics Near Mel's Point 95 Turov, Ye.A., and V.G. Shavrov. Phenomenological Theory of Ferro- Card 3/6 ORLOV, A. N. and PLISIDUN, G. M. "Equilibrium Conditions of One-Dimeneional Model of a Crystal." paper presented at the Conf. on Mechanical Properties of Non-Metallic Soloids, I ~, f,! Leningrad, USSR, 19-26 may 58. Institute of Physics of Metals of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Sverdlovsk. M1. A.11.; 6RWV,_4.N. Binding energy theory of transition metal oxides. 1991. p0 zharopr. sPlav. 3:364-371 158. (AURA 11:11) oxides) (Crystal lattices) (Metallic f t (" , 1 -, I , . . . I . - . I 1 .1 . - I . I . . . ! .- 4 . . I . . . I I - . I C G" 180) PWR I BOOK UPWITATION SOV/3355 &kgdGftiys h4uk 33301- Institut Watallurgil. Nauchnyy eovat po probl4eas, sheroprachnykh splavov talasatowanlys po tharoprochn" splavan, t. IV (Studies on ifeat-t- ais tant JUloys, vol. 4), Moscow, Ltd-vo AX SSSR, 1959. 400 p I 1 C . rreta slip inserted. 2,200 copies printed. - Cd. :f Publigbing HOusel V. A. Kllisov; Tech Ed : A P Ous . . . . eva: g ItorI1-Roardt 1. F. Bardin, Academician; 0 V flurdyumov : Academl lan, M. V. Agayev; Corrtaponding, ~S~R Acad..; " - Sateen OdIng, 1. M. P4vlOv, and 1. P. Zudin, Candidate ; 1i rqchn aI.. 3 c lencos. POEMS: This book is Intended for "tallu.rgleta concerned with the structural Metallurgy of alloys. COVE". This I : collection of sp*cI.Ilzed atudleB Of various : lrabl as.In th , metural mOt4llurgy or heat-reeietant owe are cone*rnod withtheoretical prlnclplea, so=' witn do- ,rtptlons or new oquIpm-C And =ethods, otherd with P~-pertlea specified canditionG are studied And rep-rt~d For detils. too Table of COntOntg- The articloa Ara accO=Pff'*1 by a nu.- -Soviet. toror re farences. bathSoviet and non -?ABLE OP CONTENTS' Studies (Cant.) 3ov/3355 p.,b.,Ism or 31-40 and V. 1. Syutkina "Ic"l- Ta"rature and Solid Soltatlc" L*r1wW 4- ?_ rox1roT.A. V._jl_r,.";"D~ %,d KorapenWT A Study of 3truCtuf"1 Tran8forr-atiOnO in Kw,t~.sjst&nt Coppor-Alualnuw A11073 make B.. T. ye-.1tedlyl. And '. F. Sukhovmrov. Can- &9a-JL- 3tLouisting 'Iff-ct of Stress on T4jC&enIn& -gerning the 1. Defamation basianbetS.-T-11- Nelationship B*t"*n D-f*r"t1on In the --VFslna and DISPIscokierit along the qaunda~jos During Cr`**P ,a Nickel on the Zquivalanc* Of the Effect of ,tral. an the Process Of rl&atlc r10' porature S. pilkhalenkov. and Z. 0. ftdato'-. Studies (COnt-) 30V/3355 grf.,t of Flews in the Crystal Stmeture on Certain 71 prop.,Vj., of Metals end A220YO IcrI..,;,X. D., V. V. Ne-Oahkelanko. and A. M- ftr*r. On Stru ure of tba,gh.rgy Spectrum of chrocilu,s And Tr 78 gl*CtMns in Irch-Chroal- A11073 xiota"n. S. M. , and A. N. OrlOV. On the P"ch& his. of vlfru,lon Along areln BoundarI69 A. W,, A. N. 01111. --t'- of 5P d _dl- 1~1&hk" yu. M. Conditions of BqniI1brI*1iA of a one 1 o2 aw~h,,Vnal Model Of Blnnry Alloy L;iV. ,khoh.,. Change in the pine Crystal Lys.k St n Is rdn-14 C u0;,d St;-.Ct re lo um During Plastic 36 41 so 6A ourov, K. t. ~Oh the Relationship Between the XnergY Of Card %/12 ORIOV, A. N. ;-MINI, A.B. Statistical theory of bond energy in spinel-type crystals. Fiz. tvar. tela I no.2:195-202 F 159. (MIRA 12:5) (Spinal group) (Crystal lattices) KLOTSMAN, S.M.; ORLOV. A.N. Diffusion mechanism along grain boundaries. Issl.po zharopr. splav. 4:90-95 159. (MM 13:5) (14stal crystals) (Diffusion) MEN$. A.N.; ORWV, A.14. Vibrational frequancy upectrum Of a RiOP18 model of an ordering alloy. Isel.po zharopr.gplav. 4:96-101 '59. (MIRA 13:5) (Crystal lattices) (Spectrum. Atomic) AUTHORS: Men Aj.ZL. and Orio v, A..N SOV/126-7-5-x/4-4 TITLE: The 2nectrum nf Vibratinnal Frequencies on the Simplest Modef of an Ordering%$Alloy. II. PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metailDvedeniye, 1959, Vol 7, Nr pp 335-340 (UssR) ABSTRACT: In Ref 1 the prescunt authors have considered the vibrations of a chain consisting of atoms of two types Liaving almost equal mas6es and located over the chain sites with an arbitary degree of long-range order -9, an arbitrary relative concentration c , and interacting elasticaily in suca a way that the elastic coupling coefficient's between any two neighbou_rin~7 atoms are the same. If-, tht- prusent paper the treatment is generalized to tij-~ case in Ah-ich t-ne elastic coupling c.)effic_,ents are different out not very different. An approximate calculation of the frequency spectrum shows t1liat such a chain may be replaced by a completely ordered chain made up of effective atoms w1lose properties depend on c and -1 accoi-u.Lag to uIqs (2) and (3). It is shown that the maxi-mum (.Debye) frequency, as a function of Card 1/2 the ratio of masses and coupling coefficients, may 30V/126-7-3-3/4-4 Die Spectr= of VibraLional Frequencies on the "Jimpiest hiodel of an Urdering Alloy. li. either incrt!ase or decrease as the de.-ree of lonE-ranb-e order in Lhe chain increases. The theory is in general agreement with the reduction in the Debye temperature which was observed by Ivei-onova et 31 (Ref 4) in ordering C%i ALLIland Ni Fe"lalloys. There are 1 ffiCure and 4 Soviet references. ASSOClAT1014: Institut fiziki metal-lov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals, Ac.Sc.t USSR) SUBkITTED: November 22, 1957 Card 2/2 66905 AUTHORS: Men', A.N. and Orlov. A.N. SOV/126-8-1-23/25 TITLE: On the Theory of Vibrational Spectralof Solid Solutions PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, Vol 8, Nr 1, PP 154-156 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors have calculated (Refs I and 2) the frequency spectrum of elastic vibrations on a one- dimensional model of an ordering binary solid solution, using the method of "effective atoms". Lifshits and Stepanova (Ref 3) have also introduced this idea in their work on the vibrational spectrum of the three-dimensional binary solid solution of isotopes. The method of "effective atoms" may be used when the mass difference between atoms of different kind M J_ Mi, and the difference between the elastic coupling coefficients Ajj: - Aj"j"' are small, as a result of which the change qq qql in the vibrational spectrum of an ideal monoatomic crystal of given symmetry, due to the fact that the atoms Card 1/2 are not identical and their distribution over the sites is different from the ordered distribution, may be /~. / o c -o / 6~ ~f A3 o 66220 AUTHORS: Men', A. N. and Orlov, A.N. SOV/126-8-3-3/33 TITLE: On Binary Solid Sc~iu-tio-ns wi-th Interatomic Bonding of Two Types PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1959, voi 8, Nr 3, PP 337-341 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the theory of binary alloys the energy of the crystal is often represented in the form of a sum of the energies of interactions between pairs of atoms. It is assumed that the interaction energy for a given pair is determined only by the type of the two atoms. However, in general this energy depends on the nature and the disposition of all the atoms surrounding the given pair XY. Moreover, even if one limits ones attention to the interaction of the pair XY with the nearest neighbours, then thr, I nergy of the pair V XY can take on a number of valdes V XY where i denotes the number of the configuration surrounding the pair XY. One could try to take this into account by expressing the energy of the crystal not as a sum of all the possible XY and i but as the sum of Card 1/3 energies of complexes formed by each atom with its 66220 SOV/126-8-3-3/33 on Binary Solid Solutions with Interatomic Bonding of Two Types nearest neighbours. In that case the energy of e Tca~ complex is taken as equal to the sum of energies V XY corresponding to a given pair of atoms of given type XY in the complex of type a. If the energy levels of electrons in the atoms of n complex aro clotie (nimont degenerate), then the formation of resonating orbits becomes possible. This case is realised in pure metals.. If the levels are very distant, then the resonance is less probable but, under certain conditions, localized covalent bonds may be formed. If the atoms of a complex do not have a sufficient number of electrons in order to ensure the saturation of all the localized covalent bonds, then some of them will become unsaturated. One might expect that this would lead to a relatively stable local distortion of valence angles and interatomic distances in a complex. The distance between atoms which take part in covalent bonding will be smaller and the interaction energy greater between neighbouring atoms of the same type but not coupled in this way. This leads to the appearance of interatomic bonding of two Card 2/3 types which can conventionally be designated as weak and 66220 SOV/126-8-3-3/33 On Binary Solid Solutions with Interatomic Bonding of Two Types strong. An expression is derived for the free energy of a binary solid solution with these two types of bondiiig~ From the condition for a minimum in this energy the authors obtained at a given temperature the numbor of strongly and weakly bonded pairs of neighbouring atoms of different types. It is found that the number of pairs of different types does not depend monotonically on temperature. It is suggested that this effect may lead to an anomalous temperature behaviour of resistivity in certain alloys of transition metals. There are I figure, I table and 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet, I German and 2 English. ASSOCIATIOZE: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR and Sverdlovskiy sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut (Institute of Physics of Metals, Ac.Sc., USSR and Sverdlovsk Agricultitral Institute) SUMITTED: September 4, 1958 Card 3/3 /?. 9.1900 610- AUTHOR: Orlov, A.N. SOV/126-8-4-1/22 TITLE$ A S-tu--&y -ofthe Stability of Cracks in the Microscopic Model of a Crystal ~ PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, Vol 8, Nr 1+, 1959, pp 481-493 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The following model of a crystal is considered. The crystal consists of point atoms which interact according to the law v(4) = - alt-F + a2t-'o where v is the potential energy of interaction of two atoms at a distance -e from each other, al, a2, F are constants, and ji 4-1' V . If we carry out the substitution given by Eq (4), where -eo is the equilibrium distance between two free atoms, then the expression for v(?) may be replaced by Eq (5). It is assumed that the energy u(x) is independent of the disposition of other atoms surrounding the given pair. Card Thus only central forces are taken into account. It is 1/3 further assumed that it is sufficient to take only the interaction of nearest neighbour atoms into account. 6768U SOV/126-a-4-1/22 A Study of the Stability of Cracks in the Microscopic Model of a Crystal only if ro;:eO.1+Ni < Nq it follows that stable cracks cannot occur i:,side an elastically stretched ideal Card crystal. 3/3 There are 4 figures, 1 table and 18 referencesq of which 5 are English and 13 Soviet. ASSOCIATIONs Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals, Ac.Sc. USSR) 11~ SUBMITTED: February 14, 1959 67680 SOV/126-8-4-1/22 A Study of the Stability of Cracks In the Microscopic Model of a Crystal Since such a model can lead to only qualitative results, the theory applies not to the general case, but to a simple cubic lattice. The lattice Is assumed to be in a state of tensile stress C = EU - L,))/Lo] in the direction of Oz (Fig 2). At a height z = 0 there is a disc-shaped crack between the N/2-th and the (N/2 + 1)th layers. The radius of the disc is r0 and it has sharpened edges as shown in Fig 2. The change in the energy of the crystal during the formation of the crack at constant stren isjiven by Eqs (15) - (20). When N V,' 104, and NE 0 V - 14, this energy has a minimum (0 is equal to the ratio of the radius of the flat part of the disc to the total radius; of Fig 2). Moreover, the parameters r0 p and 0, which describe the form of a stable crack IFig 2), then have the following valuest 0 ---' 2.751 p = 0.24 NE, and ro is given by Eq (44). Since in accordance with the theory of elasticity, the Sgd above model can only be used if ro 'gw N and the conditions for the stability of a crack are realised 67749 /P 9/00 SOV/126--8-5-1/29 AUTHORS: Galishev, V.S., Orlov, A.N. and Shvarte, I.A. TITLE: An Estimate of the Conditions Necessary for the AutoradiograRhic DeteCtiODf%f Adsorptional Irregularities in Concentration PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov I metallovedeniye, Vol 8, 1959, Nr 5, pp 61+1-61+7 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Arkharov et al (Ref 1) have discussed the autoradiographic method employing-a-getive isotopesJ9 They have considered & specimen in the form of' a plane-parallel plate having a thickness b in the direction of the y axis, and infinite in the direction of Lhe x and z axes, A part of the plane XzO, defined by the planes y=O and y=b, forms an infinitely thIn intererystallite zone on which 0--active atoms becoome adsorbed- It is then necessary to calculate ttie oloctron derLsity WY r) for electrons having energy 9. Betha et al (Ref 21 have shown that if the condition gJven by Eq (1) Is satisfied, then the determination of the function F, which can be Card found by solving a diffusion equation, is particularly 1/4 simple. In Eq (1), ME) Is the mean free path of an electron hcaving ell6rgy E (Ref 3). Under this condition, C. 1 7'~Q An Estimate of the "cndirJons Necn1,.,,ary A,r the Autoradlographic. Detection of Adsorptional Irref7.alarlties in Concentration the electron density emitted by the inter (,rys tallite zone near the surfat-te of t`~e spectmon and at the distance x f7om the zone, is gi~,,en by Sq (2), where so i9 the number of electrotis emitted per unit area of the zone. The ele(-tToD r1unsity emit-ted unifo7mly over the volume of a grain by dlstr:Lbuted sources, and measured at the surface of the spe..,, is given b7 Eq (3), where v0 is the number of electrons emitted per unit -~,clume of the grain. The spactral density of the electron flux at y=o and yz,-b Is given by Eq (1+) . Galishev et al (Ref 3) haie treatpd the problem more 6xactly and considered the systems AI+O.I%AgllO and Cu+0.1% Sb124. They assumed that the concentration of the active component In the intercrystallite zone is 10% and that the criterion for the detection of this %one is that tile difference between tile blackening of the photographic plate due to the zone and rhe backeround should be greater Card than 0.1 (Eq 5). The blackening of the photographic plate 2^ is proportional to the radiation dose D which is given by Eq (6) where -) is the absorption coefficient of the 677.-0 30V/126-8- 5-112c,1 An Estimate of the Conditions Necessary for the Autoradiographic Detection of Adsorptional Irregularities in Concentration photographic emulsion and cl(E) is the probability (if absorption of an electron with enorgy E during the formation of the latent Image. The present paper gives a critical discussion of the criteria derived in the above papers and takes into account tlae form of the function n(x) and the dependence vf c on energy. A condition for optimum blackerin, of tbc photographic Plate is derived (Eq 13). If tlie functic-n c(E) is assumed to be linear (ths-re are no experimental data. to contradict this) then the conditicn takes the form. of Eq (141). Tho integralo involvod in thi,, condition have been computed by the author:,, for Plectrons between 0.02 and 0,15 Mev for alunipium, Popper and lead, and specimen thicknesses (.. P 1 --4, lu-~, and 10-2 cm. Lt T h Card results obtained are ':uvnm,2ri:;,)d in one figure and two tables. Thcr~ are 9 r-.~f c,,f which 3 are 3/4 English and 6 are scviet. An Estimate of the Conditions llocess~iry for the Ali toradiogr-upl-lic Detection of Adsorptional IrrogularifieS in Concentrition ASSOCIATIONt Institut fi,,,ikl ,i,,tallov AN L.:L~tto (.f Sclencer, .(Ln.13 of the U;~9R)-- SUBMTTED: July 28, 19"~,,r, Card 4/4 21 (6) AUTHORS: Orlov, A. If., Gal-'shev, V. S, Talluts, G.G. S~7,!- --I 2~ TITLE-. Calculation of the Multiple Scattering of Gacura It aj 3 Uranium and Thorium Series (Raschet anojb1',ratrjoj_, gamma-luchey semeystv urana i toriya) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, V61 126, Nr (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article presents several new methods and results calculation of multiple scattering of i-amma ra~,& of the elements of the uraniun! an-1 thorium serie:3. Tl.~ mental data utilized is mentionod in references 2-.,, aT,d 1~st-' in table 1. The authors first investibaated a point ecur,-~" in an unlimited medium. The authors caloulated the s~4ctrq %-,f t,~- scattered radiation of a monochromatic point source in P.;), i:-- finitely extended absorber (water, graphite, aluminuz, ii-6n)' by the polynoniial method (Ref 9) for the energies Eo.0-5, 1-0, 1-33, 1-50, 2.0 and 2.6 Mev. By interpolation and superposition of the scatteringspectra calculated, the distances 4 0r = IF 29 Card 1/3 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 20 (ilo denotes the absorption coefficient for Calculation of the Multiple Scattering of Gamma Rays SOV/20-126-5-17/69 of the Uranium and Thorium Series quanta with the energy E0) were determined. As an example, fig- ure 1 shows the intensity spectrum at r - 80 on for aluminum absorbers (both for uranium and thorium sources). In the fol- lowing, absorbers consisting of several layers are investigated, namely, plane-parallel layers of equal thickness. The result is practically used for the numerical computation of a geophysic&l example: a granite plate of known composition, given thickness and density, containing uranium or thorium sources, and lying beneath an inactive layer of the same granite is investi,vited. In conclusion, the authors briefly discuss in the third &rt of this article some particularities of the radiation of an a-,tive layer, and in the last part special effects of absorption in an inactive layer. Figure 2 shows the spectrum lg I X = f(E) of the radiation of an active layer after passing through an in- active graphite layer of the thickness h (for various Valuos of h) and of the density 2.7. The E- and h-dependence are discuss- ed. Contributors were : R. I. knishchenko, Yu. M. Plishkiri, 1. M. Shepeleva, Yu. P. Bulashevich and the staff membem of the Card 2/3 Vychislitel I nyy teentr AN SSSH (Computing Center of the AS USSR). Calculation of the Multiple Scattering of Gamma Rays SOV/20-126-5-17/69 of the Uranium and Thorium Series There are 1 figure, I table, and 11 references, 5 of whic. are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov Akademii nauk SSSR (Instituteof Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: January 16, 1959, by L. A. Artsimovich, Academician SUBMITTED: January 15, 1959 Card 3/3 ORWV, A.N _;_ FISHW, S.N. Nechautems of the self-ftplicatiot of elementary cell structures. Pt. 4t One possible mechanism for the replication of chain molecules. TSitologiia 2 no.1:68-73 Ja-F 16o. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Otdel teoreticheskoy fiziki Inatituta fiziki metallov AN SSSR. (MMAGMS) S/030 f/60/000/05/37/050' B0*i"/B008 AUTHOR: Orlov, A. N.,Candidate \i TITLE. The Influence of Small of Metals of Physical &-il Mathematical Sciences Admixtures on the Mechanical Properties PERIODICAL; Vestnik Akademii nauk 3SSR ~,960t No~ 5, pp, 94-96 TEXT: An All-Union Conference which dealt with the dis:ussion of studies made in the above mentioned field was held in Sverdlovsk from Deoaember 14 to 18, 1959 The Conference was con-aned by the Otde2eniye fiziko- matematioheskikh nauk (Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences) and the Institut fiziki metallov Akademii nauk SSSR (,Institute of the Physics of Metals of the Aoademy of Scien~ss USSR). 34 lectures were d-e-ri-vered, among them a namber of surveys preparei on the initiative of the organization committee of the Conferenco. X. A, Krivoglaz, A. N. Orlov, and A. A. Smirnov dealt with theoretical problems of diluted solid solu- tions. K. P. Gurov I. B. Borovskiy, and M. 1. Korsunskiy reported on assumptions in oonnection with the olarification of the influence of small admixtures on diffusion X-ray spectra end other properties of the transi- Card 1/3 The Influence of Small Admixtures on trie S/030 60/'OOO/Or /37/05 6 Mechanical Properties of Ideta'.5 B015~BO08 tion metals. V. M, Danilenkc dealt with the pe-.;uliar,.ties of the formation of "Cottrell Clouds" in solid solutions R.. 1. Gazber deSCTibed the physical properties of metals of a high degree of uilty V. A. Pav1cv and L. S. Moroz delivered survey reports on the Influen-e cf 5mall a7~_Jxt-ures on the process of the plastic deformation. F. N. Davidenkiv and c,_ llabora- tore and I. A. Gindin conducted experiments with repeated 1~;adingxt various temperatures7. S. N. Zhurkcv and hie collaborators determined the temperature-time dependence of the strength of metals. V. 1. ArkharQv reported on problems of the physics of metals. V. I. Likht an made a survey made a survey on the effect of surface-reactive materials whlob are systematically investigated by the school of Academician ~. A, Rebinder.. Academician G. V. Kurclyumo- underlined In his slosing address the importance of the role of impurities in 'the solid state physics. The introductions of survey reports are finally described as being valuable and are to be published in compilations by the Izdatellstvo Akademi! nauk SSSR (Publishing House of the A-.ademy of Sciences USSR,. The author believes that the Conference has shown the way for conducting new experimental and theoretical investigations in the field of the influence of small admixtures on the mechanical properties cf the metals, and that thI6 will lead to the Card 2/3 L// The Influence of Small Ldmixtures on the S/03 60/000/05/37/056 Mechanical Properties of Metals B015YB008 discovery of new methods for increasing the strength of metals. Card 3/3 GALISH31V, V.S.;, ORIOV, A. N.; SHYARTZ, I.A. Autoradiographic revealing of heterogenous adsorption concern trat ions. Isel. po sharopr. oplav.6:i58-162 16o. (MIRA 13:9) (Autoradiography) (Crystal latices) S/126/60/010/003/008/009/XX E201/E391 AUTHORS, Orlov, A.N. and Shvarte, I.A, TITLE-. Mechanical Stability of Large-angle Dislocation Boundaries Between Grains PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, ig6o. voi. io No. 3, pp. 492 - 494 TEXT- Electron-microscopic observations (Ref. 1) showed that in some cases large-angle grain boundaries in metals possess fine structure in the form of several parallel dislocation walls. This observation is confirmed by indirect information from internal adsorption (Ref. 2) which indicates that grain boundaries are defect regions of several hundred angstrom width, The present note gives equations for equilibrium distances between dislocation walls for any number (n) of such walls, The case of n = 5 is discussed in detail and the energies of grain boundaries meeting ;at a given angle are compared for n = 1, 3, and 5. The calculations show that for a given angle between boundaries, the boundary energy rises with increase of n Assuming that the dislocation model of Card 1/2 S/126/60/010/003/008/009/xx E201/E391 Mechanical Stability of Large-angle Dislocation Boundaries Between Grains grain boundaries is applicable for dislocations closer to one another than 10 interatomic distances, the maxim les 5~m ang between neighbouring grains are found to be 504 , 7027' and 12035' for n = I -, and 5, respectively. The authors consider also dislocatit,n i,~alls where the dislocation density varies from wall to wall rhe paper is entirely theoretical. Acknowledgment is made to Yu A. Shakov for communicating the results of his work (Ref.. 1) before publication There are 6 references~, 2 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet, ASSOCIATION, Institut fiziki. metallov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals of the AS USSR) SUBMITTED: May 3, I.96o Card 2/2 3/020/60/132/03/59/066 B010005 AUTHORSt Orlov, A. I., Fishman, S. fi. TITLEs On the Kinetic Mechanism of Redupliostion of Chain Molecules PERIODICALs Doklady Akadenii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 132, No. 3, pp. 700 - 703 TUTs According to the hypothesis (R*f. 3), d"oxyribonuclaic acid (DNA) Is a carrier cod* of hereditary information. This information is deter- mined by the order of purine- and pyrisidine bases in the DNA chain. It is a priori not ol*ar whether an accurate reproduction of this order of nuolootid*9 Is possible by means of any simple physical structure mechanism of the complex DNA molecule, or if specific interaction forces are necessary which occur in such complex systems as the substance of the nucleus. In the present paper, the authors want to study one of the possible, simplest reduplication mechanism*. They presuppose that re- duplication taken place over the whole chain length at the *eno time. By means of calculations on a nuclear model, the authors arrive at equation (13)- From their calculations, the authors draw the following concluAionst Card 1/2 ORLOV A.N., otv. red.; FAKIDOV, I.G., otv. red.; YAKOBSON, A.M., red. L_jL__ izd-va; RYIJNA, Yu.V., tekhn. red. [Betatron gamm defectoscopy of steel] Betatronnaia gamma- defektoskopiia stali. Moskva,, Izd-vo Akad.nauk SSSR 1961 56 ImIRA i4:M* 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut fiziki metallov. (Steel-Testing) (Gan= rays-Industrial applications) AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: Li o 5'~, I I C 0 20127 3/18 1 /61 /GC "/'0C,2/'G25/,'C B I 021'B212 Crlov, ,. N, Durability and steady creep of polycrystalline bodies Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 2, 1961. 500-504 TEXT: 5, N. Zhurkov and T. P, Sanfirova have shown experimentally that 11 teady creep velocity ~ and durability i of a number of metals are given by i . 10exp(-(U-,rdYkT)j these formulas are valid over a range of eight orders of magnitudes for i and -r ; U denotes the activation energy, the activation volume, 10 and tire constants independent of a and T, a is a constant stress, Also C-T aT0 = const, which leads to tne assumption that %5 and -, are a function of the same mechanism but the present theory needs two different models to describe it; one model is based on diffusion processes and the other one on a growth of micro- cracks without diffusion. The paper discusses a model which is valid for I and T, and the growth of micro-cracks without diffusion Is accom- panied by a significant plastic deformation. A grain (Figs. la, b) with Card 11~ 20127 Durability and steady creep- S/181/61/003/002/025/050 B102/B212 linear dimensions d is examined in a polycrystalline metal, and in order to simplify the problem, it is assumed that creep can only take place in planes which are parallel to y = 0. The dislocation density in the xy- plane is assumed to be equal to Q cm-2. An initial crack will grow sud- denly from slide plane to planing surface; in each slide plane it is fed by dislocations which enable it to grow and reach another planing surface (Fig. 1b). The dislocation sources which are released during a crack expansion will emit new dislocations, and macroscopically this will show up in a plastic deformation of the sample. The growth of a crack along the grain boundaries will happen in an analogous manner, and the crack will be fed with dislocations of both grain boundaries. Th*oe dis- locations have opposite signs (s. Fig. 2) and stresses at the front of a crack are determined by the excess of dislocations which belong to one of the two signs. If cracks will grow along grain boundaries , probably coarse holes will be formed. Various relations between C and T are discussed and also numerical estimations are given. T - d/V is valid if the front of a crack is spreading with a mean velocity of v, from this it follows that 9 -vmbq/2dh, where m is the amount of dis- locations, h = (Qd)-l denotes the mean distance between slide planes; Card 2/4 20127 Dura:aility and steady creep... S/181/61/003/002/025/050 B102/B212 the displacement quantity b/2d is determined by passage of one dislocation taken from the source to the crack, Q denotes the number of crack nuclei in one grain. The following expression is obtained 1,r w dmbQQ. -3 8 2 8 If Q - 10 am b - 10 am, d - 10 am, and q - I then i 0 0 10 this agrees with experimental results for several metals. In order to calculate I and -r, v has to be known, it can be determined from V - lly 0exP(-U-rV.)/kt), where po is the lattice vibration frequency, an the normal stress in the crack front, 11 the mean distance between obstacles, r -;OrW). If d - 10-3 am, 11 - 10- 6 cm and V 0 w 1013sec-1 then -r0- 10 sec, this agrees well with experimental results. There are 2 figures and 24 references: 15 Soviet-bloc and 9 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR Sverdlovsk (Institute of Physics of Metals AS USSR, Sverdlovsk) SUBMITTED: May 23, 1960 Card 3/4 KLASSE L"IMMUD OVA M.V. - 0R,.LOVA,.L-N - 14IWKOV, V.F.; TYAPUNiNA, N.A.; P P iHASKOLISKAYA, M.P.- Symposium on dislocations in and mechanical properties of solids, held in Cambridge (England). Kriatallografiia 6 no-5:809-812 3-0 161. 04IRA 14: 10) 1. Institut kristallografii AN SSSR. (Dislocations in crystals-Congreases) GROBERG, B.A.; O~WV, A.N. Microscopic calculation cf the apacing of atoms in a dislocation. F-'z. met. I metalloved. 11 no. 4:481-1.88 Ap 161. (HIPI 14: 5) 1. Institut fiziki metallov AV SISSR. (Di8locations in metals) (Metallography) Otoo 26342 1401 IS651-1 /S--rf, S/076/6,'/C'15/ 14.1400 B'27/B102 AUTHORS: Orlov,-A.-N., and Fishman, S. N- TITLE: The theory of dissolution of inhomogeneojs surfaces if solids PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v 35, n~- TEXT: The authors conducted quantitative studies on lh,~- diss.--li,ti3r ~,f an inhomogeneous metal surface in the solution of an et'hin6 aeer.t Ly means an elementary macroscopic model. It is tried to give a mathematica: description of the dissolution mechanism The part--71~ f2ux fr~,m the metal into the solution is given by J -aV~, a is related the diffusion coefficient D: D - a -~k- ; in ideal gases: D where c -Is tho -1.n-pntrati :;n of the Q ac Y CM dissolved substance Q the density of the solution, and W 4.hc- a- ' e---ar weight. The authors start with the calculation of th-~ -rr:sion ra* ' e. T~,e chemical potential p(l) is assumed to have zyl-,ndrical symmetry, with 'he axis of eymmetry Oz being oriented per~-endi,,ular t~-) the in~tia: surface of Card 1/6 26 2 S /0 7 ~ P6'/Cz,C 1 2 /0 The theory of dissolution B',,7/B,02 the specimen. The surface is described by z - f(r,tj. Af*&7- dt is shifted by r. The ordinate change of a point C during th-a time dt equa's b -.2-f dt; the point which has the ccDrdinateg r dnd f(r.'; a- 'he moment at t, is shifted during dt by the distance a T-) Idt ir the ,,f j being the metal density. Considering the relati-,-,ns s n Q M of ~ _/I z=f rX Cos C 0 it fDll3ws frCM 'ne 1:-,an~~ie ABC that Z/11 Z-f(r,t), Ct9 -1 or af 1 at - - M (Jz1z-f(r.t, -* .37, If the dependence of the chemical potential or, the surface --ur~,at--Jre (AB) is neglected, the function p(z,r) at the surface f(r.t) ;s a function of r only and is expressed by 6(r); C Card 2/6 6 4 S/076/61 035/007/012/019- The theory of dissolution... -Pl27/BI02 (r,71 t) (r, f (r, t), t) (r) (6). IZ-f(r,t) I In the general case E depends on 1,f12'r and 102 fPr2 2 2 -~(r,f(r,t),,.'ffir, 'cl ff~r (6a). If (6) is solved with reppect to f(r,t), oiie obtains f(r,t) v(r,~(r); t) Differentiation of (6) and (7) yields + + t', Pt W; Tr- ~ v, Or oe ~- -, + + V., 08). (8) T, vi)-l' V1 and one may vrrite 4 4r r/vt (9). Now, the component of the current density with respect to the surface may be expressed by the Card 3/6 The theory of dissolution... 26342 976/61/035/007/012/019 B127/.E102 derivative of the function v by the following formula -V _V a ~1-v (.q-V 2-V With (5) one obtains (10). Tt- YM ~r r t~iI satisfies the'conditions v-0 at't-0 and v--O at w0, one obtains t (13). t if (10) v 2 If concentration I CL dE 0 ,effects are negligible, one may assumet c-1 'or, according to (9)t Y = nle 2ND N (15) card 4A v - -2 (x1aM1/n2p.F2)'j-, (16) 26342 S/076/61/035/007/012/019 The theory of dissolution ... B127/B102 F is the Faxaday number, n the valence of the metal ions in the solution. The solution of equation (10) holds for the dissolution of an isotropic solid, while equation (16a) holds for the dissolution of an anisotropic substance. The particle flux density of substances on the surface Is determined by the potential difference ~j between the sample and the solu- tion nF + Lb2 ) + nF -f (17)- In this case T ~M 8Rr 2 / M j0 .11 0 denotes the binding energy per unit volume of an ideal crystal yo ~he residual components of the potentia-l-jump at the suiface, 0 the shearing modulus, b is B~rger'B vector. ~substituted byi~p in ('j6) Ji v (oo, 1) t), = C. yrf (19) C, = 2 U C' = Gb2/8yiU. U + p.nFTo/M. Card 5/6 the theory of dissolution ... 26342 S/076/61/035/007/012/01.9 B127/BIO2 There are I figure and 10 references: 4 Soviet.-and 6 non-Soviet. The four references to English-language publications read as follows: Ref.' I- J J Ref. 4: 5 al. Gilman Sears. J. Appl. Phys. 29, 1958. N. Cabrera et ' Phys. Rev. ~L6, 1153, 1954; Ref - 5: J. J. Gilman et. al. J. Appl. Phys.? 271 1018, 1956; Ref. 7: S. Amelinckx, Philos. 269, 1956. ASSOCIATION: All SSSR Ingtitut fiziki motallov g. Sverdlovsk (AS USSR Institute of Metal Physics in Sverdlovsk) SUBMITTED: November 5, 1959 Card 6/6. PHASE I BDOX MEPWITATION SOV/61T6 Konobeyevokly, S. T., Corresponding Member, ~ccademy of Sciences USSR, Reap. al. vadernvkh 1zluchenIv na materialv (The Effect of Nuclear Radiation on Materials). Moscow, Izd-vo AN,,SSSR, 1962. 383 P. Errata slip Inserted. 4000 copies prInted. 3ponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Otdelenlye tekhnl- cheakikh nauk; Otdelaniye fialko-matematicheakikh nauk. Romp. Ed.: S. T. Konobeyevskiy; Deputy Reap. 8d.s S. A. Adsainskiy; Editorial Board% P. L. Oruzin G V Kurdyumov, B. M. Levitakly, V. S. Lyashenko (Deceasedl, iu.'A. Martynyuk, Yu. 1. Pokrovskly, and U. F. Pravdyuk; Ed. of PublIshing House: M. G. Makarenkol Tech. Ides T. V. Polyikova and 1. N. DorokhIna. cam 1/14 The Effect of Nuclear Radiation (cont.) SOV/151 PURPOSE: This book is intended for personnel concerned with nuclear materials. COVERAGE: This Is a collection of papers presented at the Moscow Conference on the Effect of Nuclear Radiation on Materials, held December 6-10, 1960. The material refleo~ certain trends In the work being conducted in the Soviet scientific research orginization. Some of the papers are devoted to the experimental study of the effect of neutron irradiation on reactor materials (steel, ferrous alloys, molybdenum, avialgraphite, and n1ohromes). Others deal with the theory of neutron Irradiation effects (phyaloo- chemical trans formations, relwcation of internal streades, Internal friction) and changes In tfie structure and proper- ties of various crystals. Speolal attention Is given to the effect of intense T-radiation on the electrical, magnetic. and optical properties of metals, dialtatrics, and semicon4uc'.ors. Card 2/14 The Effect of Nuclear Radiation (Cont.) SOV/6176 Andronikashvili, E. L., N. G. Politov, and M. Sh. Getiya. Effect of Irradiation in a Rea,~';or on Structure and Hardness of A-14ali-Halide Crystals 277 The irradiation was condupt-.-ad in the IRT-2000 Reactor at the Physics Institute of the Georgian Academy of Sciences. ebrlov, A. N.' Use of Electronic. Computers for Calculating R"tat-io-n Disturbances in Metals 288 Dekhtyar, I. Ya., and A. M. Shalayev. Change in Physical Properties of Ferromagnetic Metals and Alloys Caused by y-Radiation 294 11 ,eitsriken, S. D. (De7~eas-,d), and N. P. Plot',I ikova. Effect of Y-IrradiatiDn on Processes of Ordering and Disordering in Fe-Al Alloys 306 Konozenko, 1. D., V. I. Ust'yanov, and A. P. Galushka. Y-Conductivity of Cadmium Selenide 308 CaI., - ~. ~, - ~4 L UT HOR ~rlov, A - 16'1/ 62/004/004/0C,6/042 B 1061B 102 T IT U: Kinetics of Joggy dislocations in a simple lattice Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 4, 1)62, bu'6 - 679 Tz,XT: Th, kl,,t,, e,~,iatlons "or the vucancies and the tensor coiriponents N.. of the disloc-ation density are established for a simple cubic crystal Ij lattice ander uniforut stress. Thv kinetics of these defects is described by the following system of equitions: 2 VN v III v M IN0 v(2vw N 2 1 +' + 4 2-, xy, .ind x xy z= [)b'n W ((N,, -4 Pljj) v,f 4 Card 1/3 5/181/62/004/004/006/042 Kinetics of joggy dislocations in... B100102 I (NJ) --I- N1k) V11 ('jk)ldt'-4 2-. f[Vj P - 64j) &J'i +- viaij 0 - ill) I X 0 x qj,j ( ti) w 0") d1"dt'--#- vN", (I - &,j) - 2vN',A- T 8,j - jj -i- Dnb 2 In WN&)) N,'~ (I b ( 2 vCN,, where v is the dislocation velocity, v a is the velocity of migration of jogs along dislocations, m is the concentration of joggy dislocations, n is the vacancy concentration, a is the portion of all the vacancies re- arranged in a (square) accumulapion plane, D is the vacancy diffusion coefficient, N is the overall dislocation density, No . N ii, x is the density of intersections of the boundary dislocations, exp (--.(l /.N) ( 1 +lsIN) , Iis the minimum length of joggy dislocation, NZY8 8 and 'f- = . Two types of dislociation sources have been established, XY Card 213 Ola'Ov, A,,N. Theory of t1w Frmik-Road courvoo. fls.mot.l t9vtAl-lOvO;l.D 13 Ja ~ , , (IMA 150) 1. lastitut fiziki wtallov Ali SSSR. (rtieklocatAonp in wtals) JPMIGS AMSION -Nkt:; AT5023809 0006/6i/000/000/0288/0293 UR/ 62- 0664 A. 11. A=M: 7- TITLE -o eospv -induced disturbane-ea in metals Use f 4ters for calculating radiation SOMME.- Saveshchaniya po probleme Deystviye vodernvkh liluchenLy no meterinly. Mosca4a 1!�0. Do stviye yadernykh IslucKeniy n& waterisly (The effect of nuclear radiation- on materials) doklady sovei;hchaniye. Moscow, Ind-Vo AN SSSR, 1962, 218B.-293 T.OPIC TACSz radiation effect, crysta:1 lattice deformatiotv,."mathematic model, computer calculationt metal crystal 0 -ABSTRACT: Computations of the dynamics of formation of radiation-induced dis- turbahces'in metals vere recent years at the Brookhaven National lAboratorys This survey is based on an J. B. Gibson, A. 11. Goland, M. Milgram,*and.G, H, Vineyard (Brookhaven National,Labordtory, Report BNL, 4871$ 1960; Phys.-Rev.j 120, 12290 1960)i The computations were carried out for models of'segments of a face-centered cubic lattice in the.form of parellelopipeds b nded by planes of a cube and consisting of 5 x 4 x 4- 80 cells (446 atoms), 2t 6 - _x 7= 84 cello (468 atoms) and 2 x 9 x 10 w180 calls (998 atoms), An im- d Isw '1/2 ORIDV - A.-N. "Kinetic Equations for Dislocations," report submitted for the Conference on Solid State Theory, hold in Moscow, December 2-12,, 1963, sponsored by the Soviet Academy of Sciences. B/161/63/005/001/046/064 B108/B180 kUTHOR. Orlov, A. N., TITLE. Formation of defects during the motion of undivided screw dislocations PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5l no. 1, 1963, 308-314 TEXT: The motion of jogs in screw dislocations is studied. This can cause point defects and dislocation loops during plastic deformation. Steps which arise when jogs moving in different planes meet are incipient vacancies. When jogs and steps collide this will result in a point defect plus a jog in another plane, or an incipient dislocation loop which would act as a stable "drain" for jogs. Solving'the kinetic equations for jogs, steps, and incipient dislocation loops, the author arrives at estimates showing that with such a mechanism more point defects arise than on the steps that are caused by the intersection of dislocations with screw components. Few of the incipient loops (the steps can also be regarded as such) grow into real loops which can be detected under an electron microscope. There are 2 figures. Card 112 S/18 63/005/001/046/o64 Formation of defects during ... BIOBYB180 A330CIATION; Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR, Sverdlovsk (Institute of Physics of Metals AS USSR, Sverdlovsk) SUBMITTED: August 13, 1962 Card 2/2 IRDENBC14, T. L.; MOV, A. N. Win objectives of investigations in the field of the physics of pl"ticity and stra2gth. Fixmet. i metelloved. 15 no.lt5- 11 Ja 163, (MIRA 16s2) (Faysioal. metallurgy) KSLAREVA, I.A.; GRLOV, A.N. Theory of multiple-wall intergramular dislocation boundaries. Fiz. met. i meta.11oved. 15 no.6:824-832 Je 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR.. (Dislocations in mete.1s) ORLOV, A.N., . ~J,) rfindar &3s, otrin- f~ *( 3!tu..; ,a ~ F~ n 0,..r I rl:iv. . ! -c.. : . ; , , ~ . . '. no.C.60 -J,,- le,,/. !~:. 11 J. 5*..;.ir.;b`.y Inh. ufravien--'Ya ORLOV, A.N. The whi t,e rapped 'Sayari Mounta ! tai havr- beer, conquerFri ."rar;.ll, . st'rol . 14 no. 1(,t -~2 0 164 . XRA Lp:-" 1. Stars~;~y Inzt- uj,r-ivlpniyiA hf4iknnqtrojput'. ORLOV, A. N. Kinetics of a nonuniform distribution of dislocations in a face-pentered cubic lattice. Fiz. met. i metalloved.20 no.1:12-20 Tl 165- (MIRA 18:11) 1. Fiziko-tekhnichefikiy Institut AN SSSR Imeni A.F.roffe. ORWV, A. N. Double reflection of X rays from a crystal with a nonuniform distribution of dislocations. Fiz. met. i metalloved 20 no.1:131-132 Jl '65, (MIRA ISM) 1. F--*ziko-takhnicheskiy institut imeni A.F.Ioffe AN SSSR. N BON -- &-tAk*, MV IQO ioO 03 777, 11 "Tim ered P_ ~-A t bukl~_ I" e, solvei balance t go and 'ol)-- vp Axes .,on.:& o andL ki W-Jeo Ad~ AiA6"il6np'- WIS .09 Ab" d! IIA6 6upt th P* Ical on: or - e sloes on -_ve fLee e a Ibe,coildifaii4re ob- i6d'ifted disloep. o screw. bi" do ence,-vf he' U pond ie 1' d(A" d-ln~)/6. 'der t ~t.b* 4m I tift, cases when for, tb be oplexop ate 30 _:I~ COX e an the of prodwtice ~.Or: 1* --osroat iwtbe OFWV, Anntolly Nikolaymvich; IWNCIIIINKO, P.M. retsenzent; SUICHWKO , 7Y~~, ISDTONVA, L.A.. tekhnichaskly redaktor. f0peration of the VShM semiautomatic glass press] Rabota na stekloformulushchikh polwvtonstakh VShM. Houkvu, Goo.natichno- takhn.izd-vo MinisterstVti DromVshl~. tovaroy shirokogo potreble- nita SSSR, 1955. 201 p. (MLRA 8-10) (Glass mnufacturs) PRZ get bi 14 -ou - Lin 1~ ~ " v .i I . 1v ORLOV, A.N. - 0"" Moistening the batch In the charging hopper of a glass furnace. Stek. I ker. 14 no.12:21 D '57. (mm 1121) (Glass furnaces) ORIDV, A, Standardize the operation of annealing lehra in the glasa industry. Log. prom. 17 n0-1:38-41 Ja '57. (WAA 10:2) 1. Gl"nyy Inzhener treat& Konservotaklotara. (Glass manufacture)