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M111v V*Aas kandeaedenauk (L'vov, ul. PekarsWa, d.43 kv. 4) of acute paraproctitim. lov.kiiir. arkh. no.1:42_44 JRPJ 158 (KIFLA 11:11) 1. Wefra gospitallnoy khlrtxrgil (sav. - prof. L.N. Kuzmenko) Llv&vskogo meditainskogo instituta, (PZCTUR-DISEASES) (ANUS--DISEASES) EXCERPTA MEDICA See 9/Vol 1,1/5 SURGMY May 59 16, 2691. PARARECTAL FISTULAS OR CHRONIC PARAPROCTITIS (Hussian text) - '-- OL1_ik V. A. - SOV.MED. 1958,3 (83-87) The author P-e-FrO-rMed operation on 42 patients with full or blind perianal fistulas and obtained complete cure in 33 cases. The condition for surgical cure is the total removal of the fistulous tract in blind external fistulas without damage to the sphincter ani. In treatment of full and blind fistulas the author holds the opinion that, besides removal of the fistulous tract. division of the sphincter ant is neces- sary. which does not give rise to complications. The author supplements the Sur- gical treatment with local application of penicillin and streptomycin. Mrozowski Szczecin ORLIL, V.A.; PANOV, V.I.; MAYM,D. Z.1, Clinical aspects and angioarchitectoniGs of gastric lipom; abstract. Xhirurgiia 34 no.12:97 D 158. (XIBA 12: 1) 1. Iz kafedry gospitalinoy khirurgil (2ftV. - prof. L.�. KU21nenko) kafedry normllnoy anatomii (zav. - prof. A.P. IVubomudrov) t kafedry patolo- gicheakoy anatomil (zav. - T)rof. Te. 1. Pal'ohevskiy) L'vovBkogo medit- simkogo inatituta. (STOMACH--TUMORS) '~AIMNOVSKKY-v G. K. ; fiRl I Fq V, e ~ , ., c, r, t. z Effect. cf p!L,,%ma trarifiri,ril,fi3 f:-(,m turr . r, I f... * x : projoirl.le-q -f sori ir, -~xf-r:mentxl burn -. Ttr-oj, krovi 1-30-32 lb-I'll 18 -"C' 1. ).Ivovikiy institu, P.:~rf., I r 1, V) I 'j. r 0 -~[ 41 1 ORLIK, V.G., inzli. Cave-in of steam turbine rotorc. &lek. sta. 34 no.5:2&-28 My 163. (MRA 16:7) (Steam turbines) k4~.1___fn(~)/_T ~W IM AIP60-M 6-4 .31 soncE cm, vAT0j1 CC~~ /b66/664/6=/002~ AVMOR 1. Go ORGI none TITLF4 labyrinth seal ~or turbomachinery.. Class 14o 1109 170820 rw!!ounced by the i -7 o Institute im. Cintrii-Scientifio 0-search, Desiffill d Coftstruotion.Btesnt~Tiarbiim I.,. I.. Polmmov (Teentrallr4y nauchn -imsledovateVskiy i prcy_fiVi3:F6WstR&To=rsy kotlotutbinqyy institut,27 SOURC&~ 1966t 22-23 Isobroteniya# promyehlennyye ebrastsy, tovaraM wak it no- 4P TOPIC 1AM labyrinth seal, rotating seal sealing device, ps turbine., steam AMMON 1his Author Certificate presents a labyrinth seal for turbowchinex7p for examplet1or steam or gas turbinesp containing wipers attached to the stato r (rotory wipers are bent opposite to the fluid flow and are located opposite to the shi)uldleii and grooves of the rotor, (stator). To decrease leakage and to permit -req,uirid axial,rotor.travelp the shoulder profile bai~the form of a rigbt trapezoidi i s inclined snA aligned-with the fluid- flow (esi~ t Card ~.l /2 UDCt 621.165-762.621 --J ACC NR. AP7009121 .3OLj1iCL CODE: UR/Oh!3/67/000/00J/,~ I INVENTOR: Dolbilov, L. V.2 Yxrablev, B. N., Orlik, V. G. .ORG: None TITLE: A device for detecting and signalling points of contact in la'-~yr-'n*:. turl'ine seals. Class 42, No. 191170 [announced by the Central Boiler and Turbin, .im. I. I. Polzunov (Tsentral'nyy kotlol.urbinnyy institut)] SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshleanyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 71, ~1967, 110 :TOPIC TAGS: turbine rotor, turbine stator, rotating seal, measuring instrument ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a device for detecting and signalling ;points of contact in labyrinth turbine seals with movable serrated segments mounted on !elastic springs in the turbine stator. The instrment contains a pickup contact which 'is isolated from the stator. To avoid changing the fit of the sealing sepents and to ~improve reliability, the pickup is made in the form of a section of the movable sealin :segment with an elastic element for connection to a secondary instrument. 1/2 ux: 620.1-085-3:621.i65 ACC NR: AP7009121 1 !SUB CODE: I 1--movable segment; 2--contact; 3-flexible element /0/ SUBM DATE: '16jan65 Card 2/2 L 111'7003652 '~WIZE ~ODZ; UU/0096/66/000/011/- G.. V. K. Tkacncv, V. V. (Engincer) -hermoelectric i1roject ki (Teploelektroproy-kt, Ro tov y D~, ~ov :,(, c'.' on, a 233,,Y.3 k.1--ow,tt steam-gas installation (IMU-200/210) with central stexm insL:LLuLc operation T aploencrgetika, no. 11, !966, 24-29 ".Z:"~ -AGS: Lurbine, ir;~3 turbine, -,te,,Lfr. power-P a;It Tho ' ociL nical and oconomic indicoa of series produced, dual z;hafjt -A3 in5t-Ilatlons are prosontod, tao roasons for tho relative hich cost- cf 5*aaf-c, 3tow--~gar, installations baziod on sorios producod steam and gas -.u~*J`.ija r.'-O r6voalod. Invostigations have --iwiwn that idth a tr&nsition to turbinoz; a mduct.-*On in cap"La' invost.Tiont in trla nz of 20 to 21% can bo roalizod. Comparativo officl.oncioz;, faol C tf. o r. 6. ca-Atal invost---,onts, notal roqudrod for production of main VLllding, of 0----cioncy with load, uoazo of oloctric power for malntonanco o- --.3 ur.-~t itzGl-f zand for are prosontod for t:10 PGU-200/Z40, Lrd RZ K-'-C,C"-Z4C) -,LnIts. -r'i7. art. has: 5 fiL;ures axid 5 tables. [jP' : 39,1831 OGD-": 10 / SUBM, DA7E: none / GRIG U!-F: 005 Corci 1 UDC: 621.165+621-438-C)O.L.5 YAKOVKIN, A.A., otv. red.; ORLIK, Ye.L., red.; REKES, M.A., tekhn. red. (Brief astronomical calendar for 19641 Kratkii astrono- micheskii kalendarl na 1964 god. Kiev, Iad-vo AN USSR, 1963. 199 P. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN Uk-r.SSR (for Yakovkin). KORNOUKHOV, Nikolay Vasil 'yevich, akademik; HELYANKIN, F.P., akademik, otv. red.; STRELIBITSKAYA, A.I., doktor tekhn. nauk; AFIRO, I.Ya., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; DLUGACH, M.I., kand. tp-kbn. red.; YERENENKO, V.S., kand, tekhn. nauk, red.; NIKITIN, Yu.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; PAVLOV, I.G., kand. tekhn. nauk,, red.; POLYAKOV, P.S., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; KIYANITSA-GIJSLISTAYA, N.N., m-lad. nauchn. sotr., red.; QLiLkK) Ye.L., red.; LISOVETS, A.M., tekhn. red. [Selected works on structural mechanics) Izbrannye trudy po stroitellnoi mekhanike. Kiev, Izd-vo AN Ukr.SSR, 1963. 321 p. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Akademiya nauk Ukr.SSR (for Kor-noukhoyp Belyankin). BOGOLYUBOV, Aleksey Nikolayevich; SHTOW,O, I.Z., akaciepAk, otv. red.; ORLI-X_, 7e.L., red. [History of mechanical engineering] Istoriia mekbaniki mashin. Kiev, Naukovadumka, 1964. 460 p. (141RA 174U) 1. Akadeii.iya nauk Ukr.SSit (for 3htokalo). YAEOVKr., A.A., utv. red.; ~jRLIK, Ye.L., red. [Si.ort astror!omical ca-enGar ar F,7a'~kii as-i-no- micheskii kalencart na 190 -oa. Vypusk i". i-lev, lllt~- 11-Kova U;ixlil:~,, --('64- 157 p. WI-LA 17:"") _i . C:.!ei.-,.orr(-s,,.onaent All' (for Y;ik(-,v,, GLUSHKOVP Viktor Mikhaylovich; LRLIK, Ye.L., red. [In-'roduction to ---:zoernetics Vvec~enie Kiev, lzd-vo AN USSi,, ll.,t~4. 323 p. *P- i:-,e rn e t i ku . (MIRA 27. ( ) ORLIKI ru.[Dr3yk, IUJ ------- Masters of metal arteries. Znan. ta pratsia no.2118-1 F 163. (MIRA 2AX (pipe) ORUCEK , Zdanak, d r. CSc. "Methods of statistical and economic analysis -,f fore'-gn tral,e and world trade" by j.Haraky. Reviewed by Zdannk DrIlIcei. Podn org 19 no.1:47-48 J& 165. aRLIX-OZYBOMA, Antonim. Proper imethodology In orthodontics. Czaeoplano stomat. 8 no.11:455- 462 Now. 1955. 1. Z Zakladu Ortodonojl A.M. w Waresawle. Kisrownik: doo. dr. A. Orlik-Orsybawaka. Warszawa, 711trawa 30/2. (002HODOMPICS, methodol. in) ORLIK-GRZYBOUS! A, At: ', -!;;na, -i-. I It I: I .-,, !ir ~, , . FI '.1. '! , - t! , !, , - ~ : I'll , . . ( ', J! ".' t - I" ' - . f I . . - . I 1. Z K~ ..r- i ~. : U~-t- ki ',J i V!~ " I` : ~ H(- i 7 - -,.i .4 A F1 , . ~' a ~: - , ~, - - !': lr. I I, : : " ". .1 r. A. Or . : :,-!, !i ) . CIRLTKCV, P. N. Feeding and F, cd in ~ Stuf f s Steamer for coarse feeds. B. '-'. Crlikov., Yorm. baza, 2, no. 12, 1951 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April - 1951,2 Uncl. ~)RLIKO'.,', D. M. "Tnves-iga--ion of --~e :'ro-ess -..f Ar~.ifirall:! -r.ving irass ' 'fic '~-u.rrll -n a Pnematic Dryer." I~and fech Sci, join-- Scien'-' of the All ~--iion Sci ites Inst for the Mechanza*ion (if Agricul- ,ur-~ and ~.he All-*nion Sci Ies Inst fz~r th--~ "Iectr,,'iirat,~on f Af,-ri~J'.ur--, ~.I)sr!ow, 1,55. n, 17o F-3b 5~) L) --' sse r ta , i ons ;'ef-~nded at, -~,Sh :,:gher lduca-io7~a' tions (1-1) ORLIKOV, B.M., kand.tekhn.nauk Production and storage of hay meal. Ptiteavodetvo 9 m-5:33-35 my 159. (MIRA 12 :7) (Hay) ORLIKOV. L Automatic deTice for avitchinp-in standb7 lov-voltage currents. 7-hil.-kom.khoz. 10 no.2:25 '(0- (MIRA 13:5) 1. Nachallnik ekspluatateii Teprlyevskogo otdeleniya Moooblelaktro. (Ileotric evitchgoar) SVIRlDENKO, S.Kh.; ADMECFET, L.S.; VOLKOV, A.A.; KEYSIELI, A.P.; MIZHEVSKrY, L.L.; POLYAKOV, L.V..; RASPKO%ICH, I.I.J.; SP-TrZYER, L.A.; M*ALOV, Yu.G.; SFFIGLER, L.A.; SF:,AGG, L.K.; ORLIKOV I-11 L' inzh- retsenzen.; SVECITIKOV, L.V. , inzh., retse'nze-nt~,~-~'.ATSI'Yr-l*"~31-.I'~, A.G., inzh., red. [Elcments of the automation of machine tools) Elementy avtomatizatsii metallorezhushchikh starikov. 1..oskva, Vash- giz, 1964. 210 p. (MD1 17-12) f 11 A 3 BOOK '-~ll !!a.: AF-~ 2 c,~~ 1,, Ailtho7s: ;ICINDA:~ 1 :,Ind. Toch. i . Oi~~LJKC) I.. I in 1. LO! ATA A. Ya. -,ng Full Ti tle: AXI-17"'N, F -71 'J:") PI A!T '.'A 71-, Tran3literated ritle: Nalaik,-,i tok rn:7;