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:~ - - C ~-'. . . . . ) ~ I . Y ' ~ . - j ~% "(. , " , . ;. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1464r-Uncl as sif ied . L .215ge-66 EWM)Ava(h) SOME CODE; UR/0108/66/021/001/0074/0075 AUTHOR: Oreshkoy 1. S. -ORG: Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Electrocommunication (Nauchno-tekhnichookoye obshche9tvo radioi.ekhrdki i elektrosvyazi, im. A. S. Popov) TITLE: Selection of the minimam noise ten)erature of the r-f amplifier in SPY receivers SOURCE: Radiotekhnika, v. 21, no. 1, 1966j, 74-T5 TOPIC TAGS: SRF receiver, SHF amplifier, radar ABSTRAM. R. L. Forward and F. Richey (Miarowave Journal, n. 12, 1960) considered the problem of the reasonable threshold of noise temperature of a receiver that has a given level of external noise. They selected a fixed value of 290K as a noise temperature of an ideal-syBtem antenna. The present article questions the expediency of this fixed-temperature approach and cites a formula for the nomalized range at any antenna temperature. A curve showbig the relation between Tr and Ta required for a given relative range is submitted. The communication range rapidly approaches its maximim value at Tr/Ta - 4- Here Tr and "'a are noise temperatures of the receiver and antenna, respectively. Orig. art. hast I figure and 3 formulas. 1031 SUB COD& 179 09 / SUM DATEs 19Jan64 / WIG REFt 000 / OTH p"g 001/ ATD PRESSt .411, 1/ O'd CMSHKCj N.A. .mv- , .-.AmO*!ng and accelerating tho semicontimious casting process at P*4#005w- - `the Volkhov Alxdnum Plant. TSvet. mat. 31 no.4:74 Ap t58. (Volk,'-iov Alumimm) (MM 11:5) . , , F . .1 1 1 3- - DSO "1,961 SEE IW ORESNY.OV A. Leather Causes of emergence of air Wckets In leather. Leg. prv:~. 12 No. 5, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August _ 195X,2Uncl. ORMHKOV, P.A., kand.teldin.nauk Relationship between the structure and the chemical CorpositiOrl of leather. Izv.,v-yB.ucheb.zav.; tekh.lag.prom. no.5:3-9 1~8. (MIRA 12:2) 1. BelorusakLy C-oaudaxstvennry inetitut naro(iriogo Idnozyaystva imani KLI.Yby a~ 9v a. (Lenther-Testing) ORIMOT, N.A., kand. tekhn. nauk- nold composition of regular leather and laather with loose mwfwe 1&"r. Leg. prom. 18 no,lt28-30 Ja 158, (MIRA 110) (leather-Testing) (Amino nolds) ORBSMWVO.~~xAd, takhn. nauk. lc-~~St~udrlug properties of shoes unde of mplit and oampact leather, log. prom. 18 no.5t43-44 My 1,48* (NIU 1186) (Bootal and shoew-Teeting) ORESHKOV, N.A.., kand.tekhn.nauk, dote-eat New method for estimating the quality of hides and skins, semiprocessed products, and leather. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tekh. leg. prom. no. 1:38-42 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Belorusskiy Gosudarstvei'myy institut narodnogo khozyaystva imeni Kuybysheva. Rekomendovana kafedroy tovarovedeniya. 0 (Leather-Aralysis) ORESHKOV.4 N.A., kand.tekhn.naukq dotsent Hydroxyproline content in hydrolyzates of various topographic sections of calf leather derma. Izvevys.uchebozave; tekh.leg.prom. no*31 62-64 061. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Novosibirskiy Institut sovetskoy kooperativnoy torgov1i. Rekomendovana kafedroy tekhnologii kozhi Kiyevskogo tekhnologiceskogo instituts, legkoy prorqshlennosti. (Leather) (Proline) ,~~Jr'.74 0 / 4 ,w VS& ove's~tl I Sob ro 5.:., - :'. - 141mbe -,Ln[7 Gol 1."V - ~"~ ~ * f'j-- I - ., '.. .1. . .1 -1. 1- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Libxary of Congress.. . -?Mr-Unclasstfied. CUSHM* N.A. 1-11, a ~~ and accelerating the semicontirruous casting process at the Volkhov Aluminum Plant. TSvet. met. 31 no.4:~74 Ap 058. (Volkhov-Aluminum) (MIRA 11: 5) OREESHKOV V Leather Causes of emergence of air -,x)ckets in leatYer. Leg. prort. 12 No. 5, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accersions, Library of Congress, August - 195X,2lJncl. ORESHKOV, P.A., kind.tekhri.nauk Relationship between tht, ctructure and the chemical cor-positior: of leather.; no,5:3-9 158. (MIRA 12: -,) 1. Belorusakiy Gooudarstvawiy7 inatitut narodnogo khoz7aystva Iment Kuybyaheva. (LeRther-Testine) OREMOV, N.A., kand. tekhn. naluk. ~6%6 acid composition of regular leather and leather with loose surface layer. Ieg. prom. III no.1:28-30 Ja '58. (KM 11:2) (Imather-Toeting) (Amino &aide) a- jarde tekhn. nauk. Studylog proportion of shoes made of split and oompaot leather, Ieg. prom. 18 no.5t43-44 Itr 058. (MIU 1116) (Hoots and shoes-Testing) ORESHKOV, N.A., karld.tekhn.nauk, dotsent Nev method for estimatiag the quality of hides and skins, semiprocessed products, and leather. Izv. vys. uchab. zav.; takh, leg. prom. no. 1:38-42 160. (MULA 14: 5) 1. Belorusakiy Gosudars-bvehnyy institut narodnogo khozyaystva imeni Kuybysheva. Rekomendovana kafedro tovarovedeniya. OAather--Analysis~ ORESHKOV, N.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotaen, Hydrw-,prollne content In hydrolvzatea of various topographic sections of calf leather derma.; tekh.leg.prom. no.3.* 62-64 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Novosib:Lcskiy institut sovetskoy kooperativnoy torgovli. Rokomendovana kafedroy takhnolog:U kozhj Kiyevskogo tekhnologiceskogo Instituta legkoy prozyshl.ennosti. (Leather) (Proline) kand. tekhn. nauk , ProUne content in hydrolyvates obtained from bu calf leather. Izv.vyv.ucheb.z&v.; tekh.leg.proz. 161. 1. Novosibirskiy institut sovetskoy kooperativnoy torgovli. Rekomandovana kafedroy Un-arovedenlya romyehlennykh tovarov. (leather-Testinj (Prollne) ORESHKOI,_.N...A., kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent ------- Proline and hydroproline content along the derma layers of zl~rome tanned kips. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tekh. log. prom. no.2tlDO-102 163. (KLRA 16:10) 1. Novosibirokiy kooperativnyy institut. Rekomendova-na khfE~-drny tovarovedeniya promyshlennykh tovarov, ORICSHKOV. S. Chereakhovo athletes. Mast.ugl. 8 no.1:25 Ja 159. (MIRA 12:3) (Cheremkhovo Basizi-Coal miners) u;t7~j1iK,Yv'j, o. V. "CL, U- tt (600) idn,brcaks., bhelterbelts, -tc.; Jak Spot seedin6 of oak on state farms of the .yazani Province. ALro, iclo,.-ilu. 21 i(yazanskuye Oblastnoye Upravlenive 5ellsl(ogo Khozya~stva 0 I-lionthly..,List of Russian Acessions, Libriry of ~ontress, July 1`~)2, 'LJI-L ORRSHKOV. S.P. OrganizAti on of land uBe wi t~jjn the f-nrM RVP2ar, . Zemladelia 6 no.4:77--.eC, hp ' -,P. (VI-iu (Ryazftn IYovince-Collective farms) GUBERGRITS, A.Ya., prof., zael. doyatell nauki Udmwtekay Av"omoy Mj 0*4 rgd~j'.VWWWUD-# 8,6~Zp zaal. deystell nanki Udmirtskoy Avtonamay SSR, red.; GAZIZCV, A.M., red.;WX'EEAYA, A*A.pM*; NANArVqA*5;vr*4ef GF4=Ovr'T 1-.vmeh - U&N~OY ATWN=OW SUpr6d- ; OWJJMWC.T._,r_ed. RVAWT, NJ ,vea.; SO1,4j"VA, V.I.,, red.; KUhhrANOVA, L.V., red,; V.F.p kalid. mod. naukv red.; VCRONTSDVA, Z.Z., tekhn. red. [Problems in the pathology of the billary tract; collected sci- entific works of the First Repablic Clinical Hospital'I Voprosy patologii zhelchnykh putei; sbornik nauchrykh trudov 1-i Respub- likanskoi klinichoskoi bollnitsy. Izhevsk, Udmurtskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1960. 222 p. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Zaveduyushchiy terapevticheakimi klinikani 1zhevskouo me- ditsinskogo institutE fTor Oubeirgrits). 2. Terapevticbeskaya klinika Izhe-skogo meditsinskogo instituta (for OreslAcov, MasbapUM). 3. ZaveftusbaU7. fakulltetom khirurgicheskay kliniki Izhevskogo meditsinskolgo instituta 1-oy Respublikan- skoy klinicheskoy ballnitsy Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Udmurtskoy A*tonomnoy M (for Voronchikhin). 4. Fakulltet khirargichaskoy kliniki Izhevskogo meditsinskogo instituta 1-ay Respublikanskoy klinichaskoy bolinitey Ministerstva zdravu,- okhraneniya Udmirtskoy Avtonomnoy SSR (for Odiyankov). (XU"RY TBACT--DISEASES) ORESHYLOV, T.M. Change in basic stomach function following treatment of some stomach diBeavee'vlth mineral water Prom the Novo-1zhevsk spring. Vop. kur., fisioter. I lech. fit. kul't. 25 no.4023-328 J1-4 160. (KIM 13:9) 1. Iz gospitallnoy terapevticheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. A.Ya. Gubergrits) Izhavskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (STOM&GH-DISUSES) (IZHEVSK-MINERAL WATERS) n,iu:- v . 0661MVP "Khen the Trakle-,'nion is in its i'Lace." -. 5, (Z!~AAV-2' Nc- 51, 'ec. "ul:,ar it I . L - I Su: 11-lonthly Ust of Mst Furopean Aroezsions, -G, '101. 4 No. 5, May 1955, Uncl. OHFUMV, V.; DDS.MV, I.; DDilTiCV, N. "Contribut~~on to the questlon of discr(Tant type electrocardi.o.rams." In German. p. 01 DOKUDY. Sofiia, B~d~ aria, Vol. I'(', No. 1, JanuLry/Febmry, P);,(). Mon".1dy List of -'-'ast huroppar. fccesslluns Lk,, Vol. ~, ~-o. -, Febriary, 19oO. Lncl. IONKOV, Iv.; TSOLOV, R.; DOSKOV, I.; SHISHMANOVA., !U1.; ANDREEV, I.; NIKWM, St.; SUKIASIAN, Kh.; WEV, M.; ATAYASOV, E.; TODOPOV, B.; STEFANOVA, A.; FETAUNOV, St.; TSVh-TKOV, D.; QWIZ()V,, V.; SDWNOV, S.; PATAR.TNSKI, D.; AVRAVIOVA, N.; MALGHEV, Kh. Biochemical changes in patients with influenza during the 1959 epidemic. Nauch. tr. vissh. med. inst. Sofia 41 no.7: ,~-14 162. 1. Predetavena ot prof. I. lonkov. (zNnmWA) (GAMMA GLOBULIN) (IRON METABOLISM) (BILIRUBIN) (BICARBONATES) (BLOOD CHOLESTEROL) (UREA) (BLOOD SUGAR) (PROTEIN METABOLISM) (POTASSIUN) (BLOOD PROTEINS) (SODIUM) (j7-YXTCBTXR0ID-q) (SODIUM CHLORIDE) OMAIMT, T, -- - Retlcul*sarvom of the IyWhatto uystem, Savreae awk6o Sofla 4 no,9:108-112. 1953. (CISM Z5:5) 1. Of B. Matina Ihmielpal Hospital (Head Physician -- x. Tikholov). in F,L --- ~- -,,/ ATAXASOT, 2,; ORWHIODY, T. Problem of - aim. Suvrem. md.. Sctl& 4 ne.9c 112-116 1953. (CUM 25:5) 1. Of the Propedwatla Internal Clinic (Director - Prof* Is. Tankov), V. Chorverikov Medical Academy, Sofi&. ansmair, T. Case of leukenic reticuloals. Suvrem. md.. Softa. 5 no.9:11&120 1954. 1. Is Propedeytichvats, Yntreshna klinika pri Ked. aW . V.Cherve&-ov. Sofila. (direktor: prof. Iv.lonkov) (IMMKIA, NOMMIC. O"6 report) ATANASCYV, Im. : ORIISHKOV. V. Achreetic &nest&. Soft& no.6:53-57 1155. 1. Is latedrate po propodevtik& n& vutremhnite bolestl pri Vienhil& meditainaki Inatitut Vulko Chervenkov-Sofii& N&Y. Wedrata: prof. Iv. Ionkov) (ANWIA, HYPARCHROMIC) DOSKOV, Iv.; ORRSHKOV, Yen.; SOLOYBICHIK, I. Uses of right (atypical) Wilso-.0s block mid case of internittent right (atypical) Wilson's block., Sofit. 6 n0-3:50-56 1955. 1. Is Kated-rata po propedevt1ka. n& -rutr. bolesti pri Visshlia meditsinski inBtitut Y.Chervenkov - Sofiia (saveshdashch: prof. Iv.Ionkov) (RNA BIA)CK, right atypical Wilson & right intermittent atypical Wilson's block) ORMSHEDY, V. ?rue parabiotic nature of extrasinuiml rtWthm., Soft& 6 no-3:101-103 1955. 1. Is Propedovtichnata vutreshna. klintim pri TKI T.Chervenkov - Sofiia (direktor: prof. Iv.Ionkov) (ARRYTHMIA, extraolnusal rtWthm, parabiotic nature) ATANASOV, B.; NIKOLOV, St.; MATEV, M.; ORESHKOV, V. Certain autonomic changes In rheumatism., Sofia 6 no.10:3-12 1955. 1. 12 Katedrata po propedsvtika na Vissbila maditsinski institut Bulko (direktor: prof. Iv.Ionkov) (RHICUMATISIA, physiology, autonomic NS (Bul)) (AMONDMIC NERVOUS STSTFIM, In rheum. (Bul)) rutreshnite bolestl pri Chervenkov, Soflia various diseases, DOSKOV, Iv.; ORESHKOV, Ves. Clinical interpretation of changeu In P wave in standa d leads 2 and 3. Suvrom. med., Sofia 7 no.5:41-51 1956. 1. Is Katedrata po propedevtika nix vutreabnite bolesti pri VMI--Sofiia (Zav. katedrata: prof. ly. Ionkov). (LPLICCTROCAOIOGRAPHY. P wave chaAges, interpretatinn (Bul)) WSKOV. 1z.; ORWHEOV, Ves.; VASMOV, Liub. The