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December 31, 1967
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-11,1-Y ~vrl, ~ . : . , ~ - 4~,. ~
A r.. a I i i 19 r, ' t.t,A !,~ i i -:. ~ , :' ;. r ~ - - - ' '% i r, - , , -! a i,- - i ,,' t. r,m
m ~sw til vo! t,yilm . N, - v tn k Ii , z, h 1 11 , - e , 1r, 4 ? !, z ~ i 4 1 a j, o u." t r . j~ c, r . r
I ~ /.C,- '. - , ',2 c I !.q RA 1 '7 rt I
WRASHIDva ?-foVq OPS"10"Fil", C.I.
So2octlrq- tho wo.-king r-.-mlyar cX roViri armiplada, 'aicl,.
tnidy A101" "I rwjl'~: 5~,-6C go/.. (:,,: - 1~): - ~
Theon- cf ti.r. *-,.rc-.4f-r ' sm ~ " - c tf~rv sr., Ire-CIV.: 1* :l..h ': " :--..
Na u c h'. t r,., c! -.r ~ K Y 1! r -. . 3, : -, 3 - . '- t -. I I
-4 ~ .1 - . .1 1 :
Production eooperation of comminication vorkerm and builders. Avtom.,
talon. i svias' no.lltl6 N 157. (KLRA 10tll)
1. Nachallnik Tul'skoy distantsit signalizataii i svyazi Koskovsko-
]Euroko-Donbamakoy dorogi.
Competition among the Tula communication workers. Avtom.,
telen.1 sviaz' 3 no.7:13 JI '59. (MIR& 12:12)
1. Nuchallnik Tullokoy distantaii signallsateii i svyazi
Moskovsko-Kursko-Donbasakoy dorogi.
(Tula Province--Telecommunication--Zmployees)
" Zz~
Changing the design of welded-in sheet steel reinforcements for
rectangular cutouts in the hull of a shir. Kor.i rech.flot 14
no.2:28-29 7 '54. (MMA 7:1)
(Hulls (Naval architecture))
, 7 j, ,
AUTHOR: Grekhov, ~.A., Engineer
TITLE- Non-Magnetic Stand with Flux Pads (Bezmagnitnyy stend s
flyusovymi podushkami')
PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1959, 1'r 9, pp 40-41
ABSTRACT: Detailed dosign and (,peration information is given cr, a
new non-magnetic welding stand with flux pads for joining 6
metal sheets of 6.5 m length, 1,600 mm maximum and 70C.' MM
minimum width into one panel, without bevelling t,.e edges,
This stand can replace the expensive electro-magnet,.c stands.
Arother such stand for welding sheets up to 8,500 X le,MCC mm
is now being constructed, There are 2 diagrams.
1. Wel~Jlng equipmer.1-Desiffn We-ling equ1pment--0p(-ra!.,'_.,.
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: Orekhov, P.A., Engineer SOV/135-59-i-151/1~'
TITLE: A Cast-Welded Sternpost of an Atomic Icebreaker
(3varno-litoy akhtershteven' atomnogo Ikedokola)'
PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, 1959, Nr 1, p~ 4~;-41
ABSTRACT: Information is given on the production of a cast
welded sternpost for an atomic icebreaker, the
first constructed in the USSR. It consists of
nine parts cast in sand molds. Prior to heat
treatment of the castings, whereby open-air
chilling was replaced by furnace chilling, the
welding-up of cracks and deficient portions was
carried out. The information includes recommend-
ations on the use of electrodes and a description
of the assemby welding process consisting of 2
stages: 1) assembling of the separate parts and
2) of the sternpost in the dockyard. teldi.%g was
Card 1/2
SOV/1 35-5 9-1 -1 -'~/!b
A Cast-7/elded Sternpost of an Atom' C Tcebreaker
performed in underneath, vertical and overhead
positions. The quality of joints was checked
by the gammagraphic method. There are 3 sets
of diagrams.
Card 2112
25(l) S,-Vl/l ---c
AUTHGR: Orekhov, P.A., Engineer
TITLE: Welded JointL~ of "lKhIeN9T" and "KhlF',N12'1',`T" St-:1
(Svarnyye soyedineniya tr.;t iz staie,y lir:hl--~-)- i
PERIODICAL: Svarochno.-e proizvodstvo, 10',c), Nr ~, ri
ABSTRACT: Practical welded joint designs are suggestc-i for tf.e
less connection of stainless steel pipes for corrosive
pipelines, either to eliminate the use of t.,;e
and the ioint defects caused thereby, or to eliminate ---.e
diameter reduction by the 1,ackin.- rinc.-s in caso ',;e,., ,ire
Two joints with the backing ring sunk into the ripe
wit!-- the inner pipe diameter, one joint with nr, ovorl~i,-irl.
ed,,e left on one pipe butt, and a join" for a s.ort pi-pe onl
are shown (FiE. 1). There are 2 sets of dia,,7ram-,-.
Card 1,11
XLERABOY, Boris Tlodimirovich, in2h.; KUZININ.Tladi%ir Grigorlyevich,
inzh.; O~OL Pavel Aleksandrovich, in2h~: FROSHIN. Georgiy
11ok"Androvich, Imnd.takhn.nauk; LICONOT.I.S., inzh.retsenzent;
SOROKIN.A.A., In2h.retsenzent-. SXRDYM.T.I..
red. I
[Repairing motor vehicles and tractors] %mont nvtomobilai i
traktorov. Koskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo wehinostrolt.
lit-ry. Pt.l. 1961. 335 p. (MIRA 14:5)
(Motor vehicles-Haintenance and ropair) (Tractirs-
11sintenance and repair)
_L 19917-6) Ee(k)/EVIP(q)/L'A'r(m)/EWP(13)/BI)S~--AFETC/AM-Pf-4-JD/HM
ACCESSION NR- AP3006LB4 31013516310901r*91003210033
AUTHORSt -,Orekhov, P. A. (Engineer); Kukushkin,_ V.' I. (Engineer)
TITLE: Checking weldedseams for leakage with a helium detector 10
rtizvodstvo, no. 9, 1963,
-SOUICEi Svarochnoye p 32-33
TOPIC TAOSt welded seam . helium detector, leakage
ABSTRAM The authors designed and constructed an apparatus,for checkin& fluid-
'tiahtness of seams in welded obJects,.JC>The apparatus consists of helium detector
.(I) (see enclosures), vacuum-pumps (!i~, collector (5), valves (2-1 and 15), thermo-
couples (14 and 16), helium tank (17), and nitrogen tank (19). The object to be
Aested is placed in a chamber that may be either evacuated or filled with helium
under pressure. The object, too, may be either evacuated or filled with helium,
so that either inflow or outflow through a leaking seam can be detected. The
Aetector should be calibrated so that it does not register atmosphere helium. The
entire apparatus must be checked for air-tightness and blown through with nitrogen.
Even a minute leak will allow helium to flow into the evacuated zone and to be
registered by the detector. The latter resionds with a,sound signal. The
Card J/k~
L 199i7_63
]L=Essim Yxt AmoWh
~spparatus may test 3 objects at once, -wy be easily transported, and requires the
services of a single operator. Orig. art. hasy I figure,
SUBMITTEDi none DATE =t 30Sep63 EXCLi 02
SUB CODE- ML NO ii U., SOV 1 000 OTHER: 000
Card 2/k"
OREK::-OV, P.A. , 1 T,Lt,. ; ~-, -', . 11 1, ~ . I , : , , ,
Ii'! I I ~, 1 3 -- e '- . I T, . 6 ',':, , . : 1. . . . I - 11 .- 1. 1 . I . . -
AUTHORS: Borovkov, K A , ~Ioba, ~ F urektov, P D
TITLEt The Work of' the Fire-C4 Burn.-r-.6 I-lant of th~Suvc_-ovE;kr-.p,
Mine Management "Iqa6utA ahwnotoobzhip-,afe111r)oy ustan.vkl
Suverovsk go rudoupravleniya)
PERIODICAL: Ogneupory, 1958, Vol 23, Nr 2c)4-21c
ABSTRACT: In order to supply the works for refractory prudiicts sit,,bt
ed in the vicinity of Moscow wdth high--grade fire-clNi, --n thi-
Suvorovskoyeare-mine mana#-ement a fire-clay burninF Tlar,t
was constructed . I ts f i rst part , consi sti ng (,I u r LAU:,, t. 1
was started at the end of 1956 The kinds of clay frL%i ' ~1'
deposit 9av,~rvj-&--j-e,divided into wroups. an-i _ri!~ i
ing to TUO 17-5o are n&7:pd in the table. Th.,- pro,ec*e~
ty of the first part of the Flant is loooo~, t of fire-.'~1,1
per year. The produc.ion process can be seun in fiw,1.z-e ' ,,11 is
then described in detail It is entirely mechanized in fiEure
2 automatic scales are shown. The rotary burning k~lr, of -~u --
length and 3 m diameter has an dourly output cf 12-1 t of !'- 're-
clay (figure 3) From the burning kiln the fire-clay 2omes in-
to a drum radiator of 25 m length and 2 1 m diameter, w)-,ere it
Card 1/3 it~i ooolod down to 6o-8o0C_ At the end of the drum radiator there
The Work of the Fire-Clay Burning Plant of the SlavorovskUye
Ore-Mine Management
is a grid which sorts out the large pieces of f~re-clay,
are carriedto the crusher fieure 4'. The crushed flT-E-Clay is
brought to the magnet separators of the AM 41o type by zean3 of
bucket elevators of the TsB-35o type, in which magnet se;~aratcrs
metal inclusions coming in by accidant are se~.arated --e burn-
inj kiln is 'reated by powdered coal, By means of a feeder cf
the L-4 type the coal is brought to the crusher of the DVD-2
type. The coal from the Moscow coal-basin is dried, fo:- wh,-"-
process the waste gases from the coal firings are ised At the
outlet of the coal rotary drier there is an exhaustor of tne
D-4 type which sucks the flue gases through 2 cyclons ani an
electrical precipitator of the UV?-9.9 type for the puryose
of eliminatine "he coal dust. In fiFures 5 and an aero-
pulverizer for coal is sliown Furthermore difficulties in
the furnace Idning are described. The plant is also rquipped
with a measuring control apparatus, which permits to --critrol
continuously the temperatures and atmospheric preisure Also
an automatic ref,,ulation of the production processes is intre-
duced, In 1957 in this plant 8 5,.5 thousand tons of fire-c-lay
were produced, the outp-at in t1iree months rising from 'b.8 to
Card 2/3 22,8 thousand tons The quality of the fire-clay accordin,- to
The Work of the Fire-Clay Burning Plant of the Suvorovskoye 131-23-5-4/16
Ore-Mine Management
TUO 45-57 is quoted in the table. The cost-price of 1 ton of
fire-clay was reduced by 17.3% in the first year. Further
reductions are expected. By this plant the works for refract-
ory production in Moscow's neighbourhood have obtained a safe
fundament for fire-clay supply and at prices which are lower
than the cost-prioe of fire-clay which formerly was burned in
annular kilns by the works themeleves. At the expense of the
capacity of the annular kilns having become free the output
of reftactory products can be increased. Railway transport
has been released by the transport of the quantity of water
which is in the clay. There are 6 figures, 3 tables.
kSSOCIATION; Suvorovskoye rudoupravleniye(SuvorovakWOre-Mine Management)
AVAILAUE: Library of Congress
1. Refractory materials - Processes 2. InduBtrial plants
Work functions
Card 3/3
New standard regalati-ms concerning the obligations and rights of
organs of scientific and technclogical informaticn. %71 nc,,i:
3-5 163. (~aRA lt~:Ij)
MARGU'LIS, ~!.Ye. (Smolensk); MARNYANSKIY, I.A. (Rovno)j OREKHOV, P.3.
(Iihevsk); ZYABLITSKIY, V.V. (Kalinin)
Extracurricular work in mathematics. Mat, v shkole no.1:6D-75
Ja-F 163. (MIRA 16:6)
(Mathematics-Study and teaching)
"Influence of the Geometry of the Receiver and Jet Apparatus of a Turbine on
Distribution of Gas along Jets." a dissertation defended by P. V. Orekhov for the
degree of Candidate of Technical Sc'ences on 18 May 1953 at the Xoscow Order of Lenin
Aviation Institute im. Sergo Ordzhonikidze (The Moskovskiy Ordena Lenina Aviatsionnyy
Institut im. Sergo Ordzhonikidze),, No 10?, 8 May 53, P. 4, Vechernyaya Moskva.
"On the Stfact of the Geometry of a Receiver and Nozzl* of a
TurlAne on the Distribution of Gas Along the Nozzles," by P. V.
Orekhov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Mekhanika, No 50,-
Oborongiz, Moscow, 1956, pp 124-181
The author develops a methodology for analyzing a turbine receiver.
The experimental and theoretical investigations conducted by the author
evidenced a considerable disparity between the distribution of speed CHX
m0 gas consumption through the turbine blade gap .6 G L4,x and the asym-
ratrical flow of gas with a symmetrical receiver. The theoretical and
experimental investigations explaining the laws governing the distribution
of pressure, temperature, and gas flow velocity before the nozzles, along
tba receiver channel., as well as CH. and & 6 L4. at the nozzle outlet,
con lead to the development of a methodology for amlyzing the rectiver
In wMcb the distribution of CBX and A G q . vould be unifors.
28(0); 10(2); 25(2) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2036
Moscow. Vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche imeni N. E. Baumana
Mekhanika; sbornik statey (Mechanics; Collection of Articles) Moscow, Oboronqiz,
1959. 119 p. (Seriest Itst Trudy vyp. 92) 3,400 copies printed.
Errata slip inserted.
Ed. (Title page)t V. V. Dobronravov, Doctor of Physical and Mathemat'cal
Sciences, Professor; Ed. (inside book)i Ye. V. Latynin, Engineer;
Ed. of Publishing Houset L. 1. Sheynfayn; Tech. Ed.t V. P. Rozhin;
Managing Ed.t A. S. Zaymovskaya, Engineer.
PURPOSE: This book is intended for sc'entific and research personnel, enq1neers,
and students of advanced courses at ~nstrument-making and machine design vuzes.
COVERAGE: Th's volume deals w;th problems frequently encountered in modern
instrument making and in designJng spec'alized machines and includes general
theory of automatic congrol, vibrations, theoretical and applied gyroscopy,
stability of motion, etc. Abstracts of the individual articles are qiven
in the Table of Contents.
Card 1/6
Mechanics; Collection of Articles
Preface V. V. Dobronravov
Astaflyev, V. V. Assistant . A More Accurate Consideration of the Effect
of the Motion of the Stationary Point of a Gyroscope on the Character of
the Motion of the Gyroscope 5
The author discusses kinematic relationships, dynamic relationships,
various cases of motion of the vehicle, and neglect of the quantity
E tan He increases the accuracy of the classical results
obtained by B. V. Bulgakov, an outstanding Soviet gyroscopist.and whicn
pertain to an investigation of the effect of the accelerations of
an aircraft on the motion of a gyro pendulum as the basic element
of some gyro instruments. In setting up the equations of motion of
the gyro pendulum, the author takes into account the nonlinear terms
Card 2/6
Mechanics; Collection of Articles
previously neglected, and a more exact map of the operation of the gyro
pendulum emerges. The results obtained will unconditionally be useful
in producing gyroscopes, the operating-accuracy requirements for wnicn
are increasing all the time. References:1 Soviet.
Orekhov, P. V. [Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent]. Derivation of
aFormula for the Gyroscopic Moment With the Aid of Coriolis' Dynamical
Theorem 24
This article shows the derivation of the formula for the gyroscopic
moment with the aid of Coriolis' theorem. The gyroscopic effect is
encountered in many fields of instrument making and machine oesign
so that a descriptive explanation of this phenomenon is very practi-
Shigin, Ye. K. EResearch Fellow]. Nonlinear Automatic Control Systems With
an Element Having,& - type Characteristics 2~
This paper develops a new control method using non-linear systems of
a special form and having particular characteristics called Dplta-
characteristics. The method permits a considerable improvement of
the transient process, reducing the amount of overshoot and the time
Card 3/16
Mechanics; Collection of Articles
of the transient process. The concepts of the author may be uq'm-ful
particularly for obta:ning cesirable conditions in rapidly cnanq.'ng
processes and phenomena. References: 5 Soviet.
Lobacheva, N. K. [Assistant]. Use of Galerkin's Method for Finding a
Periodic Solution of the Differential Equations of Nonlinear Oscillations 49
This paper analyzes some peculiarities of modern methods for the study
of nonlinear oscillations observed in various fields of instrument
making. References; 5 Sov4et, 2 translations from English,
Golenko, K. A. [junior Scientist]- Flow of a Viscous Incompress'ble Fluid
in a Rotating Cylinder 59
This paper presents an analytical study of the flow of a viscous fluid
in a rotating cylindrical tube. The solution assumes the tube to be
infinitely long and permits taking into account known angular acceler-
ations of the tube. The solution has application to such practical
problems as the supply of lubricant in piston engines and the cooling
of turbine rotors. The analysis is also applicable to the inverse
problem, that is, the effect of the internal motion of the flui,! on
the motion of the cylindrical body. Referencest 2 Soviet, I trans-
lation from English.
Card 4/6
Mechanics; Collection of Articles
Zamuruyev, G. 1. [Assistant]. On a Method of Determining the Stability
Criterion for the Operation of Liquid-Fuel Rocket Engines 66
This paper investigates a timely problem in modern rocket technology,
namely, the problem of harmful fluctuations of pressures in the chamber
of a liquid-fuel rocket engine occurring during the combustion process.
The author investigates the entire hydraulic circuit supplying fuel to
the combustion chamber and determines the parameters required for sta-
bility of the process. References: 2 Soviet, I translation into
Zakharov, Yu. Ye. [Pesearch Fellow]. Determination of the Axial Hyarodynamic
Force on the Valves of Hydraulic Servomechanisms ~11
This report considers the processes taking place inside the values of
hydraulic servomechanisms. The phenomena associated with the flow of
a viscous fluid inside a complex geometrical configuration with spec'fic
boundary conditions are of great importance in the investigation of t,ie
entire hydraulic servomechanism and)consequently, in setting up the
equations of motion of the whole automatic-control system. References:
2 Soviet and I English. ')9
Card 5/6
Mechanics; Collection of Articles
Litvin-Sedoy, M. Z. [Candidate of Phvsical and Mathematical Sciences,
Senior Scientist in the Department of Applied Mechanics at the Moscow
State Universitv]. Determining Angular Orientation of a Body With
Gyroscope Pickoffs When Arbitrary Distribution of the Axes of Their
Cases Exists in a Body Moving in Three Dimensions 100
This paper presents results of use for a more rational calculation of
multigyroscope systems. Referencess 5 Soviet, I English, and
I translation from English.
Tarnovskaya, M. P. EAssistant]. Determination of the Minimum Dimensions
of a Cam Gear With a Rotating Cam and a Pivoted Feeler 108
Tarnovskaya, M. P. [Assistantj. Calculation of the Optimum Prcfile of tne
Cam of a Cam Gear With a Rotating Cam and a Feeler With Translational Motion 114
These two reports contain original results of the author in tl,e
search for optimum cam gears (in the sense of minimum dimensions and
some other requirements) for use in special machines.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 6/6 S/lsb
AUTHOR% Orekhov-,- P.V., Candidute of Technical Sciences,
TITILE: Gas flow in channels with constant discharge a!(,--
the length through grids with cross partition-
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshykh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Mashinu-
stroyenlye, no. 1, 1960, 139 - 148
TEXT: The autnor considers a stable state laminar flow in channel
A.A.B.Bi of constant section, F, and a closed end, AlBi (Fig. 1).
Ga~3 enters through AOBO with parameters v0, yo and Po, and flows
out through a channel wall BoBaBj into the ambient Burroundin'r-s,
where presaure Pn is lower than the pressure Px in the channel. The
above wall of channel is in communication with ambient surroundings
by an infinite amount of narrow cells formed by partitions. Theore-
t.*Ically, the angle of inclination of these partitions may vary from
zero to almost 1800, and this system can imitate the boundary con-
Card 1/$
S/145 60
Gas flow in channels with ... D221/D306
ditions in the plane noz:,.le grid of gas turbo-compressor (GTC) re-
ceiver. Distribution of gas paraxieters in this crise will differ
fron, the instance when gas is drawn through an aperture without
partitions (blades). There will be a brake on the gas which will
affect the distribution of speeds of its particles along the height
of channel h, and in addition, gas will accelerate due to drop of
1,ressure from Px on BOB1 to Pn at CoCl. The real state can be th-o-
rtl~tically described by replacing the laminar flow in the channel
with an aperture without partitions by a turbulent flow without
grid, In actual conditions it is necessary to take into account
the inductive component of gas speed in channel, v iax wlAch should
have an opposite direct"on t, 1hp speed of flow, v ax' Projections
on x and y axes of V,e induc-, - -omponent of gas speed at an arb,;-
trary point YT,
c vn d Pi h
Card 218 iax 2 Tr (a - x)2 + h2
S/14 5/60/00',/OC) I /rr)'jA i
Cas flow in channels with D221/D3O6
and d vn a X (2)
lay 2 (a x)2 + h2
are deduced. Total inductive components are obtained by inteCra-
tion on all turbulent lines which can be solved when dG (x)dx
is known. For this purpose, calculation is made on elementary cir-
cu,at`= along the contour of noz~,.le cell near BaA (Fig. 2). As
ix ---> 0, then the circul,.,tion of speed around the glade of the griQ
is given by
d-PC = N)v - C cos a)dx + (V~ - VII ) db (7)
ax n b
where ~v C cos a are projections of speeds on x axis at the in-
ax n t to
let of nozzle cell as well as at its outlet; v b and v b are the
speed of flow pass of gas aro'and the blade, to the right and ieft
side of latter. Calculation of v,, = f I(x) and v b = f2(b) based on
C~~rd 3/8
Gas flow in channels with D221/D306
vxperimental data demonstrate that, Caanges in the apf-ed of gas in
the c~.amber and nozzle cell are close to the linear '.,iw, namely
v b f W ~) v'
v v 0 x, and v 1 b2 where f = (X) = c x
IIx o T b 2 (cos a)--
_,s, the initial value of the speed during the aj~nach to the n~ade
.rom the right, and f 2(X) = cn vx'/(cos a)- is the initia-
ipeed when approaching the blade from the left. After mathemat'-c;'
.rent.,.,,ent a set of equf.tions is deduced for total inductive co:T-
Lor.ents of speed v ia* The calculations reveal that thrcotgh over-
i-pi ing of curves of sT.,-F-ds obtained by the above m(-.nt4 nned erJL~a-
t;nns with Viose resulting from blowing through the channel with
a iuntrItudinai slot without grid, a distribution of speeds V-9
uc,ii(.-ved that actually takes place in a channel with a nozzie p-,r-d.
iaking into considerat'on the actual distribution of gas parameter-3
In the char-r,er,
G G Cc dG
9 ax ax x 0
Card 4/8 g 0 1'- 0 9
3/145/60/000/001/009/C ._r~)
Gas flow in channels with ... D221/D306
G0 Ga
where - v and - v are projections of quantities of gas on the
9 ox 9 ax Gc tr
x axis in sections A 0B0and A aBa; ~ (dG C/g)vax is the projection
of a quantity of gas on the x axis in the section B 0Ba; dGc is the
rate of as flow through the element of nozzle grid on a length dx;
(PX - PO~F is the projection of force applied at the end of contour
A0B0A B on x axis. After transformations
F[(f, a; F; b; y 0 ; v0; P0 )Px; X] = 0 (20)
is deduced which when solved will determine pressure of gas, PX, at
any.point of the chamber. Further calculations and equations demon-
a-trate that distribution of gas pressure in the chamber depends on
the latter's geometry, as well as the geometry of the nozzle grid
and dynwiln gas parameters. In particular the increase of angle of
inclinati,)n of blades a, produces a drop of static gas pressure.
Card 5/h
Gas flow in channels with D221/D306
This is due to a rise in intensity of elementary turbulences dG
of each blade, and thus on account of higher speed v Y, To evaluated
errors due to use I!., ne equations comparison 'o, -*e plot-
ted, which indic o,i agreement between accur to i~! approxi-
mative expressior... 1-1.,iontal data confirmo to .-~A extent
the assumptions nii~ the construction of th, ~-.(:oretlcal mo-
del. The proposed describe the flow with a COIIBtant drain
along the len,,,th of c),ai:nel with sufficient accuracy. Ttiere are 7
figures tnd 5 Soviet-bloc references.
AIS_(~CIATioN: MVTU im. Baumana (MVTU im. Bauman)
SUIII~.ITTED. March 9, 1959
S/14 61/000/009/0C2/003
0 D 22) 1 YD 3 01
AUTfiC)R: Urehhov, j!.V. , Cwi('idate of Tech:dcal Scicticcs,
TITLE: 0-.,, the Pro'Lilem olf local redistribution Oil' ki"-Wltic
ener,~y of a ,aq during; its flow throii-h a chaanel
0 t~
with Continuous bleediiq' through a set of 'Ulades
PER10DICAL: lzv(,:;tiya wysshil'.1i uchelmy1ch zavedeniy. Hashino-
s-Lroveniy(,, iio. 9, 1961, 71-78
TEXT: The author (~e7.cribeB a transparent plastic model
iAth t-w-haareable ~,,ridr, of various 'Andes. It ir. providod. with
apr-rtiires for mcasm,iiq.,, static im(, total )reasures, "a weLl as the
dir(:ction of -,ar, flow at tiny poirit of the cham;)Cr. The cx;)vrjm(-iA~,; 4/
demo'.stratrC. ~that !-~tati,c Prcs~,ure over the ,,rc,,ttcst pact of L"
o.wO rei-~ains coi-.stant within the si)cci-
fied leu~,th :.~/l and widt"k of tliv chmi,.)er, Thc total pressure at a
C ard 1/5
S/14 61/000/009/0o,: 2/0;-j
Cm t lie prc;~:Il i'mi. D2 21yi)301
given frGvi ,:lie irilet (Filf. 3), x14. , along the c 17
char7,1,(-!r N,/ho almost cwinta:'it, a:td c-,ven ii,,crcascs clasc t o
the inlet, The -rupk,~ (~f static total i)rcssurc. along the
leTigth of cl-af-!''cr j!irliczitc tl,.at the ForTior ilicreisets, w",wr, as. the
att-rr dro-~ Tlw "; r- I ph(~-norienor is due to continiiol;!~ blcc(' 'i L
rW'Zi--.- ~-hc i7l 11C the speed cf is LTIAI
-ow, r-I-A 4
The of (~-as flow in Lhe c'-Lai-,-
~.'d- C'11c-Allatc' t.,(-, dlifl*cre-icr r,t ee:t total- 1,111d
!-'t-atic !:I~ of the clwan'twr, v f (X/'L c
uf folloi-: rlu-,cly ;i 1i iear i ari, - CS III
i I i TI C -7 v r t: i al -)rc -,-, surc r, anu s-)ceds cf
thr, inle, .i '! . 'I" ",
I I . ~ , ( ,t- I 'I(I ciinaLiu,-~ wer( -ic a -
'f; ~7 vin, Jt t I c u c f " i c i e. vi t o F 1) rc i; u rc i IC r~-' !3
the (~Ivir',CT t C'
Uard 2/5,
Un the pro~)Iem...
where 11 t is the total pressure at the end of the chamber; P. is
the static pressiire at the inlet of the chamber; V is the -as speed
0 0
at the chaxq~-wr inlet. The curves of P., V. demonstrate that t1,( se
factors do !,,ot aff,et the value of 11 for a given blade inclina-
tion U-, a,id pitch of ')Iades, b. The effect of 0t for a specified
value of ~D is expressedl Ijy the citipirical equ-ition of
0. 132
0.36i + '360
A second series of tcsts was carried out to clarify the (Irop of
total pressure .t the cad of the ch,dn.-)er. The experiments revealed
that tILere is a local r,(Iistrilxition of the total energy of the 8--s
in the contour Ao-,LxUCl(;xCo-:'o (Fig. 3). Over a part of CoCxCI at
the inlet of grid there is a rise in the total pressure, com,jared
to section Ao3o, ':)ut it drops at the end of chamber. A comparison
of curves of neaEurcd s.)eed at tf,e outlet with that obtained by c,A-
culation .111rws co:iclusion to ',)e made. TI-v-- inlet
Card 3/5
On the problem ...
S/l45/61/00(,,/009/Cj0_, /OG 3
speed of the [,,as Eor a fairly constwit sLatic pre,.~;ure i_creccic,.".
~iear t1we inlet, awl, 'L xref are, ; '~Icl expansion tallxs )lace ..iith a
higher startl.11~- !,':,C 'I. TiJ.,; cai~ses F-L dr0t) Of thC total pressure to
exceed riio Elow losscr_ The ai~-ow ,henovlelloll Call ..c cxplai-,iod :)y
liigher gas s 'ie:~d.; :ie'x the inlet foils when compared to the Stre * _iF1
that i's abovC it. iccjr,dn,,1 to L.,,. Vulis, witen tiie i~raidtl ijl~!L~X
is 'Oelow u -ity, then thrrc i,: r, irichfieiLt of the high 8,~eed
)y the intcLe Ircri that: flo,., at lower SdCeds. There
nre 12 fig,_:- 3 Sovi.-t- 1,)c rn r rr, c~~s.
C ard It /5
On the prObletA.
S/145 61/000/009/002/003
D221 0301
ve k A, z - Inant
'A. ct) a
Fig. 3
Card 5/5
L 18227-63 EPA/EW(m)/BD5 PMG1AFM;1MD1AFW Paa-4
ACCESSION NR: AT3001060 S/2909/62/000/006/0061/0075
AUTHORS: Qrekhov, P.V.16 Gavrikov. V. P.
TITLE: Contribution to the comparison of a radial centripetal and an axial
turbine stage
SOURCE: AN SSSR. 1!1~titut_Dvi gate 1". Trudy, no.6, 1962, 61-75
TOPIC TAGS: turbine, gas turbine, axial, radial, centripetal, efficiency,
controllable, nozzle, control
~ABSTRACT: This theoretical paper endeavors to clarify the advantages of the
radial centripetal turbine (RCT) by a comparative analysis of the stages of a
radial and an axial turbine. Reference is made to the Swiss Eacher-Wyss design
project of a closed-cycle atomic gas-turbine powerplant of 20,000 hp employing
two RCT's and to the Boeing-520 naval powerplant (500 hp) which has an RCT-type
compressor turbine. The paper comprises a comparison of the temperature drop
that can be utilized in a stage of a radial and an axial turbine. It io found that the
temperature difference that can be handled by a single stage can be increased in
an RCT not only by an increase in the load coefficient, but also by increasing the
permissible peripheral speed of the wheel rim. In the mean, the peripheral of an
Card 1/3
L 18227-63
RCT can be some 40 percent greater than in axial turbines. Hence, an RCT stage
can handle a temperature drop twice that of an axial stage, thanks to both the
higher load coefficient and the greater permissible peripheral speed. In the
design of high-power equipment, this results in a reduction in the number of
stages, so that, for example, where an axial turbine requires 3 to 4 stages, an
RCT can perform equally well with a single stage which results in a reduction in
weight and size and in an improvement in dependability. With reference to effi-
ciency, it is recognized that existing RCT's are less efficient than existing axial
turbines, but this is attributed to the imperfection of the internal design of exist-
ing RCT's and is in contrast with the greater theoretical efficiency of RCT's which
should be attainable with further development. Improvements in efficiency in
RCT's are, therefore, anticipated. An analysis of the characteristics of a control-
lable-nozzle apparatus (CNA) shows that: (1) A CNA can maintain a radial tur-
bine (by cont rolling the angle a close to design efficiency throughout a broad
range of loads and rpm. (2) A GNA can maintain the rpm of a turbocompressor
reasonably constant throughout a range of non-design regimes without any addi-
tional transmi-ision cquipments and without decreasing the weight flow of gas.
(3) Even though a power turbine may lose rpm (for example, during a climb of a
locomotive or an automobile), a CNA can maintain the power of the turbine and
maintain fully the power of the entire aggregate even under non-design regimes.
Card 2/3
L 18227-63
A separate Section discusses the design and manufacture of RCT wheels and the
electric circuitry of the control of an experimental power aggregate. A compari-
son of the performance and efficiency of RCTIs and axial turbines in operation
with small discharge rates shows that the efficiency ef an considerably
superior. Orig. art. has 9 figures.
Card 3/3
G.B., red.izd-va; SIMKDiA, G.S., tekhn. red.
[Controllable pitch propellers and their simultaneous
operation with power units) Grebnye vinty reguliruemogo
shaga i ikh sovniestriaia rabota s silovymi ustanovkami.
Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963. 241 p. (MIRA 17:2)
Covulcanization of various polymers in the production of rubber and the non-
uniformity of vulcanizates based on different rubber combinations.
Report submitted for the 4th Scientific research conference on the chemistry,
and technology of synthetic and natural rubber, Yaroalavlj, 1962
ACCF-95ION Ni(i AP02636h 5/0138/6h/W)/003/0012/C)015
AUTHOIRSt Zakharov, ft. D.; Orekhov, S. V.; Dof;adkin, R. A.; Tyuromnova, Z. D.;
Bogdanovich, 14. A., Glavina, V. S.
TIMEt Effoot of omIcanization on Lh a proportioa of m J x a a of nni-rit with
other rubbers
SOURCEt Kauchuk i rezinal no. 3, 196),, 12-15
TOPIG TAGSt rubber, nairit, SKS 30, 11-1 , SKN 26, vulcanization, covulcaniza-
tion, rubber coupatidlitiy, optical densi Ly, but-idiene nitrile rubber, butediene
styrene rubber, additive property, vul( :inizat.ion rate synchroni zation
ABSTRACTi The cavulcanization of nairit with butadiene-sty-rone (SKS-30) and
butadiene-nitrile rubbers (SKN-18 and SKN-26) was studied. As a preliminary step,
the compatibility of these rubbers was invesLigated by three methods.- The first
method consisted of mixing 2.5% and 5.(),.' chloroform solutions of the rubbers,
al-lowing them to stand up to 6 months, then recordinr, their tendency to separate out.
Secondly, measurements were made of the optical density of various mixtures of
chloroform solutions of the rubbers. The third method determined the tensi-le
,strength of nonvulcanized plasticized rubber mixtures containing 50% 1 amp black.
Card 1/ 3
The system nairit + SKN-18 proved to be the most compatible by all
three methods. It was found that an optimum vulcanization system
for a mixture of two rubbers cannot be prepared by just putting
together the ingredients which show the beat performance In each,
since they do not necessarily cross-link and bind the structure
of one rubber to that of the other. Thus, it was found that in
the case of nairit + SKN-18 the use of metal oxides and sulfur
was rather harmful, yielding poor quality vulcanizates, while the
incorporation of thiuram and -letal oxides without sulfur was
beneficial. This was in accord with the finding that in the absence
of sulfur, the optimum vulcanization time was the same for a com-
pound on a nairit base and for one on an SKN-18 base. The importance
of synchronization of the rate of vulcanization of each rubber
component in order to obtain vulcanizates with optimum properties
is stressed. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 1 table.
ASSOCIATIONi Yaroalavskiy teklinologicheakiy inatitut (Ynroslav
Technological InBtitute); Moskovskiy inatitut tonkoy khimicheakoy
teklinologii im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical
TechnoloRy); Yaroolavakiy zavod rezinovy*kh tekhnicheskikh izdelty
Card 2/3
(Yaroslav Plant of Rubber Technical Products)
ENCL: 00
OTHERi 001
Card 3/3
3.; V. 3.; Z--i',.-harov, :1. ii.;
L. A . ; _ ~-,, U -_ , o- , A . 11". .
TechnOlo,p'iCai lnStitU-~O (Yarcslavskiy tokhnoloG_~C~~u,. t)
3_7 S`:D c3-'_-ination in therfa%~~aQ:-~,Ke
razinL, no.
T,.I-jS: butadieno ru~_-_-E)r) c~iloroprene n:bber
;_'~3 TR.2 of
of _r~a.;cts was
',,)y int:
for V-be----s _,,-,-~-.resssion
'ayors of _--s to 'no ujej for injection ..,is found
to irmaz--_ a r-.o1dab_'___-,-,, iMoreve the calenderability, a-. de-
t'.0 S S of t'- '0 mixtures. ':airit vulcanizates combln: SKD have
a h17,h c_~nj a S, 0
Zance. lowers the ~--_'ttloress tenp r tur of -- .-,~__canizates
-,!creases their resinual 3-,-,ain) and lower.~ nroduc-
--ed loy using S-0 n 'he compression layer were t
propa IL o nave iong-
ar sc.-Ilce --ves thar, ordinary mass-prorduced 'I-belts. Orig. art. has: tab_-G.3.
6'.-3 CC,:,- :!I/ SiEM DA~~Z; !OJw-L6/ ORIG .7~LF; 001/ CrTi REF: 004
Carl ;. UDC: 6'73.?62.2,~78.263,2) 678,c_,~
t.,,, Mineralogical characteristics of uaternary loesg loarn.
C" V Y's and their marine anallip in the
ower Don and Volga
flmfdns~ I A Sliatimilwim-1 S Va. Orrkhov*~ 9,41ady
Nauk S ~'
/? 85 117 2,,( I9f,2) The pet rojvt lift i,
,larn ter of i0d, I r-,,f in S. Ru,sia k gi-n
11 11 v a sorlirking almodancr of light and bravy initirtak of
rriativuh- on%fahk- miner:ik. e g fit(- f-:iqilv weathering fvId-
pars (U) to 20(~,', ill light fra, tiOl1q), mica. rhalcednov. yLoi-
conite, calrite, di-itimna(rous earth, t-R-sides quarti. In the -
heavy frartinns tire floienite, l(-,% magnetite, Iencoxene,
FP,Ot hydrates, rpid,-te, zoisitc. rlinomisite. forther par-
tirulnrlv chararteri,lic green and hasaltir lint ubb-ildr, but
rare artinolite and trentolite F'pidote aod amphibole loiner-
alq occur fit larger amf~. in ill(- nor(h--.;nolh direction of flip
dei)n,;itinn in the lo",;, but (loartz. ganipt, kyanite, staurolite,
and qillimanite derrea,r Below file loms orcor red-Oired
rlayi%h rocks, which differ from the loes-, egpeciallv liv their
low contents of feldspar; epidl-ite, arriphibole, and livroxent,%
are ah-sent, whrrrai fircnr), rotile. kynnite, and staorolite tire
di-fitictlv enriched Between file Iness loants and tlir%e rrd
m-ks are brournish triLu5itional horimns which roinhine the
rbararteristi,; of hoth. The older (I tpper- Teri iarv art(]
Palapogenit-) sedfinvot,; also (in not contain amphil)(Aps Find t
garnet, lint some fridspar, All these sediments ,ire tvpirnlly
terrigpoonn (motiornial). but analogous lo(-%%Iikv rocks
rimit in the basin (if file Caq)lan Sea. (if Old-Traiary oriRin,
-, of 100 to thickness. They are pelitic or pqntn-
and in bed
mitic, and siallitir in chern. clinmrter. The quartz-feldspar
rontei t ma%- be If, in 20%, and chalcedony and miras tire
al%n ;:hoollaol fit their heavy frartionq, rpidote and
afol'bil,nI,q a rhararteriNfir, lint blark, baviltic horn-
Wrode Is atment The partial or Complete Akriplit-araort. of
nostable inim-rals by weathering an(] rocch decay k roli,etved
in the alitivions There is a rime -tnnlngv of these marine
layers, especially in the varieties of the Baku and Kha7allra
region with tnie loess. N%, F"itel
Tertiary phosphorites of the eastern Donets Basin and their Petro-
graphic characteristics. Dokl. A3 SSSR 106 no.3:529-532 Ja 156.
(mLRA 9:6)
I.Rostovskiy na Dow gosudarstvennyy universitst imeni Y.H.Holotova.
Predstavleno akademikom H.H.Strakhovym.
(Donets Fiasin--Apatite)
AUThQR SHA", I - A QRLKHO% 6 Xa. 2o-1-48/64
TITLE The Mol,olithic-ly--Pl-as-Ure-al-Mosptiorite ores at the Periphery oX Lhe 5outrl-
Eastern Donets _',asin: the Deposit Near NesveLayev.
'Piastovo-mmo.itrr,yefoaibritDvyye rudy na periferii yugovostochnogo Donbass2
(Ilesvetayevskoye mestorozhdeniye) - Russian)
PERIODICAL DoKiady jtKademii Nauk 535R, 1957, Vol 13-4, Nr i, PP 176 -179 (U.3.s.a.)
kMTRACT During the course of recent geological invesLigaLions in the above area,the
monolithicly plastical type of the phosphorite ore was found.Examination
of the ore led to the important conclusion that this kind of ore is of rela-
tively high quality.Further explorations of the area have already been de-
cided. It is assumed that there exist in the southeastern Donets Bassin
many more such diposits - not only in areq of Nesvetayev.
(I Drawing, I chart, references: G.I.Bushinski,lzv.,kn.SSR,ser.gool.Nr 1,1?'4
D.T.Vasiliev, Izv. DorL9 k. Polite khnIns t. 4, 3, 1915, S.Y.Orakhov,DAN lo6,
Nr 3, 1956).
AVAIIA,~LE Library of Congress
Gard 1/1
Mineralogical features of
in the lower lama
and Vyatka Valleys. Uch. zap. RGU 44t75-84 159. (MIRA
(Xama Valley-Sediments (Geology))
(Vyatka Valley--Secliments (Peology))
New phosphate occurrences in the Cretaceous and lower-Paleogene
sediments in the. Belaia Basin of the Northern Caucasus. Uch. zaT,.
RGU 44:165-170 159. (MIRA 14:1)
(Belaya Valley (Northern Caucasus)--Phosphates)
Garnet placer in Tuspse. J,riroda 50 no.8:108-109 Ag 161. 14;7)
1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu gosudarstvennyy univereitet.
(Tuapse region--Garnet)
Stratigraphy of Aptidn and Albian deposits of the Gyaurodag. ltv.
AN Turk. 39R. Ser. fiz.- tekh., khim. i geol. nauk no.lt78-84 165.
(MIRA 180)
1. TSentraltnaya komplekenaya tematicheakaya ekspeditsiya Upravleniya
geologii i okhrany nedr pri Sovete Ministrov Turkmenskoy SSR.
Investigating the effect of incision joints on the stressed
state of high arched daras. Soob. AN Gruz. SSR 39 no.1023-129
Jl 165. (MIRA 18:10)
1. Institut stroitellnoy mekhani-ki i seysmostoykosti AN
Cj-uzSSR. Submitted January 19, 1965.
-4-4- H
M!- ~-jsor
V~ 7
AID F - 3169
Subject i WM/Cbemistry
Card 1/1 Pub. 119 - 4/8
Authors : Proskurnin, M. A., V. D. Orekhov, and Ye. V. Barelko (MDOCOW)
Title : Induction and inhibition of oxidation-reduction reactions during
Periodical : Usp. khim.p ;4, 5, 584-597, 1955
Abstract t Pure organic :;ubstances, usually not affected by radiation,
undergo radio.-yeis when carbon tetrachloride, tetraohloroethylene
or carbon tet-abromide are added. The addition of CC14 to styrene
during polym-ization results in a higher yield of the polymer due
to formation )f free radicals (CC13)- On addition of glucose or
glycerol to an oxygen-containing solution of methylens blue exposed
to radiation, no change in the concentration (color) of the dye
takes place. Eight tables, 4 diagrame, 26 references, 10 Russian
Institution : None
Submitted : No date
A., ORMiCV, V. D i~AFX, LK3 Ye 'Ind CIER,-,
(Physicochenilcul T;,,st 1!., T-
WC) &,,,- t1' ") -
USMVPhYsical Chemistry - FAdiation Chemistry, Photochemistry, Iheory
of Photographic Process. B-10
Abs Jour: Referat. ZWrnal Xhimlys, No 2, 19.58, 3908.
Author V.D. Orekhov, A.I. Chernava, M.A. Proskuxmin.
Title Action of Ultraviolet Hadiation on Aqueous Solutions of
Ferrous (bddd Salts.
Orig Pub: Zh. fiz. It'himil., 1957, 31,,I;o 3, 673-681-
Abstract: Photochezdcal processes in air saturated 0.01 9 aqueous solu-
tions of IFe2+ vere studied in presence of 0.2 to 5.0 n. E2604
or HM. A Eg-qwLrtz higb pressure tube M-2 served as the
source of ultraviolet radiation. The dosimetry van carried out
by a cbezd cal method based on the separation of i from 6 . 10-2
N El solution acidified vith H2SO4. The rate of fhe IPe2* con-
centration decrease (4 F624) as the irradiation risen vith the
rise of the acid content in the solution and reaches its border
Card 1/2 -1-
I ~xj, -f -, ", J, ~y ~ :. is .4, !,.- :. :. - _~, - ~ I
" Fk- r-,a ' ' -;:. a;-. d 'Tra:~. *,':, rma' : . I i. I
Wate r Sc I at ' J%s " p. L- .
TrudY TTanowtions of the Fir-at Conference an Radioaction Chemistxy, MDscov,
Izd-vo AN WO, 1958. 33Dpp.
Confemnae -25-3D Nw-ch 1957, Moscow
ll cc,:~~IL4~a~e 'j. -:.:' .:. . I- - , WF,-, 3
, . 1 0;-,
1~ ~ ~
Tmidy rrc6Drac* .,i,, " - i_- ? ,r-a' ~)u lljrscQw.
1 Z4 - vr 0 SCU4, . ! - I I'll
Colxff%r-t,,ic-- , - ~, V,,- 7- - ~'i" NJ -, - -%.
AUTHORS: Sharpatyy, V. A., Zansokhova, A, A., 90V/7 6 - ~ 2 -
Orekhov, V. D.
TITLE: The Action of y-Radiation on the Aqueous 3ol:itio7!_- of A!.:::._Dn_--i
and Sodium Nitrate (Deystviye y-izlucheniya na v3d.nyye rastvry
ammiaka i nitr,%ta natriya)
PERIODT"'AL: Zhur!,al fizic",esVoy 1,himii, 1958, Vol .1)2, Nr 7,
pp 1686 - 1667 (USSR)
AESTRAC'~; The inves, i.,,ations carried out by Rigg, Scholes ind Wi,-~ ~ s
(Ref 1) showed ttiat in Ln x-ray irradiation of a -,eo-;j
solution saturated with oxygen an oxidation of t~e 1,1H A
place; no hydrazine or hydroxylamine formation was found, for
which reason a direct participation of oxyl,en in te rearti~,-.
was assu-ied. In the present paper this oxidation
investi.,,ated with nitrate ion and molecular oxy~-en havinE
used a9 acceptor and Co 60 as y-cource, The sr)lutions werr.
anturitted vilth oxygen or tin Inert j,as, and the of
irradiation as well as the method of analyniv wero rit-riod lit
as already described. From the experimeiital results obtai~e.71
Card 1 the authors concluded the molecular oxyCen in t,.(, sol-,tion
The Action of on t,.e Aqueous Solutions SOV/-76-"2-7-4'/C"
of Ammonia and Sodium Nitrate
does not take part directly in tf~e ox:dation of ammonia, but
that it only sensitiZes the reaction as acceptor of the
H-atoms, similar to the nitrate ion. T!-,e influence exerted
by the oxygen on the yield of No observed in t!-~e case Of
high pH values is explE-.ined by its inhibiting effect on t-e
red,iction of the nitrate ion. The reducing component of the
water radiolysis in the oxidation of anmonia in the prese!ce
of nitrate ions is represented according to t-.e equ-,tion
9H+4,5NO 3 ~ 4,5NO 2 + 4,5H20. Finally the authors t'%ank M A-
Pr ~ skurn i n. There r.~re 1 fi jure and "~ re., ere.,. ce 2 Df wha ch
are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-Ihi-..i-'.eskiy institut im.L.Ya.Karpova.Mos)-va VI
Phycicoc~;emical Institi;te imeni L.Ya.K,..rpov)
SUBLUTTED: December 9, 1957
Ca rd 2/)
r s a
A 2 S
H- 04 H~) :7
V.-I t
~3 e x
j, f. ol,
-ard 1 2
On t h e "Pr."mary"
Unde r
Action M,
ASS-,'-'! AL
,;f lyhysica-1, em 15 t ry imeni L. Ya. Karp iv M
SUBM!'." -!-,'D:
'a r d 2, " ~'
PHAZH I DJOK EXFI,')lTA7l)N 3,,'.'
MI. Fill".
Prob;.My flll~h-,y l-11, yy-P. in ??;III
ChAmtd~.-y; 7--t-tio" or the ta3tit~,.. -. , .- , ,.
304khtl-ist. 1~59. 211~ P. 1,000 COD163 prlnt#4.
gdtto~l- Bcirl Ye. P1. Vkra-~-KIY, Doct~r of Cheml- Uler
0. S. Zhla,-. D~t.r of Ch-I!,l 3ml.-,. V. A. K.r~l,.
Y.. M. CM-J~.,
~P...P. Zd.%. S. S. S. YA.
D"t.r of cr~-I-&l Scl-S, V. M.
of or. "...! 7. S. ch,,.11- (Editorial 5--*-7
cand 13-t- 'fCh-Miz.1 Ed.: I. A.
Ed.: Y.. 0. ,L11rg.
PURPOSEt TMIA ~1.eQtLOD of articles La Lnte"ed for physical
.h..a ., ..
COVIMAGE; Tr~ ....21-tion is tho second le.u. of tr.
of the Sc--:ntlflc Reaear,:holnstitute of Phj"Ical Chemistry
1,san-1 L. TKArPOv-It a alains, 1T articles -hl~r
and V--&- a 11"n. .,he OL1 -
-=Lon of Ammonia Over & MOAPIAtinule Catalyst 14
ZA,ke,,tb~IC17 , A_yA_ S_ A_ L&mftCtAkAXj. ya. 1. Orl We a,
.A- V- M- K- JLr~v. J,,.4. A, Y.. &;t-.
L_X_ N. A. 3.'.~LASkIY., -,l V. M.
Lizat't's a ajod the Expl..Xo. .., :,Z"" 27
borla-ftl J~ (J-Pan) how to ft" tre rn*tlc zq~tlon
of a R-;rstbl . 39
Palo ,,Ta.,,ntTn* errect or walftc
Ii ne, ce0f Hy Im on Evolution Anl ne 31- tqr,e
of the Met&I-Solutlon Botuvlaj7 50
V -"h&"V-y U. M. TNQ S-tqrd &,,a P.~hara3z or ti"tro-
r7.3t&11-h.macaa Data on tho ut~ ~f
A~oma 9T
ti"t-. . f th Eff..t Of Inter-
t1l. k~. rpti .. Spo~t-
of Azmst Cc-;,oultd- 1a7
V-3. kt.-V "d S. F. O-nt.
g*tlon E4,u~! In 4t
Hi~gn I* mpwrvt~ne3 ~A the Copendence of trie Plrvv
-Z-rA6-F-aa"On 00 LLS C"Po*1L1o" e~"l -Str"-t~
V- M. A. :~-mtrov-iy, L. A. DaltrIlev, L. L.
3, P.,~~jun. St~lj f the
C. Aj~h
7- K.J. .3 V .111,y., xnd~",~% -It'lly- 5',,,
f.~tT- -4
t/ M-.d of 5..t -,I.,.t With -q~l-
W1 n:tt 140
S.-f-ts L~ Solid
S.! t. 163
RaLfi.t'- -hI,,h of B-.-
Tt.,V. L. I
C I,- Aq
Y.. V. B~rv.-.
1'. P. N--M-, and M. L.
. pr,~~.K,
-P. C. of' Phenol P, Med Ourlng t,~,v K-1ji-ys.
or BnzIne in an Okq~o us 501.tIon 123
Aharpstfy, V. A., &nJ G. A. Gol'ler. Th. Proo- of tt~
Ph". CCALPzzition of the Sy'st.. H20-MAN03-M&OH at I..
Temperatures log
A A Zan oi~no,s. Sonaltization of the
;r iluco*rorm Dyes 194
- - ----
Sensitization of the radiolytic oxidation of lauco forms of
dyes. Probl.fiz.khim. no.2:194-202 159- 04M-h 13:7)
1. Iaboratoriya radiatsionnoy kbimii Nauchno-iseledovatellskogo
fiziko-khimicheskogo instituta imeni L.Ta.Karpova.
(Dyes and dyeing) (Radicals(Cbemistry))
"On the Rad&olytic Reduction of Aqueous Sodium Nitrate Solutions Satureted
wd)th Hydrogen." Nukleonike, Vol. L, No. .1, 19f9. (Polska Akad
The rediolitic reduction of the nitrote-ions In the hydrogen and nitrogen
saturated aqueous solutions has been investigated over the wide range of pH (1-to 14).
It has been found that under this conditions the;nttrite yields are independent of
the dissolves ges nature (N1 or H, ). On this basis It is suggested that the
reaction EZ + OH H 4 HZO, playa no amrked role in the sutdied process
FIziko kbimichekkiy Institut im. L . Ys. Karpov, Moscow.
5(4) SOV/2o-124-6-27/55
AUTHORS: Sharpatyy, V. A., Orekhov.. V. D., Proskurnin, M. A.
TITLE: On the Character and the Role of Intermediate Products in the
Hadiolytio Reduction of a Nitrate (0 khuraktore I roli promezhu-
tochnykh produktov pri radioliticheakom voostanovlonii nitrata)
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii naak SSSR, 1959, Vol 124, Nr 6,
pp 1279 - 1281 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the dependence of the nitrite yield on
the dose rate In a 1 m solution of nitrite and in a 1 m solution
of NaOH in the case of dose rates of 1000 r/Beo. In air-
saturated solutions the nitrite yield remainB constant within
the entire interval of dose rates; it amount-s- to ^) 3
equivalents/100 ev. in the case of lacking exygen (the solution
is saturated with nitrogen), the nitrite yield within the runge
of dose rates of 0-5 - 1000 r/seo is considerably greater
(rV 8 equivalents/100 ev). With an oxygen content of 2-5~ in
an oxygen-nitrogen mixture above the soluiion, G N02 is directly
proportional to the logarithm of the dose rate. These results
Card 1/4 are an indirect confirmation of the hypothesis on the congruence
On the Character and the Role of Intermediate Products SOV/2o-124-6-27/55
in thp Radiolytic Heduction of a Nitrate
of the disproportionation of the ion of nitric acid and its
oxidation to a nitrate-iun by oxygen. For the purpose of ex-
plain;Lng the influence exercised by intermediate products on
the reduction of nitrate several experimsifts vere carried out
concerning the irradiation of solutions at different temperatures.
A temperature variation (within the temperature interval of
20 - 900) apparently exercises only little influence on the
formation of the final products NO and NO- according to the
5 2
disproportionation reactions (G N02 ft 8-8.5 equivalentB/100ev).
irradiation of the solutions at low temperatures (down to -250)
reduces GN02 to j 2-5 equivalents/100 ev. In the case of a
further reduction of the temperature of the solution down to
the temperature of liquid nitrogen G NO2 remains practically
constant. In oxygenou8 solutions (which are saturated with air)
decrease of the yield begins at high temperatures and is also
due to the interaction between 0 2 and the intermediate products
Card 2/4 of the reduction of the nitrate. By applying p&ramagnetic
On the Character and the Role of Intermediate Products SOV/2o-124-6-27/55
in the Ra41olytic Reduction of a 111trate
electron resonance to the system nitrate-water during Irradiation
with accelerated electrons it was possible to detect several
radicals as intermediate products of nitrate reduction and also
atomic hydrogen at temperatures of from -196 to -700. As soon
as irradiation is stopped. these intermediate products vanish
quickly, i.e. they vanish all the more rapidly the higher the
temperature of the solidified solution becomes. From the above
the following conclusions may be drawni 1) The main processes
of the reduction of nitrate in the solidified solutions occur
before thawing. besides the direct actiom Of T-radiation upon
NO- a reduction of the nitrate by radicals occurs in the BOlidified
solutions. Finally, the authors suggest a closer investigation
of the properties of the intermediate products of the system
by the method of paramagnetic resonance. The authors thank the
collaborators of the Institut khimicheskoy fiziki (Institute
of Chemical Physics) N. Ta. Buben, A. T. Koritskiy, Yu. N. Molin,
and V. N. Shamshev for carrying out several experiments. There
are 2 fiFNres and 6 refere:tces, 5 of which are Soviet.
Card 3/4
On the Character and the Role of Intermediate Prodicts 30V/2o_124-6-27/55
in the Radiolytic Reduction of a filtrate
AS30CIATIONi Nauchno-isnledovatellskiy fiziko.-khimicheskiy institut Im.
L. Ya. karpova (Physico-chemical Scientific Research Institute
imeni L, Ya. Karpov)
PRESE.ITEDi November 11, 1958 by S. S. Medvedev, Academician
SUBMITTED: Novembfr 11. 1956
Card 4/4
k ~., v
T' On the R-ole ,f -,xyr--n i n t h i t i -;~l pa~,~ in -
A,jupnus of Indiro Carmin-, '-' roli ki~;;or-'-!
rid io I i t i ohns tsv~,(-h i i vo~ ri-.- --a.,l tv-, r -. v
i ri,i i p-o k b. r- j r,
Dok'--1y Akad,~-nii ncuk
.p ~77
In orrier to thp r31- in th-, I: t!
authors us!,! thi -it 'rju," of T'J
of the v-riati- 4r . ~-
~: . . . I
-,,r- q Fure of hy ro v,:
;nt of vi -,7,
previously publi.-.1-.
emDhasizr- the sp;,-i-,l i~
usod . Inliao car,T.;nt!
water. The irra,-~illtion of'
wh i c!~ d n nc, t --
simu1tqneous1,-Y, a us. ; 9 r-v,
On th,-, of Oxypen in th- qFiii(.1Yti(-.
Aqu,--~!;r, Solutions of jn,4i,,~o ~7,krmine
blo;tchin:7, --hi~,h
of the rip-m-nt. 71h~ ~o,,:01:jt~ v I-
Yi-lds Of t-h.-e -)rocesscs
PC-ov- of th - -:.~Ji tion. The s~ r
ir: a --.r, , ,f ! )s,,
-.C,-t frivor b1"
c h n o n. t e r t, rn
:3;1 to 1 nh., n c i in the
?ucc, n
i n(- r. 9 r,-! - ~)m i n,i t i k) r, -o - c
rwi i e, tg i 1 r
P. S
'2 F; -.nti-ns,,
i 6- 'L i ti in : i ic, c n r,i n, c
v, -i uo .:.,nixturon. t,---- I:, i I j
i n i )'
i f f i - - n t ly h i L y c:,, n n r!t t o,,' i r, n F
7, ro c t i v:, li,~ nr o n h - pi r-n,~n '.n t r
of x i z J. r i,~ om - i r, r, . n f
for:-.~ c
On the R~lr-, of' Cxyr-,:n n
o f i) ei i s 7,o Ii,) n,3n 7 rm, i n -
C 1 mr. I t n C n I 11 OC spo c t i v P I v
The blovin- oxyg r. thr-u-I :3uch solii'tions ,ft.?r
irr,~di,tion 7~~tor,.-!,, thf, crip.-inpl ~clorati,n. The
effect is ver 'v insignilrir!sn, in s, -' --stems. Trie
sensiti~-.atiori nf the oxidation of' indigo :~armin- ~3 br5up-~It
I 5es 1 d P.,I
about by intrudi-icinr - tornic, hvdroF,-1.
0II-rw'.ic:iI:3, -Iso hydrogen peroxide takes part in 'he oxili tP~n
of indigo carmine. This hydrarL,n nr~~ rxifle ~s prol-iced
n c c ording to the equation H + 0_ H0,, HC,, + HC'_ -o F, 0-
The authors' oxperiments concernina the nxid%-tion o!
showed that this reaction is a slow one. The rate of the
reaction d ecreases wi th the increase of pH of the s -) 111 4 in. ~-:n
fact expliins also the presence of an -ftr4r,~ff-,~t Jn
"q: )!, V.
solutions which contain sijlphuric ~ciO. tn jr--o
hydrogpn pr(-s,.;ure in the solution eli-ninnt- tho
of the yield of the process on the losp Aceorlin~T
the results of the present nPper, the chrii-i mochnnis-i -f th~-
C;,rd 3/1 radiation ch-mical oxidation seems to hinve P. lo.i r;robRbi',it-.
., - I. - II
On trio R61o of Oxyqen in the Rndiolytic 31eachim- -1 - -
of Aqueous Solutions of Indigo Car-nine
There are 2 figures :1nd 5 reforences, I Of li-IiCh :IT',-
December 10, b.v V. A. Kirtrin, Acadp-i-ion
-U' - . _)R
.-I R :1 -T 'D :Jecember 15, 19
Car' './!
AUTHORSt Zansokhova, A. A., Orekhov, V. D. SOV/20-125-4-42/1
TITLE: The Sensibilized Oxidation of the Leuco Base of Methylene blue
During Radiolysis in an Aqueous Solution (Sensibilizirovannoye
okisleniye leykoosnovaniya metilenovogo golubogo pri radiolizt-
v vodnom rastvore)
PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSH, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 4, PP 838-b,u
ABSTRACT: The present paper investigates the conditions of the sensi,,:-i.'iza-
tion of the oxidation of the "leuco-form" (leykoform) Af
dye by carrying out conjugate redox-radiolysis reactionts. Thiti
method has already been described (Refs 3,6), it makes it
possible to attain a value of nearly 12 equivalents,~101-~ ev f~-
the yield of the reduction or oxidation of the subsiar.-~(- t;, t~,t:
products of water radiolysis. The object of' oxidat J ) f. -e. A !; t
"leuco-form" of the methylene-blue dye. The transitior. --i!
this dye into the intermediary form (semiquinone.; an-.t :- t~~
action of radiation was found by A. J. Swallow (Ref - "it
solutions of high acidity, and in aqueous solutions of -~w-d;i,:i
acidity a reduction to leuco base usually occurs. T~~o
Card 1/14 tages offered by this dye are the nigh molar extiricti,~r
The Sensibilized Oxidation of the Leuco Baae of SUV/20-12:--4'~ -
Methylene Blue During Radiolysis in an Aqueous
colored form and the good solubility of its leuco base. i'-.
makes it possible to attain concentrations which are suf-
ficiently high for carrying out sensibilization. The
(inactivity) of the nitrate ion with respect to th(- 1--uc,
is determined within the range of pH values investigatf,-'.
lacking radiation) by selection of this substance as a
jugate acceptor. In connection with the sensitivity of tLe
solutions of the leuco base of methylene blue and of the nitrate
ion to light and vestiges of oxygen, the samples to be irradiated
were produced in red light in a chamber filled with nitrogEn.
The optical densities were measured by means of a photoele 9tro-
calorimeter of the type FEK-M. Laboratory devices with C--
with 0.1 to 30 gram equivalents radium were used as the
Y- radiation source. All experiments were carried out in glass
ampoules. In the case of the absence of any kind of reactive
substances, the yield of the colored form of methylene blue is
low. The initial value of the yield is not more than 1 molecule/
/100 ev, and with an increasing dose it rapidly decreases
towards zero. The introduation of a sufficiently high cc,-4cntra-
Card 2/4 tion of sodium nitrate (2 Mol/1) into the solution produces a
The Sensibilized Oxidation of the Leuco Base of 5OV/20-125-4-42/74
Methylene Blue Daring Radiolysis in an Aqueous
considerable seneibilizing effect. In this case the yield
depends to a considerable extent on the pH-value of the solution,
and it attains its maximum value of about 9 molecules/100 ev
within the range of high concentrations (pH< 2-5). With
increasing pH the yield of the colored form decreases suf-
ficiently. An increase of the dose rate in pfl(,(2.0-solutions
reduces the yield to 5.0 molecules/100 ev. Also under these
conditions an after-effect is observed. In solutions with
PH> 3 the dose rate exercises no influence, nor is there any
after-effect. The results obtained by the present investiJa-
tion may be interpreted as followst The low yield of the
colored form in the case of irradiation of leuco base of
solutions containing no sensibilized substances is due to the
development of inverse reactions and to the recombination cf
radicals. The sensibilizing effect produced by the nitrate
ions is reduced above all to the binding of hydrogen atoms
with formation of less reactive products. Th4ifacilitate.,i the
conjugate oxidation process of the "leuco-form" of the dye by
free hydrcxyla. The authors thank M. A. Proskurnin for
Card 3/4 'valuable advice and remarks. There are 3 figures and 8
The SensibilizeO Oxidation of the Leuco Base of SOV/20-125-4-4~.--~
Methylene Blue I>.uring Radiolysis in an Aqueous
references, 4 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIM Fi;iko-khimicheakiy intititut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physic~,-
chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov)
PRESENTED: December 15, 1958. by A. N. Frumkin, Academician
SUBMITTEDt December 15, 1958
Card 4/4
AUTHORSs Proskurnin, M. A., Orekhov, V. D., Chernova, A. L,
TITLE: Transformation of dissolved substances on radiolysis of
aqueous solutions
PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 2, 1962, 79, abstract
2B568 (Tr. Tashkentsk. konferentaii po mirn. ispollzovaniyu
atomn. energii, 1959. v. I. Tashkent, AN UzSSR, 1961.
339 - 347)
TEXT: The amount of Fe 3+ reduced during radiolysis of aqueous solutions
rises with increasing PH and Fe3* concentration. In the presence of
glycerol, the yield approaches 10 (PH 3). A significant effect on the
yield is produced by addition of Na 2s0 4* Experimental data obtained from
solutions of Fe 2+ revealed a considerable dependence of G(Fe 3+ ) on the
concentration of Fe . The maximum yield was 10.5 M. The experimental
results in both systems are explained by the involvement of radicals from
excited water molecules in the radiochemical reactions; this effect to
Card 112
2/1 7b/ rjI/', 4, Ji I
B I -~) 6 /'-P 2 1) 1
AUTHORSt Proskurnin, M. A., Orf-,kf.,-iv, V. D, ~,vd Cn~rri
TITLEr Conversion of diqn,-j'ved siib~itances in ttie ra.,IioIy&ie- !-J
aqueous solutions
PERIODICALt Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 35, nc. 4, 1~bl,
TEXTt A study has been made of tne lependence of the rites (;f
-chemical processes taking place in aqueous medium on the ccncentrat-~
the diaeolved substance and on the pH value of the solutions Three cut;--
gories of chemically active intermedlatos of radiolytic documpoi3ition of
water were assumed to exist in this connectionx 1) R and OH rasiicalr~
arising at a large distance fr--m ~)ne ELnother by i~,nizEiti.on -~-f
H 0 R 0 + e H 0 + H H
2 2 2 5
e + H 20 H20 ; H 20 + H 20 OR aq + H;
2) R and OH radicals formed by the digsocii,tl in ~,f ?X( I tel wd!-
Card 1/5
Conversion of dissolved ...
having no sufficiently high exck-s3 of kinetic energy tc, -,av- tt~-:
cell. These free radicals ar,? formed together in ane cell. ~', -"x,:I'el
water molecules with an excitation onorgy )f ab-it ~ #,v. Tti i .4 (, x r ~ I ii! i ~:,
does not take place under the actiQn of light, but io p)o,,;it ~-- ~,) '~"-
impact. The radicals ..,f the first two categories react with th,-
acceptors contained in the which, however, in trie -.A;i. --f rii-
of the second cate gory , Hh ou 1 d e x h i b i t h i ph concf, n t ru t i (- na ( 11 p t. ~, 'I M ~' ~
Excited water mol?cules can roa, t with ~,table free radir~tl~, t.,tv i ni,, t,i, -t
lity to absorb both components (H ,rid 0-H) % f t n (4 X C I I - ~ d M. 1 t~ . - !- ~i ~
two d i f f e rent subB t tsnc&6 d i a s o I ved i r, wa tc r, -, ne f wh i - h ri F r q,~ i -
cals, and OH radicals the other. Ea,:h of these throo c Lt, gorl~-.i kr
with the radiolysis of water in a yield of about 4 ;,airtj -,f frep rad-:!tIs
per 100 ev of the energy absorbed ty the solution. Thus, tne total r~~'Ao-
chemical yield of the decompnsit2on of liquid wit-~:- amountii t(~ I Mc I f-,
per 100 ev, which fits the results obtained frrm tnu radiolysi8 ut, W~it-
vapor. The readiest to react arp the radicals of the firFt cal-rgnry witr,
a dissolved substance. The i procpoled fr,..-I the asrj,ia.,,ti:.r. A - tte
probability of such a reaction of a free radical bt~ing
Card 2/5
S/07b/ol/035/0~14/01 %'011 6
Conversion of dissolved ... B106/B201
concentrations of reacting particles and the reaction cross seotiri t~,
rive the following equation for yield G of the reaction produ~.ts us a func-
tion of the acceptor concentration in the solutiont
G - GHE~c ac6ac+H/c ac6ac4H + c OH 6' OH+R +cH 6H-+H (1) Ic ac , C11' cOH de-
noting the mean concentrations of the acceptor and uf radicals H and OHI
GH the yield of radicals H or OH; 6 the reaction cross aection; I tne
part of all radicals, that reacts at the given mean concentration). The
equation was derived by using a simplified diffusion model of the path of
the ionizing particle, with the aid of which the mean concentrations of
the radicals in the path were calculated. The calculation revealed that
the first quarter ~f all resulting free radicals reac s at a mean concen-
tration c1=1.5'10- M, the second quarter at c 2- 1*10- ~ M, the third q,iart,,~r
at c3- 3.10-7 M, and the rest at c 4' 6-10-6 M. The summatiun sign in Fi.
unites four terms which correspond to the four mean concentrati~'r.s :-.'- tie
has, therefore, the value 0.25 in this example. Eq. 11)
free radicals.
Card 3/5
Conversion of dissolved ... B106/B201
served as a basis for drawing the theoretical curves of the yield of ra-
diation-chemical conversions as a function of the acceptor conccntrati~jn in
the solution. It was assumed in this connection that radicals of tne f,,.-!3t
category and 30% of the second category take part in the reaction, foi'd a
distant effect Was excluded. These curves are presented in Fig. 1. Ti.e
experimental data obtained by the authors in the study (if several rtidia-
tion-chemical processes fitted these curves well (radiation-chomi,ii ~4 !'P-
duction of nitrates in alkaline aqueous solutions; reduction of rc !.~.
radlolytically prepared H atoma). Several examples show ttat th~. L-e 1"~-
dicals arising In the radiolysis of water do not exist in free furm, ',~-t
immediately form complex compounds with the substances that tire ~:~e,,Unt _n
the solution (in electrolyte solutions, e.g,, with an-.'-)ns ~o.d
These complex compounds have different degrees of-stahilit., and i~i~
yed when meeting more efficient acceptors for the free re
5 figures and 15 referencest 6 Soviet-bloc and 9 non-Soviet-bloc. The
three most recent references to English lant~uage public;tti( ns ~~s
follows: R. F. Firestone, 01. Amer. C~,em. Soc., 7~-', ';5"f3, l')57; R
Noyes, J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 77, 2042t 1959; F. 5. Lr,ir.tor, V
Card 4/5
Conversion of dissolved ...
Soc., 53, 333, 1957.
ASSOCIATIONt Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova
(Physicochemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov)
SUBMITTEDr July 30, 1959
Legend to Pig. It Ordinates - G, 4
equiv./100 ev; 1 - most efficient /0
acceptor, 5 9'H+OH, and
are of the same order of 7
H+H 6
magnitude; 2 - less efficient 1i
acceptor, 6 unts to 0.01 of 4
ao+H amo
H+OH or 6,,+,; 3 - effect of a
competing acceptor; 4 - effect of
an acceptor that transforms the
Card 5/5