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1-i V I V Y / I AUTHOR' Orraypvskiy, F. S. --------------- TITLE: New Achievements of Indian 3:,en~e (N,~i,-yye dc5t_,zt,enjya in-,:jsr.0Y nauki.) PERIODICAL: Vestnik AN SSSR, 195-, V--'.. 2",', ~1- 12, h ~1_7 (U'S ABSTRACT: India, which attained hpr irdependence after a I :-,F a,,d riar~ struggle, took over a difficult heritage. As a result of a foreign rule which had Lasted two centuTies, the industrial ec~onrmy of Inciia lagged far behind other countries. The enormous resources of' the country were unexplored and were st4ll less exploited. Also the nE; of scienti= fic institutes and unive-sitie5 was inaignificant anl undev~l-_ped. tt present the situation is completely changed. The development C'f old and the establishment. of new scientifi- resea--:h and labc= ratories is being carried out In practice. The first at,,ma.- reactor has already begun tc. operate, and e,~;tabidqhmen~, -!' two fo_-,he' reactors is in preparation. A large Inst2.1'ute fcr Nuci-ar Ph~-si,_s is being built at Bombay. A niun:jer of wa.5 ere:1,eL' tne task of which is the dirpct coops.-ratinn in the development ~:~f iri(,I~vidual rran- ches of industry. Physic-al resea_rc~, w6rk was a-ried --it on ar. up-'o- date level. The greatest. level, pment took place :.n t1iF fic!ld 7f' ~J-e,~= Card 1/2 troscopy, crystal physics, tfie -study of 3osmc,,, r-aJ.`ati-,7,, and nucLea:- ~ew Achievements of Indian Sclen,,.P. physi,~3. Such. branche3 of devellop(-J with as are connected with the utilization of natiz-al re:~ou-c-s. An examplc of the rapid development of s-,ience in India ~_5 the, rest-ar ~.1- work carried out for the purpose of the utilizaltic,r. of nuc__'ear ph"aics fcr peaceful useS. Ind,~a was aL-,c one of the fir_~t cDiuitrles ~,at was i,re, pared to take paxt in the E;eophysical. year. Th- resEaj-~~ v :rk cariie,! cut by indian sc ientj_!~ t s 4-r tMs f iold r3mpr -)ra a-ly all blems prcv ided 7n the iriterna*.i cnal grarn f -~,thger-,rat i -,r!. A net.wcrk of stations was estab__~shed wn4-..h carry out geomEgnet-- Dusei-.rations of longitude and latitude, and whiCh 3*,Udy oceanogra= phic, glaciologi(~al and gravitation problems. Kr.-~wing that the tasks to ~.e performel can be rarried out only with th- aid -~f the Scientists of many 3ountries, the sc.ientvrl.-s of India endeavor t-., -_ontrib,ate their best in this fiqld in o-der to warrant, f-,r tI.e geopf,ysi= cal year. The ar-he-11-ogy of India has recently been -~rff i-hes by new and important, finds. The university of :;alcutta tc6e+,her with the department for ar,~heoloU, f.~D continue exjairations nn a large sca= le. The new arhievements uf sciprices In India shaw that tn-ir dev(!Loj1- raent will be carried rut with ever increasing ?eal. This 5 man-fes- ted convincing4 by the atlendanoe of Jndia~, q,-_ent_;.qt- .- na*_~Pal conferencezi -3-- well as ty thei:" a_-*'~_ve in= ternatlonal congresses. AVAILABLE. Library of Congress. Card 2/2 1. Science-Zevelopment-India L 44601-66 EViT(I)A'vT(m)/EEC(k)-2/T/PVI~(U/~_kp t)/Ell L * CC-We - AP60309-60 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/0~18C)609;"2G~16Mii6G22 AUTHOR: Basov, N. G.; Yeliseyev, P. G.; Zakharov, S. D.; Zakharov, Yu. F.; Orayevskl_y, 1. N.; Pinsker, 1. Z.; Strakhov, V-.-P-.- ORG: Physics Institute im. P. N. Lebedev SAN SSSR, Moscow (Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR') TITLE: Certain properties o GaAellaser diodes SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 1966, 2616-2622 TOPIC TAGS: solid state laser, semiconductor laser, gallium arsenidetlaser.? sernteo.-Jo0erot 016,L)rr- i ABSTRACT: Phenomenological methods were used in an experimental study of certain properties of GaAs laser diodes (lose factor, quantum yield, differential efficiency, gain). The specimens were prepared by the diffusion of zinc into n-type GaAs crystals with electron concentrations of 2 x 1018 cm-3. The cavities consisted of silver mirrors sputtered on polished crystalline surfaces pre-coated with a thin layer of SiO, and the electrical contacts consisted of sputtered metal (Au, Ni, In, I Sn) films and fused-in electrodes. The measurements were carried out at 77K and the pulsed output was recorded by a calibrated silicon photodiode. The lowest threshold currents occurred in diodes which were cleaved on all four sides. A threshold current' of 25 mamp was attained at the liquid He temperature and at a density of 75 amp/cm2. C-w operation was observed from diodes with I thr 'c 0.5 amp at 4.2K. The results sqqlo S / 0 5 6/ 6 0/ 0 3 9,11 1 BOO 6/B06 5 AUTHOR: Orayevskiy, V. N_ TITLE: ~P~hoton-Pboton Resonance Scattering PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, No~ 4(10), pp. 1049 - 1050 TEXT: The author gives an estimate of the photon-photon resonance scattering cross section for the case where a neutral pion decays into two photons. The estimate is made in consideration of the vacuum of no mesons. The interaction between the electromagnetic field and the pior, 4 2), field is formulated as followsi L - I(PgHf(q where 71 denotes the coupling constant; (p, 9, and 9 are operators of the mesonic and electro- magnetic fields; q denotes the four-momentum of the no meson. This formulation differs from that given by Dalitz by the form factor f(q 2 which takes account of the fact that the no meaon is smeared. Furthermcre, an expression is given for the matrix element of photon-photon scatterll...- via a n0 meson, the dampinp rf the 71 1) meso- beine taken ~nt(, ac--unt: Card 1/3 84L,10 Photon-Photon Resunance i i~~ S/056/60/059/0(),i'C! jir)o6/BO6 5 4 a(cJ2 ) S qL' f ' (q (2 n -(9191)6(q q -q'-q') where the fractiot; q2+(m-iP/2)2 1 2 1 2 ' denotes the renormalized Green function of the R 0 meson; T - t- t is the lifetime of the R o meson; the primed quantities denote the four-momenta and field strengths of scattered photons, and the unprimed quantities denote the four-momenta and field strengths of colliding photons. This relation and t- 1. 2m 3/161s lead to the following relation for the cross section in the rest system where q, + q2 = 0: 2 2,_ 2 32r f (-4c.)')a k4W )(4/m )6 df2 &j denotes the photon f'r(-.-- 2 2 2 (m-2&)) + T, 14 (m+2w) ~ 2 -resonance occurs in the range w1_m/2. Taking a(-m )-,if,-m account, this relation leads to the cross section averaged over - n - -25 2 , "level" width: 01 = - O~75-10 rica-ly 4,d2 arctan 2. (11 _,e cm is nume 1 Card 2/3 Photon-Photon hescnanc( _i, 5 /0 5 6/60/0 3 9 B006,/BO6',, obtained, and 3 r--, 27 cm2is found for energies close to resonance energy if the small "level" width is considered. The author thanks D. V. Volkov for discussions. There is 1 non-Soviet reference. ASSOCIATIONs Novosibirskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet ~Novosibirsk State University) SUBMITTEDi May 11, 1960 Card 3/3 Film Univor Gal Inr tability of a Magnetically co~sinod Plar;:P.C~ A. A. Calo V V N OW-P.~evski and It. Z. Szzdoov Insti;uto of Nuc;ear P~y* lea. 1962 Abstract (p 4 1,2/8W), It is shown that a low pressure plasma c online a, by a magnotic field, is "universally" unstable with respect to local' short-wave perturbations which do, t distort the magnetic field, for any ratio between the spatial temperature and density gradionto dln T/dlnn . 'An analog of a similar "universal" instability in the hydrodynamic approximation is the instability related to finitQ tharmal conductivity along the magnetic field. R*POrt NO-ated at the CQqf*r,,M on p an=, Stall1ty, Cah"'t UK" '17.22 asp 62. VJ~. (Novosibirsk) Stability of ionic longitudinal plasma oscillations in a magnetic field. PMT no.509-41 5-0 162. OURA 1631) (Plasma oscillations) (Magnetic fields) s/057/62/032/011/002/014 B104/BIO2 AUTHORS: and Sagdeyev, R. Z. TITLE: The stability of steady-state plasma oscillations PERIODICAL: Zhurnal t*khnicheskoy fiziki, v. 32, no. 11, 1962, 1291-1296 TEXT: An investigation is made of the stability of nonlinear waves, called "background", in & plasma. A coordinate system moving with the waves is used, whereby the coefficients describing the small deviations from the background are independent of time the time dependence of the solution can be represented in the form oxp(iwt). The problem then is to solve the system of equations Lf - 0, where L is a differential operator expressible in the form L, L L, is a differential operator with 0 0 constant co*fficionts and L, is & differential operator which %ends to zero as the amplitude of the stationary waves vanish**. For waves of small amplitude L, is small and perturbation theory can be applied. A discussion of the zeroth and the first approximation shows that in the Po case of degenerate states two different wave vectors ki and 2 correspond Card S/020/62/147/001/010/022 B104/B102 AUTHORS, Galeyev, A. A., Orayevskiy, V. N. TITLEt The instabilities of Alfv6n waves ?k,RIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 147, no. 1, 1962, 71 - 75 TEM Though the Alfvfin waves are exact, solutions of the nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic equations, they are unstable against a certain type of perturbations. It is shown that these perturbations consist of Alfv6n plus magnetosonic waves. )Aagnetohydrodynamic plasma waves are considered in a co-moving coordinate system, 7, 17, n, and p being the perturbations of tne velocity, of the magnetic field, of density and pressure whose the time dependence can be represented in the form exp(-iwt). The Alfvtn waves can be studied by a system of equations 0 +Y I) ip (p .Here i 0 is a linear self-adjoint differential operator describing the oscillations of a homogeneous plasma with the eigenfunctions ip The spatial dependence of the eigenfunctions is determined by a factor exp(ik"rl)_and a real eigenvalm '-, (0) I ue 1, satisfying the dispersion formula X1 is a linear Card 1/4 B/020/62/147/001/010/022 The instabilities of Alfv~n waves B104/BI02 differential operator with periodic coefficients where ;I ~O witn 9 anG 1~ tend to zero. _7 is the hyarodynamic velocity. The stability of waves with small amplitude can, therefore, be studied by applying the perturba- tion theory with a a V/u as the small parameter. In this case the correc- tion J1) to ~_e(o) has to be founa. i.,(" is non-zero only if at least two -4 , i~ + __') wave vectors which have different amounts and for which k 1 k2 correspond to:~(O). Analogously + , (o ) hola. in the laboratory 2 system where t,~0is tne backgrouna frequency, Hence, in first perturbation- theoretical approximation, instabilities of the Alfvbn waves can occur on)y for deviations able to be written as the sum of two waves. Thus, for the perturbations 2 tol.2VI.2 k,.,h,., I I f, jv2 fI 1.2 1 - - k,., no (5) (Vk2.1) (V2.jkO) V j. kj.,jhj.j I H I ;~An, k OH I h,., I T I I koH I H,, 1 Card 2/4 no The instabilities of Alfv6n waves 3/020/62/147/001/010/022 B104/B102 ki.2 I v,.,H, I Iki., Vh3.j I + I vs.,H n,(k,.,v,,,) nj., (kl.,V) = 0, 1)3 J." Ain, is obtained. Here h 1,2' v,,,, 11 1,2 are the amplitudes of waves with the frequencies G, (0) + ..I( i ) , '. (o + The stability of Alf-vbn 1 '2 ' "12 waves to various forms of perturbations can be studied with the aid of (5). If the perturbation consists of an Alfv~n wave and a magnetosonic wave then k7 V" W" Cos 2Y 2 U'l 4sin -Cisin (T + 6) - . k2 k 1 (02 -k 2, E,1 (6) W2 where 6 is tne angle between the planes ('k and and r that 0 0 0 b e t w e p and ('k-' It follows that Alfv&n, wbres are.unstable for Card 3 4 2 o S/020/62/147/001/010/022 The instaoilities of Alfvhn waves B104/BI02 any propagation angle with respect to the magnetic field. During tne 112 period I/v where - V. 0l(fjuv 2) , the Alfv6n waves go over into random oscillation of the medium. This refutes the assumption that the Alfvbn waves are long lived, on which certain astrophysical and geophysical hypotheses are based. There is I figure. ASSOCIATIONa Novosibirskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Novosibirsk State University) PRESENTEDs June 7, 1962, by M. A. Leortovich, Academician SUBMITTEDs May 29, 1962 Card 4/4 ZASLAVSK I Y, G,M (Ncv:)si tarsk' ; M(,I,iEP,'J, 3,S. (Novo a ibirsk I j rly OR AYEV I ~ N, w5 8 i n 4 r 3 k I Turbulent d I f f'u.9 I on k)!' a 3 1 lj~'tit 1.~ 11 ~;T!', Zq%J MRFneti Ze~l plasma. PMTF no, 6,-2r).,13 N-,,, i,j~ (AURA 171'7) S/057/63/033/002/021/023 B108/B186 AUTHORt Orayevakiy, V. ji. TITLL: The stability of steady plasma osoill%tions without . ..agnetic field PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v. 55, no. 2, 1963, 25! - 252 T~XTs ln an earlier paper (ZhTF, 32, no. 11, 1291, 1962) it wa~i hov,n that the longitudinal ion oscillations in a plasma without a u.a.,n ',~c are stable to any one-dimensional perturbation. The electron tions are not stable to perturbations that act as tne sam, ' n -ve and an electron langmuir oscillation with another freq"enc., a:.C; phase velocity. It is shown here that these results do not cf,a,,,,e qualitatively if the perturbations are not one-dimensional o~t have an arbitrary form. The investigations are made for waves of not too large amplitudes. 3 UBIAITTED i August 6, 1962 Card 1/1 GAU~V~, A. A.; ORAY_V5rj'~,, V. N. (,Novosit~:Lrsk) "Instabiiity oi Alfven waves of arbitrary a;,plitudell report presented at tie 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 29 Jan - 5 Feb 19(L. ACCESSION MR: AP4036529 AUTHOR- Orayevskiy, V. N. s/oo89/64/oi6/oo5/o"i/r,"2 TITLE: Instability of electronic Lnngmuir oscillations of plasma 1z maLTnctic field SOURCE: Atomnaya energiya, v. 16, no. 5, 1964, 441-"2 TOPIC TAGS: electronic plasma oscillation, Langmuir wave, plasma instability, ionic plasma oscillation, electromagnetic plazma wave, plasma wave, plasma ABSTRACT: The author and R. Z. Sagdeyer have shown (Zh- tekbn. fiz 32 (L962)) that the electronic lorWitudi-nal oscillations In a plasma without magnetic field &re unstable only relative to decomposition into ionic longitudinal and electronic lanruir.mvea of a smaller frequency. The ionic oscillations receive approximate- ly ~,/m) times less energy than the electronic oscillations (M and m are the ion and electron ma ses respectively), so that the instability of L--ngmuir waves essentially leads only to a shift of their frequency. The author shows in the present pape.- that there appears in plazma in a magnetic field an additional instability of Laagnuir waves. Their energy is spent on production of two electro- -wmetic waves polarized in different directions. "The author is grateful to Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: Ap4o36529 R. Z. Sagdeyer, A. A. Galeyn, and Ya. B. Fayaberg for useful discussions." Orig. art. has: no figures and 12 equations. .ASSOCIATION: None ,SUBMTIED: 28jun63 DATE AN: 03Jun64 EVCL: 00 50 CODE: 50 RU- BOV; 003 OTHER. 000 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: Ap4ol6503 S/0020/64/154/oo5/1069/1071 AUTHOR: Galeyev, A. A.; Orayevskiy, V. N. ty -of ~_'~"-t-o-hydrodynamic waves of large TITLE: On the instabili m gne amplitude SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 154, no. 5,.1964, io6g-1071 TOPIC TAGS: alfen wave, small amplitude, unstable magneto acoustical wave, large amplitude, mathematical computation, slow wave, fast wave ABSTRACT: It was previously reported (A. A. Galeyeu, V. N. Orayevskiy, DAN, 147, 71 (1962)) that an alfen wave of finite, but small ampli- tude is unstable in a compressible medium. The reason for the in- stability is attributed to the presence of a positive return linking between small disturbances of alfen and magneto-acoustical type wavds. It is expected that the mechanism mentioned above must also lead to instability in the case of waves of large amplitudes. However, natu- ral mathematical difficulties do not allow a solution for an arbitrary .COX4d 1/2 ACCESSION NR: Ap4ol6503 profile of the issuing alfen wave. 'Iffierefore, the stability of alfen waves with a see-saw profile of magnetic field lines is investigated. it was found that the stability problem reduces to finding the fre- quencies of proper oscillations of the medium in the periodic field of the issuing alfen wave. A mathematical solution is presented. It is concluded that the instability is similar to the instability of alfen waves of small amplitudes relative to a simultaneous disturb- ance of slow and fast magneto-~__:)Ilstic waves. "The authors express their gratitude to academician _ A. Leontovich-for a discussion of the results and to R. Z. Sagdeyfu, whose advice and interest in this work stimulated its execution.' Orig, art. has; 7 equations and 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Novosibirski gosudarstvenny*y universitet (State University of Novosibirsk SUBMITTED: 2lOct63 DATE ACQ: 12Mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH, GEO MM NO REP SOV: 002 OTHER: 000;_ C - 2/2 0. C! ORAZ&LITEV, M. "Peculiarities of Themoregulation in Ewes Under the Conditions in Turkmeniya." Cand Biol Sci, Inst of Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov, Acad Sci USSR (Apr-Jun 54). (Vest Ak Nauk, Nov 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (11) SO: Sum. No-521, 2 Jun 55 GIIAZALI TKV, R. Some details in the method of studying thermal control of organisms in hot climates. Izv.AN Turk.SSa no.2:75-76 '55. (KI.RA q:") 1. Inatitut zhivotnovodstva AN Turlananakoy SSR. (BODY TEMPMUTURS) OR&ZALIYZV, M. Effect of high temperature and insolation on sheep raised in the Turkmen S.S.R. Izv.AN Turk.S" no.4:58-64 '55. (MLHA 9:5) 1. Instttut zhivonovodstva AN Turkmanskoy SaH. (Turkmenistan--i~,heep) (Heat-Physiological effect) MEREDOV, T.; ORAZGELIDTYYTEVY.-A-- Geology of the Karachop and Tumbs anticlines. Izv.AN Turk.SSR.Ser.- fiz.-tekh.,khim.i geol.nauk. no.300-76 162. (MRA 160) 1. Upravleniye geologit i okhrany nedr pri Sovete Ministrov Turkmenskoy SSR. (Turkmenistan-Geology, Structural) ORAZGULYAYL?V, B. Electroconductivity of silicon in pulsed magnetic fields. Izv. All Turk. SSR.3er. fiz.-tekh., khim. i geol. nauk no.4:115-117 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Dagestanakiy filial AN SSSR. L 38857-66 1,747 ACC NR, AP6018584 SOURCE CODE: up,/6i8i/66/O08/oo6/1.972/1973 AUTHOR: Orazgulyyey.._B,.__, ORG: Institute of RWsics of the D2gestan Branchi.AN SGSR, MakhachMI&IInatitut fiziki Dagestanskogo filiala AN SSSR) TITLE: Dependence of the transverse Hall effect in p-silicon on the magnetic field Intensity SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 8, no. 6, 1966, 1972-1973 TOPIC TAGS- silicon semiconductor, Hall effect, pulsed magnetic field, electron mobility, hole mobility, semiconductor carrier ABSTRACT: In view of the lack of published data on measurements of the Hall effect in p-Si in magnetic fields where the Hall constant reverses sign., the author measured the dependence of the Hall effect on the magnetic field intensity in samples with specific resistivity p - 20 and 40 ohm-cm at room temperature, in pulsed mapnetic fields with intensity up to,260 kOe. The initial section of the Hall-voltage depend- ence on the field was measured in a constant magnetic field (up to 30 kOe). The first reversal in the sign of the Hall constant could not be observed experimentally because of the slight difference between the mobilities of the 3-ight holes in p-Si and the electrons. At temperatures of 195C and :ields up to 40 kOe, the Hall constant is equal to zero. With increasing temperature (above 195C)p electrons begin to pre- dominate in the Hall effect and this leads to the second change in the sign of the A~C NR% AP6030163 SOURCE CODE: UR/0120/66/000/004//0221/0222 AUVOR: Orazgulyyev, B. ORG: Institute of Physics of the Dagestansk Affiliate. AN SSSR, Makhachkala (Inatitut ,fiziki Dagestanskogo filiala-AN SSSR) TITLE: The use of high frequency heating to obtain ohmic contacts on silicon ~SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 4, 1966, 221-222 !TOPIC TAGS: silicon, fusing device, silicon semiconductor, electromagnetic wave gene- ration 'ABSTRACT: A device is described which is used to obtain ohmic contacts on silicon. jIt consists of a high frequency generator operating at 1 Mc and a vacuum system. Con- !tacts on n- and p-silicon produced with this device were ohmic up to 4.20K. The ad- vantages of the method include ease and rapidity of varying the temperature over a ,wide range and diffusion over a period of 1-1.5 min. This eliminates any variation in ~the physical properties of the crystal which occurs when fusion is carried out in a conventional furnace. The high frequency heating method is also applicable to Ge, GaAs, GaP, and AlSd semiconductors. The author expresses his gratitude to P. I. Bashi- I rov and to V. V. Kolomoyets for their advice. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. 1 JSUB CODE: 11,14,09/ SUBM DATE: 28Jul65/ ORIG REF: 001 UDC: 621.382.032.27 -ORAZKULIYFV, I K.; OTROSHCHEWO, O.S.; SADYKOV, A.S. Extraction of leptocladine from the plant Ha=ada leptoclada. Izv.AN Turk.33R.Ser.fiz.-tekh.,khim.i geol.nauk. no-31l22-123 162. (KUU 16 ' 5) 1. Institut khimiA AN.Ltk:nskoy SSR i Tashkentskiy gosudarstvannyy universitet imeni VJ (Alkaloids) (Goosefoot) ORUKULPEV, I.K.; OTROSHCHENKO, O.S.; SADYKOV, A.S. Extraction of alkaloids with the aid of ammonium iodide. Zhur.ob.khim. 32 no.11:3827-3828 N 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Taf;hkentskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni V.I. Lenina. (klkaloids) (Ammonium iodide) ORAZKULrYEV, I.; OTROSHCHENKO, O.S.; SADYKOV, A.S. A2JmloidB of the Hammada leptoclada plant, family Chenopodiaceae. Nauch.tructr TashGU no.263.Khim.nauki no-13:&15 164. (Yd RA 18 - 8) ORAI z Yll- , i y E 11 :.Kr, SADYKOIJ , A.S. A ~ sorpt mt 1 1. c " ex t -'I-- '--t I On of a ika 1c, "al s -f Fa -a d-a -, e Z'- C- clada of the ~-henopodjaceae fami.'y. IVir. priki. khi.m. 37 no.b: 1394-1395 J E, I e4. (MIRI 18:3) 1. Taqhkertsk'y i !rst-'tUT khimill AN -;rkmenskoy ORAZlkMF-DOV, a "ej ftaT-y and urgent taaka of the state se-nI-ta.:7 --? 13) Zdrar. Turk. 7 nc.11,37-40 Y163 1 .. Glav-r..~7., F, -,sL. dare tvennyy sanitarnyy inspektor, nachallnik sanitarno-epidemiologicheskogo upravlaniya Ministerst7a zdravookhremeniya Turkmenakoy SSR. Om ORANUUMEDOV, A. -- ---- ~ - - - - J-1- -- - -- - Jiscovery of Bergta aamaoniotdoo Roxb. in Turkmentatan. Izv . AN Turk.SSR no.4:61-62 '59. (MIRA 13:Z) 1. Inatitut botaniki AN Turkmanskoy SSR. (Turk-mentstan-Wata,wort) CHOPAIJOV, F.; ORAZMUKHOMMEMV, A. Newly discovered habitats of the wild colocynth Citrullus coloo7nthis (L.)Schrad. in Turkmenistan. Isv.AN Turk.SSR no.6: i08_110 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Institut botanik-i AR Turkmensk07 SSR. (Turkmenistan--Watermelon) JA ORAZMUKHOMMEDOV, A,, CANo BID Scig *W FLORA AND VECIE- TATION OF THE LOWER TEDZMEN DELTA, ASHICKABA09 1960. (TURK- MEN AGR INST Im M. 1. KALININ). (KL9 2-61t 205). -89- ORA7,MUXHaNEDOVl A, Urn of varloun ecurcot rf moisture by dominant plant, t-Tv,'oe -n the lcmmr Tedzhon Dolta. ev. All %rk.'~.SR.Ser.blol.nauk nn.-,.~ 4 75 165. (V,'RA IS! 5 1. Thntitut boW-niM AN T~~rkmanslcay S.',R. ORAZI,,'I'YAZOV, 'v.; GURBANOV, T., red. [Toward new achievements) Teze ustun-Uklere tar'ap; Ashgabadyn TSSR-in XX iyUygy adynaak) manhyn gurluskk zavodyriyn guluzhy tsekhirin ish tezhribesi barada. Ashgabat, Turkmenistan dovlet neshiriaty, 1961. 22 p. (In Turkmen] (MIRA 15:1) (Technological innovations) ORAZOV, A. CRAZOV, G. A Icoal theorem for a random number of random terms. Izv. AN Turk. SSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh.,, khim. I geol. nauk no.10-8 165. (MIRA 1817) 1. Tur-kTaen-,kiy gosudarntvannyy universitet imeni Gorlkogo. L 128903-66 JEWT(d)/r lJP(G) ACC N& AP6Oj9j7j SOURCE CODE: UR/0166/66/000/001/0030/0039 PTHOR': Sir hdinov.-S. Kh ;.,Orazovs G. 'ORGS -Inatitute of )[athematics im. V., L Romanovskiy.- UzSSR (Institut matematiki .AN UiSSR)- TME: Refinement of a theorem of H. Robbins �OURCE: AN-UzSSR* Izventiya, Seriya fiziko-wtematicheakikh nauk,, no# is 1966p TOPIC TAGS: distribution function, asymptotic behavior ABSTRACT: Lst't be 'a seqaence of independenti. OquaUY 2.9 -69P tq** var~ol X11MIS3 a_" P x); i~l Is 1P.-op %hicheis not d0pendent. talking th of quantity *0 be regarded &B 14 the dUtributlan Ame 96 that an parauster.'. the -d1stribubion function n,p~ramete Let. the' jollov"i deeignatione IDe introduced$ A 1 28903-66 ACC NR, AP6019171 ~:ili we P(v s- A), sk mv, is's k,., Do. i.'Yj ia 0 - amom im. XdF(X),' b -Aft, I?dF Wo (A - afdF (A) :(0 < t? < tv), Aq!~ Me 2/5: ACC NRs AF6019171 01 Then for randon variable (1) it is possible to write The &Ahors deal -with the normUzod random variable' to Ago I, + + with the "racteristic 'Anction, The fonowing.owbUilons cok 00-0,000. Juno L 28903-66 ACC NR: AP6019171 On the basis of (2),q If (A) and (B) are abserved,* then Oe --,v co H. Robbins showed that (A) always occurs If# sayp the random- variable (V - ()( /VP possesses a 14malting distribution Amation C; (x) such that 0 (x) ;, 0 for &xW bounded x.'(for 1 -0 co Robbins we investigating the -asymptotic behavior' of characteastio function wA provedp given oandition (A)p the LT~14di~~?f the oftVastion fit) when CO Here The present article considers the closeness of these charatteristic functions which make It possiblep given certain supplemaat=7 conditionsp to evaluate the closeness of the *corresponding distribution functions. 7he author& outline the proof of the following theormi If conditions (A) imA (9) are satiefied &rA,. have finite thiW soamtop thop gLyen_ C, cwd 4/5 0h.4Zt,V, K.; Sh7ITGI-:Li A., rec. LPower of mecnanizzaticn. FeKar.--'zatsiiaTWr: gu4zhi Ashgabat, Turkmencovietnestdr, 28 p. [ -r4 Turlanen] (Ml.~~A 17 -. 6) 14(5) sov/92 - AUTHORSt Geletiy, 0. and Orazov,, T., Engineer3 TITLE: Mechanisms for Closing ~Va -of a Petroleum Sampling Thief (Mekhanizmy zakryvayushchiye klapany probootbornika neft-11) PERIODICAL: Neftyanik, 1958, Nr 8, pp 22-24 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors state that valves of a thief taking petroleum samples in a--deep well are usually closed by a watch mechanism. However, under a pressure ranging from 200 atm, and temperature from 900 C to 120*C, it is almost impossible to take petroleum samples at a considerable depth by using a thief provided with a watch mechanism for closing its valves. Therefore, the authors developed two different types of a similar mechanism for closing the valves of a thief. The use of the first or the second type depends on the construction of 11 ftng pipes. The first type Is shown in Fig. 1, and the second in Fig. '2. The authors explain how the mechanism of the first and the second type works, and Card 112 Mechanisms for Closing Valves (Cont.) 92-58-8-20/36 specifies its different parts and their designatdon. Both types of the mechanism can be easily built by the oilfield force. They are wcund up in the same manner as a watch and do nct require any change in the process of petroleum sampling operation whi--h -'s being successfully carried out in the western Turlanen regicn with sampling thiefs equipped with the newly devised mechanism. As the time record shows, the time needed to complete the petroleum sampling operation with the aid of the new me-:,har-sm has been reduced and the cost of operation 'Lowered. There a-e 2 f ig-ares. ASSOCIATION: Stanislavskly sovnarkhcz ~`Th-:~ Scvrarkh~,z cf thf~ Stanislav Province) Card 212 ORAZOV, Ya. Effect of the density Of Plants On the growth and development of hybrid corn in southern Turkmenistan. Izv. AN Turk. SSR Ser. biol. nauk no.4t72-76 163. jMIRA 16:9) 1. lolotanskaya selaktsionnava stantsiya. (Turkmenistan-Hybrid corn) (Plants, Space arrangement oil) PAVLOV, B.V., skademik; AGL'UVA, N.T.; BAYTENOV, N.2.; GCLOSKOKOV, V.P., kand.biolog.nauk, red.; KOHNILOVA, V.S.; POLYAKOV, P.P.. Prinimali uchastlys: VASILIYXVA, A.N.; ORAZOVA, A.; FISTUN, V.V.. BTKOV, B.A., red.; KUBAN3LATA, Z.V.,; SUVOROVA, R.I., red.; ALMOVA, (Flora of KazakhatanJ Flora Kazakhatana.,Pavlov. Soot.H.T.Ageeva i dr. Alma-Ata. Vol-3. 1960. 457 P. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Akademiya nauk Kazakhakoy SSR, Alma-Ata. Institut botaniki. 2. AW Kaz&M (for Pavlov). 3. Chlon-korrespondent AN KazSSR (for Bykov). (Kazak-hatan--Dicotyledons) BAYTENOVP M.S.; VASIL'YETA, A.N.; GAMAYUNOVA, A.P.; GOLOSKOKOV, V.P.; ORAZ[rU,-A,l ROIDUGIN, I.I.; SatIOTROCHEVA, N.L.; FISYUP, V.V.; TERFAMOVA, V.I.; PAVLOV, N.V., akademik, glav. red.; ff.KOV, B.A., red.; GOLOSKOKOV, V.P., kand. biolog. nauk, red.; KUBAIISKAYA, Z.V., kand. biolog. nauk, red.; SUVOROVA, R.I., red.; ALFEROVA, P.F.' tekhn. red. [FlorsL of Kazakhstan] Flora Kazakhstana. Glav. red. N.V.Pavlov i dr. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Kazakhskoi SSR. V01.5. 1961. 512 p. (MIRA 14:10) 1. AN Kazakhskay SSR (for Pavlov). 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN Ka- zakhskcyy SSR (for Bykov). (Kazakhstan-l,eguminosae) VASIL'YEVA, A.N.; GAMU11OVA, A.P.; GOLOSKOKOV, V.P., kand. biol. nauk; 0:,AZOVA, A.; RULDUGIN, I.I.; SEVIOTAOCHEVA, N.L.; FISYUN, V.V.; ~NZIXLDA, N.A., red. ; ALIEROVA, F.F., tekhn. red. [Illustrated guide to plants of the family Leguminosae of Kazakhstan] Illiustrirovanmyi opredelitell rastenii ser,eistva bobovykh Kazakhstana. Alma-Ata, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Kazakhskoi SSR, 1962. 357 p. (MIR-A 15:6) 1. Akaderiya nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, Alma-Ata. Institut botaniki. (Kazakhstan-Loaguminosae) VASIL'YEVA, A. N. ; A. I ; ~( LC,;FC)KU% , % . I . , karl'~ biol. nauk; X.-hY EVA, A.A.; M-EVA, I-' . "'.. -, bi,~! nauk- C-AMU, 1.~.; SSEITM71CJVKIII~~';, N.L.; TEREKHM, V. I ; ~ SA(lCILVA, ', . - ; .;11% L OVA, 1. , rr, IVAIWVA, E. I red. A. , red. L Flomi KRz: tan ~ Flcra Kazakh!-,l ana. "IfAv. ruci . '- V. av' .,u st. asi va 1 kim-Ata, 1 --d-v,) Ab azukh. "'3r, (ML,.A 17 i. kkader.l-ya nau Ka z. ~3.. ( ru r P av ov ChlPr.,-k:).,-re!3- i owent Al r.az3S;- ( f:)r "-cv VASILIYEVA. A.N. GkIYUNOVA, V.P. ' DMITRIYFVA, A.A ; GOLOSKOV, V F.,kfind. biol. riliuk; ZAYI',9EVA, ',, 1;, ; KA.104YSHEVA. N.Kh. akadprrik; I.I.; SEMICTROCHE'VA,' V TK,-EKHCVA_ V. 1 . j Flal'~T , V,V. TSAGAIA9VA, V.G,; SUVOROVA, R.,, reJ. [F'.,,)ra r,f Kazakhstan' F:cra Kazakhslaria, (,.5v, !~,V- av Alma-Ata, Na,,-ka, V,.) -A Axa,ieri--,ya naux Kaz.Sfl~ (f r F-iv. v; S/71o/62/ooo/oo8/003/003 E075/9436 AUTHORS: Rudakova, N.Ya.$ Polishchukj O.A., Candidates of Technical Sciences, Gamolina, L.N., Orazova, M.R., Engineers ------ TITLE; Crude naphthenic acids - effective emulsion breakers for hydrophobic petroleum emulsions SOURCE: Kiyev. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy i proyektnyy institut ugollnoy, neftyanoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti. Nauchnyye mapiski. no.8. 1962. Neftepererabotka. 71-80 TEXT: The emulsion breakers in current use in the USSR are .reviewed and it is concluded that to be effective they must contain salts of surface active oil-soluble sulphonic acids and the minimum content of non-active ballast. Separation of 'water from a light Glinsk Rozbyshev crude and heavy Kokhanovo crude was investigated to elucidate the action of various emulsion breakers. These include neutralized kerosene and gas oil sulphonic acids, crude and neutralized naphthenic acids produced in different refineries. The most effective were the oil-soluble crude naphthenic acids isolated from alkali wastes after Card 1/2 WUSSION ) R. t AP4014860 3/0202/65/OOD/W6/0010/WI4 - WISMS t Annayev, R. 0.1 JO*lIkSuly*yevp G.; Orassakhatov, A. rITU: Dependence of longitudinal and tranuverse magnetostriction of Ni3Pd allay 3n thermal treatment SOURrEt All TurkmSSR. Isy. Seriya fj%jko-tekhnicheekikhv khinicheskikh i geologicheskikh naukq no. 6, 1963, 10-1-1 rOPIC TAGSs ma6natostriationt annealing temperature, strain gauge, transverse sapetostriation, superstructure, parity effect, aspetio saturation ADSTRACTs The longitudinal and transverse magnetostriotion of Ni3Pd has been studied as a function of annealing temperatures. The magnetostriotion is measured by means of a wire strain gauge. Both magnetostrictions decrease by increasing the annealing temperature up to 410C and increase after a further raise in the annealing temperature. The nature of the change on the effect of longitudinal and transverse siMetostriction saturation as a function of annealing temperatures indicates the pressnoe of superstruotur** in the alloy and place* the order-disorder transition in the 410-420C temperature rwW* Ihs results also veri4 the parity effect law L /2 ICCESSION IRt AP4014860 ihich states: the longitudinal. parity effect at magnetic saturation is twice the transverse effect with a negative sign. Orig. art. has$ 3 formLl", 3 figures, and I table. ISSOCIATIONs Turkmenskiy g6xudarstvenny*y universitet in* A* M. GorIkogo (Turkmen State University) 03MMI 29Jan63 DATE ACQs 19Feb64 ENCL: 00. NO MU SOVI 013 2/2. ANNAYEV, R.G. I ORAZSAKIIATOV, A. -, Limar n&gnetostriction in certain miyed ferrites. Izv. AN Turk. SSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh., khim. i geol. nauk no.lv9-13 165. (MIRA 18M 1. Turkmenskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni Gorlkogo. NN ~.YEV r~ OR A/. S A F-Ji /,'TV! A, lempera'.urp dapen~en,.,- -,f t,~e rxii7rot-),3~r,-~-on capror and nickel-eopper ferr-' : ZV . ~ N; TIIT ~li-m. i pe-,! , ntuk in.' 1 1 -15 t65. I . --Li-.k-mnnskly goaudars~vpnryy .,n t v( :-A te, i) Im' e, I i-ine 29, ]r164. ACC NR, AT6028984 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0155/0159 AUTHOR: Annayev, R. G.; Orazsakhatov, A. ORG: none TITLE: Analysis of linear magnetostriction in some composite ferrites 'SOURCE: Vsesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po ferritam. 4th, Minsk. rizicheskiye i fiziko- I !khimicheskiye svoystva ferritov (Physical and physicochemical properties of ferrites); Idoklady &oveshchaniya. Minsk, Nauka i tekhnika, 1966, 155-159 1 TOPIC TAGS: ferrite, magnetostriction, electric resistivity, magnetic field, satura- ;tion condition, metal physics TRACT: A study was made of longitudinal (A,,) and transverse magnetostriction (Ai ) of polycrystalline nickel-magnesium, nickel-copper, and cobalt-zinc ferrites. emperature mag~etostriction was measure on a Wheatstone bridge by measuring 1~o an accuracy of 10 b ohm, since A = AWL = 1/n MIR. Values of A I and A are given as functions of the outer magnetic field which ranged from 0 to 5.5!110-3 oiersted. For ;all ferrites, X11 was negative while Aiwas positive. Both A11 and Aireached a satu- iration value at 1-2-10-3 oersted depending on the ferrite composition. Saturation val-~_ 1/2 ACC NRa AT6026984 ,ues of A11 and Aiincreased linearly in absolute magnitude as functions of wt % of NiO in nickel-magnesium ferrites. Up to 24.8% NiO, good agreement was obtained with a formula previously developed for nickel -magnesium fe.rrites having low NiO contents: T .All OAD-OB) + aB, .,ik;, U AS,AB is the magnetostrictive saturation of a two component alloy A-B at a given temperature 7, A(00) the magnetostrictive saturation for ferromagnetic component A S, AO at OOK, B is the composition of the second component, a and 0 are constants, and 0AB is the Curie point of the alloy A-B. Saturation values of A,,/A, ranged fz 1.993 to 2.280 for all ferrites tested. These values were compared to the saturation values predicted by the law of Akulov: A 11 r. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 2 tables, 3 fomulas. CDDE: G%11,20/ SUBM DATE: 22Dec65/ ORIG REF: 007 2/2 ORU,MgToyw..*AMsy..qrasymbetovich-, KBIXSHKO, I.L.. red.; MOBIR. H.V., totha. red. Clarthquakes and the behavior of surface structures] Zemletriasenils i povedenia nodsemsykh sooruzhanii. Alma-Ata, Kazakhakoe g9s. izd-vo, 1958. 149 p. (MIU 12:2) (larthquakes and buildiag) CRAZYNMTOV, Nurgazy Orazymbetovich, inth.; KAKHOWIN. Vladimir Vasillyevich, Inzh.; KUKKANOV, Nasyr Iqikmanovich, inzh.; TAIM-ZHANOV. F.Kh.. inzh., red.; IL'YASMiKO, L.V., red.; BAINBETOY, K., red.; TURABATNV, B., [Handbook on local building materials and their use] Spravochnik po mostnym stroitel'nym materialam i ikh primenenis. Pod red. F.Kh. Takeshanova. Alma-Ata. Kazakhokoe goa.izd-vo, 1959. 510 P. (MIRA 13:4) (Building materials) CMYHBHTQT.,,W.O.; SWYUKOV. N.M.; SUNIN, S.A.; DUZIMMICH, Sju., inzh., usuchnyy red.; TIMOT. G.W., red.izd-va: KZDYZIZY, L.Ta..; OSKNKO, L.N., [The Ashkhabad earthquake of 1948; engineering analynis of after- effects of the earthquake] Ashkhabodskoe zemletriasenia 1948 g.; inzhanarnyi analiz posladetvit samletriaseniia. MoRkva, Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.matarialsm, 1960. 3o6 p. (MIRA 13:6) (Turkmanistan--liarthquakes and building) BAN" P.C'~! 7iA Kii ;,,,i Lt r, rm m~ za Lv, ORBAN, Aladar liescriptlon of t-nn N,,~ '.e-.-Hllng Instrumont -,-o k &r *- 17 no. I -- 5()-6('. '6 5. ORBAN, b. Simple determination of detail points in topographic surveying. P. 154. GEODEZIA ES KARTOGR&FIA. (Allami Foldmeresi so Terkepeszeti Hivatal) Budapest. Vol. 8, No. 2, 1956. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress. Vol. 5, no. 11, November 1956. .I . .'. , ~-.- -, 7" , 7 1, -1 , I - " ~, ') 1 - , hrp o.. k-0 f~ , ..1,,-; -1 " q " -. ~, .,- :.- . . ,, . , .13 " T~ - , . 1 -: -1 - "I 1 9, 1 . Olt BA N , B . , ; r , ~ ~ a t - -, - ;; f. : . , Z.J,, p , - ~ ~- . . . . I - * ; e ~ . :, t. I " t t, :; - . -1 :. " t - ,, ~ ly 3 4 -, , . . . .- , ~- 3 ) ".4. ORB41i, Dlyerd' [Orba'n. D.] (Budapesht); SH(RIOD11, Emil [Somogyi. EA (Bodapasht); DONAT, Tibor [DO'nat, Tj (Budapesht) Examination of cyclical changes in the vaginal secretion by means of fluorescent microscopy. Akush. i gin. 33 no-5:111- 112 3-0 157. (MIR& 12:5) (OVUL&TION cyclical change exam. by luminescent microscopy of vaginal secretion) (VA.GINk. phyalol. determ. of ovulation cycle by luminnecent microscopy of vaginal secretion) ORBAF, Erz.o; KORM11DY, Melinda Calorimetric exam'Ti.,tic-n ( f Up Mu'd abgorpticm CaTacity of Aerosil. Acta pharm. Hung. 36 no.1120-26 j ' 66/ 1. Submitted September 3, lq65. CRUN, Ferenc,; SZIGETI, Oyorgy Analysis of the production conditions of the ammonium cm- taining Paris blue. Veszprew vegyip egy kozl 4 no.4t377-378 160* 1. Timfoldgyar, Alntasfuzito, es Veszpremi Vegyipari Egyetem Kemlai Technologia Tanezek. WWI, Jozsef; ORW, Ferenons Effect of the organic compound on the Bayer alumina production no.8:343-347 Ag 162. content of aluminate &Ixalies process.II. Kob lap 95 JTUHASZ, Adam, fomernok; ORBAN, Ferencne, kutatomernok; MATULA, Miklos, fizikus Analysis of the cnemical compor!ition and structure cf sodilm aluminum silicates as well as reducing the caustic soda loss in the Bayer process, Koh lap 98 no.2:66-73 F t645. 1. Aluminum Industry Designing Institute (for Juhasz). 2. Almasfuzito Alumina Factory, Almasfuzito (for Matula). L 47241-66 E,,.rr ( t I/El IIJ P JTH/J1: ACC NR, Al 6034297 SOURCE CODE: IIU/0014/66/000/006/0276/0280 JUik,,,.Z, �d,~a Metallurgical Enginerr, Orban. Ferencno Research En- gineer, and HATUIA, Miklosp Physicist, ORG: none Investigation of the Chemical Composition and Structure of Sodium Alu- minum Silicates and Reduction of the Caustic-Soda Losses in the BsY-er-- Process" Budapest, Kr)hasza~i L~;)ok, Vcl 99, :,t) Jk.!t ',. .6) pp 276-280. Abstract: This article ~.-, a contimiat i-n of a PIC'Vious Paper for which, however, no bibliographic ref erenco., I ~s I'C(Tl ci ,ed. The formation mecl.a- nism of sedium aluminum silicat,2 hab beci, di sct,ssed on the basis of pu- relv chemical analyses and the behave,),- c,f the sodiam aluminum silicate in aluminate solutions has been d wi th the aim of util Izini, tile data obta!ned fur redUCIng thC (If the al~imina-manufscltirinj; process according tn the Baver ti,(~ ~,Ir,ie. T;ie SiG2 is thought to I!e PT e sent in a complex form. the so-lubi ty if 0,r c lal line sodiij-,, ~m silicate is in an lnverte relor i(,P. c;. ~ e 5t ren-,tb increase c!f Oit c-.Ystal lattice., Oris-. art. has: I f igurr~,, 13 formulas and I -_ji ~7F~ TWIC TAGS1 raluminum silicate, allico%~ ao I r UM yd ox SU~l CODF: 07 SUBm i)z,~At riono )v j~L j, to I (j Curd UUG 5 4 6A2 _; ~) -j Is ITI No 01: a 00 Mft IML 4M mewim LLE Dou Ain. %mobs .40 ml Dow, 0 a a n a -1 as 0000000000000000000 mi pw o- --w I 0000000000;60000000004 ZOO zoo *,aoo Zoo too too t:o 0 too ORRAN, G. TheraDy of habitual abortion. Magy. noorv. lap. 15 no. 12:375-W De- 1952. (CL?4L 24:1) 1. Doctor. 2. National Inatitute of the Rxamination and Counseling in Sterility (Head ---Dr. Gyorjg Or-ban). ASZTALOS. Gyula. dr. ; HCRN, B,91R, dr.; CIRBAN, Gyorpy, dr. Result in the treatment of 200 cases of habitual abortion. noorv.lap. 17 no.6:336-340 Nov 54. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyogyatem I. oz. nol klinikajanak (Igazgato: Horn Bela dr. egyet. twmr) as az Orazages MeddosepvizBgalo Intez"t Orban Worff dr.) Kozlamerjye. (LBOTION. habitual, ther.) TARJAN. R.,; MUMM, M.,; ORBAB, G. Comparative studies on vitamiri B content In blood serum in normal pregnancy, Orv. hatil. 96 no.47:1300-1302 20 Bov 55. 1. Az Orozagoe 1jelmezea- @a Taplalkozastudomanyi Inte2et (igazg4to: Thxjan Robert dr. az orvostudomanyok kmUdatuna) Os az Orazagos Meddosegvizagalo so Tanaceado Intezatenek (vezeto foorvos: Orban Gy~j gy dr.) kozlemenye. (VITAMIN f ~nblood, in pregn. & in habitual abortion) (BLOCD, vitamin 1, in normal pregn. & habitual abortion) (PREGNANCY. blood in, vitamin E) (ABORTION habitual, blood vitamin 2 in) RIMO, Gimes; OHFANq Gyorgy Col,pocytological exam inations in pregnancy. Magy. noorv. lap. 20 no.6: 356-363 Dec 57. 1. Aidw)enti Orvoutudomanyi Baetem 1. oz. noi klinikajanak (igazgato: Horn 13oln) as as Orgzagoa ModdonegvizBgnlo Intozet (foorvos; Orban Worp_y) kozlemenyo. (PREGNANCY, Dhysiol. cytol. exam. of vaginal smears (Hun)) (VAGINAL SMMARS, in Dregn. cytol. exam. (Hun)) ORBAN. GyaorM. dr. ---- & . w,., On psychoprophylactic preparation for painless labor. Magy. noorr.lap. 21 no.6:329-340 N 160. 1. Povarosi Balassa Janos Korhas (igazgato: Dimitrov Szokodi Daniel dr.) Szuleszet-Nogyogyaszati Oeztalyamak (foorvoa: Orban G.vorgy cIr.) koslemenve. (LABCR) SZANTO, Endre, dr.; ORUN, Gyorgy, dr. .......... 4 pregnancies at tem after pneumonectomy. Orv. hetil. 101. no.9: 416-418 3 Mr 163. 1. Orszagos Koranyi Tbc. Intezet es Fovarosi Balassa Janos Korhaz. (PNEUMONECTOMY) (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY) its *0 a *of 00 IN 000 00 00 L"WIM CLhwu&vm a 0 9 a avl-- lee I** 1100 lee see Mae Soo .800 Q*o 400 see woo goo woo woo Wes, a a 'Imago 0 3 9v .0 :,04010, 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 6-0 40 "0.0690000099009000000 0' e4 is V-0-4 *10.0 Oz*.&,A er'* S -*- 0: 0 * 0 ~ 6~ 0 0 0 * L 0 0 ORBAN , Gyorgy. (ir. The significance of the space doWe an& body position in roentgen Irracliation. Kagy. radiol. 6 no.2:88-93 Apr. 54. 1. A z Orazagov Sugarfisikal Laboratorlum koslemenye (Yezatc: - r.) a fisikal tudomanyok kandlilatusa) OftAu-27DrA7, d (RADIOTHEIA" body position In radiother. of perinma region) lf,J'N.3,',RY/Nucle&r Physics - ,ent--ral ,.bs i-~-f 7jur - Fizikit, Nr C )P Auth-r rbar. jy-r I .r,st N-t 31-ven Iitle Cir-ference rr. js,t-p;--~ In y,scrw --In: .,-,ril '51-,, CriC~ rub Maaar tud., !"~57, 0~4, 'I- Z44-24- -9 A DICA Sec 18 Vol, 1/12 Cardiovas. Dis Doc 57 ~' WE _i o1z 3k 332. BAN GN,. 1(t jb IszWk angiokardingrapliiilioz A pparatus lor apKocardiography Mag. RadRoT-MY, 8/3 (180-182) Illus. 7 T seriograph described here consists of a rotatory plate holding 5 cassettes 24 x 30 cm. in size. It may be mounted on any Bucky-table and allows 5 subsequent expo- sures within 12 or 20 &cc. The practical value of the apparatus is illustrated by serial films of a case of coarctation of the aorta. Gy6rgyi - Budapest (XVII.1, 14*) FAZAXAS, S.; KXRTBSZ, L.; ORBAW, Gy.; PETRANYI, Gy. Study on the iodine metabolism of the tbvroid gland with ionization chnmber. Acts, mad. hung. 11 no.4:405-415 1958. 1. 11. Innere klinik der raedizinischen univeraitat, debrecen und atom- V-ernforechungs-inatitut der ungnrisohen Rkademis der Wineensohaften. debrecen. (IODMI, radioactive diag. of thyroid dis., measurement of radioiodine untake by Orban's ionization chamber (Ger)) (THYROID GLM, die. diag. by menBurement of radioiodine uptake with Orban's ionization chamber (Ger)) (RADIATION COUNTMS Orban's ionization chamber (Ger)) ci~ 0-:-d~i Progmea i:. -(-ErAg--rL fiyfiica. ATCM1 k-o 3-1 4 no . 3/4 ; 143-- .- - - . I ~ . ORBAN, Gyorgy, dr.; PATKO, Jorsef; BERTA, Intvan, dr. The x-ray photochemical method for gradual dosimetry. Magy. radiol. 14 no.3:162-168 Je 162. 1. A Debreceni Kossuth Lajos Tudomany g3retam Alkalmazott Fizikai Inteze- tenek (igazgato: Orban Gyorgy dr. egyetemi tanar) es a Debreceni Orvostu- doma?7i Fqyetem Szuleszeti es Nogyogyaszati klinikajanak (igazgato: Arvay Sandor dr. egyetemi tanar) kozlemenye. (RADIOMETRY) KBI YI,G.; FRANKL,J.; ORBAN,I. Clinical aspect, and pathogenesis of oronhyria cutanea tarda. Orv. hetil. 101 no.24:829-834 12 Je ~60. 1. Pecei Orvostudomanyi Naetem. Korbonsetani Intezet es Kapeevari Megyei Korba2, Borgyegyeazati Gaztaly. (POBPHYRIA) PO'.RGhCS, Intvan; ORBAY, Imre 3)meriences with the clinical iisp of nalfium (R. ~75)- rr7. 100 no-3:124-125 18 Jan 59. 1. A %danest --jrv-~stucio-nnyi III. sz. ebeszet I Klinikajanak (1gazi-ato: Jbibanyi Pal dr. eaet. tanar) kozlemenve. (ANALGMICS AND ANTIPM&TICS, ther. iise (2,2-diplianyl-3-,netkil--4--jorpholino)-biitv.-tI pyrroiidino, clia. trial (Hun)) FORGACS, Istvan, dr.; VOSZYA, Rudolf, dr.; ORHAN. Inre, dr. Bxplosions occurring in operating roams. Grv.hetil- 1100 no-52:iB69-1872 D '59. 1. L Budapeati Orvostudomnyt Igyetem III. as. Sebeezett KlialkaJanak (Igazgato: Rubanyt Pal dr. eg3retemi tanar) as Orvosi Pizilml Intezetenek (I~%,zgato: Tarjan Isre dr. egyetemi tanar) koolemanye. (XXPLOSIONS) (OFMATING ROOMS)