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COUNny RUIANIA fl CAT&N)RY Chemical Tect-nolo". Chemical "rodilcts and Their Anolicntion. Pharmaceuticals. Vitamins. Antibio-O ABS. JOUR. Rla-LKIdm., No 17, 1959, No. 61817 AUTHOR Stanciu, Jshasescu , 17. ;. Oprescu, L, I N S 711 T-M TITILIE Pharmaceutical Non-Comy)atihility of rertain Binary Systems. ORIG. PUB. Farmacia. (Romin.), fi, No 3, "37-250 ABSTRACT Presentod are stiieies -Oat clarify a nurr~-er of literitture (Iftta nertaining to the non-comnati- bility of certain medicinal substances. Patios of concentrations at whicb tbese sijbstanres for soft or liqiiid mixttires dije to tI,e formation of eutec- tics with low meltinp -oints are established. ~Iore thrn 100 finary sNstpma were analysed of whicl, many, considered in literature as non-com- -atible, in actualitY were not found Fts Fucf,. *tics. Card: 67 COuntrY: Rumania Academic Degree3: -Prof Ing- AM&Uon: Institute for Oonstruotions (Inatitutul do Constru(.tii), Bucharest Soume: Bucharest t Revists. do Goodezie 91 Organizares, Toritoriulut 0 Vol V I No 4 1 1961 P pp 65-73. PV Data: "The 22nd Course in Zeiss Photogrametry which Took Place in -hme 1961 at Budapest.* OPRESGUY W.) prof,iAge Internatimal colloquium of phatogrametr7 in Dresden, --63. Rev geodezie 8 no.lt6l-62 164 OPRESCU, Stelianj LORENTZ, Tiberiu; POPESCU, Olga Studies on some o3teologic indexes of birds in reciprocal and direct breedings. Studii core biol a. zool 16 no. It 11-29 164. 1. Laboratory of Animal Genetics, "Tra-ian Savulescu" Institute of Biology. i. e~ lEs C, A T G 0 R'-' TECDCRYAJIU, 14. [Teodoream, N.3; ',PLJRLAh-L, G. [Burlacu, G.1; OPRzSh-U, St. The embryonic and pastembryonic metabolism in the Rhode Island and Leghorn chicks and crossbreeds in connection with the heterosis phenomenon. Rev biol 6 no.4:449-466 161. 1. Chlen-korr. Akademii RNR (for Teodoreanu). PUSCARU,D.; PETRESCU, C&4-QPRESCU2_jt..~TAVRI, J.; PETRACHE, M.; NINOVICI, C.; TANASE, L. Research on the nutritive value and structure of vinter rations of milch cove on the Posters, Barman, and Hisnoy state farms. Studii cerc biol anin 13 - 'po.1:121-132 161. (Ew 10:7) (RUMANIA-COWS) .15" PUSCARU, D.; OPRESCU,-- St.; DINU, I. D.Tnamics of the growth of the young calves of various breedB, from the birth up to two years of age. Studii cerc biol anim 13 no-4: 549-568 161. 1. Comunicare prezentata de N. Teodoreanu, membru corespondent al Academiei R. P. R. OPRESCU, St.; POPA, L. Relations between the type of hemoglobulin and certain productirlty indexes in some sheep populations of Aumanin. Comunicitrile AR 12 no..: 79-82 Ja '62 1. Comunicare prezontitta do N. ToodorerLnu. mombru coroopondfirit oil Academiei X.P. it. PUSCARU, D.; VMXSANU, N.; GFRESCU, St.; DINU, I .; CIOCOIU, A.; TANA6E, L. Influence of colostrum, on the developnent of young cattle. Studii cerc biol, anim 14 no.ls47-55 162. 1. Comunicare prezentata de N. Teodoreanu, membru coresiondent al Academiei R.F.R., si membru al Comitetului de redbcl,.,e, "Studii si cercetari de biologie; Seria bio--o&ie aiii-s-lb." OPRESCU, Stelian; LORINTZ, Tiberiu Observations on the gravimetric indexes of some organs and tissues in the process of bird interbreeding. Studii cere biol anim 15 no-1: 19-28 163. Stelian, 2- -'ef .7~esearclier 'Cercetor Bucla- LZ-~ -~, - k rest - affi.,Ii-LH-Ion -not 61,venj L "3oviet ."escarch a,-ci Work ~~'etl~cjds iii the Field of ~enctics- and ..adiogenetics." uc,are,,-~, atura. Seria E-~i*---~' c', 115, lio 5, e, SeD-,~Ct pp A,, S r f% c t c nc -e r r eLY. S e r 5 0 c rec,---rDc,-~ selectic.-., e X - e r ro,,C-try, clll~-, b r i.-, f c: - f -;,izine re:.erences. d e I ,TICULIMCU, Ion T.; GAHGI-PABSCHIV, A.; ONICBSCU, DDina; RAIUMNU, Iona; GIUGA,RIU, D.; DHDITJ, St.; OPRISM-LISSIVIRVICI, glpnA; TRIYU. P. Contribution to the study of nerve endings in the pancreas. Rumanian M. Rev. 1 no.2:5-10 AT)r-June 57. (PANCREAS, innervation anat. of nerve endings) CERNIGOJ, B.; qELJAK, Z.; NOVAK, P.; PUST, J.; 14LWN, H.; OPRESNIK, M.; KUHELJ, A.; HLEEBANJA, J.; KRUSIC, B.; POVSE, R.; KRAUT, B.; PROSENC, V.; PRELCG, E. Book reviews. Stroj vest 10 no.6:176-182 D 164. OFRE5NIK, Miran, mech. eng., lecturer New ideas concerning the studies of mechanical engineerin Stroj '7-9 Ja 161. (EFAI 10 ,9 vest 7 no.l. , 11 1. Faculty for Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana. (Mechanical engineering) Si262/6200010 Wl 024 1007:1207 AUTHOR TITLE. Experimental research on [lie cascade of active turbine-blades at subsonic speeds PERIODICAL. Referativnvy zhurnal. otdcl'nyy vypusk. 42 Silovyye ustanovki, no 10, 196". 28. ah'alact 42 10 134 "Godislinik Mash - clektroteklin in-l", v 0. no 4. 19S9 (1960) 6S [Atwrac- ter's now original language Bulgarian] TEXT: Methods and results ofcxperimenLal research on a test stand are described [Abstracter's note Complete tran%lation Card It I OPREVP M. Profiling the spray nozzle appratus for supersonic speeds. Godishnik wsh elekt 10 no.3:75-83 161 (pubi.162). OPl3zv,--H.,; UZUKOV, D. Static pressure in the mixing chamber of ateam-Jet ejectors. Godishni nash elekt 10 no.3:85-92 161 (publ.162). L 187-7_9_Q_ -.-EPP~n)-2/"q)/,EW/T-ZIRS(-#)-Z/ZS(,w)-2---AF M-/ASD/9SD-3/SsD, Pu-4/Pt-4/Fab-4 WH/JD ACCESSION NR: AT30D2463 R/2501/63/008/001/01M/0109 AUTHCR: Balte~, P.; Opria, F. TITLE: Semiconductor properties of sintered masses of the ZnO-YAO sub 2 system (Translation from Rumanian into Russian; originally presented at the 6th Scien- tific Session of the Teacher Staff of the Bucurest Polytechnical Institute, Oct., 1960, and published in the journal "Studii si cercetari de metalurgie, "Acad. R.P.R., 1962, 7.4. SOURCE: Academia Republicii Populare Romine. Revue Roumaine de metallurgie. V. 8, no. 1, 1963, 101-109 TOPIC TAGS: electrical resistivity, electrical conductivity, transport phenomena, activation energy, thermoelectromotive force, ceramics, sintered semiconductors, sintered ceramics, thermoelectricity I tl~ ABSTRAM Semiconductive and ceramic properties of sintered masses of the ZnO-TiO2 system were studied. Relative to other systems containing TiO2, little has been done with. this system, especially as regards its semiconductive C,,d 1/2 L 18779-63 ACCESSION NR: AT300203 0 properties. The resistivity, activation energy and thermal E.M.F. as wall as the thermal contraction and density were measured as functioni of the composition, and the resulting curves were interpreted in term of thermodynamic equilibrium arguments. These interpretations were aided by the equilibrium phase diagram of the ZnO-TiO2 system of Dulin and Rase (J. of the Amer, Ceram. Soc., March L'960~ 125-131). These correlations also permitted a determination of the influence of chemical species which emerge in the sintered system. Samples whi.-h contain less than 3Q% T102 behave as semiconductors, while those containing more than 30% TiO behave as ifisulators. Thus, depending on relative proportions of 2 constituents, this system may be used for semiconductor devices or for dielectrics. Orig. art. has 8 graphs and I table. ASSOCIATION: none SUBKETTED: 00 DATE AOQt 17Jun63 EXCLt 00 PH NO REP SOV3 004 OTHERt MO SUB CODE: EL Card 2/2 OPRIJAN, Milenko, Dr. " Characteristics of the homicido. Vnj. san. proirl., Beogr. 12 no.11-12:587-594 Nov-Dee 55. 1. Instltnt za sudsku medicinu Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu. (CRIME, statist. homicide in Tugoal. (Ser)) MKOTIC, Blagoje; WORDJAVIC, Rusomir; OPRIJAN, Milanko: TASILIC, Momcilol JOKANOVIC, Dobrivoje Personal results in determination of blood stains and In obtaining serum precipitate. Srpski arh. calok. lek. 85 no.4:3V-410 Apr 57. 1. Inotitut za sudsku madicinu Medicinskog fakulteta u Bnogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr. Julijans, Bogicavic. (BLOOD blood stains. determ. technics (Ser)) V L OPRIJAR, Milanko, prof. dr.1 PEJAKOVIG, Umuilo, doo. dr. Principles for the classifioaticm of injuries. Mod, glas, 19 no.4t85-87 Ap-W 1 65. 1. Inatitut z& sudsku medicinu Medicinskog fakultata u Beogradu (Upravnikt prof. dr. J. Bogioevio). RUMANIA/Soil Science. Mineral Pert'lizers. Abs Jour: Referat Zh-Biol., No 0, 25 March, 1957, 22504 Author Samoile, Oprin, Chernelya Inst I Title The Effectiveness of Mineral and Organic Fertilizers on Pastures of the Retezat Mountain Range. Orig Pub: Probl. zootehn. si veterin,,1956, No 3, 37-52. Abstract: A number of experiments were conducted by Mount Timishoar~ Agricultural Institute seeking methods to increase pasture productivity on typical locations with acid podzol soils where Festuca. rubra predominates. The activity of N, P, K, lime and manijre in different combinations was tested in spring and fall administration and types of pasture utilization. The largest crops of green mass were obtained when cattle were kept herded. In large areas, it is recommended that 300 kg superphosphate, 120 kg potassium salt per hectare be added once Card 1/2 -16- RUMIA/Soil Science. Mineral Fer-t1lizers. I-r Abs Jour: Referat Zh-Biol., No t"), 25 March, 1957. 225o4 every 3-4 years, and a nitrogen fertilizer once a year or every 2 years. Also once every 4-5 years, 1 ton/hectare of lime should be administered. With such a system of fertilization, the crop increases more than 6 times. Its protein content is increased by 34-53%. Card : 2/2 -17- 'OFR.I N, C AGRICULTURE Periodical: STUDII SI CMChrARI SM"TIFICE'. SEMA MINTE AGMCOLF, Vol. 4 no. 1/2, Jan./June 1957 OPRINP C. Geobotanic study of the natural meadows in the Districts of Timisoara, Jimbolis, and Sinnicolau Mare (Region Tir.,isoara~ and their state of productivity. p. 69 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No.3, March 1959, Unclass. 7~ c. 8lidyjf cutaneous 41teradoi -is 1w ronnection, th Peancerous'aad irr -in ltatlag:action of hydrocarbona-'used- - , .'C - Ufarii -AL - O of Nvoo4 : At nation und im re 64 - . . , , . g p p : a&d.'rtfi C&vun popold7rZoin T hfarbicacti . . . , . ar e4e~lbcdlii- WOW wbich warktorsOn linpircoatiusilacton't evd(itwd and spill? A Ahow, wig$, etllujar tPll1lCjk)t;)~S- 0)~* Mainly w1s. clunm " llito; tiirei~t coolact Nvhh Ille hYdiocarb6im-lit td for irjjprtg-~ nation were affeetca. '_TheVapors* aliadLespmkilly tile uncovered ski the'dw--ekipawfit d utnae_;~hd lonku- tar hyptrkcr:AWis.:~, hi !~Mval cases-1. wag b I SerVel Z~ 7~, EX'-4'TA ':EDICA Sec-13 Vol-U15 Dc-.-,iitIcIo;~y,c`c. 5' I TH )101,~ 1, S OC( I~N*11111111'1 IC 'I P.I.A*; MI..'N"I t r;Itameritu I ui antisknim( (j I) j'% r 1i ino Ui ira. De rmato-Wnereol. T--,--C-rUT- DER M. VEN ER 1-I*OL. (i i- 19,57, 1/2 (167-16,J) 'I hree cases of polyneurilis were obsf-i-ved latelly in 3 woi,,.t,n witi. iatont tive syphilis and intolerance tu arsenical medications. A~I lhvsc pato,zo.~ pr. typi(.al subjective and objective clinical symptoins of pul'N-ricuritis. Hisii-iz: constitute an actiological fartor of POIYTIeUritis even (luring norma. scriu, ,: -!:i,in- istration, its action being explained by a toxico-allergic mCL-haI1ISII;, Trill".. !"Cl! cases of bitmuth polyneuritis were published in the literature. EXCD'U>TA -Z-DICA Sec.13 Vol-12/5 Donrmtclo~~r,("-.C. 58 ilk" .15. Ro-,A(A.11- (MM -1 1 111 RCI LID.') (I ~NIAVXI ('()%%1.("i 1W, \% I I H *1 1,1A M*1'1-1;).~ iA/j'D 1~' 1:1- 1 C( t: j, I nI A in. or I )t-r M~ '-mono r, I . I . N1 . F . 1 1 ~ N V 1 1 i i . . k! A ,i I r ,-~j , - ~) -..! ." 4 t '-' -i - A 3 3 11111 ' . -, II I I I I r I .' I - I Itvt- II a I I T , v "t, I , I't. of I I I v 1 ,1 1 1 7 11 M 1 11, 1 lit Ill t1). I :I ~.L rit]( S al)(1 klic '11 1 11, .1 rc w!" 1] 11,1- lass (A r . t1 1, ( )1,111 t~ibv I. I k' I ids In, I I - - 1A* r I I I I r IC [it tit p" 1, a, N a r v f v I iI I i r n;I it I i ;, r I 1 .1 N I I S 11 ;1 1 L t:,' f In an "'t 1;.; .1 I v 'I i I ~i k- F1 I I . 1 1 , I I Ird SI II I I j, I.V I I M., ;11, 9V r W 10 1 S :I r~ ilk, I I,- I ~.t i .I pu 1- me I rot it, t,41 w I-, u : io 'I I ." fit"t w 1" 1 ( f pl-(~bablv -W L' I- I I L r-,(' S Ulk' k~ ; 1:1 r e num5er, and , naractevi.-;lic features c)f ill,- lesion,) is in Me f1r.1t I of ,f riicro-orgamsins dis;wrsed, ~n the wiLvit, ~ !lic pl-:1;'al "s. "I'llcy also ttit, size of centr;i. i)t-( rosi-~, the possiIji;itv efor itl_, the tijherculous Ila( ilil fr(,to Ow 'It-sions, thedegrek~4 ,,',ergy an,; ',ii-, ~Zc' A t h, - 1 I'S I OnS C LASS I fit'(] ;is 'n, I c r( k-ds ' . The I - I . m ;I ry f o,u s i I se Iff i s I I. , re v, more )bvious in papu:onccroti~ tubert i'llds, and almo."I "n'perceptible TrIlMr)' 1UPLIS and rosaceifurin tubercuLids. Tne therapeutic results tuberculous treatment with antibiotic and chemotherapeutic drugs which are or.s- dered to be specific may, in the case of rosaceiforin tuberculids, represent I criterium for their tuberculous aetiology. (XI',[, 5) EXCERPTA YEDICA Sec 6 Vol 13/11 internal Ked. Nov 59 6564. PORPHYRIA cu'rANEA TARDA OF THI ISKIN (PORPHYRIA OF THE SKIN IN TIIE ADULT, BOLGERT)- 11orl'i cutanatil tardivA. (Porl`Lria cutanata a adultulul-Willot-rt) -OPr1-V JAI C51)u#an 1. , Vpresm 1-., I VT-V-.--Z Gherman G. and Papt ian . Dermatu-Venerul., Cluj - DERM. VENER. (Bucurepti) 195H. 3/ 3 (ID. !-J) Illus. 7 After an introductory discussion of porphyropatl -a due to photosensitization. a report is given of 11 cases in men over 40 yr. (-I go. observed within a period of 2 yr. Most patients performed hard work and al*, at all were addicted to alcohol; all cases set in during summer and uroporphyri I .a well as alterations (if tne liver were constantly present. Mention to made of tht Jil fficulty pertaining to differential diagnosis, particularly as regards bullous epidt*,,.-kolysis. The most efficient treatments are those dealing with the hepatic 1e. no. Creating a protective layef against light rays is the most effective local tre. nent. 4, TIRIEA, T.; OPRIS, F.; VASILESCU, E.; ZALMAN, M.; LEVIN, S.; GRERMAN, D.; REICHART, S.; ELIAS, A.; MOISE, 0. Clinical,bacteriological, and epidemiological Btudy of staphylococcal infection cases in the Tlmiaoara Pediatric Clinic during 1957-1959. Microbiologia (Bucur) 6 no.1:29 J&-F 161. 441 V, OPFUS, Gh. , ing. Present stage L.f development of the equipment for pumped rtrrage hydroelectric i1ants. -;,nergeUca Rum 11 no.ll-.545-51.3 N 163. OPRIS, Gh. Or. the cnverg . lMT)ror)pr :n I I I '63. enre -,' . . t o-4r il s. ?,ii 9,-; n,* P~:~ t -77j' I Vi I ?i3TI L 6 F d (e fr 11 .9 of Cowb in ed App! i C-1 -31k 0 01 erA 1~ o c t 1" 1! r ti I I Z'. 1- San the Hay coxronc:ntt~ 01 Four- Cul t -~ia ed GLt a i n e ( j08 of' Per- enn ia 1 LII(Ilrlir. R JIL, I t i I r - . .: , -- ~ n . TI Bur!;jr.~!,tj, !Q57, 73-82 7-c, iietermine tise factors wnich affet.t tlhe W!-AlltiClAtiVO cut-relatiiin betwoon ttit! compo.- j)c.nt. perts of' hay (loaves, stems and blos...orns) eKperiment8 wei-c nindo in thp. jfollowjng vari- )51-jts: NPK, NP, NK, and PK. Cre&tcl wheatgrase, iall natgrass, dowgrass and meodow fescue wcwe 1;:) kin .The applicatioii of tlio I.-i- C r c rl.,i c dtile amount of itemn dewgr;isi, hy and irt wb#.,Atgrzi.~3s bY _~-6^4,j W1,110 thtl VS~A Trud,]COd xn the ln~itance of I /% OPRKA, C. V., prof.; MURESANU, P. L.; DRAGAN, I.; CRISAN, I.; OPRIS, L.; MIHOC, Eha; BALAN, S.; BAWISTARK, I.; PURESCU, C.; VILGF-ANU, Nicoleta Studies on the soils of the western part of our country. Studii agr Timisoara 8 no.3/4:163-169 ii-D 161. 1. Membru al Comitetului do redactie si redactor responsabil adjunct, "Studii si cercetari, BJologie si stiinte agricole" kfor Oprea). *7'. T. (~.nnl in tli- '.n in- In,' -i:- I, I,; r 4 r r1h r-t; lor Min' As-lit.l ~i t ~t 'L V-1 sl T-'--~-lrn n L' `.r.- Far LC 15(8) RUM/3- 59 -10-14 /16 AUTHORS: Lupu, Alex. and QpFi;. TITLE: Polyesters With Pyridine Nucleus In the Macro,,.io- lecular Catena PERIODICAL: Revista de Chimie, 19'~9, Vol 10, Nr 10, pp 60-1-6.-~'4 ABSTRACT: The production of po_LLester fibers, based on terephthalate OI.Yethyle-n--eTl.-s--r-a--pidly increasing due to the remarkable properties of this type of synthetic fiber in spite of the fact that these fibers also have many disadvantages. Pertinent literature refers to only one patent with poly- esters of heterocyclic pyridine and this does not indicate the synthesis and properties of the polymers obtained, The results obtained by ex- periments showed that the presence of the pyri- dine nucleus in the macromolecular polyesters re- duced their crystallinity, a fact emphasized by the decrease of their melting temperature. Card 1/3 Table 7 indicates data on the solubility of the RUM/_~x -59- 10-11 41, 116 Polyesters With Pyridine Nucleus in the Macromolecular Catena phthalic pyridine polyesters and their copolyesters- The analysis of these data shows that the prpsence of the pyridine nucleus within the polyebter macro- molecule, has a direct effect on the increase in the number of solvents in which the respective polymers are soluble. For various reasons a number of polyesters cannot be used 3uch as para- pyridine 2,5 and all copolyesters of para-pyridine- Terephthalic copolyesters with 5 - 10 % meta- pyridine nuclei in the macromolecule can be 8pun They have a melting temperature of 220 - 230 C and a whitish color. Cold-stretched fibers were obtained from these polymers. Synthetic fibers based on polyethylene terephthalate might possibly be utilizable after a total or partial elimination of their disadvantages due to the fact that the crystallinity of these copolyesters is a little less a-nd the basic nitrogen is present in tht, Card 2/3 pyridine nucleus of the macromolecule These RUM/3 59-In-14/16 Polyesters With Pyridine Nucleus in the Macromolecular Catena possibilities are presently being tt~sted and will be subsequently described.. There are 7 tables. Card 3/3 C3 MAS I BOOK ZXPLD ATI- JJV'14984 I T : ecular Chemistry. Moscow. ux on mAcramo l Internat4onal sympos 1960. P 0 khlodl S53R- makrom lelculYarnoY NoxhdunLrodnV sixPoslum I %vtoreforatY k1 d d . o 3 l j No&"&, I Irys 0 g., BeIrtalys 1I In ternational Symposium on Macrovolecalar Chemistry Hold in Moscow, June 14-18, 1960, Papers a,d )Section III. (Moscow, Izd-vo AN 3SSR. 196401 riq 3 U " ;5,OOO copies printed. 4 6m p Tech. gd..- P. 3. Kaah1na. Spans rLag Agencyt The international Union of Pure and Applied Ch=atry. Commission on Macromolecular Choulotry. FMC39: ?hlz book to Intand&d for chemists Interested In poly- merisation reactions and the synthesis of hlgA =10culnr compounds. COTTRAGEs IftLis Is Section III of & multivolum# work contain- ing papers on "croaolocular chemistry. The articles in gumoral deal with the kinetics or polymerization reactions. the synthesis of spvcial-purpos* polymers, e.g., ion ex- 61mamp resins, semiconductor materials, etc., methods of c^t- allsing polizerization reactions. properties and chemical interactions of high molecular materials. and the effects of various factors on polymerization and the degradation or h1gh molecular compounds. No personalities a" mentioned. 1sfm.rsna*s given follow the articles. Rabak, T. L, and j._ZZA=jdM (Poland). Chlorination or Phenol-Formaldehyde Resins 27 3111 (11-h"). 1 101 PL . r m Ale r' and : ~; 0 ' , ? " j';1 hY AXZ.V7rZpY ... vinyl Alcohol 34 i t Cy1n% g 11k%bovich. A, Y,%., 2--Xa--2Qm!2m, = K. 1. t'YaXovs, and P. I Kokor-, .','33Rj. Qrg~m _ Itudy-if the Chemical Conversions or Polycar'bonstes 44 F0 1s11jjj,. and 2-1 As~ (735111). 1 VgZa0kin- B- A_ N '% ;d Y _ :F Cbealcal Interaction 'an I =or the A~tl,atlng Action -af DwAble Systems of Vulcanization Accelor3tors 65 ping:x A- F. Vor*b'Y~YiUIQ, A. Sri _-249Y-1, 763,3R). Esters or rurIC Acid and PoyvInyI Alcohol 73 TjolkiSher- Z_X.11211Z, and O.~~ur~;6 (Hungam). The Inter- action of Aromatic AmInes and Polyvinyl Chloride 79 Q erdajjL~A 113- F- nlyloov B--A--Xren!sal.'. 1. M. Kua- V h d R M ,, an L ak A c , _4 _,_ - - 1y. ' ~ ; i , a roductl iiier a teri.. waEct ijix1bTt . o T h e maicceductor Properties M1k&&-J,-JL , and L. X- KoxIcs HungAry). Chemical Properties of 31pol" IM-Exe a. Resins 93 L I., and J. Moravian (Poland). Fffect of the Struc- Akgk- ~R - = tore of Organic A=Tn-o romVouWas on the Properties of Anion Xxchanga Resins Prom Poly.-yrene (USSR). The Problem of the Effect of' tne STruc Lonitea on Ion -F=nange' Processes Between "I or I.nites and Electrolyte Solutions 1 7 -d Be lln. A :-~ ;,,,,1-1n'k1Y, f 5 rg v ct'. n '. rtles o = A.-iti , P-Y-r. ~ n rrvatj.nok..Y~. Te, V_ :__I ef-' , j-, S. B. Conversions of IndolUble CoPolYmera of Styr- lAndes,in, J, (Po 1 ind - . ThtMAl Stibility of Stro,.~.y EL,sic Anion Exch4ng. Real- 146 R/003/62/013/005/C_,01/001 D272/D308 AUTHORS: Alexandru, L., and Oprip, M. TITLE: Synthesis of polyvinyl alcohol. VII. The influence of the polymerization medium of vinyl acetate PERIODICAL. Revista de Ohimie, Bucureqti, no. 5, 1962, 279-281 TEXT: The influence was studied of various media used in the polymerization of vinyl acetate--aliphatic and at-omatic hydro- carbons, alcohols, polyalcohols, ketones, and eaters--upon the polyvinyl alcohol obtained by hydrolysis of the resulting poly- vinyl acetate. The polymerization was carried out under c8nstant conditions, with vinyl acetate solvent ratio of 1:1, at 60 C, using 0-5~ azodiisobutyronitrile as the initiator. It was found that the presence of alcoholic groups strongly reduced the degree Card 1/2 mir,ij, 0.; opRis, o. A talculation method of elastic deformation of symmetric&Uy aidkl stressed tubes, with application to the cylinder calftlation of a manometer with piston and weights. Metrologia apl 11 no. 1: 12-19 Ja 164. OPRIS,O. Technological considerations on pressure standards. Metrologia apl 11 no.3:Lll-114 Mr'64. OPRIS, 0., ing. Conaiderations an tna"Weometry Qf technical surfaces. Metrologia apl 11 no. 6t245-248 Je '64. i. OPRIS, 0., ing. Flements for the as:,,!s,;ment of metal surfacc, processing. Me,trologia apl 11 no. 101/,43-445 0 '64. OPR I ., (~ . i n,", I n,- . en,~e --., - 9 , r :I'., M. "I . - : 7 0g - - - - - - i , r. - '. - . . - ,~ .-., . I -, ~ ~ 'k a -. n- I - . n '-,T, T -- I - .. -1 . I I p, ~ 11 1 . 7 '1, - ~ ~ . 1 .1 -. y , . . . . 3 . 7 1. rc: - . . . A I FUMAffWChemicLl Technology. Chemical Products and Their Applica- tion. Ceramics. Glass. Binders. Concrete. E-13 Abs Jour: Referat Zhiur-Khimiya, No 5, 1958, 15335 Author Opris S. Inst Title Installation for Homogenizing of Slurry in Slurry Adjust- xwnt Tanks. Orig Pub: Ind. constructiilor si mater. const., 1957, No 6, 354-356. Abstract: No abstract. Card : 1/1 OPRI,%. a~ - Isortization of basic funds and improvement of the capital repair system. Problems econ 16 no.3J101-113 Mr 163. OPRISI, S., ing. Wearing out of bEL11 mill screerings. Rev constr si mat constr 15 no.8,.420-425 Ag'63- OPRISP S., ing. Efficient coatings for lining hall mills. Rev constr si mat constr 15 no. 11: 596-604 N 163. OPRIS, S., Ing. 4uarrying system by ex~,e--.-3iv-t -is cn I~all fron--s in liMeSLone pits. Rev cons'-r 31 mat c,,,ngtr 16 no. 6121~1-295 Je '64. OPRIS, Tudgr (Buouresti) Endemic plants of Rumania and some problems of Darvinism. Hatura Biologie 15 no.lsl9-29 Ja-F 163. ,,, ~ It I I I I bi OPRISA, N., ing.; MLRCOWSKI, St., ing. Achievements of the Banatul Mining Trust Anina. Rev min 13 no.8:374 Ag 162. POP, A.; GONSTANTINESCU, N.; HEYTMANEK, Constanta; ZLIAN, Ingo; 0FRISA.:, A'Lice Prospects in the early laboratory diagnosis of renal tuberc--losis by the anti-kidney antibody test (pathogenic basis of the method', . Famanian med. rev. no.8:25-29 162. (TUBERCULOSIS, RENAL) (AUTOANTIBODI~Z) POP , A. , dr.; CONSTANTINESCU , N. , dr. ; HEYA,ANEK , Constant&, dr. ; ELI-AN, Inge, dr.; CIPPISAN, Alice, dr. Prospects in the early laboratory diagnosis of renal tuberculosis by the antirenal antibody test (pathogenic base of the method). Hicrobiologia (Bucur) 6 no. 1:53-62 Ja-F 162. 1. lnstitutul "Dr. I. Cantacuzino" si Spitailul de tl.berculo7a "Pantelimon". POP, Al.; TAGA, M.; OPRIBAH, Alis; DEMIE"IR.E.SGO, R. Anti-organ isoensitization as a renal localAzinf, fac!tor in experimental tuberculosis in guinea pigs. Arch. Roum. path. exp. microbiol. 22 no.1:29-40 Mr 163. (TUBERCULC61S, IONAL) (TUBERCULOSIS) (KIDNEY) (TISSUE EXTRACTS) (FREUNDIS ADJUVANT) (,VITIGEN-ANTIBODY RLACTITOJII,~) POP, A!. HEYIKILNEK, Com-a! PW OEV F, 0"IdSAI- A-* STAKICA "'OlA2. h- g p i - r.a a ar. z, F T' jzr!., A -iim. iv, ! Ins t s Ss~ r7,. V(!4, wr-.,naf-Tlq~, B~ ~P~rz'sit (t'O:r' Prp, lieytrharlf-K, Pol --r& Opy a Lan R. Opr i s ~ an, A. ) 2. In s 1 1 1-u 1, "rt- . I. C-9r. I.a:,u 2--.--nii a'.-r ~, e. 3-il- arss f c r Stan a - a, S' "I arl F El'.' I ie M.;,- .-n- -s t -r -ina! r~ dm .11 . r: ' , -1 . -1: - , ~ i i . , ; , , "I RU14AITIA/Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and Their TI-1 Application, Part 1. - General Topics. Abs Jorur: Referat. Miurnal Khimiya, No 10, 1958, 32663. Author Em. Opriqan. jj_, Inst 'Not given. Title Ways to Decrease Production Costs in Chemical Tndustry of People's Fiepublic of Rumania. Orig Pub: Probl. econ. (Romin.), 1957, 10, No 9, 51-65, 153-154. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 i. paeu,~o mc,%ivation of .'estern -urcopt -rob,le:- .e eccn 1'7 Xy 164. RUMFIA/Cultivated Plants - Fruits. Lcrrios. m-6 Abs jour : Ref aur - Diol. , N,-, 7, 15158, 30675 Authz)r : DraGirir, C., Oprisan, N., ?-t-xir,, N. Inst : - ....... Title : Natural Conditi,.~ns f)r Vit--culture in the he,~i.)i~ if Hunedoare. OriL! Put : Gradina, via si livada, 195(, -), N, 12, 23-35 (Rum.) Abstract : 11', ab-,truct. Car--I 1/1 OPRISAN, N.; BUTNA-RU, G. Effect of organic nnd mineral fertilizer appl-ication to the Harra.7r. winter wheat cultivated an a plumbic swampy soil in the Banat Studii agr Timisoara 10 nt-.1:59-65 Ja-Je 163. ------------------- ........................ ~r Ir l. p r f Ce TV, lit (.Cri., i.,~tl:, :r',a :g z t i- ! h rc c T I r A'! 0: O'l ISrLI L# -I r A.- 1 7.,' o 7~;r Ic ;(o 0 I - la! A:50, :t~, -,'.L , --e x~, ac,-,- y.eLacterf-t I ;, a~ orr. , r ~ ~~ r! I . ' (l i j ' . i bd. - . ' r. ! c,~s r,!,lic ~r&,urcs. ~acdfltd serolig!f: arc DActerf.;:oZ,,c vnrl, ot vrair.:. % ir js,.rr.. 9 ?Laurlian, 2 TaI;sh And I rejeren:-a POP, Al, dr.; POTORAC, E., dr.;-=j�Ayj_R., dr. The experimental animal In scientific research and biological tests. Hicrobiologia (Bucur) 8 no-4:289-301 J1-Ag 163- 1. Luerare efectuata In Institutul do Inicrobiologie, parazito- logie al epidemiologie Dr. I. Cantacuzino". (ANIM.ALS, LABORATORY) (RESEARCH) (BIOLOGICAL PRODUCTS) (PHARMACOLOGY) CIUGA, Al.; POP,Aa.; POTORO, E.; OPRISAV. R. Considerations an the production of therapeutic maruw. Arch. roum. path. exp. microbiol, 23 no.3t515-522 S163 1. Travail de l'Instit-ut "Tir. 1. Cantacuzino*; Service veto- rinaire, Bucarest. POP, Al. HEY71-MEK, Cons tar' &,, POTORAC~F~ . OPIUSAI; , R~ ; , OPHISAJ. , Al !,I STMIU, Enater1ra, STOMN, '-DFYA, V. Anti-liver s-rum anllb~,d'e- appea-f-mg 1'-!T:Llig an!.IJlPbth-77~c h7peerimmunization w".~, in eyxerlm:n-r.-~al rabb-".!3 and horses therape-u-:--I~-~ seram. L-1-1. -oum. pai.'h. *~ :811 -1 niicr,ibiol. -3 no. --8'0 1. InstiTut *lXr. 1. Canta~.uwinu", Ser-,ri-i~ Veterina-fr-t, BuT~arest. (for Pop, Heytmanek, Pctora7!, Opr~sLan R. Oprisian, A.) 2. lnstitut "Dr. 1. Can+,acuzin-~"; ci-~ ia MphIlerile, Bacarest (for Stan~ca, Stolan). 3. Fac-11-- de Mbd.-~,Lns 7etarlliairc.- de Bucarest (for. C!urea). COf.'Sl',',f'T I!: MOI~, C. ;,~'IAF, B. , coi f. ; SA,?'T!-J,EVTC I -MWil'o'011, Soul li, dr.; ;rat,,ry r-m. e 'tj~. in S Ic c, "30 Decemb-'e", ii*- Clinich a 71 n it. a' dp rl :(,a: C. C( ALEKSANDRU, L.; OPRISH, M. Kinetics of vinyl acetate polymerization in methanol. Vysokom. soed.3 no.2:306-209 1161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Khimicheakiy iseledovgtellskiy institut Icbekhims Bukharest, Rumynia. (Vinyl acetate) (Polymerization) S/190/62/004/004/018/019 B117613P, AUTHORS: Aleksandru, L., Oprish, M., Chiokenel, A. TITLEi Synthesis of highly crystalline polyvinyl elcobol PERIODICAL: Vy9okomolekuIyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 4, n(;. 1, 1)0, 613-614 TEXT: The effect of the medium on the degree of crystallization of uolyvir*rl acetate was studied and a new possibility of producinE7 highly crystalline polyvinyl alcohol was shown. The lowest ketones were found to be the best media for cryrtallization of polyvinyl alcohol. Vinyl acetate Was poly- merized in methyl-ethyl ketone (1:1) in the presence of azoigobutyric ficid diritrile at 600C. By saponifying polyvinyl acetate in methanol, polyvinyl alcohol with a characteristic VISC03ity Of 32 was obtained in the preBence of 4% austic soda at 400C. The chain transfer, intensified by the medium, was found to accelerate crystallization. Much higher values of the chain transfer constant were found for the lowest ketones than for other sub- stances. The polymers developing under these conditions have a lover mole- cular weight. There are 2 tables. Card 1/2 S/190/62/004/004/01,3/019 Synthesis of highly crystalline ... B117/B138 ASSOCIATION: IBsledovatellskiy khimioheskiy inatitut, Bukharest (Chemical Research Institute, Bucharest) SUBIMITTED- September 30, 1961 X Card 2/2 KIM.IESKO, V.; OFR13~~~ A.NTONESKO, D. Conservative therapy of osteoarticular tuberculosis in children and adulta. (late results) Khir'u'reiil~"'n-o'.2/3t2l5-219 162. (TUBERCULOSIS OSTEOARTICULAR ther) KOZLOV, M.V.; PIVOVAROV, A.T.; MINIKOVSKIY, Ya.l.; OPRISHKO, A.A. Automatl~, ccntro'L of' tr.F- c.,--ii,al.inn of j t;--ad Khim. I tekh. top]. 4- nuire-, -) no.4:45-48 Ar, 1 ?,4. (V.Ilr'A 27:?) 1. Gr3znengkly I'llial J provektn-vo tnstlltuta po kompleksmoy a v!,,mvA*,' zals P proizvc,d.,-,tvi3nnvk~j protsessov v nePtyanoy i promyEhl+-ra-,os~~. 130TAT0. Gr.; BACIU, I.; OPRISM,&.: VITIMI, Y. Iffect of convulsive shock an the mobilization of antibodies and an the stimulation of phagocytosts; experimental study. Dal. ottint., sect. med. 6 no.3:509-518 JulY-SePt 54. 1. Noubru correspondent al Academiet R.P.R. presentats. in Sestunes, Sectiunil do Stitnte R.F.R. din 22-26 lanuarle 1954. (Anims AND Amrwms antibody form. in dogs inoculated mu2lum' off. of convulsive shock) (CONVULSIONS, experimental (for Bonetato).Covanioare modicale a Acadomist with Bacillus typhi off. on antibody form. & phagocytosis in dogs inoculated with Bacillus typhi murium) (PHAGOCTTOSIS off. of convulsive shock, in dogs inoculated vith Bacillus typhi murium) BZffMTO. G.; BACIU, I.-, OPAISIU.C.; TAMLI=, V.; BUDA1. R. Central rtmsnt~l nod. 6 action of certain hormones; study. II Central action of no.4:735-749 Oct-Doc 154. (alWHAL NWOUS SYSTIM, off. adronalin. on vasomotor & dogs) (APINVEMNI, off. & on fasonotor 11c, in dogs) Isolated-head method of expe- Mrsnalin. bul.stlint.,soct. (KI-RA 8:8) of drugs on glycoregulatory centers in glycoregulatory centers. bulbo-encephs- BEWATO, Gr.; 01PRISIU, C.; BACIU, I.; 'IASIL3SCU, V. Antagonistic effect of adrenalin and chlorpromazins on the Tasomotor centers. Bul. stiint., sect. mod. 9 no.1:7-18 1957. (BRAID, eff. of drtigs on epinephrine & chlorpromazine, on vasomotor centers of Isolated dog brain, mechanism of action) (EPIMORUNZ, effects on vasomotor centers of isolated dog brain, :3echaniam of action. with chlorpromazine) (CHIMMMPAZINI, effects on vasomotor centers of isolated dog brain. with epinephrine, mechanism of act Ion) ' O b 31) M6 I D w o . g. a I M .e s.). r4 ( D ). a and IOD 4iA*& shimacwt v k. hi, . fp. 1ir -Odm tbi Wit. I -ri V*b C. 061W.." fatfaVtwcacdAa fidrydiia new, and . j ? ~z e .............. BENETATO, Or.; OPRISTU, C.; TWIS, L.; HAULICA, 1. Study of cerebral metabolism it non-anesthetized dogs ( ~n chronic experimental conditions with 'iRolhted hand*). Stud. cercet. fiz1ol. 10 no.1:13-22 165. TOMESCU, I,; OFRISIUt C,# ing. The art of concreting. Constr Buc 16 no.771.2 - N '~-, 1. Head of Ploiesti Brannh of the Voluntary Edltnrlal of "Constructorul" (for Tomescu) 2. Enterprise for Transport Conn~ructllons, Clul OPIIJ311L C. "FUnimum displacement at the retracing of railroad curves." p. 10L (Probleme Feroviare) Vol. 3, no. 3, Mar. 1957, Rumania SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEW LC. Vol. 7, no. L, April 1958 c i Li~-htcr c')( z,7:("' cl El.n"ct 1- I's A Ct LC" ' F cf-, C ?'r " 1_7 1 ~ , I", . ~'refpbricat(.,,, cc- cret,~- -,r; v. B,ucurrsti, ;tumardia un, Month.- -.5-, c: fkcce.~~r- Inriex llill. vol. ,iovember i ~Inc] . , -OMEM-0 Q, a i & Determination of a railroad curve method and the method of measuring fer 10 no.2;80-84 P 162. by combining the theodolite curve arrows. ROT cailor 1. Serviciul Constructii, Cluj. OPRISP,-C, _Ug. Economic foundations of railroad sm&-U bridges. Rev cailor fer 10 no.3:145 Mr 162. 1. Seviciu constructii, Cluj. .OPRISIU, corn4l, ing. Method pf partial rectification of a railway curve. Rev cailor fer 10 no.7J371-372 J1 162. OPRISIU p C. 2 ing. ; COJI)CARU , B. , ing. Curve plotting by a grapboonalytic method. Rev cailor fer 10 no,12: 643-646 D 162. OPRISIU, Comel, ing. Optimum emplacement of the mechanical equipment for preparation of concrete or asphalt mixtures for road work. Rev transport 10 no.51230-231 MY 163. OFFISIU, C., ing. With what to lift the mortar? Constr Buc 15 no.697:1 18 My 163. CIOBAITU, Alex.; PENTIUC, D. , ing.; QP;,,ISIU) C.) ing. The perfacting technology. Constr Buc 15 no.700il 8 jo 16s. 1. Responsabil cu inovntiile la Suceava (for Periti-,.,~). (IpRisrupG.1 ing. Well-planned, well-donel (:,.,rtr Buc 16 nc-.7350 8 F ',,4. 1. Din I.C.T., Cluj. . ~-. , , V , , C'. e. j -., F . - ". . .2 ~1,. ~ I I - :' - - - - E! &"r. ~j *~ 7' . , .- . ;.' . a- .. . , I !" , --) . I .I .I . . --- .-- - - - ,' I - n I ~ ir, I .. ~!I, -, - 4 - !,- , I ., .. I - i " -:. ~ .1r ,, :, r.!-i .. I ..1 p - . . - . - 11, z , -, . - . 1 , '- x : , - r . I , I OPRISIU, Cornel, ing. A method for determining the formula of gome qggrpi~q'.e ru'xtures , ;j , for concrete. Rev callor fez- 13 nr.3:1'l2-1% M- -'. I . - "or Transportaticns, ",Iuj. I Enternrise of Constructions I