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The Composition of Some Ore_Llormin,~ l'ourirallnes 15-1'~',57-3-3072 was observod in quartz-tOLJ1'MF1l Ina veins In clays and sandy- clay shales and also at the conLuct or tho t4i)vi tii, wit t, sills. With quartL, It forms tho chlef mass In t- e veins of the ore bodies, beinir the earliest of tne ore minerals to form. The lenj~-th of the cryst&ls r&n,7es from 0.01 to 0.02 mm to 1 to 2 mm and the hreadth from 0.01 to -:'.02 mm to 0.1 to 0.3 mm. They are prtsmatic and columnar, and brown, with a vitreous luster. Nm = 1.65A P.002, Np 1.629 O.C)02, and Nm-N'p = 0.025. LI.Pht and colorless tourmaline occurs in carbonaceous shales and coals as small disseminations, vein stockworks, and Irregular segrepa- tions in close association with quartz. The grains ranpe from 0.01 mm to 0.1 to 0.2 mm In length and from 0.01 Ito 0.02 mm In width. Nm = 1.6148t 0.002, Np = 1.,-,32� 0._~02, and Nm--Np = 0.016. The chemical compositions of the acicular colorless tournialine, the brown tourmaline from quartz-tourmaline nests, and the black tourmaline from coaxse-grained porphyritle pranites are, respectively, Card 2/4 The Composition of Some Ore-Forminv Tourmalines 15-19S7-3-3072 S102 35.25, 34.99, and '4,cj*-)219; T102 0.24, O.F7, ani 0.061~'; -0-'~-; A120~ '~4.t~6, 35.1b, and 31.68~.; B20 9.52, 9.6t, and ) F6283 not determined, 0.98%, and 'n'ot determined; '-'e0 P.42, 10.33, and MgO 4.73, 3.11, and O.R5'0; MnO 0, 0.03, and 0.73a/0; CaO 0.97, 0.76, and 0.40 ; Naso 2.03, 0.79, and 2.66%; K20 0.70, 0.55, and 0.90~; H2 - 0, 0.07, and 0'~*? H 0-t- 3 48, 2.3F-., and 2.9014; F 0, 0, and 0.09'%: total 1,00.08, 99:67, and 100.67~. The analysed tourmalines belong to the isomorphous dravite-schorlite series. In tWs series a gradual increase in content'of Fe'~*Is observed from the light tourmaline through the brown to the black schorlite. The tourmaline varieties in the dravite-schorlite series are distinguished from one another by the content of Mg and Fe in the cations shown on a six-fold coordinate system. The refractive Index of the tourmalines in this series increases systematically with the increase in Fe content. The colorless and brown tourmalines have a rela- t~vely high content of Al when compared with black tourmaline Card 3 4 The Composition of Some Ore-Forminw Tourmalines 15-1957-3-3072 and with the dravite-scholite series. The tourmalines in the tin-bearing deposits characteristically contain T1, Mn, and Sn and In lesser quantities Ga, Sr, arid he as impurities. The brown and colorless tourmalines from the sulfide-quartz veins, which occur in the sedimentary rocks, contain Bi, Pb, Cu, Ag, Ni, and Co. These elements are absent In the black -tourmaline from the sulfide-free tourmaline and quartz- tourmaline veins in the wranites. ~.A.G. Card 4/4 -5K Composition and coud. fites Of Som4 hydrotherzal &Its. OCV aft. dvpo Ore Dcomitg. Pttrogmph Wnt-RdO&Y'and G~5~-- ' i A - m~ A_rcport_ 4, 4U SIV Ing fl~,S.S.S..R_ Set. Gen rt,- ljo. -58, herujal, litid beqn. rha"etervitics-6f 4 Imoug "opti c d1l f otTle. hydrothtruxaldeposits of Sn, W 'and Coi 'VI , ort L5 o 9 - N :.'~4-Alscj given a, ~e parag6ielic relatlo" of the chlorites utuditd laration of with other ruimzrals of the ms-Them is a consW ---. Itri"IentAwn in'tjl~ ferroils -ilk rel larites exists axidation-redactio adou io th eh the, partial pr ial of the *dium, p4dIculmly-u . S. at the-thne ~l ton 6ti (qjucjj,) oW ilf thft sojr art ; acr give n',~ -1 w 't7 r a ns !at I on f rom Refera ti vryy zhurna I, '~eoio~_71 ya, nn 12f--,-129 (7j')3R) AT j ~"O R Olntoyev, D. 0. TITLE: Scapolite-,'Aagnetite Ores in 3o:ne Iron Deoosi t3 ( 0 skapoli t-m a,~neti tovyki, r-ida~ he temperat-ire o~ Jecorn-, c)sl tl is ccns 1,~erat ly I a r ~j 3/4 c ap I tl e -:4 a t7 r,#- ~, I *~ e 3 r-- s3 -~ ~~e ac tior. Df' c- %loride-conta~ r-Ir,i- pos --,s me.-- a !,,va vs nr,-,I,.icc-s rr---~ -ic.' nr -- --n !.s r e,-! i cn ~- c --, j itlo.,~j res Its `ormal.~ r. maj7!.et t(- t`-,e lp ir I s a' z ed I :or Ei r. C!. _;O,.-rjS a ' so 3 v~ s c r' t, e.1 t ~.4- s art! c I 7prd I N~ %o~?Orwtloti of &CkIte la conj j, of country rocks. D. 0. mfotv.~*z 'W S Y V UNPIS. Si I - -saved hi thecot i k d H . m xy roc lo (jM1w of te-pqrpb)rrY) t6 d t by quartz.-loturmolibe, cassi.. ore d erite rite, sw des, and alderite., Most requen Y Clicki, veinletp,~ACGj covering these fragments, dickite Allint tb -4-Intffstices As nb6itt,I.W2.._.The! differtnthtl-therm - - at 6W0, the -curve sbows tin endotherMic effect starting with -I"X; Pea Irtt OW6. and an elothemic effeft at 10200. - T 'Math Identleal-With-, Som - diff, kO 'din -that vbfiOida d ' l -V o - Sid 2 ri dl ;=i1 338 T, l, pelje dti:- . 4 e A 8 !). B WUWY~Mk A~Ids pnr -M-MO feldstiAr' --~ft6rn - jh-~ -pffqqi plam ently the; 2 jtj Ljjj Id d , ,, s w -CO mat erikwl. r0 ' quartz is asso with sIderite, dickite is 6e ja�t cr ed ProductlPilleWbIPAS, ppW h6m addle, or &AJ iw i ~ WW 7 AUTHr-R: r)ntoyev, TITLE: Cn Locml17AtiOn -onditions of Nickel-Cobalt ~rnenile 'res in :mrbonate Veins Among Sknrns (Ob usloviynkh 1,~kali-,,itsii nikel'-kabn1'tovykh Rrsenidnykh rud v kar~onstnykh zhilmkh sredi skArnov I PERIODICAL: Izvestiya -!-kademit Nauk .')eriyA tleologicheskAyA, 1` 7 i: q, P 4()-r,3 (US3R) ABSTRACT: Tn 194P, geologists V.A. 'Inksov, T.A. TvAnova Pnd A.A. ~og- mol discovered a hydrothermAl nickel-robnlt deposit. "hey geologically explored the region (not specified in the pappr and studie! the lenosit. Csmbrinn effusive ro-ks, !--el.ment- Pry rocks of Upper-Silurian And volcanic layers of Lower- Devonian age build up the region. ~iluriAn selimentptry rockp are represented by Prgillites And sandstones with inter- layers of limestone. individual horizons ~f _'ilur~,~r rc~,~s Pre transformed into skaint, ;~nd ~he total thickness of these layers amounts to 1~(' to 20C m. 71~ere is - big frmcl_ ure with which numerous fissures associated with the zcne of Tineralizmtion Pre connected. C,-re veins whose thickne5s vnries from C.ICI m to C.5 m, Are localized mainly wi*hin the Card 1/3 skarn 7one. They Pre carbonate by composition. They Pon- 11-1-, 1 ! On LocAlization -onditions of Nickpl-Cobmlt Arsenide 'rem in "ATI.OnEte, Veins Among Skarns tain Arsenides of nickel and cobalt in the form of Pheno- cysts, vockets end irregularly separated bodies of V.,Iriol-, sizes. It was established by the ireologic-prospecting survey that most of the OTe veins have mineralizt-ti,)n of' industrial importance. Geologic conditions of sk-rn oc- currence indicate that they were originated by means :if metasomptosis of the Upper-Silurian sedimentary rocks. 7his crocess -nd the process of depositing ore TinerRls in the veins -re Ppproximately of the same age -nl nre c3nne-te~ with the same ore-bearing solutions. Ar -oon a~ these ore- bearing solutic)ns penetrPted into skarn horizons, =n -ct:%,- interpcti n took place between them resulting in the in- tense carbonatization 'ankeritization' of the enclosiniv rocks. Tl~is led to the 'violation of en.uilibrium conditionF in the solution which was followed ty complic9ted chemicj.~l reactions resultinp in the leposition of nickel Pr.], (clnl* Frseniees. Cerd 2,111 T?~P article contains I figurr- Pnd t,* f1pvic: rf~frrfnces. On Locelizetion Conditions of N!ckel-Cebalt Arpenide free in `erl-cnete Veins Among Skarns ASSOCIATION: Institute c' ",eology of rare Deposits, Fetrogra-)hy, Yinerelcgy and Geochemistry of the AN '-'SS7 (Institut geolcgii rudnykY. mestorozY.~Ieriy, petrcgrafii, rrircralogii i geckYimli 111.' SSS- Moscow SUBMITTED: 29 July 19~6 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 ONTOTV. D.O. Scapolite and dashkasanite, minerals containing chlorine from the Khovu-Aksu deposit (Tava). 7-ap. Vaes. min. ob-va 87 no.l: W-_e,4 158. (MIRA 11:6) (Tandinskly District-Rocks, Siliceous) 3 (8) AUTHOR: Ontoyev, D, 0. S C V/23 - 1 2 4 2 TITLE: Lillianite of the Bukukinskoye Deposit and the Condit.,)ns Its Formation (Lillianit Bukukinskogo mestorozhdeniya i usloviya ye6o obrazovaniya) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademil %nauk SSSR, 1955, Vol 126, Nr 4, pp 8151'~ (USSR) A-BSTRACT; The mineral mentioned in the title is found very rarely. It belongs to the group of the lead--sulpho.-bismutites (~-.nowr. s,!-. 1885, Ref 1) and was later identified (Ref 3,' as a MIXtUre 3 other minerals. Swedish samples (Refs 4,5), however, were homogeneous and free from inclusions of other minerals, but also these samples were identified as a mixture of (,alenobis mutite and galenite (Ref 6) so that the existence of lillianitp as an independent type of mineral was regarded as d)ubtful. Data on lillianite are incomplete or even lack (Ref '---/I in m~l dern handbooks (Refs 7,9). Also its conditions of formati,,n are insufficiently elucidated in publications. It has n!therto been unknown in the USSR. The author discovered lillianite In the tungsten deposit mentioned in the title. It occurs 1r, VtIlTi Card 1/3 Nr 53 in close paragenetic association with needle-shaped ko- Lillianite of the Bukukinskoye Deposit and the SOV/20-126-4-4,. Conditions of Its Formation salite (Figs 2,3) described already earlier, and with calcite (paper spar) late pyrite, and other minerals. Lillianite is exactly described and illustrated (Fig 1). It may be seen fri-m table 1 that the lillianite X-ray picture strongly differs from that of the standard kosalite from Central Kazakhstan. Table 2 gives the results of chemical analysis of the sample Nr 68/56 (Analyst G. Arapova) of the author as well as of the same analysis carried out in Sweden (Gladbammer, Analyst Ye. Todd). The two samples show very similar composition except for the copper content. The formula of the Bukuki lillianite corresponds to its theoretical composition. The fact that lil- lianite is paragenetically bound to the drusy cavities in the vein quartz indicates that the lead-sulpho-bismutites had form- ed during the last stage of mineralization. The residue solu- tions were conserved in the drusy cavities between the vein quartz and considerably enriched with Bi, Pb, S, and other elements. Koealite forms in the case of a lower lead concentra- tion than lillianite. The sequence of deposition of the Bi and Pd minerals with decreasing temperature was the following: Card 2/3 lillianite -4 solid solution; kosalite + galenite ---- 4 koBalite Lillianite of the Bukukinskoye Deposit and the SOV120-126-4-4~162 Conditions of Its Formation ---~ galenite. Lillianite like kosalite occurs in the lowermosi. horizons. On certain conditions the mentioned minerals may serve as mineralogic criteria for the depth of the mineraliza- tion of the quartz-aulphide-wolframite vein of a one-stage formation (odnostadiynoye formirovaniye). There are I fig~irtB 2 tables, and 14 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut geologli rudnykh mestorozhdeniv, petrografil, mineralogii i geokhimii kkademii nauk SSSR (Institute _)f Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy, and Geo- chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: February 24, 1')59, by D, 1. Shcherbakov, Academician SUBMITTED: February 21, 1959 Card 3/3 -ONTOYN, D.O. MW Some data on the gqojog7 and zonalit7 of ores in the Khapcheranga deposit (eastern Transbaikalia). Geol. rud. mestorozh. n0-5:55-71 s-0 96o. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdoniy. petrografii, mineralogii i geokhimil AD SSSR, Moskva. (Khapcherauga Valley Gaology, ]Cconomic) -ONTOYIW, D.-O.; NISSEMALIM, P.N.; ORGANOVA. N.I. Jyfitarp CPf bleb bjBMUtb aDd BiIT97 WnrentratiDns iM galeMiteB of the i)ukaka depooit ana some problems concex-nine Asomarphlam In the B7Bt4M PbB,- Ag2S -'B)L216Y 400kh)~M)Aa \~00. \A-113~N '~:) -V) 1. Institute of the Geology of ore deposits, petrography, mineralogy ana geochemistry, Aca&emy of Sciences, Macov. (Bukuka-Galena) (Bismuth) (Silver) (ZBomorphism) 0VTGYEV, D.C. Gonditions governing the fcxrfLti(,n cf some cre veirin In the Bukuka deposit. Gecl.rud.-nestcrozh. nG.3:59-72 My-Je 16'. (MERA 15 -. c' ) 1. Inatitut geolcgii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy, petrografii, miner&lo~,ii i gcokhimii AN SSSR, Moskva. (Bukuka region-Ore deposits) TFO Y 1 1! C r -n In F I& A J RUMANI~,/Nuclear Physics - Instruments and Installations. Methods of C-2 Measurement and Investigation. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1958, No 2759 Author : Onu Coast., Iticovici, M. Inst Aot Given Title Manufacture of a Portable Apparatus for the Measurement of Radioactivity with Two (~eiger-Mueller Counters Orig Pub Studil si cercetari stiint. Acad. RPR. F11. Insi, 1955, 6, No 3-4, 19-26 Abstract No abstract Card 1/1 ON J C Rumania/Nuclear Physics Instruments and Installations. Methods of Measurement and Investigation C-2 Abst Journal : Referat Zhur - Fizlka, No 12, 1956, 33848 Author : Onu, Const., Iticovici, U. Institution None Title Realization of a Portable Instrument with 2 Geiger-Mueller Counters for the Study of Cosmic Radiation Original Periodical Studii si cercetari stiint. Acad. RPR. Fil. Iasi, 1956, 6, Nos 3-4, 19-26 (Rumanian; resumes in Russian and French) Abstract Description of a portable instrument with 2 Geiger-Mueller counters for use in the study of radioactive and cosmic radiation. The in- strument can operate with 2 counters connected for coincidence, to determine the direction of radiation, or else with a counter that can operate either with a mechanical counter, or else with a mea- suring instrument, which gives deflections proportional to the num- ber of pulses per minute. The setup consists of 3 battery tubes for 1.5 v each. The high voltage to feed the Geiger-Mueller counter Card 1/2 Rumania/Nuclear Physics - instruments and Installations. Methods of Measurement and Investigation C-2 Abst Journal : Referat Zhur - FiziK&, So 12, 1956, 33848 and also the supply to the vacuum tube is obtained by converting the voltage from a source of 2.5 v at 0.25 amp. The source con- sists of 2 dry cells or of 2 small alkali storage batteries. The apparatus weighs approximately 10 kg. Card 2/2 RUMANIA/Nuclear Physics - installations -and instruments. Methods Q-r~ of Meamirement and Research Abs Jour : Ref -~hur - nziha, 110 5, 195~, 110 10052 Author : Jnu Constgntin, Iticovici Marcel inst Not Given Title Vncuum Tube 1-:lectrometer for the Meaawement of very 31nall loni:-'.~tions Orig Pub Studii si -,crcetari stiint. Acad. RPR Fil. Iasi. Piz., ;;i ~,tiinte techn., 1956, 7, No 2, 5-9 Abstract No abstract Card 1/1 011TV. C, From the activities of the Collective of Automation at the Iasi Branch of the FkManian AcadsmW. Studii fiz tehn Iasi 11 no.2-1 303-305 '60. 1. Colectiv do automatizari al Filialei Iasi a Acadeniei R.P.R. Responsabil Prof. Constantin Onu. (Acaden7 of t6 Panianian People's Republic) (Automation) ANTONESCU, V.; CALINICENCO, N.; NECHITA, O.;-DNUT-4.-,-RUSU, Gh. Ilis; TOMOZEI, Cl.; TIBU, M.; VESCPJI, T. T., prof.; VISCRIAN, I. Fftdioactivity of the minink region Rodna Veche-Valea Vinului. Studii fiz tehn Iasi 12 no.1:31-33 161. 1. Membru al Comitetului de redactie si redactor responsabil adjunct, 'Studii ai cercetari atiintifice, Fizica si stiinte tehnicea (for Vescan) 1 1; llltl':Ll I .. 1 1". 1 . ~ I-.-. - , .,- ~ . I . - - r . , . - . ONU, Gelu, ing. Modification of calculation of stress on bridge frames with displaceable knots, due to the rigidity of the deck bridge on the shearing operation. Rev cailor fer 11 no.2t82-85 F 163. 1. Din 1.P.T.Tc. ONU, Gelu, ing. Modification o' cross repartitilton of bridges on frames with moving knots due to the effect of flooring rigid washer. Rev transport 11 no. 3: 121-130 Mir '64. 0 .%.--,-, . . . . --1 . - i ..,. - . . - . . I n z. - . .. - I - a .. , V ', 7 ~ '. 9~ - , , , BF.TENARU, C., dr.j SIRMON, L11mabota, dr.jjXDRA, Ana, dr.; LJJCA, A., dr. ; Oflu? Mariana, dr.; BURMJA, AxL, &.1 BELDIMM, N., dr. Contribntion to the serological study of anJmal leptoopirosis in the region of Iasi. Microbiologia (Bacur) 10 no.21l47-152 M~--Ap 16 5. 1. laboratorul regional veterinar, Lsl (fo2 Bojenaru, Sirman, Badea, Luca, Chu). 2. Laboratorul de zoonoze a-1 Inatitutulu-IL do Igiona si protectis muncil, Iasi (for Burdu~a, Beldimm ). 7 5 t r av a T T t 4t t e t )I,t~hn :asi, i,l L nrj (-, ri z i L v mt- w. J -; ~5ed in tnL- alibra- i,i: J Pg-ti.erm,~me-er6 which d o r, c. 1, into a ~,. *, : ~;,i , r, i : o :-m i t JL t: 6 1 rthe rulinC nf tlie ter 6~ale. Of -UeaE.;rements t. Tie resultii . t;. e t o:~. Lt P r r, a v 4. r. gar. acc-racy of 2,-- of I-tanccs oetsean 6calle divisiuns ~-.31*) of I' rias oeen P ~ec./,man tnermome:er are uresented. :-o,n3 tnat tc.Lse differences vgir-/ from 40-- to 1449 4A- . The a-.ith~.,rs Fropose a calicrati~)n metro COUNTRY Rumania CA PEGOR; F ?4? cl. e rm t 2 f G ~-C - --tc trn ~ ~r tl,.c nonuni f ormi t y r a n o' ln~- mea3ur- -St a P- z)e tw,~ -:i c-c al e-VISI',nE W,,~h a ana n corro-. *ion for tne -eru~omet~r c-iliiiary, otta-, -.ej : y ity r. F '---r,gtn of :, HF c~ iumn -elara ted f-,,m -),j,~r ~iif*l er-l,t Sect-- 0.,~F~ c l-L-tl Th,-- tc-al c.)r-rez:tion ',c) tne L',ierrrotnet,?r is ttie Eum of ~~.e above '.ovc :J r) 4 4 t D r e -Lr; surport of 'he Lr~r~Dsed 0! c s prese'r. T e d . A. Vo:-c c ev 94 OTMHAK, A. I. "Talented Naturadists," Nature, 2r)-i Printing, House of the Pub.' . 17c. --f ".- '-' US313 MOSCOW, No. 4, 1~452. Ha, Certai- T-1--w+:. -C i~a: i*. L" I P. e _2Lhl.y List of Russian Accessicns Libr-try of Congr ss, ONUCHAK.A.I., kandidat s01'8kOkhozYayBtvennykh nauk Dividing and hilling peanut plants. Trudy VKNII no.1n:16-21 .5L (Peanuts) (MLRA 8 9) ONUCHAKIAI~-I~- kandidat sell skokhoxyaystvennykh nauk; LIPES,V.9., MMMITit sal'sk-okhozyaystvennykh nauk Use of a nitrifying bacterial fertilizer in planting peanuts. Trudy VKNII no.10:22-27 154. (WRA 8:9) (Peanuts) (Nitrification) ONUCHAX.A.I., kandidat sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk; HIROSHRICHENK0,1A., ~-'IMOWdat sellskokhozyaystvenUkh nank Furrow method of sovine. sesame. Trudy VKNII no.10:28-35 154. (sesame) (MLRA 8:9) ONUCHAK A.I. ,kandidat sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk; NMOLOV,H.D.. or New machines for grovinp peanuts. sesame and filbert. Trudy VKNII no.10:72-74 '511. (NLRA 9:9) (Agricultural machinery) DOWYMN, V.P., prof.; OLISPANIETY, M.A., akridevilk, lektor; ~EIJN,, dots.; FATIYANOV, A.S., prof.; GUBAREV, A.P.; TKACFEVKU, F.I., dots.; CHIZHEVSKIY, M.G., prof.. lektor; AVDC)I;D;, II.S., prof., lektor,;_QITUgHA4-AJ, dots.; DUNIE, M.S., prof., lektor;SAVZDARG, E.E., prof., loktor; N.D., dots., laktor; AVERIYANOV, S.F., dots., lektor; POLUBOYARIVOV, 1.1., dots.; GUILUEV, A.N., red. izd-va; NAI)MOV, K.M., tekhn. red. [Textbook on a,-riculture for party schools ]Uchebnoo posobie po sell- skomu khoziaistvu dlia partiinykh shkol. Moskva. Pt.l. [Crop fam- ing] Zemledelde. 1958. 397 p. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Komrunnisticheskaya phrtiya Sovetskogo Soyuza. V7sshaya par- tiynaya shkola. 2. Vysshaya partiynaya shkola. pri TSentrallnom ko- mitete Kommnisticheskoy partii Sovetskogo Soyuza (for Dobrynin, Ollshanskiy, Gubarev, Tknehenko, Chizhevskiy, Avdonin, Onuchak, Dunin, Savzdarg, Kremenetskiy, Averlyanov). 3. Vsesoyuznaya akade- miya sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk im. V.I.Lenina (for Ollshanskiy). 4. Vysshaya partiyuaya shkola pri TSentrallnom komitete Kommunisti- cheskoy partii Ukrainy (for Yelin, Polubo arinov). 5. Gorlkovskaya Vysshaya partiynaya shkola (for Fatlyanov~- (Agriculture) SHnA-T3tJRA, B. L. ; IVAIUVA, Ya. V. ; ONUCHI N, A. N. -, GLAZUNOVA, A.Ya.; SHAYKOV, A.D. --l- - . -, -~ Dispersion of flies from places of mass hatching in Leningrad. Ent.obnz. 3~ no.?:114-346 156. (%ILRA 9: 10) 1. KafAdra voyennoy epidemiologil Voyenno-morskogo fak-ul'teta pri I Leningradskorn neditsinskom Institute I Leni Wradskaya gorodskaya dozinfek-tsionnaya. stantslya. (LAningrad-Flies as carrierR of disease) E032/E 1 14 AUTHOR ___0nu_,hin A P. TITU A g-npra- - , C nan,,~e -n,J I igh* p,ls~s PER TOD 1C ~ I Pr I ho r,,- - t -~ kh n i ka P ki pe T i me n a ric TEXT The des ign ,)f lh~ I in Fig,l, rhe glass envelope a i ns which can be set Lu os - i Ilat ion b%, a variil- :e moui- I The spring carries a plat inum end pie - e ) , At ' it#- l-, , -- the S1 iss vnvelcpe ticis ri s1 tgh! wa is! anj to5zP*1-r with , hp I ube f f(~rms a a pi I larv The qla-zs env-lopp is h y dr o g , n a - a pr e s su 7 e - f a , m 'i ri d L, (It a L ns M~, r , ti 7 ,- 'A t bottom end The :ombinaiion of the pressure Ju- ~(_ ,h- 1',-Jr gas in( su r f a.- e t c- n s i o n f c; r- ~ e s-rigur es that the- 15 a _,,rzve~ MMIS.119 :; at ~he end of the t lit) (f 4 El,?:tri a I I I? I A I ) S I provide I by tho leads The d,?!i-e is pla:ed tris id- the I'las- body 7 and the I-als 6 are inser*ed intc, the .5-chm ~ahlp The r)s,' Ilations cf the pr!ng are ex Ito I bv t~,e -M I, is supplied f'r,m 't~f. I'll !r f - -,I " -!I q Th electrornav Card I/ A ge ner a-) I f tia n,,. 9 n z + S/ * 20/6 1 /000/00~ /02u/O E01 2/E 1 14 general-,r '0 ( ZG 10 whr-.,i f z equr-n v 11~. ad ),j,; t c- I - I I natu-a I f! f:,quen. v - f * h ~ p~ , nz. A 4 ' - ~ p- - nY ~; 1 1-1, cul s of f t h- top of I he m,-r . i! N- o 1 -imn. Thc- 111~1 1r , , :, th-cugh th-, ti-the 4 The d-,-i P is -qu--al-rit ~ - a . m 1, liw~ whi-h is ha r i f-, a v,t I t a g - E t h - igh t If,, if) me u; 1, m ,egis * e- IF ig- 2 ) A 1~ he ~ij;, :rig A ppr - a h. t 1: - M.. r G I M III t it v,, 'here s _j 1,ark dis !~ar Iz p~i a 1,,, t.,, *he -abl- The -park il ' _m i ria I Ps i lie A '. h 0 Jp 'q " t p I, -I - M-1 through aper*urps in the h-as!~ b'Llj" [n hii W-I\ n- e p~j 1,;; - a; imu 1 tarief-tas I v b(; h I i Sh t a nJ v- I ag !s divi. led ty he mot h--1 T Jun Iton (7r ohm). 0 .-1 fpu use-j to ! - " gger -.M~- f 11 - Lgl) -~p- 4 T~Cf 'm ~j t 1, _j cl 2om f'. 'PK-!) 1, !,:1 f, - I - . -7 s f, ?I s I mm P I !w- M- , ,f () 0. 1 0, 1) anipl ud T "I W1.1,11 (,f ttl- jj g ha If -he i gh - fw~ I Th- A-, i li,s jLe'.tj 1~,,j inv?stlg-~*, e I h Me pa ra MP r Y: 'I 't ,1~1~ M~l I + i p I T Car d 2/ A genPrat or of nanus c-co ri, II i'o t. . .S1 12o/6 I/ooQ/uu6/o'_,u/1u4 I E032/El 14 a 4 mm diameter aperture placed over tile photocathode. Measurements were made of the electran transit times as furictions of the position of the aperture. When the aperture was in tile central position the transit tirzip was found to be 46 nanosec. With the apvrture at 13 mm from tLe centre, the transit timc wits 53 nanosec. The rise timt, waF3 estimated tis 4.8 nariosec. Acknowledgments are expressed to B.G. YerozuJimskiy anO A.G. Khabakhpashev for discussions. There are 4 f igurps , I table and III ref erc i.( nc; - _~ Soviet-1) loc and 7 non-Soviet-bloc. The f our mos, t recen t Frig I i sh lariguage references read as follows: Re f - 5 '. M. Garbuny, T.P. Vogl, J.P. 11ansen, Rev. ancient. Illstrum., v.28, 1957, B'26- Ref-7: J-11. MaImberg, Rev.Scient,lnstrum., v.26, 1937, 1027. Ref.8: Q-A. Kerns, F.A. Kirsten, G.C. Cox. Rev.Scient. Instrum. , I v-30, 1959, 751. Ref.14: 11. w. Kenda I I , IRE Trans. Nuc I . 6c I - , v - 7 , 196L), :_,o~_'. ASSOCIAIION: Institut yadernoy fizilti Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN Card SSSR (Institute of Nuclear Physics, Siberian braiitli 3/0 L_~ of AS USSR) S/ I 1,'100 Gohm. The experiments indicated that the light pulse duration depends upon 1) the duration of the applied electrical pulse, 2) the period of gas scintillation, 3) the gap between the electrodes, and 4) the gas pressure in the discharge tube. A 5030137 special circuit which stabilizes the amplitude of the light pulse is included in the generator. The maximum amplitude instability for 10 and 300 hours of opt-ration does not exceed 12 and 15%, respectively. Measurements of external synchronization accuracy show that it can be affected by the quality of the electrode surfaces, the overvoltage on the electrodes, and the time interval between pulses. The synchroniz tion accuracy of the generator is better than 0.3 rAsec. The device generates light pulses with a duration of -~l nsec. TIhe life of the generator is not less than 500 hours at a repetition frequency of 2.5 kc. Orig. art. Visa: 5 figures and 2 tables. - [GS] SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 28Jun65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 009/ ATV PRESS: 5076 Card 2/7 hs t 0582Z"6T I.-d' In G ri ACC NRi AT6031467 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0001/0014 AUTHOR: Budker,,_G 1. ; Kushnirenko, Ye.-A. ; S-krinskiy, A. N.; Naumov, A. A. -Onurhin, A. P. ; Popov, S. G. ; Sidorov, V. A. ; Tumay in, ORG: none TITLE: Present state of research on the VE-P-1 electronic storage ring SOURCE: ANSSSR. SLbir~ o i i~. In ti ut yaderno fiziki. Doklady, 1965. otdel~j~ Sostoyan~ye rabot na elektronnom nakopitele VEP-1, 1-14 TOPIC TAGS: synchrotron, electron scattering, electron beam /VEP-1 electronic storage ring, 13-2C electronic synchrotron ABSTRACT: The VEP-1 electronic storage ring consists basically of two paired high-vacuum magnetic tracks, 43 cm in radius, with a 3 x 4 cm2 aperture a special B-2C electronic synchrotron./h electronic -optic channel, and a single thread system to extract the electron beam from the accelerator and insert it into the storage ring. This storage ring was designed for experiments in electron scattering with electrons of an energy of 2 x 130 Mev. It is now being used in Card 1/2 L 05822-67 ACC NR- AT6031467 p.xperiments with electron scattering in a 45-90 degree angle. Descriptions are given of the installation, the process of electron storage, and radiance measure- m ents. The results of the first experiments on electron scattering show that divergences from the reference curve of the Moller electron scattering do not exceed the statistical error. Orig. art. has: 8 figures. SUB CODE: 09, 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 005/ kh 212 VAMITEV, B.V.; 0111! V.Ya. Determining tho molstur-" coritont ~,f solid 6rAieb ry thi: nuclep-r magnetic resonwice meLhod. Tnictr Uroil. polltekh. inst. no.111: 12 3--U9 '61. (MIRA Yt,) O+uclanr mi-netl- rosunan(~e and relaxation) L 458514-66 ACC NRt AP6029359 A) SOURCE CODE: UR/O104/66/0DO/0O3/OO83/00a4 AUTHOR: Kholyan, A. M. (Engineer); Elyukim, S. B. (Engineer); Onuchin, V. Ya. (&Igiaeer); Kravets, (Engineer) ORG: None TITLE: Application of computer for designing cable raceways SOURCE: Elaktrichealdyo stantaii, no. 3, 1966, 83--~A TOPIC TAGS: electric engineering, electric cable, electric network, electronic computer / M-20 electronic computer A3S19.ACT: Application of electronic computers to wiring design and circuit calc,"atiorz is discussed in connection with a paper published by the Ural Branch of the Teploelektro- proyekt Institute. The paper in question deals with design considerations and eco-nomic-s .16 rac(~ 0 )Way systems used at electric powor plants for auxiliary powur circu),ts. An electronic computer of M-20 type was ~jsed by tl,e Inst.'tutu for circuit and conductor cal- culations on the banis of layouts prov.~;ing in,or-~n'.ion oii cable raceways, cable crossinju, junctions, riser col,--ans, interconnections, etc. Nimbers were assiLned to encii raceway, column, cornection and special tabular -raphs were prepared. The matiemazical aspect of calculations is discussod by tno authors and Liome extunplos of using graphs are erplained. Various versions for economical cable layin,- (ohorto3t distance, cAblo weitht) are briofly ex,aained. -the results oblaiied in cable ra,_-eway caiculatioriB include the cable len6t,", panel number, consumer number and interconnection numbers. SUB CMi~. Dq/ S~BM DATE: il'one C'Q,d UDC: 621-315-11 '77 * CP 77, Yi~~ . -!. . ; -7 -T " ~ r I,, , ?I . I Cal' c,,:'-:,:. 7 (), r ~' a, !~; . '~ ' ,! a' i(- s e~,; ': ', he ss',pe ' -. " -Ific -.'! - *!' W: ty. d-uh, PC, ed. Tn"d ,, ~ . - "C', ~ " . 1r:-, . .- r . 13p, * 1 1 r, 1, ", ( " 77 -A 1 1- 1 ) AUTHORS: Dobrokhotov, G. N. and unucb-ki na, N 1. 136-3-7/25 TITLE: Acid Leaching of Nic.Lel Concentretes and Mattes by tae Autoclave Method. (Kislotnoye vyshchelachivaniye niceievy---n kontsentratov i shteynuv avto4lavnym sposooom). PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metelly, 195?, No-3, pp-35-40 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Leaching in an atmosphere of oxy6en is a most important operation in the treatment of sulphide raw materials by hydrometallurgical methods. Various schemes have been proposed and these are briefly considered in t,~iis a-rticle, after which experiments on a process similar to one proposed by Downes and Bruce (Ref.5) are describeu. Here the leachirg is carried out witli a low pH vaiue (1-2) of the liquid and the aim of tne experiments was ~o see to what extent the method is bpplic6ble to some nicr~el- manufacture products. Two concentrates anu ~ matte were treated under various conditions Lnd Craplis saowiri'- the course of the extraction of nici~zel at differeiA pH vblues, temperatures and pressures as well as the benaviour of cobalt, copper, iron anu suiphu-r et various pressures are presented. Some results are also tabulvteu, as are the 1/2 compositions of the materibls. The prouucts of tne let,,criint' were found to be an acid nict~el-cobalt sulphate solutio,-, '~ 136-3-7/25 Acid LeacllainL of NicKel Concentrates cno ~Lttes by tlfie Autoclave Method. copper-sulpaur blloy anci tLilin_s consisLir.... of iron nyd.roxide and gaLgue elements. Tile acid required was fj_-med by oxidation of the sulphides tiiemselves and aydrolysis of ferric sulDhate. The optimal temperature was 115 to 1L8 G, the optimal pressures for concentrates and matte beinL about 20 and lu-15 atm gauge, respectively. On tae avera,,e the process ~,ias completed in 3 to D_ Inours, the time depending ou the lump size of tne materials and tae inteLsity of mixing. An editorlal note states ttiaL tne applicL;t;ion of the methods described for treatin., so,~,e Soviet copper-nic:-.el sulptlide concentrates would lead to lusses of precious -iet,-ls; ~,uu method is recoL.:2enue,_~ for mattes. 2/2 There are 5 fi6ures, _7~ tables a~nu j references, 5 of -stlicn, are Slavic. ASSuCIATIUN: Gipronii~el. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress DOBROKHOTOV. G.N.: 014UGHKIHAO 11.1. ~ Autoclave leaching of cobalt prodnets at the OlUthuralnikel" combine. TSvet. met. 31 no. 7-35-39 A '58. (MIRA 11-8) I. Gipronikel I . (Ural Mountains--Nickel) (Leaching) C-1- k PMODICAL' T-L.YY,- I * 11Y 1-9 N. 1, ~4 81 W-03f?) ABSTRACT : 0. 23-26 F~b-ry 195V a hold 1. L.oc.w f~r SLIMMiag-up, and coorqloattog work on auto~cls- processes Ia the metallurgy of heavy. nom-forroun, rar" and noblm Foo- "Th conference heard reports a. D.M. Tukbtaao,. 01tZrotmet, on progress throughout the world on the Use Of hydrohaotallurgical. particularly auto- alaw' , mtbdo for non rarrous and rare metal production. (Z. a ' ;0 !obirOkhcto,. alp 1k.1, . on nickel leeching pr.ctL.. Card 1/5 ~m i . Soviet works: A_ =Qoucnkjoa Dbrukhatvi i on the, tO.M.4 nomIco and rnarryff-ur. Th.cii's r d- 0 by ILYdrog.0 and Ido Under pressure o it carbon moooz, ; L sic I and cobalt from solution. ; , YU. J~aabqtl and X. 9- _ Shojejp0wo. GiproaLksll , on design decisions In the appli- al. tlOM, Of the flowsheet- dealt It1l by -3. 4. Dobrokavtov ,ttb Yuzhuralnikoll " Severoolkel Combine. and t4o uraloy:kiy (Ufa) Nickel 'Norks; 1. N. Madjanitak.Lp, Lsniog~radskly gornyy lastitut (Leningrad Mining Inotituto) oaths advantages or a combined flotation-autoolav- method for nickel-olectrolf.18 of sll=es containing pl.tInuzz-group metals; V. B. ZhIlkto. Saveroaikel' combine, 1~ SQb0l, , Gif1t5T t-t on to. of to. and L~ 1 deutra metbcd of oxidIz ag 1;.chlnA of nickel concentirstv a from converter-matto flotation; P. 1. Sobol' on preliminary Ino. at Igations on thed.volopment b!' a sulphurous- ,ulphuxic method for leaching aicit.1 and cobalt rroca oxidized nickel ores; Y. N. "elealtaLly. Mokh`ho1br o in. &In results of inventiga'tions or the.utc,clav,--i ,, : Car'd 2/5 process for treating tungst-n-oro becierICIRtion oro~--ts V-1- 20;111-111. M.khamobr. and It- L. MLMLI_AkZ~e. kay* (Sitopinals) ToOF, 5oparnteiy. on problems to the pplication of an autoolove-Rola fl...b..t to _O-lt. Lad walfromits raw material; G. A. Uicy-r-ori. K. To Shapiro. N. N. Xhj%_T3XIy. R. A. 'PovIyuk and A. F rBe.Ttut ts,.t.ykh . y,r,1 3r .~ollo, 1, T,oo j V . .-F,rou etals Institute) on the treat- .:W ~ . . i sent of tungsten oomeentr.tes In norm,t1co.1 . heated "it - '1 11awith aids or caustic RIkalles, V. 1. SpIridonova, S. ISobol' . To. I. . Gulybyerm. ' and B.-T. Rudeako., on too trvatmeat of prspl,iol -&ffd unpr.p.r.1 -lphldo molrbl.oum raw mat~rlal c " o d l e u to & 1 ` 1 1 c8 of olldlziz x ng ' ve 1 . . tb. i cl ne t i by and 5 1, .,ob: 1z leaching; A. If. L.llkm~ and 7_ JZ. Ly.p.1". r,,,4 1t, o1 t iton-F.rm"aMe tals Imtit on tz to ,1, o:.r . tiv, a t. or . I. a t: :r of condit a f r b, soiP 1Idea of tungsten ouil Molyblonum from their alt solutions by hydro ~,eo under pressure; Card 3/5 n.1.11 urt; '-b.. alyin atItt- ,q-L to.. Ole I InaLltute) oftIs. .oaoml: loncll) of the Arm 8 I. InItlgatl.o 6.f (1r:*:I.n SSR) . on b ~.l 11- claw. lo.~Llng td,r ..Yg.. prose- ~r ,rat- S _~_SQD a li.,htil accao A. 1. 1. N. Mosel.. Krasnoyarsk N- F. autoc~l- ;- ...frTo 1" --c. 8r .1 ~_ 3 - t TYU~ , Ur.1'ekly p I I t,arai . oI ! n, P. irt oIC Tctjt4,.; tt, :., f 10 ol Idi_l~g at-4g A L. Taeft w.d D. A. To------ A. T- D.JatsiTl _ AY K- 35RI I it- and Be...". on t phv.t , L a b ..; .. , I- A. 11r,,!.' ,= ft .,s f V It rl z; r:m~mr li f,,r t-t- 7. 1. A, C~l 4,1! SSSR 110!2,..~ A5R ,~_rlo Us vnl -~ Ifir L t : 0 theI"alIr _ ~~ :. or I.,- nt If .1 .V. A. !~!fa ---,-t 'A LZ.- ,'I F1 It' C, r ty 7: :T DOBROKGOrTOV,- G.N.;.-ONUC-1~K.IfiAN.I. Kinetics of nicftd reduction by hydrogen fo= a=onie-vulfate solutions. Ixv. vys. ucheb. zav.; tavet. met. 5 no-5:72-78 162. OCRA 15.1a) 1. GosudarBtVennyy institiit-pe pcoyektirovaniyu predpriyatiy nikelevoy promyshlennosti. (Nickel-Metallurgy) (Hydrometallurgy) S/136/62/000/008/001/004 E021/E435 AUTHORS: Dobrokhotov, G.N., Onuchkina, N.I., Ratner, Z.L. TITLE: Autoclave reduction of nickel and cobalt hydroxides by hydrogen PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye metally, no.8, 1962, 44-4? TEXT: A finer and purer metallic powder can be produced by autoclave reduction of hydroxides than by reduction of ammoniacal- sulphate solutions. Diffusion of hydrogen into the metal during the process also results in an increase in lattice parameter which produces powder which has better catalytic properties. Experiments were carried out in autoclaves with 1 to 3 litre-capacity. Hydrated nickel oxide was prepared from hot solutions of nickel sulphate and sodium hydroxide. The precipitate was washed on a vacuum-filter and the charg-e in the autoclave had a solid to liquid ratio of 1:10 . Hydrated cobalt oxide was prepared from solutions of sodium hypochlorite and boiling cobalt sulphate. The charge for the-autoclave had a solid to liquid ratio of 1.40. Hydrogen was fed in as soon as the required temperature was reached. The Card 1/2 S/131)/b2/000/006/001/004 Autoclave reduction of nickel ... E02!/E435 degree of reduction was found by removing samples periodically froal the autoclave. Before each experiment the internal surfaces of the autoclave were pickled in hot 5% nitric acid. Relatively coarse, low activity carbonyl powders (nickel cobalt 71~, were used for nucleation in the reduction process. Curves of Lhe degree of reduction against time show in each case a marked induction period; this is attributed to unstable oxide compounds on the nucleating powder and the slow rate of crystallization of the first metallic grains. The optimum conditions of reduction are: 200 to 250OC; a partial pressure of hydrogen of 20 to 30ati.. 1 to 1.5 hours duration. The obtained powder was finely dispersed, had high catalytic properties and low cementation activity. There are 2 figures and 3 tables. Card 2/2 DOBROKHOTIOV, 3.N.; M'U(,;~Klli.", !-I. Kinetics ef aut,,~clave lracl.irig of spl.aerite. Irv. rw. ucheb. zav., ',svet. met. 7 no.5:51-57 164 (MIU 18:1) 1. I!ELuchno-i,,;sl(,a~)vfiteliskiy i proyektnyy institi,,t "GdprOrAkel'". Rekomendovana kafedroy metallurgil tyazhelykh tri tnykh i blELgc)- rod.nykh metallov Ler.~rijradskogo Cornogo institui . MERKOV, D. N. "The Pbewwnm of the Tmmport of Eleat wA Moisture In the aotl azA Subsoll. MnAy Ylomkov. Tekh. In-ta. Fishchevoy Praqshlennosti, No. 8, pp. 55-63, 1957. (.);.,UFRIYGMX. F. [Life processes in plants] &:Iadni protsesy zr-F',t.'-a roslim. Vinnipag, Nakladom uk-rainalkoi torhovIi, 19514. 61 p. (mjp.A 14:1~) (Plant breeding) ONURVCHUK. F. CYloweral Kvity. Vi--nipeg, Yyd. vydavychoi spilky 'Truzub.' 1956. 103 P - (MLEA 9: 8) (Flowers) ONUFRITCHUX, F. mlimmoar", :ouse plantel Khatnt roslyny. Winnipeg, 1957. 48 p. (MIRA 11: 1) (Hausa pinnta) Klumov, S.F. F. F. Construction and design of a centrifugal multidisk sprayer. Trudy DKHTI no.6:232-241 158. (MIRA 13:11) (Plate towers) QO-M]W-T-t I - Professional groups are the basic link. Sov.shakht. 10 no.7:26-27 J1 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Profgruporg vtorogo uchastka shak-hty No.8 tresta Budinnovugoll, Donbass. (Trade unions) caunlywo. L.G. Spring surface flow of snall rivers of the Ukraine. Truo Ukro NIGNI rie.3:103-119 055. OIMA 9:10) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-inaledovatellakly gidrometeorologichRokiy Institut. Wk-rmine-Runaff) (Ulcrnine-St ream measurements) ONFRIYMO, L.G. Uffect of forests on the memn iinnm%1 flaw of imall mtr-aime. Trudy U)-r.HIGM1 no.4:72-76 155o (KIRA 10:1) (Forest Infinewes) (Runoff) ONUFRIYE11j.0, L.G. - . A map of the relntire distri',Yution of forests in the Wrrk!.,ie. ?--udT Ukr.NIGMI no.4:77 155, (MLRA 10:1) (Ukraine-yorests and forestry) -xA -37 ONUYRITEN)D, L.G. Factors o, spring runoff. Meteor. i gidrol. no.2:38-39 P 156. (Runoff) (Snov) (mLRA 9:6; 14-57-6-12206 Traiislation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 6, PP 73-74 (USSR) AUTHOR: Onufriyenko, L. G. TITLE: Effect of Agricultural Engineering Works on blope Runoff (Nekotoryye dannyye o v1iyanii agrotekhnichc3- kikh meropriyatiy na sklonovyy stok) PERIODICAL: Tr. Ukr. n.-i. gidrometeorol. in-ta, 1956, Nr 6, pp 3-13 ABSTRACT: Attempts are being made in the Chernigov district to determine the effect of different kinds of plowing and the planting of different crops on surface runoff caused by melting snow. A preliminary report asserts that slope inclination and exposition do not exert a deCisive influence on talic runoff. The author sup- plies data on the amounts of snow and runoff, obtained Card 1/2 from the runoff plats at the PrIdespylMkly expeftwntal ONMITEIIKO, L.G. Porest influence on spring runoff. Trud7 Ukr.NIGMI no.6:14,P-512 156. (KLRA 10:5) (Runoff) (Forest influences) ONMITFJIKO. L.G. momm"WOMMMO Snow deposition in rarines. Trudy Ukr.ITIGNI no.6:63-66 '56. (MLRA 10:5) (Snow) e / , 1/1 , \. I 11 1 ~z L.G. ,~ONMITJRT~ Experimental data on snow melting and runoff of snow melts. Tr..114.y Ukr. NIGMI no.9:26-38 157. (MIRA 11:1) (Snov) ONUFRIYElifO, L,G. Intsmatty of snow melting Fin! loss of vat,3r from thn snnw. 71mily no.19:3-P4 IS9. (141RA 1): 4) (Golovesnya Valley--Snow) CIMFRMNKC . L. G. Extent of spring water r=off in small Ukrainian rivers. Trudy UkrNICIMI no.340-23 162. (MIRA 15:7) (Ukraine--Runoff) CJM'FF. I !MT , T , . (-j . 1,r,5 s -. , n !~ -, ( .. - . -: , - , - - -1 , k. T , - , '. -: " ;- , . ~A- , . '' - v . i -. . . . . 20 NwU FRalYENKO Yu.F.; TAW, F.I.; TONYUK, N.I. L~ .Khmelw sprayer. Zashch. raot. ot vred. i bol. 7 no.8.19-21 Ag 162. UUAk 15:12) (Spraying and dusting equipment) (Zhitomir Province-Hops-Dioeasov and posts) ACC NRt AP7000321- ---'(A)------SOURC-E--CODE:-UR-/C~41-3/66-/ooo/on,2/t,o6o/0060 INVENTOR: Onufriyenko, YL. 1. ORG: none TIT'-E: D ivi-ler for magnetization of current devider cores of Gericon- ductor converters. Class 21, No. 188565 SOURCE: T zobretei,iya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znal~i, no. 22, 1968,60 .0?!C TAGS: se c on du ct or c on ve rte r , s e -~i con duc tor de v i c e/ /r- A3S7RACT: n Au th o r Ce rt i fi c ate h as been i s a ue d f or a de v i cr, ,4:. 1' c~' na,,:neti zes the current d Ivider cores of a ae mi conductor con, vo ~ r. e co.-itains several parallel-connected diocles in each p-.--e, naF- neti zing windings , a power supply , a lir itinF resistor , and a -~~ cke . in order to increase efficiency of utilization of the active -.aterial of the dividers, the network of magnetizing windings is connected to an a-c source through a series-connected diode shunted by a resistor, a saturated choke, and a limiting resistor. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: 23oct63 Cord I /I UDC; 621.3i4.632.o14 Cf n,~fr~v r Ali TH DF S V T I TLE A New v Y: Eli I C, I AL: A B j T ;I ',A f e -7 -IA Or Card A Ner Letl.nd fcj- DP* r d i f f i 2 ,y t - ar, r e e r ry r,:~1 f y~- c, er ;,.rtarit Ir 1 1 J e r In r L b;. s e ri 'J. rl t e t re, 1 S 1 c I s a w -t,i i W C Carl A New Method fcr the Detc-Y-.-_:.ati Dr. ,)4 chromate soluti _)n, as 3,ulfur, :- acid on ~_.eatine: formed hexavalent tellurium to tetravalent titrimetric method was esi-ecip-I ly em, layed frr the determin- ation of tellurium in its alloy5 witI. ariti:n:~%y :-: crd,7,- t,: keep antimony in Ithe sclution. Ihe alloy is wcrkea t., witl. a mixture of' nitric acid and tartaric acid. Lesi,es anti:o-.iy and tellurium the alloy can also contain s,,nall ~-_untite, nf iron, arsenic, tin, lead, cadmium.. bisril_~th, ca_rb-_;n. 3eleniu:~, copper, and other elements. The compounds of irons arsenic, bismuth, tin, an,! antimony are not reduced tc t'lle: r:.Ot-,Is by lactose in a weakly alkaline solution. They arr- solution I.-; tartaric acid. At hiLher conce-tr-aL-_)r_,1 go into tf:1 precipitate. This renders do~terminatir _- -.siier- ably diffjcli~t. as an amorphous fanely jit-l-rih,itei -.tate forms, which consists of tellurium and tin which it is diffir,;lt further to wc~rk up. At a I-vt of tin this lifficulty does not exist. -he ~rpsc~n-, f quantites of leal and cadm"um do not dizqtui~, mination. Carbon loes not disfjolve i.,~ r;~Iri!: it,-! ~ a-,,~ -fir: 1)(-,~ Card 3/4 removed by flltorine,. C,,,jlper and seleniu.-% li,iturt I,- A New Met;-Iod for the Det----rminati~n cf Telluriu!: consideratly as they are precipitated to-Fetner witn in the reduction with lactose. By the addition of ferrocyanide, however, it can be brou.-ht about that selenium and coTper in wea-1-ly al aline solutions are not reduce! tc. the C.0 - metals, but that they remain in solution as stable Alex compounds. At the same time potassium ferrocyanide doer,,, not prevent the reduction of tellurium nor does it exercise any influence upon the velocity of the separati--~n. The res~;Its show that this method yields well reprcducibi.e resu:ts. '"he deviations from a mean value in the case of a tellurium content 0f-3 % are not h-.(,,her than 0,02 ;'~- and in the case 0 7- of a tellurium content of -10 7'1 not higher than (', .5 ". '.he experimental conditions of all these determinations -,re exactly given. There are 2 tables and 4 references, 1 of whic'. is Slavir~. ASSOCIATION: Toms.-. '-,ol y tec I.n i c In -9 t I tu t eoms K iy pol i t e~ ',:i~ i,_ -~ es ie. ~ y i ns t i t u t SUBMITTED: December 18, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of 7on;-ress Card 4/4 1. Tel lurlum - -eterminatior, TJDODGV. P.A.; 01MMMOK, I.P. Hjvd.rogeochF,--!-Rl method of prospecting for nmffer--ouB metals and certain rare elements. Izv. TPI 90:15P-164 '59. (XTRJA 1?:2) 1. Predatavleno professorom do),torom F.N. Shakhovym. (Geoe--hemiciil prospecting) (Ore deposits) (Water--Annlysis) POLYAX, E.A.; STREL'NIKOVA, N.P.; PAVWVA, V.N.; RIVNff, V.S.; OHUMTI~W~j_ ": SOKOTI)VICH, Y.B.: MHOUTSKIt, I.N.; ALIKSAM&)VA, Te.N.; Cffv,RM'HA. (". N. Brief reports. Zav.lab. 25 no.2:162-163 ' 59. (MIPA 120) 1. SverdInvekly zavod khimicheskikh reaktivov (for Polynk). 2. Nril'- skly gorno-motallurgiHionkiy kombinat (fnr Strel'nikova, Pavlova). 3. Slavyanakly sodovy-y kombinat (fnr RlvWy). 4. Tomnkly imlitakhnirtie- skiy institut (for Onufriyenok, Sokolovich).5. Khar'kovskly ekektrotekniche- akty zavod (for LeVhovitskly, Aleksandrova). 6. Moskovokly mashinostroitel'- TWy zavod (for Chernul-ba). (ChemIstry, Analytical)