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WA(d)LEWP(V)/T/WP(t)/ETIAW IJF(c) JDAKA'v 28469-66, Za (mM_ ACC NRI AP6010138 SOURCR CODIt VA/0125/66/000/003/0007/0010 Aamt iggatkin, D.8 _vmovg B. is got ~V- P_ 9RG: Institute of Blectric welding In. Y** 0* Paton, AN UkrSM (Institut elektro- WOW ra, Ti. 6. Paton AN UkrSSR) TITU: assistance butt welding 94 thtck-walled -tubes of heat-r*sisqP_k_F.L"" 500 mg impair the color chanFe F-- r's L Trilon BINiC'. 2 ratio and NiCl 2 concentration are determined by The Trilon B volume to be added to the RE soluttor. is calculated frorc 2A VM - - ; A i s the probab 1 e car, * en t c f RE ME,- Ir CNiC'L:) K M R203 NiC-- -'Tri -,cn rat.,c, , n m.1 , and V, is the molecul'ar weig~.z --f R 0, 2 GarJ L OD038-66 Rn(in)/E%P(t)/EWP(b) IJP(e') ACCESSION XR: APS023710 UR/0075/65/020/009/0002/0801# S43.70 AUTMs OWISM, S. P.; Kuntsevicht G. K.- TITLEs Spectrophotometric study of the reaction of scandium ions with pyrocatechal violet SOURM: Zhurs" analitIchaskey Wall, v. 20, no. 9, 125S, 902-904 TOPIC TAGS: scandlumi, scandivin compound, spectrophotometric analysis, dyne Cal ABSTPACT: Scmdlua and pyrocatechol violet form a blue complex of anionic cha- racter at a 1:1 solar ratio. The absorption maximaza of the complex Is reached at pH % 6 (A a $90 op) and rwaLns constant with rising pH. The option pH rengs selected was 5.0-5.7; It was produced with uretvapLue and sestate buffer solutionso 7b& aver*p value of the solar extinction coefficient c Is (1.7320.13) 104. For a complete color development, a twofold excess of the reagent Is sufficient. A linear dependence of the optical density of the colored solution on the. scandium concentration Is observed up to 60 Pg per 25 Al of solutLon& Complex-forming Ions sueb an ~Ltmtog tnvtmte# onalatet acstaftq *to.$ md loom of tboriveg almintrot Cwd L OW36-66 ACCENION Us R5023UO Iron,, copper, etc. interfere with the color developmat. A procedure for the do- termLoation of sawdLum in the abs wo of luterferbW low is Sivem. Orig. art. bass 5 flamm. ASSOCIATIONs Ural SUINITTEW OWkWP No wr wv, on poiftekbaLcbmakly Inatitut Is. S. N. Kirova, Mmrdlovsk ams 00 1 000 so come: ~wi' or ,,N( ~i, ~. i, . r- r-,U! m,~. -,r ..r ( --v "e ~ , ;~ , In * -~r, v.- v, ~ - !i -. , - ~~ ~ ~. - v - , - - I :)Trr. I "i x 1~ 'A"*." , - ~ *,~ ya n f ~ ''I . T-Ay - ": - 'r, . , I- I pl-, I (V, . I " VLADIMIRSKIY, V.V.; FOSHKAREV, D.G.; 0,40SOVSKIY, K.K.; SHOLYANKINA, T.G.; SMIR',lITSKIY, V.A.; DANIL'TEV, Ye.N.; LAZAREV, X.T.j LAPITSKff, Yu.Ya.; PLIGIN, Yu.S-; BATALIN, V.A. ion guide and beam injection svqtem in a proton synchrotron. k'rib. i tekh. e~sp. 7 no.4:70-'7S R-Ag IQ . (MIRA 16:/4) 1. Institut teoreticheskay i eksperimental'noy fiziki Gosu- darstvennogo komiteta po ispollzovaniyu atomnoy energii SSSR. (synchrotron) S/12o/62/000/004/008/047 E039/E420 AUTHOR: Onosovskiy, K.K. TITLE: Testing of the vacuum chamber and pumping system of the 7 Gev proton synchrotron PERIODICAI: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no.4, 1962, 52-54 TEXT: '1he pumping system of the synchrotron is briefly described. Volume of the chamber is 4000 litres; overall speed is 9000 litres/sec. Tests are carried out on a standard section of the sy5tem. consisting of one pumping unit B/\-05-1 (VA-05-1) two curved sections of the vacuum chamber and two straight sections, i.e. 1/56th part of the system. The limiting pressures obtained using the liquid nitrogen traps are 7 x 10-7 min lig at the pump and 1.4 x 10-6 min lig at the most remote part of the system. Using the semiconductor refrigerator trap only the corresponding pressures are 9 x 10- and 1.8 x 10-6. These pressures were obtained after 24 nours pumping and with a leak rate of 0.006 litre u/sec. The performance of an improved design of diffusion pump with a high quality oil is described, pressures of 3 to 5 x 10-7 mm Hg being obtained. For the complete vacuum Card 1/2 S/120/62/000/00"/(',08/047 Testing of the vacuum chamber ... E039/E420 chamber assembled in the magnet spaces the limiting pressure i.-i 2 to 2.5 x lo-6 mm Hg. An investigation of the magnetic properties of the chamber showed that 110% of it had a residual magnetic field greater than the permissible level o.o8 oe. In order to remove this residual magnetization and to de-gas the system the chamber walls were heated to about 7500C for about 25 to 30 minutes by passing a current of 500 A through it, the heat loss being reduced by means of an asbestos cloth covering. There are 2 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimental'noy fiziki GKAE (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics GKAE) SUBMITTED: March 16, 1962 Card 2/2 L071:5 S/12o/62/000/004/011/047 E140/E420 AUTHORS: Vladimirskiy, V.V., Koshkarev, D.G.,_QnoA_o_Yak1_y, K.K., Smolyankina, T.G., Smirnit3kiy, V.A., Danilltsev, Ye.N., Lazarev, N.V., Lapitakiy, Yu.Ya., Pligin, Yu.S., Batalin, V.A. TITLE: The ion guide and beam-introduction system of the proton synchrotron 13ERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperitiienta, no.4, 1962, 70-75 TEXT: From experimental work on the 4 Mev electrostatic generator used for beam injection, it was found that the diameter of the matched beam in the accelerator chamber would be.not les:s than about 25 mm. The injection system was therefore designed to use plane condensers instead of slot condensers. As the phase volume of the beam was four times greater than expected, the focusing was strengthened by the use of quadrupole lenses. The beam introduction system is shown in Fig.2, where C1,2 3 are condensers. Cl is constructed from stainless steel plates, e = 600 mm, h = 35 mm, bent to a radius of 4000 mm, V = 80 kV, W a 171 mr, &V/V K 1.5 X 10-3. Card 1/3 S/120/62/000/004/011/047 The ion guide and beam-introduction ... E140/E420 C2 has t = 220 mui, h = 20 mm,., V - 62 kV, w 85 mr and ,n V/V - 2.2 x 1o-3 C3 has (, = 220 min,h 80 mm, LV/V = I x 10-2, 6 V = 56 kV, w = 9.~ mr, whorre %, is length of tne plates, h is the distance between them, W is the angle through which the beam in bent and AV/V is the required stability. Calculation on the design of the system and its adjustment are given, in particular design details are presented on the first condenser Cl, the electrostatic quadrupole lenses, the ion guide and the magnetic quadrupole lenses. The electrostatic quadrupole lens consists essentially of four stainless steel plates with a hyperbolic profile and the magnetic quadrupole lens is calculated for a gradient of 350 Oe/cm and a length of 15 cm with a magnetic aperture of 60 mm. There are 12 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut teoreticheskoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki GKAE (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics GKAE) SUBMITTED: March 31, 1962 Card 2/3 5/12"/62/000/004/047/047 A Ul 110i, S i-I I "~ I I-~J' I yV. V. In, L.L. , P I I x In, YU.S e ne I ov, N.A Ta I V Z. I n, A -N Ta ra.,iov , Ye, . K ush,,a rev, :,.G . , Lapi tnkiy. Yu . Ya . , Sa rnba ah : L . z . eopuv, 1.F., Lebedev, P.I. , Kuz'min, A.A., ata I in, V.A., Ono a ovakiy, X K. Uvarov, V.A., udop'yanov, TITLE Adju.Rtment of the acceleration regime of tile 7 Gov yroton synchrotron Fribory i teirhnika elisperi-enta, no.4, 19622, 248-255 X III or ler to establish the, optimum par.kmeter3 for prograinriiinK t ie control 1'requency thi, intensity, po.~Ition, and frequency and amplitude of transverse oscillation of the beam 1--5 measured 1 . three stages: (1) during, the first revolution, (2) with a ci -culatir.,- boam and (-)) with acceleration. For ineabureme its on the firqt revolution lori-~ afterglow scintillation screens are used wnich are either observed visially or by meens o' a toievision camera. The screens are placed in the sections etween magnet blocks; 15 in the initial part and dr ~nl )~e fin. 1 par-t of the chwnbcr. It is shown that tboorbit does not ',/I '-'(,/62/()o(-)/oo4/o47/047 Ad) us Ln cri t of the a cc c, I ~-ra I I on . . . ~. (, ,,~ / i, I Z (1 Cel.,,,,, t c, by more tj-n 1 .5 cm I rom t he a x i -i dur ng tile f i rs t rfvulut iun Circul.%Ling L,e.,ms witl,o,lt are obta~nud 1, !1 ~ c I I c ') " L 1 rl ti C , 0 r 2, ~to ~,O I-VV3. I oto c irculatin~r. current i s t! v L V rr;l I[I,-,J by 111C,1111 of .1 'light t%lb,! ~nd tile tr,inziVel So 0 ~ c I I L at Ion fr-'ut-ncy with in elct:Lroltat IC probe 1(h double v,rti-- I .,,,] tlor-Lzontal pl-iten. Jc i ri t iIi a t 1 oil 8cr,-ris i n the form -' a .~.ri U w- th 85'~ trai-a. 1 ns ion are uned to !jhow tile beam po.-, i t i on a x,d d lame t er for 5 to 10 ro- - The beam diami-tor is showy, to ov about I* cin ozidar nori;-I coridi L i ons . I nvent I F"A t lolls are c.irried rjut on t.11c optilnum form of the frl-"JLI('IICY - tl9lIo r c I a t I un for holdin7~ Lhe 1--am in orbit . The width of the trapping rc~lon - - 3 Kc/s for an initial frequency of 750 Kc/s which .~If with th,,oretical catimatoq. Preliminary adjustment purmitte(l the attnijriunt of 6.2 Gov protor- anti after adjustment .2 (~ev protons were obtn Lnod on Octobtr 25, 1IY6l Th. oflual intensity on a normal cycle lio3 in the range 3 to 5 x 109. There are 7 figures and I table. ASSOCI,lTION: institut toorotirhonkoy I aksperimental'noy rizikl. G.':AL (Instituto of Theoretical and Lxperimental 5 U BN 1 -17 F D April 11, 1962 Physica GKAE) Card 2/2 M-1 r~l' ly. .u v n3 t darst-ennogo kouti,etki L 2~P6946 EWT(m) IJP(c) JXTC,.qa) ACC NRo AT60=59 SOMCE CODE: MV3 3,10032 AUTHM: lapitsklyp Yu. Y&.; lhoroshkovp V. S.; Onosovsklyp Ko X. ORG: T=: The Injector of the ITV proton synchrotron SOURCE: USSR* GosudarstvenrWy komitat. po ispoltzov"iyu atomoy energli. *1affulLut teoreticheakw I eksperimentallnoy Mild. Doklaftp no- 381j, 3,965. Inthektor protonotgo sinkhrotrons. ITEFj, 1-12 TOPIC SGS.- proton acceleratorp synchrotron., particle accelerator componentp elec- crzow4w~ ZG- 4 static generator, trostafte 5,eleero ABBVACT: Dis authors Ascribe the improvements r'seently made on the ITEF proton InJector.. which originally was a revamped ZG-5 electrostatic generator. no Injector is designed for a two-week operativg cycle., with minlymn maintenance shutdown (22 hours) and minimum low-voltage preconditioning (20-30 hours). 7he vaemn system and the Ion system (sotweso optical systemp wd Ion transporter) are described In detall. With the Ion source delivering a maziumm V41se current of 0-3 the. lnject= operates at present with a generator voltsge of 4 My a dc Ion current 1-3 paq an vinseparated been pulse of 40 us at a pulse duration of 40 ssecj, a proton of 8-20 as Into the synchrotron at a pulse duration 20 pseep wd an energy 27069-66 ACC N& A2603M59 112-57-8-16276 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 8, p 35 (USSR) AUTHOR: Rozenfel'd, L. M., Onosovskiy, V. V. , and Serdakov, G. S. TITLE: An Experimental Installation for Heating and Cooling the Buildings at the Site of the Stalingrad State Electric Station Development (Opytnava ustanovka dlya otopleniya i okhlazhdeniya zdaniy na ploshchadke stroitel'stva Stalingradskoy GES) PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. tekhnol. in-ta kholodil'n. prom-sti (Transactions of the Leningrad Technological Institute for the Cooling Industry), 1956, Nr 14, pi) 32-43 ABSTRACT: To check some conditions associated with the use of a thermal purnp for heating the buildings of an electric station, an experimental installiLtion was built and tested at the site of the Stalingrad State Electric Station. This installation, in the Station's Electrotechnical Laboratory, used refrigerating machines for heating during the winter and cooling during the summer As a source of low-temperature heat for the thermal pump, water is taken from an artesian well; the water is preheated by an electric heater that is analogous Card 112 112-57-8-IoZ7b An Experimental Installation for Heating and Cooling the Buildings at the Site to a hydrogenerator having thermal losses but no output power. A single-stage freon-12 refrigerating machine was used as a thermal pump. Cold water at 50-100 C was fed into an evaporator, where the heat yielded by the water brought freon-12 to the boiling point at a low pressure. Freon-12 vapor was admitted into a compressor, where it was brought tip to the pressure corre- sponding to the condensation temperature necessary for the heating system. From the compressor, the vapor was channelled into a condenser in which the condensing vapor heated the water circulating in the heating system. The liquid freon-12 from the condenser was fed back into the evaporator with an intermediate throttling down to the pressure of the evaporator. Cold water from the evaporator was passed through an electric heater. The tests conducted in December, 1955, and in January, 1956, demonstrated tlie feasibility of utiliz- ing thermal losses in hydrogeneraters and transformers for heating of electric- station buildings. The thermal-pump heating system proved to be more eco- nomical than a separate heating boiler installation. Bibliography: Seven items. V. Ya. G. Card 2/2 ROZKNFM'D, L. M. ; OIJDSOVSKIY V V. SERDAKOV, G. S. Irperimental testing of the feasibility of adapting refrigerating machinery for heating and cooling buildiWa using heat produced in the operstIon of hydroelectric power stations. Zhur. tekh. fiz. 26 no.9:2037-2045 S '56. (MLRA 9:11) 1. Tekhnologicheskiy institut kholodillnoy prou7shlonnosti. Leningrad. (Heat pumps) (Hydroelpctric power stations) (Refrigeration and refrigerating machinery) ROZINMID, L., dektor takhaicheakikh usuk; OWSOVSKIY, V.; SXRDauV, G. Zxperimental installation for hydroelectric plant heating usiag refrigerating machines. Khol.tekh-33 se.2:5-11 Ap-Jo 056. (KERA 9: 9) (Heat pumps) (Hydroelectric power stations-Air conditioning) AUTHORS:Rozenfelld, L. (Professor), Kharitonov, V., Onosovskiyq V., Manuylo, N., Zhebenko, A'., and Bakallo, -N (Engineers). ;6-2-2 2ite refr TITLE: Investigation of the refrigeration equipment o gerator ship, "Aktyubinsk". (Ispytaniye kholodillnogo oborudovaniya refrizheratornogo sudna "Aktyubinsk"). PERIODICAL: "KholodiltBua Tekhnika" (Refrigeration Engineering), 1957, No.2, pp.6 - 10 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The results are described of tests of a refrigerated Diesel-electric ship,carried out by the Chair of Refrigera- tion Machinery of the Leningrad Technological Institute in cooperation with the team of a Baltic plant. The refrig- eration machinery was designed by the Central Refrigeration Machinery Design Office and manufactured by the Moscow "Compressor" Works. The "Aktyubinsk" has a displacement of 10 250 tons and Is one of a larger series of refrigerator vessels. It has 5 refrigerated holds and 5 refrigerated Itween decks of a useful volume of 6700 m3, enabli:rZ trans- portation of 2700 tons of frozen or 3350 tons of cbLilled fish. The refrigerated holds and Itween decks are subdivi- ded into a fore and an aft group, each of whLich can operate Card 1/ 3at differing temperatures. The cooling of the holds and the Itween decks is effected by a solution of calcium chloride. In single stage operation a temperature of -6 C Investigation of the refrigeration equ i ent of the refrigerator sb-ip, "Aktyubinsk". (Cont. 7 66-2-2/22 can be maintained in the holds and in the I tween decks whilst in 2-stage operation a temperature of -18 C can be maintained so that it is possible to maintain a temperature of 4 C in one group of chambers and Itween decks and a temperature of -18 C in the other group. The characteris- tics of the refrigeration machinery were established at the test stand of the "Compressor" works and have been des- cribed in an earlier paper (1). The results of the tests of the refrigerator ship are discussed and summarised in 2 tables. During the tests the entire refrigeration equipment operated satisfactorily, the insulation of the refrigerated holds and Itween decks is of good quality and operated sat- isfactorily. The adopted 2-stage system is very simple in operation but the author considers It advisable to develop a circuit with an intermediate steam extraction applicable for marine use and to compare the respective technical and economic indices. To gain a clearer picture on the correct selection of the type of refrigeration machinery the applied Card 2/ 32-stage set MXBL-AAC-150 siiould be compared with a high r.p.m. multi cylinder compressor, both stages being in a single unit. For marine conditions it may be of interest Investigation of the refrigeration equipment of the refrigerator ship, "Aktyubinsk". (Cont.) 66-2-2/22 to use a rotational compressor as a booster compressor of the lower stage. A number of slight inadequacies revealed during the tests should be eliminated and further control and metering instruments should be installed. There are 3 figures, 2 tables and 1 Slavic reference. AVAILABLE: Card 3/ 3 ROZENFELID, Lev Markovich, prof., doktor takhn.nauk; TKACHEV, Anatoliy jecrgiyevicn, prof.. doktor tekhn.nauk; GURIVICH, Tevgeniy Semenovich, inzh.; QNQ�QYMY- Y-T., inzh.; SZOAKOV, G.S., inzh.; TSYRUH, B.L., lnzh.; KAI IN', I.K.. inzh.; ROKANOVSKIY, N.V., inzh.; TATSOOV, I.F.. inzh.; DANILOVA, G.N., dotsent; MIKHA7'SKI%YA, R.N., lnzhL.; KARNAUKH, H.S., inzh.; SrUKALEHKO. A.K., inzh.; ILIIN, A.Ya., inzh.: TSIPARSOh, A.L., red.; ROICHEVA, V.V., [Examples and designs of refrigerating machines and apparatusj Primary i raschaty kholodillnykh maBhin i apparatov. Moskva, Goa. izd.-vo torg.lit-ry, 1960. 237 P. E___Thermodynamic diagrams of the refrigerants used] __~Termodinnmicheskie diagrammy rabochilch to! kholodll'nykh mashin. (MIRA 13:9) (Refri,,eration and refrigerating machinery) I ROZENMID, L., prof.; ZVORONO. Tu., inzh.; ~OSD V�=. V, . I nz h., K I SS, V. Teat of a heat pump air conditioning unit in a movie theater. Khol. tekh. 37 no.5:18-22 S-0 l6o. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Leningradakiy tekhnologicheakiv inatitut kholodillnoy prolvsh- lennosti. (Theaters--Air conditioning) ROZENFELID, L.M., prof.; ZVOID110i Yu.S., inzh.; ?!OSOVSKIY, V.V., inzh. _I Application of a freon refrigerating machine for cooling and dynamic heating. Teploenergetika 8 no.6:12-16 Je 161. 1 (MMA 14:10) (Rofrigeration and refrigerating) (Thermodynamics) I OIIOSOVSKIY) V.V. , irlzh. Selecting machines and the cortroi system for heat pump units. Khol. tekh. 38 no.3:30-36 MY-Je 161. (Mdful 15: 1, 1. Leningradskiy teldmologiclieskiy institut kholodillnoy promyshlennosti. (Heat ,.umps) (Compressors) ROZENMID, L.M., prof.; ZVOPMO, Yu.S., inzh.; ONOSOVSKII.9 V.T., inah. Dynamic heating and cooling by using the heat of discarded water. Gidr.stroi. 33 no.lOt26-31 0 162. (KMA 15:12) (Waste heat) (Heating from central stations) rri. T Lh Khr lii~mgradskiy n~ POLA D Farm AnImals. Domestic Fowls. J-10 Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biolori,ra, No 16, 1957, 72197 A_~t~ or - wa fm&n , , O'no r, z Vd -v,,i c z , 3 . Title i 7he 3*~`.'ect of 'jitraviolet Rays on Domestic Birds. Part II. Its Effect ;r. the growth of Ducklings. Orii, Pub Azin. Univ, M. Curie-Sxlodowska, 1954 (1955) E9, No 6 89-101 Abs t rac The egGs if Peking &jcks w(,re irradiated with ultravi,,let rays during the first 5 days of incubation. The averai7,e vieii:IA o!' the hatched duckling, of 8.9 to 10 weeks old was hir)i6r th&n th&t of control birds (average 12 percent), i ie to the rate incre&se under irradiation. During the first days of incubation, the embryos -row faster and hatch 5.5 days earlier. The increased rate of growth contin_4e:i through the first three weeks of the ducklings' life af'tar hatohin',-. ,ard 1/1 - 62 - ONOSZKO, Jerzy, mgr., Inz. Protective blocks in harbor architecture. Tech gosp morska 11 no.5: 139-W '61. 1. Instytut Budownictwa Wodnego Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Gdansk. ONOSZKO, Jerzy, 149r. , inz. Jetivities of the scientific laboratories of the Institute for H7dranlic 14ineering of the Polish Acadeny of Sciences. The laboratory for sea- :~hore dynamics and protection. Goop vodna 21 no.11: 7f)0 N '61. OIIWZFO, Jerzy Situation of the atDrage r(,fj,~ -"- - : *~ R,,Zntw~ iwzp., hy'--.)--~ no.12:1(Y7.-112 '62o KOWAISKI, Tadeusz, inz.; SLOMANHO, Pawel, doe. dr in,*; PASUIEWICZ, Czeslaw, i3U; KARWOWSKI, Jozef, doc. dr inz.; DRUET, Czeslaw, dr inz.; TU IZWICZ-.VITKOWSKA, Hama, mgr inz., SZA~-ZIEC, TadeuBz, mgr; 0110SZKO.A Jerzy, mgr inz.; RBY116KI, Jerzy, mgr inz.; MTMAYN, Marian, m9r,riii. Discussionson papers and communications. hozpr liydrotechn no.12: 119-127 162. 1. Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, Gdansk (for all except Kowalski and Paszkiewiez). 2. Maritime Institute, Gdansk (for Kowalski). 3. State Xydrological and Meteorological Institute, Wynia (for Paszkiewicz). ONCISZKOI Jeray, mgr inz.; ROBAYJ1-,WICI,, Wd~cjioch, mgr Inz. Ylaritime pr,-tl,~mB at th-v,, ~Cjth intiz:natl nal llaviga'i-r C-)n,~r4~-E!B, Tsch gosp mor3~a 1 " n " .,4: 2,7 , 2,71.362 . 1. Instytut budovnietwa Wodnego, P, 1.9ka Akademla Nauk, Gdansk. ONOSZKO, Jerg,_mgr inz. I- Third Hydraulic Engineering Festival In Yugoslavia. Gosp wodna 23 no.2:90 F 16). , .,F-rZy Tn (-. :, e pa r- trij e ,, *, (, f " !- - : :'. - , , r. z; * - r- . - * , r, r. : !- .!~ , * ~.;! a ' c - ' ,..ozpr hyjrctechn n~,. ~ - .. - ', 31 ' v,4. - IF,- . :~'i ; '" , 'zos:aw; 1. .- " , e r z Y - "I . . . , - .: , 'r " : :,.e W'. u1 Af 8 , "-' - . , . 'r i '. * - t:." Carl 5 . - I ("~ . ,,( . , C, : '- ~ I - -, , ONOSZKO, Jjq4 m,6,r ~Iriw- Sea deepeni ng w6 r x i r. I rt. -, -,,' ~Ije pe riod between ".he two World Wars. Tpnn 4-;sp I., no.7/8:217-219 Jl-Ajg 162. 1. Instytut Bu,iiwnle~twh i~ %, folska Akademia Mauk, Gdansk. ONW'4A0, Jerzy, TVr `nz. Contrib,:'A rjnq of ~ ~,-l i sh ' mL~Aflm, awl - - ti' r- -- *, ~-. engineering. Tc -. t , ~,: mr) r s k a 14 - .- ~ . 1 (, , ', ~l _i. I Gp~-0. 1. 1 rist I tute of li,yti -aul : -~ I nglnek 7-j ~l I,, an sk, , -' 'Ih; . ! ~ -I Academy of' .;( q. r iy r ~ r) S"IF ~n 1, 1'. 0 f Poll sr, "-ademy of a anni versary )f *~np '(,, i sh f--)P'19 Is !,P.Pub! ir i w r'r 12 nr~.J:R',-146 '6 '1 I I ns ti t u tE Hy,-'rFiul i - Ing i rf, er i np, f. f" of Srienres, ~)ijbm'.1!,F!r! .Illy .-~, L - - -, . . . . . . . : . : , , . . - . , I I - I .. I " . ,-lNjT...X 1','p F. - I . Dissertation defonded fir lhe IeLveu of Gaiididate -)f l'lIi.L-,.jjplJcdj -citil."ll.; at the Institute of t'hilosoph. it juciai jigiLificance )f tl,e ind.istrlaiizat ion )f -)Ociaiist A, ricu-Itu:-H- . " U Ve,gtni-k Akad. ..'auk, :.-. 4, 1,1;63, PP -~i-145 RZEEVSKlY, V.V., prof .,; BUYANOV,Yu.D~, kand.tekhn.naak, VASIL'YEV) Ye.l., kand.tekhn.n&ui(- DWIN, AJn., kand.tekhn.nauk, KULESHOV, V.A., kand.tekhn.naW:; MRi'SHOV, B.G., kand.tekhn.nauk, NKVSKIY, V.N.,, kand.tekhn.nauk; POTAPOV, F.G., kand.tekhn.nauk; RODIOVOV, L.Ye., kand.tekhn.nauk; SIRKIN, ~.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; SUKHANOVA, Ye.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; YUMATOV, B.P., kgLnd.tekhn.nauk; KHOKRRYAKOV, V.S.p kand.tekbn.nauk; ALEKSANDROV, N,J: , i-ornyy inzh,; A-USTOV, I.I., inzh.; BUGOSWSKIY, Yu.K., gornyy inzli,,.-, DJDKOVSKIY, D.Z., inzh 0110TSKU 14~1-, inzh,t STAKMIICI', Ye,.B., inzb,-, _UKSIMOVA, V.V.., tek'hn. red. ; KOTIDi,UT I Y EVA, M.A., tekhn. red. [Handbook for the strip-mine foreman] Spravochnik gornogamstera kartera. Pod red. V.V,Rzhevskc)go. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhri.izd-vo lit-ry po gornonu delu, 1961. 572 p. (MIRA 14~4 (3tr ~ p mining) ONOTSKIY, M.I., Inzh. Studv of the wear resistance of a pneumatic p8rCUBSion drill bit. Izv. v7B. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. no.6:100-106 161. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Moskovskiy gorny-y institut imeni Stalina. Rekomendovana kafedroy biircvzryvnykh rabot. I (Boring machinery--'esting) (Mechanical wear) AVEKHENKOV, A,F., inzh.; ONOTS.K7_,_~4J.-, inah. Using bores with a diameter of 100 mm. for blasting operations In open-pit mining. Stroi.mat. 7 no.5:20-22 My 161. MIRA 14:~) (BlaBting) (Strip mining) ONOTSKIY, M.I.-, inzh. Introduction of pneumatic percussion drilling at rubble and crushed stone quarries. Sbor. trud. NIIZHelezobetona no.7t 35-43 162. (MITU 161l) (Drilling and boring machinery) (Quarries and quarrying) ONOTAR) M.I., gornyy inzh. Efficient ccrritiono of using bore bits for auhu,ersilla- compressed-air drills. Nauch. trudy Moak. inFt. radlnelpk. i gor. elektxomekh. no.47:49-58 Ib3. (MIh.A I-/:,) ONOYCHENY"), V. Thoy liva and work tho communist wa.Y. Kosh.-obuy.pron. 2 n0-8: 12-13 Ag 160. (MIRA 1):8) (Taganrog-Leathe, workers) ONT TNP Ye.l., irzh. ; TVASHKIN, V.S. 1. Evaluating existing types of sprinklers and selecting the Optiral conditions for their operation. Nauch. soob. VoBtNII no.1:30-34 It 1. (MIRA 18i,)) ONOYCUMO, V.T., starshiy inzh. (Poltava) Observ,e precautionary measures. Zashch. rast. ot v-red. I bol. 8 n0.3!14 Mr 163. (MIRA 17i1') KUZNETSOV.* M.G.; ONOYCHENKO, V.T., starshiy inzh. aviatsii spetsprimenenlya (Poltava) Aeronautics in plant protection. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 8 no.5:9-11 My 163. (MIRA 1(,:9) 1. Nachallnik otdela spetsiallnogo primeneniya Ukrainskogo territoriallnogo upravleiiya Grazhdanskogo vozdushnogo flota, Kiyev (for Kuznetsov). (Ukraine-Aeronautics in agriculture) (Trraine-Spraying and dusting in agriculture) LOBDDA, T.; ON-OYIKO, I. - --- - Operation of motorbuses and taxicabs under public contro'.. Avt.- transp. 40 no.2:8-9 F 162. (MliiA 1-11-2) 1. Ukrainskiy respublikanskiy sovet profso'vuzov. (Motorbuses) (Taxicabs) ONTIN, Y,,:~ :1rallml-lia-y wet~'-'rp --` :ra'- mass,," a!3 a mpELn!i -.-* r-,Ulc% suppreg-Dri lur-ng hlav-ng ODera--~ -,n5, V -, -bezc-., v ago". ahakh~ 159" t ; " -12 ONTIN, Te.l., inzh. Dust prevention In coal mining by the shield method. Bezop.truda v prom. 3 no.8:7-9 Ag 159. OGRA 12:11) 1. Vostochnyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut po bazopasnosti rabot v gornoy promwahlennosti. Obsnetsk Basin--Coal mines and mining) (Kuznetsk Basin-Mine dusts) LIXH&CHXV, L.Ta.. inah.; WIN, Te.I., Insh. Using the energy of eiplosivem in huftidifying coal blocks. Bezop.truda v prom. 3 no.12:26 D '59. (NIBA 13-4) 1. YontochMy nauchno-Issledovatel'skiy institut po besopaRnoeti rabot v gornoy promyshlennosti. (Coal minee and sinine-Safety measures) ONTIN, Te.I., insh. Coal moistening in the block in Osinniklugoll Trust Mines. Ugol I 35 no.R:47-48 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Kuznetsk Basin--Coal mines and mining) (Mine dusts) ONTIN, Ye.l. (Theory and practice of pumping water into coal beds as a ::Aans of dust removal) Nekotorye voprosy teorii i praktiki nagnetaniia vody v ugollmyi plast kak sredstva. podavleniia pyli. Warsaw, 1961. 18 1 diagre. (MIRA 15:6) (Coal mines and mining) (Fdne ventilation) RATUSHKOV, M.I.; (Y.T-M, Ye.l. Results -~f uie work of the. Eas terr. Scl~ent,,~ f i-- iv-qc-ar;,,r,, I vp '~ - tute or. Dust Cortrol. Vop. bor'. 9 sil. v Sib. n-.1:50-b4 16- (MIFU, alt,:, ONTIN., le.I., gornyy inzhener Controlling ::oal dust by the method of infecting water Into a layer in development workingo and stopes. Sbor. rab. Po si-lik. no*3:71-78 1619 (MIU 15:10) 1. Vostochnyy nauchno-issledovatel'Ekiy institut po bezopasnosti rabot v gornoy promyshlennosti. (Coal mines and mining) (Mine dusLs) LIKRACHEV, L.Ya., gornyy inzh.; ONTIV, Ye.I., gornyy inzh. Response to IU,V.Kuznetsov's article "Preliminary wetting of coal in the block as a factor to increase labor productivity.* Ugol' 36 no.3:56 Mr '61. (MIRA 14;5) (Coal mines.and mining) (Ku=etsovp IU.V.) ONTIN, Ia. I., inzh.; LIKHACEV, L. Ya., inzh. Water injection into the seam through deep boreholes. U901' 36 no.6:56-59 Je 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Vostochnyy nauchneoiseledovatel'skiy institut po bezopasnosti rabot v gornoy promyshlerinosti. Mine dusts) Mining engineering-Safety measures) ~ ONTIN, Ye.I.; LAZAILENK-, M.I. Ways of roducing thb dust in Lhu air of coal prepa-ruti.r, in the Kuznetsk dasia. borlr)a 9 ail. 5s254-259 262. (RL-A DD:5) 1. Vostoohnyy nauchno-isaledovatollakiy inatitut po bezopaWoti rabot v gornoy promyolilennosti. (Kimnetak Basin--Goa-l preparation plan',&-Sa-fety appliances) (DUB te--Preventi;n) 0,"*'7 i N", Y r I . ; ~" T AR K, i" '' ~ - . . - . I Rated me*,,,,)d ~ ' -il*,-7m, -.- - - 3p- ., - -~:g ::-, 7-,,ni. . -, - --'f ;1- 11 basis for standbra;zIll, shale 11 . I r IF - " ., 4 -. 13 3-1 ';Cj I t ~~ . I IF -. TORSY, 1 Y, kand. te~