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ONITS17, P.I. Time for gathering Convallarla. Apt.delo 4 no.4:4?-50 Jl-Ag '55. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Is Farmakologichesiroy laboratorit Khar'kovskogo nauchno- issledovatellskogn khimikofarmatsevtichaskogo instituta. (CnNVAT,LkRIA, harvesting) ON ITSEV, P. I - Times for collectine hellebore. Apt.dalo 5 no.4:42-43 Jl-Ag '56. (MLRA 9:9) 1. Iz farmakologicheslcoy laboratorii Kharlkovskogo nauchno- issledovatellakogo khimiko-farmatsevticheakogo instituta. (HIII-I BORE) GLUZMV. M.1h.; DASHIMAYA, B.I.; ONITSEV, P.I.; BIZM. F.1. Water soluble bases for suppositorlea sad ointments. Med.prom. 10 no .4: 14- 15 O-D ' 5 6. (KLRA 10:2) 1. Kharlkovskiy nsuchno-i ssledova tell akiy khimiko-farmatsevticheskiy Institut. OUPPOSITORINS) (Oilmws) I . . ,.- . ,. . -, . , . k ; -- , . . , - - ..- I - I- u -, I . - - . . I ~ .., . 1. ". . . I - - I - , t . . . - I . . . . . I . t . . - - I- - --.- - .. .. - . . 1 1 , ",- - k , . . ; -, , , I ) .-, . . I OVITSAV, P. I.; GARMNSHTSYN, Ji. I. Affect of gitoxin on the cardiovascular system. Farm . i toks. 23 no.2:40-45 Kr-Ap 157. (MIRA 10:8) 1. Imboratoriya farmakologii (zav. - dotsent P.I.OnitBev) JChar1kov- skogo nauchno-issladovatellskogo khimiko-farmatsovticheskogo instItuta (DIGITALIS. effects, ditaxin on cardiovascular system (RUB)) (CAR IVASCULAR SYSTIM. effect of drugs on, ditaxin) ONITSEV. P.I. Con7allatoxin. Ai)t.delo 7 no.i:54-55 My-je 158 (MaA 1-:7) 1. It Khnrlkcvskogo nauctrio-i s sled -17 sit e l's kogo khImIko-fnrmptspv'!- cheakogo inatituth. (CONVALLATOXIN) --- -S~yntheti, *cnrdiac gl7coRides. Med.nrom. 12 Ap (CARDIAC GLYCOSIDrS) (MIRA !1:S) ONITSE -Alel -humoyich; GOTOVTSEVA, V.A., red.; ZffEVA, tekhn. - - ~lj rod. [Cardiac glycosides] SordechrWo glikozidy. Moskva, Fledgiz, 1960. 193 P. (MIRA 15-1) (CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES) ONITSEV, P.I-.13YABUSHKO, Ye.O. Action of folliculin and octeetrol on the coronary 7egselB of the heart. Trudy Ukr.nauch.-Isal.inst.eksper.endok. 18:328- 332 161. (MIPA 16-1) 1. Iz otdela farmakoterapii Ukrainskogo instituta eksperimen- tallnoy endokrinologii. (ESTROGENS) (CORONARY VESSEIS) (WITSEV, P.I. [deceased); KOZOPOLY,',":SKAYA, 14.1". Pharnacology Gf Farmak,,~!. toksik. Z- rL,.3t 31Q-322 My-i e 16 3 (MU'RA :7z2) 1. Otdel farma-ko-terapil ( zav. - pror. P.T. Onitsev) ~Krain- t-kspr-r--meritallnoy er.,Iokrir.olot,~i. f ! . " , ~ I r- : , - I i .,~ - . , - -,. , * - ~l :.... - .:, . - . '.. " I -, ~.- ~ .. .. I . ~.- , , ,~ - ,~ 1, , (:~ 1 " . . ) ON ITS EV, P. 1, de, e-aso~ :~, -F-FL!"! KC- FZf e~ t (, f i. ri, rpam'd - i; , !.f- mo r pt peripheral F a -rr, loks, N-D 't v end -.Y. - f. _PNITSP, P.I. !Joceasedj; SEI,IGIIFNKO, A.rj~ Changes in the blood picture under the influence of butaxide. Trudy Urk. nauch.-isal. inst. eksper. andok. 19t91-96 f64. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Iz otdala farmakoterapli nrainskogo inatituta eksperimentallnoy endokrinologii. . . 11 STROKYATNIKOV. I.A.; GRUDINSKIY, P.G.-, PETROV, I.I.; KOROLIKOVA, V.I.; S'MINOVSKIY, G.V.; BOLISHAM. Ta.M.; LITSHITS, D.A.: FAYARMAN. A.L. HATFILD, M.P.; ZHIVOV. M.S.; ONKIK. A.K. (Moskva) Candidate of engineering L. P. Podol'Bkil. Blektrichestvo no.1:96 Ja 158. (MIRA 11.2) (Podollskii. Lev Petrovich, 18F7) ~-, ;, 1%', VEhVE' A , A . 'K i Ti ~-YA,` LC A. L F':, A?;' if IL' r-t. onzel a. zar red. r red A.', :u:- rl! onlt-ri e.,: i ekhno- r i !i, zs~va , Stf 1 i I ri V "i T" I " tr !- . VERVEYKINA, A.K., inzh.; KOLCEIESKIY, Yu.L., inzh.; NIKOLAYEVSKIY, Ye.Ya., inzh.; HODIONOVA, R.G., inzh.; RYAPOLOV, A.F., inzh.; SOKOL, I.A., inzh.; STMLIV. S.L., inzh.; aDEL'NANT, L.B., inzh.; ORLOV,V.M., kand. tekbn. nAuk retsenz-mtz YURGELI,B.I., inzh.,retsenzent; F0KD1,V.Ya.,inWkWVmmPbajred., VOU-i-YANSKIY,A.K. red.; MARKOV, I.I., red.; 14ELINIK, V.I., red,; ONKIN, A.K,, red.; STk*-(OVEROV, I.G. red.; TUSHNYAKOV, M. ., -r0.; CHOEVEOV, A.V., red.; SUDAKOV,G.6., red.; IOSELOVSKIY,I.V., red. [Technological pipings in industrial enterprises] Tekhnologi- cheskie truboprovody promyshlemykh predpriiatii. Moskva, Stroiiziat. Pt.l. 1964. 784 P. (MIRA 16:9) C, s3;r od ONNO. S.Kh. [Onno, S.H.J. study of fall migration of birds at the Puhtli Ornitholocical Station, Estonian S.S.R. [with summary in Inglishl. Zool. zhur. 37 no.1:75-86 A 158. (MIRA 11:2) 1. Institut zoologii i botaniki Al Astonskoy SSR. Tartu. (Retonia-Birds-Migration) I L 0,NjX,, S . , C -! :,,f )f ~. ci -- ( d IF-,) "Co::ip~mtlve Lcoio~-y of ~.I.e ypes of To E~dsto 1b I,,. I?-," ---, L 6 t _,,, . ~: p~ ( :.,.z , :.-- . ,I - ~, - , ~11- 3-jut-14 , tuoc ~)L! ELo-Bj1,) (i,-, ill) L 29774-66 ACC NR SOURCE CODE: 16100037C51016100V&~28160j Ap6o2C)886 AUTHOR: Biazzi, Felicia; Paltin, Edith; Iohan, Francisca; Zahariap Monica; Opoca, Ioana_ ORG: none TITLE. Considerations on amide formation by the reaction of fatty acids with urea. Note Il. SOURCE: Revista de chimie, v. 16, no. 9, 1965t 428-433 TOPIC TAGS: ureaX organic amide, chemical decomposition ABSTRACT: The reaction mechanisms involved in the formation of amides by the reaction of fatty acids with urea. were studied. .In a general way, the decomposition was followed thermogravi- metrically and the decomposition products were Analyzed chro- -matographiCally; in particular, the appearance of biuret and the presence of unreacted urea were followed. Orig. art. has: 15 figures and 2 formulas. [JPRSj SUB CODE: 07 / SUBM DATE: none / OTH RET: 007 ~, I. LL I. At t i -!&, -k.iov- 1-~,v - .7. , ph-r ~ ~- n~- r 7,' a 3 f'-w- - c onj---;,: -~ ! ~)i :- f ' I,e oei% .1h t -:)T., 41 n :!L T.,-&T- -1 Tio.,--- .26-1 j j ". ~ I ( - - K:.- r , I fi, m vi,,, k., .1 --,.3 1 : Ih 1 r).,3F) I? ~ ONODI, Attila, okl.gopeszmernok; RECZEY, Ousztav, Dr.,okl.goposwernok Mathematical rethods for the global estimation of power requirements. Energia es ator 15 no.4f152~-157 AP 162. 1. Orszagos Energiagazdalkodasi Hatosag. GM, Attila.. okleveles gepesxmernok Mathematical matihod for planning total power demand in Sational econmi#. Energia es atom 16 no.1:1-4 Ja 163. 1. Orazagos Energiagazdalkodasi Hatosag* ONCDI, Attila, okleveles gellesamernok Considering seasonal flu,:,*Iuations in power planning. Energia es atom 16 no.?:293-297 11 16-3. 1. Orazagos Energia!~azdalkudasi Hatosag. 0 C4.4c :,! , : -~T 41 !a, k~t ;CFAs gepeszme-l'ok exhaustion test In Fas tur:.Ine -ordensers. '.-n e r ~-'- s es atom 17 no. - : 7,,-'74 F '64. 1. Orszagos Rnerpla,razdalk-oda.9i fla',osap. ( N~ - I '~ ~ I - , .)i~ I - " I -, , , , I I -,. - . - n ~ . , , - - r, ; I , , - .-. -. - . :. I ..,c *- t . , I I . . . I I . ) . , P , , , .. . ONODI, Jaiios, dr..- ; BUKOVINSZKY, Las~.lo, dr. Cesarean section in severe cardiac decompenBation. Plagy . noorv. lap. 19 no.2:121-131 ~kr 56. 1. Az egri megyei korhaz (igazgato:Bocz Sandor dr.) Szuleezet es nogyogyoozati oaztalyanak kozlemenye. (Poor-vos: Onodi Janos dr.) (PREGNANCY, in various die. congestive heart failure, delivery by cesarean section, indic. (Run)) (CONGESTIVE H&kRT FAILURE, in pregn. delivery by cesarean section, indic.(Hun)) (CESAREAN SECTLON in congestive heart failure, indic.(Fun)) ONQVVARI, Miklos baross Coll!"ry. i~crBor,. szeml- p . L : j. , ~ -11 . ONOT)Y' J. "Fullei 'a Method For Coloring Artificial Sijkm P 7 (TECHN-~jg~ 40v~.,~Y, Vol. 2. No. 9, may 1954, Pr", Czechoslovakia; * ' SOi Mcnthly List of East European Accessions, (FRAT), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. ~954, Uncl. I i . .. . ., -1 - , , - * . . .,- ( - : 1 1 -- -. " '. - - ,; : 1-1." ~ -. - - : ~ - . .-, - -I . " !, "I I , , I 1~ .: - ) I . . , r. -1--;: ~- ( - "I ., - - I ;. . I . j ". - I I . ONODY, Marton Damapes and material losses lue tc the lack ~,f qlial~ti Epites sztimle 7 no. 81241-243 164. 1. Division Chief, ?roduotion '-)epart.mert, Main I irector-4te c~f Construction InOiistry, Vinist.ry -.f C,-)nstrliction, llnziapest. - ONODY, Miklos Cooperation between trade-unions wid the Society for Popularization of Scientific Knowledge. ~ftmka 9 no.2:13-14 F 159. 1. Tudomanyos Ismaretterjeszto Tarsulat titkara. r'! T, ~s Y,ar--! n, YEMD-11OVIC112 V.A. (H. jkva); LEVIN, V.I. (Moskva); MARKWEV, G. (Klyazlma); ONO-PWH, Ye. [Onofras,E.] (Yagsy, Rurnyniya); RYBAKOV, L.M.(Yaroslavll); MUSEWT-T.r. (Yaroslavl') Brief notes. Mat.pros. no.6#255-265 '(-I, (MIRA 15:3) (Matheratics-Problems, ecerclses, e-tc.) 1-A NCU , 1 . ; VO 1,'T , M . ; ' N( FPY I Y A . Some pec-.1larities -in t~~ougrts onsciousnesq patrologica: y modified by ~ns :Iin hypoglycernia an.! nar-osis. Rev Vjsinc',og:e 10 no. 2:14-3-135 164. - r. , I ~, . . I I I . .,-: P - ~ GAT~ILI;'A, Lorica; BLUM, Miriam; ON&PLI, T., APOSTOL, A. Considerations on ti.e histochemical aspects of hepatic a,kali-n~: phosphataaes in epidemic hapatitis. Stud. cercet. med. int=rn. 3 no-3;387-390 162, (IWATITIS, INFECTIOUS cl;emistry) (HOSPIMAS.Z cliemistry) (LIVM chemi3try) BrIATIANFU, S.; GAV.,dLITA, Lorica; OJOFh~-I, T.; DOB,',&;SC,'j, Gioconda Action of colchicine on per"tonead mesothelium of white rats. Stud carcet mad intern 4 no.3:3193-396 :63. (PFRITO!,EUM) (EPITHELIUM) (CLLL DIVISION) (COLCHICINIF) ONOFRACC, G. Too little attention to old factorles. p- 2 (Constructorul) Vol. F. no. 370, Fe~,. 19-17, uoiresti, Rinan.' a SO: MONTHLY 1ND-'.X ~)F -IAST EM-PEAN ACCESSIONS (EFAI) L.C, VOL. 7, Nr. 1, JAN. KADUK, B.G.; GLADSKIY, A.I.; ONOFRITCHUK, YU.A. Amplifier with composite feedback. Avtom, 11 prib. no.3; 71-73 JI-S 164. X RA 18; 3 ~ TANASESCU, R.-, V.: A,D-V,,. G.; DiOfIAN, 1. Rhpunatic Dhlel)itis. Pr,)')! . reumat . .13uc-ir. 4- 139-146 1 Q-~ 6. (RH&TIIATIS14, complirn!iou phlmMtlH, cane rpl,nrts) (PT,,F,'3T'r'S, otinl. & putli(-won. cas- rp-ports) ONDaLO, G.I. -[Onokalo, ll.I.1 Improved nothod of Proceosing flax. Malch.sill.hosp. 8 no.9, 14-15 5 159. (14IRA 13:1) 1. Glavnyy inzhaner Rovenskogo o,)lL-.stnogo upravlaniya sal'Hkogo khozyayntvn. (Ylax prncessins- machinery) ONOKAW, G.I. [Onokalo, H.I.J Aryer for ear corn. Mekh. all'. hoop. 11 no.1012l-22 0 l6o. (NDU 13:9) 1. Glavnry Rovenskogo oblastnogc upravloni7a Bellskogo khozyaystva. (Corn (Maize)--Dr7ing) CNOKALO, G.I. [Nokalo, H.I.] Introducing business accounting in tractor brigades. Mekh. sill.hosp. 12 no.7:18-19 Jl 61. (KUU 14:6) 1. Glavnyy inzh. Rovenskogo oblsel'khozupravleniya. (Collective farms-- Acc ounti ng) ONOKAIOp# G. I.[Onokalo, H. 1.] Business accounting In a tractor brigade. Mekh. sill. hosp. 14 no.2:25-27 F 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Glavnyy lnzh. Rovenskogo oblastnogo upravleniya proizvodstva i zagotovki sel'skhozyaystvennykh produktov. (Rcvno Province-Tractors) (Ra~no Province-Aariciilture-Accounting) GINSTLIVG, A.M.; ONOKJ1114, AJI. Effect of e3astic vibraticns on some diffusion processes of tho woodpuili and paper manufacture. cart 1: -~'ffect of ua- trasonic waves on tho impregnation of spruce wo(d with "sulfite" cooking acid. Izvivys.ucheb.zav.;khim. i khim.tekh. 3 tic,.3: 522-526 160. (MIR!, 14-(!) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut tseUyuiozno-alraz- hnoy promyshleni.osti, kafedra protsessov i apparatov khLmichesk(y tekhnologii iWoodpulp) (Ultrasonic waves) ONOKHIN,,_.#,N., assistent. The cutworm Agrotis segetum, on corn in Ivanovo Province. -Sbor. nauch. trud. Ivan. sel'khoz. Inst. no.19:56-57 162. (MIRA 17:1) 1. K&fedra selektaii, plodoovoshchevodstva i zashchity rasteniy (zav. - dotsent V.S. Pavlankov) Ivanovskogo sellskokhozyaystvennogo instituta. Puel gas( ONOKHIN, F.M. Fold structure of *.he apat1te deposits of the Knibiny Mountains. Sov. gno'i. k~ no.9-,118-125 5 '63. (MIRA 17,10', 2. Rudnik im. S.M. Kirova kombinata "Apatit.11 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 00 0 0 000 w 0 0 41 to oaf Otl0 0: o1 .0 . o1 1.0 1 to Is 11 SSG ita)I,X 11 1; 1) m 0 Is It Is Q a 45 L 1, L jh h 6 4 s 7 1, T I Cc p, tt 4 I he q.,st3on W the otie ,t the lg .... ...4the I.m. n4ri.v M the While Sea as a basis for plastic inaterials -ho. I it. .. ... . ..... hih- -b I-mr, -d- .00 '00 go h. A W soo Jo well Ole, 00 a I a NIVAILUP684.6k WISATuNt (LA%%WKATIrft 41 1 Cleo 'too u I-vv~ 71 an A Fw a v @1 0 a j7- dite 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 & 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 9 O919400fooof 0!, a 0 e to Oz0'01 4 At 1 A A A 69 A, # Deternunstion of the congidation optimum of *Sat at H -09 various p values I V 1),wkinsi J-Jv I N.'R' It I -W'. 'I'1 /.a . I .1 1, Req,.r., -00 U-M 193S. =N -i. Chr. /,.1, 1939. H. A~!l rh. -00 -Kululmn "I'lm ...... . ... .K., at .1-1 :1 0o 000 0o 01 zoo zoo ago Plo 0 IF Aa L Aat T At U-K A t =00 Do, IA ko 0 100 $aA A 1.j + Joe ;I u All to 0' A I a 8.1dj 46 if 000006&0000 4 ~61 6000 o*;oo*;rO;o4oooo*Go**OGoGo *o~o 0 0 0 0 0 O.'o 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 ROZINBMEP, B.A.;.QNDKHIH, I.P.; KOPANTSBV, K.K. Sulfite semichemical pulp for corrugated paperboard. Bum. prom. 35 n0-5:5-7 My 160. (MIU 13:7) (Woodpulp) (Paperboard) ROZINURGIR, N.A.; ONOKHIN. I.P.; KOFANTSKV, N.M. Semichemical sulfit" pulp for corrugated parerboard. Bum.prom. 35 no.6:14-15 Je 160. (MIRA 13:7) (Woodpulp) (Paperboard) ONCKHIII, V.F., inzh.; BK&(ZCINI, V.A., inz4.; I. A, N.I., insh., red.; AT-SE ZMSKATA, Ye.A.. rud.; SKLMOV, P.I., (Defects in lead bronze bearing linings] 0 defektakh vkladyshei, zalivaemykh Bvintaovistoi bronzoi. Koskva, TSentr.biuro nauchno- tekhn.informstsit tiazhelogo mashinostroenita, 1959. 25 P. (MIRA 14:1) (Bearings (Machinery)) (Lead bronze) 1! - I - , - . . - . I ; . . -1 . I . I ~, .- . VARTAFETM, S.M.; ONOXHIM, Zh.F. xurnal, and seazona-I rhythm of the metabolIsr. of nitrogeneouB substances in leaves of the blueberry and the willow herb 4'n polar regions. Dokl.AN SSSR 145 no.6:1404-1407 Ag 162. OAIRA 15t8) 1. Polyarno-Allpiyok-iy botanicheakiy sad KollakoEo filiala AN SSSR. Predstavleno &kademikom A.L.Kursanovym. (Nitrogen metabolism) (Arctic regions-Plants--Metabolism) .1 14 f - .. I. . ;, . f, ~-t -, SIROTSKIT, V.F.. doktor tekhn. nauk; ARTBM'YW, P.P., kand. takhn. nauk, ONOEMY, P.P., insh. -C . ............ Operational cycle of harbor cranes. Rech.transp. 17 no.9:2G-22 S 158. (MIRA 11:11) (Cranes, derrIcks, etc) (HarborB) - ONOKHOV I, P.P, Inzy Efft-ct of t~r Frid systp- of ~ -rane -:-t on rigidity under Tr-~-dy LIlVT no.2~:3i"-31? I f r I ( :~ 1 ji,. ' 4. : " " (Cranpn, derricks, Ptc.) (Torsior.) BEMFORD, K.[, C.F.]; BA1-*'i3, TJ.[Barb, W.G.]; DZMIKINS, A. [Jenkins, A.D.1; Ol,'01,, F.(O-Tan, I.F.); GRITSEVKO, T.M., kand.khir.. nau"-, MMUTBSKAYA, R.I., kand. s a r khiri, nauk, jranslator]; FrtAVBUi1KGV, MI., kand. Ichim. nauk [translator]; I-ALD:SKT1Y, Yu.M.. kamd. khin.. nauk, red.; KHODETSYAYA, Z.F., red.; Pl(lDAMSEVA, S.V.,, tekhn. red. [Kinetics of vir-yl pol~mierization by radical r~echanisms] Kine- tika radikailnoi polimorizatsii vinilovykb soedinenii. [ilyj C.1i. Bamford i 6r. 1ionkva, Izd-vo inostr. litry, 1961. 345 P- Translated fro: the English. (MIRA 15:3) (ViiVI cou.poxici polymers) (.Radicals (Cheristry)) ONOPCHIINIO, N.V.. kandidat maditainakikh nauk .- - - ibrperimental tuberculosis of the intestines. Probl.tub. '34 no.6 supolement:48-49 N-D '56. (MLRA 10:2) 1. Iz icafedry patolopir-heskoy anatomii Ivanovskogo maditainskogo instituta. (TUBERCULOSIS. GASTROINTISTIMAL, axoprimontal, kRus)) ONOPCHENKO, N.V., KOrphOlOgiCAl chnnges in inteetinal t0erculosiE treated with streptomycin nnd chemicnl prepnrntions [with summqry, in French]. Probl.tub. 36 no.2:88-Q5 '53- (MIRA 11:5) 1. Is kafedry pAtologichoskoy nnntomii (zav. - prof. P.P. Terofeyev) Ivanovi4kogo institutn. (TUBERCULOSIS, GASTROINTESTINAL, ther. off. on histopRthol. of Intestinea (Hue)) -ONOPCHENKO, N. V., Vand. med. nauk Comparative characteristics of morphological chankes ir. ;n'.eEt`7-A-' tuberculosis treated and untreRted with streptomycin a-d chemical preparations. Probl. tub. no.7:79-86 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz Ivanovskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dir. - kAndidat meditsinskikh nauk dotsent Ya. M. Romanov) i iz kafedry patolo- gicheskoy anatomii Nav. - prof. P. P. Yerofeyev) (INTESTIT-TES-TUBFROLOSIS) (STREPTMCIN) ONOPCHENKC, N. V., kand. mad. nauk I Experimental tuberculosis of the intestine. Probl. tub. 40 no.5:92-98 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Iz kRfedry, patolngicheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. P. P. Yerofeyev(doceased)) Ivanovskogo meditainskogo instituta. (IWESTINES-TUBERCULOSIS) Z ~a ii'll ri V PSHEVICHIM , B.N. (Kiyev)~_,ONOPCHUK, Yu.N. (Kiyev) One a~Fl!ca-cn of !~he dual algorf~=, ';--u:-, v-ych. mat. ! mat. - I - fiz. 5 no.4:372-376 Mt--Ilp 165. (%C~k 18:5) 1 LYU E[Y'li DROV, %Y- OCOPM-) 1-N.; hAS2AE!`,P L. Yn..; Fre.qiier,::y a:- n al :!iai i i ~a 0c rniy:Fr,, r: ;e fil -,f the Dor:i- t F Ba~, i prof. 7.fil i,( . 3:21-.") Mr It: i -Vat,! 'SkiV Ir.:-1 f 17;0'10,-~ 71- ',r, Z E L --F Fric~ P i k 34-va, fl Z ZHIDIK, A.V.; KATO&MI, V.M.; OVLTSKAYA. N.M.; ONCPKO. B.B.; STARUSHCHUX0, A.S.; SHAPTALA, A.A.; KEL'NIKOV, Te.B., red.; MININA, B.S., te Idin. re d. (Physician'a advice to minersJ Sovety vracha shakhteram. MOE; k-V a . Gos.izd-vo med.lit-ry, 1960. 28 p. (MlRA 13:11) (MIN-VRS--DISAASES ARD HTGIM) S/169/63/000/001/021/062 D218/D307 AUTHORS: 11allkov, A.A. and Onopko, B.N. TITLE. Hygienic characteristics of solar ultraviolet radia- tion at Donetsko PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 1, 1963, 19, abstract IB118 (Tr. Donetskogo med. in-ta, 1962, v. 22, 52-57) TEXT: Measurements of ultraviolet solar radiation by the oxalic acid method at Donetsko during a period of 17 months (June 1958 - October 1959) were used to establish definite regularities in the daily, monthly and seasonal distributions of solar ultra- violet radiation. Z-Abstracter's note: Complete ~ranslationl ONOPKO, V. The directives of the 20th Congress of the Cozmunist Party of the lioviet Union are our work progran. Prof.-tekh.obr. 1) no-5:3-4 My 156. (NLRA 9:8) 1. Starshiy inzhener Ukrainskogo reepublikauskogo upravleniya trudovykh rezervov. (Technical education) ONOPRIYBIW), A.; AGAIR)NOV, V. Otir acUnvaments In two years. Muk. -nlev. pros. 24 no.9.29 Mr 158. (AIRA 12:9) 1. Orekhovo--ZuyevaV-nyu roalizatnionnaya baza. (Orf)khnvo-ZiWev*--Flour mills) (Grain-han1ling, nachinary) ~ i~: -.~. I'' "- - . I ~ I; AMMON- A., cons ra le,3, 11ok'n-etv-4m td- -tbi a re I 2- -h lf-,Ev OP J.t a o. b. it a Abi, t vh th Alel *mpierAture I "i mi 01, o f-u,s- -d As~~.Vrqcee -~,ebmts n e, e~ i Teo a. c0n-~- p ov- 1) g e- !'vll 61-iit on oun -,-p a e 't" b ittl .-Ilaterketsill c',compouna vhicb ~comp oses yi~ pre,p p tat on ~4~ - ess .6 tbb razedc--~~ j~6 i,ntto,~- To Higb- -ardn' A pethod, -a t pf, Plbtiii 4 "'"'A' ~ Mili. try I kthtneirs meerfiik.;-,. n 2 44T Z a left ~w ~lb A T. O-RU ........ -01 ONOPRIYENKO. A.G., gornyy inzh.; MIKHAYLOV. Yu.I., garnyy inzh. Inclined tunnel #riving at the rate of 200.5 a. a month. Gor.zhur. no.3:32-33 Mr 160. OPERA 14:5) (Tunneling) (Blasting) - OROPRIYENKO-, A.G.; PRIlgiODSKIY, S.P. New water drainage s7stem. Sbor. rats. predl. vnedr. v proizv. no.2:5-7 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Trest "Leninruda". rudoupravleniye "Bolishevikl. (Mine drainage) ;7 -37 .?:435- !,'c nom g .-,P. -n -.rcm. n- I I " IM, T "I, ~~ "..' 4, AP6013908 S R C E CG D E: U R /0 0 7 6 AUTHOR: Kuzlmenko, P. P Onopriyer,,(u, G. 1., ORG: Kiev State University im. T. G . 511.evchenko (Kiyev5l~iy 1~,sudarstven:,,,,!, TITLE: Diffmiion of certain adinixttirvs j, li~pLd Bi. Pb, arid bil SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheskoy v. -10, :t,. .1, -Q I TOPIC TAGS: cadmium, bismuth, tin, :IqUid MCL.11, dlki:~if)ll ABSTRACT: In this work the authort; .4tudy t1w diflu!'lol, ')f ("(! .11~d ~~I. i!. 11(i s~.! Bi; Sn in liquid Pb, and Co in liquid Sz; i; order to corz~jjare exi erimvilt~ll r, with theoretical conclusions concernim) tl,e diffusion of atoms in '11(juid n~ettt." la~ a broad temperature range. The diffusion(&)efficients were de erl;iin i 1Y Lhe -apillary method with the use of radioactive isotopes SdII5' snl~i laec'o 0. I'lie r , a results of measuring the diffusion coefficiet,ts showed that the average dispersion of the measurements was 11% . The tern,-)erature dependence of the diffusior~ co- efficients in the systems studied by the authors deviate appreciably from ex- ponential, which is in contrast to the data in the literature and is ascribed to ti,e broader temperature range used by the authors. An interesting fact revealcci was the marked difference of the diffusion coefficients of Sn and Sd in liquid Bi, es- ,--Card 1/2 UDC_: 541.11 L 38922-6t ACC NR~ AP6013908 pecially at high temperatures, e.g. , at 900C the cadmium atoms diffused 5 til-nes more quickly than the tin atoms. This contradicted the assertion made in the literature that the coefficients of diffusion of various admixtures in a given solvent are similar. The authors conclude that for more definite conclusions or. the I mechanisms of the diffusion of atoms in liquid metals a further accumulation of experimental data is needed. Orig. art. has: 5 tables, 2 figures, and 2 formulas. SUB CODE: ?-Q, II/ SUBM DATE: 16Sep64/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 004 i Card ? /2 7/' CO 71 2/ r-) I f f I t' f (I t I lo7 L' 1 1 e It) r1- on t at ion o fL h v-xt ei L 'llf -:I -1C I 101 it r -I'1 t iv o t he C, rNI's ta I I I'. I I!, n i 11 t rfl oil t t Im t i f t I o a :) -,: , t t ini; i ~ 1 e t r) t I i eI i e x a.(,o i i z i c , t:) 4-1; j ri ~1(i (I i t i, on tt h e rot ati on of t h - i;i .-]I FiA L01, V('LtOl-S 0!* 1. Ilkli Vi(!klkl domains , there are also di'lpl,i( ,f- jnterd,jj:i,kjji 'L)ount:arien which lead to a chnngz, j!i flle -z~,. iun vector of ~lh-~ i-th phase, as discussed by the C a r L! , //'-' E--) l 1 t I I I I I k p t r I I t I I i I i ii c (2 f I 1 1 11 1 i:- 1' AS LS,;!t) ~116V S/126/63/015/001/005/029 E039/E435 ,%UTIJORS: Vlasov, K.B., Otio _ye P-ri -nk-o,- L-G. TITLE: Resonance effects in uniaxially magnetized single crystals of ferroelectrics possessing domain structure PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v-15, no.1, 1963, 45-54 TEXT: Resonance absorption of high frequency magnetic fields in ferroelectrics possessing domain structure has two regions of magnetic dispersion. Otte is due to uniaxial Larmor precession of the magnetization vector in the domain; the other is in a region of radio-frequency connected with the oscillatory motion of the boundaries. These regions are examined for ellipsoidal samples of uniaxially magnetized single crystals in a constant magnetic field arbitrarily orientated in one of the principal planes of the ellipsoid. An approximate solution of this problem is described, giving tlie dynamic properties of the boundary layer by introducing an effective mass per unit area of the boundaries. Equations of motion describing the behaviour of the magnetic Bystent are obtained from the "principle of least action". The form of the Lagrangian function is determined firstly for a single phase Card 1/2 Resonance effects ... S/126/63/ol5/001/005/029 E039/E435 magnetization and then for a two phase m-agnetization system. The dependence of three natural frequencies are obtained from the magnitude and direction of the constant magnetic field with respect to the crystallographic axes. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki meta-Ilov AN SSSR (Institute of Physics of Metals AS 'USSR) SUBMITTED: June 15, 1962 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4028993 AUTHOR: Onopriyenko, L. G. S/0126/64/017/003/0350/0360 TITLE: The effect of magnetic crystallographic anisotropy on certain magnetic properties of monoaxia~ ferromagnetics SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, vol. 17, no. 3, 1964, 350-360 TOPIC TAGS: anisotropy, magnetic property, ferromagnetic, monoaxial ferromagnetic, mqgnetization, magnetic itnisotropy, crystallographic anisotropy, Bloch wall ABSTRACT: The author conducts a study of the effect of magnetic crystallographic antsotropy on the distribution of magnetization in the Bloch wall, its energy, the curves of magnetization and on the frequency of eigen oscillations of magnetization in monoaxial ferromagnetics. The possibility of the existence of rotational hysteresis of the magnetization vector is shown in the magnetic reversal of mono- axial crystals and the appearance of a 900 Bloch wall in definite ratios between X, and K2. The presence of metastable states leads to rotational hysteresis of the magnetization vector in the magnetic reversal of the crystal. Anisotropy in the basal plane is disregarded and the boundary layer separating the two magnetic phases is examined. Three cases are examined; 1) Ki > 0; K2 > 0; 2) KI > 0; X2 < 0; Card 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4028993 and 3) Kl < 0; K2 > 0. The magnetization process of a magnetic manoaxial single domain ferromagnetic having a shape of a sphere is examined. Tables show the exist- ence of rotational hysteresis of the magnetization vector, stipulated by the presence of metastable states. The eigen frequency of magnetization oscillation from the value of a constant magnetic field applied along an axis is investigated in the above mentioned three cases, as well as when Ki < 0, K2 < 0' The value of the constants of magnetic crystallographic anisotropy as well as their signs affect the dependence of the eigen frequency of magnetization oscillation on the field in a significant manner. Taking the second constant of anisotropy into consideration is especially important for the investigation of the dependence of resonant frequencies on the '.temperature of the sample. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 2 tables and 35 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institu.t fiziki metallov AN SSSR (Institute of the Physics of Metals, AN SSSR) SUBIUTTEDt 04May63 DATE ACQt 27Apr64 ENCLt 00 SUB CCDE: PH, MH NO REF SOV: 002 Olm: 009 Card 2/2 4CCESSI(W NR: AP4023397 S/0048/64/028/003/0504/0506 AUTUOR: Onopriyouko, L.G. Shiryayeva, 0.1.; Shur, Ya.S. TITLE: Ferromagnetic resonance in magnetically uniaxial single crystals and domain structure fftepart, S)UPOslas on FerrCmagnetism and Forrool*ctrielty hold In Lenin- grad 30 May to 8 June 19627 SOURCE: AN SSSIL Izvestiya, Seriya fixicheskaya, v.28, no.3, 1964, 504-506 TOPIC TAGS: ferronognetic resonance, domain structure, domain wall oscillation, domain wall resonance A13STRACT: It has previously been shown that a ferromagnetic substance with domain structure has three coupled resonant frequencies, duo to procession of the magneti- zation within the domains and to oscillation of the domain walls (IC.D.Vlasov and L. G,Onopriyenko, Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye,15,45,1963). These frequencies ;were calculated for an ellipsoidal sample having plane-parallel or cylindrical do- 'main structure by the method employed by J.Smit and H.G.Beljers (Phillips Res.Rep. 10,113,1955), and the results of the calculations are presented briefly. Ferromag- netio resonances,were observed at 36 895 megacycles in single crystal discs of mag- Cc*,cll/'3 ACCESSION h'R: AP4023397 :netic plumbite and cobalt for various directions of the applied static field. The ;plumbite disco were 0.56 mm In diameter, 0,10 mm thick, and were cut with the axis ~ of easy magnetization perpendicular to the plane of the disc. Two resonances were ;observed at fields for which a domain structure exists, and a third peak was ob- iserved at a strong field, corresponding to a state without domain structure. As the langle between the applied field and the axis of easy magnetization was decreased, this third peak shifted to lower fields and disappeared, together with one of the domain structure peaks, at an angle of 630. The remaining peak disappeared at 360. This behavior is in rough agreement with the theory. The cobalt discs were 7 mm in diameter, 0.2 am thick, and were cut with the axis of easy magnetization in the .plane of the disc. With the applied field in the plane of the disc perpendicular to ithe axis of easy magnetization, and the high frequency field perpendicular to the idisc, two peaks were observed, of which one is related to the domain structure. As an angle between the applied field and the preferred axis was decreased, the peaks decreased In intensity, and disappeared at an angle of 780. The cobalt discs were examined at varimm tempersturese Two resonance peaks were observed at temperatures up to 2500C. The resonance field decreased with increasing temperature. This beha- vior was Ompoes"s arlsommeh"I a #Omuta&. Iii Card 2/3 A= SION NR: AP4023397 AZSOCIATION: Inatitut-tiaiki motallav Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of PAysics 04' Met&", AcadW of 944maes, MR) SIMUITTZD~: 00 DATE AM: lCkApr64 SIM CME: PH NR REF SOV: 001 3/3 Card EML: 00 OMER: 002 ONOPRTYENKO, L.G. Coupled oscillij'iorw of electron and nuclear ajt~L-- yf in magneto uni&x'al ferromagnetics. Fizz.met. i metalJoved. 18 no.5j678 N 164. (MIRA 28 14 1. Institut fiziki meta:2c- AN S&I.R. '46 iqua titut .f tute, ~of .,Ins EH': DE., 4 UCL: TZ- T -