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BORAX., Emil, &.; QW.R, Jirl Automation of info=ation prociming in food industries. Pr= potravin 13 no.123620-623 D 162. I. VyzkiuLV ustav okonmiky potravinarakeho prumyslu, Praha. 0111ER , iiri, 'AZ. , App&ratus for czlibration of,-%tior, measurement devices. Stav cas 11 no.8:4B6-499 163. 2. Ustav teoraticke a aplikovane mechamiky, Ce sko slove risk-, akademie ved, Prmba. BORAX, Emil, dl,.; mmR, jirl Pidnei.TaoB of progm=im by uaing autmatic computerB. Fr= potrawin 14 no.3:122-427 Ih- 163. 1. VzAumnY Uatav ekonomi-ky potrayinarBkoho prumyjslu~ Praha. 0IMM3 arl Introduction of automati-c calcalEtion in.. the confactimm7 i=lustr,v. listy cukxrwar ^79 =.9:232-:35 S163. 1. Vyz:camny ustav ekoncniky potravinarskeho pramyBlu. OLMM9 Jirl of Inpat -,'-or c=pule.~3, P7'- - --l travin 15 no.'L2i6^v7-6J'l D 164. P04 1. Research Inst-iTute of Food Industry Economics, Pragui. DLIXNZOV,-G., In2hener; TURCHIMN, 3., inm%sner. OAsphalt concrete road surfaces.9 L.3. G828nt$781. Reviewed 'by G. Ollmezov, 3. Marchikhln. Zhil.--kom.khos. 5 no-8:28 '55. OILRA 9:3) (Roads, Concrete) (Gesentsvey, L.B.) S/035/62/000/006/028/064 AGOlIA101 AUTHOIS: Hi~ebfk, F., Kvl6ala, J.. Ki~ivskk, L., Olmr, J. TITLE: Observ~ttions of flares at the Ondfejov Observatory in the year 1960 PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I Geodeziya, no, 6, 1962, 59-60 abstract 6A446 ("Byul. astron. in-tov Chekhoslovakii", 1961, v. 12, no. 5, 169-184, English, Russian summary) TEYT: This is the regular report on observations of flares at Ondi~ejov (Czechoslovakia). Data are presented on ~Oq flares and related bursts of solar radio emission at frequencies 808, 536 and 231'Mc, as well as on atmospherics at a frequency of 27 Xc. Figures are given which show the curves -of time variations of Hc( line width. There are 18 references. 1. Zh. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 IMBIK, F.; MCAIA, J.; 19LIVSKY, Observations of flares at no Ondrajov Observatory in the year 1962. Blul astr C2 34 mo.6:245-250 163. 1. AntrDnomical Institute of the Czechoslovak Acaderay of Scienceii, Ondrejov. TLAMICIIA;, A.; MNSKY, L. ;- OUM J Classifioation of colar radio atorms in the motor ranga and their froquency 1959-1961. Biul astr Cz 15 nD.2:49-52 164. 1. Astronomical Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Ondrajoy, i TIANICRA, A.; OUR, J. Catalog of 231 Mc/s solar radio noise storms (Ondrejov 1959-1961). Biul astr Cz 15 no. 4:133-135 164. 1. Astronomical Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Or.drejov. A.,Bt,relq~~-.sportsmen pervogo ra2ryadu (g.Stayropol') A now training revol-yor. Toon.zmam. 34 no.32:29 3) 158- (NIU 12:2) (Revolvers) (Shooting) I.-OLI "I, v A. 3. lmzb. Yjvtt*Vvn of the vorkarea at the prp.BseB. Okhr. truda i sotB. strol. 4 no.3:40 Yr -161, , - - I (MIRA 14:3) (power pre-soes-Saftey applitmeen) 10-14 OLINITSKIY, N.N.; ZAGUBYBAT'KO, H.M. AdoTting the production of fluxed sintered pellets at the pelletizing plant of the Krivoy Rog Central Kining and Ore Dressing Conbine. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.6:61 N-D 165. (MIRA 18:12) tADIINITSKlY, S., L.15-02-0 FUT(l) -X-Cc7k --I-. I AP6030580 SOURCE CODE!' 7-TR/0413/66/000/016/0062/0062 INVENTOR: Griniffiteyn, V. 13 Nudellman, V. N.; O-l1nov ORG: none TITLE: Contactless overload rela-Y Class 21, No. 184957 [announced by Chuvash Scientific Research Institute of Electrical'Engi~eering (Chuvas'hskiy elektrotekhnicheskiy nauchno-is-gledovatellskiy institut)) SOURCE: Izobretvniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 16, 1986, 62 TOPIC TAGS: contactless relay, overload, RC circuit, transistorized balanced amplifier ABSTRACT: The proposed contactless overload relay utilizes semiconductors and contains an inlut relay unit, R-C circuits with an adjustable delay, and an output unit using electromagnetic slave -meebaniums. To divide the controlled heteropolar lines galvanically and thus inmire relay sensitivity to the overloads of both polarities, the relay contains two transistorized balanced amplifiers Card 112 UDC: 621. 316. 925. 43:621. 315. 592 KAY8 0 e Aa" 4, aw ]Web 'OCCUR. IlL - 00 n 00 Palow Ak*w wo* Cam". dw4w inibe rib or A-L j IAII.IOKAI LMUTM CLAIWICATM to flob4ma !110 dog 20 ill"ll 64 i a a I I Il MI awl $10 r AO 10,M u 19 on m 6DI s 01 9. . In ; "7 Am I I a aj g a g j N ll a :1 9 W-93 ] ' 0 ip J so * goo 0. * 0 0 io2~ il s s oil 0 We 0 * 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 a 9 * 0 0 i w!4m,141 .cs lose OZ a* mues" at the gersim 0 Mies VPW , 1 t7 k A rl eys. .01 exch"ge. Rxg 400 5 S S. 0 6g 36W that with iwlated artim vi * stlmulator~ pmv]oWy , he t k i m OrY In 7CSP , t related to perlonnance of P, wor siten In it 3ame dirmflon as -with war M 90 r age l l d t i t k 1 o mor ous a y re e 0. vOmIudes That all stimuh, Prev e 00,3 'When Applied slone produce Im Increased rate In all limid inetabolic pr( as tnem, vied by the rate of the R. R., 00, 'This dernimstrates 'be kficimm vf The 71"Ous spiten) 0 0 a 21poo mclaWinn. The ounilitloned relles "echanism of this Process dem"mies I tal the Vilber cohrdinttkin . mters mfulating melabolim are larated in ibr cortri .:~ 0 6 of the embrAl bemisPbeffs. M. 1W. 79-54.-Tbe 00 _0 so L. L U a 0 ,vi x x a IF $1 3q a at 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 $r of ilea 0 : * 0 * * 0 0 * a wie jwim=d Wiy)dttx)s with Marked rondi- SucblnbibI1lun%rATIkCTCk%WdbY d flebtear2k. vhkh render toesus of Administrstm C* her wit the n-Acies vPm t3- lot I IZE t1me without fur$ the ci the drugs. 7he ftneb* 2netbod am be sterd for diffemliallon betwm a blocked conditioned Tracz and Ibe shonve Cd 1132 ltfi"- RxPts- av Zny4m c' -cak'" toen in joictaries as -imll as in Ub. rapts. further confirsord the above theory that the xtimulatinS 21PAIS ' . v6lb Wark In "ridithXmi refie, Stimulators snd Cause an Im. cmim in metaboibm, zswould be Produced by work Itself. Tjje juertued 3t, B. 4Awvtd In wmxers for prolonsed Pt- -juds (5,0 hn.) before %be wtuRl 1*91nning of work 12 ascm)cd to a vandhimtd rxcltcmnt of surtmined s0mula. tion tommDnly prrx-DI in IndividuslS. 71t r4t 01 them fACIGFj In the pb)*Iogy of war), b em baited A. A tju'l sly be@ N&7xa;", . I a 3 9 W anti .64 .90 -00 .00 mee =00 rot as* 3:08 2 0:00 :Xos I=** 00 1 1 1 1 1 I a x 1 1 1 1) if I,- is is 21 .11 A is 26 4 it w 10 111 u p It$ i) Its 1 A , A It j - -. - . .. is. JA Wn-~I - ii~ * ~ 1, -3 1 1, , If s 6W --4 -4110 v all Ago" 411he wummkow alwymomys"m - :" z of w w pulam M "im" 'm im Aaaw Z ' Ansted". 31. 71P *NFC1 III Will DD =11114OWPOINOBOd bY firwoublodlistotit atid ulldry TATIcum c"4100136 of tr&uW#l the 211MWOR Irom the upirps In 1hp mm1p. P. A NrItlawo poil U, it. A W. S tAim AwI,. MR. 3. fitm, I P S di . -- c3 V) now-nimt, r Au 0, C. A. 33, MO IffArl Irm indietilrd that the Whire I'l &all% (C401 and - t). 4 " sl ) 1 b i )) O 0m 4 pi nrl vol )r k X 0) 2) we all a pi Y i%onvi by Oillel 01 is dov IDrr ally CITPL-1 an muscles t" : m I., Any itdbwminx III! ihr Pbrin. pwirmirIt No ist i1tv , --G 2 00 liomall pljvso-hrm. '4 fbr %IIIIIIISIC, *10A Of j 1. fxYz)rs-jrv) WJI)h I hr.wtjjj3) 0))j Ow DIU. 1, mmmubli. 31Iumv IRS of zoo of It, It I " 00 0 0 0 0 00 00 so of 0 v 0 9 0 0 too**** 4) -j) 01 31 41 It i7l 22 1a 24, 32 2A V 21 , ~v 3) v 33 u ~I v :p &I 34 -1- " q w 00 of The eff"I cilluDs venwallon 0 sUle. V. B. Li1ximan, R. 31, twDy4nAlya. A, 1). %Mini ama V. N. Glys-inva, AnI. sti. Aint '46cm vaTivs from 3.3 to IIA tv. ijrj~njins k1poo The XMI. cj hyprn-millm" and Illythm. jj$j. 11)51. is apmInril at )it 1. and 6 inbalslion0nin. .90 Tj)r ratio gq vshatril CA 11) 1) r"1011101M %hoymd Wide ilinowr)PIuArJ. MiNVIA)MIArY 00 01., vAliAlion), )?III fit) Irplal (JjN-hWm) oil it Inlic in 111,111 #J Ow n-spammy tahr) lhl~ rati- IrInkinval COMM. at mlivs h-w-Twn-mlAblinn valarml "bilt 11n, 4) vormimlylklm prz A cucem.,liw wrinilati'm 'SM7.,s%mj ~3ijjhilv. S. A. K. =00~ 00 goo of .700 go XV 0 W ::00, OOJ goo 00 zoo so 0 go,:, 0 owwwrl t:9 0 00 41 1 1 a the 0 04 a 41 OR a bf gi n it ;v 0 g 0 f) 0 'a 0 0 f 11, 0 0 0 0 0 0: 0 0 *1* 0 9 Al 0 9 to 00 0 0 0 * g 0 * 0 * 0 01,IIYANSXA7Ajt.,P ; 80Bm"TO.M. e~r - ~- ., Respiration arid gas exchange An sheep at different moun-tnin altitudes. Trudy Biol. Inst.Kir FAN SSSR no-1:183-191 147. (Sheep) (Respiration) W-RA 8:10) IP. P. Mr., Laboratw-j of Gas Exchanf-e. Deot. of General Fhyslolot-,f, Inst. of :;xotl. Med., Acad. Med. Sci., -194-7-C50- "The Adaptability of Aninal. Orl-mi.ims to Very Low Temoevkturns i.n the Environment," 12. Ak. NnWr Ser. 3iol., No. 2, 1947; 'The':Cortex of the '9rain and tho Respiratory llxbhunge," I"Oscov, 1950. j Role of the th7rold gland in compound reflex regulation of gas exchange in ec,nnection with food intake. Opyt izach.reg.fiziol. funk. no-3:23-29 154. (MM 8:12) 1. Laboratoriya fi2iologii ra2ootmTna i teploobmega',Otdola obshchy, fiziologii Intitituta ekBperimentalinoy meditainy Akademit. meditBin- Skikh nU SSS-R (TEY OID GLAND) (IMPMRION) (RRFIZM) 7 CM,3.S.; 01~~MSXAYA,R.P. 11 Rffect of stimulation of OrRI TOCeptOrB on metabolism. Opyt izuch. reg.fi2lol.fuzik* DO-3:44-52 154. (KM 8-12) 1. LaboratoTi~ra f12iOlOgii ga2oobmena i teplocbmena Otdela obshchey fi-ziologii Inatituta ek-2paTimentallnoy meditsiny Akademii meditain-, skikb nauk SSSR. (NETABOlISM) (MASTICATIOR) (B360M SUGAR) 011NTANS-KAYA. R.P. 'So' Rv lo of interoceptive effects from the stomach In the rzaraLatioz of gas metabolism after food intake. Biul.eksp.biol.i mad. 37 no.1: .3-6 Ja 154. (MLRA 7:3) CAU!, 1. 12 laboiatoril fiziologii ga2oobmana I t9plo6bmeni.-(zaveduyushchiy doktor biologichaskikh naUk R.P.011 ans otdala obahchey fi2iolo- gil (2a-vedzvuBhchiy - profess-or A. Rikkll) Instituta sksperimentall- noy neditsiny Akadenii msditsinBk1kh nank USE, I-eningrad. (Metabolism) (Nervous system) USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Thermoregulation. T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 41097. Author :4~n &agka=. R --Ll- Inst :Institute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR, Leningrad. Title :Conditional Reflex Changes of Chemical Thermo- regulation in Dogs In Connection with the Typical Characteristics of Their Nervous System. Orig Pub: Yezhegodnilc. In-t eksperim. med. Akad. med. naulc of: SSR, 1955, L., 1956, 83-66. Abstract: No Abstract. Card 1/1 30 OL13WSMU, R.F., (Leningrad) RDIO Of th') t)3770id gland In conditioned and unconditioned :r8flex TOOklativu of gas exchange. Itrobl.endok. I gorm. .1 no.6:3-9 11-D 155, (MIRA 12: 8) Is Iz Inbwatoril fizjolog~*j gn2od'Di2ena I teploobnena, otdela Oshchey fWalogil InBtituta eksperi-mentallnoy meditsiny Akademii m9aitsinskikh nauk .93SR. (BkSAL )OTABOLISM, effect of drags on, hethylthicaracil, conditioned & unconditioned ner,hanisms In dogs) (THIO M OIL, effects, nethylthiou'racil, eff. on basal metab., conditioned & unconditioned mechanisms In dogs) (RUM, CONDITIOM, conditioned basal metalb. responses to methylthiouracil in dogs) USWRtnw and Ani=J. Physioloar. Me Wervo%'$ SYstfs- V Abs Jour: Bef - Zhur-~)ibl .., No 6, 3.958., 2743.9. Author B.PDl3nYSI%sImya and L.A. Isaakyw. I"t kVw,-^4V., Title Reflex ChaUes in oas Exchange Assotiatbl IrIth T~TolpgicaL Peculiarities of the Nervous.: System. Orig Pub: Zb. v3rzsb. nervn-, deyat-Bti., 1956, 6j, -no 3, 408-414. Abstract: 7he orientation motor rewponse 'to varimis indiVerent, stimll indogs vas accompanied by ebanges In gas exebange, the mapitude of Vhich correopmded to the strenigth of the stimalus. The dbamps in gas exabange ilisappe=ed according to the degree of ex- tinction i~f the wtor Teflex. In strM3, stable J%jteM.* dogs Ltbe Jange Produced by ex 4,i=B in gag 0 the not-or. reflex Vert nild'and rapidI7 retu=d to Cardq -1/3 AEM AMAI MABR/RuUm and Animal PhYiBiOlogy. The Nervous systpa. V AbB JO`r: Ref . zhUr- Biol -, No 6, 1958, -v7439. exchange are an integral COIVMent of orientation M'Ictiluns and reflect the ctmamics Cxr basic ner- '701-Is processes in accordance with tnological. PL'Mliaritieo. card 3/3 SOID7173Y, A.7., otvatstvanVy rodaktor; ATBAP3TITANTS, Y.Sh., radaktor; 332R=O'V, 3D.A., redaktor; 71"IMIROV, G.7a., redaktor; X01'MY, 'N.G., redaktor; KEASWKIT, V.K., redLktor; MMTBI3, I.?., redakttr; VATOROV, Tedaktor; OI'pMWA,,.R.P., redaktar; RIKXLI, A.V., I radaktor; CERMIIGOVSKIYt radakto'r; 72 rdkt: WROTA-GROT, A.K., redaktor; 33IRSUKOYA, Z.A... redaktor i2datelistva; KRUGLIKOVA, B.A., takhnicheaktir rodaktor. [Problems of the physioilog7 of the central nervous system; a collection celebrating the 70th birthd&7 of Academician I.M.Pykav] Probleuy fiziolo-ii t3entrallnoi nerynoi sistemy; sbornik. posviasuchenmyt 70-letilu so dnia rozhdaniia akademik-a X.N,,Bykova. MoBkva, 1957. 632 -p. WaA 10:10) 1, Akademi7a nauk SSSIL Inatitut fiziologii. (ROVOUS SYSTIM) USSR/Human aud, AnimE,l Ehysiology (Horm I and Pathological) T Vervolus System. Higher Vervous Acti-vity. Behav-ior. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., no 6, 1959, 27035 Author :- 01'ayanskaya, R.P., Isankyan, L.A. Inst Title Reflex Changes of Gaseous Interchange and Heat Regulation in Dogs ill Connection with Typo2ogical Peculiarities of the liervous System. Ori6 Pub V sb.: Probl. fiziol. tsentr. aervn. sistemy. M.-L., AN SSM, 1957, 412-4ig Abstract Di dop of a stron&ly balanced type, conditioned-reflex changes of Epseous Interdhange (0) with temperature reinforcement were produced and extinguished quickly, orientation reactions to Indifferent stimali ware accon- pnuiea by insignificant, quickly extinguished shifts of G. the fluctuations of basal metobolism were weaRly ex- pressed. In animl of unbalanced type with prevalence Card 1/2 -M Q TANUAU lilian Arahavlrovna; VASIIZVSKIY, 31.N., red.; RUMA,-M.S., takhn.rad. [Methods for studying gas exchange in man and animl5l Hatody issledovaniia p2ovogo obmana u ch8loveka i rhivotm,7kh. leningrad, Gos.i2d-To mad.,lit-Ty Medgiz, Leningr.otd-miv, 1959. 179 p. (MIRA 12:10) (RESPIRM10,H) 170) 4 AUT.HOFS: OllnyanBka_va, B. F., Fedorov, Vikt. K. 50V/20-1-4-1-60/69 TITLE: Basal Metabolic Rate and Typological Characteristics of the Nervous System in Nice (OBnovnoy obmen i tipologicheskiye osobennosti nerynoy Bistemy u myshey) PERIOVCAL: Doklady Alcadenii nauk SSSRt 19592 Vol 124, Nr 1, pp 237-240 01 (USSR) A33STRACT: It in the aim of the present paper to detect which of the characteristic features mentioned in the title find particular expression in the reflex reactions of the respiratory change. The experiment was carried out with 29 male mice of the line C57' To be-gin with, the conditionally reflex activity of the animals wo,s investigated according to the "motor alimentary method" (d,vigatellno-pisbohevaya matodika)(11ofs 1, 2o 7). During 2 - 2.5 months the respiratory change was observed in climate chambers for one hour every day. During this procedure the animals were in quiescent state. As can be seen from table one all amimals were divided into two 67oupa, according to the results of respiratory change: I. Mice whose basal metabolic Ca,Td 1/3 rate reached a certain level during the first 18.2 days 33asal Metabolic Rate and P,7pological Characteristics BOV/20-124-1-68/69 Of the VerVDUS System in Mice (the average duration until the basal metabolic rate level becomes stable). Low level and low variability coefficient were characteristic of this group. 11. For this group of animals 7z stable level of the basal metabolic rate was achieved. From the results obtained can be concluded that the typological characteristics of the nervous system can be seen from the reactions. of the respiratory change. Those characteristic features are Particularly expressed by the tine the basal metabolic rate requires to attain a stable level. The rate of development of the pDsitive "notor alimentary reflex" and the time required by the basal metabolic rate to attain a stable level coincide most co-nsiderably. A less important correlative relation was observed between the rate of change of the conditioial reflexes and the mentioned adjustment of the level. The final solution of the problem is left to further research. The results obtained are a first attempt. towards revealing the Card 2/3 Basal Netabolic Rate and Typological Characteristics S07120-124-1-68169 of the Nervous System ir, Mice relation letween the individual properties of the nervous system ane. tho processes of respiratory change. Thero are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCLIMON: Institut l'iziologii in. 1. P. Pavlova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physiology imeni 1. P. Favlov, Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: September 8, 1958, by K. M. Bykov, Academician SUBMITTED; August 20, 1956 Card 3/3 OLINLMKAYA3 R.P. 2 do] tor biolog4cb6skikh na*.? prof. ll?,hys4oloZy tzd,~patbophvsiology Reviewed by 1..?.~Ollniannkaia. JI-Ag 161 (I ASTICiTION) of mutication" by I.S.Rubinov. Stomatologlia .40 no.4310D-101 (mIRA 14: n) (HUHNOV L.S. 253316 S/020/61/138/005/025/025 B1031B220 AUTHORS: OlInyanskayi, R, P. and Trubitsyna, G. A. TITLE: Conditioned reflex variations of the respiratory change, of the bioeLectric activity of the cerebrum, and of the skeleton mu5cles PERIODICAL: Akademiya niuk SSSR. Doklady, v, 138, no. 5, 1961, 1245-1247 TEXT: A study of the totil gas interchange permits neither to establish the mechanisms effecting onditioned reflex processes nor to single out the organs and systems inrolved. In order to clarify this important problem, the authors repetted the tests made in their first study concerning the conditionel reflex variations of the gas interchange in muscular activity (R. P. )Ilnyanskaya, Ref,. 3: Fiziol. zhurn. SSSR, .n' No. 4, 314 (1932)); h),wever, they recorded simultaneously the electric phenomena in the skeleton muscles (1) and in the cerebrum (2). Thus,it was possible to disclose ;he manifestation of both the general (2) and the local (1) neural excitati)n due to the development of conditioned reflexes affecting the gas interchinge under muscular stress. 14 persons aged Card 1/4 25316 S/02Y61/113 8/00 5/02 5/02 5 Conditioned reflex var:Lati(na of the... B103 B220 between 18 and 30 years weie used in the experiments and occupied a horizontal position in a sfreened chamber. The gas interchange was determined according to Zurtz-Haldane, using the automatic electric device of Belau LAbstracte2~9 note: devioe not stated'). The biocurrents of muscles (m. digitorium (ommunis and m. biceps) and cerebrum, and also the pulse wiere registered 1y an oscilloscopic multichannel apparatus. The latter uas connected t(~ a band-pass filter uhich served to eliminate the a-ihythmfrom the elect~-oencephalogram, Electronic integrators computed the total activit:- viitbin a defined period. The electroencephalo- gram was recorded by means a'a unipolar shunt vpire,, Muscular exertion lasting for 2, 3, or 4 min served as unconditioned implilse: squeezing of a rubber bulb, lifting of ieights and dump-bells. The conditioned impulse consisted in a) a voice sij,,nal for impulse emission, and b) in the clicking of a metronome ha,ing a frequency of 100 and 116 per min. All characteristics mentioned -iere determined and recorded 1) with the test person being at rest, 2) di,ring the isolated action of the conditioned impulse, 3) during muscula:, stress, and 4) during the period of restitu- tion after completion of Ltbor. The results ahovied that the conditioned reflex increase of the res-~iratory change occurring in the initial period Card 214 25316 S/020/61/138/005/025/025 Conditioned reflex variat!ons of the ... B103/3220 of the development of concitioned reflexes due to muscular exertion was sometimes accompanied by v suppression of the %-rbythm in the electro- encephalogram. With prog:,essive fixation of conditioned interchange reflexes also conditioned reflex variations of the working currents in the muscles become appareitt. The data obtained by the authors show that in the develoz)ment of the motor conditioned reflex process first of all the conditioned reflex va-iations of intimate processes occur. Only then the variations of the biolectric activity of the skeleton muscles become apparent. In other viords, the trophic function of the central apparatus is changed first of all. This is followed by the specific reaction of the muscles. Thus, similar ideas of K. M. Bykov (Ref. 1: DAN, 99, No. 2 (1954)) are proved. The authors believe that the conditioned reY-I-ex increase of the respiratory change connected with the muscular activity depends on the increase of oxidative processes in the cerebrum. Moreover, this increase of metabolism may be influenced by the general metabolic reaction in many other tissues and organs. With the fixa- tion of the conditioned reflexes, the excitation concentrates in the innervation apparatus of the working muscles and, at the same time, the electric activity increases in the resting muscles. The reaction Card 3/4 2533.6 S/020/61/138/005/025/025 Conditioned reflex variatii,ns of the ... B103/B220 suppressing the a-rhythm, ho-wever, vanishes on fixation of the conditioned reflexes, and the extent ol variation of the conditioned reflex of the respiratory change is someihat reduced., In the opinion of the authors, it is conceivable that, in th:s case, the expenditure of energy of the cerebral cortex approaohes its original level, vihilst the total metabolism is effected by -he skeleton muscles. Studies of M. I. Vinogradov et al. are mentioned. The,-e are 2 figures and 9 Sovio--bloc references. t~ ASSOCIATION: Institut fiz:ologii im. I. P. Pavlova Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute oj Physiology imeni I. P. Pavlov of the Academy of Sciences ISSR) PRESENTED: January 30, 11.)61, by V. 11. Chernigovskiy, Academician SUBMITTED: January 20, 1961 Card 4/4 I r4 sever OIIIYMSXAYA, R.P.- TUMBITSBIA, G.A.; YTWROV~, CONS Study of typological p7operties of the nervous systen and gas exchange in roftnt.i. Trudy Inst, fiziol. 10:255-264 162 (MM 1723) 1. laboratoriya nevrof.ziologicheskikb problem ( zav. - X.M. Bykov [deceased]) I,X-iippa po lzuebeni-yu genetW vyvsbvy mervnoy doyatallnost! :.' gry2mov ( zave - ViktoKoFedoror) Thotit-ata fiziolog-U i3iani Pavlova All SISSR. 47 I/,ZO h1339 S10291621146100310181019 B144,B186 AuTiloa,S. lsaal.jan, L. A., ~R. ~., Trubitcyna, G. A. TJTL;,I: Temparliture effcct~,. on gaseous metabolism and bioelectric activity of braJrt and muscles in man during muscular viork i,i~i'UUDI t _,.L: Akademiya nauk :;S)SH. - Doklady, v. 146, no. 3, 1962P 728-730 TLXT. '2:mc role of mu~5cle acAvity and of 6entral and peripheral effects in therL. )regulation was otudled in 5 healtliv 20-25 - year-old individuals. Gaseous metabolism was deterainc-I Ylith a B6hlau apparatus. ~;Iectroencephalograms and electromyograms of the:a= flexor werp taken after; 1) muscular work; 2) ap,)lication of hot-waterbags (a) dnd iceba,,-s (b) to the hand without muil(ular Pork; 3)-muscular Pork with previous heating (a) and cooling (b), 1).25 - 52,fo increase of gaseous metabolism; C~ a-rhythir, suppressed; action current increased. 2a) (in the same order) No change or slight reducti,in; suppression in the let minute; no change. 2b) 15 201; reduction, res;oration after I min; similar to 1); but less marked not always increase(- 3a) Sometimes slight increase; ..insignificant suppre~;sion ii the Ist minute; 15 - 2a;,; increase- 3b) No ,card' 113 SI0201621146100310161019 Teffperature effects on gaseous B144/BI66 increase, less, 14 43~j reduction- 1, 2a, and 2b are compared to the res' under normal conditions; 3a and 3b are compared .state of muscles au 41 to 1. Conclusions: The accumul ation of the applied heat and the heat formed by muscular -,.,vork imipede: the heat exchange and increasez the energy consunption and the action cur;~ents. The reverse effects -Tesult from cooling. Iuscle activity redui:ei; the susceptIbility,of the body to the temperature applied. Temperat!ire affects the excitability of the brain centers during muscular uork aid consequently also that of-the muscle. The reaction in muscular activLty at different tempbratures is controlled by cortical formations, Vhermo~egulatbry hypothalamus centers and motoric centers in brain and spinal cord., There is Ifigure. The most important English-languagb,reference is: T. R..A..Davis~ J. Appl. Physiol.', 16, 6, ASSOCLMOU: ?RB.U"17UD: Card 2/3 Institut fiziolgii in. I. P. Pavlova Akademii* nauk SSSR (Institute of PlySiology ineni !. P. Pavlov of the Academy of Sciencez USS] April 5, 190-2, 1y V. N. Chernigovskiy7 Acadermician OL3111YANTSKAYA, R.P.; DAVYDOV, A. F.; RaMOVSKAYA., G.D. Matorial.9 on the pbysic logy of acclimatization of sheap in the inountains of the Vorthe rn Caucasus. Cpyt izuch. re fiziol. funk. 6:78-81, 163 ~;IIJRA 17:3) I* Gruppa fizzlologii gagoobmmih I toploobn(ma i laboratorlyn, ckologicheBkoy fiziologli ( zav. - prof. A.D. Slonini) InEtitu- ta fiziologii imeni FavLova Ali SSSR. ISAAKYWI, L.A.; OPHYANSKAYA., E.P.; TRUBITSPIA, G.A. Renpiratory gas exch2mg ~ and bioelectric act"kVity of I== muscles during a combin W effect of temperature and muscular activity on the organisi. Opyt izuch. reg. fiziol. ftnk.6: 171-3.79 163 (MIRA 17:3) 1. CzTuppa fiziologii ga,,ool:mena i teploolmena (rakovoditell - prof. R.P.M Inyanskaya) Institut fiziologii imeni Pavlova VI ISAAKYAN, Lilian Arohavirc),.-n-, C) ll,'Y."Ti o*,,.,. red. jYC_;4!! 4 nj. Ii C [Electroche.mical olf- ca- Elektrokhimi-Ac-nKio ulet idy ~,!.,zovogo analiza v If (V I.oskva, Nauka, 1964. 7 ~ p. .;,CMIRNIGOVSKIY, T.N.j, akademUy otv. re&;-, VASILrYEVA, Z.A., red.izd-,7a; KONDRAT7MA, M.B., tekhn. red. [Essays un metabD]dsm rcgulation] Ocherkl po reguliatsii ob- mena veshchestv. Voqkve, lzd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 232 p. (MIRA 17:4) ISAAKYPN,, L.A.; CLINYANSKAYA, R.P.; TRUBITSYNA, G.A. Physiological characteriiities of the stimulation distribution in a musculai system conditioned reflex changes in respira- tory gas exchange. Dokl. AN SSSR 162 no.3:716-718 My 165. (FJRA 18:5) 1. Institut fiziologli iii. I.P.Pavlova AN SSSR. Suhmitted July 7, 1964. MANVELYAN, M.G.; KHANAMIRYAN, J A.; TALIASHVILI, B.A.; WIXOGOSYAN, B.V. OLDBINYAN. L.G..- STEPANYA), M.G. Desilicification of sodiw -potassium aluminate solutions. Izv.AN Arn.SSR.Xhim.nanki 17 no, 3:283-289 164. (MRA 170) 1. Institut khimii Gosudw stvannogo komitsta tsvetnykh i chernykb metallov pr-4 Gosilane SSSR. OLOMJ._,Gh..,,, ing.; WRA, Al. How the BaIda Copperativa -.%f Aggriculywra-I Production obtairs large crops of sugar beets every year. 1nd allm 16 r4o.3.150- :153 Ex 165. 1. BaIda Cooperative of Ag~jcultural Production for Ologu), 2 Head of the AgriculturaL Service, Dodus !;Ugar Plant (for FAra) . 6/169/62/000/006/033/093 -D228/D304 AUTHOR: Olofinskaya, V. N. T T TLP .52 Application of elactric prospecting, methods when stu- dying a section ia the horizontal direction PE'RIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 6, 1962, 30, ab- stract 6A227 (Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. 14-vo geol. i okhrany nedr S.ISR, no. 1 (29), 1961, 54-59) TEXT: Tt is proposed that th( graphs of tri-e 'lectrode sounding should be used in order to define more precisely the position of a vertical bed's contacts if thi: graphs of electrib profiling are strongly distorted. The theortitical curves of sounding over a ver- tical bed of high and low res:.stance are cited in order to illus- trate t'his Dossibility. These curves were calculated by measuring and feeder electrodes for the Doints of intersection of the cpnt- acts and the --iddle of the belt. By means of comparing field and theoretical curves it is showi in practical examples that in the -case o h4ck bed the point of auxiliary tri-electrode sounding f a 1. ,~ 0 Card 1/2 01A)FRIZUYA, Yu. G. OW IBSKOA, Yu. G.: "The dyrmnic., if the rvrFhDjoj Cd F i ~jcaj blo icture of newborn children in some diseasos". Ho"cow 'econd Moscow State ., 1955. 0 Medical Inst imeni 1. V. Stalin. (Dissertations for the degree of Can- didate of Medical Science.) S03 Kni2hnaya Letopis' IID. 50 U Docenber 1955, Moscow. 11PIRA, N.1,; 01CYINSKAYA, Tu.G., Ther47 in errthroblautoBis fetall-B [with s=ma:77 in 3bgllabl. Ikusb. I gin. 35 no.1:28-2: Ja-7 159. (M33U 12:2) 1. Is InBtituta a3msherstva i ginebDlogii (gr. 1.G. Stepanov) Mimbteratva %dravoo1hranonlVa RSFSR. (MYZMCIBUSTOSIS, YZTAI, therapy (Rug)) OLOPIM4U., YUA Deurmination of the amount of hemoglobin and erythrocytes in the blood b7 means of the photoe:.ectric erythrchemometer* Lab. delo 6 no.4,.7-9 JI-Ag . 1w" (kU 3-3:12) I. k~~chsslcaya 14b&atori3n. Instituta akasherBtva i ginakologii HinisterBtva zc1ravookhranani:z RSFSR (dlr. - dot~Ahnt L.G.Stepanov), HOBkva. (NDIOGLOBIZI) (EPMROGYM) ()Z.DICAL INSTPJ 1EMS AND A?PAUTUS) aWMMT, 7.S., uchitell. -- - ~ -, ~ - ~! -4 ftzmer tasks in botmq for itudenti. 3stor shkolo no.1;5944 JA-7 134. (XIXA 6:12) 2. 4siuovs)m7a aredn7aya sbkola Toi&sko7 Oblast. (:B otany-Study ata teaching) DIUDISK171 L.110) v pro'spec'Ing for magemen'.. Trudy ,L~w IF IF IF w IF W I 4= A Al - IL 4 Y, fell 0 0 -00 (4 All 00 O'n'ISSI'li'm loA, -00 00-3 goo 000 x0ol 00 orqo~ :Z' A !i*.'I I A&17a-LLUWrXX% LIT311114011 CIOMWXAMI. -it - b u a Lit 30 IN 101 9 0 It 0) !0 4 0 00 00 000*04100*00 0 0 0 0 0 4 :0 V *-fee .4 Sao ties well 3r 61 A& aj , "a , 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 09000 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 a 00 0 0 0 000 0; 'v 0 4 0 1, u 0 1. 0 3d I L tt A" lbb 00 mplus of Comm allk. 9 $1 ;ij 00 j sow 0 5", mi '11V 0~4161 U40 0 0 SO* 0 0 so 09 av** of its* too.. *A.A~p Alto# I 'I. J.. at~ fla 0 0 0 0 000469 a OLOYINSKIT, N.Y., kandidat takhnicheakAb usuk, 31actric separation of scorched fs=dry sand. Testemash-27 U10.22: 48-57 D 147. (MMA 9:4) (Sand, Youndry) (Youndry machinery and supplies) OLOYINSK17, IT.F.; HYMN. P.1j.; ZaMaoj, ye.M.; pRopASEVICH, II.S. Mectrostatic separator. Patent I.S.S.R. 77,957 . D~c. 31, 1". (CA 47 n-o.19:9830 '53) r- 0 --7, " , ':B. 1. 1. V,?A7j:F-AI;YPr'j ; -L~i. YROSYALY-1, G.V.; F;~LTALDV, L.I. 2. US-Z-h (600) 4. Sand, Foundry 7. Repeated use of core mixtures., Lil 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library cf Congress, February -1953. Unclassified. OLOWINSKIYj N.74; TRUSHLEVICH, 7.1.,Ukto?, professor, retsenzent; ZHMDVSKIT, MOP-17 sor; retsenzent I XAXLT=O, I.P., rodaktOT; Fjx- profes VSWfflT, Y.N., radaktor- XIMTLOTA, T.Tv, lakhulcheskiy radaktor 0 Illectrical methods of are concentrition] 31ektricbenlda netodjv alogonbehemila, Moskya, GoD. naucbx>-t9kbn. izd-To lit-77 po cbernol i isvetnoi vetallurgil, 1953. 28B 3). (MM 7:9) (ore dressing) DIMUCH, 7iktor Grigorlyevich; ZOPYCIMV, Pat r Alsksayevich: plaugZ6 .1candidat tekhnichoskikh nauk, re menzent; RTYXIN, P.M. redaktor; YIZDDXDYA, M.1., redaktvr 1,idate2latya; 372DWN, I.H., te)dmichesU7 Todaktor [Special methods of ore dresming~ Spemialonys motody orogashch9nilm polezmykb iskopnerfth. Moskva, vs. muclmc-tekhn. 12d-vo lit-Ty po charnoi i tavatnot metallurgli, 1956..344 p. (MIRA 10:1) (Ore dressing) II.A., o vetstvemW rods; AIADOVA, ov~-Clh; IIYKOV" [Ilectric vepBration of coal fines and tertain mingrals) Blektro- th Beparstails ugol'noi. molochi i mokotorY` minerslOv- Moskys, Ugletekbi2clat, 1957. 92 p. (MMA 11:2) (Coal preparation) OLOFITISM, 1% F. ;md PL!,YSTro, 1. IN, "New Trends in Research on Separation of '~mali "oal in an electrical Field." paper subvdtted for Third Intl. Coal i~roduction Conrress, -Leige, Belgium, 23-28 June 1958. OIBMSKIY~ R.F.., k,~ut.te)ft,nauk ----- - - ---Vew trends in the study of the Irocesies of separating fine sizes of ore and coal in electric and magnetic fields. Wauch. sobb.lnst.gor.dela 6:46-62 1600 . (KM 15:1) (Ore dressiig) OLOFISSM H.F- )Cand.tekhn.mauk; 11CRKO, V.I., k=d-tekhn-zRuk 2 % . Rew development in the use of magnetic and electric separation in dressing low-grade manganese conceitrates and ores. Nauch. soob.Inst.gor.dela 6:85-98 160. (MW 15-1) (Manganese-Metallurgy) 1010FINSM, N. F.., PLAXSIN.., Igor I N, NMectrostatic cleaning.* To be aubmitted for the Gordon Reaserch Conference, Cheidz= of Coal, New Hampton, N.H. 13-16 June 1961o Institute of Mining of Academy of ScionceB USM. FIAXBIN, 1. N. and OLOFINSKIY, N. F. "Electrio Preparation of Materials with Fforous Texture (Example of Raw Chrysotile-Asbestos Ore)" Report presented at the Colloquy on Preparation of Anorgainc Non-Metallic Minerals, Freiberg, GDR, 29-30 Aug 61 SUSHCHIW=, M.M., doktor fiz.-matem.mauk; OBIJIBOV, A.M.; GILTAROV, M.S., doktor biolog.nauk,- TAFT, V.A., doktor*itky GLEMBOTSKIY, V.G.,gdDktt)r tekhn.nauk; 0jAFlL49_NIY, N.F., kand.4. tokhn.nB* Scientific contacts with foreign countric-s. Vast. AD SSSR 31 -no.12:101-105 D*161. (MIRA 14:12) X 1. Chlen-korrespondelit AN SS hvi). 7" n FLfl' I OLOFINSXIY, NORKINP V.V.,o oti.2'sa... xUNIX, V.P., r izd-va; LOMILINA, L. W.., tekbn. --rjJ. -A [Elactric ore dressing methods jElaktriches kie matody oboga- I shchanila. lzd.2.p parer. i dop. Moskva, Josgortekhizdat, 1962. 571 p. (MIRA 15t2) (Ore dressing-Technological innovallons) OLDFINSKIY n F kand.tekhn.nauk Electric power supply of electric separatcra. Nauch. ooob. IGD 16:26-36 162. (MRA 16SO (Separators (Machines)) (Electric power distribution) PLAXSIN) I.N.; ,OLOFIIISKIY, kand.tekhn.nauk; NOVIKOVA, V.A., inzh. Triboalectric saparntion of asb-stos mr-telinIs. Nauch. soob. IGD 19:3-12 163. (MRA 1?:2) 'V.I.; lWYAREMO, H#G*y red. he co3icentration of dissei -inated iron ores ia glubexago obogashcheni!a tonkovkraplen- rud. Moskva, Izd-vo "NaW a," 1964. 202 p (MIRA 17.4) OLOSSON, Bartil Hachanical properties of textileB. Magy ti oct-31 14 no.10:4464,55 0 162. 1. Sved Taxtillcutato Intezat (IM), Goteb)rg. Elcrobiology ABS. jQIJR* R-Of '.hu- Biolo,7iYa, No. 4, 1959, IT,~. 14046 AUTHOR MT Kurinshin!I , I logy, RaZinki, SSR TITIEE c;treptonycin litsistance iif Tubercle Liycobac- teria with Intermittent hethod of Treatment. Tr. In-t,i nikrobIf.)I. I v-' -u3ol. JT 7razT!R, 19583, 2 3, 196-206 Patients (53) recelved 3g of streptomycin 2 tinges a week interiaitt(nt method o~r thera- py) on a background of ]ASA or tibon. For the entire course of trcatnent each patient received 16 - 24 g, of slireptomycin. A t3rad- iiaily increasing resist:Lnce of the isolated tubercle bacilli (TB) t) f3treptomycin was noted during the traatsgtnt process. ;flith effective treatment the TB isolated from Pa- tients were morphologically changed. The CARD: 1/2 -OLONSKAYA, V.V. CourBe of the tuberculouo procsBa in a patlad with acr=egalic gigantism. Frobl. tub. 38 no. 5:99-100 760o (MM 14:1) (DEFORMIES) . (TUBERCUMSI! 1) I --:-,Q-LO9SMA) V.V. UBe of thibone iu the treatnont of pulnonmy tuberculosis, Z6av. Xazakh. 21 no..1:48-51 161. (HIRA 1413) 1, Im Kazakhakogo J~mtituta tuberlculeza (i a*ektor - G.14.Varelinvokiy) - (TUBigiculmls) (ACETAKI.IDE) I I- w ~-- RDnIW, M.S,j 007=3 S.A.)_OIMTSKU: L.F.3 MAADDNOV2 A.N. Zero stability of syzchronouB datectojv sqvtpped with memic=ftetor diodaB and tranaiatm, la.tekb. no.9:27- 31 S 161. (MM 34:8) (Blectrio iftearwomenta) (Transistpro) (Diodes) 010-umv, P. 1,'. MSR/hMat'hematics - Projective Theory I Sep 51 "General-Affine and Central-Projective Theo3y of IIYP$~T20DeB," F. H. Olonichev, Saratov State U imeni 3. G. Cherpyshevskiy "Dok Ak Fauk SSS'R" Vol LM, No 2, pp 165-16 3 Define a centTal-affime space En as a linear space; then the linear space E. -which is conjugate ,,o ED vill be a space of hyperzones (E a linear space is considered as supplemented by inKnitely remi-yed ele- ments). Obtains the results of V. V. Vagner, Cf. A. ?. Norden, "Spaces of Affhe Connection," 191,0. Sub- mittea by Acad 1. G. PetrovskiY 27 Jun 51, PIIT69 LO /- o -L/ /, C, 1-7 44-1-36 MMLA.MON FRCH: Referativnyy zburnal,. Hatematika, 3957, h r 1, P 4 00) AVMbR-.~ TIM: Kazan I Gecmetrician Fedor Matveyevich Sxxv Drav (Kazanskiy Semetr Fedor Matveyevich Suvorov) 2MODICAL: V sb.., Istpriko-Matem. lssledovaniya) Ir 9. Moscow., GoBtikhizdat, 1956,, 3* 271-33-6 ABSTRAOTP: A detailed account of the life and tbe.yfdagogical activities of P.M. Suvorov (1845-19.11Y who played a significant rble In the proMation of Ldbacbevs3dyla geamet:1c ideas and in the deftlo:pment of the theory of Riemannian ipaces. An analysis of his most important works is given. 1i his master's dissertation, "On the Characteristics of Systems of 7hree Dimensions" (1671), whieb appeared soon dter the publication of Riemann's well-known paper (1868), we have the first study in Russia, and one of the first In world literature, on the theory of curvature of Riemannian surfaces. F.4. Suvorov foand-a complete system of scalar differential invariants of the second order of a three-dimemional Riemannian surface ant atained their gecinetric Interpretation by means of examining V contained in E4. The author translates Suvorov's results in Nc the language of contemporary differential geometry and shows that in then is contained a series of values and relatl(mm vhich are usuaUy Card 1/2 44-1---' ':)v Kazan' GeometrItian Fedor Hatypyevicb 8-avorov (cont.) attributed to Riici,, LevI-CivIta., and Bianchi, who got them considerably later. *Suvorov's doctoral dissertation was devoted to the theory of the imaginary elements in geometry. B. L. IaTb rv Card 2/2 OLONOVA. E. M. Dissertation defended for the degree of Candidate of Philological Sciences at the Institute of Slavic Studies "Problem of Realism in the Slovak Novel of the End of the 1940's to the Beginning of the 1950's.11 Vestnik Akad. Nauk, No 4~, 1963., PP 119-145 0 1- ~-, ,~, " \)n Y, I - , '-? C--, IN TnSVT'YXV, 7.A.-, SKRGVZV.A, T.Ya.-, MOROZOV, " hypracticalit7 of vaccimating mature cattle -P Inst brurallosis. 7aterinarlia 34 no,12:60-64 3) 157. (MIRA 11: 1) I.Nauchno-proi2vodstvenna7a laboratori7a Minie"69retva sellskogo khoz7a7stva RSFSR. (33rucellosis In, cattle) BASM707t D.N.; VABILIM, A.V.v-, CIDNOVSKIY, Yu.A. Invebtigating the tauhnology of vibratior-parcussive dr.Allllng~ Ra3vads I okh, medr. 30 no.3s22-23 My 164. Ocn 1. Vssaqyu%Uy nauchno-issladovatellskiy institit gidrogeologi-I i inzhenmay geologii. 1. A. T. KAZAKOV, M. A. MMY5MV, A. IN. 010TMEV 2. USSR (600) 4. Ball bearings 7. Speed-grinding operators of the ball shop of the Firit, State Bearing Plant. Podshiprdk no. 12. 1952. 9. Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, _ April .1953, Uncl. OLCIRTMUI, ROYBO; 31M?KwYA, NOT* 31ffect of liner rings on the productivitY of gas PiPallmss- TradY VNII no*5:205-207 154. (KM. q: 1) (Gas, Yatural-Pipelines) OLOS, 0. Detailed atudy of hydraulic ca)ditionB in the vic: n" of a well. Vodcpr:ivroda Jug 2 no.7/8:250-251 '59. (Hydraulics) (wells) OIL-SUP P.5 ing.; IAUR, A., ing. 262. in. drifting per nonth In the mining exploilation of Rosia I'lontana. Rev min 14 i.o.10:429--1+31 0 163. ARSIV., C., ing,; OLOSU, Pa.% ings sef Labgr productivity in the mining Industry. Problew econ 17 no.W53 F 64. 1. Director, Trustul aurului Brad (for Arsin). 2. Trustul aurului Brad (for Glosu). ,^I- c -- Vt' , Y;5r I/ I , - ~ PAYLOVSKIY,Ye.N. akademik; OLOSUFIT3V.31.G.-. AIWII.DI,V.V. A trip to the CzechoBloyakian Republi'le. ZDol.zhnr. '4 zw.2:461,,- 468 mr-AP '53. OUM 8:6) 02schoslovakia-Communicable digennes-Coigresoes) HORVATH, A.; PAPP, C.; OLOSZ: E.; HORGA, M.; MAKSAI, 1.; 0 SiAR, I. Statistical findings on excess weight. Correlationt between body weight and frequency of arterial hypertension. Stud. cercet. endocr. 16 no.3:285-291 165. OLOVENIKOV2 G.B. mechanization of the labor-consuning work of tree t4.pping- Gidroliz. i lesokhira. prom. 17 no.3:10-11 '64- (I-ITA 17:9) 1. TSentrallnyy nauclino-issiedovatellskiy lesokhimi.:heskiy institut. OW73MKOY, G.B. 3nveloping tre&-tappimg back ND.6. Gidrolim.1 lepokbim.p mz. 12 no.2: 23-24 259. 01- 1 Cm 12:3) 1. Boloyarakly Instrumentallmyy 2avod. (Tree tapping) oloymmov, G.13. tting St-38BI-B In trees. GSdro1i7,.i lviokbim, Pron. 12 no.1:21-22 '59. (MIRA 12:6) 1. ]Beloyarskiy Instrumental lrjy7 2avod. (Tres tapping) -:~ oilormloy 0.33. 21ew17 designed hacks. Gidroliz I le3okhiv.prD=. I,' no.2:22-25 '6o. (MM 13:6) (Tree tappimg)