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YILONENKO-13CRODICHI, Mikhail Mitrofamovich-, IZYUMOV, S.M. - OMOV P I KMYAVTSNY, I.N.; m2GINOV, I'l.; SHITKO' I.I., XMSHOVAS Y.Ta., takhnichealdy redaktor [Course on the strength of materislA Xurs seproti-Aimiia materi- alov. Pocl o'bBhchei Ted. M.H.Filonenko-Boroaich. lzd. 4-n, parer. Moskva, GDs. imd-vo taklmiko-toorst. Ut--x7. Pt. 1. 195~ 644 y. (Strength of raterials) inu 8:7) OLISOV, B. "ll-'ans and '-'ethads Of D'~fi-,nsc Ij~oinst the Stortlir-t; Effect if m", Ator-'!~~c 1,)L r from the bool: Frobleis in tae Utilization C "-oiiiio 2-10siO 1," 0 CIV-, 'L' .er"-"Y' them occolld rovAs;:-") C-611-lon o I C 1: o 195;), MoDcov, tlll-~R 71L0MX0-aCR0DJMi, Mikhail Mitrofanovich; !ZYUNDY, S.M.; jr"I 11 0v, B. XUDR'YAVTSBY, I.N.; MA11GINOY, 1.1.; PITIO, I.X., I GAYRUX, S.S., tekhnichejikiy redaktor [A course in strength of materials) lurs acprotivIenlia materialov. Zod obBbchal red. M.N.11loneko-Morodich. Izd. 4-63, 1 erar. Moskva. GOB. izd--ro tekhniko-toorat. lit-37, Pt;2. 1956. 53! p. (MUI 10:2) (Strength of materials) FROSELTAWY, A.I.; ZEELZZ=, V.I.; BYCHEMIT, D.T.; ZDTCV, V.P.; -ITAXIN, B.I.; IYANOV, D.S.; BLAGOBL&YOV, B.Y.; BAIUIDY, W.P. PANKOV, N.A.; OGORODNIMY, V.A.; Y]IONMO-BCRODICK, X.R.; 117TAMICH, S.A.; RABIROVICH, S.S.; ZIMIN, D.D.; SAIM, B.7.: USK'Ov. V.N.; BTJZNII, P.K. Boris Aleksandrovich Olivetskil; obituary. Voen.-lm:i.2hur. 101 MD.12:42 D 157. (11M 10: 12) (Olivets)di, Boris Aleksandrovicb, 189' :1-1957) fiame : OIJBDV2 33. Title : Professor., Doctor of Tecbnical ScienceBp Major Geicral of Engineering and Tecbnical Service Remarks : Major General Olisoy Is the author of an article 4elebrating the 1wincting of b'jxtnik 1, entitled "An Outatsualm Jcbievement". Source : N: Krawmya Zvezda, No. 237, 6 October 1957, p. 1. c- 3-4 I Z- ISO Vf V, A GIISHKO, Alekse7 Patrovicb, polkovnik, dots. kand.takhn.nauk-, RMOV, leonid Its'nich, poapolkaynik, dots., ksnd.t9'khnzauk,- PILTUM. ley Pavlovicb, poapolkovinik, datas, ]mx)d.tek)m.nauk; J)rof * doktor tekhnsnaik, ganaral-mayor inzbenerno-teMicheskoy sluzbby-, LIBIR, Ta.M*, red.; MNIKOVA, A.3.. tek-hn.ral. [Atomic weapons and protection from tbam) Atomave oruz3ie i protivoatomnsin zashchhB. Pod red. 33.A.Olisova. Hosrva, Voen. 12d--VO XIWVS obor. SUR, 1958. 391 P, OIRA 11:4) (Atomic vespons) Y=143=0-BORODIGH, Mikhail Mitrofanovicb; IZYWOV, SX.; CLI 9DV, B.A.; MAL2GMIOV, L.I.; IMITKO, I.R., red.; ITRASPOVA, II:Ya-., teld-m. red. [Strength of nateriaIs course] Rurs soprotivleniia na~erialov. ?od obifficbei red. M.P.PlIonenko-Borodicha. Azd.5., pe!er. Ho- Ava, Goa, i2d-vo flwlko-naten,31t,-~7. Pt#3.*' 2963., ~56 p. (HIR k 3.50) (Strength of materisas) MMMLZHMKIY, 3.A., starshiv zsuchn~y sotrudmik, kand.tekiin.muk, omsov.- 7,1'., ziladshi7 wucbny7 sotrDdnik. Inductive yickap for measuring pulsations of hydrodizamic pressures on structures under natural conditions. IzT*VNI1G 59:143-151 158. (R7draulic emSinoering-Renearch) (MIU 13:7) OLISR9 V.H. I inzb. CAlau2ations of nolBe created by 7entilation air duct 3 in sbJp compartments.-BudOBtroenis 27 no.332J,,27 Hr 1.61. (MIRA 14:3) (ship.0-Heatims and ventilation) (Ii2-~p1pes-*vIss) 011SOV, V.S. - F-- On the quantitative Invastigation of the fixtetion of the vi ntib.11mr apparatus. Vest. otorinolar. 13 no.2:25-29 Har-Apr 52. (UHL 20:8) 1. Of the Clinic for Diseases of the Ear, Throat, ana Nose (Head- Prof. V.1?. Undrits), FirBt leningrad Medical InBtituta imezi I.P. Favlov. 011SOV, V.S.,.kandidat meditsinEkikh nauk. Cases of thrDn-boBis of the cavernous sinus. Vest.oto-rir . 15 no.6:72-73 N-D '53. 1 9-1,11A 7: 1) 1. 1z kliniki bolezney ukha, gorls, i noBa (direktor - c1len- korrespondent Akademii moditsinskikh nauk SSSR professoi V.Y.Undrits) I Leningradskogo maditsinskogo instituta Im. I.P.Pavlova. (Cavernous sinus) (Thrombosis) OLISOV, V.S., kandidat moditsinskikh nauk. zkl- I Twin osteomas of the mastoid processes. Vest.oto-rin. 16 no.l: 74-75 Ja-7 154. () LRA 7:3) 1. Is kliniki bole2ney ukha, gorla i nosa (direktor - chlen- korrespondent Akadenli meditsinskikh nauk SSSR professor V.F. Undrits) I Leningradskogo meditsinekogo inetituta Im. I.T.Favlova. (Mastoid process--TLmors) OLISOV, V.S., kandidat meditBinskikb nauk arfac%B of various functional conditions of the central rarmus B73tam on the tbreohold of the vestibular anslyBor. Vesteoto-rize 18 no.6: 10-15 Ni~)) 156. (KIRA 10:2) 1. Iz kafedry boleznay ukha, gorla i noBB (sav. - chlen-Uorrespondent ANN SSSR prof. Y.F.Undrits) I LeialngradskDgo maditsinskOED instituta imeni I.P.Pavlova. (ERMAIL CMTMK, pbysiol. eff. of funct. cond. on thresholds of vestibul3r analysor) ('aSTIBULAR APPARATUS, ph7siol. eff. of funat. cond. of cerebral cortex on thrisholds of vestibular anal7sor) M.AZBYA, -A.-A.. kand.biol.nauk; 011BOY, V.S., (LeAngrad) Dingnnstic Tole of audiometric measurements in patients with nn open and closed audItor7 canal Lvith eummary In Sngllshl. Vest. ato-rin. 20 no-1:54-58 Ja-7 '58. (MM 11:3) 1. 12 kafedry bole2ney ukba, gorla i noss (2av.-chlen-ki)rrespoudent M SSSR prof. Y.Y.Undrits) 1 Leningradskogo meditsinski,go instituta. (iMARING T3STS audiometry, value in ding. of hearing disord, (Rue) -qISOV, V.S., kandmed.nauk .Audito37 function In Meniere's diseaBe (with sumnm77 in lInglishl YeBt.vto.-rin. 20 no.3.*44-50 )tv-Je 158 (Mll LA 11: 6) 1. Is knfedry bolezziey ukhn, gorlm I nosa (zav, - chlen-korrespondent AHN BSSR V.7. Undrits) I leningradBkogo meditninakogo Ivitituta. (MIMIS DISMSE, pathol. decremsed auditory nouity (RUB)) DLISOV~, V. 3.1 dotsent; PLIM, R. I., kand. nod. nauk Vbniore'B divoaBs. Tarap. 34 no.3:1,4-48 162. %lyli-pi 1. 1z 3mfeary gospital2nvy terspli lZav. - prof, P. K. BLUtov) i kafedry bolezrie7 ukha, gorla i nosa (mav. - chlen-km-nlspondent AM? SSSR prof. V. F. Undrits) I Leningradskogo maditsins',:ogo instituta imni 1. P. Ravlova. (MITIEREIS DISME) OLIS OVJI 7.8, .otsent, ~ t-d Function of the veotibular anal7cor In hanierals disears. Zhur, who, mos. i Corl. bo-1. 23 -no-4233-41 Jl-.Ag$63. OnU 16:111) 1, Iz kafedry belezney ukha.7 gor2.a i nosa (zave- chlen-koi- reBpondent AM SSSR prDf. V.P. UndriU Ideceasedl)l-go laiin- gradskogo meditsinskogo instituta Imeni akad. 1.P, Favlovi.. (MRIMEIS DISEM) OLISOVA) OPP* Cedar Soving Siberian cedar in clumps. Agrobiologila No. 4, 1952. List of Ruanian Accessions, Library of Congros. November Ir,32. Inclassified. msov, 0. P. )bBeow Forestry Engineering Inst OLTSOVA, 0. F, "problems of the biology of growing the seeds of Siberian cedar." Hoscow Forestry Znkineering Inst. Krasnodarsk., 19569 (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Pedagogical Sciences) SO: Xni2bnaya letopis', no. 2o., 1956 0LISCJV.A, O.F. Introduction of woody plants in Krasnoyarsk. Trudy TS3BS no.3:85-90 160. '.MJRA 15:3) (Krasnoyarsk-Woody plants) OLlsom, O.F. Effect of I~Ilanting duteB on the viability of Siberian Vir a plan- 'All,lona. [Tnidy] STI 3511A,--21 163 (MIRA 183A, ) GRITSAY2 V., inzb.)- BERKUTA, V., in2h - OLITSIY G lmzb. The housing construction combine maztered its planned cipacity. Zhil. stroi. no.8ill-14 162. 0 M 15:9) (Alma-Ata-Concrete plants) OLITSKIY,I G.;.OLTEMIIKOV~ A.,, red. [Stardard r-etYod of accounting for expenditu.-as in constraction and asoemblitg operations; practices of the Alma-Ata Housing Combine] Normativrgi uchet v stroitellno- montazhnom proizvodstve; iz opyta Alma-Atinskogo dono- stroitellnogo koribinata. Alma-Ata, Kazgosizdat, 1964. 70 p. (MIRA 17:9) SHOL'YANINOV, 3.7.1 STRAMOVSKAYA, X.X.; SWROV, A.P.; 0LlZ9x.IYI, I.Jl.; KVASHNIN, S.A. Removal of dust and tar from gaBas by electrostatic precipltat!.on. J'2V. TPI 12601-97 164. (MBA 18:7) 1. OLV, A.A. 2. USSR (6CO) 4. Whaling ?. Twenty years existence of the "Aleut" whalin-a fleet. Ryb.khoz. 28 no..10, 1952. ,9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, JanuarY -1953. Unclassified. I ACUSSION NR: AT4025438 B/0000/62/000/000/11)120/0129 AUTHORS: TUX'yeVj, I * A.; K0Z1oVsXiy, B. V.; Semenov, Yu. V. t RezniRov# 1. P.; Oliv.. A. G.; Petrov, 1. Ya. . . ........ TITLE: Vacuum tube high speed multichannel digital analog converter SOURCE: Nauchno-tekhnichesk9ye obshchestvo radiotekhniki L elek- trosvyazi. Nauchno-tekhnichoskaya konferentsiya. 16th, Leningrad, 1961. Hibernetika i elektronno-vy*chislitellnaya tekhnika (Cyber- netics and electronic computer technolcgy); materialy* konferelitaii. MoBcow, Gosenergoizdat, 1962, 120-129 TOPIC ZAGS: digital to analog converter, coding, code com.,erter, computer technique, commuter converter, digital system ABSTRACT: The described digital to analog converter ifi paxt of a combined digital-analog computing system and is used to inl;erconnect the laboratoxy cqr~puter with,the simulating unit. Xn addil:ion to Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4025438 being used for research on automatic control systems containing dis- "t makes it also crete elements or digital special-purpose machines, 1 possible to generfate during the course of simulation functions of several variables and to insert the quantities into the simulating unit with high accuracy when,called for by the techniical specifica- tions. The required conversion accuracy is 0.2--0.5% and is one order of magnitude higher than the accuracy of the simulating unit. The speed of conversion is 50 microseconds per conversion (20,000 conversions per second). There are four channels. Provision is made for the use of 1, 2, or 3 channels with suitable reduction of the total conversion time, and also for a'future increase in the number of channels. The digital-analog converter consists cf a commutator for tJ~e,input and'output gates, a comparison block, a code-voltage converter, and a conversion control block, all of wbicb are described in some detail# along with the over-all operation of ilie unit. ',.A total of 115 tubes in used and the consumption is 1 Xva. Orige irt,v ba.B: 8 figures and 1 table. CaM 2/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4025438 ASSOCIATIONS Non* SUBMITTED: OlSap62 SUB CODE: DP DATE ACQ: 07Apr64 I-M PXF SOV3 000 ENCL: 01 OTBER: 000 Card 3/4 OLIVA, A. 1 ReDort on the S-wedish dairy industry. (Supplenent) p.1. (Prumysl Potravin,, Vol. 8, No. 5, 19,57, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) I.C. Vol. 6, No. 9, Sept. 1957. Uncl. CZECHOSLOV.MA/,').tomic and Molecular Physics - Paysics of the D molecule A'bs Jaor Ref 71jur Fj2jkO., flo 10j 1959; 22328 Aiit',.Dr V11va" J. List Institute of Chemistry, Czechoslovak Acadeny of Sci4mces, PraGue, Czechoslovakia Title : ,',.mlmrmnic P3tential Ftmetions of Polyatomic Violecuts. 111. The Linear XYZ Molecular Models OriG Pub : Collect. czechosl. cheu. commi., 1958, 23, No 10, L846- 3.851 Abstract : A study vas made of transfornations of the C;eneral valent- ce coordinates, described in the preceding papers (abs- tracts 22326, 22327) as applied to the case of a t1ree- atom linear mlec Ule I -- Y -- Z, and furthermore Ihe is considered as a linear symetrical molecule ML Card 1/2 e0 CZECHOSUMUCA/aNtoTaic nad Molecular Physics - Physics of the D Iblecule Abo Jour Rof Zhur Fizika, n3 10, 1959, 22329 Author Oliva, J. Inst Institute of Chemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciiiices, Prar,ue, Czechoslovakia' Title Arliarmnic Potential Functioos of P-31yatomic M Formua for.the Zero-order Frequencies. Ori,~; Pub : CD11ect. ezebosl. cheu. cor=., 1958, 23, no 10, 1352- 1663 Abstmet : The quantum-r-echanical. Haniltonian for a vibratinf, wid rotating polyatomic molecule is expressed in symeirical coordinates. By means of a contact transformtion of the vibratiorol portion of tthe HaniltozAon, forziult s are derived, necurate to fourth-order terms, for tLe Card 1/2 Pnou=i3tratigraph7 of the pa=reas. M&g7. radol. 9 no.2:69-77 July 57. 1. A p,49novai- eVetam rontganIntezatanak kozlemenya (Igazgato. -prof, A. Vallebona). (PANOPIAS, radlogramhy pneumostratigraphy (Hun-)) mau., Milos I Hethods of~operation control in the Regional Teleco=unicatiom Agency in I~atislava. Cs spoJe 8 no.3:3.7-.19 N 763 e, I* Zapadoslovenska 3crajska aprava spotuj, Bratislava. C~ it 111% L- -, 'I ,-,; , 11 1e 7, opsis of IL-jarsirobranchs, -and fishes of CzecjjovlOv,,ja.t,, p 1, _571 ... yn _ - - I -- , I - 4 (3PC2IITK7 Vol. 26, hil /2) Feb. 1953, C~-echoslovakia) SOj M=L-hly U-st of E;~st Europz~~m ;'tceenrions., Vol. -',, d3, Library of CongTess., August 1953, Uncl. OLIVA) 0. AThe Sex Dimorpbii3m of the Ccamon Gudgeon Goblo gobio L." y. 94 (CASCY-IS; CDD1'- FF.M.- DOMNY, Vol. 2222 No. 1,, 1953) Frague, Cmhoslovakia SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions., Library of Congress., Vol. 31 No. .~., April 1954. Unclassified. OLIVI, 0. Oliva, 0. Importance of Polish rivors for transportation. p. 1~0. G-,, YICKY CASOPIS. BratiGlnwa. Vol. 6, no. 3P~, 19,54, 30; llonthly List of Fast European Accesalons, (MAL), ig, Vol. 4, 2i0. Nov. 1955, Uncl. mlw" 0. Oliva, 0. The Polish eagrle over the Paltic Sga; prospects for "UtIm . p. 243. G--x/,P-A?P3KY '-'ASOPIS. Brat I :i I tv,-. Tril. 6, no. 3P~., !~f54. SO: ~Ionthly List of Za3t European Accessions, (REPAL), LC, Vol. 4, ]"o. l' , Nov. 1955, Uncl. C 7- V vul. L~4, k i,,j Ti Vol. SO . OIivaj;--0-,-- Contributions to a systematic revision of the classification of some of our fishes. (Conclusion.) P- 53 Pragae. Narodni Museum, C.PLOPIS; ODDIL PRIRODOISDITY. Praha. Vol. 125, no. 1, 1956 source: EM - LO Vol. 5. 110. 10 Oct. 1956 OLIVA, 0. ; OFATRNY, E. Notes on the genus Polypterus Etienne Geoffroy St. Hilaire in our collentions. p. 191. CASOPIS; ODDIL PRIRODOVEDNY. Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 127, no. 2, 1958- Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 1, Janjary 1960. Uncl. OLIVA's 0. 4000m"~AeltddBns IRti:rrOna (Steindachner), Wszechmdat no,,:L:21 Ja 16?o IMM6 00 - __j APIlDchOilus :LinBatlls (Cuv, Ot -gals) WBzechmdat no,4:IG6 Ap 162, - -- OMA, .0.1 PbAlloceroo caudomaculatuB Damsel) var* raticulatuso Wo2ecbswiat noo,6:163 Js 06po OLIVA j 0. Corycloras acbu-ltzei. Wo4ochowlat m.6s!46 jo 163. CryptoptoruB bicirrhia* lbidail46 OLIVA ~ 0, ~ ~ 16 ~. j TelivatherIna zi~ n n ~~w a* no.91210-220 S OLIVA, 0. 111 3troplus swatensis. Wszechswiat m,.lot243 i0 2630 ~2- -2 1 Colisa fasciata. 243 .A 61-11 ~ I muimirlwt~.m; " OLITA, Ota (Praha) Amateurs of nquarium in Czechoslovakia. 'a3zech5wiat no. 1-7-9 .-a 164. Epiplatys chaper~ sauvage. Ibid.: 23 Pachypnachax playfairi Gunth. Ibid.: 23 0---TVA5 (). Monodactylur~ arei~n-.e-f 1. no.-' -269 ~ 1~ . Pachypanchax homaloriotus. Vi'szeclisviat no.11-269-270 14 63. 61.1,1141P "), '--~tople I a Rortibl, 1~~ rf' ' ol~aid?l by .!a rc%-91%v,~- Kry~;- -xa. I f.,-A by 0. 01-1 V Ll. S V, r -~-Om i',Cj n o . , -."I L 15 - 1-1 ", 61 0~ '?Ueograph-'~ - " I~id~l of , C,.! 'm it ~' kly 14A ,-~Idl JI al I r:-, 'by (I. Oliva. i b! d . -. 1. ii ", OLIVAP 0.; STOKI,0301'.Itll, S. [Transiatori !:riluen.,;i~; -.h;zechs-..,iat 165. "r . , , t-IVAt 0.; STffLrj')~T,,A, 3, (tranclator) Neoleblas en3orgel- (Foulenger 1912), Wozer-Yinvint no,12: 50 F 165. OLIVA, 0,~ ,I., [trfin.41fitorl Astronot-U.- ocellatus 1829', ~ '~~qzechsvtnt rL~.3.78 Px '65, OLIVA, G.; S. [tranis3ator) LabPD bicolor (.UM.amith 1931). ~023zechswiat. no-5:2-34 P.7 165. Ma,so.vonlstius chaetodon (Baird 1854). lbid.:134-135 GT.IV.V,I, G. A. 25 6 '110 K Ziivrakzterictike I~Onrioy F.I-Yny toch-,~y Sre6rieC(; :;E-lepr;;, Gidrobiologii (-k'4vd. Uktr. SSR), Vo 2-, 19L'9, S- 1.9 31, -- Mrr. Ya-- -- Re2y-Lme Na Rus Yaz. -- Biblio,--r: 11 ll'a2v. ~,O: 1,7TO216 NO 3-' OLIVAIR1, C. A. "Deep I-ater Fauna of the Lov-er Dnieoer, 0 t3his is included ir the table of cl-,~nt~:;.r,-U-, of the boOk The Proppects of the 1-liologleal System of the Fakl,,Dvs'A-iy I-Iteserroir and Uie Lower Dideper, comiled by the Hydrobiological. lnstitute Nlo. 31, and pubiislied by the Publishi 'Hou-Ce of the Ukrainian Jhcademy of Sciences i n Kiev 19r, (page 70). 53- D-51895 OLIVARI, G.A. . Benthvnic animal life of the lover Dnispar. 7~-~ Injit.g1drobiol. AN URM nD-31:70-86 '53- (NI21 7:8) (Mniepar River-Presh-water fauna) (Weah-water fauna--Dnis- pi:r River) OLIVAM.G.I. 3m f*rms of larvae of Oe subfamily Imidipadimo fro $Ihe lower reaches of the Muleper 34ver. lool.sbur. 34 no.3:559-563 my-Je 355, (XM 8:8) 1. :InBtitut gidro'bialogil 13 USSR Oniaper Ri-yer-Diptera) (larvalo) M)IMVSKIT, Tu.M. CdaceaBeal,- OLIVA -RI, G. A. Flow of bottom organls= and dynamics of bentbo i In the upper reacbes of the fortbeoming Kransnebug reservoir in the middle Dnieper (witb 3mglish sumnary in inBert]. 2001,2bur- 35 no.6: 820-832 Je '56. (timu 9: 10) 1. InEtitut gidrobiologii Akademil nauk USSR. (Dnieper RAver--Yrasb-water biology) -- "The banthos ~)f the (Min Hif~her Educ Tlkr SS.R, Dnepropetrovsk State U im 300th Azmiveraary of the I-Tnification of the TPc.-alne with T-~uasia), OLTVARI, G. A.: Master Blol Scl 150 copies (IM, 7jo 4, 011Y.AQRI - . [Oil-vari. H..k.3 . - Bamthos of the Dhieyer Delta. Trudy lust, gid:r: 180-197 '58. (IDnisper Delts-Xresh-vater fauna) (7Isbe8--70IDd) ALT T HO R Tse.;.?b , Ya Y a. Pnd 0; 1 ivari C ,A, TTTLr: Fxperience with the Transportation of ?eed Invertebrates for Introduction (Opyt perevozki kormovykh bespozvonochnykh dlya introduktsii) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 6, D 104-105 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Tn the summer of 1956 and 1957 thirty-iix million polycheates, oligochaetes, mollusks and crustaceans were transferred from the Dnepr delta and the Ingulets river to the water reservoir of Kuh,(,ex&. Two floating-aquarium vess(ls were used, each with a holdin.F1 capacity of 30 cu m of water and a 0,75 m draught, They were also furnished with bottom sEnd and pond weeds to create conditions similar to those in the river. It took two days to cover the distance of 280-300 ~m. Such a mass trans- portation of invertebrates is the best solution in cases where such animals were urgently neede,_4 in large quantities to feed fish, There are 2 photos, Institut gidrobiologii Akademii nauk UESR (Viyev) (Institute of Hydrobiology of the UkrSSR Academy of Sciences, Kiyev) Card 1/1 1. Hydrobiology 2. Fishes-Feeding OLIVARIU G.A. .Benthos in the Soviet section of the Danube Eirer. Trudy Inst. gidrobiol.All URSR no.36:145-165 361. MIRA 14:8) (Danube Delta--BenthoB) I I I I ~ - lkl---- Onv~~ -P " ZODbenthos in watBrB of the Danube Valley. Trady Inst.gid-robiol. AN URSR no.36:264-273 161. - (IMA 14. : 8) (Kiliyskoye Girio region-Benthos) OLIVARI, G.A. Effect of temporary increase in saltnity on the bittom fauna of the Dnieper DeXta. VOP. elkoi- 5tl5l-152 162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Institut gidrobiologii AN UkrSSH, Klyev. (Dnieper Delta--Fre~slawatA ir fauna) TSEYL13, Ya.Ya.,- ROLL, Ya.V.(decoasedl; MOV, K.K.; VLADIMIDOVA, K.S. [Vlady=yrova, H.A.1; GURVICH, V.V.; BnM, T.I.LBirher, T.I.1; MIALM-10VS-KEA, C.Ya. Naliaravalka, O.IA.]; CIIORNOGDRENKO, M.L(Chornot:wenko, 11.1.]; LITVINOVA, 14.0.(Lytvpnova.. M.0.]; AIIDRI'YCIIUKp M.D., red. [Kakhovka Reservoir; a hydrobiological outline) Kekhovslke vodoimyvhchc; hidrobiologichrWi nax-jo. Kyiv, Naulova dinrarca, 1964. 303 P. (141 RA 17:8) 1. Akademiya naulk URS,~, Kiev. Instytut hidrobiololii. 011MU, Ristic Present status of slaugbtarbouses in-tbe People's Republic of Serbia. Glasn. big. InBt. Beogr- 5 no.4:47-.99 Dee 56. (SLAUGHTSRING AND SLAUGHTMMOUS3S. statist, in Yugosi. (Bar)) KOSTAL, Alexandr, inz.; JEZEK, Jaroslav, RNDr., CSc.; P~IVERIOVA, PI-Pna- Aging of the electroconductive alloy Al-Mg-Si-Fe. But listy 18 no. 32:879-882 D 163. 1. Vyzkumny ustav uslechtilych oceli, Praha. OILIT-MIG3.9 F. "The te3tinc of steel ,ml techn~.c.-d control in metallurgical. fAants." p. 337. (Hutnicke T-isty Vol. 8, no. 7, Julv 15`53,BmD.) SO% Monthly List of East European A,,~ces lions, Vol. 3, No. 2, Li~)rar7 of Congress, Feb. 1954 Uncl. OLIVERIUS, F. Technical control in file factories. p. 241. WMI.M. (Mitisterstwo hutniho prm7alu a radnych dolu) Praha. Vol. 5, No. 81 August 1955. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EBAL), Library of Congress, Vol. 4) No. 12, Decenber 2955.. WALD, M, (Prague, Qzechoslovakia); Czachoslovakia); VIORAVE-C., ?.'(?.raEuej CzechoBlovakia) Research on the fireproof walls of the wotary.:.urnaces of pig installationo, Bp4toanyag 14 no.3.03356-363 0 162. - ----- - - - - 1~1166 00 0 - - - - - - - - - - 0 000 0 o70 0*0 i 00110 sees I If D ii )1 14 0 16 37 4 a M a 31 . . A *OA ...... L 00- 00 T -00 so as *09 go A -so *0 0o go W 6 14 U 14Y. 1947, vol. 3, Ino. IS, 4 pp. 2#1~-2 a). 00 .3 =60 09- 00 ZOO, Me* too too, i1- t L a Upts'nal WIRA)UNI CLAMO)CA710). a 2-r1j. "0: 3 1xl~~ 4;1 woo I ~WJNR !Xja~ I, V.. Opt *)SABI Ow C.- 151 U V IT lic av ;;-i7 it a 31 1 7 -Tw I I 4, 6 0 6,410 00 0 0 All 0 * 00 64 All a 4 0 a 6 0 a 0 0 0 "We 0 0 to 00 00 0 W off* $0 00 00 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 V: 0 * q 4:0 IV 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * s r , Now" - 2"Ib d va*" zao*, V. vurer." , (Hatnik, (prigm), 1931. 2. No. in, :13-21s). rb-czwhj in steel and gmy.iran Omaiq~j nl=,=rlo.9 = for nAmnx preyamn wbiaii I roam in the foundry. Umiris Alurninium ant] (eiroalliml IMIJ - aloto4 ii v.lillu-sji V. ir 011-vivirltift p1-WMe_srl7 OdAlow to XAAtffiel~a, on I _ I I Is Maw I . IT, Tkyalimbinry "periments ai the pomibility of blocutating mst iron with mapesjum ell-pl)-dll ix otead of trith nictaillic magmshnn are given. As . It Of -he diffuziian of mug. rinslum froyn msgnesltc~ added to tbe Ili raid bon, Irmigifivigil "I, Of Umpb!bD, ana marne opbex,6 %ip-l wrza ...PS-Sm ba r, i:, OLIVERIUS) V. 'Piston rings from the netallurgical point of view." Strojizenstvi, Praha, Vol. 4, I;o. 7, July 1954, P. 527. SO: Eastern European Accessions I4st, Vol. 3, No. 11, Nov. 1~54, L.G. Discussion of A. Fiala and Z. Tolarova's articLe "Hydrogen as a Cw-se of the Porosity of Aluminum and Its Allcys." y. 1-16., SLEVARUISTIn (Ifinisterstyc strojiernstvi a IJinisterstvo hutaiho pnLVslu a rudnych dolu) Praha., 'Vol. 3, ?To. 4 . Apr. 1955 SWRCE: East European Accessions Idst (EEAT) ',ibrary of Congress, Vol. V43 No. 123 Decvmber lq-'~~ OLMRrdsj 'I. Effect of the temperatures of -vouring and over) eatinF on the properties of hypereutectic cast iron. Prace. ],. 127 SLFTAWI~NSTVI (Mnisterstvo strojiernstvi a Ministerstvo huta iho p.-Wvslu a rad-rrych dolu) Praha., Vol. 3j, No. 5j, May -1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (~ F-U) I dbrary of Congress., Vol. 4., No. 12., December 1956 OLIMIUS3 V. Foundry properties of spheroidal cast Iron,, p. 130., SLEURRISM (1-linisterstvo strojiernstvi a blinisterBtvo hut, iiho prwnyslu a rudnych dolu) Praha, Vol., 3., No. 5. May 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Ubrary of Congress., Vol. 4, 110. 12, December :L951 OLIVEIUUS, V. -------- UrAng of alumin= furnams. Slevaronstv~ 10 no.3:124 Mr 162o OLIVElaus., V. IL--wj3 in foreign faundries. Slovarenstvi 10 m 0-4:257-159 Ap 162. OLIVERIUS V, In nodular cast iron production a strict control is needed. Slovarenstvi 10 no.7:279-280 J1 162. Ola'URIIIS., 7. The mew in frinding al=oad. SlavarenBtvi 1) =.9:357-3559 S 162, SIROKICII: 'T.5 OMIUMM V.; MUIP. T.,- 110MUS; T. f- " Inforzation on fcamdinge SlevarBnstvi 10 no. 12; 509-W D 162. OLIVERIUS., V. 7ba nev In foreign' finmdrieB. Slevarenstvi Ll me.l.-42-43 JTa 163. KAMICKY3, B.; OLIVMMSj, V,j BLAZEK~ S. Infomation on foundrl practice. Ja 163. SUvarenrlmi NST, J.J; Wi- U '-hrt fjsg -1 tekb no TnOtit"', X-ibO-T!etl'Kl PN 1965- LIPPYAA., Z.; OLMON, A.; PAST, Ia. [past J.] Nuclear magnetic resonanDe in carbon-13. ) lart 1. 12v. A3 Eot"# SSR* Soro fiz,-wto i tekh, muk 14 165. (MIRA 18all) Is ImBtltut kibernatiki AV Estonskay SSR. HUMMO, A.Tu.; 011VSDIJ, M.A. The (YP33)-50 centrifugal breaking unit. Siul.t, ikh.-skon. Inform. n,o.11:6-8 159. (HI M 13:4) Ornsbing nacb1nery) =WA, 0. . TanichtbYs albo=bsB S. 7. LiTi. WBzachoviat no,3:79 Fz 162, OLITYINSKAYAP R. P. perature i4Tects USSIVEledicine - Tom '31;edicine - Cold effects Fob 1047 "The Adaptability of A ninal organizins to Very Low Te~,~peratures in the Enviroment," R. P. OIIiyanskkva,, A. D. Slonim, Laborator,~ of Gas Exchange, Depariment of General rhysiolcZy, Inst4tute of RTeri-..ental Iledicine, AcadaiV of Medical Sciences, 6 pp IIIzv Ak Nauk Ser Biol" No 2 15SR/Nedicine - 11emperature Yf r,-cta Feb 1947 PA 16T39 Medicine - Cold effects "The Aaeptability of Animal Orpaicuto to Very Low j Temperatures in -Ibe Rnvirorimen,,," R. P. Olliyensknya, A. 1). Slonim, Laboratory of Gat Exchange, Department of General Physiology, Institu,,e of' Experimental Medicine, Academy of Medical S;iences, 6 pp "Izv Ak*lv'auk Ser WWI Do 2 Sdudies on rodents and pradatoi7 beasts inhabiting the polar xegiotB and the cenb-al part of Ewopean UT39 DIITMCHMn, O.X. [011inychanko, O.K.I. --~- Orpai2stion of library work In the Ukraine A a the yeaTs of civil I war. Vistyk IN UM 29 no.3*43-52 Mr '58. (MM 1115) (11kralte-lAbraries) OLITNIK, F.I. (Olilpyk, ?.I.] 12UPrOVIng the design of the gnar box. HekhaJl'boep. 10 n0.2: 15-16 y '59. WIRA 12:5) 1. Hekbamlk-4.-ontroler Brigadirovskoy reriontnc-tekhnichenkoy stantsli, Polt vskoy oblasti. Nractors-Transmission lovicar) OllyNIX, O.M, [Olii37k, E.M.3, im2h. ,.e. CDztro!3.izg the Ions of water Im ponds, Makh. !sill. hosp. 9 mc).2:16-17 7 158. (MIRA 11:3) (Yonas) GAHAMA, N.F. Illanaliia., H.F.1; [MiLnyk, H.M.]3 MCIMIA., L.G. [Iencbyna, L.H.]; MOKIPIM, D.S. [Ne&ypila., O.S.J. Adaptation of yeastlike fungi to some synt:ietic antimicrobic vubBtancm VisnykZ Nyivo un., no* 4, Sero biols no.2M-.90261. MISTMICE To Furr-imm) (MM .16:6) PARASUNIKO, O.A.; OLIYNIK, L.V. Reviews and bl-bllography, Dop. Al, UPSE ,.',IIRA 1.8.5) DIJYMI,G.T. .x uninvestigated no.39AW60-68 OLIIYNIK2 G.T.; PORFROYIEV, V.V. Nature of variable stars of the type 13 1,'an. Maj. Astron.zhur. 40 no.4:774-776 JI-Ag 163. (MM 16:8) 1. Astronamicheskaya observatoriya Llvovikogo universiteta. - (Stars, Varitble)